A Project Report On CNC Machine: Components

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The CNC machine comprises of the mini computer or the microcomputer that acts as the
controller unit of the machine. CNC Machining is a process used in the manufacturing sector that
involves the use of computers to control machine tools. A computer program is customized for
an object and the machines are programmed with CNC machining language (called G-code) that
essentially controls all features like feed rate, coordination, location and speeds. With CNC
machining, the computer can control exact positioning and velocity. CNC machining is used in
manufacturing both metal and plastic parts. The work includes design & development of
prototype modelling of CNC machine tool controller unit .In modern CNC systems, end-to-end
component design is highly automated using computer- programs produce a computer file that is
interpreted to Extract the commands needed to operate an aided design (CAD) and computer-
aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. In this paper, a low-cost, desktop prototype 3- axis
vertical CNC mill is developed for purposes of student experiments in CAD/CAM and CNC
programming areas. Open source microcontroller platform Arduino is used for control of the
motors, and open source software is used for executing the G code and M code for machining
applications. The Arduino platform has become quite popular with people just starting out with
electronics, and for good reason. Unlike most previous programmable circuit boards, the
Arduino does not need a separate piece of hardware (called a programmer) in order to load new
code onto the board you can simply use a USB cable. Under CNC Machining, machine tools
function through numerical control.

 Laminated Wood
 Screwed Steel rods
 Steel bars
 Ball bearings
 Nuts
 Screws
 Stepper motors
 Stepper motors drivers TB6560
 Switching power supply 24V 15A
 Arduino UNO R3

This article describes the applications of the CNC machines in different industries.These days
the CNC machines are found in almost all industries, from a small scale industry to big
companies. There is hardly any facet of manufacturing that is not touched by the automated CNC
machining center. Everyone involved in the manufacturing should know what a CNC machine
can do for their company. Due to extensive applications of CNC machines in various industries,
there is a great surge in the demand of the CNC programmers. To meet these demands a number
of schools have come up that teach the operation and programming of the CNC machines.

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