Sperling and Stockey 2018
Sperling and Stockey 2018
Sperling and Stockey 2018
E-mail: esper@stanford.edu
Synopsis Animals originated and evolved during a unique time in Earth history—the Neoproterozoic Era. This paper
aims to discuss (1) when landmark events in early animal evolution occurred, and (2) the environmental context of these
evolutionary milestones, and how such factors may have affected ecosystems and body plans. With respect to timing,
molecular clock studies—utilizing a diversity of methodologies—agree that animal multicellularity had arisen by
800 million years ago (Ma) (Tonian period), the bilaterian body plan by 650 Ma (Cryogenian), and divergences
between sister phyla occurred 560–540 Ma (late Ediacaran). Most purported Tonian and Cryogenian animal body
fossils are unlikely to be correctly identified, but independent support for the presence of pre-Ediacaran animals is
recorded by organic geochemical biomarkers produced by demosponges. This view of animal origins contrasts with data
from the fossil record, and the taphonomic question of why animals were not preserved (if present) remains unresolved.
Neoproterozoic environments demanding small, thin, body plans, and lower abundance/rarity in populations may have
played a role. Considering environmental conditions, geochemical data suggest that animals evolved in a relatively low-
oxygen ocean. Here, we present new analyses of sedimentary total organic carbon contents in shales suggesting that the
Neoproterozoic ocean may also have had lower primary productivity—or at least lower quantities of organic carbon
reaching the seafloor—compared with the Phanerozoic. Indeed, recent modeling efforts suggest that low primary pro-
ductivity is an expected corollary of a low-O2 world. Combined with an inability to inhabit productive regions in a low-
O2 ocean, earliest animal communities would likely have been more food limited than generally appreciated, impacting
both ecosystem structure and organismal behavior. In light of this, we propose the “fire triangle” metaphor for envi-
ronmental influences on early animal evolution. Moving toward consideration of all environmental aspects of the
Cambrian radiation (fuel, heat, and oxidant) will ultimately lead to a more holistic view of the event.
ß The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
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on 23 August 2018
2 E. A. Sperling and R. G. Stockey
Cambrian faunas has demonstrated that almost all of radiation. Alternatively, if animals originated far ear-
the “weird wonders” can convincingly be placed into lier in the Proterozoic, with traits like large body
the stem-groups of extant phyla, if not within the size, skeletonization, and the range of new morpho-
crown group (reviewed by Erwin and Valentine logical features seen in Cambrian fossils appearing
2013; Briggs 2015). In other words, Cambrian faunas convergently and simultaneously, it is more likely
document evolution along the stem-lineages of indi- an external ecological or environmental trigger was
vidual phyla and classes. Thus these fossils represent involved.
the end of the first chapter in animal evolution. To The nature of this trigger has been widely debated
start at the beginning of this chapter and the early in the literature. Comprehensive review of all hy-
“landmark” events (the origin of multicellularity, the potheses is not possible here, but several recent
nervous system, gut, mesoderm, and bilaterality) we papers have covered this topic (Erwin et al. 2011;
must turn earlier in the geological record. But how Zhang et al. 2014; Schiffbauer et al. 2016).
much earlier? Darwin (1859) famously suggested ani- Proposed ecological triggers for the Cambrian radi-
mals had an extremely long pre-history, and this ation, or certain aspects of it, range from ecosystem
early history of animals was lost through geological engineering (Butterfield 2011, 2018; Erwin and
processes of erosion and metamorphism. This Tweedt 2011), direct organism–organism interactions
explained why animals appeared so suddenly on including predation and expansion of food webs
the scene at the base of the Cambrian: it was an (Peterson et al. 2005; Marshall 2006; Butterfield
artifact of an imperfect geological record. In the 2007; Schiffbauer et al. 2016), and changes in re-
last three decades there has been a tremendous re- source patchiness (Budd and Jensen 2017).
search effort focused on the time period preceding Proposed environmental triggers include true polar
the Cambrian (the Neoproterozoic Era—comprised wander (Mitchell et al. 2015), changes in the major-
of the Tonian, Cryogenian, and Ediacaran periods; ion composition of seawater (Peters and Gaines
Fig. 1). Contrary to Darwin’s hypothesis, this interval 2012), and most prominently in the geological liter-
is indeed present in the rock record and does record ature, a substantial increase in oxygen levels in the
the roots of animal evolution. Geologists have estab- ocean/atmosphere system (reviewed by Mills and
lished a robust chronology and stratigraphic frame- Canfield 2014; Xiao 2014). The exact mechanistic
work for the interval (Narbonne et al. 2012; Shields- relationship between increasing oxygen levels and
Zhou et al. 2016), and targeted geochronology has the Cambrian radiation in the literature is varied.
firmly established ages and durations for the Many geochemical studies simply state that animals
Neoproterozoic “Snowball Earth” glaciations require oxygen, and assert that more oxygen must be
(Fig. 1) (Macdonald et al. 2010; Rooney et al. better. Other studies have linked oxygen changes to
2015; Prave et al. 2016; Pu et al. 2016). Meanwhile, ecological (Sperling et al. 2013a), developmental
paleontologists have discovered new fossil localities, (Hammarlund et al. 2018), or evolutionary (Wood
re-investigated known deposits with advanced imag- and Erwin 2018) mechanisms that were themselves
ing techniques, and harnessed information from new proposed as the proximate cause of the Cambrian
approaches such as molecular clocks and the organic radiation. Indeed, as recognized in a recent paper by
geochemical (biomarker) record. Schiffbauer et al. (2016), the search for a sole trigger
The first goal of this paper is to review these new may be simplistic given the myriad interconnected
advances regarding the timing of early animal evo- links between the biosphere and geosphere.
lution. Aside from putting ages on the evolutionary In this paper, we build on published geochemical
trees considered by neontologists, the question of modeling and present a new investigation of shale
timing is central to evaluating causal hypotheses organic carbon to suggest that both oxygen and
for the Cambrian radiation. It is well agreed that food supply to the benthos likely changed through
animals are monophyletic—an evolutionary the Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic transition. Looking
singularity—and thus the origins of animals and across natural environmental gradients in the modern
multicellularity likely have more to do with genetic ocean, we then demonstrate that the ecological effects
challenges than an environmental “trigger” of increasing food or increasing oxygen are direction-
(Butterfield 2018). If crown-group animals (as a ally similar. While it is evident that the Cambrian
marker for complex multicellularity) evolved in the radiation was a multi-faceted event, we emphasize
mid-to-late Ediacaran, just before the Cambrian, as that directly assigning causal significance to individual
has been proposed by some researchers (Antcliffe forcing factors remains a challenging task, and
et al. 2014; Budd and Jensen 2017), the Cambrian demands consideration of a cascade of coupled geno-
radiation could simply be read as an adaptive mic, environmental, and ecological changes.
