Pest Control 2016-18
Pest Control 2016-18
Pest Control 2016-18
Sealed tenders in two parts Bid System are invited from the competent and
experienced parties having their own PF Account Code Number and Licence of
Commercial Pest Control Operation to Store insecticides/ pesticides for doing the
Anti-mosquito, Anti-cockroach, Rodent, Stray Dog & Anti-lizard Control jobs in
NFL Township and inside the plant areas at Vijaipur for a period of two years.
Tender documents can be obtained on payment of Rs.500/- (Non-refundable) as
cost of tender documents through demand draft in favour of National Fertilizers
Limited, Vijaipur payable at State Bank of India, Bavrikheda Branch (Code No.
8455 ) Distt. Guna (M.P.) from the office of Chief Medical Officer, NFL Hospital,
Vijaipur, Distt. Guna (M.P.) The estimated cost of the work is Rs.10.47 lakhs for
two years and EMD is Rs.25,000/-.
Sub: Notice Inviting Tender for Pest Control Job at NFL, Vijaipur
Dear Sirs,
Sealed tenders are invited for the work as detailed below:
1. Name of Work: Anti-mosquito, Cockroach, Rodent, Stray Dog and anti-lizard control
2. Earnest Money : Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five thousand Only) in the form of Demand
Draft to be made in favour of National Fertilizers Limited,Vijaipur payable
at SBI Bavrikheda Branch (Code:08455), NFL Complex. EMD will not be
accepted in any other form.
3. Tender Fee : Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred Only) in the form of Demand Draft to be
made in favour of National Fertilizers Limited,Vijaipur payable at SBI
Bavrikheda Branch (Code:08455), NFL Complex.
4. Estimated Value of the work : Rs.10.47 lakhs for two(2) Years
5. Time of Completion : 2(two) Years from the date of award of work and extendable for three
months at the discretion of NFL Management on the same rates, terms
and conditions.
6. Last date of issue of Tenders: 20.08.2016
7. Last date and time of Receipt of Tenders: 20.08.2016 at 12.30 PM
8. The date and time of Opening of Tenders: _20.08.2016 at 04.00 PM
9. Place of receipt and Opening of Tenders: Office of Sr.CMO, NFL Hospital, Vijaipur
10. All request for interpretation, clarification & queries in connection with tender shall be addressed in writing to
Issuing Authority –Sr.CMO, NFL Hospital, Vijaipur at least 7 (SEVEN) days prior to the closing date of the
11. The Tender shall be submitted duly superscribed “TENDER FOR ANTI-MOSQUITO, COCROACH,
12. The rates should be quoted in words and figures. The rates quoted shall remain valid for 120 days from date
of opening of tenders for the acceptance.
13. National Fertilizers Limited reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever
and also does not bind to accept the lowest tender. The tender can be split between two or more contractors
without assigning any reason thereof as per the requirement on case to case basis.
14. Tender shall be submitted in THREE SEPARATE SEALED Envelopes as under:
Envelope No.1:
Will be superscribed “EM” (Earnest Money) and shall contain earnest money deposit of Rs.25,000/- and
Rs.500/- as Tender Fees in the form of a crossed demand draft (separate for both amount) issued by any
scheduled bank except rural and cooperative bank in favour of NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED,
VIJAIPUR payable at SBI Bavrikheda Branch (Code:08455) NFL Complex, Vijaipur
Envelope No.2:Will be superscribed “TC” (Terms and Conditions) and shall contain terms and
conditions set for the tender by tenderer for his offer (in duplicate) and which are at variance from the
terms and conditions of the tender documents issued by NFL and the documents as per Para 16 & 18.
(DECLARATION FORM to be enclosed in this envelop)
Envelop No.3 - Will be superscribed “PB” (Price Bid and shall contain the rates and amount quoted in the prescribed
schedule of rates.
All the three envelopes shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope superscribed ”Tender for Anti-Mosdquito,
Rodent, Stray Dogs Control, Anti-lizard and Cocroach Control -2016-18”
15. Opening of Tenders
Envelope No.1: Marked “EM” containing Earnest Money will be opened first, on the schedule date of
opening of tender in presence of those tenders who wish to be present at the time of Tender Opening.
Envelope No.2: Marked “TC” will then be opened and discussion will be carried on with the respective
tenderer for clarification, if any.
