Pge 362 Exam1

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King Saud University Faculty of Engineering

Petroleum Engineering Dept. Reservoir Fluid Properties

Date: 22/11/1425 H.

Answer the following questions
1- The vapor pressure of a pure hydrocarbon is 6.36 psia at -75 OF. If the
heat of vaporization is 8450 Btu per pound-mole, what is the vapor
pressure at 40OF?
2- A gas consists of 70% methane and 30% propane by weight. The
pressure is increased isothermally until two phases appear. The liquid
phase consists of 40% by weight of the more volatile constituent and
the vapor phase contains 65% by weight of the more volatile
constituent. If the total weight is 100 Ib, what are the weights of the
liquid and vapor phases?
3- A non-ideal solution has the following composition :
Component n-Butane n-Pentane n-Hexane
Mole Fraction 0.30 0.40 0.30

At 120 OF and a pressure midway between the dew-point pressure

and the bubble-point pressure calculate the weights of the liquid phase
and the vapor phase in pounds.
4- 30 OAPI oil dissolves 250 SCF per barrel of 0.80 gravity gases at 1200
psia and 150OF. Estimate the oil formation volume factor (ßO) by the
Bucik method 2, Standing, Glasø, and Al-Marhoun correlations and
compare the results.
5- Two cylinders of equal volume contain methane and ethane at 1000
and 500 psia, respectively, at 140 OF. If they are connected together
and the gases allowed mixing, what are the final pressure, the partial
pressures, and the composition of the resulting mixture? Do not
assume that ideal gas equations apply.
6- The heat of vaporization of ether (MW = 46) is 88.4 calories per gram
at its normal boiling point (34.5 OC). Calculate the vapor pressure at
176 OF. At what temperature is the vapor pressure equal to 300 mm?

7- Two cylinders of equal volume contain methane and ethane at 1000

and 500 psia, respectively, at 140 OF. If they are connected together
and the gases allowed mixing, what are the final pressure, the partial
pressures, and the composition of the resulting mixture? Do not
assume that ideal gas equations apply.

8- A pure gaseous hydrocarbon has a density of 0.103 lb/ft3 at 14.7 psia

and 100oF. Chemical analysis shows that there are two hydrogen atoms
for each carbon atom in each molecule. What is the formula of this
molecule? Assume that the hydrocarbon acts like an ideal gas.

9- A 20 ft3 tank at 100oF is pressured to 200 psia with a pure paraffin gas. Ten
pounds of ethane are added, and the specific gravity of the gas mixture is
measured to be 1.68. Assume that the gases act as ideal gases. What was the
gas originally in the tank?

10- The densities of the coexisting vapor and liquid of a pure compound at
various temperatures are as follows:

T OC 30 50 70 100
DL(grams/cm3) 0.6455 0.6116 0.5735 0.4950
Dv(grams/cm3) 0.0142 0.0241 0.0385 0.0810

If the critical temperature is 127 OC, what is the mole critical volume if the
molecular weight is 60? If 250 grams are placed in a 1-liter vessel at 30 OC,
calculate the weights of liquid and vapor present. Calculate the same quantities
if only 15 grams are placed in the vessel.

11- A non-ideal solution has the following composition

Component n-Butane n-Pentane n-Hexane
Mole Fraction 0.4 0.3 0.3
Make the following computations at 160 OF:
a) What is the dew-point pressure?
b) What is the composition of the liquid at the dew point?
c) Calculate the masses of the two phases at 150 psia.

12- Experiments were made on a bottom-hole sample of the reservoir

liquid taken from the Marjan Oil Field to determine the solution gas
and the formation volume factor as functions of pressure. The initial
bottom-hole pressure of the reservoir was 3600 psia, and bottom-hole
temperature was 160 OF. The following data were obtained from the

Pressure Solution gas (SCF/STB) Formation Volume

Psia at 14.7 psia and 60 OF bbl/STB
3600 567 1.310
3200 567 1.317
2800 567 1.325
2500 567 1.333
2400 554 1.310
1800 436 1.263
1200 337 1.210
600 223 1.140
200 143 1.070

a) Plot both the gas in solution and the formation volume factor versus
b) What is the initial volume of dissolved gas in the reservoir?
c) Explain the break in the formation volume factor curve.
d) Was the reservoir initially saturated or under saturated? Explain.
e) Does the reservoir have an initial gas cap?

13- For the natural gas whose composition is given below. Estimate its
viscosity at 1800 psia and 200 OF.
Component methane ethane propane n-butane n-pentane exane
Volume % 81 7.5 5.5 4 1.5 0.5

14- The heat of vaporization of ether ( MW = 46) is 88.4 calories per gram
at its normal boiling point (34.5 OC). Calculate the vapor pressure at
176 OF. At what temperature is the vapor pressure equal to 300 mm?

