The Characters - The Numbers (1-10) - Colours - The Verb "To Be" - Write About Yourself 4 S1-2
The Characters - The Numbers (1-10) - Colours - The Verb "To Be" - Write About Yourself 4 S1-2
The Characters - The Numbers (1-10) - Colours - The Verb "To Be" - Write About Yourself 4 S1-2
Programa şcolară pentru disciplina COMUNICARE ÎN LIMBA MODERNĂ 1 Clasa III-a si clasa a IV-a, aprobată prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 5003/02/12/2014
Checkpoint 1
Checkpoint 2
1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly
articulated oral message in a familiar context.
5c Where’s
6. Christmas!
Happy New
house! • there is/ there are 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way. S 15-17
6b Where’s Write about your house 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
texts about familiar topics.
Missy? 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends,peers and teacher
6c Welcome!
Troll Tales 3
Go Green!
Nr. crt. Unităţi de învăţare Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice Nr. ore Săpt. Observaţii
MODULE 4 • parts of the body 1.1 Identify the global significance of a S19-21
Unit 7 • the verb‘have got’ clearly
• plurals(irregular) articulated oral message in a familiar
1 7a It’s so cute! context.
7b We’re all wet! •Write about your
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
favourite cartoon
7c I’m so sweet! messages.
character 2.2 Participate in everyday
conversations about
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts about familiar topics
2 Unit 8 • activities 1.1 Identify the global significance of a
8a Talent Show! • the verb ‘can’ clearly
•Write about what you articulated oral message in a familiar
8b Abracadabra! context.
8c Watch me go! can do S 21-24
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
Troll Tales 4 messages.
Go Green! 2.2 Participate in everyday
Our World conversations about
familiar topics.
Checkpoint 4 2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.2 Understand the global significance
Mother’s Day! of simple texts Lectia „Mother”s Day„ va
about familiar topics. 1 fi facuta in sapt. 22
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends,peers, teacher
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts
about familiar topics.
4.1 Write cards for birthdays and
4.2 Write a simple message for a