WT02 en 2007 Kap04 PDF
WT02 en 2007 Kap04 PDF
WT02 en 2007 Kap04 PDF
4/2 Glossary
Siemens WT 02 · 2007
© Siemens AG 2007
■ Glossary
attenuate a decrease in signal magnitude in transmis- mA a unit of measure for current flow, milliam-
sion from one point to another peres
batch control controlling the accumulation of a predeter- Modbus® an industry standard protocol used by
mined quantity of material popular SCADA and HMI systems
contacts a junction of electrical conductors in open open collector output transistor output that will vary in on/off states
(not connected) or closed (connected) sta-
tes PID Proportional Integral Derivative control is
used to control the feed rate to a setpoint,
damping physical suppression of movement by a vis- either internal to the integrator, or external
cous fluid
PPM pulses per minute
gravity takeup a weighted pulley can take up slack of a
conveyor belt length caused by temperature RMA remote mounted pre-amplifier accepts the
changes voltage pulses generated by the probes and
converts them into noise-immune current
linearization by varying the amplfication, linearization pulses
compensates for non-linear output of the
flowmeter caused by varying flow rates strain gauge thin copper pattern that distorts with strain
causing variation in resistance
load cell strain gauge type transducer that produces
an electrical output proportional to force test weight (or a reference weight which will represent a
(load) applied calibration weight) certain flow rate or load reading
LVDT an electromechanical transducer that pro- totalizer an incremental counter that records the total
duces an electrical output proportional to of material that has been monitored
the displacement of a separate “free-floa-
ting” movable core
UHMW Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
material test material samples used to verify the accu-
racy of the span calibration zero drift variation of zero (empty or no-flow) reading,
usually due to mechanical changes
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4 http://www.siemens.com/automation/ca01
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Support in the planning and de-
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Software Licenses
■ Overview
Software types Factory license
Software requiring a license is categorized into types. With the Factory License the user has the right to install and use
The following software types have been defined: the software at one permanent establishment only. The perma-
• Engineering software nent establishment is defined by one address only.The number
of hardware devices on which the software may be installed
• Runtime software results from the order data or the Certificate of License (CoL).
Engineering software Certificate of license
This includes all software products for creating (engineering) The Certificate of License (CoL) is the licensee's proof that the
user software, e.g. for configuring, programming, parameteriz- use of the software has been licensed by Siemens. A CoL is
ing, testing, commissioning or servicing. required for every type of use and must be kept in a safe place.
Data generated with engineering software and executable
programs can be duplicated for your own use or for use by third- Downgrading
parties free-of-charge. The licensee is permitted to use the software or an earlier ver-
sion/release of the software, provided that the licensee owns
Runtime software such a version/release and its use is technically feasible.
This includes all software products required for plant/machine
operation, e.g. operating system, basic system, system expan- Delivery versions
sions, drivers, etc. Software is constantly being updated.
The duplication of the runtime software and executable pro- The following delivery versions
grams created with the runtime software for your own use or for • PowerPack
use by third-parties is subject to a charge. • Upgrade
You can find information about license fees according to use in can be used to access updates.
the ordering data (e.g. in the catalog). Examples of categories of
use include per CPU, per installation, per channel, per instance, Existing bug fixes are supplied with the ServicePack version.
per axis, per control loop, per variable, etc. PowerPack
Information about extended rights of use for parameteriza- PowerPacks can be used to upgrade to more powerful software.
tion/configuration tools supplied as integral components of the The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL
scope of delivery can be found in the readme file supplied with (Certificate of License) with the PowerPack. This CoL, together
the relevant product(s). with the CoL for the original product, proves that the new soft-
License types ware is licensed.
A separate PowerPack must be purchased for each original
Siemens Automation & Drives offers various types of software license of the software to be replaced.
• Floating license Upgrade
• Single license An upgrade permits the use of a new version of the software on
the condition that a license for a previous version of the product
• Rental license is already held.
• Trial license The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL with
the upgrade. This CoL, together with the CoL for the previous
Floating license product, proves that the new version is licensed.
The software may be installed for internal use on any number of A separate upgrade must be purchased for each original license
devices by the licensee. Only the concurrent user is licensed. of the software to be upgraded.
