Elm-490-Step Standard 4-Updated
Elm-490-Step Standard 4-Updated
Elm-490-Step Standard 4-Updated
Amy Gair
Differentiatio Students can use their Students can use their Students can use their
Students can use Students can use
n multiplication charts multiplication charts to multiplication charts to
their multiplication their
What are the to help with basic help with basic facts. help with basic facts.
charts to help with multiplication
adaptations or facts. basic facts and their charts to help with
modifications 100’s chart to help basic facts and
to the Students who may Students who may need Students who may need with Prime and their 100’s chart
instruction/act need more help can more help can work in more help can work in Composite to help with Prime
ivities as work in small groups. small groups. small groups. numbers. and Composite
determined by numbers.
the student Students who may
factors or need more help can Students who may
individual work in small need more help
learning groups. can work in small
needs? groups.
Required iPads Word problem of the Flocabulary - Nearpod – Study Jams -
Materials, Nearpod day https://www.flocabular https://share.nearpo http://studyjams.s
Handouts, https://share.nearpod. Pencils y.com/unit/factors/ d.com/vsph/iAlNkJ cholastic.com/stu
Text, Slides, com/VkdCAsoRaR Scratch paper Khan Academy - mULu dyjams/jams/math
and Pencils Roll Those Factors! https://www.khanacade iPads /multiplication-
Technology Scratch paper Dice my.org/math/cc-fourth- Pencils division/multiples
Factors worksheet iPad grade-math/cc-4th-fact- Scratch Paper .htm
Homework – A https://www.khanacade mult- 10 factors task cards Pencils
10 multiples task
Factorial Foundation my.org/math/pre- topic/modal/a/prime- cards Scratch Paper
algebra/pre-algebra- composite-numbers Homework – “Royal Bewitching
factors-multiples/pre- iPads Pupil?” Factors and
algebra-factors- 100’s chart Multiples
mult/e/factor-pairs Pencils Recording sheet
Homework – Blue – Scratch Paper A cup
Ribbon Multiples Exit ticket – Khan Candy Corn/
Academy - small candy
https://www.khanacade A paper towel
Homework –Chasing
Factor Rainbows
Instructional Instructional and Instructional and Instructional and Instructional and The Instructional
and engagement engagement strategies engagement strategies engagement and engagement
Engagement strategies used during used during this lesson used during this lesson strategies used strategy used
Strategies this lesson starts with are Whole class are Flocabulary, whole during this lesson during this lesson
What using an interactive discussion of problem class discussion, are the use of the is the study jam
strategies are Nearpod lesson. of the day, partner partner work, and interactive Nearpod and the small
you going to Students will be work, peer modeling interactive lessons and small group group activity.
use with your introduced to new and teaching, and exit using Khan Academy. activity. The The small group
students to vocabulary and skill ticket. I will keep my The students will be Nearpod allows me activity will
keep them using the Nearpod students engaged by engaged by the catchy to check for encourage
engaged and have an using discussions, rap Flocabulary uses to understanding and communication
throughout the opportunity to answer using the dice game introduce the new to see if there are and allow for peer
unit of study? questions using a Poll with their partners, and vocabulary. Whole any modeling. The
on their iPads. This having them model and class lesson will allow misconceptions. use of the study
is engaging because it teach the class how for me to use Thumbs The small group jam is to review
is interactive. they found their factor Up/Thumbs Down to activity will the new skill and
Students will also be pairs. The exit ticket is check for encourage to encourage the
working with their assigned through understanding. communication and students to engage
table partners, using Google Classroom Brainstorming during allow for peer in the lesson.
Think-Pair-Share. using the website Khan partner work will modeling.
This keeps students academy. There are 7 encourage
engaged by questions that the communication. The
brainstorming and students will answer interactive Exit ticket
communicating the using their iPads and engages the students by
answers with their submit through Google use of the technology.
partner. Finally, the Classroom.
exit ticket is my last
strategy. This is
engaging because
each student is able to
give their partner a
number to work with.
Formative I am going to use the I am going to use the Formative assessments The formative The formative
Assessments results of the Poll in discussion between used during this lesson assessments used in assessments used
How are you the Nearpod, the partners during the Roll are the interactive this lesson include in this lesson
going to Think-Pair-Share Those Factors activity lessons through Khan the previous night’s include the
measure the discussions, and my as a check for any Academy, Thumbs homework, the previous night’s
learning of exit ticket to measure misconceptions. When Up/Thumbs Down, and interactive Nearpod homework and
your students the learning of my partners share and the 100’s chart and the small group the small group
throughout the students throughout teach the class how completed in with their activity. I will activity. I will
lesson? the lesson. they found their factor partners. My exit ticket check for check for
pairs, will also be used will show if there are understand and any understand and
to check for any misconceptions or misconceptions by any
understanding. Their if the students rotating throughout misconceptions
exit ticket will also be understand the the small groups by rotating
used as a formative material. I will also and by viewing the throughout the
assessment, as well as use the previous night’s students answers in small groups.
the previous night’s homework as a the Nearpod. I will The students will
homework assignment. formative assessment. also use their ticket be turning in their
out as a formative recording sheets
assessment. at the end of their
small group
Summative, I will be using the Nearpod created for their Pre-assessment as their Post-Assessment.
Post- https://share.nearpod.com/vsph/DaFOXCwHMu
What post-
will measure
the learning
Note: This can
be the same as
the pre-
assessment or
a modified
version of it.