Basic Impetus Fantasy

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Basic Impetus Fantasy

Version 1.9 of 15th November 2009

“This time we mean business……”

Andrea Canonico & Jacopo Solcia

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Unofficial Add-on rule set for Basic Impetus©/Impetus© (by Lorenzo Sartori)
These rules are not intended for commercial release.

Not for resale or re-circulation in full or in part, all rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent of the authors

For any clarification, please contact the authors at: or

These rules where tested, tried and retested with Pier Paolo Resmini e Francesca D’Alfonso.

Thanks to all the members of the Impetus forum for supporting and helping us.

Cover drawing by Matteo Palombelli.

James Murphy (Order #12849812)


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Welcome to “Basic Impetus Fantasy”, a rule expansion for Basic
Impetus which is born from the authors’ passion for wargaming in all
its forms: historical, fantasy or fantascientific. The following rules
are designed to give players a set of rules that can be used with any
fantasy armies and figures.
We are wargamers, not manufacturers or distributors, in publishing
these rules our aims were:
a) To create a set of rules, which add a fantasy element to the
mechanisms of Basic Impetus without changing the base rule system.
The rules are intended for battles with armies of 150 to 300 army
points, but they are easily able to support armies of 500 or 800
army points, according to the size and type of game you want to play.
b) To make it possible to create armies with any figures players might
have in their collection without being tied to any specific manufacturer
or fantasy background.
c) But mainly..... Basic Impetus Fantasy (BIF from now on) should
be considered only as a guide. You, players and friends, are free to
modify these rules according to how you want to play the game. In
fact, we encourage you to develop your own variants and let us know
about them.
We hope you enjoy many good games and our thanks to all those
friends, who personally or on the Impetus forum, gave freely of their
advice and support. Thank you all. This volume is also yours.

Andrea & Jacopo

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

The basic mechanics of the game are the same as those already available in the Basic
Impetus/Impetus set of rules. These additional rules just bring the fantasy specifics of
terrible monsters, mighty heroes and villains to a game that is already complete.
In particular, in BIF/IF units can be provided with some special or magical abilities,
specific to a fantasy setting. These abilities are intended only for use in BIF, they are
not supposed to be used for regular Basic Impetus/Impetus games!
In line with the format of the original set of rules, we have developed some “generic”
fantasy army lists as examples and illustrations. We are working on a future release
which will allow you to build units or even complete armies according to your own
favourite fantasy themes or backgrounds.

Special models
In the best tradition of steampunk fantasy, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to bring
to our tables these fabulous models. They are not subject to any special rules and
depending on their armament and equipment, count as either Wagenburgs or Chariots
as per the rules in BI/I.


These are not “flyers” as expected for Dragons, Harpies or other mythical creatures.
Rather they are “skimmers” or “floaters”, they pass above enemy line to bomb them,
they are not machinery or creatures for aerial combat.
They are considered to be airborne at the beginning of the battle, floating some feet
above the battlefield and can’t land during the battle.

Movement of floating units and combat

Floating units move normally on the battlefield like other units. However, unlike the
latter, they can pass above every troop type and terrain. If their movement doesn’t
allow them to completely pass through those troops, they must stop in contact with
the initial base edge of those troops. If the contacted troop belongs to the enemy,
melee doesn’t occur.
A Floating unit does exert a Zone of Control, so will impact the movement of enemy
units, but its own movement is not affected by the ZoC’s of enemy units on the
ground. The concept is that nobody wants to be bombed, which is the likely result of
passing beneath an enemy unit like that.
Moreover, although in the base BIF/IF we are not introducing a set of rules
specifically for mid air combats, the thought of bold heroes on dragons hunting these
machineries inspired us to introduce the following rule: Units considered flying can

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

attack Floating units in hand to hand exactly as if they were on the ground. If the
Floating unit wins the melee, it doesn’t pursue but keeps its position. If it loses, it is
considered automatically destroyed.

Bombing and shooting

Once per turn a Floating unit can attack any enemy unit that it is passing over,
throwing as many d6 as for its VBU value. Damage is calculated as usual. Bombing
occurs when the Floating unit passes completely over the enemy unit, or if it stops
during its movement with its own front or side base edge in contact with an enemy
unit. If the Floating unit stops in contact with two enemy units, it may choose to
divide its attack equally between both. Potentially the Floating Unit could end up in
base contact with three or four enemy units, but in such circumstances it is still
limited to attacking a maximum of two enemy units, one to each side.

Bombing may, thus, occur in one of the following cases:

1. The Floating unit passes over an enemy one and bombs the unit it passed over.
2. The Floating unit stops with its front or side edge in contact with a single
enemy unit and bombs the unit is in contact with.
3. The Floating unit stops with its front and/or side edges in contact with two or
more enemy units, in which case it can only attack two of the units.
A Floating unit can be equipped with Ranged Weapons. In the same turn that unit can
bomb or shoot, but can’t do both actions.

Shooting at Floating units

Shooting units, Skirmishers, C class Artillery or any unit with appropriate abilities
can shoot normally at these units, but taking their range as if they were one extra
column to the right in the Shooting Table. Floating units are always considered as
mounted. Characters with appropriate spells or magic can use them against Floating
units. In this case the distance between the bases is the horizontal distance +10U.

Base size for Steamchariots and Floating units

They follow the common rules provided for Carroccios and Wagenburgs.

Another category that we can’t skip in a fantasy world is Monsters. In BIF we
broadly class monsters as any creatures of larger than human size, which can be a
single giant creature or a group of smaller creatures acting as a “unit”. For example, a
“Monster” unit could be one Troll, or a base of three Trolls, one large Dragon, or a
couple of smaller ones, one huge rabid wolf or a base full of ordinary wolves, the
difference will be the combat factors of the unit.
All Monsters have Monster ability which distinguishes them from other units. A unit
with this ability is always considered as Mounted in regard to shooting. They will

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

also always have the “Terror” ability. In hand to hand combat the Impetus value of
any unit fighting against a Monster is halved.

