Information Technology
Information Technology
Information Technology
Information Technology
Experiment NO. 1
AIM: - To implement mobile network using open source software NS2.
In fact, many different "signals" baseband with different spreading codes can be modulated
on the same carrier to allow many different users to be supported. Using different orthogonal
codes, interference between the signals is minimal. Conversely, when signals are received
from several mobile stations, the base station is capable of isolating each as they have
different orthogonal spreading codes.
The following figure shows the technicality of the CDMA system. During the propagation,
we mixed the signals of all users, but by that you use the same code as the code that was used
at the time of sending the receiving side. You can take out only the signal of each user.
CDMA Capacity
The factors deciding the CDMA capacity are −
Processing Gain
Signal to Noise Ratio
Voice Activity Factor
Frequency Reuse Efficiency
Capacity in CDMA is soft, CDMA has all users on each frequency and users are separated by
code. This means, CDMA operates in the presence of noise and interference.
In addition, neighboring cells use the same frequencies, which means no re-use. So, CDMA
capacity calculations should be very simple. No code channel in a cell, multiplied by no cell.
But it is not that simple. Although not available code channels are 64, it may not be possible
to use a single time, since the CDMA frequency is the same.
Centralized Methods
The band used in CDMA is 824 MHz to 894 MHz (50 MHz + 20 MHz separation).
CDMA is a spread spectrum technique. Each data bit is spread by a code sequence. This
means, energy per bit is also increased. This means that we get a gain of this.
W is Spread Rate
R is Data Rate
This is a gain factor and the actual data propagation rate. On an average, a typical
transmission condition requires a signal to the noise ratio of 7 dB for the adequate quality of
Translated into a ratio, signal must be five times stronger than noise.
Hence, CDMA has 100% frequency reuse. Use of same frequency in surrounding cells causes
some additional interference.
Advantages of CDMA
CDMA has a soft capacity. The greater the number of codes, the more the number of users. It
has the following advantages −
CDMA requires a tight power control, as it suffers from near-far effect. In other words, a user
near the base station transmitting with the same power will drown the signal latter. All signals
must have more or less equal power at the receiver
Rake receivers can be used to improve signal reception. Delayed versions of time (a chip or
later) of the signal (multipath signals) can be collected and used to make decisions at the bit
Flexible transfer may be used. Mobile base stations can switch without changing operator.
Two base stations receive mobile signal and the mobile receives signals from the two base
Disadvantages of CDMA
The code length must be carefully selected. A large code length can induce delay or may
cause interference.
Gradual transfer increases the use of radio resources and may reduce capacity.
As the sum of the power received and transmitted from a base station needs constant tight
power control. This can result in several handovers.
Experiment NO. 3
AIM: - To write a programme to implement concept of frequency reuse
when given size of geographical area and the set of available frequencies.
The immense potential of conventional telephone cannot be exploited to its maximum due to
the limitation imposed by the connecting wires. But this restriction has been removed with the
advent of the cellular radio.
If we use dedicated RF loop for every subscriber, we need larger bandwidth to serve even a
limited number of subsc in a single city.
A single RF loop requires 50 kHz B/W; then for one lakh subscribers we need 1,00,000 x 50
kHz = 5 GHz.
To overcome this B/W problem, subscribers have to share the RF channels on need basis,
instead of dedicated RF loops. This can be achieved by using multiple access methods
FDMA, TDMA, or CDMA. Even then the number of RF channels required to serve the
subscribers, works out to be impracticable.
Consider a subs density of 30Sq.Km., Grade of service as 1%, Traffic offered per mobile sub
as 30m E. Then number of RF channels required are −
1 3.14 100 8
3 28.03 900 38
Cellular Approach
With limited frequency resource, cellular principle can serve thousands of subscribers at an
affordable cost. In a cellular network, total area is subdivided into smaller areas called “cells”.
Each cell can cover a limited number of mobile subscribers within its boundaries. Each cell
can have a base station with a number of RF channels.
Frequencies used in a given cell area will be simultaneously reused at a different cell which is
geographically separated. For example, a typical seven-cell pattern can be considered.
Total available frequency resources are divided into seven parts, each part consisting of a
number of radio channels and allocated to a cell site. In a group of 7 cells, available frequency
spectrum is consumed totally. The same seven sets of frequency can be used after certain
The group of cells where the available frequency spectrum is totally consumed is called a
cluster of cells.
