Mcternan CV 2018

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2602 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA 98226 | | 504-722-1993 –

Clemson University – Clemson, SC, United States
Doctorate of Philosophy, Biological Sciences – Expected 2023
Advisor: Dr. Michael W. Sears

Western Washington University – Bellingham, WA, United States

Master’s Degree, Ecology and Evolution – Earned 2017
Advisor: Dr. Roger A. Anderson
Thesis Title: “How do lizards use behavior and physiology to inhabit different climate zones?”

Auburn University – Auburn, Al, United States

Bachelor of Science, Zoology – Earned 2013

 “Got To Go” Travel Grant ($750), awarded in winter 2018 by the Graduate Student Government at
Clemson University for travel to 2019 SICB meeting in Tampa Bay, FL.

 Teaching Assistantship ($22,000 per academic year), provided by Clemson University in September
2018 through current.

 Biology Effort Award ($500), awarded in spring 2017 by the Biology Department at WWU for my
work done outside of my TA or thesis research responsibilities.

 Ross Travel Grant ($350), awarded in fall 2016 by Western Washington University for travel to 2017
SICB meeting in New Orleans, LA.

 Dean Metter Memorial Award ($1,000), awarded in spring 2016 by the Society for the Study of
Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) to aid the field component of my thesis research.

 “Best Oral Presentation Award”, awarded in spring 2016 Western Washington University Graduate
Student Conference.

 Research assistantship ($2,000, $3,000, and $2,500 respectively) in summers of 2015, 2016 and 2017,
provided by Western Washington University to aid Dr. Roger Anderson in conducting field research and
teaching the ecological methods field research course.

 Thon Summer Support Fund ($2,048), awarded in summer 2015 by Western Washington University.

 Fund for the Enhancement of Graduate Research grant ($1,000), awarded in spring 2015 by
Western Washington University.

 Teaching Assistantship ($4,039 per academic quarter), provided by Western Washington University
in September 2014 through June 2017.

 Charter Academic Scholarship ($4,000 a year for four years, totaling $16,000) awarded in fall 2009,
provided by Auburn University.
Scientific Publications
McTernan MR, Sears MW, Anderson RA. Higher food availability may offset energetic limitations
associated with less activity time. – In preparation

Powers SD, McTernan MR, Powers DR, Anderson RA. 2018. Energetic Consequences for a Northern,
Range-Edge Lizard Population. Copeia 106:1–10. – Abstract available in at end of document.

McTernan MR. 2017. How do lizards use behavior and physiology to inhabit different climate zones?
WWU Graduate School Collection. 604. – Abstract available in at
end of document.

Scientific Presentations

Higher food availability may offset energetic limitations associated with less activity time.
Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Michael W. Sears, and Roger A. Anderson
2019 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in Tampa Bay, FL.
Poster – Abstract available at end of document.

Climate Zones and Thermoregulatory Challenges in a Geographically Widespread Lizard Species.

Authors: Matthew R. McTernan and Roger A. Anderson
2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in San Francisco, CA.
Poster – Abstract available in at end of this document.

Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate

and vegetation types.
Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Sean D. Powers, and Roger A. Anderson
2017 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Oral Presentation – Abstract available at end of document.

Energetic consequences for thermophilic lizards near the northern edge of the species’ geographic
range in the northern hemisphere.
Authors: Sean D. Powers, Matthew R. McTernan, and Roger A. Anderson,
2017 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) national meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Oral Presentation – Abstract available in at end of document.

Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot, Stayin’ Alive: Lizard Edition

Authors: Matthew R. McTernan
2016 Western Washington University Graduate Student Conference.
Oral Presentation

Society Memberships:

 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)

 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR)

 Biological Sciences Graduate Student Government (Clemson University)

Research and Teaching Experience:

Teaching Assistant – August 2018 to current

Clemson University – Department of Biology – Clemson, SC

 Teaching BIOL3150: Functional Human Anatomy during fall semester, with 24 students per lab and two
sections per semester.
 Teaching BIOl3160: Human Physiology during spring semester, with 24 students per lab and two
sections per semester.
 Am responsible for preparing the laboratory prior to class, lecturing on course material, providing
students with guidance and answers to their questions, and grading the students on written and verbal