Base size for Monster units

A Monster unit should be based on a half sized frontage y on a base with the frontal
edge halved and) with a depth according to the figure’s dimensions. However, as the
term monster will cover a lot of different models, players are free to adapt the base as
required to contain the model.

The following list of abilities doesn’t want to be a definitive guide on this argument,
but a guide for players and fiends. Of every ability is given the name and its effects.


After the deployment of both armies and before
starting to fight, A unit with this ability can move,
Brisk Troops
always following the normal rules about movement, as
far as half of its Movement value.
If the unit with this ability charges an enemy one, the
latter is automatically Disordered. If it’s already
Disordered, it receives a Loss, which will be
Brutal Charge
considered after the Melee if it did not take any other
losses in the combat.
It can’t be assigned to S, T and Art units.
Camels See Basic Impetus/Impetus rules about them.
A unit with this ability never retreats from combats
when it charges. The ability has no effect if the unit
Continuous Charge
gets charged.
It can’t be assigned to S, T and Art units.
If charged, the unit retreats 1d6/2 if Infantry or 1d6 if
A unit with this ability doesn’t rout if it loses the
Determined Melee occurring from flank or rear attacks.
It can be assigned only to FP and CP.
A unit with this ability takes Damage only from 6’s on
Die Hard dice. Artillery inflicts Damage with double 5 as
A Unit with Ranged Weapons or Artillery can re-roll
Eagle Eyed all 1 scored during shooting, This 2nd result being final re-rolling a re-roll!

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Elemental/Supernatural See the following description.

When following and retreating, A unit with this ability

rolls 2d6 and chooses which score to keep.
Any unit charged by one with this ability must
perform a Cohesion Test. If it fails, the charged unit
fights with -1 to its VBU during that combat,
(minimum 1 dice).
If an unit equipped with this ability is charged, the
enemy will fight with its own VBU normally.
A unit with this ability has Impetus 1 even if it lost its
Fierce Charge Impetus capability due to casualties.
It can’t be assigned to S, T and Art units.
Flying See the following description.
A unit with this ability is easier to hit with ranged
weapons. For shooting purpose they are considered
Mounted. Units equipped with this ability are treated
like Elephants in the Basic Impetus rules. They must
have at least VBU 5 at full strength. Giant Units cause
Fear and do not suffer from Fear caused by enemy
It can be assigned only to FP and CP.
If the result of Cohesion Test would cause the unit to
rout, roll 1d6. With a score of 4+, the unit is still in
game, but with VBU 1, Impetus 1 and is considered to
have lost the Melee, thus it must retreat. It does not
lose its special abilities.
This ability can only be used once per game
A Large unit with this ability has a 2 dice bonus
against enemy Infantry. The bonus applies while the
front Unit is Fresh.
It can be assigned only to Large Units of FL and FP
Use of them has to be declared before rolling dice.
Range is reduced by one column. Even if they don’t
Incendiary Arrows/Magical
score any Damage, they Disorganise the enemy or
inflict 1 Loss if it is already Disordered.
It can be assigned only to T and Art units.
Some creatures suffer from fire effects more than
others, due to the damage which fire causes or because
they are afraid of it. A unit with this ability, when
targeted by shooting enemy with Incendiary
Arrows/Magical Projectiles, are considered Mounted.
If already Mounted, they add 1 dice to enemy shot.

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

A unit with this ability can move through broken or
difficult ground without halving its movement and
disordering. Before battle the player will nominate the
Knowledge of Terrain appropriate terrain type, eg; woods, rocky terrain or
It can’t be assigned to Chariots, Cavalry, Giants, FP
and M.
A unit with this ability can re-roll all 1’s scored in a
Lethal Melee, This 2nd result being re-rolling a re-
See Basic Impetus/Impetus rules about them.
Long Spears It can be assigned to all infantry, even FL, but not to S
and T units.
A unit with this ability cancels the Impetus value of the
charging enemies, and reduces enemy shooting by 1
dice, providing the attacks come from the front.
Attacks from Artillery units are not affected by this
It can be assigned only to FL, FP and T units.
Perfected Weapons/ Magical Adds 10U of range to the last column.
Weapons It can be assigned only to T and Art units.
See Basic Impetus/Impetus rules.
It can be assigned only to FP.
Pilum See Basic Impetus/Impetus rules.
Ranged Weapon See the following description.
A unit with this ability, if attacked by any spell,
benefits from a Saving Throw that can cancel it. There
are 2 levels. Roll 1d6 and if the score are equal or
Resistance to Magic 6/4
more than the critical chosen number, the spell is
countered. This ability can be used many times per
turn, but only once against each magical attack.
A unit with this ability automatically disorganises any
enemy unit it charges. If the enemy was already
Rush Disordered, ability doesn’t have effect.
It works only if the unit is Fresh.
It can’t be assigned to S, T or Art units.
A unit with this ability becomes Disordered if it
moves. If not disordered, it doesn’t get Disorder by
Schiltron flank or rear attacks. The unit is considered having
It can be assigned only to FP.