Dos Reis et al., 2015
Dorhmann and Wörheide, 2017
Erwin et al., 2011/Lozano-Fernandez et al., 2017
Parfrey et al., 2011
Choanozoa Mollusca
Metazoa* Arthropoda
Protostomia + Deuterostomia Onychophora
Phylum-level divergences
Tonian Cryogenian Ediacaran Cambrian
1000 900 800 700 600 500
Age (million years ago)
Burgess Shale
Sirius Passet
24-ipc and 26-mes
SSFs appear
Likely origin of animal multicellularity
Ediacara biota
Fig. 1 Paleontological, organic geochemical, and molecular clock evidence regarding the timing of early animal evolution. Major
Neoproterozoic glaciations are shown as vertical gray bars. Based on molecular clock evidence, animal multicellularity evolved between
white circles (Choanoflagellata/Metazoa split; Choanozoa of Brunet and King [2017]) and gray circles (crown Metazoa). Colored bars
represent 95% confidence intervals from four recent studies. Metazoa* marked with asterisk to recognize uncertainty in metazoan
phylogeny; however, sensitivity analyses in which ctenophores are the sister group of all other animals reached consistent results
(Dohrmann and Wörheide 2017). Organic geochemical evidence (24-ipc and 26-mes biomarkers) suggests the sponge body plan was
present at least between the Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations in the Cryogenian. The first unequivocal fossil evidence for animals is
found in the late Ediacaran in the form of bilaterian trace fossils and Small Shelly Fossils (SSFs), prior to the “explosion” of new body
plans and large, active, biomineralized organisms in the Cambrian.
The early Ediacaran, Cryogenian, and Tonian fos- including even older reported fossils, were reviewed
sil records have been relatively silent (or at least by Antcliffe et al. (2014) and found unconvincing.
controversial) with respect to the origin of animals. In short, while many fossils have not been con-
As discussed below, a number of paleontologists be- clusively falsified as sponges—including the two fos-
lieve this silence to be an accurate record. During sils discussed above—neither can there be considered
these time periods a number of putative sponge fos- strong fossil evidence for sponges (or any other an-
sils have been reported, but none can be fully ac- imal group) in the Cryogenian or Tonian. The key
cepted as representing evidence of early animals. A question is whether the fossil record, with an absence
single phosphatized fossil named Eocyathispongia qia- of Tonian to mid-Ediacaran animals, can be read
nia from the Doushantuo Formation (600 Ma) has literally with respect to the timing of animal origins.
sponge-like features and a body plan possibly con- Many paleontologists believe it can (e.g., Budd and
sistent with a water-canal system (Yin et al. 2015). Jensen 2017). Alternative sources of evidence, such as
However, only a single specimen has been discov- the organic geochemical record and molecular
ered, from a geological formation with a large variety clocks, suggest otherwise; below we discuss both of
of intriguing but clearly abiogenic phosphatic struc- these records in turn.
tures. For instance, Vernanimalcula from the
Doushantuo was initially described as a bilaterian
fossil (Chen et al. 2004), based on a few specimens Organic geochemistry
discovered during an initial search of over 50,000 While most paleontologists search for body fossils,
specimens (Bengtson et al. 2012). Vernanimalcula an alternative approach to interrogate the early his-
has now been convincingly demonstrated to be a tory of clades is to search for molecular fossils: di-
pseudo-fossil, and examination of the full range of agnostic organic molecules produced by organisms
morphologies in the Doushantuo shows how (Briggs and Summons 2014). These “biomarkers”
Vernanimalcula is an end-member artifact of phos- are the hydrocarbon remains of lipids such as sterols
phatization (Bengtson et al. 2012). Putative siliceous in eukaryotes and hopanoids in bacteria. Compared
demosponge spicules from the Doushantuo have also with microbes, the biomarker complement of ani-
recently been invalidated (Muscente et al. 2015). mals is relatively “boring” (i.e., not taxonomically
Considering Eocyathispongia then, with only one specific)—with the exception of demosponges. One
specimen, and the possibility that its body plan is sterol in particular (a C30 sterol, 24-isopropylcholes-
not consistent with a functioning water-canal system terol, with its fossilized sterane complement known
(Cavalier-Smith 2017), its status as a fossil sponge as 24-isopropylcholestane, or 24-ipc) is exclusively
must remain uncertain (as acknowledged by the made as a major sterol by living demosponges.
authors). Phosphatized embryos from the Love et al. (2009) published a record of 24-ipc ster-
Doushantuo Formation (Xiao et al. 1998) still have anes from the South Oman Salt Basin, where it was
promise for understanding evolutionary trends dur- found in Cryogenian strata—beneath the Marinoan
ing the Ediacaran, but more plausibly represent glaciation—and throughout the Ediacaran into the
single-celled organisms than animals (Huldtgren Cambrian (Fig. 1). Critically, 24-ipc was found in
et al. 2011). both conventional solvent extracts and in the insol-
Moving farther back, sponge fossils have also been uble kerogen phase, helping rule out secondary con-
described from the Cryogenian of South Australia, but tamination (which has been a recent concern in
again they are not without issue. Maloof et al. (2010) previous ancient biomarker studies; see French
applied a serial grinding technique to image speci- et al. [2015]). 24-ipc has also been found in
mens from the Trezona Formation, and described a “relatively high” abundance in other rocks worldwide
population of millimeter- to centimeter-sized non- of this age (McCaffrey 1994; Kelly et al. 2011). Note
symmetric organisms with a network of interior that “high” really is relative, as total C30 steranes (of
canals leading to openings on the fossil surface. which 24-ipc is just one component) represent a mi-
However, these openings are recessed into the surface nor component of total steranes in these
of the fossil, rather than elevated like most sponge Neoproterozoic rocks—typically only 1–4% of the
oscula, and would lead to recycling of the feeding total C27–C30 steranes (Love et al. 2009). Based on
current. It is also unclear if the postulated fossils the phylogenetic pattern of 24-isopropylcholesterol
match expectations for flow in biological fluid trans- synthesis in living organisms, Love et al. (2009) pro-
port systems (LaBarbera 1990), and it is possible these posed that these Cryogenian and Ediacaran 24-ipc
clasts represent ripped up microbial mats (Antcliffe steranes were likely produced by total-group
et al. 2014). Other possible Neoproterozoic sponges, demosponges.
