Ug 2 Year

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Grams : 'OPVARSITY' Phones : 040-23680290/289

Fax : 0091-040-23544830, 23548433 Website:

E-mail : Portal:


DIRECTOR (SS) Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg,
Road No. 46, Jubilee Hills,
HYDERABAD - 500 033 (A.P.)

C.No. /SSB/UGP/U-II/II Yr. 2017-18 Date: 21-06-2017

Sub : Payment of tuition fee for the II year U.G. Programme for the Academic
Year 2017-18 - Choosing Optional subjects in Second Year Undergraduate
Programme - Guidelines and certain information to the students - Reg.

q+¨Ü«∞O : q^•º ã¨O=`«û~°O 2017-18 _ç„w 2= ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú#‰õΩ @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OѨÙ, PѨ¬#Öò
ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ ZOÑ≤Hõ‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# xÜ«∞=∂Å#∞ `≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«∞_»O QÆ∞iOz.
„Ñ≤Ü«∞"≥∞ÿ# q^•º~°∞úÖÏ~å!
_®. a.P~ü. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü ™ê~°fi„uHõ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O "å~°∞ 2017–18 ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú #∞O_ç ˆHO„^Œ~å„+¨ì
„ѨÉèí∞`åfiÅ P^Õâß#∞™ê~°=Ú B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. _ç„wÅÖ’ KÕ~°É’=Ù q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ CBCS (Choice
Based Credit System) q^è•<åxfl J#∞ã¨iOz É’^èŒ<åOâßÅ#∞ „Ѩ"Õâ◊ ÃÑ@ì#∞Ok.

D qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞=ÚÖ’ QÆ`« ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú JO>Ë 2016–17 =~°‰õΩ J=∞Å∞Ö’ L#fl xÜ«∞=∂Å

„ѨHÍ~°O J_ç‡+¨<£ fã¨∞‰õΩ#fl q^•º~°∞úÅO^ŒiH˜ =¸_»∞ ã¨O=`«û~åÅ=~°‰õΩ J#QÍ 2019 ã¨OII=Ú =~°‰õΩ áê`«
ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨Ùã¨HÎ ÍÅ∞ W=fi|_»`å~Ú, áê`« ѨÙã¨HÎ ÍÅ ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨sHõÅ
∆ ∞ „"åã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ J=HÍâ◊=Ú
2019 ã¨OII=Ú =~°‰õΩ HõÅ^Œ∞. P `«^Œ∞Ѩi áê`« ã≤Å|ãπ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ∞ ~Ú=fi|_»=Ù. J~Ú`Õ ÃÑ·# `≥Å∞ã¨|_ç#
ѨÓ~°fiѨ٠q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ 2022 ã¨OII=Ú ã¨Ñ≤¡"≥∞O@s ѨsHõ∆Å =~°‰õΩ áê`« ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨sHõ∆Å∞
x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«|_»`å~Ú. XHõ"Õà◊ ÃÑ·# `≥Å∞Ѩ|_ç# ѨÓ~°fiѨ٠q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ 2022 ã¨OII=Ú ã¨Ñ≤¡"≥∞O@s =~°‰õΩ
LfÎ~°‚`« ™êkèOK«HõáÈ`Õ H˘`«Î ã≤Å|ãπ J#QÍ CBCS „ѨHÍ~°=Ú Ñ¨sHõ∆Å∞ „"åÜ«∞=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok.
D ѨÓ~°fi q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ H˘`«Î ã≤Å|ãπ „ѨHÍ~°OQÍ 2025 ã¨OII=Ú ã¨Ñ≤Î"≥∞O@s ѨsH©∆Å =~°‰õΩ =∂„`«"Õ∞
J#∞=∞uOѨ|_»`å~°∞. Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤÷uÖ’#∞ Ü«¸x=i≈\˜ 2022 ã¨OII=Ú `«~°∞"å`« áê`« ã≤Å|ãπ`À ѨsHõ∆Å∞
x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«^∞Œ . HÍ=Ù# áê`« q^•º~°∞Å
ú O^Œ~∞° D `≥Å∞Ѩ|_ç# q+¨Ü∂« Å#∞ ‰õΩ∆ }‚OQÍ `≥Å∞ã¨∞‰õΩx `«^#Œ ∞QÆ∞}OQÍ
`«fi~°QÍ `«=∞`«=∞ _ç„w HÀ~°∞ûÅ#∞ ѨÓiÎ KÕã¨∞HÀ=Åã≤OkQÍ q[˝Ñ≤Î KÕã¨∞Î<åflO.
The Students who joined U.G. 1st Year upto 2016 would be allowed to continue
their studies for 3 more years beyond the minimum duration of the programme (ie., 3
years). However, course material will not be provided to the students who seek admis-
sion in to U.G. II & III years after expiry of the minimum duration of the programme (i.e.,
after 2019). These students will be allowed to appear for the examinations with the same
syllabus up to II spell of 2022 examinations. Those students who fail to complete their
programme with the existing syllabus up to II spell of 2022 examinations, may have to
appear for the examinations with the new syllabus, foregoing all the papers which they
passed earlier. The duration for completion of the programme for such students will be 1
three years only (ie., upto 2025 II Spell).
Since 2013 Academic Year, the University introduced Online Registration system
for admission to Undergraduate programme of I, II and III Year.
l Under this system the student has to fill the Application Online.
l All the students should visit the BRAOU portal (www. and click
on second year Registration Form. Then the student should enter his admission

number and date of birth. Once the student enters the admission number and
date of birth, if both are found correct, the second year Registration Form will
l In the Online Registration Form itself the student should choose his optional
l In this letter, the method of choosing optional subjects has been described
clearly. The same details are also available in BRAOU Portal.
l For further information, the student may either approach the near by study
centre or contact the help desk. The phone numbers of help desk are given


l After filling the Application, the students should take a printout of it, which is
being generated with an application number. They should pay the fee on this
application number only.
In case of B.A. and B.Com., they can pay the fee directly on this application
number. However, the students who wish to study B.Sc. and B.Sc. (Special)
should approach the study centre alongwith Intermediate certificate (MPC or
BiPC) or Polytechnic pass certificate of two years study (or more) or one year
work experience certificate from Science and Technology Organisations /
Department approach for verification. Only after confirmation by the study
centre they should pay the fee.
l They can pay the fee in any one of the following methods:
- Payment of Cash in TS / AP Online Centre.
- Payment through Debit / Credit Card
l On receipt of this letter, all the U.G. second year students should proceed
further to fill the Online Application and select the optional subjects.

q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# ã¨∂K«#Å∞
l QÆ`« 2013 = q^•ºã¨O=`«û~°O #∞O_ç qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O P<£Öˇ·<£ Ѩ^ŒÌuÖ’ _ç„w "≥Ú^Œ\˜, Ô~O_»=,
=¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O J_ç‡+¨#∞¡ x~°fiÇ≤Ïã¨∞Î#flk.
l D Ѩ^ŒÌuÖ’ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’<Õ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Îá¶ê~åxfl xOáêe.
l D P<£Öˇ·<£ Ѩ^ŒÌuÖ’ WO@~ü<≥\ò ^•fi~å braou portal ( Ö’H˜ "≥o§
J_ç‡+¨<£ <≥O|~ü#∞, ѨÙ\˜ì# `Õnx xOÑ≤`Õ, ^èŒ~°MÏã¨∞Î á¶ê~°O =ã¨∞ÎOk. q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ P ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î
á¶ê~åxfl xOáêe.
l D P<£Öˇ·<£ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Îá¶ê~°OÖ’<Õ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe.
l PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ ZÖÏ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åÖ’ P q=~åÅ#∞ D L`«Î~°OÖ’ ѨÓiÎQÍ q=iOK«_»"≥∞ÿ#k.
P q=~åÅ∞ braou portal Ö’ ‰õÄ_® ÅÉèíº=∞=Ù`å~Ú.
WOHÍ q=~åÅ∞ U"≥·<å HÍ"åÅO>Ë ã¨g∞Ѩ J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^ŒO ÖË^• ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞ ˆHO„^ŒO (help desk)
^•fi~å ‰õÄ_® Åaè™êÎ~Ú. ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞ ˆHO„^•Å á¶È<£ <≥O|~°¡#∞ H˜O^Œ W=fi_»"≥∞ÿOk.


l ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î á¶ê~åxfl xOÑ≤# `«~åfi`«, ^•x print out fã¨∞HÀ"åe. P print out ÃÑ·# L#fl „Ѩ`ÕºHõ
^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î ã¨OYº (application number) ÃÑ·<Õ Ñ¶‘A K≥e¡OKåe.
a.Z., a.HÍO. q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’ q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ `å=Ú fã¨∞‰õΩ#fl „Ñ≤O\òJ=Ù\ò ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î á¶ê~°OÃÑ· L#fl
<≥O|~üÃÑ· @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«=K«∞Û. B.Sc. K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩ<Õ"å~°∞, "åiH˜ L#fl q^•º~°›`«Å∞
JO>Ë WO@s‡_çÜ«∞\ò (MPC / BiPC) áêãπ ã¨iìѶ≤ÔH\ò ÖË^• Ô~O_»∞ ã¨O=`«û~åÅ∞ QÆÅ (ÖË^•
JO`«HõO>Ë Z‰õΩ¯=) áêe>ˇH˜flH± HÀ~°∞û LfÎ~°‚`« ã¨iìѶ≤ÔH\ò ÖË^• Ãã·<£û JO_£ >ˇHÍflÅr ã¨Oã¨÷ÅÖ’ XHõ
ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѩx KÕã≤# J#∞Éèí=O QÆÅ ã¨iìѶ≤ÔH\ò#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩx J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^•xH˜ "≥o§ `«=∞
ã¨iìѶ≤ÔH@¡#∞ K«∂Ñ≤Oz, B.Sc. K«^Œ=_®xH˜ J~°›`« L#fln, ÖËxn x~åú~°} KÕ~ÚOK«∞HÀ"åe.
J~°›`« L#fl^Œx J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^ŒO"å~°∞ x~åú~°} KÕã≤#ѨC_Õ Ñ¶‘A K≥e¡OKåe.
l D H˜O^Œ `≥eÑ≤# U^≥·<å XHõ Ѩ^ŒÌu ^•fi~å Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«=K«∞Û.
- ^ŒQÆæ~°Ö’ L#fl TS / AP Online Ö’ #QÆ^Œ∞ (Cash Payment) K≥e¡OK«_»O.
- _≥a\ò / „ÔH_ç\ò HÍ~°∞¤ ^•fi~å K≥e¡OK«_»O.
l D L`«Î~°O KÕi# "≥O@<Õ _ç„w Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O q^•º~°∞úÅO`å P<£Öˇ·<£ Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î
á¶ê~åxfl xOÑ≤, PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe.

Dear Student,

Hope that you might have completed I Year Annual Exams held in the month of May
2017 successfully. As per the Academic Calendar prepared by the University for the
Academic Year 2017-18, the contact cum counselling classes for II year U.G. Programme
are proposed to commence from September, 2017 and complete by the second week of
April 2018, so that you would also be able to complete your II year exams within the
prescribed time. For this reason, we are now giving you the fee-payment dates for Sec-
ond year. Please pay the total tuition fee at a time before the last date. Remember that
the University requires at least two months time to arrange for the despatch of course
material to all the students. Please cooperate with us by paying the tuition fee in time to
provide you better services.

„Ñ≤Ü«∞"≥∞ÿ# q^•ºiú,
g∞~°∞ "Õ∞ 2017 Ö’ [iy# „Ѩ^äŒ=∞ ã¨O=`«û~åO`«Ñ¨Ù _ç„w HÀ~°∞û ѨsHõ∆Å#∞ q[Ü«∞=O`«OQÍ Ñ¨ÓiÎ
KÕ™ê~°x Ptã¨∞<Î åflO. ÃãÃÑìO|~ü 2017 #∞O_ç ~Ô O_»= ã¨O=`«û~° HÍO\ÏH±–ì Hõ"∞£ –H“xûeOQ∑ `«~Q° `Æ ∞« Å∞ „áê~°OaèOK«∞@ÔH·
qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O q^•º "åi¬Hõ „Ѩ}ÏoHõ#∞ (Academic Calendar) `«Ü«∂~°∞ KÕã≤Ok. HÍ|\˜ì g∞~°∞ Ô~O_»=
ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѷ‘A WO^Œ∞Ö’ WzÛ# PYi `ÕnÖ’QÍ K≥e¡OK«O_ç. JO^Œ∞=Å# q^•º ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú U„Ñ≤Öò 2018
Ô~O_»= "å~°O =~°‰õΩ Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~° HÍO\ÏH±ì–Hõ"£∞–H“xûeOQ∑ `«~°QÆ`«∞Å∞ ѨÓiÎ KÕÜ«Ú@‰õΩ gÅ=Ù`«∞Ok. g∞
Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~° ѨsHõ∆Å∞ ‰õÄ_® ã¨HÍÅOÖ’ ѨÓiÎ J=Ù`å~Ú. g∞ ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ∞ ѨOÑ≤OK«∞@‰õΩ =∂‰õΩ Hõhã¨=Ú
Ô~O_»∞ <≥ÅÅ∞ Ѩ_»∞`«∞Ok. g∞‰õΩ `«y# ¿ã=ÅOkOK«∞@‰õΩ ã¨HÍÅOÖ’ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡Oz =∂`À ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«O_ç.

As there is no detention system in the University, all the students who are desirous
of continuing their studies will be promoted to second year. If, for some reason or other,
those who have not taken the first year examination, will also be promoted to second
year. Hence, you are advised to pay the tuition fee (including lab fee for Science Sub-
jects) in time through TS / AP Online or through Debit / Credit Card.

_ç„w "≥Ú^Œ\˜ ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ KÕi ѨsHõ∆Å∞ ~åã≤<å, ~åÜ«∞‰õΩ<åfl, Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O K«^Œ∞=Ù#∞
H˘#™êyOK«=K«∞Û. HÍ=Ù#, g∞ Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A TS / AP Online ^•fi~å ÖË^• _≥a\ò / „ÔH_ç\ò
HÍ~°∞¤ ^•fi~å K≥e¡OK«O_ç.

Please understand the guidelines for choosing Optional Subjects for second year
which would continue in third year also. You are advised to go through the optional
subjects (Annexure - I) offered for each programme which you intend to study during your
second year. You may take the help of the Head / Staff of your Study Centre for selection
of optional subjects. Please do remember that you must study the same optional subjects
during the third year programme also.

The student after completion of U.G. First year programme, he/she should choose
the subjects of his / her choice in the Second year depending on his / her aptitude /
interest in higher studies. He / She should choose three optionals compulsorily. There
are three programmes to pursue at Undergraduate level i.e., B.A., B.Com., and B.Sc. In
order to register the programme of his/her choice and optional subjects, the students
should visit the University portal ( and select U.G. Second Year (B.A.,
B.Com., & B.Sc.) Online Registration Form for 2017-18.

On opening the window, first you should enter your admission number and date of
birth. When entry of these two is made, you get details of your name, father's name,
medium, gender, caste, photo with signature etc.

Now, you are advised to select the programme. If you select B.A. as programme of
your study, you will get optionals to be chosen under Two Faculties i.e., Faculty of Social
Sciences and Faculty of Arts. Under the Faculty of Social Sciences, you will find Seven
(07) optionals, whereas under Faculty of Arts Four (04) optionals. You may select all the
three optional subjects in any one of the Faculties or at least two optional subjects from
one Faculty and the third one from any other Faculty. For example, if you choose (03)
Political Science and (05) Sociology under Faculty of Social Sciences and the third optional
can be either from the list of optional subjects from Faculty of Arts or optionals of Faculty
of Commerce or Faculty of Science. On clicking the third optional subject only the selection
of optional subjects for B.A. Programme is completed. Students are advised not to choose
optional subject 01 (Economics) and optional subject 10 (Commerce) together as this
combination of optional subjects stands rejected.

If you wish to study B.Com., select B.Com Programme. Once you select programme
the list of optional subjects to be offered will be displayed. The number of optional subjects
that you come across will be three only i.e., 08, 09 and 10. If you want to obtain B.Com.,
degree you may choose either all the three optional subjects i.e., 08, 09, 10 or at least
two optional subjects i.e., 08 and 09 compulsorily under Faculty of Commerce and the
third one from any of the Faculties.

If you want to obtain B.Sc. degree, select B.Sc., degree as programme of study.
Once you select B.Sc., degree, a list of Nine (09) optional subjects will be displayed. You
may choose any three of the optional subjects from Code No. 11 to 16 and 19 or you may
select atleast two optional subjects from Code No. 11 to 16 and 19 and the third optional
subject from any other faculty of your choice. It may be noted that the student who
wishes as to have B.Sc. (Special) as programme of his / her study, must select optional
subjects of Code No. 13(Chemistry), 25(Drug Chemistry) and 26 (Drug Technology) only.

Once you select the programme (B.A., B.Com.) of your study and optional subjects
thereof, the amount of fee payable will be displayed on the monitor. Take a printout of it
and pay the fee on your unique application number through TS / AP Online Centre or
through Debit / Credit Card.