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

If charged frontally, the unit cancels the Impetus value
of Infantry and halves that of Cavalry. If shot at
Shieldwall frontally, shooting unit loses 1 dice. Artillery doesn’t
suffer from this ability.
It can be assigned only to FP units.
A unit with this ability can shot with an angle of 360°
Skilled Shooters rather than the normal 45°.
It can be assigned only to CL units.
A unit with this ability must roll 1d6 at the beginning
of the turn. On a 1 it doesn’t move, but may fight as
normal if charged. If shot at, it can move against that
Slow on the Uptake
enemy, but only if it has not moved in this turn. It can’t
use its Ranged Weapons in this turn. With a score of
2+, it can act normally.
The members of this unit are harder to hit than normal.
Long range shot against this unit suffers a -1 penalty,
Small minimum 1 dice is guaranteed, but only if without this
penalty shooting value would still be positive.
It can be assigned only to FL, FP, S and T units.
This ability must be declared during deployment at the
beginning of the game. If a unit using Stakes doesn’t
Stakes move, the Impetus value of enemy Cavalry, Chariots
and Giants charging the unit is cancelled.
It can be assigned only to T units.
Every unit charging or being charged by a unit with
Terror this ability fights with -1 to the VBU value in that
combat, minimum 1 dice however.
A unit with this ability tests Cohesion with a VBU 2
Tough even if it should test with VBU 1.
It can’t be assigned to S, T and Art units.
When it wants to move, A unit with this ability must
roll 1d6. With a score of 1-2-3 the player can move it
Undisciplined as he wants. With 4-5 the unit advances against the
nearest visible enemy. With 6 it doesn’t move.
It can be assigned only to FL, FP, CL and CP units.

* An unit having Giant ability should be put on a base half the normal width for its type but
standard depth. However if the model’s dimensions require a bigger base, adjust it to fit the

Note from Authors: if in a Melee, 2 or more allied units with different base widths
are involved, the unit more of its base edge in contact with the enemy is considered
the principal one involved in combat. If it’s not possible to tell which one is the
principal unit, like in a charge on both flanks for example, the unit with the present
higher VBU value is the principal one.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Table of Ranged Weapons
See the tables of Basic Impetus/Impetus about them.

With this description we mean all those creatures which, though they fight on the
Material Plane, have origin in another one, like Elementals of Water or Air rather than
beings from Light or Darkness Plane for example. Also Golem made of an element
can be considered like Elementals of that element.
The main peculiarity of these beings is their supernatural toughness and resistance to
damage. To them are thus applied the following and further rules:

• Units equipped with this ability always test, for Damages or other cases, with
their maximum VBU as long as it is more than half, round up. Than the VBU
value is fixed. They will fight with normal VBU value, but will always test
with this fixed VBU to perform Cohesion Test or other tests.

• If the attack comes from an opposite Elemental, than use actual values.

• Elementals of Light or Darkness are Supernatural beings like Angels or

Demons sent by their patrons to help their faithful in times of trouble.

As such they fight and test with their actual VBU value when fighting against
rival ones. Elementals fight and perform tests against Supernaturals using their
actual VBU, but the Supernaturals use their fixed VBU against them.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

This special ability merits a longer and more detailed description than normal. We
chose to consider this ability as a way for troops to move quicker on the battlefield.
For this reason full rules for a proper mid air combat were omitted….for now!
A unit with this ability can move in any direction without penalties and pass above
any terrain without penalties too. It can finish its Movement wherever it wants,
except on other units, friends or foes. Flying units can attack enemy troops but if
those troops are in broken or difficult terrain, the flyer suffers a -1 to its VBU. Flying
units interpenetrate friendly units as normal.

BIF/IF abilities during Melee

Fantasy abilities which affect Melee act only if the unit equipped with is the principal
one involved in the Melee and not a supporting unit.

Note from Authors: this rule prevent an unit with VBU 1, but with abilities wisely
chosen, charging an enemy one but as supporting unit and becoming the decisive
element of the present Melee, if not of the entire game.

It’s possible to form permanent large units containing FL, FP, T or S classification
troops from the beginning of the game. These Large Units are formed by placing one
unit base directly behind another, they can be both of the same type or different. If
they are the same they must have the same characteristics, including abilities, and the
second rank will provide support. If they are of different types they can have different
values and characteristics, but the second rank will not provide any support.


Some Infantry units can include within their ranks Ranged Weapons, even if they are
not classed as T or S units. An example may be units equipped with Pike and
Harquebus. To represent that not all the men of the same unit are equipped with the
Ranged Weapon, but only a part of them, the unit can shoot only with its VBU
halved, rounded up, but will normally fight in Melee.

Characters (CH)
Every true fantasy army, besides its General, can count on help from powerful heroes
and mighty wizards to beat its enemies. In order to introduce this vital aspect of any
fantasy setting, we allow players the option to choose one or more Characters from
those listed below. The same type of Character can be selected more than once in
accordance with the army list.
Whereas the General can only be included in an already existing unit, representing
the leader of the army, Characters are provided two options: they can be added to an

James Murphy (Order #12849812)

existing unit or on a specific single base as an independent character.
This latter option represents a Character with few companions and, when appropriate,
his monstrous mount, moving around the battlefield giving moral support to his army.

Note from Authors: as modellers we can’t miss the chance to create some little
dioramas with few figures.

Base size for Character Units

If Characters are included within an existing unit, that unit will have a base as normal
for its type of troops. The presence of the character being indicated by the use of an
identifiable special figure.
For independent Characters, the base should be half the normal width, with a depth
appropriate for the models. For movement purposes the Character is always
considered Mounted and having the same Movement characteristics as Skirmishers.

Note from Authors: in case of hand to hand combats involving a unit and
Independent Characters against an enemy unit, the unit more of its base edge in
contact with the enemy is the principal unit. If it’s impossible to tell which has more
in contact, the one with the present higher VBU in the principal unit.


In BIF/IF the General is the hand who leads the army, accordingly he must be
situated within one of the most powerful units in the army. This unit will
automatically become VD 4.
The General, besides his typical characteristics of the General as illustrated in BI/I,
can be equipped with one of the following special abilities.

- Strategist = Can re-roll if his army looses Initiative.

- All is lost save honour = If the Generals unit was the principal unit involved in a
melee and was beaten, he can choose not to Retreat. This ability can be used once per

-Stand Firm Men! = Once per game the General can give a friendly unit the
opportunity to re-roll a dice in the Cohesion Test. The General must be still on the


Slayer, Widow maker or Protector of the Weak. Whatever you call him, his presence
on the battlefield reassures his friends and terrifies the enemies. His blade breaks
their ranks and his mount tramples anyone who tries to stop him.
Besides standard abilities, the Hero can have one or more of the following

James Murphy (Order #12849812)


- Strategist = Can re-roll if his army looses Initiative.

