Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University

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Grams : 'OPVARSITY' Phones : 040-23680295/289

Fax : 0091-040-23544830, 23548433 Website: www.braou.ac.in

E-mail : open@braou.ac.in Portal: www.braouonline.in



DIRECTOR (SS) Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg,

Road No. 46, Jubilee Hills,
HYDERABAD - 500 033 (A.P.)

C.No. /SSB/UGP/U-II/III Yr. 2018-19 Date: 18-06-2018

Sub : Payment of U.G. III year Tuition Fee - Academic Year 2018-19 - Intimation -

q+¨Ü«∞O : _ç„w 3= ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OѨ٠ã¨=∂Kå~°O – q^•ºã¨O=`«û~°O 2018 – 19

Welcome you all to III Year U.G. Programme. Hope that you might have completed
II Year annual examinations held during the month of May, 2018 successfully. As
per the Academic Calender prepared by the University for the Academic Year
2018-19, the contact-cum-counselling sessions are proposed to begin from
October, 2018 and complete by the end of March, 2019. You would also be able to
complete your exams within the time fixed provided you register yourself for the III
Year Programme by paying the prescribed tuition fee and practical fee (in case of
Science Students) on time.

_ç„w =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O „Ѩ"ÕâßxH˜ ™êfiQÆ`«O. g∞~°O`å "Õ∞ <≥Å 2018Ö’ [iy# "åi¬Hõ ѨsHõ∆Å#∞
q[Ü«∞=O`«OQÍ Ñ¨ÓiÎ KÕâß~°x Ptã¨∞<Î åflO. 2018–18 q^•º "åi¬Hõ „Ѩ}ÏoHõ „ѨHÍ~°O HÍO\ÏH±–ì H“xûeOQ∑
`«~°QÆ`«∞Å∞ JHÀì|~ü <≥ÅÖ’ „áê~°OaèOz, =∂iÛ 2019 =~°‰õΩ ѨÓiÎ KÕÜ«∂Åx „ѨuáêkOK«_»"≥∞ÿ#k.
g∞~°∞ ã¨HÍÅOÖ’ x~åúiOK«|_ç# @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A, „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ѷ‘AÅ#∞(Ãã·<£û q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ =∂„`«"Õ∞)
K≥eO¡ z# Ü≥∞_»Å ѨsHõÅ∆ #∞ xs‚`« =º=kèÖ’<Õ „"åã≤ =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~° _ç„wx ѨÓiÎ KÕã∞¨ HÀQÆÅ∞QÆ∞`å~°∞.
The Students who joined U.G. 1st Year upto 2016 would be allowed to
continue their studies for 3 more years beyond the minimum duration of the
programme (ie., 3 years). However, course material will not be provided to the
students who seek admission in to U.G. II & III years after expiry of the minimum
duration of the programme (i.e., after 2019). These students will be allowed to
appear for the examinations with the same syllabus up to II spell of 2022 examina-
tions. Those students who fail to complete their programme with the existing sylla-
bus up to II spell of 2022 examinations, may have to appear for the examinations
with the new syllabus, foregoing all the papers which they passed earlier. The
duration for completion of the programme for such students will be three years only
(ie., upto 2025 II Spell).
„Ñ≤Ü«∞"≥∞ÿ# q^•º~°∞úÖÏ~å!
_®. a.P~ü. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü ™ê~°fi„uHõ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O "å~°∞ 2017–18 ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú #∞O_ç ˆHO„^Œ~å„+¨ì
„ѨÉèí∞`åfiÅ P^Õâß#∞™ê~°=Ú B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. _ç„wÅÖ’ KÕ~°É’=Ù q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ CBCS (Choice
Based Credit System) q^è•<åxfl J#∞ã¨iOz É’^èŒ<åOâßÅ#∞ „Ѩ"Õâ◊ ÃÑ@ì#∞Ok.

D qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞=ÚÖ’ QÆ`« ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú JO>Ë 2016–17 =~°‰õΩ J=∞Å∞Ö’ L#fl xÜ«∞=∂Å

„ѨHÍ~°O J_ç‡+¨<£ fã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞úÅO^ŒiH˜ =¸_»∞ ã¨O=`«û~åÅ=~°‰õΩ J#QÍ 2019 ã¨OII=Ú =~°‰õΩ áê`«
ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨Ùã¨HÎ ÍÅ∞ W=fi|_»`å~Ú, áê`« ѨÙã¨HÎ ÍÅ ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨sHõÅ
∆ ∞ „"åã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ J=HÍâ◊=Ú
2019 ã¨OII=Ú =~°‰õΩ HõÅ^Œ∞. P `«^Œ∞Ѩi áê`« ã≤Å|ãπ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ∞ ~Ú=fi|_»=Ù. J~Ú`Õ ÃÑ·# `≥Å∞ã¨|_ç#
ѨÓ~°fiѨ٠q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ 2022 ã¨OII=Ú ã¨Ñ≤¡"≥∞O@s ѨsHõ∆Å =~°‰õΩ áê`« ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨sHõ∆ʼnõΩ
x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«|_»`å~Ú. XHõ"Õà◊ ÃÑ·# `≥Å∞Ѩ|_ç# ѨÓ~°fiѨ٠q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ 2022 ã¨OII=Ú ã¨Ñ≤¡"≥∞O@s ѨsHõ∆Å
=~°‰õΩ LfÎ~°‚`« ™êkèOK«HõáÈ`Õ H˘`«Î ã≤Å|ãπ J#QÍ CBCS „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨sHõ∆Å∞ „"åÜ«∞=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok.
D ѨÓ~°fi q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ H˘`«Î ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°OQÍ 2025 ã¨OII=Ú ã¨Ñ≤Î"≥∞O@s ѨsH©∆Å =~°‰õΩ =∂„`«"Õ∞
ѨsHõ∆Å∞ „"å¿ãO^Œ∞‰õΩ J#∞=∞uOѨ|_»`å~°∞. Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤÷uÖ’#∞ Ü«¸x=i≈\˜ 2022 ã¨OII=Ú `«~°∞"å`«
áê`« ã≤Å|ãπ`À ѨsHõÅ∆ ∞ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«^∞Œ . HÍ=Ù# áê`« q^•º~°∞Å
ú O^Œ~∞° D `≥Å∞Ѩ|_ç# q+¨Ü∂« Å#∞ ‰õΩ∆ }‚OQÍ
`≥Å∞ã¨∞‰õΩx `«^Œ#∞QÆ∞}OQÍ `«fi~°QÍ `«=∞`«=∞ _ç„w HÀ~°∞ûÅ#∞ ѨÓiÎ KÕã¨∞HÀ=Åã≤OkQÍ q[˝Ñ≤Î KÕã¨∞Î<åflO.

The University introduced Online Registration system for the Undergraduate

programme of I, II and IIIrd Year. Therefore, the students are informed to register
themselves online and make the Tuition Fee (Including Practical Fee) payment
l Under this system, for payment of tuition fee, the student has to register his
admission through Online.
l All the students should visit the University portal (www. braouonline.in) and
click on the link III Year Registration Form. Then the student should enter his
Admission Number and Date of Birth. Once the student enters his Admission
Number and Date of Birth, if both of them are found to be correct, then his /
her Registration Form will appear on the monitor.
l You are free to change your address for correspondence or mobile number, if
need be. After that you must click on 'Submit'. The application generates with
a specific number. Take a printout of it. On this number only, the student
should pay the fee (and not on the admission number) as shown in computer.
l The students who chose Group-C (Code No. 10) under Faculty of Commerce
and Code No. 16 (Zoology) under Faculty of Science in II Year as one of their
optionals must exercise their option in III Year. In the online Registration Form
itself the students have the option for choosing one of the two papers in Course
IV of Zoology i.e., either (a) Acquaculture and Fisheries (or) (b) Sericulture, as
paper III is common to all. Similarly, the students who opted for Code No. (10)
Group-C of Commerce in II Year would have on option of continuing either
with the same Code No. 10 (i.e., Cost Accountancy & Income Tax) or with Code
No. (20) Group-D (i.e., Principles of Marketing; Sales and Distribution
Management) in III Year. The students are, therefore, advised to choose their
optionals in accordance with their aptitude and interest carefully and then
click on 'Submit'. The application generates with a specific number and the
fee has to be paid on this number only.
l The University portal contains all information which is required by the students.
If the students have any doubts in any stage of filling the application or payment
of fee, they can contact either the STUDY CENTRE or the HELP DESK which
is being operated with the following numbers during the office hours.


