A-Z of Practical Paper Chemistry v1.04 2
A-Z of Practical Paper Chemistry v1.04 2
A-Z of Practical Paper Chemistry v1.04 2
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ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 3
It is somewhat puzzling (and embarrassing) to recall that, on graduating some years ago and keen to
apply my hard-won chemical expertise, I had an interview with a since-closed paper mill. They didn’t
get as far as offering me a job as I had no hesitation in informing them that I had no intention of
working there as I failed to see where there was any chemistry in the process. Well, many years later,
I can confirm that I was about as wrong as you can be, but, of course, the chemistry that does take
place in papermaking is not the stuff that grabs the imagination of a young graduate - frothing test-
tubes, big bangs or colourful crystals - exactly what you don't want at a paper mill in fact. With the
benefit of hindsight, a job as a paper mill chemist would have involved much more real chemistry than
the first job I did for about a year, particularly if you don't mind mixing your chemistry with some
physics, engineering and microbiology.
Of course, the chemistry of papermaking is more to do with subtle interactions between what appear
to be rather unexciting white or brown particles (fibres) and invisible (water-soluble) polymers all
carried out in the presence of lots of water and its load of dissolved solids to add a little complexity to
the interactions. It is normally axiomatic at the start of this sort of document to mention the complexity
of the chemistry that does take place within a paper mill and this is undoubtedly true. Having devoted
a considerable time to developing this document, I might have hoped to report a slight lessening of
this complexity in my own mind, but I am sure that, as every scientist knows, this never seems to
happen as you reveal yet more depths to investigate. And of course, this is what keeps you going.
So, paper chemistry is a vast subject and no single text can hope to do full justice to it and retain a
reasonable length. Today, there are several excellent books devoted to the subject and probably
hundreds of articles published every year to add to the literature of paper chemistry. This CD-rom
brings together some of this information in a format that isn’t new in itself, but is new to paper
chemistry. This is Version 1 and I am sure that everyone that browses through it will find (or rather not
find) something that they think should be there, but isn’t. Hence, there will be future versions that take
forward the concept and fill in some of those inevitable gaps and weaker areas.
As summarised in the title and the graphic on the opening page, this document is about the chemistry
of papermaking raw materials, of the papermaking process and of paper products. The chemistry of
the manufacturing processes for every papermaking material is not covered in detail as the document
would then be at least double the present length. It should be particularly noted that the chemistry of
the various pulping processes is deliberately not covered in the same depth as the chemistry of
papermaking itself, but they are covered in what is hopefully enough detail to understand the chemical
character of the resulting pulps.
This document is intended for a wide audience from experienced papermakers with little formal
training in chemistry to experienced chemists with little formal training in papermaking. To help people
at either end of this spectrum, this document provides some basic definitions of non-chemical
papermaking terms (for the chemists) and of some basic chemical terms (for the papermakers).
The "look" of this document has been optimised for viewing in "page layout" or “print layout” view and
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ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 4
horizontally or just use the "fit to width" setting. The full-screen version gives the most information on
the screen at any one time in any view format.
The text includes many graphs illustrating chemistry effects within papermaking. These graphs are
either based on model projections or on data taken from published papers. Whilst care has been taken
to reproduce the graphs as accurately as possible, they are included mainly to indicate overall trends.
The reader should refer to the original paper where precise values need to be interpolated.
A full list of the entries is included at the back of this document, but this is just for completeness as the
best way to move around this document is not by looking down this list (they are not hyper-linked).
The best way to find a particular entry is by loading the document map from the View dropdown list,
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text and the easiest way to find out is to use "Find" in the Edit dropdown list (or Control + F) and type
in the relevant word or words - there is no need for a sophisticated search engine in a single document
of this size.
Here are some useful starting points for the general browser:
Chemistry is a useful starting point for the non-chemist if you want to learn some of the basics of this
enormous subject.
Papermaking is a useful starting point if you want to learn the basics of the processes involved without
too much emphasis on chemistry.
Paper products is a useful starting point if you want to learn about the chemistry of the final products.
The Periodic Table is a useful starting point if you want to see what elements feature in papermaking
raw materials and products.
Raw materials is a useful starting point if you wish to explore the general sorts of substances that go
into paper products from the view[point of their functionality.
The writer is grateful to everyone who has contributed to this document unknowingly by publishing the
results of their researches and investigations.
The author accepts no liability whatsoever for any use to which the information in this document is put.
The onus is on the reader to use their own judgement and knowledge to check the applicability of the
information provided to their own situation.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 5
Abietic acids
This is one of the two groups of mono-carboxylic acids that comprise the resin acids, which is part of
the extractives fraction of wood. After pulping/bleaching, some resin acids may remain with the
papermaking pulp as part of its pitch fraction. Abietic acids are also one of the main components of
rosin size. There are a number of acids in this general group, which are distinguished from the
pimaric acids by having an iso-propyl group (rather than methyl and vinyl groups) in the third ring. The
main abietic acids are shown below:
It is evident that the main difference between each acid is the number and position of the double
bonds. Somewhat confusingly, one of the abietic acids is levo-pimaric acid, the 1,4-diene structure of
which allows a Diels-Alder reaction to be carried out to fortify rosin products for sizing. The acids can
quite easily isomerise between one another and the double bonds can be oxidised - for example by
atmospheric oxygen, which causes the acid to darken in colour. Ionisation of the acids in papermaking
causes problems both for pitch and rosin sizing, the pKA value of abietic acid being about 5.2 at 25 C.
This is the ability to absorb liquids and is an important attribute for certain paper grades such as
tissues, towels, blotting paper, etc. Papers that are made without sizing have a naturally high
absorbency towards water due to the hydrophilic character of cellulose fibres. However, such papers
may contain localised hydrophobic patches due to the presence of pulp-derived extractives, stickies
and/or residual sizing species in recycled pulps. In such cases, the wetting by water can be improved
by the addition of surfactants as absorbency aids, usually at quite low doses (<0.1% on fibre).
This is a very general term for the incorporation of one material in another, eg for liquids or gases into
solid materials. As absorption and adsorption are often difficult to distinguish from one another, the
term sorption is used to cover both phenomena. The ability to absorb certain liquids, most commonly
water, is relevant to some paper products and discussed under absorbency.
In papermaking, this term is encountered when discussing the interaction of polymers with particulate
surfaces, notably with porous surfaces (like fibres) that can swell to varying degrees depending on
local conditions. The fibre's pore structure (see swelling) imposes a maximum size on molecules that
can gain access to the internal surfaces and this affects the extent of the adsorption of some (larger)
polymers on the substrate (see representation below). This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as
solute exclusion and is made use of in one of the techniques (fibre saturation point) for measuring
fibre swelling. In real papermaking systems, this is a complex effect as the swelling of fibres and the
size (molecular extension) of polymers are both affected by parameters such as the electrolyte content
(conductivity) of the liquid phase.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 6
Acetic acid
This is a simple carboxylic acid (CH3COOH) with a pKA value of about 4.7 at 25 C. There are two
distinct sources of acetic acid within papermaking systems:
it is released from wood substances in Kraft and sulphite pulping processes and in the bleaching
of mechanical pulps by the hydrolysis of acetyl groups (CH3CO) on hemi-celluoses. It should not
be present at significant levels in papermaking pulps due to its ease of removal in pulp washing.
together with a number of other organic acids, it can be generated within the papermaking system
by certain types of acid-producing bacteria. Concentrations of acetic acid up to several 1000 mg/l
have been measured in waters on paper machines with closed water systems using recycled pulp.
The main substrate (food source) for such reactions is dissolved starches.
In contrast to a base, an acid is a proton donor through its ionisation reaction:
HX H + X
+ -
Strictly speaking, the above equation should use activities rather than concentrations. The best index
of the strength of an acid is the pKA value. When the ionisation of the acid is 50% complete (ie cX
=cHX), pKA = pH, ie the stronger the acid, the lower is its -
% as HX % as X
pKA value (see ionisation curve at right). It can easily be 100 0
shown that when the pH is more than about 1 unit
75 25
above the pKA value, over 90% of the species X (ie the
sum of the concentrations of HX and X ) is in the
50 50
ionised form (X ) and, conversely, when the pH is more 25 75
than about 1 unit below the pKA value, over 90% of the
0 100
species labelled X above (ie the sum of the pK-2 pK-1 pK pK+1 pK+2
- pH
concentrations of HX and X ) is in the unionised form
(HX). This is illustrated for the hypohalous acids here.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 7
One of the strongest acids is perchloric acid (HClO 4), which has a pKA value of -7. Orthophosphoric
acid (H3PO4) is much weaker and, having three protons, has three different pK values :
H3PO4 H + H2PO4 H + HPO4 H + PO4
+ - + 2- + 3-
The pKA value is about 2 for ionisation of its first proton, but the second proton ionises at a much
higher pH (pKA = 7) so the salt, sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate, gives a neutral solution and is
therefore a useful buffer at around neutral pH. The third proton ionises at an even higher pH (pK A =
13) so both disodium hydrogen orthophosphate and trisodium orthophosphate give alkaline solutions.
The above definition is sometimes called the Bronsted definition of acids, but there is an alternative
definition when substances are referred to as Lewis acids. This concept originates from the fact that
protons can be looked on as acceptors of electron pairs (as when they form hydroxonium ions with
water) and bases as donors of electron pairs. This Lewis acid definition is mainly used in the context
of metal ions.
Acidic materials can also be generated in the papermaking system, notably through the action of
micro-organisms, the most common examples being production of carbon dioxide and acetic acid.
Acid papermaking is defined as where the wet end pH is below 6.
Acidity is normally defined relative to the pH scale, where any value less than pH 7 (at 25 C) denotes
an acidic condition, ie where the number of hydrogen ions (protons) exceeds the number of hydroxyl
ions. Acidity is thus a measure of the concentration of protons or the quantity of alkali-neutralising
substances in the system. Acidity is measured by titration with a standard alkali, normally to one of two
titration to about pH 4.5, which is the pH where the traditional indicator methyl orange changes
from red to yellow. This titration measures only strong acids, but the pH of most papermaking
systems would be above this value.
titration to about pH 9.2, which is the pH where the traditional indicator phenolphthalein changes
from colourless to red. This titration will measure all free protons (ie the total acidity) and can also
be utilised as a measure of the aluminium concentration.
Acid papermaking
Although there is no universally-accepted definition, acid papermaking can be defined as where the
wet end pH is below 6. Although some papermaking additives may be somewhat acidic, the quantities
used are usually insufficient on their own to increase the acidity below pH 6. However, if the last stage
of the off-machine pulping or deinking process was acidic, the pulp might contain enough acid
residues to generate an acidic stock. The actual papermaking pH obviously depends on the efficiency
of the final pulp washing stage and on the presence of acid-neutralising materials in the stock (eg
calcium carbonate filler and temporary water hardness). Acidic conditions can also be generated
within the papermaking system through excessive microbial activity, but this would tend to be localised
to within or close to slimes.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 8
Where required, acid papermaking is managed positively through the addition of acidic materials such
as sulphuric acid or alum. There are several reasons why an acidic papermaking environment is
necessary, although this is much less common than it used to be:
to optimise some aspect of paper quality such as
- to create conditions in the sheet for a chemical additive to be effective,
eg for sizing with rosin or for wet strength development with UF or MF resins
- to prevent loss of brightness when using mechanical pulps
Acid dye
This is the traditional term for the type of dye that can also be referred to as an anionic dye (although
this term is best reserved for anionic direct dyes). In acid dyes, the chromogenic part of the molecule
is the anion, the cation being either sodium or potassium ions. Acid dyes adsorb poorly on pulps as
the chromogen contains negatively-charged sulphonate groups, which confer excellent water
solubility, but poor adsorption, at least in the absence of alum or other cationic fixatives. Acid dyes are
also usually small, non-planar molecules that cannot get close enough to the particulate matrix for
non-electrostatic attractive forces such as hydrogen bonding or van der Waals forces to come into
This represents a group of chemicals used in the manufacture of various papermaking additives. They
are all based on the unsaturated carboxylic acid, acrylic acid and its derivatives, the formulae of which
are shown below.
This term has a specific chemical meaning when discussing the solution properties of substances,
notably electrolytes. The effective concentration of an electrolyte is less than its nominal mass
concentration due to electrostatic interactions between the ions. In order to make an allowance for this
and to define a substance's thermodynamic potential, the mass concentration (c) is replaced by its
activity (a):
ai = γi. ci where γi (gamma) is the activity coefficient of ion i
The activity coefficient can be estimated using various equations, but most are restricted to dilute
solutions. The best-known is the Debye-Huckel limiting law, which should be applicable to most
papermaking conditions in the following form:
2 0.5 o
log γ = -0.5 z . I at 25 C where I = ionic strength and z = charge of the ion
For a divalent ion such as calcium, the activity coefficient could be as low as about 0.4 in the most
concentrated papermaking system, but, in less extreme situations, should be no lower than about 0.7.
For a monovalent ion such as sodium or bicarbonate, the effect is more moderate with the activity
coefficient spanning the range 0.8-0.9 in most papermaking systems. The distinction between
concentration and activity is important because it affects equilibrium constants such as solubility
products and acid pK values.
This is the term for the strength of the attachment between dissimilar materials (as opposed to
cohesion between similar materials) and can be derived from Young's equation:
Strength of adhesion between solid (S) and liquid (L) (mJ/m ) = LA + SA - LW = LA (1+cos)
Not surprisingly, the adhesive strength is greatest when the contact angle is zero, ie the surface is
fully-wetted by the liquid. To prevent adhesion or sticking therefore, the surface tension of the liquid
needs to be minimised and the contact angle maximised (minimum wetting). In practice, the adhesive
strength also depends on the smoothness/roughness of the surface and is greatest under ideal
conditions where the surfaces allow 100% contact over their full contact area. Normally however,
surfaces have a degree of roughness, which reduces the contact area so that the real adhesion is less
than that calculated.
Adhesion is relevant to several phenomena in papermaking, some desirable and others undesirable:
- between the paper web and surfaces on the paper machine (formation wires, press
fabrics/rolls, dryer fabrics/cylinders, winders) leading to breaks and downtime
- between adjacent layers of the paper web on the winders and re-winders, these "stick-downs"
leading to breaks and downtime.
Adhesion between surfaces makes an important contribution to the frictional characteristics of the
paper web during manufacture and of the finished paper product. Release agents are chemicals
added to the papermaking process to overcome adhesion problems or to enhance release properties
in the product. Additives to enhance the creping of tissue products usually contain both release agents
and adhesives. The latter also get into the papermaking system through their presence in recovered
paper, notably packaging grades and are a major contributor to stickie problems.
Adipic acid
This is a dicarboxylic acid (see formula at right) that is used to make
PAE resins and is sometimes incorporated in ASA size emulsions as a HO - C - (CH2)4 - C - OH
means of improving their stability.
Adsorbable organohalogens
These compounds (commonly abbreviated as AOX) became prominent in the late 1980s in the wake
of the debate about the generation of halogenated (notably chlorinated) organic compounds when
chemical pulps were bleached with chlorine gas. The term refers to the analytical technique used for
their collective quantification, which relies on adsorption on activated carbon followed by coulometric
titration of the halide ion. AOX measurement is used predominantly in the environmental field in
relation to wastewater quality at bleached chemical pulp mills, but it has also been used in two areas
of papermaking:
to quantify the level of organohalogen compounds entering the papermaking system via the use of
bleached chemical pulps and some papermaking chemicals such as PAE wet strength resins and
some oxidised starches.
to quantify the possible generation of AOX compounds through the use of chlorine-containing
oxidants (eg chlorine dioxide and chlorine/bromine-release compounds) for control of
microbiological problems.
This is the process whereby a substance accumulates at the interface between two phases, eg at the
solid-liquid interface. As absorption and adsorption are often difficult to distinguish from one another,
the term sorption can be used to cover both phenomena. Substances accumulate at an interface
because this represents the most stable situation with the lowest free energy. The interaction leading
to adsorption may result from chemical interactions, van der Waals attractions, electrostatic forces,
hydrogen bonding or hydrophobic interactions.
The key adsorption process in papermaking is the take-up of water-soluble substances by particulate
surfaces (notably pulp and filler) at the wet end as this is the essential first stage by which all water-
soluble wet end additives (eg starches, dyes, etc) are ultimately retained in the paper. As these
adsorption processes are inherently complex, it is difficult to predict their precise outcome due to the
non-accessibility of some surfaces and the polydispersity of both the adsorbing substance (the
adsorbate) and the solid surface (the adsorbent).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 11
Adsorption can be described by a number of quantitative models (Gibbs, Langmuir and Freundlich),
most of which were developed originally for the gas:solid interface. The most commonly-used for
papermaking systems is the Langmuir adsorption isotherm which assumes a monomolecular
adsorption pattern and has the form:
A = Amax.c/(b + c)
where A = adsorbed quantity of substance (adsorbate) per unit mass of adsorbent
Amax = maximum quantity adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent
c = equilibrium concentration of substance remaining in solution
b = constant = equilibrium concentration when A = A max/2
The Langmuir adsorption pattern is of the saturation type (see examples of various dose-response
effects), where, simply due to space constraints on the
adsorbent surface, there is always a maximum adsorption level Adsorbed chemical, mg/g
(Amax) even at very high adsorbate doses. The b value, which is A
an indicator of the strength of attraction, varies widely as in the b = 0.2 g/l, Amax = 40 mg/g
illustrated example at right, where substance A has a higher 20
affinity for the surface than substance B and thus has a lower b B
concentration. An example of a substance with a high affinity b = 0.05 g/l, Amax = 20 mg/g
for cellulosic surfaces is a cationic polymer, to the extent that it
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
is sometimes difficult to detect any material in solution at low Equilibrium concentration (g/l)
polymer doses (see this figure for several cationic starches).
In some cases, it is useful to look at adsorption in terms of the adsorbed quantity versus the amount of
substance added and this calculation also involves the concentration of the adsorbate. This can be
plotted in two forms - the adsorbed quantity versus the dose at different adsorbent levels (as shown in
the figure at left below, which is often how dose-response effects are judged) or as the adsorption
efficiency versus the dose at different adsorbent levels (as shown in the figure at right below). It is
clear, that, although the quantity adsorbed is greatest at high adsorbate doses, this is achieved at the
expense of impaired overall efficiency. The data also shows that the highest efficiency is achieved at
the highest adsorbent concentration, eg at a dose of 20 mg/g (2% dose on solids), the efficiency
increases from about 70% at 5 g/l to about 90% at 20 g/l adsorbent concentrations
Adsorbed chemical, mg/g Adsorption (% of added dose)
80 100
100% adsorption
20 g/l
20 g/l 10 g/l
40 50
10 g/l
5 g/l 25 5 g/l
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Added chemical (mg/g) Added chemical dose (mg/g)
This suggests that addition to the thick stock should give the best overall additive retention. However,
for additives with a range of molecular weights (as is the norm for papermaking polymers), the plot of
adsorption versus equilibrium concentration may also depend on adsorbent concentration as the
polymer fractions are not uniformly adsorbed across the molecular weight range. This can lead to
better overall adsorption (and retention) at lower adsorbent concentrations. Dilution of a suspension
with adsorbed material may also lead to desorption of the adsorbate unless the process is irreversible.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 12
The retention of a water-soluble wet end additive is critically dependent on its adsorption on the
particulate matrix, as illustrated in the figure at right below using the standard model of the
papermaking wet end. This example assumes that the additive adsorbs only on the fines fraction,
which has a single pass retention of 60%. It is clear that the single pass retention of the additive
declines very rapidly (from 60% when it is all adsorbed
on the fines) as the adsorption falls below 100%, Additive retention (%)
ultimately reaching the same, very low level (at 0% 100
80 Total retention
adsorption) as the dissolved solids. The additive's total
retention declines more steadily as adsorption 60
decreases, but, given the significant price of most 40
additives, it is still necessary to achieve at least 80% 20 Single pass retention
(and preferably even higher) adsorption. It is also 0
possible to model the effect of water closure on 0 25 50 75 100
Additive adsorption on fines (%)
additive retentions and this is shown here (fresh water
use in the above example is 10 m /tonne in the main papermaking circuit).
As adsorption is the key to cost-effective use of water-soluble wet end chemicals, it is important to
know the main factors that influence this parameter. In most cases, the extent of wet end adsorption
depends on two key factors:
It should be noted that the maximum wet end adsorption is not always achieved with cationic
additives as certain conditions (such as high dissolved calcium levels) may be better suited to
anionic additives (see anionic starch). In other situations, the additive may only be available with
a certain cationic charge density, which might limits its adsorption below the desired level. In this
case, it may be beneficial to use a charge-balancing anionic additive with the cationic polymer, a
good example being the use of anionic polymers (such as CMC) with PAE wet strength resins.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 13
This word simply means in the presence of oxygen and is mainly relevant to the microbiology of the
papermaking process. The maintenance of aerobic conditions in the papermaking system is desirable
as the development of anaerobic conditions is thus prevented or at least minimised. In the presence of
other essential nutrients, aerobic conditions do, of course, allow aerobic bacteria to grow with all their
attendant problems and control of such growth is thus an important aspect of microbiological control.
This term is mainly used in colour chemistry in relation to the ability of dyes and fluorescent
brighteners to remain associated with the substrate when rewetted, ie good fastness against liquids.
This term is applied to the natural or chemically-induced association of particles into larger structures,
which is one of the main objectives in wet end chemistry. In particular, it is a useful term for describing
this bringing together of fine particles as it does not imply the involvement of any particular
mechanism, as do the alternative coagulation and flocculation terms.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 14
This is an abbreviation for the sizing agent alkyl ketene dimer.
Alcohols are organic chemicals with only a hydroxyl group attached to the carbon atom (formulae at
right below). They are little used in papermaking as such, but are used to make certain papermaking
chemicals such as those with ester groups. Methanol is released from cleavage of methoxy (-OCH3)
groups in lignin during Kraft pulping, but being volatile, little if any remains with the pulp. Lignin itself is
a polymer based on substituted phenolic units. Alcohols such as R - OH where CH3OH is methanol
iso-propanol (see formula at right) may be present in dye
formulations to improve solution stability and can be used as C2H5OH is ethanol
solvents for some surface-applied chemicals (eg silicones). They (CH3)2CHOH is iso-propanol
are also widely-used in some printing processes.
OH is phenol
There are three different sorts of alcohol depending on the bonding
of the OH-attached carbon:
primary alcohols are where the hydroxyl-bonded carbon atom
is bonded to only one other carbon atom (as in methanol and ethanol)
secondary alcohols are where the OH-attached carbon atom is bonded to two carbon atoms (as in
tertiary alcohols are where the OH-attached carbon atom is bonded to three carbon atoms.
All the above are mono-hydric alcohols. Chemicals having two hydroxyl groups (di-hydric alcohols) are
called glycols, which are used to make some polymers used in papermaking. A poly-hydric alcohol,
sorbitol, is used as a humectant in some papers. A tri-hydric alcohol, glycerol, is used to make rosin
esters and some fatty acids in the extractives fraction of wood are present as triglyceride esters.
Aldehydes are organic compounds containing the H - C = O group and are formed by the oxidation of
primary alcohols. This group is present in some papermaking chemicals:
the simplest aldehyde, formaldehyde (HCHO) is used to make UF resins, UF pigments and MF
the dialdehyde glyoxal is used as an insolubiliser in coatings and is also used to make
polyacrylamide-based wet strength agents
the dialdehyde gluteraldehyde is used as a biocide
dialdehyde-starches that can give temporary wet strength
the open chain, non-cyclic form of monosaccharides such as glucose has a terminal aldehyde
group, which accounts for their reducing properties.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 15
Alginates are salts of alginic acid, which is a polyuronide CO2H
of two hexuronic acids, β - D - mannuronic acid (far right) O OH
and α - L - guluronic acid (near right). Alginates are OH HO
obtained from brown seaweed and are used in paper HO OH HO
coatings as thickeners and water retention agents.
An alkali is an alternative name for a base.
This is normally defined relative to the pH scale, where any value above pH 7 (at 25 C) denotes an
alkaline condition, ie where the number of hydroxyl ions exceeds the number of hydrogen ions
(protons). Alkalinity is thus a measure of the concentration of hydroxyl ions or the quantity of acid-
neutralising substances in the system. It is not linearly related to pH as some substances have an
acid-neutralising buffer capacity, but do not dissociate to give high levels of hydroxyl ions. The best
examples in papermaking are carbonate (as in calcium carbonate fillers) and dissolved bicarbonate
ions. Alkalinity is measured by titration with a standard acid, normally to one of two end-points:
titration to about pH 9.2, which is the pH where the traditional indicator phenolphthalein changes
from red on the alkaline side to colourless on the acid side. This titration measures all free
hydroxyl ions. Most papermaking systems are already below this pH, indicating that significant
levels of free hydroxyl ions are absent.
titration to about pH 4.5, which is the pH where the traditional indicator methyl orange changes
from yellow on the alkaline side to red on the acid side. This titration measures free hydroxyl ions
plus weaker bases such as bicarbonate and is often referred to as the total alkalinity.
The dissolved alkalinity is not a conservative parameter, so the measured level on a paper machine
depends not only on the input of alkaline substances and the degree of water closure, but also on
interactions within the system. Some values are shown here for several machines with fully-closed
water systems.
Alkaline papermaking
Although there is no universally-accepted definition, alkaline papermaking can be defined as where
the wet end pH is above 8. Although some papermaking additives may be somewhat alkaline, the
quantities used are usually insufficient to enter the alkaline papermaking region. The exception is the
addition of calcium carbonate filler, which can take the alkalinity into the range pH 8-8.5, but this is not
common. There is perhaps only one reason for positively managing an alkaline wet end pH, which is
to enhance the efficiency of AKD sizes through the addition of, for example, sodium carbonate.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 16
configuration, which means that the molecules cannot pack together C=C
as closely as the linear saturated AKDs. Consequently, the alkenyl H H
KD and its corresponding ketone are liquids at ambient temperature.
The development of these ketene dimers was driven by problems experienced with some AKD-sized
papers during printing. These problems (eg poor register, jamming, sheet billowing) were attributed to
HST, seconds the presence of AKD and/or its ketone hydrolysis product,
300 which gave the surface a low friction coefficient making it
very slippy. Laboratory and commercial tests have clearly
15% filler content
200 demonstrated that the alkenyl ketene dimers give much
100 better runnability as they are not able to form solid deposits.
However, their sizing ability is not as good as normal AKDs
0 Alkenyl KD as indicated at left in terms of the HST value. This is
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
attributed to the more compact molecular structure, which
Size dose (kg/tonne)
Source: Brungardt in Proceedings Tappi
gives smaller surface coverage at the same retained size
Papermakers Conference 1996, 297-308. level. Other work has indicated that there may also be a
retention component in the difference in sizing efficiencies
and that the liquid alkenyl KDs show better sizing at lower drying temperatures due to their ease of re-
distribution. Adhesion to drying cylinders is also better than with AKD-sized papers so glaze is
improved for MG papers.
More recent work in Japan has investigated the size reversion of alkenyl KD-sized papers using an
accelerated ageing procedure in which the papers are exposed to air blowing and uv irradiation. This
has shown that papers sized with alkenyl KD lose more of their sizing than do AKD-sized papers and
that this is aggravated by the presence of PCC filler. This has been attributed to auto-oxidation of the
alkene group with atmospheric oxygen leading to a less hydrophobic molecule. This mechanism is
similar to that proposed for the size reversion of ASA-sized papers.
The reaction scheme is shown below, noting that the position of the double bond in the alkenyl chain
is shifted along by one position in ASA:
An example of the effect of double bond position and alkenyl chain length on sizing efficiency is shown
in the figure above at right, although in this case the ASA was added in a toluene solution to the pre-
formed paper rather than by wet end addition. Another factor in the selection of starting materials is
the potential vaporisation of the ASA during drying and it has been found that the higher alkene (C 18)
is better in this respect (less vaporisation) simply due to its higher molecular weight. Recent molecular
modelling of the conformation of ASA molecules has confirmed the superiority of the internal alkenyl
structures from a theoretical viewpoint and that the C18 chain length gives the highest surface
coverage on cellulose fibres.
The reaction chemistry of ASA (shown below) has similarities with that of AKD in terms of its potential
reactions with both water and cellulose. However, ASA is much more reactive than AKD and is not
therefore sold as a ready-to-use emulsion, but the emulsion is always prepared on-site. Exceptions to
this are the water-in-oil ASA emulsions, which simply need inverting with water before use and the
saponified ASA sizes used mainly in Japan.
HC - CH2
H2 O
HC - CH2 HO OH Di-acid
HC - CH2
O OH ester
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 18
The quality of the on-site produced emulsion is one of the important practical variables determining
ASA's overall performance and emulsification is usually carried out with proprietary equipment
provided by the size supplier. These systems vary in terms of the chemical(s) used for emulsification
and the level of mechanical agitation employed during emulsification. Additional chemicals may be
used such as stabilisers to inhibit particle coalescence, promoters to induce hetero-flocculation with
fibres and activators to facilitate efficient emulsification. The disadvantage of the low-shear
emulsification systems is that much higher levels of surfactant-based activators are required (up to 5%
compared to no more than 1% in high-shear systems) and this may be detrimental to sizing.
The optimum overall particle size of the emulsion is a compromise between "large" particles for good
retention by filtration through the mat and minimisation of hydrolysis (but possible agglomeration and
deposition) against "small" particles for a uniform distribution across the fibres and high retention by
hetero-flocculation with the rest of the particulate matrix. Optimum particle size is normally considered
to be 1-2 microns. The traditional chemical that acts as a promoter and stabiliser is cationic starch, but
synthetic cationic polymers are also used for this purpose. The normal ratio of starch:ASA is about
2:1, but ASA sizing efficiency continues to increase up to a 5:1 ratio due to the stabilising effect of
starch on emulsion particle size. From various studies, the impact of the degree of starch cationicity on
sizing efficiency is unclear and this is most likely explained by differences in pulp anionicity. Charge
optimisation, not just of the starch but of other charged additives, would need to be carried out in each
individual situation. Many paper machines making sized papers would be using wet end starch for dry
strength and any starch added with ASA should be available for dry strengthening the paper once it is
released from its emulsification role. Whilst little effect of starch molecular weight has been observed
in relation to ASA sizing performance, this would be still important in relation to its dry strengthening.
Following preparation in this form, the fresh size should be dosed directly to the moving thick stock
just prior to the fan pump or to the thin stock in order to minimise contact time and hydrolysis.
Although the emulsion is made cationic to maximise association with the rest of the particulate matrix,
retention aids are essential to achieve high single pass fines/ASA retentions and thus limit wet end
hydrolysis. Wet end hydrolysis generates the AS di-acid (as seen in the above reaction scheme) and
the extent of this reaction varies with both wet end temperature and pH as shown in the examples
below. The picture at right below shows the effect of hydrolysis on sizing performance in the presence
of 15% calcium carbonate filler. Although there is a significant reduction in sizing, the paper is still
reasonably sized, even after 10 minutes at pH9 and 50 C. The addition of adipic acid to the emulsion
has been found to stabilise the pH and slow the hydrolysis rate.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 19
Unhydrolysed ASA left (%) Unhydrolysed ASA left (%) HST (seconds)
100 100 1000
25oC pH 5 pH 7
80 80 800 pH 8
60 60 pH 6 600
o pH 8 pH 7
40 35 C 40 400 pH 9
o o
20 55 C 45 C 20 200
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (hours) Time (hours) Contact time at 50 C(minutes)
in the soap form. This is confirmed by the fact that the most effective alum regime with ASA is a total
dose of about 0.5% split between addition of most to the machine chest before ASA dosing and the
rest as a small trim dose to the thin stock. It has also been found that the use of chlorine dioxide as an
on-machine biocide can detackify calcium soaps of ASA. Retention of the hydrolysate in the paper
does not cause a slippy surface (as in the case of AKD), but press picking can be severe for the
calcium soap and, most importantly, the free acid can act as a desizing agent.
Some work has been carried out on the effects of dissolved calcium and bicarbonate on sizing
efficiency rather than just on the hydrolysis aspect. High calcium levels (2 g/l) do negate sizing
compared to a more typical calcium level (0.2 g/l) - this could be an ASA retention-related effect due to
its blocking of anionic sites on the pulp or a hydrolysate-related effect. Bicarbonate has very little effect
at levels up to 2 g/l.
Once retained in the sheet, sizing develops more rapidly than with AKD sizes and there are usually no
problems from inadequate cure at the size press or at the final reel. Due to their high reactivity, there
had never been any doubt about the mechanism of ASA sizing being one of direct ester formation with
cellulose, which has been demonstrated using FT-IR. As with rosin and AKD, research using C-
labelled size has shed some light on the factors affecting ASA cure and sizing development. Removal
of "non-reacted" ASA by solvent extraction shows the adverse effect of retained hydrolysate on sizing
(see figure below at left). Even though it is more reactive, sizing with ASA is, like AKD, also
accelerated by raised temperature (see figure at right below).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 20
400 400
200 200
extraction 65oC
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 50 100 150 200
Retained ASA (kg/tonne) Drying time (minutes)
Source: Roberts in Proceedings 10TH Source: McCarthy and Stratton,
Cellulose Conference, Syracuse, 1988. Tappi J., 1987, 70, 1, 117-121.
Other than its identification as a tacky precipitate at the wet end, there has been very little work carried
out on the effect of the calcium soap of the AS acid once it is in the paper. The data in the figure at left
shows the effect of rewetting (with deionised water) an ASA-sized paper (with and without calcium
Ink penetration, seconds
carbonate filler) with various added levels of the
1000 hydrolysate. The sizing level of the unfilled paper
15% CaCO3, rewet
800 declined with increased hydrolysate content and
600 rewetting had no effect. The sizing level of the filled
400 15% CaCO3 paper also declined with increased hydrolysate
content, but showed a remarkable improvement on
200 No CaCO3
rewetting (including the case with no added
00 1 2 3 4 5 hydrolysate). This effect is attributed to the in situ
Hydrolysed ASA (mg/g)) formation of the calcium salt of the ASA acid on
Source: Proverb, Tappi J., 1998, 81, 7, 139-146. rewetting. This suggests improved sizing when ASA-
sized papers are further treated at the size press.
Since its introduction in the 1970s, the uptake of ASA as a wet end size has been slower and less
uniform than AKD. Its most consistent market has been the sizing of plasterboard, but this has as
much to do with deficiencies of rosin and AKD as it has to do with the performance of ASA. This grade
is largely made with recycled pulp, in which the presence of calcium carbonate dictates neutral sizing,
but which can be difficult with rosin. The problem with AKD has nothing to do with its sizing per sec,
but the fact that AKD-sized surface cannot bond adequately with the plaster layer. ASA is also widely-
used to size wood-free fine papers although there are large regional differences in its uptake, ASA use
generally being stronger in North America.
The other main sizing sector (packaging boards such as linerboard) is generally still sized with rosin or
AKD, although some recycled machines do size with ASA due to problems of slow cure and low
friction coefficient with AKD. Various studies with ASA have shown that it does not produce a slippy
surface. Addition rates for ASA are 1-4 kg/tonne paper with doses for wood-free fine papers being at
the low end and for plasterboard at the high end of this range. Where cationic starch is used for
emulsification, addition rates are typically double the ASA dose, a range that happens to cover the
normal span of addition rates for cationic starch as a dry strength additive.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 21
AKDs are made from fatty acids, such as palmitic and stearic acids, derived from hydrogenated tallow.
This length of hydrocarbon chain has been shown to be about optimum in terms of overall sizing
efficiency and this source is also a cost-effective starting material. However, it should be noted that
other factors may dictate a different blend of fatty acids, one of the issues being the wet end
deposition tendency, which has been shown to be worst when the melting point of the AKD is about
the same as the temperature of the wet end stock.
Phosphorous pentachloride is used to convert the acid to the acid chloride, which is then
dehydrochlorinated with triethylamine to form the alkyl ketene monomer. This dimerises to yield AKD,
which has the form of an internal ester known as a β-lactone. The use of palmitic and stearic acids
lead to the tetradecyl and hexadecyl ketene dimers respectively. The overall reaction scheme is as
PCl5 Et3N
2R - CH2 -COOH 2R - CH2 - COCl 2R - CH =C = O RHC = C - CHR
In order to optimise the reaction conditions, toluene is added at low levels (1000-5000 ppm) and can
remain in the AKD wax after evaporation and this can be retained in the paper along with the AKD.
The manufacturing process can be modified either to lower the toluene level (to 10-100 ppm) or to
eliminate its use altogether to produce a toluene-free AKD. This is particularly important for AKD-sized
papers used for food contact. AKD wax has an interfacial energy with air of about 33 mN/m at 20 C,
reducing to about 27 mN/m in the liquid state at 75 C.
As is evident from its formula, the - lactone ring provides the hydrophilic centre of AKD to which are
attached the hydrophobic alkyl groups (see representation at right),
which makes it a more extended molecule than rosin. These are the
most commonly-used AKDs and are light brown, waxy solids with
melting points of 40-60 C. AKDs based on unsaturated acids (eg oleic)
or branched saturated fatty acids (eg isostearic) are oils at normal ambient temperatures as their
molecules cannot pack together that closely due to steric factors. The alkenyl ketene dimers based on
oleic acid began to be used as sizing agents for paper in the mid-1990s in order to overcome some
problems associated with papers made using the normal AKDs.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 22
This relatively simple reaction scheme is complicated by the fact that the hydrolysis reaction with water
may take place at various locations in the papermaking system (the stored emulsion, the wet end
stock and the sheet at various stages of drying), whereas the reaction with cellulose is only likely to
take place during drying. Given that there is likely to be a difference in the sizing efficiency between
the various AKD entities (intact AKD, the -keto-acid, the -keto-ester and the ketone), it is not that
surprising that that there has been (and still is) significant disagreement about their relative
contributions to the sizing of paper. However, it is generally agreed that hydrolysis, at least at any time
before the final drying stage, is undesirable for two main reasons:
hydrolysis products in the emulsion (due perhaps to over-long storage at high ambient
temperatures) can lead to deterioration in emulsion quality and impaired dispersability in the
papermaking stock.
hydrolysis products at the wet end may contribute to wet end deposition problems and
deposition/picking during later pressing and drying.
As with other wet end sizes, the first critical step with AKD is to achieve a uniform distribution within
the particulate matrix followed by a high single pass retention on the wire. The retention aspect is
more important than with rosin due to the increased hydrolysis of AKD if it is recycled many times in
the whitewater before finally being retained. There is very little data available on AKD retention on
actual paper machines due to the difficulties of chemical analysis.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 23
These results were corroborated in a separate study using the dynamic drainage jar, in which it was
shown that a minor, but significant, AKD fraction (20-30%) was associated with the pulp's fibre
fraction. However, the overall AKD balance was determined by the relative surface areas of the whole
particulate matrix (pulp fibre, pulp fines and filler). Another study has shown that the anionicity of the
pulp influences the retention of AKD, thus again confirming AKD's retention mechanism as being a
charge-mediated hetero-aggregation with the whole of the particulate matrix (like that of filler
particles). When the anionic charge on the fibre is blocked chemically, a higher AKD dose is required
to bring about sizing. This is consistent with the observation that pulps with a naturally low anionic
content (eg bleached chemical pulps based on some non-wood fibres like cotton) are more difficult to
size than normal bleached Kraft wood pulps.
Further data from the above-quoted study (at left, but with
AKD retention (%)
AKD plus cationic starch rather than PAE resin) indicates
15% clay how one particular retention aid affects AKD retention with
75 and without added filler. It is not sensible to generalise too
15% CaCO3 No filler
50 much about the best retention aid systems for AKDs (as this
depends also on other additives present), but it has often
0.1% AKD been found that anionic polyacrylamides are very effective
0.5% cationic starch
0 (as seen here). However, many different retention aid
0 0.25 0.5 systems are employed on AKD-sized machines and the
Anionic polymer dose (kg/tonne)
universal key issue is the need for good fines retention,
which should ensure good AKD retention. Sizing data from wood-free fine paper machines using AKD
is given here for an uncoated machine and here for a coated
machine. AKD mobilty, μ.cm/volt.sec
There have been conflicting results on the effect of wet end
pH on AKD retention, which is not surprising in view of the +3
Synthetic polymer
range of chemicals that may be present in the AKD +2
emulsion. However, over the normal operating pH range for
AKD sizes (pH 7-8.5), there should not be that much impact Cationic starches
on its single pass retention. This is evident from the figure at 0
4 6 8 10
right for two different AKD emulsions, one prepared with a
weakly cationic starch and one with a much more cationic
Source: Esser in Proceedings 1997 FRS
synthetic polymer (both having quaternary nitrogens). The "Fundamentals of papermaking materials"
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 24
more cationic of the two starches (data from a different study) was prepared from a cationising
chemical having tertiary nitrogens, so, despite having a higher nitrogen content, the starch lost its
cationicity at alkaline pH. At most mills using AKD size, the wet end pH is not actively controlled, but is
allowed to buffer at the natural pH dictated by the bicarbonate/carbonate equilibria. The exceptions
are those mills adding extra alkalinity to boost the AKD cure rate (see later in this section), in which
case the pH may be lifted above pH 8 (see this example of chemistry data from AKD-sized machine
using sodium carbonate as a size promoter).
Other wet end additives can influence AKD retention significantly. Although alum (or PAC) is not
needed to achieve sizing with AKD, it is still sometimes used as part of retention aid systems or to
control anionic trash. Again, there have been some conflicting results published, but low alum/PAC
doses (<0.5% on fibre) should have no significant deleterious effect and could be beneficial when
anionic trash is present. Anionic substances such as lignosulphonates have been shown capable of
impairing AKD retention through reducing the cationicity of the emulsion. It is thus not uncommon to
use cationic additives as a separate component with cationic AKD sizes as was standard practice (in
the form of PAE resins) when they were first introduced. As shown in the figure at right, electrolytes
have an adverse effect on AKD retention due to shielding of the AKD wet end retention (%)
electrostatic attraction between the cationic size and anionic 50
fibre, but this can be overcome through the use of normal 40
retention aids. NaCl
Although good retention allied to a uniform distribution within 20
NaHCO3 CaCl2
the particulate matrix is a pre-requisite for effective AKD sizing, 10
this is dependent on wet end factors that are similar to those 0
-3 -2 -1
0 10 10 10
relevant to other functional cationic additives. AKD emulsions
Concentration (M)
are most commonly added in an undiluted form close to the fan
Source: Lindstrom et al in Nordic
pump, often just on the thick stock side, as this gives good Pulp Paper Res.J., 1986, 2, 31-45.
mixing with the particulate matrix. This addition point also gives
a reasonably low contact time and thus minimises any hydrolysis tendency, this factor being of most
importance at higher stock temperatures (>40 C).
The most controversial (and fascinating) aspect of AKD sizing relates not to its wet end chemistry, but
to its dry end chemistry, notably its sizing mechanism once it is present in the paper web. The main
question is whether the AKD does react with cellulose to form the -keto-ester, as outlined above, or
not. In the early days of AKD use, the claim of it being "cellulose-reactive" was never directly proven,
but was deduced from the fact that it was impossible to extract all the AKD added to the paper using a
non-hydrolysing solvent (such as chloroform) and that the paper, after solvent extraction, was still well-
sized. Furthermore, the sizing was destroyed when the paper was firstly hydrolysed with alkali and
then solvent extracted. The deduction about AKD's cellulose reactivity was thus not unreasonable, but
it does not tie in with other evidence about the very slow kinetics of the reaction between more
reactive diketenes (such as diketene itself) with water or with simple alcohols. Any reaction of AKD
with such substances and even more so with cellulose would be expected to be sterically constrained
to some degree by the presence of the alkyl groups. Because of this uncertainty, the unextractable
AKD is often referred to simply as "bound AKD" rather than "reacted AKD" and this terminology will be
used herein.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 25
Much research was conducted into this area in the 1980s and this continues, albeit at reduced
intensity, through to today. Perhaps the most thorough investigation was by Lindstrom and co-
workers, from which several examples will be quoted to illustrate some basic effects of AKD sizing. All
of this work (unless otherwise stated) is based on a simple AKD emulsified solely with cationic starch.
Although the non-bound, intact AKD does contribute to sizing, its contribution is 30-50% (on an equal
mass basis) of that from the bound AKD, but only when bound AKD is present. Non-bound, intact AKD
on its own and hydrolysed AKD (the ketone) have no sizing effect.
The sizing level is therefore largely determined by the bound 1 minute Cobb (g/m )
AKD, as shown in the figure at right for three different pulps 200
2 Groundwood
formed into 80 g/m handsheets. The interesting feature of this 150
picture is the low quantities of bound AKD required for effective Bleached
100 SW Kraft
sizing, particularly of the commonly sized chemical pulps (eg
0.15 mg AKD/g bleached softwood Kraft pulp at 25 SR). These 50
levels of bound AKD compare with typical addition rates of 0.5- Unbleached SW Kraft
1.5 mg AKD/g, which correspond very roughly to doses of the 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Bound AKD (mg/g pulp)
liquid emulsion of 1-4%. There was a good correlation between
Source: Lindstrom et al in Nordic
the AKD required to achieve a particular sizing level and the Pulp Paper Res.J., 1986, 1, 26-33.
pulp's dry (not wet) specific surface area. Similar effects are
observed with fillers of different surface areas as shown in this example for natural carbonates and
here for PCCs.
Other work has shown that AKD-treated papers dried under ambient conditions do ultimately become
sized, but that this can take several days and also that AKD can migrate within the paper at such
temperatures, ie high temperatures are not essential either for AKD re-distribution or its conversion to
a sizing entity. This work also shows that the interaction between the AKD and cellulose does not
begin until the paper is virtually dry, which is one of the further reasons why the detailed drying profile
of the paper machine is so critical to the sizing achieved, particularly for machines using surface
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 26
As mentioned above, increased wet end pH expedites the % AKD retained after solvent extraction
sizing rate (see figure at right using same pulp as in above 90oC deionised water
example, but where the sheets were not air-dried prior to pH 10
curing at the elevated temperature). In this example, the pH 6
25 pH 8
pH was increased with sodium hydroxide, but sodium
carbonate or bicarbonate are commonly used when this
pH 4
technique is applied on-machine to improve the sizing rate.
(Partial dissolution of calcium carbonate filler also releases 0 2 5 10 20 60 120
bicarbonate ions.) The addition of these chemicals does Cure time (minutes)
Source: Lindstrom et al in Nordic
not change the wet end pH markedly due to the buffering
Pulp Paper Res.J., 1986, 1, 34-42.
effect of the equilibrium reactions involving
bicarbonate/carbonate, but the pH in the drying sheet is higher than this due to breakdown of any free
bicarbonate ion at elevated temperature plus the concentrating effect as water is removed during
The effect of added sodium bicarbonate itself is shown in the figure at left below, which confirms its
ability to act as an AKD cure promoter. PAE resins have been used with AKD sizes since their
inception, partly as retention aids and partly as cure promoters. Laboratory tests have confirmed their
ability to lift AKD retention, but this is quite small compared to their effect on the rate of cure of the
retained AKD (as shown in the figure at right below). It is particularly important to note that, like the
high dose of sodium bicarbonate, the high dose of PAE resin improves the AKD cure at low cure
times. The mechanism for this effect is attributed to the base properties of the amine groups within the
PAE resin, ie similar to that of hydroxyl groups. Elevated pH through the addition of either a strong
alkali or sodium bicarbonate reinforce the cure enhancement from PAE resins.
% AKD retained after solvent extraction % AKD retained after solvent extraction
80 o 60 o
90 C NaHCO3
!0 M pH 8, 90 C, PAE resin 0.1%
60 -3
3 x !0 M 40 0.05%
40 -3 0.02%
!0 M
20 None
0 0
2 3 5 10 20 2 3 5 10 20
Cure time (minutes) Cure time (minutes)
Source: Lindstrom et al in Nordic Source: Lindstrom et al in Nordic
Pulp Paper Res.J., 1986, 1, 39-45. Pulp Paper Res.J., 1986, 1, 39-45.