- Blessed by Fate/by Gods = If he has lost his last VBU point, roll 1d6. With a score
of 5+, it’s saved.

- Stand Firm Men! = Once per game the Hero can give a friendly unit the
opportunity to re-roll a dice in the Cohesion Test. The Hero must be still on the

Note from Authors: even if more than one ability permits it, it is not possible to re-
roll a dice more than once in the same circumstance.

Whether called Enchanter, Necromancer or White Sorcerer, his proficiency and
power with arcane spells make all fear him. The Wizard can have one or more of the
following spells.
A Wizard can use only 1 spell per turn, whether it’s his phase or enemy’s one. If both
players intend to use a spell at the same time, these will be resolved giving
precedence to Active player’s one. Unique exception is the spell Counterspell. This
spell has the precedence and, if it succeeds, counters directly the enemy’s one. Spells,
except Summon magical unit which can only be cast successfully once, can be used
many times during the game.

- Fireball = Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, the Wizard succeeded to channel mystic
energies against the enemy. Be they flaming sphere-shaped or other forms, the result
is the same. The Wizard rolls 4d6, inflicting damage with 6 or double 5 as normal.
This spell has a 20 U long range. He must be able to see the target, like every
shooting unit. It makes no difference if the enemy is Mounted, Monster or Giant. If
Wizard moves, he suffers the usual movement penalties provided in Basic

- Disappearance = When the Wizard is contacted in a hand to hand he can try to

escape abandoning his fellows. Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, he succeeds. Move its
base of 1d6+5 U directly away from the enemy in the opposing direction. If this
results in the Wizard landing on top of any unit or impassable terrain, or leaving the
table, he is lost, otherwise he is saved. If he survives he is assumed to have VBU1
and Impetus 0. He loses any abilities but he will retain knowledge of his spells

- Death touch = When the Wizard is attacked in a hand to hand the player who
controls him can decide to summon short range powerful enchantments. Roll 1d6.
With a score of 4+, every 1 rolled by enemy becomes a 6 rolled by Wizard himself.
The Wizard rolls his dice as normal. If the enemy unit has an ability which allows it
to re-roll some dice, it can do this without counting any 1 rolled in this re-roll like a 6


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

scored by the Wizard.

- Summon magical unit = It doesn’t matter if they are from Good, Evil or any other
power, a Wizard can form alliances and get favours from extra planar beings. The
player has to prepare a unit base before the game. This base will represent the extra
planar allied force that is being summoned.
In any turn that the Wizard doesn’t move, he can roll 1d6. With a score of 6+, he
summons that base directly in front of him, touching his own base, and facing the
enemy. There must be enough room for the summoned unit. For every consecutive
turn in which the Wizard doesn’t move, doesn’t attack or cast any spell, he gains a
bonus of +1 to his score for summoning the magical unit. The bonus is cumulative.
The summoned unit has the following characteristics:

Type FL – Movement 6U – VBU 4 – Impetus 2 – VD 2 – Note: Supernatural

- Stop unit = Range of 20 U. This spell can be cast on any enemy unit within line of
sight from (by) the Wizard. Depending which type of unit the Wizard wants to stop,
he has to score a specific value on 1d6. If successful the target unit will not move
during its next Movement phase. It can be cast on an unit involved in hand-to-hand
combat. If the target unit is equipped with Ranged Weapons, it can use them, but with
-1 to its VBU.

Unit Type Within 10 U Within 20 U

Infantry 5+ 6+
Cavalry 4+ 5+
Artillery and Chariots 3+ 4+
Elephants 3+ 4+
Giants and Monsters 5+ 6+
Floating units 5+ 6+
Characters 5+ 6+

- Make agile = Range of 10 U. This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within line
of sight from the Wizard Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, in that turn the unit can pass
through any terrain which would disorganize it without being disordered. This spell
must be cast before the unit’s Movement.

- Create chasm = The Wizard can ask or control, in accordance with his alignment,
the help of the natural powers. Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, the Wizard can place
until the end of the turn a special terrain, with dimensions of 5Ux5U, impassable for
every unit, but Flying or Floating. This special terrain must be within 10 U from the
Wizard and in his line of sight. The area must be free from any unit.

- Counterspell = If an unit within 25U from the Wizard, even if out of sight, is
targeted by spells, the Wizard can try to scatter that spell. Roll 1d6. With a score of
5+ the spell is countered. If an enemy caster is targeting himself, the spell can also be


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

countered, but only if the countering Wizard has a clear line of sight with the caster.

He spreads his God’s word, be that God Good or Evil. The Cleric can have one or
more of the following spells.
A Cleric can use only 1 spell per turn, whether it’s his phase or enemy’s one. If both
players intend to use a spell at the same time, these will be resolved giving
precedence to Active player’s one. Unique exception is the spell Counterspell. This
spell has the precedence and, if it succeeds, counters directly the enemy’s one. Spells,
except Summon magical unit which can be used once when successful, can be used
many times during the game.

- Protect = Following his gods or the philosophical principles in which he believes,

the Cleric can ask for his patron’s intervention to protect his friends or himself. Roll
1d6. With a score of 5+, the Cleric or a unit within 10 U from him and in clear line of
sight is protected from enemy attacks during all the present turn. For every Damage
suffered roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, the Damage is ignored. The spell can be
cast(ed) on an unit involved in a Melee.

- Fortify = this spell make the men hold up. Roll 1d6. With a score of 4+, the Cleric
or a unit within 10 U in clear line of sight doesn’t suffer from Fear during the present

- Heal = Thanks to the Cleric’s prays, his god intervenes to heal wounds. Roll 1d6.
With a score of 4+, the Cleric or a unit within 10 U from him, even if not in clear line
of sight, regains 1 point on his VBU. Neither the Cleric nor any other unit can go
over their initial VBU value. Any lost Impetus can’t be recovered.

