Pow 5

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Alaina Wray 

POW #5 
Math 1 

Problem Statement: 
1. What is the highest impossible number to make out of combinations of 3 and 5? 
2. Play around with other number combinations. 
3. Is there always a highest impossible number? 
4. Find a rule for when there is not a highest impossible number. 
5. Find a rule for when there is a highest impossible number and an equation. 
The first thing I did was make a list of numbers 1-100 on a google doc. Then I went 
through and deleted all the number that were possible. I started with multiples of 3 and 5. 
Then I got rid of everything that ended with a multiple of 3 because I could make whatever 
ten it was 10-100 out of five then, I could get rid of what the three could go into in the ones 
place. Next I got rid of everything that ended in 8 because 3+5=8. Then I just went through 
all the numbers making them out of a combination of 3 and 5. I did that until I had 13 
numbers left. Then I realized that after the number 7 everything was possible! So there went 
an hour of my life! I knew then that if I could make for example numbers 20-29 I could 
simply add or subtract 10 made of two 5s to get the next set of 10. So there was that! 
Next I tried different number combinations. I found that if the both numbers were even they 
had a infinitive amount of impossible numbers since they can not make any odd numbers. I 
also found that if one of the numbers was 1 there was not any impossible numbers. Finally I 
set on the task of finding an rule and an equation for when there is a highest impossible 
score. The rule I found that the two numbers can only be odd and even, or odd and odd; but 
not containing a one. Finding an equation was hard. I had no idea where to start! So I 
asked Torrey to give me a nudge in the right direction. She told me to think about a number 
line and that the equation had something to do with multiplying X and Y together. X and Y 
being then numbers you make combinations out of. So I made a number line. Then I wrote 
down the products of the number combinations I had. I worked on it on the way into town 
and then when I got to school I sat in the main office working on it. I tried adding, 
subtracting, multiplying and dividing every number relating to the problem together because I 
was still really confused. Then I looked at the number line circled 15 and 7 (15 the product of 
Alaina Wray 
POW #5 
Math 1 
3 and 5 and 7 the highest impossible score of 3 and 5.) I subtracted 7 from 15 which was 8. 
Then it clicked! 8 is the sum of 5 and 3! With this realization I made an equation: 
(x * y ) − (x + y ) . Then I tried it on a few of the other number combinations I had and it 
worked to!!! Then I sat in silence for about 5 minutes. Now after I got home from school I 
started my write up and now we are here! The end!  
Attached Work: 
Will be attached! 
Conclusion (solution): 
The highest impossible score for 3 and 5 is 7. It is impossible because 3+3=6 5+5=10 and 
3+5=8. 3+3 is two low and 3+5 is two high. The reason this is the highest impossible is 
because I can make, for example numbers 20-29 I could simply add or subtract 10 (made of 
two 5s) to get the next set of 10. Here is how I get 20-29: 
20= 5+5+5+5 
21= 5+3+3+5+5 
24= 5+3+3+3+5+5 
26= 5+5+5+5+3+3 
27= 5+3+3+3+5+5+3 
Alaina Wray 
POW #5 
Math 1 
Product of X and  X or Y  X or Y  Highest impossible 
Y  number  
15  3  5  7 
6  2  3  1 
-  2  6   
21  7  3  11 
-  8  1  none 
24  8  3  13 
*All even number combinations had an infinite amount of impossible numbers. 
(this is true because two even number can not make an odd number.) 
*Any combination with a number 1 has no impossible numbers 
(This is true because every number is divisible by 1.) 
*Only combinations with an odd and odd or odd and even have a impossible number 
(This is true because of why the other rules are true) 
The equation to find the highest impossible number is: 
(x * y ) − (x + y )  
This equation works because: 
(3 * 5) − (3 + 5) = 7  
(7 * 3) − (7 + 3) = 11  
It also works for any other numbers you can try, except for if the numbers are both even or 
one of them is 1. 
Alaina Wray 
POW #5 
Math 1 
The shoe is a very interesting game. You and all the other players put your shoes in the 
middle of the trampoline. There is 3 ways to score points: if you knock someone's shoe off the 
trampoline by jumping you get 6 points. If someone else touches your shoe you get 3 points. If 
you can do a belly flop you get 9 points. Answer these questions: 
1. What is the highest impossible score? For example making 2 points is impossible. 
2. Play around with other number combinations. 
3. Is there always a highest impossible number? 
4. Find a rule for when there is not a highest impossible score. 
5. Find a rule for when there is a highest impossible score and an equation. 
This problem was really hard but enjoyable. I wish I would have not been so stressed because 
then I would of solved it faster. To pick at the problem I wish it had not been about football. 
I think without Torreys hint I would have needed more time on this POW since I’m so busy 
and have a ton of other work. I really liked my extension. That is all I have to say! (: 

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