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7 Grade: WWW - Meta-Moldova - MD

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7 Grade

metamoldovab@gmail.com 1
Theoretical Lyceum/ Public Institution Theoretical Lyceum/ Primary School/ Gymnasium
For the _____________________Academic Year
English Language Discipline 7th Form
Total number of hours: __________
Number of hours per week: _______

EFL Teacher ____________________________________________________________________

Name/surname/didactic degree/scientific title

Discussed at the Chair Meeting

On ________ _________________
Head of the Foreign Language Chair

Coordinated with Deputy Headmaster


Status of the discipline Curricular Area Number of Students’ Book Authors
Content Units
Compulsory Language and 5 English for You and Me, Prut Internaţional Afanasie Manic, Tatiana Musteata,
Communication 2015 Larisa Glavan, Timothy Schneider

Abbreviation – Explanation

T - Teacher


Specific Competence Indicators Date Lesson Objectives Procedure Materials Learning

(SCI) and Stages Methods Activities /
Sub-Competences (SC) Techniques Evaluation


1. Head and Face.
Communicative 2.4. Formulating Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
and Pragmatic simple questions thoughts in a Warm up activity Students compete to pronounce 4
Competences: and sentences in free sincere the tongue twister- Ex 1 p.6
(Production of everyday life way Speaking: T directs students’ attention to Ex.2 p.6 Direct, Direct 5
Oral Messages and situations T divides the class into two groups and asks the audio- assessment
Interaction) appropriately students to face each other. Students ask and answer lingual Producing a
using - become the given questions. Guided dialogue on a
conversational familiar with Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and conversation known topic
formulas; the active teaches the meaning then they work with 7
Civic Describing people Realization vocabulary of https://quizlet.com/288252212/7-unit-1-lesson-1-
Competence (figure, eyes, of meaning the lesson; flash-cards/ Whole class Listening to
nose, hair). Students fill in the blanks using the new vocabulary- activity speakers
Communicative 1. Identifying Ex. 2 p. 6 and describe themselves using some instructions
Competence some everyday words form the new vocabulary. Flashcards and fulfilling
(Reception of verbal and non- Listening: T reads the text “A visit to the country” Team work, of some
Written Messages) verbal courtesy and the students listen to it Ex. 1 p. 7 individual simple tasks 3
norms in familiar Reading: Students read the text. They are asked to Teacher –
everyday life - learn how to work in pairs and find antonyms to the given words. learner talk
Communicative situations referred describe Ex. 3 p. 7
and Pragmatic to the students’ oneself; Post reading : Students in pairs answer the questions 7
Competence familiar about the text. Ex.2 p. 7 Phonetic
(Production of environment. Reflection a) Where did Sandu decide to spend his holiday? Pair work exercises
Written Messages 2. Participating in - practise b) What was the weather like?
and simple oral Possessive c) When did Sandu see his cousin last? Peer
Interaction communication Case d) Who met him at the station? Pair work assessment
3.1. Selecting e) How long did he stay there? Team work, Guided
from a text the f) Why was he surprised when he saw his cousin? individual reading
information Grammar: T poins out the rule for the use of Identification
necessary to solve - write a Possessive case by giving examples. of grammar 4
a simple task. Extension description of Writing: Students are asked to change the Copybooks patterns 5
3.3. Deducing the a person; sentences. Ex 2 p. 8
meaning of Speaking: Students have to arrange the parts of the Performing 8
unfamiliar words text „A visit to the country” and describe the main tasks.
from the context. characters. 2
Home-work Ex. 2 p.8 (Using the words from the
lesson, write a description of two of the people
shown in the pictures)

2. Feet and legs.
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
and pragmatic: simple questions Warm up activity Students compete to pronounce as Direct 4
Producing oral in everyday life quickly as possible- Ex 1 p. 9 Direct, assessment
messages and situations Working with homework T calls on students who audio-lingual
interaction appropriately - become volunteer or picks them. 5
using familiarized Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the
Communicative conversational with the discussion points Ex. 1 p. 9 students in pairs match the Chorus
Competence: formulas. active idioms with their definitions and make up sentences. Whole class repetition 5
Reception of Describing Realization vocabulary of Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and activity Phonetic
written people (legs) of meaning the lesson; teaches the meaning then they work with Guided exercises
messages 1. Identifying https://quizlet.com/262400245/7-unit-1-lesson-2-feet- conversation
some everyday and-legs-flash-cards/ 7
verbal and non- Students fill in the blanks using the new vocabulary- Flashcards
verbal courtesy Ex. 2 p. 9 Team work, Guided
Interdisciplinar norms in - revise Listening: T reads the text ‘My adventures in the individual reading
y Competence familiar Singularia mountains”, students listen and follow along in their 3
Communicative everyday life Reflection Tantum books Ex.1 p.9 Questions,
and pragmatic: situations nouns and Reading: T asks some students to read then scan the answers 6
Producing referred to the the Pluralia text and find the synonyms for the given words. Ex. 3 exercise
written students’familiar Tantum p.10
messages and environment. Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Listening to
interaction 2. Participating questions about the text Ex. 2 p. 10 students in pairs speakers 5
in simple oral ask and answer the questions. instructions
communication. a) Why did the boy’s parents take him on a camping Guided and
2.2. Defining the - describe trip? conversation fulfilling of
theme of a text one’s feet and b) Why didn’t they want to stay in a hotel? some
on the basis of Extension legs c) How safe was the trip for the family? Why do you simple tasks
its title and / or think so? Teacher –
pictures which d) Why did the boy leave his camp on the last night? learner talk
go with it. e) What do you think touched his leg? Whole class 4
3.1. Selecting Grammar; Students revise the use of Singularia activity Knowledge
from a text the Tantum nouns and the Pluralia Tantum assesment 4
information Writing: Students are asked to choose the right
necessary to pronoun or verb form. Ex 1 p. 10 2
solve a simple Home-work Ex 2 p. 10 (Abraham Lincoln said, “Put
task. your feet in the right place, and stand firm.” Write a
paragraph with 50 words to explain his quote)

3. Hand and arm.
2.4. Formulate Evocation Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings
Communicativ simple questions attendance.
e and in everyday life Warm up activity The game – two truths and a Direct, audio- Knowledge 2
pragmatic: situations lie – (My adventures in the mountains). Ex.1 p.9 lingual assessment
Producing oral appropriately - become Working with homework T calls on students 6
messages and using familiarized who volunteer or picks them. Chorus
interaction conversational with the active Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the repetition
formulas. vocabulary of discussion points Ex. 1 p. 11 students in pairs Whole class Phonetic 5
Communicativ Describing people Realization the lesson; match the idioms with their definitions and make activity exercises
e Competence: (hands) of meaning up sentences. Guided
Reception of 2. Participating in Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary conversation
written simple oral - study the use and teaches the meaning then they work with 5
messages communication of Passive https://quizlet.com/265035573/7-unit-1-lesson-3- Flashcards
on familiar topics. Voice and flash-cards/ Team work,
Socio-Inter 3.3. Deducing the practise it in Students fill in the blanks using the new individual The use of
-Cultural meaning of exercises; vocabulary- Ex. 2 p. 12 learned 4
Competence: unfamiliar words Reflection Listening: T reads the text and students listen structures
Knowing other from the context. and follow along in their books –Ex 1 p. 12 7
cultures and 2.2. Defining the Reading: T asks some students to read the text Guided
personalities theme of a text on and learn how to spell ‘I love you’ in American reading
the basis of its - learn how to Sign Language Ex.1 p. 12 Identification
Communicativ title and / or spell words in As a post reading activity students unscramble the of grammar
e Competence: pictures which go American Sign sentences from the text. Ex. 3 p. 13 patterns
Reception of with it. Language Grammar: T introduces Passive Voice by Whole class 4
an oral 1.2. explaining the usage and giving examples. activity
message Understanding the Extension - use propely Writing: Students are asked to change the Direct
general meaning grammar sentences to the Passive Voice. Ex 2 p. 13 assessment 5
Communicativ of a message patterns Speaking: Using the phrases students say what is Observation
e and delivered in a being done now. Ex. 3 p. 14
pragmatic: standard language a) So much class work (to do) – at the lesson 5
Producing of everyday life b) Different games (to play) – in the school yard
written conversations, c) So many goods (to buy/sell) – in the shop Guided
messages and clearly articulated. d) Fruits and vegetables (to gather) conversation
interaction Home-work 2
Ex 4 p. 14 (change into passive)
Ex 3 p. 14 (What does your mother do with her
hands? Write a paragraph of 50 words. Use the
vocabulary to help)