Envelope No.3: Marked “PB” will be opened subsequently on the same day or at a later date, which
will be intimated to tenderer.
The following documents are to be submitted with the quotation in the envelope no. 2, failing which the
tender will be liable for rejection:
16.1 (in case the parties are pre- qualified);
a) Declaration Forms I & II
b). An Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of min. Rs.10/-duly attested by Notary, stating: -
i) That party/their associates/sister concerns etc. has not been black listed or put on holiday by any
institutional agency/ Govt. Deptt. /PSU in the last two years for participating in the tender.
ii) No other firm/sister concerns/associates belonging to the same group is participating/submitting
tender for the job.
a) Other details are as under:
PAN (Permanent Account No.) issued by Income Tax Deptt.
Service Tax No., Code No./Accounting Code if applicable.
Declaration Forms I&II
ESI Registration No.
:: 3 ::
d) Power of Attorney in the Name of Person, who has signed the Tender Document. (In case of
Partnership Firm or otherwise as the case may be).
16.2 In case the parties are not pre-qualified, their offer will be considered as per laid down pre-
qualification criteria’:
Tenderer shall submit along with the tenders full particulars of their capacity, experience giving
the list of similar jobs carried out by them during the last seven years, the complete address of
organization for which such works have been executed and also substantiate their claims
furnishing the copy of their credentials as per NIT. In the absence of these documents tender will
not be considered.
17 The contractor shall quote single rate against each item and not the multiple rates in the Schedule of Rates.
Any tender with the multiple rates quoted will be summarily rejected. Price should be quoted strictly as
per the Performa enclosed for Schedule of Price.
18 This letter shall form part of the contract document and shall be signed and returned along with
the tender documents.
19 All pages shall be initialed at the lower right hand corner and signed wherever required in the
tender papers by the tenderers or by a person holding power of attorney authorizing him to sign
on behalf of the tenderer before submission of tender. All corrections and alterations in the
entries of tender paper will be signed in full by the tenderer with date. No eraser or overwriting is
20 No condition or deviation should be mentioned by tenderer in Price Bid. Offers where the party
has mentioned any condition or deviation in Price Bid shall be out rightly rejected..
21 While submitting the offer, bidders may ensure that tender document/offer has been signed by
authorized signatory of the company. Subsequent withdrawal of offer / non-acceptance of orders
placed based on the offer submitted by them, will not be entertained on the ground that the offer
was not signed by the authorized person.
22 One person will be allowed to represent only one company during discussion/negotiation with
NFL. If same person is representing different companies with authorization letter from more than
one company, such person will be allowed to represent only the first company called for
negotiation. Tender documents can be downloaded from the website of NFL
23 The Tender shall be addressed to Sr.CMO, NFL Hospital, Vinaipur P.O., Dist.Guna(M.P)-
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
for National Fertilizers Limited
Special/Supplementary conditions of contract
Sub: Tender for Anti-Mosquito, Cockroach Rodent, Stray Dog and Anti-Lizard
Sealed tenders are invited for carrying out work/job for Anti-Mosquito, Cockroach,
Rodent, Stray Dog Control in NFL Vijaipur Township and Anti-lizard control in various
Electrical Establishments inside the Factory Premises and entire the township from interested
parties on the following terms & conditions:
(1.1) The bidder must have executed and successfully completed at least one similar work
order/service contract for providing Pest Control Services, having minimum value of Rs.3.00
lakhs awarded to them by a Central/State Government Department/Public Sector Undertaking
or any Private Sector Company during the last three years period. The bidder should submit
copies of work order alongwith completion certificate duly certified by the Bidder’s Statutory
Auditor or Chartered Accountant in support of above experience criteria. The Completion
Certificate must clearly indicate the following: a) Reference to relevant work order, b) Actual
value of executed and completed work and c) Actual date of completion. Parties are required to
have at least one year’s Experience of Execution of similar contracts.
(1.2) The Bidder must have a valied lincence from the Concerned Statutory Authority for storing and
using the pesticides and other chemicals for commercial pest control operations under
Insecticides Act 1968 The license should be in the name of bidder. The qualified person
specified in license must be Properietor/Partner or Director of the bidding organisation.
(1.3) The Bidder must be financially sound.
