Citadel The Guidon 2017-2018
Citadel The Guidon 2017-2018
Citadel The Guidon 2017-2018
2017 - 2018
I. Vision, Core Values, and Mission.........12
II. The Cadet System..................................18
III. College Organization.............................23
IV. History of The Citadel...........................26
V. The Corps of Cadets..............................37
VI. Customs and Traditions.........................52
VII. Campus Buildings and Monuments......62
VIII. Cadet Support Services.........................76
IX. Athletics................................................86
X. Cadet Activities and Organizations.......88
XI. Honors and Awards...............................99
XII. Required Fourth-Class Knowledge.....104
XIII. How to Succeed as a Knob..................114
XIV. Index....................................................137
A commitment to personal integrity is required,
and as you practice self-respect and respect for others,
you will gain the confidence associated with living
an honorable life. You will learn the value of taking
responsibility for your actions, and you will experience
the rewards of putting service before self. Once you
complete your education, you will leave The Citadel
armed with the knowledge and values necessary for
principled leadership.
John W. Rosa
Lieutenant General, USAF, (Retired)
Citadel Class of 1973
On behalf of the academic
community, I want to welcome
you and congratulate you on your
admission to The Citadel. As you
read through the pages of The
Guidon, you’ll find the story of this
great institution and the qualities of
its graduates, men and women who
at your age committed themselves
to a college experience like no
other. We seek the courageous and
the honorable student who leverages a Citadel education
to change the world.
connect history, language, literature, science, and math
to the complex problems in today’s world. Coupled with
character and ethics learned as principled leaders, they
transfer that knowledge to today’s pressing challenges
and complex world. Now more than ever, Citadel
graduates are needed to prosper democracy, to discover,
to innovate, to enterprise, and to safeguard and protect
order to achieve the necessary balance to excel in all four
pillars of The Citadel experience: character, academics,
military, and fitness. Throughout your Citadel experience,
you will be expected to not only meet the standards in all
four pillars, but to push yourself and exceed them.
Daily cadet life is governed by the rules and
regulations of the institution, and you will be responsible
for knowing, understanding, and following them. You
will be expected to always act responsibly and will be
held accountable for your actions as a member of the
Corps of Cadets. As a Fourth-Class cadet, your leadership
foundation will be established through the Fourth-Class
System which is designed to prepare you to become a
leader in the Corps of Cadets. Over a four year period,
you and your classmates will develop into the principled
leaders expected of Citadel graduates. You will earn the
right to wear 7he Citadel ring, the “band of gold” that
symbolizes your courage and commitment to travel a
path few choose and become a member of the “Long
Gray Line.”
Again, congratulations on your decision to attend
The Citadel and I wish you all the best.
E.F. Paluso
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
Commandant of Cadets
Citadel Class of 1989
I would like to sincerely congratulate
each one of you for accepting the challenge
of becoming a member of the South Carolina
Corps of Cadets (SCCC) and carrying on the
legacy of the Long Grey Line. You have taken
a crucial first step towards preparing yourself
for a successful military or civilian career.
The remainder of your steps throughout your
cadet career will not come easy. You must
seize the opportunities that are afforded to you
by this institution. Your job is to decide which
choices you will make, and which opportunities you will take advan-
tage of. In order for you to maximize your experience at The Citadel,
you must put forth your best effort in everything you do. Never think
that simply becoming a cadet will allow you to reap the benefits of a
valuable Citadel education without putting forth dedication.
Throughout your freshmen year, you will experience and
understand the true value of personal relationships and bonding with
your classmates. Some days, you will not find the motivation to do
everything you are called to do. Peer support will allow you to be
better than you thought you ever could be. In order to be an effective
leader, you must have the perspective and experience of someone
who has been at the bottom. These days will make you truly appreci-
ate some of the things you never realized were taken for granted.
Knob year will be unlike anything you have ever expe-
rienced. Some days may make you wish you never matriculated,
but through the support of your peers you will persevere through the
hardship and develop a deep appreciation for resiliency. You will
realize the immense sense of pride that flows through each Citadel
cadet and alumni. Sometimes only deep reflection will allow you to
see the beauty of your difficult experience, but at the end of the day
you will be extremely grateful and proud of the institution you chose
to attend.
Citadel men and women, from military officers to doctors,
lawyers, politicians and public servants, were in your shoes when
they first matriculated. Just like yours, their eyes were bright with
dreams of earning the Band of Gold and pursuing their passion upon
graduation. They accepted 7he Citadel challenge with open arms.
Throughout their experience, their attitudes were not always perfect.
They had ups and downs but emerged as Citadel leaders who could
wear the ring with pride that comes with the resiliency of sticking to
a dream even when it seems impossible. On these days, which we all
have, all I ask of you is to reflect on your motivation for choosing to
come to The Citadel. We all have different stories, but somewhere
deep in your heart there is a source of motivation that will keep you
going even through the toughest of days. It is this motivation that
will push you beyond your known limits, where you will realize that
your potential is limitless and that your mind will allow you to reach
beyond your current self. You are the future of this institution and
our great country, and it is up to you to continue strengthening and
improving our legacy.
Believe in yourself. All in all, take pride in your studies.
Your academics will allow you to pursue additional education or ex-
hibit expertise upon graduation. Go above and beyond your military
duties. Assume responsibilities, help others, lead your classmates,
and opportunities will come knocking at your door. Prioritize fitness.
Fitness is the all-encompassing factor that allows leaders to remain
self-confident, reflect upon successes and failures, and garner the re-
spect and admiration of others. Finally, and most importantly, stay
true to your character. The Citadel experience will offer a true chal-
lenge of your morality, but remain ethical in all you do. Never com-
promise your integrity, and work harder than you think you can. Do
not be afraid of pressure. Pressure makes diamonds, and you must
embrace the challenges with a positive mentality. Together, these
ideas will allow you to emerge as a Citadel alumnus who will gradu-
ate with the confidence and experience necessary to make a huge im-
pact in this world. Good luck with everything you do. It is your time
to create a legacy. You are the future of the SCCC. Congratulations,
and I look forward to working with you and seeing each of you prog-
ress this year.
Core Values
First and foremost, honor includes adherence to the
Honor Code of The Citadel. A cadet “will not lie, cheat
or steal, nor tolerate those who do.” The commitment
to honor extends beyond the gates of The Citadel and is
a life-long obligation to moral and ethical behavior. In
addition, honor includes integrity; “doing the right thing
when no one is watching.” Finally, honorable behavior
includes exercising the moral courage to “do the right
thing when everyone is watching.” The Honor Code is
the foundation of our academic enterprise
First and foremost duty means to accept and
accomplish the responsibilities assigned to me. At The
Citadel, my primary duty is to perform academically
and then to perform as a member of the Corps of Cadets
and the campus community. I accept the consequences
associated with my performance and actions. Once I have
held myself accountable for my actions, then I will hold
others accountable for their actions. Finally, duty means
that others can depend on me to complete my assignments
and to assist them with their assignments. Duty is also a
call to serve others before self
First and foremost respect means to treat other
people with dignity and worth – the way you want others
to treat you. Respect for others eliminates any form of
prejudice, discrimination, or harassment (including but
not limited to rank, position, age, race, color, gender,
sexual orientation, national origin, religion, physical
attributes, etc.). In addition, respect for others means to
respect the positions of those in authority which include
faculty, staff, administrators, active duty personnel and
the leadership of the Corps of Cadets. Finally, respect
includes a healthy respect for one’s self.
importance to society. It is equally important that Citadel
graduates are capable of both critical and creative
thinking, have effective communication skills, can apply
abstract concepts to concrete situations, and possess
the methodological skills needed to gather and analyze
Throughout its history, 7he Citadel’s primary purpose
has been to educate undergraduates as members of the
SCCC and prepare them for post-graduate positions of
leadership through academic programs of recognized
excellence supported by the best features of a military
environment. The cadet lifestyle provides a structured
environment that supports growth and development of
each student’s intellect, discipline, physical fitness, and
moral and ethical values. The four pillars which define
7he Citadel experience for cadets consist of these four
developmental dimensions.
A complementary purpose of The Citadel, realized
through The Citadel Graduate College, is to provide
the citizens of the Low Country and the State of South
Carolina opportunities for professional development
by offering a broad range of educational programs
of recognized excellence at both the graduate and
undergraduate levels. These programs are designed
to accommodate the needs of non-traditional students
seeking traditional and demanding academic challenges
Principled Leadership
Principled leadership is influencing others to
accomplish organizational goals while adhering to the
organization’s core values.
Key Behaviors of Principled Leaders
6. Acting and speaking with courage.
Engaging challenging situations proactively and
strongly by relying on values and convictions. Taking
risks that are reasonable in view of potential benefits,
particularly for innovation and creativity.
7. Creating trust that permits others to make and
learn from mistakes.
Creating an environment of trust and freedom
in which others can make and learn from mistakes.
Accepting and understanding others, to build trust and
healthy interpersonal relationships, and to bring out best
efforts of others; making reasonable efforts to avoid
rejecting or punishing others; not trying to get even.
8. Developing people and resources.
Taking responsibility for the value of people and
resources; stewarding them in the common interest
versus using them in one’s self-interest.
The Citadel System matures, refines, trains, and
schools the totality of one’s character. This finely balanced
process is called the “whole person” concept. During
four years as a cadet you will be developed academically,
physically, militarily, morally, and ethically through a
process more completely described in A Guide for the
Cadet Leader Development Program (LDP). This guide
is available on the website for the Krause Center for
Leadership & Ethics. The fourth-class system is part of
the “prepare” stage in this process.
The Blue Book, the White Book,
and other references
The Regulations of The Citadel are contained in
two books located on the college website under “Of-
fice of the Commandant.” The Blue Book and the White
Book can be found under “Cadet Regulations.” An in-
troduction, overview, and certification test of each book
will be given to all Cadet Recruits during the Fourth-
Class Training and Orientation Week. The Blue Book
covers the rules of cadet behavior. The White Book de-
tails Cadet Basic Skills, Cadet Operational Procedures,
and various Cadet Programs. All cadets are expected to
know how to access these references. It would be ben-
eficial for all incoming freshmen to review these publi-
cations prior to their arrival.
