Carl Mendoza

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Accepted Manuscript

Climatic controls on groundwater-surface water interactions within the Boreal

Plains of Alberta: Field observations and numerical simulations

Craig Thompson, Carl A. Mendoza, Kevin J. Devito, Richard M. Petrone

PII: S0022-1694(15)00377-7
Reference: HYDROL 20462

To appear in: Journal of Hydrology

Received Date: 11 March 2015

Revised Date: 8 May 2015
Accepted Date: 12 May 2015

Please cite this article as: Thompson, C., Mendoza, C.A., Devito, K.J., Petrone, R.M., Climatic controls on
groundwater-surface water interactions within the Boreal Plains of Alberta: Field observations and numerical
simulations, Journal of Hydrology (2015), doi:

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1 Climatic controls on groundwater-surface water interactions within the Boreal Plains of
2 Alberta: Field observations and numerical simulations

4 Craig Thompsona*, Carl A. Mendozaa, Kevin J. Devitob, and Richard M. Petronec

5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G

6 2E3, Canada

7 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2R3, Canada

8 Cold Regions Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3C5, Canada

9 Correspondence to: Craig Thompson, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,

10 University of Alberta, 1-26 Earth Sciences Building, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E3, Canada.

11 Telephone: 1-780-492-3265. E-mail:


13 A paper for Journal of Hydrology

14 MS. Ref. No.: HYDROL19062


16 Date submitted: March 11, 2015

17 Revised version submitted: May 8, 2015


1 Abstract
2 Hydrologic data were collected over eleven years at a catchment situated in low permeability

3 glacial terrain within the Boreal Plains (Alberta, Canada) to evaluate the hydrologic interactions

4 occurring between landscape units (i.e., shallow pond, extensive peatlands, aspen forested

5 hillslopes). Two-dimensional numerical models were developed using a fully-integrated

6 groundwater-surface water model to evaluate key landscape features that allow these

7 ecosystems to persist within the sub-humid climate. Study results show that the dynamic

8 interactions between the pond and peatlands are driven by precipitation and

9 evapotranspiration. As a result, pond and peatland water levels reflect recent climatic trends.

10 Limited hillslope contributions to the peatlands occur, indicating they are not required within

11 this climatic setting for long-term maintenance. Instead, the peatlands conserve water within

12 the landscape and supply it to adjacent landscape units. By contrast, the pond and the aspen

13 forested hillslopes are dominated by high rates of evapotranspiration, and represent net water

14 sinks within the landscape. Further simulations indicate these hydrologic systems are sensitive

15 to pond and peatland evapotranspiration rates, and the hydraulic conductivity of the underlying

16 glacial till substrate.


18 KEY WORDS: Boreal peatlands; aspen forests; sub-humid climate; evapotranspiration;

19 hydrology; hydrogeology


1 1.0 Introduction
2 The Boreal Plains of northern Alberta, Canada, are host to numerous wetlands, small

3 lakes, and ponds interspersed within forested uplands. The wetlands provide important

4 seasonal habitat for migratory birds and also represent a significant carbon pool (Smith and

5 Reid, 2013; Gorham, 1991). However, they are under significant development pressures as a

6 result of expanding petroleum developments and timber harvesting (Devito et al., 2012).

7 Furthermore, large areas have been disturbed by open-pit mining of oil sands which will require

8 reclamation on an unprecedented scale over the next 30 to 50 years (Kelln et al., 2008).

9 Consequently, characterization of the processes governing the movement of water within these

10 ecosystems is of pressing importance for both managing existing ecosystems and restoring

11 those which have already been disturbed.

12 Ecosystems within the Boreal Plains are sustained by sub-humid climatic conditions,

13 where annual precipitation (P) is commonly less than potential evapotranspiration (PET;

14 Marshal et al., 1999). Water deficit conditions occur frequently, making them highly vulnerable

15 to developments that may alter their water budget. A large portion of annual P falls during the

16 summer months (Marshal et al., 1999) when the PET is greatest (Petrone et al., 2007; Brown et

17 al., 2014). Therefore, in contrast to more humid regions such as the Boreal Shield, limited

18 water is available to replenish the subsurface during the growing season in most years. Instead,

19 the majority of groundwater recharge is derived from spring snowmelt and rain events

20 occurring outside the growing season (Smerdon et al., 2008; Redding and Devito, 2011),

21 particularly in the forested uplands where evapotranspiration (ET) by species such as aspen

22 may exceed growing season P (Brown et al., 2014).

1 The elevated upland ET, combined with the deep glacial soils within the region (Vogwill,

2 1978), result in deep upland water tables that do not follow topography and often decline away

3 from adjacent ponds and peatlands (Ferone and Devito, 2004; Smerdon et al., 2005).

4 Consequently, following snowmelt and rain events the upland hydrologic response is

5 dominated by fluctuations in storage, with little potential for generation of overland flow

6 (Devito et al., 2005; Redding and Devito, 2008). Thus, pond and peatland water levels are

7 dominated by the atmospheric fluxes of P and ET (Ferone and Devito, 2004; Smerdon et al.,

8 2005), with upland contributions occurring infrequently, particularly in lower permeability

9 settings.

10 Despite their primary reliance on P for maintenance within the dry sub-humid climate,

11 pond and peatland ecosystems comprise a large and essential portion of the landscape within

12 the Boreal Plains. Restoration of these ecosystems will represent an important challenge in the

13 coming years, particularly in the oil sands mining region where complete reconstruction of the

14 landscape will be required (Devito et al., 2012). The re-establishment of peatland terrain has

15 not been previously attempted (Price et al., 2010), thus questions remain regarding the key

16 features that may ultimately lead to successful reclamation, particularly within the context of

17 the relatively dry sub-humid climate. Research aimed at addressing these questions has been

18 primarily process-based, with most studies focusing on hydrological aspects of individual

19 landscape units (i.e., pond, peatland, and hillslope; Devito et al., 2012) for relatively short

20 periods of time (i.e., 1 to 2 years) with variable climatic conditions.

21 This study evaluated the hydrologic linkages occurring between landscape units at a

22 pond-peatland complex characteristic of Alberta’s glaciated Boreal Plains region. A multi-year

1 hydrologic dataset was collected over eleven years at a heterogeneous low permeability

2 catchment within the region to assess the interactions occurring between landscape units and

3 to evaluate how they vary over a range of climatic variability. The empirical dataset was used

4 to develop numerical models capable of representing the dominant hydrological processes and

5 to evaluate the key features of the landscape that allow these ecosystems to persist within the

6 sub-humid climate. The goals of the study were to assess how the interactions vary between

7 landscape units within the observed climatic cycles, to evaluate the sensitivity of the system to

8 a range of soil characteristics and catchment configurations commonly found within the Boreal

9 Plains, and to address how catchment hydrology within the region is influenced by the

10 configuration of landscape units to improve the design of (re)constructed landscapes.