Two cells having the same number in the adjacent cluster, use the same set of RF channels
and hence are termed as “Co-channel cells”. The distance between the cells using the same
frequency should be sufficient to keep the co-channel (co-chl) interference to an acceptable
level. Hence, the cellular systems are limited by Co-channel interference.
Experiment NO. 4
AIM: - Study of OPNET tool for modeling and simulation of different
cellular standards.
The Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET v14.5) for simulation of our networks
which is one of the most powerful simulation tools regarding wireless communications.
OPNET is a research oriented network simulation tool which provides a development
environment for modeling and simulation of deployed wired as well as wireless networks and
also provides multiple solutions for managing networks and applications e.g. network
operation, planning, research and development (R&D), network engineering and performance
management. OPNET 14.5 is designed for modeling communication devices, technologies,
protocols and to simulate the performance of these technologies. User can create customized
models and simulate various network scenarios [6]. It is possible to simulate various wireless
communication technologies such as MANET, 802.11, 3G/4G, Ultra Wide Band, WiMAX,
Bluetooth, ZigBee using OPNET tool. The OPNET modeler is object oriented and employs a
hierarchical approach to model communication networks as shown in fig below. The OPNET
usability can be divided into four main steps. 1. Modeling : This module is used to build or
create a network model 2. Choose and select statistics: We can choose different statistics to
collect from each network. 3. Simulate the network. 4. View and analyze results. The OPNET
Modeler comprises a series of hierarchical user interfaces including Project, node, process,
link model, path, and project editors.
Fig:-OPNET Routing Network
Impossible to do justice to this large body of research in this short Study, in what follows, we
discuss some of the studies most relevant to our proposal. Some of the features of our Study
We Study the research progress from a wide spectrum and level of work, such as
technical reports, experiences of teachers with teaching OPNET, OPNET in state-of-
art research etc. This highlights various functionalities of OPNET.
This paper underscores power of OPNET as simulation tool and the crucial role
network simulators play in research. We believe that this survey will help designers,
architects and teachers to get an overview of OPNET in different domains of
We focus on exploring the salient feature and limitations of OPNET, which become
especially clear when OPNET is employed in a research project.
Experiment NO. 5
AIM: Study and Analysis of wired network.
Organizations rely heavily on the ability to share information throughout the organization in
an efficient and productive manner. Computer networks have allowed for this technology
and are now apart of almost every business. An organization has two options when it comes
to setting up a network. They can use a completely wired network, which uses networking
cable to connect computers, or they can use a wireless network, which uses radio frequencies
to connect computer. Wireless networks have allowed organizations to become more mobile;
therefore, organizations are now using a combination of both wired and wireless networks.
They basic hardware layout for the two types of networks are fairly similar but for an
organization to go wireless it requires a few more hardware components. Although networks
provide convenience they do open the organization up to security and privacy risks. If a
company is faced with a security they are ways that they can fix and prevent future security
risks. As you read on, you will learn how the network has become an essential part of today’s
Hardware Components
Before one can begin to setup a network they must first be sure they have a network interface
card, commonly referred to as a NIC. A NIC is a device that connects a computer or other
device to a network. For computers, the NIC is usually installed in an expansion slot and has
a chip that handles the physical and data-link layers of network communications.
To establish your network you will need a few key components. If you plan to access the
internet you will start your network off with a cable modem. This type of modem is designed
to operate using your existing cable lines. Cable internet has a high bandwidth and can
support most, if not, all applications you will be using. The second component is a router. A
router is a device that routes data from one network to another network. A router is connected
to at least two networks, commonly two networks or a network and its ISP's network. A
router allows for everyone on the network to access the internet.(
The next component that you will need to setup a network is a hub or sometimes a switch. A
hub is a device that connects the cables from computers and other devices such as printers in
a network. Traditionally, hubs are used for star topology networks, but they are often used
with other configurations to make it easy to add and remove computers without bringing
down the network. ( A hub can be either active or passive; simply
forwarding messages or amplifying or refreshing the data. A switch is a device similar to a
hub that enables the connection of multiple computers, access points, and other network
enabled devices. The difference between a hub and a switch is that a switch filters the data
that passes through it and a hub does not.
