Agron 111
Agron 111
Agron 111
S.No. Topics No. of
1. Agronomy –definition, importance, basic principles and scope 1
2. Seeds- characteristics-advantages of using good quality seeds- seed 1
germination- seed rate
3. Seed treatment –purposes and methods of seed treatment 1
4. Sowing- methods - factors involved in sowing management 1
5. Tillage and tilth - definition - characteristics of good tilth-objectives of 1
6. Types of tillage- factors affecting types of tillage- modern concept of 1
7. Crop density – definition and importance- factors affecting crop density; 1
Crop geometry- definition and types.
8. Crop nutrition: Essential nutrients-classification of essential nutrients 1
9. Nutrients: Role and deficiency- control of deficiency and toxicity 1
10. Organic manures: classification and methods of preparations 1
11. Biofertilizers and their types. 1
12 Fertilizers: Classification - methods and time of application-nutrient use 1
13. Factors affecting manures and fertilizer use- Concept of integrated 1
nutrient management
14. Irrigation : Introduction, Importance, Definition & Objectives 1
15. Water Resources of India – Surface & Ground water resources – 1
Irrigation Development in India – Important major irrigation projects in
16. Water Resources of Rajasthan – Surface & Ground water resources 1
– Irrigation development in Rajasthan – Important major irrigation
projects in Rajasthan
17. Soil-water relations : Importance – Soil a three phase disperse system 2
– Physical properties of soil viz., Depth, Soil texture, Soil structure,
Particle density, Bulk density & Porosity influencing water retention,
movement & availability.
18. Plant-water relationships : Root characteristics – Soil properties 1
influencing root development – Effective root zone depth – Moisture
extraction pattern – Moisture sensitive periods of crops.
19. Crop water requirement and factors affecting crop water requirement 2
20. Water use efficiency – Crop water use & Field water use efficiency –
Factors influencing WUE – Climatic, genetic & management factors
21. Scheduling of irrigation – Different criteria – Soil water regime 1
approach – Feel & appearance method, Soil moisture tension &
Depletion of available soil moisture method, Climatological approach –
Lysimeters & IW/CPE ratio method.
22. Scheduling of irrigation – Plant indices approach – Visual plant 1
symptoms, Soil-cum-sand mini plot technique, Growth rate, Relative
water content, Plant water potential, Canopy temperature, Indicator
plants & Critical growth stages
23. Surface Methods of irrigation - Wild flooding, Check basin, Ring basin, 1
Border strip, Furrow & Corrugations – Advantages & disadvantages;
24. Sprinkler irrigation method – Definition – Applications – Advantages 1
& disadvantages – System components & Layout – Suitable crops.
25. Drip irrigation – Definition – Advantages & disadvantages – System 1
components & Layout – Suitable crops
26. Quality of water – Salinity hazard, Sodicity hazard, Residual sodium 2
carbonate & Boron toxicity – Criteria & threshold limits –
Management practices for using poor quality water.
27. Water logging –causes, effect on crop growth and development, 1
Agricultural drainage
28. Weeds-definition and importance, harmful and beneficial effects of 1
29. Classification of weeds – classification based on morphology – life cycle 1
– habitat – origin – association – special features and soil pH with
30. Crop -weed competition - principles – factors - critical period of crop- 1
weed competition - allelopathy.
31. Concepts of weed management– preventive weed control measures – 1
physical / mechanical, cultural,
32. Chemical and biological methods of weed control – bioherbicides - 1
integrated weed management
33. Herbicides – definition - advantages and limitations of herbicide usage in 1
India- classification of herbicides based on chemical nature - time and
method of application
34. Classes of herbicides based on – selectivity – spectrum – translocation – 1
residual nature – soi sterilants and fumigants – types of formulations.
35. Nomenclature of herbicides - commonly available herbicides in India – 1
adjuvants -definition, their use in herbicides application.- surfactants -
stabilizing agents - solvents - humicants - stickers - activators -
compatibility agents - drift control agents etc.
36. Mode of action of herbicides – important biochemical modes of action of 1
herbicides interfearing with photosynthetic reactions – respiration -
enzymatic inhibition etc – effects of subleathel doses of herbicides on
37. Selectivity of herbicides – fundamental principles of selectivity -
differential rate of absorption - differences in morphology and growth
habit of plants - rate of translocation.
38. Selectivity of herbicides - differential rate of deactivation of herbicides – 1
metabolism - reverse metabolism – conjugation - protoplasmic resistance
to the specific herbicide
39. Growth and development of crops 1
40. Factors affecting crop growth and development 1
41. Concept of plant ideotypes 1
42. Crop rotation and its principles 1
43. Adaptation and distribution of crops 1
44. Crop management technologies in problematic areas 1
45. Harvesting and threshing of crops 1
Total 48
S.No. Topics No. of
1. Identification of crops, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and tillage implements 2
2. Effect of sowing depth on germination and seedling vigour 1
3. Identification of weeds in crops 1
4. Methods of herbicide application 2
Methods of fertilizer application 1
5. Study of yield contributing characters and yield estimation 1
6. Seed germination and viability test 1
7. Numerical exercises on fertilizer requirement plant population, herbicides 2
and water requirement
8. Use of tillage implements-reversible plough, one way plough, harrow, 1
leveler, seed drill
9. Study of soil moisture measuring devices 1
10. Measurement of field capacity 1
11. bulk density and infiltration rate 1
12. Measurement of irrigation water 1
Total 16
Suggested Readings
1.Chandrasekaran, B.,Annadurai, K. and Somasundaram,E.2010.A Text Book of Agronomy,
New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
2. ICAR. 2006. Handbook of Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi
3. Gupta, O.P.2005. Weed Management: Principles and Practices (2nd Ed.), Agribios (India),
4. Reddy, S.R. 2004. Principles of Agronomy, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
5. Saraswat, V.N., Bhan, V.M. and Yaduraju, N.T.2003. Weed Management, ICAR,
New Delhi.
6. Balasubramaniyan, P. and Palaniappan, S.P.2001. Principles and Practices of Agronomy,
Agrobios (India), Jodhpur
7. Reddy, S.R.2000. Principles of Crop Production, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
What is Agriculture?
Agriculture: Agriculture is the most important enterprise in the world. It is a productive unit
where the free gifts of nature namely land, light, air, temperature and rain water etc., are
integrated into single primary unit indispensable for human beings. Secondary productive
units namely animals including livestock, birds and insects, feed on these primary units and
provide concentrated products such as meat, milk, wool, eggs, honey, silk and lac.
Agriculture is derived from Latin words Ager and Cultura. Ager means land or field
and Cultura means cultivation. Therefore the term agriculture means cultivation of land. i.e.,
the science and art of producing crops and livestock for economic purposes. It is also referred
as the science of producing crops and livestock from the natural resources of the earth. The
primary aim of agriculture is to cause the land to
produce more abundantly, and at the same time, to protect it from deterioration and misuse. It
is synonymous with farming–the production of food, fodder and other industrial materials.
Thus, Agriculture is defined as the art, the science and the business of producing
crops and the livestock for economic purposes.
As an art, it embraces knowledge of the way to perform the operations of the farm in a
manner. The skill is categorized as;
Physical skill: It involves the ability and capacity to carry out the operation in an efficient
way for e.g., handling of farm implements, animals etc., sowing of seeds, fertilizer and
pesticides application etc.
Mental skill: The farmer is able to take a decision based on experience, such as (i) time and
method of ploughing, (ii) selection of crop and cropping system to suit soil and climate, (iii)
adopting improved farm practices etc.
As a science : It utilizes all modern technologies developed on scientific principles such as
crop improvement/breeding, crop production, crop protection, economics etc., to maximize
the yield and profit. For example, new crops and varieties developed by hybridization,
transgenic crop varieties resistant to pests and diseases, hybrids in each crop, high fertilizer
responsive varieties, water management, herbicides to control weeds, use of bio-control
agents to combat pest and diseases etc.
As the business : As long as agriculture is the way of life of the rural population, production
is ultimately bound to consumption. But agriculture as a business aims at maximum net
return through the management of land, labour, water and capital, employing the knowledge
of various sciences for production of food, feed, fibre and fuel. In recent years, agriculture is
commercialized to run as a business through mechanization.
Branches of Agriculture
Agriculture has 3 main spheres viz., Geoponic (Cultivation in earth-soil), Aeroponic
(cultivation in air) and Hydroponic (cultivation in water). Agriculture is the branch of science
encompassing the applied aspects of basic sciences.
Crop production - It deals with the production of various crops, which includes food crops,
fodder crops, fibre crops, sugar, oil seeds, etc. It includes agronomy, soil science,
entomology, pathology, microbiology, etc. The aim is to have better food production and how
to control the diseases.
Horticulture - Branch of agriculture deals with the production of flowers, fruits, vegetables,
ornamental plants, spices, condiments (includes narcotic crops-opium, etc., which has
medicinal value) and beverages.
Agricultural Engineering - It is an important component for crop production and
horticulture particularly to provide tools and implements. It is aiming to produce modified
tools to facilitate proper animal husbandry and crop production tools, implements and
machinery in animal production.
Forestry - It deals with production of large scale cultivation of perennial trees for supplying
wood, timber, rubber, etc. and also raw materials for industries.
Animal Husbandry - The animals being produced, maintained, etc. Maintenance of various
types of livestock for direct energy (work energy). Husbandry is common for both crop and
animals. The objective is to get maximum output by feeding, rearing, etc. The arrangement of
crops is done to get minimum requirement of light or air. This arrangement is called
geometry. Husbandry is for direct and indirect energy.
Fishery Science - It is for marine fish and inland fishes including shrimps and prawns.
Home Science - Application and utilization of agricultural produces in a better manner.
When utilization is enhanced production is also enhanced. e.g., a crop once in use in south
was found that it had many uses now.
On integration, all the seven branches, first three is grouped as for crop production
group and next two for animal management and last two as allied agriculture branches.
Broadly in practice, agriculture is grouped in four major categories as:
Definition of Agronomy
The word agronomy has been derived from the two Greek words, agros and nomos
having the meaning of field and to manage, respectively. Literally, agronomy means the “art
of managing field”. Technically, it means the “science and economics of crop production by
management of farm land”.
