5 1
5 1
5 1
Tout Tin
24 o C 10 o C
11.63o C
T Ts 24 C 30 C
o o
ln out ln o
Tin Ts 10 C 30 C
The surface area, As, available for heat transfer is the wall area of the cylindrical tube.
8-29C Consider fully developed flow in a circular pipe with negligible entrance effects. If the
length of the pipe is doubled, the pressure drop will (a) double, (b) more than double, (c)
less than double, (d) reduce by half, or (e) remain constant. (This problem was not assigned
and was included here when the instructor misread 39 as 29.)
For fully developed flow in a pipe the pressure drop is proportional to the length. Thus if entrance
effects are negligible, the pressure drop in the entire pipe is proportional to length. So, if the pipe
length is doubled, the pressure drop will double.
8-39 Determine the convection heat transfer coefficient for the flow of (a) air and (b) water at a
velocity of 2 m/s in an 8-cm-diameter and 7-m-long tube when the tube is subjected to
uniform heat flux from all surfaces. Use fluid properties at 25oC.
We have to repeat the same calculations for both air and water. Starting with air we find the
following properties for air at 25oC from Table A-15: k = 0.02551 W/moC, = 1.562x10-5 m2/s,
and Pr = 0.7296. We start by computing the Reynolds number.
0.08 m
Re D s 1.0243x10 4
1.562 x10 5 m 2
This corresponds to turbulent flow. Using the rule of thumb that the entry length is 10 diameters
for turbulent flow gives an entry length of 10(0..08 m) = 0.8 m, which is only (0.8 m)/(7 m) =
April 11 homework solutions ME 375, L. S. Caretto, Spring 2007 Page 5
11.4% of the total tube length. For the accuracy of the correlation equations, we can assume that
the entire length is fully developed turbulent flow. (Using the equation that the entry length to
diameter ratio is 1.359Re1/4 given a slight larger entry length of 13.6 diameters.)
We can use the Gnielinski equation for the Nusselt number
f 8Re 1000Pr
1 12.7 f 8 Pr 2 3 1
Where we find the friction factor from the first Petukhov equation
1 1
f 4 0.0313
0.790 ln Re 1.64 0.790 ln 1.0243 x10 1.64
Substituting this friction factor and the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers found above into the
Nusselt number equation gives
We can now find the average heat transfer coefficient for air.
Repeating the calculations for water, we start by finding the properties of water at 25 oC from
Table A-9: : k = 0.607 W/moC, = 0.891x10-3 kg/ms, = 997 kg/m3, and Pr = 6.14; we first use
properties to find the Reynolds number.
997 kg 2 m
0.08 m
Re D m s 1.7904 x10 5
0.891x10 kg
Again, this is turbulent and the entry length of 10 diameters is small enough so that we can
neglect entry effects. We then repeat the calculations of friction factor, Nusselt number, and heat
transfer coefficient as done for air.
1 1
f 0.0160
0.790 ln Re 1.64 0.790 ln 1.7904 x10 1.64
f 8Re 1000Pr 0.0160 81.704 x10 5 10006.14 934.1
1 12.7 f 8 Pr 2 3 1 1 12.70.0160 8 6.14 2 3 1
12 12
We see that the heat transfer coefficient in water is over 700 times the heat transfer coefficient for
air. This is due to a combination of effects. The viscosity and density of water give a higher
Reynolds number for the same flow velocity and diameter. This, in combination with a higher
Prandtl number results in a higher Nusselt number. The effect of the larger Nusselt number is
magnified by the higher thermal conductivity of water.