11 2.0 Study Area

12 The study was conducted within the undisturbed catchment of Pond 43 (20 ha; Lat:

13 56.07 N, Long: 115.5 W; Figure 1), situated within the Utikuma Region Study Area (URSA). The

14 URSA is located within the plains region of the western Boreal Forest approximately 350 km

15 northwest of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and approximately 150 km south of the

16 discontinuous permafrost region (Woo and Winter, 1993). Previous studies at the URSA have

17 investigated pond water budgets situated in a range of glacial landforms (Ferone and Devito,

18 2004; Smerdon et al., 2005); groundwater-surface water interactions in glacial outwash terrain

19 (Smerdon et al., 2007); groundwater recharge and runoff dynamics (Smerdon et al., 2008;

20 Redding and Devito, 2008, 2010, 2011); the variability in ecosystem ET (Petrone et al., 2007;

21 Brown et al., 2010, 2014), and the influence of subsurface ice formation (Petrone et al., 2008;

22 Smerdon and Mendoza, 2010; Redding and Devito, 2011).

1 The URSA experiences cold winters and warm summers, with average January and July

2 temperatures of -14.5°C and 15.6°C. The climate is sub-humid, with annual PET (517 mm)

3 exceeding annual P (485 mm) in an average year (Marshal et al., 1999). However, wetter years

4 where P exceeds PET occur every 10 to 25 years (Mwale et al., 2009). A large fraction of P (i.e.,

5 50-60%) falls during the summer months when the PET is greatest (Petrone et al., 2007; Brown

6 et al., 2014); therefore, the majority of groundwater recharge occurs outside of the growing

7 season (Smerdon et al., 2008; Redding and Devito, 2011).

8 The catchment of Pond 43 is situated on a regional topographic high and functions

9 hydrologically as a regional recharge zone with predominantly vertical groundwater flow

10 (Ferone and Devito, 2004). The catchment is characterized by deep, low permeability glacial

11 disintegration moraine deposits with subtle topographic relief. The till is heterogeneous with

12 sand and silt lenses interspersed throughout the soil column (Figure 2), and ranges in depth

13 from 40 m to 50 m (Pawlowicz and Fenton, 2005). The till is underlain by marine shales of the

14 Upper Cretaceous Smoky Group (Vogwill, 1978).

15 Mature forests consisting of predominately aspen cover the hillslopes (62% of area). In

16 these areas, near-surface soils are classified as gray luvisols and overlay oxidised clay till 5 m to

17 8 m in depth with unoxidised clay till beneath (Ferone and Devito, 2004). In flatter areas and

18 depressions, peatlands with low density stunted black spruce (32%) are the dominant surface

19 cover and directly overly unoxidised clay till. The organic materials within the peatlands range

20 in depth from 2 to 5 m. Groundwater and surface water flow within the peatlands are

21 influenced by seasonally frozen lenses, which can persist well into the summer months

22 (Petrone et al., 2008; Brown et al., 2010). In the vicinity of the pond (6%), the peatlands

1 transition to gyttja that extends to greater than 3 m depth. Surface drainage within the

2 peatlands is generally poorly developed (Ferone and Devito, 2004) and frequently modified by

3 beaver activity.

4 3.0 Field Data

5 3.1. Precipitation and Evaporation

6 P data were collected using 1 to 2 automated tipping bucket rain gauges and were

7 checked using manual measurements from bulk rain gauges distributed across the site. Snow

8 surveys were used to measure the snowpack each winter and spring. The surveys indicated

9 similar snow depths accumulated within each landscape unit, with little drifting observed.

10 Snow water equivalent (SWE) was determined from composite samples obtained during each

11 survey.

12 Rainfall interception within aspen and spruce stands was estimated using integrated

13 throughfall measurements. Throughfall was collected in 10 m long troughs placed below the

14 shrub understory within both forest types. Bulk samples were collected at roughly two week

15 intervals following the snowmelt period before aspen leaf on through to mid-September.

16 Pond evaporation was measured using a Class A evaporation pan which was partially

17 submerged to maintain thermal equilibrium between the pond and pan. Daily to continuous

18 water level measurements within the pan were obtained throughout the pond’s ice-free

19 season. Additional evaporation data from Pond 43, peatlands, and the aspen forests have

20 previously been reported (Petrone et al., 2007; Brown et al., 2010, 2014).

1 3.2. Surface Water
2 Continuous pond stage measurements were obtained during the ice-free season using

3 pressure transducers and augmented with manual measurements at established staff gauges.

4 The bathymetry of Pond 43 was determined using depth to gyttja measurements from the

5 water surface along two perpendicular transects. The bathymetry measurements were

6 contoured and incorporated into a 1 m resolution LiDAR surface to provide a continuous

7 surface for the study area.

8 Surface water flows and water levels in the pond and peatland channels were measured

9 daily to weekly at V-notch weirs throughout the study period. The frequency of measurements

10 was higher during the spring melt and following summer rain events to better capture

11 increased flow rates during these periods. The resulting dataset was interpolated between

12 measurements to estimate daily surface water inflows and outflows from the pond.

13 3.3. Groundwater
14 Groundwater levels were monitored throughout the duration of the study period in

15 monitoring well and piezometer nests installed within each material. A total of 180 monitoring

16 points were installed to a maximum depth of 23 m (Figures 1 and 2). Groundwater levels were

17 typically measured weekly to biweekly from spring through autumn with less frequent

18 measurements occurring during the winter. Continuous measurements were obtained at a

19 number of locations using pressure transducers.

20 The saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the glacial substrate, peat, and gyttja has

21 been previously reported (Ferone and Devito, 2004; Petrone et al., 2008; Redding and Devito,

22 2008). The dataset was augmented with the results of slug tests conducted at 51 additional

1 monitoring points distributed within each material. The dataset indicates that the Ks within the

2 peat and gyttja displays a distinct decreasing trend with depth. Similar results have been

3 reported by other researchers (e.g., Beckwith et al., 2003; Quinton et al., 2008). Within the

4 glacial till, results of infiltration tests indicate a similar decline in Ks with depth in the near-

5 surface materials, ranging from 10-3 m/s in the upper 0.1 m to 10-8 m/s at 0.75 m depth

6 (Redding and Devito, 2010). However, no distinct depth trend was observed from slug tests

7 conducted at greater depth. Instead, significant variation in Ks (i.e., 10-5 m/s to 10-10 m/s) is

8 present throughout the material due to its highly heterogeneous nature.

9 4.0 Numerical Models

10 Two-dimensional (2D) models were developed to simulate the hydrologic interactions

11 occurring between the different landscape units. The goal of the simulations was to reproduce

12 observed hydrologic responses to climatic forcing and evaluate the sensitivity of the system to

13 changes to specified parameters and boundary conditions, rather than to simulate hydraulic

14 heads exactly at a specific well within the heterogeneous subsurface. Therefore, the models

15 were simplified representations of the hydrologic system that retained sufficient complexity to

16 simulate the dominant behavior, but may not capture finer-scale intricacies present at a given

17 location.