- Faithful’s wrath = The Cleric asks the god to turn his angry eyes on the enemies.
This spell can be cast only if the Cleric or an unit within 10 U from him, even if not
in clear line of sight, is involved as the principal unit in a hand to hand fight. Roll
1d6. With the score of 5+, the Cleric or that unit adds 4 dices during the present

- Summon magical unit = It doesn’t matter if they are from Good, Evil or any other
power, a Cleric can ask his god to help him with minor powers. The player has to
prepare a unit base before the game. This base will represent the extra planar allied
force that is being summoned.
In any turn that the Cleric doesn’t move, he can roll 1d6. With a score of 6+, he
summons that base directly in front of him, touching his own base, and facing the
enemy. There must be enough room for the summoned unit. For every consecutive
turn in which the Cleric doesn’t move, doesn’t attack or cast any spell, he gains a
bonus of +1 to his score for summoning the magical unit. The bonus is cumulative.
The summoned unit has the following characteristics:


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Type FL – Movement 6U – VBU 4 – Impetus 2 – VD 2 – Note: Supernatural

- Create chasm = The Cleric can ask the gods of nature to help him. Roll 1d6. With a
score of 5+, the Cleric can place until the end of the turn a special terrain, with
dimensions of 10Ux10U impassable for every unit, but Flying or Floating. This
special terrain must be within 15 U from the Cleric and in his line of sight. The area
must be free from any unit.

- Modify terrain = Asking or imposing the nature gods to help, the Cleric is able to
change the terrain on the battlefield. Select a single area no larger than 10Ux10U in
clear line of sight from the Cleric. Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, the Cleric can modify
until the end of the turn a terrain by one class, up or down. A broken terrain may
become difficult or open. The area must be free from any unit and must be
completely within 15 U from the Cleric.

- Counterspell = If an unit within 25 U from the Cleric, even if out of sight, is

targeted by spells, the Cleric can try to scatter that spell. Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+
the spell is countered. If an enemy caster is targeting himself, the spell can also be
countered, but only if the countering Cleric has a clear line of sight with the caster.

Maybe inconspicuous on the battlefields, but useful before the battle to surprise the
enemy and to discover new paths for the troops. At the beginning of the game the
army which includes the Explorer can roll 3d6, always choosing only 2, to decide
who has the initiatives. If the result of the chosen 2d6 is equal or more than half of
that scored by the enemy, the player can remove or re-locate a single piece of terrain,
moving it up to 10 U in any direction.
The Explorer can be equipped with one or more of the following spells.

- Create chasm = The Explorer can ask the nature to help him. Roll 1d6. With a
score of 5+, the Explorer can place until the end of the turn a special terrain, with
dimensions of 10Ux10U, impassable for every unit, but Flying or Floating. This
special terrain must be within 15 U from the Explorer and in his line of sight. The
area must be free from any unit.

- Modify terrain = Asking or imposing the nature to help, the Explorer is able to
change the terrain on the battlefield. Select a single area no larger than 10Ux10U in
clear line of sight from the Explorer. Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, the Explorer can
modify until the end of the turn a terrain by one class, up or down. A broken terrain
may become difficult or open. The area must be free from any unit and must be
completely within 15 U from the Explorer.

- Make agile = Range of 10 U. This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within line
of sight of the Explorer. Roll 1d6. With a score of 5+, in that turn the unit can pass


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

through any terrain which would disorganize it without being disordered. This spell
must be cast before the unit’s Movement.


As we said before, it’s possible to include a Character in a regular unit. The VBU of
the unit is automatically increased by 1 and the VD value become 4. Characters
within units have the following limited abilities.

If included in a unit, the Hero can be equipped with one of the following

- Strategist = Add +1 to the Initiative rolls.

- All is lost save honour = If his unit has lost a Melee in which it was the principal
unit, he can choose not to retreat. It can be used only once per game.

- Stand Firm Men! = Once per game the Hero can give a friendly unit the
opportunity to re-roll a dice in the Cohesion Test. The Hero must be still on the

If included in a unit, the Wizard can be equipped only with up to 2 spells from the
previous list of Wizard’s spells.

If included in a unit, the Cleric can be equipped only with up to 2 spells from the
previous list of Cleric’s spells.

If included in an unit, it must be FL or CL. The Explorer adds 2 to the roll to
determinate which player deploys first.

Well, our friends. BIF/IF is finished, at least concerning this first

version. We can only hope we prepared something that will allow you
to play with accordingly with your tastes.
Remember; quote an old far away master…
Play…or Play not, there is no try.

Andrea & Jacopo


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Army lists
The following few army lists don’t pretend to be definitive. They are just intended to
let you suddenly play with BIF/IF using a ready-made army. We do know that on sale
there are a lot of different miniatures and we don’t sell any of them. For this reason
you are free to use any figures you like, mixing them accordingly with your own
However fantasy is fantasy, a product of our imagination. So why our view about a
people should condition your own point of view bout it? Simple there’s no reason
why, but there are troop concepts used when writing the following lists that you’ll
need to now. Why this CP is different from another one? Which miniatures shall I use
to represent it? Which are the concepts behind this particular unit? These are all licit
questions and they merit some indications in reply. For this reason, for each army,
under the notes, there will be some indications that, we hope, will help you to
determinate, when needed, which type of troop a single unit represents. We didn’t
want to describe each unit only with an obscure picturesque name that worth you
nothing. We used some very simple picturesque names as well, but they are intended
to suggest some vague indications to help you to determinate the unit concept, giving
you at the same time maximum freedom of creating your own unit in its appearance.
Also we’ll give you a very short and vague background to place each army in a little
context and relation with the others.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Holy Human Empire
The Holy Human Empire is the most solid, politically and economically, human state.
There are many other human or prevalent human states, but the Holy Human Empire
represents a benchmark for all the human race, even if other human states are often at
war with it, trying to preserve their independence. The Holy Human Empire has a
very organized army. Army coordination is its strength.