l The general fee for all the students is Rs. 2000/-. The students who chose
Science Subjects must pay Rs. 1200/- per Subject as Practical Fee, in addition
to normal fee of Rs. 2000/-. For example, the students who chose all the three
as Science Subjects must pay fee of Rs. 5600/- (Rs. 2000/- + Rs. 3600/-).
l The student can pay the fee in any of the following methods:
- Payment of Cash in TS / AP Online Centre.
- Payment through Debit / Credit Card.
l After the payment of fee, the student need not give receipt at the Study Centre
but retain it as his personal record.

q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# ã¨∂K«#Å∞

_ç„w I, II, III ã¨O=`«û~åÅ q^•º~°∞Å
ú ∞ P<£Ö<·ˇ Ö
£ ’<Õ il„¿ãì+<¨ £ KÕã∞¨ HÀ"åÅx qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O x~°~‚ ÚOzOk.
HÍ|\˜ì q^•º~°∞úÅO`å P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’<Õ ilã¨ì~ü KÕã¨∞‰õΩx, @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A#∞ ‰õÄ_® P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’<Õ K≥e¡OKåÅx
l D Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’<Õ J_ç‡+¨<£#∞ ilã¨ì~ü KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe.
l q^•º~°∞úÅO`å Ü«¸x=iû\© áÈ~°ìÖò (www.braouonline.in) Ö’H˜ "≥o§ U.G. III Year
Registration Form ÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∂e. P `«~åfi`« q^•ºiú `«# Admission Number, Date
of Birth #∞ >ˇÿѨ٠KÕÜ«∂e. Admission Number, Date of Birth #∞ >ˇÿÑπ KÕÜ«∞QÍ<Õ III Year
il„¿ãì+¨<£ á¶êO =∂x@~üÃÑ· =ã¨∞ÎOk.
l J=ã¨~°=∞#∞‰õΩO>Ë g∞ J„_»ãπ, "≥∂ɡ·Öò <≥O|~ü#∞ =∂~°∞ÛHÀ=K«∞Û. P `«~åfi`« 'Submit' ÃÑ· H˜¡H±
KÕÜ«∞O_ç. XHõ „Ѩ`ÕºHõ <≥O|~ü`À JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ =ã¨∞ÎOk. P JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ „Ñ≤O@=Ù\ò#∞ fã¨∞HÀO_ç.
JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ÃÑ· =KÕÛ „Ѩ`ÕºHõ <≥O|~ü g∞^Œ =∂„`«"Õ∞ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OKåe. J_ç‡+¨<£ <≥O|~ü g∞^Œ
l QÆ=∞xOKåeûO^Õ=∞O>Ë, _ç„w Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÖ’ HÍ=∞~°∞û qÉèÏQÆOÖ’ [„QÆ∂Ñπ–C)] HÀ_£ <≥O.
10 x, Ãã·<£û qÉèÏQÆOÖ’ HÀ_£ <≥O. 16 (Zoology) x ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl "å~°O`å, =¸_»=
ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ `«=∞ PѨ¬<£ #∞ `«Ñ¨ÊHõ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe. P<£Öˇ·<£ il„¿ãì+¨<£ á¶êOÖ’<Õ, A"åÅrx
ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ ¿ÑѨ~ü – IV Ö’ Ô~O_»∞ PѨ¬#∞¡ LO\Ï~Ú. Jq (a) Acquaculture
and Fisheries (b) Sericulture. D Ô~O_çO\˜Ö’ U^≥·<å XHõ ^•xx ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ<ÕO^Œ∞ÔH·
^•xÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∂e. JÖψQ, _ç„w Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ Group-C H˜O^Œ LO_Õ HÀ_£ <≥O. 10 x
ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ HÀ_£ <≥O. 10 <Õ H˘#™êyOK«=K«∞Û. JO>Ë
(HÍãπì JH“O>ˇhû, W<£HõO\ÏH±û) ÖË^• HÀ_£ <≥O. 20 (=∂Ô~¯\˜OQ∑ ã¨∂„`åÅ∞, J=∞‡HÍÅ∞ – ѨOÑ≤}©
x~°fiǨÏ})ÅÖ’ U^À XHõ^•xx `«Ñ¨ÊHõ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe. HÍ=Ù# q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ HÀ_£ <≥O. 10 ÖË^•
20 ÅÖ’ U^À XHõ ^•xx `«=∞ Jaè~°∞z "Õ∞~°‰õΩ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩx 'Submit' ÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∂e.
JѨÙÊ_»∞ JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ XHõ „Ѩ`ÕºHõ <≥O|~ü`À „Ñ≤O>ˇÿ =ã¨∞ÎOk. P <≥O|~üÃÑ·<Õ Ñ¶‘A K≥e¡OKåe.
l q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ HÍ=Åã≤# ã¨=∂Kå~°=∞O`å Ü«¸x=iû\© áÈ~°ìÖòÖ’<Õ LOk. JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£#∞ ѨÓiOKÕ
ã¨O^Œ~°ƒùOÖ’QÍx, Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OKÕ ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ QÍx ZÖÏO\˜ J#∞=∂<åÅ∞ L<åfl, ã¨ì_ôÃãO@~ü#∞
QÍx ÃÇÏÖòÊ _≥ãπ¯#∞ QÍx PѶ‘ã¨∞ ã¨=∞Ü«∞=ÚÅÖ’ ã¨O„ѨkOK«O_ç. P <≥O|~°¡#∞ H˜O^Œ W=fi_»"≥∞ÿ#k.