18 Simulations were performed from January 1, 2000 to March 15, 2011. Models were

19 developed for two transects to bracket the range in hydrologic conditions present at the site

20 (Figure 1 and 2). The location of each transect was selected to follow interpreted surface

21 water/groundwater flow paths while incorporating the largest number of data points available.

22 Each transect features a pond near the center of the domain along with peatlands of varying

1 depth and length on either side. Section A includes an aspen forested hillslope at its northern

2 end that rises in elevation approximately 9 m above the pond. Section B differs by not having a

3 hillslope in the vicinity of the pond and by terminating at an adjacent pond (i.e., Pond 48).

4 Simulations were performed using HydroGeoSphere (HGS; Aquanty, 2013). HGS is a

5 physically-based, fully-integrated groundwater-surface water code that simultaneously solves

6 the diffusion-wave approximation of the Saint Venant equations in the surface water domain

7 and the variably-saturated Richard’s equation in the subsurface domain. HGS was selected as

8 the numerical simulator due to the integrated simulation capabilities of the code which allow

9 the user to specify boundary conditions in the form of atmospheric fluxes, rather than

10 specifying groundwater recharge rates and surface water levels that necessitate additional a

11 priori assumptions. HGS has been applied to a wide range of problems, ranging in scale from

12 catchment (Jones et al., 2008) to continental (Lemieux et al., 2008).

13 The finite-element mesh for each 2D model was discretized using uniform 1 m nodal

14 spacing horizontally. Vertically, nodal spacing varied from 0.05 m to 0.1 m in the upper 0.5 m.

15 Below this depth, finite-element layers increased to a maximum thickness of approximately

16 0.25 m. The surface of the mesh was set to ground surface using the 1 m resolution LiDAR

17 surface with the pond’s bathymetry incorporated. Glacial sediments within the modeled area

18 reach depths of 50 m, thus no natural near-surface hydrologic boundary was present to define

19 the base of the model. Instead, the base of the mesh was set to an arbitrary elevation of

20 633 masl within each model resulting in a minimum domain thickness of 20 m.

1 4.1. Material Properties
2 Three hydrogeologic units were specified within the models including peat, gyttja, and

3 glacial till. Parameter zones within each unit were defined based on observed depth trends in

4 Ks. Within the peat and gyttja, the Ks was specified to decrease with depth (Table 1). An

5 anisotropy ratio of 10:1 was assumed for both materials (Beckwith et al., 2003; Nagare et al.;

6 2013). The remainder of the model was specified to be composed of glacial till. Highly

7 decomposed organic materials at the edge of the peatland were also included within this unit,

8 as their hydraulic properties were found to be similar to the till (i.e., low permeability and

9 porosity, high bulk density). The glacial till was subdivided into three zones with Ks decreasing

10 with depth. The depth of the upper two layers was specified to include near-surface sand and

11 silt lenses observed in available boreholes as well as to simulate enhanced near-surface

12 permeability resulting from fractures in the till, decayed roots, and animal burrows (Hayashi

13 and van der Kamp, 2009). The remainder of the material was assigned a lower Ks of

14 1 x 10-8 m/s. An anisotropy ratio of 100:1 was assumed for each till layer and evaluated during

15 model calibration. An additional 0.1 m thick forest floor was specified above the glacial till. Soil

16 water characteristic and hydraulic conductivity curves were derived from the literature for the

17 peat and gyttja (Silins and Rothwell, 1998; Price et al.; 2010) and glacial till using the properties

18 of a clay loam (Carsel and Parrish, 1988). Limited data was available to characterize the

19 porosity and specific storage of each material; therefore, measurements were augmented with

20 literature values (Redding and Devito, 2006; Petrone et al., 2008; Quinton et al., 2008; Smith

21 and Wheatcraft, 1993). Within the peat and gyttja, the porosity and specific storage were

1 specified to follow a similar decreasing with depth trend as Ks; within the heterogeneous glacial

2 materials uniform values were specified with depth (Table 1).

3 4.2. Boundary and Initial Conditions

4 Boundary conditions applied to the models consisted of a combination of specified

5 fluxes and hydraulic heads. Specified fluxes consisting of daily rainfall and snowmelt were

6 applied to the surface of each model (Table 2). Rainfall and snowmelt rates differed between

7 landscape units to account for varying P interception, snow sublimation, and frozen season

8 length. Within the pond, all rainfall was assumed to reach the surface during the non-ice

9 covered period. The rainfall rate within the forested areas was calculated based on a simple

10 relationship used to relate measured interception, which was found to be similar in aspen and

11 black spruce areas, to rainfall intensity and season. For the summer months when the ET is

12 highest, the daily canopy interception was assumed to be 2 mm, with the remaining quantity of

13 rainfall reaching the ground. During the cooler month of May and the remaining winter

14 months, the interception was reduced to 0.5 mm and 0 mm, respectively. The resultant

15 calculated throughfall was found to provide a reasonable match to measured values (Figure 3)

16 with an average interception of approximately 25% of annual P.

17 Spring snowmelt was applied based on snow surveys and measured changes in water

18 levels within the pond and observation wells. The depth of the winter snow pack was manually

19 calculated in each landscape unit and applied as snowmelt over a 1 to 3 week period during the

20 spring. Rain falling during the snow-covered period was assumed to be incorporated into the

21 snowpack. Snow surveys indicated similar SWE volumes were present within each landscape

22 unit in the spring, suggesting that varying snow interception was largely offset by higher mid-

1 winter melt and evaporation rates in more open areas (Koivusalo and Kokkonen, 2002).

2 Therefore, similar combined snowmelt evaporation and sublimation equal to 25% and 30% of

3 the annual snowfall were assumed within the respective forested and pond areas.

4 Daily ET was also applied to the models’ surface from the spring through the fall. Within

5 the pond, ET was limited to ice-free periods, which were estimated from measured air

6 temperatures and observed pond water levels. In the aspen-dominated areas, ET was applied

7 from May 15 to September 15 (Brown et al., 2014); whereas, in the peatlands ET was specified

8 on all non-snow-covered days (Brown et al., 2010).

9 Measurements of ET were not available for the entire study period; therefore, the

10 temperature-based Hamon method (1963) was used to derive a continuous estimate.

11 Calculated values were found to be similar to measured pond ET (Petrone et al., 2007). The

12 generated dataset was then scaled to account for differing ET within the peatlands (Petrone et

13 al., 2007; Brown et al., 2010) and aspen areas (Brown et al., 2014). The resultant applied ET

14 ratios between the peatlands and pond and between the aspen and pond were 0.5 and 1.3,

15 respectively, and were held constant for each year.

16 ET parameters were assigned to zones delineated by landscape unit to represent the

17 different characteristics of the predominant vegetation type. Within the aspen hillslopes and

18 black spruce peatlands, the ET was distributed within the upper 3 m and 0.5 m, respectively,

19 based on typical rooting depths (Debyle and Winokur, 1985; Lieffers and Rothwell, 1987). In

20 the pond, the ET was limited to the upper 0.1 m. In all zones, ET was focused at near-surface

21 nodes through use of a cubic function available within HGS. The actual ET (AET) was limited by

1 the available water, with the maximum rate occurring at saturations greater than field capacity

2 (i.e., -33 kPa) and decreasing to zero at the permanent wilting point (i.e., -1500 kPa).