Sexual Harassment Defined
Sexual harassment is unwanted spoken, written,
visual, and/or physical sexual attention. It usually is
repeated behavior but it could be one serious incident.
It frequently is a display of power intended to demean,
embarrass, intimidate, and/or coerce a person, male or
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to:
• Unwanted requests or demands for sexual favors
• Sexual propositions
• Comments about a person’s sexual practices
• Lewd comments and/or sexual insults or innuendo
• Sexually explicit jokes
• Sexually demeaning words or names targeting a
specific gender (i.e., calling people body part names
or calling women derogatory names)
• Leering
• Unwanted touching, fondling, patting, pinching, or
• Blocking a person’s way
• Sexual graffiti
• Sexually explicit pictures and/or cartoons
• Sexually explicit notes or letters
Behaviors and language such as those described
above may be harassing when viewed and/or heard by
others, even if they are not the intended targets (e.g.
sexually explicit photos/video displayed on a computer
screen). Although individuals from both genders are
sexually harassed, women are most commonly targeted.
Sexual harassment also can occur between members of
the same gender.
Other Types of
Discrimination or Harassment
The Citadel expressly forbids discrimination by or
toward any person hired by, affiliated with, or a student
at the college because of race, color, religion, gender,
sexual orintation, or national origin. This includes peer-
on-peer harassment. Details on reporting cases of
discrimination or harassment can be found in the
Blue Book and in the “Policies and Procedures” page
of the Human Resources website. Cadets should
contact the Director of Cadet Advocacy, Response,
and Education (CARE) for issues involving sexual
harassment or dicrimination.
Board Of Visitors
The Board of Visitors (BOV), the college’s governing
body, is composed of eleven graduates of the college:
seven elected by joint vote of the South Carolina General
Assembly, three elected by alumni through The Citadel
Alumni Association and one appointed by the governor.
All members serve six-year terms. Additional information
regarding the BOV is available online at
Executive Staff
The executive staff is led by the president and is
composed of the vice presidents of the college. Further
information regarding the executive staff can be found
online at
Academic Department Heads
Early Years
The Citadel has a long history of preparing its
graduates to serve their country, both in civil and military
pursuits. The idea of “citizen-soldiers,” trained to take up
arms for their country in time of conflict but prepared to
serve with integrity and discipline in all walks of life, has
been central to its mission from its early years.
In December of 1822, following the discovery of
a slave revolt planned by Denmark Vesey, the South
Carolina state legislature passed “An Act to Establish
a Competent Force as a Municipal Guard for the
Protection of the City of Charleston and Vicinity.” The
original Citadel, intended to serve as an arsenal and
guardhouse, was constructed near the site of Charleston’s
Revolutionary War fortifications. Located just north of
Calhoun Street, it stood in a neighborhood of free blacks,
working-class whites, and slaves, where it provided a
visible reminder of city authority. It was initially intended
to house a municipal guard, but was instead guarded first
by United States troops and then, during and after the
Nullification Crisis in the early 1830s, by local troops.
In 1833, the legislature voted to consolidate
arms and munitions at two locations, The Citadel in
Charleston and the Arsenal in Columbia. In 1842, they
voted to replace the local guard with students. Half of
the students would pay tuition; the other half would be
“beneficiary cadets,” young men selected from among
the poorer residents of each county, whose tuition would
be paid by the state. Importantly, all cadets took the same
classes and performed the same duties, while uniforms
erased social distinctions and rank was based on merit
alone. The inclusion of cadets from all counties helped
unify the state politically, while the spaces available to
beneficiary cadets made The Citadel one of the only
places in the state where the sons of poorer citizens could
gain a college education.
In their curriculum and military training the schools
were modeled on the United States Military Academy
at West Point, Norwich (University), and the Virginia
Military Institute.
The first classes were taught in 1843. Two years later
The Citadel and Arsenal were combined, so that fourth-
class cadets (freshmen) attended classes at the Arsenal,
then transferred to 7he Citadel for their remaining three
years. From the beginning, The Citadel was known for
its high academic standards. Cadets were required to
take courses in history, literature, logic, French, moral
philosophy, and elocution, a liberal arts education that
would prepare them to serve as leaders in public life.
Many entered careers in law, medicine, and education.
They also studied the practical sciences, including
chemistry, physics, civil and military engineering,
mathematics, astronomy, geology, and surveying. Among
the school’s early alumni, E. L. Heriot, Class of 1847,
conducted the first railroad survey west and south of the
Rio Grande River, while T. J. Arnold, Class of 1852,
designed the harbor and wharves of San Francisco and
Oakland, California.
Students also studied infantry and artillery tactics,
and helped train the state’s Palmetto Regiment for service
in the Mexican-American War.
South Carolina Adjutant General authorized The Citadel
to carry the following battle and campaign streamers:
Star of the West, January 9, 1861
Wappoo Cut, November 1861
James Island, June 1862
Charleston and Vicinity, July to October 1863
James Island, June 1864
Tulifinny, December 1864
James Island, December 1864 to February 1865
Williamston, May 1865
The college remained in operation throughout much
of the war, and cadets were eligible for commissions in
the state’s military upon graduation. Of the 224 graduates
living at the time of the Civil War, 209 entered the
Confederate service. Four graduates achieved the rank
of Brigadier General: Johnson Hagood, Ellison Capers,
Evander Law and Micah Jenkins. Citadel graduates were
involved in the major battles of the war, including Fort
Sumter, First Manassas, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Antietam,
Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Atlanta, and Petersburg.
The Arsenal Academy burned during the fall of
Columbia in 1865 and never reopened. The Citadel was
occupied by federal troops when Union forces entered
Charleston in early 1865. After the end of Reconstruction
Citadel alumni, who had organized the Association of
Graduates in 1852, pressured the legislature to reopen
the school. Although many legislators questioned the
need for a state-supported military college in the absence
of munitions to guard, the support of alumni and the
Washington Light Infantry, as well as the school’s
renewed commitment to educating beneficiary cadets,
ultimately saved the institution. It reopened in 1882.
Military Service
Citadel alumni have served in all major military
actions in which the United States has been involved
since the late nineteenth century. Seventeen graduates
served with volunteer regiments and five alumni served
with the Regular Army in the Spanish-American War
in 1898. The National Defense Act of 1916 began the
formation of Reserve Officers Training Corps in U.S.
colleges and offered the opportunity for recent graduates
to enter the Regular Army. 315 Citadel graduates served
in World War I; of the class of 1917, all 33 entered
military service.
During World War II, The Citadel had the distinction
of having the highest percentage of its students enter the
military service of any college, with the exception of the
service academies. Of 2,976 living graduates in 1946,
2,927 had served their country. Before the end of the war,
279 Citadel men had given their lives. Citadel graduates
participated in all major campaigns of World War II,
from Pearl Harbor through the major engagements in
the European, North African, and Pacific Theaters, and
at sea. A number of Citadel graduates fought in the
Philippines and endured the Bataan Death March. The
Citadel also provided wartime training to over 10,000
men under a contract with the War Department.
In the Korean War, roughly 1500 alumni were on
active duty, and 31 graduates were killed in action.
Sixty-five Citadel men gave their lives in Vietnam,
and several graduates were prisoners of war in North
Vietnam. Graduates also displayed their valor in the
liberation of Grenada and peacekeeping operations
in Beirut, Lebanon, and in the Balkans. During the
Persian Gulf War 22 cadets served with Reserve and
National Guard units; alumni served in both the Active
and Reserve components of the Armed Forces. Citadel
alumni, veteran students, and current cadets assigned
to activated Reserve and National Guard units have
served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. At the time of this
printing 18 Citadel graduates have given their lives for
their country in the ongoing War on Terror.
Citadel Expansion
The Corps of Cadets has grown from 43 students
enrolled at the Arsenal and Citadel in 1843 to 2,174
in 2017. With 39 percent of the Corps now coming
from out of state, and a student body that represents 27
different countries, the college draws students from a
wide range of backgrounds and experiences.
The Citadel has attracted international students
since the 1920s, when Chinese students entered as
cadets, sponsored by the Boxer Indemnity Fund. Most
went on to serve in the Chinese Army, several achieving
the rank of Brigadier General. The Chinese cadets
were followed by groups of students from Thailand in
the 1960s, Iran in the 1970s, and Jordan in the 1970s
and 1980s. Connections forged during international
students’ college years could grow into lifelong bridges:
Charles G. Huie later returned to the U.S. to conduct
research as an engineer with the U.S. Army; Andrew
Chinn became a business owner in the U.S.
The first African-American cadet, Charles D.
Foster, entered 7he Citadel in 1966, three years after
South Carolina began integrating its public colleges and
universities. He graduated in 1970, followed by Joseph
Shine in 1971; six African-American students graduated
in 1973. African-American students were often targeted
with racial slurs and threats of racial violence. At the
same time, the unique culture of the Corps of Cadets,
and particularly the shared experience of the fourth-
class system, helped promote integration across racial
lines. Today, black and African-American students
make up 8.9% of the Corps of Cadets, and 22.9% of the
Corps are minorities.
Women began attending The Citadel in 1949 as
part of the summer school program, and were admitted
to evening classes in 1966. In 1995, Shannon Faulkner,
through court orders, became the first woman to
matriculate into the Corps of Cadets. She resigned a few
days later, but the next year, following a United States
Supreme Court ruling on a similar case involving the
Virginia Military Institute, 7he Citadel Board of Visitors
voted to revoke the male-only admissions policy of the
Corps of Cadets.
