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The Helicopter Simulation

Change 0, August 1986
Copyright ©1986 by MicroProse Software
120 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, MD 21030
(301) 771-1151

GUNSHIP is a trademark of MicroProse Software, Inc.

Tandy, Commodore 64, Atari, Apple, mM and Amiga are registered trademarks of Tandy Corporation.
Commodore Business Machines Inc, Atari Inc, Apple Computers Inc., International Business Ma chines Inc.,
and Commodore Business Ma chines Inc.
In the early days of flying "barnstormer" pilots flew by the seat of their pants-
following roads and rivers, even dipping down to read road signs! That grand
tradition of individual flying is found today among helicopter pilots. They love
getting down among the hills and trees to do some "interesting" flying.
Just flying a helicopter is loads of fun, but here at MicroProse we wanted more.
We wanted to fly a combat helicopter in simulated battle conditions. All kinds of
battles: from guerilla wars to a hypothetical USA-USSR war in Europe. Pop over a
hill, launch a Hellfire, dodge a SAM, jam a ZSUs radar, then duck behind cover
again. GUNSHIP is a simulation of everything we wanted.

Now you can experience the danger, excitement, courage, and agony of real
combat helicopter flying - without the bloodshed and suffering that occur in
real warfare. GUNSHIP portra ys actual ground scales, flight speeds and wea pons
systems. The AH-64A is the "highest tech" helicopter flying today, replete with
lasers, cameras, night viewers, infra red and radar warnings, jammers, computers,
composite materials, engine signature suppressors, and a plethora of weapons.
The T ADS (Target Aquisition & Designation Sight) system is a computerized fire
control system, also simulated within your computer! Faithfully reproducing the
AH-64A systems, capabilities, and limitations was an enormous undertaking.
Creating GUNSHIP took much longer than we expected.
We're sure you'll agree our time was well spent GUNSHIP is the most detailed
and realistic simulation of combat helicopter flying everfor home computer. For
us, it's the next best thing to joining the US Army and flying the real aircraft So
grab your IHADSS helmet, jump into the cockpit, and swing into action with our
AH-64A Apache gunship!
Introduction . ..... .... . .. .. . . ... . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. 2
Quickstart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4

Part I - Operating Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Loading . .... ... . ... ....... . ... ... . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . 6
Preparing to Fly .... .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. ..................... 9
Cockpit & Status Panels ...... .... .. .. ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .. 13
A Practical Guide ..... . . . . . .... . . .. . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .. 20
Controls . . .. . ..... . .. .. . . . . ... . . .. . ... .. . . ... . .. ... . . . ..... . . . 25
Controls Summary ... . .. .. . .... . .. ..... .. . . ..... . .. .. ... .. .. 29
Beginner's Tutorial I . .. . . .. . .. . . ... . .... . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 30
Beginner's Tutorial II .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... .... . ... . ... . ....... 34
After the Mission . ........ . . . ......... .. . ; . . . .. . . .... . . . ... .. 38

Part II - Apache Pilot's Manual ....... .... ........ . 40

Aerodynamics ..... . .... . .... ... .. . . .. . .... . .. . . ... . . . .... . . . 41
Weapons & Tactics . . . . . ..... . . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . .. .. .. 48
Military Equipment ........... .. . .... . . . . .. ... ..... . . .. ..... 58
Regional Deployments ..... . . . ... . .. ... ... .. .. . ... . ...... ... 73
Glossary .. . . ....... ... . ..... . ...... .. . .. ... ... . . .... . .. .. ..... 80
Notes .. .. ... . . .. . .. . . ... . . .... ... . .. . .... . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . ... . .. 82
BEWARE: GUNSHIP is an accurate simulation of a combat helicopter. Do not
attempt to jump in and fly by instinct Helicopters are similar to other aircraft, but
have important differences. Unless you've flown real helicopters, read Part I
("Operating Instructions") carefully and learn to fly using the tutorials.
1. To load GUNSHIP in your computer, read the appropriate section of "Loading"
in Part I. Get out the overlay and place it on the keyboard.
2. Skim the "Cockpit & Status Panels" and "Controls" sections to familiarize
yourselfwith the helicopter. Also glance through "A Practical Guide to Helicopter
3. Follow the tutorials: First tum to "Beginner's Tutorial I - Learning to Fly a
Helicopter:' Follow this step by step. You'll refer frequently to both "Cockpit" and
"Controls" sections. Then follow "Beginner's Tutorial II - Gunnery & Defenses:'
If you are still uncertain about flying after both tutorials, continue £lying the
USA training area. Refer to "A Practical Guide to Helicopter Flying" and
"Aerodynamics" for a better understanding of £light Then fly the tutorials again.
4. Begin combat flying in Southeast Asia, just like thousands of other American
helicopter pilots. Tum to "Regional Deployments" in the back of this manual for
tips and suggestions about that region.
5. Don't Volunteer for Western Europe: Watch the risk level as you adjust your
starting options. Keep your risk low at first Above all, avoid the 1st Line in
Western Europe. The Warsaw Pact is the most formidable enemy on this planet


AH-64A Apache Operations Manual: 64-H-029A-1I2

Commodore C-64/C-128 Computers
This version requires a C-64 or C-128 with a 1541 disk drive and a joystick.
The C-128 GUNSffiP uses the C-64 emulation mode. However, it does take
advantage of the greater speed and processing power of the C-128 where
1. Turn off your computer and disk drive.
2. Attach one joystick at port #2. Do NOT leave a joystick in port #1 (a joystick
there can scramble your controls).
3. Turn on your disk drive. WARNING: do not leave a disk in the drive when you
tum your computer or disk drive on or off - your disk could be damaged.
4. Remove any cartridges from your computer. GUNSHIP has a "fast load" routine
built into its software for use with the 1541 drive. Remove all fast load cartridges
before attempting to load the game.
5. Insert the GUNSlllP disk, la bel upward, into the disk drive. Close the drive door
6. Turn on your computer. On a C-128 the simulation begins loading auto-
matically. If you have a C-64, you must type the following:
WAD "*", 8,1
and then press RETURN. After loading leave the disk in the drive.

Apple n family Computers

This version requires an Apple II+ with 64K RAM, an Apple lIe (with either 64K or
128K RAM), or an Apple IIc. The computer must have APPLESOFT BASIC in
ROM, a disk drive, the disk drive controller in slot 6 (its normal position), and
a joystick.
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Plug in your joystick. GUNSHIP requires a joystick.
3. Insert the GUNSlllP disk in the disk drive, label upwards, and close the latch.
4. Turn on your computer. The simulation loads automatically. After loading
leave the disk in the drive.
LOADING 7 64-H-029A

Atari 800XUXE Computers

This version requires an Atari 800XL, 1200XL, 130XE or 65XE with a disk drive
and a joystick.
1. Turn off your computer and disk drive.
2. Remove all cartridges.
3. Plug in your joystick into port #1.
4. Turn on your disk drive.
5. Insert the GUNSlllPdisk, label upwards, into the disk drive and close the latch
on the disk drive door.
6. Turn on your computer. The simulation loads automatically from disk. After
loading leave the disk in the drive.

mM PC, PCjr, XT, and AT;

Tandy 1000, 1200 and 3000;
100% PC Compatibles
This version requires an IBM compatible computer, a disk drive, and a color
monitor using either CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) or EGA (Enhanced Graphic
Adapter) graphics. A joystick is optional, but strongly recommended.
This simulation is NOT compatible with a Hercules monochrome graphics card
or other monochrome graphics devices. The simulation does NOT use PC DOS or
MS DOS, and therefore cannot use hardware or software that requires a DOS
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Plug in your joystick if you are using one.
3. Insert the GUNSlllP disk, label up, into the "An disk drive. Then close the drive
door latch.
4. Turn on your computer. The simulation loads automatically. After loading
leave the disk in the drive.

Atari 520 ST or 1040 ST

This version requires an Atari 520 or 1040 5T with a disk drive, a color monitor,
and either a mouse or a joystick. TOS can be in ROM or loaded from disk.
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Plug in your mouse or joystick. The mouse must be plugged into port #1 (the
normal port). The joystick must be plugged into port #2.
3. Turn on the computer.
4. TOS in ROM. AIl 1040's and all recently built 520's have TOS in ROM. If you
have such a machine. simply insert the GUNSlllP disk into the disk drive. The
simulation loads automatically.

4. NO TOS in ROM. If your computer is an early·version 520 ST wi thout

TOS ROM chips, insert your Atari TOS disk into the drive. When the desktop
appears, eject the TOS disk and insert the Gunship disk. Press the ESC key to
display the contents of the Gunship disk. When these appear, use the mouse to
point to the AUTO folder and double-click with the left mouse button.
This folder will open and show a file called GUNSHIP. PRG. Point to this with the
mouse and double-click again to load the game. After loading leave the disk in
the drive.

Commodore Amiga
This version requires an Amiga with atleast512KRAMA mouse orjoystickcan
be used.
1. TUTI1 off your computer.
2. Plug in your mouse or joystick. The mouse must be plugged into port #1 (the
normal port). The joystick must be plugged into port #2.
3. Turn on the computer.
4. Insert the Amiga KICKSfART disk into the disk drive.
5. When the "Workbench" icon appears on the screen, press the eject button and
remove the K1CKSTART disk.
6. Insert the GUNSHIP disk into the disk drive. It loads automatically. After
loading leave the disk in the drive.
On most screens you'll see a small arrow pointer. Your joystick, mouse, and
cursor control keys (depending on your computer) move the arrow. To make a
selection, move the arrow onto the picture or box and then press the joystick fire
button, mouse click button, or the return key on the keyboard.
---------------------- VEHICLE IDENTIF1CATION: Telling the good
- - - < - --'p guys from the bad guys takes practice. Examine
-~ .: the vehicle drawing and compare it to the draw-
ings in the "Military Equipment" section of this
Use {;:;.';:.:; ;:!'1!r~4::fi! manual. Move the pointer to the box beside the
...J"JAJ Mr_s
- I K'lA.1 .. aliI.,
correct name and press fire/click/return.
cl eU~"~":r. DEFAULTS: Here you see the last mission flown:
d!.::.f.:.. . . 1
the pilot, his duty assignment (region of the world),
....-..5I._ _ ' style of flying, and reality levels. To change any of
,.IIIl!l!lllDllmlmam=:::BiIPltiml the defaults point to the appropriate box in the
Ipts. upper left and press fire/click/retum. If the defaults
shown are fine, point to "Continue" and press
The combination of duty assignment (region),
style, and reality determines the overall level of
risk for your next mission. The level of risk affects
your scoring, promotion, and decorations.

filiiWtUi=====:J-iiiiiDl AH·64A PILOT ROSTER: This summarizes the

,_••'.I••t.hrt ___ 1BIIIj "service records" of pilots on the disk. To select
"" Ipb. a name, point to the name itself and press fire/
Op". click/retum. This highlights the name. Point to
Op". "Continue" and press fire/click/return to return to
Op". the defaults.
IU." lill St... le» tp. . .
To enter a new name (such as your own!), select
.. to.
a name you wish to replace, then point to "Erase
I......-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J Pilot" and press fire/click/return. Type the new

name and press RETURN. This new name appears in the roster. The old name is
erased, permanently.
Each pilot's service record includes a list of awards, decorations, and reprimands,
followed by a number indicating the quantity of each. The letter abbreviations
are: ACM·Army Commendation Medal, AM·Air Medal, BSV . Bronze Star, CAC·
Central America Campaign Ribbon, CMOH -Congressional Medal of Honor,
DSC -Distinguished Service Cross, KIA-Killed in Action, MEC-Middle East
64-H-029A 10 PREPARING TO Fl.Y

Campaign Ribbon, MIA -Missing in Action, NDS-National Defense Service

Medal, PH-Purple Heart, SEAC-Southeast Asia Campaign Ribbon, SR-Service
Reprimand, 55- Silver Star, WEC -Western Europe Campaign Ribbon.
&I. llisa, L_ DUlY ASSIGNMENT: You can select five different
-r =.7.~: U5A areas of the world for combat flying. Point to the
• ~~:;.~ ',,' " ';,.' .... nst badge representing the area you desire and press
A$:o~"t:~ ', t :"~~: ~n:':~·i.. fire /click/return. Point to "Continue" and press
......... n'. bu' , h<.-(i ,. " fire/click/return to return to the defaults,
Beginners should select Flight Training in the
m~:"J~.~:"~!.!':: ~~:'t..~\'"
b.,lt SNh .u..a flu fURS.
USA and follow the two tutorials, Combat regions
are listed in order of difficulty, from Southeast
Asia (the easiest) to Western Europe (the most
difficult). Regions powerfully affect difficulty. Don't expect success in Western
Europe until you do well in the other regions.
SfYLE OF FLYING SELEGnON: Within a region,
k... '~' "",>on< some areas and missions are more dangerous
~,~ .... ~,tJ~h!1:~l
...... C~"'f' b .. d
h • ,nhet!
than others. Here you select the level of danger
you prefer. Point to the appropriate face and press
Volunteer missions, especia lly hazardous duty,
mean you're facing tougher, more accurate, and
.... ....&11 1. . .1 ., rid. Is
Vu-" Low faster-reacting opponents. Regular missions pit
you against "garden variety" Russian-trained
troops with lesser combat skills. This choice has a powerful effect on mission
1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _=1!Gi1=IIi!!Il=< ENEMY & REAUfY SELEGnON: Wherever you
fly, you can select between a "realistic" simulation
and an "easy;' simplified version. Point to the box
beside the option you prefer and press fire/click!
"Easy" reality levels may help you learn to fly.
lS~-.zn' Beginners often prefer "easy" landings and
_ ~ t~ weather effects. However, use "realistic" flyin g as
_&11 a;sOc - L... soon as possible, since experienced GUNSHIP
pilots find the realistic level is actually easier to fly in combat
Enemy quality determines the "newness" of enemy equipment Soviet-equipped
First Line troops have modem equipment (for that region). The Second Line rear
area and allied forces use older equipment The Third Line reservists have
obsolete equipment
BRIEFING: Here are your flight orders. They
. . . . . 2OSAA.
• JIIi:si1iiIItz P£Jnl(Ousr include IMPORTANT information you should
_UH memorize or write down. Above all, note the
~;&""$Qp• .,.t

passworo, look up the countersign in this manual
'tt..... to .,.,.... , fr;-'L tr- and write it down. Passwords and countersigns
A:.,..,.. ~i:!.! t~e:!J':'~ :""J;ctl", ,.
,!! be: .....U-M t. 4utrq ~
\fi~~ i .. tilt .,iciDi tv of "'"
appear at the bottom of each page in alphabetical
order, starting on page 12.
nis is: " . i . t
~lttcl~ :!r!t~: l~, .. utTh.';~
( , Also make a note of your primary and secondary
PREPARING TO F1.Y 11 64-H-029A

objectives. You'll probably want to check the map to see where they are in
relation to your bases. It's also wise to note the wind speed and direction (only
present if you picked realistic weather conditions).
When you're through examining the orders and related information (map, intelli-
gence reports, and/or sick call) point to "continue" and press fire/click/return.
NOTE: When flying "Training in the USA" duty the subsequent options are
greatly abbreviated. No intelligence report or sick call option exists, and no
reminders are necessary.
THE SECfORMAP: This shows the entire battle area, friendly bases and forces in
white, YOUl' objectives are in violet It's purely for reference, and to help you plan
YOUl' mission.

The map coordinates are read military fashion, "right and up:' That means the
first number is the horizontal scale, the second the vertical scale. For example,
01-12 is the upper left comer.
INTELUGENCE REPORT: This report gives additional details about enemy
forces and equipment You may wish to read the ''Military Equipment" section
a bout these weapons, and/or the 'Weapons & Tactics" section about how to deal
with them.
SICK CALL: If you decide this mission is too difficult or dangerous, you can go on
sick call to avoid it Read the advice on the screen carefully.
As a rule, pilots decide to be "on sick call" if the objectives are distant from
friendly base and the enemies are truly formidable. Objectives near a friendly
base are always easier, since you spend less time in "hostile" airspace.
REMINDERS: It's important that you know the password, countersign, and both
objectives (primary and secondary). Check your notes to make sure you have the
correct information. Point to the appropriate box and press fire/click/retum.
ARMING: A standard armament appears here for
your region. However, you can adjust the stores on
your helicopter to suit your preferences.
To add or subtract cannon ammunition (30mm
HEDP), fuel. chaff, and/or flares. point to the "+" or
"-" box and press fire/c1ick/retum. You'll see the
appropriate quantity change, along with YOUl'
current weight
To remove armament from the weapons wings,
point to the weapon on the wing itself and press fire/click/return. To add a new or
different armament to a wing, point to the box representing the weapon and press
fire/click/return to "pick up" the weapon. The weapon is now attached to your
pointer. Move it to the wing and fire/click/return to release it If there is already a
weapon at that position, the new one replaces the previous one.
Weapons must be balanced. Whenever you add or subtract a weapon to
one wing, the other automatically changes too. The wingtips carry AIM-9L
Sidewinders only (anything else is too heavy). The interior wing stations can
carry any weapon. The maximum weight figure near the bottom is the maximum

takeoff weight for the region and weather. You can never add weapons that
exceed this limit
Point to "Continue" and press fire/click/return to begin flying. Select "Clear" to
eliminate all stores from your helicopter. Press "Sick Call" if you've got cold feet
and want to back out of the mission. Sometimes even experienced pilots do this if
Wlfavorable weather causes an impossibly low maximum weight on a dangerous

The briefing and reminder screens (above) tell you the password for this
mission. YOU MUST KNOW THE COUNTERSIGN. At the page bottoms in
this manual you will see a password followed by a cOWltersign. Find the
page with the briefing's password, and then write down the countersign that
When you approach any friendly heli-base, you will get a radio message
giving the password and asking for the countersign. If you do not type in the
proper countersign and press "RETURN", base defenses will presume you
are an enemy and shoot you down!