The inference that 24-ipc in Neoproterozoic rocks biomarkers are only made as a major sterol by
represent the preserved organic remains of demosponges (and not all sponges) indicates the
Neoproterozoic demosponges has been controversial. presence of a derived group of sponges in the
Brocks and Butterfield (2009) suggested that unicel- Cryogenian. Consequently, the Porifera crown group
lular relatives of animals could have produced these must have originated earlier. In other words, no
ancient biomarkers. Antcliffe (2013) suggested that matter the phylogenetic relationship of sponges and
these steranes could have been produced by pelago- ctenophores to other animals, the biomarkers pro-
phyte algae (some of which produce trace quantities vide a minimum age constraint for crown-group
of 24-isopropylcholesterol), could have been a con- sponges and suggest multicellular animals with a
taminant introduced by drilling fluid, or could have water-canal system were living prior to 635 Ma.
been produced by diagenetic alteration of other ste-
rol skeletons. These latter two points are based on
fundamental misunderstandings of organic geochem- Molecular clocks
istry (Love and Summons 2015), but concerns about Molecular clocks calculate the rate of molecular evo-
24-ipc as a phylogenetically unique marker for lution through time in groups with a presumably
demosponges are valid. To address this, Gold et al. robust fossil record, and then in simplest form apply
(2016) conducted sterol assays of the living unicel- these rates across the phylogenetic tree to infer di-
lular relatives to animals, and demonstrated they do vergence times. This practice as applied to animal
not make 24-ipc sterol precursors (or indeed any C30 evolution has a somewhat sordid history (Graur
sterols at all; see also Kodner et al. [2008]). Gold and and Martin 2004). However, beginning with the
colleagues then investigated the molecular underpin- use of multiple calibration points spread phylogenet-
nings of 24-isopropylcholesterol synthesis, and dem- ically across invertebrates (Peterson et al. 2004), and
onstrated that demosponges and pelagophyte algae most importantly through the introduction of
independently evolved the ability to methylate C30 “relaxed clock” methods, analyses have reached
sterols. Given the timing of gene duplications for broad agreement on the timing of animal origins
the known extant sterol producers, only demo- (Fig. 1) (Aris-Brosou and Yang 2003; Peterson
sponges, and not pelagophytes, could have been the et al. 2008; Erwin et al. 2011; Parfrey et al. 2011;
source of Neoproterozoic 24-ipc. Most recently, dos Reis et al. 2015; Dohrmann and Wörheide
Zumberge et al. (2017) discovered a new C30 sterane 2017; Lozano-Fernandez et al. 2017). Significant
biomarker, named 26-methylstigmastane (26-mes), uncertainties do still remain regarding the validity
whose sterol precursors are only produced by demo- of specific paleontological calibration points, how
sponges among the living biota. Thus, 26-mes does uncertainty around calibration points should be
not suffer from some ambiguities present in inter- modeled, and whether uncorrelated or autocorre-
preting the 24-ipc record. 26-mes was found in the lated rate models should be used. In light of these
same Cryogenian through Cambrian rock and oil uncertainties both dos Reis et al. (2015) and
samples as 24-ipc, providing convincing evidence of Cunningham et al. (2017) have provided useful
the pattern described by Love et al. (2009). and timely discussion of the precision afforded by
Cryostane, a C28 sterane, appears in even earlier molecular clocks. To address this uncertainty, the
pre-Sturtian rocks of the Tonian period and may full range of possible parameter space in terms of
have also been made by demosponges, but this is gene sequences, partitions, possible paleontological
speculative because unlike 24-ipc or 26-mes the nat- calibration points, soft- versus hard-bounds on cali-
ural sterol precursors have not been identified bration points, calibration probability densities, root
(Brocks et al. 2016). priors, phylogenetic topologies, rate models, and
A subtle but important distinction is that, as far as software choices have now been explored in sensitiv-
currently known, 24-ipc and 26-mes are not sponge ity analyses—filling pages of supplementary tables
biomarkers but rather demosponge biomarkers. and figures (see references above for details). Two
Certainly, more sterol assays and genomic studies robust messages have emerged.
are needed on other sponge groups and unicellular First, and consistent with demosponge biomarker
relatives of animals, but no other sponge or holo- data, animal multicellularity emerged prior to the
zoan protist group has been found to have any un- Ediacaran, possibly in the Cryogenian but more
conventional steroid structure with respect to side- likely in the Tonian. Although there is considerable
chain chemistry. Only conventional sterols with uncertainty on these deeper nodes, the mean diver-
common straight-chain alkylated side-chains are gence between sponges and all other animals is in
found. The fact that these two unconventional the Tonian in all “most likely” analyses (e.g., the
main summary figure of a paper). Only in one anal- multiple lineages around the Precambrian–
ysis does the 95% confidence interval (CI) for Cambrian boundary (Peterson et al. 2005). In es-
crown-group animals extend into the Cryogenian sence, while animals have a cryptic Tonian origin
(dos Reis et al. [2015]; note that we use updated according to molecular clocks and biomarker data,
definitions for the Cryogenian: 720–635 Ma, see the explosion of new body plans recorded in the
Shields-Zhou et al. [2016]). Molecular divergence Cambrian fossil record is a real evolutionary event.
estimations using topologies where ctenophores As discussed in the “Introduction” section, this
rather than sponges are the sister group of all other polyphyletic radiation implies an external forcing.
