Thevenin: AND Equivalent Circuits
Thevenin: AND Equivalent Circuits
Thevenin: AND Equivalent Circuits
Often, to simplify the analysis of more complex circuits, we wish replace voltage sources and
resistor networks with an equivalent voltage source and series resistor. This is called a
Thevenin equivalent of the circuit. Thevenin’s theorem states that, given a pair of terminal in
a linear network, the network may be replaced by an ideal voltage sources, VOC in series with
a Thevenin resistance, RTH. VOC is equal to the open circuit voltage across the terminals, and
RTH is the equivalent resistance across the terminal when independent voltage sources are
shorted and independent current sources are replaced with open circuits.
We will illustrate Thevenin’s theorem with the circuit shown in Figure 1.20. The part
of the circuit in the dashed box will be replaced by its Thevenin equivalent. The open circuit
voltage VOC is found by disconnecting the rest of circuit and determining the voltage across
the terminals of the remaining open circuit.
the dashed box
VS R2 Voc network
portion of circuit
to be replaced with
Thevenin equivalent
R2 terminal
VOC network
ISC RTH network
V Vm sin ω t
Time shift: ∆t
period: T
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Vm sin tω amplitude: Vm
ω t
period: T
As an example of how the AC signal parameters are discerned (dibedakan) in signal equation,
consider the following AC voltage:
V(t) = 5.00 sin (t + 1) Volt
Alternating current power is used in many applications where direct current (DC)
power is impractical or infeasible. Principal reasons for using AC power include
AC power is more efficient to transmit over long distance because it is easily
transformed to high-voltage, low-current form, minimizing power losses during
transmission. In residential areas it is easily transformed back to required levels. Note
that the voltage drop in the transmission line is small compared to the voltage level at the
AC power is easy to generate with rotating machinery (e.g., an electric generator).
AC power is easy to use to drive rotating machinery (e.g., AC electric motor).
AC power provides a fixed frequency signal (60 Hz in the United State, 50 Hz in
Europe) that can be used for timing purposes and synchronization.
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The steady state analysis of AC circuits is simplified by the use of phasor analysis,
which uses complex numbers to represent sinusoidal signals. Euler’s formula forms the basis
for its analysis:
where j 1 . This implies that sinusoidal signals can be expressed as real and imaginary
components of complex exponentials. Because of the relative ease of manipulating
exponential expressions vs trigonometric expressions, this form of analysis is convenient for
making and interpreting calculations.
Once all transients have dissipated in an AC circuit, the voltage across and current
through each element will oscillate with the same frequency ω as the input. The amplitude of
the voltage and current for each element will be constant but may differ in phase from the
input. This fact lets us treat circuit variables V and I as complex exponentials with magnitudes
Vm and Im and phase φ. A phasor (e.g., voltage V) is a vector representation of the complex
V Vm e j ω t φ Vm φ Vm cos ω t φ j sin ω t φ
A graphical interpretation of these quantities is shown on the complex plane in Figure 1.24.
Note that the phase angle φ is measured from manipulating complex phasors include
Vm (φ)
y = Vm sin φ
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real axis
(ωt reference)
x = Vm cos φ
r x 2 y2
φ tan 1 (42)
r1 φ1 . r2 φ 2 r1 . r2 φ1 φ 2 (43)
r1 φ1 r
1 φ1 φ 2 (44)
r2 φ 2 r2
where r is the phasor magnitude, φ is the phasor angle, x is the real component, and y is the
imaginary component. Note that the quadrant determined by the arguments (x,y) of the
arctangent function must be carefully considered when converting from rectangular to polar
Ohm’s law can be extended to the AC circuit analysis of resistor, capacitor, and
inductor elements as
V ZI (45)
where Z is called the impedance of the element. This is a complex number, and you can
imagine Z as a complex resistance. Its magnitude may change as a function of frequency.
Impedances can be derived from the fundamental constitutive equations for the element using
complex exponentials. The unit of impedance is the ohm (Ω).
