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The Characters - The Numbers (1-10) - Colours - The Verb "To Be" - Write About Yourself 4 S1-2

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Scoala Gimnaziala ” Sf Gheorghe” , Craiova Avizat, Responsabil Comisie Metodica

Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare

Disciplina: Limba engleză
Profesor: Pitis Eugenia Vizat DIRECTOR,

Planificarea unitatilor de invatare - an şcolar 2017/2018

Clasa III (2 ore/săpt)

Programa şcolară pentru disciplina COMUNICARE ÎN LIMBA MODERNĂ 1 Clasa III-a si clasa a IV-a, aprobată prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 5003/02/12/2014

Nr. Unităţi de Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice Nr. Săpt. Observaţii

crt. învăţare ore

1. MODULE 1 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly 4 S1-2

articulated oral message in a familiar context.
- the characters 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.
1a Hello! - the numbers (1-10) 2.1 Request and provide information on
- colours numbers,
1b The Magic prices and expressions of time.
- the verb “to be” 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
- write about yourself familiar topics.
Forest! 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols used in
1c Colours! everyday
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
texts about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends,peers, teacher

1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly

2. Unit 2 - school items 5 S3-5
articulated oral message in a familiar context.
2a Time for - commands
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers)
- a/an in everyday situations.

2b It’s a magic 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.

- this/that
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
- plurals (-s)
2c Let’s do it! familiar topics.
- possessive case
Troll Tales 1 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
- imperative texts about familiar topics.
Go Green! - write about your school 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends,peers and teachers
Our World Things

Checkpoint 1

1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly

MODULE 2 articulated oral message in a familiar context.

- family members 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.
3. Unit 3 5 S5-7 S8 vacanta
- numbers (11-20) 2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
3a My family!
- jobs familiar topics.
3b Grandma’s
- the verb “to be” 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
- write about a member of your 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
3c It’s my job! family
texts about familiar topics

.3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from


Unit 4 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly

4a At the articulated oral message in a familiar context.

4. 5
• toys 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about
• birthdays
4b Open it and
familiar topics. S9-11
• these/those
see! 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
• plurals (-es, -ies)
4c Happy 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
Write a birthday card texts about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
Troll Tales 2 friends, peers, teacher.

4.1 Write cards for birthdays and celebrations.

Go Green!
Our World

Checkpoint 2
1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly
articulated oral message in a familiar context.

1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers)

in everyday situations.

2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about

5 S11-13
familiar topics.
5. MODULE 3 • things in a house
2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way.
Unit 5 • possessive adjectives
3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
5a Hide! • prepositions of place texts about familiar topics.

3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from

5b Come out! Write about your room
friends, peers and teacher

5c Where’s

Alvin? 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly

articulated oral message in a familiar context.

2.1 Request and provide information on

numbers, prices and expressions of time.

3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols used in

everyday situations.

3.2 Understand the global significance of simple

2 S 14
Carols, specific activities

6. Christmas!

Happy New


1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly

articulatedoral message in a familiar context.
7. Unit 6 • rooms 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.

2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about

6a In the old • things in a house
familiar topics.

house! • there is/ there are 2.3 Describe people/characters in a simple way. S 15-17

6b Where’s Write about your house 3.2 Understand the global significance of simple
texts about familiar topics.
Missy? 3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from
friends,peers and teacher
6c Welcome!

Troll Tales 3

Go Green!

Our World 1.1 Identify the global significance of a clearly

articulated oral message in a familiar context.
Checkpoint 3
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers)
in everyday situations.

1.3 Understand age appropriate oral messages.

2.1 Request and provide information on

8. Round-up numbers, prices and expressions of time.

2.2 Participate in everyday conversations about

3 S17-18
familiar topics.

3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols used in

everyday situations.

3.2 Understand the global significance of simple

texts about familiar topics.

3.3 Understand simple familiar messages from

friends, peers and teacher
Scoala Gimnaziala ” Sf Gheorghe” , Craiova Avizat, Responsabil Comisie Metodica
Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare
Disciplina: Limba engleză
Profesor: Vizat DIRECTOR,

Planificare calendaristică an şcolar 2016/2017

Clasa III (2 ore/săpt)


Nr. crt. Unităţi de învăţare Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice Nr. ore Săpt. Observaţii
MODULE 4 • parts of the body 1.1 Identify the global significance of a S19-21
Unit 7 • the verb‘have got’ clearly
• plurals(irregular) articulated oral message in a familiar
1 7a It’s so cute! context.
7b We’re all wet! •Write about your
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
favourite cartoon
7c I’m so sweet! messages.
character 2.2 Participate in everyday
conversations about
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts about familiar topics
2 Unit 8 • activities 1.1 Identify the global significance of a
8a Talent Show! • the verb ‘can’ clearly
•Write about what you articulated oral message in a familiar
8b Abracadabra! context.
8c Watch me go! can do S 21-24
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
Troll Tales 4 messages.
Go Green! 2.2 Participate in everyday
Our World conversations about
familiar topics.
Checkpoint 4 2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.2 Understand the global significance
Mother’s Day! of simple texts Lectia „Mother”s Day„ va
about familiar topics. 1 fi facuta in sapt. 22
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends,peers, teacher
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts
about familiar topics.
4.1 Write cards for birthdays and
4.2 Write a simple message for a

3. MODULE 5 • clothes 1.1 Identify the global significance of a

Unit 9 • weather clearly
• present continuous articulated oral message in a familiar
9a My new context.
6 S 24-27
clothes! •Write about your
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
Magic moments
9b A lovely day! messages.
9c Who’s wearing 2.2 Participate in everyday
conversations about
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols
used in everyday
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts
about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends,peers, teacher
Happy Easter! 2.1 Request and provide information 1 S 27
on numbers, prices
and expressions of time.
Unit 10 3.2 Understand the global significance
Saptamana 28
4. 10a At the animal of simple texts
park! about familiar topics. Saptamana Altfel
• animals
10b Wild things! • present continuous
5 S29-31
10c Two funny •Write a letter
Troll Tales 5 1.1 Identify the global significance of a
Go Green! clearly
Our World articulated oral message in a familiar
Checkpoint 5 context.
1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
2.2 Participate in everyday
conversations about
familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols
used in everyday
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts
about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends,peers, teacher

MODULE 6 • food 1.1 Identify global significance of a

5. Unit 11 • time clearly articulated oral
• present simple message in familiar contexts.
11a Lunchtime! 1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices,
S 31-33
11b Fairy cakes! • some/any 5
numbers) in
•Write about your
11c Listen to my everyday situations.
favourite meal
tummy 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
2.1 Request and provide information
on numbers, prices
and expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday
conversations about familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts
about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends, friends, teacher
6. Unit 12 • daily routine 1.1 Identify global significance of a
12a Alvin’s Day! • Environment Day clearly articulated oral
• days of the week message in familiar contexts.
12b Environment 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
4 S 34-35
Day! • present simple
• prepositions of time
12c Another 2.1 Request and provide information
lovely day! •Write about your
on numbers, prices
Troll Tales 6 and expressions of time.
favourite day 2.2 Participate in everyday
Go Green! conversations about familiar
Our World topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
Checkpoint 6 simple way.
3.1 Recognise phrases and symbols
used in everyday
3.2 Understand the global significance
of simple texts
about familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends,peers,teacher
7. Final Round-up 2.1 Request and provide information 2 S 35
and evaluation on numbers, prices and expressions of

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