The concurrent user is the person using the program. Use
begins when the software is started. ServicePack
A license is required for each concurrent user. ServicePacks are used to debug existing products.
Single license ServicePacks may be duplicated for use as prescribed accord-
ing to the number of existing original licenses.
Unlike the floating license, a single license permits only one
installation of the software. License key
The type of use licensed is specified in the ordering data and Siemens Automation & Drives supplies software products with
in the Certificate of License (CoL). Types of use include for and without license keys.
example per device, per axis, per channel, etc. The license key serves as an electronic license stamp and
One single license is required for each type of use defined. is also the "switch" for activating the software (floating license,
rental license, etc.).
Rental license
The complete installation of software products requiring license
A rental license supports the "sporadic use" of engineering keys includes the program to be licensed (the software) and the
software. Once the license key has been installed, the software license key (which represents the license).
can be used for a specific number of hours (the operating hours
do not have to be consecutive).
Detailed explanations concerning license conditions can be
One license is required for each installation of the software. found in the “Terms and Conditions of Siemens AG” or under
Trial license http://www.siemens.com/automation/mall
(A&D Mall Online-Help System)
A trial license supports "short-term use" of the software in a non-
productive context, e.g. for testing and evaluation purposes.
It can be transferred to another license.
Subject index
Page Page
A Series flowmeters 2/57 MD-256 2/40
A-300 flowmeters 2/57 MD-36 2/37
A-40 flowmeter 2/57 MFA 4p 3/16
Accessories for belt scales 2/31 Millpulse 600 3/21
Acoustic sensing controller 3/13 Milltronics BW100 2/69
Acoustic sensor 3/10 Milltronics BW500 2/72
Alarm control unit 3/16 Milltronics MBS 2/12
Allen-Bradley® Remote I/O module 2/80 Milltronics MCS 2/19
Application Data Sheets 2/7, 2/45, 2/56 Milltronics MD-256 2/40
AS 100 3/10 Milltronics MD-36 2/37
Milltronics MMI 2/22
B Milltronics MSI 2/22
Batch control 2/68 Milltronics MUS 2/15
Belt scale accessories 2/30 Milltronics MWL 2/28
Belt scale integrators 2/68 to 2/79 Milltronics RBSS 2/34
Belt scales 2/5 to 2/31 Milltronics SF500 2/76
Belt Scales application data sheet 2/7 Milltronics TASS 2/32
Belt scales principle of operation 2/5 Milltronics Weighfeeder 1200 2/52
Bend Pulleys 2/43 Milltronics Weighfeeder 400 2/46
BW100 2/69 Milltronics Weighfeeder 600 2/48
BW500 2/72 Milltronics Weighfeeder 800 2/50
Mobile crusher scale 2/19
Modular belt scales 2/15
Calibration weights 2/31
Motion Failure Alarm Controller 3/16
Common flowmeter types 2/55
Motion sensing switches 3/22
Communications 2/80 to 2/84
MSP probes 3/17
Controller 3/13
MSP-1 3/17
CU 02 3/13
MSP-12 3/17
Custody transfer scale 2/22
MSP-3 3/17
D MSP-9 3/17
DeviceNet® module 2/80 Multiple idler scale 2/22
Dolphin Plus 2/81 Multi-span 2/68
E Series flowmeter 2/57 PID control function 2/68
E-300 flowmeter 2/57 Principle of operation: belt scales 2/5
E-40 flowmeter 2/57 Principle of operation: solids flowmeters 2/54
4 F
Principle of operation: weighfeeders
Flat bar calibration weights 2/31
Flowguide selection chart 2/54 R
Flowmeter integrator 2/76 RBSS 2/34
Flowmeters 2/54 Remote Mounted Amplifier 3/18
Flowmeters application data sheet 2/56 Return belt speed sensors 2/32, 2/34
RMA 3/18
Heavy-duty belt scale 2/22 S
Sensing heads 2/63
I SF500 2/76
ILE sensing heads 2/63 Shaft-driven speed sensors 2/37, 2/40
ILE-37 2/65 Single idler scale 2/22
ILE-61 2/66 SITRANS AS 100 3/10
Integrators 2/68 SITRANS CU 02 3/13