Among all the branches of agriculture, agronomy occupies a pivotal position and is
regarded as the mother branch or primary branch. Like agriculture, agronomy is an integrated
and applied aspect of different disciplines of pure sciences. Agronomy has three clear
branches namely,
(i) Crop Science, (ii) Soil Science, and (iii) Environmental Science that deals only with
applied aspects. (i.e.,) Soil-Crop-Environmental relationship. Agronomy is a synthesis of
several disciplines like crop science, which includes plant breeding, crop physiology and
biochemistry etc., and soil science, which includes soil fertilizers, manures etc., and
environmental science which includes meteorology and crop ecology.
Basic Principles
• Planning, programming and executing measures for maximum utilization of land, labourer,
capital and other factors of production.
• Choice of crop varieties adaptable to the particular agro-climate, land situation, soil fertility,
season and method of cultivation and befitting to the cropping system;
• Proper field management by tillage, preparing field channels and bunds for irrigation and
drainage, checking soil erosion, leveling and adopting other suitable land improvement
• Adoption of multiple cropping and also mixed or intercropping to ensure harvest even under
adverse environmental conditions;
• Timely application of proper and balanced nutrients to the crop and improvement of soil
fertility and productivity. Correction of ill-effects of soil reactions and conditions and
increasing soil
organic matter through the application of green manure, farm yard manure, organic wastes,
bio fertilizers and profitable recycling of organic wastes;
• Choice of quality seed or seed material and maintenance of requisite plant density per unit
area with healthy and uniform seedlings;
• Proper water management with respect to crop, soil and environment through conservation
and utilization of soil moisture as well as by utilizing water that is available in excess, and
scheduling irrigation at critical stages of crop growth.
• Adoption of adequate, need-based, timely and exacting plant protection measures against
weeds, insect-pests, pathogens, as well as climatic hazards and correction of deficiencies and
• Adoption of suitable and appropriate management practices including intercultural
operations to get maximum benefit from inputs dearer and difficult to get, low-monetary and
non-monetary inputs;
• Adoption of suitable method and time of harvesting of crop to reduce field loss and to
release land for succeeding crop(s) and efficient utilization of residual moisture, plant
nutrients and other management practices;
• Adoption of suitable post-harvest technologies.
• Agronomy was recognized as a distinct branch of agricultural science only since about since
about 1900. The American Society of Agronomy was organized in 1908.
“Scientist who studies the principles and practices of crop production and soil
management for production of food for human beings and feed for his animals”.
Scope of Agronomy
Agronomy is a dynamic discipline with the advancement of knowledge and better
understanding of plant and environment, agricultural practices are modified and new
practices developed for high productivity, for example availability of chemical fertilizer has
necessitated the generation of knowledge on the method, quantity and time of application of
fertilizers. Similarly availability of herbicides for the control of weeds has led to development
of knowledge about selectivity, time and method of application of herbicides. To overcome
the problems different management practices are developed.
Population pressure is increasing but area under cultivation is static, therefore more
number of crops have to be grown on the same piece of land to increase the yield. As a result,
intensive cropping has come into practice.
New technology has to be developed to overcome the effect of moisture stress under
dryland conditions. As new varieties of crops with high yield potential become available
package of practices have to be developed to exploit their full potential.
Restoration of soil fertility, preparation of good seed bed, use of proper seed rates,
correct dates of sowing for each improved variety, proper conservation and management of
soil moisture and proper control of weeds are agronomic practices to make our limited land
and water resources more productive
A good quality seed should posses the following characteristics:
• Seed must be true to its type i.e., genetically pure, free from admixtures and should belong
to the proper variety or strain of the crop and their duration should be according to
agroclimate and cropping system of the locality.
• Seed should be pure, viable, vigorous and have high yielding potential.
• Seed should be free from seed borne diseases and pest infection.
• Seed should be clean; free from weed seeds or any inert materials.
• Seed should be in whole and not broken or damaged; crushed or peeled off; half filled and
half rotten.
• Seed should meet the prescribed uniform size and weight.
• Seed should be as fresh as possible or of the proper age.
• Seed should contain optimum amount of moisture (8-12%).
• Seed should have high germination percentage (more than 80%).
• Seed should germinate rapidly and uniformly when sown.
Germination is a protrusion of radicle or seedling emergence. Germination results in rupture
of the seed coat and emergence of seedling from embryonic axis.
Light: The most effective wavelength for promoting and inhibiting seed germination is red
(660 nm) and infrared (730 nm), respectively.
Atmospheric gases: Most crop seeds germinate well in the ambient composition of air with
20% O2, 0.03% CO2 and 78.2% N.
Exogenous chemicals: Some chemicals induce or favour quick and rapid germination.
• Gibberellins stimulate germination in protoplasmic seeds.
• Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used for legumes, tomato and barley.
• Ethylene (C2H4) is used for stimulating groundnut germination.
Seed rate is the quantity of seed required for sowing or planting in an unit area. The seed rate
for a particular crop would depend not only on its seed size/test weight, but also on its desired
population, germination percentage and purity percentage of seed. It is calculated as follows:
Area to be sown in m2 x Test weight of the seed x 1
Seed rate (kg)= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Germination% x Purity% x Spacing (m) x 1000
Seed treatment is a process of application either by mixing or by coating or by
soaking in solutions of chemicals or protectants (with fungicidal, insecticidal, bactericidal,
nematicidal or biopesticidal properties), nutrients, hormones or growth regulators or
subjected to a process of wetting and drying or subjected to reduce, control or repel disease
organisms, insects or other pests which attack seeds or seedlings growing there from. Seed
treatment also includes control of pests when the seed is in storage and after it has been
The seed treatment is done for the following reasons:
• To protect from seed borne pests and diseases.
• To protect from or repel birds and rodents.
• To supply plant nutrients.
• To inoculate microorganisms.
• To supply growth regulators.
• To supply selective herbicides.
• To break seed dormancy.
• To induce drought tolerance.
• To induce higher germination percentage, early emergence.
• To obtain polyploids (genetic variation) by treating with x-rays, gamma rays and
• To facilitate mechanized sowing.
Sowing is the placing of a specific quantity of seeds in the soil for germination and
growth while planting is the placing of plant propagules (may be seedlings, cuttings,
rhizomes, clones, tubers etc.) in the soil to grow as plants.
Pre-monsoon sowing
Normally, sowing is taken up after receipt of sufficient amount of rainfall (20 mm) in the
case of dry land farming. Since sowing is continued for two or three days after a soaking rain,
certain amount of moisture is last during the period between the receipt of rainfall and
sowing. In the case of heavy clay soils (black soils), sowing operation is difficult after the
receipt of rain. To over come this difficulty, sowing is taken up in dry soil prepared with
summer rains, 7-10 days before the anticipated receipt of sowing rains. The seeds germinate
after the receipt of the rainfall. This method of sowing is known as dry sowing or pre-
monsoon sowing. By this method, the entire rainfall received is efficiently utilized.
1. Mechanical factors - Factors such as depth of sowing, emergence habit, seed size and
weight, seedbed texture, seed–soil contact, seedbed fertility, soil moisture etc.
(i) Seed size and weight: Heavy and bold seeds produce vigorous seedlings. Application of
fertilizer to bold seed tends to encourage the seedlings than the seedlings from small seeds.
(ii) Depth of sowing: Optimum depth of sowing ranges from 2.5–3 cm. Depth of sowing
depends on seed size and availability of soil moisture. Deeper sowing delays field
emergence and thus delays crop duration. Deeper sowing sometimes ensures crop survival
under adverse weather and soil conditions mostly in dry lands.
(iii) Emergence habit: Hypogeal seedlings may emerge from a relatively deeper layer than
epigeal seedlings of similar seed size.
(iv) Seedbed texture: Soil texture should minimize crust formation and maximize aeration,
which in turn influence the gases, temperature and water content of the soil. Very fine soil
may not maintain adequate temperature and water holding capacity.
(v) Seeds–Soil contact: Seeds require close contact with soil particles to ensure that water can
be absorbed readily. A tilled soil makes the contact easier. Forming the soil around the
seed (broadcasted seeds) after sowing improves the soil–seed contact.
(vi) Seedbed fertility: Tillering crops like rice, ragi, bajra etc., should be sown thinly on
fertile soils and more densely on poor soils. Similarly high seed rate is used on poor soil
for non-tillering crops. Although higher the seed rate grater the yield under conditions of
low soil fertility, in some cases such as cotton, a lower seed rate gives better result than a
higher seed rate.
(vii) Soil moisture: Excess moisture in soil retards germination and induce rotting and
damping off disease except in swamp (deep water) rice. Adjustment in depth is made
according to moisture conditions, i.e., deeper sowing on dry soils and shallow sowing on
wet soils. Sowing on ridges is usually recommended on poorly drained soils.
2. Biological factors - Factors like companion crops, competition for light, soil
microorganisms etc.
(i) Companion crop: Companion crop is usually sown early to suppress weed growth and
control soil erosion. In cassava + maize/yam cropping, cassava is planted later in yam or
maize to minimize the effect of competition for light. In mixed cropping, all the crops are
sown at the same time.
(ii) Competition of light: In mixed stands, optimum spacing for each crop minimizes the
competition of light.
(iii) Soil microorganisms: The microorganisms present in the soil should favour seed
germination and should not posses any harmful effect on seeds/emerging seedlings.
Lecture 5
Tillage and tilth – definition - characteristics of good tilth - objectives of tillage
Tillage operations in various forms have been practised from the very inception of
growing plants. Primitive man used tools to disturb the soils for placing seeds. The word
tillage is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words tilian and teolian, meaning to plough and
prepare soil for seed to sow, to cultivate and to raise crops. Jethrotull, who is considered as
Father of tillage suggested that thorough ploughing is necessary so as to make the soil into
fine particles.
1. DEFINITION : Tillage refers to the mechanical manipulation of the soil with tools and
implements so as to create favourable soil conditions for better seed germination and
subsequent growth of crops.