Though admission into B.A. and B.Com., is automatic, while choosing B.Sc.,
verification of eligibility of the students by study centre is mandatory. The students
who wish to take admission into B.Sc., should take print out of filled-in optional Form
along with requisite certificates - such as Intermediate (Bi.P.C. / M.P.C.) or one year
experience certificate as an evidence of working in / worked in Science and Technology
related organisations, and go to the concerned study centre for getting their eligibility
verified. Only after confirming his eligibility through SMS by the University, the student
should pay the fee on his / her application number through TS / AP Online or through
Debit / Credit Card. The student should submit optional subjects Form along with copies
of certificates at the Study Centre for verification. 5
PSYCHOLOGY as one of the optionals (Code No. 27)

Keeping in view the demand from the students, the university is offering Psychology
as one of the optionals at undergraduate level with Code No. 27 under Faculty of Social
Sciences. The students who choose Psychology as one of the optionals at Undergruate
level, should pay practical fee of Rs. 1200/- (Rupees Twelve Hundred Only) in addition to
tuition fee of Rs. 2000/-. The students who opt this subject shall attend the practical
sessions and 100 percent attendance is compulsory for these sessions.


No. 31)

Realising the importance of Communication and Public Relations in the

contemporary situation and also to widen the base of optional subjects, a subject on
Mass Communication and Public Relations is added as one of the optional subjects for
the Undergraduate Programme under Faculty of Social Sciences. The students who
wish to study Mass Communication and Public Relations at Undergraduate level, may
choose it as one of their optional subjects.

_ç„w Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~° PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìû ZOÑ≤Hõ – Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OѨÙ

Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’#∂, =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’#∂ K«^Œ==Åã≤# PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚H±ìÅ#∞ (Optional
Subjects) U ~°HõOQÍ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe J<Õ q+¨Ü«∞OÃÑ· =∂~°æ^Œ~°≈Hõ ã¨∂„`åÅ#∞ á⁄O^Œ∞Ѩ~°∞ã¨∞Î<åflO.
K«^Œ∞=ÙHÀ=Åã≤# PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚H±ìÅ ¿Ñ~°¡#∞ „â◊^ŒúQÍ Ñ¨ijeOz g∞~°∞ K«^Œ=^ŒÅz# PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚H±ìÅ#∞ "Õ∞=Ú
ѨOÑ≤# =∂~°æ ^Œ~°≈HÍʼnõΩ Ö’|_ç ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀO_ç. PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚H±ìÅ ZOÑ≤Hõ‰õΩ g∞ J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^ŒOÖ’ Ѩx
KÕ¿ã L^ÀºQÆ∞ÅÖ’ Z=i ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞"≥∞ÿ<å fã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û. g∞~°∞ Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÖ’ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞H˘#fl PѨ¬#Öò
ã¨|˚H±ìÅ<Õ =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ ‰õÄ_® J^茺ܫ∞#O KÕÜ«∞=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok.
_ç„w "≥Ú^Œ\˜ ã¨O=`«û~°O HÍQÍ<Õ, áêÃã·<å, HÍHõáÈ~Ú<å, q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ `«=∞‰õΩ L#fl Pã¨H˜Îx |\˜ì Ô~O_»=
ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ `«=∞‰õΩ #zÛ# PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìû (W+¨ì"≥∞ÿ# áê~î°ºq+¨Ü«∂Å∞) ÅÖ’ =¸_çO\˜x `«Ñ¨Ê‰õΩO_® ZOÑ≤Hõ
KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe. B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. ÅÖ’ XHõ ^•xx ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ<ÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ Ü«¸x=iû\˜ áÈ~°ìÖò
( Ö’H˜ "≥o§, "≥Ú^Œ@ U.G. Second Year 2017–18 Online il„¿ãì+¨<£ á¶ê~°OÃÑ· H˜¡H±
(H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∞_»=∞O>Ë ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=_»O) KÕÜ«∞O_ç. HõOѨӺ@~ü =∂x@~üÃÑ· window ~åQÍ<Õ, g∞ J_ç‡+¨<£
<≥O|~ü#∞, ѨÙ\˜ì# `Õnx xOѨO_ç. D Ô~O_çO\˜x xOѨQÍ<Õ, g∞ ¿Ñ~°∞, `«O„_ç ¿Ñ~°∞, =∂^茺=∞O(Medium),
eOQÆO(Gender) =∞iÜ«Ú ™ê=∂lHõ Ǩϟ^• (Social Status), á¶⁄\’, ã¨O`«OHõO`À ‰õÄ_ç# q=~åÅ∞ =™êÎ~Ú.
WѨÙÊ_»∞ g∞~°∞ x~°‚~ÚOK«∞‰õΩ#fl B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. ÅÖ’ U^≥·<å XHõ ^•xÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∞O_ç. B.A.
K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩx H˜¡H± KÕã≤#@¡~Ú`Õ, Ô~O_»∞ qÉèÏQÍÅ (Two Faculties) H˜O^Œ Optional Subjects =™êÎ~Ú.
Jq: ™ê=∂lHõ âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆO (Faculty of Social Sciences), Hõà◊Å qÉèÏQÆO (Faculty of Arts).
™ê=∂lHõ âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆO H˜O^Œ U_»∞ Optional subjects LO\Ï~Ú. JÖψQ Hõà◊Å qÉèÏQÆO H˜O^Œ <åÅ∞QÆ∞
Optional Subjects LO\Ï~Ú. D Ô~O_»∞ qÉèÏQÍÅ H˜O^Œ L#fl ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ #∞O_ç U qÉèÏQÆO #∞OK≥·<å
=¸_»∞ ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û ÖË^• Hõhã¨O Ô~O_»∞ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ XHõ qÉèÏQÆO #∞O_ç ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩx,
=¸_»= ã¨|˚‰õΩìQÍ =∞ˆ~ qÉèÏQÆO #∞OK≥·<å ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û. L^•Ç¨Ï~°}‰õΩ, Faculty of Social Sciences
H˜O^Œ LO_Õ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅÖ’ Ô~O\˜x ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl@¡~Ú`Õ, =¸_»= ã¨|˚‰õΩì#∞ Faculty of Arts #∞O_ç QÍx,
Faculty of Commerce #∞O_ç QÍx, Faculty of Science #∞O_ç QÍx ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û. =¸_»=
ã¨|˚‰õΩì#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl `«~°∞"å`Õ g∞~°∞ B.A. _ç„wx K«k"ÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ J~°∞›Å=Ù`å~°∞. q^•º~°∞úÅ∞
QÆ∞~°∞ÎOK«∞HÀ"åeû# q+¨Ü«∞"Õ∞q∞@O>Ë, 01 (Economics), 10 (Commerce) HÀ_£Å∞ QÆÅ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ Ô~O_ç\˜x
ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩx K«k"ÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ gÅ∞ ÖË^Œ∞.
g∞~°∞ B.Com. K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO>Ë, B.Com. ÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∞O_ç. JÖÏ H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∞QÍ<Õ HÍ=∞~üû qÉèÏQÆO
(Faculty of Commerce) H˜O^Œ LO_Õ =¸_»∞ Optional Subjects =™êÎ~Ú. Jq 08, 09, 10 HÀ_£Å∞
QÆÅ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ∞ =∂„`«"Õ∞. B.Com. _ç„wH˜ QÍ#∞ 08, 09, 10 HÀ_£Å∞ QÆÅ =¸_»∞ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ#∂ fã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û† ÖË^•
08, 09 Å#∞ `«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ fã¨∞‰õΩx =¸_»= ã¨|˚‰õΩì#∞ U Faculty #∞OK≥·<å ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û.
g∞~°∞ B.Sc. K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO>Ë B.Sc. _ç„wÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∞O_ç. B.Sc. _ç„wÃÑ· H˜¡H± KÕÜ«∞QÍ<Õ Faculty of
Science H˜O^Œ `˘q∞‡k Optional Subjects *Ïa`å =ã¨∞ÎOk. WÖÏ =zÛ# ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ *Ïa`åÖ’ "≥Ú`«ÎO 9
L#flѨÊ\˜H©, HÀ_£ <≥O. 11 #∞O_ç 16 =~°‰õΩ, HÀ_£ <≥O. 19 QÆÅ U_»∞ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅÖ’ U =¸_çO\˜<≥·<å ZOÑ≤Hõ
KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û, ÖË^• D U_»∞ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅÖ’ Hõhã¨O Ô~O_çO\˜x ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩx, =¸_»= ã¨|˚‰õΩìx, U Faculty
#∞OK≥·<å ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û. B.Sc. (Special) _ç„w HÍ"åÅ#∞H˘<Õ "å~°∞ HÀ_£ <≥O. 13 (Chemistry), HÀ_£
<≥O. 25 (Drug Chemistry), HÀ_£ <≥O. 26 (Drug Technology) QÆÅ ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ =∂„`«"Õ∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe.
giH˜ "Õˆ~ ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ J=HÍâ◊O ÖË^Œ∞.
QÆ=∞xOKåeûO^Õq∞@O>Ë, g∞~°∞ _ç„wx, Optional Subjects #∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀQÍ<Õ Ñ¶‘A ZO`«
K≥e¡OKåÖ’ =∂x@~üÃÑ· =ã¨∞ÎOk. D "≥Ú`åÎxfl g∞~°∞ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞ÎÃÑ· L#fl „Ѩ`ÕºHõ <≥O|~üÃÑ· TS / AP Online
ˆHO„^ŒOÖ’ QÍx, _≥a\ò ÖË^• „ÔH_ç\ò HÍ~°∞¤ ^•fi~å QÍx K≥e¡OKåe.
B.A., B.Com Å#∞ fã¨∞HÀ=_®xH˜ JO^Œ~°∂ J~°∞›ÖË J~Ú#ѨÊ\˜H©, B.Sc x fã¨∞HÀ"åÅ#∞‰õΩ<Õ
"å~°∞ =∂„`«O `«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ ã¨ì_ô ÃãO@~ü‰õΩ "≥o§ `«=∞ ã¨iìѶ≤ÔH@¡#∞ K«∂Ñ≤Oz "åiH˜ P J~°›`« LO^À ÖË^À
x~åúiOK«∞HÀ"åe. B.Sc. Ö’H˜ „Ѩ"Õâßxfl HÀˆ~ q^•º~°∞úÅO`å áÈ~°ìÖòÖ’ ѨÓiOz# PѨ¬#Öò á¶ê~°O „Ñ≤O\ò HÍÑ‘x
Hõ O Ѩ Ó º@~ü #∞O_ç f㨠∞ ‰õ Ω x, ^•x`À áê@∞ "åi q^•º~° › `« Å ‰õ Ω 㨠O |Okè O z# 㨠i ì Ñ ¶ ≤ Ô H @¡ # ∞, JO>Ë
WO@s‡_çÜ«∞\òÖ’ Bi.P.C. ÖË^• M.P.C. Å`À áêÃã·# ã¨iìѶ≤ÔH\ò ÖË^• Ãã·<£û JO_£ >ˇHÍflÅr _çáê~üì"≥∞O@¡Ö’
XHõ ã¨O=`«û~åxH˜ q∞Oz Ѩx KÕã≤# J#∞Éèí=O QÆÅ ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH\ò fã¨∞‰õΩx ã¨ì_ô ÃãO@~ü‰õΩ "≥àϧe. JHõ¯_» P
q^•ºiú ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH\òÅ#∞ ѨijeOz# g∞^Œ@ J`«x J_ç‡+¨<£#∞ SMS ^•fi~å x~åúiOK«|_»∞`«∞Ok. JÖÏ
x~åúiOK«|_ç# `«~°∞"å`Õ q^•ºiú TS / AP Online Ö’ QÍx, _≥a\ò / „ÔH_ç\ò HÍ~°∞¤ ^•fi~å QÍx Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OKåe.
q^•ºiú =∂„`«O PѨ¬#Öò á¶ê~°O`À áê@∞ ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH\ò HÍÑ‘Å#∞ ã¨ì_ô ÃãO@~üÖ’ W"åfie.
PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚‰õΩìQÍ =∞<Àq*Ï˝# âß„ã¨ÎO (Psychology) (Code No. 27)

