An MBAs Guide To The Tripple Bottom Line
An MBAs Guide To The Tripple Bottom Line
An MBAs Guide To The Tripple Bottom Line
Guide to the
An MBA’s Guide to the Triple Bottom Line
In 1997, John Elkington, author, speaker, and Elkington’s triple bottom line has changed the
world authority on sustainable organizations, way companies manage operations and mea-
refined the framework in his book Cannibals sure effectiveness. Organizations of all types
with Forks: Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century — publically traded, privately held, health care
Business. Elkington encouraged a broader organizations and nonprofits — that seek to
approach to tracking organizational success, establish sustainability, now understand the
establishing the triple bottom line (TBL). benefits to economic, environmental and so-
cial aspects.
Incorporating Sustainability
Triple Bottom Line and Operational
into a Company Considerations
Mission Statement Sustainability addresses diverse business
concerns, including the environment,
A mission statement that effectively staff, consumer protection, and business
supports the triple bottom line sets the behaviors that can affect a number of
objectives and purpose for the entire social issues. It also follows that developing
organization. The mission statement should processes that weave the interests of
align with the established corporate culture people, planet, and profits into initiatives
by clearly and concisely communicating takes time, effort, and resources.
each of the three pillars. Further, the
mission statement should reinforce the When considering the implementation of
foundation of social responsibility and sustainability processes, some key factors
environmental support for the enterprise that leaders should weigh include
and serve as a guideline for future action the following:
and decision-making.
• Resource availability, projected
Steps for developing an effective mission effort, and return on investment
statement that supports the TBL to inform an enterprise’s level of
may include: involvement. Traditional business
analysis is valuable, but leaders
1. Establish goals for each pillar of the TBL should also consider the value of a
(people, planet and profits). healthy community and sustainable
2. Describe how the enterprise environmental resources in determining
reaches each goal. specific actions.
3. Explain who benefits when goals are • Actions that fulfill the social
reached, including those outside of justice arm of TBL. If an enterprise
the organization, employees and the treats employees fairly and provides
organization itself. reasonable wages, advancement,
4. Clarify the interdependency of each of educational opportunities and benefits,
the pillars and how the sustainability of will those fulfill the people dimension of
people, planet, and profits contributes TBL? Or, is community outreach on local,
to the vitality of the organization, staff, national, or global levels necessary?
and local and global communities. • Whether preference should be given
to vendors who’ve adopted TBL
sustainability. Should companies
choose to do business with vendors
who conduct business in a way that’s
contrary to TBL values? If they only
choose companies that embrace similar
values, how will it impact costs?
How can an organization place high In his article “Why CSR? The Benefits of Cor-
importance on employee enrichment? porate Social Responsibility Will Move You
Recognition programs, in-house To Act,” Devin Thorpe, Forbes contributor,
education and tuition assistance, as well relays his conversations with several executives
as opportunities to advance all promote who explained how their respective companies
employee loyalty and longevity, reducing have benefitted both themselves and their
the chances that employees will depart. global stakeholders through various forms of
In addition, the belief that their employer community outreach.
embraces social values and is working
toward the greater good reinforces positive Several extremely successful global enterprises,
feelings about the employer, workplace, and such as Amazon and TOMS have employed
themselves. These sentiments can result in well-known CSR initiatives that have helped not
greater dedication and productivity. only their global stakeholders but also their
own profits. Programs such as these focus on
donating money and goods to those in need,
but that’s not the only way to give back.
Thorpe spoke with John G. Taft of RBC • Employee satisfaction can be higher with
Wealth Management, a personal wealth sustainable organizations, which can result
management firm that has employed the in greater motivation and loyalty.
RBC Blue Water Project for the last 10
years. This program not only pledges mil- Ultimately, making the decision to become a
lions of dollars per year to help protect water sustainable organization provides a method to
around the world, it encourages RBC employ- measure an enterprise’s influence on people,
ees to get involved through RBC Blue Water planet and profits, identifying its true impact on
Makeovers. local and global community.
Transforming an
Organization with TBL
Sustainability has become a principle of
fundamentally smart management because
it considers the social, economic and
environmental impacts of business decisions
to maintain the long-term health of
the enterprise.