These explanations for the efficacy of alkaline materials in promoting sizing with AKD are based on
the premise that it does react with cellulose to form the -keto-ester, which had not been proven at the
time that the above work was done. Direct evidence for the formation of the ester had been sought for
many years and was thought to have been finally demonstrated by Hercules in the early 1990s using
solid state carbon-13 NMR. Partly because of the continuing uncertainty about whether this reaction is
possible under papermaking conditions, further NMR studies have since been conducted in Japan as
part of a large programme of work on AKD sizing over the last 10 years or so.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 27
The conclusion from this work is that there is no evidence for -keto-ester formation from NMR
analysis of AKD-sized papers by direct comparison with a genuine cellulose -keto-ester (prepared
under non-aqueous conditions). This is further supported by the fact that a simple aqueous soaking of
an AKD-sized paper in the presence of a nonionic surfactant destroyed its sizing and removed virtually
all the AKD species, whereas this treatment had no effect on the prepared cellulose -keto-ester. This
suggests a possible mechanism for AKD sizing that does not involve ester formation:
retention of AKD in the form of the intact lactone ring structure
uniform distribution of the intact lactone during drying through melting
orientation of the intact lactone with the alkyl groups facing outwards
possible final hydrolysis to the more hydrophobic ketone.
This hypothesis still leaves open the answer to the question as to why, if there is no AKD reaction with
cellulose, all the AKD species cannot be removed from a cured paper by solvent extraction (in contrast
to the relative ease of removal by aqueous soaking). These two observations are rather difficult to
reconcile so clear proof of the AKD sizing mechanism is still awaited.
Another important aspect of the AKD sizing process is the re-distribution of emulsified AKD droplets to
form a uniform layer covering the surface of the particulate matrix. It had been assumed that this
occurred by a classical spreading mechanism as the interfacial energy of AKD is well below that of
cellulose and fillers. However, various studies have shown that AKD has a positive contact angle with
cellulose (moist or dry), that allows only partial wetting. Similar conclusions have been reached by the
use of atomic force microscopy to observe the spreading of AKD at different temperatures.
The form of the AKD is also relevant to spreading as the melting point of the ketone is substantially
o o
higher than that of the intact lactone, values of 79 C and 53 C respectively having been quoted for
one commercial AKD. One reason why hydrolysis of AKD to the ketone at the wet end or during drying
is thus undesirable is that spreading becomes more difficult due to the reduced time during which the
sheet temperature exceeds the melting point of the AKD species present. An alternative re-distribution
mechanism for the AKD is re-deposition by vapour-phase transfer, which again would be more difficult
for any pre-formed ketone. Whatever the re-distribution or actual sizing mechanism, there is
agreement that the surface coverage required for effective AKD sizing is quite low (well below 50%),
but the normal measurement technique does not quantify the effective area covered by the splayed
alkyl chains, only that covered by the central hydrophilic unit.
The issue of the final form of the AKD sizing entity is also relevant to three other important properties
of AKD sized papers:
the non-sizing characteristics of AKD-sized paper surface in terms of the paper's frictional
properties (slip)
Various studies have shown that AKD-sized papers have a lower coefficient of friction than
papers sized with other chemicals. This has been attributed to both the bound and unbound
components of AKD. The use of the alkenyl version of AKD overcomes some of these problems.
the characteristics of AKD-sized paper surfaces in terms of lack of adhesion during production/use
This problem has arisen in three different areas:
- the manufacture of MG papers where AKD-sized papers do not adhere to the drying cylinder
and thus give poor glaze in the product.
- the conversion of plasterboard into the final product where AKD sizing gives poor adhesion of
the plaster middle layer
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 28
- printing by laser or inkjet processes where AKD-sized papers give poor toner adhesion.
In the first two cases, alternative sizes have to be used (usually rosin and ASA respectively), but
in the third case, AKD may still be used as the wet end size, but further sizing has to be carried
out at the size press (see this example of the effect of starch and surface size addition on an
AKD-sized base paper).
This is shorthand for aluminium sulphate.
Aluminium compounds
Aluminium is the second element in Group 13 of the Periodic Table. It is present in four sets of
substances used in papermaking:
aluminium salts such as alum, sodium aluminate, PAC, PASS and the nitrate, which can be used
- sizing with rosin
- overcoming pitch problems
- for neutralising anionic trash
- for improving adsorption/retention of anionic additives such as anionic dyes or anionic starch.
chemically combined with silica as aluminosilicates in kaolin clays and bentonite clays, which are
both quite chemically inert in papermaking systems
various forms of alumina such as aluminium oxide itself, aluminium hydroxide and aluminium
Aluminium hydroxide
This occurs in two possible forms in papermaking systems:
as a precipitate that occurs when soluble aluminium compounds like alum are exposed to neutral
pH conditions (see this diagram). As this precipitate can occur as a hard, adherent deposit, it
represents a potential problem when soluble aluminium compounds are used for neutral sizing
with rosin, particularly at high temperatures (>45 C).
as a speciality papermaking pigment in the form of precipitated aluminium hydroxide (or hydrated
alumina) used for wet end and coating applications. It is supplied as a dry powder with a median
particle size of 0.5-2 microns (depending on grade) and high brightness (> 95% ISO). As it is
normally prepared from sodium aluminate, the pH of a dilute slurry is around 10. It can also
provide flame-retardant properties.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 29
Aluminium nitrate
This aluminium salt has been little used in papermaking to date, but has been tried at some German
paper mills. The aluminium part of the chemical should function in a similar way to alum, except that
the aluminium polymers formed in situ should be more cationic as nitrate is less likely to get involved
in their formation. More importantly, however, nitrate can be used by many aerobic bacteria when the
dissolved oxygen runs out, thus reducing the possibility for reduction of any sulphates that are present
from other sources such as the fresh water.
Aluminium oxyhydroxide
This compound occurs as the natural mineral, boehmite, which is a crystalline form of AlOOH. It can
be used for paper coating and has also been used as a retention aid. In the latter application, the
boehmite is a cationic nano-particle with a diameter of 10-30 nanometres. It is supplied as a 35%
colloidal solution and is reported to work particularly well in papermaking systems with high levels of
conductivity and anionic trash.
Aluminium sulphate
This is one of the two main water-soluble aluminium compounds used in papermaking and is often
referred to simply as alum. The powdered form (Al2(SO4)3.16H20, molecular weight = 630 Daltons) is
little used today as the liquid form is usually preferred on the grounds of ease of dosing and
application. The traditional method of specifying the active content is as Al 2O3, but this is not that
relevant to papermaking applications, where the Al content is more appropriate.
The aqueous chemistry of alum has been extensively studied in the context of alum's use as a
coagulant in water treatment and as a paper sizing agent. As the reaction chemistry of alum is
complex, even with only alum and water present, unexpected and/or undesirable reactions are always
possible in real papermaking systems. One of the benefits of using pre-polymerised aluminium
compounds (such as PAC) is that this uncertainty is reduced, albeit not completely eliminated as the
aluminium polymers do still hydrolyse. The addition of alum introduces not only aluminium, but also
sulphate ions, which can cause problems as a food source for troublesome sulphate-reducing
bacteria. However, the presence of the sulphate anion seems to play a role in moderating the charge
of aluminium complexes and may explain the observed superior sizing performance of alum versus
aluminium chloride.
Alum’s reaction with water is a consequence of the aluminium ion’s high cationic charge and small
ionic radius (0.06nm) leading to a series of possible reaction products, the nature of which depend on
its concentration, the system’s pH and temperature and the contact time:
3+ (3-n)+ +
Al (H2O)6 Al (H2O)6-n (OH) n + nH
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 30
The octahedral complex with water molecules and the hydrolysis reaction both reduce the charge
density of the aluminium species, thus making it more stable. Unless there is adequate buffer capacity
present from dissolved alkalinity or calcium carbonate, this acidic reaction lowers the system pH. The
picture is further complicated by
the tendency of dissolved H
aluminium species to form 2+
2Al(H2O)5(OH) (H2O)4Al Al(H2O)4 + 2H2O
polynuclear complexes through
formation of hydroxyl (as shown O
at right) or oxygen bridges, H
processes called olation and
oxolation respectively.
For solutions of non-complexing anions (eg chloride), the most commonly-accepted polymer formed at
around pH 5 is Al8(OH)20 . The speciation of aluminium Fraction of total Al
does depend on the anions present as some (eg sulphate) 1.0 3+
Fraction of total Al Al(OH)3
can themselves participate in the aluminium complexes,
replacing some water molecules. A number of such
complexes claim to have been detected and a simplified 4+
diagram for alum over the papermaking pH region is AlSO4
neutral pH band, but it carries a positive surface charge [Al] = 2.5 x 10-4 M = 13.5 mg Al/l
until pH 8-9, when the aluminate anion begins to Reference: Tappi J., 1982, 65, 3, 125-130.
The optimum pH range for traditional rosin sizing (pH 4.5-5.5) coincides with the pH where the
polynuclear complexes are formed and where the aluminium speciation changes rapidly with pH. This
is one of the reasons why the wet end chemistry of systems containing alum is often rather
unpredictable as the aluminium speciation is changing rapidly with pH and the kinetics of some
reactions, particularly those involving the hydroxide, are rather slow. Another factor in the uncertainty
associated with alum use is that, concurrent with providing a source of aluminium for coagulation,
sizing or pitch control, alum is often (incorrectly) used for pH adjustment. As alum is not strongly
acidic, this means that excessive quantities of alum are added, usually much greater than is needed to
provide the amount of aluminium required. It is preferable to
regulate pH independent of alum addition with either Al adsorption, mg Al/g Al dose
sulphuric acid or sodium aluminate, the latter also reducing 5 mg/l mg/g
[Fibre] = 3 g/l
the amount of alum required. 4 27 9
with precipitation of aluminium hydroxide. The adsorption mechanism is not only electrostatic
attraction, as both the polynuclear compounds and the hydroxide can form hydrogen bonds with
Zeta potential (mV) The figure at left (from a different study) shows that very low
0 concentrations of aluminium compounds can reduce the
2.7 mg Al/l negative charge on the fibre surface as the cationic aluminium
complexes are adsorbed. The hump in the charge-pH curves
-20 [0.3 mg Al/l
are again coincident with the formation of the most cationic
-30 aluminium compounds at around pH 5-5.5. Alum is able to
No alum
-40 improve particulate retention and drainage through these
3 5 7 9 effects at acid pH. However, even with the relatively high alum
pH doses used with rosin size, it would be normal to use another
Source: Jaycock, Colloidal aspects of
filler retention, 1st Intermatioal Seminar chemical, usually a single polymer, as the main
on Paper Chemistry, 1977. retention/drainage aid.
The main reason why alum, even under acid conditions, is not relied on as the sole retention chemical
is the relatively poor strength of the flocs produced compared to either a single polymer or alum
combined with a polymer (see this example here). Although alum is not used primarily for
retention/drainage improvement, there have been attempts to build retention aid systems around it.
One of these was the Hydrosil system, which involved the use of alum with cationic starch under
neutral conditions. This showed some early promise, but practical control problems appeared likely in
view of the tight pH control needed to maintain the desired Al/OH ratio when the alum is added close
to the flowbox.
It might have been expected that, with the trend away from traditional acid rosin sizing, the use of
alum and aluminium compounds might have disappeared. This has not happened because techniques
have been developed to use rosin (with its essential aluminium component) under neutral pH
conditions and some oft-unrecognised side-effects of alum use have proved to be very valuable.
These are its ability partially to suppress the dissolution of organics from pulps and to neutralise
anionic trash. However, this interaction of aluminium species with pulp fibres has an adverse
consequence, in that it leads to impaired fibre swelling with some pulps and hence reduced sheet
This mixture of oxides of aluminium and silicon has many different forms, but there are two broad
categories used in papermaking:
the natural aluminosilicate clays, notably the kaolin and bentonite clays
the synthetic aluminosilicates formed when aluminium compounds are co-precipitated with silicas.
These are organic chemicals, more specifically organo-nitrogen compounds, containing the -CONH2
group and can be looked on as acyl (RC=O) derivatives of ammonia. Amides are present in the very
important category of polyacrylamides and the lesser-important one of glyoxalated polyacrylamides.
The starting raw material for making chitosan (chitin) is an amide (acetylamine) derivative of cellulose.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 32
These are organic chemicals, more specifically organo-nitrogen compounds, containing the -NH2
(amino) group. They can also be looked at as derivatives of ammonia in which one or more of the
hydrogens has been replaced with an alkyl group. The terminology for amine chemistry is as follows:
primary amines where the nitrogen atom is bonded to one carbon atom (see methylamine below)
secondary amines where the nitrogen atom is bonded to two carbon atoms (as in diethylamine)
tertiary amines are where the nitrogen atom is bonded to three carbon atoms (as in triethylamine).
quaternary ammonium compounds are where the positive nitrogen ion is bonded to four carbon
atoms (as in the tetra-alkyl ammonium chloride).
R Cl
H3C - NH2 H5C2 - N - C2H5 H5C2 - N - C2H5 +
R-N -R
H C2H5 R
methylamine diethylamine triethylamine tetra-alkyl ammonium chloride
All amines are basic to some degree (more so than ammonia itself) as they can be protonated under
acid conditions to yield the corresponding ammonium salt, eg methyl ammonium chloride (CH 3NH3Cl).
The most useful functionality is the quaternary derivative due to its ability to retain its cationic charge
at any pH (see this example for cationic starch). Because of this cationic property, amines are used to
introduce amine functionalities into many papermaking chemicals:
diethylenetriamine (having primary and secondary amine groups) to make PAE resins
triethylamine to make AKD sizes
alkylamines to make polyamines
diallyldimethylammonium chloride to make polydadmacs
chloro-hydroxy-propyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride to cationise starches
ethyleneimine to make polyethyleneimine
melamine to make MF resins
N, N, N- trimethylaminoethyl methacrylate to make cationic polyacrylamides
alkylated quaternary ammonium compounds which are used directly as biocides and softeners.
Amino acids
These are organic chemicals containing two functional groups (amine and carboxyl), whose formula
can be written as NH2 - X - COOH. The simplest amino acid is glycine, NH 2 - CH2 - COOH, which can
+ -
also exist as NH3 - CH2 - COO , an amphoteric zwitter ion. All amino acids have a characteristic pH
(isoelectric point) where they are uncharged, which is about pH 6 for glycine. Amino acids are the
basic monomer unit in all proteins.
This substance is a gas at ambient temperatures and gives a weakly alkaline solution when dissolved
in water:
+ -
NH3 + H2O NH4OH NH4 + OH
The pKB value for the ionisation of ammonium hydroxide is 4.7 (at 25 C) so the pH is about 9.3 when it
is half ionised.
Ammonia as a gas or solution is not commonly used in papermaking, but ammonia may be generated
in the system through the hydrolysis of any urea present. Amines are derivatives of ammonia in which
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 33
one or more of the hydrogens has been replaced with an alkyl group. There are several papermaking
compounds used in the form of ammonium salts:
ammonium bromide used as part of biocide systems
ammonium persulphate used for thermo-chemical conversion of starches
ammonium zirconyl carbonate used as an insolubiliser
ammonium salts of organo-fluorine compounds used for conferring grease resistance on paper
ammonium salts of some anionic dyes.
Ammonium bromide
This is a recent addition to the list of oxidising biocides. Like sodium bromide, ammonium bromide can
be oxidised by sodium hypochlorite to ammonium hypobromite. The form of the hypobromite and
ammonium ions then depends on pH, which determines the balance of ammonium/ammonia and
hypobromite/hypobromous acid.
NH4Br + NaOCl NaCl + NH4OBr
NH4 NH3 + H
- - +
Br + OBr + 2H HOBr + HBr Br2 + H2O
This product was developed in Israel, where it has been used very successfully for several years as
on-machine biocide at an Israeli mill before being licensed for use in other countries (to Hercules). The
process was originally developed for protecting starch solutions from microbial attack, but this was
then extended to use for microbial control within mill water circuits. The actual chemical interactions
between ammonium bromide and hypochlorite are complex as a range of active compounds such as
bromamines and chloramines could be formed, but the preferred term is “bromine-activated
chloramines”. One particular niche appears to be paper machines with an alkaline pH (8 or so) where
even bromine compounds are beginning to lose their efficacy.
Ammonium persulphate
This powerful oxidising agent is used to break down the starch chain during on-site thermo-chemical
conversion of starch products. Its formula is (NH4)2S2O8.
This term is applied to chemicals like surfactants, sizes and talc that have both hydrophilic and
hydrophobic characteristics.
This term is used for chemicals that have both acidic and basic groups within the same molecule.
There are not many amphoteric chemicals used in papermaking, two being:
proteins, where the substance becomes anionic as the pH is raised from the isoelectric point and
cationic as the pH is lowered: OH
- +
OOC - R - NH2 HOOC - R - NH2 HOOC - R - NH3
starches that contain both anionic and cationic groups within the same molecule. All cationic
potato starches are amphoteric due to the native potato starch containing anionic phosphate
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 34
Amphoteric starch
Starches can be made anionic or cationic or be given both types of charge, which results in an
amphoteric starch. As potato starches are naturally weakly anionic, cationisation produces what
should strictly be called an amphoteric, rather than a cationic, starch. The anionic groups in the
synthesised amphoteric starches are most commonly phosphate esters like the natural potato
starches. In the discussion below, the amphoteric starches are those with synthetic anionic groups.
These starches have been used in papermaking for some time, but have been actively marketed for
their claimed advantages by relatively few suppliers. This claimed
benefit centres on their ability to be adsorbed (and hence retained) - +
by either the electrostatic attraction between the cationic group and -
the anionic particle surface or by the agency of the tripartite +
interaction between the anionic surface, the anionic starch group
and a cationic species such as calcium/aluminium ions or a cationic (Counter-ions not shown)
Retained starch, mg/g There has been relatively little basic work on the
30 adsorption characteristics of such starches and none of it
Amphoteric 0.04/0.07
substantiates any definitive superiority over cationic
starches. One study using two starches prepared from
Cationic 0.06/0 the same native starch showed a better retention for the
amphoteric starch on a refined bleached hardwood Kraft
0 pulp (see graph at left, where the starch DS values are
0 10 20 30 40 50 indicated as cationic/anionic), but the retention
Added starch (mg/g)
efficiencies were not high in the range where the
Source: Yoshizawa in J.Pulp Paper Science, performances diverged (ie above 20 mg/g dose).
1998, 24, 7, 213-218.
Adsorbed starch, mg/g
30 Amphoteric
A second study compared an uncharacterised amphoteric
starch with three cationic starches (all from Tapioca) for 20
their adsorption on an unbleached Eucalyptus pulp at pH 7 Cat 0.042
Cat 0.028
in the presence of varying concentrations of a sodium 10
chloride. The graph at right shows a typical response to Cat 0.016
Of these, α-amylase is used at some mills in the on-site conversion of starches, mainly for size press
application and all three enzymes could be used in various enzyme-based analytical methods for
starches. The most recent application of such enzymes is for the cleaning of starch preparation/dosing
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 35
This is the major fraction of starch, accounting for at
least 70% of its dry weight. It is a branched polymer
with chains of -1,4-linked glucose units connected O
through -1,6 bonds at the branch points (as shown at O
right). About 5% of the glucose units are branched HO
with each linear chain containing 20-30 -1,4-linked
glucose units (see representation below). For a CH2
molecule with 1-3M glucose units (200-500M Daltons O
molecular weight), its overall size is vast with a radius
of gyration of 100-500 nm depending on the precise HO HO
number of glucose units. Some starches (eg waxy
maize) contain only amylopectin and no amylose.
Because of its branched structure, amylopectin
solutions have no tendency to retrograde.
It would be expected, because of its much greater proportion and its higher molecular mass, that the
amylopectin fraction would make the more significant contribution to the functionality of added
starches. Consequently, it should be of value to know about the relative adsorption of these two
components in the normal wet end guise of cationic starch.
This is the minor fraction of starch accounting for no more than 30% of its dry weight. It is a linear
polymer chain of -1,4-linked glucose units with no branch points (as shown above). Some starches
(eg waxy maize) contain no amylose, only amylopectin. Due to intra-molecular hydrogen bonding, the
conformation of the amylose chain is a helix (see representation below), which can form inclusion
complexes such as the well-known blue coloration with iodine. The amylose molecule is much smaller
than amylopectin, containing a few hundred glucose units, but has a proportionately wider variation in
chain length between starch types (see this table), eg the amylose in potato and tapioca starches has
a much longer chain than in the cereal starches. Once dissolved, amylose has a tendency to
precipitate because of intra-molecular hydrogen bonds - this process is called retrogradation and is
responsible for the gradual opalescence of starch solutions on standing.
In contrast to aerobic, this word simply means in the absence of oxygen and is particularly important in
terms of the microbiology of the papermaking process. It is desirable to prevent or at least minimise
the occurrence of anaerobic conditions as this leads to the most unwelcome types of microbial growth:
the acid-producing bacteria that can convert simple carbohydrates like starch to organic acids and
the sulphate-reducing bacteria that generate sulphides.
Even when dissolved oxygen is measurable in the bulk water of a papermaking stock, anaerobic
conditions may be present beneath the surface of attached slimes close to the surface of pipes or
tanks (see this picture of the various stages of slime growth). In these locations, anaerobic activity can
have an accelerating effect on corrosion. Anaerobic conditions are deliberately created in anaerobic
biological treatment systems, which are being used at a few mills to remove dissolved organics from
process waters and thus minimise microbiological problems.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 37
Analytical techniques
Monitoring the chemical status of the wet end is absolutely essential in order to understand the
complex range of interactions taking place. In reality, many mills have inadequate data on machine
chemistry other than occasional measurements of wire retention and pH. Surveys of wet end
chemistry based on manual sampling and off-line analysis can be of undoubted value, but, as each
sample only provides a "snapshot" of a mobile, dynamic system, the resources required to process the
large number of samples is substantial. The major advance over the last 15 years or so has been the
increasing availability and proven effectiveness of on-line monitoring systems for some parameters
such as wire retention and charge. Nevertheless, the price of such systems is substantial and the
benefits need careful appraisal in order to determine and then justify an economic payback.
Despite the above comments about spot sampling, any chemical data is valuable for solving problems
when they occur as, otherwise, there is no information on the chemical status under "normal"
conditions. The first task is to identify the optimum sampling locations and then to prioritise the
parameters for measurement from those in the following table.
This is a unit of length, normally used to measure atomic distances and bond lengths. It is equal
to 10 m or 0.1nm.
Literally, this word means glucose without water (C6H10O5) and is applied to the glucose repeating unit
in both starch and cellulose molecules.
This is the term for any simple ion that possesses a negative charge, the most common in
- 2- -
papermaking being chloride (Cl ), sulphate (SO4 ) and bicarbonate (HCO3 ). It can also be applied to
polymers with negatively-charge groups, but this is not common.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 38
This is the term to describe a substance that has a negative charge. In papermaking, this covers
simple anions and more complex anionic polymers. It should be emphasised that all such polymers
are actually neutral as supplied, but the term "anionic" means that the polymer backbone contains a
number of anionic groups, which is often due to the presence of a carboxyl group. However, this
anionic charge is always balanced by an identical cationic charge in the form of simple cations, such
as sodium ions.
Anionic demand
This is a type of charge demand in which cationic substances in the sample react with added anionic
chemicals. The anionic demand is measured by titrating the sample against a standard cationic
chemical, usually a cationic polymer. The actual measurement technique is discussed further under
colloid titration. Measurement of the anionic demand is not very common in papermaking as, in most
cases, it is very low or zero. However, it is possible to measure both cationic and anionic demands in
the one sample due to non-stoichiometric character of charge interactions. An example of where the
anionic demand may be worth measuring is papermaking systems with a high addition of cationic
additives, such as a machine making towel products, where the soluble anionic demand will give a
measure of any non-adsorbed wet strength resin.
Anionic dyes
The charge on that part of the dye molecule that determines its colour properties is one way of
classifying dyes. Anionic dyes include the traditional acid dyes and anionic direct dyes.
Anionic polymers
An anionic polymer is one with a number of negative charges on the polymer backbone, but with a
+ +
balancing number of charges in the form of a simple cation such as H or Na associated with it.
When dissolved in water, the repulsion between anionic groups on the chain gives the polymer an
extended molecular conformation (see pictorial representation here).
In all the cases except the anionic retention aid, the anionic polymer gives the particles a negative
charge, which contributes to their stability (resistance to aggregation). However, such polymers may
also dissolve in the liquid phase, which reduces the particle's negative change and hence its colloidal
stability. This might be considered desirable from the perspective of the particle's retention
characteristics, but this is counter-balanced by several undesirable consequences:
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 39
there is a loss of yield as the dissolved material is unlikely to be retained in the paper except on
paper machines with very closed water systems
the lowered particle charge reduces the swelling potential of the pulp fibres and their ability to
adsorb cationic additives
the dissolved substances become part of the undesirable anionic trash fraction.
On balance, it is preferable for such substances to remain with the wet end particulate matrix, as this
allows the use of cationic additives that have good adsorption due to their charge attraction to the
surface. However, keeping such substances with the pulp is not easy due to the ease of dissolution of
what are inherent water-soluble substances. It appears that the majority of anionic substances in virgin
pulps do not dissolve (eg less than 5% on refining a TCF Kraft pulp and 20-30% in bleached
mechanical pulps), but this is not likely to be the case for previously-added polymers such as anionic
polyacrylate dispersants.
Even with an anionic surface charge due to the presence of polymers in the first category above, there
are circumstances where the addition of wet end chemicals in an anionic form is preferable to the
more normal cationic form. Examples are where there is a high level of dissolved multivalent cations
(calcium or aluminium) present or where there is already a high addition of other cationic polymers. In
these situations for example, an anionic polyacrylamide or anionic starch may be superior to a cationic
polyacrylamide or starch.
Anionic starch
Potato starch is the only starch with a natural negative charge due to the presence of phosphate
groups in place of some hydroxyls on the pendant -CH2OH group within the amylopectin fraction. The
degree of substitution (DS) for these phosphate groups is about 0.004. As only one of the hydrogen
atoms in the -CH2 - O - PO3H2 group ionises over the pH range 6-8, the maximum anionic charge on
potato starch in papermaking systems is about 0.025 meq/g. Starch esters in the form of phosphates
(or acetates) can also be produced by the starch manufacturer and some starch ethers are also
anionic, eg the carboxymethylstarches. In the thermo-chemical cooking of native starches, there is
oxidation of some pendant -CH2OH groups to -COOH groups by the oxidising agents present.
Oxidised starches produced by the supplier also have some anionic character for the same reason.
Anionic starches are widely used at the wet end when alum is used for acid sizing with rosin, the
cationic aluminium species helping to adsorb the starch onto the particulate matrix. Although this
application declined with the move away from acid rosin sizing, it has shown some resurgence as a
wet end starch in recent years through the difficulties encountered with cationic starch in certain
papermaking systems. The use of purely anionic starches at the wet end does require the addition of a
second component, either an aluminium compound or a Adsorbed starch, mg/g
cationic polymer, to fix the starch to the fibre.
80 Anionic starch/PAC
In the example at right, the increased electrolyte level has
a substantial adverse effect on the adsorption of a cationic
starch (DS = 0.035) on a refined bleached hardwood Kraft Cationic starch
pulp. However, the sodium chloride had very little impact 20
In some papermaking systems, the use of anionic starch is constrained by the high activity of starch-
degrading enzymes, but it is being successfully used for increasing dry strength of a diverse range of
fine papers filled or coated with gypsum, where the calcium sulphate leads to high dissolved
calcium levels
wet strength grades, where the anionic starch uses the cationic wet strength resin as the fixative,
simultaneously helping resin retention and sometimes obviating the need for CMC
coated wood-frees, where replacing the size press starch with 3% wet end starch allowed a 24%
production increase in one trial.
Anionic trash
This term is applied to the range of negatively-charged substances (often polymers) that incidentally
enter the papermaking system with other raw materials and then dissolve in the liquid phase. This set
of substances is an important sub-set of problematic substances and are also sometimes referred to
as interfering, disturbing or detrimental substances. If the anionic substances are not water-soluble or
remain associated with the solid phase, they should not be classified as anionic trash. Indeed, the
anionic substances remaining with the particulate solids are beneficial as they are responsible for
attracting and adsorbing (cationic) additives onto the particulate surface. The factors which influence
the dissolution of such substances from pulps is of obvious importance in understanding and
controlling anionic trash.
The detrimental effect of this set of substances is that they are able to interact with added cationic
additives due to the electrostatic attraction between the oppositely-charged groups (see this pictorial
representation and these examples PEI and PAE resins). This leads to the formation of a 3-
dimensional polymer complex/precipitate (a symplex), which has a lower charge than either interacting
material and tends to be very hydrophilic and thus very water-retentive. This interaction is identical to
that taking place in the important wet end measurement technique of colloid titration, which is the
standard method to quantify the level of anionic trash (as the soluble cationic demand). Anionic trash
substances released into solution from one particulate material (eg a pulp) are also able to re-adsorb
onto other surfaces such as filler particles (see these examples for the effect of pulp-derived organics
on filler charge).
These problems can be controlled using the same hierarchy of techniques summarised generally for
all problematic substances, which, in terms of anionic trash, are:
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of anionic trash.
Given the ubiquitous presence of anionic trash in virgin and recycled pulps, this approach is rather
difficult in practice, particularly for virgin pulps. On the premise that the interfering substances
present in recovered papers are principally derived from paper chemicals added in the previous
cycle, papermakers producing grades that can be recovered and then recycled (ie most of them)
should attempt not to use chemicals that will interfere the next time around. There should be
some enlightened self-interest at work here as, unless avoiding action is taken, the original paper
machine will experience some interference effects from its own broke.
The two notable sources of anionic trash in recovered paper/broke are size press starches (which
also contributes significantly to another set of problematic substances - those available as a food
source to micro-organisms) and coating dispersants. The use of cationic starches and cationic
coating dispersants is one way to minimise these problems and give other benefits. For all pulps
that are processed in some way before reaching the paper machine (all virgin pulps and deinked
pulps), there should be adequate washing to remove as much anionic trash as possible.
so far as it is practicable, optimising machine operation to minimise the opportunity for anionic
trash to interfere with cationic additives.
The first objective is to try to stop these substances dissolving at the wet end, which is not easy
due to their inherent water solubility. Substances that do dissolve could be routed away from the
machine system by thick stock dewatering (washing) and routing the filtrate away from the
machine system for separate treatment. Biological treatment would not necessarily be the best
treatment technique (as it is for the biodegradable substances responsible for micro-biological
problems) for all anionic trash substances due to limited biodegradability of some (eg
polyacrylates). Maximising the single pass retention of anionic trash is only possible through
chemical treatment as discussed below. It may also be possible to move away from cationic
chemicals to use either nonionic chemicals (eg PEO as a retention aid) or anionic chemicals (eg
starch phosphate). The final option within this category is to optimise the cationicity of the additive
(eg use more highly cationic starches).
dosing of specific chemicals to neutralise the anionic trash with two slightly different approaches:
- neutralise with cationic polymer, eg PAC, polydadmac, polyamine, PEI, super-cationic starch.
This is the most common technique to deal with anionic trash and the key requirement is for the
cationic polymer to interact with the anionic trash before any adsorption on the particle surface.
The particle then remains anionic and still receptive towards any cationic additives to be dosed
later. A good example of this is shown at right for a stock with about 15% filler content and
moderate conductivity (1.7 mS/cm). The data demonstrates that, for this particular application,
PAC is superior to polydadmacs (albeit at a lower, acid pH). Further tests showed that the
retention of cationic starch (and fines) was much higher in the PAC-treated system (about 80%
starch and 75% fines retention) compared to the best of the polydadmac systems (about 35%
starch and 60% fines retention). However, despite this result for this particular pulp, polydadmacs
are quite widely used for controlling anionic trash, one full-scale example for coated broke
treatment being shown here.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 42
+ Polydadmac A
(low mw) at pH 7.5
- Particulate
+ Polydadmac B
- (medium mw) at pH 7.5 Dissolved
Polydadmac C
- (high mw) at pH 7.5
Reference: Brouwer Tappi J.,
+ 1991, 74, 1, 170-179.
PAC at pH 5.3
Concentrations of anionic trash are usually measured by a charge titration of a sample filtrate or
centrate with a cationic polymer and usually expressed as a cationic demand. The measured values
on paper machines (usually in the form of meq/l) reflect not only the inputs described above and the
degree of water closure, but also the effect of deliberate and incidental reactions with added cationic
substances. Because of this, caution is required in converting measured concentrations to an input
load. Some cationic demand levels are quoted here for several fluting/liner machines with fully-closed
water systems.
This term refers to particulate materials that have unsymmetrical parts or unequal axes, eg fibres and
This term refers to substances or materials that have properties which depend on the direction of
measurement. A good example is paper itself, which shows a definite direction-dependent strength
due to the greater alignment of fibres in the machine direction.
This is the name for the two isomers (α and β) of sugar molecules when they exist in a ring form (see
glucose for further explanation).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 43
Antifoam chemicals are able to prevent foam occurring in the first place and, together with defoamers
and degassing chemicals, are an important component of most commercial foam control formulations.
Anti-foams work by interfering with the foam-stabilising surfactants at a molecular level, examples
being silicones and, where the surfactant is charged, organic polymers of opposite charge.
Hydrocarbon oils are also effective as antifoams, but are little used in papermaking due to their
tendency for deposition.
These chemicals are used in papermaking to prevent the formation of attached scales from
precipitation of inorganic compounds. Their action is based on one of two principles:
complexation of one of the participating ions, usually the cation, by the addition of chelants such
as polyphosphates, which are commonly used in relation to calcium carbonate scales.
crystal modifying agents such as certain phosphonates.
Anthraquinone (AQ)
This chemical (in the form of the most common isomer, 9,10-anthraquinone, formula
at right) is sometimes used in chemical pulping processes (soda, Kraft and sulphite)
to improve the process yield. It works by inhibiting the end-peeling reaction which
removes monosaccharide units from the reducing end of carbohydrates. Some dyes O
are derivatives of anthraquinone, but these are little used in papermaking.
This abbreviation stands for adsorbable organohalogen compounds.
This is the main charged hemi- OH
celluloses in softwoods, accounting O
for 5-10% of the wood. It is made up O O O
of a β-1,4-linked xylan chain with HO
substitution by single side groups of MeO O
arabinose and of α-1,2-linked 4-O- O
methyl-glucuronic acids on about COOH OH
10% of the xylose units. Its degree of
polymerisation is about 200.
This is present at a low level in pectins and is one of the
five simple sugars that are present in hemi-celluoses. It HOH2C
is a pentose with the formula C5H10O5 and the structure OH
shown here (drawn in both furanose and pyranose OH OH
structures in the α-anomer form - see glucose for Furanose form Pyranose form
explanation of these terms).
This is an abbreviation for the sizing agent, alkenyl succinic anhydride.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 44
Measuring the ash content of paper products or of wet end samples is a common way to quantify their
filler/pigment content. This is done by thermal combustion at a high enough temperature to burn off all
the organic matter, but some fillers also lose some of their mass and this has to be corrected for in
order to estimate the true filler content. There are two Tappi test methods available (at 525 and 900 C)
depending on the predominant types of filler present. Kaolin clays lose their water of hydration (14% of
their dry weight) over a wide temperature range and this is not complete until about 700 C. Calcium
carbonates lose their carbon dioxide (44% of their dry weight) over a higher temperature range and
this is not complete until about 900 C. Talc loses its water of hydration (5% of its dry weight) between
o o
800-900 C. Titanium dioxide is stable up to at least 1000 C.
Aspect ratio
This term is used in relation to those papermaking materials with
anisometric particle characteristics, notably fibres and fillers/pigments. D
For a disc-shaped particle (eg clay above at right), the aspect ratio is
the diameter/width (D/W), whereas it is the length /diameter (L/D) for L
a tube-like fibre (below at right). This property is important in relation D
to the void volume (packing density) of particles, which is important for coating pigments.
An atom is the most fundamental unit of an element and comprises a compact nucleus of protons and
neutrons with a number of electrons around it. The protons and neutrons are held together by the
strong nuclear force, which prevents the nucleus flying apart due to the repulsion between the
positively-charged protons. The neutrons are uncharged, but the mass of protons and neutrons is
virtually identical, the best current measurement putting the value at 1.66053873 x 10 grams. The
electron has a much smaller mass (about 1/1850 of the proton) and has a negative charge of exactly
the same magnitude as the proton's positive one. As an atom is neutral, the number of protons and
electrons is identical and this number (the atomic number, abbreviated as Z) determines the nature of
the element and its position in the Periodic Table. The distribution of electrons around the nucleus is
very important to the valency and hence chemical properties of the elements.
An element can exist in different forms depending on its number of neutrons and these different forms
are known as isotopes of the element. For example, carbon has a principle isotope with 6 protons and
12 13 14
6 neutrons (labelled C), but there are two other isotopes - C with one extra neutron and C with
two extra neutrons. The atomic mass of an element is measured in atomic mass units or Daltons,
th 12
which is 1/12 the mass of one atom of C so one atomic mass unit or Dalton is the mass of one
proton or neutron.
This is a sometimes-used abbreviation for anionic trash catchers, which are the (usually cationic)
chemicals added to inactivate anionic trash.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 45
Attractive forces
There are a number of basic forces that hold particles and dissolved substances together against the
various repulsive forces that act in the opposite direction:
electrostatic attraction between substances with unlike charges, which is a very important
mechanism for the adsorption of water-soluble substances (normally cationic) onto the particulate
matrix (normally negatively-charged) at the wet end. It also underlies the adverse interaction
between cationic additives and anionic trash.
hydrogen bonding between substances containing hydroxyl and amino groups
hydrophobic associations ( eg micelles) between molecules having some hydrophobic character
van der Waals forces, which exist between all substances
mechanical entanglement that occurs only between intact fibres and which can lead to fibre
These are functional groups that are incorporated in a dye molecule to deepen its colour and they also
improve the dye’s water solubility. These are mainly electron-donating (nucleophilic) groups such as
hydroxyl and amino groups.
Azo compounds
These are organic compounds, more specifically organo-nitrogen compounds, that contain the group
- N = N - . Such groups are present in many types of dye (see specific examples under acid dyes and
direct dyes).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 46
Being neither animals or plants, bacteria are single-celled micro-organisms belonging to the unicellular
kingdom of the protists. They are responsible for most of the microbiological problems in papermaking,
although there may be a contribution from fungi depending on process conditions. Bacteria represent
very primitive life-forms and are classified on the basis of their cell morphology, their means of motility
and their mode of reproduction. Bacteria are firstly allocated into different genera and then into
species, eg Bacillus subtilis (usually written in italics) is one of many species in the genus Bacillus. A
useful test used by microbiologists to differentiate bacteria into two classes is the gram stain, which
involves the sequential addition of a crystal violet dye solution and an iodine solution followed by
rinsing. Bacteria that retain the stain are called gram-positive and those that do not are called gram-
negative, the staining characteristic being correlated with bacterial properties such as chemical
resistance/susceptibility. In this simple way, it is also possible to distinguish between morphologically-
similar bacteria.
Like all living things, bacteria need energy for maintaining themselves and a source of essential
nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, etc) for growth of new biomass (see summary diagram
below). The bacteria present in papermaking systems are all chemotrophic, in that they obtain their
energy from some form of chemical reaction and are heterotrophic, in that their carbon comes form
organic matter. The energy-producing reactions are usually oxidations and reductions involving
organic compounds like dissolved starches (see microbiological chemistry). These reactions take
place under either aerobic conditions, where dissolved oxygen is the final electron acceptor (oxidant)
or under anaerobic conditions, where organic matter acts as both electron acceptor and donor.
Bacteria are consequently classified as aerobes if they use O 2 or anaerobes if they cannot use O2,
Some bacteria are facultative in that they can operate under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions.
Bacterial growth under anaerobic conditions is often called fermentation. A special type of anaerobic
bacteria are the sulphate-reducing bacteria.
Anaerobic sulphate
reducing bacteria Aerobic bacteria - oxidation of organic matter using O2
Bacteria in papermaking
As bacteria are the most common cause of microbiological problems in papermaking, it is of obvious
importance to know their possible sources and to endeavour to minimise their intake with all raw
materials. All pulps contain bacteria, but
Aerobic bacteria
recycled pulps tend to be more heavily Pulp type
at 30 C (colony
contaminated than virgin pulps due to the forming units/g)
opportunities for infection during use/collection Virgin pulps up to 10
2 3
and the presence of readily-available nutrients Clean wastepaper 10 -10
3 4
such as starch (see table at right for levels of Newsprint 10 -10
3 5
aerobic bacteria in various pulps). Typical Old corrugated cases 10 -10
3 5
bacteria in recovered papers include Bacillus Mixed merchant paper 10 -10
4 6
sp., Micrococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mixed council waste 10 -10
6 10
Pseudomonas sp., Coryneform sp., etc. Raw mixed waste 10 -10
5 9
Storage of all pulps increases the level of Refuse-derived paper 10 -10
microbial contamination, particularly if left
uncovered in the open.
Recycled pulps are subject to more pre-treatment stages than virgin pulps and, although none of
these are aimed purposely at reducing their microbial content, this may be a useful side-benefit. The
greatest potential reductions during pre-treatment are for deinked pulps due to the use of oxidising
chemicals for bleaching. This is illustrated in the
Bacteria, CFU/g
figure at right for three different grades of 10
recovered paper. It is evident that flotation Pulping
deinking has little impact on bacterial levels, but Deinking
o 4
that hot dispersion (even at only 65 C) gives a 10 Hot dispersion
useful 10 - 100x reduction. Bleaching in a final at 65 C
hydrogen peroxide stage is easily the most Peroxide (1.8%)
0 bleaching
powerful treatment, although earlier addition of Clean, mixed ONP + Dirty, mixed
peroxide to the pulper had no effect on bacterial papers OMG papers
levels in this particular study. The biocidal Source: Escabasse et al in Pulp Paper
Canada, 1998, 99, 12, 106-109.
action of peroxide is very dose-dependent with
each 0.3% giving about a 100-fold reduction.
The microbial population at the wet end is a complex mixture of fungi (eg yeasts), aerobic bacteria and
anaerobic bacteria. The balance between aerobes and anaerobes depends on process conditions,
notably the dissolution of oxygen to make up for that utilised by the aerobes. Even in a well-aerated
system with low concentrations of biodegradable materials, anaerobic conditions prevail in the
quiescent zones close to pipe/tank surfaces. The microbial balance at the wet end depends on many
other factors such as the degree of water closure and pH, acid conditions favouring the development
of fungi as opposed to bacteria. The major slime-forming bacteria are common water-borne species
such as Aeromonas sp., Enterobacter sp., Klebsiella sp. plus fungi such as Phialophora sp., etc.
Microbes are also present in surface application systems, particularly at the size press due to the
preponderance of starches. Wet end microbes are unintentionally, but inevitably, retained in paper by
the normal filtration mechanism and all microbes in surface-applied chemicals also end up in the
paper. A major side-benefit of drying paper at high temperatures is the killing of most microbes due to
the denaturation of proteinaceous cell components. The main exception is the spore-forming bacteria
that possess heat-resistant surfaces. The microbiological quality of the final paper product depends on
the input load and the temperature-time profile in the dryers.
An important element in the control of bacterial growth in papermaking is monitoring their background
level in order to judge the effectiveness of the control technique being used. The traditional
measurement technique is the standard colony count where a small sample is incubated under ideal
growth conditions in the laboratory and the number of colony-forming units (CFU) counted after a
certain time. This suffers from several disadvantages, notably the need for experienced
microbiological expertise and equipment plus the time taken (2-3 days minimum) to get the results.
Also, this technique gives the number only of those types of bacteria that grow under the particular
conditions used in the test. Different conditions can be employed to give total aerobic bacteria, total
anaerobic bacteria and important sub-types such as sulphate-reducers, but this requires even more
equipment and can get very expensive. Most paper mills do not have the required expertise, so it is
common practice to out-source this work, usually to the supplier of the control chemicals.
However, techniques, which overcome some of these limitations, have been developed for evaluating
the overall level of microbes in the papermaking system:
dip slides that contain the cultivation media and may be placed in the water to be tested. This
gives an approximate level of bacteria by comparison to a reference without the need for
specialist expertise/equipment, but still takes several days for completion.
the use of dyes that respond to changes in the sample's redox potential, which becomes less
oxidising as the growing bacteria use up dissolved oxygen. This is quite useful for the rapid
evaluation (ca 1 hour) of different biocidal treatments.
measurement of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), which is the energy-containing substance in all
living cells. Once extracted from the cell, ATP is used by the firefly enzyme system luciferin-
luciferase and this generates light in a bioluminescent reaction, which can be measured as an
index of the bacterial concentration. There are several commercial instruments that utilise this
technique to give results in minutes and it has been widely applied in papermaking by biocide
These techniques are certainly an improvement in terms of the quick availability of results, but still do
not provide information on specific problems such as the potential for slime growth. Fortunately, there
are some simple ways to keep track of slime problems and also some newer techniques for on-line
use and these are described further under that heading.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 49
Bag papers
This is a sub-category of packaging papers and comprises a range of grades with two distinct
categories in terms of surface finish - unglazed papers and glazed papers. The latter refers to papers
made on a paper machine with a large, single drying cylinder, adhesion to which gives one side of the
paper a glossy finish. Both types can be made from either unbleached Kraft or recovered paper for the
brown grades and from bleached chemical or deinked pulps for the white grades. The papers are
usually sized with rosin/alum as it is difficult to achieve the high glaze with synthetic sizes such as
AKD and ASA. In fact, glazing aids based on rosin have to be used to obtain high glaze with AKD-
sized papers in order to overcome the natural release characteristics of AKD.
Barrier coatings
This is a form of coating which is applied to papers or board to provide a barrier against ingress of
water vapour, liquid water, grease, oil, gas, etc. The types of chemical used are:
These are applied as a fine particle dispersion (typically 200nm diameter) using similar
chemistries to those used for normal coating - styrene butadienes, acrylates, etc. The formulated
coating may contain many other components (defoamers, biocide, chelant, thickener, and
emulsifier) with typical addition rates of 4-15 g/m (dry weight). Any normal coating equipment can
be used, but rod or blade coaters are the most common. The aim is to achieve an even thickness
rather than a flat surface and this is best done by a blade coater. It is desirable to use the highest
possible dry solids content in the applied dispersion, but this is limited by the sudden, steep
increase in viscosity above a volume fraction of about 50%. To act as an effective barrier, the
latex dispersion has to be converted into a continuous film and this occurs as the latex particles
coalesce when the water is removed during drying. The film formation temperature of the latex is
critical and latices with glass transition temperatures of 10-40 C are normal. Latex barrier coated
papers are used in applications such as frozen food wrappings, food bags, etc.
These are mainly polyloefins such as polyethene (the most common by far) and polypropylene,
but acrylate co-polymers are also used. They are applied by extrusion coating, which converts the
solid thermoplastics into liquid molten state before application to the paper substrate. In order to
improve adhesion between what are quite dissimilar types of surface, the hydrophobic plastic
component is often pre-treated by a corona discharge. This generates ozone and free radicals,
which oxidise the surface and make it more hydrophilic. Plastic-coated barrier papers are used in
the most demanding applications such as milk cartons, juice cartons (with aluminium foil), other
flexible food packagings and photographic papers (where the applied coating also contains
minerals such as titanium dioxide).
These are applied at high temperature in a molten state usually by a roll applicator. These are
usually paraffin waxes (ie pure hydrocarbons) and typically have a chain length of C18 - C20. They
are used in many commodity packaging grades such as corrugated cases and boxboards due to
their low cost and ease of application.