4. Clothing.
2.4. Formulate Evocation - generate Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2
Communicativ simple questions interest attendance.
e and in everyday life Warm up activity Students compete to Direct,
pragmatic: situations pronounce as quickly as possible- Ex 1 p. 15 audio-lingual Direct 4
Producing oral appropriately Working with homework T calls on students assessment
messages and using - reinforce who volunteer or picks them. Whole class 5
interaction conversational vocabulary on Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary activity
formulas. the topic and teaches the meaning then they work with Guided
Communicativ Describing items Realization “Clothing” https://quizlet.com/283476751/7-unit-1-lesson-3- conversation Chorus
e Competence: of clothing of meaning flash-cards/ repetition 7
Reception of 2. Participating in Students fill in the blanks using the new Flashcards Phonetic
written simple oral vocabulary- Ex. 2 p. 15 Team work, exercises
messages communication Listening: T reads the text and students listen individual
on familiar topics. and follow along in their books –Ex 1 p. 15 2
Socio-Inter 3.3. Deducing the Reading: T asks some students to read the text
-Cultural meaning of - revise the use and think of a title to the text, all the titles are
Competence: unfamiliar words of Noun written on the board and the most appropriate is Phonetic 5
Knowing other from the context. Compounds chosen. Ex.1 p. 15 Guided exercises
cultures and 2.2. Defining the Reflection As a post reading activity students find conversation Group
personalities theme of a text on synonyms for the given words from the text. Ex. assessment
the basis of its title 3 p. 16
Communicativ and / or pictures - use Speaking: Students in pairs match the picture 5
e Competence: which go with it. vocabulary with the correct word and make up sentences Guided
Reception of 1.2. items in a with them. Ex. 2 p. 16 reading
an oral Understanding the Extension communicative Grammar: T revises the use of Noun Whole class
message general meaning way Compounds and Noun Substitutes by explaining activity Identification 3
of a message and giving examples. of grammar
Communicativ delivered in a Writing: Students insert the right word Ex. 1 p. patterns 4
e and standard language 17
pragmatic: of everyday life Speaking: Students pair up and hold a 5
Producing conversations, conversation (in a ready – made clothes Guided
written clearly articulated department) using noun substitutes Ex. 3 p. 17 conversation
messages and Home-work Ex 1 p.17 (Write a paragraph of 3
interaction 50 words to describe what one of your
colleagues is wearing)

5. F o o t w e a r .
Communicativ 2.4. Formulate Evocation - get the Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
e and simple students Warm up activity The game “Word harvest” 5
pragmatic: questions in organized for Students in teams compete to pick up garment and Direct, audio-
Producing everyday life the lesson fashion words from the tree of ideas. lingual Direct
written situations Working with homework T calls on students who Whole class assessment 5
messages and appropriately volunteer or picks them. activity The use of
interaction using - get students Speaking: T directs students’ attention to Ex. 2 p. 18. learned
conversational acquainted Students pair up to ask and answer the questions. Pair work structures
Civic formulas. with the active Vocabulary: T reads and pronounces the words and Guided 5
Competence: 2. Participating vocabulary phrases - Ex. 1 p. 18 Students listen, pronounce and conversation Short
Forming values in simple oral Realization read the new vocabulary then they match the words dialogues 7
and attitudes communication of meaning with their definitions. Ex. 3 p. 18
on familiar Listening: T reads the text “At the footwear 2
Communicativ topics. exhibition”, students listen and follow along in their Flashcards Chorus
e Competence: 2. Comparing books -Ex. 1 p. 19 Team work, repetition
Reception of specific Reading: T asks some students to scan the text and individual Phonetic 6
written vocabulary, brainstorm the different kinds of shoes that are Brainstorming exercises
messages verbal courtesy discussed in the text -Ex.1 p. 19
formulas for - appropriately As a post reading activity students in groups compete
Communicativ oral and written use Reported to find synonyms and antonyms for the given words. Guided
e and interaction (to speech – Ex. 2, 4 p. 20 reading
pragmatic: forbid, to allow, Reflection Simple Tenses Grammar T explains the use of Reported Speech and The use of
Producing oral to appreciate, to focuses students’ attention to the Grammar Guide. learned 3
messages and recommend, to Writing: T asks students to transform the direct structures
interaction express an speech into indirect. Ex 1 p. 21 Guided 5
opinion, etc.). Speaking: T directs students’ attention to Ex. 3 p. 20 conversation
3.3. Deducing - use the Students answer the questions and use the active Exercises
the meaning of Extension active vocabulary of the lesson to describe the exhibition. confirming
unfamiliar vocabulary in 1. What happened in Chisinau recently? Whole class understanding
words from the describing an 2. What countries took part in the exhibition? activity of the 5
context. exhibition 3. What footwear did they exhibit? message
2.2. Defining 4. What did Moldova display?
the theme of a 5. Who visited the exhibition?
text on the basis 6. What kinds of products did Italy offer?
of its title and / Home-work Ex 1 p. 21 (Choose a sentence from the 2
or pictures text, write it down in your copybook and then write as
which go with many questions as you can to that sentence)

Communicativ 2.2. Participating Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

6. R o u n d u p.
e and in a dialogue on a thoughts in a attendance.
Pragmatic familiar topic to free sincere Warm up activity T divides the class into two Direct, audio- Direct 5
Competences: exchange simple way teams, spreads out flashcards on the desk face lingual assessment
Production of information. down, invites students from each team to come
Oral Messages 2.4. Providing a to the desk one by one to choose a flashcard to Brainstorming Listening to
and Interaction short fluent say and write the word on the blackboard. The Team work, speakers
description of - practise team that names and writes all the words is the individual instructions
Communicativ people and Reflection learned winner. and fulfilling 5
e Competence: events. structures Working with homework T calls on students of some
Reception of 3.3 Extracting the who volunteer or picks them Whole class simple tasks
Written main ideas from Extension Speaking: Students in pairs describe one of activity Teacher – 8
Messages an unknown text. - identify their visits to a clothes department. Ex. 4 p. 22 learner talk
4.2. Providing a correctly Grammar – Writing Students fill in the Whole class
Communicativ complete and vocabulary blanks with the given prepositions, Ex. 3 p. 23 activity Identification
e Competence: clear description in written, and rewrite the sentences using reported of grammar 10
Production of of a person or visual and speech Ex. 6 p. 23. patterns
Written event. aural forms Reading - Speaking: Students read the
Messages 4.4. Editing short extract and describe what Morris looked like
texts based on and how he was dressed. Ex. 1, 2 p. 22 10
familiar topics. Home-work
Ex. 1 p. 22 (Find the possessive case and 5
determine the plurals and singulars of the
- practical Speaking - evaluate Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings Observation 3
application of assessment the learned Indirect
knowledge and material Home-work assessment 42
skills acquired Unit one Project work - In your project groups make up interesting Exercises
while studying this posters about one of the following topics: appearance, confirming an
unit footwear, clothing. understanding
of the
- practical Speaking Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings Observation 3
application of assessment Home-work Exercises
knowledge and a n a ly s i s confirming an 42
skills acquired Project work - In your project groups make up interesting understanding
while studying this posters about one of the following topics: appearance, of the
unit footwear, clothing. message


1. F a m i l y .
Communicative 3.3. Deducing the Evocation - get the Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings
and pragmatic: meaning of students attendance. Pictures Knowledge 4
Producing oral unfamiliar words organized for Warm up activity Students compete to assessment
messages and from the context. the lesson pronounce as quickly as possible- Ex 1 p. 24 Direct, 3
interaction 2.2. Defining the Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the audio-lingual
theme of a text discussion points. Students in groups debate on
Interdisciplinar on the basis of its - become the given questions. Ex. 2 p. 24 Board Questions-
y Competence: title and / or familiarized a) Do mothers or fathers have more influence Whole class answers
Applying the pictures which go with the upon children? activity exercise
competences with it. Realization active b) Are mothers or fathers more worried about Guided
from various 3.1. Selecting of meaning vocabulary daughters? conversation 7
areas of from a text the of the lesson Working with homework T calls on students
knowledge to information who volunteer or picks them. Flashcards
acquire necessary to Vocabulary: T reads and pronounces the words Team work, 7
information, solve different and phrases - Ex. 1 p. 24 Students listen, individual
discuss, and tasks. - study the pronounce and read the new vocabulary then they Phonetic
perform 2.7. Giving a use of match the words with their definitions. Ex. 2 p. 24 exercises
learning lecture or an Clauses of Reading: Students read the text “Margaret’s
activities official speech; time and letter”. They are asked to work in pairs and find 9
debating. condition in the text antonyms for the given words. Ex. 2 p.
Communicative 4.3. Editing short after 25
Competence: texts. Reflection conjunctions: Grammar: T explains the use of Clauses of time Team work, Peer
Reception of 4.5. Writing if, when, and condition after conjunctions: if, when, after, individual assessment
written down the after, before, before, as soon as, till, until, in case by giving Guided 4
messages information, as soon as, examples. reading
received orally or till, until, in Writing: Ex 1 p. 26 Students have to open the 4
Communicative through reading. case brackets. Identification 4
and pragmatic: 4.2. Informative Speaking: Students talk to their deskmate about Pair work of grammar
Producing writing using family relations by filling in the blanks. Ex. 3 patterns
written logical Extension - describe p.25
messages and connectors and family The son of my brother is my ... . My brother’s 3
interaction linking words. relations mother is my ... . The daughter of my sister is
my ... . My mother’s sister-in-law is my
father’s ... . Your grandfather’s son is your ... .
Ex. 2, 3 p. 26 (Draw and label your own family
tree. Write a summary of the text in 50 words)

2. F a m i l y t r a d i t i o n s .
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings
and pragmatic: simple questions in thoughts in a attendance. Warm up activity The class is 5
Producing oral everyday life free sincere divided into two teams. The teams compete to
messages and situations way complete the given family tree. Group work Direct
interaction appropriately Working with homework T calls on students assessment 6
using who volunteer or picks them.
Socio-Inter conversational Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Direct, Synchronic
-Cultural formulas. - become discussion points Ex. 2 p. 27. Students as a class audio-lingual translation 5
Competence: 1. Identifying Realization familiarized discuss the following: a) the typical traditions Pair work of events in
Knowing other some everyday of meaning with the observed in Moldova. mother
cultures and verbal and non- active b) how traditions in Moldova are similar or tongue
personalities verbal courtesy vocabulary different to those in Great Britain Whole class
norms in familiar of the lesson; Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary activity
Communicative everyday life and teaches the meaning then they work with Guided Guided
Competence: situations referred https://quizlet.com/288353531/7-unit-2-leson2- conversation reading 7
Reception of to the students’ flash-cards/
written familiar Reflection - practise the Students fill in the blanks using the new Questions,
messages environment. use vocabulary- Ex. 2 p. 27 Team work, answers
Interdisciplinar 2. Participating in of Reported Listening: T plays the recording and students individual exercise 3
y Competence simple oral Speech – listen and follow along in their books -Ex. 1 p.
communication Progressive 28
Communicative (with the teacher Tenses; Reading: T asks some students to read the text Observation
and pragmatic: or colleagues) on “Golden Jubilee” Ex. 1 p. 28 and group the 5
Producing familiar topics. underlined words from the text into three The use of
written 3.3. Deducing the columns: nouns, verbs and adjectives. learned
messages and meaning of - talk about Grammar: T explains the rule for Reported structures
interaction unfamiliar words Extension family Speech – Progressive Tenses by giving 3
from the context. traditions examples. Whole class Performing
2.6. Restating a Writing: Students report the given statements activity tasks 4
piece of Ex 1 p. 29 Teacher –
information on the Listening: T plays the recording and students learner talk
request of the listen and follow along in their books Usage of 4
interlocutor. https://clyp.it/wu1n4zby authentic
3.1. Selecting from Ex.1 p. 28 text 3
a text the Home-work Ex 2 p. 29 (Your cousin is going segments
information to marry. As you can’t be present, write him or
necessary to solve her a congratulation card)
different tasks.

