Code No. Subject Marks
Code No. Subject Marks
Code No. Subject Marks
Subject Marks
22. Business Administration 100
23. Public Administration 100
24. Governance & Public Policies 100
25. Town Planning & Urban Management 100
Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of topics will be
Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research based knowledge on a selected
topic. Candidate’s articulation, expression and technical treatment of the style of English Essay
writing will be examined.
The examination in this subject will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks to Test the
candidate’s abilities to handle Precis Writing, Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structuring,
Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc.
I. Precis Writing (20 marks)
A careful selected passage with an orientation of generic understanding and enough flexibility for
compression shall be given for précising and suggesting an appropriate title. Out of the total 20
marks allocated to this question, 15 shall go to précising the text and 5 to suggesting the title.
II. Reading Comprehension (20 marks)
A carefully selected passage that is rich in substance but not very technical or discipline - specific
shall be given, followed by five questions, each carrying 4 marks.
III. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 marks)
The sentences shall be given each having a clear structural flaw in terms of grammar or
punctuation. The candidates shall be asked to rewrite them with really needed correction only,
without making unnecessary alterations. No two or more sentence should have exactly the same
problem, and 2-3 sentences shall be based on correction of punctuation marks.
V. Grouping of Words (10 marks)
A random list of twenty words of moderate standard (neither very easy nor utterly unfamiliar) shall
be given, to be grouped by the candidates in pairs of those having similar or opposite meaning, as
may be clearly directed in the question.
VI. Pairs of Words (10 marks)
Ten pairs shall be given of seemingly similar words with different meanings, generally confused in
communication, for bringing out the difference in meaning of any five of them by first explaining them
in parenthesis and then using them in sentence
VII. Translation (10 marks)
Ten short Urdu sentences involving structural composition, significant terms and figurative/idiomatic
expressions shall be given, to be accurately translated into English.
I. Physical Sciences
Constituents and Structure:-Universe, Galaxy, Light Year, Solar System, Sun, Earth,
Astronomical System of Units.
Process of Nature: - Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Rotation and Revolution, Weather
Variables (Global Temperature, Pressure, Circulation, Precipitation, Humidity) and Weather
Natural Hazards and Disasters: - Earth Quake, Volcanic Eruption, Tsunami, Floods,
Avalanche, Travelling Cyclone (Tropical Cyclone, Middle Latitude Cyclone and Tornadoes),
Drought, Wildfire, Urban Fire. Disaster Risk Management.
Energy Resources: - Sources of Energy (Renewable i.e. LED Energy, Solar Energy, Wind
Energy and Non-Renewable Energy conservation and its sustainable use.
Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Electromagnetic Radiations.
Modern Materials/Chemicals: - Ceramics, Plastics, Semiconductors. Antibiotics,
Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides.
V. Information Technology
Computer (Hardware & Software Fundamentals); I/O Processing and data storage,
Networking & Internet Standards, Application and business Software, Social Media Websites.
Information Systems. Fundamentals of artificial intelligence.
Telecommunications: - Basics of Wireless Communication (Mobile, Satellite, Surveillance
and GPS and Fiber Optic etc.
Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of history, politics and International
Affairs, as deemed necessary to interpret current affairs.
XXVI. Economic Conditions of Pakistan, the Most Recent Economic Survey, the Previous and
Current Budgets, and the Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of Economy.
XXVII. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional Amendments and
Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts.
XXVIII. The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal with Them,
Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitation.
I. Introduction of Islam.
Concept of Islam.
Importance of Deen in Human Life.
Difference between Deen and Religion.
Distinctive Aspects of Islam.
Islamic Beliefs & its Impact on Individual & Society and the Fundamental of Islam
Islamic Worships: Spiritual, Moral and Social Impact.
I. Anthropology
I. Introduction
Basic concepts used in understanding crime, criminality and criminal.
II. Understanding Criminology
Definition, meaning and scope of criminology, Criminology and criminal law, Crime as
social problem, Crime and social organization, related concepts: Deviance, Sin and Vice
III. Crime and Criminals
Occasional criminals, Habitual criminals, Professional criminals, White-collar crime, Organized
crime, corporate crimes.