Tilth is a physical condition of the soil resulting from tillage. Tilth is a loose friable
(mellow), airy, powdery, granular and crumbly condition of the soil with optimum moisture
content suitable for working and germination or sprouting of seeds and propagules i.e., tilth is
the ideal seed bed.
2. CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD TILTH : Good tilth refers to the favourable physical
conditions for germination and growth of crops. Tilth indicates two properties of soil viz., the
size distribution of aggregates and mellowness or friability of soil. The relative proportion of
different sized soil aggregates is known as size distribution of soil aggregates. Higher
percentages of larger aggregates with a size above 5 mm in diameter are necessary for
irrigated agriculture while higher percentage of smaller aggregates (1–2 mm in diameter) are
desirable for rainfed agriculture. Mellowness or friability is that property of soil by which the
clods when dry become more crumbly. A soil with good tilth is quite porous and has free
drainage up to water table. The capillary and non-capillary pores should be in equal
proportion so that sufficient amount of water and free air is retained respectively.
3. OBJECTIVES Tillage is done:
• To prepare ideal seed bed favourable for seed germination, growth and establishment;
• To loosen the soil for easy root penetration and proliferation;
• To remove other sprouting materials in the soil;
• To control weeds;
• To certain extent to control pest and diseases which harbour in the soil;
• To improve soil physical conditions;
• To ensure adequate aeration in the root zone which in turn favour for microbial and
biochemical activities;
• To modify soil temperature;
• To break hard soil pans and to improve drainage facility;
• To incorporate crop residues and organic matter left over;
• To conserve soil by minimizing the soil erosion;
• To conserve the soil moisture;
• To harvest efficiently the effective rain water;
• To assure the through mixing of manures, fertilizers and pesticides in the soil;
• To facilitate water infiltration and thus increasing the water holding capacity of the soil, and
• To level the field for efficient water management.
Lecture 6
Types of tillage- factors affecting types of tillage- modern concept of tillage
Fine Tilth refers to the powdery condition of the soil.
Coarse Tilth refers to the rough cloddy condition of the soil.
Fine seedbed is required for small seeded crops like ragi, onion, berseem, tobacco.
Coarse seedbed is needed for bold seeded crops like sorghum, cotton, chickpea, lab-lab etc.
1. On Season Tillage: It is done during the cropping season (June–July or Sept.–
2. Off Season Tillage: It is done during fallow or non-cropped season (summer).
3. Special Types of Tillage: It is done at any time with some special
1. On Season Tillage
Tillage operations done for raising the crops in the same season or at the onset of the crop
season are called as on season tillage. They are,
A. Preparatory Tillage
It refers to tillage operations that are done to prepare the field for raising crops. It is divided
into three types viz., (i) primary tillage, (ii) secondary tillage, and (iii) seed bed preparation.
(i) Primary tillage - The first cutting and inverting of the soil that is done after the harvest of
the crop or untilled fallow, is known as primary tillage. It is normally the deepest operation
performed during the period between two crops. Depth may range from 10–30 cm. It includes
ploughing to cut and invert the soil for further operation. It consists of deep opening and
loosening the soil to bring out the desirable tilth. The main objective is to control weeds to
incorporate crop stubbles and to restore soil structure.
(ii) Secondary tillage - It refers to shallow tillage operation that is done after primary tillage
to bring a good soil tilth. In this operation the soil is stirred and conditioned by breaking the
clods and crust, closing of cracks and crevices that form on drying. Incorporation of manures
and fertilizers, leveling, mulching, forming ridges and furrows are the main objectives. It
includes cultivating, harrowing, pulverizing, raking, leveling and ridging operations.
(iii) Seed bed preparation - It refers to a very shallow operation intended to prepare a seed
bed or make the soil to suit for planting. Weed control and structural development of the soil
are the objectives.
B. Inter Tillage/Inter Cultivation
It refers to shallow tillage operation done in the filed after sowing or planting or prior to
harvest of crop plants i.e., tillage during the crop stand in the field. It includes inter
cultivating, harrowing, hoeing, weeding, earthing up, forming ridges and furrows etc. Inter
tillage helps to incorporate top dressed manures and fertilizers, to earth up and to prune roots.
2. Off Season Tillage
Tillage operation is done for conditioning the soil during uncropped season with the main
objective of water conservation, leveling to the desirable grade, leaching to remove salts for
soil reclamation reducing the population of pest and diseases in the soils. etc. They are:
(a) Stubble or Post harvest tillage - Tillage operation carried out immediately after harvest of
crop to clear off the weeds and crop residues and to restore the soil structure. Removing of
stiff stubbles of sugarcane crop by turning and incorporating the trashes and weeds thus
making the soil ready to store rain water etc., are the major objectives of such tillage
(b) Summer tillage - Operation being done during summer season in tropics to destroy weeds
and soil borne pest and diseases, checking the soil erosion and retaining the rain water
through summer showers. It affects the soil aggregates, soil organic matter and sometimes
favour wind erosion. It is called as Kodai uzavu in Tamil Nadu state.
(c) Winter tillage - It is practiced in temperate regions where the winter is severe that makes
the field unfit for raising crops. Ploughing or harrowing is done in places where soil condition
is optimum to destroy weeds and to improve the physical condition of the soil and also to
incorporate plant residues.
(d) Fallow tillage - It refers to the leaving of arable land uncropped for a season or seasons
for various reasons. Tilled fallow represent an extreme condition of soil disturbance to
eliminate all weeds and control soil borne pest etc. Fallow tilled soil is prone to erosion by
wind and water and subsequently they become degraded and depleted.
3. Special Types
Special type tillage includes
(i) Subsoil tillage (sub soiling) is done to cut open/break the subsoil hard pan or plough pan
using sub soil plough/chisel plough. Here the soil is not inverted. Sub soiling is done once in
4–5 years, where heavy machinery is used for field operations and where there is a colossal
loss of topsoil due to carelessness. To avoid closing of sub soil furrow vertical mulching is
(ii) Levelling by tillage - Arable fields require a uniform distribution of water and plant
nutrition for uniform crop growth. This is achieved when fields are kept fairly leveled.
Levellers and scrapers are used for levelling operations. In leveled field soil erosion is
restricted and other management practices become easy and uniform.
(iii) Wet tillage - This refers to tillage done when the soil is in a saturated (anaerobic)
condition. For example puddling for rice cultivation.
(iv) Strip tillage - Ploughing is done as a narrow strip by mixing and tilling the soil leaving
the remaining soil surface undisturbed.
(v) Clean tillage - Refers to the working of the soil of the entire field in such a way no living
plant is left undisturbed. It is practiced to control weeds, soil borne pathogen and pests.
(vi) Ridge tillage - It refers to forming ridges by ridge former or ridge plough for the purpose
of planting.
(vii) Conservation tillage - It means any tillage system that reduces loss of soil or water
relative to conventional tillage. It is often a form of non-inversion tillage that retains
protective amounts of crop residue mulch on the surface. The important criteria of a
conservation tillage system are:
(i) presence of crop residue mulch, (ii) effective conservation of soil and water, (iii)
improvement of soil structure and organic matter content, and (iv) maintenance of high and
economic level of production.
(viii) Contour tillage - It refers to tilling of the land along contours (contour means lines of
uniform elevation) in order to reduce soil erosion and run off.
(ix) Blind tillage - It refers to tillage done after seeding or planting the crop (in a sterile soils)
either at the pre-emergence stage of the crop plants or while they are in the early stages of
growth so that crop plants (cereals, tuber crops etc.) do not get damaged, but extra plants and
broad leaved weeds are uprooted.
In conventional tillage combined primary and secondary tillage operations are performed in
preparing seed bed by using animal or tractor, which cause hard pan in sub soils resulting in
poor infiltration of rain water, thus it is more susceptible to run off and soil erosion. Farmers
usually prepare fine seed bed by repeated ploughing, when the animal of the farm is having
less work. Research has shown that frequent tillage is rarely beneficial and often detrimental.
Repeated use of heavy machinery destroys structures, causes soil pans and leads to soil
erosion. Moreover energy is often wasted during tillage processes. All these reasons led to the
development of modern concepts namely the practices like minimum tillage, zero tillage,
stubble mulch farming and conservation tillage, etc.
1. Minimum Tillage
Minimum tillage is aimed at reducing tillage to the minimum necessary for ensuring a good
seedbed, rapid germination, a satisfactory stand and favourable growing conditions. Tillage
can be reduced in two ways by omitting operations, which do not give much benefit when
compared to the cost, and by combining agricultural operations like seeding and fertilizer
(a) Advantages (especially in coarse and medium textured soils)
• Improved soil conditions due to decomposition of plant residues in situ.
• Higher infiltration caused by the vegetation present on the soil and channels formed by the
decomposition of dead roots.
• Less resistance to root growth due to improved structure.
• Less soil compaction by the reduced movement of heavy tillage vehicles.
• Less soil erosion compared to conventional tillage.
(b) Disadvantages
• Seed germination is lower with minimum tillage.
• More nitrogen has to be added as the rate of decomposition of organic matter is slow. This
point holds good only in temperate regions. Contrary to this in tropics, minimum tillage
recommended to conserve organic matter in the soil.
• Nodulation is affected in some leguminous crops like peas and broad beans.
• Sowing operations are difficult with ordinary equipment.
• Continuous use of herbicides causes pollution problems and dominance of perennial
problematic weeds (weed shift).
• Minimum tillage can be achieved by the following methods:
(a) Row zone tillage - Primary tillage is done with mould board plough in the entire area of
the field, secondary tillage operations like discing and harrowing are reduced and done only
in row zone.
(b) Plough-plant tillage - After the primary tillage a special planter is used for sowing. In
one run over the field, the row zone is pulverized and seeds are sown by the planter.
(c) Wheel track planting - Primary ploughing is done as usual. Tractor is used for sowing,
the wheels of the tractor pulverize the row zone in which planting is done.