For the resistor, since V = IR
ZR R (46)
For the inductor, since V L , if I I m e j ω t φ , then
d I m e j ωt φ
V L j ω I m e j ω t φ L j ω I (47)
Therefore, the impedance of an inductor is given by
Z L j ω L ω L 90 o (48)
d Vm e j ωt φ
I C j ω Vm e j ω t φ C j ω V (49)
V I (50)
Therefore, the impedance of a capacitor is given by
1 j 1 V V
ZC 90 o Z
j ω C ωC ωC I C j ω V
which implies the voltage will lag (tertinggal) the current by 90o. The impedance of a
capacitor in a DC circuit (ω=0) is infinite (∞), so it acts as an open circuit. At very high AC
frequencies (ω=0), the capacitor has zero impedance, so it acts as a short circuit.
The following is an illustrative example of AC circuit analysis. The goal is to find the steady
state current I through the capacitor in the following circuit:
R1 = 1 kΩ I
I1 R2 = 3 kΩ
C = 0.2 µF
L = 0.5 H
~ Vin = 5 cos (3000 t + π/2) V
V5 5cos 3000t j sin 3000 t
2 2 2 φ = 90o
For t = 1 sec, where: 3000×57.3o = 171900o I
V5 5cos 171900o j sin 171900o
2 2 2
1 1 1 R 2 ZL ZC
Z R 2 LC
Z R 2 LC R 2 Z L ZC ZC R 2 ZL
R1 = 1 kΩ
I1 R2 = 3 kΩ
C = 0.2 µF ZR2LC
L = 0.5 H
~ Vin = 5 cos (3000 t + π/2) V
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Z eq R 1 Z R 2 LC
R 2 Z L ZC
Z eq R 1
The complex and phasor form of (R2 + ZL) is
R 2 Z L 3000 1500 j Ω 3354.1 26.57 o Ω
x 3000
r x 2 y 2 3000 2 1500 2
real axis
x = 3000 (ωt reference)
3354.1 26.57 o .1666.67 90 o r1 φ 1 . r2 φ 2 r1 . r2 φ 1 φ 2
Z eq 1000
3000 1500 j 1666.67 j
y 166.67
φ tan 1 tan 1 tan 0.0555 3.18
1 o
5590177.847 63.43 o r1 φ1 r
Z eq 1000 1 φ1 φ 2
3004.63 3.18 o r2 φ 2 r2
Z eq 1000 1860.52 63.43o 3.18 o 1000 1860.52 60.25 o
Note: x = r cos φ
y = r sin φ
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Vm φ r φ
r(φ) = 1860.52(-60.25o)
y 1615.30
φ tan 1 tan 1 tan 0.84 40.03
1 o
I1 R2 = 3 kΩ I
I1 I2
C = 0.2 µF
VS R1 R2 L = 0.5 H
Analogy I2 I
R1 R 2
R 2 ZL
R 2 Z L ZC 1
R2 ZL 3354.1 26.57 o
I I1 1.991 130.03o mA r1 φ1
R 2 ZL ZC 3004.63 3.18 o r
1 φ1 φ 2
r2 φ 2 r2
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I 1.116 26.57 o ( 3.18 o .1.991 130.03 o mA
r1 φ1 . r2 φ 2 r1 . r2 φ1 φ 2
I 1.116 29.75 o .1.991 130.03 o mA
Which gives
I 2.22 159.8 o mA
y = I sin φ
I(φ) 159.8o
φ 159.8o x 2π rad 2.789 rad
r =2.22 φ = 159.8o 360o
x = I cos φ
So the capacitor current leads the input voltage by 159.8o or 2.789 rad, and the resulting
current is
I t I m cos t mA
Note that if the input voltage were Vin = 5 sin (3000 t + π/2) V instead, the resulting
current would be I(t) = 2.22 sin (3000 t + 2.789) mA.
brown gold a
black b
red c
gold red d
circuit B
circuit A
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2). Find Vout in the following circuit
R1= 10 kΩ
V1 = 5 V
R2 = 40 kΩ Vout
V2 = 15 V