Pa 5 Vii-20
Pa 5 Vii-20
Pa 5 Vii-20
Enrolment No.
QP Code: PA/9/VII
Enrolment No.
3. Last date of Submission of marks by the examiner to the study centre : 16/08/2020
( Evaluation and Measurement in Education )
1. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ¤fl¡øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ◊V√Ú [ ’ÚøÒfl¡ 270 ˙Às ] – 18 × 1 = 18
Answer any one question (not more than 270 words ):
a) ë¬Û¬ı˛œé¬±í, ë¬Ûø¬ı˛˜±¬Ûí › 똔˘…±˚˛ÀÚí¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… ¬Û±Ô«fl¡…&ø˘ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº ˜”˘…±˚˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß
¬Û˚«…±˚˛&ø˘ Ò±¬ı˛±¬ı±ø˝√√fl¡ ‰¬±ÀÈ«¬¬ı˛ [Flow-chart] ¸±˝√√±À˚… ø˘‡≈Úº ˜”˘…±˚˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ Œfl¡Ã˙˘&ø˘ ¸—øù≠©Ü
˝√√±øÓ¬˚˛±¬ı˛¸˝√√ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº 6+4+8
Discuss the differences among 'Examination', 'Measurement and 'Evaluation'
with examples. Write down the steps of evaluation in a flow-chart form.
Mention the techniques of evaluation with their different tools.
b) ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ¸±Ù¬˘…¸”‰¬fl¡ ’ˆ¬œé¬± ¤¬ı— ’±V√˙« ˜±Úøˆ¬øM√√fl¡ ’ˆ¬œé¬±¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… Ó≈¬˘Ú± fl¡èÚº 븱٬˘…¸”‰¬fl¡í
¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ ¬Œ¬ı±Á¡±˚˛ ∑ ¤fl¡øȬ ’±V√˙« ˜±Úøˆ¬øM√√fl¡ ø˙鬱 ¸—Sê±ôL ’ˆ¬œé¬± õ∂døÓ¬¬ı˛ ÛXøÓ¬¬ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√
¬’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+8+4
Compare with example the Criterion Referenced Test and The Norm
Referenced Test. What is meant by criterion ? Discuss the outline of the
procedure of preparing 'Norm Referenced Educational Test' with example.
ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
( Guidance and Counselling )
4. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ¤fl¡øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ øV√Ú [’ÚøÒfl¡ 270 ˙Às] – 18 × 1 = 18
Answer any one question (not more than 270 words ):
a) ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò¬ı˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ øÚÀ«√V˙Ú±¬ı˛ Ú±˜ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº ø˙鬱·Ó¬ øÚÀV«√˙Ú± V√±Ó¬±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß ’±¬ıø˙…fl¡ √Vé¬Ó¬±&ø˘
’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº ø˙é¬fl¡ ¤&ø˘ øfl¡ˆ¬±À¬ı ’Ê«√Ú fl¡¬ı˛ÀÓ¬ ¬Û±À¬ı˛Ú ? ø˙鬱˜”˘fl¡ øÚÀ«V√˙Ú±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò±¬Û&ø˘
ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº 4+8+4+2
State the different types of Guidance. Discuss different skills required for an
educational guide. How can the teacher acquire those skills ? State different
steps of educational guidance.
b) ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú › øÚÀV«√˙Ú± fl¡±Àfl¡ ¬ıÀ˘ ∑ V√˘·Ó¬ › ¬ı…øMê√·Ó¬ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±ÀÚ¬ı˛ Ó≈¬˘Ú± fl¡èÚº ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú
õ∂øSê˚˛±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò±¬Û&ø˘ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ¬ıÌ«Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+6+6
Define counselling and guidance. Compare individual and group counselling.
Explain with example different steps of counselling.
ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044