2. Zero Tillage/No Tillage/Chemical Tillage
Zero tillage is an extreme form of minimum tillage. Primary tillage is completely avoided and
secondary tillage is restricted to seedbed preparation in the row zone only. It is also known as
no-tillage and is resorted to places where soils are subjected to wind and water erosion,
timing of tillage operation is too difficult and requirements of energy and labour for tillage
are also too high. Weeds are controlled using herbicides. Hence, it is also referred as
chemical tillage. There are two types of zero tillage.
(a) Till Planting is one method of practicing zero tillage. A wide sweep and trash bars clear a
strip over the previous crop row and planter–opens a narrow strip into which seeds are
planted and covered. In zero tillage, herbicide functions are extended. Before sowing, the
vegetation present has to be destroyed for which broad spectrum non-selective herbicides
with relatively short residual effect (Paraquat, Glyphosate etc.) are used and subsequently
selective and persistent herbicides are needed (Atrazine, Alachlor etc.).
(b) Sod planting or sod culture: Sod refers to top few centimeters of soil permeated by and
held together with grass roots or grass-legume roots. Planting of seeds in sods without any
tillage operation is known as sod culture or sod seeding. Usually legumes or small grains are
mechanically placed directly into a sod.
• Zero tilled soils are homogenous in structure with more number of earthworms. These soil
physical properties are apparent after two years of zero tillage.
• The organic matter content increases due to less mineralization.
• Surface runoff is reduced due to the presence of mulch.
• In temperate countries highest dose of nitrogen has to be applied for mineralization of
organic matter in zero tillage.
• Large population of perennial weeds appears in zero tilled plots.
• Higher number of volunteer plants and build up of pests are the other problems.
3. Stubble Mulch Tillage or Stubble Mulch Farming
In this tillage, soil is protected at all times either by growing a crop or by leaving the crop
residues on the surface during fallow periods. Sweeps or blades are generally used to cut the
soil up to 12 to 15 cm depth in the first operation after harvest and the depth of cut is reduced
during subsequent operations. When unusually large amount of residues are present, a disc
type implement is used for the first operation to incorporate some of the residues into the soil.
Two methods are adopted for sowing crops in stubble mulch farming.
• Similar to zero tillage, a wide sweep and trash-bars are used to clear a strip and a narrow
planter-shoe opens a narrow furrow into which seeds are placed.
• A narrow chisel of 5–10 cm width is worked through the soil at a depth of 15–30 cm
leaving all plant residues on the surface. The chisel shatters tillage pans and surface crusts.
Planting is done through residues with special planters.
• The residues left on the surface interfere with seedbed preparation and sowing operations.
• The traditional tillage and sowing implements or equipments are not suitable under these
4. Conservation Tillage
Though it is similar to that of stubble mulch tillage, it is done to conserve soil and water by
reducing their losses. Modern tillage methods are practiced in western countries especially in
USA. In India, it is not suitable due to several reasons. In USA, straw and stubbles are left
over in the field but in India, it is a valuable fodder for the cattle and fuel for the home. Use
of heavy machinery in India is limited and therefore, problem of soil compaction is rare. The
type of minimum tillage that can be practiced in India is to reduce the number of ploughings
to the minimum necessary i.e., unnecessary repeated ploughings/harrowing can be avoided.
Lecture 7
Crop density – definition and importance- factors affecting crop
density; Crop geometry- definition and types.
Yield of a crop depends on the final plant density. The density depends on the
germination percentage and the survival rate in the field. Establishment of required plant
density is essential to get maximum yield. For example when a crop is raised on stored soil
moisture under rainfed conditions, high density will deplete moisture before crop maturity.
Where as, low density will leave moisture unutilized. Hence, optimum density will lead to
effective utilization of soil moisture, nutrients, sunlight etc. When soil moisture and nutrients
are not limited, higher density is necessary to utilize other growth factors (solar radiation)
Yield per plant decreases gradually as plant density per unit area is increased
However, the yield per unit area is increased up to a certain level of plant density due to
utilization of growth factors. Maximum yield per unit area can, therefore, be obtained when
the plant density is optimum.
(a) Cop Density and Yield
Biological yield increases with increases in crop density up to a point and reaches a
plateau with further increase in density, thus no additional biological yield can be obtained.
On the other hand, the economic yield increases with increase in crop density up to a point
and subsequently decreases with increased in density.
(b) Crop Density and Growth
Plant height increase with increase in plant density due to competition for light. Dense
plant stands leads to reduction in leaf thickness and alters leaf orientation. Dry matter
production per unit area increase with increase in plant density up to a limit, as in biological
Crop geometry refers to the shape of the space available for individual plants. It
influences crop yield through its influence on light interception, rooting pattern and moisture
extraction pattern. Crop geometry is altered by changing inter and intra-row spacing
(Planting pattern).
• Wider spaced crops have advantage under this geometry
• Plants which requires no restriction in all directions are given square geometry
• Usually perennial vegetations like trees/shrubs are under this arrangements
(i) Square planting - Square arrangements of plants will be more efficient in the utilization of
light, water and nutrients available to the individual plants than in a rectangular arrangement.
(ii) Rectangular planting - Sowing the crop with seed drill, wider inter-row and closer intra-
row and closer intra-row spacing leads to rectangularity. Rectangular arrangement facilitates
easy intercultivation. Rectangular planting mainly suits annual crops, crops with closer
spacing etc., the wider section (row) is given for irrigation, intercultural operation etc.
• It is an arrangement to restrict the endless growth habit in order to switch over from
Vegetation to the productive phase.
• This method accommodate high density planting
• It can facilitate intercropping also.
(iii) Triangular planting - It is a method to accommodate plant density under perennial/tree
(iv) Miscellaneous planting - In rice and ragi transplanting is done either in rows or at
random. Skipping of every alternate row is known as skip row planting. When one row is
skipped the density is adjusted by decreasing inter-row spacing. When the inter row spacing
is reduced between two rows and spacing between two such pair are increased then it is
known as paired row planting. It is generally done to introduce an inter crop.
It refers to the cultural operations like thinning, gap filling, harrowing, tilling and
other operations carried out in a field after the crop has emerged. Thinning and gap filling are
done to keep optimum density.
(i) Thinning is done to reduce higher density due to over seed rate or more seeds/hole and
uneven broadcasting.
(ii) Gap filling is done to fill the gaps that exist due to (i) poor quality seed, (ii) soil crusting,
(iii) very shallow or very deep placement of seeds, and (iv) poor moisture availability in dry
land. Gap filling is done to maintain density by replacing with seedlings reserved for this
purpose or resowing with seeds.
Gap filling is done reasonably early so that plants come to maturity along with other
plants. Time may vary with duration of crops. For example, in sugarcane it may be done even
30 days after planting. But in short duration crops like maize, sorghum, rice etc., it should be
done within about 10-15 days.
Lecture No. 8
Crop nutrition: Essential nutrients-classification of essential nutrients
A. Bulky organic manures
(i) FYM: (a) Cattle manure, (b) Sheep manure, (c) Poultry manure
(ii) Compost:
(a) Village/rural compost from farm-wastes
(b) Town/urban compost from town refuses
(iii) Sewage and sludge
B. Concentrated organic manures
1. Oil cakes
(a) Edible oil cakes (i.e., used for cattle feeding) - (i) Mustard cake, (ii) Groundnut cake,
(iii) Sesame cake, (iv) Linseed cake
(b) Non edible oil cakes (i.e., used as manures) - (i) Castor cake, (ii) Neem cake, (iii)
Sunflower cake, (iv) Mahua cake, (v) Karanja cake
2. Slaughter house wastes - (i) Blood meal, and (ii) Bone meal
3. Fish meal
4. Guano - Material obtained from the excreta and dead bodies of sea bird
C. Green manures
(a) Leguminous plant (example: Sunn hemp, Sesbania sp., mungbean, cowpea, guar, senji,
(b) Non-leguminous plant (example: Sorghum, pearl millet, maize, sunflower)
D. Green leaf manures
Green leaves of trees like neem, pungam, glyricidia, etc.
Fixation of nitrogen by the leguminous plants will be at maximum only when the
level of available soil nitrogen is at the minimum. It is sometimes advisable to include a small
amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer of legume crops at sowing time (as a starter dose) to
ensure that the young seeding will have an adequate supply until the rhizobia can become
established. Larger quantity of nitrogen or continued applications of nitrogen, however
reduce the activity of the rhizobia and therefore they are generally uneconomical. Rhizobial
inoculation was found to fix 15-35 kg N per ha in a season on different pulse crops. Rhizobial
inoculation can save up to 25% N fertilizer application to crops.
(b) Azolla - It is a small water fern of worldwide distribution under natural conditions. It
contains the heterocystous blue green algae Anabaena azollae as a symbiont in an enclosed
chamber in the dorsal leaf lobes. Azolla derives all its total nitrogen requirement by the
symbiotic association with the algae. The Azolla–Anabaena system is agronomically most
signification plant algal association and this is being employed as a nitrogen source for rice
culture. There are six species of Azolla. They are Azolla caroliniana, Azolla filiculoides,
Azolla mexicana, Azolla nilotica, Azolla microphylla and Azolla pinnata.
Azolla contains 3.1-4.2% N; 0.16% P2O5 and 0.18% K2O on dry weight basis.
(c) Azospirillum - This bacterium is associated with cereals like rice, sorghum, maize, cumbu,
ragi, tenai and other minor millets and also for cotton, sugarcane, oilseeds and fodder grasses.
These bacteria colonizing in the roots not only remain on the root surface, but also a sizable
proportion of them penetrates into the root tissues and lives in harmony with the plants. They
do not, however, produce any visible nodules or out growth on the root tissue. In the absence
of any plant, azospirillum live in the soil just like any other micro organism saprophytically,
however, when a suitable crop is raised, they are attracted towards the root system, where
they colonize and grow in almost a symbiotic manner.
(d) Azatobacter - The beneficial effects of Azatobacter on plants was associated (non-
symbiotically) not only with the process of nitrogen fixation but also with the synthesis of
complex of biologically active compounds such as nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, biotin,
gibberellins and probably other compounds which stimulate the germination of seeds and
accelerate plant growth. Azatobacter population in soil or near the root zone of crops
(Rhizosphere) is very low when compared to other soil bacteria.
