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ÿoˆÁTˆ„EıÁw¯Ã[˝ YÁPˆy‘] ( P. G.)

’Ú≈˙œ˘Ú ¬ÛS ¬(Assignment), Ê≈Ú-2020 ( June-2020 )
¸5˜ ¬ÛS ( 7th Paper : Evaluation and Measurement in Education & Guidance and Counselling )
(Full Marks : 100) (Weightage of Marks : 20%)
Y◊Ã[˝◊]Tˆ C ^UÁ^U =w¯„Ã[˝Ã[˝ LXÓ ◊[˝„`b ]…_Ó ÂVCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* %£à˘ [˝ÁXÁX, %Y◊Ã[˝¨K˜~TˆÁ A[˝e %Y◊Ã[˝õıÁÃ[˝ c˜ÿôˆÁl˘„Ã[˝Ã[˝
Âl˘‰y X∂ëˆÃ[˝ ÂEı‰ªRÙO ÂXCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* =YÁ„‹ôˆ Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ ]…_Ó]ÁX a…◊ªJÙTˆ %Á‰ªK˜*
Special credit will be given for precise and correct answer. Marks will be
deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and illegible handwriting.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Name (in Block Letter) : ...........................................................................................................

Enrolment No.

Study Centre Name : .............................................................................. Code : .....................

To be filled Serial No. of
by the question TOTAL
Candidate answered

QP Code: PA/9/VII

PG-ARTS-AP-17044 Signature of Evaluator with Date



¶ß±Ó¬Àfl¡±M√√¬ı˛ ¬Û±Í¬Sê˜ ( P.G. ) STUDENT'S COPY
’Ú≈˙œ˘Ú ¬ÛS ¬(Assignment), Ê≈Ú-2020 ( June-2020 )
¸5˜ ¬ÛS ( 7th Paper : Evaluation and Measurement in Education & Guidance and Counselling )

Name (in Block Letter) : ...........................................................................................................

Enrolment No.

Study Centre Name : .............................................................................. Code : .....................

QP Code: PA/9/ VII

PG-ARTS-AP-17044 Received Answer Booklet

Signature with seal by the Study-Centre
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

LÃ[˝”◊Ã[˝ ◊X„V¤` / Important Instruction

%ÁGÁ]› ◊`l˘Á[˝bÔÁ‹ôˆ YÃ[˝›l˘ÁÃ^ (T.E. Exam.) XT«ˆX [˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁ %UÔÁd Y“`¬ac˜ =w¯Ã[˝ Y«◊ÿôˆEıÁ (QPAB) Y“[˝Tˆ¤X EıÃ[˝Á c˜„[˝*
Ac˜O XT«ˆX [˝Ó[˝ÿöˆÁÃ[˝ a„Ü YÃ[˝›l˘ÁUfi„VÃ[˝ %\ˆÓÿôˆ EıÃ[˝ÁÃ[˝ LXÓ [˝Tˆ¤]ÁX %X«`›_X Y‰y ◊X„V¤` %X«^ÁÃ^› Y“◊Tˆ◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝
=w¯Ã[˝ ◊X◊V¤rÙ ÿöˆÁ„Xc˜O ◊V„Tˆ c˜„[˝*
New system i.e. Question Paper Cum Answer Booklet (QPAB) will be introduced in the
coming Term End Examination. To get the candidates acquainted with the new system,
assignment answer is to be given in the specified space according to the instructions.
Detail schedule for submission of assignment for the
PG Term End Examination June-2020

1. Date of Publication : 20/06/2020

2. Last date of Submission of answer script by the student to the study

: 19/07/2020

3. Last date of Submission of marks by the examiner to the study centre : 16/08/2020

4. Date of evaluated answer scripts distribution by the study centre to

the students (Students are advised to check their assignment marks
on the evaluated answer scripts and marks lists in the study centre
notice board. If there is any mismatch / any other problems of marks
obtained and marks in the list, the students should report to their
study centre Co-ordinator on spot for correction. The study centre is
advised to send the corrected marks, if any, to the COE office within
five days. No change / correction of assignment marks will be
accepted after the said five days.) : 23/08/2020

