Zain Broadband Value Proposition DataSheet

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Zain Mobile Internet (ZMI) DATASHEET

The service offers complete
Internet connectivity using either
one of the following :- Pay As U Zain
(i) 3G Mobile Data Card Zain Day Zain Lite Zain Plus Zain Max
Go Premium
(ii) GPRS/EDGE Modem
(iii) Data Enabled Mobile Phone

Service Description Monthly

NA 500 per Day 1,000 5,000 10,000 15,000
3G – WCDMA, HSDPA Charges (N)
This service offers access to the
Internet using a 3G Mobile Data Inclusive Data NA 50MB 100MB 1GB 3GB 6GB
Card with a maximum speed of Out of Bundle
up to 1.8Mbps
Charge per KB 15k 15k 15k 15k 15k 15k
Out of 3G service range, a
GPRS/EDGE connection speed is (Kobo)
Term NA 24 Hours 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days


This service offers access to the Activation Code NA *141*712*3# *141*712*4# *141*712*1# *141*712*2# *141*712*5#
Internet using either a
GPRS/EDGE Modem or Data Modem Category Modem Model Cost (N)
Enabled Mobile Phone with a
maximum speed of up to 354 Huawei E169 USB Stic, Huawei E220 USB Modem, Huawei
kbps 3G (WCDMA/HSDPA) Modem 23,000
E800 Express Card
GPRS/EDGE Modem Huawei EG162g USB Modem 8,000

Download Speed of up to 1.8 MB on 3G
Download Speed of up to 256Kbps on 2.5G
Speeds vary dependent on location and distance from nearest Zain base station
Data allowances expire once data allowance has been used or the allocated time period is up, whichever comes first.
Data allowances expire at end of duration for particular plan.
No carry over of unused data allowance.
True Mobile Internet Experience ! Costs for bundles will be immediately deducted from any balance on account
Zain BBVP (Consumer, HVI and SME Segments) DATASHEET

BBVP for the Consumer and High Value Individual Segments

Stand Alone Device 1 Month Subscription (N) 3 Months Subscription 6 Months Subscription 12 Months Subscription
1 Month 6 Months 12 Months
Device Price 1 Month Subscription Bundle 3 Months Bundle 6 Month Subscription Bundle 12 Month Subscription Bundle
(N) - Stand Subscription + Device Size 3 Month Subscription + Size Subscription + Device Size Subscription + Device Cost Size
Proposition Applicable Devices Alone (N) Cost (N) (GB) Subscription (N) Device Cost (GB) (N) Cost (N) (GB) (N) (N) (GB)

Huawei E169 USB Stic 23,000.00 25,000.00 36,500.00 48,500.00 71,000.00

Huawei E800 Data Card 23,000.00 25,000.00 36,500.00 48,500.00 71,000.00
Huawei EG162g Data Card 8,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 1 13,500.00 21,500.00 3 25,500.00 33,500.00 6 48,000.00 56,000.00 12

Huawei E220 USB Modem 23,000.00 25,000.00 36,500.00 48,500.00 71,000.00

Zain Home Plus ZTE MF 330 Data Card 19,000.00 21,000.00 32,500.00 44,500.00 67,000.00
Huawei E169 USB Stic 23,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 74,000.00 119,000.00
Huawei E800 Data Card 23,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 74,000.00 119,000.00
10,000.00 3 27,000.00 9 51,000.00 18 96,000.00 36
Huawei E220 USB Modem 23,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 74,000.00 119,000.00
Zain Home Max ZTE MF 330 Data Card 19,000.00 25,000.00 46,000.00 70,000.00 115,000.00

BBVP for the SME Segment

Stand Alone Device 1 Month Subscription (N) 3 Months Subscription 6 Months Subscription 12 Months Subscription
1 Month 6 Months 12 Months
Device Price 1 Month Subscription Bundle 3 Months Bundle 6 Month Subscription Bundle 12 Month Subscription Bundle
(N) - Stand Subscription + Device Size 3 Month Subscription + Size Subscription + Device Size Subscription + Device Cost Size
Proposition Applicable Devices Alone (N) Cost (GB) Subscription (N) Device Cost (GB) (N) Cost (GB) (N) (N) (GB)