I'dss\\·ord· ACCENT C()lIlltprslgll TRAMPOUNE

of the AH-64A Apache

- •••
- Simulator

The cockpit is the main control panel used in flight You "see" the landscape
through the armored glass as you fly. A fixed crosshairs sight aids in pitch
orientation and firing FFAR unguided rockets. A moving box (reticle) represents
your IHADSS helmet gunsight (TADS). This box changes from dark to light color,
depending on the current accuracy of your selected weapon (dark is low
accuracy, light is higher accuracy). Below the cockpit glass are the dials, gauges,
and displays of the helicopter cockpit

System Damage Lights

Warning &


Engine &
Rotor RPM

Stores Selection

I'dss\\ord· BILLBOARD COlilltl'lsigll: KICKBACK

64-H-029A 14 COCKPrf & STAllJS PANElS

AIRSPEED: This dial shows your horizontal speed through the air in knots.
A speed of 100 knots equals about 114 mph, or about 167 feet/second.
ALTIMEfER: This dial shows your altitude in feet The rotary needle is marked in
tens of feet (i.e., if the needle points to "1 ': read it as 10 feet). The digital readout in
the center shows your altitude to thousands (left digit) and hundreds (right digit)
of feet For example, a digital readout of 13 and needle at 6 means one thousand,
three hundred, and sixty (1360) feet
ATITTIJDE & ARTIFICIAL HORIWN: This ball-gauge shows your pitch (nose up
or down) and your roll (left or right). The blue part represents the sky, the black
part the ground.
CRT DISPlAY: This small display screen has three separate modes of operation.
The TADS Target Mode shows a zoom-camera view of the target on which
T ADS is "locked': The display also shows the range to target (in kilometers) in the
upper left comer and the zoom magnification in the upper right For example,
"1.2" and "x32" indicates the target is 1.2 kilometers (1200 meters) away and that
your CRT view is magnified 32 times.
The Map Mode shows a small detail of the large sector map. This detail is
centered on your helicopter. The only exception is when your helicopter is flying
near or along the edge of the combat area.
The Radio Message Mode shows a radio message you just received. Once a
message is displayed, it disappears. The display does not "remember" previous
CRT PROMPT: This line prompts you whenever new information is available.
For example, when a radio message arrives, "RADIO MSG" appears here.
"TARGET" means a new potential target is present - you can use the TADS to
find the new target If your T ADS is locked on a target, the name of tha t target
appears here. Once T ADS is locked onto a target and displaying its type, the
"TARGET" message no longer appears, even if another target is available.
ENGINE & ROTOR GAUGFS: The left and right yellow strips show the RPMs of
the port (left) and starboard (right) engines. The center yellow strip shows the
main rotor RPM (revolutions per minute).
FUEL GAUGE: The two yellow strips titled "F" show the amount of fuel remaining
in the forward and aft tanks. The forward tank is the left gauge, the aft tank is the
right gauge.
HEADING & COURSE INDICATORS: The white arrow represents your current
heading (facing), and always remains centered. The green arrow represents your
current course. Normally it is aligned with the white arrow, but will shift left Of
right if you're skidding sideways. The red arrow beneath represents the course to
your current destination. When the green, red and white arrows are super-
imposed, you are on course.
INFRA RED (IR) WARNING & JAMMING IJGHfS: The '1" warning light turns red
whenever an infra red (IR) signature weapon is approaching your helicopter. If
you tum on your IR jammer, the neighboring light turns green while the jammer
is running. If the jammer is successful, the red warning light turns off.
There are no enemy IR searching devices, and therefore no flashing red
IR warning.

l'dSS\\()ld: CROMAGNON COllllt!'fslgn: MEWDRAMA


INS DESTINAnON INDICATOR (INS = Inertial Navigation System): This digital

readout indicates the course to your current destination. When the INS readout
matches the digital compass readout, you are on course.
RADAR WARNING & JAMMING UGHI'S: The uR" warning light flashes red
whenever enemy search radar "sweeps" over your helicopter. When enemy
tracking (firing) radar for either guns or missiles locks onto you, the light turns
solid red. If you tum on your radar jammer, the neighboring light turns green
while the jammer is running. If the jammer is successful, the solid red warning
light turns off.
Note: Your jammer cannot discourage radar searches, so flashing red warnings
may continue even if your jammer is successful in stopping a tracking (firing)
ROTARY & DIGITAL COMPASS: The needle on this compass indicates your
current heading, with a digital readout directly below. Note that the compass
shows the heading your helicopter faces. During a sideways skid or backwards
flight your actual course is different
ROTOR DISENGAGED WARNING UGHT: This light shows red if the rotor is
disengaged (i.e., spinning freely, unconnected to the engines). The light is off when
the rotor is engaged.
STORES SELECTION: The AH-64 Apache can carry up to six different types of
dispensable stores (offensive and defensive expendables). Each has a different
colored light, with the number of "units of fire" shown beneath (a unit of fire is
how often you can use that item before you run out). Inactive stores are unlighted.
Only one offensive weapon can be armed at a time. The weapon currently ready
is lighted. Offensive weapons can include:
AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air guided missiles
2.75" FFAR unguided air-to-ground rockets
AGM-114A Hellfire air-to-ground guided missiles
30mm Chain Gun Cannon (in 20-round bursts)
Defense stores light up when used. The light remains on as long as the defense is
functioning (about 10-20 seconds). Defensive stores can include:
Flare decoys to use against IR-guided weapons
Chaff decoy to use against radar-guided weapons
As a point of information, each defensive store unit of fire is a group of three
SYSTEMS DAMAGE UGHI'S: These lights show the status of major systems on
board your helicopter. A green light means the system is functioning correctly,
a colored light means the system is malfunctioning. Reading from left to right, the
systems are:
R .... .......... .......... main rotor
o ......... nose optics (controls TADS)
A ..... ... forward avionics bay (gauges)
G . . . . . . . . .. chain gun (30mm cannon)
F ........ ....... .. . forward fuel tank
W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . port weapons wing
W ............ starboard weapons wing

l'dSS\\onl DAKOTA Cllllll(('ISI,-,1l ONSTAGE

64-H-029A 16 COCKPrr & STATIIS PANEI~'i

E ....................... port engine

E .................. starboard engine
F ...................... aft fuel tank
A .......... Aft avionics bay (jammers)
L ............ . .. chaff decoy launcher
L ............... flare decoy launcher
R .......... tail rotor (controls rotation)

THREAT DISPLAY: This screen shows nearby enemy weapons that threaten
your helicopter. Red dots are enemy guns and launchers tracking or firing on
your helicopter. White dots are missiles in flight This includes both enemy
missiles AND your missiles. A red-and-white flashing dot is an enemy helicopter.
The top of the threat display represents your heading (i.e., "ahead").
The threat display operates at two ranges: long and short Normally the display
shows "long" range with two concentric circles. The inner circle shows local
enemies (closer than 3 kilometers), the outer circle distant enemies (who are
generally beyond your maximum visibility).
If an enemy missile or helicopter approaches within a few hundred meters, the
threat display automatically switches to "short range" while the threat is close.
This aids you in maneuvering against enemy helicopters, and /or to evade
TORQUE GAUGE: The two yellow strips titled "T" show the amount of torque in
the port (left) and starboard (right) jet turbine engines. This is proportional to the
collective control and rotor lift The higher you set the collective, the higher the
torque, and the greater the lift
VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator): This dial shows the rate you are changing altitude
(ascending or descending). If the needle is horizontal, you are maintaining a
constant altitude. If the needle dips downward, you're descending toward the
ground; if it points upward, you're ascending. The dial is marked in thousands of
feet per minute. For example, if the needle points down at "1", then you are
descending at 1000 feet per minute.

You can "look away" from the cockpit
view to a large sector map. This map
shows the local combat or training
area, including all major terrain
features, friendly troops, installations
and your objectiye. Enemy troops
and installations-ttppear only as you

.? spot them using the TADS gunsight
Enemy helicopters never appear on
the map. They move too quickJy for
.... K:_ X '" ..+J.
. - -'-\. 1" <' +
accurate marking. Remember that
•• - .


maps are never 100% accurate. Troop
J f J.' t· I
and base positions are especially
prone to error.

I'd"\\()ld EI.ECrRA C(llll,tl'rslgll VERTICAl,


STILL IN FUGHf: You are still in flight while examining this map. Be sure to look
up periodically. Otherwise you might fly into a mountain or come under attack
It's wise to hover in a safe place if you spend long periods examining this map.
INS CURSOR (INS = Inertial Navigation System): The white crosshairs on this
map represents your current destination. Move the joystick to move the cross-
hairs. When you return to the cockpit, the INS indicators will help you fly to this
GRID COORDINATFS: The map uses a military grid coordinate system. To
describe any position, read "right and up': That is, the first two digits are from the
horizontal scale, the last two from the vertical scale. Therefore, 01-01 is the lower
left corner, 01-12 is the upper left corner, 12-01 is the lower right corner, and 12-12
is the upper right comer.
ACCELERATED TIME: The accelerated time option is available only while
viewing the sector map. Time passes at double the normal rate, thus halving your
flying time between points.
MAP TERRAIN SYMBOLS include the following:
---... Road

--..". S trea m

• Building


1<1 Cultivated Area (Field, Rice Paddy, Plantation, etc.)

MAP TROOP SYMBOLS are in white for friendly forces, red for enemy:
XInfantry on foot and/or in foxholes

+ Armored vehicle (tank, personnel carrier, etc.)


• Bunker (made of earth, steel and/or concrete) "'-

~ Anti-aircraft (AA) gun sites or vehicle

-1 Surface-to-air missile (SAM) vehicle

~ Helicopter base

0 Supply depot

~ Headquarters

I'd sSl\'on I FOO'O-lOllJ ( :() lInlt'l'slgn: INSOLENT



This console displays the stores on
your helicopter. Status lights are green
•• if the system is functioning correctly,
•• _ItIM."N.,.j•• yellow if damaged, red if destroyed.

.. _'.I1...•
•• ~"'1J1"
• • _UMWJlMililtl
The underside view of the helicopter
on the left side of the console shows
each system appropriately colored .
•• WH!MI!.... '.MI STIll IN F1lGHf: You are still in
•• flight while examining this display.
Be sure to look up periodically. Other-
wise you might fly into a mountain or
come under attack. It's wise to hover
in a safe place if you spend long
periods examining this display.
30mm HEDP: Ammunition for the 30mm Chain Gun cannon. It uses HEDP (high
explosive dual purpose) ammunition that is effective against all targets except
bunkers which it can destroy only occasionally. The number indicates the actual
number of rounds left (Each cannon burst is 20 rounds, therefore with 1200
pounds you have 50 units of fire.)
FORE FUEL: This is the 155-gallon forward fuel tank
AIM-9L: These are air-to-air "Sidewinder" infra red guided missiles.
AGM-l14A: These are air-to-ground "Hellfire" laser-guided missiles. The Hellfire
has an armor-piercing warhead for use against vehicles and bunkers.
2.75" FFAR: These are air-to-ground unguided rockets. The FFAR has a high
explosive warhead for use against infantry, AA gun sites and installations.
AFT FUEL: This is the 220-gallon rear fuel tank.
CHAFF: This is the number of chaff decoy cartridges in the tail-boom launchers.
Decoys are launched in groups of three.
FLARES: This is the number of flare decoy cartridges in the tail-boom launchers.
Decoys are launched in groups of three.
This console displays the major
systems on your helicopter. The
indicator lights show green if the
system is functioning correctly, yellow
if it is damaged, or red if it is
destroyed. The underside view of the
helicopter on the left side of the
console shows each system a ppropri-
ately colored.
STIll IN F1lGHf: You are still in
flight while examining this display.
Be sure to look up periodically. Other-
wise you might fly into a mountain or

I'dss\\ord· GRENADIER CoulltpJ'sigll: NOCTURNE


come under attack. It's wise to hover in a safe place if you spend long periods
examining this display.
AFT AVIONICS BAY: This compartment contains the INS navigation computers,
and the IR and radar jammers. Damage can make some of this equipment erratic
or unreliable; destruction could eliminate it all.
AFT FUEL TANK: This is the rear 220-gallon fuel tank. Damage often ca uses fuel
leaks. If the tank is destroyed all fuel is lost and the helicopter may explode.
ANTI-TORQUE (fAIL) ROTOR: This rotor keeps the helicopter from spinning
uncontrollably. If the tail rotor is damaged the helicopter may wobble or rotate,
making flight control difficult If the tail rotor is destroyed the helicopterspins out
of control.
CHAFF & FlARE LAUNCHERS: The chaff and flare decoy launchers are housed
in the tail boom. If a launcher is damaged some or all decoy cartridges may not
function correctly. If a launcher is destroyed all cartridges are lost
FORWARD AVIONICS BAY: This compartment contains computers and
monitoring equipment for flying the helicopter. Damage or destruction can cause
the strip gat:.ges and/or round dials to disappear or freeze.
FORWARD FUEL TANK: This tank contains up to 156 gallons of fuel. Damage
often causes fuel leaks. If the tank is destroyed all fuel is lost and the helicopter
may explode.
30mm CHAIN GUN: This is the automatic cannon mounted beneath the nose. If
the cannon is damaged it may fire erratically; if destroyed it cannot fire at all.
MAIN ROTOR: This keeps your helicopter airborne. Damage causes the
helicopter to vibrate and wobble while flying. If the rotor is destroyed, or a
damaged rotor comes apart the helicopter will crash.
NOSE OPTICS: This is the heart of the T ADS gunsight system. Damage can cause
the T ADS gunsight to work erratically. Loss of the nose optics destroys TADS,
making it impossible to fire accurately.
STARBOARD & PORT WINGS: All rockets and missiles are mounted on these
weapons wings. Damage causes the weapons to function erratically; if destroyed
the weapons on the wing are lost
STARBOARD & PORT ENGINES: Normall y the rotor is powered by both engines
combined. However, the helicopter can fly with one engine out If an engine is
damaged or destroyed it automatically shuts down and cannot be restarted until
repaired (this minimizes the risk of fire or explosion).
When learning to fly use this description in conjunction with the section
"Beginner's Tutorial 1 - Learning to Fly a Helicopter': See "Aerodynamics" for
a more precise and detailed discussion of controlling helicopter flight
BASIC CONCEPTS: The two main flight controls are the cyclic joystick and the
collective. The cyclic joystick controls the pitch ("nosing" up and down) and roll
("leaning" left or right) of the helicopter. The collective changes the angle of
attack of the rotor blades (see "Aerodynamics" for details). This changes the
Iifling force of the blades.
The cyclic joystick is controlled with your joystick except on computers using
mouse control (where the mouse can move the cyclic joystick). Keyboard control
of the cyclic joystick is available on the IBM Pc.
The collective is controlled from the keyboard. On computers with a mouse, the
mouse can be used to move the collective up and down as desired.

Right on
cyclic joystick

~ cyclic joystick

Forward on
cycl ic joystick Decrease ("down") collective

JldssllllId IVORY CUlInh·rsign. WIlLOW
A PRAcnCAL GUIDE 21 64-H-029A

Pushing the cyclic joystick forward pitches the helicopter downward ("nose
down"). This causes the helicopter to gain forward speed. The helicopter will
NOT dive until it reaches a steep pitch downward, then it dives like a nonnal
Pulling the cyclic joystick back pitches the helicopter upward. If the helicopter's
pitch is upwards (the crosshairs are above the horizon) the helicopter will go
backwards. Pitching upward does not necessarily mean you will climb!
A co mmon mistake of novices is to assume that the harder they pull back on the
cyclic, the faster they will climb. Instead of climbing fas~ they end up flying
backwards! Watch the crosshair/horizon position to avoid this error.
Pushing the cyclic joystick left or right rolls the helicopter in that direction. At
low speeds (under 40 knots) the helicopter skids sideways. At faster speeds it
performs a banking tum like an aircraft In either case, the further you roll, the
more your lift decreases. Novices in level flight are often surprised by the loss in
a ltitude as they roll left or right
Moving the collective up increases the amount of lift in the rotor. If you are in
level flight the higher collec tive ca uses you to ascend. The torque will increase
as yo u raise the collec tive. When torque reaches the maximum value on the
ga uge you are at maximum lift
Moving the collective down decreases the amount of lift in the rotor. If you are in
level f1igh~ the lower collective causes you to descend. The torque decreases as
you lower the collec tive. Except in unusual cond itions, you cannot maintain
leve l flight much less ascend, if torque is below 50%.
Anti-torque (tail) Rotor Controls: These controls function only if the helicopter is
moving very slowly (just a few knots) or hovering. Each tap on rotate left speeds
up the tail rotor and causes the nose to swing left Each tap on rotate right slows
down the rotor and causes the nose to swing right Tap stop rotation to return the
ta il rotor to normal speed. ending a ll rotation.


When you start GUNSHIP, one of the reality options is a choice between "easy"
simplified flight and "rea listic" flight MicroProse recommends realistic flight
because once you learn it controls are more flexible and useful,especially at high
speeds. However if realistic flying is too frustrating, try easy flight instead.
EASY liGHT: Here neither the pitch, roll, altitude nor airspeed of the helicopter
has any effect on lift This means that regardless of how you maneuver the cyclic
joys tick, lift is unaffected. Power dives are prohibited.
The collecti ve is the only control that affects lift in easy flight Anytime you want
to add lift (to climb, slow your descent etc.) tap the collective up fast or slow, as
appropriate. Anytime you want to reduce lift (to slow your ascent begin or
increase a descel1~ etc.) tap the collective down fast or slow, as appropriate.
REAUSTIC FUGHf: Here the pitch, roll, altitude, and airspeed affect lift as in a
real helicopter. Ground Cushion Effect: At altitudes of 25' or less you gain a little
extra lift at low speeds. The lift gained varies with altitude, and disappears
entirely if you're flying too fast Translational Lift: At speeds of 30 to 90 knots you

"dss\\()n l KNOCKOI 'T (.{lIIIIII'ISlgll Pl fREHRED


gain considerable extra lift The amount varies with the speed. Roll & Lift: With
any significant amount of roll, the helicopter loses some lift The lift loss increases
as the helicopter rolls further left or right Altitude: At higher altitudes you have
less lift due to the thinner air. The lift loss increases as you get higher and higher.
This loss is only noticeable above 1,000 feet
Among other things, the use of realistic flight means that at high speed you can fly
the helicopter not unlike an airplane. A slight pitch up slows the helicopter and
causes a climb (by reducing speed into the 30-90 knot area for maximum trans-
lationallift), while a steep pitch down puts the helicopter into a fast power dive.


This section gives a rudimentary view of common concepts in helicopter flight
For a more complete and detailed description of how and why helicopters fly, see
the "Aerodynamics" section.

LEVEL FUGHf FORWARD: In level flight the helicopter is pitched down ("nose
down"). The greater the pitch, the faster the forward flight Note that in forward
flight the crosshairs are always below the horizon line. The VSI gauge is
horizontal (reading zero), indicating flight is level. In combat flying, typical level
flight speed is 100 to 150 knots.


POWER DIVE: In a power dive the helicopter is pitched down steeply. The
crosshairs are significantly below the horizon line, and the VSI gauge needle is
pointing downward. Power dives usually require speeds greater than 160 knots.

I'dSS\mnl. LOZENGE Counlprslgn: ROMANTIC


FORWARD CLIMB: When climbing in forward flight the helicopter is travelling

slower than normal (pitch is still present but smaller than normal), or the
collective control (and engine torque) is higher than normal, or both. The VSI
gauge needle is pointing upward. Forward climbs are easiest at speeds of 30 to
90 knots.

HOVER: Here the helicopter is truly level, with no pitch down orup. Note that the
crosshairs are on the horizon line and airspeed is zero (needle is vertical). The
collective is adjusted so the VSI gauge is horizontal (zero). From a hover a
helicopter can ascend straight upwards or descend straight downwards by
changing the collective.


BACKWARDS F1lGHf: When flying backwards the helicopter is pitched

upwards. Note that the crosshairs are above the horizon - which only occurs
when flying backwards. The airspeed gauge shows the speed backwards.
Depending on the speed and amount of collective, the helicopter could be
ascending, flying level, or descending while moving backwards.

l'dSS\\()ld MAZllRKA C(lllllh'I'Slgll YElLOW



.. -1-

SKID SIDEWAYS: This is only possible at low speeds (under 40 knots) or when
hovering. The cyclic joystick is moved left or right to roll the helicopter. Due to a
lack of airspeed, the helicopter skids left or right without forward motion. Unless
the collective is adjusted appropriately, a skidding helicopter loses some lifting


ROTATE LEFf OR RIGHf: This is only possible at extremely low speeds or when
hovering. The anti-torque (tailor "rudder" controls) rotates the helicopter left or
right Rotation does not affect airspeed or VSl. The cyclic joystick and collective
are not used when rotating.

