The Reinforced Concrete Beam Deflection and Cracking Behavior With Additional Fiber Steel

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Resilient Structures and Sustainable Construction

Edited by Pellicer, E., Adam, J. M., Yepes, V., Singh, A., and Yazdani, S.
Copyright © 2017 ISEC Press
ISBN: 978-0-9960437-4-8


Civil Engineering Dept, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Dept, Universitas Brawijaya, East Java, Indonesia

The classic theory mentions that the assessment of deflection and crack width should
be taken to minimize those two behaviors. This research itself has the objective to
examine whether the additional fiber steel and increased reinforcement ratio has any
significant impact on the deflection and existing crack width. This test used the
reinforced concrete beams with a size of 15 cm x 25 cm x 180 cm which placed on a
simple pedestal. The test was done gradually in every 108 kg until the reinforced yield
reached. The fiber increased from 0%, 1.57%, 3.14% and 4.71% while the
performance rebar ratio increased from 2 # 10, 2 # 12, and 2 # 14. The result shows
that additional 4.71% of maximum fiber decrease compressive strength and rupture
modulus while the tensile strength increased. The additional fiber reached a maximum
in 4.71% and the additional diameter of 10 mm, 12 mm, and 14 mm increased the
deflections and crack width.
Keywords: Compressive strength, Rupture modulus, Tensile strength.

Compressive strength of the concrete is relatively higher than its tensile strength. Its compressive
strength during 28 days ranged between 10-65 MPa (Mulyono 2004). Additional deflection has
an impact on cracking phenomenon in the reinforced concrete. It caused a reduction in bending
stiffness at the crack. To improve the bending reinforcement bar it may add some fiber.
According to Deluce and Vechio (2013), the addition of fibers in concrete can improve the
behavior of structural elements, post-fracture behavior, and crack control. The long term loading
also impact the existing crack, while the addition of fiber is the most effective way to control the
crack (Vasanelli et al. 2012).
Relationship between fiber volume (Vf) and fiber content (Wf), fiber ratio (lf/df), and the
material properties, crack width, and crack length are the focal points of this study. In accordance
with crack regulations: SNI 03-2847-2002 and comparison to previous studies, mention the
parameter such as steel stress (fs), reinforcement bar diameter (db), and concrete cover (c).
Another crack related parameters that may examine further are reinforcement bar ratio (),
spacing reinforcement bar (s) thus the formulation of crack width is more flexible to be
The objective of this research is to determine how the effect of adding steel fibers and
improving ratio of rebar. The addition of steel fibers (Wf) and increased variations of the

Pellicer, E., Adam, J. M., Yepes, V., Singh, A., and Yazdani, S. (eds.)

reinforcement bar ratio (ρr) also directly affects the deflection and crack width (w) hence it can be
measurably known how much those parameter influence. The addition of steel fibers (Wf) and
increased variations of reinforcement bar ratio (ρr) have an impact the cost. Therefore, how
much costs incurred become one of the aims in next study.


The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Building Materials and Concrete, Civil
Engineering Department, Universitas Brawijaya. The test object was a beam with dimension of
15 cm x 25 cm x 180 cm with two-point loading (Figure 1). According to ACI, maximum crack
width allowable for protective condition is 0.41 mm (Table 1). This experiment was in full scale
test specimen, 1:1. It tested until reach the under reinforced condition and used the simple
support on both sides.

Table 1. Maximum crack width allowable.

Exposure Condition Crack width

in mm
Dry air or protective membrane 0.016 0.41
Humidity , moist air, soil 0.012 0.30
Deicing chemicals 0.007 0.18
Seawater and seawater spray, wetting and drying 0.006 0.15
Water-retaining structures 0.004 0.10
ACI Committee 224

The concrete mix design based on SNI 03-2834-2000, fc' = 20 MPa (Table 2). Steel fiber
used in this research is the fabrication steel fiber: Dramix RC-80/60-BN with l/d = 80 and its
minimum tensile strength is 1,050 N/mm2. Deflection testing and crack width use the fiber mixed
with concrete by the initial slump 15 cm ± 2 cm. The experiment samples of compressive
strength and tensile created using a cylinder (Table 3).

Figure 1. Loading scheme and testing.

Table 2. Concrete mix proportion.

Type of material Total (Kg)

Cement 410.00
Water 205.00
Coarse Aggregate 802.04
Fine Aggregate 980.27

Resilient Structures and Sustainable Construction

After the specimen reaches the age of 28 days, then test was carried out examine the static
deflection, width crack and strain that occurs. Reinforcement use the Fy = 240 MPa and a tensile
test in accordance with SNI 07-2052-2002 formulated in Eq. (1) and depicted in Table 4.
Specimens were subjected to a load line, started from zero to yield.

where: = Yield stress
= Force yield (MPa)
= Steel elasticity (MPa)

Table 3. Concrete mix proportion.