In August of 1996, four females matriculated with
the class of 2000. Two of these resigned amid allegations
of hazing and harassment. The lawsuits and negative
publicity associated with this incident marked a difficult
time for the reputation and image of The Citadel and
its alumni. Nancy Mace received her degree three years
later, becoming the first female graduate of the Corps
of Cadets. She was followed by Petra Lovetinska, who
became the first female cadet to receive a commission
in the U.S. Armed Forces. Today, women make up 7.6%
of the Corps of Cadets. Women and minorities are an
integral part of the Corps, many occupying key positions
in the cadet chain-of-command, varsity athletics, and
campus organizations. They also form an important
part of The Citadel’s strong alumni network and have
served on 7he Citadel Board of Visitors.
Veteran students, too, have become important
contributors to 7he Citadel’s academic life. Veterans
were first admitted as civilian students under the GI Bill
at the end of World War II; the current veterans program
was established in 2007 and 68 veterans are currently
enrolled as day students.
In 1968, The Citadel began granting graduate
degrees through an evening program. The program
grew until 1994, when7he Citadel Board of Visitors
approved the foundation of the College of Graduate
and Professional Studies (now known asWhe Citadel
Graduate College, or CGC). A coeducational institution
from its conception, the CGC is now a mainstay of The
Citadel’s academic environment, offering 26 graduate
degree programs and 24 graduate certificate programs.
The Citadel’s growth has led to the need for an
ever-larger physical campus. By the end of World War I,
the school had outgrown its location on Marion Square
and the City of Charleston donated land, previously the
site of the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian
Exposition, for a new campus. The current campus
opened in 1922 with Padgett-Thomas Barracks, an
infirmary, two wings of Bond Hall, and other auxiliary
buildings. State- and federally funded building projects
during the Depression included Summerall Chapel and
the distinctive Works Progress Administration faculty
houses. The college continues to expand as it serves a
growing student body.
Leading the Community and the World
In addition to a long history of military service,
the school’s citizen-soldier ideal prepares graduates
for service and leadership in civil capacities. Alumni
have gone on to pursue distinguished careers in
areas including law, politics, medicine, engineering,
education, business, and law enforcement. Ernest F.
Hollings, Class of 1942, served as South Carolina
Governor and United States Senator. Joseph P. Riley,
Jr., Class of 1964, served ten consecutive terms as
mayor of Charleston, overseeing a number of ambitious
development projects. Alvah H. Chapman, Class of
1942, headed the influential Knight Ridder newspaper
chain, while author Pat Conroy graduated in the Class
of 1967. The Citadel and its graduates have also been
active in world affairs. In addition to serving as Governor
of South Carolina, John C. West, Class of 1942, served
as U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, while Langhorne
A. Motley, Class of 1960, served as U.S. Ambassador
to Brazil and as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin
American Affairs.
Today’s Citadel builds on this distinguished
legacy, preparing students to lead with integrity in an
increasingly interconnected world. Through a growing
study abroad program, students develop language skills
and gain experience working with a range of cultures
and countries. The current honor system, re-instituted
in 1955, enshrines the integrity of students and alumni
as a cornerstone of The Citadel’s values. During their
academic careers and beyond, Citadel men and women
put into practice the core values and principles of the
Superintendents/Presidents of The Citadel
Major Richard W. Colcock, USA, 1844-1852
Major Francis W. Capers, CSA, 1852-1859
Major Peter F. Stevens, CSA, 1859-1861
Major James B. White, CSA, 1861-1865
Colonel John P. Thomas, CSA, Class of 1851, 1882-1885
Brigadier General George D. Johnson, CSA, 1885-1890
Colonel Asbury Coward, CSA, Class of 1854, 1890-1908
Colonel Oliver J. Bond, SCM, Class of 1886, 1908-1931
General Charles P. Summerall, USA, Ret. 1931-1953
General Mark W. Clark, USA, Ret. 1954-1965
General Hugh P. Harris, USA, Ret. 1965-1970
Major General James W. Duckett, SCM, Class of 1932, 1970-
Lieutenant General George M. Seignious II, USA, Ret., Class of
1942, 1974-1979
Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale, USN, Ret. 1979-1980
Major General James A. Grimsley, Jr., USA, Ret., Class of 1942,
Lieutenant General Claudius E. Watts III, USAF, Ret., Class of
1958, 1989-1996
Major General John S. Grinalds, USMC, Ret., 1997-2005
Lieutenant General John W. Rosa, USAF, Ret., Class of 1973,
Organization of the Corps of Cadets
The SCCC constitutes a regiment (REGT). It
is commanded by a Cadet Colonel with the direct
supervision and advice of the Commandant and the TACs.
Under the Cadet Colonel’s control are the Regimental
Band, and five battalions (BN). Each battalion is, in turn,
commanded by a Cadet Lieutenant Colonel who is in
charge of one of the five barracks in which the cadets are
billeted. The Companies (CO) housed in each battalion
are commanded by a Cadet Captain. The Company is the
basic administrative unit to which the new cadet will be
assigned. Each Company is divided into three platoons,
each one under the supervision of a Cadet Second
Lieutenant. The platoons are further subdivided into
three squads headed by a Cadet Sergeant. The squads are
the smallest units within the Corps.
The Uniform
The Citadel uniform is symbolic of an institution that
has maintained an enviable standing in the military and
scholastic circles around the nation. Fourth-class cadets
will immediately be taught that it is a privilege to wear
the uniform and that it must be worn properly at all times.
Badges, ribbons, and medals are awarded to
cadets of The Citadel as symbols of acknowledgment
for individual or unit achievement. Badges and medals
are worn on the full dress uniform. Ribbons and badges
are worn on the dress, or summer leave uniforms. For
a complete list of uniforms, badges, ribbons, and
medals and their proper positions on uniforms, see
chapter 7 of the White Book.
Cadet Rank Insignia
NOTE: The collar insignia is worn on the right collar of the duty uni-
form. A cadet rank patch will be worn on the rank tab centered on the
ACU blouse. RG Staff insignia is worn on both collars. BN Staff
rank is worn on the sleeve of both the dress and full dress uniform.
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Fourth Class Cadets are required to know all rank
insignias and must know by name their own chain of command, e.g. only
their Squad Corporal, Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Platoon Leader,
First Sergeant, Supply Sergeant, CO Executive Officer (XO), CO Com-
mander (CDR), BN Command Sergeant Major (CSM), BN XO, BN CDR,
REGT Command Sergeant Major (RCSM), REGT XO, and REGT CDR.
The customs of the Corps are the outward
manifestations of its inherent character. The strict
observance of these customs has for its objective the
perpetuation of the corps’ pride, spirit, and morale.
branch, and she is looking toward the sun just rising
above the sea. The words Dum Spiro Spero meaning
“While I Breathe I Hope,” are inscribed at the summit of
the shield and Spes, meaning “Hope,” is inscribed within
the field below the figure. At the bottom of the device is
the year The Citadel was founded, 1842.
On the right shank of the ring,
the star commemorates the shelling
of the Union supply steamer “The
Star of the West” and memorializes
all those Citadel cadets and graduates
who have died in defense of their
country. The United States and South
Carolina colors depict the unity and
coordination between South Carolina
and the federal government. Outside the old Citadel on
Marion Square was a stack of cannon balls. To serve as
a link between the old Citadel and the Greater Citadel, as
well as representing the artillery, one of the two original
courses of military instruction, as stack of cannon balls is
located on the bottom of the shank. Adopted as a part of
7he Citadel ring, they bind the new college with the spirit
and tradition of the old.
On the left shank of the ring are a rifle, saber, wreath,
and a 30-caliber bullet. Upon closer
observation, an oak leaf is seen in the
background of the muzzle of the rifle,
and by the tip of the sword is a spray
of laurel. Although difficult to discern,
the oak leaf is one of the most powerful
motifs of the ring; it stands for the oak
tree and its characteristic attributes
of strength and endurance. Of equal
importance in a world torn by perpetual military conflicts
the concept of victory blessed by peace, represented by
the laurel and the wreath respectively. By means of these
symbols, the ideals and concepts upon which The Citadel
was founded and has endured are presented artistically.
The rifle and 30-caliber bullet symbolize the infantry,
the other original department of military science at the
college. Since duty and responsibility have their reward
at The Citadel, that of being appointed a cadet officer in
the first-class year, these ideals, too, are embodied in the
ring by the sword, the symbol of the cadet officer.
An interesting tradition that has evolved in
connection with the ring is the different manner in
which cadets as distinguished from alumni wear it.
Since cadets are eligible to wear rings upon becoming
academic first-class cadets, they wear them with the class
numerals facing toward the wearer. After graduation
exercises, however, the rings are turned about. In 1940,
the Ring Committees of the classes of 1940, 41, and 42
standardized The Citadel ring and approved by those
classes. Standardization brings two distinct advantages.
First, it makes The Citadel ring easy to recognize, since
all graduating classes wear the same type of ring, and
secondly, it denotes not a member of a certain class, but
a Citadel graduate.
Battle Streamers
The Adjutant General of South Carolina in
General Order No. 3, dated October 26, 1942 noted
that “the Corps of Cadets…during the years 1861
- 65, organized as “THE BATTALION OF STATE
CADETS”, rendered honorable and meritorious service
to the State of South Carolina.” In recognition, The
Adjutant General authorizes and entitles The Citadel to
carry on its colors a gray streamer embroidered in silver
bearing the inscription “Confederate States Army” and
a gray streamer embroidered in blue for the each of the
following engagements.
Garrison Flag, 38 feet X 20 feet -- used for holidays
and specified important occasions.
Post Flag, 17 feet X 9 feet -- for general use.
Storm Flag, 9 feet X 5 feet -- used for stormy or
windy weather.
The regiment carries three flags known respectively
as the national, state, and regimental colors or standards.
Each battalion carries a red battalion flag. Guidons are
blue, swallowtail flags carried by each company with the
letters “SCCC” and company letter on each. The only
exception is the Palmetto Battery Guidon, which is red
with the Artillery Branch symbol.
