Fairyland Clasa3calendaristica
Fairyland Clasa3calendaristica
Fairyland Clasa3calendaristica
This colour is.. significance of simple texts about
The verb “to be” familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends, peers,
1.1 Identify the global significance
Family members of a clearly articulated oral message S7-S10
Vocabulary in a familiar context. 24.10-28.10
mum, dad, brother, 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral 6 07.11-11.11 S8 vacanta
sister, grandma, message. 14.11-18.11
grandpa, friend 2.2 Participate in everyday
Structure conversations about familiar topics.
4. 4a. My family! Who’s this? 2.3 Describe people/characters in a
4b. Grandma’s This is … simple way.
here! What’s your name? 3.2 Understand the global
4c. It’s my job! My name is.. significance of simple texts about
Numbers 11-20 familiar topics.
Vocabulary 3.3 Understand simple familiar
Eleven, twelve, messages from friends, peers,
thirteen, fourteen,… teacher.
What number is this?
This is number..
How old are you?
Milkman, policeman,
fireman, postman,
What am I?
You are a..
5. 5a. At the Toys 1.1 Identify the global significance 6 S11-S13
toyshop! Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message 21.11-25.11
5b. Open it and Present, roller-skates, in a familiar context. 28.11-02.12
see! teddy bear, bike, car, 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral 05.12-09.12
5c. Happy camera,bus, lorry,... message.
birthday! Structure 2.2 Participate in everyday
What’s this? conversations about familiar topics.
This is a... 2.3 Describe people/characters in a
Birthdays simple way.
Songs, writing cards, 3.2 Understand the global
Structure significance of simple texts about
Make a birthday card, familiar topics.
These/those 3.3 Understand simple familiar
Plurals (-es, -ies) messages from friends, peers,
4.1 Write cards for birthdays and
Parts of the house 1.1 Identify the global significance
Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message
Bedroom, living room, in a familiar context.
bathroom, kitchen, 1.2 Identify time and quantity
garden (prices, numbers) in everyday
Structure situations.
Where’s the kitchen? 2.2 Participate in everyday S14-S16 Vacanta de
6. 6a. Hide! Whta’s this? conversations about familiar topics. 6 12.12-16.12 iarna 24.12-
6b. Come out! This is the.. 2.3 Describe people/characters in a 19.12-23.12 08.01
6c. Where’s simple way. 09.01-13.01
Alvin? Items in the house 3.2 Understand the global
Vocabulary significance of simple texts about
TV, bed, wardrobe, familiar topics.
bookcase, clock, 3.3 Understand simple familiar
cupboard, table, messages from friends, peers,
armchair,.. teacher.
What is this?
This is a...
Possessive adjectives
Prepositions of place
Rooms 1.1 Identify the global significance
Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message
House, bedroom, living in a familiar context.
room, bathroom,.. 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
Structure message.
Where is Alvin? 2.2 Participate in everyday
He is in the... conversations about familiar topics.
7. 7a. In the old Things in the house 2.3 Describe people/characters in a 6 S17-S19 Vacanta
house! Vocabulary simple way. 16.01-20.01 04.02-12.02
7b. Where’s Cooker, fridge, sink, 3.2 Understand the global 23.01-27.01
Missy? bath, carpet, floor, significance of simple texts about 30.01-04.02
7c. Welcome! curtain, familiar topics.
Structure 3.3 Understand simple familiar
Is there a sink in the messages from friends, peers,
bathroom? teacher.
Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
There is/ there are
Parts of the body 1.1 Identify the global significance
Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message
Face, nose, mouth, ear, in a familiar context. S1-S2
eyes, hair, leg, body, 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral 4 13.02-17.02
8. 8a. It’s so cute! arm, head,.. message. 20.02-24.02
8b. We’re all wet! Structure 2.2 Participate in everyday
8c. I’m so sweet! What is this” conversations about familiar topics.
This is a... 2.3 Describe people/characters in a
Touch your nose. simple way.
The verb „to have got” 3.2 Understand the global
Irregular plurals significance of simple texts about
familiar topics.
Activities 1.1 Identify the global significance
Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message
Play the piano, dance, in a familiar context. 4 S3-S4
9. 9a. Talent show! jump, fly, ride a horse, 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral 27.02-03.03
9b. Abracadabra! swim, draw, see message. 06.03-10.03
9c. Watch me go! Structure 2.2 Participate in everyday
What can you? conversations about familiar topics.
I can... 2.3 Describe people/characters in a
The verb can simple way.
3.2 Understand the global
significance of simple texts about
familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends, peers,
Wild animals 1.1 Identify the global significance
Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message
Giraffe, lion, hippo, in a familiar context.
rhino, monkey, 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral
crocodile, elephant, message.
seal 2.2 Participate in everyday
Structure conversations about familiar topics.
11. 11a. At the animal Where is the..? 2.3 Describe people/characters in a 6 S9-S11 Vacanta
park! It is… simple way. 10.04-14.04 19.04-30.04
11b. Wild things! What is the elephant 3.1 Recognize phrases and symbols 02.05-05.05
11c. Two funny doing? used in everyday situations. 08.05-12.05
rabits! It is… 3.2 Understand the global
Domestic animals significance of simple texts about
Vocabulary familiar topics.
Farm, duck, sheep, 3.3 Understand simple familiar
cow, chicken, goat messages from friends, peers,
Structure teacher.
What is this?
This is a..
Food 1.1 Identify the global significance
Vocabulary of a clearly articulated oral message
Sausages, sandwich, in a familiar context.
hot dog, burger, rice, 1.2 Identify time and quantity
meat,.. (prices, numbers) in everyday 4 S12-S13
12. 12a. Lunchtime! Structure situations. 15.05-19.05
12b. Fairy cakes! Do you like sausages? 1.3 Understand age appropriate oral 22.05-26.05
12c. Listen to my Yes, I do. message.
tummy! No, I don’t 2.1 Request and provide
Present Simple information on numbers, prices and
Some/any expressions of time.
2.2 Participate in everyday
conversations about familiar topics.
2.3 Describe people/characters in a
simple way.
3.2 Understand the global
significance of simple texts about
familiar topics.
3.3 Understand simple familiar
messages from friends, peers,