All India Bank Officers' Confederation: For Circulation Among All Our Affiliates/State Units/Members
All India Bank Officers' Confederation: For Circulation Among All Our Affiliates/State Units/Members
All India Bank Officers' Confederation: For Circulation Among All Our Affiliates/State Units/Members
Dear Comrade,
On the onset, we once again convey our heartiest greetings and good wishes to all our
members and their family members on the New Year. Please refer to our Circular No. 2014/94
dated 19.12.2014, advising you the programme decided by UFBU and also the programme
decided by the four Officers’ Organisations, circulated vide our Circular No. 2014/91 dated
Consequent to our call of strikes, CLC (Central) has fixed a Conciliation meeting between the
UFBU and IBA on 5th January at 3.30 p.m. at Delhi but we should not relent on preparation of
our agitational programme, as we all are well aware of the adamant attitude of IBA and
indifference of Government towards our just demands. We, therefore, once again request you
to ensure implementation of all the programme, given hereunder, call of which has been
given by the four Officers’ Organisations including our Confederation and the UFBU, in full
In this regard, we once again reiterate and request all our Affiliates / State Units to ensure
submission of letters (as per performa already circulated) in delegation form to all the MPs of
their areas explaining them the contents of the letter with a request to forward the same to
Hon’ble Finance Minister. We are attaching a forwarding letter made by one of the MP, whom
we met for the said purpose, which may facilitate in preparing a forwarding letter by them.
Our members are also aware that AIBOC had represented to all concerned authorities viz.
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Secretary, Ministry of Finance,
Department of Financial Services and Governor, RBI seeking our representation in
‘Gyan Sangam’ as being one of the major / important Stake Holders. Since, there was neither
any response nor were we invited to the discussion, an open letter was sent to the concerned
Authorities, text of which was sent to all Affiliate for their information / circulation / publishing
in the press / coverage in electronic media. We are happy that all important financial
Newspapers have given due coverage to our communication to the authorities concerned.
It was also decided by our Confederation that we should give our view point by an open
appeal to the Prime Minister of India through advertisement in Pune edition of leading
Newspapers. The purpose was to draw attention of Politicians / Bureaucrats / top Executives
of Banks, attending the ‘Gyan Sangam’ to our views so that the decision making with regard
to the so called reforms can be influenced. These advertisements appeared on the front half
page of Indian Express and in Quarter page of Times of India, Maharashtra Times, on 3 rd
January, 2015, i.e. the day when Hon’ble Prime Minister reached Pune to address the ‘Gyan
Comrades, we shall continue to make all efforts through all possible channels to oppose policy
changes hinted by the Authorities, in the name of reforms, which are against the Public Sector
Banks and the common man of the country.
We once again urge upon you to ensure whole hearted participation in all the above
agitational calls and make it a great success.
Let us all remember that the Strength and growth come only through continuous
effort and struggle.
March On ! March On !!
Yours comradely,