l q^•º~°∞úÅO^ŒiH© ™ê^è•~°} Ѷ‘A ~°∂. 2000 J~Ú`Õ Ãã·#∞û ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞úÅ∞
=∂„`«O J^Œ#OQÍ „Ѩf ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì‰õΩ ~°∂. 1200 K˘Ñ¨ÙÊ# „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ѷ‘AQÍ K≥e¡OKåe. L^•Ç¨Ï~°}‰õΩ,
=¸_»∞ Ãã·#∞û ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ ~°∂. 5600/– (~°∂. 2000 { ~°∂. 3600)
l q^•ºiú H˜Ok Ѩ^ŒÌ`«∞ÅÖ’ ^Õx ^•fi~å<≥·<å Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«=K«∞Û.
- TS / AP Online Centre Ö’ #QÆ^Œ∞ K≥e¡OK«_»O ^•fi~å
- _≥a\ò / „ÔH_ç\ò HÍ~°∞¤ ^•fi~å
l Ѷ‘A K≥e¡Oz# `«~åfi`« ~°j^Œ∞#∞ ã¨ì_ôÃãO@~üÖ’ W=fi#Hõ¯ˆ~¡^Œ∞. q^•ºiú `«# =^ŒÌ<Õ Éèí„^ŒOQÍ

The annual tuition fee of Rs.2,000 has to be paid in one instalment only. If the
student has opted for science subjects, he may have to pay the laboratory fee of
Rs.1200 for each science subject including Psychology subject (other than Maths)
along with tuition fee only.

For B.Sc. (Special) the fee payable is Rs. 7,400 (For all three optionals including
practical fee).

Students who opted code No. 19 i.e., Computer Applications have to pay Rs. 1400
to the University and Rs. 6,000 to NIIT directly. Students shall also pay Service Tax
to NIIT, in addition to tuition fee.

@∂º+¨<£ ѶA
‘ q=~°=ÚÅ∞:
_ç„w =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~åxH˜ @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A ~°∂. 2,000 XˆH™êi K≥e¡OKåe. Ãã·<£û PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞
Z#∞flH˘#fl q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ „Ѩu Ãã·<£û PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚‰õΩì‰õΩ ÖËÉÁˆ~@s Ѷ‘AQÍ ~°∂. 1200 K˘Ñ¨C# @∂º+¨<£
Ѷ‘A`À HõeÑ≤ XˆH™êi K≥e¡OKåe. XHõ"Õà◊ Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ Ãã·HÍÅr ã¨|˚‰õΩì#∞ Z#∞fl‰õΩx LO_ç
LO>Ë, ^•xH˜ ‰õÄ_® ÖËÉÁˆ~@s Ѷ‘A#∞ K≥e¡OKåe.
a.Zãπ.ã≤. (ÃãÊ+¨Öò) q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ (J#QÍ 13 - ~°™êÜ«∞#âß„ã¨ÎO, 25 - „_»Q∑ ÔHq∞„ã‘ì =∞iÜ«Ú 26 - „_»Q∑
>ˇHÍflÅr PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ∞QÍ Hõey#"å~°∞) =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~åxH˜ @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A =∞iÜ«Ú „áêH˜ìHõÖò
Ѷ‘AÅ`À HõeÑ≤ ~°∂. 7,200 K≥e¡OKåe.
HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£û HÀ~°∞ûÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ ~°∂. 1400 Å#∞ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∂xH˜,
~°∂. 6,000 Å#∞ <Õ~°∞QÍ NIITò H˜ K≥e¡OKåe. NIITò H˜ ~°∂. 6,000 ʼnõΩ J^Œ#OQÍ „ѨÉèí∞`«fi xÜ«∞=∂Å
„ѨHÍ~°O ã¨sfiã¨∞ \ÏH±û ‰õÄ_® K≥e¡OKåe.
Note: If you did not have paid U.G. II Year Tuition fee last year (2016), you can pay now
the II Year fee first, after choosing the optional subjects in online. After paying the
II Year fee, with a gap of one hour, you can also pay the III Year fee.