Since 1989, it has replaced the Confederate Naval
Jack that the cadets once waved at sporting events. You
can also see “Big Red” flying daily near the center of The
Citadel campus at the north end of the parade ground. A
Civil War-era red palmetto flag - believed by some to be
the actual flag that flew over Fort Morris when cadets fired
upon the Star of the West - was unveiled in a ceremony
during the 2010 Corps Day weekend. It is currently on
loan from the Iowa Historical Society resides in The
Holliday Alumni Center.
The Salute
The salute is an honorable and well-respected
greeting between members of the military services of
this nation and our allies. During the early phases of your
cadet training, you will receive detailed instructions on
how, when, where, and whom to salute. This will include
both the hand, rifle, and guidon (company ensign) salute.
As general guidelines, the following rules, according to
Army Training Circular 3-21.5, in most cases apply
1. Salute all commissioned and warrant officers, as
well as officers of friendly foreign nations. The Salute
will be rendered whether on or off campus.
2. The junior-in-rank always salutes first, and the
senior-in-rank returns it.
3. In addition to the above, you will salute:
a. Recipients of the Congressional Medal of
b. When the U.S. National Anthem, “Taps”
(at funerals), “To the Colors,” “Ruffles and Flourishes,”
“Hail to the Chief,” or foreign national anthems are
played. If driving in a vehicle, come to a halt and remain
seated until the above music is completed.
c. The American Flag (national colors) when
uncased and carried in parades or ceremonies.
d. When reporting to an officer indoors.
e. At “Reveille” and “Retreat” formations
during the raising or lowering of the flag.
f. In formations, salute only when directed by
the person-in-charge.
g. All officers in vehicles.
Personal honors and salutes are as follows:
•President/21/National Anthem
•Former President/ 21/March
• Chief Magistrate or sovereign of a foreign country/
21/His or Her National Anthem
• Member of Royal Family/21/His or Her National
• Vice-President /19/March
• Ambassador /19/March
• Secretary of Defense /19/March
• General of the Army, Fleet Admiral, General of the
Air Force /19/General’s March
Capers Hall is named in honor of two brothers:
Brigadier General Ellison Capers, C.S.A., Citadel, Class of
1857 and former Chancellor of the University of the South,
and Major Francis W. Capers, Superintendent of The Citadel
from 1852 to 1859. It houses classrooms, and offices for
English (including Fine Art), Mathematics, History, Modern
Languages, Political Science, Education, Criminal Justice,
and Psychology Departments. Cadet artwork is exhibited
throughout the building. The south wing of Capers Hall was
dedicated to the memory of Mr. Rodney Williams at the
request of his wife, a prominent Citadel benefactress.
Career Center is located at the corner of Hagood
Avenue and Huger Street, just outside the Hagood Gate.
The Career Center provides educational materials,
resources, and support to help students identify career
interests, perfect their resume writing and interview skills,
research graduate school options, and develop professional
Coward Hall was opened in 1991, and is named
for Colonel Asbury Coward, C.S.A., Class of 1854. It is
located behind Padgett-Thomas Barracks and overlooks
the Ashley River. Additional dining rooms plus rehearsal
rooms for the Band, Bagpipes, and Chorale are located on
the second floor.
Daniel Library was constructed in 1960, and is
named in honor of the late Charles E. Daniel, Class of
1918, and the late R. Hugh Daniel, Class of 1929; both
were lifelong benefactors of the college. It provides access
to study rooms, Learning and Study Spaces, computing
stations, The Citadel Makerspace, and a collection of over
180,000 print materials. The Library’s third floor houses
The Citadel Archives and The Citadel Museum.
Duckett Hall is named for Major General James
W. Duckett, Class of 1932, president of The Citadel
from 1970-1974, and provides modern classrooms,
laboratories, and offices for the Biology Department.
The building is three stories high, with a greenhouse
and an animal house on the roof.
Grimsley Hall, which replaced Alumni Hall
in 1991, is named in honor of Maj. Gen. James A.
Grimsley, Jr., Class of 1942 and the 16th president of The
Citadel. The building is situated facing the north side of
Summerall Field. Grimsley Hall houses both the Physics
and Electrical Engineering Departments, Copeland
Auditorium, a large theater-auditorium, computer room,
and extensive laboratories. Grimsley Hall provides a
modern and complete educational environment among
the best available in the Southeast.
The Holliday Alumni Center is named in honor of
John M.J. Holliday, Class of 1936 who served on the Board
of Visitors for more than 30 years. The Holliday Alumni
Center houses alumni and fund-raising organizations for
The Citadel as well as a visitor’s center, catering kitchen,
banquet hall, and two courtyards. Each graduating class
will have their senior dinner in the Courvoisie Banquet
Hall and be introduced to the Alumni Network. The hall
is named for Lieutenant Colonel T. Nugent Courvoisie
(also known as “The Boo”), Class of 1938, who served
as Assistant Commandant from 1961-1968. The Alumni
Center also houses The Citadel Foundation, a nonprofit
organization created to secure, manage, and steward
philanthropic support for the college.
Jenkins Hall, which is situated next to Thompson
Hall, is named for Brigadier General Micah Jenkins,
C.S.A., Class of 1854, who founded King’s Mountain
Military School in Yorkville, South Carolina. Jenkins
Hall houses the Departments of Aerospace Studies,
Military Science, and Naval Science, the offices
for Air Force, Army, Marine and Navy ROTC, the
Commandant’s office, classrooms and supply rooms. In
addition, the Cadet Corps’ arms room is in Jenkins Hall.
LeTellier Hall was constructed in 1937 and is
named for Colonel Louis Shepherd LeTellier who became
acting president of The Citadel after General Charles P.
Summerall retired in 1953. Colonel LeTellier held the
office of president until replaced by General Mark Clark in
1954. This building is home to all the offices, classrooms,
and laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department. In
addition to state of the art equipment, one of the largest
hydraulic testing machines in the South has been installed
in the laboratories.
Mark Clark Hall was built in 1957 and is named for
General Mark W. Clark. The building houses The Citadel
Bookstore, a reception room, barber shop, and post office
on the first floor. The Department of Cadet Activities
and Buyer Auditorium are located on the second floor.
Also on the second floor are the Fourth-Class Lounge,
the Greater Issues Room (Room 230) and Room 228, a
smaller meeting room. The third floor of the building has
a Catholic chapel, the office of the Catholic Chaplain, the
office of the Episcopal Chaplain, the Honor Courtroom,
and quarters for distinguished guests of The Citadel.
The Mary B. Murray Memorial Infirmary is
named for the wife of Mr. A.B. Murray, who donated funds
for the construction of the Infirmary. It was completed in
1922, and contains several clinics, along with pharmacy
and X-Ray facilities. The Infirmary staff includes a full-
time primary care physician, a part-time orthopedic/
sports medicine physician, a full-time nurse practitioner,
plus nursing staff to provide 24 hour coverage.
Summerall Chapel, erected during 1936-1937, is
Cruciform in its design. The Chapel is a sanctuary for
worship and a shrine to patriotism, and remembrance.
Since it is entirely nonsectarian, Summerall Chapel belongs
to no particular denomination. After the completion of the
Chapel, each of the classes (up through the Class of 1945)
had the opportunity to purchase a window as a lasting
memorial to its members. The chancel window, located
behind the altar, was dedicated in 1942 as a memorial to
all Citadel cadets and graduates who have given their lives
in their country’s cause.
The facade and transept windows are made up of a
number of units or “medallions,” provided by families or
friends of the men they commemorate. Only Citadel cadets
along with a few distinguished faculty and staff are so
honored. The design of each of these medallions represents
symbolically the person it commemorates. Located around
the interior walls of the Chapel are state and territorial flags.
The Eternal Flame above the main altar also memorializes
The Citadel’s patriot dead. St. Alban’s Episcopal Chapel is
located in the north transept.
The inscription across the front of Summerall Chapel
reading “Remember Now Thy Creator in the Days of
Thy Youth” summarizes the spiritual atmosphere at The
Citadel. The office of the Chaplain to the Corps is located
in the rear of the chapel.
The Thomas Dry Howie Memorial Carillon And
Tower were donated to The Citadel by two alumni,
Charles E. Daniel, Class of 1918, and R. Hugh Daniel,
Class of 1929, in tribute to their friend, Major Thomas
Dry Howie, Class of 1929. The Citadel carillon is one
of the largest Dutch bell installations in the Western
Hemisphere. It was cast in the famous Royal Bergen
Bellfoundries at Heiligerlee, The Netherlands. The 59
bells, totaling 30,300 pounds in weight, vary in size from
25 pounds to the 4,400 pounds of the great Bourdon, as
the lowest bass bell is called. A carillon is a set of bronze
bells attuned to intervals of the chromatic scale with a
possible range of seven octaves. The bells are hung in
a stationary position and can be played from a concert
keyboard of two manuals. The carillon is equipped with
a Westminister chime to strike every quarter-hour. The
Bell Tower is 90 feet high, topping the Chapel by 35 feet.
Thompson Hall is named for Hugh S. Thompson,
Class of 1865, twice Governor of South Carolina, Assistant
Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, and the Commissioner of
the U.S. Civil Service. It houses The Citadel Academic
Support Center, the Office of Multicultural Student
Services and International Studies, the Cadet Advocacy,
Response, and Education Office, and the Department of
Math and Computer Science.
Athletic Facilities
Altman Athletic Center, adjacent to Johnson
Hagood Stadium, was dedicated in October 2001 and
made possible by a gift from the Altman family in
memory of LTC William M. Altman, Jr., Class of 1931.
The first floor provides home and visiting team locker
rooms along with additional facilities for officials. The
second floor features custom hospitality space that
overlooks Johnson Hagood Stadium from the south
end zone.
College Park was leased from the City in 1966,
and served as home to The Citadel baseball team for
over a quarter century until the opening of Riley Park in
1997. College Park now serves as a practice facility for
the baseball team.
