Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Mary E. Miller
Infectious Human Diseases of the Intestine
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
cholera; diarrhea; dysentery; Entamoeba histolytica; Giardia; giardiasis;
intestinal; Shigella; Vibrio cholerae
Chapter 1 Symptoms and Diagnosis...................................................1
Chapter 2 Causes and Contributing Factors.......................................7
Chapter 3 Treatment and Therapy....................................................19
Chapter 4 Future Prospects...............................................................23
About the Author����������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Different forms of infectious diarrhea, or gastroenteritis, have shaped
world populations, altered economic welfare, and influenced the out-
comes of wars. Gastroenteritis can be caused by a number of infectious
agents ranging from viruses to bacteria to multicellular protozoa. Three
serious forms of intestinal diseases include dysentery, cholera, and giar-
diasis. Each of these diseases is caused by different infectious microbes,
but in all cases, the function of the intestine is impaired. Symptoms can
vary dramatically, with some individuals unaware that they are carrying
and transmitting the infection whereas other individuals die from an in-
fection within days of the onset of symptoms. Intestinal diseases that re-
sult from infection by a microorganism are not restricted to any particular
geographical area, though populations at the greatest risk are where the
potential of ingesting contaminated material is highest. Locations at the
highest risk are areas with insufficient infrastructure to ensure food and
water hygiene, particularly after natural or manmade disasters. Awareness
of potential transmission of these diseases is a key aspect to controlling
outbreaks of infection.
Infectious diseases can be spread by many routes. In the case of dysen-
tery, cholera, and giardiasis, the route is fecal-oral transmission, mean-
ing that infectious organisms are shed in feces of an infected person and
spread when another person consumes food or water contaminated with
the infected feces. Fecal-oral transmission occurs through handling of
contaminated materials or through insect vectors, such as a house fly, that
might touch a contaminated item and then someone’s food. Avoiding
these diseases requires rigorous hygiene practices to ensure that there is no
fecal contamination of any materials that might be consumed by a per-
son. When an infection occurs, disease symptoms will vary in intensity.
Epidemics or outbreaks of disease can be tracked when reporting systems
and community response systems are effective. An outbreak would mean
that there are more cases than expected in a given area. These diseases can
people infected by the exact same microbial strain can respond differently
because key genes differ due to mutations in their genomes.
Intestinal functions can be disrupted through the growth of the in-
fecting microorganism or through toxins produced by the pathogen.
Gastrointestinal disease results from the disruption of one or more basic
functions of intestine. When considering how mutations change the vir-
ulence, or the ability of a microorganism to cause disease, attention is
paid to mutations in genes that encode virulence factors. A virulence
factor can be any molecule or structure of an organism that allows it to
cause disease, but the term is usually reserved for factors that play a large
role in the more serious forms of diseases. Most virulence factors facilitate
a direct, physical interaction between host and pathogen, induce an im-
mune response from the host, or produce a type of toxin that can harm
host cells. In each of these three categories, the virulence factor is encoded
by the microbe’s genome and is one or more proteins produced by the mi-
crobe during infection. Once produced, some toxins are released outside
of the microorganism and are called exotoxins, whereas others are called
endotoxins because they remain inside the pathogen. When a pathogen is
killed and cleared from the body, exotoxins may remain and cause dam-
age to host cells, which is why they are particularly dangerous.
Exotoxins are particularly concerning because very little exotoxin can
impair the function of intestinal cells. Bacterial exotoxins fall into one of
three categories: Type I, II, and III. Type I exotoxins stimulate host cells
to produce PAMPS, or pathogen-associated molecular patterns, which
permit the bacteria to bind to host cells as a consequence of the host’s im-
mune response. Specifically, the host responds to the presence of the bac-
teria by releasing chemical messengers called cytokines and chemokines.
These molecules are part of a healthy host immune response, but one
consequence is the initiation of inflammation that can harm host tissues.
Type I exotoxins are also referred to as superantigens because of their
ability to stimulate a vigorous host immune response that causes damage
to the host. In contrast to type I exotoxins that harm the host indirectly,
type II exotoxins directly damage the host cell membranes or associated
cellular structures. Each cell is surrounded by a cellular membrane that is
composed of lipids and proteins. A cell membrane surrounds and protects
the cell and the embedded proteins allow the cell to communicate and
interact with the environment outside of the cell. Some membrane pro-
teins anchor the cell to the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix
helps support and position the cells correctly. Some type II exotoxins are
proteases that digest other proteins. The targets of type II include extra-
cellular matrix proteins, whereas others target proteins that produce pores
used to regulate the movement of materials in and out of the cell. Type
II exotoxins can also be phospholipases that destroy the lipids that form
a cell’s membrane. Exotoxins that disrupt cell membrane function impair
intestinal cells and often kill cells of the intestine.
Type III toxins are two-component protein complexes that directly
harm cells. Type III toxins can be referred to as A-B toxins, because of
the two protein components that make up the toxin. The B component
physically interacts with proteins, called receptors, embedded in the host
membrane and allows component A to get inside of the host cell. Com-
ponent A disrupts a function inside of the host cell and causes direct
harm. Once the B component has interacted with its receptor protein,
either both A and B enter the cell, or only the A component enters the
cell. Once the A component is inside of the host cell, it alters specific host
cell proteins by carrying out an enzymatic reaction. This component A
reaction is called ribosylation because it removes an ADP–ribosyl group
from a molecule called NAD and then adds ADP–ribose group to an-
other protein in the cell. Once the host protein has been ribosylated, its
function is impaired. The identity of the target protein varies depending
on the specific shape and function of the component A exotoxin, which is
encoded in the pathogen’s genome. Different bacteria will produce differ-
ent A-B toxins, which target and impair different host cell proteins that
harm or kill host cells. In many cases, pathogens can carry many virulence
factors and will produce combinations of type I, II, and/or III exotoxins.