BIF list

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes

2 CM(*) 10 6 5 3 Handgun, Fast, Rush – Reiters
1 CL 12 3 2 2 Brisk Troops, Tough – Wind Hussars
1 CL 12 3 0 2 Arcquebusiers B, Eagle Eyed
3 FP 5 5 3 2 Arcquebusiers B, Pikes
1 T 5 3 0 2 Musket, Perfected Weapons
2 S 8 2 1 2 Crossbow B, Knowledge of Terrain

1 CH 8 4 3 4 Die Hard, Stand Firm Men! – Hero

1 CH 8 4 3 4 Die Hard, Terror – Hero
1 CH 5 2 1 4 Fireball, Summon magical unit – Wizard

A special General can be included in one of the CM, giving it a VD 4. The General has Strategist.
FP can form Large Units.

1st option. Change 1 unit of FP to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
2 FP 5 3 2 2 Resistence to Magic 6, Schiltron – Peasant draft

2nd option. Change 2 units of CL to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 CP 8 7 6 3 Brutal Charge – Golden Armours

3rd option. Change 1 unit of CL to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 Art 2 1 0 1 Artillery A


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Holy Human Empire
IF list

CS: Average (12pts) or Good (20pts)

Nr Type M VBU I D VD Abilities Pts
0-2 CP 8 7 6 B 3 Brutal Charge 46
1-4 CM(*) 10 6 5 B 3 Handgun, Fast, Rush 29
0-6 CL 12 3 2 B 2 Tough, Brisk Troops 29
0-6 CL 12 3 0 B 2 Arcquebusiers B, Eagle Eyed 28
2-4 SQUARE each of
1 FP(*) front rank 5 5 3 B 2 Arcquebusiers B, Pikes 31
1-2 FP rear rank 5 5 3 B 2 Arcquebusiers B, Pikes 25
0-4 FP first rank 5 3 2 B 2 Resistence to Magic 6, Schiltron 16
FP rear rank 5 3 2 B 2 Resistence to Magic 6, Schiltron 12
0-4 T 5 3 0 B 2 Musket, Perfected Weapons 30
Crossbow B, Knowledge of
0-4 S 8 2 1 B 2 19
0-1 Art 2 1 0 B 1 Artillery A 23
0-1 CH – Hero 8 4 3 B 4 Stand Firm Men!, Die Hard 27
0-1 CH – Hero 8 4 3 B 4 Die Hard, Terror 30
0-1 CH – Wizard 5 2 1 B 4 Fireball, Summon magical unit 67

A special General can be included in one of the CM or FP, giving them a VD 4. The General has
Strategist with an additional cost of 5 pts.
FP with VBU 3 can form Large Units.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Dwarf Oligarchy
In the southern mountain regions the fierce race of Dwarves forms a powerful
oligarchy, led by the mines owners which constitute the dwarf aristocracy. They are
also the leaders and owners of various dwarf clans spread across the mountains.
Dwarf proficiency with melting and mining works gives them tough armours and
weapons, alongside with technologically advanced ranged weapons. Their armies rely
on infantry rather than on cavalry, as the rocky landscape doesn’t encourage the latter.

BIF list

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes

1 FP(*) 4 6 3 4 Determined, Shieldwall – Dwarf Guards
3 FP 4 5 2 2 Shieldwall – Dwarf infantry
1 FP 4 6 2 4 Immortal – Sacred Order of the Holy Forge
1 FL 4 4 2 3 Continuous Charge, Tough – Berserkers
1 T 4 4 0 2 Crossbow A
1 T 4 4 0 2 Arquebusiers A
1 Art 2 1 0 1 Artillery A, Perfected Weapons
1 Art 2 1 0 1 Artillery B, Perfected Weapons – Clan’s artillery

The General included in the FP or in the CP (see options) has Strategist, giving them a VD 4. The
Sacred Order includes a Cleric equipped with Protect and Fortify spells.

1st option. Change 2 unit of Dwarf infantry to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 CL 8 4 1 3 Arquebusiers B, Flying

2nd option. Change 2 unit of Dwarf infantry to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 CP(*) 6 7 4 3(4) Fierce Charge, Tough – Mountain lords
1 CM 6 6 3 3 Composite bow C, Tough

3rd option. Change the Art B to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 Art 2 1 0 1 Artillery C, Eagle Eyed – Supporting warmachines

4th option. Change the Sacred Order to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 FP 4 6 3 4 Die Hard, Fierce Charge – Hero’s retinue

The included Hero has Stand Firm Men!


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Dwarf Oligarchy
IF list

CS: Average (12pts)

Nr Type M VBU I D VD Abilities Pts
0-2 CP(*) 6 7 4 B 3 Fierce Charge, Tough 44
0-2 CM 6 6 3 B 3 Composite Bow C, Tough 36
0-3 CL 8 4 1 B 3 Arcquebusiers B, Flying 40
0-2 FP(*) 4 6 3 A 3 Determined, Shieldwall 42
4-10 FP 4 5 2 B 2 Shieldwall 23
0-1 FP+CH - Cleric 4 6 2 A 4 Immortal 59
0-1 FP+CH - Hero 4 6 3 A 4 Die Hard, Fierce Charge 48
0-4 FL 4 4 2 C 3 Continuous Charge, Tough 19
1-6 T 4 4 0 B 2 Crossbow A 22
0-4 T 4 4 0 B 2 Arquebusiers A 22
1-4 Art 2 1 0 B 1 Artillery A, Perfected Weapons 26
1-6 Art 2 1 0 B 1 Artillery B, Perfected Weapons 21
0-4 Art 2 1 0 B 1 Artillery C, Eagle Eyed 24

A special General can be included in one of the CP or FP, giving them a VD 4. The General has
Strategist with an additional cost of 5 pts.
The Sacred Order includes a Cleric equipped with Protect and Fortify spells.
The Hero’s retinue includes a Hero equipped with Stand Firm Men!