animals have not been extensively examined, but We recognize that this reading of the animal evo-
analyses by Dohrmann and Wörheide (2017) dem- lutionary record leans heavily on molecular clock
onstrated that the 95% CI for crown-group animals and biomarker data over a literal reading of the fossil
does not extend into the Cryogenian using this to- record. Most persuasive to us, in this regard, is that
pology. Indeed, across the dozens of different sensi- there is now strong concordance between molecular
tivity analyses conducted by multiple research clocks and the fossil record in the Phanerozoic
groups, the mean estimate for crown group animals (Erwin et al. 2011; Cunningham et al. 2017; Daley
is never in the Cryogenian, and 95% CIs generally et al. 2018). Put simply, if clades such as crown-
exclude this period. Likewise, in all “most likely” group Arthropoda or Brachiopoda diverged in the
analyses the 95% CIs for crown-group Metazoa ex- early Cambrian, as indicated by both clocks and
clude the Mesoproterozoic (>1000 Ma), and only rocks, there is no way to telescope all the molecular
rarely do 95% CIs extend to the Mesoproterozoic evolution between these divergences and the last
in sensitivity analyses. The animal crown node of common ancestor of animals into the 30 million
course represents the minimum time for the origin years demanded by proponents of a literal reading of
of animal multicellularity, which must have evolved the fossil record (Antcliffe et al. 2014; Budd and
along the metazoan stem-lineage. Most estimates Jensen 2017). This is true even if accelerated (but
place the animal–choanoflagellate divergence at plausible) rates of molecular evolution existed in
900–1000 Ma (Fig. 1), suggesting that the dawn some lineages (Lee et al. 2013).
of animal multicellularity was likely in the Tonian The view presented here then leads to the eternal
even accounting for all sources of uncertainty (spe- question of why early animals are not fossilized if
cifically between the white and gray nodes in Fig. 1). they arose 800 Ma. Some of this tension relates
The origin of eumetazoan and bilaterian body to time of clade origin (reflected by molecular
plans generally falls in the Cryogenian but there is clocks) versus time of ecological dominance
considerable uncertainty. In contrast to the relative (recorded by the fossil record), and also to some
cross-study consensus for the animal crown node, mis-understandings of various records. For instance,
for Eumetazoa and Bilateria the 95% CIs of some the presence of Cryogenian demosponges as sup-
studies exclude the mean estimate of other analyses. ported by biomarkers evokes a seafloor covered in
The disparate ages between studies for Eumetazoa sponges. But as discussed above, the 24-ipc bio-
and Bilateria remain an area for investigation. In marker only occurs at the ppm level in sterol
any case, the second robust finding from molecular extracts: only minute inputs are required. A long
clock studies is that the divergences between indi- preservational gap is also not an anomaly in the
vidual sister phyla likely occurred in the late deep-time fossil record. As an example, oxygenic
Ediacaran (Fig. 1, black nodes). This pattern is photosynthesis (the major source of oxygen on
best illustrated by the taxon-rich study of Erwin Earth) must have appeared prior to or coincident
et al. (2011), where many more sister phyla were with the Great Oxygenation Event at 2300–
analyzed than could be visually included in Fig. 1. 2400 Ma, but the first cyanobacterial fossils do not
Molecular clock evidence often places the crown appear until hundreds of millions of years later, at
nodes of these phyla within the Cambrian when 2000 Ma (Fischer et al. 2016). Below we discuss
uncertainty is included, and/or identifiable fossil some factors (mainly rarity and small body size)
representatives of these phyla occur in the early– that may have played into low preservational poten-
middle Cambrian (even if not having all the char- tial for early Neoproterozoic animals. However, like
acteristics of the crown group; Budd and Jensen most paleontologists, do not find them fully con-
[2000]). Consequently, it is clear that the pulse of vincing. We view this taphonomic debate, as well
body plan innovation, skeletonization, and size in- as the basic question of temporal origins, as still-
crease that characterizes the Cambrian radiation open scientific questions. For the purposes of discus-
took place as a polyphyletic radiation across sing causes, though, we must take this current best-
guess understanding of timing in order to move for- naturally very low-O2 settings are small, thin, gener-
ward and examine the type of environments early ally unmineralized, and have low-energy (non-car-
animals evolved in, how the marine environment nivorous) feeding strategies (Rhoads and Morse
may have changed during their early evolutionary 1971; Levin 2003; Gooday et al. 2009; Sperling
history, and how these changes may have played et al. 2013b, 2015a). At the very lowest oxygen levels,
into the Cambrian radiation. macrofaunal abundance (organisms retained on a
300 lm sieve) drops dramatically, and the dominant
Environmental context animals are meiofauna such as nematode worms
(Gooday et al. 2009). This has important implica-
Animals evolved in a low-oxygen ocean
tions for fossil taphonomy and reconciliation be-
It has long been hypothesized that animals evolved tween the fossil record and molecular/biomarker
in a less oxygenated ocean than exists today (e.g., data. As noted by Sperling (2013), nematodes occur
Nursall 1959). Some of this initial reasoning was by the 100–1000 s in every square meter of modern
circular—for instance some evidence for lower oxy- marine seafloor, and probably have for quite some
gen levels hinged on the fact that there were no time (the nematode crown group is likely at least
animals (reviewed by Mills and Canfield 2014)— 500 million years old; Erwin et al. 2011). Yet, pale-
but it was also clear from straightforward clues in ontologists have only rarely, if ever, found a marine
the rock record, like widespread Archean and nematode body fossil (most putative fossil marine
Proterozoic Banded Iron Formations, that the early nematodes are at least an order of magnitude larger
Earth was less oxygenated than the modern Earth. In than living nematodes and show few characteristic
the past decade, more sophisticated geochemical re- features). Nematodes are preserved under excep-
dox studies have generally supported this narrative, tional conditions such as in terrestrial amber, but
providing both local and global evidence for wide- in the marine realm such small, thin animals simply
spread Proterozoic subsurface anoxia (Partin et al. do not preserve (reviewed by Poinar 2011). Budd
2013; Reinhard et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2016; Sperling and Jensen (2000) argued that ancestral bilaterians
et al. 2015b; Hardisty et al. 2017). The presumption must have been larger than nematodes, at least sev-
is that widespread Proterozoic marine anoxia was a eral millimeters long, but such organisms also lack
direct result of lower atmospheric oxygen concentra- an extensive fossil record. Consequently, if oxygen
tions, although there are arguments against this levels were low enough to keep marine “worms”
(Butterfield 2018). Oxygen levels are generally be- small and thin, there is little discrepancy between
lieved to have increased substantially at some point molecular clock ages for bilaterians in the
between the mid-Ediacaran to early Cambrian (the Cryogenian and the absence of an unequivocal bilat-
hypothesized Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event; erian fossil record until the late Ediacaran.