Huawei E169 USB Stic 23,000 25,000.00 36,500.00 48,500.00 71,000.00

Huawei E800 Data Card 23,000 25,000.00 36,500.00 48,500.00 71,000.00
Huawei EG162g Data Card 8,000 5,000.00 10,000.00 1 13,500.00 21,500.00 3 25,500.00 33,500.00 6 48,000.00 56,000.00 12
Huawei E220 USB Modem 23,000 25,000.00 36,500.00 48,500.00 71,000.00
Zain Office Plus ZTE MF 330 Data Card 19,000 21,000.00 32,500.00 44,500.00 67,000.00
Huawei E169 USB Stic 23,000 30,000.00 50,000.00 74,000.00 119,000.00
Huawei E800 Data Card 23,000 30,000.00 50,000.00 74,000.00 119,000.00
10,000.00 3 27,000.00 9 51,000.00 18 96,000.00 36
Huawei E220 USB Modem 23,000 30,000.00 50,000.00 74,000.00 119,000.00
Zain Office Max ZTE MF 330 Data Card 19,000 25,000.00 46,000.00 70,000.00 115,000.00
Huawei E169 USB Stic 23,000 38,000.00 63,500.00 99,500.00 167,000.00
Huawei E800 Data Card 23,000 38,000.00 63,500.00 99,500.00 167,000.00
15,000.00 6 40,500.00 18 76,500.00 36 144,000.00 72
Huawei E220 USB Modem 23,000 38,000.00 63,500.00 99,500.00 167,000.00
Zain Office Premium ZTE MF 330 Data Card 19,000 34,000.00 59,500.00 95,500.00 163,000.00

What are you Data Card with Occasional User Regular User Heavy User
Mobile Phone
doing ? Computer
Monthly Charges Zain Lite Zain Plus Zain Max
Reading or sending
average email with 10 – 20 Kb 10 – 20 Kb
Inclusive Data Allowance 100 Mb 1 GB 3 GB
no attachment
Price N 1,000 N 5,000 N 10,000

Browsing the Browse

internet. 50 – 100 Kb 50 – 100 Kb Browse Email
Each page vew Browse
Email Blog
Typical type of use Blog Research
Browsing the Shopping
Research Chat
internet, mobile 10 – 20 Kb Chat
Chat Downloads
friendly sites.
Each page view VoIP

Perfect for Perfect for Perfect for

MSN/Yahoo occasional surfers everyday surfers heavy surfers
ZMI Technical
Messenger Support
10 – 15 Kb 10 – 15 Kb
Data Enabled
Most Typical Connection Device 2.5G Data Modem 3.5G Data Modem
Mobile Phone
Download music,
Varies Varies
attachments etc
Data Allowances 100 MB 1 GB 3 GB
Broken down

Any combination up to data allowance for plan chosen. EMAILS

100 1000 3000
No of Outlook/HTML Emails You Can Send

Data is measured in kilobytes (KB), 1 10 30
No of Hours You Can Surf The Web
Megabytes (MB) and Gigabytes (GB)
Approx 1,024 KB = 1MB and 1,024MB = 1GB VIDEOS
- 5 15
No of 4 minute Videos You Can Download
Mobile Internet is not intended for peer-to-peer file
sharing, excessive downloads or any other use that MUSIC
20 200 600
adversely impacts the service to other Zain customers. No of 4 minute Music Tracks You Can Download