In recent years, one of the criteria for such coatings has been its implications in terms of the paper's
repulpability when recycled or other characteristics (eg compostability) when the used papers are
dealt with in other ways.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 50
Barium compounds
These are not common in papermaking, but there are two possible sources:
barium salts, probably derived from virgin pulp due to the presence of barium in wood. The most
likely ultimate form of any barium salts entering the papermaking system is insoluble barium
sulphate as a wet end precipitate from the reaction with sulphate ions, which may come from the
fresh water or alum addition
from the deliberate use of barium sulphate as a pigment (called Blanc Fixe) in coating, most
commonly in photographic papers, where it is used as a pre-coating because of its high chemical
purity and inertness. Dispersions are often prepared using gelatin as a binder. Barium sulphate
has a very high density (SG = 4.5) and a refractive index (1.66) somewhat greater than other
common minerals.
In contrast to an acid, a base is a substance that donates hydroxyl ions through its ionisation reaction:
+ -
When the ionisation of the base is 50% complete (ie c B =cBOH), pKB = pKW - pH, so the lower the pKB
value, the stronger the base. The pKB value for the ionisation of ammonium hydroxide ( B = NH4) is 4.7
(at 25 C) so the pH is about 9.3 when half ionised.
Baseline chemistry
This is defined in this document as the chemistry of the fresh water used on the paper machine and
should be solely defined by the dissolved substances in the fresh water as any particulate materials
should have been removed by prior treatment. Any substance present in the fresh water does not
contribute to any build-up of that substance on closing up the paper machine's water system - it is only
substances that originate from non-water sources that build up in this way. The build-up of dissolved
solids on water closure can be
Concentration (g/l)
modelled very simply as shown in 100
5000 Numbers = [wet end]/[fresh water]
the figure at right for three Baseline Input
examples substances or sets of 10 250 (mg/l) (kg/tonne)
500 C
substances (note that the 5 50
concentration axis has a 1 25 B 20 10
10 100 1
logarithmic scale). The numbers 1.5 A 1.2
above the lines are the ratios of the 0 10 20 30 40 50
concentration in the machine Fresh water use (m /tonne)
system to that in the fresh water.
Line A could refer to dissolved calcium ions at a mill with a fairly hard fresh water supply. The input of
dissolved calcium from other raw materials would be mainly due to dissolution of calcium carbonate,
which occurs under acid conditions generated by pulps or by microbiological activity. As there is a
relatively high baseline, the build-up ratio is relatively small at an input of 1 kg Ca/tonne, but the
concentration still builds up to about 600 mg Ca/l at maximum water closure. In the case of a
substance like calcium ions, this simple picture could be complicated by calcium ion exchange with
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 51
either hydrogen or sodium ions associated with the negative charges on the particulate matrix and by
the fact that calcium dissolution will probably itself vary with the degree of closure. Because of this, the
wet end calcium concentration may build up on water closure more or less than predicted from a
constant input load model and may even be less than the fresh water concentration.
Line B could represent the situation for total electrolytes, where there is a low level in the fresh water,
but a substantial input and this is reflected in the higher build-up ratios. Electrolyte concentrations as
high as this are usually only experienced at recycled liner/fluting mills (again due to calcium carbonate
dissolution). Line C could refer to total dissolved organics, where the baseline level would be not far
from zero at most mills. The assumed input level of 50 kg/tonne is the highest input level for any
dissolved material and is again seen mainly at recycled liner/fluting mills, where it is largely starch-
based. As a consequence of the very low baseline, high build-up ratios are inevitable.
The absolute value of the build-up ratio thus depends not just on the degree of water closure, but also
on the input of that substance from non-water sources. All the calculations in the figure above assume
that the input load of that substance is constant as the water system is closed up, but this may not be
true, particularly for dissolved organics. In such cases, the actual build-up may not be as great as
predicted in this simple model.
This is an alternative expression for alkalinity. The term is sometimes used in the chemistry of
aluminium compounds to describe the character of polyaluminium chlorides.
Basic dyes
The traditional basic dyes now account for about 30% of overall dye use in papermaking. They have
cationic trombones with balancing anions such as chloride or hydrochloride and are generally acidic to
maintain the dye in a cationic form. Consequently, these dyes have good substantivity to pulps
containing high levels of negatively-charged groups (mechanical and unbleached chemical pulps), but
much poorer substantivity to bleached chemical pulps. Basic dyes are not as easily water-soluble as
other dyes and dye solutions therefore often incorporate auxiliaries (acids and/or organic solvents
such as alcohols) to keep the dye in solution. Because of this chemical complexity and potential
adverse chemical interactions plus their poor light fastness, basic dyes are little used for surface
A common structure for many basic dyes is based on the triphenylmethane unit as shown at right for
the dye, Brilliant Green. Malachite Green has a similar
structure with methyl units simply replacing the ethyl units in Brilliant Green
the two amino groups. In this type of structure, the positive (C2H5)2N N(C2H5)2
charge does not sit neatly on the quaternary nitrogen as -
shown, but is delocalised over nearly the whole molecule.
Basic dyes are used mainly in the packaging sector for their
strong colours and reasonable economy of use, despite their
poor light-fastness.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 52
Bauer-McNett classification
This is a widely-used technique to Mesh size Hole size (mm) Fibre length (mm)
classify pulps into various particle
10 1.68 -
size fractions. It uses a series of
12 1.41 -
tanks separated by screens of
14 1.19 2.8
steadily decreasing hole size
20 0.84 -
through which the pulp suspension 28 0.60 2.0
is passed. The most common mesh 48 0.30 1.3
sizes and corresponding screen 100 0.15 0.69
openings are shown in the table at 200 0.075 0.28
right. The third column shows the
average fibre length (from Kajaani Fibre Length Analyser) retained on that screen from a study using a
TMP and Kraft pulp both from spruce. The average fibre length of the fines (defined as that passing a
200 mesh screen, abbreviated P200) was 0.12mm. The long fibre fraction is sometimes taken as the
fraction retained on the 28 mesh screen (abbreviated R28).
This is an abbreviation for the biocide, bromochlorodimethylhydantoin.
This is a term for the mechanical treatment of pulps that took place in "beaters". Whilst this type of
equipment is still used by a few mills, it has largely been replaced by refiners.
This is the generic name for a range of natural smectite clay minerals that are comprised
predominantly of montmorillinite (named after one of its sources in France) with lesser impurities such
as quartz. Its chemical form varies with local geology and only a small number of the natural deposits
are suitable for papermaking, notably the white-coloured deposits with a low iron content.
some alumina, but there is an overall deficiency of cations which is made Silica tetrahedra
up by the more loosely-held sodium and calcium ions. The overall formula + 2+
Na Ca
of montmorillinite is very variable, but it can be approximated as Silica tetrahedra
(Na,Ca)(Al,Mg)6(Si4O10)3(OH)6.nH2O. Its often-brown colour is due to the Al2O3/MgO octahedra
presence of iron, which replaces some of the aluminium or magnesium
Silica tetrahedra
ions. As the iron is associated with the crystalline structure, it cannot be
removed chemically. Most natural bentonites contain montmorillinite in the predominantly calcium
form, but they also exist naturally in the sodium form (eg the Wyoming bentonites from the USA).
Like all clays, montmorillinite has a platy or flaky structure. Its dimensions are about 300nm by 100nm
for the face with each platelet/flake having a depth of only about 1nm when the material is fully
delaminated. The structure of montmorillinite means that the flat silicate surfaces are negatively
charged, whereas the alumina/magnesia edges are slightly positively charged. The charge arises from
isomorphous replacement (eg of silicon by aluminium ions in the outer layers) and the presence of
alumina (in place of magnesia) in the middle layer. Natural bentonites have a cation exchange
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 53
The largest application of bentonites are as retention/drainage aids, but this is always with an organic
polymer as part of a dual component system as bentonite alone has no efficacy. There are two main
retention/drainage systems based on bentonite - the Organosorb/Organopol system for newsprint mills
and the Hydrocol system for fine and other paper mills, both using bentonite with a polyacrylamide and
both developed originally by Allied Colloids (now Ciba). However, bentonite is also used successfully
with other polymers such as polydadmacs and PEI.
In the Organosorb system, the bentonite is added first to adsorb the organics that would otherwise
interact adversely with the cationic polymer (Organopol) which is added later. In this way, the load of
dissolved organics can be lowered by as much as 50%, giving a significant secondary benefit in terms
of wastewater loads. Another positive attribute from the presence of bentonite is its tolerance of
residual silicate in deinked pulps (see this example). The Hydrocol system purposely uses a high dose
of cationic polyacrylamide (up to 2 kg/tonne paper) to the thick stock to give an over-flocculated
system which is then sheared down on passage through the fan pump. The late addition of the
bentonite (up to 4 kg/tonne) reforms the floc structure, but in the form of smaller micro-flocs that give
not only good retention, but also improved drainage and good formation (see example here). Results
for one mill changing from a single polymer retention aid to Hydrocol showed increased wire retentions
for filler of 52 to 75% on a wood-free grade and 27 to 50% on a wood-containing grade.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 54
Shown in the two figures below is data from some interesting work on the shear resistance and
reflocculation ability of bentonite/polyacrylamide systems. In this work, the shear is cycled between
two levels by varying the impeller speed in a DDJ (see
comparative data for various polyacrylamides on their MCC floc diameter, pH5 and 1mM NaCl (μm)
own here). In this experiment, the dose of 150 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000
0.3 mg/g CPAM
polyacrylamide (DS = 0.27) corresponded to the + 0.5 mg/g bentonite
charge of the cellulose surface (10 μeq/g). It is evident
that, even though the bentonite is added quite late (by
which time the conformation of the polyacrylamide CPAM 0.3 mg/g
chains would be quite close to the cellulose surface), it 0
0 150 300 450 600
is still able to enhance flocculation. This is rather
Time after chemical addition (sec)
similar to the normal mode of bentonite addition with
Source: Swerin et al in J.Pulp Paper
polyacrylamides. Science, 1997, 23, 8, 374-381.
1000 rpm. This is shown at right for the same cationic 1.0
polyacrylamide as in the figure above, but at three 0.6
different dose levels (0.15-0.6 mg/g). This confirms that 0.5 0.3
bentonite enhances the reflocculation ability of cationic 0.1 5
This is a very common anion (HCO3 ) in paper machine waters and may originate from several
associated with calcium or magnesium ions as temporary hardness salts in the fresh water
from deliberate or incidental dissolution of calcium carbonate
from addition of sodium bicarbonate or carbonate to boost the alkalinity, usually to help sizing with
When bicarbonate is present incidentally (in fresh water and from calcium carbonate dissolution), it
can cause difficulties with some additives (eg with glyoxalated polyacrylamides) and because of its
participation in various ionisation reactions:
kH k + - k2 + 2-
CO2 (g) H2CO3 1 H + HCO3 H + CO3
As the values for pk1 and pk2 are 6.35 and 10.3 respectively at 25 C, bicarbonate is the dominant form
within the pH range 7-9. This is little affected by changes in temperature over the range 10-50 C.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 55
The potential problems arise at either end of the above reaction sequence:
under alkaline conditions when it forms carbonate ions, which may precipitate calcium carbonate
(perhaps in a different part of the same system in which calcium carbonate dissolved)
under acidic conditions, when it releases carbon dioxide, which may cause entrained gas and
foam problems.
There is another ionisation reaction that occurs at elevated temperatures as the paper is dried:
- -
Any bicarbonate that exceeds the amount needed to precipitate the dissolved calcium present (as
calcium carbonate) can participate in this reaction to release hydroxyl ions, which then elevates the
sheet pH in the small amount of water present just before the sheet becomes dry. This is the way that
added bicarbonate (or carbonate) ions help AKD sizing. Once the sheet has cooled down,
atmospheric carbon dioxide re-buffers the sheet to a more neutral pH.
This term is usually reserved for the various types of polymer used to hold together the pigment
particles in coating formulations. There are several types:
natural water-soluble polymers, the main ones being starch, carboxymethyl cellulose and proteins
synthetic water-soluble polymers, the only significant one being polyvinyl alcohol
synthetic polymers not soluble in water (latices), the main ones being styrene-butadienes, styrene-
acrylates and polyvinyl acetate.
Binders (or usually combinations of binders) are selected on the basis of their effect not only on the
strength of the coating layer, but also on other characteristics such as porosity, optical properties, ink
absorption and on the rheology of the coating mix. Water-soluble binders have a much greater impact
on the viscosity of the coating mix than latices and they can be ranked PVOH, CMC, protein and
starch in order of decreasing thickening ability. The quantity of binder in a coating depends on the
binder demand, which reflects the solids content of the mix and the packing of the pigment. A short
summary of their relative functional effects is given in the table below.
At equal doses At equal binding power
BINDER Cost Binding Water Gloss Ink OBA
power resistance absorption retention
SB latex 2 2= 1 1 5 5
Starch 1 5 5 5 4 4
Protein 3= 4 2 4 1 3
CMC 3= 2= 3= 2= 2= 2
PVOH 5 1 3= 2= 2= 1
Where 1 = highest/cheapest and 6 = lowest/most expensive
Source: Lanham "Coating binders" in "Introduction to Aqueous Pigment Coating", Pira Course, 1989.
Binders are important in relation to wet end chemistry due to their presence in coated broke and their
consequent contribution, for water-soluble binders, to the level of dissolved organics at the wet end
and, for insoluble binders like latex, to wet end deposition problems such as white pitch.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 56
A biocide is a chemical able to kill some form of life, but, in papermaking, the term is used solely in
relation to micro-organisms (sometimes therefore called a microbicide), which are bacteria (killed by
bactericides) and fungi (killed by fungicides). The addition of biocides is the most common way to
control microbiological problems at the wet end of the paper machine. Biocide addition for disinfection
of water is covered here. An ideal biocide should fulfil four requirements:
be effective at a low concentration with broad spectrum activity
be compatible with other wet end materials
be safe to use in terms of worker exposure during handling and
residues should be degradable and have no effect on aquatic life in natural systems.
Biocide formulations often contain several active ingredients to provide a broad spectrum activity plus
dispersants/surfactants/solvents to aid distribution and penetration of existing slimes. An important
factor for many applications, notably in food contact papers/boards, is that the biocide should have
been approved under local regulations such as the US FDA and/or the German BGVV systems. As
these chemicals are amongst the most hazardous used at paper mills, their safety and wider
environmental attributes have become more important in recent years.
organic biocides, which can be sub-divided according to the presence of key elements into:
- organo-sulphur compounds
- organo-halogen compounds
- organo-nitrogen compounds
- organo-phosphorous compounds
- miscellaneous organic compounds such as gluteraldehyde.
Points of biocide application are numerous, but they are most commonly added to the thin stock and
backwater systems for several short periods each day rather than continuously. Direct treatment of
possible sources of infection such as cooked starch solutions is also important as microbial
degradation could otherwise lead to a range of problems from impaired starch adsorption and
consequent poor performance to pH depression (and its various consequences) from the acidified
starch solution. Biocides are also used as preservatives in the product, but this requires addition to the
paper surface as normal biocides are usually selected on the basis of not being retained in the paper.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 57
Biodegradable substances can be broken down to simpler substances by microbial action and there
are various standard test procedures to assess a substance’s biodegradability under various
conditions. It is a property that is usually considered to be desirable on environmental grounds, but
this may not always be the case as it depends on where this action takes place. A biodegradable
material will be broken down to some degree during papermaking and this is likely to be greatest for
biodegradable materials with a low single pass retention (ie dissolved substances such as starch),
which are circulated many times around the papermaking system depending on the machine’s degree
of water closure. The substance’s biodegradability is responsible for the costs of controlling microbial-
related problems such as slime and it also impairs the material’s functionality to some degree. This set
of on-machine problems that stem from a material’s biodegradability turns to an advantage in terms of
the non-retained residues in the mill wastewater as these can then be easily removed by biological
treatment. If the mill does not have a biological treatment plant, biodegradability of wastewater
components leads to oxygen consumption in the receiving water, which may or may not lead to
problems depending on the water’s oxygen balance.
Biodegradable materials in the paper product lead to possible biodeterioration of the paper when
stored under moist conditions. After use, some biodegradation is inevitable in the waste stream, even
before the product might be recovered for material recycling. Landfill of wastepaper eventually leads to
the breakdown of biodegradable components provided conditions (eg moisture) are suitable. In this
situation, biodegradability is useful if the methane gas thus produced is utilised for energy production,
but is harmful if the methane is simply released to atmosphere due to its high global warming
potential. Lack of biodegradability (or of abiotic degradability) denotes that the material will tend to
persist in the environment once it is released. In the aquatic environment, such substances may build
up to levels which exert direct toxic effects on aquatic life, perhaps after bioconcentration in fatty
tissue, depending on the substance’s chemistry.
As there are no paper chemicals with guaranteed 100% overall retention in the paper and as there is
always the risk (however slight) of spillages, biodegradability is, on balance, a desirable attribute for all
organic papermaking materials. This is not yet the case, although it is one of the motivations behind
the development of new paper chemicals. However, when a papermaking raw material is
biodegradable, it is of paramount importance that it is retained rapidly in the paper, ie it should have a
high first pass retention not just a high single pass retention in order to minimise degradation of its
Biofilm inhibition
This is one of the newer techniques to stop the formation of slime on machine surfaces, which is one
of several problems resulting from inadequate microbial control. Most of these techniques are based
on chemical treatments that interfere with the processes of microbial attachment and adhesion, some
examples of commercial techniques being:
mixtures of paraffins and terpenoids
mixtures of surfactants and lignins, an additional benefit of which appears to be the ability to
reduce the number of bacteria in a spore state, ie the type of bacteria that are able to survive the
high temperatures in the drying section and which contribute the majority of the microbes in the
dried paper at the final reel.
electrochemical treatment that alters the chemistry of the actual surface.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 58
Biological treatment
This term is most commonly used in the context of treatment of combined machine wastewaters
outside the mill, but such systems can also be integrated closely with the paper machine system. In
this way, they have the potential to remove biodegradable organics from machine waters and thus
make a significant contribution to minimising on-machine microbiological problems. Biological
treatment harnesses a community of bacteria and sometimes higher life-forms to remove
biodegradable organics like starch. The processes are operated either aerobically, where the products
of biodegradation are carbon dioxide, water and more biomass or anaerobically, where the products of
biodegradation are carbon dioxide, methane and more biomass (but much less than in an aerobic
system). This overall concept is not widely utilised at present, the few full-scale examples being at
100% recycled mills with fully or substantially closed water systems. As shown in the two examples
below, the water for treatment can be sourced from at least two locations.
The first example below at right simply removes water from the machine's backwater system and
passes this to the bio-treatment plant with the treated water being returned to the same system, albeit
downstream from the off-take point. Both aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes have been used
in this way, but the most prominent Broke
full-scale examples (at European
Stock Paper
recycled fluting/liner mills) are preparation machine
based on an initial anaerobic stage,
where most (80-90%) of the
organics are removed, followed by a reactor
small aerobic stage. As well as Saveall
This is the term for the industrial application of biological systems, which are often based on micro-
organisms (eg yeasts in brewing and wine-making). Excluding then long-standing application of
biological wastewater treatment, biotechnology has been used within the paper industry for just a few
years and mainly involves the use of separated enzymes rather than of the whole micro-organism.
The presence of micro-organisms within papermaking systems is clearly not an example of
biotechnology as this is causes a variety of problems.
This is a hardwood tree grown in the Northern forests and is widely used for conversion to
papermaking pulp, mainly in the form of a bleached Kraft pulp. Birch has a moderate-high extractives
content, which has been quoted for Betula verrucosa as 1-4% of the dry wood. The extractives in birch
are composed of about 90% neutral substances (two-thirds fatty acid esters and one-third
unsaponifiables) with the remaining 10% being free fatty acids (there are no resin acids in
hardwoods). Birch contains no resin acids, only fatty acids. Its content of anionic substances is 250-
350 eq/g of carboxyl-containing groups compared to a glucuronic acid content of about 150 eq/g.
The accessible anionic charge is about 6 eq/g, but this increases to about 17 eq/g after hydrolysis
due to the high proportion of esterified carboxyl groups in hardwoods.
This abbreviation stands for bleached Kraft.
Blanc Fixe
This is a common name for barium sulphate, which is an important pigment used in the manufacture
of photographic papers.
Due to their low lignin content, bleached chemical pulps are the strongest and brightest pulps
available with excellent runnability due to the low content of substances that might cause problems on
the paper machine.
The full process of Kraft pulping and bleaching is rarely applied to non-wood fibres, but bleached Kraft
pulps are available from most of the common wood species used for papermaking, eg softwoods such
as pine and spruce and hardwoods such as birch and eucalypt. In many grades of paper, but
particularly the graphical wood-frees, bleached hardwood and softwood Kraft pulps are blended to
give the optimum balance of strength, opacity and formation. Furnish cost is minimised by using the
maximum hardwood content as softwoods pulps, being the stronger, are generally the more expensive
of the two types.
The main purpose of bleaching chemical pulps is to remove the residual lignin (and extractives) as
efficiently as possible and thereby maximise the pulp's strength, brightness and cleanliness (ie
runnability). Consequently, bleaching gives a further yield loss of 5-7% to give an overall yield of 40-
45% from the raw wood. Bleaching of chemical pulps, typically to a brightness level of around 90%
ISO, is carried out in a multi-stage sequence using combinations of the following bleaching chemicals:
chlorine (abbreviated C), which is used in the first stage of a traditional chlorine-based process to
remove the bulk of the lignin
chlorine dioxide (D), which was originally used as a partial replacement for some of the chlorine in
a traditional chlorine-based process, but is now often used as the sole bleaching agent in all the
non-extraction stages of an elemental-chlorine free sequence
sodium hypochlorite (H), which used to be used in the later stages of a traditional chlorine-based
process, but is now little used
sodium hydroxide (E), which does not do any bleaching as such, but is used in the intermediate
extraction stages that are present in many bleaching sequences to remove substances generated
in the previous stage
hydrogen peroxide (P), which is used (often with oxygen) to improve the efficiency of extraction
stages or to provide full bleaching in its own stage (usually with or preceded by a stage with
oxygen (O), which is used (often with peroxide) to improve the efficiency of extraction stages or to
provide at least 50% delignification in what is often the first bleaching stage after Kraft pulping
ozone (Z), which can be used, usually in a first stage, to do the bulk of delignification.
For environmental reasons associated with the generation of chlorinated organic by-products, the
traditional chlorine-based sequences such as CEHDED have been largely replaced by elemental
chlorine-free (ECF) processes such as OD(EOP)DED or totally chlorine-free (TCF) processes such as
OZEP, OPP, etc. Each stage comprises a period of retention in contact with the bleaching chemical
under optimum conditions of high temperature (and sometimes also elevated pressure) followed by a
thickening or washing stage to remove as much as possible of the dissolved organics and residual
bleaching agents before passing onto the next bleaching stage, to a final drying stage (for market
pulps) or to the paper machine at integrated sites.
Although the extractives content of bleached Kraft pulps is low (usually < 0.5%), there is still the
possibility of pitch problems on the paper machine due to the pitch-forming substances being fully
ionised at papermaking pH levels (see this diagram). However, the pitch potential of bleached Kraft
pulps is relatively low and is best controlled (on all except tissue grades) by the simple technique of
talc addition to the pulper, the retained talc then contributing to sheet opacity. As a fine colloidal
dispersion, the extractives that do remain are part of the pulp's fines fraction, which is dominated by
cellulosic materials in the case of bleached Kraft pulps. The level of (primary) fines in bleached Kraft
pulps is low (<10%) for both hardwood and softwoods, but refining of the pulp raises the level of fines
to 10-20%. Refining is used on most machines using bleached Kraft pulps with the exception of some
tissue machines due to its adverse effect on bulk and softness.
Once the pulp is slushed in water in the papermaking system, the charge characteristics of bleached
Kraft pulps need careful analysis in terms of the extent to which the anionically-charged substances
remain with the fibre or dissolve in the liquid phase. This is important for all pulps, but particularly so
for bleached Kraft pulps due to the low level remaining in the pulp after bleaching and the relative
ease of dissolution during slushing and refining because of the pulp's good swelling characteristics.
The low lignin content of bleached Kraft pulps means that their
Zeta potential (mV)
charge is virtually all due to anionic hemi-celluloses. The
relationship between surface charge (potential) and the Electrophoresis
-10 on fines
content of anionic groups in some chlorine-bleached softwood
Kraft pulps is shown here. Most published data indicate that Streaming
-20 potential
the total charge content of bleached Kraft pulps is below 50 on fibres
eq/g for softwoods and in the range 50-100 eq/g for
hardwoods. For all pulps, the measured surface charge -40
2 4 6 8 10
becomes more negative with increased pH due to ionisation of
carboxyl groups, there being a similar charge on both the
Source: Jaycock and Pearson, J.Colloid
“fibre” and fines fractions, as shown in the figure at right above Interface Science, 1976, 55, 1, 181.
(which is almost certainly for an older-style chlorine-bleached
More recent data for softwood TCF pulps (see figure at left)
Total charge, μeq/g
shows a similar trend of increasing measurable total charge as
the pH gets higher. The still-increasing charge at pH 10 suggests
80 bleached some contribution from ionisation of phenolic hydroxyls. The total
OZEP charge content at papermaking pH levels (pH 6-8) for the fully-
40 bleached bleached pulp is comparable with data from other sources for
Softwood pulp both ECF and TCF bleached Kraft pulps. It is also evident that
0 there is substantial removal of anionic groups by the ozone (Z)
2 4 6 8 10
pH bleaching stage.
Source: Laine, J in Paperi ja Puu,
1997, 79, 8, 551-559.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 62
Further data on the content of charged substances in bleached Kraft pulps is shown here in terms of
the effect of pH on swelling and here for the total charged substances determined by various types of
charge titration; there are also several examples covered under ECF pulps and TCF pulps. Some
useful data on a range of softwood and hardwood pulps is also shown in the table below. The highest
charges are for those TCF pulps bleached with oxygen and/or peroxide, which is due to their inability
to remove the hexenuronic acid content of the pulp. The fines contents of the pulps was typically low
(7-8% for hardwoods and 3.5-5% for softwoods), so removal of fines only had an impact on charge at
high charge contents. The surface charge of all pulps was about 20% of the total charge, but higher
proportions (about 40% of total) have been measured on other TCF pulps (see here) and ECF pulps
(see here).
Pulp Bleaching Total charge (eq/g) Surface charge (eq/g)
Chemicals Fibre + fines Fibre only Fibre + fines Fibre only
TCF HW OZP 47 47 10 9
ECF HW D 53 50 10 9
ECF HW D 58 55 11 10
TCF HW OP 95 94 17 14
TCF HW OP 127 129 27 22
TCF SW OZP 35 33 6 6
ECF SW D 40 42 8 7
TCF SW OZP 59 58 13 12
TCF SW OP 68 69 14 12
TCF SW OP 85 84 16 13
Note: Total charge from titration with low molecular mass ionene polymer and surface charge from
titration with high molecular mass polydadmac polymer (see charge titration for further discussion of this)
Source: Laine and Stenius, Paperi ja Puu, 1997, 79, 4, 257-266.
As seen above, the characteristics of bleached Kraft pulps do vary considerably depending on the
nature of the wood type and of the final bleaching stages. These differences are carried forward into
the product, one particularly important aspect being their response to wet end sizing agents (see this
example for comparison of AKD sizing of an unbleached and bleached Kraft pulp).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 63
Pulp Fines (%) Fines area WRV Turbidity Cationic demand Hemi-celluose (%) Lignin (%)
In refined pulp (m2/g) (g/g) (FTU) (μeq/g) Fibre Fines Fibre Fines
Softwood 8 10.6 2.5 4060 7.5 0.3 1.8 20.4 24.5
Hardwood 18 4.5 2.1 2330 33 0.3 2.7 22.3 29.5
Wood-free fine papers are most commonly made from a blend of bleached hardwood and softwood
Kraft pulps, typically in about a 2:1 ratio, but the balance can vary with grammage (eg less softwood
pulp as the grammage rises). A study using two well-characterised bleached Kraft pulps (see table
above) has shown how certain pulp attributes influence the sizing efficiency for a cationic starch-
emulsified AKD size (3.3 kg AKD/tonne pulp dose).
The difference between the sizing of bleached softwood (BSWK) and hardwood Kraft (BHWK) pulps is
clearly demonstrated in the first figure above at left, where the sizing deteriorates progressively with a
higher proportion of softwood. The refined BSWK pulp has a greater impact on the loss of sizing than
the as-received BSWK pulp and the middle figure above shows that the fines from BSWK are more
deleterious than BHWK fines. The AKD retention was similar (23-27%, giving about 0.8 kg AKD/tonne
paper) across all the handsheets (which were made without retention aids), indicating that the most
likely explanation for these effects is the different specific surface area of the fines (see above table).
The fines in all these examples was a mixture of primary and secondary fines as the samples were
obtained from a paper mill after refining. The right-hand figure indicates that BHWK secondary fines
are comparable with BSWK mixed fines in terms of reduced sizing and significantly more deleterious
than primary BHWK fines. These results have important implications for pulp treatment at paper mills:
the need for good refiner control so as not to over-refine any pulp
the need for separate refining of BHWK and BSWK pulps (as is often, but not always, practised)
so as not to over-refine unnecessarily the BHWK pulp.
The dissolved solids content of bleached Kraft pulps is lower than other pulps (usually < 1%) simply
because most of the potentially-soluble materials have been dissolved and removed from the pulp
during bleaching. The dissolved solids that do remain in the pulp are a mixture of residual bleaching
chemicals that give rise to some pulp-derived conductivity and dissolved organics (mainly hemi-
cellulose carbohydrates). Because of the tremendous change in bleaching chemistry since the early
1990s, great caution is required in interpreting published data on the characteristics of dissolved solids
in bleached Kraft pulps as most of the data prior to this time will be for older-style chlorine-bleached
pulps. Data on dissolution from ECF and TCF bleached Kraft pulps are shown in those sections.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 64
Both processes use auxiliary chemicals such as sodium silicate and chelants to maximise the activity
of the bleaching agent through minimising their decomposition reactions. The ISO brightness of the
mechanical pulp can be increased from 50-70% before bleaching to around 80% with a 2-stage
peroxide bleaching process, but this brightness level is no more stable than that of an unbleached
pulp due to the problem of brightness reversion.
Apart from raising the pulp brightness, hydrosulphite bleaching has little impact on the chemical
character of the bleached pulp, but peroxide bleaching brings about two significant changes:
the alkaline conditions of peroxide bleaching lead to significant dissolution of wood substances
(loss of yield) and to potentially high quantities of dissolved solids in the resultant pulp
the oxidising action of peroxide leads to the introduction of new anionic groups, which may be
useful in papermaking if the charged substances remain associated with the fibre, but become a
problem if they dissolve in the papermaking system and then contribute to anionic trash.
Bleaching of spruce TMPs with hydrogen peroxide leads to hydrolysis of the acetyl (CH 3CO) groups
on the galactoglucomannan hemi-celluloses and dissolution of up to 20 kg acetic acid/tonne pulp. This
deacetylation reduces the solubility of the galactoglucomannans so that they are re-deposited on the
fibres, but this loss of solubility also destabilises colloidal pitch particles. One example quotes a
reduction of 75% in dissolved glucomannans (from about 8 to 2 kg/tonne pulp) after peroxide
bleaching. The pectin substances in the wood (many of which are present as methyl esters) are also
hydrolysed, but in this case to the more-soluble acid, one example quoting a 4-fold increase in
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 65
dissolved galacturonic acid on peroxide bleaching (from about 1 to 4 kg/tonne pulp). The cationic
demand of the peroxide-bleached pulp was also about 4x that of the unbleached pulp.
Other studies have confirmed that hydrosulphite bleaching has no effect on the level of anionic
substances in the pulp and also provided further data on the level of charged substances from
peroxide bleaching:
data in this table indicates an approximate doubling of total anionic substances on bleaching a
spruce TMP (from about 90 to 180 μeq/g)
the total anionic charge of a spruce TMP approximately doubled on bleaching, from about 80 to
175 eq/g for one pulp's fibre fraction and from 140 to 350 eq/g for its fines fraction.
the total charge of a pulp increased from 90 to 290 eq/g on bleaching with the dissolved material
accounting for 20 eq/g (22%) of the total charge in the unbleached pulp and 80 eq/g (28%) in
the bleached pulp.
Because of the increased dissolution during peroxide-based COD (kg/t) Cationic demand (eq/t)
bleaching, the installation of a bleaching stage at a mechanical 120 300
pulp mill often includes a more efficient washing stage after
bleaching. The example at right shows the profile for cationic 80 200
demand (CD) and dissolved organics (as COD) from a stone
40 100
groundwood pulp as it passes through a peroxide bleach plant.
The first thickening stage lowers the organics in the CD
0 0
unbleached pulp (UBP) in line with the increased consistency. 7% 37% 32% 8% 38% 4.4%
Bleaching contributes a further 30 kg COD/tonne pulp and 80 UBP Bleached pulp
eg CD/tonne (80 μeq/g), which agrees with the figure quoted Source: Brauer et al in Pulp Paper
above. Dilution of the bleached pulp increases the COD and Canada, 2001, 102, 4, 44-48..
This is the process of improving the whiteness or brightness of a papermaking pulp so that it is
compatible with the grade of paper being made. The process of bleaching may be applied to all types
of pulp - virgin mechanical pulps, virgin chemical pulps, deinked pulps and, in some cases, to machine
broke (albeit the latter is more decolorising than bleaching). In each case, the mechanism is different
and this is described further under each pulp heading.
This is a very generic term for products that exceed a certain thickness (usually 0.3mm) or a certain
grammage (about 250 g/m ). However, the term is used very loosely as some products with values
below these criteria are often referred to as boards, eg linerboard. Other than those board grades
used for packaging, there are a number of other board products such as plasterboard where the board
forms the outer barriers for the plaster sandwich.
This is an abbreviation for biochemical oxygen demand.
This term may be used in many circumstances, but there are two main ones in papermaking:
bonds within chemicals which are described under chemical bonds
inter-fibre bonds, which are due to hydrogen bonds between cellulose molecules, but the overall
bond strength also depends on the conformability of the bulk fibres.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 67
Boron is the lead element in Group 13 of the Periodic Table, but is not commonly found in
papermaking systems. The most common salts of boron are the borates, notably borax -
Na2B4O7.10H2O. Borates can be present in papermaking systems using recovered paper through the
use of borax as a cross-linking agent with starches used as adhesives in the manufacture of
corrugated cases. Sodium borohydride is used to generate sodium hydrosulphite.
As shown in the general picture at right, bridging is a type of
aggregation process for fine particles brought about by certain types of
polymer. This is one of the various types of fine particle aggregation that is
often referred to as flocculation. Aggregation by bridging is brought about by
polymers that are initially adsorbed on one particle, but are able to contact
the surface of a nearby particle via the polymer loops that protrude from the surface (see this more
detailed figure). This type of adsorption is most likely to occur for high molecular weight polymers
having a low-moderate charge density in the presence of an oppositely-charged concentrated
It is also possible to use bridging polymers with the same charge as the particle surface, but this
normally requires the use of a cationic substance to act as a link between the anionic particle and the
anionic polymer (see picture at right). The cationic material could
be a multi-valent cation such as calcium or alum/PAC or a low
molecular weight, highly-charged cationic polymer similar to those -
used in a "blocking" mode with cationic bridging polymers -
described above. This approach is particularly useful when the +
system contains a high level of cationic material that is essential - - - - -
for some other functional effect (eg wet strength), where the -
particle surface may be fully cationic due to the high addition rate
required. An example of the reflocculation ability of a dual polymer system with an anionic
polyacrylamide and polyethyleneimine is shown here. The use of anionic starches with PAC is another
example of this type of system, although inter-particle bridging is not the aim in this case.
This is short-hand for fluorescent brightening agent.
This is an important optical property of some papers, which is similar to, but not the same as,
whiteness. It is relevant to many paper grades, but mainly to those destined for printing such as most
wood-free and wood-containing papers and some packaging grades. The brightness of a paper is
critically dependent on the brightness of the pulp plus the level and types of any filler or fluorescent
brightener added. The brightness of paper is measured as the ratio of the reflectance of the paper
when illuminated by blue light at a wavelength of 457nm compared to the reflectance of a magnesium
oxide standard. It is usually expressed as a percentage rather than as a fraction, but is also
sometimes expressed in degrees or points. It is a directional measurement with illumination of the
o o
paper surface at 45 and observation at 0 (ie normal to the surface).
Brightness reversion
This is the process (sometimes referred to as "yellowing") where a mechanical pulp or, more typically,
a wood-containing paper loses some of its original brightness and becomes darker over time when
exposed to ultra-violet light. This is due to the oxidation of lignin compounds, notably the introduction
of carbonyl (C =O) groups and is believed to be caused by hydroxyl free radicals. Attempts have been
made to suppress this effect using inhibitors such as vinylpyrrolidone and its polymers.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 69
Britt Jar
This is an alternative name for the dynamic drainage jar, named after its developer, the late Ken Britt
of the Empire State Paper Research Institute (ESPRI) at the University of Syracuse in New York state.
This is the papermaker's term for non-saleable product due to the paper not conforming to its
specification, ie unacceptable quality. There may be numerous reasons for this, but they can be
broken down into two types:
not meeting the required specification for one or more parameters (such as grammage, sizing
level, etc) throughout the manufacturing run, which is likely to be caused by some fundamental
problem (eg an incorrect pump setting or a retention-related problem)
a lack of uniformity within one or more reels, which is likely to be caused by variability somewhere
in the system.
In nearly all cases, broke is returned to the papermaking system after a period of storage, which
ranges from a few hours to several weeks. Broke is a form of non-deinked recycled pulp (in the sense
that it is usually returned with no chemical treatment), but one with the significant advantage that it is
(or should be when managed properly) of known chemical composition. By re-using broke on identical
or similar grades, the recyclability of all its components, not just the fibre, can be maximised.
The type and quantity of broke may have a very significant impact on the paper machine's wet end
chemistry, but this depends on the grade of paper being made. The most significant impacts occur
when the paper is being surface-treated either at the size press or by coating, as the surface-added
chemicals are not designed to be effective at the wet end and may have detrimental effects. Broke
that does not contain surface-added chemicals may be "cleaner" (in the sense that it contains less
problematic substances) than the fresh pulps, Broke flow m /min) CD (μeq/l)
10 200
although this does depend on the type of fresh pulp
and the machine's degree of water closure (as this 150
Cationic demand
affects the retention of dissolved solids). An example
5 100
is shown at right for a 100% deinked newsprint
machine, where an increased broke flow shows a
Broke flow
good inverse correlation with the cationic demand 0 0
(CD) of the mixed (broke and deinked pulp) stock for Source: Gill, R at Papex Awards 2001.
papermaking. Unfortunately, this beneficial effect of
broke recycling is not as common as the converse.
The most serious adverse effects from broke recycling are due to:
size press starches, which, with the exception of cationic types, are weakly held by the fibre and
thus contribute to the dissolved solids entering the wet end. A machine re-using 20% broke that
contains 5% starch (a not-atypical level for many papers) returns to the wet end a starch load of
1% (on paper production), but the significance of this depends on the grade being made. For fine
paper machines using bleached chemical or deinked pulps, the broke is likely to be the biggest
source of dissolved solids (mainly organics) at the wet end. For packaging machines using
recycled (non-deinked) pulp, the broke-derived organics are less significant as the recycled pulp
could itself contain up to about 5% starch. The main adverse effect from the return of such size
press starches is the well-known range of microbiological problems, but other effects such as
impaired drainage and a contribution to anionic trash are also possible.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 70
fluorescent brightening agents (FBAs), which, when added at the size press, are likely to be of the
more water-soluble tetra- or hexa-sulphonated type. The unmanaged return of such broke could
cause significant product quality problems, but the fluorescence can be controlled by addition of
quenching chemicals. Being highly anionic and water-soluble, such brighteners also contribute to
anionic trash levels.
dispersants present in coating pigments and/or added to the coating formulation. These represent
a problem at the wet end as they tend to be highly anionic (such as the polyacrylates) and thus
contribute to the interfering anionic trash fraction (see this example).
latex from coated broke leading to the possibility of problems from white pitch.
dyes are generally added at the wet end, so should be reasonably well-retained with the
particulate matrix when coloured broke is recycled. However, when the return of coloured broke is
not positively managed and is made to grades of different colour, the broke requires bleaching.
Although this gets rid of the colour incompatibility, such treatment is likely to be more efficient in
dissolving substances from the broke than simple repulping and is thus generally undesirable from
a wet end chemistry perspective.
wet strength resins are generally added at the wet end, but wet strengthened broke cannot be
used without special treatment as it does not readily disperse into separate fibres. Special
treatment is thus inevitable, but is facilitated by recycling the broke as quickly as possible.
It is evident that many of the surface-applied chemicals that reach the wet end through broke recycling
cause problems of one sort or another. It is thus paramount that broke production is minimised, not
just because of the raw materials that are irrecoverably lost, but because of these adverse effects on
wet end chemistry which then adversely influence productivity and product quality.
As with all substances that cause problems, these are best prevented at source by using materials
that cause no or less severe wet end problems and, if this is not possible, by trying to stop the
recycled substance express this undesirable effect. For water-soluble substances, the simplest way is
to thicken or wash the repulped broke before mixing it with the rest of the papermaking stock.
Like chlorine, this element belongs to the halogen group (17) of the Periodic Table, but has a much
higher molecular mass (79.9). It exists as a brown liquid (Br 2) at ambient temperatures, but is not
supplied or used in this form at paper mills.
Bromine is present in the following raw materials, all of which are used to control some aspect of the
microbiology within the papermaking process:
sodium bromide, which is used to generate sodium hypobromite
organic bromine- (and chlorine-) release compounds such as BCDMH
ammonium bromide, which is used with sodium hypochlorite
other organo-bromine compounds.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 71
Brownian motion
This motion is possessed by all particles due to their inherent thermal energy. From the kinetic theory
initially developed for gases, all molecules and particles posses, in the absence of an external force, a
translational kinetic energy which is equal to 1.5kT where k = Boltzmann's constant = 1.38 x 10
o o
Joule/ K and T = temperature ( K). The fact that the energy is the same for all particles (irrespective of
their size) means that the attainable velocity gets progressively smaller as the particle size increases
and is thus insignificant for particles greater than about 1 in size. Brownian motion is responsible for
the process of diffusion and for the perikinetic aggregation of particles.
This term is used to denote the specific volume of paper in units of cm /g, which is simply the
reciprocal of the sheet density.
Burst strength
This strength parameter is the paper's resistance to puncture and is measured, most commonly in a
Mullen-type tester, by pressuring a constrained paper sample via an air-inflated membrane until it
ruptures. Burst strength is expressed as a pressure (kPa) or in a normalised form as the burst factor
or burst index where the burst strength is divided by the grammage (kPa.m /g). The value of burst
strength reflects the average MD/CD tensile strength of the paper and its MD elongation at failure.
Butyric acid
This is one of a number of simple organic acids that Normal (n-) butyric acid - CH3CH2CH2COOH
can be generated within the papermaking system by Iso-butyric acid H 3C
certain types of acid-producing bacteria. The acid
exists in two isomeric forms as shown at right.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 72
Calcined clay
When kaolin clay is heated at high temperature (calcined), the water of hydration is removed and the
platelets fuse in a face-to-face configuration. This produces a bulky clay with a high void content and
thus excellent light scattering ability (see this table for characteristics of calcined clay versus ordinary
Calcium (Ca) is the second element of the alkaline earth metals (Group 2 of the Periodic Table) and
has an atomic mass of 40. It is a very common element in papermaking systems, occurring in three
possible forms:
calcium carbonate minerals, which are widely used as wet end fillers and coating pigments
calcium sulphate minerals, which are used as coating pigments, but this practise is not common
as a dissolved cation, most commonly associated with either bicarbonate or sulphate anions. The
main sources of dissolved calcium are:
- the hardness salts naturally present in fresh water
- dissolution of calcium carbonate under acidic conditions at the wet end
- dissolution of calcium sulphate from coated broke.
it can be precipitated, most commonly as the carbonate, but also sometimes as the sulphate or
oxalate, thus contributing to general deposits and/or scale.
it contributes to general electrolyte levels and their attendant (usually undesirable) effects.
As with all soluble ions, the dissolved calcium concentration on the paper machine depends on its
input load and the degree of water closure (see these values for several machines with fully-closed
water systems). It is evident from the above list that dissolved calcium has both positive and negative
effects at the wet end of paper machines. Putting aside the few rather special cases where calcium
sulphate is used as a pigment, dissolved calcium is, on balance, undesirable and, so far as this is
practicable, its presence should be minimised. Where its level cannot be reduced, its potential
advantages in terms of using additives in an anionic rather than a cationic form (eg anionic starches)
should be fully explored.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 73
The form of the dissolved calcium is important only in relation to its tendency to precipitate as calcium
carbonate, which arises only when it is accompanied by the bicarbonate anion. This happens when it
is present in fresh water as temporary hardness and when it is dissolved from calcium carbonate by
carbon dioxide, which occurs mainly through microbial activity. The latter is a major problem on some
paper machines, notably those operating substantially closed water systems. In such cases, control of
microbial activity is one of the best ways to minimise dissolved calcium concentrations.
Because of these effects, it is important that the concentration of dissolved calcium within the wet end
is regularly monitored. In the dissolved state, this can be done simply by EDTA titration at alkaline
(>11) pH, where any magnesium is precipitated prior to titration. Alternative techniques include ion
chromatography and specific ion electrodes.
Calcium bicarbonate
This is one of the main forms of dissolved calcium present in the papermaking system and has two
possible sources:
temporary hardness in the fresh water
dissolution of calcium carbonate through interaction with carbon dioxide as shown below:
CaCO3 + H20 + CO2 Ca(HCO3)2
As discussed under calcium generally, dissolved calcium associated with any anion is, on balance,
undesirable at the wet end and calcium bicarbonate has the further disadvantage that it may
precipitate as calcium carbonate, which may then deposit as an attached scale. It is quite possible for
calcium carbonate to dissolve in one part of the papermaking system (for example, due to microbially-
generated CO2 from slimes) and then re-precipitate in another, where the chemistry is less aggressive.
The presence of calcium bicarbonate in fresh water is important to the use of fresh water on wet end
showers. The heating and pressurisation of shower waters changes the equilibrium position of the
reactions influencing the stability of calcium carbonate and this may lead to precipitation around the
shower head or within the formation fabric or press felt. There are several techniques available to
reduce the water's tendency to precipitate calcium carbonate under such circumstances:
pH adjustment
The pH at which the precipitation reaction is at equilibrium can be calculated from Langelier's
equation for situations where the system is closed to the atmosphere (ie no exchange of CO 2).
The pH of the water can then be adjusted accordingly.
Calcium carbonate
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a very common material in many papermaking systems, where it is
used for two main purposes:
as a wet end filler at levels up to about 30% of the paper content
as a coating pigment at levels up to about 90% of the coating layer.
It is also sometimes used at much lower addition levels (about 1% on pulp) for pH control and, in this
case, the calcium carbonate dissolves and releases calcium ions into solution and generating carbon
dioxide gas, as shown below.
+ 2+
CaCO3 + 2H Ca + H2O + CO2
Calcium carbonate added as a filler or pigment can also dissolve incidentally at the wet end by
reacting with mineral acidity (as above) or by reacting with local acidity (for example, that generated in
situ by microbiological activity). The calcium thus dissolved might re-precipitate, perhaps in a different
physical form, in another part of the papermaking system where the water chemistry is different. It is
also possible that dissolved calcium from other sources (eg temporary hardness in the fresh water)
could precipitate as calcium carbonate if the water is not at chemical equilibrium. If precipitation occurs
within the papermaking stock, this causes no real problems, but it can sometimes occur within
machine fabrics or as a scale on the surface of pipes and spray-heads, in both cases causing
blockage problems (see calcium bicarbonate for discussion of the techniques to prevent this).