Shields-Zhou and Och 2011). It is this rise in oxygen
that is commonly invoked as the geologic trigger for
the Cambrian “explosion.” Whether atmospheric ox- Animals evolved in a food-limited ocean
ygen levels rose to modern in the Ediacaran– While most studies of the Neoproterozoic environ-
Cambrian, or the increase was smaller and oxygen ment have focused on oxygen and redox, emerging
levels remained relatively muted through the early evidence suggests there were also important differ-
Paleozoic, is a current topic of debate (Dahl et al. ences in primary productivity and food delivery to
2010; Chen et al. 2015; Sperling et al. 2015b; Wallace the seafloor compared with the Phanerozoic.
et al. 2017; Stolper and Keller 2018), as are the Analysis of a large compilation of sedimentary phos-
implications of a muted rise for the Cambrian ex- phorous data supports modeling results indicating
plosion (Sperling et al. 2015a). However, the preva- that anoxic, ferruginous Proterozoic ocean waters
lence of subsurface marine anoxia is a clear message may have effectively scavenged bioavailable P, and
of the Neoproterozoic geochemical record. that oceans during that time could have been con-
The implications for early animals of a poorly ox- siderably P-limited (Derry 2015; Reinhard et al.
ygenated ocean have been extensively explored in the 2017). Phosphorous limitation appears to have eased
literature. Based on theoretical calculations, animals at some point in the Neoproterozoic, although the
would be limited to relatively small and thin body exact global timing is obscured by a dearth of com-
plans (Raff and Raff 1970; Runnegar 1982a; Payne piled samples from outside South China (Reinhard
et al. 2010). This is matched by empirical evidence et al. 2017). Whether linked to these changes in
from transects across modern oxygen minimum nutrients or not, the Neoproterozoic also witnessed
zones (OMZs), which show that animals living in a change in the dominant primary producers, with
organic geochemical data demonstrating that algae Berner 1987), and oxidative weathering in outcrop
broke the incumbency of cyanobacteria between the versus core (Petsch et al. 2000). We have not
Sturtian and Marinoan “Snowball Earth” glaciations attempted to correct for these factors, or for
(Brocks et al. 2017). Most discussion in these and spatial-temporal sampling density, and thus these
other papers have related changes in primary pro- results should be viewed as a “first pass.” However,
ductivity back to oxygen production in the Earth we do not anticipate secular changes in either biol-
system, and a more detailed examination of how ogy or geology that would inhibit interpretation of
changes in food supply might have affected early these data as a first-order summary of benthic food
animal ecosystems is required. supply.
To further understand how food supply to the Given available data, then, the Neoproterozoic is a
seafloor changed through time, we investigate here clear outlier. In fact, the main difference in shale
the direct record of organic carbon in sedimentary TOC contents through time is not between the
rocks. Specifically, we have conducted the largest Proterozoic and Phanerozoic, but rather between
compilation of total organic carbon (TOC) contents the Neoproterozoic and all other time periods (see
in shale (fine-grained clastic rocks) to date. This li- Summary Distributions, Fig. 2). Considering the rel-
thology was chosen because (1) it provides a consis- ative lack of data from the Paleoproterozoic and
tent and geographically widespread lithology through Mesoproterozoic, and the sampling dominance of a
time, (2) there are abundant shale TOC measure- few formations, we are agnostic as to whether these
ments in the literature, and (3) shale depositional Era-level differences are real. The post-850 Ma inter-
environments represent the greatest sink for organic val of the Neoproterozoic, though, is much more
carbon in the geological record (Berner 1982). Our consistently sampled in space and time. The substan-
analyses combine previous compilations of TOC as- tial difference between this interval—when cryptic
sembled from US Geological Survey (USGS) data animals evolved—and the Phanerozoic is likely to
(compiled by Husson and Peters [2017]; 3345 sam- be real. It is also pertinent that the most obvious
ples), and geochemical compilations focused on geochemical signals are in high TOC shales, and con-
other elemental systems but with associated TOC sequently, geochemists tend to preferentially sample
data: specifically studies by Reinhard et al. (2017; the most TOC-rich horizons. If abundant, high TOC
5207 samples) and Partin et al. (2013; 711 samples). Neoproterozoic shale formations existed, they would
To these existing compilations we added new data have been sampled. These data contrast with the rel-
from the literature (3437 samples). Finally, 992 new atively enriched background carbonate carbon iso-
shale TOC analyses conducted at Stanford University tope record of the Neoproterozoic (Macdonald
are reported here. The complete dataset consisted of et al. 2010), which is often taken to represent high
13,650 shale TOC measurements through Earth his- fractional rates of organic carbon burial. Aspects of
tory. Full analytical methods, details of the compila- the Neoproterozoic carbon isotope record in general
tion, and additional caveats are located in the are difficult to explain using conventional frame-
Supplementary Information. works (discussed in Schrag et al. 2013), and these
Our results show a distinct change in shale TOC shale TOC data are another line of evidence that
contents at the base of the Phanerozoic (Fig. 2). must be reconciled.