Serious diseases are caused by exotoxins against which hosts have evolved
immune defenses. Infected hosts try to recognize and clear exotoxins pro-
teins from the body, even if the pathogen has been killed.
Absorptive cells absorb water and nutrients, whereas goblet cells produce
mucus to lubricate the feces as it moves through the intestine. These and
other specialized cells are scattered among epithelial cells that contribute
to the lining of the mucosa. Epithelial cells are bound together through
extracellular structures that prevent water from flowing freely between the
cells. The integrity of this mucosal lining is critical to the function of the
intestine, which primarily regulates water and nutrient absorption. In the
case of intestinal diseases, the water absorption process is disrupted, giv-
ing rise to diarrhea and the possible consequence of dehydration. Some
intestinal diseases cause dramatic water loss and loss in nutrient absorp-
tion that can lead to shock and possibly death. Since the small intestine
mostly absorbs nutrients and the large intestine absorbs water, it is pos-
sible to remove large parts of the large intestine without disrupting nutri-
ent uptake. This surgical intervention is used for some conditions of the
large intestine such as severe inflammatory bowel diseases, but is rarely
used to treat diseases caused by infectious microorganisms.
The primary symptom of intestinal diseases is diarrhea, which is de-
fined as an increase in the volume of feces or in the frequency of produc-
ing feces. Diarrhea can also occur due to other physiological problems,
some not associated directly with the intestine. As part of the normal
digestive process, a lot of water is secreted into the lumen of the small
intestine and then reabsorbed before it reaches the large intestine. If for
any reason water secretion outpaces absorption diarrhea will occur. For
example, diarrhea associated with cholera can occur due to defects in
water secretion. Another cause of diarrhea caused by intestinal disease
is the loss of intestinal epithelium integrity, which damages the intesti-
nal tube, as exampled by diarrhea caused by giardiasis. Leakage of blood
into the intestine makes water reabsorption less efficient, too. Intestinal
damage triggers a host immune response that causes inflammation that
exacerbates the diarrhea. As the immune response is triggered, cytokines
and chemokines are produced that stimulate more water secretion. As
the immune response continues, epithelial cells also die, and as they are
replaced, the immature cells are less able to absorb water leading to more
water loss and through diarrhea.
Bacteria naturally present in a healthy person is called the bacte-
rial flora or microbiota and can be comprised of hundreds of different
the most common causes of kidney failure in children (though not neces-
sarily because of Shigella infections). In rare cases associated with Shigella
dysenteriae infections, the colon can become paralyzed so that it is unable
to pass feces or gas, which causes swelling, fever, pain, weakness, and
disorientation. Other complications of shigellosis can include hypoxia
(low oxygen levels), reactive arthritis, and some neurological problems.
Hyponatremia (abnormal electrolyte balance) and pneumonia can also
occur, but these two diseases are uncommon consequences of Shigella
Dysentery can also be caused from an infection by Entamoeba histo-
lytica, and when this occurs the disease is called amebiasis. E. histolytica
is distributed worldwide though it is more common in tropical regions.
Approximately 50 million infected individuals experience gastrointesti-
nal symptoms, and approximately 100,000 deaths occur per year. Most
individuals who are infected with E. histolytica do not show symptoms,
with only 10 to 20 percent getting sick. Long-term travelers (more than
6 months) are at higher risk of contracting amebiasis than short-term
travelers (less than 1 month). Risk also increases for pregnant, immu-
nocompromised, diabetic, and alcoholic individuals and patients taking
corticosteroids. If symptoms occur, they usually develop 2 to 4 weeks
after infection, though some cases take longer to become symptomatic.
Symptoms include loose feces, stomach pain, and stomach cramping.
More severe cases, such as amebic dysentery, cause stomach pain, bloody
feces, and fever. In rare cases, infection spreads to the liver, and in even
more rare cases it can spread to other parts of the body such as the lung
or brain.
Diagnosis of both shigellosis and amebiasis involves identifying the
infecting microorganism in the patient’s feces. Detection of Shigella infec-
tion involves sampling patient feces and allowing bacteria in the sample
to grow in the laboratory for identification. These tests can be designed
to distinguish Shigella species and antibiotic resistant forms of the bacte-
ria, which can aid in treatment. Molecular tests designed to detect spe-
cific regions of the bacterial genome can also be used to diagnose specific
species and drug resistance. For amebiasis, identification may involve
concentrating microorganisms present in a stool sample and looking for
the presence of E. histolytica cysts. Visual detection can be aided with
Symptoms and Diagnosis 3
the use of stains, such as trichome, which can help visualize the parasites
when using a microscope. Since amoebas have a complex life cycle, it
can be difficult to diagnose the disease based on histological approaches,
and these approaches may not distinguish between pathogenic and non-
pathogenic parasites. Improved methods include antibody-based and
DNA tests to ensure that protozoan cysts identified in patient samples are
capable of triggering dysentery.
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