Communicative 2.6. Holding a Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

3. F r o m t h e o v e n .
and pragmatic: conversation on a thoughts in attendance.
Producing oral familiar topic by a free Warm up activity The game – two truths and a Direct, audio- Knowledge 3
messages and actively sincere way lie- Golden Jubilee. lingual assessment 5
interaction participating in the Working with homework T calls on students
conversation, who volunteer or picks them.
Socio-Inter choosing the Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the 2
-Cultural theme and - get discussion points Ex. 3 p. 30. Students in pairs Whole class
Competence: expressing Realization acquainted answer the questions. activity
Knowing other agreement or of meaning with the 1. What foods do you like to eat? Guided
cultures and disagreement proposed 2. What foods have you prepared yourself? conversation
personalities 2.2. Understanding vocabulary 3. What is needed to make your favourite foods?
of the global 4. What does the lesson quote mean to you? Flashcards
Socio- message of an - use the Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary Team work, Chorus
Intercultural unknown text, active and teaches the meaning then they work with individual repetition 7
Competence: identifying the vocabulary https://quizlet.com/288514869/7-unit-2-lesson-3- Phonetic
building self- type of the text Reflection in the flash-cards/ exercises
study, self- (poem, dialogue, proposed Students work in pairs to match the words with
control and self- biography, situations their definitions. Ex. 2 p. 30 Tape recorder
evaluation skills informative text) Listening: T plays the recording and students 5
3.4. Decoding the listen to the dialogue “At the Bucuria Guided Group
Communicative meaning of the - practise Confectionery” -Ex.1 p. 31 After listening conversation assessment
Competence: unknown words the use students answer the questions. Ex 1 p. 31
Reception of from the context of Reported https://clyp.it/hlcuuoaq
written 5.1. Identifying Speech – Reading: T asks some students to read the recipe 7
messages and following the Extension Imperative and fill in the lines with the correct verbs: bake, Whole class
conventions of sentences; cool, stir, combine (2), add, preheat, refrigerate, activity Identification
Communicative verbal and non- place, and beat. Ex.1 p. 31 Guided of grammar 5
and pragmatic: verbal Grammar: T explains the rule for Reported reading patterns
Producing communication in - explain Speech – Imperative Sentences by giving
written oral and written and write a examples. Observation 7
messages and interactions recipe Speaking: Students are divided into three small
interaction groups and they compete to report the
Interdisciplinar statements. Ex. 1 p. 32 2
y Competence Home-work Ex 2 p. 32 (Choose one of the
baked goods from the pictures below and write
its recipe)

4. H o l i d a y T a b l e .
3.3. Deducing the Evocation - establish Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings
Communicative meaning of contact with attendance.
and pragmatic: unfamiliar words the students Warm up activity Students are divided into Direct, audio- Oral 2
Producing oral from the context. two groups and they compete to write a recipe for lingual evaluation
messages and 2.2. Defining the a salad. Observation
interaction theme of a text on Working with homework T calls on students Whole class 4
the basis of its title - learn and who volunteer or picks them. activity
Communicative and / or pictures train the new Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Guided 4
and pragmatic: which go with it. Realization vocabulary discussion points Ex. 2 p. 33 Students brainstorm conversation
Producing 3.1. Selecting from of meaning of the lesson the table manners they know and explain the
written a text the proverb “Tastes differ”. Flashcards Chorus
messages and information Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary Team work, repetition
interaction necessary to solve and teaches the meaning then they work with individual Phonetic 7
different tasks. - practise https://quizlet.com/288518318/7-unit-2-lesson-4- exercises
Communicative 4.1. Writing short the use flash-cards/
Competence: logically structured of Reported Students fill in the blanks using the words -
Reception of an and coherent texts Speech – pudding, beverage, poultry, get-togethers, home- Exercises on
oral message about activities, Perfect made, cabbage rolls, roast lamb, steak. Ex. 2 p. vocabulary
people, events. Reflection Tenses; 33 comprehension
Communicative 4.5. Writing down Listening: T plays the recording and students The use of 3
Competence: the information listen and follow along in their books -Ex. 1 p.33 Guided learned
Reception of received orally or Reading: T asks some students to read the text conversation structures 7
written through reading. - describe Ex.1 p.33 Students brainstorm the words Tape recorder
messages 3. Comparing the the process referring to meals and tableware and a list of Guided reading Identification
ways of presenting Extension of laying a appropriate titles to the text. of grammar
food receipts in holiday table Grammar: T explains the rule for Reported Board patterns
English-Speaking Speech – Perfect Tenses by giving examples. 3
Countries and in Writing: Students report the given sentences Ex Direct
Moldova. 1 p. 34 Whole class assessment 6
Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the activity
picture p.33 students describe the process of 7
laying the table.
Home-work Ex 3 p. 34 (Describe in writing 2
your last family holiday table. Write at least 10
table manners you should observe.)

5. F r i e n d s .
Communicativ 3.3. Determining Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
e and the main ideas of thoughts in Warm up activity Students play snowball (they 4
pragmatic: a written text a free make a list of table manners). Direct,
Producing oral 3.4. Decoding the sincere way Working with homework T calls on students who audio-lingual Oral
messages and meaning of the volunteer or picks them. Whole class evaluation 5
Interaction unknown words Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the activity Observation
from the discussion points Ex. 3 p. 35 Students in pairs
Communicativ context - learn the discuss: a) What are the advantages and Guided 5
e Competence: 4.5. Completing active disadvantages of making friends on line? conversation
Reception of the context with vocabulary b) What other places are good for making friends?
written appropriate Realization of the Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and
messages suggested of meaning lesson teaches the meaning then they work with Chorus
vocabulary units https://quizlet.com/288521867/7-unit-2-lesson-5- Flashcards repetition 7
Communicativ on a given topic flash-cards/ Team work, Phonetic
e and 8.4. Knowing and Students match the words with their definitions. Ex. individual exercises
pragmatic: following the 2 p. 36
Producing conventions of Listening: T plays the recording and students listen
written civilized - practise to the text “how to be friend?” -Ex.1 p. 36 Tape recorder 3
messages and behaviour Reflection the use of Reading: T asks some students to read the text and
Interaction 5.1. Identifying Reported find in the text synonyms for the given words. Ex. 2 Guided
and following the Speech; p. 37 reading The use of 7
Civic conventions of Writing: T asks students to work in pairs and report learned
Competence: verbal and the following sentences. Ex. 1 p. 37 structures
Forming values non-verbal a) Pete said, “I am writing a letter to my friend Whole class 7
and attitudes communication in Extension - speak now.” b) Paul said, “I have never betrayed my activity Identification
oral and written about friend.” of grammar
Socio-Inter interactions. friends and c) Tom said, “Mum, I am not telling lies.” patterns
-Cultural 7.1. Comparing friendship d) Marius said, “Oliver, will you lend me a hand,
Competence: the specific please?” Guided Direct
Knowing other vocabulary and Speaking: Students in groups explain the proverbs: conversation assessment 5
cultures and the conversational Ex 5 p. 35
personalities formulas in the a) Better an open enemy than a false friend.
target language b) A friend to all is a friend to none.
and the native Home-work Ex 2 p. 37 (Describe an ideal friend in 2
language, in 40-50 words. Use the new vocabulary)
order to interact
through oral or
written messages.

Communicativ 2.1. Providing oral Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

6. R o u n d u p.
e and answers to a thoughts in a attendance. Direct
Pragmatic question/statement free sincere Warm up activity Students in pairs compete Group work assessment 5
Competences: on a familiar topic way to describe the Royal Family Tree Ex. 1 p. 38 Direct, audio-
Production of (telling/retelling) of Working with homework T calls on students lingual 5
Oral Messages an appropriate level - practise who volunteer or picks them Guided Peer
and Interaction of difficulty learned Speaking: Students in groups debate on: What conversation assessment 8
2.6. Holding a Reflection structures do you think the roles of fathers and mothers
Communicativ conversation on a are? Do you think they should be different? Performing
e Competence: familiar topic by Why?. Ex 2 p. 39 Team work, tasks.
Reception of actively Extension - identify Grammar: individual Identification
Written participating in the correctly Students report the sentences. Ex. 1 p.39 of grammar 10
Messages conversation, vocabulary Writing: Students write their own patterns
choosing the theme in written, congratulation card on different occasions. Ex. Whole class 10
Communicativ and expressing visual and 3 p. 39 activity Writing short
e Competence: agreement or aural forms sentences
Production of disagreement Home-work 5
Written 4.2. Spelling Project work - In your project groups make up
Messages correctly the words interesting posters about one of the following
formed by means of topics: friendship, family, holiday tables.
word formation
(adjective endings,
ordinal numbers
- practical Te s t p a p e r - evaluate Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 3
application of (2 h) the learned Observation
knowledge and material Home-work Fixed point 42
skills acquired Project work - In your project groups make up interesting Whole class assessment
posters about one of the following topics: friendship, family, activity
holiday tables.