Deas Hall, built in 1976 and renovated in 2003,
is named for Colonel A. ‘Happy’ Deas, Jr., Class of
1938. The offices, classrooms, and laboratories of the
Department of Health, Exercise, and Sport Science are
located in this building. Deas Hall also houses facilities
used by Intramural, Club, and Recreational Athletics.
Facilities include an 8-lane, 25-meter swimming pool,
basketball/multipurpose gymnasium, racquetball/
handball courts, mat room, two weight rooms, cardio
fitness area, sports equipment room, showers, and a
locker for each member of the Corps. Fourth-class cadets
may use all of the building’s athletic facilities.
Johnson Hagood Stadium is named for Brigadier
General Johnson Hagood, Class of 1847, who was chair
of the Board of Visitors from 1877 to 1898. Originally
finished in 1948, and renovated in 2008, it has a seating
capacity of 21,000. All home football games are played in
this stadium, in which the Corps of Cadets has a special
seating section.
Mascot Monument- A long line of bulldogs have
served The Citadel as mascots. There is a memorial
to their service located at left side of Johnson Hagood
Stadium on Hagood Avenue. The Class of 1968 “Big
Dog” monument is located nearby.
McAlister Field House, originally constructed in
1939, contains the offices of the Athletic Director and
staff. Formerly known as The Citadel Armory, it is named
for Colonel David S. McAlister, Class of 1924, on March
16, 1973. Its three basketball courts provide facilities for
The Citadel’s basketball program.
Riley Park is a 6,000 seat state-of-the-art facility
named for the Honorable Joseph P. Riley, Class of 1964,
Mayor of Charleston. The Citadel plays all of its home
baseball games in this park, located just off the campus.
The Citadel shares the facility with the Charleston
Riverdogs Baseball Team, the Class A affiliate of the
New York Yankees.
Seignious Hall, dedicated in 1982, is named for
Lieutenant General George M. Seignious II, Class of
1942, who served as president of the college from 1974-
1979. Housed in this modern structure are offices for
the football coaching staff, weight-lifting and workout
equipment, and a conference room. There is also
sophisticated hydrotherapy equipment, a team meeting
room, and other modern athletic devices.
Vandiver Hall was dedicated in 1991 and is named
for Colonel Thomas C. Vandiver, Class of 1929. Colonel
Vandiver served on the Board of Visitors for 33 years
and received an honorary Doctor of Law degree in 1979,
followed by the Palmetto Award in 1986. The building
is situated between Seignious Hall and McAlister Field
House. The first floor provides dressing rooms for The
Citadel soccer, wrestling, track/cross country, and golf
teams as well as offices for the coaches. Also on the first
floor are shower facilities, locker rooms for women’s
athletic teams, and a conference room. The second floor
holds a wrestling practice area, a golf practice area, and a
batting area for the baseball team.
The Citadel Boating Center, originally The Citadel
Yacht Club, has been in existence since the 1920’s.
The Boating Center has a small fleet of power and
sailboats that are available for use by Citadel Cadets and
Graduate Students, faculty and staff and their qualifying
dependents who have passed the South Carolina Basic
Boating Course and The Citadel Boating Safety Boating
Cadet Barracks
There are five large barracks used to house the Corps
of Cadets. Barracks and room assignments are based on the
Company and Battalion to which each cadet is assigned.
Murray Barracks (1st BN) was built in 1999, and
named for Andrew B. Murray, who donated the money to
build the original Murray Barracks (1926). The original
barracks stood on the same site and was demolished in
1997, making way for the current building which houses
first battalion.
Padgett-Thomas Barracks (2nd BN) occupied the
space between Murray and Law Barracks. The original
barracks was completed in 1922, and was replaced and
reopened in 2004. It was named for Colonel J. G. Padgett,
a member of the Board of Visitors and an 1892 graduate,
and for Colonel John Pulaski Thomas, Class of 1893,
member of the Board of Visitors from 1915-1949, and
its chair from 1925-1949. The building, which served as
a model for all the barracks, is designed so that the center
is a pared quadrangle onto which each room opens, and
in each of the four corners is a spiral stairway. Adjacent
to the east sally port is the guard room. The dominant
feature of the barracks is the tower that overlooks the
parade ground to the east.
Other Monuments
On the parade ground, there are monuments
dedicated to each of the four services. They are a
Marine Landing craft (LVT-H-6); an Army Sherman
Tank (M4A3); an Army missile (Corporal); an Air Force
Jet (F4-C Phantom II), flown by Lt. Gen. Ellie “Buck”
Schuler, Class of 1959, USAF (Ret.), during the war in
Vietnam; an AH-1 Cobra helicopter, and; a Navy anchor
from the U.S.S. Coral Sea. A United States Coast Guard
bell serves as a monument to Citadel cadets and graduates
who have lost their lives upon the sea.
Along the Avenue of Remembrance and on
Summerall Field (parade ground), memorial trees honor
the memory of individual Citadel graduates. A small
plaque by each tree gives the name of each graduate so
Memorial plaques on Summerall Chapel list the
names of all graduates killed in action in each war from
the Civil War to the present.
TAC Officers and NCOs - Each company and
battalion is assigned an experienced military officer or
non-commissioned officer as a “TAC.” These personnel
“teach, advise, and coach” cadets as they develop as
principled leaders, and are the primary integrators of a
cadet’s leadership development. They also perform a
series of functions to connect cadets to the resources
they need to be successful.
as well as other issues; and providing an opportunity for
cadets, (especially freshmen) to understand academic
policies and guidelines as well as academic and college
resources. Also, these officers coordinate job functions/
duties with the TACs through email or frequent meetings.
Finally with considerable autonomy, the Academic Officer
reports to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and is
relied upon to exercise independent judgment when making
decisions and to maintain confidentiality.
The Campus Alcohol and Drug Information
Center (CADIC) supports the health and safety of knobs
by providing best practice alcohol, tobacco and other
drug prevention services. Whether or not you drink or
use drugs, CADIC can help you make well-informed
CHOICES and provide simple strategies to help keep
you and your friends safe during your college years and
beyond. For additional information, visit the CADIC web
page at or visit CADIC
in Mark Clark Hall, room 217.
The Mission of The Krause Center for Leadership
and Ethics is to integrate and advance The Citadel’s
programs to educate and develop principled leaders.
The Krause Center delivers Leadership (LDRS) courses
in support of the Four-Year Academic Leadership
Curriculum, leads the Service Learning and Civic
Engagement program, and executes The Citadel’s Annual
Leadership Day and The Annual Principled Leadership
Symposium. The Krause Center also introduces each
freshman cadet to the Leadership Development Program
in LDRS 111, the first course in the Provost’s Leadership
Curriculum that provides a process to analyze and resolve
ethical dilemmas. This course provides the foundation
for LDRS courses during the sophomore, junior, and
senior years. For more information go to http://www.
The Library provides access to print and electronic
resources, research help, study rooms, quiet spaces,
desktop and laptop computers, printing, faxing,
scanning services, and more. The Citadel Archives
and The Citadel Museum are located on the Library’s
third floor. Visit or call 843-953-
2569 to chat with a librarian, reserve a study room, or
find resources for an assignment.
Bulldog Alert is The Citadel’s Emergency
Notification System. This communication tool provides
for rapid notification through text messaging, phone
call/voice mail or email — or a combination of those
— indicating a campus crisis or emergency. Cadets can
enter their information for Bulldog Alert by logging
into Lesesne Gateway and navigating to the Student
Tab to update their personal information. For those who
register to receive text messages from Bulldog Alert,
please note that your cell phone provider may require
you to accept the message and agree to any cost charged
by your cell provider.
Additional Cadet Services
Department are available to all Cadets, Faculty/Staff
members, and visitors. The Dry Cleaning Department
cleans and presses all uniform items as well as casual
attire. For more information call us at 843-953-WASH
(9274) or visit our website at
The Canteen, also known as the Munnerlyn Snack
Bar, is located at the north end of Mark Clark Hall on
the corner of the Avenue of Remembrance and Jenkins
Avenue. There is a full breakfast menu, lunch options, a
coffee bar, and a F’real milkshake bar. Fourth class cadets
are allowed in the Knob Alley section anytime except
during formations, drill periods, meals, and evening
study periods.
The Citadel provides opportunities for all students
to participate in sports. Cadets who take advantage of
these opportunities enhance their education in the physical
effectiveness and character development pillars.
Varsity athletics
The Citadel offers 16 varsity teams (9 for Men and 7 for
Women) that compete in NCAA Division I and are members of
the Southern Conference (SoCon). We also offer Cheerleading
as a quality club level program that supports our varsity teams.
Varsity Athletes are often referred to as Corps Squad.
Men’s Sports Women’s Sports
Baseball Cross Country
Basketball Golf
Cross Country Rifle
Football Soccer
Rifle *Track and Field
Tennis Volleyball
*Track and Field
Quick Facts
School Colors: Blue and White
Mascot: Spike
Living Mascots (2): “Boo” and “The General”
Nickname: Bulldogs
Intramural, Club and Recreational
athletics (ICRA)
Apart from the military and educational duties that
cadets must participate in daily, extracurricular activities
and organizations exist to suit the needs of every cadet.
Although some of these organizations are reserved for
upper-class cadets, others for those with high grade-
point averages, and others for those with specific majors,
there is a multitude of activities that the new cadet
may participate in to diversify and enrich each cadet’s
experience at The Citadel.
Major Weekends
Parents’ Day is held in October. This weekend
marks the end of the freshman Cadre Training Period.
4th Class cadets are promoted from “Recruit” to
“Private” and accepted into the Corps of Cadets.