SmartLinx 2/80
L Software configuration tool 2/84
Linearization 2/68 Solids Flowmeters 2/54
Low capacity scale 2/8 Solids flowmeters: principle of operation 2/54
LVDT sensing head 2/63 Speed sensors 2/32
Strain gauge load cells 2/8, 2/12, 2/15,
2/19, 2/22
Subject index
Page Page
TASS 2/32 Weighfeeder 1200 2/52
Two wire motion sensor 3/20 Weighfeeder 400 2/46
Weighfeeder 600 2/48
V Weighfeeder 800 2/50
V Series flowmeter 2/57 Weighfeeders application data sheet 2/45
V-300 flowmeter 2/57 Weighfeeders principle of operation 2/44
V-40 flowmeter 2/57 Weight lifter 2/28
XPP-5 3/17
Zero speed switch 3/22
ZSS 3/22
Catalogs of the
Automation and Drives Group (A&D)
Further information can be obtained from our branch offices listed
in the appendix or at www.siemens.com/automation/partner
Automation and Drives Catalog Industrial Communication for Catalog
Interactive catalog on CD-ROM and on DVD Automation and Drives IK PI
• The Offline Mall of Automation and Drives CA 01
Automation Systems for Machine Tools Controls and Distribution – LV 1
SINUMERIK & SINAMICS NC 61 Controls and Distribution – LV 1 T
Technical Information
Drive Systems
SIDAC Reactors and Filters LV 60
Variable-Speed Drives
SINAMICS G130 Drive Converter Chassis Units, D 11
SINAMICS G150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units SIVACON 8PS Busbar Trunking Systems LV 70
SINAMICS G110 Inverter Chassis Units D 11.1
Motion Control System SIMOTION PM 10
Medium-Voltage Converter 0.6 MVA to 28 MVA
SINAMICS S120 D 21.1 Process Instrumentation and Analytics
Vector Control Drive System Field Instruments for Process Automation FI 01
SINAMICS S120 Servo Control Drive System D 21.2 Measuring Instruments for Pressure,
Differential Pressure, Flow, Level and Temperature,
SINAMICS S150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units D 21.3 Positioners and Liquid Meters
Asynchronous Motors Standardline D 86.1 PDF: Indicators for panel mounting MP 12
DC Motors DA 12 SIREC Recorders and Accessories MP 20
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RA70 Digital Chassis DA 21.1 SIPART, Controllers and Software MP 31
SIWAREX Weighing Systems WT 01
SIMOREG K 6RA22 Analog Chassis Converters DA 21.2
Continuous Weighing and Process Protection WT 02
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RM70 Digital Converter DA 22
Cabinet Units Process Analytical Instruments PA 01
SIMOVERT PM Modular Converter Systems DA 45 PDF: Process Analytics, PA 11
Components for the System Integration
MICROMASTER 410/420/430/440 Inverters DA 51.2 SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems
MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 DA 51.3 SIMATIC PCS Process Control System ST 45
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control DA 65.10 Products for Totally Integrated Automation and ST 70
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control DA 65.11 Micro Automation
Synchronous and asynchronous servomotors for DA 65.3 SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO DA 65.4 Process Control System
Low-Voltage Three-Phase-Motors Migration solutions with the SIMATIC PCS 7 ST PCS 7.2
Squirrel-Cage Motors, Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled M 11 Process Control System
Automation Systems for Machine Tools SIMODRIVE NC 60 pc-based Automation ST PC
• Main Spindle/Feed Motors SIMATIC Control Systems ST DA
• Converter Systems SIMODRIVE 611/POSMO
SIMATIC Sensors FS 10
Automation Systems for Machine Tools SINAMICS NC 61
• Main Spindle/Feed Motors
SIPOS Electric Actuators
• Drive System SINAMICS S120
Electric Rotary, Linear and Part-turn Actuators MP 35
Drive and Control Components for Hoisting Equipment HE 1
Electric Rotary Actuators for Nuclear Plants MP 35.1/.2
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