The nitrogen fixation potential of this bacterium is also not very high and appreciable (20 to
30 kg of N per ha per year). A fairly high population is required for substantial nitrogen
fixation. Enormous energy is required by Azatobacter for nitrogen fixation. The possible
source of energy for Azatobacter is the soil organic matter. The energy generated during the
utilization of organic matter is used for nitrogen fixation.
(e) Blue green algae - The blue green algae occur under a wide range of environmental
conditions. They are completely auto tropic and require light, water, free nitrogen (N2),
carbon dioxide (CO2) and salts containing the essential mineral elements. They play a major
role in the nitrogen economy of paddy soils in tropical countries. Different algal species
available are:
• Tolypothric tenuis,
• Nostoc,
• Plectonema,
• Chlorococous,
• Aulosira fertilization,
• Anabaena, and
• Chorococcum
(f) Phosphobacterium - In most of the acid and clayey soils, the applied phosphorus either as
super phosphate or mussoriphos will not be available to crops due to fixation. It is essential to
use the phosphobacteria (a free living bacteria in soils like Bacillus megatherium) for proper
solubilisation of fixed P and release them in the available form for the crop to take-up for its
growth. Dual inoculation of the phosphobacteria with rhizobium or azospirillum can provide
both N and P to the crop.
(g) Mycorrhizae (VAM) - Vesicular Arbiscular Mycorrhiza is a fungi used as bio-fertilizer.
The mycorhizal symbiosis is an intimate association between plant root system and certain
group of soil fungi. The plant provides carbon as energy source to the fungus which in turn
helps the plant in better uptake of nutrients (especially P). The VAM fungi form either a
mantle of hyphae around the root or penetrate inside the roots spreading intra or
intercellularly in the cortical region. The fungal mycelium also extends several centimeter,
away from the root in the soil. The area that the plant can explore for nutrients thus greatly
increase due to colonization of plant roots by the mycorrhizal fungi. The development of
mycorrhiza network is much more in soils with low fertility. In nutrient rich soils, there is
very little extension of mycelial network. The mycelial growth is confined to the close
proximity of roots. Mycorrhiza increases crop yield, protect against certain root pathogen,
helps in uptake of P, Cu, Zn and B and increases tolerance to environmental stress.
Lecture No.12
Fertilizers: Classification - methods and time of application-nutrient use
Fertilizers are synthetic (commercially manufactured) or naturally occurring chemical
compounds either dry solid or liquid that added to the soil to supply one or more plant
nutrients for crop growth.
1 Classification
The fertilizers are classified based on whether the fertilizer supplies a single or more
than one nutrient, their chemical nature and commercial mode of supply as straight,
compound, complex and mixed.
1.1 Straight Fertilizers
When a fertilizer contains and is used for supplying a single nutrient, it is called a
straight fertilizer. This is further classified as nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizers
depending on the specific macro nutrient present in the fertilizer.
A. Nitrogenous fertilizers
N fertilizers are those fertilizers containing N as major nutrient. It may be either a
nitrate or ammonium or amide fertilizer depending on the form of nitrogen present. The
nutrient composition of different N fertilizers are listed in Table.1.
Table 1. Nutrient Composition of different N Fertilizers
B. Phosphatic fertilizers
They are classified into three groups, based on the solubility of phosphate contained in the
(i) Water soluble phosphate (Mono calcium phosphate) Ca (H2PO4)2
Single super phosphate 16% Ca(H2PO4)2, H2O
Double super phosphate 32% 2Ca (H2PO4)2, H2O
Triple super phosphate 48% 3Ca (H2PO4)2, H2O
(ii) Citric acid soluble phosphate (Di-calcium phosphate) Ca(H2PO4)2
Basic slag (CaO)3 P2O5SiO2 14-18% (by-product from steel industry)
Di-Calcium Phosphate 34-39% Ca2 (H2PO4)2
(iii) Insoluble phosphate (Tri-calcium phosphate)Ca3(PO4)2
Rock phosphate 20-40% Ca3(PO4)2 CaF2
Raw bone meal 20-25% Ca (PO4)3 CaF2 (2–4% N)
Steamed bone meal 22%–30%
(C) Potassic fertilizers
Muriate of potash (KCI) 60%
Sulphate of potash (K2SO4) 48–52%
Potassium nitrate (KNO3) 48% (N-13%)
Schoenite (K2SO4, MgSO4) 6H2O 22–24%
1.2 Compound Fertilizers
Compound fertilizers are the commercial fertilizers in which two or more primary
nutrients are chemically combined. For example: DAP. DAP contains 18% N and 46% P2O5.
Table 2. Compound Fertilizers
The multivarious uses of good quality water for the purpose of irrigation, industrial
purpose, power generation, livestock use, and domestic use for urban and rural development
are increasing the demand for water. Due to increasing cost of irrigation projects and limited
supply of good quality water, it becomes a highly valuable commodity and hence it is stated
as liquid Gold.
Irrigation generally is defined as the application of water to soil for the purpose of
supplying the moisture essential for plant growth. However, a broader and more inclusive
definition is that irrigation is the application of water to the soil for any number of the
following eight purposes
1. To add water to soil to supply the moisture essential for plant growth.
2. To provide crop insurance against short duration droughts.
3. To cool the soil and atmosphere, thereby making more favorable environment for
plant growth.
4. To reduce the hazard of frost.
5. To wash out or dilute salts in the soil.
6. To reduce the hazard of soil piping.
7. To soften tillage pans and clods.
8. To delay bud formation by evaporative cooling.
Lecture 15
Water resources of India and major irrigation projects
Surface Water Resources
India is blessed with an average annual rainfall of about 1194 mm. However, the bounty is
not evenly spread both in time and space with the result flood-drought-flood syndrome still
persists. As much as 85-90% of the rainfall is received only in the southwest monsoon season
of June to October. It is that during the four rainy months of June to September the Arabian
Sea branch of the monsoon carries moisture amounting to about 770 million ha meters and
the Bay of Bengal branch about 340 million ha meters of water. Of the monsoon moisture,
about 25 – 30% precipitates in the form of rainfall. During the remaining eight months an
approximate precipitation of 100 million ha meters including a small portion of snow pour
over the country. There are on average 130 rainy days in a year in the country. The rainfall
when considered over the geographical area of 329 million ha amounts to 392.8 million ha
meters. This may be rounded off to 400 million ha meters including snowfall whose potential
is not yet fully recorded (Fig. 1).
Out of the estimated 400 million ha meters precipitation, about 70 million ha meters is
lost to atmosphere as evaporation, about 115 million ha meters flows as surface run off and
the remaining 215 million ha meters infiltrates into the ground. The total surface water
resources of India after considering the above have been assessed at 180 million ha meters,
which is of the same magnitude as is available to United States of America annually, though
India’s geographical area is only about 40% of that of the United States. This 180 million ha
meters includes about 20 million ha meters brought in by streams and rivers from catchments
lying outside the country and about 45 million ha meters pertains to regenerated flow from
groundwater as assessed from river flows during non-rainy months. The remaining 115
million ha meters constitutes direct contribution by precipitation, of which about 10 million
ha meters is received as snowfall. Of the 180 million ha meters, due to limitations imposed by
topography, climate, soil conditions etc., only about 69 million ha meters are considered
utilizable. The present utilization of the surface water is estimated to be about 31.12 million
ha meters, of which about 95% is used for irrigation with the remaining being put to other
uses. The major surface river basins of India are presented in Fig. 2.
2 Groundwater Resources
Of the annual precipitation of 400 million ha meters, about 215 million ha meters has
been estimated to soak into the ground (Fig. 2.1). As much as 165 million ha meters is
retained as soil moisture and is used by vegetation, thus leaving only 50 million ha meters
(12.5%) of the total precipitation for the country as a whole to reach the ground water table.
This value is likely to increase with the development of water resources i.e., percolation
through rivers, streams, and irrigation systems, which add to recharge. The Central
Groundwater Board puts the annual exploitable groundwater potential at 43.3 million ha
meters. Presently, the groundwater utilization is about 12.8 million ha meters and here again
a major portion of 85% is being used for irrigation with the remaining going for other uses.
The total water resource availability in the country though remained constant, the per capita
availability of water has been steadily declined from 5300 in 1951 to the present level of
1700 m3 due to population growth, large scale urbanization & rapid industrialization (Fig.
Fig. 3. India – Per capita water availability
According FAO estimates of 2009, out of the total 1628 million ha of cultivated area
in the world, only 17.0% (277 million ha) is under irrigation (Fig. 2.6). The largest irrigated
area in the world is in India (62.3 million ha) followed by China (56 million ha) and USA(28
million ha) (Fig. 2.6).
Basin-wise analysis of population and total water availability (table 1) shows that the
highest per capita water availability of 1,798 m3 is in the Chambal basin, followed by the
Sabarmati (1,729 m3) and the Mahi (1,120 m3), whereas the lowest (190 m3) is in the
Banganga basin. The higher per capita water availability in the Chambal basin is mainly due
to the perennial nature of the river and inter-basin water input from outside the state. Lower
water availability is mainly in ephemeral (monsoonal) river basins, such as Banganga,
Gambhir, Luni, etc., receiving flow from high-intensity rainfall during the monsoon. As
compared to ephemeral river basins, the per capita water availability in areas located outside
of the basin is high due to their low population density. Overall per capita water availability
in the state during 2004 was 825 m3. The availability of water resources gets reduced by 40
to 60 percent during moderate and severe drought years causing serious water scarcity in the
affected regions.
Present Status of Surface Water Resources Projects
The estimated internal surface water resources in Rajasthan are around 48 BCM.
However, the assured availability is only 14-22 BCM, which is drastically reduced during
drought years. In addition, 17.9 BCM of water is available through inter-basin water transfer
of the Indira Gandhi Canal Project (IGNP), partially serving six districts.