q^•º~°∞úÅ #∞O_ç =ã¨∞Î#fl _ç=∂O_£#∞ ^Œ$+≤ìÖ’ LOK«∞‰õΩx _ç„w ™êú~ÚÖ’ XHõ Optional Subject QÍ
=∞<Àq*Ï˝# âß„™êÎxfl ™ê=∂lHõ âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆO H˜O^Œ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O JOkã¨∞Î#flk. _ç„w ™êú~ÚÖ’ =∞<Àq*Ï˝#
âß„™êÎxfl PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚‰õΩìQÍ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞‰õΩ#fl "å~°∞ ™ê^è•~°} Ѷ‘A ~°∂. 2000/– (~°∂. Ô~O_»∞ "≥~Úº ~°∂áê~ÚÅ∞
=∂„`«"Õ∞) Å`À áê@∞ ~°∂. 1200/– Å#∞ „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ѷ‘AQÍ K≥e¡OKåe. U q^•º~°∞úÖˇ·`Õ D ã¨|˚‰õΩì#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ
KÕã¨∞‰õΩO\Ï~À "å~°∞ „áêH˜ìHõÖò HÍ¡ã¨∞ʼnõΩ 100 âß`«O ǨÏ[~°∞ HÍ"åe.
PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚‰õΩìQÍ [#ÉÏǨïà◊º ã¨=∂Kå~° „Ѩ™ê~°O, „Ѩ*Ïã¨O|O^è•Å∞ (Mass Communication &
Public Relations) (Code No. 31)

ã¨=∞HÍb# Ѩiã≤ú`«∞ÅÖ’ ã¨=∂Kå~° =º=ã¨úÅ∞, „Ѩ*Ïã¨O|O^è•Å „áê=ÚYº`«#∞ QÆ∞iÎOz, PѨ¬#Öò ã¨|˚‰õΩìÅ

Ѩikèx qã¨$Î`«O Kտ㠄Ѩܫ∞`«flOÖ’ ÉèÏQÆOQÍ ™ê=∂lHõ âß„ã¨Î qÉèÏQÆO H˜O^Œ [#ÉÏǨïà◊º ã¨=∂Kå~° „Ѩ™ê~°O,
„Ѩ*Ï ã¨O|O^è•Å∞ J<Õ ã¨|˚‰õΩì#∞ _ç„w ™êú~ÚÖ’ KÕ~°Û_»O [iyOk. _ç„w ™ê÷~ÚÖ’ D ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì#∞ K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩ<Õ
"å~°∞ nxx ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û.

In the II year you have to choose any three optional subjects from among those
listed below, under four faculties:

qâ◊fi q^•ºÅÜ«∞OÖ’x <åÅ∞QÆ∞ q^•º qÉèÏQÍÅ∞ ~°∂á⁄OkOz# H˜Ok áê~ q+¨Ü∂« ÅÖ’ U =¸_çO\˜<<·≥ å
SzÛùHÍOâßÅ∞QÍ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞H˘x Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ g∞~°∞ K«^Œ==Åã≤ LO@∞Ok:
q^•ºqÉèÏQÍÅ q=~°=ÚÅ∞
Faculty of Arts Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Commerce Faculty of Science
Subject Code Subject Code Subject Code Subject Code
Hõà◊Å qÉèÏQÆO ™ê=∂lHõâß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆO "å}˜[ºâß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆO q*Ï˝#âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆO
06. Telugu Lit. 01. Economics 08 Group-A 11. Mathematics
`≥Å∞QÆ∞ ™êÇ≤Ï`«ºO J~°÷âß„ã¨ÎO „QÆ∂Ñπ - A QÆ}˜`« âß„ã¨ÎO
07. English Lit. 02. History 09. Group-B 12. Physics
WOw¡+¨µ ™êÇ≤Ï`«ºO K«i„`« „QÆ∂Ñπ - B Éè∫uHõâß„ã¨ÎO
17. Urdu Lit. 03. Political Science 10. Group-C 13. Chemistry
L~°∂Ì ™êÇ≤Ï`«ºO ~å[huâß„ã¨ÎO „QÆ∂Ñπ - C ~°™êÜ«∞#âß„ã¨ÎO
18. Hindi Lit. 04. Public Administration 14. Geology
Ç≤ÏOn ™êÇ≤Ï`«ºO „ѨÉèí∞`«fiáêÅ<å âß„ã¨ÎO Éèí∂QÆ~°ƒù âß„ã¨ÎO
05. Sociology 15. Botany
ã¨=∂[âß„ã¨ÎO =$Hõ∆âß„ã¨ÎO
27. Psychology 16. Zoology
=∞<À q*Ï˝#âß„ã¨ÎO [O`«∞âß„ã¨ÎO
31. Mass Communication *19 Computer
and Public Relations Applications
[#ÉÏǨïà◊º ã¨=∂Kå~° HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£û
„Ѩ™ê~°O, „Ѩ*Ïã¨O|O^è•Å∞ **25. Drug Chemistry
„_»Q∑ ÔHq∞„ã≤ì
**26. Drug Technology
„_»Q∑ >ˇHÍflÅl
Important Note:
1. Contact-cum-Counselling classes for 027-Psychology subject will be offered only
in 23 Regional Coordination Centres as per the norms of the university. Practicals
will be conducted for this subject at identified Zonal centres / Regional centres
which will be informed later.

2. In case student is desirous to take Drug Sciences i.e. B.Sc. (Special), he/she should
take the combination of 13, 25 and 26 as compulsory subjects. This programme is
offered only in English Medium. Other students should not opt 25 or 26 as one of
their three optionals. For more details about B.Sc. & B.Sc. (Special) you may refer
8 prospectus of First year UG Programme or you may contact your Study Centre
* The optional subject Mass Communication and Public Relations (031) is offered at
Regional Coordination Centres only.