3 Within the pond, the specified P and ET fluxes also included measured stream flow into

4 and out of the pond. The continuous stream flow dataset was converted to an areal flux using

5 the estimated pond area for a given stage.

6 Additional boundary conditions applied to the models included specified heads at the

7 base of the domain, a specified head at the eastern edge of Section B where it terminates at

8 Pond 48, and no flow conditions along the remaining lateral edges of the models. At the base,

9 a uniform hydraulic head was applied to simulate connection with the regional groundwater

10 flow system. Measured hydraulic heads from deeper wells (i.e., >15 m depth) showed little

11 fluctuation throughout the year; therefore, a constant head was assumed to provide a

12 reasonable representation. At the eastern edge of Section B, daily specified hydraulic heads

13 were applied within the peatland to simulate the adjacent Pond 48. Along the remaining lateral

14 edges of the models, no flow boundaries were specified as groundwater flow has been

15 observed to be predominately vertically downwards.

16 Initial conditions were generated by specifying the pressure head across the surface of

17 the models and running them to steady state. Pressure heads were determined from measured

18 hydraulic heads nearest to the start of the simulation period and interpolated between

19 measurement points. Boundary conditions applied to the base (i.e., constant head) and lateral

20 edges (i.e., no flow and specified head at Pond 48) of the models were unchanged from the

21 transient simulations.

1 5.0 Results and Discussion

2 5.1. Climatic Variability

3 The climate was relatively dry throughout most of the study period. From 1999 to 2006,

4 annual P was less than average in all but 2005 (Table 3, Figure 5). The driest years occurred in

5 2001 and 2002, with both years receiving less than 60% of average P. Wetter climatic

6 conditions occurred in consecutive years in 2007 and 2008 before dropping again in the

7 following years. Despite the variability in annual climatic conditions, rainfall patterns were

8 relatively consistent with the majority of daily rainfall occurring in small events. On average,

9 90% of days with rain received less than 10 mm, with 51% of total annual rainfall occurring on

10 days receiving less than 10 mm. Larger storms occurred infrequently, with daily rainfall totals

11 exceeding 30 mm occurring on a total of 5 days over the duration of the study period, resulting

12 in little potential for overland flow generation from the hillslopes (Redding and Devito, 2008).

13 5.2. Observed Groundwater Flow Patterns

14 Peatland water levels were found to mimic the pond stage throughout the study period

15 (Figure 4). Water levels in both landscape units reflect recent trends in climate variability

16 (Figure 5), although the correlation is stronger in the pond (i.e., correlation coefficient (R) =

17 0.65) than the peatlands (R = 0.40). Seasonally, peatland water levels were generally higher

18 than the pond following spring snowmelt. The resulting groundwater flow direction was from

19 peatland to pond, with the annual discharge period varying in duration in response to the

20 frequency and magnitude of early spring rains. Pond discharge from the peatlands continued

21 through the growing season following drier periods when pond water levels were low (e.g.,

22 2002 to 2003) as the deeper, lower Ks peat layers maintained peatland water levels above the

1 pond. In contrast, lateral groundwater flow from the pond to the peatlands was observed from

2 late summer through spring following the relatively dry 1999 growing season (Ferone and

3 Devito; 2004); however, pond water levels were elevated during this period by comparison.

4 During wetter periods when the pond was full (e.g., 2007 to 2008), pond-peatland interactions

5 were much more dynamic, with hydraulic gradients reversing frequently in response to rain

6 events. However, as the growing season progressed, peatland water levels generally declined

7 below the pond as previously observed (Ferone and Devito; 2004), resulting in lateral

8 groundwater flow from the pond to the peatlands throughout a large portion of the year. In

9 contrast to horizontal hydraulic gradients, water level data collected within the peat, gyttja, and

10 underlying shallow glacial materials indicated continuous downward groundwater flow

11 occurred regardless of climatic conditions, consistent with the interpretation that the area

12 functions as a regional recharge zone (Ferone and Devito, 2004).

13 Within the hillslope, water level elevations were generally well below those observed in

14 both the peatland and pond as previously observed (Ferone and Devito), indicating that the

15 hillslope acted as a net water sink to the peatland. All wells remained dry throughout the study

16 period except at the hillslope toe. At the toe, wells were dry prior to the spring of 2003 (Figure

17 4), indicating that the water table declined rapidly at the peatland edge to a depth of at least 2

18 to 3 m below the base of the pond. Annual snowfall during this period was well below average,

19 suggesting limited water was available to recharge the glacial materials. As a result, the

20 direction of groundwater flow was always from the peatland to the hillslope regardless of

21 season. In 2003, spring water levels at the toe of the hillslope increased to within about 1 m of

22 those in the peatland following an average snow fall year. However, a rapid water level decline

1 was observed throughout the growing season despite near average rainfall, suggesting that

2 most of the water was either removed through ET or incorporated into storage. Consequently,

3 by mid-July the water table dropped below the base of the well located at the hillslope toe.

4 Water levels at the hillslope toe remained low until the spring of 2005, when they rose

5 above those in the adjacent peatland following snowmelt. The increase in water level followed

6 another average snow fall year that was preceded by a relatively wet autumn, suggesting that

7 the majority of groundwater recharge in the aspen hillslopes occurs outside of the growing

8 season in the spring and late fall, consistent with the findings of other studies in the URSA

9 (Smerdon et al., 2008; Redding and Devito, 2011). Comparable responses were observed in the

10 relatively wet years of 2006 to 2009, with water levels at the toe of the hillslope exceeding

11 those in the peatland each spring. Thus some groundwater discharge from the hillslope to the

12 peatland likely occurred, although the combination of generally low Ks glacial till and seasonally

13 frozen peat probably prevented significant water exchange.

14 5.3. Comparison of Simulated and Observed Hydraulic Heads

15 Simulated transient hydraulic heads were evaluated at 111 monitoring wells (i.e., 68 in

16 Section A; 43 in Section B) along with the computed stage at Pond 43. Calculated calibration

17 statistics (i.e., R, residual mean (rm), root mean square error (RMS), and RMS normalized by the

18 range in observed water levels (NRMS)) indicate the models were able to provide a reasonable

19 representation of the hydrologic system (i.e., R = 0.65; RMS = 0.29 m; Figure 6d). Water levels

20 within the pond were particularly well-represented (i.e., R = 0.97; RMS = 0.06 m; Figure 6a),

21 although some bias is present at shallower pond depths where the predicted stage is somewhat

22 over-predicted. Greater discrepancy is present at peatland locations (i.e., R = 0.77; RMS =

1 0.17 m; Figure 6b), with the RMS equal to about half the range of annual peatland water level

2 fluctuations. The largest residuals were generally from deeper monitoring wells within the

3 glacial till (i.e., R = 0.47; RMS = 0.50 m; Figure 6c), where considerable heterogeneity is present.