Specifically, Neoproterozoic shales have a mean or- Other anecdotal lines of evidence can be found to
ganic carbon content of 0.8 wt% (median, 0.2%), support the shale TOC record. For instance, the rate
compared with 4.3 wt% (median, 2.6%) for the of organic carbon supply to investigated
Phanerozoic. These differences are highly signifi- Neoproterozoic manganese deposits was lower
cantly different (e.g., P < 2.2 10 16 for a two- (Johnson et al. 2016), and paleontological evidence
group Mann–Whitney U-test), with our statistical suggests Avalonian Ediacaran ecosystems may have
subdivisions supported by a large TOC increase ev- been more food-limited than the Cambrian
ident from the first time bin fully in the Cambrian (Vinther et al. 2014; Hoyal-Cuthill and Conway
(525–500 Ma). When considering these results, it is Morris 2017). Many Neoproterozoic carbonates
worth noting there are a large number of deposi- also have low TOC (Johnston et al. 2012a). Finally,
tional and post-depositional factors that influence given the feedback between organic carbon burial
the TOC value of a rock. A non-exhaustive list and oxygen production, recent modeling results sug-
includes sedimentation rate, bottom-water O2 con- gest that a low-O2 ocean/atmosphere system is diffi-
tent, and type of organic carbon (Canfield 1994), cult (or impossible) to achieve without low primary
organic carbon loss during thermal maturation productivity (Laakso and Schrag 2014, 2017; Derry
(and eventually, metamorphism) (Raiswell and 2015). Accepting a low O2 Neoproterozoic world
Fig. 2 Boxplot analysis of 13,650 shale total organic carbon (TOC) weight percent measurements through Earth history. Left panel
depicts the last 1000 million years of Earth history with data binned into 25 million year intervals; the Cambrian “explosion” is at
525 Ma, the base of the Paleozoic. In boxplots, the thick horizontal lines represent median values, boxes represent first quartile and
third quartile, and dashed lines extend to 1.5 times inter-quartile range. Outliers removed for figure clarity. Right panel depicts
summary distributions for the Paleoproterozoic (2500–1600 Ma), Mesoproterozoic (1600–1000 Ma), Neoproterozoic (1000–541 Ma),
and Phanerozoic (541–0 Ma) eras. In summary boxes, thick white lines represent means, dark colored boxes represent first and third
quartiles, and light colored boxes represent 5th and 95th percentiles.
likely requires accepting a low-food Neoproterozoic and Kahn 2018). High relative metabolic cost of
world. feeding combined with low food supply would obvi-
The shale TOC results in Fig. 2 do not necessarily ously limit scope for growth, and perhaps the geo-
speak to overall rates of primary productivity, oce- graphic extent of metabolically viable habitat.
anic nutrient inventories, or the dominance of pri- Second, in a low-O2 world, any area of higher pri-
mary producer types, which likely began shifting mary productivity (such as upwelling zones) would
earlier in the Neoproterozoic (Brocks et al. 2017; have quickly lost all oxygen in the water column due
Reinhard et al. 2017). Higher primary productivity to aerobic remineralization of relatively abundant or-
may have instead been balanced by more respiration ganic carbon. In the modern ocean animals can sur-
of sinking organic matter. However, what the TOC vive and even thrive in low oxygen, but not in the
results do estimate is the flux of organic carbon to complete absence of oxygen (Sperling et al. 2013b),
seafloor ecosystems (export productivity), which is and early skeletal metazoans were unable to inhabit
what would have mattered to early benthic animals. low-oxygen areas (Tostevin et al. 2016). This is not
And this is essentially all early animals, as aside from to argue that Neoproterozoic animals would have
possibly medusozoan cnidarians, Neoproterozoic an- been excluded from all possible food-rich areas,
imal evolution was a benthic affair (reviewed by but basic biogeochemistry does suggest they would
Gold 2018). Further, if oxygen levels were low in have been pushed toward primary productivity
the Proterozoic, O2 would have interacted synergis- “deserts.” Hammarlund et al. (2017) noted that ex-
tically with low organic carbon supply in two ways clusion from higher productivity areas may have
to limit early animals’ access to food. First, some played a role in structuring Cambrian ecosystems.
early animals such as sponges (which are constrained We argue this effect likely played an even bigger
to be present by the Cryogenian, see above) are likely role in the Neoproterozoic, when oxygen levels are
to have had very high energetic costs of feeding (Leys canonically believed to be far lower.
Implications of a food-limited Neoproterozoic ocean for all taxonomic groups, e.g., Glover et al. [2002]).
If Neoproterozoic food supply was lower, and syn- The sediment mixed layer depth (bioturbation) is
ergistic environmental interactions kept animals also generally shallower in areas with lower food
from productive regions, how did this affect early supply or nutritional quality (Smith and Rabouille
animals? In terms of body plan evolution, many 2002; Smith et al. 2008), although more study is
morphological characteristics of early animals may clearly needed (Teal et al. 2008). Unfortunately for
have been adaptations to food-poor environments consideration of how feeding strategies change with
(Leys and Kahn 2018). To answer such questions food supply, quantitative analysis of feeding strate-
at the ecosystem level, paleontologists have long gies, or indeed even direct evidence of feeding mode
looked to ecological patterns along natural environ- for any given species, is relatively rare for deep-sea
mental gradients in the modern ocean (e.g., Rhoads organisms (Gage and Tyler 1991). Qualitative analy-
and Morse [1971] for oxygen). The sharpest natural ses, though, suggest that low-food abyssal regions are
gradients for almost every environmental parameter (1) dominated by deposit feeders, (2) have higher
occur along continental margins (Levin and Sibuet occurrences of omnivory, to better utilize any avail-
2012), with the change from very low to higher ox- able food source, and (3) have relatively few special-
ygen levels (re-capitulating the presumed ist carnivores, likely because prey simply is not
Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic environmental transition) available (Gage and Tyler 1991).
occurring at relatively shallow bathyal depths in A final and intriguing lesson regarding food sup-
OMZs. In contrast, the transition from very low to ply in the modern ocean concerns organismal
higher food supply (again re-capitulating the pre- responses to exogenous environmental stresses.