Seniors, 1st Class Cadets, who are academically eligible
receive their class rings. Parents’ Day includes open
barracks where family and friends can visit in cadet
rooms, a performance by the Pipe Band, the Kelly Cup
Finals, a Regimental Band concert, and a dress parade
in honor of all cadet parents. Lunch is available for
the cadets, their families and other guests followed by a
Bulldog Football game.
others. Various events are scheduled throughout the
weekend beginning on Friday with the Twilight Parade
where the Corps of Cadets marches in silence to remember
those alumni who have given the ultimate sacrifice for
their country as the sun sets along the Ashley River. The
next morning features open barracks, a performance by
the Pipe Band and Summerall Guards followed by a dress
parade in honor of all alumni and a Bulldog football game.
On Friday the Long Gray Line Parade features the last
review for the graduating seniors who cross the field and
receive the Corps of Cadets as they pass-in-review. The
Citadel President and First Lady host a Garden Party
following the parade for graduates and their families.
On Saturday the underclasses of cadets are released for
summer furlough and the seniors return to campus for
commencement exercises.
Support Activities
Blood Drives - The American Red Cross, in
cooperation with the Department of Cadet Activities and
the Regimental Human Affairs officer, works closely
with the community in coordinating blood drives. These
blood drives are held in Buyer Auditorium monthly
during the academic year. Competitions for donating the
most blood are held amongst the cadet companies and
between cross town college rivals.
Religious Activities
College years are exciting times of growth and
challenge, when a young person’s faith and religious
heritage are examined in the light of new experiences and
perspectives. While the college years are occasionally
marked by a “crisis of faith,” they frequently are also
marked by a deepening commitment to life-long religious
values. The Chaplain, who also serves as the Director of
Religious Activities, is committed to assisting in that
deepening commitment.
Working closely with the Chaplain of the Corps of
Cadets are the Cadet Regimental Religious Officer and
the Battalion Religious Officers. While attendance at
all chapel or campus religious activities is optional, all
cadets are encouraged to explore their faith as a part of
the growing process of their development as leaders.
The Cadet Prayer
Almighty God, the source of light and strength, we
implore Thy blessing on this our beloved institution,
that it may continue true to its high purposes. Guide
and strengthen those upon whom rests the authority of
government; enlighten with wisdom those who teach
and those who learn; and grant to all of us that through
sound learning and firm leadership, we may prove our-
selves worthy citizens of our country, devoted to truth,
given to unselfish service, loyal to every obligation of
life and above all to Thee.
Cadet Choirs
The Catholic Choir, the Gospel Choir, the Protestant
Choir, and the Cadet Chorale provide musical support
to the on-campus Catholic and Protestant congregations
and activities.
The groups are ambassadors for the college, singing
in local churches, at civic functions, and occasionally
on tours. They also participate in the widely acclaimed
Christmas Candlelight Service. Choir directors and
organists are on hand to provide professional training,
direction, and musical accompaniment for these superb
musical groups.
Religious Groups
The Director of Religious Activities is Rev. Joe
Molina, Commander-MSC, Chaplain to the Corps of
Cadets. There are three cadet Christian congregations
which worship on campus, Protestant, Catholic, and
Episcopal. Protestant Worship is on Sunday at 1000,
Catholic Mass is Sunday at 0830, and Anglican-
Episcopal Eucharist is on Monday 1830. In addition
to Sunday services, various faith groups meet with a
minister or advisor on Monday or Thursday evenings for
instruction, meditation, and fellowship. Denominational
Faith group meetings are held each Monday evening
and Para-Church groups meet each Thursday evening
for study, fellowship, and worship. While attendance at
all chapel or campus religious activities is optional, all
cadets are encouraged to explore their faith as a part of
the growing process of their development as leaders.
Please note that Mondays and Thursdays are designated
for these religious activities and you are free to attend
as part of your religious right (Free exercise of religion).
Campus Faith Groups include:
African Methodist Episcopal
Baptist Collegiate Ministry Catholic
Jewish Student Union
Latter-Day Saints
Lutheran Student Movement
Muslim Student Association
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Presbyterian Student Association: (PCUSA)
Reformed University Fellowship:(PCA)
Wesley Foundation (United Methodist)
Para-Church Interdenominational Groups:
Campus Crusade for Christ
Campus Outreach
Officer’s Christian Fellowship
The Navigators
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
In addition to those listed, numerous churches,
synagogues, and other houses of worship provide weekly
opportunity for worship off campus. Contact the chapel
office for more information (843-953-5049).
Religious Services
Cadets are strongly encouraged to attend worship
services on campus and also participate in one of the
religious groups as a means of developing their moral
and spiritual values as members of the Corps of Cadets.
Throughout the school year, there are weekly
Catholic and Protestant services of worship on Sundays
and an Episcopal worship service on Monday evenings.
Hours of services are:
Sunday/0830 – Catholic Mass, Summerall Chapel
Sunday/1000 – Protestant Service, Summerall
Monday/1830 –Anglican-Episcopal Holy Eucharist,
in Summerall Chapel
Jewish and Muslim worship services are provided
weekly off campus for cadets of these faiths.
In addition to regularly scheduled worship,
Summerall Chapel is open daily for prayer, rest, and
The Shako -- The Shako, the literary magazine of
The Citadel, is published once a year by a cadet staff and
has been hailed as one of the best magazines of its type in
the state. All cadets may submit poems, stories, articles,
works of art, and book reviews for publication.
Excellence is recognized at The Citadel. Industrious
cadets who prove to be outstanding in any field or
endeavor - military, academic, athletic, or cultural - will
find that they are eligible for a number of awards and
honors which are presented at various times of the year.
The awards listed below are only representative of
the many honors cadets may obtain during their careers
at The Citadel. In addition to the awards listed, acadmic
departments have their own awards that recognize,
outstanding achievement, performance and excellence in
each specific field.
Gold Stars are awarded to those cadets on the
Dean’s List who have made a grade point average of 3.7
or higher for the work of a semester. Stars are worn on the
collars of the full dress and dress uniforms and above the
right shirt pocket of the summer leave uniform.
Company Awards
The Board of Visitors Trophy- Cadet companies
compete annually for the “BOV” Trophy and it is
awarded to the Commanding Officer of the company
accumulating the most intramural points.
and service learning. These combined criteria represent
the school year prior to the award presentation which is
given by the President of the College. It is the highest
honor that can be won by a cadet company.
The Regimental Commander’s Bowl is awarded to
the company earning top marks in during the Cadre Training
Period. Points are based on freshmen performance in knob
knowledge, squad competition, physical fitness test scores,
and retention. The award is presented at the Parent’s Day
Review by the Regimental Commander.
set the example for others to follow. And under no
circumstances will I ever bring discredit to The Citadel
and The South Carolina Corps of Cadets.”
What is your Chain of Command?
Sir/Ma’am, my Chain of Command is as follows:
Squad Corporal – _______________________________
What is The Citadel?
Sir/Ma’am, The Citadel is an institution of higher
learning to mold our minds, morals, and bodies so
that we may be fit officers and better civilians of our
country. More than that, however, it is a fortress of
duty, a sentinel of responsibility, a bastion of antiquity,
a towering bulwark of rigid discipline, instilling
within us high ideals, honor, uprightness, loyalty,
patriotism, obedience, initiative, leadership, professional
knowledge, and pride in achievement.
What is the Phonetic Alphabet?
Sir/Ma’am, the Phonetic Alphabet is as follows:
India Romeo
What are The Citadel’s Four Pillars of Leader
Sir/Ma’am, The Citadel’s Four Pillars of Leader
Development are Character, Academics, Military, and
Name the Presidents of The Citadel.
Sir/Ma’am, the Presidents of The Citadel are as follows:
Captain William F. Graham, USA, 1843-1844
Major Richard W. Colcock, USA, 1844-1852
Major Francis W. Capers, SCM, 1852-1859
Major Peter F. Stevens, SCM, 1859-1861
Major James B. White, SCM, 1861-1865
Colonel John P. Thomas, CSA, Class of 1851, 1882-
Brigadier General George D. Johnson, CSA, 1885-1890
Colonel Asbury Coward, CSA, Class of 1854, 1890-
Colonel Oliver J. Bond, SCM, Class of 1886, 1908-1931
General Charles P. Summerall, USA, Ret. 1931-1953
General Mark W. Clark, USA, Ret. 1954-1965
General Hugh P. Harris, USA, Ret. 1965-1970
Major General James W. Duckett, SCM, Class of 1932,
Lieutenant General George M. Seignious II, USA, Ret.,
Class of 1942, 1974-1979
Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale, USN, Ret. 1979-1980
Major General James A. Grimsley, Jr., USA, Ret., Class
of 1942, 1980-1989
Lieutenant General Claudius E. Watts III, USAF, Ret.,
Class of 1958, 1989-1996
Major General John S. Grinalds, USMC, Ret., 1997-
Lieutenant General John W. Rosa, USAF, Ret., Class of
1973, 2006-present
What did John Stuart Mill say about war?
Sir/Ma’am, John Stuart Mill’s quote is as follows,
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things;
the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic
feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much
worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing
to fight, nothing which is more important than his own
personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no
chance of being free unless made and kept so by the
exertions of better men than himself.”
What is General Lee’s duty quote?
Sir/Ma’am, General Lee’s quote is as follows, “Duty is
the sublimest word in the English language. You should
do your duty in all things. You can never do more. You
should never wish to do less.”
Where are the eight behaviors of principled
Sir/Ma’am, the eight behaviors of principled leadership
• empowering others for action and decision-making,
• holding team members accountable for results,
• putting team members first,
• keeping a balanced view of one’s own importance,
• staying authenic to one’s real self,
• acting and speaking with courage,
• creating trust that permits others to make and learn
from mistakes
• developing people and resources.
At The Citadel, our core values are honor, duty, and
respect. They are described in detail in A Guide for the
Cadet Leader Development Program available at the
website of the Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics
You will be formally instructed on The Citadel core values
in a variety of forums including LDRS academic classes
and the Leadership Training Program (LTP).
To remove wealth and former station as factors in
the development of new cadets.
