Jakobson's Schema: According To Jakobson: Each of These Six Factors Determines A Different Function of Language'

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One of the six functions is always the dominant function in a text and usually related to

the type of text.

Jakobson’s schema
A social and linguistic environment that frames The person being spoken to
The speaker the message.
What is being communicated.
Medium of communication
Words or hand signals

According to Jakobson: ‘Each of these six factors determines a different function of language’

Functions of language
expressive) function is
Is what we might normally think of as information, Focused on the addressee is
in the position of the
or the denotative function of language, but also the conative function. This
addresser, as it aims a
includes the ideas, objects and conventions which function helps us describe
direct expression of the
speakers share knowledge of. messages that are intended to
speaker’s attitude
have an effect on the
towards what he is Denotation is related to this function.
audience. This might be
speaking about.
POETIC anything from a command, and
Connotation is related insult, or an attempt at
to this function. Draws attention to the message for its own sake. persuasion.
Messages with significant poetic function often It is different from connotation
have an important conative (and indeed emotive) (the subjective or personal
function. For example, advertising. aspect of meaning, which can
PHATIC be contrasted to denotation,
which is the literal definition).
The purpose is not so much to communicate
information (anyone in the room can tell what the This function is about
temperature is), but rather to communicate about addressing someone, using
something that while socially acceptable, is not of imperatives or vocatives.
itself significant. For example, ‘small talk’.


This is language that refers to language and

communication while communicating.

Vital for successful communication.

Repeat and paraphrase.

Talk about talking.

This functions are central in understanding how people use language to do things. The
functions of language are the means by which power can be exercise over people.

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