Masters Thesis Research – September of 2014 to July 2017

Western Washington University – Biology Department – Bellingham, WA

 In the context of the dangers posed by shifting global climates, I posed the question: “How do wide
ranging ectotherms use behavior and physiology to inhabit wide species geographic ranges
encompassing multiple climate zones?”
 Studied the Phrynosomatid lizard Sceloporus occidentalis (Western Fence Lizard) in WA during
summer of 2015 and 2016.
 Maintained a live animal lab with upwards of 40 lizards being housed at a given time, including feeding
schedules, housing conditions upkeep, and occasionally invasive techniques (such as force feeding
starving animals).
 Studied thermoregulatory behavior onsite and recorded field-active body temperatures of three separate
populations, all inhabiting different climate zones in WA.
 Brought lizards into the lab at WWU, where I measured preferred body temperatures on a thermal
gradient and measured temperature-dependent respiration rates using a flow-through, push respirometry
 Statistically compared field-active and preferred body temperatures among sites (ANOVA or Kruskal-
Wallis), compared field-active body temperatures and preferred body temperatures within sites
(Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney U), and compared oxygen-consumption rates among sites at different
body temperatures (ANCOVA).

Research Assistant – June and July 2015, 2016, and 2017

Western Washington University – Biology Department – Bellingham, WA
 Aided Dr. Roger A. Anderson in conducting long-term ecological research in the Alvord Dessert Basin,
 Managed data collected in the field, aided Dr. Anderson and the students in standard plot surveys,
collected weather and other abiotic data, collected whole-animal body data on lizards captured in the
field, and facilitated the research of guest researchers from other academic institutes.
 Assisted with several long-term research projects, including investigating the population density of
whiptail lizards (Aspidoscelis tigris) on the 300x300 meter research plot using sighting and mark-
recapture data, correlating body condition of lizards in different trophic levels (predatory lizards –
Crotophytus bicinctores, Gambelia wislizenii, prey lizards – Aspidoscelis tigris, Phrynosomata
platyrhinos, Sceloporus graciosus, Uta stansburiana) based on weather conditions and prey abundance
(i.e. arthopods), conducting focal behavioral studies on Phrynosoma platyrhinos lizards, and conducting
physiological measures (e.g. sprint speed on a racetrack) on all lizards involved in research.
 Measured whole-organism metabolic rates via oxygen consumption of lizards onsite using a Fox Box
respirometry system in summer 2016.
 Taught and assisted students taking Dr. Anderson’s ecological methods course, was directly involved
helping students understand the research they were doing while teaching them the behavioral ecology,
physiology, and organismal biology relevant to their projects.
Teaching Assistant – September 24th, 2014 to June 2017
Western Washington University – Biology Department – Bellingham, WA
 Taught the laboratory section for BIOL204: Introduction to Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity for four
quarters, with 24 students in each section and two sections per quarter.
 Taught the laboratory section for BIOL349: Human Physiology for four quarters, with 16 students per
 Assist BIOL349: Human Physiology students with multi-week research projects, informing their
experimental design and development of methodology.
 Taught two sections of a given lab per academic quarter, for 20 hours of TA work per week.
 Was responsible for preparing the laboratory prior to class, lecturing on course material, providing
students with guidance and answers to their questions, and grading the students on written and verbal
 In addition to BIOL204 and 349 labs, I assisted Dr. Deborah Donovan, by personal request, in teaching
terrestrial respirometry techniques to BIOL403: Physiological Ecology of Animals labs. I collaborated
with Dr. Donovan in designing the terrestrial respirometry lab for Winter quarter, 2017.

Seasonal Associate – February 25th, 2014 to May 19th, 2014

Georgia Department of Natural Resources – Nongame Division – Social Circle, GA
 Assisted in population research conducted on gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) abundance in
southern Georgia.
 Research was done to determine if gopher tortoises should be listed as endangered in the state.
 Used Linear Transect Distance Sampling technique to identify number of gopher tortoise burrows
present at a given site, while also recording the state of the burrow (active or abandoned) and whether a
tortoise was present at the time.

Undergraduate Researcher – May 2013 to Dec 2013

Auburn University – College of Science and Mathematics - Auburn, AL
 Research was conducted in Dr. Craig Guyer's herpetology laboratory.
 Studied the thermoregulatory behaviors of juvenile versus adult Aspidoscelis sexlineata.
 Tested the hypothesis that smaller individuals were restricted by thermoregulatory needs to areas
of higher average temperature while larger individuals showed no restrictions.

Laboratory Technician – Aug 2012 to Dec 2012

Auburn University – College of Science and Mathematics - Auburn, AL
 Worked in Dr. Henry Fadamiro's entomology laboratory.
 Responsible for maintaining the Heliothis moth and Microplitis wasp colonies used in
 Stored detailed records on the colonies as well as the results of experimentation.