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Green Orc Horde
The Green Orc Horde is a community made of a combination of various races that
live in the Bare Wild Lands, a land dotted with swamps, steppes and rocks. The
territory controlled by the Green Orc Horde can’t be clearly defined, considering the
wide open plains of the region. In those lands lives a great number of communities
and the Green Orc Horde is the most aggressive and violent, but also very

BIF list

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes

1 CP(*) 8 6 4 3 Brutal Charge, Impetuous, Undisciplined – Orc chiefs
1 CL 10 4 2 3 Fast, Rush – Moon riders
3 FP 5 4 3 3 Fierce Charge, Impetuous, Undisciplined – Orc Warriors
1 FP(*) 5 5 4 3 Continuous Charge, Fierce Charge – Blak Orcs Guards
1 FP 6 5 3 3 Fear, Tough – Trolls
2 FL 5 3 1 1 Cowards – Goblin horde
2 T 5 3 0 2 Shortbow A, Cowards – Goblin archers

1 CH 8 3 3 4 Fear, Flying – Hero

1 CH 8 2 1 4 Fear, Flying, Fireball, Counterspell – Wizard
1 CH 6 2 0 4 Stop unit, Desappearance – Wizard

A special General can be included in one of the CP or FP, giving it a VD 4. The General has Stand
Firm Men!
FP Black Orcs Guards can form Large Units as front rank.

1st option. Change the Trolls unit to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 Art 2 1 0 1 Artillery C – Orc warmachine

2nd option. Change the Hero to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 CGP 8 5 3 3 Fierce Carge – Orc warchariots
1 CGL 10 4 2 3 Various Weapons, Undisciplined – Goblin warchariots

3rd option. Change 2 T to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 T 5 4 1 2 Longbow B – Orc archers


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Green Orc Horde
IF list

CS: Poor (0pts) or Average (12pts)

Nr Type M VBU I D VD Abilities Pts
Brutal Charge, Impetuous,
1-4 CP(*) 8 6 4 C 3 28
0-4 CL 10 4 2 C 3 Fast, Rush 19
Fierce Charge, Impetuous,
5-10 FP front rank 5 4 3 C 3 10
Fierce Charge, Impetuous,
FP rear rank 5 4 3 C 3 7
1-4 FP(*) 5 5 4 B 3 Continuous Charge, Fierce Charge 29
0-2 FP 6 5 3 C 3 Fear, Tough 26
1-12 FL 5 3 1 C 1 Cowards 5
1-6 T 5 3 0 C 2 Shortbow A, Cowards 12
0-4 T 5 4 1 C 2 Longbow B 17
0-4 CGP(*) 8 5 3 B 3 Fierce Charge 23
0-6 CGL 10 4 2 C 3 Various Weapons, Undisciplined 12
0-1 CH – Hero 8 3 3 B 4 Fear, Flying 39
0-1 CH – Wizard 8 2 1 B 4 Fear, Flying, Fireball, Counterspell 57
0-1 CH – Wizard 6 2 0 C 4 Stop unit, Desappearance 40
0-4 Art 2 1 0 B 1 Artillery C 23
0-2 Art 2 1 0 C 1 Artillery B 13

A special General can be included in one of the CP, FP or CGP, giving it a VD 4. The General has
Stand Firm Men! with an additional cost of 5 pts.
FP with I 4 can form Large Units as front rank.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Elf Brotherhood
The Elf Brotherhood puts together the most of the elf kingdoms and tribes in a more
or less strong federation under a Great King, a heir of the first Great King. Each tribe
keep its own king and laws, but a King’s Book contains common laws valid for all
the elf kingdoms. The Elves use to live in the northern woods, but some tribes have
abandoned the woods to live in the plains. Elves are very good archers. They learn
how to use them hunting in the wild. The bulk of Elves don’t think cavalry very
reliable, but plain tribes appreciate it for the quickness of movement that horse

BIF list

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes

1 CM(*) 8 6 5 3 Fast, Lethal – Great King’s House
1 CM 10 5 3 3 Composite Bow B, Tough – Kings and nobles
1 CL 12 3 1 2 Composite Bow B, Skilled Shooters – Plain Elves
1 FP(*) 5 4 2 2 Pikes
1 FP 4 6 3 3 Die Hard, Inflammable – Walking trees
1 FL 6 3 2 4 Brutal Charge, Pilum
2 T 5 4 1 3 Longbow A, Eagle Eyed
1 S 8 2 0 1 Longbow B

1 CH 8 1 0 4 Make agile, Create chasm – Wizard

1 CH 6 4 3 4 Fear, Flying, Blessed by gods – Hero

A special General can be included in the CM or FP, giving them a VD 4. The General has All is lost
save honour.
The FL includes a Hero equipped with Stand Firm Men!

