Your Power Supply - : What The 'Scope Will Show

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What the 'Scope will show

BY JOSEPH CARR, K41PV elec tronic circuits. The heart of and won't pass c urrent.
the supply is a rectifier, which An ac waveform is shown in
A power supply can be said to may be either a vacuum tube or Fig. 2. This waveform is called
provide the fuel that your solid-state device. In recent a sine wave. Positive-going
electronic circuits run on. Most equipment , of cou rse, the latter peaks in this waveform
power supplies are so basic in is used. The rectifier has an represent current flow in one
design that it is surprising that important property: it allows direction, while negative-going
they cause much trouble, and current to pass in only one peaks represent current flow in
even more surprising that so direction. The symbol for a the opposite direction. When
many people have trouble diode rectifier is shown in this waveform is applied to a
understanding what the Fig. 1. When the rectifier anode diode, only the positive half
problem is. A few minutes is positive with respect to the can forward-bias the diode and
spent with some elementary cathode the diode will be th us wi 11 appear at the cathode.
theory and following the forward-biased and will pass Figs. 3 and 4 show two
current flow through some current. When the diode's common power supplies . Fig. 3
typical power-supply circuits anode is negative with respect is a full wave supply , while
will save much more time when to the cathode , however, the Fig. 4 shows a full wave bridge
trouble strikes . I' ll start right at diode will be reverse-biased, circuit. Let's first consider the
the beginning of a typical operation of these circuits as if
supply and tell you how it all the filter capacitor (C1 in both
fits together. So you'll be able cases) were not there.
to look for any problems, or DIREC TI O N
The power supply of Fig. 3
build your own supply. FLOW
uses a center-tapped
ANODE POL A R ITY transformer and two rectifier
Some basics WITH R ESPECT
FLO W ! diodes (typically of the 1 N4000
The de power supply NEG ATI VE NO series). On the positive half of
converts the alternating current P OS JT IVE YE S the ac input alternation, the top
from the wall outlet to the Fig. 1. The basic diode of the transformer will be
direct current required by most rectifi er symbol. negative with respect to the

50 ~ January 1978
same direction on both halves same on both halves of the ac
of the ac input cycle. input waveform. This action
The bridge rectifier circuit of produces a waveform across R1
Fig. 4 doesn't require a center- (assuming C1 is out of the
tapped secondary on the circuit!) as in Fig. 5.
transformer. If the same This waveform is still not
transformer used in Fig. 3 were pure enough for most
used in Fig. 4, you'd obtain electronic circuits. If it were a
twi ce the output voltage but at receiver power supply a loud
one-half the current rating. hum would be heard in the
When the top of the secondary output.
Fig. 2. Ac input waveform of T1 is negative with respect If the supply were for a
applied to the rec ti fier. to the bottom , diodes CR1 and transmitter you'd receive hum
CR3 w ill be forward -biased and reports from other amateur
CR21CR4 reverse biased . stations, ARAL Official
bottom. Of course, because of Current will flow from the top Observers , and maybe the FCC
the operation of an inductor, of the transformer secondary if you 're unlucky. Adding C1
we know that eac h turn will be through CR1 , and toad resistor (Figs. 3 and 4) to the circuit will
slightly more positive than the R1 , through CR3, then back to help reduce the bumpiness, or
turn immediately above it if we the opposite end of the "ripple component" and make
measure the potential on a
turn-for-turn basis starting at
the top. Thi s means that the
ce ntertap will be positive with
respec t to the top end but
negative with re spect to the
bottom end of the transformer
seco ndary. Since it is a
center-tap , the vo ltages RI
• Cl
appearing across the top and
bottom halves will be equal.
When the bottom half is Fig. 4. Bridge (full wave) rectifier c ircui t.
positive, diode CR2 will be
forw ard bi ased and diode CR1
will be reverse bi ased . Thi s transformer secondary. On the the de output more like pure
means that current will flow second half of the input ac de, as obtained from batteries.
from the center tap through waveform the situati on will Fig. 6 shows the waveforms
load resistor R1 then through reverse, maki ng the top of the associated with a full wave ·
CR2 back to the tran sformer. secondary positive with respect supply with a single filter
On the second al tern ation of to the bottom and forward - capaci tor to smooth the direct
the ac cyc le the polarities will biasing diodes CR2 and CR4. current. This is typical of most
reverse, making the top of the Of co urse, CR11CR3 w i ll then modern solid-state equipment,
transformer secondary winding be reverse-biased. Current will especially if critical stages
positive with respect to the fl ow from the bottom of the such as the VFO, crystal
bottom. In this case, current transformer secondary through oscillator, or local oscillator are
flows out of the center tap, CR4 and load resistor R1 in the fed from a regulated power-
through R1 in the same same direction as before, suppl y circ uit. The waveform in
direction as before, and back to through CR2, and then to the Fig. SA is the ac sine wave
th e transformer secon dary top of the transform er delivered by the transfo rmer. If
winding through diode CR1 . secondary. yo u placed the input of your
The key to the success of th e Since both Figs. 3 and 4 are osci lloscope across the
full wave supply is that current full wave supplies , the c urrent secondary of T1 in either
in the resistor flows in the fl owing through R1 will be the power-supply circuit you'd see
this shape. The waveform in
Fig. 6B is the full wave rectified
voltage applied across the
resistor (R1).
But since capacitor C1 is in
Cl both circuits, we find a slightly
different situation, as
represented in Fig. 6C . During