Volunteer Experience:

Graduate Student Senator – August 2018 through current

Clemson University – Department of Biological Sciences – Clemson, SC
 Represent the interests of the biological sciences graduate students at university-wide graduate student
senate meetings.
 Keep biological sciences graduate students informed of university-wide events, opportunities, or on
goings with bi-monthly reports.
 Propose, write, and vote on legislature put to the senate floor regarding funding requests, university
procedures, and other items of interest to graduate students at Clemson University.
Trail Crew Member – October 2017 to August 2018
Washington Conservation Corps – Sedro-Woolley Department of Natural Resources – Sedro-Wooley, WA
 Worked on a team that maintain hiking trails and bridges in western Washington State.
 Occasionally worked with the City of Bellingham or City of City of Mount Vernon on restoration and
conservation work.
 Went on disaster response to St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands in February 2018. Assisted restoration
efforts on the island, including roof tarping, muck and gut, and mold suppression operations.

WEGL Radio Host – Jan 2011 to Apr 2013

WEGL Radio – Auburn University – Auburn, AL
 Hosted a one-hour weekly live radio show; played music, promoted local events; provided student-
focused news.
 Adhered to regulations imposed by Auburn University and the Federal Communication Commission.

Undergraduate Lab Volunteer – Apr 2012 to Jun 2012

Auburn University – College of Science and Mathematics - Auburn, AL
 Worked in Dr. Jason Bond's arachnology laboratory.
 Unpaid undergraduate volunteer position.
 Worked with preserved specimens of Aphonopelma trapdoor tarantulas.
 Used Google Earth to gather geographical data on specimens. Data was entered into a Microsoft Excel

Undergraduate Lab Volunteer – May 2011 to Jul 2011

Auburn University – College of Science and Mathematics - Auburn, AL
 Worked in Dr. Robert Boyd's botany laboratory.
 Unpaid undergraduate volunteer position.
 Maintained colony of Heliothis moths used in experimentation.
 Aided in measuring and applying doses of specific metals to the prescribed diet of Heliothis moth larvae.
 Recorded and analyzed the results of experimentation.


Higher food availability may offset energetic limitations associated with less activity time.
Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Michael W. Sears, and Roger A. Anderson
Poster presentation – 2019 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference

Warming climates are projected to shift the activity patterns of many animals. While animals with
longer periods of activity have a higher potential for somatic growth, some locally adapted
populations may deviate from this expectation. We studied two populations of Sceloporus
occidentalis in Washington State, one in a cool climate and one in a warm climate. The cooler
climate restricts activity, yet individuals from this population still reach a fatter body condition.
Individuals from the cool site also expend more energy daily on maintenance metabolism but have
higher food availability. As such, we hypothesize that higher food availability at the cool site may
permit greater seasonal maintenance energy expenditure that still results in more residual energy
left for storage. To evaluate our hypothesis, we use estimates of activity time and measures of
maintenance metabolism to calculate seasonal maintenance energy expenditure. We then subtract
these values from seasonal daily energy intake estimates to calculate residual energy supply.
While activity patterns of many animals are expected to shift with warming climates, food
availability may play a key role in offsetting potential energetic consequences.
Climate Zones and Thermoregulatory Challenges in a Geographically Widespread Lizard Species.
Authors: Matthew R. McTernan, Roger A. Anderson
Poster presentation – 2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference

Terrestrial ectotherms such as lizards, with relatively large latitudinal geographic ranges, are subject to spatially
varied climatic conditions. At the geographic extremes, lizards may be challenged frequently by environmental
temperatures that are either too warm or too cool for effective thermoregulation during the daily activity period.
Lizards challenged thermally must either be inactive or accept suboptimal body temperatures (Tb) when active.
We documented Tb of field-active (TbF) Sceloporus occidentalis from three distinct climate zones during mid-
summer in Washington State (the species’ northern geographic extreme). We also measured preferred Tb of
lizards in a laboratory thermal gradient (TbL), where precise thermoregulation is easily achievable. In the
warmest of the three climate zones in south-central Washington (mean air temp = 38.9°C), the mean TbF of S.
occidentalis was 35.9°C, which was significantly higher than TbF of lizards in the cool, coastal climate (mean air
temp = 27.7°C), with mean TbF at 35.4°C. Furthermore, the distribution of lizard TbF at the warmest climate
skewed warmer than when were measured for Tb in the lab (TbL). In contrast, TbF of lizards from the coast
skewed cooler than TbL. We infer that field-active lizards from the warmer inland sites of Washington often
must accept Tb near the upper limit of their preferred Tb range (36°C), and expect that body temperatures of
field-active S. occidentalis to the south also skew high. Strangely, lizards from the intermediate climate zone
(mean air temp = 33°C) exhibited significantly warmer lab-measured TbL than those from the warmer inland site
to the south, despite achieving similar TbF.