4 Temporally, simulated trends in water levels were found to be in good agreement with

5 measured values (Figure 7). Computed residuals typically decreased from spring to fall when P

6 inputs were lowest, with similar error values obtained in both dry and wetter years. At the

7 hillslope toe in Section A, the general trend of a rapidly rising water level following snowmelt

8 and a continuous decline throughout the growing season is well-represented by the model

9 (Figure 7e). Water levels at this location were over-predicted early in the simulated period,

10 which likely occurred as a result of the initial conditions in the hillslope being too wet. In later

11 years, the predicted peak of the spring water level rise differed from measured values in some

12 years. This may be due to a number of factors not incorporated into the model. Such factors

13 might include drifting of snow, higher Ks lenses or fractures that lead to more rapid

14 transmission of water to this location, the presence of frozen peat that may act as a dam

15 preventing water exchange, or flow contributions from outside of the assumed 2D flow system.

16 Simulated hydraulic heads during the winter and early spring are not as well represented, as

17 flow of water from the peatlands towards the hillslope leads to an increase in water level not

18 observed in the field. This discrepancy occurs as a result of not including freezing and thawing

19 within the simulations, as the peatlands freeze solid throughout the winter preventing water

20 loss to the hillslope.

21 Above the hillslope toe, all wells within the hillslope remained dry throughout the

22 duration of the simulation, with the simulated water table elevation declining with distance

1 upslope. The high aspen ET and thick unsaturated zone prevented significant recharge from

2 reaching the water table, resulting in minimal fluctuations in groundwater levels and no

3 overland flow generation. Thus, results of the simulations suggest that significantly wetter

4 climate cycles would be required before noticeable rises in groundwater levels could occur.

5 The simulated AET integrated over the entire hillslope was limited by soil moisture availability,

6 ranging from 56-76% of the potential rate (Table 3), and was found to be similar to measured

7 rates at an adjacent catchment (Brown et al., 2014). In contrast, simulated AET within the pond

8 and peatlands was predicted to equal the potential rate throughout the study period.

9 Despite neglecting the effects of peatland freezing and thawing, observed seasonal

10 trends in hydraulic heads at peatland wells are well replicated (Figure 7a, b, d). The model is

11 able to capture the early spring rise in water levels following snowmelt and the general decline

12 throughout the growing season. Periodic smaller scale increases in water levels following larger

13 rain events are reasonably well captured, although some deviations are apparent which may be

14 a result of spatially varying rates of interception that were not incorporated.

15 The stage of Pond 43 was also well replicated (Figure 7c), and was found to mimic

16 measured water levels throughout most of the simulation. Some discrepancy is apparent

17 during the summers of 2002 to 2004 when the measured water level decline is under-

18 predicted. This may be due to the relatively simple air temperature based method that was

19 used to calculate the daily pond ET. Incorporation of a more rigorous approach that includes

20 the effects of water depth and temperature may have provided a better representation of the

21 process and could be considered for future simulations.

1 5.4. Sensitivity Simulations
2 Additional simulations were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the hydrologic

3 system to changes in selected parameter values, boundary conditions, and catchment

4 configurations. Each scenario did not necessarily provide a realistic representation of the

5 system, as simulated water levels at some locations were significantly different than what has

6 been observed. However, the simulated cases do provide insight into the controlling aspects of

7 the system, which may be relevant to construction requirements in a reclamation setting.

8 Results of the sensitivity simulations are described below and summarized in Table 4.

9 The first simulations investigated the sensitivity of the model results to the specified set

10 of boundary conditions. Simulated water levels within the pond were found to be particularly

11 sensitive to the timing and duration of snowmelt in both the pond and peatlands. Modification

12 of the timing of the snowmelt period, particularly within the peatlands, led to simulated peaks

13 in pond stage being out of phase with measured values. Annual water levels within the

14 peatlands were not as sensitive to this boundary input provided that the snowmelt was added

15 in a similar time frame as the observed increase in peatland water level. The overall response

16 of the system was less sensitive to the timing of snowmelt in the hillslope, suggesting limited

17 water was transferred to the adjacent peatland. Modification to the onset of the melt period

18 primarily resulted in changes to the duration of the peak water level at the toe, which was

19 predicted to persist until removal of water from aspen ET commenced each spring.

20 To assess the uncertainty in the tabulated ET boundary fluxes for each landscape unit,

21 simulations were conducted with the specified ET modified by 30%. Pond and peatland water

22 levels were sensitive to this boundary flux. Increasing the ET led to significantly reduced water

1 levels (Figure 8). Conversely, where the ET decreased, pond and peatland water levels were

2 predicted to be elevated relative to the base case simulation. Similar responses in water levels

3 at the toe of the hillslope were predicted for these scenarios, although the magnitude of the

4 change was generally less than within the peatlands. Simulation results were less sensitive to

5 increased aspen ET, as the simulated AET was already limited by the available soil moisture

6 (Figure 8). Reducing the aspen ET led to increased water levels at the toe of the hillslope,

7 although this had little effect on water levels within the pond and peatland. Similar to the base

8 case simulation, all wells located further up the hillslope remained dry in both scenarios.

9 The next sensitivity simulations evaluated the influence of the Ks distribution. Results

10 were relatively insensitive to the Ks of the organic materials. Modification of the rate of decline

11 in peatland Ks with depth resulted in minor deviations from the base case. Uniform order of

12 magnitude increases or decreases to the Ks to either the peat or gyttja also led to relatively

13 small changes to pond and peatland water levels. Similarly small variations in water levels at

14 the toe of the hillslope were predicted for changes in peat Ks.

15 Water levels in all materials were most sensitive to the Ks of the glacial till. Increasing

16 the Ks of each till unit by an order of magnitude led to water levels in the pond and peatlands

17 dropping by up to 0.5 m due to increased vertical groundwater flow. Consequently, the pond

18 was predicted to dry out in 2010 for this scenario (Figure 9). Conversely, decreasing the Ks of

19 each till unit by an order of magnitude led to increased pond and peatland water levels of

20 about 0.3 m. Representation of the glacial materials as a uniform material of high (i.e.,

21 1x10-7 m/s) or low (i.e., 1x10-8 m/s) Ks yielded similar results as the respective increased and

22 decreased Ks simulations.

1 Groundwater levels at the toe of the hillslope were also sensitive to the Ks of the till. For

2 the increased Ks scenario, water level peaks at the toe of the hillslope following snowmelt were

3 generally lower and the magnitude of annual fluctuations was greater (Figure 9). In contrast,

4 for the decreased Ks scenario, the simulated water level did not fluctuate in response to

5 snowmelt inputs. Instead, the annual influx of water was held in storage prior to being

6 removed by aspen ET during the growing season. A similar response was predicted for

7 simulations that represented the glacial materials as a uniform high and low permeability

8 material.