January 1978 m 51
ripple component is only 60 Hz, minor things like improper
indicating that one or more (of tuning; a loud hum (the filters
the same pair!) of diodes is were designed to work with 120
open-circuited. Hz, so are less effective); or off-
Although it may seem cal ibration. In one case, I used
unlikely that a diode rectifier the "bridge with a known good
would open , it's fairly common one" test to check the
in bridge circuits. With molded capacitor. When the extra
bridge-rectifier stacks, capacitance was added to the
especially the low cost circuit, the hum level
"bargain" variety, an internal decreased, so I erroneously
Fig. 5. Waveform across R1 if C1 is dis-
connection may be broken. But labeled the existing filter as
in all bridges - and that " bad " and replaced it ... guess
includes those with four what - the hum was still
each hump or peak in the Fig. discrete rectifier diodes there! The problem was caused
68 waveform, capacitor C1 will handwired - very often one of by an open bridge rectifier and
charge on the upward the diodes to the negative not by an open filter capacitor.
excursion but discharges output line (CR1/CR4) will open Replacement of solid-state
during the downward if one of the other diodes rectifier diodes is one area
excursions. So when the becomes shorted. where many amateurs go
rectifier voltage is increasing in Unfortunately this becomes wrong. Most fail to appreciate
amplitude, a charge will be an occult problem, because the the voltage at which the diode
stored in C1; but as the shorted diode will cause all must operate. Let 's take, for
rectified voltage passes its kinds of pyrotechnics including example, the common + 750-
peak and begins to fall, the blown fuses. It seems that all 1000-volt power supply used
charge from the capacitor is of the initial and most obvious with transmitters and
dumped back into the circuit. symptoms will occur from that transceivers in the 100-200-watt
This action tends to fill in the shorted diode. No loud class. The diode-voltage rating
spaces between peaks, as whistles will occur when CR1 is the peak reverse voltage
shown in the waveform of Fig. or CR4 opens, but you'll find (PAV) or peak inverse voltage
6C. Of course, if an
oscilloscope were placed
across the power supply
output, we'd not see the
re ct if ier peaks but rather a
ripple component riding on a
de level, as in Fig. 60.
Some faults
Fig. 7A shows the waveform
photographed on a scope. The
waveform was at the output of
a bridge-rectified power supply
such as shown in Fig. 4. The
oscilloscope horizontal sweep
was set so that two cycles of
the 120-Hz output saw-tooth
were visible. But when either
diode CR1 and CR4 opens up,
you'd see the waveform in Fig.
78. Because only one diode is
operating, the ripple frequency COMPONEN~

will be half that normally

expected. SAME AS "C", BU T
W ITHN~~ ~~~1:,,0NNENT Ci) 0 r - - - -- TI -
M_E__ - -- - - - -- -
(In any operating full wave
supply, the ripple frequency is
twice that of the ac mains
frequency; in the 60-Hz
systems used in the U.S. it will Fig. 6. Waveforms associated with either Fig. 3
be 120 Hz.) In this case, the or 4 show ing act ion of filter capac itor C1 .