1'.1"11 Old . NEBl lLA C()ulltprslgll: QUAKER

This section defines how each countrol works. Do not use this section as a guide
to flying a helicopter. To learn to fly, follow "Beginner's Tutorial #1 - Learning to
Flya Helicopter':
THE KEYBOARD OVERlAY: An overlay appropriate to your computer keyboard
is included with the simulation. The control placement is designed for use with
this overlay - don't lose it!
Note: Computers sometimes misread multiple key inputs. Unless otherwise
indicated, do not press two keys simultaneously. Do not push the joystick while
holding a key. Pushing the joystick while holding a key may cause weird effects
on C64/C128 computers.
CYCUC JOYSTICK: Pushing forward pitches down the helicopter ("drops the
nose"). Pulling back pitches up the helicopter ("raises the nose"). Pushing left or
right rolls the helicopter in that direction ("tilts" the rotor and body left or right).
A pitch below horizontal moves the helicopter forward. A large pitch down
causes a power dive. Pitch up above horizontal moves the helicopter backward.
Rolling left or right at low speed causes a skid (or "sideslip") left or right At
medium and high speeds it causes a banking tum left or right
The artificial attitude and horizon indicator shows the current pitch and roll of
the helicopter.
Summary: Forward ~ pitch down ("nose down")
for C64 /C128 Backward ~ pitch up ("nose up")
Right ~ roll righ t (bank or skid right)
Left ~ roll left (bank or skid left)
COU.ECI1VE: This control can be moved up fast (increases lift by large amounts)
or down slowly (decreases lift by small amounts). When you raise or lower the
collective. the engine torque changes appropriately. To move the collective a
large amount tap it repeatedly and quickly.
Lift keeps the helicopter airborne. If you start in level flight or hover, then increase
lift the helicopter ascends. If you start level and decrease lift the helicopter
Summary: Fl ~ up fast
for C64 /C128 F3 ~ up slow
F5 ~ down slow
F7 ~ down fast
64-H-029A 26 CONTROLS

ANI1-TORQUE (fAll..) ROTOR: These function only when hovering or moving

extremely slowly (just a few knots). Tap rotate left to swing the nose left Tap
rota te right to swing the nose right Multiple taps on the key increase the rate of
rotation. Tap stop ro tation to eliminate all rotation.
Summary: CRSR up/down = rotate left
for C64/C128 CRSR left/right = rotate right
RETURN = stop rotation
PORT or STARBOARD ENGINE ON/OFF: Tap the appropriate key to turn on (if
currently off) or tum off (if currently on) each engine. You must tum off the
engines to finish yo ur flight
If an engine is damaged or destroyed it turns off automatically. You cannot restart
the engine until it is repaired.
Summary: 1 = port engin e on loff
for C64 /C128 2 = starboard engin e onloff
ROTORENGAGFJDISENGAGE: Tap this key to either engage the rotor (cause the
engines to tum the rotor), or disengage the rotor (cause the rotor to spin freely,
unconnected to the engines). When the rotor is disengaged, the collective is
autcrmatically "bottomed" (dropped to zero).
Summary: 3 = rotor engage/disengage
for C64/e128

CHANGE CRT: The CRT has three display modes. Each tap on this key switches
the CRT to the next mode. These modes are:
(1) TAOS target mode
(2) Map mode
(3) Radio message mode
If no target is ahead of the helicopter, the TAOS target mode does not appear. If no
new radio message is available, the radio mode does not appear. If neither a target
nor a radio message is available, then the CRT is always in map mode.
Summary: Space Bar = cha nge CRT
for C64/C128
MAP: Tap this key to see the full sector map. You continue flying, so beware of
flying into something while examining this display. Tap this key again to return
to the standard cockpit view.
Summary: Z = map
for C64/C128
STORES: Tap this key to see the stores display. It shows the status of systems with
stores, incl uding the amounts remaining. You can ti n ue flying, so beware of flying
into something whi le examining this display. Tap this key aga in to return to the
standard cockpit view.
Summary: Commodo re logo = s tores
for C64/C128
CONTROLS 27 64-H-029A

DAMAGE: Tap this key to see the systems display. It shows each system and
whether it's functional, damaged, or destroyed. You continue flying, so beware of
flying into something while examining this display. Tap this key again to return
to the standard cockpit view.
Summary: SHIFT (left side) = damage
for C64/C128
VIEW: The view center key shows your view directly ahead. The view left key
shows your view diagonally ahead to the left The view right key shows your
view diagonally ahead to the right Due to the engines, transmission, and rotor
shaft your rearward view is blocked. Note that the crosshairs are present only on
the center view.
Summary: £ = view left
for C64/C128 CLR HOME = view ce nter
INST DEL = view right

GO TO TAOS TARGET MODE: If the CRT is not displaying aTADS target, but the
prompt "TARGET" is showing, tap the fire button to switch the CRT to TADS. You
can also use the standard Change CRT control.
NEW TAOS TARGET: Tap this key to move the TADS gunsight box from one
target to another, showing the new target in the CRT. If no other targets are present
directly ahead TADS remains on the original target
Summary: SHIFT (right side) = new TAOS target
for C64 /C128
WEAPONS: Tap the appropriate key to select one of the four possible weapons:
AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles, 2.75" FFAR rockets, AGM-114A Hellfire missiles,
or the 30mm cannon.
Summary: 4 = AIM-9L Sidewinder missil es
for C64/C128 5 = 2.75" FFAR rockets
6 = AGM-114A Hellfire miss il es
7 = 30mm cannon
FIRE: Tap the fire button on the cyclic joystick to fire the weapon currently
selected. Each tap fires one missile (Sidewinder or Hellfire), a pair of rockets, or
a burst of 20 cannon rounds.
Summary: joystick fire button = fire
for C64 /C128
DROP CHAFF or FLARE DECOY: Tap the appropriate key to release the
appropriate decoy. The cockpit indicator remains lighted as long as the decoy is
Summary: 9 = drop chaff decoy
for C64 /C128 - = drop f lare decoy
RADAR or IR JAMMER ON/OFF: Tap the appropriate key to tum on (if currently
off) or off (if currently on) the jammer. When the radar jammer is running you see
a green light beside the "R"waming light When the IRjammeris running you see
a green light beside the "I" warning light
Summary: 0 = radar jamm er on /off
forC64/C128 + = IR jammer on/off

1'.1" \ \ ()ft!. Ql lARTZ ( :()lIlltprs' gn: ZEBRA

64·H·029A 28 CO:\:TROI.'i

JEITISON srORFS: To jettison all ammunition for a particular weapon hold

down the select weapon key and tap Jettison. This dumps all the Sidewinders,
rockets, or Hellfires, depending on which weapon you select For example, to
jettison all your FF AR rockets in the C64/C128 version, hold down the "5" key and
tap ''RESTORE~
Summary: 4 [+] RESTORE = je ttison Sidewinders
for C64/CIZ8 51+J RESTORE = jettison 2.75" FFAR
6 [+] RESTORE = jettison Hellfires

ACCELERATED TIME: This key dou bles the speed of time, thus shortening fl ight
time from one point to another. This function works ONLY if you are viewing the
sector map. It automati cally turns off when you return to the standard cockpit
Summary: Left Arrow = accelerate on /off
for C64/C128
PAUSE: This key freezes the simulation. Tap any key to resume the simulation.
Summary: RUN STOP = pause
for C64/C128
RFSET: Hold down these keys to restart the simulation. On the C64/C128 hold
down the RUN STOP key and then tap RESTORE. In effect you are "jetti soning"
the entire mission.
Summary: RUN STOP 1+1 RESTORE = reset
for C64/C128


When you see the prompt "MESSAGE" ahove the CRT, tap the Change CRT
once to read the incoming rad io message. Ignoring messages can be
detrimental to your health!
PASSWORD & COUNTERSIGN: As you approach your friendly base, you
will get a radio message. It's VITAL that you read and answer this message!
Tap Change CRT to display the message on the CRT. You will be radioed
the password and asked for the countersign. You must type the proper
countersign at the keyboard and press ''RETURN':
Passwords and corresponding countersigns are listed (alphabetically) at the
bottom of selected pages in this manual. Look up the countersign and type it
onto the screen. Press RETURN when you are done. If you don't, your base
will assume you're hostile and shoot you down!

Controls Summary
Category Action C64 / C128
Cyclic Pitch down Stick forward
Pitch up Stick back
Roll left Stick left
Roll right Stick right
Collective Up fast Fl
Up slow F3
Down slow F5
Down fast F7
Anti-torque Rotate right Horizontal cursor
(tail) rotor Rotate left Vertical cursor
Stop Rotation RETURN
View View Left £
View Forward CLRHOME
View Right INSTDEL
Engines Port on/off 1
Starboard on/off 2
Rotor eng./diseng. 3
Weapons Sidewinder 4
2.75"FFAR 5
Hellfire 6
30mm cannon 7
Fire Fire weapon Stick button
Jettison (with weapon) (weapon) and RESTORE
Counter- Chaff decoy 9
Measures Flare decoy -
Radarjammer 0
IRjammer +

Viewing Other Map Z

Displays Damage [left] shift
Stores Commodore
CRT Change CRT space bar

TADS New TADS Target lright] shift

Simulation Accelerated Time left arrow
This tutorial teaches you how to take off, control the helicopter in basic flight
maneuvers, and land again. Refer to "Cockpit & Status Panels" to understand
what's appearing on the screen. Refer to "Controls" and the keyboard overlay to
find the appropriate controls. Glance over "A Practical Guide to Helicopter
Flying" for additional insights and illustrations.
This tutorial is for use with the "realistic" flight mode, not the "easy" flight mode.
MicroProse recommends that you learn and fly in the realistic mode from the
start (you'll appreciate the advantages later). You can always "fall back" on the
easy mode if the realistic mode becomes too frustrating.
The second tutorial will cover your weapons and defenses. Formore detail about
how a helicopter flies and how to perform advanced tactical maneuvers, see the
"Aerodynamics" and "Weapons & Tactics" sections.
WARNING - DON'T OVERCONTROL: Helicopter controls are SLUGGISH (ask
any helicopter pilot!). That is, they react slowly. Even a frisky thoroughbred like
the Apache takes one to two seconds to respond to your control movemenl
Therefore,just tap a key and see what happens. When using the joystick, move it
a little, then let itgo. The most common error in flying is to overcontrol by pulling
hard on the stick or pressing too long and haITI on a key.
In short, be gentle with the controls. After each control movement watch for the
result before you do anything else. Numerous fast radical control movements
will produce incomprehensible results and probably a crash!
SfARTING: Take the vehicle identification test enter your name on the pilot
roster, and make sure the region is set to "Training in 'the USA" duty assignment
Reality defaults should be set to "Realistic Flying'; "Easy Landing" and "Easy
Weather:' Read tlle briefings and armament options, but don't bother to change
them. See "Preparing to Fly" for details on how to control the starting options.
PAUSE WHILE LEARNING: As you work through the tutorial, tap the Pause key
whenever you want to read about the next maneuver or explanation. Then tap
any key to resume, try the maneuver, then pause again as you read the next part of
the tutorial, etc.
AITACKS: Don't worry about enemy attacks and firing while learning to fly. In
training situations the enemy always fires "blanks" - you cannot be damaged or
destroyed by enemy fire. On your first training flights you should ignore enemy
activity. In the next tutorial you'll learn how to respond to enemy attacks, and
how to hit targets.
P0WER UP: Tum on the port and starboard engines by tapping Port Engine
On /Off and Starboard Engine On /Off. Wait until the engine RPM strip gauges
climb to normal (about the 80% point). Then tap Rotors Engage/Disengage once.
BEGINNER'S ll JTORlAL I 31 64-H-029A

The rotor engaged warning light, previously red, should tum off. You'll hear the
rotors corne up to speed. Wait until the middle strip gauge (rotor RPM) climbs to
normal (slightly above the engine RPM levels).
CLIMB TO A HOVER: Now repeatedly tap Collective Up Fast. Watch the torque
rise as you "ra ise" the collective. Note that if yo u "lower" the collective, the torque
drops. Once the torque reaches 75% use the Collective Up Slow key until you rise
off the ground (at about 80-95% torque, depending on how close your weight is to
the maximum). You should be hovering at about 12 feet altitude.
ROTATING IN A HOVER: Tap the Rotate Right once. Your helicopter begins to
rotate to the right Tap Stop Rotation once and you'll stop turning. Tap tlle Rotate
Left to rotate in that direction. If you tap either rotation key repeatedly, the
helicopter rotates faster in that direction. You can only use rotation when you are
moving just a few knots, or stationary.
Now stop the rotation. You're ready to begin flying.

Takeoff and Forward Flight

Up coJlective and cyclic

joystick forward for level forward fli,g"h,."J. .t..,.h~~_---=~,.--_ _I~

t Ascend to a hover
-- - - - -- ::- -~ -=-----====- =-- - '-' -:;: ~ :- -- -

FORWARD FUGHT: Add a littl e more collective up slow. As you begin climbing
push forward lightly on the cyclic joystick to "pitch down" the helicopter. You'll
begin to move forward. At about 30 knots you'll begin to climb. You can see this
on your altimeter(upper right dial) and your VSI (lower right dial) gauges. This is
because forward motion in a helicopter adds extra /ift(termed "translational lift"),
especially at 30-90 knots.
The further you pitch down, the more your speed increases. As your speed
exceeds 100 knots, translational lift decreases. The VSI gauge will move toward
the negative end of the sca le. More pitch downward will push you into a power
dive at 160-200+ knot speeds.
LEVELFUGHT: Move the joystick forward or back until the airspeed gauge reads
100 to 150 knots. Now look at the VSI. If you're descending (the needle is below
horizontal) add some Collective Up Slow until the needle is on "0" (horizontal).
Alternately, if you're ascending, put in some Collective Down Slow. When the
VSI needle is horizontal (reading zero), you are in level flighl
li-l-1I-02!1.\ 12 HI·.( ,I:\\I·KS n TOR!.\!. I

Remember, due to the slow responses of he li copter controls, it's easy to over-
co rrect and put in too much coll ective. This results in you "chasing th e needle':
After eac h change in the collective, wait a second or two for the VSI needle
to stabi lize.
CHANGING ALTI11JDE: When fl ying level a t 100-150 knots, the easiest way to
descend is to push the cyclic joystick forward (pitch down) into a power dive. As
you approach the altitude yo u desire, gentl y pull tile cycl ic joystick ba ck (pitch
up) until the VSI aga in stabi lizes a t zero (needle is horizontal). Similarly, tI1 e
easiest way to ascend is to pitch up slightly, reducing your airspeed to 50-100
k.nots. When you reach tile desired altitu de, pitch down again until tim VSl
stabi lizes.
This technique of flying is not unlike a n ai rplane. You can change altitude
witllout disturbing the collective. A second way to c hange a ltitud e, app licable a t
any speed, is to raise or lower the co llective. When you reach the new a ltitude,
inpu t an equal and opposite amount of collective to regain level flight (VSI of
zero). This technique is tile only way to change altitude from a hover.
Regard less of which technique you use, don 't try to control tI1e helicopter by
constant "fidd lin g" with the co ll ective. Leam to "fee l" tI1e right collective setling.
then fly witl1 your cyclic joystick. Don't expect to gain this abi lity on the first flight.
Be patient. After a number of flights and land ings you'll find collective adjust-
ments come naturally - just like a real helicopter pilot.
WW ALTI11JDE TIJRBULENCE: While flying under 100', you may feel air
turbu lence. You will tend to bounce up and down,orsometimes ro ll from side to
side. Air turbulence and "wind shears" vary wi th yo ur speed and your distance
from the ground: the faster and lower you fly, th e more difficult it is to keep tile
craft under control.
TURNING: Retum to level flight at 100-150 knots. Nex t push the stick leftslightly
and release it Your helicopter rolls into a banking left tum. As you tum, observe
tI1e change in your digital heading readout (in the lower left of tI1e cockpi t
disp lay, just under the compass).lf you continue to push the stick left and bank
into a steep tum, you'll lose some li ft Notice that your a ltitude is dropping and tile
VSI is below horizontal.lf you roll back to the right and level out. you'll return to
level flight
To maintain yo ur a ltitude in a steep bank(important if you're flying low) add a bit
of Co llective Up Slow just before you start to turn, then put in a bit of Collec tive
Down Slow just before you come out of it Change the co ll ective first because tI1e
collective controls react more slowly tI1an the cycl ic joystick.
NAVIGATION: Tap tI1e Map key to see the full sector map. Your objective is
to find your way home to base! Move the crosshair cursor to tI1e central white
helibase, tI1en switch back to your cockpit view. Quite probably your heading
and the INS heading are differenL Make a banking turn toward the INS heading
until the two numbers match. Notice that the INS arrowhead marker below your
own course arrowhead will a lso match. You're on course, flying back to base.
Descend until you're in level flight at 50 to 100 feet altitude. It's easier to learn to
land if you come in slow and low, although "officia ll y" a constant descent is
preferred by a ir controllers.
BE(;(NNER'S Tl lTORlAL I 33 64-H-029A

LANDING: As you approach the base it first appears as an outline on the horizon.
Reduce your speed to 60 knots by pulling back slightly on the cyclic joystick.
You'll need to put in some collecti ve down slow to maintain your 50' altitude.
Now wa it until the detailed buildings and landing "Til come into view. Your goa l
is to land directly on the ''T': but anywhere within the larger rectangle is fine.
Just before you cross the outside edge of the base, begin slowing down to a hover
by pulling up on the cyclic joystick. Be sure to put the crosshairs on tile horizon
- it's easy to pitch up too far and end up going backwards. Note tllat as your
speed falls from 70 to 0 knots. your lift will decrease. Use the collective up slow to
stabilize your altitud e with zero VSI. By til e lime you accomplish all this and are
hovering at a bout 50' altitude, yo u should be near the cen ter of the base.
Finally. use the cyclic joys tick ca rehdl y to move your helicopter toward the "r
Come back to a hover. and tap tile collec tive down slow once to begin your final
descent. At about 20' and /or 10' altitude you may need anotller tap to continue
descending to a tou chdown.
SHUT DOWN: When yo u land (altitude is zero) turn off botll engines. This ends
the fl ight yo ur postflight options will appear.
MISSION: After til is first flight, your debriefing will show mission not yet accom-
plished. To satisfy your instructors, you must learn how to hit tile target too. Go to
"Beginn ers Tutorial ll" to finish your training.
This tutorial teaches you how to recognize and deal with various enemy missile
(SAM) and gun (AA) attacks. It also gives you practice in using your own weapons
against appropriate targets.
STARTING: If you have just finished the first Tutorial, you can use the same
defaults again (same region, style of flying, and reality levels). The region should
be "Training in the USA;' style should be "Regular Missions;' and reality should
be "Realistic Flying;' "Easy Landing" and "Easy Weather:'
Note: When training in the USA, all missiles and gun shells fired at you are
"blanks:' You can never suffer damage from "enemy" fire while training. However,
don't forget that everywhere else the enemy plays "for keeps:'
MAKE A PLAN: Before takeoff examine the sector map of the traning area. Pick
one of the three dummy installations (Ho, Russian Heli-base, or the Depot) as
your objective. Move the INS marker to that objective. Notice the "enemy" forces
along or near the line of flight from your base to the objective. These are the
"opponents" you will engage.
TAKEOFF: Take off and get into level flight at 100' altitude (digital readout on
altimeter is "01").
TIlREATS: As you fly, watch the threat display on the lower righl A red dot
means an enemy with AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) or SAMs (surface-to-air
missiles) have detected you. A flashing red and white dot means an enemy
helicopter is approaching. A white dot means a missile is flying (yours or an
enemy's - the threat display cannot distinguish one missile from another). Also
watch your warning lights. When the "I" turns red an IR homing missile is being
launched. When the "R" is red radar-guided missiles or guns are either searching
for or tracking you.
When enemies appear on your threat display they are also plotted on the map.
If you have the time, you can look at the map to learn what type of enemy is
attacking you. Though virtually every enemy has some sort of light guns or
shoulder-launched missile (the SA-7, SA-7B or SA-14), the most dangerous are
the AA gun sites and vehicles, or the SAM vehicles.
USING A JAMMER: When a warning light comes on, the standard response is to
tum on the appropriate jammer (press the IR or Radar Jammer On /Off once). A
small green light beside the warning light turns on, showing your jammer is
running. If the warning light turns off, the jamming was successful. Now turn onto
a new course. Jammed missiles often continue flying on their old course, and will
hit you unless you change your course.
Keep your jammer running until you destroy or flyaway from the enemy
launcher or gun. In concentrations of enemies some pilots will turn on both

jammers and constantly fly a "jinking" zig-zag course to confuse missiles and
enemy gunnery.
USING A DECOY: If the warning light does not tum off by jamming, try using a
decoy. Tap Drop Chaff or Drop Flare to deploy decoys. The decoy symbol below
the CRT will light up. While the symbol is lighted the decoy should be drawing
the missile or gUlmery control toward it
Decoys are launched in three-cartridge "units of fire': Although your cockpit
control panel shows units of fire for convenience, the pre-flight arming and stores
readout displays show actuall cartridges available. If you check your stores
display after launching a chaff of fire decoy, you'll see the amount remaining has
decreased by three.
EVASIVE FLYING: Another way to avoid a threat is to dive to a lower altitude
while turning parallel to or away from the threat If you get lower and avoid
closing the range an enemy often loses sight of you. Enemy weapons aimed by
eyeball (many AA guns and a few SAMs) cannot be jammed or decoyed. Against
these threats evasive flying is your only defense. Another evasive technique is to
slow your speed once you're low. Slow movement at low altitude is very hard to
spot at a distance. It is possible to "sneak up" on enemy positions with
a helicopter.
Evasive flying is also superior to jammers and decoys because it doesn't
broad cast your position. Both jammers and decoys, not to mention firing, reveal
'lour presence to the enemy.
DAMAGE: If you don't respond in time to a threat, the gunfire or missile will hit
you. You'lI see the flash of explosions around the edge of the cockpit In training
that's all you'll see - your helicopter cannot be damaged. In real battle, the
explosion may penetrate your armor. If a system across the top of the cockpit is no
longer green, something is malfunctioning. Check the damage display for details.
Sometimes you'll want to fly home for repairs before continuing your mission.
[f you suffer too many damaging hits, the structural integrity of your helicopter
will fail. causing a general power failure. The only way to survive this is to
successfully "autorotate" to a landing (see "Aerodynamics" for details on
autorotation). The actual number of hits varies with the situation and enemy
weaponry, but a good rule of thumb is expect the worst after you've suffered three
or four damaging hits.
USING T ADS (farget Acquisition & Designation System): Look on your ma p and
find a large concentration of red targets near your flight path. Fly in that direction.
When you're close pull up into a hover. Now use the rotate right and rotate left
keys to turn your nose left and right When the crosshair is close to a target, the
prompt "TARGET" appears above the CRT. Press the fire button on the joystick.
The TAOS gunsight box will appear around the target while the zoom camera
shows tile target on your CRT. The range to target in kilometers appears in tile
upper left (for example, if the range is "0.8", the target is 0.8 kilometers -
800 meters - away).
Tap next TAOS target to shift the TAOS to another target near the crosshairs.
[f there is no other target near the crosshairs, TAOS remains on the original target
After TAOS is locked onto a target you can rotate left or right and watch TADS
track the target for you. As the box gets near the edge of your cockpit view tap the

View Right or View Left key as appropriate. Your view switches to the side.
Notice that T ADS continues to follow the target As long as you can see the target
TADS will follow it
[f the target leaves your field of view, T ADS loses it and automatically unlocks.
Unless there is another target near yourcrosshairs forT ADS to lock onto, the CRT
switches back to the map.