QÆ=∞xHõ: 2016Ö’ _ç„w Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«‰õΩO_® L#fl@¡~Ú`Õ, WѨÙÊ_»∞ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞
P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’ "≥Ú^Œ@ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩx Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«O_ç. Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѷ‘A
K≥e¡Oz# XHõ QÆO@ `«~°∞"å`« 3= ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѷ‘A#∞ ‰õÄ_® K≥e¡OK«=K«∞Û.

Commencement of payment of tuition fee : 21-06-2018

The last date for payment of the tuition fee without late fee : 09-08-2018
Last date with late fee of Rs. 200/- : 12-09-2018
Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«_®xH˜ „áê~°OÉèíѨ٠`Õk : 21-06-2018
Ѷ‘A PÅ㨺 ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú ÖˉõΩO_® K≥e¡OK«_®xH˜ PY~°∞ `Õk : 09-08-2018
~°∂. 200/- PÅ㨺 ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú`À PY~°∞ `Õk : 12-09-2018


Practical training classes are conducted during December / January at BRAOU

Campus and at District Zonal Centres during February / March. The University
conducts practicals of 72 hours per subject. The University collects laboratory fee

of Rs. 1200/- for each science subject (other than Mathematics) per year. The
laboratory fee must be paid along with tuition fee only and will not be allowed to pay
it separately; failing which the science students may have to lose the opportunity
to do the practicals for that academic year. Further if the students want to pay Lab
fee alone for II year, the payment may be made through TS / AP Online or through
Debit / Credit Card.

Science students are advised to attend the science practical sessions without fail.
If they fail to attend the practical sessions, the laboratory fees paid by them will
lapse for that academic year and they may have to pay Rs. 1200/- per science
subject once again in the subsequent academic year(s) to attend the practical
sessions. A science student shall attend at least 70% of the practical sessions to
be permitted to write the practical examinations.

If the students of B.Sc. (Special) fail to attend the practicals in the same Academic
Year in which the fee was paid, then they should pay Rs. 4,200/- for Lab fee (i.e.
Rs. 1200/- for Chemistry + Rs. 1,500/- for Drug Chemistry + Rs. 1,500 for Drug
Technology = Rs. 4,200) to attend the practicals in the subsequent year.