The dissolution of calcium carbonate under acid conditions limits its practical use to systems where
the pH exceeds about 6.5. In pure water (ie no other materials present), the solubility of carbonates is
determined only by the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, which gives an equilibrium concentration of
about 20 mg/l (as dissolved Ca) for calcium carbonate at pH 8.4. In the presence of other neutral
electrolytes, the solubility of calcium carbonate increases and might double to around 40 mg/l (as
dissolved Ca) in the most concentrated papermaking systems. Under more alkaline conditions, its
solubility decreases due to the increased ionisation of bicarbonate to carbonate. Temperature has a
negative effect on carbonate solubility due to the reduction in equilibrium carbon dioxide levels with
the solubility at 50 C being about 13 mg/l (as dissolved Ca) in electrolyte-free water. These issues
related to calcium carbonate instability are relevant to wet end chemistry, but rarely to the use of
calcium carbonates in coating.
Calcium carbonate occurs naturally in two main crystalline forms – aragonite and calcite with the latter
being the most stable and therefore predominating in most of the natural minerals. Calcite has a basic
trigonal structure, but this can be combined in different ways to give an enormous variety of crystal
forms (see pictures below).
Calcium carbonates are reckoned to account for about 4% of the Earth's crust and occur naturally in
various forms, the main ones being:
limestone, which is a sedimentary material originating from both biological (the skeletal remains of
marine organisms) and chemical processes
chalk, which is a sedimentary material derived solely from animal/plant remains and is much softer
than limestone
marble, which is a hard, coarse, metamorphic form of limestone/chalk.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 75
All three minerals are used in papermaking with limestone and chalk being the most widely-used. All
the natural carbonates have a high purity and are manufactured simply by classification and, in some
cases (eg for the harder marbles and limestone), by grinding to give commercial products with a
defined particle size distribution. The density of all calcium carbonates is 2.7 kg/dm and refractive
index 1.58, but the papermaking properties of calcium carbonate fillers vary with type and grade as
summarised below for some typical products.
Calcium carbonates account for about half of global mineral use for filling and coating, but for well over
half of total filler use in Europe. The major trend in mineral use over the last 30 years has been the
swing away from kaolin clay to calcium carbonate and, over the last 10 years, the fracturing of the
carbonate market between the traditional natural carbonates and the synthetic precipitated calcium
carbonates (PCCs). The latter account for about one third of global calcium carbonate use in
papermaking, but, in North America, PCC accounts for about 80% of total carbonate use. The reasons
for the rise of calcium carbonate are now well known as listed below:
in Europe, the slightly lower cost of natural carbonates than clay and, in North America, the much
lower cost of PCC compared to the more prevalent titanium dioxide
higher natural brightness, particularly for the ground marbles and PCCs, which are brighter than
fully-bleached chemical pulps
stronger, more durable fibres when paper is made at neutral/alkaline pH (an inherent feature of
carbonate use due to its solubility under acid conditions) rather than at the acid pH regime that
tended to accompany the use of clay
greater sheet permeability and easier water removal from the web at the machine wet end due to
the more rounded shape of carbonates compared to the platy clays
in coating applications, the less glossy, more matt finish imparted to the coated sheet by calcium
carbonate compared to clay.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 76
The above attributes that calcium carbonates bring to papermaking have nothing, per sec, to do with
their actual chemical constitution. However, when calcium carbonates are used within a pulp-based
furnish as fillers at the wet end or within the pigment-dominated coating suspension, their interactions
with other materials are strongly influenced by their surface chemistry.
The surface chemistry of calcium carbonate is determined largely by the adsorption of materials from
solution. In the absence of such materials, the surface charge is determined by the adsorption or
dissolution of calcium and carbonate ions with a predicted isoelectric point around pH 8.4. Below this
pH, the charge should be positive, but the adsorption of anions from electrolytes often makes the
measured charge negative at normal papermaking pH levels. The influence of three different
electrolytes is illustrated in the two examples shown below for a natural chalk (about 95% CaCO 3) and
a PCC (close to 100% CaCO3). The chalk is anionic in deionised water and in the presence of high
low-high concentrations of sodium chloride and sulphate. In the presence of calcium chloride,
however, there was strong calcium adsorption with charge reversal occurring at about 400 mg/l
dissolved Ca. Although the purer PCC is cationic in deionised water, it is still able to adsorb further
calcium from solution, but the charge can also be reversed at high concentrations of neutral sodium
These significant differences in surface charge would affect the adsorption of additives such as
cationic starch in a system when only these two materials are present. However, in a papermaking
system in the presence of pulp, the surface chemistry and charge of the fillers is changed by the
presence of substances (such as anionic hemi-celluloses) that have dissolved from the pulp (see
these examples for other mineral particles).
Calcium oxalate
This is a precipitate (CaC2O4) that may be formed in papermaking systems using sulphite pulps as
oxalic acid is produced in this pulping process. The precipitate is more common in the pulping system,
but oxalate ions may be carried over with the pulp depending on the pulp washing efficiency.
Calcium stearate
The calcium soap of stearic acid (C17H33COO)2Ca is used in an emulsion form as a lubricant in
conventional aqueous pigment coating.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 77
Calcium sulphate
This material (CaSO4 in its anhydrous form) is present in the papermaking system from three possible
permanent hardness in the fresh water
calcium sulphate (gypsum) used as a coating pigment
from the interaction between calcium carbonate filler and added alum or sulphuric acid.
Except where calcium sulphate pigment is being used, the concentration of calcium sulphate is usually
well below its solubility limit, but precipitates have been observed on recycled machines running under
acid conditions and with quite closed water systems. The solubility of calcium sulphate is about 2.1 g/l
o o
at 25 C, but declines with increasing temperature to about 1.5 g/l at 50 C.
This is the process of contacting the paper with a roll in order to create a smoother paper surface and
perhaps to improve the cross-direction caliper uniformity. It is usually performed on-machine on the
dried paper web although, because the web moisture has a profound effect on web compressibility, a
controlled amount of water may be added to the web prior to calendering via water boxes or
steam/mist showers. Calendering is carried out in a calender stack where the web passes through
various nips between rolls of the same or different hardnesses. Supercalendering involves a
combination of hard and soft rolls in the same nip. In most cases, calendering is thus a purely physical
process, but the water boxes can sometimes be used for adding certain chemicals to the finished
paper surface (eg sizes).
This is the term for the thickness of papers, usually measured in microns or mm and is used in the
calculation of sheet density (=grammage/caliper). Caliper may be used to distinguish between
products labelled as papers or as boards. There is no universally-accepted demarcation line although
a caliper of 0.3 mm is sometimes used. Caliper is particularly important for products where stiffness is
a key property.
This is a generic term for compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which have the general formula
Cx(H2O)y (but not all chemicals having a formula that can be written in this form are carbohydrates, eg
acetic acid where x=y=2). Their chemical name (at least for the simpler ones) usually ends in -ose and
they are divided into two broad categories - the sugars and the polysaccharides. Soluble
carbohydrates are often analysed in papermaking stock or water samples by simple colorimetric
methods such as the reaction with phenol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 78
This is the central element in organic chemistry and features in many of the materials used in
papermaking. Carbon is the first element in Group 14 of the Periodic Table and the mass of its main
isotope ( C) defines the atomic mass unit or Dalton. Elemental carbon is used as a black pigment.
This divalent anion (CO3 ) is rarely encountered in the dissolved state at the wet end of paper
machines as the pK value for the following reaction is too high (pK = 10 at 25 C).
- + 2-
HCO3 H + CO3
This means that very little dissolved carbonate will be present below pH 8.5, the upper pH limit for
most paper machines. Carbonate is commonly present at the wet end of some paper machines in the
particulate phase in the form of calcium carbonate. Any dissolution of calcium carbonate through
interaction with acidity yields a mixture of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. Sodium carbonate is
sometimes added to the wet end to boost the alkalinity and give better on-machine sizing when AKD is
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a sparingly-soluble, colourless gas, which is very important environmentally
due to its involvement in global warming. The levels of CO2 introduced into papermaking water
systems are derived from three sources:
the atmosphere, where the current concentration is about 370 ppm by volume (ppmv)
the dissolution of calcium carbonates under acidic conditions
the activity of micro-organisms.
Carbon dioxide plays a key role in the various equilibria that determine the balance of anions in the
following series of reactions:
+ - + 2-
CO2 (g) CO2 (aq) + H2O H2CO3 H + HCO3 H + CO3
In accordance with Henry's Law, [CO2 (aq)] + [H2CO3] = pCO2/KH where pKH = 1.5 at 25 C
The equilibrium dissolved CO2 concentration with atmospheric CO2 is about 0.5 mg/l at 25 C, but
decreases to about 0.3 mg/l at 50 C. The pH of deionised water in equilibrium with atmospheric CO 2 is
about 6 at 25 C. Carbon dioxide is thus a sparingly soluble gas, but much higher concentrations can
be dissolved in the form of bicarbonates and carbonates through the interaction with alkaline
substances, which drives the above reactions to the right.
However, It is the local partial pressure of CO2 that determines the equilibrium CO2 concentration and
this may be much higher (eg within an attached microbial slime deposit or near to a dissolving calcium
carbonate particle) than in the external atmosphere. It is worth noting that, in producing a dissolved
calcium level of 100 mg/l through dissolution of calcium carbonate, a similar concentration of CO 2 is
released into the liquid phase. The resulting micro-bubbles of super-saturated carbon dioxide form
larger bubbles as they attempt to reach the air surface and, during this process, become part of the
entrained gas fraction.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 79
The kinetics of the absorption and release of CO 2 are not as fast as other reactions in the
bicarbonate/carbonate equilibria and water systems are often super-saturated with respect to CO2 due
to poor mixing. When bicarbonates are present in the water entering the drying section with the paper
sheet, the pH of the liquid phase will increase as the temperature of the sheet rises and CO 2 is
expelled. This increased pH in the drying sheet may be an important factor in the curing of AKD sizes,
where extra alkalinity in the form of bicarbonate or carbonate is sometimes added at the wet end.
Carbonless-copy paper
This is a speciality wood-free coated paper where two forms of coating are applied on opposite sides:
the coated front (CF) sheet, which contains colour-forming micro-capsules.
the coated back (CB) layer, where the coating is an aqueous acid formulation containing a
bentonite or hectorite clay.
This is a common functional group (C = O) in organic chemicals such as aldehydes, ketones, lactones,
and carboxylic acids.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 80
Carboxylic acids
These are organic compounds containing the -COOH group, which is present in many substances in
resin acids in the extractives fraction of virgin pulps
fatty acids from various sources
volatile organic acids (such as acetic acid) generated by anaerobic microbial activity
glucuronic acid derivatives in hemi-celluloses
pectin substances in virgin pulps
oxalates present in some pulps
rosin compounds used for sizing
in the form of the acid anhydride in ASA size
in the form of a keto-acid when AKD hydrolyses
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) additives
anionic polyacrylamides used as retention aids
polyacrylate dispersants used with fillers/pigments in slurry form
polyvinyl acetate binders used in coating
adipic acid used to make PAE resins and sometimes used with ASA size
proteins that also have some basic properties
alginates used in some coating formulations.
The simple ionisation reaction to form the carboxylate ion plays an important role in the functionality of
many carboxyl-containing chemicals in papermaking.
- +
As the carboxyl group is usually only weakly acidic (pK value about 5), it typically ionises in the pH
range 3-7, thus increasing the anionicity of the carboxyl-containing substance. This may be essential
for the functionality of some additives (such as rosin and polyacrylates), but for other compounds
(such as the resins acids which cause pitch and pectins which, when dissolved, contribute to anionic
trash), it is the ionisation that causes the problems. The carboxyl content or anionicity of these
materials can be measured by some form of charge titration.
There are many examples of such ionisation effects In this document - here for the effect of pH on the
charge of a bleached Kraft pulp, here for the relationship between pulp zeta potential and anionic
(carboxyl) group content and here for the effect of pH on the charge of pitch.
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)
This is a water-soluble derivative of cellulose used for range of applications in papermaking, but CMC
is mainly added to the paper surface rather than at the wet end. It is made by the reaction between
alkaline cellulose and chloroacetic acid, in which some of the cellulose hydroxyl groups are converted
to carboxymethyl groups as shown at right. H2C - CO2H
This depiction of the molecule shows the
most common substitution at the 2 and 6 H2C - CO2H
positions on the glucose unit. The polymer is
usually produced as the sodium salt in a O
number of grades of varying molecular
weight and degree of substitution (DS). CH2
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 81
As the degree of substitution increases, the CMC becomes more hydrophilic and water-soluble. The
normal degree of substitution is 0.2-0.3, so that there is on average one carboxymethyl group
associated with every 1-2 glucose units, giving an anionic charge density of 1.8-2.5 meq/g. The
anionicity of CMC ensures that the polymers adopt an extended conformation in solution at low
concentrations, but they do become more coiled at higher concentrations, ultimately forming a gel.
The degree of substitution influences the rheological properties of CMC solutions, which are
thixotropic at lower DS levels and pseudoplastic at higher DS. CMC is produced in solution and
powder form, the latter being soluble in cold water, but dissolution is more rapid in warm water (up to
50 C). CMC solutions are quite stable in terms of microbial degradation as CMC is poorly
CMC is used at the wet end of the paper machine, one of its most significant applications being to
improve the performance (retention) of PAE wet strength resins. It can also be used as a dry strength
additive at the wet end, usually in combination with another additive such as cationic starch. Because
of its anionic character, CMC has also been used as a so-called formation aid to reduce fibre
flocculation (see example here). Other wet end applications are to reduce linting and enhance porosity
in wood-containing papers. Due to its good film-forming ability, CMC is used at the size press in
combination with starch to enhance surface strength, water retention and optimum performance of
fluorescent brighteners.
In coating applications, CMC is classified as a co-binder, but it also functions as a rheology modifier
and water retention agent. It is most commonly used as a co-binder with latices, where it provides the
viscosity and water retention otherwise lacking. CMC has a greater interaction with clay pigments than
with calcium carbonates, particularly at high shear, so lower molecular weight CMC grades tend to be
used with clays. As at the size press, CMC is particularly valuable in coatings through its ability to act
as a good carrier for fluorescent brighteners.
This is a protein (in fact a phospho-protein) derived from milk, which contains both hydrophilic and
hydrophobic amino-acids. It is used as a dispersing agent to prepare stable, anionic rosin dispersions
and has also been used as a coating binder.
This enzyme breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water. It is not used positively in papermaking, but is
present simply as a result of the growth of micro-organisms. Minimising catalase activity within
deinking systems that use hydrogen peroxide for bleaching is important as bleaching efficiency is
otherwise reduced significantly. It can be controlled by dosing of glutaraldehyde.
This is the term for any simple ion that possesses a positive charge, the most common in papermaking
2+ +
being calcium (Ca ) and sodium (Na ). It can also be applied to polymers with positively-charged
groups, but this is not common.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 82
This is the term used to describe a substance that has a positive charge. In papermaking, this covers
simple cations and more complex cationic polymers. It should be emphasised that all such polymers
are actually neutral as supplied, but the term "cationic" means that the polymer backbone contains a
number of cationic groups, which is always due to the presence of an amine group. However, this
cationic charge is always balanced by an identical anionic charge in the form of simple anions such as
Cationic demand
This is a type of charge demand in which anionic substances in the sample react with added cationic
chemicals. The cationic demand is measured by titrating the sample against a standard cationic
chemical, usually a cationic polymer. There are various forms of this titration, which are discussed
further under charge titration. The cationic demand may be measured on the whole sample or a
fractionated sample, most commonly one containing only soluble materials, ie after sample filtration or
centrifugation. The most common measurement units are charge equivalents (eq) per litre of sample
volume (best for filtered samples) or per g of particulate solids (best for just the particulate fraction by
deducting the liquid phase demand from the total demand).
The most common application of this measurement is to measure the cationic demand from anionic
trash, ie of negatively-charged substances associated only with the liquid phase. Unless the level of
these substances is being controlled via an online sensor such as a streaming current detector, their
concentration on the paper machine is likely to be very variable (see this example for a newsprint
Cationic dye
The charge on that part of the dye molecule that determines its colour properties is one way of
classifying dyes. Cationic dyes are sub-divided into the traditional basic dyes and the cationic direct
Cationic polymer
A cationic polymer is one with a number of positive charges on the polymer backbone, but with a
balancing number of charges in the form of a simple anion such as chloride (Cl ) associated with it.
There are an enormous number of cationic polymers used in papermaking, the reason being the
anionic charge of most particulate substances. A cationic charge thus provides an excellent driving
force for that substance to be adsorbed on the particulate surface and thus retained in the paper. All
cationic polymers possess a cationic charge due to the presence of the nitrogen atom in amine
groups, which may be tertiary (attached to three carbon atoms) or quaternary (attached to four carbon
atoms). The latter are preferable as they retain their cationic charge at all pH levels.
dry strength aids such as cationic starches and the cationic form of polyacrylamides
Cationic starch
Cationic starch is the most common, but not the only, starch type used at the wet end and it can also
be used at the size press, but not usually for coating. As a dry strength additive, it is mainly used at
the wet end where improved body strength is required in the paper, ie with papers using filler and
recycled pulps or where pulp refining is undesirable, eg tissue grades. It is used at the wet end
because of its superior adsorption characteristics over other starch types, which is also the main
reason why it is sometimes used at the size press. Cationic starch is also used to emulsify some sizing
agents (AKD and ASA) and its presence is often harnessed with some retention aid systems, eg with
colloidal silica.
Cationic starches are thus a type of etherified starch with the reaction mainly taking place at carbon 2
on the glucose unit. In the case illustrated above, the nitrogen responsible for the cationic charge is
quaternary, but some cationic starches are produced utilising similar reagents, but with tertiary
nitrogens. The latter do not maintain their cationic character under all conditions, as shown here in
relation to the effect of pH. When the above reaction is applied to potato starches, the resulting
product is more precisely an amphoteric starch due to the natural anionic phosphate groups already
The degree of starch cationicity is an important characteristic in relation to both the price and wet end
performance of the starch. As the cationising agents are expensive weight-for-weight compared to
native starch, the price of the cationised product increases significantly with cationic charge density. In
order to improve the economics of cationic starch, attempts have been made to cationise raw starch at
the paper mill, usually as part of the starch cooking process, but this has never been that popular.
by measuring its nitrogen content, commercial cationic starches often being quoted on this basis.
The relationship between DS and N content depends on the molecular weight of the cationising
agent and is not linear.
by charge titration with a standard anionic polymer using either a colorimetric or SCD end-point,
the units then being equivalents per unit mass.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 84
The range of starch cationicities using these three parameters is shown in the table below.
Commercial cationic starches stop far short of the maximum cationicity and are usually in the range
DS 0.03-0.3, ie between 1 and 10% of hydroxyls have been cationised or one in every 3-30 glucose
units on average have a positive charge. Even with a low cationicity of DS 0.03, each amylopectin
molecule (assuming a molecular weight of 10M Daltons) would have around 2000 positive charges
and each amylose molecule (assuming a molecular weight of 0.5M Daltons) would still have 100
positive charges. The “super-high” cationic starches are approaching the cationicity of some fully
synthetic cationic polymers (polyacrylamides), but are used more for charge neutralisation than for
sheet strengthening.
All wet end additives like cationic starch must be retained efficiently in order to be able to express their
functionality in the product and this depends primarily on their ability to be adsorbed by the particulate
matrix. Clear interpretation of starch adsorption data on pulps is complicated by the heterogeneity of
starch in terms of the molecular weights of its two fractions and their consequent differing accessibility
to internal and external regions of pulp surfaces.
In any given papermaking system, the critical property determining the extent of cationic starch
adsorption on the particulate matrix is the starch's cationicity. A typical plot of starch adsorption versus
starch cationicity is shown here for a bleached Kraft pulp refined to 25 SR. Maximum adsorption
decreases with increased starch cationicity as expected for an electrostatic adsorption mechanism.
Increasing the surface area for adsorption by pulp refining or adding filler enhances the adsorption
maximum (as shown here), but starch retention increases only if the pulp fines/filler are themselves
retained. This is illustrated here, where the starch retention declines because the pulp fines were not
efficiently retained.
There have also been shown to be differences in the adsorption of cationic starch depending on a
pulp's drying history. Never-dried bleached Kraft pulps (as used by integrated mills) have a lower
adsorption potential than do the same pulps after drying (as
used by non-integrated mills). The difference is due mainly Maximum adsorbed starch, mg/g
to the fines from the dried pulp having a much greater Dried and refined
adsorption potential (about 250 mg/g) than the fines from
the never-dried pulp (about 150 mg/g) for cationic potato
10 Never-dried and refined
starches with DS 0.01-0.03. At higher DS values (0.05), the
adsorptions are similar (about 70 mg/g fines) seemingly for Bleached SW Kraft pulp
steric reasons. Refining maintains the superior adsorption 0
0 5 10
characteristics of the never-dried pulp and starch adsorption Pulp fines content (%)
increases with fines content for both pulps, as shown at right Source: Wagberg in Nordic Pulp Paper
Research . J., 1993, 4, 399-404.
for cationic starch with DS 0.03.
The presence of filler is quite common when cationic starch is being used as a dry strength agent so
its effect on cationic starch adsorption is important. Fillers on their own show adsorption isotherms with
Adsorbed starch, mg/g a typical Langmuir pattern, as shown at left for a
40 moderate cationic starch (DS = 0.03) on three fillers
30 compared to a bleached Kraft pulp. Although the
Clay surface chemistry of the fillers is different, their
20 Chalk
maximum adsorptions are similar in relation to the
10 Talc 2
surface area of the fillers (3-5 g starch/m ). In practice,
pulp and filler are often both present at the time of
0 10 20 30 40
starch addition, so there will be some competitive
Starch dose (mg/g)
adsorption between them, the outcome of which will
Source: Krogerus at Pira Conference "Recent
be determined by many factors - mixing conditions,
developments in mineral use in papermaking", 1988.
relative pulp/filler concentrations and surface
chemistries. Differences in the latter may be negated by adsorption of pulp-derived organics (see
examples and explanation here).
Another wet end variable is the point of starch addition in terms of pulp (and filler) consistency. The
Langmuir model of adsorption predicts that this has no influence, but this is true only when the
adsorbent and adsorbate are homogeneous and mono- Starch adsorption, mg/g
disperse, which is certainly not true for pulps and
2.5 g/l
starches. The graph at right shows a typical set of data 5.0 g/l
for a refined bleached softwood Kraft pulp, indicating 10 g/l
better adsorption of this cationic potato starch at lower 20
pulp consistencies. Similar patters have been shown
for starch adsorption on fillers alone. This effect is 0
0 100 200 300 400
usually attributed to the competitive adsorption
Equilibrium dissolved starch (mg/l)
between high and low molecular weight starch fractions
Source: Hedborg, Nordic Pulp Paper
depending on the surface-polymer ratio, whereby the Research .J., 1993, 2, 258-263.
low molecular weight fraction is adsorbed mainly at low
surface-polymer ratios.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 86
In addition to some of the furnish-related issues described above, there are three important wet end
parameters that vary widely between machines and which can therefore influence cationic starch
performance - temperature and the concentrations of electrolytes and anionic trash. The impact of
temperature on the adsorption of a cationic starch was shown here, but it should be noted that this
experiment was performed at round pH 4 when there will be a much reduced electrostatic driving force
for adsorption due to the reduced charge on the pulp. At face value, the data shows an increasing
adsorption with rising temperature, but this can only be explained by a decreased entropy on
adsorption, which is unusual.
In the above examples of cationic starch performance, the cationicity of the starch is no higher than a
DS of 0.05, which was considered a high level until about the early 1990s. Since then, the upper limit
for "normal" cationic starches (ie those used primarily for strength improvement at the wet end) has
increased to around DS 0.1 in order to cope with more difficult wet end conditions on some paper
machines, ie higher levels of electrolytes and anionic trash (see this example for performance of
cationic starches with different DS on a deinked furnish with colloidal silica). However, cationic
starches with DS levels up to 0.3 ("super-cationic" starches) have been developed by one supplier
(Raisio), but not as a dry strength agent. In view of their high cationic charge (around 1-1.5 meq/g),
these starches are being used mainly for neutralising anionic trash.
Cationic starches may also be used at the size press. Initially, the reason for this was due to their
excellent adsorption properties, but, in this case, in relation to the ability of such starches to be
retained with the particulate matrix when size press-treated broke is recycled. Data on the proportion
retained in an adsorbed form at the wet end gives a figure of 10-30% for the normal range of non-
cationic size press starches, but this rises to about 80-90% for cationic starch size press starches.
Many applications of cationic starch at the size press have been driven by environmental factors
related to lower wastewater BOD/COD loads, an example of which is shown in the figure below at
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 87
On machines using fillers, it is also possible to make use of the higher starch content in the base
paper to use more filler or less fibre and get better retentions. These calculations can only be done on
a case-by-case basis, but it is likely that a good justification could be made for many fine paper
grades. The situation for the other grade which is a substantial user of size press starch (packagings)
is less clear, particularly on recycled grades, where the wet end (and wastewater) chemistry is more
affected by the incoming furnish than by the machine broke.
Cationic starches are not commonly used as coating binders due to their interaction with the
negatively-charged pigments (particularly clays), which can generate unacceptably high viscosities
under low- and high-shear conditions.
Caustic soda
This is an alternative name for sodium hydroxide.
This is a disaccharide formed between two β-1,4-linked glucose units, which is the type of bond
present in cellulose.
This is a generic name for a number of enzymes that catalyse the breakdown of cellulose molecules:
endocellulases that break -1,4 links at random in the amorphous regions of the cellulose
exocellulases (such as cellobiohydrolases) that remove cellobiose units sequentially from the non-
reducing end of the cellulose, even in crystalline regions
cellobiase (also called -D-glucosidase) that splits cellobiose into molecules of glucose.
Cellulase activity is more prevalent in fungi than bacteria. Extracted cellulases have been developed
to aid ink removal in deinking systems and for improving drainage in papermaking.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 88
This is sometimes referred to as -
cellulose, which is defined as that part of
O-H glucose unit
cellulosic material which is not soluble in
17.5% NaOH solution (in contrast to the CH2 HO
β- and γ-celluloses present as hemi-
celluloses). Cellulose is the most O
important component of papermaking H-O OH O
pulps as it is the material which gives H-O
structure to the fibres and to individual
fibrils. It is a linear polymer of -1,4- Cellobiose unit
linked glucose units with the structure of
each repeating unit as shown at right. The length of each cellobiose unit is about 1 nm. Cellulose has
a degree of polymerisation (DP) of 3,000-15,000 depending on its source, corresponding to a
molecular weight of 0.5-3M Daltons. The chains in wood cellulose (DP about 10,000) are shorter than
in some non-wood fibres such as flax and cotton (DP about 15,000).
Because of the -1,4-glucosidic linkage, each glucose unit is effectively at an angle of 180 to the ones
either side, so the cellulose molecule is like a twisted ribbon. The linear conformation of the cellulose
chain is reinforced by intra-molecular hydrogen bonds between adjacent glucose units (as shown by
the red-dotted lines above), which are parallel to the glucosidic link. Adjacent cellulose molecules are
held together by further hydrogen bonds (as shown by the green-dotted lines above) to form
elementary or micro-fibrils. This is the conformation in native cellulose (sometimes referred to as
cellulose I), but it may be different for other forms (eg artificial celluloses such as celluloses II-IV).
Within the fibrils, the cellulose molecules take up different orientations to the fibre axis within each part
of the cell wall and have their greatest concentration in the S2 layer. The conformation of the cellulose
chains is sometimes ordered (in crystalline regions) and sometimes disordered (in amorphous regions)
with a gradual, rather than instantaneous, change between the two. The content of cellulose in a
crystalline form varies in the range 50-90% depending on fibre source, being highest in non-wood
fibres like cotton. As a homogeneous polymer of glucose units, natural cellulose does not contain any
groups that are charged at papermaking pH levels although it is thought that some might be
introduced during pulping and bleaching. Cellulose can be converted to water-soluble derivatives, a
good example being carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), which is itself used in papermaking.
Due to its insolubility, cellulose displays no reaction chemistry in papermaking other than its interaction
with water via extensive hydrogen bonding. This is very important to the ultimate strength of the
papermaking fibres and is discussed further under swelling.
This is an abbreviation for colony-forming units, which define the number of bacteria in a sample.
This is one of the several different natural forms of calcium carbonate, the mineral used as a wet end
filler or paper coating pigment. Chalk is a soft form of calcium carbonate consisting predominantly of
the shells of sea animals (foraminifera).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 89
The fundamental unit of charge is the Coulomb, which is the charge when a current of 1 ampere (amp)
flows for 1 second. The charge on the electron itself is 1.6 x 10 Coulombs and each charge
equivalent (abbreviated eq, the charge from 1 mole of electrons) is 96,490 Coulombs or one Faraday.
The term "charge measurement" in papermaking is used in a restricted sense and not in the sense of
measuring all charged species in the system (see charge interactions). For example, charged
materials such as simple ions are not included in "charge" measurement, but, as part of the electrolyte
fraction, they can be quantified separately in the measurement of conductivity. Two different sets of
charged materials can be quantified in what is referred to as "charge measurement":
When the charge is measured by a charge titration, these charge values are sometimes referred to as
a charge demand, which may be anionic or, more commonly, cationic.
figure at right (which uses a titration with a All data for spruce pulps
All bleaching with chlorine-based sequence
cationic dye to measure the anionic group -3
0 40 80 120 160
content of some unbleached and some Anionic group content (μeq/g)
bleached Kraft pulps). The shape of the curve,
Source: Goulet and Stratton, Nordic Pulp
which asymptotes to the x-axis, is consistent and Paper J., 1990, 3, 118-122.
with the theoretical relationship between the
zeta potential (or electrophoretic mobility) and surface charge density developed from the Gouy-
Chapman treatment of the electrical double layer.
Charge demand
This term refers to the technique of carrying out a titration of one type of charge (usually negative ones
from anionic species such as anionic trash) within the papermaking sample against a standardised
solution of opposite charge (usually positive ones from cationic species). When the standard titrant is
cationic, the result is the sample's cationic demand. The anionic demand can also be measured by
titration with an anionic polymer, but this is not very common as this demand is usually very small. The
analytical techniques are discussed further under charge titration.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 90
Charge density
This term is most commonly applied to charged polymers, but it can also be applied to ions for
comparative purposes. The most convenient unit is meq/g dry material as illustrated at right for various
papermaking substances.
+20 +1000 H 1000
PEI (low pH) 3+
+15 Al 110
PAC +100 2+
Polydadmac, modified PEI, PAE resin Ca 50
+10 PEI 20
Alum (complex) +10
+5 Cationic PAM
density 0
0 Cationic starch (DS 0.3)
(meq/g) Cationic starch (DS 0.05)
-5 Glucuronoxylan -10
SO4 -20
-10 CMC Cl
-100 - -
Anionic PAM OH 60
-15 Polyacrylate
-20 Aluminate
Charge interactions
The charged species in papermaking waters range from simple ions to complex polymers, all of which
can interact with one another in different ways (see figure above):
reactions between cations and anions which may lead to precipitation such as that of calcium
carbonate and calcium sulphate
the balance between protons and hydroxyl ions determines the system pH, which has obvious
implications in terms of corrosion of construction materials and more subtle effects on the charge
of other materials and hence on their interactions.
repulsion between the various particulate solids due to their normal anionic character. Mutual
aggregation can occur when the anionic surface charge is reduced by cationic additives or by high
electrolyte levels, but the strength of the aggregates thus formed is quite weak and easily broken
by shear forces unless some inter-particle bridging is involved.
between particles and oppositely-charged dissolved solids. This can take the form of a
stoichiometric exchange of ions between the surface and the liquid phase or the adsorption of
polymers, which may not necessarily be charge-stoichiometric. Adsorption is a very important
process in papermaking as it is a crucial step in the retention of many (usually cationic) paper
additives and in the functioning of polymeric retention and drainage aids.
between oppositely-charged dissolved polymers, notably between added cationic additives and
anionic substances originally present largely in pulps (anionic trash).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 91
+ + + + +
f f f f f
Fibre - - - -
-- - +
f Anionic - f
+ trash can neutralise
+ f
- - balance
- - cationic polymers
+ + determines pH, H - f
f f
f which influences OH- f +
charge of some f
substances Ca2+ CO32-
2+ SO4
Cl- Na
Ca2+ CaCO3
Ions measured
collectively as HCO3-
HCO3- or dissolution
of calcium
Charge neutralisation
This is a very general term that might be used in papermaking in relation to the complete or partial
neutralisation of charges (usually negative ones) associated with either particulate substances (pulp,
filler) or with dissolved substances (typically the polymers responsible for anionic trash). Clearly,
charge neutralisation of this type can only be brought about by cationic additives such as PAC and
cationic polymers. Occasionally, the term might be used in the opposite sense, for example where
anionic substances (eg CMC) are added to partially neutralise the cationicity of PAE wet strength
resins. Charge neutralisation is also the basis for the various off-line or on-line techniques used to
quantify such charges by some form of charge titration.
Charge titration
This term is used to describe the various analytical techniques for determining certain types of
charged species in papermaking. Many types of ordinary titration are between oppositely-charged
species (eg protons with hydroxyl ions in acid-base titrations), but they are not usually included within
the meaning of this term as applied to papermaking systems. In most cases in papermaking, the
titration is of an anionic charge in the sample (most commonly due to an anionic polymer) with some
form of cationic chemical. The result is sometimes termed the sample's cationic demand.
There are different types of charge titration, which vary between one another in several key ways, all
of which may influence the result:
the nature of the sample
The titration may be carried out on the whole sample (particulate and dissolved solids) or just the
dissolved solids (after filtration or centrifugation of the whole sample).
the nature of the added cationic species, which can be any of the following:
- protons using a potentiometric or conductometric end-point determination
- metal cations, usually using some form of colorimetric end-point to indicate excess cation
- cationic dyes (eg methylene blue) using a direct colorimetric end-point involving the dye itself
(see this example of charges on chemical pulps by this technique)
- cationic polymers using either the classical colorimetric end-point associated with the colloid
titration technique or the electrokinetic end-point based on a zero streaming current. This is
sometimes referred to as a polyelectrolyte titration. The cationic polymers used are typically of
moderate charge density (5-6 meq/g), but can differ markedly in their molecular weight (and
hence in their size). This differing accessibility to pulp surfaces can be turned to an advantage
by deliberately using polymers of differing molecular size to determine the total charge (using
small 8k Dalton polymers such as Polybrene) and the external surface charge (using a larger
300K Dalton polymers such as a polydadmac). Examples of the differences in titrated charge
for these two polymers on various pulps is given in this table. This use of polymers of defined
molecular size is analogous to their use in the reverse solute exclusion technique for
quantifying fibre swelling
It is also possible to measure the sample charge by chemical analysis, for example in the case of the
most common carboxylic acid groups, by conversion to the methyl ester which is then measured by
gas chromatography. This is useful as an independent cross-check, but is rarely done except in
research studies.
It would not be too surprising if different results on the same sample were obtained between these
techniques, there being two key sources of variability:
the possible non-stoichiometry of the reactions due to steric constraints, notably with samples
containing particulate solids, but also possible with samples containing only dissolved solids.
the non-accessibility of the added cationic material to the site of the anionic charge, which is an
issue only for charges associated with pulp surfaces, not with dissolved solids.
Both issues are most pertinent to the commonest type of titration (those conducted with polymers) as
protons, metal cations and dyes are small enough to be able to access and react stoichiometrically
with all anionic charges. As mentioned above, non-accessibility is mainly a problem for high molecular
weight polymers on samples of low electrolyte content (when charged polymers have the most
extended conformation) and non-stoichiometry is more of a problem on samples with high electrolyte
levels (when the added polymer chains are quite coiled and the charges possibly "hidden").
The table directly below gives a very useful comparison of these techniques on various pulps (note
that the pulps were thoroughly washed to remove dissolved substances prior to analysis ). Without
analysing the above data in minute detail, it is evident that there is both quite a wide spread in the
results on the same pulps and also quite good agreement between certain methods (potentiometric,
conductometric and dye adsorption). As the charge values from the polymer titration are generally
higher than from the other techniques, this would seem to confirm that this low molecular weight
polymer is small enough to access all the pulp charges. These higher values may result from
continued polymer adsorption beyond the point of neutral charge. There are many other examples of
charge titration data in this document, notably in the sections on bleached Kraft pulps, bleached
mechanical pulps, ECF pulps, refining, TCF pulps, thermomechanical pulps and unbleached Kraft
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 93
This is a term which describes chemicals that can form strong complexes with certain cations and thus
stabilise them in a water-soluble form. This may be useful in preventing cations from reacting with
certain anions, which would otherwise result in a precipitate being formed. Examples of such
chemicals are polyphosphates, EDTA and DTPA. The latter is quite commonly used in bleaching with
oxygen and hydrogen peroxide in order to prevent catalytic decomposition from certain metal ions.
Chelants are not that widely used in papermaking due to their efficacy being dependent on
stoichiometric (high) doses (eg for preventing calcium carbonate precipitation from calcium
bicarbonate), but they may be present in cleaning formulations to prevent precipitation reactions.
Chemical bonds
Reaction chemistry involves the formation of new chemical bonds, whereby the electrons in the
various atoms or molecules present are re-arranged to yield a more stable (lower free energy)
configuration. The number of bonds that any element can form is determined by its valency. There are
five main types of chemical bond:
+ -
ionic bonds as in electrolytes such as sodium chloride (Na Cl ), in which the bonding electrons
are transferred from one atom (in this case, sodium) to another (in this case, chlorine), the two
ions being held together by the strong electrostatic attraction between them. In the solid state, this
often leads to very ordered, crystalline structures.
covalent bonds as in most organic compounds such as cellulose and starch, in which the bonding
electrons are shared between both atoms due to an overlap of the electron orbitals. These bonds
are usually written as a dash, as in a single carbon - carbon bond, C - C.
co-ordinate bonds in which the bonding electrons are donated by only one of the bonding entities
and then shared between them, eg in the complexes that aluminium ions form with water
molecules and that chelants form with cations. This is usually considered as a special case of a
covalent bond and is normally written as an arrow, as in O Al.
metallic bonds might be considered a type of covalent bond in the sense that the valency
electrons are not "owned" by one atom, but are readily exchanged in a virtual "sea of electrons".
Metallic bonds have great strength, which increases with the number of valency electrons.
hydrogen bonds, which are present when hydrogen is bonded to certain electrophilic elements
and is very important in relation to the strength of all paper products and to the unique
characteristics of water.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 94
Chemical pulps
These pulps account for about 80% of total virgin pulp production. Chemical pulps could be classified
into unbleached and bleached grades, but a better initial classification is in terms of the pulping
soda pulps, mainly produced from non-wood fibres such as straw
sulphite pulps, which have declined enormously due to environmental problems in their production
sulphate (Kraft) pulps, which are the predominant chemical (wood) pulp produced today.
Even though they can use quite high doses of chemicals, chemimechanical pulps are best classified
as a special type of mechanical pulp as, other than the chemical pre-treatment stage, the process is
the same as it would be for a normal mechanical pulp. Chemical pulps are used extensively in many
paper grades, the main sub-division depending on their brightness:
unbleached chemical pulps, notably unbleached Kraft pulps, which are used mainly in the
production of packaging papers.
bleached chemical pulps, notably bleached Kraft pulps, which are used in the production of many
paper grades.
The standard COD apparatus is simply a round-bottomed flask, reflux condenser and heater, but is
rather space-consuming when many analyses have to be carried out. It has been minituarised by
many equipment suppliers in the form of a small electrically-heated digestion block with places for 10-
20 digestion tubes. This makes a very compact, easily-transported system that occupies very little
bench space. The standard digestion time of 2 hours can be reduced to about 30 minutes with little
loss of recovery for most paper mill waters.
For a carbohydrate polymer like starch, the COD is about 1.2 times its mass. For wet end
measurement, it is best applied to the dissolved solids fraction as measuring COD on the whole
sample will also include the contribution from fibrous solids (which are best quantified separately as
part of the particulate fraction). COD levels on the paper machine range from a few hundred to several
10,000 mg/l (absolute maximum about 40,000 mg/l) depending on pulp type, broke level and the
degree of water closure. Examples of COD levels are shown here for a coated wood-free paper
machine, here for a recycled wet strength towel machine, here for a multi-ply board machine, here for
organics dissolution from various recovered papers, here for organics dissolution in bleaching a
mechanical pulp and here for the levels during washing of a bleached mechanical pulp.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 95
Chemimechanical pulps
These variants of mechanical pulps were developed to combine the high yield of normal mechanical
pulps with improved strength, but without sacrificing too much bulk or opacity. They are produced by
chemical pre-treatment (impregnation) of the wood-chips, there being two distinct approaches:
impregnation with sodium sulphite (1-5% on fibre) under slightly alkaline conditions with a low
dose of caustic soda
impregnation with hydrogen peroxide (about 4% on fibre) under stronger alkaline conditions,
usually with the impregnation taking place over2/3 stages.
Impregnation is followed by normal mechanical pulping, but is more commonly used prior to refiner
rather than groundwood pulping. Early CTMP plants were mainly applied to softwoods, but the current
breakdown is about 50:50 between hardwoods and softwoods, largely due to new markets developed
for the hardwood CTMPs. In contrast to the situation for normal mechanical pulp mills, many of the
CTMP plants are not integrated, but are supplying market pulp to external customers. Frequently,
such pulps are also bleached (usually with hydrogen peroxide) and can achieve brightness levels
(80% ISO for softwood pulps and 85% ISO hardwood pulps such as aspen and eucalypt), which
approach that of bleached chemical pulps. The numerous designations for these pulps can be
confusing, but the most common are chemithermomechanical pulps (CTMPs) and bleached CTMP
(BCTMP). The alkaline peroxide pulps are usually referred to as APPs.
As mentioned above, these pulps are not generally used in the traditional markets for mechanical
pulps, but have developed uses in rather different grades as a replacement for bleached chemical
pulps. These applications take advantage of their particular combination of qualities, the main outlets
hardwood BCTMPs in printing/writing papers to replace bleached hardwood Kraft pulps at a level
of 5-15% of the base paper in coated grades and 10-30% in uncoated papers
softwood BCTMPs in tissue, where the combination of reasonable strength and high bulk/
absorbency are particularly valuable.
The yield of CTMP/BCTMP pulps can be as low as 85%, so management of the liquors containing the
high levels of dissolved solids is much more important than in normal mechanical pulping processes.
Some CTMP mills have developed fully-closed water systems, which have included the use of
treatment stages (eg liquor evaporation) more commonly associated with chemical pulp mills.
Irrespective of the precise yield, the high dissolved solids levels (plus the fact that many CTMP mills
are not integrated so pulp drying is necessary) means that all mills of this type use some form of final
washing to minimise the dissolved solids in the dried pulp. It has been found that one of the best
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 96
techniques to minimise the pulp's dissolved solids is to pre-soak the bleached pulp in hot water (50 C)
for 30-60 minutes followed by thickening to high (40-50%) consistency. Some CTMP manufacturers
have managed to manipulate the fines content and charge characteristics of their pulps for different
applications such as tissue.
In terms of wet end chemistry on the paper machine, the key issues for these pulps are the same as
for mechanical pulps - fines content, pitch and the level of dissolved substances, but the latter is more
critical because of the chemical changes that occur by virtue of the chemical pre-treatment. The fines
content of chemimechanical pulps tends be lower (around 20% for softwoods) than that of normal
mechanical pulps, but the content of anionic substances is increased. When mechanical pulps are
pre-treated with sodium sulphite, some of the pulp lignin is sulphonated, which lowers its softening
Sulphonic acid groups (μeq/g) In the example at left, it is clear that the extent of sulphonation
200 is greatest under acid or neutral/alkaline pH conditions and is
160 Spruce greater with softwoods (spruce) than hardwoods (birch). In both
cases, sulphonation is concentrated in the outer part of the cell
wall. In contrast to the anionic hemi-celluloses, the sulphonate
Birch groups are fully ionised even under acidic conditions. As with
40 ordinary mechanical pulps, peroxide bleaching of
0 chemimechanical pulps also increases the content of anionic
2 4 6 8 10 substances, in one case quoted the carboxyl content rising
from about 100 eq/g to 150-250 eq/g. Bleached CTMPs thus
Source: Sjostrom in Nordic Pulp
Paper Research J., 1989, 2, 90-94.. have a very high content of anionic substances with a total
(carboxyl + sulphonate) charge content of 200-300 eq/g. In
one case reported, the charge accessible to a low molecular weight polmer was only about 10% of the
total charge. Charge data for a bleached CTMP in this table are consistent with the above values,
indicating a total charge of around 200 eq/g using various
Dissolution (kg/tonne)
charge titration techniques. 10
For mills using purchased chemimechanical pulps (the normal
situation for these pulps), dissolution of organics depends on
conditions within the paper machine system. This is illustrated in 5
the figures here, the first of which (at right) shows increased
dissolution of both lignins and carbohydrates at higher
temperatures, particularly above 70 C. The greater fibre swelling 0
Molecular mass (kDaltons) and pore size at high 0 20 40 60 80 100
50 temperatures allows Temperature ( C)
This is, of course, the subject of this document (or at least that tiny fraction relating to paper) and can
be defined simply as the study of compounds and their interactions. It is an enormous subject, which
is broken down into three principal branches:
inorganic chemistry, which is the chemistry of the elements (see the Periodic Table) and their
compounds, including that of elemental carbon, its oxides and metal carbonates
organic chemistry, which is the chemistry of carbon compounds, excluding that relatively small
part covered in inorganic chemistry
physical chemistry, which is the study of the physical changes associated with chemical reactions
and the dependence of physical properties on chemical composition.
It should be pointed out that chemical compounds (particularly organics) are often referred to both by
their common names and their official names, the latter being defined by the International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
The chemistry of paper can be broken down into the chemistry of raw materials, of the papermaking
process, which is sub-divided into wet end chemistry and dry end chemistry and of the products
This is a derivative of the natural polymer, chitin, which is obtained from the shells of sea animals.
Chitin is similar to cellulose in that it is a polymer of -1,4-linked glucose units, but, in this case, the
hydroxyl on carbon 2 in each glucose unit (see this picture) is replaced by an N-acetylamine group
(CH3CONH-). The name for this monomer unit is N-acetylglucosamine. Like cellulose, this material is
insoluble in water, but it can be converted to the water-soluble chitosan by alkaline de-acetylation:
Glucose - NHCOCH3 Glucose - NH2
Commercial chitosan products vary in their degree of deactivation (and hence solubility) and molecular
mass, these two characteristics being linked as the deacetylation reaction tends to depolymerise the
chitin. The molecular mass of chitin is 1-3M Daltons, but that of chitosan is lower, typically 0.1-0.5M
Daltons. Chitosan itself is still insoluble, but is converted to a soluble salt form by protonation of the
amine under acid conditions, eg to form the hydrochloride (glucose - NH3Cl).
Chitosan has been investigated for various applications in papermaking, but is still little used, partly
due to its high cost compared to competitive materials. It can function as a wet end strength additive
due to its ability to adsorb onto cellulose through its structural similarity and its cationic character
under acid conditions. However, this can over-flocculate the pulp to the extent that the impaired paper
formation can negate its strengthening effect. Chitosan can also be precipitated onto the pulp by
raising the pH and this has been shown to introduce both dry and wet strength into the paper. Recent
work using chitosan with AKD size under neutral/alkaline conditions has also shown its ability to boost
the level of sizing, this being attributed to the deposition of cationic chitosan on the pulp. Surface
application of chitosan has also been shown to give improvements in dry and wet strength.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 98
These are formed when chlorine or sodium hypochlorite react with any ammonia present in the water.
This reaction can take place during disinfection of fresh water or when free chlorine is present within
the wet end, normally from the use of chlorine-release chemicals like the halogenated hydantoins. As
the chlorine to ammonia dose increases, a series of increasingly chlorinated amines are formed
(NH2Cl, NHCl2, NCl3) until the "breakpoint" is achieved when all the ammonia is fully oxidised to
nitrogen gas. The chloramines are much weaker disinfecting agents than chlorine, but are longer-
acting. Similar reactions may take place when using ammonium bromide.