IV. Crime and Criminality: Theoretical Perspectives
Early explanation of criminal behavior
Classical School
Positivist School (Biological and Psychological Explanations)
Positivist School (Sociological Explanation)
Social Disorganization theory
Strain theory
Social Control theory
Learning theory
Labeling Theory
Islamic perspective
Section-II (25 Marks)
V. Juvenile Delinquency
Meaning, definitions (Behavioral Vs Legal), Juvenile delinquent Vs status offender, Official
statistics of juvenile delinquency
Role of police
Juvenile court process:
pretrial, trial and sentencing
Role of prosecutor, defense counsel, juvenile judge, juvenile probation officer
Juvenile correctional institutions,probation and non-punitive alternatives
VII. The Criminal Justice System:
Police and its role
Trial and Conviction of Offenders
Agencies: formal and informal
Criminal courts: procedures and problems
Role of prosecutors
Prisons, Probation and Parole
VIII. Punitive and Reformative Treatment of Criminals
Corporal punishment, Imprisonment, Rehabilitation of criminals.
Section-III (25 Marks)
IX. Criminal Investigation
Principles of criminal investigation, Manual of preliminary investigation, Intelligence operations,
Data base investigation, Electronic investigation, Forensic Investigation
X. Techniques of Investigations
Gathering information from persons, Interviewing and interrogation techniques, Criminal
investigation analysis,
XI. Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Investigators
Stop and frisk operations, Arrest procedures, Search and seizure.
XII. International Policing Criminal Justice Monitoring Organizations
Section-IV (25 Marks)
XIII. Modern Concepts in Contemporary Criminology
Terrorism, Radicalism and War on Terror
Media’s representation of Crime and the Criminal Justice System
Modern Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention
Intelligence-led Policing
Community Policing
Private Public Partnership
Gender and Crime in Urban and Rural Pakistan
Crime and Urbanization, Organized Crime and White-Collar Crime
Human Rights Abuses and Protection, especially Children, Women and Minorities and the
role of civil society and NGOs
Cyber Crime
Role of NAB, FIA, ANF
Paper—1 (Marks-100)
I. Introduction
The Definition and Scope of International Relations.
The Nation-State System
Evolution of International Society
The Budget as a Policy Tool; The Budget as a Managerial Tool; Principles of Budgeting,
Auditing and Accounting in Government; The Line-Item Budget; The Performance Budget;
Program Budgeting; Zero-Base Budgeting; Outcome-Based Budgeting. Planning and
Budgeting in Pakistan.
Spoil versus Merit System in Public Employment; Personnel versus Human Resources
Management; Close versus Open System of Public Employment; Functions of Human
Resources Management; Challenges of Adopting HRM in Public Sector.
Meaning, Scope and Significance; Nature and Contents of Administrative Law, Administrative
Ethics, Delegation of authority and Legislation, Administrative Tribunals; Administrative Law-
Historical Background of Civil Service, The Structure of civil Service; History of Civil Service
Reform; Management of Civil Service; Institutional and Cultural Context of Civil Service; Role
of Civil Service in Good Governance, Gender and Civil Service.
I. General Sociology
I. Definition of Town Planning, Goals and objectives of Town Planning: Town Planning
as a multi-disciplinary approach and relationship of Town Planning with other
II. Historical Perspective of Urban Planning: Planning of historical towns in the world.
Examples of planned towns in Europe, Nile Valley region, Euphrates and Tigris
Valley region and Indus Valley region (Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Kot Diji and Mehr
Garh) and Gandhara Civilization.
III. Urban Rural Differences and Hierarchy of Settlements: Urbanization and its effects
on the environment of urban areas.
IV. History of planning in Pakistan: 5 year plans.
V. Managing Urbanization
How to manage urbanization
Best Practices
Land use classification policy
Building and development control
Removal of encroachments
Introduction to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
VI. Housing community and Economic Development: To prepare professionals with
the skills and knowledge of equitable development. Commitment to expanding
opportunities and providing quality life for disadvantaged groups.
VII. Public Policy and Urban Design Management: Solving social and environmental
problems using:
a. Economics
b. Policy analysis
c. Political science
d. Urban Design
VIII. Sustainability, Environmental Policy and Planning: How society conserves and
manages its natural resources and works to promote development.
IX. Urban Information Systems: Use of planning related software and spatial analysis
tools and systems i.e GIS.