Cockpit Viewing Angles

view right

view ahead

view left

TADS can only lock onto targets you can spot At low altitude (such as under
100') you can't see very far. Targets appear at very short ranges (just a few
hundred meters away). The higher you are, the further you can see: TADS can
lock onto targets at further and further ranges. Of course, the higher you are, the
easier it is for enemies to spot you. As a result, helicopter pi lots tend to fly low and
occasionally "pop up" to locate enemies. A favorite maneuver is to "pop up" from
behind a hill.
The 30mm Chain Gun cannon and the 2.75" FFAR rockets have varying
accuracy, depending on range and whether the weapon faces ahead. The T ADS
box changes color frOIl) dark (poor accuracy) to light (good accuracy) with these
weapons. The Sidewinder and Hellfire always have good accuracy, and therefore
the T ADS box is always light colored if one of these weapons is selected.
interferes with your navigation, or you want to read a radio message, tap Change
CRT, TADS turns off and the CRT ~witches the next available mode (see
"Controls" for details).
FIRING WEAPONS: To fire you must first select a weapon. When you press the
appropriate Select Weapon key, that weapon lights up beneath the CRT and the
ammo supply appears in white. Cannon ammo is shown in 20 round bursts. Once
a weapon is selected, to fire simply press the Fire Button on the joystick.
The 30mm Chain Gun cannon is automatically aimed at the target designated by
T ADS (the AH-64A has a ballistic computer that aims the cannon for you).
However, the carLilon is more accurate firing straight ahead. The T ADS box will

tum a brighter color as accuracy improves. Cannon maximum range is 1.5

kilometers, but the effective range is about 0.7 kilome ters firing ahead. and only
0.3 to 0.4 kilometers in a "deflection shot" to the side.
The AGM-114A Hellfire anti-tank missile is guided by laser at the TADS target
As long as you keep TADS locked on target the Hellfire flies toward it The
Hellfire has a minimum range of a few hundred meters - it takes time for the
missile to lock onto the TADS laser. The maximum range of the Hellfire is 6
kilometers. Furthermore, once beyond minimum range, Hellfire accura cy is
un a ffected by range.
The 2.75" FFAR rockets are compl e te ly unguided. You must line up the cross-
ha irs in th e cente r of the TADS box, th e n fire. The rockets fly straight ahead at
wha tever was in the ce nter of the c rosshair when yo u fired . After the rockets are
launc hed yo u n eed not keep th e targe t in the crossha irs. The maximum range of
FFAR rockets is a bout 1.8 kilometers, but accuracy improves at shorter ranges. As
with the can non, the T ADS box will become brighte r as your accura cy improves.
The AIM-9L Sidewinder is a "fire and forg et" air-to-air homing missile. Lock the
TADS onto a fl yin g targe t a nd ma ke sure th e target is generally ahead (fairly close
to the crosshairs). Then fire th e mi ssile. On ce you fire. yo u can switch the T ADS to
something e lse and /or flyaway. Ene m y aircraft ma y have jammers or decoys that
cou ld cause a Sidevvinder to miss. Maximum range of th e L-model Sidewinder is
18 kilometers. Effective range aga inst a he li co pter is virtually equival ent to the
milximum range.
WEAPON RESTRICTIONS: Certa in wea pons are only effective against ce rtain
targets. The 30mm can non is effecti ve aga inst anything except bunkers w hich it
can destroy only occasiona ll y. The AGM-114A He llfire is effective against "hard"
targets (a ll ve hicl es and bunkers, but not other insta llations). The 2.75" FFAR
rocke ts are effective aga in st "soft" targets (infantry,AA gun sites, a nd install atio ns
- such as the HQ Depot, and Russian He li -base). The AIM-9L Sidewi nd er is
effecti ve on ly against fl ying targets. It is useless agai nst any ground target
RECOIL: When you fire a ca nn on or gu id ed missile the he licopte r bucks and
recoi ls upwards. Be prepared to regain co ntrol q uickly.
HTITING THE OBJECTIVE: Eventua lly you'll reach your objective. Lock the
TADS on to the HQ Hel i-base or Depot and select the 30mm ca nnon. In actual
combat. you'd fly stra igh t in and open fire a t 0.7 kilometers (closer if you're short
of ammo). However. in training try "buzzi ng" over the targe t at 30' first. This will
show you what the target looks like. Then circle around, lock on the TADS once
more. and make a second pass with cannons blazing. If you want a rea l test of
skill . don 't use the cannon. Instead slake a rocket a tta ck a t 1.5 kilometers o r so.
You'l l probably need to fire lots of rockets.
REfURNING TO BASE: After destroying the objective go back to th e sector map
a nd set your INS for your home base. Fly home, land, a nd shut down both
engines. You can e ither rearm and refuel for anoth er round of target pra cti ce, or
you can ca ll it quits here. A successful fli ght may qualify yo u for the Na tional
Defense Service Medal.
ENDING A MISSION: You end a mission by landing, turning off both engines,
and waiting for the rotor to stop. You then are told your status, and if you crash as
a Sergeant or Warrant Officer you get the option to "retry" the flight instead of
continuing. If you retry, you fly the same mission again. If you "continue" (this is
automatic at higher ranks) you receive normal results.
Next you can decide whether to examine your craft, leave it or (if at a friendly
base) ask for more fuel, arn1ament and /or repairs. If you select repairs the enemy
will have time to bring up reinforcements. In some cases your situation or
damage will prevent certain options.
After landing you are "debriefed" and may receive promotions or decorations
a ppropriate to yourperfonllance. If you ignored your orders and failed to perform
the mission assigned you could find yourself peeling potatoes for a while! (Your
commanding officer dislikes being ignored!)
Finally, you'll see your current rank, decorations, and score compared to the two
all-time top scoring pilots of the game. These all-time top scorers are saved on
disk independently of the current roster. and can only be erased here.
REPLAY OPTIONS: If you decide to try another mission you can eitller remain
in the same region, flying the same type of mif'sions, or you can change your style
of flying, or you can request a transfer to a new region. Alternately, you can put
your career on "hold" and go on R&R (rest and recuperation). Pilots on R&R
remain on the roster until you deliberately erase them.
ENDING THE SIMULATION: On the replay options screen you can end the
simulation by removing the disk and turning off your computer. To ensure
accuracy in your pilot roster and records, you should tum off the computer only
when the replay options are showing.

TIlE MISSION: If you leave the helicopter somewhere other than a friendly base,
you could be captured by enemy troops. The chances naturally increase if you're
deep in enemy territory.
As a good soldier, your duty is to complete t11e ass igned mission. This means
destroying the primary target Destroying the secondary target as well is a definite
plus. Sometimes your commander will change his mind during a mission and
reassign the secondary target as your new primary targel Many missions have
multiple targets spread over a range of map coordinates.
AlTER THE :vJISSION :m 64-H-029A

If you finish the mission without achieving either objective your commander will
not be pleased, no matter how many other targets you hit Flying around blasting
th e closest enemy does NOT guarantee promotions and decorations. On the
other hand , targets hit in addition to the assigned objectives definitely help
toward decora tions and faster promotion.
Your commander may decide you've been out flying a mission too long. When
this happens, he will prohibit further rearming and refueling at friendly bases, as
well as slowing down your chance for promotion and decoration. This auto-
matically occurs whenever you achieve both primary and secondary objectives.
RANKS: Successful completion of your assigned missions improves your record.
A good record lea ds to promotions. Even on the battlefield promotions take time.
Don 't expect a promotion after every mission.
You start with the rank of Sergeant - just like real helicopter pilots entering
flight training. When you successfully complete a mission (usually flight training)
you' ll be promoted to Warrant Officer (W01). After that, success leads to 2nd
Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel and finally
Co lon el. Although higher ranks exist in tlle U.S. Army, the highest conceiva ble
rank where an officer could still perform combat flying is Colonel.
Eac h reprimand yo u "earn" goes into your record and makes promotion more
difficul t Rep rimands occur when you use "Sick Call" to evade a mission, or when
you achieve no assigned objectives. On th e other hand, each heroism decoration
(the Army Commendation Medal , Bronze or Silver Star, Distinguished Service
Cross, or Medal of Honor) makes promotion easier.
DECORATIONS: If you do exceptionally well on a mission, you may be awarded
a medal for heroism and bravery above and beyond tlle call of duty. Unlike rank,
tllese decorations are based purel y on yo ur performance during a single mission.
Your rank and prior record have no effect on your chance of getting a decoration
(just like th e real army).
The decorations for heroism and valor are (from least difficult to achieve
upwards):Army Commendation Medal, Bronze Star. Silver Star, Distinguished
Service Cross, and tlle Congressional Medal of Honor (America's highest
military awa rd).
III addition to decorations for heroism, additional medals and ribbons are
awarded for regions of service, wounds, etc. The National Defense Service
Medal is traditionally given for successfully completing training. The Purple
H eart is awarded for wounds in combat Campaign Ribbons for a parti cular
region are awarded for completing a tour of duty (multiple successful missions)
in tllat region. After a campaign ribbon, additional tours give you tlle Air Medal,
which recognizes exceptional flying time.
WORLD'S GREATEST GUNSHIP Pll.DT: The ultimate Apache pilot is a Colonel
with ribbons and air medals for every region. In addition, he holds the
Congressiona l Medal of Honor along witll a one or more lesser decorations for
heroism and ga llantry. Can yo u meet this challenge once? How man y such
Co lonels can yo u have on your pilot roster?

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AH-64A Apache Operations Manual: 64-H-OZ9-z/z

This discussion of lift and flight is not intended to be rigorous or precise in
a scientific sense. Its purpose is to proXide a rudimentary understanding of the
physics involved in helicopter flight For'a more detailed and accurate discussion
of flight and lift, consult a textbook.
LIFT: Heli copters fly because the individual blades of the rotor are airfoils -
objects that produce lift (force upwards) as they pass through the air. On normal
planes the wings are airfoils. Helicopters rotate their "wings" (the rotor blades) to
gene rate lift
Lift is caused by the flow of the air OVER the blades, NOT the downwash of air
from the rotor. The air flowing over the blade travels a shorter distance on the
underside and a longer distance over the top. Bernoulli's Principle states that
there is less pressure on the upper side of the blade, more pressure on the lower
side. The result is a force upwards from the high pressure to the low pressure


lade Pitch



Air Flow
The AH-64A Apache was designed and built by Hughes Helicopter Inc., a
subsidiary of McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Phase I development in competition
against Bell Helicopter began in 1972. After a "fly-off' Hughes was awarded the
Phase II full-scale contract in 1976. Final prototypes were approved and
manufacturing began in 1982. The first of over one thousand AH-64's rolled off
the production line on September 30, 1983. It will serve in most major U.S. Army
units, as well as selected Army Reserve and National Guard units. Its primary
function is close ground support, especially aga inst enemy front-line armored
ve hicles and anti-aircraft weapons. The craft is armored to withstand hits from
23mm ca nnon. Cost per ma chine is based on a price quoted to West Gemlany in
spring of 1986.

~----=----- --
Overall Length: 58'2"
Overall Width: 48'0"
Overall Height 15'3"
Weight Empty: 10,268 pounds

Engines: two T700-GE-701 turboshaft jets

Nominal Engine SHP: 1,649 per engine
Maximum Engine SHP: 1,896.4 (running on one engine)
Rotor Speed: 280 RPM
Fuel Capacity: 376 gallons

Maximum Horizontal Airspeed: 162 knots (184 mph)

VOL "never-exceed" Maximum Airspeed: 197 knots (224 mph)
Rated Maximum Climb: 2,880 feet per minute
Service Ceiling: 20,500 feet
Avionics: VHF, UHF, IFF, PNVS, TADS, DASE, Doppler Nav.

Maximum AGM-114A Hell fi res: 16 missiles

Maximum 2.75" FFAR Rockets: four 19-rocket pods (76 total)
Maximum 30mm Rounds: 1200 rounds
Maximum AIM-9L Sidewinders: 6 missiles
Maximum FIM-92A Stingers: 6 missiles

Production Cost in 1986 dollars: $7.3 Million each

Amortized R&D Cost in 1986 dollars: $1.1 Million each
64-1I-1l29A -l-l AFJ{OJ)Y \: A \lICS

HOVERING t t t Lift from rotor

t Gravity
The amount of lift a moving blade generates depends on its angle of attack. This
is the angle between the relative wind in the blade system and the blade's pitch.
Pulling up (increasing) the collective increases blade pitch (the angle of attack),
which increases the pressure differential, and thus gives more lift In GUNSHIP an
automatic delimiter exists that prevents you from increasing the pitch too far.
However, in many helicopters you can raise the collective too high, causing the
blades to "stall':
In addition to the lift created by blade pitch, helicopters also gain lift from
forward motion. This lift is called "translational lift:' In forward flight the rotor
system as a whole acts like a fixed wing. The effect is increased lift, and therefore
increased performance. On the AH-64A this increase is most notable in the 30-90
knot speed range, and includes some small extra lift generated by the weapons
wings on the fuselage.
A helicopter hovering or moving very slowly at extremely low altitude creates
a "ground cushion" of air beneath the rotor. This improves lift slightly. For the
AH-64A Apache the ground cushion effect is strongest at roughly 12 feet off the
gro und. When you take off into a low-altitude hover, you are rising onto the
gro und cushion. However, at speeds beyond a few knots the helicopter out-
distances the ground cushion effect Pilots often refer to this as "sliding off the
CON1ROUlNG FUGHT: When hovering, the lifting force of a helicopter rotor
is directed straight upwards (counteracting j,e downward force of gravity).
To move forward, you tilt the rotor so that the lifting force is now diagonally
upwards - a combination of vertical and horizontal forces. The horizontal
component of the force produces forward motion. Of course, tlle vertical
component is now somewhat less, so you'd expect the helicopter to descend. This
is exa'Ctly what happens - until the craft gains enough speed for translational lift
to make up the difference.
FORWARD FUGHT - - - Forward motion
\ 1 Lift com ponent opposing gravity

Total lift from rotor\

:\EROf)Y:\::\MICS 45 64-H-029A

Similarly, to turn left or righ~ or to fly backwards, the pilot tilts the rotor in the
appropriate direction. In the case of left or right turns, at very low speeds tilting
the rotor causes the helicopter to sideslip ("skid") without turning. At higher
speeds the entire craft turns left or righ~ like the banking tum of an airplane.
Once a helicopter picks up speed, the flow of air into the rotor system has an
effect on lift The blade moving backwards toward the rear of the craft (the
"retreating" blade) is moving with the wind, and therefore is generating less lift
than the blade moving forwards ("advancing") into the wind. To compensate, the
rotor blades automatica ll y change their pitch as they go around, maintaining an
equa l lifting force.
VDL (Velocity Design Limit): As a helicopter moves faster and faster, the retreating
blade needs more and more pitch to genera te its share of the lift Eventually the
amount of pitch required becomes too great and the blades begin to stall (cause
air turbulence instead of lift) as they retrealln sho~ helicopters have a maximum
forward speed - beyond that speed the retreating blade ceases to be an airfoil
and the helicopter loses lift As lift decreases, so does the force creating forward
The tJleoretical maximum speed of a helicopter is normall y achieved in a sloping
dive. In forward flight helicopters typically lack tJle power to ge t beyond 75-80%
of their VOL. The maximum horizontal speed possible for the AH-64A is 162
knots. Officially tJle "never-exceed" VOL is 197 knots.
ANTI-TORQUE CONTROL: Newton's Third Law of Motion states, "To every
action tJlere is an equal and opposite reaction:' [n helicopters, as the rotor turns in
one direction. the fuselage housing the engine(s) and transmission wants to rotate
in the other direction. The tail ("anti-torque") rotor exists to counteract this
tendency. It produces just enough horizontal force to prevent unwanted fuselage
On the AH-64A tJle blades rotate counterclockwise. The tail rotor produces force
to starboard. counteracting the cloch-vise torque on the fuselage. In a hover, or at
very low speeds. a pilot can safely vary the pitch of the anti-torque tail rotor. The
foot pedals (often called "rudders") are used to change the tail rotor pitch, thus
changing its tJuusl. Reducing the pitch and thrust (pressing tJle right pedal) causes
tJle fuselage to rotate clockwise (the nose swings to the right), while adding pitch
(pressing the left pedal) causes tJle fuselage to rotate counterclockwise. On
GUNSHIP tJle rotate right and rotate left keys simulate these foot pedals.


