Hopelessness: Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Hopelessness: Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Hopelessness: Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation
SUBJECTIVE: Hopelessness related to After 1 week of nursing Independent: Hopelessness is After 1 week of nursing
“I can’t seem to do deteriorating interventions, patient Monitor and document directly associated interventions, goal met.
anything,” as physiological condition will be able to: potential for suicide. with suicidal Patient was able to
verbalized by the Participate in care Provide a safe behavior and also identify feelings of
patient environment so client with a variety of hopelessness (regarding
Verbalize feelings
cannot harm self. other dysfunctional present situation),
OBJECTIVE: and make positive
statements personal demonstrate more
Decreased appetite Assess the client for and
characteristics. effective
point out reasons for
Increased sleep Maintains Hopelessness is an communication skills
appropriate accurate indicator and verbalizes feelings,
Lack of initiative appetite for age Assess for impaired of suicidal risk. A participates in different
Lack of and physical health problem-solving ability safe environment activities such as self-
involvement in care and dysfunctional reassures the client. care, and resume
Sleep appropriate
attitude. appropriate rest
Passive amount of time for Interventions that
pattern as well as diet.
age and physical Evaluate client by increase the
health realistically assessing awareness of
the predicament or reasons for living
threat. may decrease
hopelessness and
Determine appropriate decrease risk for
approaches based on suicide
the underlying
condition or situation Impaired problem-
that is contributing to solving ability and
feelings of dysfunctional
hopelessness. Either attitude have been
encourage a positive shown to correlate
mental attitude with hopelessness
(discourage negative
Understanding the
thoughts) or brace
etiologic basis of
client for negative
the client's
hopelessness is
Assist client with important in order
looking at alternatives
and setting goals that to intervene
are important to him or
information is
Spend one-on-one time generally preferred
with client. Use by families; surprise
empathy; try to information
understand what a regarding a change
client is saying, and in status may cause
communicate this the family to worry
understanding to the that information is
client. being withheld from
them (Johnson,
Encourage expression
Roberts, 1996). A
of feelings, and
person awaiting a
transplant may
acceptance of them
need to express
Give client time to only hope or
initiate interactions. optimism, whereas
After an appropriate a person with an
amount of time is injury with long-
allowed, approach term effects, such
client in an accepting as a spinal-cord
and nonjudgmental injury, may need to
manner. prepare for possible
negative outcomes
Review client's and slow progress
strengths with client.
Have client list own Mutual goal setting
strengths on a note ensures that goals
card and carry this list are attainable and
for future reference. helps to restore a
Encourage family and sense of hope
significant others to
express care, hope, and Experiencing
love for client. warmth, empathy,
genuineness, and
positive regard can
inspire hope
Active listening is a
tool used by nurses
to enable them to
listen to all ideas
and feelings
without judgment.
Active listening may
help clients to
express themselves
Having individual
worth affirmed
inspires hope.
Listing strengths
reinforcement of
positive self-regard.
5. Establish a 5. An ongoing
working relationship
relationship with establishes trust,
patient through reduces the feeling of
continuity of care. isolation, and may
facilitate coping