- practical Te s t p a p e r Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 3

application of Analysis Observation
knowledge and Home-work 42
skills acquired Project work - In your project groups make up interesting Whole class
posters about one of the following topics: friendship, family, activity
holiday tables.


1. T h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m .
Communicativ 3.3. Deducing Evocation - get the Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
e Competence: the meaning of students Warm up activity Students work in pairs and Pictures Knowledge 4
Reception of unfamiliar words organized match the expressions to the pictures. assessment
an oral from the context. for the Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the map of Direct, 3
message 2.3. Reading a lesson the United Kingdom. Students use the map to audio-lingual
Reception of text with answer the questions. Ex. 3 p. 40
written appropriate - learn and Working with homework T calls on students who Questions- 7
messages fluency, accent, train the volunteer or picks them. Board answers
intonation, to active Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and Whole class exercise
Communicativ confirm the Realization vocabulary teaches the meaning then they work with activity 7
e and understanding of of meaning of the https://quizlet.com/288733053/7-unit-3-lesson-1- Guided
pragmatic: it. lesson flash-cards/ conversation
Producing oral 3.1. Selecting Students work in pairs and they match the words
messages and from a text the - learn some with their definitions. Ex.2 p. 40 Flashcards
interaction information interesting Listening: T pronounces the geographical names Team work, 3
Producing necessary to facts about that will be used in the text and students learn to individual Phonetic
written solve different Great read them. Ex. 3 p. 40 exercises
messages and tasks. Britain; Reading: Students read the text. They are asked to Pair work
interaction 1.3. Performing work in pairs and fill in the empty bubbles.
instructions of - practise the Peer 9
Civic orientation in use of Guided assessment
Competence: space. Reflection geographical reading
Forming values 7. Describing names with
and attitudes some or without
geographical and ‘the’; 4
Socio-Inter administrative Extension
-Cultural aspects of the - speak
Competence: English Speaking about the Team work, 6
Knowing other Countries. parts of the Grammar: T explains the rule for the geographical individual Identification
cultures and 5. Finding on the United names with and without ‘the’ by giving exampes. of grammar
personalities map some Kingdom Writing: Ex 1 p. 42 Students fill in the article ‚the’ patterns 2
important cities and their where necessary.
of English- symbols Home-work
Speaking using the Ex. 1, 2 p. 42 (Write sentences including the groups
Countries suggested of words: Group the words in pairs of synonyms or
pictures antonyms)

2. H i s t o r i c a l p e r s o n a l i t i e s .
Communicative 2.2. Defining the Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings
and pragmatic theme of a text on thoughts in a attendance. Warm up activity The class is 5
competence the basis of its title free sincere divided into two teams. The teams compete to
Producing oral and / or pictures way read as quickly as they can. Ex. 1 p. 43 Group work Direct
messages and which go with it. Working with homework T calls on students assessment 6
interaction 3.3. Deducing the -become who volunteer or picks them.
meaning of familiarized Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Direct,
Socio-Inter unfamiliar words with the discussion points Ex. 3 p. 43 Students in pairs audio-lingual 5
-Cultural from the context. Realization active ask and answer the questions. Pair work
Competence: 3.1. Selecting of meaning vocabulary of 1. What are the traits that define a personality? Questions,
Knowing other from a text the the lesson 2. When and how does a common man become a answers
cultures and information personality? Whole class exercise
personalities necessary to solve - learn some 3. How can a national personality get worldwide activity
different tasks. interesting recognition? Guided
Interdisciplinar 3. Knowledge of facts about 4. What personalities can you name? conversation Observation
y Competence: historical the historical Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary
Applying the personalities - Reflection personalities; and teaches the meaning then they work with The use of
competences which belong to https://quizlet.com/288733632/7-unit-3-lesson- learned 7
from various the culture of 2-flash-cards/ structures
areas of English-Speaking Students work in pairs and they match the
knowledge to countries. words with their definitions. Ex. 2 p. 43
acquire 3.3. Deducing the Listening: T plays the recording and students Performing
information, meaning of - speak about listen to the text “Horatio Nelson”-Ex.1 p. 44 tasks
discuss, and unfamiliar words Oliver After listening students answer the questions. Team work, Teacher – 3
perform from the context. Cromwell, Ex. 2 p. 44 individual learner talk
learning 2.3. Reading a text using the https://clyp.it/yynrganp
activities with appropriate Extension pictures and Reading: T asks some students to read the text Guided Usage of 7
fluency, accent, the hints “Oliver Cromwell” Ex. 1 p.44 and brainstorm reading authentic
intonation, to the words that characterize the Oliver Cromwell. text 5
confirm the Grammar: T reminds the students the rule that segments
understanding of refers to ‘Polysemy’. 5
it. Writing: Students fill in with the appropriate Whole class
words. Ex 1 p. 45 activity
Home-work Ex 3 p. 45 (Write a descriptive 2
composition about a national personality our
country is proud of, including his/ her personal
characteristics and achievements)

Communicativ 2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

3. S e a p o r t c i t i e s .
e Competence: simple questions thoughts in a attendance.
Reception of in everyday life free sincere Warm up activity The game – two truths and lie Direct, audio- Knowledge 3
an oral situations way based on the text –Oliver Cromwell. Students lingual assessment
message appropriately - get make up their own sentences.
Reception of using acquainted Working with homework T calls on students
written conversational with the who volunteer or picks them. 5
messages formulas. proposed Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Whole class
1. Identifying Realization vocabulary discussion points Ex.1 p. 46. Students in pairs activity
Communicativ some everyday of meaning brainstorm the info about the only seaport in Guided Chorus 2
e and verbal and non- - get Moldova. conversation repetition
pragmatic: verbal courtesy acquainted Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary Phonetic
Producing oral norms in familiar with the and teaches the meaning then they work with Flashcards exercises
messages and everyday life seaport https://quizlet.com/288734460/7-unit-3-lesson-3- Team work, 7
interaction situations referred cities; flash-cards/ individual
Producing to the students’ - learn the Students use the words from the box as to match
written familiar names of the definitions. Ex. 2 p. 46 Identification
messages and environment. some Listening: T pronounces the geographical names of grammar
interaction 2. Participating in geographical that will be used in the text and students learn to patterns 3
simple oral names; read them. Ex. 3 p. 47
Socio-Inter communication - study the Reading: T asks some students to read the texts Guided
-Cultural (with the teacher Reflection formation Ex.1 p. 47 and correct the statements. Ex. 2 p. 47 reading 5
Competence: or colleagues) on and usage of Grammar: T explains the formation and usage Group
Knowing other familiar topics. Reported of Reported Speech- General Truth by giving assessment
cultures and 3.3. Deducing the Speech- examples. 3
personalities meaning of General Writing: Students are asked to report the given
unfamiliar words Truth; questions and statements. Ex. 1 p. 48 Observation
from the context. Listening: T plays the recording and students Whole class 5
2.3. Reading a text - speak listen to the text “Singapore” -Ex.1 p. 48 After activity
with appropriate about listening students answer the questions. Ex. 2 p. Guided 5
fluency, accent, Extension seaport 48 conversation
intonation, to cities; https://clyp.it/1ildfqrf 3
confirm the Speaking: Students in pairs talk about the 2
understanding of seaport cities they would like to visit.
it. Home-work Ex 2, 3 p. 48 (Put the words in the
right order to form questions: Write a description
of a seaport)

4. Housing.
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - establish Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
Competence: simple questions in contact with Warm up activity Students are divided into two
Reception of an everyday life the students groups, they compete to name the furniture and Direct, audio- Oral 4
oral message situations match them to the pictures. lingual evaluation
Reception of appropriately using Working with homework T calls on students who Observation 4
written conversational volunteer or picks them. Whole class
messages formulas. - learn and Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the activity 4
1. Identifying some train the new discussion points Ex. 3 p. 49 Students talk about Guided
Communicative everyday verbal Realization vocabulary likes and dislikes referring to the place they live conversation
and pragmatic: and non-verbal of meaning of the lesson in.
Producing oral courtesy norms in Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary Flashcards Chorus
messages and familiar everyday and teaches the meaning then they work with Team work, repetition
interaction life situations https://quizlet.com/288734947/7-unit-3-lesson-4- individual Phonetic 6
Producing referred to the flash-cards/ Students work in pairs and match the exercises
written students’ familiar words with their definitions. Ex. 2 p. 50 Exercises on
messages and environment. - practise Listening: T plays the recording and students vocabulary
interaction 2. Participating in speaking listen - Ex.1 p. 51 After listening students comprehension
simple oral about type brainstorm the keywords to describe: a) the ground 4
Socio-Inter communication Reflection of houses; floor; b) the fireplace; c) the laundry room Tape recorder
-Cultural (with the teacher or (spălătorie); d) the basement. The use of
Competence: colleagues) on - practise the https://clyp.it/vx5qvb1b learned
Knowing other familiar topics. use of Reading: T asks some students to read the text structures
cultures and 3.3. Deducing the Present Ex.1 p.50 and find in the text the following words: 6
personalities meaning of Perfect cross, like, walk, face, well, open. (a) Say what Board Identification
unfamiliar words Progressive; parts of speech they are and what they mean in the Guided of grammar
from the context. text. b) Use the same words in your own sentences reading patterns
2.1. Highlighting as different parts of speech.)
the main idea of a Grammar: T explains the formation and usage of Direct 5
text by - describe Present Perfect Progressive by giving examples Whole class assessment
reformulating Extension different Writing: Students complete the sentences Ex 1 p. activity
information. types of 51 5
3.1. Selecting from houses Speaking: Students in pairs describe different
a text the types of houses. Guided 5
information Home-work Ex 2, 3 p. 51 (Insert the words conversation
necessary to solve consulting a dictionary: skyscrapers, palace, 2
different tasks. hostels, block of flats, castles, house: Write a short
story in 50 words to illustrate the proverb “Every
bird likes its nest“)