9 The final sensitivity simulations investigated the individual influence that the pond and

10 peatlands exerted on the hydrological behavior of the system. In the first simulation, the pond

11 was removed from the modeled area to represent catchments that occur within the URSA that

12 have extensive peatlands that do not terminate at a surface water body. For this scenario, the

13 topography within the footprint of the pond was set to a similar elevation as the adjacent

14 peatlands. The base of the organic materials was unchanged from the base case. Results

15 indicated that the pond acts as a net water sink within the landscape, as water levels increased

16 throughout the peatland (Figure 10). Similar conclusions were reached by Smerdon et al.

17 (2005, 2007) at a lake situated within more permeable glacial outwash within the region. For

18 this simulation, peatland water levels rose above ground surface by the spring of 2007, with

19 ponded water predicted to remain to the end of the simulation. Thus, in the absence of a pond,

20 increased overland flow would have been generated for the simulated climatic conditions.

21 The final sensitivity simulation was used to investigate the influence the peatlands exert

22 within the landscape. For this scenario, the peatlands were replaced with glacial till and aspen

1 was assumed to be the vegetative cover. Although this scenario is unlikely to occur in an

2 undisturbed setting, it may ensue following disturbance by timber harvesting, as roads and skid

3 trails are commonly developed on flatter areas occupied by peatlands. Furthermore, it could

4 be representative of a potential reclamation scenario within the oil sands mining region if

5 difficulties are encountered in reestablishing peatlands within the landscape. Results indicated

6 that the peatlands play a major role in maintaining the pond, as the predicted pond water level

7 decreased significantly relative to the base case (Figure 10). Extension of the aspen stand led to

8 increased removal of water through ET. As a result, wells that were formerly located within the

9 peatland were predicted to dry out seasonally, leading to increased seepage losses from the

10 pond. Thus, the peatlands act to conserve water within the landscape, providing a counter-

11 balance to the higher ET demands associated with both the pond and hillslope.

12 5.5. Importance of Climate

13 The eleven year study period permitted the evaluation of the hydrologic response of the

14 system to a range of climate conditions. Results indicate dynamic interactions occur between

15 Pond 43 and the peatlands that are driven by the fluxes of P and ET, with little to no additional

16 input from the surrounding uplands. As a result, pond and peatland water levels reflect recent

17 climatic variability (Figure 5), generally following trends in the cumulative difference between P

18 and ET. Comparable responses to climate forcing have been observed in prairie pothole

19 wetlands such as those found in the Cottonwood Lake area of North Dakota. Situated in a

20 regional recharge zone within low permeability glacial terrain, water levels measured over 2

21 decades were found to mirror trends in P (Winter et al., 2001). In contrast to the pond and

22 peatlands, water levels within the hillslope are more indicative of longer-term trends in climatic

1 variability. Periods of groundwater recharge within the hillslope are generally limited to the

2 late fall and to the spring following snowmelt as most P inputs are lost to ET over the growing

3 season or taken up into storage. Therefore, a series of wetter years are required before soil

4 moisture thresholds are exceeded and an increase in water levels is exhibited (Redding and

5 Devito, 2010).

6 The rapid response to climate fluctuations at the pond and peatlands is a direct

7 consequence of their position within the context of regional groundwater flow systems. Due to

8 their location at elevated topographic positions, the pond and peatlands and their associated

9 catchments function as regional recharge areas with little potential for discharge of

10 groundwater to the system from outside sources. Thus, they are heavily reliant on P inputs and

11 have limited buffering capacity available to sustain water levels during periods of drought.

12 Wetlands falling into this category are highly vulnerable to changes in climate at both short-

13 and long-term time scales (Winter, 2000).

14 The long-term viability of wetlands within the Boreal Plains of Alberta may therefore be

15 in question when considering the potential impact of climate change. Projections for the region

16 indicate a gradual warming trend, with mean annual temperature increases of approximately 2

17 to 5oC by the 2050’s (Barrow and Yu, 2005). It is probable that the length of the growing season

18 will also increase as the climate warms, potentially leading to increased water stress resulting

19 from greater ET losses. This stress may be offset by predicted general increases in annual P.

20 Nevertheless, there is considerable uncertainty in these predictions, with some scenarios

21 predicting reduced P, particularly during the summer period (Barrow and Yu, 2005). However,

22 the ability of peatlands to restrict water losses during periods of drought (Kettridge and

1 Waddington, 2014; Waddington et al., 2015) along with the resilience of the deeper peat to

2 decomposition (Waddington et al., 2015) may render them more resistant to climate change

3 than otherwise expected. Future research will involve developing simulations of predicted

4 climate change scenarios that may prove insightful to the future sustainability of these

5 ecosystems.

6 5.6. Influence of Frozen Materials

7 Thick ice lenses that persist well into the growing season have been observed to develop

8 within the peatlands (Petrone et al., 2008; Smerdon and Mendoza, 2010; Brown et al., 2010).

9 However, despite neglecting their influence within the simulations, water levels within Pond 43

10 and the peatlands were generally well replicated. This may be due to a combination of the

11 thermal behavior of the near-surface peat along with the low Ks of the deeper peat layers and

12 underlying glacial substrate. The higher Ks near-surface peat that transmits most of the water

13 has been observed to thaw relatively rapidly in the spring in response to rising air

14 temperatures, thereby reducing the influence of the frozen material on water distribution

15 within the peatlands. Furthermore, the presence of the deeper, lower permeability peat and

16 glacial till restricts vertical groundwater flow in a similar fashion as the development of frozen

17 peat, thereby maintaining peatland water levels during the frozen period.

18 Although the numerical simulations were able to capture the overall trends in the pond

19 and peatlands, simulated peatland water levels were frequently under- and over-predicted

20 during the spring and late autumn, respectively (Figure 6). This discrepancy may be due to

21 temporal changes to the peat Ks resulting from the seasonal formation of ice. During the spring

22 and early in the growing season the Ks of the peat may be lower than specified within the base

1 case simulation due to the presence of ice. As a result, increased vertical groundwater flow is

2 predicted, leading to peatland water levels being under-predicted. Likewise, during the latter

3 part of the growing season, once the ice has melted, the specified Ks of the peat may be too low

4 to allow adequate seepage and lowering of peatland water levels. Thus, the specified Ks

5 distribution may be representative of an average thermal state of the peat allowing adequate

6 simulation of the system.

7 In the context of a warming climate, the influence of the seasonally frozen peatlands

8 may be diminished as the duration of the frozen season is reduced. As a result, the volume of

9 water retained in ponds and peatlands within the Boreal Plains may be reduced in the early

10 spring due to increased seepage losses. Future studies will focus on the dynamics of how

11 seasonal ice formation influences water distribution within the peatlands, and how this may be

12 altered by climate change.

13 5.7. Applicability to Reclamation

14 The impetus for this study is driven by reclamation requirements within the Boreal

15 Plains region associated with activities such as timber harvesting and petroleum developments

16 (Devito et al., 2012). In particular, expanding open-pit mining of oil sands in northern Alberta

17 has created the need to reclaim large areas of land (Kelln et al., 2008; Price et al., 2010).