This is a very common anion (Cl , molecular weight 35.5) and is the predominant ion in sea water. In
papermaking, it arises from various sources:
fresh water, particularly if brackish or saline
as the product from reduction of chlorine and sodium hypochlorite
the addition of poly-aluminium chloride
as the counter-ion with most cationic polymers such as cationic starch and polyacrylamides
residual chlorides in virgin or deinked pulps, notably those bleached with chlorine-containing
sodium chloride added at the size press.
As a very water-soluble ion with no tendency to form precipitates with cations or to adsorb on
surfaces, the concentration of chloride at the wet end is dictated solely by its input load and the effect
of the degree of water closure on the load coming from non-water sources (see these values for
several machines with fully-closed water systems). Line A in this diagram could represent the change
in chloride concentration with degree of water closure, chloride concentrations in most cases being no
more than a few hundred mg/l. In addition to its contribution to overall conductivity, its presence is
mainly important in relation to its potential corrosive action on metals. It can be analysed for by the
classical titration with silver ions or by ion chromatography.
Chlorinated paraffins
These are organic liquids used as solvents for the colour-formers in the manufacture of some
carbonless-copy papers. They are produced by chlorination of C10 - C17 paraffins and contain 30-70%
This element belongs to the halogen group (17) and exists as a yellow-green diatomic gas (Cl2) at
ambient temperatures. It is a strong oxidising agent:
- - o o
Cl2 + 2e 2Cl where EH (redox potential) = +1.4 volts at 25 C
It is manufactured from sodium chloride by various electrochemical methods based on the following
2NaCl + 2H2O Cl2 + 2NaOH + H2
Chlorine has been used extensively in the bleaching of chemical pulps, but this has declined
enormously in many countries since the late 1980s due to concerns about the production of
chlorinated organic by-products such as chlorinated phenolics and dioxins. The role of chlorine in pulp
bleaching has been taken over by chlorine dioxide for the production of ECF pulps and by a range of
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 99
non-chlorinated oxidants for the production of TCF pulps. This pressure on the use of chlorine has
also extended to its much smaller use in the bleaching of deinked pulps and of mill broke.
It can be used in a gaseous form in papermaking for fresh water disinfection, but this is also declining
due to safety concerns about gas storage and handling. However, it is still used for various
applications in papermaking in two other forms:
in solution form as sodium hypochlorite for water disinfection, for broke bleaching and for
disintegration of wet strengthened broke
as an organic chlorine (and bromine) release compound such as BCDMH.
Chlorine is also present in many papermaking raw materials as the chloride ion or as organo-chlorine
compounds. It is also used combined with oxygen as chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide
This is a strong oxidising gas widely-used for the bleaching of chemical pulps, particularly since the
move away from chlorine bleaching. It is the main oxidant used to remove residual lignin in ECF pulps.
Because of its unusual electronic configuration with an unpaired electron, it is a powerful oxidising
agent under acid conditions:
+ - - o o
ClO2 + 4H + 5e Cl + 2H2O where EH (redox potential) = +1.6 volts at 25 C
Because of its instability, it is always produced on site and there are many reaction schemes for this
based on either sodium chlorite (sometimes referred to as stabilised ClO 2) or sodium chlorate as the
starting materials. For the smaller production rates associated with its use as a biocide (rather than for
full-scale pup bleaching), the most common production route is from sodium chlorite using chlorine
gas or more commonly using sodium hypochlorite and acid:
2NaClO2 + NaOCl +2HCl 2ClO2 + 3NaCl + H2O
Apart from its extensive use in pulp bleaching, it is not widely used for bleaching of deinked pulps or in
papermaking. However, it has been shown to be effective at destroying the fluorescence from
brightening agents at neutral/alkaline pH at low doses (1-5 kg/tonne pulp). It is used by some mills for
fresh water disinfection, where it has the advantage over chlorine/hypochlorite of being unaffected by
pH and by the presence of organics or ammonia. Because of its non-reactivity towards carbohydrates,
chlorine dioxide can also be used as an on-machine biocide and there is some evidence that, for
paper machines using ASA sizing, it can help to detackify ASA deposits.
This chemical (CHCl3) is not used as such in papermaking, but it is generated when chemical pulps
are bleached with sodium hypochlorite. It would not be present in dried pulps due to its volatility.
This is an abbreviation for chloro-hydroxy-propyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride, one of the reagents
used to introduce a cationic charge into starches. CHPT may contain other chlorinated organic
compounds (such as dichloropropanol) depending on its purity.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 100
Chromium compounds
Chromium is a transition metal and heads Group 6 of the Periodic Table. It is most ubiquitous in
papermaking systems in a metallic form as a key component of stainless steel, which is essential, at
least in some machine systems, to combat corrosion. However, chromium compounds have found
some specialised applications in papermaking, the two main ones being:
fluoride complexes of chromium, which have been used for making paper resistant to greases and
oils by surface application
chromium (III) complexes with fatty acids (eg myristic and stearic acids), which have been used to
make paper hydrophobic, notably for release papers. The mechanism of their action is rather
similar to alum/rosin sizing, where the chromium anchors the fatty acid to the paper surface with
the optimum orientation.
This is the term for that part of a dye molecule that makes it adsorb light in the visible region of the
electro-magnetic spectrum.
These are functional groups that are incorporated in a dye molecule to shift light absorption to longer
wavelengths (called a bathochromic shift) and give a greater depth (blueness) to the expressed
colour. Chromophores are mainly electron-accepting (electrophilic) groups such as the azo group, the
keto group and the ethene or ethylene group. However, electron-donating (nucleophilic) groups such
as hydroxyl and amino groups that lower the absorption wavelength (called a hypsochromic shift) may
also be incorporated into the molecule. Nucleophilic groups also function as auxochromes.
This abbreviation stands for the Commission Internationale d'Eclairage (International Commission on
Illumination), whose work is relevant to measurement of the optical properties of paper, notably
whiteness, brightness and colour.
This is the name for a range of minerals that are composed of alternating layers of silica with other
metal oxides/hydroxides. Their most characteristic property is a high degree of anisometry leading to a
flat, platy structure. They are usually sub-divided into 4 sub-groups:
the kaolinite group, which are alumino-silicates and include the important kaolin clays used as
papermaking fillers and pigments
the montmorillinite/smectite group, which includes other metal oxides/hydroxides in addition to
alumina (eg magnesium) and contains three papermaking materials - talc, bentonite and hectorite
the illite group, which contains no papermaking materials
the chlorite group, which also contains no papermaking materials.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 101
Closing up
This is a generic term that is widely-used in papermaking to denote the use of less fresh water on the
paper machine, which results in a smaller flow of wastewater. The total use of water may stay the
same, in which case fresh water is being replaced by recycled water or it may decrease in line with the
reduction in fresh water. In this second case, the reason for the lower fresh water use may be the
replacement of a piece of equipment that requires water (eg conventional water-ring vacuum pumps)
with one that does not (eg centrifugal exhauster vacuum pump). The effects of closing up on
papermaking chemistry are discussed under water closure.
This is an abbreviation for carboxymethylcellulose or, in colloid chemistry, for critical micelle
Coagulation is one of the terms used to describe the aggregation of particles in a suspension, but, like
the term flocculation, is often used somewhat loosely to mean aggregation brought about by any
added chemical. It is also used with any one of two more specific meanings:
for the aggregation of particles brought about by compression of the electrical double layer by
indifferent electrolytes or by charge neutralisation with chemicals of opposite charge to the
surface. This last meaning is perhaps the most common when it refers to the use of coagulants
such as aluminium compounds (alum or PAC). It is also sometimes used to describe the mode of
action of low molecular mass cationic polymers (PEI, polyamines, polydadmacs, etc), but this may
be more a patch mechanism than simple charge neutralisation.
for the aggregation of particles in the primary minimum (whilst flocculation denotes particle
aggregation in the secondary minimum). This is the common mode of aggregation in papermaking
The term hetero-coagulation refers to the aggregation of dissimilar particles and is sometimes used for
the aggregation of fillers with pulp fibre/fines. The latter is also sometimes called "deposition". Homo-
coagulation is the aggregation of like particles, eg filler particles with one another or pulp fines with
one another.
This is an important characteristic of pulp fibres and is a measure of the quantity of
fibre per unit fibre length in units of mg/m. It is dependent on the fibre wall
thickness and its density, but can be calculated from the length of individual fibres
and the number of fibres per unit mass. The range of coarseness values is about 0.1 mg/m for narrow,
thin-walled fibres such as those from birch (see representation at far right) up to about 0.5 mg/m for
wide, thick-walled fibres such as those from pine (see representation at near right). Thick-walled fibres
are excellent for paper stiffness, but less so for tensile strength due to their poor conformability and
hydrogen-bonding ability. Thick-walled fibres also have a lower specific surface area (m /g), which
makes them less effective at scattering light than thin-walled fibres, but the greater inter-fibre bonding
of the latter negates this to some degree. The coarseness of pulp fibres is also important at the wet
end in relation to the crowding number of pulp suspensions during fibre flocculation and hence to the
formation quality of paper.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 102
Coated papers
Conventional coated papers are those coated with an aqueous pigment suspension for improved
surface characteristics in relation to its printability. The main grades coated in this way are:
wood-free fine papers, which are aimed at the upper end of the coated papers market
wood-containing paper in the form of light-weight coated papers, which are aimed at the lower,
commodity end of the coated papers market for bulk commercial printing
certain grades of packaging papers/boards, where the packaging is used partially for display.
COD) due to the starch added at the size press and the 20
quite closed water system. 0
The observed decline in single pass retention (see second figure) was caused by several inter-related
the decrease in grammage of the base paper
an increase in the fines content of the combined thick stock (20% to 30%) due to increased
softwood refining and increased return of coated broke with a higher fines content
an increase in the dissolved organics originating from the coated broke leading to a large shift in
the cationic demand (see lower figure at right).
This term is used in different ways within the paper industry:
to cover all techniques for the surface application of any substance to the pre-formed paper
to cover all surface application techniques excluding the spray application of uncooked starch
slurries or simple impregnation of chemicals in solution form (eg by a size press). This is the most
common definition and will be used herein.
sometimes used by tissue/towel mills for the application of a chemical mixture to the drying
cylinder to improve adhesion and subsequent release prior to creping.
In line with the second definition above, the most common form of coating is the application of an
aqueous pigment suspension to improve the paper's printability and this technique is applied to many
paper/board grades. The coating system consists of a coating preparation area ("kitchen"), where the
various components of the coating formulation are combined into a stable mixture and the coating
machine, where the mixture is applied to the dry paper web. This may be done as part of the paper
machine system (on-line coating) or separately off-line.
For aqueous pigment coating, the coating mixture comprises a number of chemical components:
the dominant pigment(s), which accounts for at least 80% of the coating solids
the coating binder(s) which account for most of the non-pigment solids and hold the pigment
particles together thus helping to form a smooth surface film
chemicals to modify the rheology of the coating mix
chemicals to control entrained gases and foam which is often associated with the binder
insolubilisers, to improve the resistance of water-soluble binders to water during printing
lubricants, which have a range of effects on coating, notably improving pick-up and reducing
water retention agents for controlling the rate of water penetration into the base paper
dispersants, which are already present in slurry-form pigments, but which may also be added later
biocides for control of microbial problems and/or to act as preservatives
colorants for coloured surfaces
fluorescent brighteners.
Paper can be pigment coated on just one or both sides depending on the grade. Application rates
2 2
cover the range 10-30g coating solids/m on base papers that vary from about 40 g/m (LWC) through
2 2
wood-free fine papers (40-150 g/m ) to boards (200-500 g/m ). There are also other more specialised
forms of coating:
carbonless copy papers are lightly coated with an acid clay pigment coating on one side of the
paper, but the other side is coated with capsules of an oil-dispersed colour former.
barrier coating to prevent the ingress or passage of water, water vapour, grease, oil, etc
non-aqueous coating of silicones for release papers.
blade coating, which applies an excess of coating mixture through the Coating
applicator head and then uses a doctor blade to remove the excess.
Blade paper
Some blade coaters can be used to apply the coating to both sides
with one head. Where the blade is separate from the applicator, the
terminology trailing blade coater is used. paper
air knife coating, which uses a roll or rolls to apply the coating and Air knife coating
rod coating, which again uses a roll to apply the coating with the excess Paper rod
being removed by a rotating rod.
spray coating is the latest development in coating technology and
involves the use of specially-designed spray nozzles. This is a none-contact coating process that
claims to give superior coating uniformity.
The coating station is always followed by a final drying stage, which often utilises techniques other
than conventional steam-heated cylinders. The most common are infra-red or hot air impingement
dryers, both having the advantage of being non-contacting thus avoiding potential problems from the
coating layer being disturbed or of it sticking to the dryer surface.
Like size press-treated papers, coated papers have an important influence on wet end chemistry due
to the nature of some of the chemicals that are recycled in coated broke. The coating pigment can
contribute positively to the mineral content of the base paper, but other components of the coating
formulation contribute negatively to various wet end problems:
pigment dispersants such as polyacrylates, which contribute to the anionic trash fraction at the wet
latices can contribute to wet end deposit problems in the form of white pitch.
Cobb value
This is one of the most widely-used tests for assessing the degree of paper sizing against water. This
involves contacting a circular area of paper (usually 100 cm ) with water for a defined time (most
commonly 1 minute, but it can be longer) and measuring the water pick-up in g/m . Other techniques
are the Hercules size test (HST) and tests involving complete immersion of the sample for a defined
time (usually applied only to vary hard-sized papers). The 1 minute Cobb value of a waterleaf
2 2
(unsized) paper may be 200-300 g/m , but this can be reduced to below 20 g/m by the addition of
sizing chemicals. A typical sizing response curve using the Cobb value is shown here.
This is a term for local surface deformations giving a dimpled or crumpled appearance to the paper.
Although their shape and size is very variable, the term "wrinkles" is often given to the same type of
problem when It occurs in an elongated form. Cockles are due to non-uniform, differential shrinkage
as the paper is dried and is often caused by over-drying. It can be associated with poor formation as
this means that the fibre/sheet density is variable. It also seems to be more associated with pulps that
swell easily and have a high fines content as such pulps tend to hold on more strongly to moisture,
which leads to a less uniform moisture content at the critical point during drying (at about 60% solds
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 105
This is an abbreviation for chemical oxygen demand.
Colloidal silica
Colloidal silica is produced by controlled neutralisation and deionisation of solutions of sodium silicate.
The conditions employed during this process may be varied to produce two forms of colloidal silica:
discrete particles (silica sols of various sizes in the nm diameter region) when the pH is kept on
the alkaline side of neutral or
chains of discrete particles (ultimately silica gels) if the pH is on the acidic side of neutral.
The most commonly-used silica sols have an average diameter of about 5 nm with a surface area of
about 500 m /g (see this table for comparison of particle numbers for various papermaking materials).
The surface charge is negative because of the presence of ionisable silanol (Si-OH) groups from the
reaction of surface oxygens with water. As the silanol groups are weakly acidic, their anionic character
depends on pH with quoted values of 0.5-1 meq/g in the neutral pH range. The chemical character of
colloidal silica may be modified to give greater anionic character under acid conditions. The branched
silica products have a much higher surface areas (1200 m /g) and, because of their strong interaction
with water to produce gels, they have to be prepared on-site as they are only stable at much lower
concentrations (about 1% solids) compared to the normal colloidal silica products (10-15% solids).
The introduction of Eka's Compozil system was the first of the so-called micro-particle systems,
although it is now labelled, more appropriately, as a nano-particle system. All of these systems,
whether nano-particle or micro-particle, aim to give not only maximum single pass retention of fines,
but also maximum drainage allied to good paper formation and strength (see these diagrams for
further discussion of this aspect). The strength improvement aspect comes from the fact that the use
of colloidal silica as a retention/drainage aid requires at least one other component to make it effective
and, in its original applications, this was always cationic starch. This chemical was already commonly
used as a dry strength aid on the wood-free fine paper machines on
Fines retention (%)
which colloidal silica was first applied. 100
Silica dose (kg/t)
A typical example of the effect of colloidal silica with cationic starch 75 4
is shown in the figure at right in a simple DDJ experiment at 1000 50 2
rpm stirrer speed. In such applications, the starch dose would be 0
25 Bleached HW/SW kraft pulps
dictated by paper strength requirements and the dose of silica would
with 30% CaCO3 at pH 7
be adjusted to optimise retention and, where required, drainage. The 0
0 5 10 15
mechanism of this retention system involves penetration of the Starch dose (kg/tonne)
starch-flocculated suspension by the vast number of anionic silica Source: Larsson at Pira Conference
particles to create a 3-dimensional structure with silica bridges (see on Retention Aspects of
Wet End Chemistry, 1984 .
generic picture here).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 106
From the early days of its use in largely wood-free neutral papermaking systems, colloidal silica had
often employed a third component alongside cationic starch. At that time, this was most likely to be
Cat starch alum or possibly polyaluminium chloride, the role of which was
Fines retention (%)
%N to neutralise or fix the relatively small amounts of anionic trash
0.83 in the furnish and thus allow the cationic starch to function with
75 0.62
its full cationicity undiminished through interaction with the
50 0.35 anionic trash substances. This issue became more important
with furnishes containing higher levels of anionic trash such as
1.5-2 kg silica/tonne
deinked pulp
wood-containing and recycled grades. Such systems also
0 5 10 15
contained much higher levels of electrolytes than wood-free
Starch dose (kg/tonne) systems and this reduced the molecular extension of the
Source: Andersson at Pira Conference cationic starch chains. This was tackled by using starches of
"Use of minerals in papermaking"
higher cationicity than used in wood-free systems, the benefits
Manchester, 1997
of this being shown in the figure at left for a deinked pulp
Today, colloidal silica systems are probably best described as having three essential components -
the colloidal silica, a charge neutraliser for anionic trash and a flocculant where the amount and type
of each need to be optimised for each type of furnish. Today, the component for dealing with the
anionic trash is most commonly a cationic polymer, which is also thought to perform another function
when polyacrylamides are used with colloidal silica. This is their so-called "blocking" action, whereby
their adsorption on the particle surface prevents the polyacrylamide adopting a flat adsorbed
conformation (see this picture and other pictures under bridging) as it might when the charge attraction
is high (ie when either the polyacrylamide and/or the surface are highly-charged).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 107
Because of their different structures, cationic starch and polyacrylamides are often used with different
types of colloidal silica for optimum performance. The dominant
starch polymer, amylopectin, has a very high molecular mass DDJ fines retention (%)
combined with a highly branched structure, whereas 100 0.8 kg CPAM/tonne pulp
The other important aspect of any retention aid system is its response to the changing shear levels on
the paper machine (most of the work described above having being done at 1000-1200 rpm stirrer
speed in a DDJ). Data from some interesting work comparing a cationic starch with a cationic
polyacrylamide in terms of their shear resistance and reflocculation ability (by varying the impeller
speed in a DDJ) is shown in the two figures below (see figure here for effect with various
polyacrylamides on their own).
It is evident that the addition of colloidal silica enhances flocculation of the micro-crystalline cellulose
(MCC) up to a dose of 0.5 mg/g, but a higher dose of 1 mg/g (not shown) caused a drop in
flocculation, possibly due to charge reversal. The right-hand figure shows results for the cationic
starch (DS = 0.04) when the colloidal silica is added either soon after the starch or somewhat later, but
the results are comparable in both cases, indicating excellent reflocculation after removal of the high
shear level.
MCC floc diameter, pH5 and 1mM NaCl (μm) MCC floc diameter, pH5 and 1mM NaCl (μm)
150 CPAM (DS = 0.27), 0.6 mg/g 150 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000
2 mg/g silica
Silica + 5 mg/g CS
100 0.2 (mg/g) 100
Silica 0
50 added 50
500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 Cationic starch (CS) 5 mg/g
DDJ stirrer speed (rpm)
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 150 300 450 600
Time after chemical addition (sec) Time after chemical addition (sec)
Source: Swerin et al in J.Pulp Paper Science, 1997, 23, 8, 374-381.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 108
The data from these experiments can be re-plotted in the form of a reflocculation index, which is the
Reflocculation index ratio of the floc size after and before the first high shear
1.5 period at 1000 rpm. This is shown at left for the same
CPAM (DS = 0.27) mg/g
cationic polyacrylamide as in the figure at left above, but
at three different dose levels (0.15-0.6 mg/g). This
0.3 0.6 confirms that colloidal silica enhances the reflocculation
0.1 5 ability of cationic polyacrylamide, but the optimum silica
0 dose moves to higher levels as the polymer dose
0 1 2 3
increases. Comparative data is shown here for the same
Silica (mg/g)
polyacrylamide with bentonite and here with
Source: Swerin et al in J.Pulp Paper
Science, 1997, 23, 8, 374-381. polyethyleneimine.
All of the results shown in this section on colloidal silica have demonstrated its effectiveness in
improving fines retention, but its impact on drainage is equally or, in some cases more, important. One
example of this is shown here, where colloidal silica overcomes the poor drainage associated with
high doses of cationic starch on its own. The beneficial effect of colloidal silica on drainage has been
demonstrated in many papermaking systems. Another valuable benefit of using colloidal silica with
cationic starch is that it enhances starch adsorption and hence increases starch's single pass
retention. In systems containing starch recycled from broke, the retention of cationic starch has
appeared to exceed 100% due to the retention of some recycled non-cationic starch. These
interactions with starch allied to better particulate retentions and improved drainage are particularly
important on recycled machines making grades such as liner/fluting in very closed water systems.
Such applications now represent the second largest sector using colloidal silica with wood-free fine
papers still heading the list.
Colloid chemistry
Colloid chemistry deals with the interactions between materials that have a size from about 1
nanometre (nm, a billionth (10 ) of a meter) to about 1 micron (, a millionth of a meter), ie with
interactions between large molecules and small particles. This is not a rigid definition of the size range
covered by colloid chemistry, as there is a gradual change at the upper colloidal boundary with
materials in bulk suspension and at the lower boundary with smaller molecules in true solution.
In all of the above systems, there may also be colloidally-dispersed gases present as well as
particulate and dissolved solids. The papermaking furnish contains particles with an enormously wide
range of particle sizes and the relationships between particle size, particle shape, particle number and
particle surface area are covered under particle characteristics. A key application of colloid chemistry
to papermaking is in terms of understanding the interactions between these particles, which involves
consideration of the attractive van der Waals forces and the various repulsive forces. Another
important facet of colloid chemistry is the process of adsorption, which is particularly relevant to wet
end chemistry.
Colloid protection
This is an alternative term for steric stabilisation.
Colloid titration
This technique (also known as polyelectrolyte or just polymer titration) is one of several charge titration
techniques used in papermaking. Colloid titration was developed in Japan in the 1950s and was
originally used by chemical manufacturers to assay the charge density of organic polymers. Polymers
of opposite charge interact together via the ionic groups on their backbone to form polymer complexes
(symplexes). This interaction may or may not be stoichiometric depending on the ability of the polymer
chains to conform close enough to one another for the charge groups to interact, ie the degree of
charge neutralisation depends on polymer chain flexibility, relative charge densities, electrolyte
concentration, mixing conditions, etc. Generally however, it has been found that, provided the titration
is carried at zero ionic strength, the charge interactions do have a 1:1 stoichiometry.
In this classical procedure, a polymer of unknown cationicity is titrated with a standard anionic polymer
using the dye, toluidine blue, as the end-point indicator, which turns pink-red in the presence of excess
anionic polymer. The anionic polymer used is nearly always potassium polyvinyl sulphate (KPVS), but
others (such as sodium polyethylene sulphonate [NaPES]) have also been tried. For assaying an
unknown anionic polymer, this may be titrated against a standard cationic polymer or an excess of
standard cationic polymer added and the excess charge back-titrated with the anionic polymer.
Essentially, the same methodology is used for papermaking samples that have an unknown titratable
charge. Measurement of the cationic demand involves titration with any cationic polymer (such as a
polydadmac or Polybrene), but it makes sense to use the same cationic polymer planned for full-scale
use for this purpose on the paper machine. The anionic demand can also be measured and the two
demands brought together to calculate the net demand (anionic or cationic) or the colloid titration ratio
(anionic demand/cationic demand). However, after a good deal of arithmetical manipulation in the
early days of applying this basic technique to papermaking samples, it was concluded that only the
actual demand (usually cationic, but the anionic demand may be more significant in a few systems)
has any practical relevance to real papermaking.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 110
This technique is principally used today to measure the cationic demand of the liquid phase, but it can
also be applied to the whole sample to measure the demand of the total matrix and then, by
difference, that of the liquid phase and the particulates separately. It needs to be made clear that the
demands of the two fractions (solubles and particulates) are very different in terms of charge
neutralisation. For solubles, the reaction will terminate at or near to the point of charge neutralisation,
but polymer adsorption beyond the point of zero zeta potential is likely to occur on the particulates due
to there being other (non charge-related) adsorption mechanisms. This probably explains the fact that
the polymer-titrated charges shown in the table are generally higher than the charges calculated from
titrations with other materials.
Of course, when such cationic polymers come to be used on a paper machine, typically in the thick
stock, the presence of the particulate matrix is very significant as there will be competition between
adsorption of the cationic polymer on the particulate surface and interaction with dissolved anionic
polymers. For control of anionic trash, it is critical that the added cationic polymer interacts
preferentially with the anionic trash before any adsorption on the particle surface. This information
cannot be obtained from a cationic demand measurement, but requires additional measurements of
the changes in particle charge when the polymer is added to the whole sample (see here for an
example using polydadmacs and PAC).
This classical colloid titration method using the colorimetric end-point is one of several possible charge
titration techniques, but is less used than it used to be. One reason for this is that the end-pint colour
change can be difficult to see clearly in some papermaking samples, but the main reason is the
greater ease of use for the method based on the streaming current detector end-point. Nevertheless,
the colloid titration technique does feature within ABB's WIC on-line monitoring system.
Colorants are used in papermaking to modify the natural colour of paper. This can be done either at
the wet end or by surface application using either solid pigments or water-soluble dyes, as shown in
the classification scheme below. A special form of colorants are the dyes used in carbonless-copy
papers and in thermal (fax-type) papers.
Colorants are sometimes rated in terms of their tinctorial value, which simply means the strength of
colour produced per unit mass. Dyes are better in this respect than coloured pigments.
The colour of paper is affected to some degree by the colour of all the raw materials used in its
manufacture, but most notably by the colour of pulps, which vary from various degrees of brown
through to white and of mineral fillers, which have various levels of whiteness and brightness. What
might be called the natural colour of the paper (ie in the presence of pulps and filler only) is
deliberately changed through the use of colorants and fluorescent brighteners.
The original measurement of colour goes back to the work of Maxwell in the 19 century who showed
that most colours could be made by the mixing of three primary colours, in his case of red, green and
blue. He devised a colour triangle to define any particular colour and this could be used to match
most, but not all, colours. In view of this shortcoming, a new system was later developed by the
Commission Internationale d'Eclairage (CIE) based on three artificial colours, the so-called tri-stimulus
values - X (strong red component, Y (green/yellow component) and Z (strong blue component). The
colour at any wavelength can then be represented by various proportions of these three colours (say,
x, y and z respectively) so that x + y + z = 1. A plot of x versus y gives the CIE chromaticity chart, from
which z can be calculated (z = 1-x-y).
Due to the bunching of certain colours in this chart, it was not easy to use it for colour matching so a
new system was devised and this has been used since the mid-1970s. This is the CIE L*a*b* system
(the asterisks differentiate it from the similar Hunter Lab system), which is based on the findings that
the human perception of colour is based on a distinction between six main characteristics and these
are built into the L*a*b* values with the resulting L
CIE - L*a*b* colour space represented by the
diagram shown here:
the L* value is derived from the Y tri-stimulus -a
value and is a measure of lightness/darkness +b
the a* value is derived from the X and Y
-b +a
values and is a measure of red to green
the b* value is derived from the Y and Z
values and is a measure of blue to yellow. 0
When a* = b* = 0, the sample is said to be achromatic (no colour) and its L value then determines its
balance of white and black (greyness).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 112
There are other colour classification systems such as the Munsell System which describes each colour
according to three attributes:
hue is the quality that distinguishes one colour from another (eg blue from yellow) and is
equivalent to the position in the a-b colour space.
value, which is the lightness-darkness and is equivalent to the L position in colour space
saturation (or chroma or colourfulness) is the depth or vividness of a colour and is measured by
the magnitude of the measurement parameter.
The colour of an object may appear to be not the same under different light sources and this is known
as metamerism. There are a number of standard illuminants to simulate different light sources, two
examples being illuminant A for tungsten light and the D series of illuminants (eg D65 for daylight).
This is the ability of water to carry a current and is synonymous with the term "specific conductance".
The conductivity is the current carried per unit area of the liquid through which the current is passing
per unit potential gradient. The normal units are Siemens/m where the Siemen is a mho (reciprocal
ohm or amp/volt). Conductance is measured in Siemens and is the reciprocal of resistivity measured in
ohms. Conductometric titrations with sodium hydroxide are used as one of several possible charge
titrations to quantify the charge on pulps.
In dilute solutions, the total conductivity can be estimated from the sum of the specific ion
conductances, which are dependent on the ion's size and charge. For example, the conductivity of a 1
g/l potassium chloride solution, often used to calibrate conductivity meters, is 1.7 mS/cm at 25 C. The
relationship between concentration and conductivity is not linear due to increased ionic interactions at
high concentrations, eg the predicted conductivity of a 1 g/l KCl solution is about 2 mS/cm based on the
ion conductivities of potassium and chloride in very dilute solutions. A rough "rule-of-thumb" for natural
waters is that the conductivity in mS/cm is about 1.4 times the total dissolved salts in g/l. Conductivity
increases with raised temperature by about 2% per degree due to the decrease in the viscosity of
water. Conductivity is also related to the more fundamental chemical term, ionic strength.
The ability of deionised water to carry an electrical current is limited by the very small quantity of ions
(protons and hydroxyl ions) present, its conductivity being about 0.05 μS/cm. The much higher
conductivity of natural fresh waters (up to about 0.5 mS/cm) is due to the presence of dissolved
electrolytes, which originate from various sources. In papermaking systems, the measured
conductivity is due to the presence of electrolytes from fresh water and other sources. The contribution
of charged polymers is small due to the low specific conductance of the large molecules.
The range of conductivity levels in papermaking systems is from about 0.5 to around 10 mS/cm (see
these values for several machines with fully-closed water systems)and this is discussed further under
electrolytes. There is one direct effect of conductivity itself, which is on the level of corrosive activity.
This term is used to describe the 3-dimensional structure of chemicals. In papermaking, it is mainly
applied to discussions of the structure of various polymers (eg cellulose) in terms of the position and
extension of the polymer chains. Conformability is used to describe the ability of cellulose fibres to
align themselves with one another and this is dependent on fibre flexibility and the degree of fibre
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 113
This is the very commonly-used term for the mass concentration of particulate solids in the
papermaking stock or water. Particulate solids are measured at most mills by manual sampling and
laboratory analysis, but increasingly by on-line sensors to give real-time information on consistencies
and wire retentions. The total consistency is determined in the laboratory by drying the whole sample
at 105 C to give the percent solids by mass (normally done only on thick stock samples where the
contribution from the solubles is relatively low) or by filtration through an appropriate medium to give
the % by mass, if the original sample was weighed, or a g/l figure if the original sample was measured
by volume. The most common locations for consistency measurement are the thick stock, thin stock at
the flowbox and whitewater passing through the formation wire.
If required, the total particulate solids can be analysed further for its component fractions:
the fines content may be determined using the standard dynamic drainage jar technique or by
using the Bauer-McNett classifier
the ash content of the dried solids is frequently determined, mainly at mills using fillers, in order to
quantify the retention of the more-difficult-to-retain mineral filler fraction
specific inorganic components of the particulate solids can be determined by direct chemical
analysis. Calcium carbonate can be determined from the ash measurement as above or by
acidification followed by one of the normal methods for soluble calcium. A carbon dioxide specific
electrode can also be used under controlled pH conditions, which releases an amount of CO 2
proportional to the carbonate content.
titanium dioxide can be analysed directly once released by acidification of the solids and then
treated with hydrogen peroxide to form an orange/red-coloured titanium (VI) compound.
pulp components (cellulose, hemi-cellulose, lignin and extractives) can be measured using
conventional pulp analysis techniques, but only the latter parameter is normally of value in wet end
chemistry work (in connection with pitch problems).
specific functional chemicals such as sizes can be analysed, but this depends on the availability of
suitable techniques and analytical expertise at the mill. This is rarely done apart from during
special research studies, but analyses might be undertaken for:
- rosin, which can be measured using the standard TAPPI extraction method, but there are no
fully proven, simple methods for other sizes such as AKD and ASA.
- starches, which can be determined by the colorimetric or enzymatic techniques, in which the
whole sample (rather than just the filtrate) is pre-treated with the amylolytic enzymes
- wet strength agents, which can be assayed via their nitrogen content using the Kjeldahl
digestion technique, but other sources of nitrogen are often present.
An important aspect of consistency measurement is the possibility for on-line monitoring around the
formation wire in order to control the stock's retention characteristics. This requires the reliable
measurement of consistencies below 10 g/l, which is below the lower limit of the consistency sensors
based on shear resistance that are widely used on thick stock samples. Simple optical sensors based
on light scattering were tried in the 1970s, but were unable to cope with the complex particulate matrix
present on many machines. The first successful on-line retention system was developed by the
Swedish company Chemtronics (now part of Eka Chemicals within Akzo Nobel) and was first installed
on a wood-free fine paper machine in the mid-1980s.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 114
The success of this system was due to the recognition that at least two sensors (in this case, one
based on polarised light and the other on infra-red) were necessary for measuring total consistency at
most mills. The reason for this is simply that each component of the particulate solids has a different
attenuating effect on the light passed through it, but, if the particulate solids can be broken down into
just two light-attenuating fractions (say, fibre and filler), then two sensors (or measurement of the light-
scattering from one light source, but at two different angles) are necessary. Machines with more than
one filler, each with different light-attenuating properties, will probably need more than two sensors.
Today, on-line consistency/retention monitoring systems are widely used for control of one of the
components within the retention aid system. They are now available from a number of suppliers, the
main ones being:
Contact angle
The situation where a liquid (in this case,
water) is in contact with a solid surface Air
The contact angle is a measure of the cohesive forces within the liquid versus the liquid-solid adhesive
forces and is zero when the surface is fully wetted by the liquid. Contact angles greater than zero
imply some degree of non-wetting, which is always the case in practice. In the case of water as the
liquid, it increases from zero for a hydrophilic surface to 180 for a hydrophobic surface, but, in
practice, is always somewhere between these two extremes. The interfacial energy between the solid
and water is thus maximised as the contact angle increases and this is the intended consequence
when paper is sized with hydrophobic materials. Intermediate values of the contact angle determine
the degree of surface wetting or spreading.
This term has two principal meanings in papermaking:
the in-mill conversion of starches into a soluble form
the conversion of papers into their final form for use. Conversion may take place at the same site
as papermaking or elsewhere. Examples of such processes are:
- the conversion of packaging materials into boxes, eg the combination of linerboard and fluting
medium into corrugated cases. This is important in relation to the recycling of used corrugated
cases as conversion involves the use of adhesives, which cause problems on the paper
- the conversion of tissue paper into tissue products such as toilet tissue. This may also involve
the use of adhesives, but this has no implications for papermaking as tissue products are not
- the conversion of printing/writing grades from reel form into specific products. These are
purely mechanical processes such as slitting, re-reeling and cutting.
Co-ordinate bond
This is one of the three types of chemical bond, this case being where the bonding electrons are
donated by only one of the bonding entities and then shared between them. This type of bonding is
not common in chemicals used in papermaking, the best example being the interaction of aluminium
ions in alum with water molecules.
This element heads Group 12 of the Periodic Table. It is present in two types of papermaking raw
copper sulphate, which is used as a catalyst with hydrogen peroxide in the production of thermo-
chemically-converted starches
Corn starches
These are also called maize starches and are one of the most common types of starch used in
papermaking. They have a lower amylopectin content than potato starches and contain some fatty
material (see this table for comparison with other starch types). The shape of corn starch granules is a
mixture of round and polygonal particles with a mass average diameter of about 15 μm. There is one
unique type of corn/maize starch, waxy maize, which is 100% amylopectin.
Corrosion is the destructive breakdown of a material by reaction with its local environment. In
papermaking, the main concern is the corrosion of metals that form the tanks, pipes and the various
parts of the paper machine itself, but atmospheric corrosion may also be important due to the high
humidities in many machine houses. Corrosion of metals is a spontaneous electrochemical process, in
which the corrosion process may be driven by the potential difference between:
dissimilar metals, where the metal with the more negative redox potential will act as the anode,
o o
eg iron (EH = -0.44 volt) is anodic against copper (EH = +0.16 volt)
different areas on the surface of the same metal, the potential difference being due to:
- surface inhomogeneities such as stress cells, where a part of the metal structure is at a higher
stress than and is therefore anodic to other parts of the same metal or at grain boundaries
leading to inter-granular corrosion.
- liquid phase inhomogeneities such as concentration cells, where the concentration of a
substance participating in the corrosion reaction (eg dissolved oxygen) varies within the
system and thus sets up a potential difference between these sites. In the case of dissolved
oxygen, corrosion is greatest where the dissolved oxygen concentration is lowest as this area
is anodic to areas where the concentration is higher.
A useful way of looking at the thermodynamics of corrosion reactions is the potential-pH diagram,
often referred to as a Pourbaix diagram. In this diagram, the boundary conditions are set by the pH/E H
domains where water is unstable through either being oxidisable to oxygen or reducible to hydrogen.
EH 0 Corrosion
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- 2H2O
Fe2+ + 2e- Fe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 117
For any particular concentration of a metal, the diagram divides the pH-EH space into three regions
where the metal is immune from corrosion, prone to corrosion or tends to form a thin passive surface
film, usually of an oxide. This is illustrated in the Pourbaix diagram below for iron, from which is
evident that iron is corrosive over the common range of conditions found in papermaking systems.
Pourbaix diagrams are useful is defining the equilibrium conditions for corrosive reactions, but
corrosion reactions are often not at equilibrium for kinetic reasons. The actual corrosion rate can be
measured by determining the anodic and cathodic polarisation curves, where the potential often
increases linearly with the logarithm of the applied current. This relationship is a measure of how the
rates of the anodic and the cathodic reactions are retarded by various environmental factors such as
the concentration of metal ions, dissolved oxygen, etc (referred to as concentration polarisation)
and/or by surface processes such as adsorption, film formation, etc (referred to as activation
polarisation). The hydrodynamics of the system also play a key role in determining the corrosion rate
as the mass transfer of cell reactants and cell products are often the rate-limiting step. A fairly
common set of conditions in papermaking is the initial slowing down of a corrosion reaction due to the
polarisation from the build-up of hydrogen gas. However, the corrosion reaction can be depolarised
under aerobic conditions by dissolved oxygen or under anaerobic conditions by sulphate-reducing
the use of barriers to protect the underlying metal, which can take various forms:
- galvanising iron or steel with zinc
- anodising surfaces (eg aluminium) to produce a protective oxide layer
- Applied coatings such as paint, bitumen, lacquers, etc.
Substances present in papermaking waters can accelerate corrosion and these substances represent
a sub-set of the wider range of problematic substances. As noted above, another set of problematic
substances that can contribute to corrosion is the set of substances supporting microbial activity.
Firstly, the aerobic bacteria remove dissolved oxygen (DO) and create localised corrosion cells at
different DO levels. Once the DO is depleted, anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria create acidity in the
form of organic acids and sulphate-reducing bacteria can consume hydrogen, thus depolarising the
corrosion cell. Once the sulphides are released to the mill atmosphere as hydrogen sulphide gas, this
presents further corrosion problems either directly (eg by reacting with silver electrodes in control
gear) or after microbial oxidation to sulphuric acid.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 118
The ionic quality of the process waters also affects corrosion in several possible ways:
overall conductivity through simply increasing the electrical carrying power of the liquid phase
surrounding the corrosion cells
chloride, which is often implicated in the pitting or crevice corrosion of stainless steel, but this
requires concentrations at the high end of the normal range
sulphate in terms of the supply of ions for microbial reduction
thiosulphate can cause pitting corrosion of stainless steel (304 grade) at concentrations below 50
It should be noted that concentrations well above the measured whitewater or stock concentrations
can occur in splash zones during drying-out periods. Corrosion problem areas at paper mills have
evolved over the years in response to changes in construction materials. With the move away from
brass/bronze to some form of synthetic organic (eg polyester) formation wire, problems of
dezincification have disappeared, although this can still occur with couch and suction rolls. Stainless
steel has become the construction material of choice for many mills with the corrosion-resistant 316
grade, despite its high cost compared to the 304 grade, often being used. 316 stainless steel contains
2-3% molybdenum, which, in addition to the nickel and chromium also in the 304 grade, gives extra
protection against chloride pitting.
Corrugated cases
These are the packaging boxes that result from the converting of linerboard and fluting. There are
various constructions using 1-3 layers of fluting between 2-4 layers of liner.
The flutes have different sizes with several standard grades (A, B, C and E)
and several non-standard ones such as mini, micro and extra coarse.
In the manufacturing of the case, the fluting is firstly heated and then pre-steamed to soften the lignin.
The actual corrugation is conducted at high temperature followed by the gluing to the outer liner, one
side at a time. The adhesive is applied to the flute tips at a dose of 4-8 g/m (thickness 0.1-0.25 mm)
and then contacted with the liner. Temperature is very important during application of the adhesive.
The water absorbency of the fluting and liner is critical.
Unmodified starch is the most common corrugating adhesive, but modified starches and other
materials may be used. There are a number of different techniques to prepare the starch adhesive, but
a basic sub-division is between two systems depending on the degree of initial starch cooking:
the so-called carrier systems (often referred to as Stein-Hall process), where the adhesive (starch)
is present in two forms:
- the primary (carrier) portion of the adhesive, which accounts for 10-20% of the total starch.
This is a fully-cooked starch solution containing some caustic soda to allow gelatinisation of
the starch granules at lower-than-normal temperature and borax to improve initial tack and
shear stability. The resultant solution is then diluted with water to cool the solution and arrest
the gelatinisation process.
- the secondary starch, which accounts for 80-90% of the total starch. This is added as a
powder and begins to gelatinise before application depending on the temperature of the
primary starch solution.
The carrier system provides a blend of initial adhesion and water retention with strong final
adhesion to both fluting and liner.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 119
Most formulations can be supplied in a pre-mixed form for ease of preparation. The solids content of
the final adhesive is 20-25% and can incorporate other additives:
a preservative to stop microbial activity which will degraded the starch's functionality
a wet strength agent to give the set adhesive some resistance to water.
Corrugating medium
This is an alternative name for fluting medium.
Covalent bond
This is one of the three types of chemical bond, in this case where two atoms share electrons to form
a stable configuration through overlapping of their electron orbitals. This sharing of electrons can only
occur when neither of the bonding atoms is strongly electrophilic or nucleophilic as such atoms would
tend to form an ionic bond. In practice, this means that this type of bond is restricted to elements
towards the middle of the Periodic Table, the best example being the enormous range of organic
compounds based on carbon. Even with covalent bonds, the electrons may not be shared equally,
giving rise to some ionic character in many covalently-bonded chemicals.
In fact, the distribution of the bonding electrons is only uniform when the + -
δ δ
two atoms are the same, as in hydrogen (H - H) or chlorine (Cl - Cl). If H - Cl or H - Cl
we take the simple case of hydrogen chloride (H - Cl), chlorine is
strongly electrophilic, so the bonding electrons are displaced towards it, giving the chlorine atom a
slightly negative charge and, in order to maintain overall neutrality, the hydrogen atom a slightly
positive charge. This is usually written as shown at right with the arrow indicating the direction of
electron displacement.
Because of the charge separation, such molecules have a dipole moment. This type of charge
separation is also the underlying factor behind the hydrogen bond.
This is the process of introducing small folds or compressions into the paper and is usually carried out
on the Yankee cylinder for tissue/towel grades to improve their bulk and softness. The creping of the
sheet occurs when the dry web is removed from the cylinder by the creping doctor blade. Most papers
will adhere naturally to the cylinder surface, but adhesion and hence the quality of the creping can be
improved by the addition of chemicals either at the wet end or by direct spraying onto the cylinder.
This creping mixture may contain three components:
an adhesive such as a polyamide, polyaminoamide resin or polyvinyl alcohol
a release agent that is more hydrophobic in character than the adhesive such as emulsified
mineral oils, fatty acid esters and polyphosphates
a wetting agent, usually a surfactant.
2 2
Doses are normally below 5 mg per m of cylinder surface, but are much higher (around 50 mg/m ) for
creping tissue after through-air drying.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 120
Crowding number
This is a useful term in looking at the flocculation characteristics of fibre suspensions.
2 2
Crowding number = π/6. L /C.Cm = 2/3.(L/D) .Cv
where L = fibre length (m), C = fibre coarseness, Cm = fibre mass concentration (kg/m ),
D = fibre diameter (m) and Cv = fibre volume concentration (fraction)
The value represents the average number of fibres in a sphere of diameter L such that
when the crowding number is unity, there is just one fibre in that space. This fibre L
concentration [Cv = 1.5(D/L) ] represents the critical concentration above which fibres are
increasingly likely to collide by rotation (see picture at right). This critical concentration is very low (40-
50 mg/l) so fibre collision by rotation is present throughout the papermaking system.
This is an abbreviation for Canadian Standard Freeness.
This is an abbreviation for chemi-thermomechanical pulp or pulping process.
This term is used in papermaking to denote a chemical interaction between an additive and some part
of the papermaking furnish. This interaction is normally a genuine chemical reaction, which, being
temperature-driven, takes place predominantly within the drying section as part of dry end chemistry.
Chemical conditions within the drying sheet may also affect the rate of cure and the use of specific
additives to enhance the cure rate are termed cure promoters. Examples of such curing reactions are:
between wet strength resin molecules to form cross-linked polymers surrounding cellulose
between some sizing chemicals (AKD and ASA) and cellulose itself.
As the sizing of paper is a multi-stage process (even after the retention step), curing is a useful term to
describe the series of stages (re-distribution, anchoring and orientation) that are necessary to size
paper. Because of the temperature-dependency of the curing reactions, it is quite common for this to
be incomplete at the reel. It is thus common practice to assess the ultimate cure level by artificially
curing a sample of the paper at an elevated temperature for a short time, the precise conditions
depending on the chemistry concerned.
This is the bending or curving of a paper sheet in one direction and is usually caused by exposure of
the paper to different moisture or humidity levels. Curl can be initiated by wetting the paper on one
side only, which causes the fibres on that side to swell and expand with the wetted side forming the
convex (outer) surface of the curled paper. Curl can also arise when the paper is exposed to a similar
moisture on both sides, but, if the paper has some two-sidedness, there may still be differential
swelling/expansion leading to curl.
These are organic chemicals, more specifically organo-nitrogen compounds, with the - O - C N
group, but more important to papermaking chemicals are the iso-cyanates containing the - N = C = O
group and thiocyanates containing the - S - C N group. Iso-cyanates are used to make
polyurethanes and some thiocyanates, which are also organo-sulphur compounds, are used as
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 121
This term is used to denote one atomic mass unit and is named after the English chemist John Dalton,
who proposed the atomic theory of matter in 1803.
This is an abbreviation for dibromonitrilopropionamide, a commonly-used organic biocide.
This is an abbreviation for dichloropropanol.
This abbreviation is perhaps better-known in papermaking generally as standing for Distributed
Control System, but, in chemical terms, it has come to stand for dissolved and colloidal substances.
This is an abbreviation for dynamic drainage jar.
This is the term for the removal of air from a liquid, but a better term for papermaking is degassing or
degasification as air is not the only gas (mixture) removed.
This is the name for a chemical that reduces inter-fibre bonding by interfering with the ability of fibres
to hydrogen bond with one another. . Such chemicals are mainly used in tissue grades where they
also contribute to bulk and softness. Cationic surfactants are the most common type of debonding
agent and are rather similar to chemical softeners. Papermaking fillers also weaken the paper
structure due to interference with inter-fibre bonds, but this is not intentional, just one of several
undesirable side-effects of their use as opacifying additives.