QÆ=∞xHõ : Ãã·<£û q^•º~°∞÷ʼnõΩ =∂„`«"Õ∞

qâ◊fi q^•ºÅÜ«∞O „Ѩu ã¨O=`«û~°O „áêH˜ìHõÖò `«~°QÆ`«∞Å#∞ _çÃãO|~ü / [#=i <≥ÅÖ’ a.P~ü. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü
qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O, Ea¡Ç≤ÏÖòû, ÃÇ·Ï^Œ~åÉÏ^£ #O^Œ∞† Ѷ≤„|=i / =∂iÛ <≥ÅÖ’ lÖÏ¡ *’#Öò ÃãO@~üûÖ’
x~°fiÇ≤Ïã¨∞ÎOk. „áêH˜ìHõÖòû‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# É’^èŒ<å HÍÅO „Ѩu Ãã·<£û ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì‰õΩ 72 QÆO@Å∞. ÖË|ˆ~@s
Ѷ‘A XH˘¯Hõ¯ Ãã·<£û ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì‰õΩ ~°∂. 1200/-QÍ Ü«¸x=iû\© x~°‚~ÚOzOk. „áêH˜ìHõÖòû Ѷ‘A @∂º+¨<£
Ѷ‘A`À HõeÑ≤ `«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ K≥e¡OKåe. Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤÷`«∞ÅÖ’#∂ „áêH˜ìHõÖòû Ѷ‘A#∞ q_çQÍ JOwHõiOK«|_»^Œ∞.
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~°∂. 1200/- (XH˘¯Hõ¯ Ãã·<£û PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì‰õΩ) uiy K≥e¡OK«|_»^Œ∞. =∞~°∞ã¨\˜ ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ Ãã·<£û
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K˘Ñ¨C# K≥e¡OKåe. JO`ÕH͉õΩO_® Ãã·<£û q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ „áêH˜ìHõÖò ѨsHõ∆ʼnõΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍ"åÅO>Ë, `«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ
Hõhã¨O 70% „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ãã+¨<£û‰õΩ Ǩ[Ô~· LO_®e. ÖËxÜ≥∞_»Å qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤÷`«∞Ö’¡#∞ Ãã·<£û
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„ÔH_ç\ò HÍ~°∞¤ ^•fi~å K≥e¡OKåe.
g∞~°∞ QÆ#∞Hõ ÃãÊ+¨Öò a.Zãπ.ã≤. Ö’ „áêH˜ìHõÖòû‰õΩ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡Oz# ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍxKÀ `«~°∞"å`«
ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ =∞~°Å ~°∂. 4200/- (~°™êÜ«∞#âß„ã¨ÎO H˘~°‰õΩ ~°∂. 1200/–, „_»Q∑ ÔHq∞„ã‘ì H˘~°‰õΩ ~°∂.
1500/–, „_»Q∑ >ˇHÍflÅr H˘~°‰õΩ ~°∂. 1500/–) K≥e¡Oz „áêH˜ìHõÖòû‰õΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍ"åeû LO@∞Ok.


1. Please note that the fee will not be accepted under any circumstances after
the stipulated date. Students who fail to pay the fee in time shall have to
register during next academic year only.

2. After the announcement of the schedule of annual examination notification,
the University will not entertain any kind of issues like (1) Change of study
centre, (2) Change of optionals, (3) Change of medium etc.
3. Fee mentioned in this letter is subject to change from time to time as per the
rules of the university.

=ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# QÆ=∞xHõÅ∞
1. QÆ_»∞=Ù `Õk =Úyã≤# Ñ≤^ŒÑ¨ Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤÷uÖ’#∂ Ѷ‘A ã‘fiHõiOK«|_»^Œ∞. QÆ_»∞=Ù `ÕnÖ’QÍ @∂º+¨<£
Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«x"å~°∞ =∞~°∞ã¨\˜ ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡Oz q^•º ã¨O=`«û~°O
2. Ü«¸x=iû\© ѨsHõ∆Å `ÕnÅ#∞ x~°‚~ÚOz, „ѨHõ@# ^•fi~å `≥eÜ«∞*Ëã≤# `«~°∞"å`« ZÖÏO\˜
Ѩiã≤÷`«∞ÅÖ’#∞ (1) ã¨ì_ô ÃãO@~ü =∂~°∞Ê, (2) SzÛùHÍOâßÅ =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞, (3) =∂^茺=∞O =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞
3. ZѨÊ\˜HõѨÙÊ_»∞ xÜ«∞=∂ʼnõΩ Ö’|_ç Ѷ‘AÅ#∞ =∂ˆ~Û Ç¨Ï‰õΩ¯ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∂xH˜ LOk.


i) If the student desires to change the optional subjects in III year, he/she has to
pay Rs. 1,400 for each subject (including II year) of change. It may be noted
that change of subject is entertained only when the student either did not pass
in any of the papers of such subject in the II Year or did not write the subject at
all in II Year.

ii) The student before changing the optional subjects must be careful and observe
the guidelines for awarding degree. The student has to pass all the four
papers of the changed subject (II & III year with same subject codes nos.)

Note: The science students (students opted for Psychology also) are advised to
attend the practical sessions without fail. If a student fails to attend the practical
sessions, the laboratory fee of Rs. 1200 (per science subject) paid by him/her will
lapse for that academic year, and he/she has to pay once again.