Cadets at The Citadel operate in a standards-
based environment in which natural and logical
consequences are generated by performance. Rewards
and punishments are governed by “rule of law,” rather
than the fickle and capricious whim of an individual.
There can be no appeal to favoritism or privilege in such
a system. Additionally, the routine cadet life includes
myriad tasks of varying degrees of tedium and fulfillment.
All of them must be done in order for the organization
to function as a whole and there is sufficient work that
all cadets must do their share. No one is “too good” to
pitch in and no task is “too menial” for anyone. Because
Citadel cadets come from a variety of socio-economic
backgrounds, not all have operated in such an egalitarian
and communal environment. The austere initial knob
haircut, the prohibition against cars for fourthclassmen,
and the close quarters living arrangements are all
contributors to this objective.
be good followers, and its fourthclass system helps
cadets understand the sense of humility and selfless
subordination that characterizes a good follower.
Like all followers, fourthclass cadets should strive
in all ways to be “easy to lead.” This means respecting
authority, complying with regulations and standards,
giving maximum effort, being open and receptive to
new ideas, and being active participants in the learning
process. It also means putting aside one’s own opinion
or preferences and willingly adopting the leader’s agenda
and her decisions as if they were your own. Such an
attitude may at first seem unnatural and cause conflicts
with your previous habits. The fourthclass system is
designed to disengage you from this self-centered attitude
and begin you on a path of leadership as service to others.
To develop personal character and create a
foundation for honorable and ethical decision-
Character is the complex of mental and ethical
traits that mark and often individualize a person. The
fourthclass system uses artificial stress to create the
competing demands for time, energy, effort, and resources
that help a knob become aware of and develop his or her
A major part of this development with come from
learning to live by the letter and spirit of the Honor
Code. You will be formally instructed on the Honor
Code in a variety of forums including the Leadership
Training Program, and the Honor Manual is available
at the website of the Krause Center for Leadership and
Your development in ethical decision-making will be
aided by LDRS 111: Freshman Ethical Fitness Seminar
which uses Dr. Rushworth Kidder’s How Good People
Make Tough Choices. Dr. Kidder explains the difference
between the “moral temptation” posed by a choice
between “right and wrong” and the ethical dilemma
posed by a “right versus right” situation.
During Challenge Week you will also be provided
an orientation to the host of on- and off-campus religious
activities available to all cadets. Additional information
is available at the website of the Office of the Chaplaincy
prioritization, obedience, time management, problem-
solving, decision-making, and consistency that achieve
results. Only by this transition can they fulfill what author
Pat Conroy (Citadel, 1967) calls the “immortal epigram”
that “discipline is the training that makes punishment
At the heart of self-discipline is the ability to
subordinate an impulse to a value. As knobs embark on
their Citadel experience, they are encouraged to follow
Stephen Covey’s proscription to “begin with the end
in mind” by writing a personal mission statement that
focuses on what you want to be and what you want to
do, and on the values or principles upon which being and
doing are based. This mission statement then becomes
the criterion by which you measure everything else
in your life. Whenever you discover an inconsistency
between your mission statement and your actions, it is
self-discipline that restores alignment.
During your counseling sessions with your
TAC, you will articulate your near-, mid-, and long-term
goals. This exercise will help you decide where you want
to go and a plan to get there. Self-discipline will help you
follow that plan.
of warm up exercises, movement drills, calisthenics,
cardiovascular training, strength training running, and
organized athletics. All cadets also take a Cadet Physical
Fitness Test (CPFT) each semester consisting of push-
ups, crunches, and a 1.5 mile run. Cadets must also
comply with height and weight standards and take four
Required Physical Education Program (RPED) courses.
All cadets can participate in NCAA, club, and
intramural sports. Some intramurals are open to all cadets,
some are exclusively for men, some are exclusively for
women, some are co-ed, and some are exclusively for
knobs. Intramurals promote both physical fitness as well
as comradery.
In addition to these physical effectiveness pillar
requirements and opportunities available to all cadets,
knob year is especially physically challenging because
of its rapid optempo and numerous duty requirements.
You will be required to push your physical endurance
beyond what you probably consider your present limits.
This stress is intentional in order for you to realize your
full potential and also develop resiliency. Each company
has a Cadet Athletics Officer who is a resource to assist
you with your development in the physical effectiveness
The Blue Book provides provisions for knobs to
be ordered by authorized individuals, under authorized
circumstances to perform a set of 30 push-ups during Fall
Semester and a set of 40 push-ups in the Spring Semester.
You will not be required, nor are you authorized to
partake in, any additional knob-specific physical training
activities unless they have been submitted through the
Company Commander to the TAC and approved by the
Routine cadet life is organized according to
the “24 hour schedule.” This document is available
at the website of the Office of the Commandant It is where
you go to find the recurring events such as formations,
ESP, and MRI that will become your regular “battle
rhythm.” More specific weekly schedules are available
training-schedules. Check these at least one week in
advance to find specific information about things like
that week’s LTP, a CPFT, or a special requirement such
as a rifle draw or turn-in. Key events from these sources
should also be transferred to your master calendar or
While The Citadel experience will place many
demands on your time, you also have other obligations
such as to your family and your friends. Do not forget
about the anniversaries, birthdays, and other significant
events in the lives of those who are important people in
your life. Add them to your master calendar or planner.
You may not be able to participate in person in some of
those events, but you will be able to mark them in other
ways, even if only by a card, text, or phone call.
Having all your obligations on one document
allows you to synchronize your scheduling. You will no
doubt find some weeks or days busier than others, and
you will have to plan ahead to accommodate them. You
will also find some periods that are less busy and you will
have to use them to absorb some of the spillover from the
busier times.
As previously noted, it is always helpful to “begin
with the end in mind.” In terms of time management,
this is accomplished by the “backwards planning”
technique. Begin with the date an event occurs and
then work backwards to the present date to assign target
completion dates for every interim step. So if a paper is
due on a certain date, write that down on your calendar
and then work backward to assign dates for when you
want to have a friend proofread your final draft, complete
the bibliography, write your introductory paragraph, go
to the library to do your research, write your thesis, meet
with your professor to discuss your topic selection, etc.
Backwards planning also incorporates the technique of
breaking a big task up into manageable pieces that will
also help you accomplish complex tasks that at first may
appear overwhelming.
You will seldom be given large swaths of time to
focus on a single activity. Instead you will have to learn
to master Kipling’s challenge to “fill the unforgiving
minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run.”
Maintain a mental inventory of small tasks that can fill
short increments of time. Shining shoes, preparing your
uniform for the next day, reading a few pages of your
textbook, and going for a short run are all examples of
how you can productively fill a few random minutes that
might otherwise be lost.
Maintain a written “to do” list for more pressing
obligations. Some researchers claim that simply writing
something down increases your chances of actually
accomplishing it by almost a third. Post the list on your
desk or somewhere where you will continually see it
and check off the items you accomplish. Avoid the
temptation, though, of focusing on the easiest or most
enjoyable tasks. Discipline yourself to prioritize based
on importance.
Do not forget to consciously program sufficient
time for sleep. The amount of sleep required varies
among individuals, but most college students report being
sleep deprived, and sleep deprivation negatively affects
academic, mental, physical, and emotional performance.
Sufficient, uninterrupted, quality sleep each night is not
a luxury or weakness. It is a physical requirement and
a performance-enhancer. You will not get all the sleep
you want as a knob, but you must get all the sleep you
need. You should not organize your time in a way that
routinely prevents you from getting at least six hours of
sleep each night.
to allocate the resources you have available, especially
time. As you develop this capability, always reminder
that academic success is non-negotiable.
You obviously were a successful high school student
or else you would not be here. However, you should
understand that college is different from high school
and what made you successful in high school might not
be sufficient in college. Generally speaking, in high
school you were regularly told what to do and corrected
if your behavior did not conform to those instructions.
In college you, will be expected to take much more
individual responsibility for your actions and you will
experience more serious consequences. The Altshuler
Learning Enhancement Center at Southern Methodist
University has developed a detailed comparison of
high school and college that may help you better
understand the transition. It is available at http://www.
HowIsCollegeDifferentfromHighSchool. In spite of
college’s additional emphasis on student responsibility,
The Citadel prides itself on making available all the
resources you will need to be academically successful.
Evening Study Period (ESP) begins at 1950 each
school night and is a time designated to provide conditions
conducive to studying. Quiet is maintained, no meetings
or other duties are scheduled, and no upperclass other
than those involved in academic tutoring will visit your
room. You are required to be in your room, the library,
or another approved study area during ESP. While The
Citadel can create these conditions to help you, it is up
to you to use them effectively. As the name states, ESP
is a study period. It is not a shine period, social period,
or slack off period. It is OK to study for 50 minutes,
take a ten minute study break to prepare your uniform for
the next day or call home, and then get back to studying,
but if you do not discipline yourself to use ESP for its
intended purpose, you will probably soon fall behind.
You have a wide academic support network
available to you. Each company has a Cadet Academic
Officer who will monitor your academic progress and can
connect you with additional resources. He or she should
be your first stop at the first sign of academic difficulty.
Do not wait until the situation worsens. Your Academic
Officer can answer many of you questions about the
academic pillar, but he or she can also refer you to other
resources. Each company and battalion maintains a list
of cadet tutors who are available to you. There are also
cadets who have the same major as you in your company
who will be willing to help you less formally. You will
have to maintain the appropriate military bearing, but
the fourthclass system will not stand in your way when
receiving academic help from an upperclassman.
The Cadet Academic Officer works closely with a
Faculty Company Academic Advisor who is another
resource for general academic pillar support, but who
should not be confused with the Academic Advisor
within the department of your academic major to advise
you specifically on your academic program. Even more
specifically, each of your professors maintains “office
hours” in which he or she is available for walk-in
assistance. You can also make specific appointments to
see your professor outside of established office hours.