These components have all been modified and are capable of establishing wireless networks.
A router can be purchased with wireless capability but a more efficient way of adding
wireless to your network is to simply add wired access points. An access point will bride a
wired network with a wireless network and can be hard wired in to your existing system. (Wi- This option allows for the mobility of a wireless network.
Another key component is a print server. A print server is used to connect printers to a
network to allow for network printing. The server will act as a buffer; storing the messaging
and printing them in order of the queue. This device can drastically reduce the cost of
networking because now everyone can use the same printer without having a printer attached
to every computer.
Wired Networks
Wired networks, also called Ethernet networks, are the most
common type of local area network (LAN) technology. A wired
network is simply a collection of two or more computers,
printers, and other devices linked by Ethernet cables. Ethernet
is the fastest wired network protocol, with connection speeds of
10 megabits per second (Mbps) to 100 Mbps or higher. Wired
networks can also be used as part of other wired and wireless
networks. To connect a computer to a network with an Ethernet cable, the computer must
have an Ethernet adapter (sometimes called a network interface card, or NIC). Ethernet
adapters can be internal (installed in a computer) or external (housed in a separate case).
Some computers include a built-in Ethernet adapter port, which eliminates the need for a
separate adapter (Microsoft). There are three basic network topologies that are most
commonly used today. (
The star network, a general more simplistic type of topology, has one central hub that
connects to three or more computers and the ability to network printers. This type can be used
for small businesses and even home networks. The star network is very useful for applications
where some processing must be centralized and some must be performed locally. The major
disadvantage is the star network is its vulnerability. All data must pass through one central
host computer and if that host fails the entire network will fail.
On the other hand the bus network has no central computer and all computers are linked
on a single circuit. This type broadcasts signals in all
directions and it uses special software to identify which
computer gets what signal. One disadvantage with this
type of network is that only one signal can be sent at
one time, if two signals are sent at the same time they
will collide and the signal will fail to reach its destination. One advantage is that there is
no central computer so if one computer goes down others will not be affected and will be
able to send messages to one another. (Laudon)
The third type of network is the ring network. Similar to the bus
network, the ring network does not rely on a central host computer
either. Each computer in the network can communicate directly
with any other computer, and each processes its own applications
independently. A ring network forms a closed loop and data is
sent in one direction only and if a computer in the network fails
the data is still able to be transmitted.
Wireless Networks
A wireless network, which uses high-frequency radio waves rather than wires to
communicate between nodes, is another option for home or business networking. Individuals
and organizations can use this option to expand their existing wired network or to go
completely wireless. Wireless allows for devices to be shared without networking cable
which increases mobility but decreases range. There are two main types of wireless
There are four basic types of transmissions standards for wireless networking. These types
are produced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). These standards
define all aspects of radio frequency wireless networking. They have established four
transmission standards; 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g.
The basic differences between these four types are connection speed and radio frequency.
802.11 and 802.11b are the slowest at 1 or 2 Mbps and 5.5 and 11Mbps respectively. They
both operate off of the 2.4 GHz radio frequency. 802.11a operates off of a 5 GHz frequency
and can transmit up to 54 Mbps and the 802.11g operates off of the 2.4 GHz frequency and
can transmit up to 54 Mbps. Actual transmission speeds vary depending on such factors as
the number and size of the physical barriers within the network and any interference in the
radio transmissions. (
Wireless networks are reliable, but when interfered with it can reduce the range and the
quality of the signal. Interference can be caused by other devices operating on the same radio
frequency and it is very hard to control the addition of new devices on the same frequency.
Usually if your wireless range is compromised considerably, more than likely, interference is
to blame. (Laudon)
A major cause of interference with any radio signals are the materials in your surroundings,
especially metallic substances, which have a tendency to reflect radio signals. Needless to
say, the potential sources of metal around a home are numerous--things like metal studs,
nails, building insulation with a foil backing and even lead paint can all possibly reduce the
quality of the wireless radio signal. Materials with a high density, like concrete, tend to be
harder for radio signals to penetrate, absorbing more of the energy. Other devices utilizing the
same frequency can also result in interference with your wireless. For example, the 2.4GHz
frequency used by 802.11b-based wireless products to communicate with each other.