This is a term for a mild level of refining that is applied to some papermaking furnishes, eg those
intended for tissue manufacture or using recycled pulps, where extensive refining would lead to
undesirable effects on product quality (eg softness for tissue grades) and/or on machine productivity
(eg water removal for recycled grades).
These chemicals are able to destroy an already-formed foam and, together with anti-foams and
degassing chemicals, are an important component of most commercial foam control formulations.
Defoamers are generally hydrophobic substances that function by one of three possible mechanisms:
penetrating the interfacial film and interrupting the surface arrangement to produce localised weak
points and ultimately bubble coalescence.
spreading over the film surface, which produces a shearing action and subsequent film thinning.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 122
Defoamers used by industry used to be rather simple oil-based formulations, but these have been
largely replaced by more sophisticated and more cost effective water-based formulations. Oil-based
defoamers were implicated in deposit problems (particularly with pitch) and losses in sizing efficiency
due to the ability of the oil to dissolve the hydrophobic sizing molecule (particularly rosin). Water-
based emulsion defoamers have the additional advantage that they can also be formulated with higher
active contents due to having their lower viscosities than comparable oil-based defoamers.
Water-based formulations have evolved from blends of fatty acid esters, waxes, sulphated tallow oils
to include hydrophobic silicas (usually pre-treated with silicones), fatty alcohols/acids/amides and
ethoxylated nonionic polymers. The particle size distribution of the emulsion particles, as well as their
chemistry, is critical to their ability to interrupt the foam-stabilising film. Defoamer selection is still a
matter of trial and error to some degree (albeit backed by the considerable expertise and know-how of
the speciality suppliers), but the addition point should be close to where the gas is being
introduced/dispersed. Chemical addition rates are around 0.5% on fibre, but this obviously depends on
the "active" content of the actual product.
In papermaking, this is a better term than deaeration as air is not the only entrained gas that could be
removed, the other important one being carbon dioxide. Removal of entrained gases is one of the
techniques to overcome the potential problems of foam, poor drainage and poor formation quality of
the paper that may result from the entrainment of gases. Mechanical degassing through the
application of a vacuum is a well-known technique (eg Ahlstrom Deculator), often applied to the thin
stock to prevent drainage and formation problems, but this will not prevent foam formation in the
backwater system once gases have the opportunity re-enter the liquid phase. Facilitating the natural
disengagement of entrained gases is one of the three requirements (the others being some anti-
foaming and defoaming activity) for a foam control additive.
This term refers to the breakdown of a material by either a chemical reaction (eg hydrolysis) or through
the agency of micro-organisms. This can take place anywhere within the papermaking system, but is
most prevalent at the wet end rather than during surface application. Controlling any degradation
activity is an important component within wet end chemistry.
Degree of polymerisation
This term, often abbreviated as DP, is a measure of the length of a polymer chain in terms of the
number of repeating units. For example, natural cellulose in wood has a DP of about of about 10,000
glucose units, which is equivalent to a molecular mass of about 1.5M Daltons.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 123
Degree of substitution
This term, often abbreviated DS, applies to the level of substitution in a polymer chain. It is used in two
main areas in papermaking:
in the case of starch or cellulose, where it refers to the proportion of hydroxyl groups that have
been converted to a different form, eg to an ester or ether in the case of starches or to an anionic
group in the case of carboxymethyl derivatives of cellulose. As each glucose unit has 3 hydroxyl
groups, the maximum DS is 3. A DS of 0.03 thus means that 1% of the hydroxyl groups have been
replaced or that, on average, there is one replacement group on one glucose unit in every 33
glucose units.
in the case of synthetic polymers such as polyacrylamide, where it refers to the content of either
anionic or cationic co-polymers and is usually expressed on a molar basis as the % charged
monomer content.
Deinked pulp
This is one of the two broad categories of recycled pulp produced from recovered paper, the other
being non-deinked pulp. Deinking is the process of removing from recovered paper not only any ink,
but also any other constituent that is not wanted on the paper machine, eg the range of problematic
substances such as stickie-forming adhesives and, on some paper machines, fillers and fibre fines.
Deinking is more comparable with the mechanical rather than the chemical process for manufacturing
virgin pulps and involves a series of chemi-mechanical cleaning stages, as shown in the diagram
below for a typical sequence of deinking steps.
Recycled water
Rejects Sludge
Flotation Fine
Sludge Washers
cell screen
Flotation Rejects
clarifiier Recycled
Thickener/ Flotation
Bleaching pulp
disperger cell
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 124
As shown in the above circuit diagram, other deinking stages are purely mechanical and rather similar
to some of the stages in the cleaning of recovered paper in non-deinking systems. The yield of
recovered materials in the deinked pulp depends on the nature of the input material in relation to the
desired properties of the pulp, but can be as low as 60% for tissue or printings/writings grade pulps
and up to about 85% for newsprint grade pulps. By contrast, yields of 90-95% are achieved for direct-
entry recovered paper used predominantly in packaging grades. The yield range from recovered paper
is thus comparable with that of virgin pulp from wood.
As mentioned above, there are essentially two different types of deinked pulp:
those made from recovered papers containing a high proportion of mechanical pulp, which are
then used in somewhat similar grades of wood-containing graphical papers, mainly newsprint and,
to a much lesser extent, in SC and LWC grades
those made from recovered papers containing a high proportion of bleached chemical pulp, which
are then used in various grades of wood-free paper such as tissues, towels and wood-free
graphical papers.
By its nature, the deinking process has the potential to remove many of the substances present in
recovered paper that could otherwise cause problems on the paper machine (see recycled pulps for a
more general discussion of this). However, there are two important sets of substances in deinked
pulps that can still cause problems on the paper machine:
stickies, removal of which should be one of the objectives of deinking. Potential problems on the
paper machine are more related to the micro-stickies generated by mechanical action in deinking
than from intact macro-stickies.
dissolved substances, mainly the organic fraction from the recovered paper, but it can include
some additives used in deinking (eg silicates). The main potential problems stemming from
dissolved solids in deinked pulps are microbial activity from residual starches and impaired
efficiency of cationic additives from anionic trash.
The dissolution of substances during deinking depends on many of the same factors that influence this
process within papermaking, but the residual level of dissolved solids in the deinked pulp depends on
the way in which water is used in deinking and the degree of closure of the deinking circuits. In an
analogous way to papermaking systems, where a high degree of water closure is beneficial to the
overall retention of dissolved substances in the paper, closing up of deinking circuits tends to increase
the carry-over of dissolved substances to the papermaking system. However, this can be minimised by
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 125
counter-current movement of process waters and by efficient thickening or washing in the later stages
of the deinking process.
In the interests of a clean papermaking system, maximum dissolution during deinking is desirable,
unless it can be shown that any residual water-soluble material does not dissolve under papermaking
conditions, where the key variables influencing organics dissolution (pH, temperature and electrolyte
levels) will probably be at different levels to those prevailing during deinking. From a yield perspective,
dissolution is undesirable wherever it occurs, but it is preferable that any dissolution takes place in the
deinking circuits rather than in papermaking.
It is well-known that alkaline conditions, as is normal in the first stages of deinking and during peroxide
bleaching, enhance dissolution from recovered papers through their effect on fibre swelling. One
reported example for a 70:30 mixture of old newspaper and old magazines indicates an increase from
about 10 kg COD/tonne at neutral pH to 30-40 kg COD/tonne at doses of 2-3% NaOH on fibre. Similar
increases in organics dissolution are observed when old corrugated cases are pre-treated with alkali
to upgrade the strength properties of the fibres. The use of high pH to promote fibre swelling is thus a
compromise between its effect in enhancing paper strength and increasing dissolution and loss of
Some of the substances in virgin pulps and many of the non-fibrous additives in papermaking have
some charge character and, unless they are removed during deinking, they will contribute to the
charge content of the deinked pulp. Published charge data for deinked pulps is not plentiful, is often
poorly characterised and is complicated by the presence of uncertain quantities of deinking chemicals
(eg sodium silicate) and the (variable) efficiency of final washing. The data in the figure below shows
the effect of various deinking treatments on the dissolution of charged substances (measured by
titration with Polybrene). It
should be noted that cationic Dissolved cationic demand, μeq/g
demand of the deinked pulp 12
46 18 Ink-free, disintegrated,
10 no chemicals
passing forward to the paper
machine would be much lower 8 Printed, disintegrated,
no chemicals
than the values quoted, once it 6
has been washed and 4 Printed, disintegrated,
with NaOH, silicate, peroxide
thickened. The data in the first 2
Printed, disintegrated,
two columns for each treatment 0 with NaOH, silicate, peroxide,
(ie simple disintegration) are Akaline Acid Old news Old maga flotated and acid neutralised.
copier copier papers zines
more relevant to non-deinked
Source: Kuys and Zhu in "Progress in Paper Recycling", 1997, February, 59-63.
pulps, which are not thickened
before passing to the paper
Data on dissolved charges for two other deinked pulps after disintegration give values of about 4 and
11 eq/g. A pulp produced from deinking of office papers (see this table) contained levels of anionic
substances of around 90 eq/g by Polybrene titration of the whole deinked pulp compared to about
60-70 eq/g using other charge titration techniques. In a more detailed study, the cationic demand of
various fractions of a deinked pulp for newsprint was measured with the results in the table below. It is
clear from this that the charge on the dissolved solids (0.4 meq/g) is about 10x that on the particulate
solids (30 μeq/g), but the charge on the dissolved solids is partly due to concentration of recycled
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 126
An example of the influence of anionic trash in a deinked pulp is shown here for a retention aid system
using colloidal silica and cationic starch. Another example is shown here for the adverse effect of
residual silicate on retention aid performance. From these range of values, it is evident that the
content of anionic substances in deinked pulps is somewhat variable, reflecting the wide range of input
levels in raw pulps and variations in deinking efficiency.
This is the name for polymers that have a highly branched structure and is derived from the word,
dendra, the Greek word for tree. Because of the shape of the molecules with chains extending
outwards from a central hub, they are also sometimes referred to as "starburst" molecules. This is
represented by the drawing at right, where there is a similar branch-upon-branch outward chain
structure on the three other spokes radiating out from the centre. A number
of chemistries have been employed but, one that has been investigated as a
retention aid in papermaking is a polypropyleneimine. This structure
contains tertiary amine nitrogens as the branch points within the core of the
molecule and primary amine nitrogens at the periphery. The cationic charge
is thus dependent on pH and molecular mass, values of 13-20 meq/g having
been measured for some commercial products at pH 5. The molecules are
quite small with diameters in the few nm range, ie similar to nano-particles
such as colloidal silica.
Laboratory investigations in Canada have been carried out on a number of mechanical pulp (TMP
newsprint, SC paper) and recycled pulp furnishes and these show that the dendrimers can achieve at
least comparable performance to normal polymers (such as PEI) in terms of retention and drainage at
similar mass doses. They also worked well as part of a dual component system with cationic
polyacrylamides and were effective for control of pitch.
This is relevant to paper quality and the properties of some papermaking materials. It is normally
calculated from measurements of the paper grammage and caliper:
3 2
Paper density (g/cm ) = grammage (g/m )/caliper (μm)
The reciprocal density of paper is its bulk in units of cm /g. The density of papers varies from around
3 3
0.3 g/cm (or less) for tissue grades up to about 1g/cm for heavily calendered papers. For a paper of
fixed grammage, density has an important bearing on other sheet properties such as strength and
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 127
The density of filler-free paper depends on how well the fibres are able to conform to one another and
on their particle size distribution. For example, mechanical treatment by refining increases density
(reduces bulk) through generating fines which fill in the gaps between fibres. Pressing and calendering
have the same effect simply through the applied surface pressure. Fillers increase paper density more
than pulp fines as they are denser materials. The density of most fillers (clays and calcium carbonates)
3 3
is about 2.6 kg/dm , but titanium dioxide has a density of about 4 kg/dm and barium sulphate is even
higher at 4.5 kg/dm . Plastic pigments such as those based on urea-formaldehyde are sometimes
used as opacifiers because of their lower density (about 1.5 kg/dm ).
This term may be used in two different ways in papermaking:
the accumulation of materials (deposits) on exposed surfaces of pipes, tanks and the paper
a specific type of aggregation process where small particles (eg filler) become associated with
much larger particles (eg fibre) and the small particle appears to be deposited on the larger one.
This may also be referred to as hetero-coagulation.
A deposit is any material that forms an adherent attachment to an exposed surface in process
equipment, tanks and pipework. This may occur at the wet end, during paper formation (eg on wires,
felts, rolls, etc) and within surface application systems. Arguably, the most widespread problems occur
at the wet end, which represents a near-ideal environment for the proliferation of deposits of all types
due to the high concentration of substances and a moderate-high temperature. Deposition tends to get
more severe as the water system is closed up due to the concentrating effect on dissolved substances
and the higher process temperatures.
Deposit-forming substances are a sub-set of problematic substances that cause a range of process
and product problems, which, in the case of uncontrolled deposition, include impaired drainage, web
breaks, pipe blockages, corrosion, degradation of raw materials, product disfiguration from holes and
spots, etc. Deposit-forming substances can be sub-divided into two categories:
Actual deposits are a complex matrix of accumulated debris, where one set of the above materials
may start the process and then act as a nucleus for deposition of other materials. These problems can
be controlled using the same hierarchy of techniques summarised generally for all problematic
substances and discussed elsewhere specifically for pitch and slime. In terms of non-microbiological
(ie chemical) deposit problems, these are:
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 128
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of deposit-forming components or their
This technique is only feasible for contaminants in virgin pulps (ie pitch), but many of these pulps
(notably bleached Kraft pulps) should already include pitch content within their quality
specification. For recovered paper grades, it would be good practise for all papermakers and
converters to bear in mind the impacts of added materials for the recycler of their product.
The analysis of deposits is an obvious first step in their elimination from the papermaking system.
Being potentially a complex mixture of chemical and biological components, a preliminary
morphological examination under a low-powered microscope is sensible to give hints about the overall
matrix in terms of fibres, fillers and bacteria/fungi. Standard microbiological techniques can be used to
cultivate and identify bacterial and fungal species where necessary and the presence of certain types
of activity (eg anaerobic acid production and sulphate reduction) can be confirmed by appropriate
chemical analysis or simple visual assessment (eg black coloration due to iron sulphide).
For the chemical analysis, a useful initial test is dissolution under acid and alkaline conditions. This
should be combined with simple visual observation such as gas evolution, which is likely to indicate
the presence of calcium carbonate. Inorganic ions in the dissolved fraction can be analysed in further
detail by flame emission/atomic absorption or ion chromatography. Insoluble inorganics are best
analysed after combustion of the filtered residue (to remove organics) using techniques such as X-ray
fluorescence. The organic matrix may not be soluble under aqueous conditions, in which case
extraction with a non-aqueous solvent can be followed by any of several techniques such as infra-red,
gas chromatography, etc. This microbiological and chemical detective work is often carried out by
chemical suppliers as most mills do not have the required analytical facilities or expertise.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 129
This is the reverse process to adsorption onto the particle surface from solution and is usually
undesirable. It is only applicable to substances which have previously been adsorbed at the wet end
and should not be applied to the process of dissolution of water-soluble substances from pulps.
This term is sometimes used to describe the processes of water removal on the formation fabric (see
drainage) and in the press section and also for the thickening of pulps.
Dichloropropanol (DCP)
This is generated as a by-product during the reaction between epichlorhydrin and an aminopolyamide
to produce PAE resins. This is undesirable as DCP is classified as a possible carcinogen in some
countries. DCP may also be present in CHPT, one of the chemicals used to make cationic starches.
This chemical is an organo-nitrogen compound (formula at right) and is used as a viscosity-reducing
rheology modifier in paper coatings. it can also be reacted with polyamines or HN H
formaldehyde to produce derivatives that are used as dye fixatives.
H2N - C - N - CN
Dielectric constant
The dielectric constant of a substance or medium is a dimensionless parameter derived from the
equation that defines the force between two electrical charges (q 1 and q2):
F = q1.q2/ε.r
where r = separation distance and
-12 2
ε is the permittivity of the medium = 8.85x 10 Coulomb/Newton.m for a vacuum.
The dielectric constant is the ratio of the permittivity in the medium in question compared to that in a
vacuum and is sometimes called the relative permittivity. Water has one of the highest known
dielectric constants (80) and this is the reason why water is such a good solvent for other polar
molecules like electrolytes as the high dielectric constant reduces the strong electrostatic attractive
force between oppositely-charged ions .
This is the process whereby molecules, in the absence of any mixing forces, migrate from a region of
high concentration to one of low concentration and is a consequence of Brownian Motion. The rate of
diffusion is governed by Fick's Law:
dm/dt = - D.A.dc/dx
where m = material mass, t = time, c = material concentration, x = distance in diffusion direction,
A = area and D = diffusion coefficient (length /time)
In most papermaking situations prior to paper formation, the papermaking stock is subject to mixing
and shear forces so diffusion is not a significant process. However, in the machine's backwater
system, tanks are often not mixed in any positive sense, but the contents are kept in motion by the
movement of incoming and outgoing waters. Diffusion processes may be more relevant in this part of
the system, particularly in dead zones and within or near deposits.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 130
This organic liquid (often abbreviated DIPN) is used in the manufacture of CH3
the colour-forming capsules used in some carbonless-copy papers. The CH
commercial product contains several isomers of DIPN (see formula at 2
right), the proportions of the 2,6- and 2,7- isomers being particularly
This term is short-hand for the chlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins
(formula at right) that are sometimes labelled the most toxic chemicals Clx Cly
in the environment. The concentration of these dioxins and the related
chlorinated dibenzo-furans are usually expressed as toxic equivalents O
(teq) on the basis of the most toxic dioxin, the tetra-chlorinated 2,3,7,8-
derivative (often abbreviated 2378-TCDD).
Their relevance to papermaking is that, in the mid-1980s, they were detected, albeit at very low levels,
in chemical pulps that had been bleached with chlorine. This led to an enormous research programme
by the industry to find the source and cause for this and then to modify existing practices to eliminate
their presence. This has been very successful to the extent that, despite advances in dioxin analysis,
dioxins (or furans) cannot be detected in pulps or waste streams from chemical pulp bleaching plants
that have adapted their processes in the appropriate way. Essentially, this has meant moving away
from reliance on chlorine as the principle chemical agent for lignin removal in favour of chlorine dioxide
and non-chlorine containing agents such as oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxide.
This abbreviation stands for di-isopropyl-naphthalene.
Dipole moment
This concept applies to situations where there are two opposite charges
-q +q
(as shown at right), the dipole moment being defined as:
2 2
dipole moment (Coulomb .metre) = q /d
-30 2
The alternative unit is the Debye where 1 Debye = 3.34 x 10 C .m. Any molecule that has a
negatively-charged area (or ion) separated from a positively-charged area (or ion) has a permanent
dipole moment and is said to be polar. The direction of the dipole moment is towards the positively
charged entity. Molecules with a dipole moment align themselves in an applied electric field.
Substances without a permanent dipole moment can have an induced dipole moment when placed in
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 131
an electric field and are then said to be polarised. A substance's dipole moment and its polarisability
are two of the important factors in terms of the attractive van der Waals forces that exist between all
substances and are also important in relation to a substance's dielectric constant.
Direct dye
As their name suggests, direct dyes were developed to have better adsorption on and affinity for the
particulate surface than traditional dyes. For both anionic and cationic direct dyes, this is achieved by
having larger and more planar molecules so that the dye can get closer to the particulate surface.
Direct dyes are thus more substantive (than non-direct dyes) to bleached chemical pulps and have
good fastness characteristics. Because of these desirable attributes, direct dyes are now the most
common type of dye used in papermaking for both wet end and surface application. For reasons of
chemical compatibility, anionic direct dyes are preferred for surface applications, whereas the cationic
direct dyes usually show the best performance at the wet end.
An example of a direct anionic dye is Direct anionic dye - Direct Orange 118
Direct Orange 118 as shown at right. It OH OH
is evident that these dyes have some N=N N=N
resemblance to the traditional acid NCN
dyes, but the molecules are significantly H H
larger. Water solubility and the anionic
character are due to the sulphonate groups, whilst the colour is due to the extensive, delocalised π-
electron system involving two azo groups. Despite their better substantivity, their anionic character
means their efficiency is still improved markedly by the presence of hardness salts or through the use
of alum or fixatives.
Direct Red 253 (formula below) is made by modifying a simpler dye (Direct Red 81) to introduce more
hydroxyl groups, which give better substantivity through hydrogen bonding with the fibre. The
introduction of hydrophilic groups (such as hydroxyl) requires care as this can make the molecule too
water-soluble, which would impair substantivity.
NaO3S -N=N- -N=N- N
Direct anionic dye - Direct Red 253
Some anionic direct dyes utilise metal ions (eg copper) to improve fastness properties. This is shown
below for a blue dye, where the planarity of the molecule is helped by the co-ordinate link from the azo
groups to the copper (II) ions.
Cu Cu
-N=N- -N=N-
The cationic direct dyes are the most substantive as they combine a positive charge with a large,
linear, planar molecule. This is shown below for a red dye, where the tertiary nitrogen on the
substituted amine group gives excellent adsorption on fibre.
H2NO2S -N=N- -N=N- N -
HO3S N +
Direct cationic dye - Basic Red 111 H NHCH2CH2 CH2N H(CH3)2
The overall adsorption of direct dyes includes most of the possible mechanisms for dyes generally and
these are discussed in more detail under dyes.
Disinfection is the process of achieving sterility (freedom from micro-organisms) in a material or
location and is only used in papermaking in terms of one raw material, fresh water.
This is a type of chemical used to stabilise suspensions of colloidal particles (ie to produce a
dispersion). Dispersants are able to do this by adsorbing on particle surfaces and preventing
aggregation through either electrostatic repulsion or steric stabilisation. They are used in papermaking
for several applications:
to prepare stable dispersions of AKD and rosin sizes and emulsions of ASA size
to stop some wet end materials and micro-organisms forming deposits
to allow fillers or pigments to be supplied in a slurry form at high solids content without
aggregating together prior to use at the mill
to maintain coating solids in a finely-divided state.
In the case of deposit prevention, dispersants can be used in their own right or be part of formulated
commercial products, eg biocides. Enzymes can be considered to be a type of dispersant that is used
to stop micro-organisms forming slimes. Some dispersants (notably anionic substances) can cause
problems in wet end chemistry through their ability to neutralise cationic additives. The main source of
this problem is dispersants (eg polyacrylates) used in filler and pigment slurries.
A dispersion is a uniform distribution of one material in another and is most commonly applied to
colloidal systems. The most common sort of dispersion in papermaking is a suspension of particulate
materials in water. As many particles have some tendency to aggregate together (particularly when
not being positively mixed), it is often necessary to use chemical dispersants to stabilise the
suspension in a fully dispersed state.
In wet end chemistry, dispersion is generally an undesirable process, which would tend to lower single
pass retentions, but dispersant chemicals are still sometimes used in relation to deposit control.
However, dispersion is an important process within paper coating where the particulate components
must be prevented from aggregation in order to produce a uniform coating layer. AKD and rosin sizes
are also dispersions (not emulsions as they are both solids), but, as they are quite strongly
hydrophobic, they require a dispersing agent (cationic starch for AKDs and often the protein, casein,
for rosin) to stabilise them in an aqueous system.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 133
This term means simply putting a substance into the form of a solution, which, in papermaking terms,
means in aqueous (water) solution. Many raw materials are supplied to the mill in a dissolved form for
ease of application (wet strength resins, dyes, brighteners, etc) and others are deliberately dissolved
in water before addition to the papermaking system (eg starches). In this document, the term
"dissolution" is applied to substances that are not deliberately dissolved in water, but which dissolve
incidentally from a particulate state (eg from pulps) simply because they are water-soluble. An
alternative term for this type of dissolution is leaching or extraction from the particulate material.
Dissolution is mainly relevant to wet end chemistry, but it can also occur when a base paper passes
through a surface applicator such as a size press. In both cases, dissolution is undesirable as it is
likely to cause problems, eg at the size press, the substances dissolved from the paper web might
interact with chemicals in the size press solution causing precipitation and perhaps deposition
elsewhere in the size press circuit. Dissolution at the wet end can be broken down into two sets of
organics originating from pulps such as
- hemi-celluloses from virgin pulps
- starches from size press-treated broke and recovered paper
- coating dispersants from coated broke.
As is evident from this list, the dominant source of such materials is pulps and the dominant type of
material dissolved on most paper machines is organic. The highest levels originate from machine
broke that has been surface-treated and from recycled pulps that are not deinked beforehand. In these
cases, substances that dissolve readily at the wet end could account for 5% or more of the pulp, most
of this material being starches. However, high levels of inorganic electrolytes can be generated by
dissolution, not so much from pulps but rather by dissolution of calcium carbonate when microbial
activity is not well controlled. In fact, the highest level of dissolution of both sets of substances tends to
occur on recycled liner/fluting machines operating substantially- or fully-closed water systems.
On most paper machines, the solids dissolved in this way account for most of the total dissolved solids
at the wet end (see baseline chemistry for some examples of this). As the single pass retention of all
dissolved substances never exceeds about 2%, they build up rapidly in the papermaking circuits,
particularly on machines with closed water systems (see this example). Most (if not all) substances
that dissolve in this way are problematic substances that are responsible for undesirable effects such
as slime growth, chemical deposits, foam, chemical interference, etc. One of the important
management issues within wet end chemistry is thus to minimise dissolution.
Some of the factors affecting dissolution are discussed under solubility. Examples of dissolution of
organics are given in the sections on bleached Kraft pulps, bleached mechanical pulps,
chemimechanical pulps, ECF pulps, non-deinked recycled pulps and TCF pulps. At the extreme, the
total dissolved solids present at the wet end can reach levels of about 50 g/l, nearly all of which comes
from dissolution. These very high concentrations occur on machines making recycled liner/fluting,
where the water systems are completely closed (see this table for machine data). As most of the
substances dissolving in this way are organics, this aspect is discussed further under dissolved
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 134
All DOC analysers are based on conversion of organic carbon to carbon dioxide, but differ in terms of
the method of carrying out this conversion and the method of measuring the amount of released CO 2.
There are two conventional conversion methods, but most modern analysers use photochemical
oxidation with UV light instead of the more traditional high temperature combustion. Oxidising
chemicals (eg persulphate) are sometimes added during photo-oxidation to improve conversion
efficiency. Three methods of measuring the released CO2 are in commercial use:
direct measurement in the gas phase using an infra red detector
reduction of CO2 to methane which is then measured by a flame ionisation detector
indirect measurement of the CO2 by conductivity after dissolution in water.
In terms of DOC analysis at the wet end, research has shown that DOC can be a useful surrogate
parameter for cationic demand, but this is true only if the anionic fraction of the dissolved organics
remains reasonably constant. DOC measurement in the laboratory is easily adapted to on-line
measurement sensor as the laboratory unit is fully automated apart from sample loading. The ABB
WIC on-line monitoring system can incorporate a DOC analyser. Some DOC concentrations are
quoted here for several machines with fully-closed water systems.
Dissolved organics
In wet end chemistry, the set of dissolved organic substances is one of the two fractions within the
total dissolved solids, the other fraction being the dissolved inorganics or electrolytes. The materials
added at the size press are nearly all dissolved organics (eg starches), but their dissolved character
tends to be taken for granted. In normal aqueous coating, the dissolved fraction is relatively minor
compared to the particulates and is largely organic in nature. At the wet end, the levels of dissolved
organics are usually measured either via their oxygen demand (as chemical oxygen demand) or their
carbon content (as dissolved organic carbon). COD is the most common technique.
There are three possible sources of dissolved organics at the wet end:
those taken in with the fresh water, but this can normally be neglected as insignificant, so the
baseline concentration is close to zero
those derived from other raw materials which can be further sub-divided into:
- chemicals added in a solution form to the wet end, eg starches, wet strength resins, etc, but
this contribution should be low as these chemicals are primarily selected on the basis of their
high adsorption on the particulate matrix
- substances which are added to the wet end associated with a largely particulate set of
materials (pulps, including broke), but which then dissolve in the liquid phase.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 135
The dominant source is thus dissolution, which is quite a complex process for organics because of the
enormous variation in their chemistry and in their molecular size. Most organics dissolving from pulps
are polymers, although there are a few exceptions to this such as fluorescent brighteners in the case
of dissolution from some recycled pulps and broke. As most polymers present are hydrophilic, their
inherent solubility is not likely to affect the extent of wet end dissolution at the normal levels present.
For chemicals that have been added to paper by surface application, their dissolution from broke or
from a recycled pulp is relatively easy if they are inherently water-soluble (eg starches and
brighteners). An example is given here of the dissolution of organics from various grades of recovered
paper. If the chemical has a charge attraction for the particulate surface (eg size press cationic
starch), it will be held in an adsorbed state and this is one of the advantages of using such chemicals
for surface application.
For the organics that are present in virgin pulps (eg hemi-celluloses), the situation is somewhat
different as they may be located inside the fibre wall and thus have to diffuse through the fibre wall
before they reach the external water. Unless the polymer is small enough to diffuse through the pores
within the fibre wall, it cannot dissolve in the bulk water so the critical factor is the size of the polymer
versus the size of the pores (see discussion under accessibility). The factors that influence the
conformation and size of polymers are discussed under polymers and the size of the pores in the fibre
wall is discussed under swelling.
In addition to the loss of yield and increased wastewater losses, the dissolution of organics at the wet
end also has two major undesirable effects depending on the chemistry of the substances concerned:
biodegradable organics such as starches from broke and recycled pulps make a substantive
contribution to wet end microbiological problems
charged organics such as anionic hemi-celluoses from virgin pulps and dispersants from coated
broke and coated recovered papers contribute to anionic trash.
Uncharged (nonionic) dissolved organics such as native starches could in principle stabilise fine
particles through a steric stabilisation mechanism, but it is generally considered that the wet end
concentrations are not high enough. The exception to this might be 100% recycled machines making
packaging grades which tend to run with substantially or even fully closed water systems. The
concentrations of dissolved organics on such machines can be up to around 30 g/l (as COD), but, as
this is composed mainly of starches, they are very degraded and this would limit their ability to act as
protective colloids. At the other end of the spectrum, machines running with virgin pulps and no/little
starch addition have concentrations of dissolved organics measured in 100s mg/l (as COD) and there
are a lot of machines operating with intermediate COD levels of 1-3 g/l.
Examples of COD levels on different paper machines are shown here for a recycled wet strength towel
and here for a coated wood-free machine. For any particular paper machine with a consistent raw
material input, the concentration of dissolved organics is determined by the degree of water closure
and a typical profile for the build-up of dissolved organics on closing up is shown here. Levels of
dissolved organics (as COD or DOC) are quoted here for several machines with fully-closed water
systems. When considering the effect of closing up on the levels of dissolved organics at the wet end,
the influence of electrolyte levels and temperature must always be borne in mind and, as these also
change on closing up, there can be complex feedback effects as discussed further under water
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 136
Dissolved substances
These substances are sometimes referred to as "dissolved and colloidal" substances or materials
(often abbreviated DCS or DCM). The reason for this is that, when particulate materials are removed
(by either filtration or centrifugation) from a wet end sample (stock or whitewater), the liquid phase
fraction often contains colloidally-dispersed solids as well as molecularly-dispersed (ie genuine
soluble) solids. In this document, they will be referred to simply as dissolved substances.
particulate form.
The dissolved substances present at the wet end of paper machines can be categorised in various
ways (see summary diagram above), but a useful initial sub-division is into two fractions depending on
their source rather than on their chemical nature:
those taken in with the fresh water, which are mainly inorganic electrolytes
those derived from other raw materials which can be further sub-divided into:
- chemicals added in a solution form to the wet end, eg starches, dyes, etc, which are intended
to be largely adsorbed by the particulate matrix and thereby retained in the paper
- substances which are added to the wet end associated with a largely particulate set of
materials (pulps, broke and calcium carbonate), but which then dissolve in the liquid phase.
This distinction as to the source of dissolved solids is important as those derived from fresh water do
not build up as the machine water system is closed up. The fresh water chemistry establishes what
might be called the baseline chemistry and other raw materials contribute to this depending on their
input load and single pass retention.
Disturbing substances
This is an alternative name for interfering substances.
This is an alternative name for dissolved organic carbon.
Donnan effect
The theory behind this effect was developed to explain the unequal distribution of ions on each side of
a membrane, where one ion is restricted to one side because of its large size. It was later applied to
more general situations where one ion or ion type was localised within one part of a system and it has
since been applied to papermaking pulps in terms of the difference in
ionic concentrations inside and outside the fibre wall. This is Fibre wall
illustrated in the simple picture at right, which shows an anionic hemi-
cellulose, which is too large to be able to squeeze through the pores in
the fibre wall and the mobile cations/anions that can move freely
through the fibre wall. The ability of such hemi-celluloses to reach the
bulk solution depends on their size relative to the size of the holes
(pores) in the fibre wall (see also discussion under accessibility), which
depends on the degree of fibre swelling.
The Donnan theory states that, when both diffusible and non-diffusible ionic substances are present,
there will be a higher equilibrium concentration of diffusible ions on the side containing the non-
diffusible charged substances, ie in the case of a pulp suspension, there will be a higher cation
concentration within the fibre wall than in the bulk solution. As the ionisation of the anionic hemi-
celluloses increases with pH (see this example for the pulp zeta potential), the difference in cation
concentrations across the fibre wall should also increase with pH.
This has been verified experimentally as shown below for one unbleached softwood Kraft pulp, where
the sample was taken directly from the pulp mill. This pulp had an anionic group content of 85 μeq/g
and a fibre saturation point of 1.4 g water/g pulp. The ratio of the ion concentrations inside and outside
the fibre wall is about 10x for sodium and 100x for calcium. Obviously, the mass distribution of ions
depends on the pulp consistency (ie on the ratio of water in the fibre wall to bulk water), but, at the 1%
pulp consistency used in this study, there was about the same amount of calcium ion in the fibre wall
as in the bulk solution. This concept is very important to the form of the pulp's anionic groups in
papermaking, where the pulp encounters a different set of cation concentrations than at the pulp mill
and a process of ion exchange takes place to establish a new equilibrium.
2+ +
Ca concentration (mM) Na concentration (mM)
100 100
Fibre wall Fibre wall
10 10
1 1
Dose-response effects
In papermaking, the response to the addition of a wet end chemical depends on several factors:
the initial retention of the chemical in the sheet
the positioning of the chemical within the sheet structure
the ability of the chemical to express its inherent functionality, which may depend on factors such
as the temperature profile in the drying section.
The optimum dose curve is quite common for chemicals like cationic retention polymers, where an
excessive polymer dose simply re-stabilises the particle with the opposite charge and retention drops.
Cationic additives of any type do not always work as quickly as intended and sometimes their
response curve is delayed due to some threshold effect. This is the classical effect caused by the
presence of anionic trash, which ties up the cationic additive before it can interact with the particulate
surface. This response pattern is not limited to soluble additives as it is also the sort of response
pattern when sizing chemicals are used. In this case, it is due to the fact that adequate sizing is not
achieved until all the particulate surfaces have been adequately covered with hydrophobic material.
The vast majority of papermaking chemicals are added to the system in a liquid form, largely on the
grounds of ease of automated dosing. Even chemicals that are natural powders (eg mineral fillers) are
increasingly being supplied in this form (in this case as a slurry) even when this involves the need to
incorporate chemical auxiliaries (eg dispersants) that can cause problems. There are some exceptions
to this (eg talc addition for pitch control), but, on most paper machines, pulp is the only raw material
added in a dry form. This comment applies equally to all three major chemical addition systems - the
wet end and, where present, the size press and coater.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 139
In addition to knowledge about the dose-response relationship for the additive, there are (at least) four
important issues in dosing:
to control the dose at the required level
This has been assisted considerably over the last 20 years by developments in on-line monitoring
sensors, which allow the dose to be controlled by a feedback signal from the sensor(s) and
associated data handling system. However, manual set points on dosing pumps still have to be
used for many additives, where sensors are still lacking (eg dry and wet strength).
to mix the chemical into the body of water as rapidly and uniformly as possible.
Poor mixing at the point of addition leads to localised interactions between the additive and the
stock and poor distribution. The most uniform distribution is usually achieved at high shear for a
short duration. Many papermaking chemicals (eg sizes) are dosed into the papermaking stock at
the supplied solids content with no pre-dilution. However, some additives (notably some polymer
solutions) are pre-diluted in order to lower their viscosity and facilitate uniform mixing. This can
involve quite significant quantities of water and normally fresh water is used.
As in the case of interactions with anionic trash when a polymer reaches the paper machine
system, these effects are not stoichiometric as the charge in each of the three sets of samples
was the same at about 80 μeq/l, but the adverse effects were slightly different. The electrolyte
effects were quite small, except for the alum, which improved the efficiency due to its ability to
neutralise the anionic trash. Recent developments in dosing arrangements (such as the Finnish
TrumpJet system) have shown that its is possible to use recycled waters for dilution of not just
retention chemicals, but also of biocides, dyes, sizing agents and cationic starch. In one
application with ASA size, such an approach has reduced the standard deviation of the paper's
Cobb value by about one third.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 140
to provide the optimum shear and contact time before sheet formation or surface application.
Prolonged high shear can be deleterious, notably for the state of aggregation of the wet end stock
and for the distribution of adsorbed additives. At the wet end, there is a choice between adding
chemicals to the thick stock system (with lower shear levels and longer contact times) or to the
thin stock (with higher shear and shorter contact times). There are several examples in this
document of the effect of shear level/duration on flocculation - see here for polyacrylamide, here
for polyacrylamide/polyethyleneimine, here for polyacrylamide/bentonite and here for colloidal
silica with cationic starch or polyacrylamide.
The above points are relevant to wet end addition more than surface application as the latter are
always mixed together prior to pumping to the applicator.
This is an abbreviation for degree of polymerisation.
This is the process of water removal from the papermaking stock in the initial paper forming (wire)
section. This is important in terms of:
minimising energy consumption during later pressing and final drying
maximising the strength of the wet web in order to improve runnability and minimise sheet breaks,
particularly through the press section.
defining the lowest practicable flowbox consistency in order to maximise the formation quality of
the paper at the desired machine output
determining the losses of particulate solids from the wire part and hence the wire retention.
The development of new types of paper former means that water is now removed from the stock in
several different ways, but there are still two basic water removal mechanisms - thickening and
filtration (see summary in diagram below). On most paper machines, the movement of water is in one
direction only, initially by gravity alone with assistance from stationary devices (table rolls or foils) and
then with further assistance from the application of vacuum. An initial forming board slows down the
initial drainage rate so that excessive fines are not lost and the sheet is not sealed, which would slow
down later drainage. High initial drainage by filtration also leads to some sheet two-sidedness. Foils or
rolls provide upward pressure pulses to give some re-distribution of sheet components for good
formation and downward pulses for good drainage. Strong pulses have an adverse effect on wire
retention. The design and set-up of the formation wire and its auxiliary elements thus play a key role in
stock drainage and the formation quality of the sheet.
Filtration Thickening
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 141
This initial filtration stage of water removal removes the “free” (unbound) water loosely held within the
larger web interstices and increases the consistency from 1-10 g/l (0.1-1%) at the flowbox to 3-5%
depending on the grade being made. The hydraulic loading on the formation wire varies in the range
10-100 litre/m (depending on initial consistency, grammage and retention), which gives an application
depth of 10-100 mm on the formation wire. Once the mat consistency reaches the few per cent level
(at about the vacuum boxes), most of the solids are immobilised and subsequent water removal is by
thickening. At the end of a normal Fourdrinier table, the consistency has increased to 15-22% and at
least 96% of the water has been removed by this combination of filtration and thickening.
With other formers, the drainage pattern is more complex. On machines with top wire drainage units,
some water is removed from the top-side from about half-way down the table; this results in some
impairment of retention. On gap formers, drainage takes place in both directions right from the flowbox
producing a well-formed sheet, but with relatively poor retention. Board machines utilise a wide variety
of former types from traditional cylinder moulds to Fourdrinier sections, but generally have high
retentions and slow drainage in the later stages of water removal due to the high sheet grammage.
Drainage through a porous medium such as a fibrous mat can be modelled in various ways such as
the following version of Darcy’s Law for laminar flow situations:
drainage rate (volume/time.area) = p/R
where p = pressure gradient across mat/wire = pressure difference/depth,
= filtrate viscosity and R = total resistance to water passage of mat and wire.
It should be noted that the drainage rate is dependent not only on the characteristics of the applied
suspension, but also on the formation fabric (wire) in terms of its design and its state of cleanliness.
The design of formation fabrics is an important subject in its own right and cannot be dealt with in any
great depth here. The common term "wire" for formation fabrics goes back to the time when bronze
was the most common material of construction, but formation fabrics are currently made of polyester
filaments. These are combined together to give different weft/wove and layer characteristics, which
determines the fabric's permeability. Forming fabrics are selected on the basis of their longevity and
the required combination of drainage, retention and formation qualities. The drainage properties of the
wire would deteriorate quite rapidly with time due to the accumulation of debris from the stock and
possible microbiological growth, so cleaning with water is a critical part of their overall management.
In terms of the papermaking stock, drainage increases with temperature (due to the consequent
decrease in the viscosity of water), so drainage improves as water systems are closed up due to the
associated rise in temperature (see this figure). Steam boxes are sometimes used on the
papermaking wire to enhance sheet temperature (without having to use high energy inputs to heat the
whole stock) and thus improve water removal during later pressing. The overall resistance to filtration
of the stock can be handled using the Kozeny-Carman equation, which shows that, for particular set of
component materials at a particular grammage, it is dependent on their void volume and surface area,
which determines their permeability. Overall, drainage depends on a number of physical and chemical
characteristics of the stock:
the particle size distribution of the papermaking stock
This is important for its direct impact on mat permeability and is influenced by many factors such
as the blend of pulps, their freeness (which determines the level of pulp-derived fines) and the
amount of any filler added. The retention of unflocculated fine particles by filtration leads to their
accumulation on the top-side and to partial sealing of the web, which impedes drainage.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 142
Aggregation of the fine particles facilitates the passage of water and is accomplished through the
addition of conventional drainage aids.
holes in the paper web allows the early loss of vacuum at the 1 0.1
Air content
paper surface thus reducing the duration of full vacuum. An
0 0
example of this is shown at right using a laboratory drainage 0 1 2 3 4
analyser in terms of the impact on the pulp's specific Time (hours)
resistance to filtration (SRF). Source: Karras, M in Tappi J.,
1989, February, 155-159.
The freeness of the papermaking stock is an important control
parameter on most paper machines, but this is mainly used as a means of controlling the level of pulp
refining rather than drainage itself. Nevertheless, most paper machines thus have information on
drainage characteristics, usually from off-line freeness measurement, but increasingly via on-line
freeness sensors (such as that from BTG). On-line assessment of drainage is usually done by
measuring the time taken to collect a specific volume of filtrate or the volume draining in a specific
time. Many researchers and others working in this area have developed their own laboratory drainage
analysers so that comparative tests can be carried out (except that the sheer number of different
devices can make comparisons between different studies virtually impossible). These analysers often
bear some resemblance to the dynamic drainage jar used for laboratory retention tests and are
frequently referred to as dynamic drainage analysers. They do differ in one important respect from a
DDJ in that a mat of paper is allowed to form and also a vacuum may be applied to simulate actual
conditions on a papermaking wire.
Drainage rate (ml/sec) or floc size (μm)
A set of results from one such analyser is shown at right for a
TMP furnish with added dissolved and colloidal substances Floc size
(DCS). The drainage rate is the volume of drained water
divided by the overall time until the vacuum is lost, which Drainage rate
occurred when the mat was about 10% solids content in all
5 TMP with extra DCS
cases. The drainage rate of the TMP stock was about 11 and 1 mg/g CPAM
ml/sec and this increased to 22 ml/sec with only the cationic 0 1 2 3 4 5
polyacrylamide (CPAM), but no extra DCS. In this particular Polydadmac dose (mg/g)
example, the drainage shows an optimum polydadmac dose Source: Dunham, A et al in J. Pulp Paper
Science, 2002, 28, 9, 298-304.
of about 1.5 mg/g pulp, but this not clearly related to an
optimum floc size.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 143
Drainage aids
These are chemicals added to the papermaking stock to improve the rate of water removal, notably of
drainage on the formation wire, but also possibly during pressing. Improved water removal can be
harnessed in one of two ways:
by increasing the production rate (machine speed) through being able to pass more paper (at a
lower moisture content) through the press and/or drying sections. A secondary benefit of this is the
higher wet web strength and thus better runnability.
by maintaining the same production rate, but forming the paper at a lower flowbox consistency in
the interests of improving the paper's formation quality.
The most common mechanism for drainage improvement is Drainage time (seconds)
aggregation of the fines, which otherwise impede the passage of 30
No silica
water at the paper surface and through the web interstices. This
best type of aggregation for drainage improvement is either through 20
Single patch-type polymers and micro-particle systems both give small, dense particulate aggregates,
which drain reasonably and respond well to vacuum-assisted drainage, but single polymer drainage
aids are not as effective at raising retention as bridging polymers. Even though the solids content of a
compact-floc system may be worse than that of large-floc system before the vacuum boxes, it will
usually be higher at the couch. The objective behind the addition of drainage (and retention) aids is to
increase aggregation of the fines without unacceptable aggregation of the fibres (see this figure for
illustration). Shear levels play a very important role in the performance of such chemicals and this is
discussed further under that heading.
A rather different approach to drainage improvement is provided by enzymes. These are usually
cellulase enzymes, although combinations with "hemi-cellulases" (enzymes able to break down hemi-
celluloses) have also been tried. The main areas of application have been on recycled furnishes and
on poorly-draining virgin pulp furnishes such as for the manufacture of release papers and NSSC-
based fluting. The mechanism is believed to involve removal (dissolution) of some of the more water-
retentive parts of the pulp fibre/fines by a "peeling" action, the disadvantage of this being an increase
in dissolved organics and some loss of overall pulp retention/yield. However, the potential advantage
of enzymes for drainage improvement is that this is achieved without changing the state of particle
aggregation, as would occur if chemical drainage aids were used. Aggregating chemicals can still be
used to optimise particulate single pass retention, whilst the enzyme takes care of the drainage
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 144
the surface application of chemicals at the size press, calender water box and coater.
This is a very important set of processes for many grades of paper, but, equally, there are many
grades (eg newsprint, tissue/towel and some packaging papers) with no surface application.
Drying the surface-applied paper is still required and this can be important for the effective sizing
(curing) of surface-sized papers. The types of chemistry that occur during surface application are
similar to those described under wet end chemistry and colloid chemistry is again the most
important of these. Reaction chemistry plays a minor positive role, as it does within wet end
chemistry, but the likelihood of problematic interactions is not as high as at the wet end.
This is the final phase of water removal, but, on some paper machines, there may be three separate
stages of drying - before a size press, between a size press and a coater and then final drying. At the
inlet to the drying section, the paper web has a solids content of 40-55% depending on grade and on
the efficiency of the preceding press section. Removal of the water remaining after pressing is
influenced more than preceding stages by the chemistry of the paper web (eg its water-holding
capacity), but a more open physical structure should still allow easier passage of water vapour. The
high temperatures in the drying section are very important to the efficacy of some wet end chemicals
(see dry end chemistry) and to the microbial quality of the paper at the final reel.
The overall drying process can be divided into 4 phases depending on the drying rate:
warming period when the sheet begins to lose the bulk (unbound) water
a period with a constant evaporation rate of the rest of the unbound water
the first period when the evaporation rate declines after the so-called first critical point
the second declining evaporation rate period after the second critical point.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 145
At the second critical point (at about 75% solids content Sheet temperature ( C)
for the high fines-content pulps and 70% solids content 100
2nd critical points
for the low fines-content pulps), the micropores have also
collapsed and the residual water is the hydrogen-bonded 80 UBK and dried UBK
water of hydration, which is the most difficult to remove.