5. C h i l d r e n ’ s r o o m .
Communicativ 2. Comparing Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
e Competence: specific thoughts in Warm up activity Students work in groups, they 4
Reception of vocabulary, verbal a free compete to read as quickly as they can. Ex. 1 p. 52 Direct, Direct
written courtesy formulas sincere way Working with homework T calls on students who audio-lingual assessment
messages for oral and volunteer or picks them. Whole class 5
written Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the activity
Communicativ interaction. - become discussion points Ex. 1 p. 52 Students brainstorm a Pair work
e and 3.3. Deducing the familiarized list of words to describe a children’s room and then 5
pragmatic: meaning of with the describe it. Guided
Producing oral unfamiliar words active Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and conversation
messages and from the context. Realization vocabulary teaches the meaning then they work with Chorus
interaction 2.2. Defining the of meaning of the https://quizlet.com/288736153/7-unit-3-lesson-5- repetition
Producing theme of a text on lesson; flash-cards/ Phonetic 7
written the basis of its Students work in pairs and insert the missing words Flashcards exercises
messages and title and / or in the sentences. Ex. 3 p. 52 Team work,
interaction pictures which go Listening: T plays the recording and students listen individual
with it. - practise and follow along in their books -Ex.1 p. 53 2
Socio-Inter 3.1. Selecting the use Reading: T asks some students to read the text Ex. Tape recorder
-Cultural from a text the of Past 1 p. 53 and ask some questions on the text. Peer 5
Competence: information Perfect Grammar: T explains the formation and usage of assessment
Knowing other necessary to solve Progressive Past Perfect Progressive by giving examples Guided 3
cultures and different tasks. Reflection Writing: T asks students to open the brackets using reading
personalities 4.6. Informative Present Perfect Progressive or Past Perfect 5
writing using Progressive. Ex. 1 p. 53 Whole class
logical connectors a) When mother entered the house, Andrieş (to dust) activity The use of
and linking - talk about the furniture for ten minutes. learned
words. rooms and b) Victor wanted to know how long the electrician structures
4.1. Writing short Extension furniture (to install) the electrical items in the new flat.
logically c) Sorin wants to know for how long his elder sister
structured and Angela (to paint) the walls in his room. Guided
coherent texts Speaking: Students in pairs hold a discussion about conversation Observation 7
about activities, the things they would like to be improved in their
people, events. room. Ex 3 p. 52 2
Home-work Ex 2 p. 53 (Write a paragraph in 50
words on the topic of the lesson, using all the new

Communicative 4.1. Writing of a Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

6. R o u n d u p.
and pragmatic: paragraph on a thoughts in a attendance. Direct
Producing oral familiar topic to free sincere Warm up activity Students in pairs Group work assessment 5
messages and convey the idea way brainstorm a list of seaport cities they know. Brainstorming
interaction and to express Ex. 4 p. 54 Direct, audio- 5
Producing relevant - practise Working with homework T calls on students lingual Peer
written information clearly learned who volunteer or picks them Guided assessment 8
messages and 5.9. Knowing some Reflection structures Speaking: Students hold a discussion with conversation
interaction prominent people some English tourists about their country Ex Performing
Socio-Inter from the target 1 p. 54 tasks. 10
-Cultural language country Extension - identify Reading: Team work, Identification
Competence: 8.2. Identifying and correctly Students insert the words and read the text individual of grammar 10
Knowing other describing aspects vocabulary about Grigore Vieru. Ex. 2 p.54 patterns
cultures and of seaport cities. in written, Grammar – Writing: Ex. 1, 2 p. 55
personalities 5.1. Identifying and visual and Students put the verbs from the brackets in Whole class Writing short 5
Interdisciplinar following the aural forms the correct tense form and report the activity sentences
y Competence: conventions of sentences.
Applying the verbal and non- Home-work
competences verbal Project work - In your project groups make
from various communication in up interesting posters about one of the
areas of oral and written following topics: The United Kingdom,
knowledge to interactions Historical personalities, seaport cities,
acquire housing.
- practical Speaking - evaluate Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings Observation 3
application of assessment the learned Indirect
knowledge and material Home-work assessment 42
skills acquired Project work - In your project groups make up interesting Exercises
while studying this posters about one of the following topics: The United confirming an
unit Kingdom, Historical personalities, seaport cities, housing. understanding
of the
- practical Speaking Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings Observation 3
application of assessment Home-work Exercises
knowledge and a n a ly s i s Project work - In your project groups make up interesting confirming an 42
skills acquired posters about one of the following topics: The United understanding
while studying this Kingdom, Historical personalities, seaport cities, housing. of the
unit message


1. S c h o o l i n g .
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - get the Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
Competence: simple questions students Warm up activity Students compete to read as Pictures Knowledge
Reception of in everyday life organized quickly as they can. Ex 1 p. 84 assessment 2
written situations for the Working with homework T calls on students who Direct, 5
messages appropriately lesson volunteer or picks them. audio-lingual
Communicative using Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the
and pragmatic: conversational discussion points Ex. 3 p. 56 Students brainstorm Board Questions- 3
Producing oral formulas. answers to the given questions. Whole class answers
messages and 2. Participating in - become 1. Why do we go to school? activity exercise
interaction simple oral Realization familiarized 2. Can you describe different types of schools?
Communicative communication of meaning with the 3. Can you be too old to learn? Flashcards
and pragmatic: (with the teacher active 4. What would happen if we didn’t have schools? Team work,
Producing oral or colleagues) on vocabulary Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary individual 7
messages and familiar topics. of the and teaches the meaning then they work with
interaction 3.3. Deducing the lesson; https://quizlet.com/288739841/7-unit-4-lesson-1-
Producing meaning of flash-cards/ Phonetic
written unfamiliar words - learn the Students make up sentences using the new exercises
messages and from the context. vocabulary vocabulary and match in pairs the words with their
interaction 2.2. Defining the necessary to definitions. Ex. 3 p. 57
Socio-Inter theme of a text speak about Reading: Before reading the text students predict
-Cultural on the basis of its education in what they think the text is about by the title. 10
Competence: title and / or Reflection Moldova Students read the text “Education in Moldova” Guided Peer
Knowing other pictures which go Ex. 2 p. 57 reading assessment
cultures and with it. - practise After reading students state if the given statements
personalities 3.1. Selecting the use are - True or False. Ex. 3 p. 58 Team work, Identification
Communicative from a text the words with Grammar: T points out words with figurative individual of grammar 3
and information figurative meanings by giving examples. Pair work patterns
pragmatic: necessary to meaning; Speaking: Students compete in pairs to share the
Producing solve different figurative meaning of the underlined words. Ex. 1 5
written tasks. p. 58 Guided
messages and Listening: T plays the recording and students conversation
interaction -talk about listen to the dialogue - Ex.1 p. 58 After listening 8
Interdisciplinar Extension education in students answer the given questions.
y Competence Moldova https://clyp.it/hpqzdtwt 2
Ex. 1 p. 58 (Write a paragraph of 50 words to say
if you like school or not, and explain why)

2. E n g l i s h c l a s s r o o m .
2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings
Communicativ simple questions in thoughts in a attendance. Warm up activity The class is 5
e and everyday life free sincere divided into two teams. The teams compete to
pragmatic: situations way read as quickly as they can without making Group work Direct
Producing oral appropriately using mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 59 assessment 4
messages and conversational Working with homework T calls on students
interaction formulas. who volunteer or picks them. Guided Synchronic
2. Participating in - become Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the conversation translation of 3
Communicativ simple oral Realization familiarized discussion points Ex. 3 p. 59 in pairs ask and Direct, audio- events in
e Competence: communication on of meaning with the answer the questions. lingual mother 7
Reception of familiar topics. active Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary tongue
written 3.3. Deducing the vocabulary and teaches the meaning then they work with Whole class
messages meaning of of the lesson; https://quizlet.com/288749991/7-unit-4-lesson- activity
unfamiliar words 2-flash-cards/
Socio-Inter from the context. Students use the words below instead of the Questions,
-Cultural 2.6. Restating a underlined words in the given sentences: Team work, answers
Competence: piece of Reflection - study and command of, to pronounce, to succeed, to individual exercise
Building self- information on the practise the progress, to brush up Ex. 2 p. 59
study, self- request of the formation of Listening: T plays the recording and students 3
control interlocutor. Subjunctive listen about some tips for improving their Pair work Observation
and self- 3.1. Selecting Mood after understanding of English -Ex. 1 p. 60
evaluation from a text the “wish”; As a post listening activity students brainstorm Brainstorming The use of
skills information the tips. learned 7
Socio-Inter necessary to solve Reading: T asks some students to read the tips Guided structures
-Cultural different tasks. 4.5. for improving their understanding of English reading
Competence: Writing down the Extension Ex. 1 p. 60 Performing
Knowing other information, - talk about Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to the tasks 5
cultures and received orally or an English formation of the Subjunctive Mood after wish Teacher –
personalities through reading. classroom by explaining and giving examples. learner talk 5
Communicativ 4.1. Writing short Writing: Students express a wish transforming Whole class Usage of
e and logically structured the given sentences Ex 1 p. 61 activity authentic
pragmatic: and coherent texts Speaking: Students are devided into three text 4
Producing about activities, groups. Each group has to give an answer to the segments
written people, events. questions and discuss about an English
messages and classroom. Ex. 2 p. 60 2
interaction Home-work Ex 2 p. 61 (In 50 words, write a
short letter to persuade a younger student of the
importance of learning English.)

Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

3. E n g l i s h S p e a k i n g C l u b .
and simple questions thoughts in attendance.
pragmatic: in everyday life a free Warm up activity Students are divided into Direct, audio- Knowledge 5
Producing oral situations sincere way two groups, they compete to read as quickly as lingual assessment 5
messages and appropriately they can without making mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 62
interaction using - become Working with homework T calls on students
Communicative conversational familiarized who volunteer or picks them. 7
Competence: formulas. with the Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Whole class
Reception of 2. Participating in Realization active discussion pointa Ex. III p. 62 Students activity
written simple oral of meaning vocabulary brainstorm about different kinds of things they Guided Chorus
messages communication of the can do at an English club meeting. conversation repetition 7
Communicative on familiar topics. lesson; Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary Brainstorming Phonetic
and pragmatic: 2. Comparing and teaches the meaning then they work with exercises
Producing specific https://quizlet.com/289160007/7-unit-4-lesson- Flashcards
written vocabulary, verbal 3-flash-cards/ Students work in pairs and match Team work,
messages and courtesy formulas the words with their definitions. Ex. 3 p. 62 individual
interaction for oral and Reflection - study and Reading: Before reading the text students Identification
Socio-Inter written interaction. practise the brainstorm what they know about English of grammar
-Cultural 3.3. Deducing the formation of speaking clubs. T asks some students to read the patterns
Competence: meaning of Subjunctive text Ex. 1 p. 63 As a post reading activity Guided reading
Building self- unfamiliar words Mood after students ask each other questions to fit the 10
study, self- from the context. “if”; answers. Ex. 3 p. 64
control 2.1. Highlighting Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to the Group
and self- the main idea of a formation of the Subjunctive Mood after if by Guided assessment
evaluation skills text by - talk about explaining and giving examples. conversation
Interdisciplinar reformulating Extension out-of-class Writing: Students are asked to open the 7
y Competence: information. activities; brackets expressing wishes and regrets. Ex. 1 p. Observation
Applying the 2.4. Formulating 65
competences simple questions Listening: T plays the recording and students 2
from various and sentences in listen to the poem ‘Grammar In Rhyme’ then
areas of everyday life talk about the different parts of speech in Whole class
knowledge to situations. English. - Ex.1 p. 65 After listening students activity
acquire 3.1. Selecting answer the given questions. https://clyp.it?
information, from a text the xOyemexh
discuss, and information Home-work Ex 2 p. 65 (Imagine that you are a
perform necessary to solve member of an English-speaking club. Write a
learning different tasks. short letter to your pen-friend about an activity
activities that you would like.)

4. E d u c a t i o n t h r o u g h f i l m .
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - establish Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
and simple questions contact with Warm up activity Students are divided into two 2
pragmatic: in everyday life the students groups, they compete to brainstorm the advantages Direct, audio- Oral
Producing oral situations and disadvantages of using film at school. lingual evaluation 4
messages and appropriately Working with homework T calls on students who Observation
interaction using volunteer or picks them. Whole class 4
Communicative conversational - become Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the activity
Competence: formulas. familiarized discussion points Ex. III p. 66 Students in pairs Guided 7
Reception of 2. Participating in Realization with the discuss the given questions. conversation
oral messages simple oral of meaning active Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and
Reception of communication vocabulary teaches the meaning then they work with Flashcards Chorus
written on familiar of the https://quizlet.com/289170824/7-unit-4-lesson-4- repetition
messages topics. lesson; flash-cards/ Phonetic 5
Communicative 3.3. Deducing the Students work in pairs they match the words with exercises
and meaning of their definitions. Ex. 3 p. 67 Guided
pragmatic: unfamiliar words Listening: T reads the text and students listen and conversation
Producing from the context. follow along in their books -Ex. 1 p. 67
written 2.6. Restating a As a post listening activity students complete the 3
messages and piece of Reflection - practise chart with the information from the text.
interaction information on the use Reading: T asks some students to read and play the Exercises on The use
Socio-Inter the request of the what and game “Airplane facts” (True/False sentences) vocabulary of
-Cultural interlocutor. which; Students work in pairs and find in the text synonyms comprehension learned 7
Competence: 3.1. Selecting and antonyms for the given words. Ex.2,3 p. 67 Guided reading structures
Building self- from a text the Grammar: T introduces the use of what and which,
study, self- information Extension by explaining their usage and giving examples. Whole class Identification 5
control necessary to - talk about Students make up sentences. activity of
and self- solve different cinema at Writing: Students fill in the sentences with what or grammar
evaluation skills tasks. school. which Ex. 1 p. 68 patterns
Knowing other 1.4. Defining 1. … dress shall I wear, the red or the blue one? Team work,
cultures and pieces of 2. … flowers do you like? individual Direct
personalities information from 3. Ask him … one he will choose. assessment
Civic a message. 4. Say … of you wants to become a cinema star. 6
Competence: 1.1. Deducing the 5. … of these hats is yours?
Forming values order of events 6. … films does he like?
and attitudes from a simple 7. … of the film stars is your favourite?
message clearly Home-work Ex 2 p. 68 (Write a film review of a 2
and slowly film you’ve seen recently. Be sure to include
articulated. information about the director and the stars)

5. M o t h e r ’ s d a y .
Communicativ 2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
e and simple questions thoughts in Warm up activity Students work in groups they 4
pragmatic: in everyday life a free compete to read as quickly as they can without Direct, Direct
Producing oral situations sincere way making mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 69 audio-lingual assessment
messages and appropriately Working with homework T calls on students who Whole class 5
interaction using volunteer or picks them. activity
Communicativ conversational Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Pair work
e Competence: formulas. discussion points Ex. III p. 69 Students in pairs ask 7
Reception of 1. Identifying - become and answer the questions. Guided
written some everyday familiarized Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and conversation
messages verbal and non- Realization with the teaches the meaning then they work with Chorus
Communicativ verbal courtesy of meaning active https://quizlet.com/289975163/7-unit-4-lesson-5- repetition
e and norms in familiar vocabulary flash-cards/ Phonetic
pragmatic: everyday life of the Students work in pairs they match the words with Flashcards exercises 7
Producing situations referred lesson; their definitions. Ex. 4 p. 70 Team work,
written to the students’ Reading: T asks some students to read the poem “I individual
messages and familiar must not tease my mother” and brainstorm what it
interaction environment. means to respect one’s mother. Ex. 1 p. 70 Guided 7
Socio-Inter 2. Participating in - practise Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Ex. 5 reading Peer
-Cultural simple oral the use p. 71 Students in pairs find in the poem the lines assessment
Competence: communication “Do” as a where the child:
Building self- on familiar topics. Reflection substitute of – shows his care for his mother; 5
study, self- 3.3. Deducing the the main – speaks how mother nursed him;
control meaning of verb; – speaks about mother’s patience; Guided The use of
and self- unfamiliar words – explains why he has to directly mind mother’s conversation learned
evaluation from the context. words. structures
skills 2.1. Highlighting Grammar: Students practice the use of “Do” as a 3
Knowing other the main idea of a substitute of the main verb by giving examples. Observation
cultures and text by - speak Students make up sentences. Whole class 5
personalities reformulating about love Writing: T asks students to write 5 sentences using activity
Civic information. Extension to mother, “do” as a main verb substitute. Ex. 1 p. 71
Competence: 3.1. Selecting feelings. Home-work Ex 4 p. 71 (Write a paragraph to 2
Forming values from a text the explain all the things your mother does for you and
and attitudes information your family.)
necessary to solve
different tasks.
3. Knowledge of
literary texts.

Communicativ 2.2 Participating in Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

6. R o u n d u p.
e and a dialogue on a thoughts in a attendance. Direct
Pragmatic known topic to free sincere Warm up activity Students in pairs Group work assessment 5
Competences: exchange the way unscramble the lines of the poem. Ex. 1 p. 72 Direct, audio-
Production of simple information; Reading: lingual 5
Oral Messages 2.4 Providing short - practice Students read the poem and express its main Guided Peer
and Interaction and fluent learned idea. Ex. 2 p.72 conversation assessment 8
description of Reflection structures Working with homework T calls on students
Communicativ people and of some who volunteer or picks them Performing
e Competence: events. Speaking: Students in pairs debate on the Team work, tasks. 10
Reception of 3.1 Identifying the Extension - identify given statements. Ex 5 p. 72 individual Identification
Written global meaning of a correctly Vocabulary – Writing: Students match the of grammar 10
Messages message of a text vocabulary words to their definitions. Ex. 6 p. 72 patterns
read silently; in written, Whole class
Communicativ 3.2 Extracting the visual and Home-work activity Writing short 5
e Competence: main information aural forms Ex. 1 p. 73 (Paraphrase the sentences using sentences
Production of from an unknown the verb wish)
Written text;

