Irrigation system in India has given a high priority in Whenever the dry condition is detected then the motor
economic development. Many new concepts are being goes to on condition. Level Sensor is used to indicate
developed to allow agricultural automation to flourish the level of water. If water level is LOW or HIGH it
and deliver its full potential. To take full advantage of will give the buzzer indication. Here we are utilizing
these technologies, we should not just consider the solar energy to charge the battery.
implication of developing a new single technology but
should look at the wider issues for complete
development of a system. Implementation of Hi-tech
Agricultural Solar Fence Security with soil Humidity
Based Automatic irrigation system and voice alert on
PIR live Human Detection is been implemented in this
project for safe and secure agriculture irrigation. The
project irrigation control using BCM2836 is designed
to tackle the problems of agricultural sector regarding
irrigation system with available water resources.
Prolonged periods of dry climatic conditions due to
fluctuation in annual precipitation, may appreciably
reduce the yield of the cultivation. The expenses in
establishing many of these crops and their relative
intolerance to drought make an
effective irrigation system a necessity for profitable
enterprises. In this project we are using BCM2836,
Moisture sensors, AC submersible pump, relay driver.
A submersible motor will get switched ON /OFF
depending on the soil moisture condition and status of
motor can be displayed on 16X2 LCD. This motor will
be operated using RF communication.
Page 441
Existing system:
Page 442
Page 443
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B specifications: Cortex-A7 Processor
The Cortex-A7 processor is a very energy-efficient
applications processor designed to provide rich
performance in entry-level to mid-range smart phones,
high-end wearable’s, and other low-power embedded
and consumer applications. It provides up to 20% more
single thread performance than the Cortex-A5 and
provides similar performance to mainstream Cortex-
A9 based smart phones in 2012 while consuming less
Image of the board showing SD card power. It has been licensed by many of the industry’s
leading silicon manufacturers including Broadcom,
Freescale,HiSilicon, LG, Samsung, Texas Instruments,
and many others. The Cortex-A7 incorporates all
features of the high-performance Cortex-A15 and
Cortex-A17 processors, including virtualization
support in hardware, Large Physical Address
Extensions (LPAE), NEON™, and 128-bit AMBA® 4
AXI bus interface.
Page 444
The Cortex-A7 processor is widely used as an energy- Diagram of API-Connection
efficient LITTLE CPU with a high-performance
Cortex-A15 or Cortex-A17 processor to enable
ARM big. LITTLE processing. The LITTLE Cortex-
A7 processor runs low processing intensity tasks such
as scrolling through the contents of a web page,
texting, emailing and playing audio, while the big
processor (Cortex-A15 or Cortex-A17) manages
periods of high processing intensity tasks such as
initial web page rendering and game physics
calculation. This reduces overall energy consumption
and improves processing performance while extending
battery life. The software can run seamlessly on the
Cortex-A7 and on both the Cortex-A15 and Cortex-
A17 processors as needed without recompilation. Soil moisture (Dry and Wet) sensor
RF communication:
Page 445
Equivalent circuit of a solar cell
Solar cell/Plate
Page 446
APPLICATIONS: 3. "Chicken and products", Division of General
Merchandise Stores Department of Foreign Trade
• Gardens
Ministry of Commerce, 2014, Department of
• Parks Foreign Trade
2. Jaruwan Lualon, "Impacts of Bird Flu on Thai 9. Wolfram Donat, "Learn Raspberry Pi
Frozen Poultry Export Industry to Major Market in Programming with Python", c2014,
Europe and Asia, 2002-2005", 2007, Dhurakij Apress [CrossRef]
Pundit University
10. Simon Monk, "Raspberry Pi Cookbook", c2013,
United States of America O'Reilly Media
Page 447