FANCY TIJRNS: A high speed banking tum is easy. However, in such turns your
lift decreases, causing you to lose altitude. If you don't want to lose altitude, pull
your nose up slightJy in a tum, then drop it back down to normal as you come out
of the tum. With practice you can make a fas~ banking tum without changing
altitude or fooling with the collective.
Very tight turns require that you stop in midair. spin. and then accelerate away in
the new direction. To do this move the collective down fas~ pull back hard on the
stick until you're level, hit the tail rotor to rotate right or left then raise the
64-H-029A 4fi AERODY\:lnlJ(:S

collective back to normal and pitch down your nose. With practice you can even
skid sideways while the tail rotor is turning your craft (a helpful maneuver if
you're trying to avoid an enemy helicopter or missile).
AUTOROTATION: Helicopter crewmen don't have parachutes. You can't bail
out Fortunately, the AH-64A is an exceptionally crashworthy machine with a
good probability of crew survival. However, the loss of both engines does not
mean you must crash. Helicopters have an equivalent of an airplane's "dead
stick" (or "flameout") landing. This un powered descent is called "autorotation:'


~ Disengage rotor immediately

Autorotation Descent
Pull up on collective to Maintain translational lift bv
slow descent and land flying forward at 75-90 knots -

To begin an autorotation, disengage the rotors from the engine. Usually the pilot
must bottom the collective, but in GUNSHIP the collective is automatically
bottomed when the rotors are disengaged. In an emergency where you have both
engines out, do this immediately. If you don't. the rotor will slow to a stop (it's still
engaged to the now-dead engines). If the rotor stops turning before you're safely
down, you're a dead duck.
Now pitch the nose so you're travelling at about 75 to 90 knots (for maximum
translational lift). The rotor is spinning freely because the airflow keeps the
blades turning. The descent becomes quite fast and a little frightening to the
inexperienced. As you get close to the ground, raise the nose and pull up on the
collective. The blades "viII "bite" into the air, giving you lift and slowing the
descent Unfortunately, as the blades bite, air resistance slows them down and the
rotor RPM drops.
You must time the "up collective" so that the helicopter lands gently before the
rotor slows too much. If you raise the collective too soon, the rotor will get below
airfoil speed while you're still above the ground. Without the lift from the blades,
you'll fall like a rock! If you raise the collective too late, you won't slow your
descent fast enough and the machine will crash land.
UNSAFE FLYING: It takes time to disengage the rotors, get the craft undercontrol,
and then "up collective" to land. As a result, there are speed-altitude situations
,\EROIJY:\;t\:\1ICS -l7 64-H-029A

where an engine failure results in the craft hitting the ground before you can
perform an autorotation. Hovering at altitudes above 25 feet up to about 500 feet
is unsafe, as is high-speed flying under an altitude of 20-30 feet

Safe Flying

"Unsafe" as described above app lies to civilian and non-combat flying. In
co mbat situations unsafe flying may be "sa fer" than taking a missile or cannon
hit! In the AH-64A normally unsafe fli ght practices aren't quite so dangerous. If
one engine dies. the other can keep the helicopter aloft In single-engine flight the
surviving engine can run at 110% power continuously (this power increase is
a utomatic in GUNSHlP), or at 115% for six minutes. The engines and rotor can
kee p tul1ling for at least 30 minutes even if the lubrication system fails. III
comparison, oil lubrication system failures and fires are a major weak point of
the Russian-built Mi-24 HIND helicopter. Overall, the Apache is a forgiving
machine designed for daredevil pilots, unlike the less forgiving single-engine
UH-l and AH-1 helicopters of the Vietnam war.
OPEN FIEW LANDINGS: The nice thing about helicopters is their ability to land
without a paved airstrip. However, helicopters cannot land on sloping ground.
Any slope greater than 5 degrees causes so much rotor tilt that the helicopter flies,
skids or tUI1lS away from the slope, making a landing impossible. Never try to
land on a hillside - you'll crash.
WIND & WEATIIER: Ideally, all takeoffs and landings should be into the wind.
However, a helicopter can take off and land in crosswinds or tailwinds. As the
helicopter rises to a hover (in takeoff), or slows down to hover (in a landing), the
cycl ic joystick should be moved slightly toward the wind, producing just enough
skid to counteract tlle vvind velocity. This maintains the hover against the wind.
When flying in windy cond itions, the same considerations apply as flying
a normal airplane. Namely, the wind will increase your speed, slow you down,
and/or push you sideways, depending on your flight path in relation to the wind
direction. This is most noticeable on long-distance flights.
Temperature a lso affects helicopter flight As air gets warmer, it expands and
becomes thinner, providing less lift If the air gets too cold, icing on the rotor
becomes a problem. Similarly. in humid conditions the air is composed
increasingly of water, reducing lift Finally. as altitude above sea level increases.
air gets thinner, reducing lift For the AH-64A, ideal flying cond itions are
76 degrees Farenheit (24.4 degrees centigrade) on a dry day at sea level.
uses a novel and very effective gunsight system called T ADS. Both the pilot and
gunner wear an lHADSS helmet which includes a monocle in front of the right
eye. The cockpit and helmet have [R diode sensors that track the helmefs
position in three dimensions. When the crewman tums his head and looks
through the monocle at a target the T ADS computers "know" what direction he is
looking. The nose TV camera, laser, FUR optics ( infra red for
vision in low vis ibility) and Chain Gun all point in the direction he looks.
[n GUNSHlP the T ADS gunsight is a sma ll box that appears in the upper cockpi t
glass. When you lock it onto a target a zoom TV camera view appears on tlle CRT
below, including the range in kilometers and magnification of the camera. Once
TAOS is locked onto a target it tracks while you maneuver and fly the helicopter.
As long as the target remains in your field of view TADS will track it.
TADS includes a laser rangefinder and ballistic computer that automatically
aim the 30mm Chain Gun cannon at the target. [n addition, when the AGM-114A
Hellfire is armed for firing, the laser acts as a designator that "ca lls out" th e target
for tJle missile.
The 2.75" FFAR rockets and the AlM-9L Sidewinder operate independently of
the TADS. The rockets are unguided ("dumb" weapons) that fly straight ahead.
The AlM-9L Sidewinder has its own built-in lR seeker. If you aim it toward an
enemy aircraft or helicopter and tJlen fire. it should find its OW1l way to the target.
Note tllat T ADS is a "line of sight" system built into the nose of the heli copter. As
a result the greater your altitude. the further T ADS can see. Conversely. as you
descend, TADS range is reduced. It's not un common to lose targets in a power
dive. If anotller target is availa ble. T ADS switches to that. Otllerwise it
swi tches off.
THE 30mm CHAIN GUN: This automatic cannon is beneatJl the nose on a mount
tllat swivels and elevates under control of ilie T ADS ballistic computer. It is NOT
aimed manually. The computer aims tJle gun 3t whatever target is designated by
ilie wearer of the THADSS helmet and then computes deflection using the laser
The calmon fires 625 rounds per minute. Traditional machineguns and automatic
cannons use the recoil of one shot to load the next If a shot misfires or the belt jams
there is no more recoil and the gun is useless until a mechanic disassembles the
weapon and clears it Since 1916 jamming in aircraft machinegwls and ca nnons
has been a serious problem. The "Chain Gun" does not use this principle. Instead an
electric motor pulls ilie ammo belt ilirough ilie gun (hence the teml "chain gun").
\\'EAPO:,\S &: T.\CIlCS ~9 64-H-029A

Even if a shell misfires or is a dud the motor continues pulling the ammo belt This
greatly reduces the probability of a disabling jam.
The 30mm Chain Gun cannon normally fires HEDP (high explosive dual purpose)
rounds that are effective against both unarmored and armored targets. The rounds
are not powerful enough to pierce the thick frontal armor of a main battle tank.
They are effective against the tllinner top and rear armor of tanks. The cannon can
use European 30mm DEFA ammwlition if American-made HEDP is unavailable.
The main disadvantage of the Chain Gun is its enormous recoil, despite the
relatively low muzzle velocity. No other helicopter carries such a heavy weapon. As
a resul~ although the cannon may be aimed "on targe~' after a few rounds it could
be off target again. This problem is especially serious when the cannon is firing left
or right and minimized if the calmon is firing ahead.
The cannon's maximum range is approximately 1.5 kilometers. However, its low
muzzle velocity and recoil problems suggest tllat effective range for reasonably
accurate shooting (Le., at least a 50% change of hitting a target dead ahead) is
perhaps half thaL or about 0.7 kilometers.
On the "plus" side, tI1e 30mm cannon is an enoml0usly valuable weapon against
enemy helicopters and slow-flying aircraft The ll-IADSS and T ADS system allows
it to "track" and engage enemy targets to either side and below the helicopter- the
pilot need not point his helicopter at the target to fire. Helicopters with manually
controlled turrets (such as the Mi-24 HIND-D) or fixed weapons (such as ilie Mi-24
HIND-E) lack tllis advantage. However the slow rate of fire makes the cannon
ineffective against fast jets, which can literally fly between the shells.
AGM-114A HEllFIRE ANTI-TANK MISSILES: The Hellfire is a semi-active
laser-homing missile with a HEAT armor-piercing warhead.
The missile's guidance system homes on the scattering frequency of a laser
hitting a targeL In other words, the missile does not "see" the laser beam. Instead.
when tile laser beam hits a target and breaks up the missile "sees" the beam
brea kup. If tile laser beam is swi tched from one ta rget to another, the missile will
"see" the target spot change, and fly toward tile new target This allows "ripple
fire" tactics where tile Apache launches two or more missiles, one behind
another. When tile first missile hits, the laser is switched to anotller targe~ and tile
second missile (already in flight) homes on the new targeL
Laser designators are not as effective in rain, snow, fog, or smoke. The beam
breakup "spot" cannot be "seen" as easily. A favorite defense against laser
designated weapons is a quick smoke screen. Many tanks now carry multiple
smoke projectors for just this purpose. In bad weather conditions aircraft are
often grounded, making the laser designation problem moot
The disadvantage of tile laser system is that tile helicopter must remain exposed,
laser shining, to guide the missile to target Fortunately, the Hellfire can be guided
by standard U.S. Army laser designators, carried on various scout helicopters and
by ground troops. They can designate a target for a missile launched by the
Apache. This means the Apache could fire from a hidden position, just like an
artillery piece. Of course, such tactics require excellent radio communication
and superb liming. The more common "scenario': portrayed in GUNSHIP, is the
Apache designating its own targets "on the fly':
64-H-029A ;)0 WEAPO\IS & T,\CTICS

The Hellfire's warhead is a 177.8mm diameter HEAT design: High Explosive

Anti-Tank. This bums through virtually any steel armor as well as most modem
composites and spaced armor. The armor-penetrating ability of HEAT is propor-
tional to the warhead diameter. The Hellfire has a 177.8mm diameter warhead;
America's previous top-quality anti-tank missile (the TOW), still greatly
respected, has a 152mm warhead.
Unfortunately, this warhead design is ineffective against "soft" targets such as
groups of men, building complexes, or AA gun sites. In the simulation, this means
a Hellfire cannot destroy a Headquarters, Depot, Helibase, or a AA gun site (such
as the 23mm ZU-23 or the 57mm S-60). However, it is extremely effective against
vehicles. It can also penetrate and destroy bunkers.
The Hellfire is an extremely long-ranged missile. MostATGMs (anti-tank guided
missiles) have a range of three kilometers. The Hellfire can fly up to six! Range
does not affect accuracy: as long as the Hellfire can find the spot designated by
laser, it will hit it
2.75" FOLDING FIN AERIAL ROCKETS (FFAR): The 2.75" FFAR rockets, in pods
of varying sizes and weights, are a venerable weapon dating back to the 1950's.
The rockets themselves are completely unguided, with a reputation for erratic
flight, and sometimes not firing at all! Maximum range is about 1.8 kilometers, but
a wise gunner waits until he's much closer before firing. The 7- and 19-rocket
pods for the AH-64 are a new lightweight design that minimizes the "dead
weight" of the launcher pod.
The standard rocket warhead is a typical "HE" high explosive/fragmentation type
that is quite effective against ground troops, AA gun sites, and installations. Men
on the receiving end of a full pod volley can feel the ground shake and buck
beneath them, like an earthquake, while deadly metal fragments fill the air. The
shock effect alone can daze men for minutes. Near-misses and shock effect is not
enough to disable an armored vehicle or bW1ker, although a lucky explosion
could immobilize a vehicle.
Despite fueirdrawbacks, fue FFAR rockets are a good compliment to fue Hellfire
missiles. They are most effective against targets the Hellfire can't really hurt They
can be fired at a longer range than the cannon. Even if fue rockets miss they often
"suppress" soft targets. The helicopter can then close for the kill using cannon fire.
FF AR rockets are also extremely cheap to build and a common item of resupply
throughout the Western world.
It is relatively easy to build FFAR rockets with special warheads, such as White
Phosphorous (WP), which bums intensely and gives off a cloud of smoke, or even
various chemicals such as tear gas. AI though such weapons are rare today, fuere
is considerable fear that the Warsaw Pact plans heavy use of chemical warfare if
involved in a European conflict
AIM-9L SIDEWINDER AIR-TO-AIR MISSILES: The AIM-9L is an all-aspect infra
red homing air-to-air missile. It was combat-proven in the Falkland Islands.
where most of the "kills" accomplished by British Harriers against Argentine jets
were with "Niner Limas': The British pilots were quite satisfied with the
performance of this weapon.
The Sidewinder was originally created in the early 1950's by a small team on a
shoestring budget The early models proved difficult to use in the Vietnam air
WEAPO:\S I\: TACTICS 51 64-H-029A

war. The Sidewinder homes on heat early models homed on the heat of a jet
exhaust They would also home on the sun, common distress flares, or even hot
ground or rocks during a summer day! In the 1970's the seeker was dramatically
redesigned to be much more sensitive (through cryogenic cooling) and less
vulnerable to spurious heat sources (through the use of filters). The missile's
speed, maneuvera bility and range (now almost 18 kilometers) were all improved.
The warhead was redesigned to explode into destructive spinning rods, and
gained a new ultra-high-tech proximity fuse.
The "L" model com bines all of these improvements and is being manufactured in
gigantic quantities by various American and European firms. Many older
versions are being rebuilt to "L" standards. The "L" model can home on surfaces
heated by air deflected across metal (such as the upper surfaces of aircraft wings
or rotor blades). This means the missile does not need to "fly up the tailpipe" of a
jet to hit the target, but can instead attack from a variety of angles. This dramatic
new capability is termed "all aspect" attack. The AIM-9L is probably the best
missile for air-to-air dogfighting in the world today.
The missile is only effective against aircraft targets, especially unarmored jets. It
is reasonably effective against helicopters, especially since warhead rods can
break rotor blades (an immediately fatal event for any helicopter). Sidewinders
are generally unable to home on ground targets, and even if they could, would
only damage small, soft targets.
Currently no U.S. Army AH-64A Apaches carry Sidevvinders. According to "the
book" Apaches are intended for ground attacks, not air-to-air combat Reluctantly
th e Army is recognizing the threat of opposing helicopters. However, due to a bad
case of interservice myopia, it is considering arming the AH-64A with the
designed-for-the-Army FIM-92A Stinger, a much smaller and less destructive
missile intended for use by infantrymen.
Fortunately American servicemen in combat conditions often ignore "the book"
and acquire whatever weapon does the job best In this case, the plentiful and
effective AIM-9L Sidewinder, despite being an Air Force weapon, is likely to find
its way into the arsenals of Apache attack helicopter squadrons. Wiring up
Apache weapons wings for Sidewinders is easily done "in the field:' For all of
these reasons, the AH-64A portrayed in this simulation is armed with Sidewinders,
not Stingers.

TIlE APPROACH: The vast majority of AH-64 flights are ground-attack missions.
You are to knock out hard or soft targets in a certain area - often an area
protected by SAMs and AA guns.
Your first task is to make sure you know where on the sector map to find the
pri rna ry and secondary targets! Setting your INS on the sector map to the primary
target and flying full speed at a few hundred feet of altitude toward the target may
work on training missions or in Southeast Asia, but it's pure suicide against
well-equipped enemies in the Middle East or Westem Europe.
The standard U.S. Army technique is to fly in quick dashes ("bounds"). Fly from
the base of one hill to another. Before making a dash, hover and pop up briefly to
100-200'. Scan around and use TADS to identify potential enemies. Drop low
{j4-H-029A :12 WEAPO:,\S 1\; r.\CTlCS

again and examine your sector map. It shows all enemies you sighted, or who
sighted you. Pick your next dash, set the INS, rotate to face that direction, then
pitch down and zoom fOlWard. Stay as low as possible in a dash. When selecting
routes, use hills to screen yourself from enemy fire.
FIRING: Use the right weapon for the job. At longer ranges (over 0.7 kilometers)
use the Hellfires against vehicles and bunkers, the FFARs against infantry, M
gun sites, and buildings, and the Sidewinder against enemy helicopters. If you are
brave enough to get in close your best all-around weapon is the 30mm cannon.
Beyond 700 meters or when making side shots the cannon consumes large
amounts of ammunition for each hit (due to its poor accuracy at longer ranges).
"POPUP" ATIACKS:The "pop up" technique is simple. Hoverbehind a hill that
screens you from suspected enemy positions. Climb up over the hill until you're
just a bove the crest Scan around and watch your threat display. If you recognize
an important target immediately, open fire. If no~ drop down behind the hill
again and examine your sector map. You can now consider your situation and
decide if you want to pop up again and attack those targets, or whether you
should bound orr, avoiding them. If you decide to attack, pop up again just long
enough to knock out your selected target then drop down again.
F1.AK & SAM BUSTING: Because a helicopter can sneak up on targets, taking full
advantage of terrain cover, it is much better suited to attacking AM and SAM
batteries than traditional fixed-wing aircraft. Army/Air Force cooperation tactics
plan on Apaches attacking anti-aircraft weapons while A-10 "Thunderbolt U"
jets bombard ground targets.
The key to eliminating enemy SAMs and ZSU M tanks is engaging them
quickly. Enemy anti-aircraft defenses have a 5 to 20 second reaction time,
depending on the quality of the equipment and skill of the crew. You must
destroy them during this time. Enemy SAMs give you a little extra time and
warning because you can see the missile coming on the threat display. Enemy
M guns are tougher because you can't see the shells coming (Uley fly too fast).
and because guns can use optical gunsights you can't jam or decoy! Unfommately,
some of the newest Soviet-built SAMs also have optical guidance systems for
missiles. However, night gives you an advantage against optical systems because
Soviet-made night-vision aids are much inferior to your high-tech FUR viewers.
TANK HUNTING: The Apache was designed to kill tanks. It's just a matter of
loading up with Hellfires and heading out to the happy hunting grounds. At a
kilometer or two it's like shooting fish in a barrel. If you prefer, you can come
closer and cut them apart with the 30mm cannon. The U.S. Army expects a 14-1
kill ratio (i.e., when you kill your 14th tank, the helicopter has paid for itself as a
cost-effective weapon). In your eagerness to create scrap metal, make sure you
don't blast friendly tanks by accident'
Russian tanks don't carry an AA weapun larger than a 14.5mm machinegun. The
BMF mechanized infantry vehicles are nastier because most carry an SA-7,
SA-7B or SA-14 "Grail" missile inside. However, these are lightweight IR homing
missiles. The SA-7 and SA-7B are easily confused by jamming or decoys.
Warheads are small: even if one hits you, you'll probably survive it The brand
new SA-14s are believed to be more potent and less easy to fool. The biggest
problem in tank hunting is that Russian M tanks and SAM carriers have a nasty
habit of traveling with the tanks and BMF's. Whenever you see a large concentra-
\\'E,\PO\:S I\: TACTICS 5:1 64-H-029A

tion ofT-74's or BMP's, keep an eye out for a ZSU-23-4 (or ZSU-30-2) AA tank, or
the SAM carriers, such as the SA-9 and SA-13 IR missile carriers, or the more
formida ble SA-8 and SA-11 radar missile carriers.
INFANfRY TARGETS: Infantrymen in open ground are difficult to see with the
na ked eye. T ADS has similar problems - on the CRT an infantry position doesn't
look like much. lnfantry may carry machineguns and other light weapons, or
sometimes the SA-7, SA-7B or SA-14 "Grail" lR homing missiles, You can attack
infantry with FFARs or the 30mm cannon. If you charge in fast and low you might
ge t them before they're ready to get you!
Infantry are tricky because it's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Again,
chec k your map to avoid making costly and painful mistakes. On the plus side,
bunkers are easy. They don 't have Grails and can be destroyed using the Hellfire.
However, most bunkers have thick roofs nearly impeIVious to cannon fire.
SfRUCfURES: Rear area structures, such as headquarters, heli-base, or supply
depo~ pose problems similar to infantry. Although bigger and easier to see, most
have "Grail " lR homing missiles sited for air defense. In addition, extra AA gun
sites are often emplaced in the area, Try to locate these defenses as well as the
base it~elf before you charge in. The AA gun sites are a nuisance because
Hellfires are ineffective against them.
When attacking structures, be sure you have the right one. It's embarrassing to
wipe out your own heli-base. In guerilla warfare environments such as Central
America or Southeast Asia, your T ADS will lock onto local farm buildings as
well as military bases. Unless you actually see enemies firing from tlle building,
don't destroy it Remember. you're trying to win the people's hearts and minds.

