Observation Feedback

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A - 85% Mentor College Teacher Feedback- Observation

Name of Student: Fatema Yousef ID number: H00354152 Date of observation: 4th November

Lesson details: Solving the sum of two numbers.

Lesson Procedure :

07:30 – The lesson started with (If you happy 08:00 – Students started their centers
song) activities (Cycle 1).

07:36 - she started with an interesting story Center 1: Numicons printed sheets to cut and
telling them about the stickers reward and paste math sentences.
introduce them to +, = signs. Fatma Center 2: Numicons in the circle time, writing
explained many examples for the students, sentences on A4 sheets.
she used Numicons to enhance students’
Center 3: Dominoes.
Center 4: writing with their teacher in their
07:52- Fatma asked the students to move
Center 5: sight words flash cards.
from circle time to the steps.

Fatma was moving around and scaffolding the

7:56- Fatma started explaining what they
students while they are working on their
have to do on learning centers.
learning centers. Fatma spent most of the
time with center 2 supporting and assessing
the students while doing the activities.

Strengths Suggestions
• You have mentioned your learning • Please print your lesson plan in black
outcomes. and white (Not red!)- Make sure that you
• You have mentioned your resources. include your name and you ID number.
• You have a guided experience and • Make sure that you provide an
independent experiences. assessment sheet with your lesson plan.
• Excellent assessment tool- you
mentioned using the checklist.



• Clear voice and lovely Body language with excellent facial expression.
• Very good classroom management skills. Excellent that you are applying classroom
management strategies like catch a bubble please.
• You emphasized that the students need to listen to you to get stickers - great classroom
management strategy. I loved it when you gave Abdulla, extra responsibilities like
distributing some stuff to the other students, he needs to be engaged all the time.
• Excellent that you moved them to the steps to listen to more Math sentences , the
students were introduced to the lesson in very engaging way (The flower story!).
• It seems that you have an excellent relationships with your MST and your students, you
are able to recognize their names already, well done.
• Each of your learning centers activities are linked to your learning objectives, well done!
• You have used a transition strategy too like using the colored sticks to ease the students’
movement from the steps to the learning centers.
• You have lovely activities and resources, they are organized and ready to use, excellent

• I liked the way how you showed them the sum sentences and the Numicons. It would
be better though if you just showed them one example and turned these two activities
for learning centers because the other students started to be bored since they are
listening for a long time, remember kids have short attention span.

Language errors:

Do you know (If you are happy?) song instead of (Did you know if
you are happy song?)

Personal Aims for next lesson

I want you to focus on the following:

• Circle time activities – Use more engaging activities that involves everyone.

Khadija Aljassmi Mentor College Teacher 4th / November/ 2018

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