52 m January 1978
(PIV) (both the same). This (see some of the advertise-
voltage is t he maximum reverse ments in this magazine) cost
bias the diode can handle only a little more than the off
without being destroyed. If the brands but will most likely
750-1000-volt supply is built as behave themselves . It's an
in Fig. 3 the transformer will extreme case of penny wise
have a 750-0-750-volt secondary. and pound foolish to use less
This means that the voltage than top-grade replacement
applied to the diode will be parts on that transceiver, which
1.41x750= 1060 volts. The probably cost you almost a
factor 1.41 is needed because thousand bucks!
the 750-volt rating is root-mean- Fig. 7. Above, norma l 120·Hz sawtooth The resistors in Fig. 9
square (rms) and we want peak from Figs. 3 and 4. Below, 60-Hz saw· balance the voltage drops
tooth if CR1 or CR4 is open.
volts . across the respective diodes.
A co mmonly available TV It's usually satisfactory to use
rep lacement rectifier is rated at a value for R that is 100-
1000-volts PIV , so two in series ohms/volt peak applied to the
can be used, right? Wrong! To stack. For full rating of the
be sure, the PIV rating of the diodes, 1000 volts x 100
combination will be 2000. volts, ohms/volt results in a value of
which is greater than 1060 volts 100 kilohms or more. Less
- so what 's the problem? If resistance would make the
capacitor C1 (Fig. 3) were not circuit think that there is no
used, then the PIV and forward diode and little in the way of
voltages would be the same - rectification would occur. some
but recall that capacitor C1 sources also recommend that a
charges also to the peak 0.001 µ.F capacitor be placed
voltage . The actual PIV diode that is 3 x Erms· across each diode.
presented to the diode will be Of course, we may still use Fig. 10 shows the waveform
2 x 1060 = 2 120 volts. Clearly, those low-cost TV-replacement to expect in another kind of
2000 volts of PIV rating is not diodes, but we must adapt problem . Fig. 10A was from a
good enough, because there them as in Fig. 9. Each diode is bridge rectifier circuit such as
will be 120 volts more on one a 1000-volt PIV TV replacement Fig. 4. In both cases, the
half of each cycle! Fig. 8 type. These diodes are problem was the same: a B+
shows the full wave supply of available in the 1N4007 series fuse placed at the rectifier
Fig. 3, which has been redrawn at 1-ampere forward-current output failed. Note that the
and simplified to illustrate this rating and up to 2.5 amperes in waveform in each case is the
problem. In this case, the certain " house brand" types. rectifier output as if no filtering
reverse voltage applied to the Be a little wary of certain types were present. The fuse in each
diode is 2 x 1.41 x the apparently rated at 1 ampere, case was used to protect the
transformer rms. The correct especially those of the rectifiers in case a filter
PIV rating of the replacement imported variety, or when found capacitor, final output tube, or
diode is not less than Erms x in certain blister-pack offerings. other circuit element shorted to
2.82. Most professional Many of these diodes are ground. The fuse was located
servicers, who back their work, substandard and will only right at the rectifier, between
prefer to use a factor of 3 for withstand their rated current if the load and the filters.
safety and so will select a the leads remain at full length The waveform photos were
to act as heat sinks. taken at the (+)terminal of the
You think I'm kidding? Ask a rectifiers. An initial voltmeter
I number of TV servicers about check would lead you astray if
:J l, 0 6 0V

P£AK that! A lot of those diodes were
sold to the service industry
made across the filters, at the

awhile back, and the sets that

I received them wouldn't make it
l, 0 60 V
through the 90-day warranty on
the repair! There are no
.J bargains , in general, so be CR / CR2 CRn

Fig. 8 . Redrawn and simplified version prepared to pay a little bit for Fig. 9. TV-replacement rectifiers can be
of Fig. 3 showing how the diode PIV is the diodes. Good 1N4007 stacked to gain a higher PIV rating that
actually 2. 82 x £,,.,,. diodes from reputable sources might be needed In a transmitter.

54 m January 1978
I, riii
hallicraliers I, riii
transmitter final amplifier (rf
t and BETTER THAN EVER - and t
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For example, in many "NORTH

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More detai ls? Ad Check page 78. January 1978 m 55

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