60 UBK with fines
In terms of sheet temperature (see diagram at right), the
Refined UBK
second critical point occurs at a lower level in the high
fines-content pulps, which may be due to a greater 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Total water content (g/g solids)
temperature gradient in the paper's z-direction. At this
Source: Maloney et al Paper
point, the fibres shrink appreciably, hydrogen bonds Technology, 1998, 39, 6, 39-47.
develop between cellulosic hydroxyl groups and the
paper begins to develop its ultimate strength.
with refining to give an overall optimum system in terms of machine productivity and product
performance. Wet end dry strength additives are more uniformly distributed within the paper
matrix, particularly in the paper's z-direction, than when added to the paper surface and thus
improve the overall bonding within the sheet. Wet end dry strength additives are used in three
main sectors:
- in filler-containing papers in order to compensate for the adverse impact of fillers on sheet
- in papers using recycled pulps in order to compensate for the inherently weaker fibres present
- in the making of some tissue grades in order to compensate for the absence of refining, which
tends not be used in this sector as it decreases bulk and softness, both being important
product characteristics for this grade.
Coating formulations contain chemicals that might be used as dry strength additives, but their main
function in a coating formulation is as a binder for the main pigment component.
Several different types of chemical are used for dry strengthening, but there are two main categories:
natural water-soluble polymers
- starches, which are used at the wet end and the surface and are the biggest category by far
- gums, which have a relatively small market share for both wet end and surface application
- carboxymethylcellulose, which are used mainly at the wet end (and in coating)
This is an abbreviation for degree of substitution.
This is an abbreviation for diethylenetriamine-
penta-acetic acid, which may be used as a HO2CCH2 CH2CO2H CH2CO2H
Dyes are the main type of colorant used in papermaking, accounting for at least 90% of the total
market. They can be added at the either the wet end or the paper surface, but wet end addition is the
more prevalent (about 95% of total). The ability of dye molecules to absorb light in the visible region of
the electromagnetic spectrum is usually due to the presence of a system of conjugated double bonds
within the dye molecule. The absorbed energy is normally dissipated by vibration of inter-atomic
bonds. Being amongst the more expensive of papermaking additives, it is imperative that dyes have
certain key characteristics in order to be used cost-effectively:
good substantivity (adsorption) on the particulate matrix, notably for wet end addition
good affinity (irreversible binding) to the substrate
good fastness (stability) against exposure to conditions such as liquids, heat and light.
Dyes can be classified into two broad groups in accordance with their generic chemical character:
Certain groups can be incorporated in the dye molecule to shift the absorption to longer or shorter
wavelengths (chromophores) or to deepen the colour (auxochromes). All dyes have a classification
type and number in accordance with the international Colour Index (CI), but they can also be classified
by their more detailed chemical character:
azo dyes, which account for about 70% of all dyes in commercial use, notably in the traditional
acid and direct dye categories.
anthraquinone dyes, which, being small molecules, are little used in papermaking due to poor
di/tri-aryl methane dyes, which are representative of many basic dyes and are also used as colour
formers in carbonless-copy papers
phthalocyanines dyes, which are used more widely as pigments than as dyes.
Today, there is little use of powdered dyes added to the pulper and most mills are using continuous
dosing of liquid dyes for both wet end and surface application. As liquid products, the dye's solubility
characteristics are important as high solution strengths are desirable in order to minimise volumes for
transportation and storage. The incorporation of charged hydrophilic groups enhances the water
solubility of dyes, which is one of the reasons why dyes are always charged molecules.
Many anionic dyes have this charge character through the presence of sulphonate groups, as this
confers good solubility. The counter ion also influences solubility and anionic dyes are often in the
form of their ammonium salt due to their greater solubility compared to sodium or potassium salts.
Cationic dyes are inherently less water-soluble and often require high acid levels or organic counter-
ions such as acetate for stability. Concentrated liquid dyes (up to about 40% strength) can be
produced using auxiliaries such as so-called hydrotropic agents like urea and water-miscible organic
solvents (eg alcohols and glycols), but this leads to contamination of machine water which may cause
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 148
process or wastewater problems. In recent years, dyes containing no solubilising additives have been
produced by subjecting the dye solution to ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis in order to remove the
electrolytes which otherwise limit dye solubility.
As for all papermaking materials added at the wet end, the total retention of dyes depends primarily on
their single pass retention, which is determined firstly by adsorption of the dye on the particulate matrix
and then by the various processes that determine the single pass retention of the particulate matrix.
The factor that differentiates the retention characteristics of dyes from that of other chemicals is that
any retention-related lack of uniformity in dye distribution (mottle or colour 2-sidedness) is immediately
evident, whilst that of other chemicals (eg strength additives) is only apparent once the paper is tested
or used.
The critical stage in single pass dye retention is the initial adsorption and there are several possible
mechanisms for this:
electrostatic forces between charged groups on the particulate surface and charged groups on the
dye molecule, which can take two forms:
- electrostatic attraction between the anionic particle and a cationic dye
- electrostatic attraction between the anionic particle and anionic dyes through the agency of
cationic agents that are naturally present (eg calcium ions), added for that or other purposes
(eg aluminium salts such as alum or PAC) or specifically added as dye fixatives (normally
cationic polymers such as those based on dicyandiamide)
hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups on cellulose and hydroxyl or various nitrogen-
containing groups on the dye molecule
van der Waals attractive forces, particularly between the fibre surface and the linear, planar
molecules that constitute direct dyes.
The charge-related adsorption of dyes is influenced by the normal range of wet end factors that affect
the performance of all charged water-soluble additives. The most important are the presence of other
dissolved substances (usually of opposite charge to that of the dye), that can precipitate the dye and
the concentration of dissolved cations. The latter has been a particularly important issue for mills using
anionic dyes as they have moved away from acid papermaking with alum to neutral papermaking. The
results shown here (left-hand picture) corroborate the well-known effect of calcium hardness in aiding
anionic dye retention. They also indicate that the active adsorbing entity (in the presence of calcium
ions) is a Ca-dye complex Dye adsorption (%) Dye adsorption (%)
rather than the anionic 100 100
Ca addition Cationic direct dye
dye adsorbing on fibre 80 to dye 80
Ca addition
with its anionic sites in the 60 60 Anionic
to pulp
calcium form. The second 40 40 direct dye
picture (far right) shows 20 0.5% Direct Red dye to 20 0.5% dye addition to
the inherent advantage of 0 bleached Kraft pulp, pH 7 0 bleached Kraft pulp, pH 7
The nature of the furnish determines the surface area of the Increase in depth (%)
particulate material that has to be covered and the surface charges 80
available for electrostatic attraction. The refining of pulps increases 60
the fines content and hence the surface area available. In the
example at right, this improves overall dye retention and the level of
coloration effect, although this does depend on efficient fines 20
1% Direct Red 81
retention. 0
10 20 30 40
The presence of mineral fillers in printing/writing paper grades is Refining level ( SR)
important as dyes have little affinity for mineral surfaces and their Source: Colling in "Applications in
high surface area increases dye consumption to achieve a Wet End Chemistry", Blackie,
1995, Chapter 8, 120-138.
particular shade (as shown at right below in terms of the loss of
Decrease in depth (%)
colour at constant dye dose with increased filler). When fillers are
present, the single pass retention of the whole fines fraction
(including adsorbed dyes) is particularly important in order to 60
Dosing of liquid dyes at the wet end is often controlled by on-line colour measurement at the dry end.
Although each coloured grade could be made by the addition of a dye pre-mixed by the manufacturer,
this would necessitate the storage of many different dye formulations so the normal system is for the
computer-controlled dosing of several dyes to give different colours. Rapid dispersion of the dye
throughout the stock is essential in order to avoid localised coloration and possible mottle in the
product. The best location of the dye dosing point and the order of addition of dye and other chemicals
depends on each system’s chemical balance. Dyes are expensive materials and, whilst only small
amounts (up to 0.1 kg/tonne paper) are needed for lightly-coloured (tinted) grades, much larger
quantities are necessary for deep shades (up to 50 kg/tonne paper) in which cases dye costs can
equal and sometimes exceed fibre costs.
Dye addition to the paper surface can be made by all the normal surface application techniques - the
size press, water boxes on machines with calenders and, for coated papers, at the actual coating
stage. The main competitor to wet end dye addition is addition at the size press, which normally
means initial dye addition to a starch solution. The key criterion for dye selection is chemical
compatibility with the size press starch and any other additives used. As the size press starch is
usually nonionic to weakly anionic, the most commonly-used dyes for this application are anionic
direct dyes, which bind well with starch. The potential advantages of size press dye addition are the
normal benefits associated with size press addition of any chemical - good efficiency of use due to
effectively 100% retention and the added chemicals being concentrated towards the surface of the
paper. For dying, there is a strong grammage-related efficiency effect because less dye is required to
achieve a certain colour level as the grammage rises above 100 g/m and is about 50% of the wet end
dose at 300 g/m .
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 150
Notwithstanding this advantage, improvements in the efficiency of wet end dying over the last 20 years
(due to use of more effective dyes) have eroded some of the potential advantages of size press dye
addition and there are also some difficulties for dying at the size press:
poor uniformity of coloration across the surface on one side (mottle or orange peel effect), which
can be caused by many factors related to the uniformity of the starch pick-up and penetration. The
severity of this problem can be reduced by split dying, part at the wet end and the rest at the size
press. This also minimises some of the difficulties caused by the recycle of coloured broke (colour
variation in the base paper) when dying is done only at the size press.
poor uniformity of coloration between the two sides, usually caused by different absorption
characteristics which may in turn be caused by wet end sizing-related issues
impaired bleed-fastness due to the dye's concentration at the surface and its association with
water-soluble starch. This problem can be reduced by the use of starch insolubilisers.
drift in coloration due to the relatively-long equilibration time when making dose corrections and
changing colours.
Similar considerations apply to the use of dyes in coating such that anionic dyes (mainly directs) are
again the most common type. If a coloured coated paper is required (not that common), the only
option is coloration at the coating stage as the colour of the base paper is largely, but certainly not
completely, masked by the coating layer (depending on its thickness). A special type of dye added at
the coating stage is the micro-encapsulated dye precursors used in carbonless-copy and thermal
The jar outlet is fitted with a rubber stopper containing a 6.4 mm glass tube leading to a rubber tube
fitted with a clamp and finally a tapered glass tube. It is important to control the rate of drainage in
order to preclude the formation of a mat on the screen during drainage (see left below), which occurs
when the drainage rate is too slow. An optimum is around 60 ml/minute. The standard screen used
with the DDJ is the 125P screen, which has 76 micron openings corresponding to 200 mesh. Not
surprisingly, increasing the size of the screen holes lowers the measured DDJ retention value as
shown at right below. It is common to use a sample of the wire from the paper machine of interest
where this is appropriate.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 151
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
Drainage rate (ml/minute) Screen hole (mm)
As the concept of the DDJ is to drain the stock whilst stirring at the selected speed, the retention
values produced reflect only the hetero-/homo-aggregation of fines with fibres and not the straining of
fines through a fibrous mat. The standard retention technique involves placing 500 ml of stock of
known consistency in the jar and commencing stirring at the selected speed. A dose of retention aid(s)
is added and stirred for the requisite time before opening the drain valve. The filtrate is collected for 30
seconds, by which time about 120 ml should have been allowed to drain.
The filtrate is filtered through a standard filter paper and the retention calculated as below:
The DDJ retention can also be calculated in terms of the fines component of the furnish, but this
requires an initial measurement of the furnish's fines content, which is the second application of the
DDJ. In this technique, the sample of known consistency is placed in the jar and the fines are washed
through the standard screen by passing at least 2 litres of water (with added dispersant) through the
jar until the filtrate is clear. The weight of solids remaining in the jar is measured and the fines content
(% material below 200 mesh) calculated by difference.
Some typical data for DDJ retention versus stirrer speed for various chemical regimes are shown here.
It is possible to try to match the retention on the DDJ with the wire retention on individual machines by
using machine wire in place of a standard screen and by adjustment of the DDJ stirrer speed. This
produces a so-called "Hydrodynamic Index" for each machine, but it should be noted that, due to the
absence of mat formation in the DDJ, the DDJ retention will always be worse than the machine
retention at similar levels of shear. As the stirrer speed is raised, the DDJ retention approaches the
value for the non-fines content of the stock, assuming that wire in use has holes no larger than those
of the standard 125P screen used to determine the fines content.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 152
This abbreviation stands for elemental chlorine free in relation to bleached chemical pulps and pulping
This is an abbreviation for ethylenediamine-tetra- HOOC - H2C CH2 - COOH
acetic acid, which may be used as a chelant, N - CH2 - CH2 - N
although this is not common in papermaking. Its HOOC - H2C CH2 - COOH
formula is shown at right.
Efflux ratio
This is a measure of the forward velocity of the papermaking stock (VS) as it is projected from the
flowbox slice compared to the velocity of the papermaking wire (VW ) onto which the stock is projected
(see diagram at right). It is also known as the jet-
wire speed difference or ratio. There are three L
possible operating conditions: VS
VS = VW , ie zero efflux ratio Flowbox Wire
VS > VW , , ie efflux ratio > 1 known as "rush" slice
Vs = Qs/HL
VS < VW , efflux ratio < 1 known as "drag" forming.
The efflux ratio is particularly important in relation to the formation quality of the paper and is often set
to optimise this aspect of paper quality. Efflux ratios slightly less or slightly greater than unity (0.97-
1.03) tend to give improved formation and less fibre alignment in the machine direction (ie squarer
sheet), but can also change fibre orientation in the z-direction. Rush forming tends to give fibres some
z-directionality with a forward tilt (ie leading end pointing downwards) and drag forming tends to give
fibres some z-directionality with a backward tilt. These effects do also depend on the design of the
former and the angle of impingement of the stock jet on the forming fabric.
The distribution of ions results from the net effect of attraction to the particle surface through
electrostatic or van der Waals forces against the thermal forces of motion. Ions of opposite charge to
the surface charge are attracted to the surface, some becoming bound in the Stern layer and others
being held more diffusely in the Gouy layer. Ions of like charge to the surface are repelled and their
concentration increases with distance from the surface (in contrast to that of the counter ions), but the
overall net charge within the double layer is zero. Outside the double layer in the bulk solution, there is
a uniform average charge distribution.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 153
The precise relationship between potential and distance from the particle surface is complex and
depends, amongst other things, on the shape of the surface (ie flat or spherical). In the simplest form
of this relationship (as indicated in the picture above), the potential decreases exponentially with
distance from the charged surface:
Ψ = ΨS e where ΨS is the surface potential and x is the distance from the surface
The term "κ" is the Debye parameter and has the units of reciprocal length. Its reciprocal (1/κ) is a
measure of the size of the double layer and is usually referred to as its thickness or the Debye length.
An important characteristic of the electrical double layer is the zeta potential (ξ) which is the potential
at the plane of shear. This is located slightly on the outer side of the interface between the Gouy and
Stern layers. The particle and associated ions within this envelope move together when subjected to
shear or an applied potential. The zeta potential is thus somewhat smaller in absolute value (whether
negative or positive) than the surface potential.
The potential of the particle surface (in volts or, more commonly, millivolts) depends on its charge
density (σ in units of coulombs/m ). This relationship can be approximated by the following equation at
low potentials:
ΨS = σ/εκ where ε is the permittivity of water
At a constant surface charge density, the surface potential thus varies with the double layer thickness.
For a charge-stabilised particle, a reduction in double layer thickness (increased κ) means that the
surface potential declines as the surface charge density must remain constant (provided that the
reason for the decline in thickness does not change the ionisation of surface groups or the adsorption
of ions that are responsible for the charge). The thickness of the double layer is thus a very important
parameter in relation to particle aggregation. It can be calculated from the following equation:
o 2
At 25 C, 1/κ (nm) = 1/(3.28cz ) where c = molar concentration of counter ions with valency z
This thickness parameter is plotted against distance in the figure below for various electrolytes. This
shows that the double layer thickness decreases quite rapidly with increased concentration,
particularly for multivalent counter ions, such as calcium or aluminium in the case of a negatively-
charged surface. Simple electrolytes are never used to promote particle aggregation in papermaking
although alum has, of course, been used for various functions whereby this effect would come into
play. Nevertheless, electrolytes that are present in a suspension (albeit rarely at high levels by
deliberate addition) do influence the electrostatic repulsion between charged particles and thus their
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 154
Electrochemical treatment
This is a recently-developed technique to stop slime formation within papermaking systems. This
involves the application of an electrical potential through the placement of an electrode or array of
electrodes within a metal pipe or tank. Obviously, this would not work in non-metallic systems. This
approach has been investigated independently at about the same time by two companies - Zeta
Corporation in North America and Savcor Process Oy in Finland - although the two concepts are quite
The process from Zeta Corporation calls itself an electrostatic approach in which a capacitor is set up
- TM
from an inserted electrode/ceramic dielectric (the Zeta Rod ) and the grounded body of the pipe or
tank. One mechanism at work here is for the high applied voltage (30-35 kV DC) to increase the
surface charge on particles and thus make them less likely to aggregate together. As this would not be
a good idea within the stock approach system, the examples quoted are on showers using recycled
water where blockages from fines and slime are an ever-present headache. A Canadian mill has used
this system on two paper machines to stop slime growth within a press shower system using in-line
filtration. Continued running with a 50% reduction in biocide addition has yielded an 80-85% drop in
plugging of shower orifices combined with a pay-back time of 2 months.
The Finnish approach is different, not least in that the applied voltage is much lower and that it works
by changing the surface conditions at the metal surface. Depending on the chemistry of the water
surrounding the metal surface (M), a number of reactions may take place at both the anode, where
oxidising reactions always take place and the cathode, where reducing reactions always take place:
n+ - + -
Anode reactions: M M + ne Cathode reactions: O2 + 4H + 4e 2H2O
+ - - -
2H2O O2 + 4H + 4e O2 + 2H2O + 4e 4OH
It is evident that several of these reactions affect the pH in the vicinity of the metal surface and this
cycling of surface pH in response to managed changes in the applied voltage is what is believed to
limit microbial attachment. As the application of an inappropriate voltage could exacerbate corrosion, it
is critical to optimise the electrochemical conditions for each application. After small-scale testing in a
simulator, an electrochemical treatment system has been installed at a Finnish mill producing coated
fine paper and operating at neutral pH. Six electrodes were placed in the stainless steel cloudy filtrate
tank after the machine saveall and this kept the tank clean for about one year. There is at least one
other installation at a Swedish mill.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 155
This subject is part of physical chemistry and is concerned with the interconversion of electrical and
chemical energy. This is not a mainstream topic within papermaking chemistry, but it is important in
relation to the corrosion that takes place to varying degrees in most papermaking systems and also to
a recent method developed for slime control.
Galvanic cells
These cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy in a spontaneous way when the two
electrodes are connected. The best example of this is the connection of two dissimilar metals,
when a current will flow from the anode (where one metal is oxidised) to the cathode (where a
reduction takes place). Galvanic cells within the same metal structure are also responsible for
corrosion reactions.
Electrolytic cells
These cells convert electrical energy into chemical energy through applying an external current.
These processes are used to manufacture chemicals, a good example being the electrolysis of
sodium chloride to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide. The application of an electric current
in this way is also used to protect metal structures from corrosion.
The terminology of anode/cathode for each electrode can be confusing as they are assigned different
charges in galvanic and electrolytic cells, but, in both cases, oxidation always takes place at the anode
and reduction at the cathode. Each reducing-oxidising couple develops an electrical potential
depending on the ease of electron removal/acceptance and these are termed redox potentials, which
can be useful to measure in papermaking systems as an indication of the presence or absence of
dissolved oxygen. The equilibrium potential of a cell is the potential when there is no current flowing -
the cell is said to be polarised when its potential is changed from the equilibrium value by the
application of a current. This relationship between potential and current is termed the polarisation
curve and the difference between the equilibrium and actual potentials is the cell's over-potential.
This is the general term given to the four kinetic effects resulting from the presence of the electrical
double layer around charged particles. They can all be used to measure the particle's zeta potential
and are illustrated in the figures below where a downward arrow signifies a generated potential and an
upward arrow signifies an applied potential:
The formal definition of an electrolyte is a substance that can dissolve to give a solution of ions
capable of conducting an electric current and is usually quantified by measurement of conductivity.
The level of electrolytes is important mainly in relation to wet end chemistry, as the levels of
electrolytes at the size press (excepting where sodium chloride is deliberately added) and in aqueous
coating are usually low. Being dissolved inorganic solids, electrolytes are one of the two important
sub-set of the total dissolved solids present at the wet end, the other being dissolved organics.
There are three possible sources of dissolved electrolytes at the wet end:
those taken in with the fresh water to establish the baseline concentration.
This is usually quite significant as most natural waters contain measurable levels of ions such as
calcium, sodium, etc and preliminary water treatment processes at mills do not normally affect the
dissolved solids fraction.
those derived from other raw materials which can be further sub-divided into:
- electrolytes added directly to the wet end, eg alum and PAC, but this contribution should be
low as these chemicals are primarily selected on the basis of their high adsorption on the
particulate matrix. However, the sulphate component of alum is usually left behind in the liquid
phase after alum has hydrolysed, so there can be significant levels from wet end additives.
- electrolytes which are present in particulate materials (pulps, broke, calcium carbonate), but
which then dissolve in the liquid phase. This source includes residual electrolytes from
pulping/bleaching chemicals that are left in pulps, sodium chloride from the recycling of size
press-treated broke containing added salt and the interaction between calcium carbonate filler
any wet end acidity, which dissolves both ions.
At the wet end, the baseline level of electrolytes from fresh water would not normally exceed a
conductivity of about 0.5 mS/cm and can be much lower than this level. The main electrolytes derived
from fresh water are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium cations balanced by chloride,
sulphate and bicarbonate anions. The electrolyte concentration at the wet end is never managed pro-
actively, but is determined by the baseline level plus the effect of the degree of water closure on the
input load from other sources (see this example for the general pattern of concentration build-up on
closing up). Observed wet end levels range from conductivities below 1 mS/cm for machines with a
low/modest fresh water concentration and low input load to as high as 10 mS/cm at recycled mills with
substantially closed water systems and a high input load.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 157
The level of electrolytes at the wet end is important for several reasons:
their effect on the size of the electrical double layer surrounding charged particles and thus on the
ease of particle aggregation in the absence of polymeric retention aids (see this example for the
effect of electrolytes on pulp retention and charge and these examples of their effect on the
charge of calcium carbonate particles).
their effect on the conformation of polymers, which has a significant effect on their adsorption and
mode of action (see examples of the effect on adsorption of polyacrylamide, cationic starch,
amphoteric starch and PAE resin)
their effect in shielding the electrostatic forces between particles (see example here for AKD size
retention and here for pitch stability) and between particles and added polymers (see here for
adsorption of cationic starch on a bleached Kraft pulp)
their effect on the form of anionic groups attached to the fibre through the Donnan effect on ion
exchange and their consequent effect on the swelling of pulps and thus on:
- the conformability of fibres and hence the ultimate strength of papers (see this example)
- the dissolution of substances (notably polymers) from pulps (see this example for bleached
Kraft pulps and this example for unbleached Kraft pulp).
Given the nature of these effects, it is clear that the overall impact of electrolyte levels on critical wet
end parameters such as particulate single pass retention is complex. Increased electrolyte levels
promote natural inter-particle aggregation, but this would only be important on low-shear paper
machines due to the poor strength of these aggregates. The impact of electrolyte levels on the efficacy
of retention aids is thus more important on most paper machines. The compression of the electrical
double layer at increased electrolyte levels and the consequent closer inter-particle approach may
assist certain retention aid polymers that function by a bridging mechanism - the deliberate addition of
electrolytes for this purpose is sometimes referred to as sensitisation. However, increased electrolyte
levels also tend to reduce the extension of polymer chains, which itself has a complex effect on
polymer adsorption due to accessibility factors. This is discussed further under polymers.
Depending on which of these effects pre-dominates, increased electrolyte levels could increase or
decrease polymer adsorption. The examples cited above also show the importance of the character of
the individual ions. In papermaking, the ion with the strongest impact on polymers (cationic and
anionic) and which also shows considerable variability in its concentration is calcium. Generally, this
ion will aid the adsorption of anionic polymers (and other anionic additives such as dyes) and impair
the adsorption of cationic polymers and its level will thus profoundly influence polymer selection. The
last of the three generic electrolyte effects listed above (the dissolution of organics from pulps) adds to
the complexity through its impact on the level of anionic trash.
One thing is clear about electrolytes and this is that, given their pervasive influence on wet end
chemistry and hence on the functionality of paper chemicals, it is essential that electrolyte levels at the
wet end are closely monitored via their conductivity. In most cases, it will be beneficial to minimise the
intake of electrolytes with raw materials and their generation (eg CaCO 3 dissolution) in the process. At
the very least, this will minimise the variability in wet end electrolyte concentrations and allow the
selected raw materials to function effectively and in a uniform manner over time. There is one reported
circumstance where moderate electrolyte levels are claimed to be quite beneficial and this is on paper
machines using calcium sulphate as a coating pigment. This is attributed to the fact that the wet end
system is then effectively buffered at a constant electrolyte level corresponding to the solubility of
calcium sulphate (about 2 g/l).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 158
This is a tiny elementary particle with a mass of 9.11 x 10 g that is responsible for the negative
charge on molecules and other materials. The charge of one electron is 1.6 x 10 Coulombs. The
electron is present in all atoms, where their negative charge matches the positive charge from protons
in the nucleus of each element. The arrangement of electrons around the nucleus is very important in
determining the valency (or valencies) of each element and their chemical properties. The original
concept of electrons following defined circular orbits around the nucleus was replaced many years ago
by the concept of atomic orbitals, which are areas of space around the nucleus within which the
position of the electron can be defined with a certain probability.
Each electron is defined by a set of four quantum numbers, which refer to the size of its orbital
(labelled "n"), the shape of the orbital ("l"), the momentum of the electron ("m") and the electron's
direction of spin ("s"). For each combination of the "n" and "l" quantum numbers, the probability of the
electron being in a certain position at a certain time or having a certain energy can be calculated from
Wave Equations. It is not possible to know both the position and energy of an electron with a high
probability due to the Uncertainty Principle. When atoms join together to form covalently-bonded
molecules, the atomic orbitals are combined to give molecular orbitals.
Subsequent electrons in later elements are added to orbitals in the order Increasing
shown at right with the f orbitals starting after 5d with 4f. The p orbitals have energy
a dumb-bell shape (see picture above), with one along each axis, so can 3d
take a maximum of 6 electrons. The shape of d (see picture above for one of 4p
them) and f orbitals is more complex, but all have the greatest stability when 4s
they are full. The inert gases (Group 18 of the Periodic Table) are so called 3p
as each of their orbitals is complete and hence stable. However, as their 2p
atomic number increases (and the attraction force between the nucleus and 2s
the outermost electrons declines), even they (notably Xenon) can lose 1s
electrons and form covalent bonds with other elements (eg XeF 4). A
complicating factor is that orbitals can be mixed or hybridised to create lower energy orbitals with new
shapes and this can influence the element's valency.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 159
This term applies to elements or groups that have a strong tendency to attract or accept electrons.
Electrophilic elements (such as chlorine) tend to be located at the right-hand side of the Periodic
Table. The electrophilic character of some chemical groups (such as keto and azo) gives rise to an
uneven distribution of electrons within some organic chemicals, which is particularly important for
some of their reactions and for the functional properties of certain organic substances, eg dyes and
fluorescent brighteners. The opposite type of element or group is termed nucleophilic.
This is one of the four possible electrokinetic techniques for measuring the zeta potential of particles.
Electrophoresis takes place when a charged particle moves under an applied electrical potential. The
velocity of individual particles or the particle cloud is measured by observation through a microscope
or video camera or by laser techniques. Due to the small size of the measurement cell, the sample
must contain only small particles (the fines fraction of a pulp or even a filtered sample). The measured
output is the particle's electrophoretic mobility, which is the particle speed per unit potential gradient
and has the general units of length2 time-1 volt-1, but is most commonly expressed as μm/second per
volt/cm or μm.cm/volt.second (see these examples for pulp, for filler and for pitch particles).
There are several conceptual difficulties in converting electrophoretic mobilities to zeta potentials, not
least the irregular shape of fibrous particles and some fillers. The most-commonly used equation is
that due to Helmholtz-Smoluchowski, which assumes that the electrical double layer is very small
compared to the particle size and that the surface conductance is small:
Zeta potential (ZP) = EM. /D
where EM = electrophoretic mobility
= viscosity of the liquid
D = dielectric constant of the liquid
There are many commercial laboratory instruments using this principle (from Brookhaven Instruments,
Chemtrac, Lasertrim, Malvern Instruments, Rank Brothers, etc), but it is definitely not possible to use
this technique on-line.
Electrostatic forces
These forces exist between all materials that have a charge. They are important in papermaking in
relation to the interactions between many substances (both particulate and dissolved) within the
papermaking wet end (see this diagram) and in coating mixtures. Particles at the wet end and in
coating mixtures usually have the same charge character (most commonly negative) and inter-particle
repulsion is thus the norm. At the wet end, the objective is to minimise the repulsive force in order to
promote controlled particle aggregation (notably of the fines fraction), but, in coating, the objective is to
maximise the repulsive force in order to arrest any tendency for particle aggregation and thus maintain
a uniform coating dispersion.
The repulsive force between particles of like charge can be calculated from several equations of
slightly different form, one of the more simple being as follows:
Electrostatic repulsive force, VR = k.f .d.exp (-H/K)
where f = term involving the surface potential, d = particle radius,
H = inter-particle distance, z = valency of counter ions
and K = measure of thickness of the electrical double layer.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 160
It is thus evident that, unlike the van der Waals attractive force which is not affected by surface
charge, the electrostatic repulsive force is influenced by external factors such as:
ionic strength, which affects the thickness of the electrical double layer and
pH, which affects the surface charge (f term) through its effect on ionisation of functional groups.
For charged dissolved substances (notably organic polymers) at the wet end, there are two very
important sorts of charge-mediated interaction:
the usually desirable attraction between dissolved cationic additives and negatively-charged
particulates, leading to the additive's adsorption
the undesirable attraction between negatively-charged dissolved solids (anionic trash) and cationic
additives, leading to inactivation of the additive.
Electrostatic interactions between dissolved solids may also take place at the size press and coater,
the main potential problem being between water-soluble materials extracted from the base paper and
size press/coating additives. Undesirable interactions between different size press and coating
additives should not be a problem as this is taken into account in the initial selection of such additives.
ECF pulps are produced from both hardwoods and softwoods using similar combinations of bleaching
chemicals, a typical sequence being ODEDEOPD, where O stands for oxygen, D for chlorine dioxide, P
hydrogen peroxide and E for extraction with caustic soda. In view of their lower lignin content, shorter
bleaching sequences (such as ODED or ODEDD) are sometimes used for hardwoods. In all ECF
sequences, it is the oxygen and chlorine dioxide that have taken over from chlorine as the main
delignifying agents, but the second extraction stage is often reinforced (as in the first sequence quoted
above) with small quantities of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to improve its efficiency.
The profile of anionic substances through a typical ECF Total charge (μeg/g) Surface charge
bleaching sequence for a softwood pulp is shown in the 120 30
figure at right. A small increase in charge is evident after the at pH 7.5
80 20
oxygen (O) stage, probably due to introduction of new
carboxyl groups, but the total charge then declines steadily
40 10
through the remaining stages. The surface charge (that
accessible to a high molecular mass polydadmac polymer) is 0 0
less affected by bleaching than the total charge so that the UODE DED UO DED E D
Source: Laine, J in Paperi ja
proportion of charged substances on the surface of this Puu, 1997, 79, 8, 551-559.
particular pulp increases from about 25% in the unbleached
pulp to about 40% in the final bleached pulp, ie ECF bleaching selectively removes more of the
charged substances within the pulp's internal structure. This is a much higher proportion of the total
charge than in other pulps shown in this table (about 20%). Hexenuronic acids accounted for about
25% of the total charge, but virtually none of the surface charge, indicating that they are located well
within the fibre wall.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 161
The resultant ECF pulps are not that different from the traditional chlorine-based bleached chemical
pulps in terms of strength, brightness and chemical content (except for the lower level of residual
chlorinated organic by-products, but these were never important in terms of the papermaking value of
the original pulps). As with bleached Kraft pulps generally, these pulps are characterised by low levels
of charged substances and of organics that could dissolve in the papermaking system. The levels of
anionic substances in ECF pulps are typically as shown in the example above for softwoods (ie no
more than about 50 μeq/g), but, as shown in this table, may be higher in some hardwood pulps (70-
100 μeq/g depending on titration technique for eucalypts). Further data on anionic levels in hardwood
and softwood ECF pulps is shown here.
As with all bleached Kraft pulps, hemi-celluloses are the main materials that may dissolve on initial
slushing of the pulp. When pulps are refined after slushing, further dissolution takes place as the
fibrous structure is opened up by mechanical action. This is illustrated in the figures below, which
indicate that, at low electrolyte concentrations in the water, dissolution of carbohydrates is significantly
greater from hardwoods than from softwoods. However, due to their adverse effect on fibre swelling,
increased electrolyte levels substantially reduce dissolution for all pulps, but particularly for
hardwoods. It is also evident that, at high refining and electrolyte levels, dissolution of carbohydrate
starts to decline. The refining curve shown in these graphs is produced by refining the pulp at a fixed
energy input for increasing time, so a decrease in dissolution means that material dissolved in the
earlier part of the refining period is re-adsorbed, presumably onto fresh surfaces that are continually
being created.
Dissolved carbohydrate mg/g Dissolved carbohydrate mg/g
6 0.1mS/cm as NaHCO3 3 4.5mS/cm as NaHCO3
ECF birch
4 2
ECF eucalypt ECF eucalypt
ECF birch
2 1
ECF softwood ECF softwood
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Refining energy (kWh/tonne) Refining energy (kWh/tonne)
An emulsion is a finely-dispersed mixture of two immiscible liquids, usually water and an oil. An
emulsion is only stable when it cannot separate into its two component parts and this requires a third
component, an emulsifying agent. Most commonly, this is a surfactant, but proteins such as casein are
also good emulsifiers as they stabilise the oil-water interface through their strong adsorbed films. The
form in which sizing chemicals are used at paper mills is often referred to as an emulsion, but, strictly
speaking, this is only true for ASA (which is an oil) as both rosin and AKD are solids at ambient
temperatures and should therefore be referred to as dispersions. Some papermaking polymers such
as polyacrylamides are prepared by an emulsion polymerisation process and the liquid product used
at mills is therefore a water-in-oil emulsion.
This is defined as the ability to do work, the basic measurement unit for which is the Joule.
Within thermodynamics, there are several different energy expressions such as the internal energy of
a system, the free energy, etc and, within papermaking, energy consumption in the various parts of
the process is a very important operational parameter. From a chemistry standpoint, the energy
dissipated in the wet end water system and the resultant rise in temperature is the most important
practical aspect related to energy use as this has a major influence on the rate of most chemical and
microbiological processes.
This is a thermodynamic term, which is defined as H in the equation:
H = E + PV where E = the system's internal energy, P = pressure and V = volume
At constant pressure (isobaric conditions), a change in enthalpy (ΔH) corresponds to the change in the
heat content of a system. An exothermic reaction or interaction is one where heat is generated (the
temperature rises) and, by convention, ΔH is negative (ie the system loses energy in order to maintain
a constant temperature). An endothermic reaction or interaction is one where heat is consumed (the
temperature falls) and, by convention, ΔH is positive (ie the system gains energy in order to maintain a
constant temperature). Exothermic changes are thus promoted by low temperatures and endothermic
changes by high temperatures. Changes in enthalpy (and entropy) determine the overall change in
free energy under constant temperature conditions.
Entrained gases
All gases have a certain water solubility in accordance with Henry's Law, which means that the
dissolved concentrations vary with both pressure and temperature. Dissolved gases may cause
problems, albeit not the same ones as entrained gases, but they can also move from the dissolved to
the insoluble (entrained) state when the temperature increases or the pressure decreases. Gases
entrained at the papermaking wet end exist in a wide range of bubble sizes from above 1 mm down to
about 10 microns, the smaller colloidal-sized bubbles being stabilised by surface-active agents. This
stabilisation of small bubbles prevents their aggregation into larger bubbles that can more easily
escape to the surface. Even then, bubbles can be mechanically trapped by the fibrous matrix despite
the latter's normal hydrophilic character.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 163
Entrained gases can be present at concentrations up to 4-5% v/v at the machine flowbox, but even
levels above 0.5% v/v can cause problems such as foam, poor drainage (see example here) and poor
formation quality of the paper. At these levels, the volume proportion of gas in the stock is about the
same as or higher than pulp in the thin stock, so drainage and formation problems are hardly
surprising. In papermaking, there are two main sources of dissolved and entrained gases:
air from leaking pumps, tank filling, drainage on the wire, etc.
At 30 C in contact with air at atmospheric pressure, the saturation concentrations of oxygen,
nitrogen and carbon dioxide correspond to dissolved gas contents by volume of about 0.5%, 1%
and 0.02% respectively.
carbon dioxide from microbial activity and chemical interactions
The dissolution of just 100 mg/l of calcium carbonate would generate a carbon dioxide content of
about 2.2% v/v if it was all retained in the stock.
Minimising the problems from entrained gases is achieved by either mechanical or chemically-assisted
degassing. Entrained gases can be measured either off-line or on-line by a number of methods:
measurement of density of sample before and after degassing (Tappi laboratory method).
use of the variation of liquid compressibility with its gas content. There are various off-line and on-
line commercial testers (eg BTG Mutek) using this principle which measures the sample volume or
density at different pressures.
ultrasonic technique (eg on-line Sonica) due to the strong signal attenuation by gas bubbles.
This is defined by the second law of thermodynamics. Its most common definition is as a measure of
the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. For a natural process, the entropy can only
increase. In accordance with the third law of thermodynamics, the entropy of all pure, crystalline
substances is zero (ie maximum order) at 0 K. Changes in entropy (and enthalpy) determine the
overall change in free energy under constant temperature conditions.
Environmental aspects
Since the mid-1980s, the environmental performance of the paper industry has been very much in the
public domain, but the key issues have spread from the initial controversy over chlorine bleaching of
pulps to cover many other facets of pulp and paper production, eg recycling, forest management, etc.
The focus on the environmental profile of non-fibrous raw materials is still nothing like as strong as
that on wood and pulps, but there are substantial, albeit different, concerns such as biodegradability
and the environmental persistence of residual emissions. It is generally accepted today that the
environmental effects stemming from the use of paper raw materials has to be considered over the
whole life cycle of paper products. This raises many questions about the actual and potential impact of
materials as the primary raw materials are extracted, processed into intermediates, incorporated into
paper and the paper finally recycled or disposed of after use.
Having considered all these potential effects, it is possible to construct a broad, generic specification
for an ideal papermaking raw material, as indicated below.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 164
In the papermaking stage, the key objective is that all raw materials with functionality in the product
should be retained in the paper to the highest possible extent, ie maximum total retention and minimal
losses to the water system. Additives that are functional within the paper making system (eg process
control additives) should ideally not be retained in the paper, but remain within the machine water
system. Both aims are achieved by operating machine water systems as closed as is practicable,
bearing in mind the environmental consequences of producing broke when severe problems occur
and the dangers of odours and other emissions to air that can occur on some machines with very
closed water systems. Given the practical impossibility of achieving 100% total retention, all raw
materials should be thoroughly evaluated prior to use in terms of their environmental effects outside
the mill in paper products and discharges of water, wastes and possible by-products.
Enzyme-converted starches
These starches are alternatives to thermo-chemically converted starches and are produced by post-
treatment of jet-cooked starches with a suitable starch-degrading enzyme. This enzyme is an α-
amylase, preferably a heat-tolerant variety so that the treatment can be carried out at high
temperature (about 80 C) directly after cooking the starch at high solids content. The presence of
calcium ions (ie water hardness) improves the enzyme's heat tolerance. Because of the random way
in which this enzyme attacks starches, enzymatically-converted starches have a with somewhat higher
levels of low molecular weight starch fragments than do thermo-chemically converted starches (see
this figure). After conversion, the enzyme has to be inactivated and this is normally done by raising the
temperature to about 95 C for a few seconds.
An enzyme is a biological catalyst in the form of a protein that facilitates a specific biochemical
reaction. Enzymes are usually named after one of the chemicals in the reaction that they catalyse and
always end in the letters - ase. There are many different enzymes in most life forms and many occur
naturally in papermaking systems as a result of the presence of micro-organisms, eg the group of
amylases responsible for starch degradation and catalase that breaks down hydrogen peroxide.
Enzymes contain two domains within their complex folded structures - a domain that is responsible for
carrying out that particular action and a binding domain that keys the enzyme into its substrate.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 165
Enzymes have been used in papermaking for many years, but the applications were very limited until
fairly recently. The most long-standing application is probably in the enzymatic conversion of starches,
which uses an α-amylase enzyme. Other enzyme applications that have been developed are:
Since then, other companies (Hercules, Buckman) have been working to harness enzymes for
slime control with more success. In some paper mill trials, enzyme addition can eliminate the
addition of biocide to the short recirculation loop and reduce the biocide dose added to the broke.
Enzyme-based systems have coped well with a change from acid to neutral pH operation with no
overall change in slime control costs. At a wood-free paper mill using rosin sizing at neutral pH,
enzyme treatment has been successful in controlling microbial levels and slime spots in the paper,
but the cost of the enzyme-based regime was over twice that of the biocide control system (about
$9/tonne compared to about $4/tonne paper). Biocide use was eliminated in the short
recirculation, but was still needed for treatment of the whitewater storage tanks and saveall.
Equilibration time
In papermaking terms, this can be defined as the time for the system to come to equilibrium or steady
state in terms of all the parameters that impact on product quality and process runnability. This is
discussed below in relation to the wet end, but similar issues arise also within surface application
systems at the size press and coaters. Equilibration time can be estimated using a simple completely-
mixed model of the papermaking system, whereby it can be shown that:
Time taken to get to within X% of equilibrium value = log (1-X)/log(f.[1-r])
where X = proportion of equilibrium value to be calculated (fraction)
f = degree of closure (fraction) and r = single pass retention (fraction)
The model does not calculate the time taken to get to actual equilibrium value as this is infinite for an
ideal completely-mixed system, so the results illustrated below indicate the time taken to get to 99% of
the equilibrium value. The single pass retention (SPR) is assumed to remain constant over the
equilibration time, but this may not be case due to the build-up of dissolved solids (eg anionic trash)
that could adversely affect the efficacy of retention aids. It is worth noting that, even if the fines SPR
does remain constant, the SPR of the total particulate matrix at start-up (its first pass retention) will not
be the same as its SPR at equilibrium.
Clearly, the equilibration time is quite important to machines on start-up after a shutdown or a grade
change. For machines making small orders, the frequency of changes is itself a constraint on closing
up, which is probably quite fortunate otherwise the time
g/l or mS/cm C
taken to reach the product specification would be a
5.0 40
substantial proportion of the total running time. Some COD
data from start-up with fresh water is shown here for a
machine making recycled liner/fluting. The relatively long 2.5 20
time to reach a steady-state is due to all the three
parameters being associated with the liquid phase (ie the
left-hand side of the previous figure) and the high degree 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
of water closure (total fresh water use about 5 m /tonne). Time (days)
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 167
Equilibrium constants
Whenever we consider a chemical interaction between various materials, there is an equilibrium
condition corresponding to when the interaction is complete. The equilibrium constant describes the
relative concentrations of the reactants and products at equilibrium, but it gives no information about
the rate of progress towards that conclusion (ie on its kinetics). The interaction may refer to a chemical
reaction between various substances, a substance dissolving in water, a substance adsorbing on a
surface, etc. For a chemical reaction:
Equilibrium constant , K = [A][B]/[C][D]
where [X] represents concentration or activity of X
All equilibrium constants (K) vary with temperature (T) as follows:
o o o
ln K = -ΔG /RT = -ΔH /RT + ΔS /R
which on integration, ln K2 = ΔH (1 - 1)
K1 R T1 T2
where G = Gibb's free energy under standard conditions
o o
H = enthalpy and S = entropy under standard conditions and R = gas constant
An increase in temperature (T 2 > T1), only leads to an increase in the constant (ie an increased
solubility in the case of the solubility product) where the enthalpy change is positive, ie the reaction
being described is endothermic.
This is an abbreviation for the equivalent spherical diameter, which is the diameter that an anisometric
particle with the same settling velocity would have if it were a sphere. It is important in relation to the
characteristics of some particulate materials in papermaking, eg clays and fibres.
This is the name for the compound formed when an acid (most commonly a carboxylic acid) reacts
with an alcohol as follows:
R1CO2H + R2OH R1CO2R2 + H2O
Ester groups are present in various materials used in papermaking and sometimes present in the
product as a result of curing reactions in the drying section:
the extractives fraction of wood and possibly in pitch present in virgin pulps
the linkages between:
- ASA size and cellulose
- possibly AKD size and cellulose
- PAE resins and pulp carboxyls
in some papermaking additives:
- rosin esters for sizing at neutral pH
- acrylate esters as latices in coating
- polyvinyl acetate latices used as coating binders
- fatty acid esters used as release agents and defoamers
- starch esters used for surface application
- waxes for barrier coating.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 168
Ethers are organic compounds containing the C - O - C linkage. The simple ethers are compounds
such as diethyl ether (H5C2 - O - C2H5), but ether linkages are also present in some papermaking
starch ethers used as dry strength additives at the size press
polyethylene oxide used as a retention aid
polyethylene glycols used for foam control and as lubricants.
This is a type of hardwood tree grown extensively in Australia (where it is indigenous), the Iberian
peninsula and in South America (particularly in Brazil) for conversion to a papermaking pulp, mainly in
the form of a bleached chemical (Kraft) pulp. They are commonly referred to as gum trees and there
are many different species (ca 700), but the three grown commercially as pulp wood are:
E.grandis (Rose gum) and E.urophylla (Timor Gum), mainly in Brazil as individual species or as a
hybrid (E.urograndis).
Eucalypt fibres are short (about 1mm in length) and slender (diameter 15-20 μm) with a relatively thick
fibre wall giving a low coarseness. There are differences between some Eucalypt species in terms of
coarseness, which may be important in relation to their effect on paper bulk and porosity. Generally
however, eucalypt pulps are very useful in all papers where formation, surface smoothness, bulk,
stiffness and softness are important.
Data in this table indicates that the content of anionic substances in one ECF bleached eucalyptus
pulp (60-100 μeq/g) is comparable with that in other hardwood pulps such as birch.
This word has a specific meaning in thermodynamics when referring to different properties of the
system. An extensive property is one that depends on the mass of substance in the system, whilst an
intensive property is independent of the mass of substance in the system. For example, the titrated
charge demand depends on the quantity of charged substances in the sample that are accessible to
the titrating chemical and is thus an extensive property. By contrast, the potential of a particle is an
intensive property because the value does not depend on the number of particles present.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 169
This is the name for the minor fraction of wood that protects it from biological attack. The name is
simply derived from the fact that the substances within this fraction are not water-soluble, but can be
extracted by suitable organics solvents such as ether or dichloromethane. The extractives comprise a
wide range of substances classified into several fractions:
the terpenoids such as - and -pinene. They are not water soluble, but are recoverable during
pulping as a by-product for use as a fuel or chemical feedstock. The resin acids are also part of
this fraction, but are soluble by saponification and are thus removed from the pulp during alkaline
pulping processes. They form the main part of the tall oil fraction removed during Kraft pulping of
softwoods, but are not present in hardwoods.
fatty acids (eg linoleic) in the form of fats as triglyceride esters and in the form of waxes as esters
of higher fatty and terpene alcohols. Levels are higher in hardwoods (ca 1%) than softwoods (ca
other compounds such as sterols and
Β-sitosterol CH2OH
phenolics, two examples being
shown at right.