Q1: What is Zain Broadband Value Proposition (BBVP)? Q6: Must I have special requirements to qualify for the Zain BBVP Offer?
ANS: Zain BBVP is a new and unique offer introduced under the Zain Mobile ANS: No, you do not require any special conditions to subscribe to the Zain
Internet (ZMI) bundle service umbrella to address the needs of our customers. BBVP offer. It is available to both Zain and Non-Zain subscribers on the
Zain BBVP offers multiple months’ subscription at a discounted rate of up to prepaid platform. All is required is a Zain Data provisioned SIM to activate
20% for all Zain Mobile Internet subscribers who make upfront payment this service.
covering up to twelve (12) months.
Q7: Do I have to get a special SIM for Zain BBVP Offer?
Q2: Why is this BBVP introduced to the Nigerian Market? ANS: No, you do not need a special SIM to subscribe to the Zain BBVP. Any
ANS: Zain BBVP has been developed to cater for the needs of heavy data users data provisioned SIM on the Zain Network can be used for Zain BBVP offer.
such as Homes and Small & Medium Scale Enterprises (SME) users who are
willing to make upfront payment to cover from three (3) months to twelve (12) Q8: How do I activate the Zain BBVP?
months of their Internet needs. This option also comes with high discounts ANS: You can activate the Zain BBVP by visiting the nearest Zain shop. This
depending on the number of months prepaid for by the customer. service can only be offered at Zain shop where payments are made and your
preferred plan activated on the Zain data provisioned SIM.
Q3: What makes Zain BBVP different from the existing bundle service plans
offered by Zain Nigeria? Q9: Can I migrate from one BBVP Service Plan to the other, for example
ANS: Zain BBVP offers ZMI customers the option of a more flexible payment from Zain Office Max to Zain Office premium?
option for their preferred ZMI Bundle service plan. It is available in two (2) ANS: No, you cannot migrate from Zain Office Max to Zain Office Premium
categories namely: Zain Home and Zain Office Value Proposition. Plan without exhausting the Zain Office Max Plan. Also note that this rule
applies to all Zain Bundle Plans; customers must exhaust their current plan
Q4: What is the Zain Home Offer? before they can migrate to any other bundle service plan.
ANS: Zain Office Value proposition is designed for Home customers. Zain Home
Value Proposition offers upfront payment of three (3), six (6), and twelve(12)
months prepayment for 10%, 15% and 20% discount respectively. This offer is Q10: Can the Zain BBVP Offer be used on mobile handsets?
available on the Zain Plus and Max Bundle Service plans. ANS: Yes, Zain BBVP Offer can be used on mobile handsets if you find it
suitable for your Internet needs. The Zain BBVP Offer can be activated on any
Q5: What s the Zain Office Value Proposition? Zain data provisioned SIM card, which can be used in a Mobile handset, Data
ANS: Zain Office Value proposition is designed for Small and Medium Scale card, USB modem or PCMCIA Card.
Enterprises (SME) customers. Zain Office Value Proposition offers upfront
payment of three (3), six (6), and twelve 12) months prepayment for 10%, 15% Q11: Does the Zain BBVP Offer come with Voice or Bulk SMS Service?
and 20% discount respectively. This offer is available on the Zain Plus, Zain Max ANS: No, the Zain BBVP Offer does not come with any free Voice or Bulk SMS
and Zain Premium Bundle Service plans service.

Q12: If I do not exhaust my data allowance on my Zain BBVP Plan after the Q17: Will my Zain BBVP bundle service be disrupted when I exhaust my
validity period, can I carry over the remaining data allowance when I activate data allowance?
the new plan? ANS: No, you will not be cut off, however, your Zain BBVP bundled service
ANS: No, you cannot carry over any unused data allowance to a new activated will discontinue. You will be automatically migrated and charged on the Pay
plan the data allowance and validity period is assigned to your Data Provisioned As You Use platform at 15kobo per kilobyte. Remember you can reload your
SIM depending on your BBVP service plan, once your data allowance is account and activate another bundle service plan of your choice immediately
exhausted, your validity period will expire as well, giving you the opportunity to or go to the nearest Zain Shop to activate the BBVP bundle offer.
visit the nearest Zain shop to activate the BBVP bundle plans or use the USSD
string as shown in this manual. Q18: What kind of speeds can I get on the Zain BBVP Service?
ANS: Zain BBVP offers the same speeds available on the Zain Data network.
Q13: Is the Zain BBVP Offer available to all customers? ZMI offers high speed internet connectivity up to 1.8Mbps at selected places
ANS: Yes, the Zain BBVP Offer is available to all customers who have data in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. Other cities nationwide offer moderate
provisioned Prepaid SIM cards. speeds of up to 256Kbps. Please note that these service speeds are obtained
on “best efforts” basis; this means that the experience may vary from user to
Q14: Is the Zain BBVP available to only Zain customers? user based on factors such as proximity to the base station, type of
ANS: No, Zain BBVP Offer is available to any customer who wants access to connectivity device and the activities the customer is performing on the
uninterrupted high speed internet service anywhere in Nigeria. This service can internet at each point in time.
ONLY be obtained at any Zain shop nationwide.

Q15: Is it possible that I can exhaust my Bundle plan before the end of the
validity period?
ANS: Yes, you can exhaust your data allowance before the end of the validity
period. For instance, if you subscribe to 3 months service on the Zain Home Plus,
effectively, this offers you 3GB of allowance and a validity of 90 days. It is
possible that you can exhaust the 3GB within a one (1) month. In this case, once
the 3GB is exhausted, your Plan will expire and you would be advised by SMS to
subscribe to another Plan.

Q16: Can I keep track of my daily data usage on my Zain BBVP Plan?
ANS: Yes, you can check your data usage on the Zain BBVP Bundle Plan by
dialing the short code *123*10#. Please note that this short code DOES NOT
apply to the monthly Zain Mobile Internet bundle Plans. The USSD string
*141*712*0# should ONLY be used for the monthly bundle service plans.

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