Hematological and Epidemiological Study For Patients Infected With Scabies
Hematological and Epidemiological Study For Patients Infected With Scabies
Hematological and Epidemiological Study For Patients Infected With Scabies
The current study conducted 250 clinically suspected cases of scabies infection and 30 cases of healthy patients who attended
Al- Hakim Hospital and AL-Zahra Hospital in AL-Najaf province during the period from November 2016 to May
2017. This study is designed to determine the incidence of scabies in suspected clinical cases in the city of Al-Najaf by
using a microscopic methods (light and electron) to determine the prevalence of this parasite and to provide an integrated
picture of specialists, especially doctors and researchers, on the development of some blood standards in people infected with
this parasite so that they can treat their patients.
After the direct microscopy tests for the diagnosis of parasite, the results of infection were 56 (22.4%) respectively, and varied
according to gender, males were 34 (13.6%) and females 22(8.8%) respectively. While the number and percentage of
infection after testing the technique of PCR were in males 40 (16%) and in females 20 (8%).
The study also examined the effect of some factors on the spread of this parasite, the most important being the education level
and the socio-economic status. The number of infection percentage were 30 (50%) and 19 (31.66%) in the case of low socio-
economic status and uneducated persons, respectively, while 1 (1.66%) in the good and the people at the university stage
The total number of white blood cells was significantly higher (P <0.05) in males and females compared to control group due
to the increase in the percentage of neutrophil and eosinophil, while the results showed no change in monocyte, lymphocytes
and Basophil cells.
The current study shown that the blood parameters of hemoglobin levels and packed cell volume were significant decreased
(P<0.05) in Sarcoptes scabiei patients in compared to control group. Whereas red blood cells count was non-significant (P >
0.05) in S. scabiei patients compared to control group.
We concluded from the current study that the infection of scabies influences on the some blood parameters such as PCV,
hemoglobin and total and differential leukocytes in patients infected with scabies.
Keyword: Scabies, PCV, Najaf, Leukocyte.
Saleem Khteer Al-Hadraawyet al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 9(6), 2017, 897-900
Blood parameters
Fig. 2: Sarcoptes scabiei larva in skin scraping at (x40) The results of the current study revealed no differences in
red blood cells count in male and female infestation with S.
scabiei compared to the healthy group, whereas as a
significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the concentration of
hemoglobin and packed cell volume in male and female
infestation with S. scabiei compared to the healthy group as
shown in Table (4).
Saleem Khteer Al-Hadraawyet al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 9(6), 2017, 897-900
Leukocyte Count This result may be due to associated with anemia at later
Differential Leukocytes Percentage % stages of infested with S. scabiei parasite and may be due to
The result of differential type of leukocytes identified disabsorption of vitamins and iron Similar results have also
significant increase (P < 0.05) in neutrophil and eosinophil been reported in rabbits and dogs with severe and short
in patients suffering from S. scabiei compared to control term advanced sarcoptic mange (Arlian et al; 1988a, 1995;
group .whereas non-significant (P > 0.05) change in the Jardim-Botelho et al., 2008; Onoja, 2013).
number of lymphocyte, monocyte and basophil in patients The results also recorded a decrease in level of PCV in
group compared to control group, as seen in Table (5). male and female patient with G. lamblia parasite compared
Total Leukocyte Count (X / mm3) to control group; this result may be due to decrease in mean
The result of study revealed significant increase (P < 0.05) corpuscular volume (MCV) caused by decreased level of
in TLC in patients infected with S. scabiei parasite Hb in RBCs (Hesham and Edariah , 2003; Onoja, 2013;
compared to the control group, as seen in table 4. Saleem, 2016).
The results of this study indicated a significant increase in
Table 4: Differential Leukocyte and Total Leukocyte leukocytes; these due to an increase in the number of
Count Percentage in Patients Suffering from Sarcoptes neutrophils and eosinophil because the infection with this
scabiei Infestation and Control Group. parasite causes stimulation immune system of host humeral
Control and cellular (Quihui, 2010 & Quihui-Cota, 2012; Onoja,
Patients Control of Patients
Parameters female female male
group of 2013).
(n=16) group (n=8) (n=28)
male The results conducted eosinophilia associated with patients
(n=14) who suffering from S. scabiei infection. The reason for this
1.098 1.132 1.092 1.814 observation maybe attributed to allergy disorder which is
Basophil %
± 0.067 ± 0. 091 ± 0. 091 ± 0. 073
one of symptoms of S. scabiei infection and may be due to
54.981 52.001 54.681 52.071
Neutrophil %
± 0.185 ± 0. 041* ±0.143* ± 0.019 cellular respond due to the parasite infestation. This allergy
6.090 4.989 4.024 ± 3.087 ± causes increase IgE antibody in blood stream and these
Eosinophil % may lead to increase in the eosinophil because the receptor
± 0.091* ± 0.071 0.170* 0.065
6.088 6.901 7.920 8.954 of IgE found on the surface of eosinophil and mast cell in
Monocyte %
± 0. 132 ± 0.196 ± 0.019 ± 0.102 human (Prieto-Lastra, 2006; Onoja, 2013;Hiro (2014)
Lymphocyte 33.081 35.026 33.012 33.926 reported that increase in eosinophil in patients with parasite
% ± 0.017 ± 0.074 ± 0.082 ± 0.074 could produce some kinds of allergens which could reach
TLC (X10 / 7.910 ± 6.211 ± 7.088 ± 5.954 ± some a deeper layer of intestine mucosa during infection
mm3) 0.282* 0.176 0.133* 0.411 and thus cause an increase in the number of eosinophils in
* Significant difference P˂0.05 between patients and control group
patients this parasite in compared with control group.
The present study revealed that relationship between the Sarcoptes scabiei has an important role in change of some
Socio-economic factor and education level of patient with blood parameters levels such as RBCs, PCV, Hb, Total and
scabies infestation may be due to malnutrition and low differential blood leukocytes in patient infested with
levels of public health sanitation with (Stanton et al., 1987; scabies. Also these results provide the relationship between
Green, 1989; Heukelbach and Feldmeier, 2006; Zeba et al., S. scabiei infestation and Socio-economic factor and
2014).The present study agreed with study of Samina et al., education level.
(2016) who recorded that scabies was more prevalent
among lower and middle socio-economic classes as ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
compared to upper classes which are in line noticed that We are grateful to friendship university of Kufa for
more than 70% of their patients belonging to low socio- providing required facilities.
economic group. Also Feldmeier and Heukelbach (2009)
and Ursani and Baloch (2009) recorded that illiteracy and CONFLICT OF INTERESTS:
low standard of education are the factor responsible for the There are no conflicts of interest.
distribution of scabies. Some earlier workers (Sachdev et
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