Percentage of fibers (%) Function of fibers Amount (unit) Total (Kg)

0 Beam 3 0
1.56 Beam 3 3.113
3.14 Beam 3 6.226
4.71 Beam 3 9.340
0 Cylinder 6 0
1.56 Cylinder 6 0.489
3.14 Cylinder 6 0.978
4.71 Cylinder 6 1.467

Table 4. Experiment of steel tensile.

reinforcement r(%) fy exp (MPa)

10 0.523 324.93
12 0.76 269.02
14 1.048 260.21

Load (P) can be read on proving ring at intervals of 108 kg per two strips reading, until it
reached strength beam limit, which is characterized by its yield tensile at the bottom of the beam.
The observation made between crack width as well as the tension deflection that occurs in
reinforced concrete, both before and after adding steel fiber concrete, and subjected to
reinforcement variations


The slump average value with reached maximum fiber accounted for 64.78%. The average
compressive strength has decreased. The addition of fiber 1.57% decreased its compressive
strength of 0.67%. When it adds fiber 3.14% and 4.71%, the compressive strength decreased
1.33% and 2.00% (Figure 2).
The modulus of rupture decreased with the fiber addition. If 1.57% fiber was added, the
modulus of rupture decreased by 0.85%. If the fiber added by 3.14% and 4.71%, compressive
strength decreased to 1.69% and 2.54%. By increasing fibers in reinforcement bar diameter of 10
mm until reaches its maximum, which is 4.71%, decreased its maximum load by 1.86%. On the
other hand, in the reinforcement bar diameter 12 mm and 14 mm, the maximum load decreased
by 3.73% and 2.66% (Figure 3).

Pellicer, E., Adam, J. M., Yepes, V., Singh, A., and Yazdani, S. (eds.)


Compressive Strength

fc' (MPa)
22.50 fc' = -9.8473f + 23.197
0.00% 1.57% 3.14% 4.71%
Ratio of fiber (f)

Figure 2. Concrete’s compressive strength with the additional fibers.

load of maxsimum

Pmax = -2063.7f + 5226.5

Pmax (Kg)

Pmax= -3439.5f + 4340.9

Pmax = -2063.7f + 3660.5
0.00% 1.57% 3.14% 4.71%
dia 10 Ratio of fibers (f)
dia 12

Figure 3. Maximum load (Pmax).

max = 0.5096f + 7.8143
Deflection of Maximum

7.00 max = 25.997f+ 6.0029
max (mm)

5.00 max = 13.099f + 5.2882

0.00% 1.57% 3.14% 4.71%
dia 10 dia 12 dia 14 Ratio of fibers (f)

Figure 4. Maximum deflection (Δmax).

Adding maximum fibers of 4.71%in reinforcement bar diameter of 10 mm, deflection was
increased by 0.31%. In reinforcement bar diameter 12 mm and 14 mm increased its deflection by
20.4% and 11.68% (Figure 4).
By the fiber addition to maximum of 4.71%, in the reinforcement diameter 10 mm, increase
the crack width by 4.22%. In the reinforcement diameter 12 mm and 14 mm, increase the crack
width by 8.49% and 9.9% (Figure 5).

Resilient Structures and Sustainable Construction


crack width of maximum

0.60 Wmax = 0.5096f + 0.568

Wmax (mm)
Wmax = 0.7643f + 0.492
Wmax = 0.8917f + 0.424
0.00% 1.57% 3.14% 4.71%
dia 10 Fibers ratio (f)
dia 12
dia 14
Figure 5. Maximum crack width (Δmax).

1) The maximum fiber addition resulting in decreased compressive strength by 2% and decreases
the modulus of rupture by 2.54%. An increase in fibers to a maximum point of 4.71%, using
the reinforcement bar diameter of 10 mm, decreased its loading by 1.86%. In the
reinforcement bar diameter of 12 mm and 14 mm decrease the average maximum load by
3.73% and 2.66%.
2) Maximum deflection by the addition of fibers 4.71%, in the reinforcement bar diameter 10
mm increased by 0.31%. In the reinforcement bar diameter of 12 mm and 14 mm increased its
maximum deflection by 20.4% and 11.68%.
3) When the maximum fiber increased by 4.71%, in the reinforcement bar diameter 10 mm, its
crack width increased by 4.22%. In the reinforcement bar diameter of 12 mm and 14 mm,
crack width increased by 8.49% and 9.9%.

Deluce, R. J. and Vecchio, J. F., Cracking Behaviour of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Members
Containing Conventional Reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, V.110, May-June. 2013.
Mulyono, T., Teknologi Beton, C.V. ANDI OFFSET. Yogyakarta, 2005.
SNI 03-2834-2000, Tata Cara Pembuatan Rencana Beton Normal, BSN, Puslitbang Teknologi
Pemukiman, Balitbang Kimpraswil Departemen Kimpraswil, Bandung, 2000.
SNI 07-2052-2002, Baja Tulangan Beton, BSN, Puslitbang Teknologi Pemukiman, Balitbang Kimpraswil
Departemen Kimpraswil, Bandung, 2002.
Vasanelli, E., Micelli, F., Aiello, A. M., and Plizzari, G., Analytical Prediction of Crack Width of FRC/RC
Beams Under Short and Long Term Bending Condition, VIII International Conference on Fracture
Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structure, Italy, 2012.

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