The most com mon problem you'll have is surviving enemy ground fire. This
includes enemy anti-aircraft arti llery (AAA or "flak") and surface-to-air missiles
(SAMs). From a pilot's point of view. some of these are radar-guided threats, some
a rc IR threats, and some are optically guided (and therefore don't warn you at all!),
WHEN TIlEY SEE YOU: Only the higher quality AAA and SAMs use
radar-guided systems. Among AAA weapons this includes the ZSU-30-2 and
ZSU-23-4 vehicles. plus more advanced versions of the S-60 57mm gun. Among
SAMs it includes al l except the hand-carried SA-7, -7B, -14 series and the early
SA-9 Gaskin.
These weapons have "search" radars which can "see" you at long ranges in day or
ni ght If you see a distant red dot on the threat display, it's probably a search radar
looking at you. Most search radar "sweeps:' causing the radar warning light to
fl ash on and off. Since the purpose of search radar is to detect your presence,
jammers and decoys are counter-productive, as both annOWlce yo ur presence!
All other enemies lack long-range search radar. Many use eyesight and
binoculars to search. They can't "see" you until you are much closer. At night
their eyesight is especially limited. However, if you open fire, you'll certainly
attract their attention, causing many additional enemies to "notice" you,
64-H-029A :l-l \\'EAPO\:S 1>. I' HTICS


or SAM

Radar, like nornlal eyesight is blocked by objects on the ground. As a result,

ground-based radar has a "dead zone" it cannot see. Above this dead zone the
radar "eyes" will find you. The dead zone becomes smaller and lower as you
approach the radar.
HOW THEY TRACK YOU: If an enemy search is successful, they switch to a
"tracking" mode. If using radar, they constantly illuminate you with a beam. This
sets off your radar warning and causes the light to shine solidly "on:' As with
searching, radar as well as eyesight has a "dead zone" near tlle ground
that varies with distance. Therefore, if you're being tracked by radar. or suspect
you're being tracked visually, fly lower and away from tile enemy to break tile
track. Ducking behind a hill will also break a track - enemy eyes and radars
cannot look through hills!
Anotiler way to break the radar tracking is to use your radar jammer or drop a
load of chaff. If jamming is successful the radar warning light turns off. If it fails,
tile warning light remains on - you should definitely use chaff or try evasive
flying. Using chaff decoys tlle enemy radar into locking on tile chaff - as long as
the chaff cloud persists. The chaff light on tile cockpit turns off when tile chaff
cloud disperses.
A few advanced enemy weapons have visual backups for tracking systems.
These may be TV cameras, lasers, or simply optics. Therefore, even witil tile best
jamming or decoys, they could still open fire. The only way to defeat these is
evasive flying. All AA guns and probably tile new SA-ll fall into tllis category.
SURVIVING AA GUNFIRE: After tracking you for sufficient time, enemy AA guns
will open fire, and continue firing until they knock you down. You must ei ther
break tile track or destroy the weapon. There are no otileroptions.lf the gunfire is
radar controlled (your radar warning light will be on) you could temporarily
break tile track with radar jamming or chaff. However, all guns have optical
backup systems, and some only have optics. The best way to survive gunfire is
skillful evasive flying.
WEAPO:\:S & TACTICS 55 64-H-029A

SURVIVING SAMS: After a SAM battery has tracked you for a few seconds, they
laun ch a missile. Missiles come in three flavors: IR-guided, radar-guided, and
visually-guided. When the enemy fires a missile, you'll see a white dot moving
toward you on the threat display. Bear in mind thatIR-guided missiles have their
"seeker" on board the missile, while radar and visual guidance missiles are
controlled from th e launcher vehicle.
IR-guid ed missiles are the most frequent threat Your IR warning light will tum on
when they approach. If you tum on the jammer, and it succeeds in jamming the
missile, the missile's "brain" becomes confused and it flies mindlessly straight
ahead. You should change course to avoid colliding with it! If the IRjammer fails,
try dropping a flare decoy instead. The missil e will aim for the decoy instead of
you. It's important to wait a bit befo re launching decoys, since they bum out after
a whil e and th e missile will home on you again. "Poor" IR guidance systems are
vulnerable to either decoys or jammers. "Fair" systems are vulnerable to decoys,
and sometimes to jammers. "Good" systems are vulnerable to either decoys or
jammers. but almost never both. and sometimes are vulnerable to neither!
Finally, very modem and sophisti ca ted IR missiles may have a visual or laser
backup system. Don't assume tha t defeating th e IR guidance will always confuse
a missile.
Radar-guided missiles are primarily designed for use against jet aircraft, but
cou ld threaten yo u too. A radar beam shining on your craft guides the missile at
you. Using your jammer will break the beam, causing the missile to fl y straight
(therefore you should dodge). Using a chaff decoy will cause the missile to fly
towa rd th e cha ff instead of toward you. The problem with radar-guided missiles
is that they have back up systems. The SA-8 and SA-8B become IR guided
missiles if their radar fails. The SA-ll has an unknown but probably visual-type
backup system if th e radar is jammed or decoyed. Therefore, defeating the radar
is just the first step in defeati ng th e missil e.
Visu a ll y- or laser-guided missiles are the worst threat You have no jammer or
decoy defenses against th ese. Your only weapon is evasive flying. Putting a hill
between yo u and the missile is the best be t Getting low enough to become
invisible to th e laun cher (and therefo re breaking the visual or laser tra ck) is the
onl y other hope. Remember, successful evasive flyin g requires that you fly lower
AND away from the enemy. If you continue flying toward the launcher, flying
lower may not help.
All missiles have a universa l weak point th ey have a huge turning radius. If you
let one ge t close, then dart off perpendicular to its flight path, it will be unable to
tum fast enough to hit you. This tacti c is fairly easy in a high-speed jet aircraft, but
far more difficult to accomplish in a relative ly slow helicopter trying to avoid a
missile flying at 1,000 mph or faster l It takes enormous skill, split-second timing,
and steady nerves to "tum inside" a missile with a helicopter.
The chart on the following page summarizes the various Soviet-built AAA and
SAM systems, with a description of the search, tracking, and guidance (for missiles)
systems. Read yo ur intelligence briefings before each mission, then look up each
weapon on this chart Learn what missiles have backup guidance systems, and
which ones do not
64-H-029A :iii \\E,\I'O\:S ~ I \ClKS

Search Main Backup Main Backup
Weapon Type Technique Tracking Tracking Guidance Guidance
SA-7 (*) Grail SAM optical optical (none) poor IR (none)
SA-7B (*) Grail SAM optical optical (none) fair IR (none)
SA-14 (*) Grail SAM optical optical (none) good IR (none)
SA-9 Gaskin SAM optical optical (none) poor IR (none)
SA-9B Gaskin SAM optical radar optical fair IR (none)
SA-13 Gopher SAM optical radar visual good IR uncertain
SA-8 Gecko SAM radar radar optical radar fair fR
SA-8B Gecko SAM radar radar optical radar good IR
SA-l1 Gadfly SAM radar radar unknown radar unknown
ZSU-57-2 AAA optical optical (none) nla nla
ZSU-23-4 AAA optical radar optical nla nla
ZSU-23-4M AAA radar radar optical nla nla
ZSU-30-2 AAA radar radar unknown nla nla
8-60 57mm AAA varies** varies** (none) nla nla
ZU-2323mm AAA optical optical (none) nla nla
*ha nd -held missiles ca rried in BMPs, ca rried by infantry, and used to defend headquarters,
heli-bases, and depots.
" radar or optical, depending on the sophistication of the anny using the weapon.
n/a=not applicable: gun shells do not need to be guided to target


Russian-built Mi-24 HIND helicopters are your air-to-air combat problem. They
are somewhat faster than your AH-64 (you'll never outrun them!), but much less
maneuverable. The "E" model with four 23mm cannons is the most common
threat HINDs are una ble to fire accurately sideways in a dogfight, although some
do have rotating turrets able to hH stationary targets. You, however, don't suffer
that restriction. Therefore, your goal is to prevent them from heading toward you.
The worst possible situation is to have a HIND approaching from the rear. They
can fire at you, but you can't even see them!
A typical HIND tactic is to sit behind a hill waiting for you, then charge forward,
guns blazing. They also tend to circle around, trying to get on your tail.
If you have a HIND charging you, you can either nail him at long range with a
Sidewinder, or evade him until you're ready to use your cannon. The best evasion
technique is hiding behind a hill. Failing in that, fly off to the left or right As he
turns toward you and lines you up in his sights again, tum the other way fast
Take advantage of his slow turning rate. As he gets closer, circle around him.
Keep your T ADS on him throughout this process (you'll probably need to use the
left or right view while circling around). When the reticle box brightens, show him
what a 30mm cannon can do.
If you have a HIND on your tail, you'll take rapid and heavy damage as his
cannons pound you. You've got to shake him off. fast Break right or left hard. Pitch
up to cut your speed. "Up" collective to "elevator up" or "down" the collective to
"elevator down': If your speed drops below 50 knots use the tail rotor to spin you
around while skidding sideways, then pitch down and bank away. HINDs are
\\' E I\P()~S & T,\CTICS 37 64-H-029A

poor dogfighters, so once you shake him, he'll probably fly past to the right or
left and start circling around. Getting on his tail and teaching him a lesson should
be easy.
A new model Russian helicopter with air- to-air IR homing missiles is believed to
exist Whether you call it an 'F ' model HIND or the Mi-28 Havoc, it's still a serious
threat Keep an eye out for missile-firing helicopters when facing first line units
in Western Europe.
Use the illustrations in this section as a guide to answering the vehicle identifi-
cation quiz when GUNSHIP begins. The notes on Soviet AA guns and SAMs are
especially useful in understanding the strong and weak points of enemy


MI and MIAI "Abrams"

Main BattIe Tank - USA

Weight 62.9 tons

Main Weapon: 105mm Rifled or 120mm Smoothbore Cannon
Secondary Weapon: three machineguns
Armor: Heavy (Chobham)
Crew: 4
Hull Length: 7.9 meters
Hull Width: 3.7 meters
Height 2.9 meters
Engine: 1500 hp gas turbine
Maximum Road Speed: 41 .5 mph

This is the new standard tank of the U.S. Army, with the latest engine, armor, and
in the Al model, a new West German-made smoothbore gun, not to mention lots
of high-tech hardware. It is considerably superior to all known Russian tanks, but
suffers from having a novel engine design that needs to work more reliably.
Unlike the Soviet T-74, the MI Abrams is an entirely new design that actually
works. It's a curious twist that the Soviets, generally viewed as creative and
innovative tank designers, have been "one-upped" by the U.S. Army, who
formerly lacked a reputation for "state-of-the-art" tank design.
\lIJ.lT,\RY EQI 1IP\1E:\:T 59 li4-H-029A

M2Al "Bradley"
Infantry Fighting Vehicle - USA

Weight 24.8 tons

Main Weapon: 25mm Auto-Cannon
Secondary Weapon: two TOW missiles
Armor. Light (aluminum laminate)
Crew: 3 + 7 passengers
Hull Length: 6.5 meters
Hull Width: 3.2 meters
Height 3.0 meters
Engine: 500 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 41.0 mph

This is the new armored personnel carrier of the U.S. Army, designed to compete
with the Russian BMP while keeping pace with speedy M1 tanks. It is heavily
armed, lightly armored and crowded inside. Although superior to the Ml13A3, it
must be cautious when engaging enemy tanks. The TOW missile is no longer an
invincible tank-killer.

Armored Personnel Carrier - USA

Weight 12.5 tons

Main Weapon: one or two machineguns
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor. Light (aluminum/steel)
Crew: 2 + 11 passengers
Hull Length: 4.9 meters
Hull Width: 2.7 meters
Height 2.5 meters
Engine: 275 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 42.0 mph

This is the latest variant of the U.S. Army's venerable "battle taxi" for infantry.
It can carry and protect infantry from incidental fire, and is fairly useful against
poorly armed Third World troops. Against well-outfitted opponents it should
stay out of the line of fire.
li4-U-02!IA lill \III.1T.\KY H.l1 11'\11-:\'1'

M163 Vulcan PIVADS

Self-Propelled AA Gun - USA

Weight 13.5 tons

Main Weapon: 20mm Gatling Gun
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor. Light (aluminum/steel)
Crew: 4
Hull Length: 4.9 meters
Hull Width: 2.9 meters
Height 2.8 meters
Engine: 215 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 40.5 mph
The Product Improved Vulcan Air Defense System married a six-barrel 20mm
Vulcan cannon with the ubiquitous M113 chassis. The gun is aimed by a gunner,
who is aided by a radar rangefinder and tracking fire-control computer. Although
useful against unarmored helicopters and slow-moving planes, it is ineffective
against distant or high-speed targets (such as low-flying jets).

M247 Sergeant York DIVAD

Self-Propelled AA Gun - USA

Weight 60 tons
Main Weapon: twin 40mm Cannon
Secondary Weapon: one machinegun
Armor: Light (steel)
Crew: 3
Hull Length: 7.1 meters
HuJi Width: 3.6 meters
Height 4.6 meters (including antennae)
Engine: 750 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 29.8 mph

The Sergeant York gun was designed to provide medium range rapid·fire AA gun
defenses for US troops. The U.S. Army has lacked a long-range, effective AA gun
for decades. This design was cobbled together from an old M48 tank chassis,
standard 40mm AA guns, and a fighter plane's radar system.
Unfortunately, the Sgt York repeatedly failed combat trials. Only after 146 had
been produced was the U.S. Congress able to close down production of this
remarkably expensive boondoggle.

M48Al Chaparral
Surface· to-Air Missile (SAM) System - USA

Weight 12.7 tons

Main Weapon: four MIM-72C IR homing missiles
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: Light (steel) for crew only
Crew: 4-5
Hull Length: 6.1 meters
Hull Width: 2.7 meters
Height 2.7 meters (including antennae)
Engine: 202 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 38.0 mph

The Chaparral com bined a modified Sidewinder air-to-air missile with the U.S.
Army M548 carrier. It is designed to work as a team with the Vulcan AA vehicle.
The Chaparral uses its IR homing missiles at targets too fast for the Vulcan. Like
the Vulcan, it has no integral search radar. Therefore it cannot engage targets
until the gunner sees them.

Merkava Mk 2
Main Battle Tank - Israel
64-U-029A li2 \lII.rt .\RY EQI 11'\11-::\:'1

Weight 66.0 tons

Main Weapon: 105mrn Rifled Cannon
Secondary Weapon: three machineguns
Annor: Heavy (steel/composite)
Crew. 4
Hull Length: 7.5 meters
HuH Width: 3.7 meters
Height 2.8 meters
Engine: 900 hp diesel
. Maximum Road Speed: 28.6 mph

The Merkava is Israel's first "home grown" battle tank, and a very original design.
It is heavily armored, slow and carries the traditional 105mm NATO cannon
designed 25 years ago. This philosophy is directly contrary to USSR design
concepts, and fairly different from most western nations. However, Israel is
designing from the greatest successful tank battle experience of any nation in the
post-WWll world. Perhaps they know something we're ignoring?

UH-60 Blackhawk
Transport Helicopter - USA

Weight 8.1 tons [Illustration half scale]

Main Weapon: varies (often none)
Secondary Weapon: none
Annor: Light (Kevlar & composites)
Crew. 3 + 11-14 troops
Length: 15.3 meters (excluding rotor)
Width: 5.5 meters (excluding rotor)
Height 3.8 meters
Engine: two turboshaft jets, 2828 total shp
Maximum Level Speed: 184 mph

The Blackhawk is the U.S. Anny's new general-purpose helicopter and a worthy
successor to the classic but aging UH-l "Huey': The twin-engine design, light
armor, and high crashworthiness make it a safe, reliable machine in combat
conditions. Ground attack, night flying and ECMlESM variants exist, as well as
many other special-purpose designs. However, the Blackhawk lacks sophisticated
fire control systems, so even the armed versions are nowhere near as potent in
combat as the AH-64 Apache.
MILITARY EQl 1IP\1ENT 1i3 64·H·029i\

Hughes 500MD Defender

Attack Helicopter - USA

Weight 1.6 tons

Main Weapon: four TOW missiles
Secondary Weapon: varies
Annor: none
Crew: 2
Length: 7.6 meters (excluding rotor)
Width: 3.2 meters (excluding rotor)
Height 2.7 meters
Engine: one turboshaft engine, 425 total shp
Maximum Level Speed: 140 mph

The Defender is not used by the U.S. Anny. It is an inexpensive attack helicopter
for export to smaller Western nations. It currently serves in the Israeli, Kenyan,
and South Korean air forces. Instead of the TOW anti-tank missiles as shown it
ca n carry a three-barreI7.62mm minigun (a gatling machinegun),40mm grenade
launc her, or 2.75" FFAR rocket pods. Options include a mast-top sight for the
TOW (instead of the nose sight shown), FUR night vision for the pilot, air-to·air
missiles, and various computerized flying and combat aids.


Main Battle Tank - USSR

Weight 45.1 tons

Main Weapon: 125mm Smoothbore Cannon
Secondary Weapon: two machineguns
Annor: Medium (steel & laminate/composite)
Crew: 3
Hull Length: 7.0 meters
Hull Width: 4.8 meters
Height 2.4 meters
Engine: 780 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: approx. 37 mph
li-t-H-02!1 ,\ li.t \111.1'1' \KY El)l II'\IE\:'I'

This vehicle is still called the T-80 by the u.s. Defense Department even though
most other nations and sources (including Jane's) indicate the Soviet designation
is T-74. Like all Soviet post-WWII MBTs it is low, rounded, and fast ("drives like
a sports car" according to Israeli tankers). The 125mm cannon has a mechanical
loader that eliminates the need for a fourth crewman. Sights and night-fighting
equipment aren't up to Western standards. The armor is predominantly tradi-
tional steel plate, since the Soviets haven't discovered the secret of Chobham
armor. The T-74 is an evolutionary improvement in a family that reaches back
through the T-72 to T-64, T-62 and ultimately to the ancient T-55 of the 1950's.

Infantry Combat Vehicle - USSR

Weight 16.1 tons

Main Weapon: 30mm Rifled Cannon
Secondary Weapon: AT-5 Spandrel Missile
Armor: Light (steel)
Crew: 3 + 7 passengers
Hull Length: 6.7 meters
Hull Width: 3.1 meters
Height 2.1 meters
Engine: approx 350 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: approx. 37 mph

The BMP-1 was a seminal concept in AFVs: an amphibious armored vehicle with
a light cannon and anti-tank missile that carried an infantry squad. The BMP-2 is
an improvement on the original. It has a new 30mm high-velocity gun and better
anti-tank missile, but reduced infantry space (normally only six infantrymen are
carried). According to Soviet doctrine, each BMP should carry a "Grail" (SA-7.
SA-7B, or SA-14 surface-to-air missile) for defense against airattack.ln action one
of the infantrymen opens a top hatch on the rear deck, stands up, aims the Grail
from his shoulder, and fires.