5. Last date of submission of marks by the study centre to the

Department of C.O.E. on or before : 31/08/2020

AFÁ„X ◊EıªK«˜ ◊_F„[˝X XÁ

Do Not Write Anything Here
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

( Evaluation and Measurement in Education )
1. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ¤fl¡øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ◊V√Ú [ ’ÚøÒfl¡ 270 ˙Às ] – 18 × 1 = 18
Answer any one question (not more than 270 words ):
a) ë¬Û¬ı˛œé¬±í, ë¬Ûø¬ı˛˜±¬Ûí › 똔˘…±˚˛ÀÚí¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… ¬Û±Ô«fl¡…&ø˘ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº ˜”˘…±˚˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß
¬Û˚«…±˚˛&ø˘ Ò±¬ı˛±¬ı±ø˝√√fl¡ ‰¬±ÀÈ«¬¬ı˛ [Flow-chart] ¸±˝√√±À˚… ø˘‡≈Úº ˜”˘…±˚˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ Œfl¡Ã˙˘&ø˘ ¸—øù≠©Ü
˝√√±øÓ¬˚˛±¬ı˛¸˝√√ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº 6+4+8
Discuss the differences among 'Examination', 'Measurement and 'Evaluation'
with examples. Write down the steps of evaluation in a flow-chart form.
Mention the techniques of evaluation with their different tools.
b) ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ¸±Ù¬˘…¸”‰¬fl¡ ’ˆ¬œé¬± ¤¬ı— ’±V√˙« ˜±Úøˆ¬øM√√fl¡ ’ˆ¬œé¬±¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… Ó≈¬˘Ú± fl¡èÚº 븱٬˘…¸”‰¬fl¡í
¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ ¬Œ¬ı±Á¡±˚˛ ∑ ¤fl¡øȬ ’±V√˙« ˜±Úøˆ¬øM√√fl¡ ø˙鬱 ¸—Sê±ôL ’ˆ¬œé¬± õ∂døÓ¬¬ı˛ ÛXøÓ¬¬ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√
¬’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+8+4
Compare with example the Criterion Referenced Test and The Norm
Referenced Test. What is meant by criterion ? Discuss the outline of the
procedure of preparing 'Norm Referenced Educational Test' with example.
ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

2. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ıV«øÈ ¬¬õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ øV√Ú [ ’ÚøÒfl¡ 180 ˙Às ] – 12 × 2 = 24

