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International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering e-ISSN: 2394-8299

Special Issue 7-ICEMTE March 2017 p-ISSN: 2394-8280


Harsh B. Panchal1, Mayur S. VAJA2,Priyanka D. Patel3,Uday N.Padia4

Student, SLRTCE

Abstract - Due to the rapid growth of technology the usage & utilization of CNC machine
in industries are increased. The fabrication of low cost CNC machine is used to reduce cost
and complexity of machine. This paper deals with the design of automatic mini CNC
machine for machining wood, plastic, foam and soft metals. The Idea behind our project is
to design and drill PCB based on low cost CNC system the lower cost is achieved by
incorporating features of PC with ARDUINO UNO controller in an arduino. Key Words:
CNC, Arduino controller, G code,

The CNC machine comprises of the mini computer or the microcomputer that acts as the
controller unit of the machine. CNC Machining is a process used in the manufacturing sector
that involves the use of computers to control machine tools. A computer program is
customized for an object and the machines are programmed with CNC machining language
(called G-code) that essentially controls all features like feed rate, coordination, location and
speeds. With CNC machining, the computer can control exact positioning and velocity. CNC
machining is used in manufacturing both metal and plastic parts. The work includes design &
development of prototype modelling of CNC machine tool controller unit .In modern CNC
systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using computer- programs
produce a computer file that is interpreted to Extract the commands needed to operate an
aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. In this paper, a
low-cost, desktop prototype 3- axis vertical CNC mill is developed for purposes of student
experiments in CAD/CAM and CNC programming areas. Open source microcontroller
platform Arduino is used for control of the motors, and open source software is used for
executing the G code and M code for machining applications. The Arduino platform has
become quite popular with people just starting out with electronics, and for good reason.
Unlike most previous programmable circuit boards, the Arduino does not need a separate
piece of hardware (called a programmer) in order to load new code onto the board you can
simply use a USB cable. Under CNC Machining, machine tools function through numerical


The main objective is to make a low cost CNC machine which can machine wood, plastic,
foam and soft metals. Reduces cost of machine and increases the flexibility. To work in
more than 2axis.

The available Arduino controlled CNC machines are having only 2 axis movement. The
structure is weak and can machine foam only.

IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org [80-83]

International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering e-ISSN: 2394-8299
Special Issue 7-ICEMTE March 2017 p-ISSN: 2394-8280


Fig. 1 Magnetization as a block diagram of CNC machine.

Fig-1 block diagram

G-Code is one of a number of computer code languages that are used to instruct CNC
machining devices what motions they need to perform such as work coordinates, canned
cycles, and multiple repetitive cycles.


IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org [80-83]

International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering e-ISSN: 2394-8299
Special Issue 7-ICEMTE March 2017 p-ISSN: 2394-8280

Fig-2 Arduino UNO

This system uses Arduino controller platform with Arduino UNO This board is the brain of
our CNC machine and serves as the main interface to the Computer. The Arduino board is
programmed with a modified Riprap G-Code interpreter and the 3 axes motion.


A stepper motor is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that converts digital pulses into
mechanical shaft rotation in a number of equal steps. Used to control the movement of work
table in X, Y& Z axes.
The Easy Driver is a simple to use stepper motor driver, compatible with anything that can
output a digital 0 to 5V pulse.
It helps to run the spindle of the machine which in turns rotates the cutting tool. The spindle
consists of a DC motor the main function of it is to cut metal with high speed and accuracy.
Motors are available with suitable adaptors for different requirements.

Fig-3 DC motor


Main blocks of this system consists of power supply, 3 Easy drivers each connected to
stepper motors X, Y, Z. From power supply we get two voltages i.e. +5volt and +12 volt.
5volt which is required to Arduino UNO, Easy drivers whereas +12volt supply is required
to stepper motors. The job is fed through the computer software to the Arduino. With this
data the stepper motors of the CD Rom starts by the driver circuitry and horizontal and
vertical movement of work table is obtained. The spindle fastened to the vertical axis can
remove material with proper feed and depth of cut.

There are 3 movements of using 3 CD ROMs. The horizontal movement(X) i.e. forward &
backward movement is provided by the lower CD Rom. The 2nd CD Rom is mounted
between the 2 columns which provides side movements(Y) i.e. left and right hand side
movements. The spindle which is mounted on the 3rd CD Rom provides vertical movement
(Z) for feed of tool.

IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org [80-83]

International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering e-ISSN: 2394-8299
Special Issue 7-ICEMTE March 2017 p-ISSN: 2394-8280

Fig-4.1 front view of cnc machine design

Fig-4.2 side view of cnc machine design


This setup of hardware with a combination of G-code gives better accuracy and reduces the
work load. G code make easy to find the information of locations of all stepper motor
moving, as the status of our moving motor are directly seen on computer hence we can start
or stop the machine whenever we are needed. Making a small machine brings a flexibility to
do work.

[1]KajalJmadekar, Poojaphadetare, KrantiNanaware, Vikas Mane “Characterization of
Automatic mini CNC machine for PCB drawing and drilling” IRJET
[2] W.M.Ng,F.H.Loo, R.Hamzah, A.Farhana“Design and Development of XY plotter
mechanical system design part” IDPC.
[3] SundarPandian, S. Raj Pandian “low cost build your own three axis CNC mill
prototype”,IRD INDIA
[4] Dr.B.Jayachandrai, O.Vamsi Krishna,
P.Abdullah Khan, R.Ananda Reddy “Design of efficient and flexible CNC machine”, IJESI
[5] Weiqun “Design and analysis of a small- scale cost-effective CNC milling machine”
[5] www.electronics4u.com
[6] www.electrical4u.com
[7] Www. Arduino.com

IJRISE| www.ijrise.org|editor@ijrise.org [80-83]

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