At present, there are 203 major and medium tanks and reservoirs in the state, which
store about 13.72 BCM of water at their full capacity and a reduced volume of 11.51 BCM
during dry years (table 2). Besides, there are large numbers of minor rainwater harvesting
structures with a storage capacity of 2.28 BCM, thus increasing the total storage at full-
capacity level to 16 BCM. However, during droughts, the estimated total surface water
availability is reduced to 12.88 BCM creating a shortfall of 3.12 BCM. During the last 50
years, the irrigated land area has increased many times and it is 2.81 million hectares at
present. Thus, substantial development in the water resources sector has taken place
considering the financial, geographical and hydrological constraints. Besides, the ongoing
water resources projects when completed will create an additional 1.85 BCM water storage
Multipurpose/ Major Irrigation Projects
Narmada Project: Narmada Canal Project was taken up to utilize 0.5 MAF of Narmada
water allocated to Rajasthan. This water will be available to Rajasthan from Sardar Sarowar
Project, under construction in Gujrat. The share of water will be delivered at Rajasthan-
Gujrat boarder through 458 Km long Narmada Main canal (NMC). The canal system in
Rajasthan would provide irrigation in 2.46 lac ha. by adopting improved method of irrigation
i.e. sprinkler irrigation system which is mandatory in this project. This project would provide
drinking water facility to 1107 villages & 2 towns. The Revised cost of this project is
estimated as Rs. 1541.36 Crores.
Mahi Project: Mahi Bajaj Sagar is an interstate project between the States of Gujrat &
Rajasthan for the development of irrigation & power generation. This project would provide
irrigation in 80 thousand ha. land.
Bisalpur Project: Bisalpur project is a irrigation cum drinking water supply project. The
dam is constructed across river Banas near village Bisalpur in district Tonk to provide
irrigation facility in an area of 81.8 thousand ha. and to provide drinking water to Jaipur,
Ajmer, Beawar, Kishangarh, Nasirabad & other enroute villages. The revised estimated cost
of the project is Rs 657.91 Crore.
Isarda Drinking cum Irrigation Project: Isarda Dam is proposed across the river Banas
near village Isarda. The project cost is Rs. 360 crore. A coffer dam has also been proposed to
be constructed in upstream portion of the Isarda Dam for supplying drinking water to Tonk
District. Estimated cost of this dam is Rs. 16.50 crore. This coffer-dam will also be useful
during the construction of Isarda Dam.
Ratanpura Distributary: Ratanpura distributary work was started in the year 2000-01 to
provide irrigation facilities to cultivators of left over area of Sidhmukh & Nohar Irrigation
Project. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 27.53 crore and ultimate potential is 18
thousand ha.
Gang Canal Modernization: The Gang Canal project is under operation since 1927 to
provide irrigation in Ganganagar district. The canal system had deteriorated over the years.
The project was prepared for the lining of Bikaner canal in the Punjab and canal system in
Rajasthan portion. The project was started in 2000-01. Likely expenditure on the project upto
2006-07 is Rs. 348.45 crores.
Yamuna Water Project: Two separate projects viz Yamuna Water Project for Bharatpur and
Yamuna Water Project for Jhunjhunu & Churu have been prepared for utilisation of 3198
cusec Yamuna Water allotted to Rajasthan by the Upper Yamuna River Board.
Medium Irrigation Projects:
Chauli: Chauli Irrigation Project has been constructed on Chauli river, which is a tributary of
Kalisindh river near village Himmatgarh in Tehsil Pidawa of Jhalawar district. The project
would provide irrigation in an area of 9 thousand ha. The project was started in 1994. The
estimated cost of the project is Rs. 98.55 crores.
Sukli Selwara: Sukli Selwara Irrigation Project is under construction on river Sukali, which
is a tributory of river West Banas. The dam site is located near village Selwara in district
Sirohi. The project would provide irrigation in an area of 5.6 thousand ha. The project was
started in 2003. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 42.9 crore.
Gardada: Gardada Irrigation Project is under construction on river Mangli Dungari &
Ganesh Nallah, which is a tributary of river Chambal. The dam site is located near village
Polaspura in district Bundi. The project would provide irrigation in an area of 9 thousand ha.
The project was started in 2003. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 83.41 Crore.
Bandi Sendra: Bandi Sendra Irrigation Project is under construction on river Bandi, which is
a tributary of river Luni. The dam site is located near village Sendra in Tehsil Bhinmal
district Jalore. The project would provide irrigation in an area of 4.6 thousand ha. The project
was started in 2003. The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 37.03 crore.
Flood Control: The major flood problem in Rajasthan is due to Ghaggar river in Ganganagar
& Hanumangarh, Bharatpur, Alwar, Dholpur, Dausa & Jaipur districts. The estimated cost of
the scheme is Rs. 101.61 crores.
Groundwater Resources:
Overall, the estimated groundwater resources in Rajasthan are limited due to deep
aquifers and low recharge. Increasing demand for water and shortfalls in surface water
resources have put tremendous
pressure on groundwater. At present, with intensive well irrigation and domestic water needs,
the annual groundwater exploitation is 11.63 BCM, which is much more than the recharge. It
is estimated that in the last 20 years, nearly 55.7 BCM of the nonrenewable water reserve has
been exploited. If the present trend continues, it will be difficult to meet the water
requirements of the future generations, especially during drought years.
Based on the ratio of annual pumping to annual recharge, the stages of groundwater
development have been categorized as safe (<70 %), semi-critical (70-90 %), critical (90-100
%) or overexploited (>100) %) (CGWA 1999). The groundwater is overexploited in Ajmer,
Alwar, Barmer, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Dausa, Dholpur, Jaipur, Jalore, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur,
Nagaur, Sikar and Udaipur districts, and, on average, over the entire state (table 3). In the last
10 years, out of the total 236 blocks (administrative zones) in the state, the number of safe
blocks decreased from 155 to 49. The impact of droughts on groundwater depletion was very
spectacular in the hard rock regions of Udaipur, Rajsamand, Dungarpur, Bhilwara,
Chittorgarh, Ajmer, Sirohi and Pali districts, which have a limited aquifer thickness. In these
districts, nearly 60 blocks have moved into the semi-critical, critical and overexploited stages
Lecture 17
Soil-water relations : Importance – Soil a three phase disperse system –
Physical properties of soil viz., Depth, Soil texture, Soil structure, Particle
density, Bulk density & Porosity influencing water retention, movement &
Soil Physical Properties Influencing Soil Water Relations
5.1 Introduction
Soil water relations deal with those physical properties of soils and water that affect
movement, retention and absorption of water by plants and which must be considered in
order to plan or improve an irrigation system.
The solid matrix of the soil includes particles, which vary in chemical and
mineralogical composition as well as in size, shape, and orientation. It also contains
amorphous substances, particularly organic matter, which is attached to the mineral particles
and often binds them together to form aggregate. The organisation of the solid components of
the soil determines the geometric characteristics of the pore spaces in which water and air are
transmitted and retained. The liquid portion of the soil which consists of water, dissolved
minerals and soluble organic matter fills part or most of the spaces between the solid
particles. This water isabsorbed by the plant roots and must be periodically replenished by
rain or irrigation for the successful production of crops. Thus, the soil serves as a reservoir for
moisture. This moisture reservoir and knowledge of its capacity are principle factors
governing the frequency and amount of irrigation water to be applied to the land.
The gaseous or vapour portion of the soil occupies that part of the spaces between the
soils particles not filled with water. This is an important phase of the soil system, as most
plants require some aeration of the root system, with the exception of aquatic plants such as
rice. Irrigation practice is important in maintaining a reasonable balance between the soil
moisture and air. Finally, soil water and air vary in composition, both in time and space.
The textural class of a soil can be accurately determined in the laboratory by mechanical
analyses. Sand, silt and clay are size groupings of soil particles as shown below in Table 5.3:
The dominant shape of aggregates in a horizon determines their structural type, such as
speroidal (granular or crumbly subtypes), platy; prism like (columnar or prismatic subtypes)
and block like (cube and sub-angular subtypes) (Fig. 5.3). On surface the soil structure is
associated with tilth of the soil.
Fig. 5.3. Soil structural types Particle density (rp): It is the ratio of a given mass (or weight) of soil solids to that of
its volume. It is usually expressed in terms of g/cm3. Thus if 1 cm3 of soil solids weigh 2.6g,
the particle density measures 2.6 g/cm3. Although considerable range may be observed in the
density of individual soil minerals, the values for most mineral soils usually vary between the
narrow limits of 2.6 to 2.75 g/cm3. This soil property is independent of size of the soil
particles and the arrangement of the soil solids. Knowledge of particle density is necessary
for determination of total, capillary and non-capillary porosity. Bulk density (rb): It refers to the ratio of a given mass of an oven dried soil to that of
its field volume (i.e., solids + pore spaces). The bulk density is calculated by the following
5.3.5 Pore space
Soil total porosity _A_ is an index of pore volume in the soil. It is the space in a given
volume of soil that is occupied by air and water or not occupied by the soil solids. The total
porosity is calculated as follows:
Total porosity value generally lies in the range of 30 to 60% for arable soils. Coarse textured
soils tend to be less porous (35 – 50%) than the fine textured soils (40 – 60%),though the
mean size of individual pores is greater (>0.06mm in diameter) in the former than in the
latter. Total porosity is inclusive of both, capillary (micro pores) and non-capillary porosity
(i.e., macro pores). In a sandy soil, in spite of the relatively low total porosity, the movement
of air and water is surprisingly rapid because of the dominance of the macro pores. Therefore
the size of the individual pore spaces rather than their combined volume is an important
consideration for optimum soil-water relations. For ideal conditions of aeration, permeability,
drainage and water distribution, a soil should have about equal amount of macro and micro
pore spaces. Knowledge of porosity in a given volume of soil is very important with respect
to irrigation water management, because it is an index of moisture storage capacity and
aeration conditions, the two most important factors that influence the plant growth and
Sample problem:
Given – Bulk density = 1.32 g cm-2 and particle density = 2.65 g cm-2. Calculate what part
the soil is pore space (%).
Water Retention in Soil
The adhesive force diminishes rapidly with distance from the solid surface. The cohesion of
one water molecule to another results in water molecules forming temporary clusters that are
constantly changing in size and shape as individual water molecules break free to join up
with others. The cohesion between water molecules also allows the solid to indirectly restrict
the freedom of water for some distance beyond the solid-liquid interface. Thus together, the
forces of adhesion and cohesion make it possible for the soil solids to retain water and control
its movement and use.