sumed ancient trend) occurs in the deep abyss, Recent experimental studies have demonstrated that
toward the center of ocean gyres. This is due to animals can offset the negative effects of stressors
low primary productivity in the overlying waters, such as ocean acidification through increased food
and very long transport distance to the seafloor, supply (Melzner et al. 2011; Hettinger et al. 2013;
across which organic carbon rain is attenuated by Sanders et al. 2013). It is more energetically costly
progressive remineralization. to calcify under acidified conditions, but increased
Ecological changes across these abyssal food sup- food provides energy to pump ions more vigorously
ply gradients are interesting to consider. The frigid, and maintain the correct carbonate chemistry at the
stenothermal, continuously dark, and high-pressure site of calcification. Growth will even increase with
environments of the abyss inhibit a perfect analogy more food in spite of adverse conditions: over a
for shelfal/bathyal evolution in the Neoproterozoic range of external carbonate chemistry conditions,
and Cambrian. However, the abyss is attractive as a this is simply an energetics problem. Likewise,
model because so many environmental factors are heat-shock proteins and other molecular chaperones
invariant, and variations in chemical energy (food) involved in stress responses require energy for pro-
can therefore be studied as a relatively isolated sys- tein synthesis. Environmental instability in
tem (in contrast to OMZs, where many environmen- Neoproterozoic oceans at a variety of temporal and
tal parameters co-vary, Sperling et al. [2016]). Recent spatial scales is increasingly being recognized
mega-analyses of the deep-sea have established firm (Johnston et al. 2012b; Reinhard et al. 2016; Lu
links between organismal abundance, body size, an- et al. 2017; Wood and Erwin 2018), and given the
imal biomass, and food supply (Smith et al. 2008; relationship between food supply and stress tolerance
Wei et al. 2010; McClain et al. 2012). The most re- seen in modern experiments, it can be predicted that
cent large-scale analysis of food supply gradients in food-limited Neoproterozoic animals would have
the global ocean also demonstrated a positive rela- been relatively more susceptible to short-term envi-
tionship between species-level diversity in the deep- ronmental fluctuations.
sea and chemical energy (Woolley et al. 2016). This
contrasts with shallow-water environments, where Oxygen, food, and the fossil record
kinetic energy (temperature) is a better predictor of
diversity (Tittensor et al. 2010; Woolley et al. 2016). Studies of natural environment gradients in the
The overall pattern in the deep-sea seems clear, but modern ocean suggest that under very low oxygen
note questions remain regarding the exact relation- levels animal communities are dominated by small
ship between diversity and chemical energy (for in- size classes, are comprised of unskeletonized organ-
stance, linear versus quadratic [McClain et al. 2012], isms with low-energy, non-carnivorous feeding strat-
and whether the relationship exists in all areas and egies, have shallower (but often intense) bioturbation
levels, and have low species-level diversity (Levin
2003; Sperling et al. 2013b, 2016). As discussed From this (likely) small, thin, rare, and unfossil-
above, animal communities with very low food sup- ized Neoproterozoic animal biota, the end of the
ply are also dominated by smaller size classes, are Ediacaran and early Cambrian record increases in
comprised of organisms with low-energy, non-car- body size, diversity, skeletonization, abundance, bio-
nivorous feeding strategies, have shallow bioturba- mass, and depth of bioturbation. The early
tion levels, and have low organismal abundance Cambrian also witnessed the rise of bilaterian pred-
and species-level diversity. These are listed back-to- ators (Sperling et al. 2013a). When environmental
back to emphasize the point: there are strong first- factors are considered as possible drivers of these
order ecological similarities between low-oxygen and Cambrian biological changes, oxygen is most often
low-food areas of the modern ocean (Fig. 3). This invoked. But again, when using the modern ocean
has important implications regarding the lack of ob- space-for-time translation most of these biological
vious animal fossils in the 800–550 Ma interval, changes could alternatively be explained through
when animals were apparently present based on mo- changing food supply (Fig. 3). Looking across natu-
lecular clock and biomarker data but not preserved ral gradients in the modern ocean, perhaps the only
in the fossil record (Fig. 1). This is often attributed Ediacaran–Cambrian biological change that appears
to low-O2 oceans (for instance, Sperling [2013]). The influenced by oxygen gradients but not food gra-
results of Fig. 2, combined with ecological patterns dients is the appearance of biomineralized forms,
in modern abyssal ocean regions, suggest that food as calcified echinoderms and molluscs are relatively
supply may have been equally important in explain- common in the abyss (Smith et al. 2008). Note
ing the scarce fossil record of early animals. though that we are not aware of any actual studies
Specifically, a crucial difference between modern of biomineralization in the deep sea, and the relative
OMZs and the abyss is the relationship between an- lack of calcified forms in the cores of OMZs could
imal abundance and body size. In both low-food and alternatively be because modern O2 minima are CO2
low-oxygen regimes animal body sizes are depressed, maxima (i.e., acidic) due to the remineralization of
but abundances in OMZs—for the small, thin organ- organic carbon (Paulmier et al. 2011).
isms that can tolerate very low O2—can be incredibly An increase in nutrients and food has been pro-
high due to abundant food and lack of predators posed as a driver of marine ecosystem change in the
(Fig. 3). For instance, Levin et al. (2002) found Phanerozoic (Bambach 1999), and during the 1980s
15,000 nematodes and 60,000 foraminifera per and 90s was considered as a possible player in the
square meter of seafloor at a station off Peru with Cambrian radiation (Cook and Shergold 1984;
bottom-water oxygen levels of 0.02 ml/l (<1 lM) and Brasier 1992; Cook 1992). But these Cambrian studies
TOC contents of 17 wt%. In the modern ocean, were mainly concerned with trends in phosphatic
there are simply no appropriate analogs for com- skeletonization and preservation, and in any case,
bined low food supply and low oxygen, as OMZs such hypotheses have fallen from favor. Given new
are directly caused by high organic carbon delivery. observations on food supply through the
We therefore have to examine environments with Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic, and the inherent linkage
low oxygen and organic carbon delivery separately, between oxygen and primary productivity (Laakso
and infer how observed biotic responses might inter- and Schrag 2014; Derry 2015), they should clearly
act. Simple logic would suggest the ecology of this be revisited. Discussion of the ultimate cause(s) of
postulated low-O2/low food Neoproterozoic ocean such oxygen and/or primary productivity changes—
would combine aspects of modern ocean OMZs from disparate geological triggers to ecological
and abyssal plains: early animals would be small, feedbacks—are beyond the scope of this article (see
thin, and rare. This hinges of course on the veracity recent papers by Lenton et al. 2014; Husson and
of the geochemical record; it has been proposed that Peters 2017; Laakso and Schrag 2017; Reinhard
geochemists have fundamentally mis-understood the et al. 2017; Butterfield 2018). We note though that
record (Butterfield 2018). However, if true, this en- specific causal forcings of oxygen and organic carbon
vironmental landscape would provide an even more dynamics are irrelevant to early animal ecosystems,
plausible explanation for the discrepancy between aside from any additional environmental side effects.
molecular clock evidence for bilaterians in the early Rather, here we simply raise the alternative hypothesis
Ediacaran or before and the first fossil evidence for that if oxygen and food supply changed in tandem
bilaterians at the end of the Ediacaran (Droser et al. through the Ediacaran–Cambrian interval, many of
2017; Parry et al. 2017) than oxygen-related hypoth- the biological responses commonly ascribed to oxygen
eses alone. changes could equally well have been driven by food.