Energetic Consequences for a Northern, Range-Edge Lizard Population.

Authors: Sean D. Powers, Matthew R. McTernan, Don R. Powers, Roger A. Anderson
Publication – Copeia 2018

Lizards at the northern, cool edge of their geographic range in the northern hemisphere should encounter
environmental conditions that differ from those living near the core of their range. It is unclear how
cooler northern populations achieve optimal body temperature for periods sufficient to adequately feed
and assimilate food for growth and reproduction. To better understand this, we compared daily feeding
and metabolism rates of individual Sceloporus occidentalis in two populations during mid-summer.
Chuckanut Beach (CB) was a cool, maritime climate in northern Washington State, and Sondino Ranch
(SR) was a warmer, drier climate in southern, inland Washington. We found no difference between
populations in daily energy expenditure (DEE), as calculated from doubly labeled water estimates.
However, prey availability and rates of daily energy intake (DEI) as estimated from fecal pellet masses
were significantly higher for the CB population. Consequently, CB lizards were heavier relative to SVL
than lizards from SR. Within CB, during midsummer, DEE was similar to DEI. Within the SR
population, however, DEE was significantly higher than DEI in midsummer. Furthermore, we found no
populations differences in lizard activity, active body temperature, and preferred body temperature.
Given these data we infer the longer activity season of the warm, the SR population may compensate for
the low food, high daily cost of midsummer. Moreover, we suggest the predicted warmer temperatures
with climate change and the similar activity-period body temperatures and DEE of lizard populations
from different climates during mid-summer will benefit the northern lizard population assuming food
availability is sufficient.
How do lizards use behavior and physiology to inhabit different climate zones?
Author: Matthew R. McTernan
Masters Thesis – Published (June 2017) by Western Washington University

Rapid climatic change is expected to pose extreme ecological and physiological challenges on many
ectothermic vertebrates. Some ectothermic species are notable, however, for inhabiting wide geographic ranges
and variety of climate zones. Studying how exemplars among ectotherms can behaviorally and physiologically
accommodate differing temperature ranges should provide useful mechanistic perspectives on climate change
challenges for less accomplished ectotherms. The western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) is one such
exemplar, ranging from southern California to northern Washington. In Washington State, a single subspecies
of this lizard occupies strongly contrasting climate zones. Thus, the focus of this thesis was to determine how
this subspecies uses behavior and physiology to successfully inhabit these very different habitats within these
climate zones.
I chose to study Sceloporus occidentalis populations from the Sondino Ponds Unit in the Columbia
River Gorge (“CRG”; mean max air = 38.9°C), Goat Wall in the North Cascades (“GW”; mean max air =
33°C), and along the coastal shores of the Salish Sea just north of Marysville (“CS”; mean max air = 27.7°C).
In summer 2015 and 2016, to compare thermoregulatory capacity in the field among lizards at each of these
contrasting climate zones, I measured field-active body temperatures (field-active Tb) of lizards immediately
upon capture. To determine whether lizards may have needed to accept field-active Tb that were suboptimal —
presumably due to suboptimal thermal conditions — I compared the
distribution of a) field-active Tb among the three locales, and b) field-active Tb with preferred body
temperatures of alert-and-active lizards in the lab (lab Tb) where they were free to select precise body
temperatures in a thermal gradient.
To test for presence of temperature-dependent physiological differences among the three populations of
lizards, I used a flow-through respirometry system in lab to measure whole-animal resting metabolic rates
(RMR) — lizards with digesting and assimilating food in their guts — at three ecologically and physiologically
relevant body temperatures (20°C, 28°C, and 36°C), as well as standard metabolic rates (SMR) — lizards that
were fasted and empty of foodstuff at 28°C Tb. Lizards at the warmest locale, CRG, had significantly higher
field-active Tb than those at the cool coastal locale, CS (ANOVA, p=0.05; post hoc, p=0.045), but field-active
Tb of lizards at the high-elevation, northern population, GW, were not significantly different from those of
lizards at the other two locales. The distribution of field-active Tb of lizards from CRG skewed warmer than
lab Tb (t-tests comparing upper quartile, p<0.05), whereas field-active Tb of lizards from GW and CS skewed
cooler than those selected in lab (t-test comparing mid and lower quartiles, p<0.05). Lab Tb of lizards from
GW were significantly higher than lab Tb of lizards from CRG (ANOVA, p=0.02; post hoc p=0.025), whereas
lab Tb of CS lizards did not differ from those of lizards at the other two locales. At 20°C Tb and 36°C Tb,
RMRs of lizards from CRG and GW were similar, but RMRs and SMRs of lizards from these two inland sites
were significantly lower than the RMRs and SMRs of lizards from the cool coastal site, CS, at all body
temperatures (ANCOVAs, all p<0.05; post hoc all p<0.015). Furthermore, RMRs of lizards from CRG
measured in the late spring-to-early summer (when metabolism may be highest due to reproductive effort in
adult lizards) were still significantly lower at 28°C Tb and 36°C Tb when compared to RMR of lizards from CS
measured during the post-reproductive season in midsummer (t-tests, both p<0.05).
Sceloporus occidentalis in the field at all sites are able to thermoregulate within the preferred Tb range
of this species (34-36°C) during activity, in spite of the different climates these populations inhabit. Lizards
from CRG, however, may be forced by higher environmental temperatures to maintain field-active Tb near the
upper limit of their acceptable range of body temperatures. Furthermore, lizards along the coast may mitigate
the retarding effects of cooler environmental temperatures (and the resulting cooler Tb the lizards must accept
during inactivity) by elevating their temperature-dependent metabolism. Additionally, this RMR of lizards
from the coast may also serve to increase food energy assimilation and growth rates during a shorter activity
season than experienced by the inland populations. Thus, although lizards at each of these contrasting climate
zones could behaviorally thermoregulate within the acceptable range of field-active Tb during mid-summer,
physiological adjustment by increase in RMR — presumably related to increasing catabolism and anabolism of
foodstuffs — also occurred in lizards inhabiting CS, the coolest climate zone.
Resting metabolism comparisons among populations of a subspecies of lizard differing in climate and
vegetation types
Presenter – Matthew R. McTernan
Authors – Matthew R. McTernan, Sean D. Powers, Roger A. Anderson
15-minute Oral Presentation – 2017 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference

The geographic range of the Western Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidentalis covers 15° of latitude, nearly 1500
meters in elevation, and occupies a broad range of biomes. We asked whether physiological adaptation to local
conditions are necessary for success across such a large geographic range. On a smaller geographic scale, a
single subspecies of S. occidentalis comprises populations from three distinctly different climate zones in the
state of Washington: pine-oak woodland in the inland south, pine-fir forest in the North Cascades, and forest
edge along the Salish Sea coast. We hypothesized that lizards from the cool coastal locale would show elevated
metabolic rates relative to the other sites to accommodate the cooler daily temperatures and shorter activity
season. We compared the temperature-dependent resting metabolism at body temperatures of 20, 28 and 36°C
among the three populations, tentatively supporting our hypothesis.

Energetic consequences for thermophilic lizards near the northern edge of the species’ geographic range
in the northern hemisphere
Presenter – Sean D. Powers
Authors – Sean D. Powers, Matthew R. McTernan, Roger A. Anderson
15-minute Oral Presentation – 2017 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference

Lizard populations that live on the northern edge of their geographic range in the northern hemisphere encounter
greater environmental variation relative to populations near the core of their range. For example, daily and
seasonal activity lengths for northern populations are constrained by cooler environmental temperatures. It is
unclear how individuals in these northern populations are able to profit energetically and persist in these cool
climates. In this study, we investigated how individuals of Sceloporus occidentalis living in a cool, maritime
climate in Washington state could profit energetically enough to permit persistence of the population. We also
compared the energetics of these lizards to individuals from a warmer southern-and-inland population east of the
Cascade mountains. During summer, we found no difference in total daily activity time or daily energy
expenditure (DEE) between these populations. We also found no difference in field-active body temperatures
(Tb) (t1, 54 = 0.735, p = 0.466) or preferred Tb in the lab (t1,43 = 0.548, p = 0.587). Prey availability, however, was
82% higher for the northern population. Northern lizards also consumed more food energy (t1, 40 = 3.667,
p<0.001). Northern lizards were 15% heavier relative to body length than lizards from the warm inland habitat
(F1, 110 = 11.8, p<0.001). We infer that despite a shorter activity season for the coastal population and similar
etho-physiotypes (preferred Tb and DEE) between populations, the higher food availability and sufficient sunny
weather during the summer on the coast permits enough individual activity and production to allow the
persistence of the northern coastal population.

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