6.3 pF
In attempting to express the matric potential (or soil moisture tension) of soil water in terms
of an equivalent hydraulic head (or energy per unit weight), it is understood that this head
may be of the order of −100 cm or even −100000 cm of water. To avoid the use of such
cumbersomely large numbers, Schofield (1935) suggested the use of pF (by analogy with the
pH acidity scale), which is defined as the logarithm of the negative pressure (soil water
tension or suction) head in cm of water. A tension of 10 cm of water is, thus, equal to a pF of
1. Likewise, a tension head of 1000 cm is equal to a pF of 3, and so forth. Approximate
equivalents among expressions of soil water tension are given below in Table
Table 6.1. Approximate equivalents among expressions of soil water tension
Fig. 6.2. Soil moisture characteristic curves for soils varying in texture
The soil moisture characteristic curve is strongly affected by soil texture. The greater the clay
content, in general, the greater the water retention at any particular suction, and the more
gradual the slope of the curve (Fig. 6.2). In a sandy soil, most of the pores are relatively large,
and once these large pores are emptied at a given suction, only a small amount of water
remains. In a clay soil, the pore size distribution is more uniform, and more of the water is
adsorbed, so that increasing the suction causes a more gradual decrease in water content. The
soil moisture characteristic curves have marked practical significance. They illustrate
retention-energy (suction) relationships, which influence various field processes, the two
most important of which are the movement of water in soils and the uptake and utilization of
water by plants. Thus help in scientific scheduling of irrigation’s to field crops at optimum
time and in proper quantity.
i= Infiltration rate (mm or cm/min or h)
Q = Volume quantity of water (m3) infiltrating,
A = Area of the soil surface (m2) exposed to infiltration, and
T = Time (min or h).
Fig. 7.1. Infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration
The infiltration rate is not constant over time. Generally, infiltration rate is high in the initial
stages of infiltration process, particularly where the soil is quite dry, but tends to decrease
monotonically and eventually to approach asymptotically a constant rate, which is often
termed as basic intake rate or steady state infiltration rate (Fig. 7.1). Whereas, the cumulative
infiltration, being the time integral of the infiltration rate, has curvilinear time dependence,
with a gradually decreasing slope as shown in Fig. 7.1. The infiltration rate of a soil may be
easily measured using a simple device known as a double ring infiltrometer in situ. The
variation of infiltration rate in different soil textures is shown in Fig. 7.2. The steady state
infiltration rate for various soil types is given in Table 7.1. The factors influencing infiltration
rate are time from the onset of rain or irrigation, initial water content, hydraulic conductivity,
presence of impeding layers in the profile and vegetative cover.
Fig. 7.2. Infiltration rate in different soil types
Where, V is Darcy's velocity (or the average velocity of the soil fluid through a geometric
cross-sectional area within the soil), h1 and h2 are hydraulic heads, and L is the vertical
distance in the soil through which flow takes place. The coefficient of proportionality, K, in
the equation is called the hydraulic conductivity.
Fig. 7.3. Soil hydraulic conductivity versus
Thus, the hydraulic conductivity is defined as the ratio of Darcy's flow velocity at unit
hydraulic gradient. The dimension of K is the same as that for velocity, that is, length per unit
of time (L/T). In a soil having a stable structure the hydraulic conductivity is more or less
constant, but as the soil structure, density and porosity change, there is a change in the
hydraulic conductivity. With variation in soil texture the hydraulic conductivity values are
different. For example a clay soil with a large proportion of fine pores shows poor hydraulic
conductivity as compared to a sandy soil with higher proportion of larger pores (Fig. 7.3).
Higher bulk density and massive structure reduce the hydraulic conductivity of the soil.
Saturated hydraulic conductivity for a particular soil is always constant, whereas unsaturated
hydraulic conductivity is a function of soil water content (Fig. 7.3).
Where, A is the cross-sectional area of the column through which the water flows, K sat is
the saturated hydraulic conductivity, is the change in water potential between the ends of
the column (for example, , and L is the length of column) (Fig. 7.4).
For a given column, the rate of flow is determined by the ease with which the soil transmits
water (Ksat) and the amount of force driving the water, namely the water potential gradient
. For saturated flow this force may also be called the hydraulic gradient. By analogy,
think of pumping water through a garden hose, with Ksat representing the size of the hose
(water flows more readily through a larger hose) and representing the size of the pump
that drives the water through the hose. The units in which K sat is measured are length/time,
typically cm/s or cm/h.
Further under unsaturated soil conditions at low tensions, the hydraulic conductivity is higher
in sandy soils compared to clayey soils. The opposite is true at higher tension values.
Unsaturated flow is governed by the same general principles affecting saturated flow i.e., its
direction and rate are related to the hydraulic conductivity and to a driving force, which in
this case is moisture tension gradient or moisture suction gradient. This gradient is the
difference in tension between two adjoining soil zones. Thus, the water movement will
always be from a zone of low tension (high matric potential) to one of high tension (low
matric potential) or from a zone of thick moisture films to where the films are thin. The force
responsible for this tension is the attraction of soil solids for water (i.e. adhesion). The higher
the water contents in the moist zone, the greater is the tension gradient and more rapid is the
Lecture No. 18
Plant-water relationships : Root characteristics – Soil properties
influencing root development – Effective root zone depth – Moisture
extraction pattern
1 Introduction
To design a successful irrigation system, it is essential to know the plant rooting
characteristics, effective root zone depth, moisture extraction pattern and moisture sensitive
periods of crops.
c) Water table: A high water table limits root growth, and a rising water table may kill roots
that have previously grown below the new water level (Fig.1).
d) Toxic substances: Presence of toxic substances in the sub-soil also limits root growth and
development. Saline layers or patches in the soil profile therefore inhibit or prevent root
penetration and proliferation.
Table 1. Design moisture extraction depths for crops grown on very deep, well drained
Any barrier in the soil that restricts root development changes the basic moisture extraction
pattern for a given crop. Similarly, if the moisture level in the upper layers of the soil drops
much below field capacity, a plant’s extraction pattern differs greatly from its usual pattern.
As the irrigation water is lost at several stages during the irrigation, the irrigation
efficiency can be monitored at various stages of the irrigation process. The overall irrigation
efficiency can be classified into following categories:
1.1 Water conveyance efficiency
It is related to the conveyance sources such as canal networks, water courses, farm
channels and of water conveyance from an individual well/tubewell to a field. It is ratio of
quantity of irrigation water diverted from source (Ws) to the quantity delivered or received at
the field head (Wf).
The storage efficiency indicates the efficiency of the irrigation water in meeting its
objective of refilling the root zone. The value of the storage efficiency is important when
either the irrigation tends to leave major portions of the field under-irrigated or where under
irrigation is purposely practiced to use the precipitation as and when it occurs. This parameter
is the most directly related with the crop yield since it reflects the degree of soil moisture
1.4 Water distribution efficiency
It is concerned with the distribution of water over the entire field. Water distribution
efficiency may be estimated as under:
Where, d = average infiltrated depth along the field
y = average deviation of the depths from d
For example, If 10% water is lost in irrigation channel, 20% during application and
25% during distribution, it means the water conveyance efficiency, water application
efficiency and water distribution efficiency are 90%, 80% and 75%, respectively. The
irrigation efficiency in this case will be Ic x Ia x Id or 0.90 x 0.75 x 0.80 = 0.54 or 54%.
Runoff losses pose additional threats to irrigation systems and regional water resources.
Erosion of the top soil on a field is generally associated with the run-off. The sediments can
then obstruct conveyance and control structures downstream, including dams and regulating
If yield is proportional to ET, water use efficiency has to be a constant, but it is not so.
Actually, yield and ET are influenced independently or differently by crop management and
environment. Yield is more influenced by crop management practices, while ET is mainly
dependent on climate and soil moisture. Any practice that promotes plant growth and the
more efficient use of sunlight in photosynthesis without causing a corresponding increase in
ET will increase water use efficiency.
However, criteria most suitable for scheduling irrigation’s would vary with soils,
plants, climatic and management factors.
2.1 Advantages of Irrigation Scheduling
Irrigation scheduling offers several advantages:
a) It enables the farmer to schedule water rotation among the various fields to minimize crop
water stress and maximize yields.
b) It reduces the farmer’s cost of water and labor through fewer irrigations, thereby making
maximum use of soil moisture storage.
c) It lowers fertilizer costs by holding surface runoff and deep percolation (leaching) to a
d) It increases net returns by increasing crop yields and crop quality.
e) It minimizes water-logging problems by reducing the drainage requirements.
f) It assists in controlling root zone salinity problems through controlled leaching.
g) It results in additional returns by using the “saved” water to irrigate non-cash crops that
otherwise would not be irrigated during water-short periods.
2.2 Soil water regime approach
In this approach the available soil water held between field capacity and permanent
wilting point in the effective crop root zone depth described in several ways is taken as an
index or guide for determining practical irrigation schedules. Alternatively soil moisture
tension, the force with which the water is held around the soil particles is also sometimes
used as a guide for timing irrigations. Different methods of scheduling irrigation following
soil moisture regime approach are as follows:
2.2.1 Feel and appearance of soil
This is one of the oldest and simple methods of determining the soil moisture content.
It is done by visual observation and feel of the soil by hand (Fig. 1). The accuracy of
judgement improves with experience.
Pertinent water storage properties of soil and water use rated as affected by climatic
conditions and plant vigour are intrinsically accounted for in such an irrigation schedule
programme without measuring them. Tensiometers are installed in pairs, one in the maximum
rooting depth and the other below this zone. Whenever critical soil moisture tension is
reached say for example 0.4 or 0.6 or 0.75 bars etc in the upper tensiometer the irrigation is
commenced. While the lower one (tensiometer) is used to terminate the irrigations based on
the suction readings in the below soil profile zone. It is generally used for irrigating orchards
and vegetables in coarse textured soils because most of the available soil moisture is held at
lower tensions. Further the determination of critical soil moisture tension at which irrigation
should be given has been the subject of much research, as summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Threshold soil moisture tension values for scheduling irrigation
However, the criterion does not take into consideration the critical growth stages for
irrigation. It may also not hold well under the following situations.