(1.4) The Bidder must submit the following documents along with their application:
i) Firms constitution i.e. Proprietary/Partnership/ Private Ltd./ Public Ltd. etc.
:: 2 ::
ii) Partnership Deed or Memorandum Articles of Association along with Bio-data of
Key Personnel.
iii) Registration with PF Authority with PF Code in the same name and style in which
the part applied for Pre-qualification.
Before submitting the tender it will be better to have a visit to the Factory
Premises in your own interest to have the first hand knowledge of extent of
The estimated contract value under this contract works out to Rs.10.47 lakhs
(Rupees Ten lakhs Forty Seven thousand Only) for two years. The bidder may
quote charges inclusive of all chemicals, equipments, man power & freight taxes,
fees, other charges, etc. For Service Tax, please see clause No.11.3
(2.1) MANPOWER :
Minimum three (3) Semi-Skilled Workers (One Supervisor + Two Operators) should
be deployed for the supervision and operation of Pest Control job.
The contract shall be valid for two years from the date of award of Work
Order and shall be extendable for a further period of three (3) months on
the same terms & conditions at the discretion of NFL Management subject
to satisfactory performance of the contract.
Fogging Operation will be carried out in the entire residential premises and
surroundings area using petrol operated “Swing Fogger”. This operation shall be
carried out during “Dusk” hours; alternate week, alternating with spraying
:: 4 ::
(4.4) Rodent Control:
Stray dog control to be done on complaint basis and minimum 150 operation
per annum for dog to be done.
(5.0) Penalty:
(5.2) If contractor fails to do any fortnightly spray entire the premises, an amount
of Rs. 1000/- (Rupee One Thousand Only) for each fortnight will be deducted
from your monthly running bills. If the same act will be repeated second time
in a month, an amount of Rs.2500/- (Rupee Two Thousand Five Hundred
Only) will be deducted from your monthly running bills.
(5.3) If contractor fails to do any weekly spray for lizard control in Electrical
Establishment entire the factory premises, an amount of Rs. 1000/- (Rupee One
Thousand Only) for each week will be deducted from your monthly running
bills. If the same act will be repeated second time in a month, an amount of
Rs.2500/- (Rupee Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) will be deducted from
your monthly running bills.
(5.5) If the contractor fails to strive out the stray dogs from the townshio or inside
factory, a penalty of Rs.1000/- per month will be imposed and the same will be
deducted from the monthly running bills.
(5.6) If the stray dogs bite any individual of the township, the total medical
expenses will be borne by the contractor.
The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the stay of his team and
shall be responsible for the safe storage of all chemicals and equipments.
However, accommodation may be provided in NFL Township, Vijaipur on
chargeable basis, subject to availability. NFL shall be under no objection to admit
/ entertain any claim, demand in this behalf.
(7.1) You shall comply with all statutory and legal requirements including all
labour laws (i.e. payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act, Workmen
:: 6 ::
Compensation Act) etc. as are applicable from time to time as per detail given in
Annexure-I attached herewith and you shall indemnify NFL against any liability
arising out of non fulfilment of any such statutory requirements.
(7.2) You have to also submit permanent PF account number obtained from RPFC
Authority along with this tender document.
A security deposit @ 10% shall be deducted from your monthly bills and
the same shall be refunded after 60 days on satisfactory completion of the
contract. The amount so deducted shall not carry any interest.
Income Tax shall be deducted from your bills as per provisions of Income
Tax Act.
In case the contractor fails to commence the jobs as per work order within
10 days NFL shall be at liberty to rescind the contract and forefeit his EMD and
get the job done at the risk and cost of the contractor.
(11.1) The rates should be inclusive of cost of all chemicals & over head charges
and should be on monthly basis. The rates shall be firm during the currency of
work order. Nothing extra shall be payable.
:: 7 ::
(11.2) It should be ensured by the bidder that the rates quoted by him are inclusive of all
taxes(except service tax) duties, royalties and other statutory levies leviable at present or
which may become leviable in future or from time to time. Unless specified to the
contrary in the bid all present & future taxes & payment of the taxes & other statutory
levies shall be the responsibility of the bidder and shall not be payable by NFL.