Fig. 3 Comparison of animal ecology across natural gradients in oxygen (left panel; modern bathyal oxygen minimum zones) and food
supply (right panel; modern abyssal plains). Figures are schematic and scales are unitless so as to not imply equivalency of responses
between the right and left panel. The illustrative point is that body size, depth of bioturbation, species diversity, abundance, and
carnivore species richness increase across natural gradients of both oxygen and food supply. Note that neither panel considers the full
spectrum of food supply/oxygen in the modern ocean. For oxygen, many ecological responses exhibit “threshold” like effects (Sperling
et al. 2015a, 2016). For food supply, the figure only considers changes from very low food supply to “higher” food supply on abyssal
plains. On continental margins at very high levels of food supply (i.e., organic carbon loading), ecological factors such as diversity drop
again due to the physiological stress from developing low oxygen conditions (Levin et al. 2001). Figure based on data in Levin (2003),
Smith et al. (2008), Gage and Tyler (1991), and Sperling et al. (2015a, 2016).
Considering all ingredients of an are lower than previously believed, and also that an-
explosion imal ecosystems respond non-linearly to oxygen
changes (Sperling et al. 2015a).] But we also believe
In an insightful paper on early animal evolution and
it is worthwhile to step back and consider
the Cambrian “explosion,” Runnegar (1982b) evoca-
Runnegar’s closing metaphor more broadly.
tively closed by writing “the other ingredient, as in
Students of (literal) explosions know that oxygen is
most explosives, may have been a strong oxidizing
one key ingredient of an explosion, but insufficient on
agent.” The idea that oxygen change was the key
its own. For instance, discussing explosive forest fire
factor in the geologically sudden appearance of large,
events, Maclean (1992) wrote “An old-timer knows
complex animals in the fossil record has increasingly
that, when a ground fire explodes into a crown fire
dominated geological thinking and research in the
with nothing he can see to cause it, he has not wit-
subsequent decades. We do not disagree with
nessed spontaneous combustion but the outer appear-
Runnegar’s conclusion or this general line of re-
ance of the invisible pressure of a ‘fire triangle’
search. Animals are clearly limited by low oxygen,
suddenly in proper proportions for an explosion.”
and if oxygen levels rose past critical thresholds,
For future study of environmental influences on
this is an obvious trigger to explain many aspects
early animal evolution and particularly the Cambrian
of the Cambrian radiation. [Note such thresholds
environmental factor, we propose that consideration
of a complete “fire triangle” of metabolically impor-
tant environmental factors for the Cambrian
Environment “explosion” will help prevent tunnel vision that
may be creeping in regarding the role of oxygen.
Recognizing this broader biogeochemical framework
Fuel (food) (Fig. 4). Given the fundamental linkages between bi-
ology and geology within the Earth system, the
Fig. 4 Causal triangles for the Cambrian “explosion.” This evo- Cambrian radiation increasingly appears driven by
lutionary event likely involved multi-faceted drivers including
a cascade of factors rather than a single, isolated
genomic and developmental innovations (Evo-Devo), new eco-
logical interactions, including the advent of widespread predation
and ecosystem engineering, and environmental change.
Environmental drivers were themselves likely multi-causal and Acknowledgments
involved multiple linked changes to the Earth system. This is We thank Kevin Kocot, the co-organizer of this SICB
illustrated by the “fire triangle”: an explosion requires oxygen, symposium, and all symposium participants for a
fuel (food supply to ecosystems), and heat (regional and global
wide-ranging and enlightening discussion in San
temperature dynamics) in proper proportion.
Francisco. We thank Gordon Love, Alex Zumberge,
Tom Laakso, Doug Erwin, and members of the
“explosion,” we suggest this “fire triangle” might be Historical Geobiology Laboratory for helpful discus-
an appropriate metaphor. The classic fire triangle sion regarding this manuscript, and three anony-
relates heat (flame or spark), an oxidizing agent (ox- mous reviewers for helpful comments. For the
ygen) and fuel (buildings, plants, trees, etc.), in the TOC analysis through time, we thank Jon Husson
correct mixture (Fig. 4). For environmental influen- for providing a copy of compiled USGS data pub-
ces on the Cambrian radiation, we might consider lished in Husson and Peters (2017). We thank
the first leg of the triangle to be global and regional Francis Macdonald, Justin Strauss, Emily Smith,
temperature dynamics (heat). Temperature interacts Tiffani Fraser, Samantha Ritzer, Phil Wilby, Don
synergistically with oxygen (through effects on met- Canfield and Guy Narbonne for help collecting sam-
abolic rate) to limit aerobic habitability (Pörtner ples, Sabrina Tecklenburg, Austin Miller, Una Farrell,
2010; Deutsch et al. 2015), plays important and Thomas Boag, Stephanie Plaza-Torres, Paulo
sometimes non-intuitive roles in oxygen solubility Linarde, Liam Bhajan, Austin Patch, Junyao Kang,
and diffusion (Verberk et al. 2011), and is the source Will Thompson-Butler, and Samantha Ritzer for
of kinetic energy for ecosystems (Tittensor et al. help running samples, and David Mucciarone and
2010). The second leg would be oxygen, the focus Doug Turner for technical assistance.
of extensive geobiological research. The third leg,
fuel, would represent primary productivity and labile Funding
organic carbon delivery to the seafloor. We note the
This work was supported by the Alfred P. Sloan
“fire triangle” metaphor is not a perfect one—fires/
Foundation and National Science Foundation [grant
explosions are destructive, whereas the Cambrian
number DEB-1747731].
radiation is about the construction of animal body
plans and ecosystems. Nonetheless, we believe it has
Supplementary data
conceptual utility as a current reading of the geolog-
ical literature might suggest it was only the second Supplementary data available at ICB online.
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