1. For crops requiring 1-2 irrigations only
2. Determining timing of first and last irrigation
3. Under low temperature/ frost/ salt stresses
Further, the optimum value of CPE for fixed/ variable depth of irrigation has to be worked
out for different crops and locations.
Lecture No. 22
Scheduling of Irrigation to Crops – Plant Indices Approach
1 Introduction
The plant in one form or the other expresses water deficits in the soil, since it is the
one, which is affected by the water, stress. Any plant character, related directly or indirectly
to water deficits and which responds readily to the integrated influences of soil water, plant
and environmental parameters may serve as a criterion for timing irrigation to crops. Some of
the plant indices commonly used are discussed below:
1.1 Visual plant symptoms
In this method the visual signs of plants are used as an index for scheduling irritations.
For instance, plant wilting, drooping, curling and rolling of leaves in maize is used as
indicators for scheduling irrigation (Fig. 20.1). Change in foliage colour and leaf angle is
used to time irrigations in beans. Water stress in some crops leads to appearance of
carotenoid (yellow and orange colour) and anthocyanin pigments; shortening of internodes in
sugarcane and cotton; retardation of stem elongation in grapes; leaf abscission and lack of
new growth and redness in terminal growth points of almond, which can be used as indices
for scheduling irrigations to crops.
It depends on the lag between evaporative demand of the atmosphere and the rate of water
absorption by the roots and has been found to be one of the reliable indices of plant water
stress for scheduling irrigation. For instance the critical RWC level (below which reduction in
growth occurs) for cotton and sesame was 72% and 75% respectively. Whenever the plant
exhibits these values, irrigations can be scheduled. However, the main drawback is it is
tedious and time consuming.
1.6 Plant water potential
This method measures the energy status of plant water analogous to the tension of film water
in the soil, and serves as a better index of physiological and bio-chemical phenomena
occurring in the plant. Plant or leaf water potential can be precisely measured either by a
pressure bomb or pressure chamber apparatus (Fig. 2) in situ or by the dye method in the
The adoption of a certain method need not be necessarily based on convention or that
followed in the adjoining farm. The factors, which determine the suitable method of irrigation
are local conditions (soil type - its permeability & water storage capacity; land topography,
climate, water availability & water quality), crop type, type of technology, previous
experience with irrigation, required labour inputs etc. Good yield of crops can be obtained
from irrigated land only if the water is applied judiciously to meet the needs of the plant, but
not to cause waste and damage. Irrigation water is applied to cultivated land by the following
surface methods of irrigation:
2 Wild flooding
It consists of applying water to the field without any bunds to guide the flow of water
wetting the soil surface completely. Generally it is practiced only when irrigation water is
abundant and where land levelling is not followed. Sometimes it is also adopted in the initial
stages of land development. This method is most commonly used for irrigation of crops sown
by broadcasting method viz., rice, low value pastures, lawns and millets etc.
1. No land levelling & land shaping
2. Low labour and land preparation costs
3. Less skill required by irrigator
1. Applied water is lost by deep percolation & surface runoff
2. Low irrigation application efficiency
3 Controlled flooding
3.1 Check basin method
In this method the field is divided into square or rectangular plots of 4 to 4000 m2
guided by bunds on all the sides (Fig. 2). This method is usually practiced in nearly levelled
lands, thus no run-off of soil or water takes place and wetting depth is more uniform.
However, it is particularly useful on fine textured soils with low permeability rate where it is
necessary to hold the water on the surface to secure adequate penetration. The field channels
supply water to each basin, during which the basins are filled to desired depth and water is
retained until it infiltrates into the soil. This method is most commonly used for irrigating
crops like groundnut, finger millet, sorghum, vegetable crops etc. Check basins are also used
for leaching salts below the crop root zone depth by percolating water in the reclamation of
saline soils.
Fig 3
In this method a circular bund is constructed around each tree/plant or group of plants/trees
to create a basin for irrigation. These basins are suitably connected to irrigation conveyance
channels is such a way that either each basin is irrigated separately or group of basins by
flowing water from one basin to another through inter- connections.
1. High irrigation application efficiency can be achieved with properly designed system
2. Unskilled labour can be used, as there is no danger of erosion
1. High labour requirement
2. Bunds restrict use of modern machinery in the field
3. Limited to relatively uniform lands
3.3 Border strip method
The cultivated field to be irrigated is divided into a number of long parallel strips,
generally 5 to 15 m in width and 75 to 300 m in length separated by small border ridges or
low dykes of about 15 cm high, laid out in the direction of the slope (Fig. 21.4).
Depending on the soil, crop spacing, farm equipment used etc spacing between furrows
varies from 60 to 120 cm. Depending on the soil texture furrow length ranges from 20 to 300
m or even more. To avoid overtopping and scouring problems furrow inflow rates are
normally limited to 2 to 15 m3/hr/furrow. This method can be used either with small or large
streams of irrigation water because it can be diverted into any number of furrows. Slope
along the furrows may range from 0.2 to 2%. Where the land is too slopy (>5%), the furrows
must be constructed on contours. Among the various surface irrigation methods, there is a
relative saving of water in furrow method; hence efficient use of water is possible. In case of
limited water, alternate furrows may be irrigated without much adverse effect on the crop
yield. This method is commonly used for irrigating crops like potato, sugarcane, maize,
cotton, melons, sugarbeets and vegetables like lettuce. When furrow irrigation is practiced
under saline and alkaline conditions, the lateral movement of soil moisture coupled with
evaporation causes salt to accumulate in the ridges between furrows. If the salt accumulation
reaches harmful levels, planting is advocated on the relatively salt free bottom of the furrows
following pre-plant irrigation.
1. Fairly high irrigation application efficiency among surface irrigation methods
2. Furrows serve as field drains in areas of heavy rainfall
3. Low evaporation losses
1. Not suitable in coarse textured soils with high infiltration rates
2. Possibility of intra-furrow soil erosion
3. Labour intensive
3.5 Corrugations
This is a special method of furrow irrigation. Corrugations or rills are shallow
furrows running down the slope from head ditches or laterals, which are sometimes very
close to each other (Fig.6).
Fig. 6
Water moves down through several corrugations simultaneously and soaks laterally through
the soil, wetting the area between the corrugations. This method is used for irrigating close
growing crops, which do not require inter-culture operations and may also be used in
conjunction with border irrigation. Corrugations are often used in fine textured soils that take
water slowly and in soils, which tend to seal over and crust when flooded. The spacing and
size of the corrugations vary with soil type, but in general, the more porous the soil, the more
closely spaced the corrugations to permit rapid wetting between them without excessive deep
percolation losses. The length of the corrugations should be such that upper end of the field
has not been over irrigated by the time the lower end has received sufficient water.
2 Sub-irrigation
Sub-irrigation is the method of applying water beneath the soil surface; close to the plant
roots so that either water seeps from the sides of the channels towards the plant roots or
through capillary movement upward. It is usually done by creating an artificial water surface
at some pre-determined depth, about 30 – 75 cm below the ground, depending upon the
texture and rooting characteristics of the crop. Application efficiencies vary from 30-80%
depending upon conditions. Water having high salt content cannot be used. This method is
expensive, difficult to maintain and operate, and suitable only for few crops. Because of high
investment required, it has not been widely adopted in India.
Lecture No. 24
Sprinkler Method of Irrigation
1 Introduction
Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water which is similar to natural
rainfall (Fig. 1). Water is conveyed under desired pressure (2 to 5 kg/cm2) developed by a
pump through a network of pipes, called mainlines and submains to one or more laterals and
is sprayed in to the air through sprinkler nozzles or perforations so that it breaks up in to
small water drops (0.5 to 4mm in size) which fall over the land or crop surface in an uniform
pattern at a rate (0.06-5000 LPH) less than the infiltrability of soil. The pump supply system,
sprinklers and operating conditions must be designed to enable a uniform application of
Fig. 2. Centre pivot, Linear move and traveler sprinkler irrigation systems
2 Advantages
a) Elimination of field channels and their maintenance, which increase the production area
b) Harmful ditch weeds, which have allelopethic effects, do not appear with sprinkler
c) No water losses in conveyance, which amounts to 35% in surface irrigation methods
d) Close control over water application i.e., no runoff losses because water is applied below
or equal to infiltration rate.
e) Convenient for giving light and frequent irrigations.
f) Higher application efficiency over surface methods of irrigation.
g) Sprinklers give a gentle rain that does not clog or compact the soil ensuring better and
quicker germination of seeds resulting in more plants per unit area
h) Suitable in undulated lands, soils with shallow depth and areas located at higher elevation
than the water source.
i) Feasibility of frequent, short water applications for germination, cooling & frost protection
to plants, etc.
j) Higher yield and water saving over surface irrigation methods
3 Limitations
a) Uneven distribution of water due to high wind velocities particularly during summer
b) Higher evaporation losses when operating under high temperatures.
c) Mechanical difficulties such as sprinklers fail to rotate, nozzles may clog, couplers
may leak or engine may require repair.
d) Initial investment and recurrent operating costs are much higher than in surface
irrigation methods.
e) Moving the portable lines, when the soil is wet results in the destruction of soil
f) Use of saline water for irrigation is not possible since it will be harmful to crops
g) Higher water pressure required hence extra energy cost
5 Suitable crops
Sprinkler irrigation is suited for most field crops viz., wheat, lucerne, groundnut, bengal
gram, green gram, black gram, potato, leafy vegetables, sunflower, barley, bajra, maize,
wheat etc wherein water can be sprayed over the crop canopy (Fig. 5). However, large
sprinklers are not recommended for irrigation of delicate crops such as lettuce because the
large water drops produced by the sprinklers may damage the crop. Water containing specific
ions such as sodium and chlorides in concentration of more than 3 meq/litre are not suitable
for irrigation by overhead sprinklers.