The bidder should quote the rates excluding Service Tax. If service tax applicable, the
same will be reimbursed only against submission of documentary proof of having paid it to
(11.4) You have to consume standard quality of chemicals per month as quantity mentioned
S.No. Name of chemicals Quantity
1. Malathin 35 Ltr. Per month
2. Pyrethrum 10 Ltr. ,,
3. Chloropyrifos 10 Ltr. ,,
4. Baytax 82.5% (for anti-larva) 05 Ltr.
5. Emulsifier(adhesive Oil) 05 Kg. ,,
6. Diesel for anti-larva & fogging 60 Ltr.
7. Petrol 20 Ltr.
8. Kerosene 150 Ltr. ,,
(11.5)All chemicals should be brought in sealed container and should have date provided for
manufacturer as well as expiry date for check by Senior Chief Medical Officer or his
representative and empty container should be deposited in the office of Sr.CMO every
month before and after use.
(11.6)If chemical as mentioned above will not be consumed during the month, the recovery for
cost of chemical will be made on proportionate basis.
(11.7) Following number of latest equipments of reputed company to be used for pest control.
S.No. Name of equipments Quantity
1. Marut Pressure Pump Sprayer 02 Number
2. Hand sprayer 02
3. Hand rotary duster 01
4. Fogger machine 01
5. Mist blower 01
6. Knap Sack sprayers 01
:: 8 ::
(11.8) NFL shall not provide any expert, medicines, any chemicals, manpower etc.
for the above operation. You will have to post a team of Supervisor,
Operators at the project site, beside technical advisor or entomologist, who
should visit site periodically/after every three months to assess the
operation and progress of the site.
(11.9) You shall arrange to furnish a list of staff , equipments and chemicals to the
Dy.Commdt. CISF, NFL, Vijaipur. Your staff shall strictly follow the
security regulation in force at site.
(16.0)In the event of any dispute arising under the terms & conditions the decision
of the General Manager (I/C), NFL, Vijaipur or any other officer authorised by him
shall be final and binding on you.
:: 09 ::
(17.0) NFL shall have the sole discretion to withdraw the invitation to tenders or reject any or
all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. No correspondence in this behalf from
tenderers shall be entertained.
Envelop No.1 : Will be superscribed “EM” (Earnest Money) and shall contain earnest
money deposit of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five thousand Only) and Rs.500/-
(Rupees Five hundred Fifty Only) as Tender Fees in the form of a Crossed Demand
Draft(separate for both amount) in favour of NFL, Vijaipur, payable at State Bank
of India , Bavrikheda Branch ( Code No. 8455 ). Distt. Guna (M.P.)
Envelop No.2 : Will be superscribed “TC” (Terms & Conditions) and shall contain the
following documents:
(g) PF Code: Contractor shall submit PF code number obtained from RPFC
failing which his price bid shall not be opened.
Envelop No.3 : Will be superscribed “PB” (Price Bid) and shall contain the rates
and amount quoted in the prescribed schedule of rates.
Sr.Chief Medical Officer
Note : The above Acts are only illustrative and not exhaustive.
The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the NFL against all
losses and claims for injuries or damages to any person or property whatsoever
which may arise out of the consequence of the execution of the works and against
all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, cost, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect of or in connection thereto including his employees.
1. The officer-in-charge shall have the authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage
may be necessary to ensure proper execution of the Contract. He shall also have the
authority to reject all work which direct the application of force to any portion of the
work as, in his judgement, is required an order force increased or diminished and to
decide dispute which arise in the execution of the work. The EIC reserve the right to
suspend the worker part there of at any time and no claim whatsoever on this account will
be entertained. In case of any dispute, the contractor may appeal to the EIC whose
decision shall be final and binding.
2. The contractor shall immediately remove from the work any person deployed there on
who may misbehave or cause any nuisance or otherwise and is not fit person to be
deployed on the work and such person shall not be again deployed on the work without
the prior written permission of the EIC.
3. The contractor may depute such employees as he may think fit. The employees should be
the employees of the Contractor for all purposes whatsoever and shall not be deemed to
be in the employment of NFL for any purpose whatsoever. If under any circumstances
whatsoever, NFL is held responsible to the employees of the contractor in respect of any
matter, NFL shall be reimbursed by the contractor for the same. Any other expenses
incurred by NFL as a result of any claim, NFL shall be entitled to claim / demand
compensation from the contractor in that event.