15- A non-ideal gas consists of 0.50 moles of methane and 0.50 moles of
propane. Calculate the pressure exerted by this gas if it exists in a 2 ft3
tank at a temperature of 150 OF.
16- A pure gaseous hydrocarbon has a density of 0.103 lb/ft3 at 14.7 psia
and 100oF. Chemical analysis shows that there are two hydrogen atoms
for each carbon atom in each molecule. What is the formula of this
molecule? Assume that the hydrocarbon acts like an ideal gas.

17- Two cylinders of equal volume contain methane and ethane at 1000
and 500 psia, respectively, at 140 OF. If they are connected together
and the gases allowed to mix, what are the final pressure, the partial
pressures, and the composition of the resulting mixture? Do not
assume that ideal gas equations apply.

18- A pure gaseous hydrocarbon has a density of 0.103 lb/ft3 at 14.7 psia
and 100oF. Chemical analysis shows that there are two hydrogen atoms
for each carbon atom in each molecule. What is the formula of this
molecule? Assume that the hydrocarbon acts like an ideal gas.

19- The heat of vaporization of ether ( MW = 46) is 88.4 calories per gram
at its normal boiling point (34.5 OC). Calculate the vapor pressure at
176 OF. At what temperature is the vapor pressure equal to 300 mm?

20- Two cylinders of equal volume contain methane and ethane at 1000
and 500 psia, respectively, at 140 OF. If they are connected together
and the gases allowed to mix, what are the final pressure, the partial
pressures, and the composition of the resulting mixture? Do not
assume that ideal gas equations apply.

21- A pure gaseous hydrocarbon has a density of 0.103 lb/ft3 at 14.7 psia
and 100oF. Chemical analysis shows that there are two hydrogen atoms
for each carbon atom in each molecule. What is the formula of this
molecule? Assume that the hydrocarbon acts like an ideal gas.

22- A 20 ft3 tank at 100oF is pressured to 200 psia with a pure paraffin
gas. Ten pounds of ethane are added, and the specific gravity of the gas
mixture is measured to be 1.68. Assume that the gases act as ideal
gases. What was the gas originally in the tank?
23- The densities of the coexisting vapor and liquid of a pure compound at
various temperatures are as follows:

T OC 30 50 70 100
DL(grams/cm3) 0.6455 0.6116 0.5735 0.4950
Dv(grams/cm3) 0.0142 0.0241 0.0385 0.0810

If the critical temperature is 127 OC, what is the molal critical volume if
the molecular weight is 60? If 250 grams are placed in a 1-liter vessel at 30
C, calculate the weights of liquid and vapor present. Calculate the same
quantities if only 15 grams are placed in the vessel.

24- A non-ideal solution has the following composition

Component n-Butane n-Pentane n-Hexane
Mole Fraction 0.4 0.3 0.3
Make the following computations at 160 OF:
d) What is the dew-point pressure?
e) What is the composition of the liquid at the dew point?
f) Calculate the masses of the two phases at 150 psia.

25- Experiments were made on a bottom-hole sample of the reservoir

liquid taken from the Marjan Oil Field to determine the solution gas
and the formation volume factor as functions of pressure. The initial
bottom-hole pressure of the reservoir was 3600 psia, and bottom-hole
temperature was 160 OF. The following data were obtained from the
Pressure Solution gas (SCF/STB) Formation Volume
Psia at 14.7 psia and 60 OF bbl/STB
3600 567 1.310
3200 567 1.317
2800 567 1.325
2500 567 1.333
2400 554 1.310
1800 436 1.263
1200 337 1.210
600 223 1.140
200 143 1.070

f) Plot both the gas in solution and the formation volume factor versus
g) What is the initial volume of dissolved gas in the reservoir?
h) Explain the break in the formation volume factor curve.
i) Was the reservoir initially saturated or under saturated? Explain.
j) Does the reservoir have an initial gas cap?

26- A non-ideal gas consists of 0.30 moles of methane and 0.70 moles of
propane. Calculate the pressure exerted by this gas if it exists in a 2 ft3
tank at a temperature of 150 OF.
27- Non-ideal solution containing two pound-mole propane and one
pound-mole butane is heated to 100 F O.
a) What is the dew-point pressure?
b) What is the composition of the liquid at dew point?
c) What is the bubble-point pressure?
d) What is the composition of the vapor at the bubble point?
e) At a pressure midway between the dew-point pressure and the bubble-
point pressure calculate the weights of the liquid phase and the vapor
phase in pounds.

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