=ÚYº QÆ=∞xHõÅ∞:
1. 27 - =∞<Àq*Ï˝#âß„ã¨ÎO ã¨|˚‰õΩì‰õΩ HÍO\ÏH±ì–Hõ"£∞–H“xûeOQ∑ `«~°QÆ`«∞Å∞ 23 „áêOfÜ«∞ ã¨=∞#fiÜ«∞
ˆHO„^•ÅÖ’, qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞ x|O^èŒ#Å „ѨHÍ~°O x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«|_»`å~Ú. D PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ì#∞ ZOK«∞‰õΩ#fl
q^•º~°∞÷ʼnõΩ P ã¨|˚‰õΩì‰õΩ „áêH˜ìHõÖòû H˘xfl xˆ~útOz# *’#Öò ˆHO„^•ÅÖ’ =∂„`«"Õ∞ [~°∞QÆ∞`å~Ú. g\˜x
q^•º~°∞÷ʼnõΩ `«~åfi`« `≥eÜ«∞*Ë™êÎO.
2. g∞~°∞ QÆ#∞Hõ B.Sc. Special Course KÕÜ«∂Å#∞‰õΩO>Ë qkèQÍ =¸_»∞ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ∞QÍ 13 -
~°™êÜ«∞# âß„ã¨ÎO, 25 - „_»Q∑ ÔHq∞„ã‘ì, 26 - „_»Q∑ >ˇHÍflÅrÅ#∞ ZOK«∞HÀ"åe. D „áÈ„QÍ=Ú WOw¡+¨µ
g∞_çÜ«∞OÖ’ =∂„`«"Õ∞ LO@∞Ok. J#QÍ g∞~°∞ 25, 26 ‰õΩ q_çQÍ U W`«~° ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ`À ZOK«∞H˘<Õ
gÅ∞ÖË^Œ∞. J^Õq^èŒOQÍ W`«~° „QÆ∂Ѩ٠q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ 25, 26ÅÖ’ U XHõ¯\˜ ‰õÄ_® `«=∞ =¸_»= PѨ¬#Öò
ã¨Éˇ˚H±ì˜QÍ ZOK«∞HÀ~å^Œ∞.
The following are the subjects of B.Sc. (Special)

No Optional Course I Course II Course III Course IV

13 Chemistry Chemistry of Atoms, Elements-II, Elements-III, Drug Agro
Elements-I and Carbon Compounds-II Advanced Carbon Chemicals &
Carbon Compounds-I Chemistry of Solids Compounds-II & Environmental
Physical Chemistry Chemistry

25 Drug Chemical Analysis Microbial Instrumental Unit Processes

Chemistry Bio-Technology Analysis

26 Drug Unit Operations Drug Product Manufacture of Cosmetology

Technology Machinery Bulk Drugs


I year Rs. 2,000/- (Foundation Courses)

II year Rs. 7,200/- (For all three optionals including Laboratory Fee)
III year Rs. 7,200/- (For all three optionals including Laboratory Fee)

If the student fails to attend the practical sessions during the relevant academic
year he / she has to pay again the practical fee of Rs. 1200/- for Chemistry and Rs.
3,000/- (Rs. 1,500/- + Rs. 1,500/-) for Drug Chemistry and Drug Technology in the next
academic year for attending the practical sessions. Old or current students of science
subject should pay their practical fee along with their tuition fee.

Note : All the students must pay their fees either through TS / AP Online Centres or
through Debit / Credit Card.

Admission Requirements

Students who have passed Intermediate (Plus Two) or equivalent examination with
Chemistry as one of the electives OR two years experience in Chemical Industry OR pass
in D.Pharmacy are eligible to seek admission in to B.Sc. (Special).

The practical classes for the students of B.Sc. (Special) II & III year Drug Science
for the Academic Year 2017-18 will be held at the following Zonal Centres.

S.No. Zonal Study Centres where Districts Covered

Practicals will be Conducted

1. Adilabad 8. Nizamabad
1 Gyana Jyothi College of 2. Anantapur 9. Chittoor
Pharmacy, Uppal, 3. Kadapa 10. Warangal
Hyderabad 4. Karimnagar 11. Ranga Reddy
5. Khammam 12. Medak
6. Mahaboobnagar 13. Hyderabad &
7. Nalgonda Secunderabad

1. Nellore 6. Guntur
2 Dr. V.S. Krishna Govt. College 2. Prakasham 7. Vijayanagaram
Vizag 3. East Godavari 8. Visakhapatnam
4. West Godavari 9. Krishna
5. Srikakulam

While you are free to choose any three optional subjects, you are directed to note
carefully the above mentioned guidelines before you finalise the selection of the
subjects. Those who wish to study Postgraduate programmes later must choose
their optional subjects carefully, keeping in view the admission regulations of other

For example, if you are interested to study M.Sc. Programme, it is advised to choose
all the three subjects from the Science Faculty only. If you want to study M.Com.
Degree Programme, it is advised to choose all the three subjects from the Commerce
Faculty only. For M.A. Degree Programme also, it is advised to choose all the
three optional subjects from the Faculty of Arts / Social Sciences. It may be noted
that regulations with regard to admission to Postgraduate Degree Programmes
vary from one University to another.

PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ ZOÑ≤HõÖ’ g∞‰õΩ ¿ãfiK«Ûù#∞ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O HõeÊOz#ѨÊ\˜H© g∞~°∞ SzÛùHÍOâßÅ#∞

ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞H˘<Õ=ÚO^Œ∞ ÃÑ·# ¿Ñ~˘¯#fl =∂~°æ^Œ~°≈Hõ ã¨∂„`åÅ#∞ ^Œ$+≤ìÖ’ LOK«∞HÀO_ç. PÖ’zOz, g∞
Jaè~°∞z „ѨHÍ~°O áê~î°º q+¨Ü«∂ÅÖ’ g∞‰õΩ#fl ѨÓ~°fi*Ï˝#O, =Ú#∞‡O^Œ∞ g∞~°∞ K«^Œ∞=^ŒÅK«∞H˘#fl Ñ≤.l.
HÀ~°∞û#∞ ^Œ$+≤ìÖ’ LOK«∞H˘x SzÛùHÍOâßÅ#∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀO_ç. g∞~°∞ W`«~° qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∂ÅÖ’
Ñ≤.l. HÀ~°∞û K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO>Ë PÜ«∂ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∂Å x|O^èŒ#Å#∞ ^Œ$+≤ìÖ’ LOK«∞H˘x SzÛùHÍOâßÅ#∞
L^•Ç¨Ï~°}‰õΩ Ü«∞O.Zãπ.ã≤. K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO>Ë g∞~°∞ q*Ï˝# âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆOÖ’x =¸_»∞ ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞
=∂„`«"Õ∞ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ∞QÍ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀO_ç. ZO.U. K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO>Ë Hõà◊Å qÉèÏQÆO ÖË^• ™ê=∂lHõ
âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÍÖ’¡x `˘q∞‡k SzÛùHÍOâßÅÖ’ ÃÑ·# `≥eÑ≤# x|O^èŒ#ʼnõΩ Ö’|_ç U =¸_çO\˜<≥·<å
ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀO_ç. ZO.HÍ"£∞. K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO>Ë "å}˜[º âß„™êÎÅ qÉèÏQÆOÖ’x =¸_»∞ ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ =∂„`«"Õ∞
PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ∞QÍ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀO_ç. áÈã¨∞ì „QÍ_»∞ºÜÕ∞\ò „Ѩ"Õâ◊ Ѩ^Œúu x|O^èŒ#Å∞, qq^èŒ
qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∂ÅÖ’ qq^èŒ ~°HÍÅ∞QÍ LO\Ï~Ú J<Õ q+¨Ü«∂xfl D ã¨O^Œ~°ƒùOÖ’ QÆ∞~°∞ÎOK«∞HÀO_ç.
4. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS - As One of the Optional Subjects

Value Addition to your Degree

* Offered in collaboration with NIIT with a different fee structure.

The University has entered into a collaborative agreement with NIIT, a professional
and reputed computer organisation, to offer Computer Applications as one of the
three optional subjects. This subject has four courses like the other optional sub-
jects. If you choose this subject as one of the three optionals, you will be allotted to
one of the NIIT Centres nearer to your study centre. You have to attend for the
theory and practical classes at the NIIT Centre allotted to you. Attendance is com-
pulsory for this subject and the medium of instruction is English only. Even if you
choose to study the other two subjects in Telugu / Urdu medium, you have to study
this subject and write the examinations in English only. If you complete successfully
the four courses of this subject you will receive a Diploma in Computer Applications
from NIIT in addition to the degree you receive from this University. If you select this
subject (Computer Applications) you have to compulsorily study all the four courses
of NIIT. For further details you may contact at your Study Centre.

