Tensors23 PDF
Tensors23 PDF
Tensors23 PDF
for appropriate n × n minors of A and B, and this gives δIJ via the
relationship between the matrices A and B.
both the left and right actions of H on itself are R-linear, we get a
homomorphism of rings
Φ : H ⊗R Hop → EndR (H) ∼= M4 (R),
where Hop is H with the multiplication reversed. (The op is needed
because a right H-action is the same as a left action of Hop .) Note that
Φ is natural; no choice of basis is involved. Furthermore, Hop ∼
= H, since
quaternionic conjugation (1 7→ 1, i 7→ −i, j 7→ −j, k 7→ −k) is an anti-
isomorphism from H to itself (it reverses the order of multiplication).
Thus Φ can be viewed as a homomorphism
H ⊗R H → M4 (R).
It is injective since the domain and codomain both have dimension
42 = 16 and there cannot be any kernel, since the Φ(a ⊗ b) for a, b
running through 1, i, j, k (an R-basis of H) can be seen to be linearly
The second isomorphism is similar. Note that H is an H-C bimodule
via the left action of H on itself and the right action of C = R + Ri.
So we get a homomorphism Ψ : H ⊗R Cop → EndR (H). Since C is
commutative, this time we can drop the op . We can identify H with
C2 via the C-basis {1, j}, and the image of Ψ consists of C-linear maps
(for the right action of C) since left multiplication commutes with right
multiplication and C commutes with itself. Again, Ψ is an isomorphism
by dimension counting.