Lesson Plan2

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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of students Grade

11-3-2018 Math 25 Kg-2
Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Make the students active and participate with me and be active with them.

Learning Outcomes: Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Students will be able to :
-Collect data White board-marker-small different shapes-pipe cleaner-
-Make a tally chart by using the data they collect it worksheet.

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time_______ Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)

What will you do in order to introduce the concept to the Understanding (low level):
students? who can make a tally chart of number five?
I will start the lesson with (the castle that has four doors) Who can make a tally chart of number 7?
story : Who can make a tally chart of number 2?
is about a castle that has 4 doors and the people want to
close the doors and they cant but in one day one hero get
an idea that they can use a wooden column to close the
Applying (low level):
Make a tally chart of the numbers of the girls in the
Active Engagement: (Bullet points) green group.
After you’ve modeled the concept, what activity will you Make a tally chart of the number of the fingers in your
have the students perform while on the carpet to ensure hands.
that they understand it?
- Ask each student to take his favorite shape from the
different shapes I cut. Then I asked them how many Creating (high level):
students choose the circle, rectangle, and square. Then I who can create a tally chart from this pipe cleaners?
make the tally charts on the board.

Link: (Bullet points)

Remind the students in kid friendly language how they can
apply what they did whole group in their independent
learning centers
-children will know how to use the tally chart in their daily
how many girls and boys in the yellow group?
How many fingers you have in your hand?
Learning Center Resources or Materials
Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4
Worksheet Fruits and vegetables(role Lego and cubes area Photos of planet (science
Pencil play area) area)
White board White board
Marker Marker

Small Group Learning Centers: Time______

Learning Center 1 Title: (fruits worksheet) Learning Center 2 Title: (how many fruits and vegetables in
the kitchen)
The worksheet is about a tree that has 3 different
fruits. The student should count each kind of fruit and Make a tally chart on the board of the number of fruits and
make a tally chart of it. the number of vegetables.
It can be for the three different abilities.
Low ability: count the number of grape and make a
tally chart.
Medium ability: count the number of bananas
High ability: count the number of apples.

Learning Center 3 Title: (amount of cubes) Learning Center 4 Title: (space planet)
Make and create different amount of tally charts from the Make a tally chart of the number of the planet.
cubes they want.

Closing activity: Time: ______

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning outcome? What evidence will you
show to prove this?
After doing the activities in the centers I will ask them to back to the circle, then I will give each group different amount of
pipe cleaners and ask them to create a tally chart from them.

General Comments
All students were active and excited while doing the activities.
I should make more activities that suit different learning abilities.

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

For the next time I should to manage my time very well.

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