A degree with Computer Applications will enhance your opportunities in the em-
ployment market. If you are already employed, the study of this subject will give
horizontal and vertical mobility. In the Computer Applications optional there are
four courses (4 papers) of which two courses are in second year (I & II courses)
and two courses in third year (III & IV courses). If you choose computer applica-
tions as one of the electives, you have to pay an additional fee of Rs. 3,000/- for
each course to NIIT directly. This means you have to pay to the NIIT Rs. 6,000/- for
two courses in second year (i.e. I and II courses) and Rs. 6,000/- in third year (i.e.
III and IV courses). This fee will be in addition to the normal fee which you have to
pay to this University. The University will reduce Rs. 700/- out of 2,000/- for the two
subjects chosen by you from Dr. BRAOU i.e. towards tuition fee in II & III years.
Hence, you need to pay Rs. 1400/- instead of Rs. 2,000/- to the University. Fur-
ther, you have to pay Rs. 350/- towards admission fee in Second year and Service
Tax to NIIT as per Government norms. List of NIIT centres where computer applica-
tions optional is being offered is provided in Annexure - II.

g∞ _ç„w qÅ∞=#∞ ÃÑOá⁄OkOKÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ x\ò (NIIT) Ü«∂[=∂#ºO`À _®II a.P~ü. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü ™ê~°fi„uHõ
qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O "å~°∞ ã¨Ç¨ÏHÍ~°Ñ¨Ó~°fiHõ"≥∞ÿ# XѨÊO^ŒO ‰õΩ^Œ∞~°∞Û‰õΩOk. =$uÎѨ~°"≥∞ÿ# <≥·Ñ¨Ù}ºO Hõey#
HõOѨӺ@~ü ã¨Oã¨÷`À (x\ò) HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£û#∞, =¸_»∞ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅÖ’ XHõ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìQÍ
g∞~°∞ Z#∞flHÀ=K«∞Û. g∞~°∞ nxx XHõ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìQÍ Z#∞flH˘O>Ë J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^ŒO ѨikèÖ’x Ju
^ŒQÆæ~°Ö’#∞#fl x\ò ˆHO„^ŒO g∞‰õΩ D ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì#∞ É’kèOKÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ ˆH\Ï~ÚOK«|_»∞`«∞Ok. g∞‰õΩ ˆH\Ï~ÚOz#

x\ò ˆHO„^ŒOÖ’<Õ käÜ«∞s =∞iÜ«Ú „áêH˜ìHõÖò `«~°QÆ`«∞ʼnõΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍ=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. nxH˜ J>ˇO_≥#∞û
(Ǩ[~°∞) `«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ LO_®e. POQÆ¡ =∂^茺=∞OÖ’<Õ É’^èŒ# [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞Ok. g∞~°∞ q∞ye# Ô~O_»∞
ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÅ#∞ `≥Å∞QÆ∞ =∂^茺=∞OÖ’ <Õ~°∞Û‰õΩO@∞#flѨÊ\˜H© D ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì ѨsHõ∆ =∂„`«O WOw¡+¨µ ÉèÏ+¨Ö’<Õ
~åÜ«∂e. g∞~°∞ HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ûÖ’ <åÅ∞QÆ∞ HÀ~°∞ûÅ#∞ q[Ü«∞=O`«OQÍ Ñ¨ÓiÎ KÕã≤#>ˇÿ¡`Õ, g∞‰õΩ
_®II a.P~ü. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü ™ê~°fi„uHõ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O "åi _ç„w`À ÉÏ@∞ x\ò "åi _çѨ¡=∂ W<£ HõOѨӺ@~ü
JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£û ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH\ò ‰õÄ_® =ã¨∞ÎOk. g∞~°∞ QÆ#∞Hõ D ''HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£û#∞—— ZOK«∞‰õΩ#fl>ˇÿ¡`Õ
`«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ x\ò "åi <åÅ∞QÆ∞ HÀ~°∞ûÅ#∞ K«^Œ∞==Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. D HÀ~°∞û q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’ `«^Œ∞Ѩi
q=~åÅ H˘~°‰õΩ g∞ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^ŒOÖ’ ã¨O„ѨkOK«O_ç.
g∞~°∞ HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£`À _ç„w fã¨∞‰õΩO>Ë g∞‰õΩ L^ÀºQÆ J=HÍâßÅ∞ Z‰õΩ¯= LO\Ï~Ú. g∞~°∞ D
áê\˜ˆH L^ÀºQÆã¨∞ÎÖˇ·`Õ nx=Å¡ g∞‰õΩ Ѩ^À#flu ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ ÃÑ· Ѩ^Œ=ÙÅ#∞ á⁄O^ÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ J=HÍâßÅ∞
''HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£û—— PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅÖ’ "≥Ú`«ÎO <åÅ∞QÆ∞ HÀ~°∞ûÅ∞ LO\Ï~Ú. Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’
I & II HÀ~°∞ûÅ∞, =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ III & IV HÀ~°∞ûÅ∞ LO\Ï~Ú. g∞~°∞ HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£#∞ XHõ
PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìQÍ Z#∞flH˘#fl@¡~Ú`Õ „Ѩu HÀ~°∞û‰õΩ ~°∂. 3,000/- K≥e¡OK«=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. Ô~O_»∞
HÀ~°∞ûʼnõΩ QÍ#∞ g∞~°∞ Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ ~°∂. 6,000/- =∞iÜ«Ú =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’x q∞ye#
Ô~O_»∞ HÀ~°∞ûʼnõΩ ~°∂. 6,000/- K≥e¡OK«=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. D Ô~O_»∞ "≥Ú`åÎÅ#∞ g∞~°∞ x\ò ã¨Oã¨÷ "åiH˜
K≥e¡OK«=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. JO`ÕH͉õΩO_® Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ ~°∂. 350/- x J_ç‡+¨<£ Ѷ‘A „H˜O^Œ
„ѨÉèí∞`«fi xÜ«∞=∂Å „ѨHÍ~°O ã¨sfiã¨∞ \ÏH±û#∞ NIIT H˜ <Õ~°∞QÍ K≥e¡OKåe. Wk Ü«¸x=iû\©H˜ K≥e¡OKÕ
Ѷ‘AʼnõΩ J^Œ#OQÍ K≥e¡OKåe. J#QÍ g∞~°∞ x\ò ã¨Oã¨÷ "åi HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<û£ XHõ PѨ¬#Öò
ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìQÍ Z#∞flH˘x, q∞QÆ`å Ô~O_»∞ PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ∞ _®II a.P~ü. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü ™ê~°fi„uHõ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O
"å~°∞ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOKÕ áê~îåºOâßÅÖ’ Z#∞flH˘#fl@¡~Ú`Õ g∞~°∞ Ü«¸x=iû\©H˜ „Ѩu ã¨O=`«û~°O K≥e¡OKÕ
@∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘AÖ’ ~°∂. 700/- `«yæOѨ٠KÕÜ«∞|_»∞`«∞Ok. JO>Ë P Ô~O_»∞ áê~îåºOâßʼnõΩQÍ#∞ ~°∂.
2,000/- ʼnõΩ |^Œ∞Å∞QÍ g∞~°∞ ~°∂. 1400/- K˘Ñ¨C# Ô~O_»=, =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~åÅÖ’ Ü«¸x=iû\©H˜
K≥eO¡ K«=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. HõOѨӺ@~ü JÑ≤Hˆ¡ +¨<û£ SzÛùHÍOâßxfl JOkOKÕ NIIT Hˆ O„^•Å *Ïa`å J#∞|O^èOŒ
- II Ö’ W=fi|_çOk.

The annual tuition fee payable for second year is Rs. 2,000/- for B.A. and B.Com.
and is payable in one instalment only. The students who have opted for science
subjects (other than mathematics) must pay Rs. 1200/- towards laboratory fee for
each science subject along with tuition fee only. Students who wish to opt Psychol-
ogy as one of the optional subjects also need to pay Rs. 1200/- towards lab fee in
II and III years. Students who paid lab fee but couldn't attend practicals shall pay
the lab fee once again to attend the practical classes.