1. NIIT Centres
2. Proforma for change of optionals / medium / MIL / study centre.
3. Model Registration Form

All the second year students of 2017 batch.
All the Deputy Director / Asst. Directors / Co-ordinators of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open Uni-
versity Study Centres for information and necessary action.


The Director (Student Services)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University
Road No. 46, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad - 500 033.

Sub: Change of MIL / Medium / Optional Subject / Study Centre

Ref: My Admission No. ______________________________________
Course: UG / PG / Diploma / M.B.A.


I request you kindly to change my

a) Study Centre from _________________________________________________

to _______________________________________________________
b) Modern Indian Language (MIL) from ____________________________________
to _______________________________________________________
c) Optionals from _____________________________________________________
to _______________________________________________________
d) Medium from ______________________________________________________
to _______________________________________________________
e) D.D. No. / Challan No. _________________ Rs. ____________ Date __________

f) Earlier Address New Address







8 _______________________________________________________________

Yours faithfully

NIIT Centers

Centre Name of the Centre / Email ID City Phone No.


11741 NIIT Ameerpet Centre Hyderabad 040-40209001

sankar@niitameerpet.com 040-40209004

00017 NIIT Vizag Waltair Centre Visakhapatnam 0891-2551982

niitvizag1@gmail.com 99669 50425

11588 NIIT Rajahmundry Centre Rajahmundry 0883-6571455

niitrjy@gmail.com, rjyniit@gmail.com 83413 48888

11642 NIIT Vijayawada Centre Vijayawada 0866-6556551

niitcloud.vijayawada@gmail.com 0866-6556552

11255 NIIT Ongole Centre Ongole 0859-2645678

niitongole@gmail.com 98496 50382

11657 NIIT Tirupathi Centre Tirupathi 0877-2260444

sss.niittpt@gmail.com 99511 99319

00C05 NIIT Mahaboob Nagar Centre Mahaboob Nagar 98856 29624

gouds_gangadhar_eseva@yahoo.com 98489 05228

11718 NIIT Kakinada Centre Kakinada 0884-2353556

niitkakinada1@gmail.com 91606090245

11742 NIIT Eluru Centre Eluru 7899198988

pnvlakshmi125@yahoo.com 8886026383

Fee Codes & Details of Various Courses of Dr. BRAOU
Fee Description Fee (Rs.)

1. Second Year Tuition Fee for BA 2000

2. Second Year Tuition Fee for B.Sc. 2000

3. Second Year Tuition Fee for B.Com. 2000

4. Third Year Tuition Fee for BA 2000

5. Third Year Tuition Fee for B.Sc. 2000

6. Third Year Tuition Fee for B.Com. 2000

7. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (One Subject) 1200

8. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (Two Subjects) 2400

9. LAB Fee for UG Second Year (Three Subjects) 3600

10. B.Sc. Special Course (Drug Science) Second Year 7200

11. B.Sc. Special Course (Drug Science) Third Year 7200

12. Late Fee for All Programmes 200

13. Re-Admission Fee for UG below 50% Subjects 3000

14. Re-Admission Fee for UG above 50% Subjects 6000

15. B.Sc. Special Lab Fee Rs. 1500 per Subject i.e. Drug Chemistry, Drug Technology 3000

16. If the student of B.Sc. (Special) fail to attend the Practicals in the academic year they
should pay Rs. 4200/- towards Labs Fee (Rs. 1200/- for Chemistry and Rs. 3000 4200
(1500 + 1500) for Drug Chemistry and Drug Technology to attend the practicals)

17. Lab Fee for UG Third Year (One Subject) 1200

18. Lab Fee for UG Third Year (Two Subjects) 2400

19. Lab Fee for UG Third Year (Three Subjects) 3600

20. UG Programme with Computer Science Subject - II Year 1350

21. U.G. Programme with Computer Science Subject - III Year 1350

22. Renewal Lab Fee per One Science Subject / Psychology Subject for II / III Year 1200
(for each year)

23. Renewal Lab Fee per Two Science Subjects for II / III Year (for each year) 2400

24. Renewal Lab Fee per Three Science Subjects for II / III Year (for each year) 3600

25. Lab fee for Psychology, UG - II Year 1200

26. Lab fee for Pshychology, UG - III Year 1200




Caste :




Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University
Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg, Road No. 46,
12 Jubillee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033.

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