4. The contractor shall ensure that the work is carried out efficiently. Labour deployed by
the contractor should not loiter around, sit idle or sleep in the plant. They shall not
smoke inside the plant premises and shall not be under the influence of intoxicating
drinks or drugs while on duty within the factory premises.
5. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for housing his workmen. No land
tenement within the property of NFL Vijaipur shall be made available to the contractors.
6. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to pay the Minimum Wages to its employees as
specified by the Government from time to time.
The contractor shall have no right whatsoever to claim the escalated wages after the
award of the contract from NFL as notified by Government from time to time. Upward
revision of Minimum Wages from time to time shall be deemed to be inbuilt in the
quoted rates by the Contractor.
:: 2 ::
7. The contractor should satisfy himself with the site conditions prevailing at the place of
work. He shall be deemed to have apprised himself of all the ground conditions at site
including weather condition.
8. The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified NFL against all losses and claims
for injuries or damages to any person or property whatsoever which may arise out of the
consequence of the execution of the works and against all claims, demands, proceedings
damages, cost, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of on in selection thereto.
9. The contractor shall at all times keep NFL indemnified against all claims, damages or
compensation under the provisions of the payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum
Wages 1948, Employees Liability Act, 1938, the workmen compensation Act 1923,
Equal remuneration Act 1976, Employment of Child labour Act, 1938, Abolition of
Bonded Labour Act and the Contract Labour ( Regulation and Abolition) Act,1970 or any
other Act regulating the employment of Labour by Contractor.
10. The contractor shall remove all his waste material from site and handover the same to the
concerned as directed by Officer-in-charge. It is the term of the contract that it shall be
the total responsibility of the contractor to clear the site after the completion of the job.
NFL has a right to recover the cost of the same from the contractors in case of no
clearance by the Contractor.
(a) At any time, the contractor makes default in proceeding with the works/job with
due diligence and continues to do so after of notice
(c) If the contractor obtains the contract with NFL as a result of ring tendering or
other non-bonafide methods of competitive tendering or
(d) If the Contractor obtains the contract with NFL as a result of ring tendering, or
sublet the entire work or any portion thereof without the prior written approval of the
accepting authority.
12. Jurisdiction:
“Notwithstanding any other court or courts having jurisdiction to try any civil suit arising
out of this contract, it shall be the only the court of competent jurisdiction at Guna
( where the contract shall be deemed to have been entered into) to try such suits to the
exclusion of all others courts of the country.
(a) “ Except where otherwise provided for in this contract, all questions and disputes
relating to the interpretation of this contract, execution of this contract, claim right, matter
or thing or execution of the awarded jobs/ failure to execute the job whether arising
during the progress of the work or after the completion or abandonment thereof shall be
referred to the arbitration of Executive Director of NFL Vijaipur and if the Executive
Director is unable or unwilling to act, then to sole arbitration of some other person not
below the rank of Deputy Manager appointed by the Executive Director willing as such
(b) The contractor hereby agrees that he shall have no objection if the arbitrator so
appointed is an employee of the NFL and he had to deal with the matter to which the
contract relates and that in the course of his duties as such he had expressed views on all
or any of the matter in dispute or difference.
(c) If the arbitrator to whom matter is referred to vacates his office by any reason
whatsoever then the next E.D. shall start the arbitration proceedings where his
predecessor left. If the next E.D. is unwilling to act as arbitrator then he may appoint
any other officer in the rank of Deputy Manager or above as arbitrator and he shall
commence the proceedings where this predecessor has left.
(d) Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996 or any other enactment made thereafter
shall reply to the proceedings.
Chief Medical Officer
National Fertilizers Ltd
Dist.GUNA(M.P)-473 111
Yours faithfully
The following declaration to be signed by Contractor and to be submitted along with required
documents which would be duly self certified:
Sr. YES / NO
(If Yes, give the following details)
1 If a Tenderer has relations whether Name and Place of Posting Relation
by blood or otherwise with any of Designation of the with the
employees of NFL (Owner), the Employee Employee
Tenderer must disclose the relation
at the time of submission of Tender,
failing which, NFL shall reserves the
right to reject the Tender or rescind
the Contract.
2. P.F. Registration No of the Contractor to be intimated along with P.F. Registration
Documentary proof thereof. Number
5 ESI Registration No. Along with documentary proof thereof. ESI Regd. No.