B.A.,B.Com. Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~åxH˜ K≥e¡OKåeû# "åi¬Hõ @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A "≥Ú`«ÎO ~°∂. 2,000/- XˆH™êi
K≥e¡OKåe. Ãã·#∞û K«^Œ"åÅ#∞‰õΩ<Õ q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ „Ѩu Ãã·#∞û PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìH˜ (=∂º^äŒ"≥∞\˜H±û `«Ñ¨Ê) ~°∂.
1200/- K˘Ñ¨C# ÖÏÉÁˆ~@s Ѷ‘AQÍ, @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A`À HõeÑ≤ K≥e¡OKåe. =∞<À q*Ï˝# âß„™êÎxfl PѨ¬#Öò
ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìQÍ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åÅ#∞‰õΩ<Õ q^•º~°∞÷Å∞, Ô~O_»=, =¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~åÅÖ’ „Ѩu ã¨O=`«û~°O ~°∂.
1200/- Å#∞ ÖÏÉÁˆ~@s ѶA ‘ QÍ K≥eO¡ Kåe. ÖÏÉò ѶA
‘ #∞ Hõ\#ì˜ `«~∞° "å`« „áêH˜Hì Ö
õ ûò ‰õΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍÖËHáõ È~Ú#
12 q^•º~°∞÷Å∞, =∞~˘Hõ™êi ÖÏÉò Ѷ‘A#∞ K≥e¡Oz „áêH˜ìHõÖòû‰õΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍ"åe.
NOTE FOR B.Sc. STUDENTS: Practical training classes of Open University are
conducted during February / March of every year. The University conducts practicals
of 72 hours per subject. The Student shall pay laboratory fee of Rs. 1200/- for
each science subject (other than Mathematics) per year along with tuition fee. Oth-
erwise the names of students are not included in the list of science practicals. A
science student must attend 70% of the practical sessions to become eli-
gible to attend the practical examinations. The science students are ad-
vised to attend the science practical sessions without fail. If a student
fails to attend the practical sessions, the laboratory fee of Rs. 1200/- (per
science subject) paid by him / her will lapse for that Academic Year and he
/ she has to pay Rs. 1200/- per science subject once again in the subse-
quent academic year (s) to attend the practical sessions. Laboratory fee
paid by the student is valid for that particular academic year only.

B.Sc. q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ QÆ=∞xHõ: qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O „Ѩu ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѷ≤„|=i / =∂iÛ <≥ÅÖ’ „áêH˜ìHõÖò
`«~°QÆ`«∞Å#∞ x~°fiÇ≤Ïã¨∞ÎOk. Ãã·#∞û áê~îåºOâßÅÖ’ „áêH˜ìHõÖòû‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# É’^èŒ<åHÍÅO „Ѩu ã¨Éˇ˚H‰±ì õΩ
72 QÆO@Å∞. ÖÏ|ˆ~@s Ѷ‘A ã¨O=`«û~åxH˜ XH˘¯Hõ¯ Ãã·#∞û ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì‰õΩ ~°∂. 1200/- Å∞QÍ Ü«¸x=iû\©
x~°‚~ÚOzOk. `«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ „áêH˜ìHõÖòû Ѷ‘A#∞ @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A`À HõeÑ≤ K≥e¡OKåe. JÖÏ K≥e¡Oz#ѨÙ_»∞
=∂„`«"Õ∞ q∞=∞‡efl Ãã·<£û „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ãã+¨<£û‰õΩ J#∞=∞u™êÎ~°∞. U HÍ~°}ÏÅ =Å¡<≥·<å g∞~°∞ Ãã·#∞û „áêH˜ìHõÖòû
Ãã+¨<£û‰õΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍÖËHõáÈ~Ú#@¡~Ú`Õ g∞~°∞ Hõ\˜ì# ÖÏÉÁˆ~@s Ѷ‘A ~°^ŒÌ=Ù`«∞Ok. =∞~°Å g∞~°∞
`«^Œ∞Ѩi ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ J^Õ ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì‰õΩ „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ѷ‘A ~°∂. 1200/- K˘Ñ¨C# K≥e¡Oz „áêH˜ìHõÖòû‰õΩ
Ǩ[~°∞ HÍ=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. JO`ÕH͉õΩO_® Ãã·#∞û q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ „áêH˜ìHõÖò ѨsHõ∆ʼnõΩ Ǩ[~°∞ HÍ"åÅO>Ë
`«Ñ¨Êxã¨iQÍ 70 âß`«O „áêH˜ìHõÖò Ãã+¨<£û‰õΩ Ǩ[~°∞ J~Ú LO_®e. ÖËxÜ≥∞_»Å qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O Z\˜ì
Ѩiã≤÷`«∞ÅÖ’#∂ q^•º~°∞÷Å#∞ ѨsHõ∆ʼnõΩ J#∞=∞uOK«»^Œ∞.

i) Commencement of payment of tuition fee : 29-06-2017.

ii) The last date for payment of the tuition fee without late fee : 24-08-2017.

iii) The last date of the payment of tuition fee with late fee of Rs. 200/- : 5-10-2017.

Note: Students may note that fee will not be accepted after the stipulated date
under any circumstances (i.e. after 05-10-2017).

i) @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«_®xH˜ „áê~°OÉèíѨ٠`Õk : 29-06-2017.

ii) @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A PÅ㨺 ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú ÖˉõΩO_® K≥e¡OK«_®xH˜ PYi `Õk : 24-08-2017.

iii) ~°∂. 200/- PÅ㨺 ~°∞ã¨∞=Ú`À @∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A K≥e¡OK«_®xH˜ PY~°∞ `Õk : 05-10-2017.

QÆ=∞xHõ: Ü«¸x=iû\© x~°‚~ÚOz# PYi QÆ_»∞=Ù `Õk 05-10-2017, `«~°∞"å`« ZÖÏO\˜ Ѩiã≤÷`«∞ÅÖ’#∂
@∂º+¨<£ Ѷ‘A JOwHõiOK«|_»^Œ∞.


According to the existing University rules, after submission of filled in optional

choosing Form on line, if students desire to change their optional subjects, such
students are permitted to change their optionals by paying Rs. 200/- per subject
within 2 months from the date of commencement of contact-cum-counselling classes
and Rs. 700/- per subject after that, but before the issue of examination notification.
Payment shall be made in the form of DD and sent the same to the "Director,
Student Service Branch, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad" alongwith
the requisition in the prescribed format. Please return the course material also for
those subjects which you wish to exchange, so that material for new optionals will
be sent to you. You are also advised to write your ten digit admission number on
top of the envelope and also in the requisition letter without fail for any change of
optionals along with the prescribed fee receipt.

If the optional subjects chosen are not available at your Study Centre, you would
be allowed to continue to use other facilities at the Study Centre. Further you
should prepare on your own for such of the subjects where counselling classes are
not held at the study centre. However, you may take the examinations at your
Study Centre itself. Please remember that you have to study the same optionals
(i.e. selected in second year) in third year also.

qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O xÜ«∞=∞ x|O^èŒ#Å „ѨHÍ~°O Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°O HÀ~°∞û "≥Ú^Œ\˜ ã¨Oã¨~°æ ã¨ÅǨ `«~°QÆu
"≥Ú^ŒÖˇ·# <å\˜#∞O_ç Ô~O_»∞ <≥ÅŠ֒ѨŠg∞~°∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞H˘#fl PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ#∞ (Optional
Subjects) `«‰õΩ¯= Ѷ‘A`À =∂~°∞ÛHÀ=_®xH˜ gÅ∞ J=Ù`«∞Ok. „Ѩu ã¨|˚‰õΩì‰õΩ g∞~°∞ ~°∂. 200/- D.D.
^•fi~å K≥e¡Oz, K≥e¡Oz# D.D.x =∂~°∞Ê HÀ~°∞`«∂ JÉèíº~°÷# Ѩ„`åxfl ~åã≤ P JÉèíº~°Ì# Ѩ„`«O`À [`«Ñ¨iÛ
g∞~°∞ =∂~°∞ÊHÀˆ~ áê~î°º ѨÙã¨ÎHÍÅ`À ã¨Ç¨ q^•ºi÷ ¿ã"å qÉèÏQÆO _≥·~°Hõì~ü J„_»ã¨∞‰õΩ ѨOáêe. Ô~O_»∞
<≥ÅÅ QÆ_»∞=Ù `«~°∞"å`« PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ =∂~°∞ÊÅ#∞ HÀˆ~ q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ „Ѩu SzÛùHÍOâ◊ =∂~°∞ʉõΩ ~°∂.
700/- Hõ\Ïìeû LO@∞Ok. g∞~°∞ ѨO¿Ñ Hõ=~°∞ g∞^Œ Change of Optional Subject Jx ~åã≤
„ÉÏÔH\òÖ’ g∞ Admission No., Phone No. `«Ñ¨Êx ã¨iQÍ ~åÜ«∂e. g∞~°∞ Hõ\˜ì# D.D.x JÉèíº~°÷#
Ѩ„`åxH˜ [`«Ñ¨iÛ Ñ¨Oáêe.
g∞~°∞ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞H˘#fl PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅÖ’ ã¨Oã¨~°æ ã¨ÅǨ `«~°QÆ`«∞Å∞ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOKÕ J=HÍâ◊O g∞ J^茺ܫ∞#
ˆHO„^ŒOÖ’ ÖËHõáÈ~Ú#@¡~Ú`Õ g∞~°∞ ™⁄O`«OQÍ K«^Œ∞=ÙHÀ=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. HÍx ѨsHõ∆Å x~°fiǨÏ} g∞
J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^ŒOÖ’<Õ [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞Ok. Ô~O_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ ZOÑ≤Hõ KÕã¨∞H˘#fl PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÖË =¸_çO\˜<Õ
=¸_»= ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ ‰õÄ_® K«^Œ"åeû LO@∞Ok.