Answer any two questions (not more than 180 words ):
a) Œ¢∂øά— õ∂Ô± ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±Á¡±˚˛ ∑ øfl¡ˆ¬±À¬ı Œ¢∂ά ŒV√›˚˛± ˝√√˚˛ ∑ ·Î¬ˇ Œ¢∂ά ¬ÛÀ˚˛KI◊ øfl¡ ∑ Œ¢∂øά— õ∂Ô±¬ı˛ ¸≈ø¬ıÒ±
› ’¸≈ø¬ıÒ±&ø˘ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 2+2+2+6
What is meant by Grading system ? How are grades awarded ? What is grade
point average ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Grading
b) ëSêø˜fl¡ ˜”˘…±˚˛Úí › ë’øôL˜ ˜”˘…±˚˛Úí ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ά◊ˆ¬˚˛õ∂fl¡±¬ı˛ ˜”˘…±˚˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ fl¡±˚«fl¡±ø¬ı˛Ó¬±
› ¸œ˜±¬ıXÓ¬± ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº Œfl¡±Ú Ò¬ı˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ ˜”˘…±˚˛Ú ’±¬ÛøÚ ¬ÛÂ√μ fl¡À¬ı˛Ú › Œfl¡Ú ∑ 2 + 2 + 6 + 2
What do you mean by 'Formative' and 'Summative' evaluation ? Discuss with
examples the effectiveness and limitation of these types of evaluation. Which
type of evaluation you prefer and why ?
c) øÚÀ«V√˙Ú±˜”˘fl¡ ά◊ÀV˙… ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±Á¡±˚˛ ∑ øÚÀV«√˙Ú±˜”˘fl¡ ά◊ÀVÀ˙…¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß ¬ı·«&ø˘ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº
:±Ú˜”˘fl¡ ¬ıÀ·«¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Œ|Ìœ&ø˘ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 2+2+8
What is meant by instructional objectives ? Mention different domains of
instructional objectives. Discuss with examples different components of the
objectives under cognitive domain.
d) ¤fl¡øȬ ά◊M√˜ ’ˆ¬œé¬±¬ı˛ Δ¬ıø˙©Ü…&ø˘ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ¤fl¡øȬ ’ˆ¬œé¬±¬ı˛ ‹ Δ¬ıø˙©Ü…&ø˘ øfl¡ˆ¬±À¬ı
øÚÌ«˚˛ fl¡¬ı˛± ˝√√˚˛ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº 4+8
What are the characteristics of a good test ? State with example how these
characteristics are determined.
õ∂Ô˜ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / First Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
ø¡ZÓ¬œ˚˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Second Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

3. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ıV«øÈ ¬¬›¬Û¬ı˛ ¸—øé¬5 Ȭœfl¡± ø˘‡≈Ú – [ ’ÚøÒfl¡ 60 ˙Às ] – 4×2=8

Write short notes on any two of the following (not more than 60 words ):
a) øÚ©ç¡˜Ì Œ¬Û±È«¬ÀÙ¬±ø˘›
Exit portfolio
b) ¬ÛV√ø¬ıÀù≠¯∏Ì
Item analysis
c) ¬ı…øMê√Q ά◊Àij±‰¬Úœ Y“‰`¬Áw¯◊Ã[˝EıÁ
Personality Inventory Questionnaire
d) õ∂ùüˆ¬±G±¬ı˛º
Question bank.

õ∂Ô˜ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / First Answer :

QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

ø¡ZÓ¬œ˚˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Second Answer :

QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

( Guidance and Counselling )
4. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ¤fl¡øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ øV√Ú [’ÚøÒfl¡ 270 ˙Às] – 18 × 1 = 18
Answer any one question (not more than 270 words ):
a) ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò¬ı˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ øÚÀ«√V˙Ú±¬ı˛ Ú±˜ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº ø˙鬱·Ó¬ øÚÀV«√˙Ú± V√±Ó¬±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß ’±¬ıø˙…fl¡ √Vé¬Ó¬±&ø˘
’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº ø˙é¬fl¡ ¤&ø˘ øfl¡ˆ¬±À¬ı ’Ê«√Ú fl¡¬ı˛ÀÓ¬ ¬Û±À¬ı˛Ú ? ø˙鬱˜”˘fl¡ øÚÀ«V√˙Ú±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò±¬Û&ø˘
ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº 4+8+4+2
State the different types of Guidance. Discuss different skills required for an
educational guide. How can the teacher acquire those skills ? State different
steps of educational guidance.
b) ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú › øÚÀV«√˙Ú± fl¡±Àfl¡ ¬ıÀ˘ ∑ V√˘·Ó¬ › ¬ı…øMê√·Ó¬ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±ÀÚ¬ı˛ Ó≈¬˘Ú± fl¡èÚº ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú
õ∂øSê˚˛±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò±¬Û&ø˘ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ¬ıÌ«Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+6+6
Define counselling and guidance. Compare individual and group counselling.
Explain with example different steps of counselling.

ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044

5. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ıV«øÈ ¬¬õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ øV√Ú [ ’ÚøÒfl¡ 180 ˙Às ] – 12 × 2 = 24

Answer any two questions (not more than 180 words ):
a) øÚÀV«√ø˙Ó¬ › ’øÚÀV«√ø˙Ó¬ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±ÀÚ¬ı˛ Δ¬ıø˙©Ü…&ø˘ ά◊À~‡ fl¡¬ı˛Úº ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ’øÚÀV«√ø˙Ó¬ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±ÀÚ¬ı˛
ø¬ıøˆ¬iß ¬Û˚«…±˚˛&ø˘ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+6
Mention the characteristics of directive and non-directive counselling
process. Discuss with example different phases of non-directive counselling.
b) ø˙鬱˜”˘fl¡ øÚÀV«√˙Ú±¬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Ò±¬Û&ø˘ ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ¬ı…±‡…± fl¡èÚº ¬ı‘øM√√·Ó¬ Ó¬Ô… ¸—¢∂À˝√√¬ı˛ ’±Ò≈øÚfl¡
¬ÛXøÓ¬&ø˘ ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº ¤˝◊√ Ó¬Ô… ¸—¬ı˛é¬ÀÌ fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±À¬ı˛¬ı˛ ¬ı…¬ı˝√√±¬ı˛ ø˘‡≈Úº 5+5+2
Explain with example the different steps of educational guidance. State
modern methods of collection of the vocational information. Write the use of
computer for preservation of such information.
c) ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ó¬± ¤¬ı— ˜ÀÚ±ø‰¬øfl¡»¸Àfl¡¬ı˛ fl¡±˚«…±¬ıø˘¬ı˛ Ó≈¬˘Ú± fl¡èÚº ά◊V√±¬ı˛˝√̸˝√√ øflv¡øÚfl¡…±˘ fl¡±Î¬◊Àkø˘— ¤¬ı˛
ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Œé¬S&ø˘ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+6
Compare the functions of counsellor and psychotherapist. Discuss with
explample different areas of clinical counselling.
d) ¬ı…øMê√·Ó¬ Ó¬Ô… ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±Á¡±˚˛ ∑ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú › øÚÀV«√˙Ú±¬ı˛ Ê√Ú… õ∂À˚˛±Ê√Úœ˚˛ ¬ı…øMê√·Ó¬ Ó¬Ô…&ø˘
ά◊V√±˝√√¬ı˛Ì¸˝√√ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú Œfl¡Àf¬ı˛ ά◊¬Ûfl¡±ø¬ı˛Ó¬± øfl¡ ∑ 3+7+2
What is meant by personal information ? Discuss with examples different
personal information necessary for guidance and counselling. What is the
necessity of guidance centre ?
¬õ∂Ô˜ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / First Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
ø¡ZÓ¬œ˚˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Second Answer :
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
6. Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ıV«øÈ ¬¬Î¬◊¬Û¬ı˛ ¸—øé¬5 Ȭœfl¡± ø˘‡≈Ú [ ’ÚøÒfl¡ 60 ˙Às ] – 4×2=8
Write short notes on any two of the following (not more than 60 words ):
a) fl¡±Î¬◊Àkø˘— ¤¬ı˛ Ê√Ú… ø¬ıfl¡±˙˜”˘fl¡ Ó¬Ô…
Information regarding developmental history for counselling
b) ¸˜øi§Ó¬ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±Ú
Eclectic councelling
c) ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙«V√±ÀÚ¬ı˛ Ó¬±øNfl¡ øˆ¬øM√√
Theoretical basis of counselling
d) ø¬ÛÓ¬±˜±Ó¬±¬ı˛ ¬Û¬ı˛±˜˙« › øÚÀV«√˙Ú±¬ı˛ õ∂À˚˛±Ê√Úœ˚˛Ó¬±º
Need of parent guidance and counselling.

õ∂Ô˜ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / First Answer :

QP Code : PA/9/VII PG-ARTS-AP-17044
ø¡ZÓ¬œ˚˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ / Second Answer :

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