- practical Speaking - evaluate Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings Observation 3
application of assessment the learned Indirect
knowledge and material Home-work assessment 42
skills acquired Project work - In your project groups make up Exercises
while studying this interesting posters about one of the following topics: confirming an
unit Schooling, English clubs, mother’s day. understanding
of the
- practical Speaking Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 3
application of assessment Home-work Observation
knowledge and a n a ly s i s Project work - In your project groups make up Exercises 42
skills acquired interesting posters about one of the following topics: confirming an
while studying this Schooling, English clubs, mother’s day. understanding
unit of the


1. A r t s a n d c r a f t s .
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - get the Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 2
Competence: simple questions students Warm up activity Students work in groups they Pictures Knowledge 2
Reception of in everyday life organized compete to read as quickly as they can without assessment
written situations for the making mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 74 Direct,
messages appropriately lesson Working with homework T calls on students who audio-lingual 3
Communicative using volunteer or picks them.
and pragmatic: conversational Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Board Questions- 3
Producing oral formulas. discussion points Ex. III p. 74 Students ask and Whole class answers
messages and 2. Participating in - become answer the questions. activity exercise
interaction simple oral Realization familiarized Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and 7
Communicative communication of meaning with the teaches the meaning then they work with Flashcards
and pragmatic: on familiar active https://quizlet.com/289977007/7-unit-5-lesson-1- Team work,
Producing oral topics. vocabulary flash-cards/ individual
messages and 2. Comparing of the Students make up sentences using the new
interaction specific lesson; vocabulary and match the words with their
Producing vocabulary, definitions. Ex. 2 p. 74 Phonetic
written verbal courtesy Reading: Students read the text “Learning through Guided exercises
messages and formulas for oral - use the art” and brainstorm words connected with reading 8
interaction and written correct ‘artisanship’. Ex. 2 p. 75
Socio-Inter interaction verbs ‘do or Speaking: Students compete in pairs to to ask
-Cultural 3.3. Deducing the make’; each other questions to fit the answers: Ex.4 p.75
Competence: meaning of Reflection a) Pupils learn to create things of art. Guided Peer 8
Knowing other unfamiliar words b) Teachers train pupils to use various tools. conversation assessment
cultures and from the context. c) At School Photography Club.
personalities 2.2. Defining the d) Pupils display their pieces of art. Identification
Communicative theme of a text on - master the e) Children’s creative works attract the eye. of grammar
and the basis of its vocabulary, Grammar: Students practice the use of “Do” and Team work, patterns
pragmatic: title and / or Extension necessary to “Make” by giving examples. individual 2
Producing pictures which go speak about Writing: Ex 1 p. 76 Students fill in the sentences Pair work 8
written with it. artisanship; with the right verbs‚ do or make’.
messages and 3.1. Selecting Home-work
interaction from a text the Ex. 1, 2 p. 76 (Correct the mistakes. Describe in
Interdisciplinar information writing, in 50 words, the last artisanship exhibition 2
y Competence necessary to you had at your school.)
solve different

2. J o b s .
2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
Communicativ simple questions thoughts in a Warm up activity The class is divided into two 5
e and in everyday life free sincere teams. The teams compete to find someone whose
pragmatic: situations way mother or father is… (jobs) Group work Direct
Producing oral appropriately Working with homework T calls on students who assessment 4
messages and using volunteer or picks them.
interaction conversational Speaking: T directs students’ attention to discussion Guided Synchronic
formulas. - become points Ex. III p. 77 Students brainstorm a list of jobs conversation translation 3
Communicativ 2. Participating in Realization familiarized they know and comment on the lesson quotation. Brainstorming of events in
e Competence: simple oral of meaning with the Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and Direct, audio- mother 7
Reception of communication active teaches the meaning then they work with lingual tongue
written on familiar vocabulary https://quizlet.com/289977723/7-unit-5-lesson-2-
messages topics. of the flash-cards/ Whole class
2. Comparing lesson; Students make up sentences using the new activity
Socio-Inter specific vocabulary and match the words with their Questions,
-Cultural vocabulary, definitions. Ex. 2 p. 78 answers
Competence: verbal courtesy Reflection Listening: T plays the recording and students listen Team work, exercise
Building self- formulas for oral to the text “A new job” -Ex. 1 p. 78 individual
study, self- and written - practise the Reading: T asks some students to read the text “A 3
control interaction use of either, new job” -Ex. 1 p. 78 As a post reading activity Guided Observation
and self- 3.3. Deducing the either… students work in pairs and answer the given reading
evaluation meaning of or…, questions. Ex 3 p. 79 The use of 7
skills unfamiliar words neither, Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to the use Pair work learned
Socio-Inter from the context. neither… of either, either… or…, neither, neither… nor… by structures 5
-Cultural 3.1. Selecting nor…; explaining and giving examples.
Competence: from a text the Writing: Students insert: either, either ... or ..., Performing 5
Knowing other information - master the neither, neither ... nor... and write the sentences. Ex Whole class tasks
cultures and necessary to vocabulary, 1 p. 79 activity Teacher –
personalities solve different necessary to Speaking: Students are devided into three groups. learner talk 4
Communicativ tasks. Extension speak about Each group has to choose a profession and describe Usage of
e and 2.3. Reading a occupations it. Guided authentic
pragmatic: text with and Home-work Ex 1 p. 79 (Write how you think work conversation text 2
Producing appropriate professions; will change in 50 years. What new jobs will appear segments
written fluency, accent, and what jobs will disappear?)
messages and intonation, to
interaction confirm the
understanding of

Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2

3. S p o r t s .
and simple questions thoughts in attendance.
pragmatic: in everyday life a free Warm up activity Students work in groups they Direct, audio- Knowledge 5
Producing oral situations sincere way compete to read as quickly as they can without lingual assessment
messages and appropriately making mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 80
interaction using - become Working with homework T calls on students 5
Communicative conversational familiarized who volunteer or picks them.
Competence: formulas. with the Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Whole class
Reception of 2. Participating in Realization active discussion points Ex.III p. 80 Students in pairs activity 7
written simple oral of meaning vocabulary ask and answer the given questions. Guided Chorus
messages communication of the Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary conversation repetition
Communicative on familiar topics. lesson; and teaches the meaning then they work with Phonetic
and pragmatic: 3.3. Deducing the https://quizlet.com/289978104/7-unit-5-lesson- Flashcards exercises 7
Producing meaning of 3-flash-cards/ Team work,
written unfamiliar words Students make up sentences using the new individual
messages and from the context. vocabulary and match the words with their
interaction 2.1. Highlighting Reflection definitions. Ex. 2 p. 80
Socio-Inter the main idea of a - use Reading: Before reading the text students study
-Cultural text by Subjunctive the picture on page 81 and speak about boring, Guided
Competence: reformulating Mood after expensive, dangerous, enjoyable, exciting, reading Group 7
Building self- information. verbs difficult sports. T asks some students to read the assessment
study, self- 2.6. Restating a expressing text Ex. V p. 82 As a post reading activity
control piece of suggestions, students answer the questions about the text. Ex.
and self- information on the orders, 2 p. 82 Guided Observation
evaluation skills request of the demands; Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to the conversation Identification 5
Interdisciplinar interlocutor. Extension use of the Subjunctive Mood in that clauses of grammar
y Competence: 3.1. Selecting from - speak after the verbs expressing suggestions, orders, patterns
Applying the a text the about the demands, requests by explaining and giving
competences information importance examples.
from various necessary to solve of sports. Writing: Students are asked to open the brackets 5
areas of different tasks. using the Subjunctive Mood. Ex. 2 p. 83
knowledge to Home-work Ex 3, 4 p. 83 (Arrange the words to Whole class
acquire make up sentences, write a paragraph in 50 activity
information, words about the first Olympic Games.) 2
discuss, and

4. C o m p a s s i o n a n d e m p a t h y .
Communicative 2. Comparing Evocation - establish Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
and specific contact with Warm up activity Students work in groups they 2
pragmatic: vocabulary, the students compete to read as quickly as they can without Direct, audio- Oral
Producing oral verbal courtesy making mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 84 lingual evaluation 4
messages and formulas for oral Working with homework T calls on students who Observation
interaction and written volunteer or picks them. Whole class 4
Communicative interaction. - become Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the activity
Competence: 3.3. Deducing the familiarized discussion points Ex. III p. 84 Students in pairs Guided 5
Reception of meaning of Realization with the discuss about charity. conversation
oral messages unfamiliar words of meaning active Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and
Reception of from the context. vocabulary teaches the meaning then they work with Flashcards Chorus
written 2.3. Reading a of the lesson; https://quizlet.com/292236719/7-unit-5-lesson-4- Team work, repetition
messages text with flash-cards/ individual Phonetic 7
Communicative appropriate Students make up sentences using the new exercises
and fluency, stress, vocabulary and match the words with their
pragmatic: intonation and - practise the definitions. Ex. 2 p. 84 Guided
Producing sense groups to use of Listening: T reads the text, students listen and conversation
written demonstrate its homonyms, follow along in their books -Ex. 1 p. 85
messages and comprehension. Reflection homophones, As a post listening activity students complete the 3
interaction 3.1. Selecting homographs; chart with the information from the texts. Ex 3 p. 85 The use
Socio-Inter from a text the Reading: T asks some students to read and play the Exercises on of
-Cultural information game “Airplane facts” (True/False sentences). vocabulary learned
Competence: necessary to Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to the use comprehension structures 7
Building self- solve different - speak about of homonyms, homophones, homographs by Guided reading
study, self- tasks. Extension people with explaining and giving examples. Identification
control 4.4. Editing physical Writing: Students find in the text the homophones Whole class of 2
and self- simple imperative deficiencies. for the following words: sea, no, bee, here, four, activity grammar 6
evaluation skills sentences for won, write, buy/bye. Ex. 1 p. 86 patterns
Knowing other every day life Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the to the 3
cultures and situations. pictures p. 84 -85 Students in pairs discuss about Direct
personalities 4.1. Writing short physical deficiencies. assessment 2
Civic logically Home-work Ex 1, 2 p. 86 (1. Make up 6 sentences
Competence: structured and using homonyms, homophones and homographs. 2
Forming values coherent texts Imagine you are rich and want to help physically and
and attitudes about activities, intellectually handicapped people. Write how you
people, events would do it.)