Armored Personnel Carrier - USSR
MIIJTARY EQl 1IPME:\:T tiS (i4-IJ-029A

Weight 12.7 tons

Main Weapon: two machineguns
Secondary Weapon: 30mm grenade launcher
Armor. Light (steel)
Crew: 2 + 9 passengers
Hull Length: 7.8 meters
Hull Width: 2.8 meters
Height 2.5 meters
Engine: two 115 hp gas reciprocating
Maximum Road Speed: approx. 37 mph

This 8-wheeled carrier is an upgrade of the ancient BTR-60, designed prior to the
BMP. Although a useful troop carrier, especially on roads or flat, firm ground, it
has trivial armament, very weak armor, and an extremely poor transmission (due
to the twin engines). Infantry must enter and exit the passenger compartment
through two small roof hatches (most APCs use large rear doors). If the USSR had
a Congress and /or a free press, ridiculous vehicles like this would be taken out of
production (see the M247 Sergeant York DIVAD).

Annored Carrier - USSR

Weight 13.1 tons

Main Weapon: one machinegun
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor. Light (steel)
Crew: 2 + 11 passengers
Hull Length: 6.5 meters
Hull Width: 2.9 meters
Height 1.9 meters
Engine: 240 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 38 mph

This general-purpose carrier was based on an unarmored tractor designed for

use in swamps and arctic areas. It is an excellent cheap transporter with superior
cross-country mobility. It has both roof hatches and rear doors for easy loading
and unloading. Unlike the BMP, the MT-LB is not designed for fighting in the
front lines.
64-H -029A liIi \lIJJI'.\RY U..!l IP\II-.:'I:'/'

ZSU-23-4 "ShiIka"
Self Propelled AA Gun - USSR

Weight 20.9 tons

Main Weapon: four 23mm Auto-Cannons
Secondary Weapon: none
Annor. Light (steel)
Crew: 4
Hull Length: 6.5 meters
Hull Width: 3.0 meters
Height 3.0 meters
Engine: 280 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 27 mph

The "Zoo" is another seminal design integrating powerful, rapid-fire AA guns

with computerized radar fire control on a light tank chassis. The guns overheat
quickly, and so are fired in 3 to 5 second bursts. Still, each burst puts 200 shells
into the air! The original ZSU-Z3-4 design had mediocre radar that had trouble
finding targets below 200' altitude. The newerZSU-23-4M has a much improved
radar system with better search and resolution capabilities. The guns can fire
using optical sights if the radar is jammed. The ZSU-23-4 has been greatly feared
by Western pilots.

Self Propelled AA Gun - USSR

Weight probably ZO-30 tons

Main Weapon: two 30mm Auto-Cannons
Secondary Weapon: probabl y none
Annor. probably Light (steel) [No illustration available]
Crew: probably 3-4
Hull Length: probably 6.2-6.7 meters
Hull Width: probably 3.0 meters
Height unknown
Engine: probably a diesel
Maximum Road Speed: probably 27-37 mph

Although it has not been displayed on parade, diverse sources suggest that the
Soviet Union has a new and improved AA tank with twin 30mm guns. Details are
not yet availa ble. This design replaces the ZSU-23-4, now more than 20 years old.
The heavier caliber 30mm guns should be able to do more damage at longer
ranges against armored helicopters such as the AH-64.

Self PropeUed AA Gun - USSR

Weight 30.9 tons

Main Weapon: two 57mm Auto-Cannons
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: Light (steel)
Crew: 6
Hull Length: 6.2 meters
Hull Width: 3.0 meters
Height 3.0 meters
Engine: 280 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 31 mph
This obsolete AA weapon uses an early 1950's tank hull and two late 1950's AA
gW1S. The guns track slowly and lack radar ranging or control (everything is done
optically or manually). However, the shells are quite powerful - a direct hit can
seriously damage a plane or helicopter, even the armored A-lO's and AH-64's.
Large numbers were supplied to Soviet client states, who now use it primarily
against ground targets.

57mm AA Gun - USSR

Weight 5.0 tons

Main Weapon: one 57mm Auto-Cannon
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: none
Crew: 7
Length: 8.5 meters traveling
Width: 2.1 meters traveling
Height 2.6 meters traveling
Engine: none
Maximum Road Speed: towed

This old but effective medium AA gun is still used worldwide by Soviet-equipped
states. The gun can be fired using optical control. For greater accuracy a SON-9A
fire control radarwith a PUAZO-6/60 director can be attached. One or more guns
can be tied into a search radar system for long-range accuracy. During the
Vietnam War this system is believed to have been the single most effective
destroyer of American aircraft.
Il~-H-02!IA liH \lIl.1,(,,\/{Y U..!l '11'\n,:\'('

23mm AA Gun - USSR

We;,h' 1.1 ton, Q

Main Weapon: two 23mm Auto-Cannons

Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: none
Crew: 2-3
Length: 4.6 meters traveling
Width: },8 meters traveling
Height 1.9 meters traveling
Engine: none
Maximum Road Speed: towed

This cheap, rapid-fire, short-range AAgun is used extensively by Soviet-supplied

armies. It is relatively light for easy transportation and sets up quickly. The gun is
considerably superior to machineguns and other ad hoc AA defenses, but is not
designed for use with radar. Therefore its range is low and its accuracy against
fast-moving targets is totally dependent on the gunner's skilL

SA-7, SA-7B or SA-14

Portable Surface-lo-Air Missile - USSR

Weight 20.3 Ib missile (tube extra)

Main Weapon: 5.5 lb fragmentation warhead
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: none
Crew: 1
Length: 1.35 meter missile
Width: 70mm missile diameter
Height (shoulder launched)
Engine: Mach 1.5 solid fuel
Maximum Road Speed: manpack

This IR-homing missile has been popular among Soviet-supplied armies and
terrorists for years. The original SA-7 had an IRhoming head that needed to fly up
a jet exhaus~ and was easily decoyed by flares and jammers. The SA-7B has an
improved seeker that is less easily jammed, but still uses a small 5.5 lb. warhead.
The new SA-14 is believed to have an even better seeker and larger warhead. The
maximum range and altitude of these missiles is consistently underestimated in
the West For example, although an altitude limit of 1,500' is widely quoted, an
SA-7 hit an Omani jet (in 1974) at 11,500 feel!
The SA-7, -7B, or -14 is carried by infantry units, used to defend ground
instalJations, and carried inside BtviP vehicles as their aircraft defense.

SA-6 "Gainful"
Self Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher - USSR

Weight 15.4 tons

Main Weapon: three SA-6 missiles
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor. Light (for crew only)
Crew: 3
Hull Length: 6.8 meters
Hull Width: 3.2 meters
Height 3.5 meters
Engine: 280 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: 27 mph

This medium-range SAM system is commonly used by poorer Soviet-supplied

nations against aircraft at low to medium altitude. The launcher vehicles travel
and fire in cooperation with separate radar veh icl es. One radar system searches
for targets, then hands them off to a second fire-control radar that tracks the target
plus the missile once it is fired. The fire-control radar then sends commands to
the missile that guide it to the target If the radar control is jammed or destroyed
the missile files "blind" and is unlikely to hit anything. The SA-6 system is
popular because the missiles and radar can move forward with combat troops, or
be positioned where threats are greatest However the radar and control
technology are 1960's vintage and easil y jammed. The missiles themselves are
slow (Mach 1.5) and not very maneuverable.

SA-8 "Gecko"
Self Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher - USSR
64-H-029A 70 \lII.1TARY FQl 'II'\11-::\,T

Weight approx. 25 tons

Main Weapon: four or six SA-8 missiles
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: Light (for crew only)
Crew: 3
Hull Length: 9.0 meters
Hull Width: 2.9 meters
Height 4.1 + meters
Engine: no reliable data
Maximum Road Speed: approx 37 mph

This sophisticated system was front-line equipment in the Warsaw Pact forces
until recently. Exports have begun to select Soviet client states (including Syria
and Iraq). The vehicle mounts its own tracking radars, but can work with separate
search radar systems to acquire targets beyond visual range. The target is
normally tracked with radar, but optical TV tracking is available if the radar is
jammed. In early flight the missile is guided toward the target by the controller. As
it closes in. an IR homing warhead switches on. providing another backup in case
the radar guidance system fails. The missile can reach speeds over Mach 2 and is
fairly maneuverable. but bums out rather quickly (maximum range is 12
kilometers). The vehicle can launch and control two missiles simultaneously and
on different frequencies. The SA-88 system has six improved and more sensitive
missiles cased in protective boxes.

SA-9 "Gaskin"
Self Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher - USSR

Weight approx. 8 tons

Main Weapon: four SA-9 missiles
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor: Light (steel)
Crew: 2-3
Hull Length: 5.8 meters
Hull Width: 2.4 meters
Height 2.2 + meters
Engine: 140 hp gas reciprocating
Maximum Road Speed: approx. 60 mph

This light armored vehicle is armed with short-range IR homing missiles. The
missiles are aimed by the gunner using visual sights. The SA-98 has a simple
radar to aid the gunner in locating targets. The missile itself is barely equal to the
MIIJTARY EQI JIPME:\iT 71 li..J-If-()29A

SA-7. It has an even smaller warhead, but a larger minimum range and minimum
altitude. The questionable value of this system was demonstrated in the 1981-82
Israeli air raids over Lebanon, where Israeli planes inflicted massive losses on
entire Syrian batteries of these vehicles.

SA-ll "Gadfly"
Self Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher - USSR

Weight approx. 20 tons

Main Weapon: four SA-ll missiles
Secondary Weapon: none
Armor. Light [No illustration available]
Crew: 3-4
Hull Length: 6.5 meters
Hull Width: 3.0 meters
Height 3.0 meters
Engine: 280 hp diesel (probably)
Maximum Road Speed: approx. 27 mph

This is the latest Soviet medium-range missile, designed to rep lace the SA-6
system. It ca n use the same or improved search and tracking radars. The missile
homes on reflected radar signals, flies very fast (Mach 3) and is reasonably
maneuverable. Because this system is quite recen~ some sources believe it has a
backup TV or laser tracking system as well as lR homing for terminal guidance.

SA-13 "Gopher"
Self Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher - USSR

Weight 13.8 tons

Main Weapon: four SA-9 or SA-13 missiles
Secondary Weapon: one machinegun
Armor. Light (for crew only)
Crew: 3-4
Hull Length: 6.6 meters
Hull Width: 2.9 meters
Height 2.3 meters (travelling)
Engine: 240 hp diesel
Maximum Road Speed: approx. 34 mph
64·H·029A n :\lIIJT:\RY EQI IIPME\:T

This is a completely redesigned successor to the SA-9 Gaskin. It has a small

search radar and fires IR homing missiles from a converted MT -LB vehicle. These
missiles are new, improved designs that jump between two IR frequencies to
counteract jamming and flares. The homer is sensitive enough to find "hot spots"
on aircraft skin caused by air friction, rather than simply chasing the exhaust
Introduced in 1980, the SA-13 missile is the USSR's best ground-launched
IR homing weapon now in active service. Versions of the vehicle have been
supplied to the Warsaw Pa ct and selected Soviet allies, but often the actual
missiles are the poor SA-9s, rather than the state-of-the-art SA-13s!

Mi·24 "Hind"
Attack Helicopter - USSR

lIllustration quarter scaleJ

Weight 12.1 tons
Main Weapon: Varies
Secondary Weapon: 2,800 Ibs of bombs, rockets, etc.
Armor: Light (titanium?)
Crew: 3
Length: 33.7 meters (excluding rotor)
Width: approx. 16 meters (excluding rotor)
Height 3.2 meters
Engine: two Lotarev D-136 turboshaft jets, 11,400 total shp
Maximum Level Speed: 183 mph

This large, fast heavy, armored helicopter is literally a "flying battlecruiser:' The
D model has a 12.7mm gatling gun turret beneath the nose as its main weapon.
The E model has four fixed 23mm cannons while the turret houses laser
guidance for AT-6 "Spiral" anti-tank missiles. An F model carrying IR homing
missiles for air-to-air combat may exist (the U.S. Defense Department calls it the
Mi-28 Havoc). The "Hind" is faster than any westem helicopter, but much less
maneuverable. Although the D model (illustrated above) has a nose turret itlacks
an equivalent to IHADSS and TADS. Therefore, in swirling air-to-air combat it is
limited to forward firing, like the E model. No information exists on the guns and
cannons of the ''F'' model, much less the fire control system used.
The five flying regions are listed in order of difficulty, from the easiest (Training in
the USA) to the most difficult (Western Europe). U.S. Army regulations require
that all new pilots first report to the training area in the USA This is only sensible.
If you're new, follow those orders and work through both "Beginner's Tutorials:'
Only then are you ready for combat duty. Southeast Asia or Central America
should be first then the Middle East or Western Europe.


li4-H-1I29A 7~ J{E(;IO:\::\L DEI'LOY\IE:\:TS

Background: This area is designed to help teach you flying, how to use weapons,
and how to use defenses. All enemies fire "blanks:' You can experiment and learn
without worrying a bout damage. LEARN TO F1..Y HERE FIRST. Even experienced
combat fliers occasionally return here to experiment with new tactics or try out
new flight maneuvers.
The Apache flight training area has a central heliport with various dummy
targets surrounding it A comprehensive combat simulation environment exists
to give pilots realistic practice flying in battle conditions, but without suffering
any battle damage. This area is ideal for learning to fly, learning to identify
Soviet-built equipment and installations, and to gain skill on both the attack
and defense.
Mission Profiles: Use the "Beginner's Tutorials" on your first flights. Then
continue to practice until flying, attacking, and avoiding threats is second nature.
The heliport does not use passwords and countersigns.
Opposing Equipment: This training area includes dummies and simulations of
most Soviet-made equipment It has SA-7, SA-8, and SA-9 missile launchers,
ZSU-23-4 AA tanks and S-60 57mm anti-aircraft guns, T-74 and BMF tank
targets, infantry and bunker targets, and three typical Soviet install a tions: an HQ,
a supply depot and a forward heli-base. None of these have active weapons. You
calIDot be shot down.
Advice from the Sergeant Major: "I've seen many good pilots go to war too soon.
It's like lambs to the slaughter. Take my advice, sir, and get lots of practice hours.
Flyin' a gunship is a tricky job at best and downright difficult when a dozen bad
guys are tryin' to toast you. No disrespect intended, sir, but the better you are on
the practice range, the better your chances of living through your first battle:'
"Don't be too upset if your first flight ends badly. Everybody has trouble with
choppers at first Give it time and you'll get the hang of it:'

1st Air Cavalry Division
Background: In 1965 U.S. combat troops are sent on active duty to fight
communist guerilla forces in Southeast Asia. The first heliborne unit in history
swings into action in the Ia Drang Valley. Helicopter transports and gunships are
invaluable in finding the elusive enemy. Communist regular and guerilla forces
lack sophisticated weapons, but the early UH-l and AH-l choppers lack armor
protection - a stray bullet could and did disable a million-dollar flying
machine. Fortunately, the AH-64A Apache is armored.
Mission Profiles: Your main problem is finding the enemy. Only occasionally will
you encounter strong AA guns and SAM defenses. Mission targets are mostly
enemy troops and installations, sometimes a bunker complex. Hellfires are only
needed against the bunkers. Otherwise cannon and rockets are perfectly
Opposing Equipment: Enemy AA weapons are primarily 23mm and 57mm gun
sites. Third line guerilla forces have no radar, while second and first line NVA
troops have radar for their 57mm S-60 sites. The only SAMs in use against



(Map of Southeast
Asia, circa 1965)

helicopters are outmoded SA-7s. Most of these are used to defend enemy bases.
Intelligence reports no enemy helicopters in the region, and will update you if the
situation changes.
Advice from the Sergeant Major: "Be glad you've got an armored chopper -
badd ies in the bush aren't a serious danger. On the other hand those 23's and 57's
can be nasty. The ones without radar are especially irritating - they don't trip
your waming lights. If you start collecting flak, get low quick and dodge. Then
decide whether you want to hunt them down or take another route:'

82nd Airborne Division
Background: In October, 1983 America mounted an air-land-sea invasion
of Grenada to eliminate a gradual communist takeover. The govemment of
EI Salvador, an American ally, is struggling to remain coherent Haiti has just
eliminated a hated dictator but has huge intemal troubles. The anti-American
government of Nicaragua is under guerrilla attack by "Contras" based in
Honduras and Costa Rica. Border clashes with U.S. allies could lead to calls for
64-H-029A 71i RH;IONAI DEPI.OY\-IF\iTS


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American military assistance. Cuba, a strong Soviet client-state for decades, still
fears an American invasion. In all cases, the unit ready to move fastest is the 82nd
Airborne Division. Men and supplies can be parachuted into action while mobile
fire support (the AH-64A Apache) flies to freshly-cleared fire bases and heli-pads.
Mission Profiles: Here the enemy has a conventional army, but the battlefield is
irregular and confused. You won't find a well-defined front line, but you will find
organized groups of regular enemy troops, supported by AA guns, SAMs, and
Hind helicopters. Beware the high daytime temperatures and humidity, which
greatly reduce carrying capacity.
Opposing Equipment: The enemy forces are primarily infantry, supported by a
• few BMP armored vehicles and ZSU-23-4 or ZSU-57-2 AA tanks. The SA-9
Gaskin missile carrier is the standard "heavy" SAM vehicle, with a few improved
SA-9B's available to first grade troops. Virtually all enemy infantry and installa-
tions have SA-7 Grails, some have the improved SA-7B. Both 23mm and 57mm
guns are commonly used for air defense. All 57mm guns use search radars, and
all but the worst-equipped have fire control radar too. None of the 23mm guns
have radar. Mi-24 Hind helicopters are available in small numbers to most
communist armies, and will probably make an appearance on the battlefield.
Advice from the Sergeant Major: "Sir, these guys are not primitive villagers from
the boondocks. They've got decent weapons and know how to use them. If you
get a radar warning, it's probably a ZSU-23-4 or a 57mm AA gun. Don't just jam
them, hit them before they switch to optical and hit you! Like Southeast Asia,
beware of the 23mm's and older ZSU's that use optical control- they don't warn
you before they fire! When loading up, carry lots of 30mm. Hellfires are useful at
times, but don't go crazy with them:'

• Tehran


101st Air Assault Division

Background: The Middle East is still the world's trouble spot Israel and Syria
duel in desultory fashion over southern Lebanon and their common border, the
Golan Heights. The Iran-Iraq war continues to hold the danger of a losing Iran
seeking revenge by closing the Straits of Hormuz to oil traffic. Worse, Iranian-style
religious radicalism might surface in any nearby Moslem state, triggering a civil
war. If an American friend calls for aid, or international straits need to be cleared,
in America 's "Central Command" reaction force the key unit is the 101st Air
Assault Division. Formerly a parachute division, it's now an experimental hybrid
practicing the "Air-Land 2000" mobile warfare of the future. Naturally, the
AH-64A Apache is a key player on this new team.
Mission Profiles: Here you face modem armored forces lavishly equipped by the
Soviet Union. Fortunately, this is the enemy the Apache was designed to destroy.
Careful weapons loading is paramount because high ground level and very high
temperatures conspire to reduce your carrying capacity. The majority of enemy
targets will be armored vehicles, making the Hellfire an extremely important
Opposing Equipment: Most opponents have numerous tanks and personnel
carriers, protected by ZSU's, SA-8's and SA-9's. Enemy first line forces use the
ZSU-23-4M AA tank, SA-88 and SA-98 SAM vehicles, S-60 57mm guns with full
radar, and outfit their infantry with SA-78 improved Grails. Enemy second line
forces have the older ZSU-23-4 with poorer radar, the older SA-8 and SA-9 SAMs,
no fire control radar on the 57mm gun sites, but still have the SA-7B improved
Grails. Enemy third line forces are lucky to field the ancient ZSU-57-2 (with no
radar), only have the SA-9 SAM vehicle, use older SA-7 Grails, and also lack fire
control radar for the 57mm guns. Enemy air forces have a few Mi-24 Hind
helicopters, so you may see some occasionally.
Advice from the Sergeant Major: "Sir. these fellows can be nasty, especially the
first and second line troops with those SA-8 Geckos. Only the third line ZSU-57-2
and occasional 57mm gun site relies on optical control. However, their modem

equipment does set off your warning lights. So the enemy's better weaponry
works in yourfavor too. Probably the tough part is the weight limit, especially on
a hot day. Therefore, I advise against Sidewinders. If you meet a Hind, get him
with the trusty 30mm. Hellfires will be useful against all those armored vehicles.
Some guys I know don't carry ITARs, but that rna y be going too far ... Sorry, sir,
humor ain't my strong point:'