18 Regulatory requirements specify that the disturbed land be returned to an “equivalent

19 capability”, with the expectation that a vegetative regime similar to what was present prior to

20 disturbance will be reestablished (OSWWG, 2000; Alberta Environment, 2008). The similarity in

21 hydrologic characteristics (i.e., climate, geology, and vegetation) of the study area to many of

1 the impacted areas allow it to be used as a proxy for future landscape reconstruction and

2 reclamation.

3 This study indicates that peatlands within the Boreal Plains do not necessarily require

4 regional groundwater discharge or significant flow contributions from adjacent uplands for

5 long-term maintenance. However, in the context of a reconstructed landscape, this conclusion

6 is predicated on the assumption that the peatlands be underlain by materials of sufficiently low

7 permeability and be uninfluenced by drainage infrastructure (e.g., ditches or drained roads).

8 Study results also suggest the peatlands conserve water within the landscape, supplying water

9 to adjacent ponds and hillslopes within the sub-humid climatic setting. Thus, when considering

10 the hydrologic impact of forestry, the largest effect to neighbouring wetland ecosystems may

11 not be due to tree removal. The deep upland water table, large available water storage, and

12 rapid aspen regeneration may limit the impacts of harvesting (Devito et al., 2005; Macrae et al.,

13 2005, 2006; Carrera-Hernandez et al., 2011). Instead, the primary impacts of forestry may be

14 due to placement of roads within flat-lying peatlands, which may disrupt shallow groundwater

15 flows and potentially lead to isolated pond and peatland areas that are highly susceptible to

16 drought (Lieffers and MacDonald, 1990; Smerdon et al., 2009).

17 Although natural established peatlands in the region have continued to persist despite

18 experiencing extended drought conditions with large water level declines, prolonged periods of

19 drought may produce conditions that are hostile to newly placed peat that is less well

20 established. Price et al. (2010) indicate that peatland water pressure should not drop below

21 -1 m to encourage moss establishment and peat development, although the biological limit

22 may be as low as -6 m (McCarter and Price, 2014). The upper bound of this threshold was

1 exceeded frequently during the study period. Therefore, an external source of water may be

2 needed to maintain wetland vegetation if initial reclamation is followed by drier climate cycles.

3 However, contrary to some reclamation guidelines (e.g., OSWWG, 2000; Alberta Environment,

4 2008), the placement of small hills and hummocks within the landscape is unlikely to generate

5 significant water. Aspen forested hillslopes in this climate have been shown to act as water

6 sinks to the wetlands, storing and transpiring P inputs and receiving lateral groundwater flow

7 from the peatlands throughout much of the year. Thus, from a purely “health of peat”

8 perspective, inclusion of small hills and hummocks within the reclaimed landscape may prove

9 detrimental to peatland development, removing water from the system rather than supplying it

10 to the wetlands as intended.


1 Acknowledgements
2 This research was supported by the HEAD 2 (Hydrology, Ecology and Disturbance) NSERC-CRD

3 supported by Canadian Oilsands Network for Research and Development (CONRAD), Ducks

4 Unlimited, Tolko Industries, Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries and the Forest Producers

5 Association of Canada and grants from Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Syncrude

6 Canada (to K.J. Devito and C.A. Mendoza), and NSERC-PGSD to C. Thompson. The authors wish

7 to thank D. Bryant, W. Bell, G. Tondeleir, C. Fraser, T. Jiang, and R. Bucknell for field assistance,

8 and Carolynn Forsyth for camp facilities at Artis Inn. Support in kind and assistance with deep

9 piezometer installation was provided by G. Jean, J. Pawlowicz, and M. Fenton of the Alberta

10 Geological Survey. We thank John Diiwu at the Government of Alberta for the high-resolution

11 DEM data, and Aquanty for use of the HydroGeoSphere model.

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1 Figure 1. Location of the Utikuma Region Study Area (URSA). Right: Location of the URSA within

2 the Canadian Boreal Plains relative to the discontinuous permafrost zone. Left: Enlarged map

3 showing the Pond 43 study area including instrumentation, vegetative cover, selected

4 monitoring well locations, surface water catchment boundaries, and the locations of the 2D

5 numerical models.

6 Figure 2. Model domains for cross-sections A and B, including borehole stratigraphy,

7 hydrogeologic units, and observation points. Cross section locations are indicated in Figure 1.

8 Note that the base of the models has been truncated at 645 masl for illustration purposes.

9 Figure 3. Comparison of measured and calculated cumulative throughfall to the forested

10 landscape units.

11 Figure 4. Observed water levels over the study period illustrating the similarity between pond

12 and peatland (228-WS) water levels, as well as the large lateral hydraulic gradients between the

13 peatland and hillslope (223-WD). Note that the hillslope well was dry prior to spring 2003, from

14 mid-July 2003 through to spring 2005, and throughout most of 2010. Well locations are shown

15 in Figures 1 and 2.

16 Figure 5. Variation in annual precipitation (P), pond evapotranspiration (ET), and cumulative

17 pond P - ET over the study period. Observed average annual pond and peatland water levels

18 were found to mimic trends in cumulative P - ET due to limited inputs from adjacent uplands.

19 Figure 6. Comparison of simulated and observed water levels within a) the pond, b) peatlands,

20 c) glacial till, and d) whole model.

1 Figure 7. Comparison of simulated (solid lines) and observed (symbols) water levels for Pond 43

2 and selected monitoring wells. Dry wells are indicated by breaks in lines (simulated) and shaded

3 periods (measured). Well locations are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

4 Figure 8. Predicted sensitivity to evapotranspiration (ET): comparison of simulated water levels

5 for simulations with a) the ET of the peat modified by 30% and b) the ET of the aspen modified

6 by 30%. Simulated dry wells are indicated by breaks in lines.

7 Figure 9. Predicted sensitivity to glacial till saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks): comparison of

8 simulated water levels for simulations with the Ks of each glacial till unit increased and

9 decreased by one order of magnitude. Simulated dry wells are indicated by breaks in lines.

10 Figure 10. Predicted sensitivity to pond and peatland landscape units: comparison of simulated

11 water levels for simulations with a) the pond replaced with a continuous peatland and b) the

12 peatlands replaced by aspen forested glacial till.