1st option. Change Great King’s House to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 M 5 5 3 4 Terror – Earth wurm

2nd option. Change S to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 FL 6 3 2 2 Rush, Knowledge of Terrain – Elf scouts


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Elf Brotherhood
IF list

CS: Average (12pts) or Good (20pts)

Nr Type M VBU I D VD Abilities Pts
0-1 CM(*) 8 6 5 B 3 Fast, Lethal 34
1-3 CM 10 5 3 B 3 Composite Bow B, Tough 36
2-4 CL 12 3 1 B 2 Composite Bow B, Skilled Shooters 33
1-8 FP(*) 5 4 2 B 2 Pikes 19
0-4 FP 4 6 3 C 3 Die Hard, Inflammable 23
Brutal Charge, Pilum, Stay Firm
0-2 FL+CH – Hero 6 3 2 B 4 38
0-6 FL 6 3 2 B 2 Knowledge of Terrain, Rush 21
2-12 T 5 4 1 B 3 Longbow A, Eagle Eyed 30
0-10 S 8 2 0 B 1 Longbow B 19
0-2 M 5 5 3 C 4 Terror 30
0-1 CH – Hero 6 4 3 B 4 Fear, Flying, Blessed by gods 38
0-1 CH – Wizard 8 1 0 B 4 Make agile, Create chasm 38

A special General can be included in the CM or FP, giving them a VD 4. The General has All is lost
save honour.
FP can’t form Large Units.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Restless Souls
The sacred scriptures call Restless Soul every un-dead, either zombie, skeleton or
ghost. It’s not clear why there is always a place in the world where the dead cease to
rest and form armies. Neither it’s clear why they attack alive people or their goals.
Actually their armies aren’t very dangerous, but they are constantly forming and
attacking. An exhausted army involved in a long victorious war against an enemy
couldn’t be able to face them. They are like the sea. They come in waves, than retreat
only to come again, but from another direction. In this way it’s very difficult to any
state to build efficient defences against the Restless Souls.

BIF list

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes

1 CGP(*) 8 5 3 3 Various Weapons, Brutal Charge
1 CM 10 4 3 3 Composite Bow C, Fast, Rush
1 FP 5 4 3 3 Die Hard, Fear
1 FP 4 5 3 3 Continuous Charge, Die Hard – Zombies
1 FL 6 4 3 3 Fear, Supernatural – Ghosts and Souls
2 T 6 3 0 2 Composite Bow A, Incendiary Arrows, Pavises
2 S 6 3 1 2 Die Hard, Little - Swarm

1 CH 10 2 1 4 Die Hard, Make agile – Explorer

1 CH 5 2 1 4 Fireball, Make agile, Death touch – Wizard
Counterspell, Death touch, Summon magical unit –
1 CH 5 2 1 4

1st option. Change up to 2 S to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1-2 S 6 2 0 2 Composite bow B, Eagle Eyed

2nd option. Change the Zombies to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 FL 6 3 2 2 Flying, Small – Night creatures

3rd option. Change 1 Wizard to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 M 6 6 4 4 Continuous Charge, Terror – Grave Horror


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

Restless Souls
IF list

CS: Poor (0pts)

Nr Type M VBU I D VD Abilities Pts
1 CGP(*) 8 5 3 B 3 Various Weapons, Brutal Charge 30
0-4 CM 10 4 3 B 3 Composite Bow C, Fast, Rush 28
2-10 FP 5 4 3 B 3 Die Hard, Fear 24
0-6 FP 4 5 3 C 3 Continuous Charge, Die Hard 23
0-6 FL 6 4 3 B 3 Fear, Supernatural 33
0-6 FL 6 3 2 C 2 Flying, Small 21
Composite Bow A, Incendiary
2-8 T 6 3 0 B 2 24
Arrows, Pavises
0-12 S 6 3 1 C 2 Die Hard, Little 14
0-8 S 8 2 0 B 2 Composite bow B, Eagle Eyed 19
0-1 CH – Explorer 10 2 1 B 4 Die Hard, Make agile 26
0-1 CH – Wizard 5 2 1 B 4 Fireball, Make agile, Death touch 47
Counterspell, Death touch, Summon
0-1 CH – Wizard 5 2 1 B 4 47
magical unit
0-2 M 6 6 4 C 4 Continuous Charge, Terror 42


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

The Corrupted
A long time ago a powerful group of sorcerers tried to summon the ancient powers of
a mighty demon, but they failed. Corrupted by the powers they wanted to summon,
they became like monsters in human body. The malediction spread across the
surrounding countries affecting every single being. These lands became the melting
pot of every sort of evil intention and a home for murderers, thieves and any other
deviated person. The Corrupted formed their own state entity based on the law of the
strongest. They export violence and death with their fierce armies, burning everything
and killing everyone on their course.

BIF list

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes

2 CP(*) 8 7 5 3 Fierce Charge, Terror – Corrupted knights
2 FP 5 6 3 3 Tough, Rush – Corrupted warriors
1 T 6 3 0 2 Crossbow A, Magical Weapons
2 S 8 2 0 2 Crossbow B, Knowledge of Terrain
1 S 8 3 2 1 Lethal – Desperados mercenaries

1 CH 5 2 1 4 Fireball, Summon magical unit – Wizard

A special General can be included in one of the CP, giving it a VD 4. The General has Stand Firm

1st option. Change 1 FP to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 FP 5 6 2 3 Fear, Shieldwall – Corrupted Fanatics

2nd option. Change 2 S to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 FL 6 4 3 3 Determined, Fast, Long Spears – Corrupted peasant

3rd option. Change 1 CP to:

Nr Type M VBU I VD Abilities and Notes
1 M 8 6 4 4 Arquebusiers B, Terror – Corrupted earth drake


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

The Corrupted
IF list

CS: Average (12pts) or Good (20pts)

Nr Type M VBU I D VD Abilities Pts
2-4 CP(*) 8 7 5 B 3 Fierce Charge, Terror 49
1-8 FP 5 6 3 B 3 Tough, Rush 35
0-6 FP 5 6 2 C 3 Fear, Shieldwall 26
0-6 FL 6 4 3 C 3 Determined, Fast, Long Spears 22
0-4 T 6 3 0 B 2 Crossbow A, Magical Weapons 31
2-8 S 8 2 0 B 2 Crossbow B, Knowledge of Terrain 18
0-6 S 8 3 2 B 1 Lethal 17
0-1 CH - Wizard 5 2 1 B 4 Fireball, Summon magical unit 49
0-1 M 8 6 4 C 4 Arquebusiers B, Terror 46

A special General can be included in one of the CP, giving it a VD 4. The General has Stand Firm
Men! with an additional cost of 5 pts.


James Murphy (Order #12849812)

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