3rd Annored Division

Background: For over 40 years NATO forces across Germany have faced the
Warsaw Pact Both sides are armed to the teeth, ready for war. A number of U.S.
Army divisions are stationed on this line, including the 3rd Armored of the U.S.
V Corps. Trouble anywhere could lead to escalating tensions. When tensions are
high, one itchy trigger finger couId start a conventional war between the two
superpower alliances. It is imperative that NATO stop the Russian steamroller
without using nukes. Otherwise the President could be reduced to a choice
between Russians in Paris, or nuclear winter for all!
Mission Profiles: Anything and everything can and will happen in this desperate
free-far-all. The only sure thing is that the enemy is fully armored and moving fast

under an umbrella of sophisticated flak, SAMs, and helicopter gunships. Soviet

military forces may not be very creative, but they are numerous and brave. They
will keep coming until you stop them!
Opposing Equipment: The Warsaw Pact 1st Line Soviet Divisions have the very
latestequipmentZSU·30·2M tanks, SA·11 and SA·13 SAMs,and SA·14s foral!
the infantry and BMPs. The 2nd Line allied troops from East Germany, Poland
and Czechoslovakia have the best of the previous generation: the ZSU-23-4M,
SA-8B and SA-9B, and the SA-7B improved Grails for BMPs and infantry. Third
line troops are mainly found in quiet areas, since they're Soviet reserve divisions
or hastily organized allied troops. They have older ZSU-23-4's, unimproved
SA-8's, SA-9's, and SA-7s. A few S-60 57mm guns can be found near important
installations in all cases, and all but the third line troops have both search and fire
control radar for these gun sites.
Advice from the Sergeant Major: "Well sir, this is the big time. We're up against the
first team here. They've got everything including the kitchen sink, and they'll use
it Anywhere else is a piece of cake compared to this. But our baysan the ground
are badly outnumbered and need us to even up the odds. Your best chance is at
night, since their night vision stuff isn't as hot as ours. Load up on Hellfires - the
Pact has hordes of armored vehicles out there. On a good night you might bag
your fourteen in one sortie! Don't forget Sidewinders either. Hinds are as thick as
flies around here:'
AAA (Anti-aircraft Artillery): A gill1 designed to shoot down flying craft
AA (Anti-aircraft): A popular shortening of "AAA':
Aft: Alternate term for "after" or "behind'; originally nautical
AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle): Any armored vehicle designed for use on the
battlefield. Includes tanks, personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery,
self-propelled anti-aircraft gW1S, etc.
AGM-114A (Air-to-Ground Missile, Type 114, Version A, "Hellfire"): Standard
U.S. Army laser-homing armor-piercing missile.
AIM-9L{Air Interception Missile, Type 9, Version L, "Sidewinder"): Standard u.s.
Air Force IR-homing air-to-air missile.
Anti-Torque Rotor: Also known as the "tail" rotor, used to stabilize yaw on
a helicopter.
APC (Armored Personnel Carrier): An armored vehicle designed to carry and
protect infantrymen. It may have wheels or tracks, and it mayor may
not be armed.
Avionics: All electronic equipment that either informs a pilot about his flying
craft, or helps him control that craft
Autorotation: A technique for landing a helicopter without engine power.
Ballistics: Study of projectile performance; Le., ilie haws and whys of bullets and
shells flying through the air.
BMP (Boevaya Mashina Peknota - Infantry Fighting Vehicle): Russian armored
personnel carrier with a powerful armament It permits an infantry
squad to fight while riding the vehicle, or fight on foot with the vehicle
providing fire support not unlike a tank Popularly known as the
"Bump" by American serviceman.
Bunker: A fortification to protect ground troops and weapons. It generally has
a very thick side and roof made of earth, concrete, and/or steel.
Chaff: Thousands of tiny strips of metal, designed to reflect radar waves. Chaff is
scattered in a "cloud" to confuse radar.
Collective: Hellicopter flight control that changes the angle of attack of the rotor,
and thus indirectly changes ilie lifting force of the rotor.
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube): Generic term for any TV and /or computer display
Cyclic: Helicopter joystick flight control iliat controls pitch and roll.
FFAR(Folding Fin Aerial Rocket): Abbreviation for lightweight unguided rockets
commonly used by groW1d attack planes and helicopters.
Flak: Nickname for anti-aircraft guns or ilieir exploding shells, derived from ilie
German word for anti-aircraft gun.
Flares: A generic term for a heat source designed to mimic the heat signature of
a flying craft, and ilius confusing IR-homing weapons.

Fore: Alternate term for "fOIward" or "ahead': originally nautical.

HEDP (High Explosive, Dual Purpose): A type of high-explosive ammunition that
includes an armor-penetrating capability.
Hellfire: Standard US. Army nickname for a type of air-to-ground missiles.
lllND: NATO code-name for the Russian-built Mi-24 series of helicopters
IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle); Western equivalent of the Russian BMP; an
armored personnel carrier with a powerful armament It permits an
infantry squad to fight while riding the vehicle, or fight on foot with the
vehicle providing fire support not unlike a tank
IHADSS (Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting Sub-System); Pilot and
gunner's helmets that include position sensors and display monocle.
INS (Inertial Navigation System): A device that computes the current location of
a craft and displays this position to the pilot It generally includes
a system for selecting a destination point and displaying the proper
course to reach that point
IR (Infra Red); An area of the electromagnetic spectrum where sensors detect
hea t instead of visible light
Knots: A measure of velocity, in nautical miles per hour. 1 knot = 1.14 statue miles
per hour.
Kilometers: Metric measure of distance. 1 kilometer = 1.609344 miles.
LZ (Landing Zone): An area of ground where airborne troops will land, including
para troop drops and/or helicopter assaults.
Port: Left side of a craft, originally nautical.
SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile); A missile designed to destroy flying craft
Sidewinder: Standard US. Air Force nickname for a type of IR-homing air-to-air
missiles (all AIM-9 missiles).
Skid: For a helicopter, "sideways" motion - motion not parallel to the fuselage of
the craft
Starboard: Right side of a craft, originally nautical.
T ADS (Target Acquisition & Designation System): An integrated system for
sighting and tracking targets that interfaces with weapons themselves.
Torque: Rotational force in a turbine engine.
TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-guided, Wire-controlled); Standard US. Army
armor-piercing missile system of the 1960's and 1970's.
Translational Lift: Lift caused by motion of the entire helicopter, as opposed to lift
caused by blades within the rotor.
VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator); Cockpit dial that shows the rate of ascent or
descent If the craft is travelling level, the VSI is zero (level).
15U (Zenitnaia Samokhodnaia Ustanovka - Self-propelled anti-aircraft
mount); Russian armored vehicle armed with anti-aircraft guns.
Popularly known as a "Zoo" by American servicemen.

At MicroProse GUNSHlP was an enormously long and complex project that took
triple the estimated time and quadruple the original number of people.
Simulating low-level helicopter combat especially on 8-bit computers such as
the C-64 or Apple II, was an enormously complex job. Each member of the design
team played a crucial role in developing this amazing simulation. Andy Hollis
worked his optimizing magic to create a 3-D graphics system that made hills
"solid" and yet ran fast enough for smooth real-time flight not to mention his
realistic handling of helicopter flight mechanics. Expert artists Michael Haire
and Michele Mahan worked with programmer Gregg Tavares to conjure the
superb cockpit and the many attractive starting and ending screens. Gregg also
contri buted the missile flight logic. Sid Meier pulled his usual rabbits out of hats
when it came to handling weapons logic and the "artificial intelligence" of the
enemy. Credit (or blame) for the concepts, research, game scenarios, and overall
coordination goes to Arnold Hendrick.
MicroProse could have taken the easy way out like most software publishers
now jumping onto the "flight simulator" bandwagon. However, we didn't want
GUNSHlP to be another unrealistic arcade-style "shoot 'em up" that bears little
resemblance to actual planes or helicopters. For example, one "helicopter
simulation" from a well known firm even has the cyclic and collective controls
Instead, we spent the time and effort to make GUNSHlP a faithfur and realistic
representation of the actual AH-64A, the most sophisticated combat helicopter in
the world. Unfortunately, this means GUNSHlP cannot be played like an arcade
game. Don't expect to immediately fly around Western Europe blasting top
quality Soviet troops off the map.
This simulation includes all the major systems and capabilities of the actual
AH-64A The only major concession to playability we added was the INS
mapping system. The current AH-64A only has a simplified INS system. On the
actual machine the pilot does not have a computerized map. He keeps a paper
map in his lap, looks up coordinates on it and punches them into his digital unit
However, the latest AH-l variants have a more sophisticated lNS system similar
to one shown here. It's not unlikely that this will be added to the Apache too. As
you can see, it's extremely convenient!
In GUNSHIP the tasks of pilot and gunner are combined into one activity and a
single cockpit layout The battle area is about 80 square miles in size. In addition
to showing the major terrain features, such as hills, roads, and streams, the
visibility logic includes incidental ground cover such as bushes, trees, small rolls
in the ground, etc. in its internal calculations.
The actual AH-64A helicopter is quite new. Parts of it are still secret MicroProse
does not wish to compromise military security and needlessly endanger the lives
NOTES In 64·H·()29A

of gunship crews. We were careful to research all information from unclassified

sources. Although we talked to real helicopter pilots, we did not solicit or use any
classified information. In some cases this forced us to make educated guesses,
rather than using hard data. However, a vast array of material about modem
weaponry and warfare has been published in the USA and abroad, especially in
England. In some cases our conclusions differ with the public position of the
United States Department of Defense and/or the U.S. Army.
We're sure you'll enjoy the challenge of flying GUNSHIP, a "real" combat
simulation. If you prefer the reality of GUNSHIP compared to fast·action games
with little basis in reality, spread the word. Let us know and let your software
dealer know. Your purchasing dollar is your "vote" for future products. Each
simulation enthusiast who buys GUNSHIP helps us create more great simula·
tions. This "dollar vote" is the real importance of software piracy. People who
used pirated copies literally discourage us from producing future products of that
type. Naturally we try to discourage piracy, but your help and support is much
Good flying in the Apache's happy hunting grounds: may you win the
Congressional Medal of Honor!
- the Gunship design team:
Arnold Hendrick, Andy Hollis, Gregg Tavares and Sid Meier
Game Design:
Arnold Hendrick & Andy Hollis
Software Development:
Andy Hollis, Gregg Tavares, Sid Meier
Software Graphics:
Michael Haire, Michele Mahan, Kimberly Disney
Technical Advisors:
William Force Jr., James Noe
Bruce Meier, Jim Karl, Alan Roireau, John Harris, Bill Stealey,
Guy Watkins, Steve Byrne, Frank Szilagyi
Documentation: Arnold Hendrick
Manual Graphics: Michael Haire, Kimberly Disney
Cover Painting: Ed Valigursky, David Phillips
Music: theme created with "Master Composer"
Typography & Layout: The Composing Room, Inc.
Printing: Advance Printing, Inc.

programs and audiovisuals on the accompanying floppy disks, which are described by this manual.
are copyrighted and contain proprietary information belonging to MICROPROSE SOFTWARE. INC. No one may
give or sell copies of this manual or the accompanying disks or of listings of the programs on the disks to any
person or institution. except as provided for by the written agreement with MICROPROSE SOFTWARE. INC.
No one may copy, photocopy. reproduce. translate this manual or reduce it to machine readable form. in who le or
in part. without the prior written consent of MICROPROSE SOFTWARE. INC. Any person/persons reproduci ng any
portion of this program. in any media. for any reason, sha ll be gui lty of Copyright Violation. and shall be subject
to civil liability at the discretion of the copyright holder.


Neithe r MICROPROSE SOFTWARE, INc.. nor any dea ler or distributor makes any warranty. express or implied.
with respect to this manual. the disk or any related item. their quality, performance. merchantability, or fitness for
any purpose. It is the responsibility solely of the purchaser to detennine the suitability of the products for any
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defects in material for 90 days. If during that period a defect should occur, the software may be returned to
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· ..~ PAte.'·

120 Lakefront Drive, Hunt VaHey, Maryland, 21030 (301) 771-1151



Russell Finn
Introduction This supplement provides specific instructions and
Russell Finn with Gregg Tavares information for using the GUNSHIP simulation
with an Atari ST. Your package should include two
SCREEN GRAPHICS disks, an Operations Manual, a keyboard overlay,
Michael Haire and Michele Mahan and this Technical Supplement.

SOUND AND MUSIC PROGRAMMING Computer This version of GUNSHIP will operate only with
Ken Lagace Systems the following computer systems:
• Atari 520 ST
Ed Bever

System You system must include. the following:

Requirements • Color Monitor
Chris Taormina, Larry Martin, Alan Raireau • Minimum 512K memory

Other Support The following accessories are supported but not

• Multiple floppy disk drives
• Hard Drive
• Joystick (recommended)
• Mouse

READ.ME A file called READ.ME is included on one of your

Special Message disks. This file contains information you will find
File helpful if you are experiencing problems. Use the
GEM Desktop and double click the icons to find
the icon for the READ.ME file. To read, double
click the READ.ME icon, then click the SHOW
button. (If you have a printer attached, you may
click PRINT instead to print the file).

ATARI ST is a registered trademark of Atari, Inc.

Caution GUNSHIP is an accurate simulation of a combat Loading 1. Plug the mouse into Port 0 of the computer.
helicopter. Do not attempt to jump in and fly by 2. If you are using a joystick, plug it into Port 1.
instinct. Unless you've flown real helicopters, read
Part 1 (Operating Instructions) in the 3. Insert GUNSHIP DISK A in drive A and , if using
OPERATIONS MANUAL and learn to fly using the a two drive system , GUNSHIP DISK B in drive B.
tutorials. (Labels must face up.)
4. Turn on your computer and double click the
GUNSHIP.PRG icon . The game will load.
Load Disk To load GUNSHIP, read the appropriate section NOTE: Be sure disks are unlocked.
of this supplement. Place the overlay on your
Joystick • Your joystick cO.n be used in 8 different pOSitions
Skim Operations Skim the "Cockpit & Status Panels" and "Controls" to control flight.
Manual sections of the OPERATIONS MANUAL to Pitch Down
familiarize yourself with the helicopter. Also
glance through "A Practical Guide to Helicopter Pitch DOWn! Pitch Down!

Roll Left Roll Right
Flying." Specific controls for your machine are
included in this supplement; detailed descriptions Roll Left Roll Right
are found in the OPERATIONS MANUAL. Pitch Up! Pitch Up!
Roll Left Roll Right

Pitch Up
Follow the Turn to "Beginner's Tutorial I - Learning to Fly a
Tutorials Helicopter." Follow it step by step, referring to the • When a target first appears, you can press the
"Cockpit" and "Controls" sections as needed. joystick button to lock on. Press again to fire a
Then follow "Beginner's Tutorial II". selected weapon.

Mouse • The mouse can be used to control pitch and roll

Begin Combat If you are still uncertain about flying after both during flight. Hold the left mouse button until the
Flying tutorials, continue flying the USA training area. cross hairs turn red to enter mouse mode. Move
Refer to "A Practical Guide to Helicopter Flying" the mouse in the desired direction (movement cor-
and "Aerodynamics" in the OPERATIONS responds to joystick directions above) . PreSSing
MANUAL and try the tutorials again . the right mouse button allows you to move the
mouse without affecting flight. The crosshairs will
flash red to indicate the selected pitch and roll.
Do Not Volunteer Don't volunteer for Western Europe. Watch the
• When a target first appears, press the left mouse
risk level as you select your options. Keep your
button to lock on. Press again to fire.
risk low at first. Above all, avoid the 1st line in
Western Europe. The Warsaw Pact is the most
formidable enemy on this planet. Keyboard • See Keyboard Controls Chart.
Introduction You can install GUNSHIP on your Atari ST's hard Introduction Due to a revised cockpit configuration, the
disk. Once the game is installed, you will still have instrumentation and other cockpit display colors
to insert Disk A in drive A to run the simulation. differ from those outlined in the OPERATIONS
MANUAL. This section details the colors that are
Installation 1. Create a new folder at the top level of the hard different in the Atari ST cockpit.
disk and name it GUNSHIP .
2. Copy the files (by dragging the icons) from the
GUNSHIP disks to the GUNSHIP folder you just Strip Gauges The engine, rotor and fuel gauges are displayed in
created on the hard disk. BLUE.
3. The following files should now appear in your
GUNSHIP folder :
Rotor Gauge • The rotor gauge is ILLUMINATED RED when
the rotor has been disengaged.
• ROSTER.FIL • The rotor gauge is DARK when the rotor is
System Damage • A slightly damaged system is YELLOW.
4. Installation is complete. Lights (Cockpit)
• A non-functioning system is ILLUMINATED
Loading from 1. Turn on your computer. RED.
Hard Disk 2. Insert Disk A in drive A.
3. Double click on the GUNSHIP folder to open . • An undamaged system is DARK.

4. Double click on the GUNSHIP .PRG file .

5. The simulation will begin. INS Cursor The current destination is designated by RED
map crosshairs.
Ram Disk • You may run GUNSHIP from a ram disk.
• The size of the ram disk must be 512K.
Map Troop • Target objectives are YELLOW.
• Copy the files listed above to your ram disk. Symbols
• In order to save your score when using a ram • Other enemy forces are RED.
disk, you must copy the ROSTER.FIL file back to
your hard disk or disk A before turning off your • Friendly forces are WHITE.
Cockpit System Damage Lights

Diagram Main Rotor

Nose Optics Forward Fuel Tank
Port Engine
Starboard Engine Chaff Launcher
Forward Avionics Port Wing Aft Fuel Tank Flare Launcher
Chain Gun Starboard Wing Aft Avionics Tail Rotor


TAOS Gunsight
Box Reticle


Engaged Radar
Warning Warning &
Light Jammer

Gauge Infra-Red
CRT Display +-1!-r-..~-3-- Warning &
Engine & Jammer
Rotor RPM


Indicator (Vertical
Anitude&/ Speed
AIM -9L 2.75" 30mm
Artificial Indicator)
Sidewinder Rockets Cannon
Stores Selection



Cyclic Pitch down KP8 Weapons Sidewinder 4

Pitch up KP2 FFAR 5
Roll left KP4 Hellfire 6
Roll right KP6 30mm Cannon 7
Pitch down/left KP1
Pitch down/right KP3 Fire Fire Weapon RETURN/KP5
Pitch up/left KP5
Pitch up/right KP7 Jettison Jettison Weapon ALT + Weapon

Collective Up fast KP' Countermeasures Chaff Decoy 8

Up slow KP- Radar Jammer 9
Down slow KP+ IR Jammer 0
Down fast KP ENTER Flare Decoy -
View View left F5 View Displays Map M
View ahead F6 Damage 0
View right F7 Stores S

Anti-torque rotor Rotate left KP( CRT Change CRT KPO/Space Bar
(tail) Stop rotation KP)
Rotate right KP/ TAOS New TAOS target KP • /Backspace

Engines Port on/off 1

Starboard on/off 2
Rotor on/off 3 Time Accelerate Time
Exit Flight Exit to Defaults ESC
NOTE: KP=KEYPAD Pause Pause Game Tab
Exit Program Exit to Desktop Control C

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