Exp 7

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Experiment 7

Center of Pressure on Submerged Plane surface


The activity aims to determine the center of pressure of a vertical submerged plane surface.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

At the end of the activity the students shall be able to:

1. Identify safe operating practices and requirements for laboratory experiments.

2. Review the concepts and equations for calculating pressure forces on plane surfaces.
3. Identify the center of pressure of plane surface submerged in a fluid.
4. Measure the pressure force acting on the plane surface for two water depths, and compare the
measured forces with calculated forces.

Submerged surfaces can be found in many engineering applications. Dams, weirs and water
gates are familiar examples of submerged surfaces used to control the flow of water. From the design
viewpoint, it is important to have knowledge of the forces that act on the submerged surfaces.

A plane surface located beneath the surface of a liquid is subject to a pressure due to height of
liquid above it. Increasing pressure varies linearly with increasing depth resulting in a pressure distribution
that acts the submerged surface. The analysis of this situation involves determining the force, which is
equivalent to the pressure and finding the location of this force.

For this case, it can be shown that the equivalent forces is,


P = is the liquid density
Yc = the distance from the free surface of the liquid to the centric of the plane
A = the area of the plane in contact with the liquid.
Further, the location of this force Yfbelow the free surface is,



Ig = the centroidal moment of inertia of the area

Resources/Instruments Required:
 Center of pressure apparatus
 Set of weights
 Water
 basin


Counterbalancing the Water Vessel

1. Set the water vessel (1) to an angle of α = 00 using the detent (2) as shown.
2. Mount the rider (6), set the lever arm on the scale (e.g. I = 150 mm).
3. Counterbalance the unit with a rotating slier (3): The stop pin (4) must be precisely in the
middle of the hole for this.
Performing the Experiment

1. Top up with water until the unit is balanced (stop pin (4) at the center of hole).
2. Read off the water level s and enter it in the prepared worksheet.
3. Increased the appended weights (7) in increments of 0.5 – 1 N and repeat the

Evaluating the experiments

S = water level reading

I = Lever arm of the force due to weight
Fg = Force due to weight of the appended weights

Laboratory Report:

Group No.2:Section:CE41FA3
Date Performed: Jan 7 2019 Date Submitted: Jan 14 2019
Group Members:
Bondoc, Michael
Japhet, Alnorb
Pacia, Erica
Martinez, Jhiro
Mendoza, Ivy jane
Panes, Vanessa

1. Data and Results:

Trials W (N) I (mm) S (mm) ID(mm) Fexp(N) Ft (N) % error


ID is the distance to center of motion of the unit
= 200 mm – s/3

Fexp is a force of a balance of moments around the center of motion O

ԐMo = 0
Fg . I = Fexp . ID
Fexp = Fg . I

Ft is the resultant force

Ft = Pc Aact
OrFt = whAact

h = s – st
cos α
Aact = s .b
b = 75 mm

2. Observation:

3. Analysis
4. Source/s of Error/s:

5. Conclusion:
nt (Rubric



2 3

Manipulativ Members Members Members
e do not occasionally always
demonstrat demonstrat demonstrat
Skills e needed
e needed e needed
skills. skills.

Experiment Members Members Members

al Set-up are unable are able to are able to
to set-up set-up the set-up the
the materials material
materials. with with
supervision. minimum

Process Members Members Members

Skills do not occasionally always
demonstrat demonstrat demonstrat
e targeted e targeted e targeted
process process process
skills. skills. skills.

Safety Members Members Members

Precautions do not follow follow
follow safety safety
precautions precautions
most of the at all times.

II. Work
Time Members Members Members
Manageme do not finish finish on finish ahead
nt / Conduct on time with time with of time with
of incomplete incomplete complete
Experiment data. data. data and
time to
revise data.

Cooperative Members Members Members

and do not know have are on tasks
Teamwork their tasks defined and have
and have responsibilit defined
no defined ies most of responsibilit
responsibilit the time. ies at all
ies. Group Group times.
conflicts conflicts are Group
have to be cooperativel conflicts are
settled by y managed cooperativel
the teacher. most of the y managed
time. at all times.

Neatness Messy Clean and Clean and

and workplace orderly orderly
Orderliness during and workplace workplace
after the with at all times
experiment. occasional during and
mess during after the
and after experiment.

Ability to do Members Members Members

independen require require do not need
t work supervision occasional to be
by the
supervision supervised
by the by the
teacher. teacher.

Comments SCORE

() x 100%

α = 600
α = 500

α = 400

We are group 2 <3

Questions and Problems:
1. Why isn’t the weight of the torus and the balance arm taken into account?

2. What is the significance effect of hydrostatic pressure in civil engineering?

3. A vertical rectangular plane of height d and base b is submerged in a liquid with its top edge at
the liquid surface. Determine the total force P acting on one side and its location from the liquid

4. A vertical rectangular plate is submerged half in oil (sp.gr. = 0.8) and half in water such that its
top edge is flushed with the oil surface. What is the ratio of the force exerted by water acting on
the lower half to that by oil acting on the upper half?
5. A 30 m long dam retains 9 m of water as shown in the figure. Find the total resultant force
acting on the dam and the location of the center of pressure from the bottom.

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