5. F l o r a a n d f a u n a .
Communicativ 2.4. Formulate Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings
e and simple questions thoughts in a Warm up activity Students in turns guess what 4
pragmatic: in everyday life free sincere animal or bird is being mimed. Each correct guess Direct, Direct
Producing oral situations way is worth one point. audio-lingual assessment
messages and appropriately Working with homework T calls on students Whole class 5
interaction using who volunteer or picks them. activity
Communicativ conversational Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Pair work
e Competence: formulas. discussion points Ex. III p. 87 Students in pairs 7
Reception of 2. Participating in - become ask and answer the questions. Guided
written simple oral familiarized Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary conversation
messages communication Realization with the active and teaches the meaning then they work with Chorus
Communicativ on familiar topics. of meaning vocabulary of https://quizlet.com/292238111/7-unit-5-lesson-5- repetition
e and 3.3. Deducing the the lesson; flash-cards/ Phonetic 7
pragmatic: meaning of Students make up sentences using the new Flashcards exercises
Producing unfamiliar words vocabulary and match the words with their Team work,
written from the context. - practise the definitions. Ex. 2 p. 88 individual
messages and 2.3. Reading a use of Reading: T asks some students to read the text 7
interaction text with ‘Exclamations’ and find in the text lines that describe: Guided
Socio-Inter appropriate What.., – the morning stillness; reading Peer
-Cultural fluency, stress, Reflection How..!; – Crystal’s love for her father’s ranch; assessment
Competence: intonation and – Crystal’s love for the picturesque landscape
Building self- sense groups to surrounding her. Ex. 3 p. 89
study, self- demonstrate its Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the Ex.
control comprehension. 4 p. 88 Students in pairs identify the names of the Guided The use of 5
and self- 3.1. Selecting birds in the pictures and give as much information conversation learned
evaluation from a text the Extension as possible about them. structures
skills information - describe Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to the
Knowing other necessary to solve nature use of ‘Exclamations’ What.., How..! by Observation 3
cultures and different tasks. explaining and giving examples. Whole class
personalities 8. Ecological Writing: T asks students to fill in and write the activity
Civic education. right article. Ex. 1 p. 90 5
Competence: 4.3. Editing short Home-work Ex 2,3 p. 90 (2 Fill in the missing 2
Forming values texts. prepositions. 3 Continue the story.)
and attitudes 4.5. Writing down
the information
received orally or
through reading.

6. Travelling.
Communicative 2.4. Formulate Evocation - get the Opening Greeting the class and taking Greetings 2
and simple questions students attendance. 6
pragmatic: in everyday life organized for Warm up activity Students work in groups they Direct,
Producing oral situations the lesson compete to read as quickly as they can without audio-lingual
messages and appropriately making mistakes. Ex. 1 p. 91 Whole class Knowledge
interaction using - become Working with homework T calls on students activity assessment 5
conversational familiarized who volunteer or picks them.
Communicative formulas. with the Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the
Competence: 2. Participating in active discussion points Ex. III p. 91 Students in pairs 5
Reception of simple oral vocabulary ask and answer the questions.
written communication Realization of the lesson; Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary Guided
messages on familiar topics. of meaning and teaches the meaning then they work with conversation Chorus
Reception of 3.3. Deducing the - master the https://quizlet.com/292241662/7-unit-5-lesson- repetition
oral messages meaning of vocabulary, 6-flash-cards/ Phonetic
Communicative unfamiliar words necessary to Students make up sentences using the new exercises 7
and from the context. speak about vocabulary and match the words with their Flashcards
pragmatic: 3.2. Defining the travelling; definitions. Ex. 2 p. 91 Team work,
Producing logical ordrer of Listening: T reads the text, students listen and individual
written passages in a follow along in their books -Ex. 1 p.92
messages and short text. Reflection - practise the As a post listening activity students complete 2
interaction 2.3. Reading a meaning of the chart with the information from the texts. The use of
Socio-Inter text with ‘naturally’ Reading: T asks some students to read the text Pair work learned 5
-Cultural appropriate depending on ‘An unforgettable trip’ Ex. 1 p. 92 Guided structures
Competence: fluency, stress, its place in Grammar: T explains the rule that refers to conversation
Building self- intonation and the sentence; the meaning of ‘naturally’ depending on its place Observation 3
study, self- sense groups to Extension in the sentence by explaining and giving
control demonstrate its - describe examples. Performance 4
and self- comprehension. travelling. Writing: Students work in pairs making up Whole class assessment
evaluation skills 3.1. Selecting dialogues using the word ‘naturally’ in both activity Exercise on
Socio-Inter from a text the meanings. Ex. 1 p. 93 vocabulary 4
-Cultural information Speaking: Students work in groups planning a comprehension
Competence: necessary to solve trip. 2
Knowing other different tasks. Home-work Ex 1 (Describe in writing your Guided
cultures and last journey mentioning: a) when it happened; conversation
personalities b) where you travelled to; c) means of transport
Interdisciplinar you used; d) the people you went with; e) the
y Competence: places you visited; f) your impressions about the
journey.) p. 93

Communicative 2.2 Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 2

7. R o u n d u p.
and Pragmatic Participating thoughts in a Warm up activity Students play the game “Odd-Man- Direct
Competences: in a dialogue free sincere Out” Group work assessment 5
Production of on a known way Working with homework T calls on students who Direct,
Oral Messages topic to volunteer or picks them audio-lingual 5
and Interaction exchange the - practice Reading: Guided Peer
simple learned Students arrange the fragments in logical order and read conversation assessment 8
Communicative information; Reflection structures them. Ex. 1 p.94
Competence: 2.4 Providing Speaking: Students brainstorm ways of solving Performing
Reception of short and disabled people’s problems. Ex 3 p. 95 Team work, tasks. 10
Written fluent Extension - identify Grammar – Writing: Students put the verbs in the individual Identification
Messages description of correctly brackets in their correct tense form. Ex. 1 p. 95 of grammar 10
people and of vocabulary patterns
Communicative some events. in written, Home-work Whole class
Competence: 3.1 Identifying visual and Ex 2 p. 95 (Open the brackets using the Subjunctive activity Writing short 5
Production of the global aural forms Mood after the verbs: suggest, demand, propose, sentences
Written meaning of a recommend, insist.)
Messages message of a
text read
3.2 Extracting
the main
from an
unknown text;
- practical F i n a l Te s t - evaluate Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 3
application of paper the learned Home-work Observation
knowledge and (2 h) material Project work - In your project groups make up Fixed point 42
skills acquired interesting posters about one of the following topics: Whole class assessment
Travelling, Charity, Sports. activity

- practical Te s t p a p e r Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 3

application of Analysis Observation
knowledge and Home-work 42
skills acquired Project work - In your project groups make up interesting Whole class
posters about one of the following topics: Travelling, Charity, activity

School is over.
Communicativ 2.2 Producing Evocation - express Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings 2
e and simple thoughts in a Warm up T divides the class into two teams. Knowledge
Pragmatic sentences to free sincere Spreads out flashcards on the desk face down. Direct, assessment 8
Competences: briefly way Invites students from each team to come to the audio-lingual
Production of describe plans desk one by one, to choose a flashcard, say and Flashcards Chorus
Oral Messages for summer write the word on the blackboard. The team that Team work, repetition
and Interaction holidays. names and writes all the words is the winner. individual 7
1.6 - practice Working with homework T calls on students Pair work
Communicativ Understanding Reflection new who volunteer or picks them Guided Writing
e Competence: the general structures Vocabulary: Students role-play a conversation conversation sentences 16
Reception of meaning of a using the words they know referring to their Guided describing
Written text related to summer plans. T monitors and praises. conversation someone’s
Messages the students’ - identify Writing: Students work in pairs and write the summer
everyday life. correctly conversation in their exercise books. plans 10
Communicativ 2.3 new Home-work
e Competence: Participating Extension vocabulary Ex. 11 p. 97 Comment on the quotation “A friend 2
Production of in simple in written, to all is a friend to none”. Do you agree or
Written dialogues visual and disagree with it? Why/why not?
Messages related to aural forms
holidays and
using simple
words and
that have been




Fixed point assessment is when grades are awarded and decisions made on the basis of an examination or other assessment which takes place on a particular
day, usually the end of the course or before the beginning of a course. What has happened beforehand is irrelevant; it is what the person can do now that is
Formative assessment is an ongoing process of gathering information on the extent of learning, on strengths and weaknesses, which the teacher can feed
back into their course planning and the actual feedback they give learners. Formative assessment is often used in a very broad sense so as to include non-
quantifiable information from questionnaires and consultations.
Summative assessment sums up attainment at the end of the course with a grade. It is not necessarily proficiency assessment. Indeed a lot of summative
assessment is normreferenced, fixed-point, achievement assessment.
Direct assessment is assessing what the candidate is actually doing. For example, a small group are discussing something, the assessor observes, compares
with a criteria grid, matches the performances to the most appropriate categories on the grid, and gives an assessment.
Indirect assessment, on the other hand, uses a test, usually on paper, which often assesses enabling skills.
Performance assessment requires the learner to provide a sample of language in speech or writing in a direct test.
Knowledge assessment requires the learner to answer questions which can be of a range of different item types in order to provide evidence of the extent of
their linguistic knowledge and control.






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