1 Table 1. Calibrated subsurface parameters within the numerical models

Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s) Porosity Specific Storage

Material Depth Range (m)
Horizontal Vertical (-) (m-1)
-3 -4 -4
0.0 - 0.1 3 x 10 3 x 10 0.90 1 x 10
0.1 - 0.3 3 x 10 3 x 10-5 0.82 5 x 10-5
-5 -6 -6
0.3 - 0.5 8 x 10 8 x 10 0.72 8 x 10
-5 -6 -6
Peat 0.5 - 1.0 4 x 10 4 x 10 0.60 2 x 10
-6 -7 -7
1.0 - 1.5 2 x 10 2 x 10 0.50 5 x 10
1.5 - 2.0 3 x 10 3 x 10-9 0.45 2 x 10-7
-8 -9 -7
2.0 - Base 1 x 10 1 x 10 0.40 1 x 10
0.0 - 1.0 1 x 10 1 x 10-7 0.45 3 x 10-6
Gyttja 1.0 - 2.0 3 x 10 3 x 10-9 0.30 4 x 10-7
-9 -10 -7
> 2.0 5 x 10 5 x 10 0.22 1 x 10
Upper 1 x 10-5 1 x 10-7 0.20 1 x 10-4
Glacial Till Mid 5 x 10 5 x 10-9 0.20 1 x 10-4
Lower 1 x 10 1 x 10-10 0.20 1 x 10-4
Forest Floor 0.0 - 0.1 1 x 10 1 x 10-4 0.80 1 x 10-4

1 Table 2. Summary of annual boundary fluxes applied in the base case models

Pond (mm) Peat (mm) Aspen (mm)

Stream Stream
a a b,c a a b,c a a b,c
Year Rain Snow Flow ET Flow Rain Snow ET Rain Snow ET
In d Out d
2000 382 60 0 410 0 317 125 315 369 72 518
2001 187 71 0 440 0 155 102 293 159 98 508
2002 226 63 0 405 0 220 70 278 220 70 507
2003 335 107 0 421 0 293 150 315 330 113 527
2004 300 77 0 391 0 297 81 320 297 81 512
2005 342 149 47 430 134 319 173 329 323 168 532
2006 298 134 73 411 89 356 76 318 362 70 557
2007 318 212 365 463 520 312 218 359 315 214 578
2008 354 151 62 450 218 324 181 333 327 178 574
2009 239 152 81 437 201 209 182 310 212 179 528
2010 227 55 0 481 12 220 62 339 223 59 539

3 Notes:
4 Proportions of rain and snow vary by landscape unit due to different frozen season lengths. Total precipitation
5 (i.e., total P = rain + snow) was assumed to be uniform.
6 Maximum evapotranspiration (ET) applied within each landscape unit. The actual ET (AET) removed within the
7 simulations was limited by the available water.
8 ET includes rain interception and snow sublimation that was removed externally from the model.
9 Stream flow volumes normalized by pond area.



1 Table 3. Comparison of simulated aspen actual evapotranspiration (AET) to maximum
2 evapotranspiration (ET) and precipitation (P)
a,b a,b
(mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm)
2000 442 518 395 76 47
2001 257 508 293 58 -35
2002 290 507 284 56 6
2003 443 527 370 70 72
2004 378 512 323 63 55
2005 491 532 392 74 99
2006 432 557 366 66 66
2007 530 578 403 70 127
2008 504 574 397 69 107
2009 391 528 352 67 39
2010 282 539 303 56 -21

4 Notes:
5 Maximum ET applied within aspen areas. The AET removed within the simulations was limited by the available
6 water.
7 Includes rain interception and snow sublimation that was removed externally from the model.

1 Table 4. Summary of sensitivity simulation results
Influence on Landscape Unit Overall
Pond Peat Aspen Sensitivity
Timing of spring
Modified timing and
water level peak
Pond duration of spring Little to no change Moderate to
shifted, minimal
Snowmelt water level peak in the from base case. Low
change throughout
vicinity of the pond.
rest of year.
Timing of spring water
Modified timing and level peak shifted, Modified duration
duration of spring minimal change of spring water Moderate
water level peak. throughout rest of level peak.
Modified timing and
Modified duration
Aspen Little to no change duration of spring
of spring water Low
Snowmelt from base case. water level peak at
level peak.
the peatland edge.
Large influence on Large influence on Moderate influence High to
Pond PET
water level. water levels. on water levels. Moderate
Large influence on Large influence on Moderate influence High to
Peat PET
water level. water levels. on water levels. Moderate
Small changes to
water levels,
Aspen Minor change to Moderate influence Low to
decreasing with
PET water level. on water levels. Moderate
distance from the
Low to moderate
Minor change to Minor change to
Peat Ks change to water Low
water level. water levels.
Glacial Large influence on Large influence on Large influence on
Till Ks water level. water levels. water levels.
Large increase in Large increase in
No Pond - High
water levels. water levels.
Small influence on
overall response.
Large decrease in High to
No Peat - No water level
water level. Moderate
recovery during the


Pond 48

Figure 1


4-WS 40-WD

Figure 2
Forest: Calculated
Cumulative Rain Throughfall (mm)

Aspen: Measured

Spruce: Measured



May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15 Aug 15 Sep 15

Figure 3
Hydraulic Head (masl)





Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10


Figure 4
600 655.0
P, ET, or Cumulative P-ET (mm)

400 654.6

Water Level (masl)

Cumulative P-ET
Pond Water Level
Peat Water Level


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Figure 5
Observed Hydraulic Head (masl)
650 652 654 656 650 652 654 656
a) R 0.97 b) R 0.77
656 rm -0.01 m rm 0.002 656
RMS 0.06 m RMS 0.17 m
NRMS 5.93% NRMS 8.44%

654 654
Simulated Hydraulic Head (masl)

Simulated Hydraulic Head (masl)

652 652
Pond: Section A Peat: Section A
Pond: Section B Peat: Section B
650 650
c) d)
R 0.47 R 0.65
656 rm 0.02 rm 0.005 656
RMS 0.50 m RMS 0.29 m
NRMS 9.60% NRMS 5.60%
654 654

652 Pond 652

Till: Section A Peat

Till: Section B Till
650 650
650 652 654 656 650 652 654 656
Observed Hydraulic Head (masl)

Figure 6
654.5 a) R
0.04 m
RMS 0.16 m

4-WS 40-WD

654.5 b) R 0.65
rm 0.03 m
RMS 0.17 m

83-WS 250-WD
Hydraulic Head (masl)

654.5 c) R 0.97
rm -0.01 m
RMS 0.06 m

Pond 43

654.5 d) R
0.02 m
RMS 0.10 m

e) Dry
0.33 m
655.0 Well RMS 0.90 m


652.0 223-WD

Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10


Figure 7
Base Case
High Peat ET
Low Peat ET
Hydraulic Head (masl)


a) 228-WS

Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10


Hydraulic Head (masl)


Base Case
High Aspen PET
b) 223-WD
Low Aspen PET
Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10

Figure 8

Base Case
High Ks
Low Ks
Hydraulic Head (masl)


Pond 43

Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10


Hydraulic Head (masl)



Base Case
High Ks

223-WD Low Ks

Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10

Figure 9
Base Case
No Pond

Hydraulic Head (masl)




a) 228-WS
Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10


Base Case
No Peat

Hydraulic Head (masl)


b) Pond 43

Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10


Figure 10

2 • Field data were collected over 11 years from a catchment in Alberta’s Boreal Plains

3 • Observations were used to calibrate 2D fully-integrated numerical models

4 • Results indicate dynamic interactions occur between the pond and peatlands

5 • Field and model results suggest little interaction between peatlands and uplands

6 • Implications for forestry practices and landscape reconstruction and reclamation


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