Wireless devices don't have this frequency all to themselves. In a business environment, other
devices that use the 2.4GHz band include microwave ovens and certain cordless phones.
On the other hand, many wireless networks can increase the range of the signal by using
many different types of hardware devices. A wireless extender can be used to relay the radio
frequency from one point to another without losing signal strength. Even though this device
extends the range of a wireless signal it has some drawbacks. One drawback is that it extends
the signal, but the transmission speed will be slowed.
There are many benefits to a wireless network. The most important one is the option to
expand your current wired network to other areas of your organization where it would
otherwise not be cost effective or practical to do so. An organization can also install a
wireless network without physically disrupting the current workplace or wired network. (Wi- Wireless networks are far easier to move than a wired network and adding users to an
existing wireless network is easy. Organizations opt for a wireless network in conference
rooms, lobbies and offices where adding to the existing wired network may be too expensive
to do so.
Experiment NO. 7
AIM: Study and Analysis of Bluetooth.
In recent years with the massive rise in popularity of mobile and fixed electronic computing
devices (PCs, PDAs, Laptops, Mobile phones, etc.), there has been a growing demand for
high-speed digital wireless communication facilities. Bluetooth is a promising new
technology that is aimed at supporting wireless connectivity among cell phones, headsets,
PDAs, digital cameras and laptop computers. Initially, Bluetooth was proposed as a
replacement to cables, but it evolved as a solution for forming Personal Area Networks. After
comparing IEEE 802.11 it is observed that Bluetooth is more secure due to its short range. A
model of Mobile Sony Ericsson z600 was studied in which connectivity behavior of
Bluetooth environment has been analyzed.
Experiment NO. 8
AIM: Study of Mobile IP.
The Internet is an excellent source of information which is readily accessible from almost any
computer with a fixed connection to some kind of a network, however with increasing
popularity of mobile devices such as PDA’s, internet ready cell phones, PC Tablets, etc, there
is a need to provide access to the Internet from a device that may be constantly in motion or
wireless access to the Internet. Mobile IP, a standard proposed by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) aims to make mobile computing a reality. The principal advantage of
Mobile IP is that it frees the user from a fixed location. Mobile IP makes invisible the
boundaries between attachment points, it is able to track and deliver information to mobile
devices without needing to change the device’s long-term Internet Protocol (IP) address (for
that session)
Before studying Mobile IP, it is important to define the concept of ‘computing mobility’.
Computing mobility can be defined as allowing the user some degree of freedom for his/her
computing tasks. There are essentially two kinds of computing mobility – Personal mobility
and Terminal mobility
Personal mobility involves making it possible for a user to use the network’s services from
any terminal. When the user logs onto a terminal, he/she will get the same functionality as the
user’s home network, without having to go through time-consuming configuration
procedures. When this user starts an IP session, an IP address will be assigned if it has not
been done so already. As long as the IP session is kept alive, the IP address will serve as a
destination for information delivery. An inherent problem with this approach is that once
logged on, the user cannot switch to any other terminal.
No geographical limitations
No physical connection required
Modifications to other mobile devices/routers is not required
Mobile IP leaves transport and higher-level protocols unaffected
No modifications to the current IP address of the mobile device or the format of the IP
IP addresses are typically associated with a fixed non-mobile location such as a router or a
client computer. IP routes packets from a source to a destination by allowing routers to
forward packets from incoming network interfaces to outbound interfaces according to
routing tables. These routing tables typically maintain the next-hop information for each
destination IP address, which is based on the number of networks to which that IP address is
To maintain existing transport-layer connections the node must maintain a single IP address.
In Transfer Control Protocol (TCP), the overwhelmingly popular protocol for Internet
connections, the connections are indexed by a quadruplet that is analogous to someone’s
geographical home address. This set of numbers is what allows for delivery of a packet of
data. If any of these numbers are changed then the connection will most likely be lost.
Correct delivery of data packets to the node depends on the network number contained within
the node’s IP address.
If the node is mobile, packets sent to this node may never make it as, logically, mobility will
force a new IP address to be associated with the node every time it changes its connection
point. Constantly changing IP address of a node will make transparent mobility impossible.
Mobile IP was designed to solve this problem by allowing the node to use two IP addresses:
Home address
Care-of address