The Academic Support Center, Library, Career
Center, and Public Speaking Lab also are excellent
resources for specific academic needs, and their services
are described elsewhere in The Guidon. The main thing
for you to remember is that there is a healthy support
network available to assist you. You do not necessarily
need to know the details of each resource yourself. If you
go to your Cadet Academic Officer or TAC and describe
your situation, he or she can quickly point you to the
appropriate resource. Your responsibility is to take that
first step.
around you and find someone to help. Certainly the time
will come soon when the roles will be reversed.
a group so that no one will feel left out. Your classmates
will be your friends for life.
5. You should always hold the highest esteem for
the cadet uniform. For many years it has commanded
recognition and respect. Never injure that respect by
acting in a manner that will reflect discredit upon you, the
uniform, or The Citadel. Such actions would constitute a
serious infraction of regulations and would dishonor the
traditions of The Citadel.
How to Adjust Butt Box and Waist Plate Webbing
1. Stand with your arms fully extended outward,
measure fingertip to fingertip and cut two pieces of
webbing to that length.
2. Cut off the corners at the webbing ends,
forming a point. Apply masking tape to the cut webbing
to prevent fraying.
3. Feed the webbing under the leather strap in the
back of the butt box and through the brass buckles. Going
through the bottom slot first, and back through the top
slot. Leave excess under the leather strap.
4. The webbing crosses in front at sternum level
and the butt box sits at belt height in the lower back.
5. Adjust length to fit, cut off excess webbing and
reapply masking tape to ends.
6. The waist plate is put on after the butt box. It
is worn so that the webbing sits on top of the butt box in
the lower back. It should be snug enough so that it does
not sag, but not so tight that it bunches up the uniform.
7. Wrap webbing around waist to measure and
add approximately eight additional inches.
8. Cut the webbing and masking tape the ends.
Feed through the waist plate. Take the end of the webbing
and go through the bottom outermost slot on the brass,
then go through the innermost slot through the top. Next,
put in through the bottom of the middle slot, and back
down through the outermost slot.
9. Adjust length to fit, cut off excess and cover
with masking tape.
10. Place chest plate where the webbing crosses at
your sternum. It should be oriented so that the chest plate
short end is high towards your right shoulder.
Furlough: A period of leave for the entire corps
Junior Sword Arch: A Citadel drill team comprised of
selected juniors
Knob: A freshman cadet
Letter: The designation of each cadet company painted
on the stairwell and worn on the uniform
LTP (Leadership Training Program): An hour long
period held most Tuesdays in which leader development
training is conducted
MRI (Morning Room Inspection): A period each
school day in which rooms must be arranged as described
in the regulations
Night OC (Officer in Charge): The staff member on
duty to monitor the barracks overnight
Old Corps: The mythical Citadel glory days of which
each alumnus considers his or her class to be the last
Parade deck/field: Summerall Field
Pull: To write a Performance Report for a regulations
PR (Performance Report): The cadet form on which
reports of suspected regulations violations are made
PT (Physical Training): Periods of organized physical
exercise held twice a week
Quad (Quadrangle): The ground level space within
barracks where formations are held
Rack: A cadet bed
Sally port: The arched passageway that provides an
entry to the barracks
SMI (Saturday Morning Inspection): A period on
designated Saturdays in which rooms must be arranged
as described in the regulations
Special orders: Orders assigning a cadet certain duties
and relieving him or her from others
Spike: The Citadel mascot
Summerall Guards: A Citadel drill team comprised of
selected seniors
TAC (Teach, Advise, Coach): A former military officer
or NCO assigned to cadet companies and battalions
Tour: An hour long punishment period served marching
on the quad
White Book: The book describing the organizations,
functions, and standard operating procedures of the corps
White Slip: A Performance Report
Academic Departments................................................. 24
Academic Honors and Awards...................................... 99
Academic Officer.......................................................... 76
Academic Support Center............................................. 77
Alma Mater................................................................. 105
Altman Athletic Center................................................. 68
Alumni Center............................................................... 64
Archives and Museum.................................................. 62
Armed Forces Insignia.................................................. 50
Athletic Facilities.......................................................... 68
Athletics........................................................................ 86
Barber Shop.................................................................. 82
Battle Streamers.................................................... 56, 107
Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Key.................................... 73
Big Red......................................................................... 57
Blood Drives................................................................. 90
Blue Book...................................................................... 19
Board of Visitors........................................................... 23
Board of Visitors Trophy............................................ 100
Boating Center.............................................................. 70
Bond Hall...................................................................... 62
Bonnoitt Award........................................................... 102
Bookstore...................................................................... 82
Brigadier Newspaper.................................................... 96
Bulldog Alert................................................................. 81
Bulldog Monument....................................................... 73
Byrd Hall....................................................................... 62
Cadet Academic Officer................................................ 76
Cadet Activities and Organizations............................... 88
Cadet Barracks.............................................................. 70
Cadet Choirs.................................................................. 93
Cadet Clubs and Organizations..................................... 95
Cadet Creed................................................................. 104
Cadet Organization....................................................... 38
Cadet Prayer.................................................................92
Cadet Publications........................................................ 96
Cadet Rank Insignia...................................................... 41
Cadet Store.................................................................... 83
Cadet Support Services................................................. 76
Cadet System................................................................ 18
CADIC Office............................................................... 78
Campus Buildings and Monuments.............................. 62
Campus Gates and Monuments................................... 72
Campus Map................................................................150
Canteen......................................................................... 84
Cap Device.................................................................... 52
Capers Hall.................................................................... 63
CARE Office................................................................. 78
Career Center.......................................................... 63, 80
Carillon Tower.............................................................. 67
Chain of Command..................................................... 106
Chaplain........................................................................ 81
Citadel Code........................................ Inside Front Cover
Citadel Foundation........................................................ 64
Citadel Graduate College.............................................. 14
Citadel Ring.................................................................. 53
Clark’s Grave Site......................................................... 74
Club Sports................................................................... 87
Clubs and Organizations............................................... 95
College Organization.................................................... 23
College Park.................................................................. 68
Commandant’s Cup..................................................... 101
Commandant’s List..................................................... 100
Commandant’s Message................................................. 8
Commencement Week.................................................. 89
Communications and Support Services........................ 80
Company Advisor......................................................... 76
Company Awards........................................................ 100
Core Values................................................................... 12
Corps Day..................................................................... 89
Counseling Center......................................................... 77
Coward Hall.................................................................. 63
CTM.......................................................................19, 111
Cum Laude.................................................................... 99
Customs and Traditions................................................ 52
Daniel Library.......................................................... 63,79
Dean’s List.................................................................. 100
Deas Hall....................................................................... 68
Departmental Honors and School Honors.................... 99
Discipline.................................................................... 112
Dry Cleaning................................................................. 82
Duckett Hall.................................................................. 64
Duty....................................................................... 12,112
Fine Arts Program......................................................... 90
Flags.............................................................................. 56
Fourth-Class Knowledge............................................ 104
Fourth-Class Knowledge Tracking Log...................... 146
Honors and Awards....................................................... 99
How to Succeed as a Knob......................................... 114
Infirmary................................................................. 66, 79
Insignia of Cadet Rank.................................................. 41
Insignia of U.S. Armed Forces...................................... 50
Intramural Athletics...................................................... 87
Jenkins Hall................................................................... 65
Johnson Hagood Stadium............................................. 68
Kelly Cup.................................................................... 101
Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics..................... 79
Laundry......................................................................... 82
Law Barracks................................................................ 71
Lesesne Gate................................................................. 72
LeTellier Hall................................................................ 65
Magna Cum Laude........................................................ 99
Major Weekends........................................................... 88
Mark Clark Grave Site.................................................. 74
Mark Clark Hall............................................................ 65
Mascot Monument........................................................ 69
McAlister Field House.................................................. 69
Mission of The Citadel........................................... 13,104
Monuments............................................................. 72, 74
Multicultural Student Services and International Studies,
Office of................................................................. 78
Murray Barracks........................................................... 70
OneCard........................................................................ 84
Oral Communications Lab............................................ 80
Organization of the Corps............................................. 37
Padgett-Thomas Barracks............................................. 71
Parents’ Day.................................................................. 88
Pastoral Counseling...................................................... 81
Pearlstine Award......................................................... 102
Personal Honors and Salutes......................................... 59
Phonetic Alphabet....................................................... 108
Post Office..................................................................... 83
President’s Cup........................................................... 101
President’s List............................................................ 100
President’s Message........................................................ 4
Presidents of The Citadel....................................... 36,110
Principled Leadership........................................... 14, 113
Provost and Dean of the College’s Message................... 6
Publications.............................................................. 19,96
Regimental Colors........................................................ 55
Regimental Commander’s Bowl................................. 101
Regimental Commander’s Message............................. 10
Religious Activities....................................................... 91
Religious Groups.......................................................... 93
Religious Services......................................................... 95
Respect.......................................................................... 13
Riley Park...................................................................... 69
Salute............................................................................. 58
Seignious Hall............................................................... 69
Seraph Monument......................................................... 72
Service of Citadel Alumni............................................. 30
Services for Students with Disabilities......................... 77
Sexual Harassment Policy............................................. 19
Shako Literary Magazine.............................................. 97
Sphinx Yearbook........................................................... 97
Star of the West Monument........................................... 73
Stevens Barracks........................................................... 71
Summa Cum Laude....................................................... 99
Summerall Chapel......................................................... 66
Summerall Cup........................................................... 101
Summerall Gate............................................................ 72
Table of Contents............................................................ 3
TAC Officers and NCOs............................................... 23
Tailor Shop.................................................................... 83
Tau Beta Pi Monument - “Bent”................................... 72
Thompson Hall.............................................................. 67
Tobacco Free Campus................................................... 21
Uniform......................................................................... 40
Vandiver Hall................................................................ 70
Varsity Athletics............................................................ 86
Vending Machines......................................................... 84
Vision Statement........................................................... 12
Washington Light Infantry............................................ 30
Watts Barracks.............................................................. 71
White Book.................................................................... 19
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