Note : a) Change of study centre / optional subjects / medium etc. will not be enter-
tained after releasing notification for examination schedule.

b) Fee structure mentioned above is subject to change as per the norms of

the university.

c) Application Form / Registration Form for various activities are placed in

the website You can download it.

QÆ=∞xHõ : a) ѨsHõ∆Å `Õk x~°‚~ÚOz# `«~°∞"å`« Ü«¸x=iû\© Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤÷`«∞ÅÖ’#∞ ã¨ì_ô ÃãO@~°∞ =∂~°∞Ê/
PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚HÅ
±ì ∞ / g∞_çÜ«∞O =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞ KÕÜ«∞^Œ∞.
b) ÃÑ·# `≥eÑ≤# Ѷ‘AÅ∞ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞ x|O^èŒ# „ѨHÍ~°O =∂~°Û|_»`å~Ú.
c) qq^è Œ HÍ~° º Hõ Ö ÏáêÅH˜ K≥ O k# ^è Œ ~ ° M Ï㨠∞ Πᶠê ~åÅ∞ qâ◊ fi q^•ºÅÜ« ∞ "≥ É ò à 㷠\ ò Ö’ L<åfl~Ú. g∞~°∞ "å\˜x _Ò<£Ö’_£ KÕã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û.

Special Note to the Urdu Medium Students

The courses of History, Political Science, Public Administration, Chemistry, Botany

and Zoology only are offered in Urdu Medium. The students of urdu medium should
note this and select their subjects accordingly.

L~°∂Ì g∞_çÜ«∞O q^•º~°∞÷ʼnõΩ „Ѩ`ÕºHõ"≥∞ÿ# QÆ=∞xHõ

K«i„`«, ~å[hu âß„ã¨ÎO, „ѨÉèí∞`«fi áêÅ<å âß„ã¨ÎO, ~°™êÜ«∞# âß„ã¨ÎO, =$Hõ∆ âß„ã¨ÎO, [O`«∞ âß„ã¨ÎO =∂„`«"Õ∞
L~°∂Ì g∞_çÜ«∞OÖ’ L<åfl~Ú. L~°∂Ì g∞_çÜ«∞O q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ ÃÑ·# `≥eÑ≤# PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚H±ìÅ∞ `«Ñ¨Ê =∞i
U W`«~° PѨ¬#Öò ã¨Éˇ˚HÅ
±ì ∞ ZOK«∞HÀ~å^Œ∞.
Note: The course material of II Year will be arranged to the students of twin cities
and RCCs at their respective study centres only. Others will get it by post.




All the first year students of 2016 batch.

All the Deputy Directors / Asst. Directors / Coordinators of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open Uni-
versity Study Centres for information and necessary action.


NIIT Centers

Centre Name of the Centre / Email ID City Phone No.


11084 NIIT Dilsukhnagar Centre Hyderabad 040-66469292

2nd Floor, Vijetha Complex, 040-66469294
Dilsukhnagar Main Road,
Hanuman Nagar, Indra Nagar, Dilsukhnagar.

11741 NIIT Ameerpet Centre Hyderabad 040-40209001

4th Floor, Pavans Vanijya Vihar, 040-40209004
Above Sri Krishna Sweets, Ameerpet

11555 NIIT Kukatpally Centre Hyderabad 040-65558131

H.No. MIG-211, Road No. 1, 040-65558191
Opp. Chaitanya Family
Restaurant & Bar, Kukatpally.

11546 NIIT Mehdipatnam Centre Hyderabad 040-66741770

H.No. 12-2-822/B/2, 2nd Floor, 040-66741772
Above T.T. Super Market,
Opp. Pillar No. 22, Mehdipatnam.

11727 NIIT A.S.Rao Nagar Centre Hyderabad 040-40213486

403, Maruthi Arcade, Opp. Karachi 040-40213485
Bakery, Dr. A.S. Rao Nagar.

00017 NIIT Vizag Waltair Centre Visakhapatnam 0891-2551982

10/04/2022, Asilmetta Centre, 99669 50425
Beside Hotel Meghalaya,
Kirlampudi Arcade, Waltair Uplands

11588 NIIT Rajahmundry Centre Rajahmundry 0883-6571455

D.No. 46-12-21/B, 2nd Floor, 83413 48888
Venkat Plaza, Opp. S.K.V.T. High School,
TTD Kalyanamandapam Road,
Danavaipet, Rajahmundry.,

11642 NIIT Vijayawada Centre Vijayawada 0866-6556551
3rd Floor, Lohia Towers, 0866-6556552
Opp. Nirmala High school, 0866-6556553
Patamata, Vijayawada.

11686 NIIT Guntur Centre Guntur 0863-6556551

3rd Floor, Sai Kidambi Towers, 0863-6556551
2nd Street, Main Road,
Near Shankar Villas,
Arundelpet, Guntur.

11255 NIIT Ongole Centre Ongole 0859-2645678

10, Opp. Power Office, 98496 50382
Kurnool Road, 6th Cross Road,
Venkateswara Nagar, Ongole.

11657 NIIT Tirupathi Centre Tirupathi 0877-2260444

D.No. 101, Balaji Towers, 99511 99319
510, Balaji Colony, Tirupathi.

00B34 NIIT Nizamabad Centre Nizamabad 0846-2232944

Tilak Gardens, Khaleelwadi, 90100 64222

00C05 NIIT Mahaboob Nagar Centre Mahaboob Nagar 98856 29624

B.K. Reddy Complex, New Town, 98489 05228
Behind BKR Finance Pvt. Ltd.,
Mahaboob Nagar.

Fee Codes & Details of Various Courses of Dr. BRAOU
Fee Description Fee (Rs.)

1. Second Year Tuition Fee for BA 2000

2. Second Year Tuition Fee for B.Sc. 2000

3. Second Year Tuition Fee for B.Com. 2000

4. Third Year Tuition Fee for BA 2000

5. Third Year Tuition Fee for B.Sc. 2000

6. Third Year Tuition Fee for B.Com. 2000

7. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (One Subject) 1200

8. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (Two Subjects) 2400

9. LAB Fee for UG Second Year (Three Subjects) 3600

10. B.Sc. Special Course (Drug Science) Second Year 7200

11. B.Sc. Special Course (Drug Science) Third Year 7200

12. Late Fee for All Programmes 200

13. Re-Admission Fee for UG below 50% Subjects 3000

14. Re-Admission Fee for UG above 50% Subjects 6000

15. B.Sc. Special Lab Fee Rs. 1500 per Subject i.e. Drug Chemistry, Drug Technology 3000

16. If the student of B.Sc. (Special) fail to attend the Practicals in the academic year they
should pay Rs. 4200/- towards Labs Fee (Rs. 1200/- for Chemistry and Rs. 3000 4200
(1500 + 1500) for Drug Chemistry and Drug Technology to attend the practicals)

17. Lab Fee for UG Third Year (One Subject) 1200

18. Lab Fee for UG Third Year (Two Subjects) 2400

19. Lab Fee for UG Third Year (Three Subjects) 3600

20. UG Programme with Computer Science Subject - II Year 1350

21. U.G. Programme with Computer Science Subject - III Year 1350

22. Renewal Lab Fee per One Science Subject / Psychology Subject for II / III Year 1200
(for each year)

23. Renewal Lab Fee per Two Science Subjects for II / III Year (for each year) 2400

24. Renewal Lab Fee per Three Science Subjects for II / III Year (for each year) 3600

25. Lab fee for Psychology, UG - II Year 1200

26. Lab fee for Pshychology, UG - III Year 1200


The Director (Student Services)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University
Road No. 46, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad - 500 033.

Sub: Change of MIL / Medium / Optional Subject / Study Centre

Ref: My Admission No. ______________________________________
Course: UG / PG / Diploma / M.B.A.


I request you kindly to change my

a) Study Centre from _________________________________________________

to _______________________________________________________
b) Modern Indian Language (MIL) from ____________________________________
to _______________________________________________________
c) Optionals from _____________________________________________________
to _______________________________________________________
d) Medium from ______________________________________________________
to _______________________________________________________
e) Earlier Address New Address







Yours faithfully



FOR 2017-18


Father's Name : Caste :




Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University
Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg, Road No. 46,
Jubillee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033.


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