This is an abbreviation for formadine-sulphinic acid.
This term is used to describe the stability or resistance of a particular paper or chemical to an effect
that is usually deleterious. It is largely used in relation to dyes and brighteners in the following three
light-fastness in relation to the resistance of the solution or treated paper to some deterioration in
its colour characteristics through exposure to light.
bleed-fastness in relation to the resistance of the colour to extraction with various liquids such as
water, alcohols, etc. This is particularly important in heavily-coloured grades used as tissue and
towel. The use of fixatives can help bleed-fastness.
heat-fastness in relation to loss of colour when exposed to a heat source such as during paper
drying, which can lead to migration and impaired colour uniformity.
Fatty acids
This is the common term for the series of saturated monocarboxylic acids (formula below) starting with
formic acid (HCOOH) and they are the main type of organic acids found in papermaking systems. The
name is derived from that the fact that some of the higher members, notably palmitic and stearic acids
(see below), occur in natural fats as their glyceride esters. The lower members such as acetic and
propionic are usually referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFAs). Unsaturated monocarboxylic acids (see
formula below) such as oleic acid can also be referred to as fatty acids. High esters of the higher fatty
acids are referred to as waxes.
Saturated acids - CnH2n+1COOH VFAs HCOOH - formic acid Unsaturated acids CnH2n-1COOH
This is an abbreviation for fluorescent brightening agent.
This is the process of bio-oxidation whereby an organic substrate, typically a carbohydrate, is partially
used for oxidation and partially for reduction. The typical products of such fermentations are organic
acids such as acetic, propionic, lactic, etc. Fermentations are carried out by facultative aerobic
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 171
bacteria such as Clostridia species. Such fermentations are not uncommon in papermaking systems,
notably at recycled mills with fairly closed water systems where the levels of dissolved organics
(notably starches) are typically several 1000 mg/l (as COD) and may reach several 10,000 mg/l in fully
closed water systems. This leads to relatively low or zero levels of dissolved oxygen saturation, which
are ideal conditions for growth of fermentative bacteria. Control of such bacteria is an important
element in the overall control of microbiological problems.
Although this term does have a precise meaning, it tends to be used somewhat indiscriminately in
papermaking and is often used in the same sense as the whole pulp. Strictly speaking, true fibres are
the dominant cells only in hardwood pulps as tracheid is the more correct term for the dominant
fraction in softwood pulps.
In a slightly different sense, the term "fibre fraction" or sometimes just "fibre" is often used in
papermaking to denote that part of the pulp that is not fines, ie is retained on the standard 200 mesh
wire used in the normal test for fines content. In this document, this last definition will be used and the
term "pulp" used to denote the whole of the fibrous raw material that enters the papermaking system.
Genuine fibres form the strong backbone of all paper products and therefore always play an important
role in papermaking chemistry. The basic fibrous quality of all pulps and hence of all papers is due to
the cellulose content of the pulps used, but the contents of the other main components (lignin, hemi-
celluloses and extractives) also play an important, albeit less positive, role.
A useful parameter which depends on the balance of the above dimensions and on the fibre density is
the fibre coarseness, which is measured in mg/m fibre length.
Within each papermaking pulp (particularly after refining), there Cumulative (%)
will be a wide distribution of fibre lengths and this can be
quantified by the traditional Bauer-McNett classifier or by 40 Bleached softwood
Kraft pulp, 25oSR
automated fibre length analysers (see example at right using a
Kajaani FS-200 analyser for the fines-free fraction of the refined % at each level
pulp having a length-weighted mean fibre length of 2.6 μm). 0 2 4 6
Further data on the effect of process chemistry on the size of Fibre length (μm)
fibre aggregates for this pulp is given under flocculation and for Source: Beghello in J Pulp Paper
Science, 1998, 13, 4, 274-279.
the effect of a formation aid under that heading.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 172
The FSP value is usually lower than the WRV as shown in the following table (see more data from this
study under drying). Essentially, the water measured as the FSP is a mixture of the unbound water
within macropores and the bound water within micropores of the fibre wall, whereas the WRV includes
some bulk water (see water removal for description of different types of water).
Other examples with FSP data are shown here for a chemimechanical pulp in terms of its anionic
group content.
This is the name given to the hydrogen-bonded associations of cellulose molecules present in raw
fibres (both wood and non-wood) and in papermaking pulps. Individual fibrils can be classified in terms
of their size into the following types (but note that this terminology is not universally applied):
proto- or elementary fibrils, which have a rectangular cross-section measuring about 3x7 nm
micro-fibrils, which are about 25 nm in diameter
macro-fibrils, which are about 0.5 microns (500 nm) in diameter.
The term "filler" implies that this set of materials is simply present to make up as much of the paper
weight as possible and thus reduce its specific cost. Although some fillers do lower the furnish cost,
this is not the main reason for their use and a better term for this set of materials would be "opacifiers"
as this is their main, but again not only, role as wet end additives. The same chemical types are also
used, albeit in a slightly different physical form, for paper coating, when the term "pigment" is more
commonly used to describe them. The two terms (filler and pigment) are often used interchangeably in
papermaking, but, in this document, the term filler (despite its economic implications) will be used for
wet end applied materials and pigments for coating materials.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 173
However, wet end fillers need to be differentiated on price grounds into two groups:
the general-purpose, low-cost fillers such as kaolin clay, calcium carbonate and talc
minerals such as titanium dioxide, for which the term "filler" is somewhat inappropriate as they are
more expensive than the highest-price pulps.
The use of fillers (and pigments) in papermaking has increased ahead of the general growth in paper
production due to rising filler contents and high growth in those grades using fillers (and pigments).
Across the whole paper industry, fillers and pigments are collectively the highest-tonnage non-fibrous
raw material, global consumption being about 25M tonne p.a. However, their use is predominantly in
one sector, printings/writing grades, where uncoated grades may contain up to about 35% filler and
coated grades may have a total mineral content as high as 50%.
Within the filler market, there have been tremendous changes over the last 20 years with much
greater use of calcium carbonates in place of both kaolin clays and titanium dioxide, particularly in the
wood-free sector. This has been possible largely due to the ability to make papers under
neutral/alkaline pH conditions, which is desirable, if not essential, in order to make effective use of
calcium carbonate. Previously, the sized wood-free grades would have been made predominantly with
kaolin clay under the acidic conditions (ca pH 5) required for the most effective use of the then normal
sizing chemical, rosin. The change to neutral/alkaline conditions for making wood-free papers has
been made possible by the development of sizing systems that are sometimes still based on rosin, but
more commonly on other sizing chemicals, mainly AKD and ASA, that function well at neutral pH.
This sizing factor is not present in the wood-containing paper sector, where the move away from clay
filler to calcium carbonate took place later (and is still taking place), but learning how to make these
grades at a higher wet end pH was still a major factor in the successful transition from acid to neutral
papermaking. Key factors in this sector were achieving good runnability at neutral pH, where pitch was
likely to be a greater problem than at acid pH and also maintaining acceptable brightness in the face
of the darkening effect of higher pH on the residual lignin in mechanical pulps. In both sectors, it is
important to recognise that these changes in filler use have profound effects on wet end chemistry, not
simply due to the changed physical and chemical properties of the filler, but also due to the changes in
the chemistry of other additives (eg no or less alum) and the higher operating pH with calcium
The effects of fillers within the papermaking process are summarised very broadly in the figure below,
the main positive reasons for using fillers being the improvement in the optical and surface properties
of the formed sheet, ie opacity, smoothness and possibly brightness.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 174
The improvement in the ease of water removal is useful, but never a driving force in itself for
increasing the filler content due to the accompanying constraints of lower strength and bulk plus the
range of wet end problems that can arise due to the raised fines content. The effect of fillers on the
optical characteristics of paper is usually central to their use and the interaction between light and a
paper surface is described here. The important characteristics of fillers are their refractive index,
brightness, particle size distribution (in terms of specific particle numbers and surface area), particle
morphology and density. The light scattering coefficient of the filler is determined by a combination of
refractive index and particle morphology and is the most important property determining the fillers'
contribution to paper opacity. The properties of fillers that are important in terms of wet end chemistry
are somewhat different to the functional ones expressed once they are in the paper. Some of these
properties are filler-specific and will be covered under each material, but some are generic and are
summarised below.
As is evident from the above figure, the effects of filler use on wet end chemistry are generally
unwelcome. The one clear exception is the improvement in the ease of water removal brought about
by the low water-holding capacity of fillers compared to hydrophilic fibres. This is an important attribute
as it allows the paper machine to be operated at faster speeds as the filler content increases, but only
provided that other changes that may accompany filler use (eg increased pulp refining and/or greater
use of wet end starches to compensate for the impaired paper strength) do not outweigh this effect. All
fillers have the ability to ease water removal, but there are differences between the various fillers
depending on the filler’s shape. For example, fillers such as clay tend to be aligned with a horizontal
plate surface and this impedes the passage of water simply by imposing a rather tortuous path for the
water to follow. Improved water removal is thus another of the benefits to be gained in changing to the
more regular-shaped calcium carbonate filler.
The abrasion characteristics of fillers are related to their hardness, but may in practice be more due to
the hardness of impurities than of the main filler material. Excessive wear of materials through
abrasion may occur at the wet end (eg wires) and during conversion (eg slitters and cutters). Although
not self-evident from their mineral nature, it should be noted that natural fillers can contain a significant
microbial load (see this figure), but the level in slurry products is more controllable as a biocide is
usually incorporated.
However, the main problems caused by wet end fillers arise from their small particle size and
consequent high particle numbers and surface area. These effects are experienced in four main
the single pass retention characteristics of the particulate matrix gets worse through the increasing
number of fine particles
the higher surface area at the wet end increases the potential for adsorption of water-soluble
the higher surface area in the final product increases the demand for any chemicals that require
full surface coverage for their effect, eg sizing agents and colorants
the paper strength declines due to physical interference with inter-fibre bonding, which is usually
compensated for by the use of dry strength agents.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 175
this particular example, the flowbox consistency reaches unrealistic levels (above 10 g/l) that would
give increasingly poor paper (formation) quality when the filler SPR declines below about 25%. A
similar trend was shown here for pulp fines.
The variables that affect filler retention are the same as for fine particles generally, being dependent
on their state of aggregation with the rest of the particulate matrix, which is itself dependent on many
other variables. The physical form of the fibre surface depends on the extent of fibrillation that occurs
during refining. In the absence of retention aids, increased refining of the pulp improves filler retention
through enhanced filler deposition, but any dependence of retention on particle size is effectively
removed when retention aids are used. Examples of these effects are shown here for clay filler.
The surface chemistry of the fillers is important as this should influence the selection of retention
chemicals and other additives (eg dry strength
Electrophoretic mobility, μm.cm/volt.sec
agents). In practice, the filler's surface chemistry is
less critical than might be expected and this is Minerals alone
illustrated in the figures at right (albeit for two
Rutile Al2O3
speciality "fillers", titanium dioxide and alumina, rather 0
than the more common clays/carbonates). Each filler
has a characteristic surface charge (expressed here -2
as mobility rather than as a calculated zeta potential),
2 4 6 8 10
which varies with pH to give a zero charge at the pH
isoelectric point (upper figure). Source: Jaycock at 1st International seminar on
Papermaking Chemistry, 1977, Amsterdam.
However, when the filler's mobility is measured in the
Electrophoretic mobility, μm.cm/volt.sec
presence of pulp (lower figure), the charge of all fillers
Minerals in presence of pulp
becomes anionic due to the adsorption of anionic +2
hemi-celluloses that have dissolved from the pulp. The
original charge of the filler (its natural charge in "clean" 0
water) does influence its charge in the presence of Al2O3
pulp and a more cationic filler (eg the aluminium -2 Pulp fines Anatase
oxide) tends to adsorb more pulp-derived anionic 2 4 6 8 10
substances at any particular pH. pH
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 176
When the retention of the same fillers is measured in a low-shear laboratory system using a washed
pulp, the effect of pH as shown below is obtained. When a normal (unwashed) pulp was used, the filler
Filler retention with fines-free pulp, % retention no longer showed this pattern of pH
100 dependence, but was similar to that of the pulp fines.
80 The artificial conditions of washing the pulp, mainly to
60 remove pulp-derived fines, has also removed the
40 anionic pulp hemi-celluloses responsible for the loss of
20 Anatase filler cationicity shown above. The filler retention is thus
0 high when the filler is cationic, as this allows good
3 5 7 9 11
hetero-coagulation of filler and genuine fibres, but
retention is lost above the fillers' iso-electric point.
The surface charge of papermaking fillers is thus very dependent on the chemistry of the surrounding
liquid phase due to their tendency to adsorb ions or charged organic molecules from solution. The
concept of deliberately producing a cationic wet end filler has been looked into by some filler
manufacturers, but has never shown any clear advantage due partly to the above phenomenon. The
one exception is the possible advantages of cationically-dispersed fillers for use as a coating pigment,
but, despite some advantages related to the re-use of coated broke, there are some basic unresolved
problems (lower solids content, higher viscosity) with a cationic as opposed to anionic slurry.
Film formation
This refers to the application of an additive to the surface of the paper, where the intention is to form a
continuous film. This is relevant to paper coating, particularly where the coating is acting as a barrier
and to starch addition at the size press. One of the most important properties of the applied coating is
its minimum film formation temperature, which depends on its glass transition temperature, particle
size and degree of cross-linking.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 177
Filtration is part of the overall process of water removal that starts with the drainage stage once the
papermaking stock is released from the flowbox. In filtration, water removal takes place at the interface
between the suspension and the formation wire with a
sharp change in consistency between the mat and the
overlying suspension (as shown in the picture at right). In
papermaking, filtration increases the consistency from
somewhere in the normal range 1 to 10 g/l (0.1 to 1%) at
the flowbox to 3-5% and is then followed by a thickening
stage. Filtration tends to be associated with a degree of two-sidedness in the paper as any free fine
particles are intercepted and retained at the paper solid-liquid interface. This can be minimised by
forming paper at the highest possible consistency and by the use of retention/drainage aids to
aggregate the fines with the rest of the particulate matrix.
This is a very important fraction of the particulate matrix at the wet end and is defined as particles that
pass through a 200 mesh sieve as measured using the Dynamic Drainage Jar (Tappi test method
T261). The fines fraction of a pulp can also be determined as part of the Bauer-McNett classification of
pulp solids using a 200 mesh size for the final screen. The mesh openings in a 200 mesh screen have
a side length of 76 μm, but the diameter of the openings is about 107 μm. It should be noted that fines
measured by optical fibre length analysers usually under-estimate the fines content significantly.
The fines fraction (as % of total particulate solids) is very important in relation to wet end chemistry as
it determines the retention and drainage characteristics of the furnish and in relation to paper quality
through its effect on bonding and sheet packing. The term "fines" is superfluous in discussing coating
raw materials at their addition point as all the particulate materials in coating are essentially fines, but
this fact becomes important when coated broke is recycled as all the coating solids then contribute to
the level of wet end fines.
As is evident from the range of particle sizes present in papermaking raw materials, particulate fines
include three important sets of wet end substances:
the fines fraction of pulps, there being three different sorts of pulp fines:
- primary fines which are the natural fines present in the raw, unrefined pulp
- secondary fines which are the additional fines generated during refining
- tertiary fines which are those generated during the rest of the papermaking process.
Primary fines are very heterogeneous as they comprise various fragments detached from wood
particles, eg parenchyma and ray cells, vessel elements, etc. Mechanical pulps have the highest
level of fines amongst virgin pulps (typically 25-35% of the pulp) and are essentially all primary
fines as these pulps are not usually refined. The levels of primary fines in chemical pulps are
much lower (below 10% for both softwoods and hardwoods) and contribute little to strength.
However, they scatter light more effectively than do secondary fines as the latter bond more
closely to the fibre surface and thus improve strength more effectively. Secondary fines are thus
important on machines using chemical pulps, where refining can increase the fines content to 10-
20%. The difference between the impact of primary and secondary fines of bleached Kraft pulps
on sizing is shown here. Some researchers have also broken down the primary pulp fines in
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 178
mechanical pulps into various fractions depending on their settling characteristics - see this
example for a TMP in terms of the distribution of anionic substances.
all fillers added at the wet end and coating pigments recycled to the wet end in coated broke.
The presence of fresh filler/pigment-derived fines is restricted to those machines making
printing/writing papers, but many grades of recovered paper will also contain these materials. As
filler contents for some papers (eg SC grades) are 30-35%, the total fines content of the filled
thick stock can easily reach 50% and thus show a similar increase in flowbox concentration to
that depicted above. Whereas increased pulp fines can lead to impaired drainage due to their
water-holding character, filler fines tend to facilitate overall water removal (although this does vary
with filler type).
There is one other group of substances strongly associated with the fines fraction at the wet end and
this is the range of water-soluble additives (eg starch, wet strength resins, etc) that rely on being
initially adsorbed on the particulate matrix in order to be retained in the product. The reason why the
fines fraction plays such a key role in adsorption is simply due to their much higher specific surface
area (m /g) compared to that of the intact fibres from pulps (see this example).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 179
Progress towards the steady state equilibrium is effectively the transition from an open water system
to the machine's normal degree of water closure. Over the course of this period of time, the
composition of the flowbox stock changes to reflect the degree of water closure at each moment. At
steady state, the wet end chemistry (particularly dissolved concentrations and temperature) is different
to that at start up and the SPR of the fines fraction may not be the same as their FPR. This could be
due, for example, to the build-up of anionic trash, which could negate the efficacy of a cationic
retention aid. Assuming for the purposes of illustration that the
Total SPR (%)
100 SPR remains at the FPR level, the total SPR can be calculated
50% fines content at different degrees of ultimate water closure. This is shown at
25% fines SPR
60 left for the worst case scenario of a high pulp fines content and
low fines SPR. The total FPR is 60% (same as in the first figure
FPR above) for the completely open water system (about 200
20 3
m /tonnne), but the total SPR under conditions of high water
0 3
0 50 100 150 200 closure (about 4m /tonne) is about 40%. The equilibrium SPR
Fresh water use (m /tonne) is always lower than the start-up FPR due to the fines build-up.
Originally, this term was used largely to describe the chemicals that are used to aid the adsorption of
dyes on the particulate matrix, but it has since extended to cover wet end additives used to "fix" a
problem such as anionic trash or pitch/stickies. Common fixatives for dyes are derivatives of
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 180
Flocculation is one of the terms used to describe the aggregation of particles in a suspension and, like
the term coagulation, is often used somewhat loosely to mean aggregation brought about by any
added chemical. It is also used with any one of three more specific meanings:
for the aggregation of particles brought about by organic polymers that function by a bridging
mechanism, such as polyacrylamides.
for the aggregation of particles in the secondary minimum (whilst coagulation denotes particle
aggregation in the primary minimum). This sort of aggregation is not common in papermaking due
to the weakness of the net attractive force at this relatively large inter-particle distance.
aggregation of true fibres, which is used in this sense mainly by paper physicists. In order to
differentiate it from the aggregation of fines, this is sometimes referred to as macro-flocculation.
Fibre flocculation differs from fines flocculation in that it is not caused by colloidal forces such as
electrostatic attraction or van der Waals forces, but by mechanical forces such as surface
entanglement/linkage and by elastic fibre bending. At normal wet end consistencies, fibre flocs are
continually forming, breaking down and re-forming in a form of "dynamic equilibrium". Fibres are
colliding due to rotation as well as by translation of the fibres within the liquid. These non-colloidal
forces are the main ones affecting paper formation, but their effect is exacerbated by the use of
retention aids which cannot distinguish between intact fibres and their intended contact surface - the
pulp fines and fillers. Fortunately, the much higher surface area of pulp fines and fillers ensures that
the majority of added flocculants (and other additives) adsorbs on the fines fraction.
A lot of fundamental work has been conducted with the aim of using fundamental properties of fibre
suspensions (such as its crowding number) to estimate the number of inter-fibre contacts in a fibre
suspension and then relating this to the state of flocculation of the wet end suspension and the
formation quality of the paper.
Very little work has been carried out on the effect of process chemistry on fibre flocculation, but a
recent study has confirmed the intuitive thinking that changes in pH and electrolyte levels have little
impact, particularly when compared to their significant effect on the aggregation of fines (see this
figure). As shown in the figures below for a whole pulp (bleached softwood Kraft refined to 25 SR)
and its long fibre (fines-free) fraction, any change in floc size (measured by image analysis) brought
about by changes of electrolytes or pH is small compared to the effects of consistency (shown in the
pH diagram at right below) and the effects of the pulp composition (as shown by the differences in
both diagrams between the whole and fractionated pulps). An example of the effect of a formation aid
(CMC) on fibre flocculation is shown here.
5 -4 -3 -2 -1 5 3 5 7 9 11
0 10 10 10 10
Electrolyte concentration (M) pH
Another aspect of flocculation that has received much attention over the last 10 years or so has been
the development of on-line sensors to measure flocculation. Several of the now well-established
consistency/retention monitoring and control systems based on various optical sensors have utilised
some of the existing measurement signals to give an index of the state of flocculation of the flowbox
stock. This measurement is usually based on analysis of the variability of the signal from a laser light
source passing through the flowing stock. When a stock is well-flocculated with a large floc structure,
the variance of the transmitted light is high compared to the much lower variance when the stock is
reasonably flocculated, but with a small floc structure.
Floc strength
All aggregates of papermaking materials at the wet end can be broken down into smaller aggregates
by the shear forces operating within the papermaking system. Under low shear conditions and with a
suitably low surface charge and/or thin electrical double layer due to high electrolyte levels, particles
can aggregate by van der Waals forces, but these aggregates have very low resistance to higher
shear levels. These are sometimes referred to as "soft" flocs. Polymers give a stronger floc structure
("hard" flocs), but there is a considerable range of floc strength depending on the number of polymers
being used and their mechanism in the following order of declining floc strength - dual polymers >
bridging polymers > charge-patch polymers. Aggregation between oppositely-charged particles also
has low resistance to shear in the absence of adsorbed polymers.
One of the simplest ways to investigate the effect of chemical treatment on floc strength uses the
Dynamic Drainage Jar (DDJ) at different stirrer
Fines retention, %
100 speeds as the shear variable. The DDJ retention is
Alum/PAM then plotted against stirrer speed as shown in the
figure at left giving a retention-shear profile. This
50 0.2% PAM particular example corroborates the relative floc
25 strength of alum/polymers alone and combinations
1% alum 0.2% PEI
Blank thereof. Another important aspect related to floc
0 500 1000 1500 2000 strength is the ability of broken flocs to re-aggregate
DDJ stirrer speed (rpm) once the shear is removed or reduced and this is
Reference: Pulp Paper Canada, 1979, 80, 6, 67-72. discussed further under re-flocculation.
All of the stilbene-based brighteners are normally supplied as liquid products with a solids content of
around 40%. Due to their anionic character, they are slightly alkaline and, like dyes, require
solubilising chemicals (eg urea) to maintain solution stability in the presence of normal electrolyte
levels. Products are available in urea-free forms with low electrolyte levels, but they do then suffer
from higher freezing points, an important issue in terms of storage.
the di-sulphonated derivative (where the Y group is just aniline with no sulphonate groups) have
the lowest water solubility (particularly under acid conditions) and are thus the most substantive to
the fibre. Due to their high cost, they are only used at the wet end under certain extreme
conditions such as low water hardness and high levels of cationicity.
the tetra-sulphonated type (where each Y group contains one sulphonate group, as shown above)
combine reasonable water solubility with good substantivity. Due to this combination of desirable
attributes and the lowest production costs, they are the most common type of FBA (sometimes
referred to as the universal FBA) and are used for all types of application.
the hexa-sulphonated types (where the Y group contains two sulphonate groups) have the highest
solubility (and brightening effect per unit mass) and lowest substantivity. Due to high cost, they are
used for surface application when the highest levels of whiteness in the paper are required.
Aggregation of precipitated brightener molecules leads to a change in the emission wavelength so that
the brightener gives a green rather than a blue coloration. This phenomenon, known as "greening", is
caused by aggregation of the brightener molecules and may be caused by high brightener
concentrations, acidity, alum or cationic materials, the latter effects also being referred to as
"quenching". This problem is greatest for the di-sulphonated types due to their low solubility although
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 183
they do have the advantage that, being the least anionic, they interact less with cationic chemicals.
Greening is least for hexa-sulphonated brighteners which is why high levels can be used at the size
press to give very high paper brightness.
At the wet end, FBAs are ineffective in the presence of other materials that absorb strongly in the
ultra-violet such as titanium dioxide and mechanical pulps (due to their lignin content) and are thus
mainly used with furnishes having a high content of bleached chemical pulps. For efficient retention at
the wet end, the FBA should be adsorbed by the particulate matrix as individual molecules and this
requires rapid adsorption in order to minimise aggregation (such as by quenching when other cationic
chemicals are present). For this reason, the addition points of FBA and any strongly cationic additives
should be separated as far as possible with the Adsorption (%)
brightener generally being added first. For the
most commonly-used tetra-sulphonated 80
Wet end addition of FBAs becomes less efficient as the grammage of the paper increases due to the
reduced light penetration into the body of the paper. Size press addition is this more efficient at high
paper grammages, but the most common way of utilising FBAs is split addition, typically about 20%
addition at the wet end and 80% at the size press with total doses up to 20 kg/tonne (higher in
extreme cases). Size press application can give a degree of fluorescent mottle if the FBAs are
aggregated, although this is unlikely for the hexa-sulphonated brighteners and is more tolerable than
the similar case of colour mottle when size press dyes are used.
Surface addition has a different set of compatibility issues than those present at the wet end, but wet
end chemicals can still be leached into the size press solution and lead to quenching of the brightener.
Acidity in the size press solution (from leaching or microbial activity in the starch solution) can be dealt
with by the use of pH-buffered FBAs (eg with added ethanolamine) or by the direct addition of pH
buffers to the size press solution. Cationic size press starches are less cationic than wet end cationic
starches, but can still quench size press FBAs. FBAs are also widely used in coating formulations, but
care over compatibility is again required due to the chemical complexity of some coating mixes. FBAs
have little affinity for mineral particles, so it is important to use binders with good FBA affinity, eg
starches, CMC or polyvinyl alcohol within the coating formulation. In both size press and coater
applications, migration of less substantive FBAs to the base paper can occur leading to loss of
At high surface addition rates, particularly of the hexa-sulphonated FBA, high levels of dissolved FBA
are generated on broke recycling. This contributes to wet end cationic demand and is also undesirable
due to variable FBA retention and hence variable brightening in the product. It is possible to improve
the brightening of the standard tetra-sulphonated brightener, particularly its greening limit, by chemical
modification so that it can replace the hexa-sulphonated FBA at the size press. Recent studies by one
supplier have shown that this can reduce the cationic demand of repulped broke by about 20% and,
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 184
because of the brightener's greater substantivity, it also improves the brightness of the base paper.
Where necessary (ie when the paper machine changes to an FBA-free grade of paper), recycled
FBAs can be deliberately quenched with cationic polymers (eg imidazolines) or the FBA residues can
be oxidised, both hypochlorite and ozone being effective in this respect.
This is the lead element in Group 17 of the Periodic Table and is present in fluoride complexes with
chromium salts and in organofluorine compounds that are used for conferring grease resistance.
Within packaging papers/boards, this is the second largest category (after linerboard). Fluting (or
corrugating medium) is the inner (wavy) component of corrugated case materials and there are two
distinct types - fluting made from 100% NSSC pulp and fluting made from 100% recovered paper, but
many grades are made with blends of these two pulps. Fluting is made over the grammage range 105-
2 2
175 g/m (although it can be higher), the standard product being 127 g/m . It is made as a single ply
product, whose key properties are stiffness, compressive strength and crush resistance.
Both types of fluting are made on paper machines with substantially and, in some cases, fully closed
water systems. At NSSC pulp-based fluting mills, there is thus a strong incentive to minimise carry-
over of pulping-derived dissolved solids in order to minimise build-up problems at such high levels of
water closure. However, washing of such pulps is difficult so it is fortunate that manufacture of NSSC-
based fluting does not need any wet end additives to achieve the required product performance. The
use of chemicals to improve retention and drainage would be desirable, but the presence of dissolved
lignosulphonates in the pulp makes this uneconomic.
Recycled fluting is normally made from recovered corrugated case materials, but requires the use of
quite high starch addition (around 5%) to achieve the required strength. Traditionally, this starch is
added by surface application (most commonly at the size press), but there is a lot of interest in
replacing this with wet end addition in view of the potential for increased production when the machine
operates without a size press. This change is complicated by the very high wet end concentrations of
dissolved organics on such machines due to the combination of high inputs of from the recovered
paper (around 50 kg/tonne as COD) and the very closed water systems.
Levels of dissolved organics on such machines can easily exceed 10 g/l with concentrations of 30-40
g/l (as COD) being present on machines with fully-closed water systems and no internal wastewater
treatment plant. There can also be equally high concentrations of dissolved electrolytes, which mainly
originate from inadequate microbiological control leading to acid-induced dissolution of calcium
carbonate. Levels of these parameters at four recycled fluting/liner mills is shown in the table below.
Although not quantified in this table, a significant proportion of the dissolved organics (COD or DOC)
may have been converted to organic acids (such as acetic) by microbiological activity. At one mill with
a fully-closed water system, the concentration of organic acids was 12,000 mg/l (compared to a COD
of 34,000 mg/l) before installation of an integrated bio-treatment plant, which reduced the circuit
concentrations by 75% for both the acids and total dissolved organics.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 185
Foam is a type of stable colloidal dispersion, in this case of a gas surrounded by a thin liquid film. In
addition to the gas and the liquid, a third component is needed to stabilise the foam - this is a surface
active material (surfactant) such as a detergent or certain types of particulate solid. The gas-liquid
interface is stabilised by the orientation of the surfactant with its hydrophobic part within the gas phase
and its hydrophilic part within the water. The interfacial (surface) tension is minimised by the formation
of spherical bubbles, but polyhedral bubbles are formed at higher gas contents (see representation
Foam stability depends on a number of factors, but the most important is the elasticity of the liquid film,
ie its ability to adjust local surface tensions in response to stresses placed on it. The presence of
particles within foam (having the appearance of more of a scum than a foam) has a strong stabilising
effect due to their high surface viscosity. There are several sources/types of both entrained gases and
surfactants in most papermaking systems so the need for some form of foam control is common, not
only at the wet end, but also in surface application at the size press and in coating. The retention of
wet end surfactants in the paper is inevitable (depending on the degree of water closure) and, whilst
this does remove them from the wet end, re-dissolution can occur at a surface applicator, particularly
at the size press due to the ease of dissolution at the high prevailing temperatures.
Foam tends to be worst on machines with in closed water systems due to the increased concentration
of any surfactants present (as they are part of the dissolved solids) and the raised temperature, which
lowers water viscosity, surface tension and the solubility of most gases. Foam (as opposed to the
entrained gases that are the foam pre-cursors) is mainly a problem within the paper machine's
backwater system, partly due to the much lower level of particulate solids (which tend to collapse
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 186
foams occurring elsewhere) and due to the presence of air introduced during drainage on the
formation wire. Foam sitting on the top of a tank is not in itself much of a problem (apart from
unsightliness) and does mean that at least some of the surfactant load in the system is not being re-
circulated with the whitewater.
Nevertheless, foam accumulation is not desirable and is indicative of the presence of free surfactants
that could be causing problems elsewhere. Foam can be controlled using the same hierarchy of
techniques summarised generally for all problematic substances. In terms of foam, these are:
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of surface active components
As substances with surfactant properties are widespread in papermaking raw materials, this is not
easy, but significant reductions can be made by ensuring that pulps are well washed and by the
use of low-foaming detergents in cleaning chemicals.
Folding boxboard
This grade is a multi-ply packaging product in which chemical pulp forms the basis for the two outer
plys (liner and backs) and mechanical pulp is used largely for the middle plys. As the main use is for
the packaging of food, the liner (and sometimes the backs) is usually coated. The chemistry of the
liner ply using bleached chemical is similar to that of wood-free fine papers, but the back ply can use
unbleached chemical pulp (such as unbleached sulphite in view of its high brightness when
unbleached). The very wide range in the chemistry of the three furnishes on these machines is
illustrated below in the data from a machine using bleached Kraft for the liner, RMP and broke for the
middles and unbleached sulphite for the backs.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 187
The retention aid on the liner ply was cationic starch, but the addition rate was constrained by sheet
formation as this side of the board would be later coated. Despite the high fines content of the
mechanical pulp, the absence of any formation constraints on the 60-70 g/m middles plies allowed
the single pass retention (SPR) to be maximised by controlled addition of polyethyleneimine (0.3-0.6
kg/tonne). The retention of the backs ply was poor due to its low grammage (20 g/m ) and the
absence of retention aid for formation reasons.
All plys were sized with alum/rosin at about pH 5.3. The conductivity originated from fresh water (170
S/cm) and from the alum-derived sulphate (200 mg/l compared to 40 mg/l in the fresh water). The
dissolved organics were high in the middles stock due to the high content of the mechanical pulp and
the recycling of all broke (which contained size press starch and coating chemicals) to the middles.
Despite the addition of the strongly cationic PEI polymer to the middles, the surface charge of the
stock remained negative. The positive zeta potential of the liner ply was a result of both alum addition,
which gives cationic species at the prevailing pH of 5.3 and cationic starch addition. The backs ply
was anionic due to the lower alum dose and the high negative cationic demand of the unbleached
sulphite stock (ca 100 eq/l).
Folding endurance
This strength parameter is measured by holding the paper under tension whilst it is repeatedly folded
backwards and forwards. The value is the number of folds before the paper breaks. It is mainly
measured on security (cheque and banknote) papers.
This manifests itself as something able to generate motion in a body and is measured in Newtons.
There are four fundamental types of force in nature:
the strong nuclear force is a very strong, but very short-ranged (active over ranges of about 10
m) attractive force that is responsible for holding the nuclei of atoms together, ie stopping the
nucleus flying apart through the mutual repulsion between protons. The size of this force is
demonstrated through the energy released in fusion between light nuclei and in the fission of
heavy nuclei.
the weak nuclear force is, as its name suggests, very weak with a very short range. It is
responsible for radioactive decay and neutrino interactions. It governs the process called beta
decay whereby a neutron breaks up spontaneously into a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino.
When this takes place within the nucleus, a new element is generated due to the change in the
number of nuclear protons.
the electromagnetic force is much weaker than the strong nuclear force, but is long-ranged. It can
be attractive or repulsive and is responsible for the interactions between charged substances and
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 188
between charges substances and magnetic fields. The electromagnetic force holds electrons
within atoms through their attraction to the nuclear protons and governs the emission and
absorption of electromagnetic radiation such as light. Electrostatic forces between particles and
dissolved substances are important in papermaking in relation to adsorption and particle
the gravitational force is weak, but has a very long range. It is always attractive and acts between
all pieces of matter in the Universe. It is responsible for holding materials on Earth and for the
orbits of moons and planets.
In addition to the electrostatic forces mentioned above, there are other important intra-molecular, inter-
molecular and inter-particle forces in papermaking and these are summarised under attractive and
repulsive forces.
FAS is used for the reductive bleaching/colour stripping of deinked pulps and machine broke. It is
usually used with stabilisers such as sodium silicate or chelating agents to stop its metal-catalysed
decomposition and consequent loss of bleaching power.
This simple aldehyde (HCHO) is not used in its own right in papermaking, but it is present in the urea-
formaldehyde (UF) and melamine-formaldehyde (MF) resins used to confer wet strength on certain
papers. These products have been under some regulatory pressure due to the adverse effects of
formaldehyde on human health at low atmospheric concentrations. On the basis of animal tests, it is a
suspected human carcinogen and most countries have thus set occupational exposure limits, eg 8-
hour time-weighted averages of 0.75 ppm (USA) and 2 ppm (UK). It has also been used as an
insolubiliser in paper coatings.
This term has an obvious meaning as the process whereby the suspension of pulp and other additives
is formed into a paper web, but it also refers to a particular quality of the final paper, which is its micro-
uniformity, ie its uniformity measured on a scale of a few millimetres. This is also called the look -
through of the paper as a subjective assessment can be made simply by holding the paper up to a
light source. Paper formation is of some importance from an aesthetic viewpoint in lighter-weight
printing/writing papers and of minor importance in this sense in most heavier-weight packaging
papers, but it is important in all paper products because of its contribution to their overall integrity and
strength. Areas of poor formation quality in an otherwise well-formed paper act as a point of weakness
and potential fracture/tear.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 189
Fundamental work on ideal, random fibre networks has shown that the formation quality can be
modelled on the basis of fibre length, fibre coarseness and mean grammage, but this model has not
been fully verified experimentally. However, most papers do not consist only of intact fibres (but also
of fines) and are produced on paper machines with many operational variables. The formation quality
of the paper is influenced in a complex way by all of these factors, which can be broken down into two
main categories:
The most important papermaking variable to control formation quality at the required level is the
papermaking consistency, as shown in the above example. The optimal range of papermaking
consistencies for different paper grades is well-established and this is often dictated by formation
considerations. The most extreme case is tea-bag paper, which is made from long non-wood fibres
such as hemp at formation consistencies of around 0.02% or 200 mg/l at the flowbox. Other grades
are made in the range of 0.1-1% (1-10 g/l) flowbox consistency, but always at the highest possible
level in order to minimise the size of pumps, pipes, tanks and the initial dewatering zone. The
dimensioning of the papermaking system (eg fan pump capacity) is of obvious importance in relation
to the ability to lower the formation consistency in order to improve the formation quality of the paper.
The adverse consequence of lowering the formation consistency is a drop in single pass retention, but
this can be mitigated by optimisation of the retention aid system.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 190
There are other important interactions between formation, single pass retention and drainage.
Improvements in both drainage and single pass retention (SPR) provide opportunities to enhance
formation, in the case of drainage by allowing greater dilution at the flowbox without exceeding the
water removal capacity of the former and, in the case of SPR, by lowering the flowbox consistency
through the better quality of the returned whitewater. However, potential improvements in drainage
and SPR through the addition of retention/drainage aids are sometimes constrained by their impact on
fibre flocculation and hence on formation (see these diagrams for examples).
A specific example of the interaction between single pass Filler SPR (%)
retention and formation is shown at right for a system 100
comprising 80% of a refined bleached softwood Kraft pulp 80 bentonite system
(5% fines content) and 20% calcium carbonate filler. The
work was done on a pilot paper machine running at 800
m/minute with a formation consistency of about 5.5 g/l. It is
evident that the polyacrylamide/bentonite system gives the 20 Cationic starch/
silica system
better filler aggregation and hence retention, but poorer 0
8 10 12 14 16 18
formation (high values). Data points where both systems Formation (%)
gave the same filler SPR (not shown on graph) indicated that Source: Albinsson, CJ et al Tappi
the cationic starch-based system gave slightly better J., 1995, 78, 4, 121-128.
As exemplified in the two figures shown above, a number of different formation indices have been
developed by researchers and also by manufacturers of commercial formation analysers. Attempts
have also been made to develop a so-called universal formation index, but this has not yet been fully
accepted. Most of the formation indices are based on the same principle of analysing the variance of
the transmitted light from a sensor using a light or β-ray source. For example, the formation index in
the first example is the standard deviation of the variation of the transmitted radiation (in that case,
from a β-ray source) expressed as a grammage divided by the square root of the mean grammage.
This measurement principle is similar to that used for the measurement of the state of flocculation of
the papermaking stock prior to paper formation. Today, many paper machines are equipped with on-
line formation sensors, although they are not used for feedback control.
Formation aids
These chemical additives are not widely used in papermaking, but may be added to the wet end stock
in order to improve the formation quality of the paper, notably when working with particularly long-
fibred stocks, eg softwood and some non-wood pulps. The types of chemical used are the natural
gums such as guar, carboxymethylcellulose and anionic polyacrylamides. The mechanism of the
action of anionic polymers appears to be a combination of steric interference preventing inter-fibre
contact and a degree of charge repulsion plus viscosity-related effects.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 191
Fortified rosin
Most rosin products contain a proportion of rosin that has been fortified to strengthen its sizing ability.
This is achieved by carrying out a Diels-Alder reaction with maleic anhydride or fumaric acid, which
introduces two additional carboxyl groups into levo-pimaric acid across the 1,4-diene in its third ring.
The amount of levopimaric acid in rosin is small, but its reaction with the added anhydride pushes its
equilibrium with abietic acid to the right (as shown below) and effectively all the abietic acid can be
converted to the fortified form. In practice, the addition rate of maleic anhydride is about 25% on a
molar basis and this leads to a number of benefits for the fortified product:
reduced tendency to crystallise from solution
lower softening temperature and consequent easier emulsifiability
despite the molecule itself being much less hydrophobic than natural rosin, the sizing efficiency is
improved and this is attributed to a combination of more optimal orientation of the rosin molecule
in the paper and ease of spreading during drying of the paper.
This is an abbreviation for first pass retention.
Free energy
Within thermodynamics, there are two terms for free energy:
the Gibbs free energy (G) where G = H - TS and H = enthalpy, T = temperature and S = entropy.
The most common form of this relationship is ΔG = ΔH - TΔS for constant temperature conditions.
A spontaneous change has to be accompanied by a decrease in free energy, ie ΔG is negative and
the Helmholtz free energy (A) where A = E -TS and E = internal energy, T = temperature and S =
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 192
This term applies to the ease of drainage of water from the papermaking stock. It is measured in a
standard apparatus by allowing one litre of the dilute pulp suspension (3 g/l consistency) to drain on a
wire into a chamber with two outlets (see diagram at right). The bottom outlet is partially blocked so
that the egress of water through it is restricted, but the higher
side outlet has an unrestricted overflow. Pulps with fast 3 g/l CSF = V ml
drainage deliver most of their water quickly so that a relatively 1000 ml o
SR = 1000-V
large proportion of this water leaves via the higher side outlet. 10
The receptacle receiving the side overflow is calibrated in two different ways:
in units of Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF), which is the volume (ml) overflowing via the side
outlet such that fast draining pulps have high values (CSF > 500 ml)
o e e
in units of Schopper-Riegler ( SR) such that fast draining pulps have low values ( SR < 20). The
SR value is calculated by deducting the flow from the side outlet (ml) from 1000 and dividing the
result by 10. This value is the percentage of water overflowing via the side outlet and, strictly
speaking, is more an index of wetness as the value increases with declining drainage.
Freeness is used as an index of the progress of pulp refining and can be measured on-line using
systems from companies such as BTG, Innomatic and Metso.
This is one of the surface properties of paper and features prominently in the study of tribology, the
science of interacting surfaces in motion. Friction is defined as the resistance encountered when one
body moves relative to another with which it is in contact. The coefficient of friction is the ratio of this
frictional force resisting motion to the force at right angles to the surface and has two forms - the static
coefficient (at the point when the body is starting to move) and the kinetic coefficient (when the body is
moving). The kinetic coefficient is always less than the static coefficient with values for paper products
covering the wide range 0.2-0.9. A low friction coefficient is often referred to as slip.
Generally, the friction force has an adhesive component related only to the interfacial characteristics
and a deformation component related to the bulk properties (eg sheet integrity for papers) of the
materials in contact. The friction of a finished paper surface is important during winding, sheet feeding,
converting and stacking operations. The desirable level of friction depends on the application, two
examples being:
low-medium level of friction for copier papers to give good stackability and good sheet feeding
without sticking.
medium level of friction for the outer surface of packaging boxes so they can be stacked safely.
There is no clear consensus as to the relative importance of the adhesive and deformation terms for
paper products and it seems likely that this depends on the nature of the paper concerned and how it
is used. Inter-paper friction does vary with the direction of movement in terms of the orientation of the
two papers to one another (MD-CD), which is related to bulk effects and surface smoothness. The
latter becomes an important factor when mineral fillers are incorporated in paper as one of their
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 193
benefits can be a smoother paper surface, but there are significant differences between different
fillers. Regular-shaped fillers such as calcium carbonates increase friction and this has been attributed
not to their shape, but to their ability to absorb surface chemicals (eg fatty acids that otherwise act as
lubricants) as the increase in friction correlates well with the filler's oil absorption. By contrast, clay
fillers, despite their significant oil absorption, decrease the friction coefficient and this has been
attributed to the alignment of their platy surface in the x-y plane of the paper.
Not surprisingly, the presence of extractives and sizing Static friction coefficient
agents, due to their surface activity, has a significant
effect on friction. Papers with a high extractives content
0.4 C18AKD
(wood-containing grades) have a low friction coefficient
(ca 0.3), but, when the extractives are removed by C22 AKD
solvent extraction, the friction coefficient can double in
value. The impact of rosin and ASA sizes on paper 0
friction is quite weak, but AKD size is well-known for its 0 1 2 3 4 5
strong tendency to create a slippy paper surface. A AKD dose (kg/tonne)
typical effect for an unfilled wood-free paper with AKDs Source: Hoyland, Paper Technology,
with 3 different alkyl groups is shown at right. It is 2001, 42, 3, 45-49.
evident that the surface friction decreases with dose
and is greatest for an AKD with the longest alkyl chain. This work also showed a good correlation
between friction and surface energy of the paper, the latter dropping from about 70 mN/m (0.6 friction
coefficient) for the AKD-free paper to 20-30 mN/m (0.3 friction coefficient) for the heaviest-sized
papers. The presence of excess fatty acid in the AKD size lowered the friction coefficient (and
increased the sizing) noticeably for the C14-AKD sized paper at low AKD doses, but the effect declined
at higher AKD doses and with longer alkyl chain AKDs. Hydrolysis of AKD to the ketone is also known
to lower the surface friction of AKD-sized papers as removal of such hydrolysis products (by solvent
extraction) increases the friction coefficient (from about 0.3 to 0.4 in one quoted case).
Where necessary, the frictional characteristics of paper are controlled by chemical additions to the size
press, the most common additive being amorphous silica for raising friction and various lubricants for
lowering friction. Other size press additives, such as surface sizes, also influence the paper's friction
Fresh water
The water used on the paper machine is a mixture of fresh water and water recycled after some
previous use. Fresh water use affects the chemistry of the paper machine in two distinct ways:
the quality of the water entering the paper machine circuit defines the baseline chemistry of the
system, which remains constant irrespective of the degree of water closure
the quantity of fresh water entering the paper machine circuit (ie the degree of water closure),
together with the single pass retention, affects the concentration build-up of individual materials.
The quality of natural waters varies enormously from rainwater, which contains just small amounts of
dissolved gases such as CO2 and SO2, to marine waters containing 3.2-3.6% mineral salts, largely
sodium chloride. The quality of the waters used by paper mills is closer to that of rainfall, but the quality
of surface or sub-surface (ground) waters is modified by materials picked up during their passage
overground and/or through the soil/earth to the mill abstraction point. Paper mills use both sources of
fresh water and some are in the fortunate position of having both sources available.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 194
The treatment given to fresh water prior to use in the mill depends on the raw water quality judged
against the quality of the water required for its applications in the mill, but this can include chemical
coagulation, clarification by sedimentation/filtration and disinfection. The level of water treatment
carried out thus changes the natural quality in terms of the particulate fraction and the microbial
content, but has little effect on the dissolved solids.
The concentration and nature of dissolved solids in fresh waters is determined largely by the
geochemical characteristics of the earth over or through which the water passes, but also by man-
made inputs. The latter are likely to be more significant in surface rather than ground waters, due to the
ability of the soil strata to attenuate the levels of many materials by adsorption, ion exchange, etc.
Materials dissolve in water either due to a natural water solubility or, particularly for carbonate minerals,
due to interaction with the acidic gases present in the rain water. In general, ground waters tend to
have a higher, but more stable, concentration of dissolved solids than river waters due to their long
retention time beneath the earth's surface. Surface waters are subject to large seasonal variations in
quality, heavy rainfall usually leading to a lowering of the concentration of dissolved solids, but a rise in
the concentration of particulates.
The inorganic solids dissolved in both surface and ground waters are mainly composed of calcium,
magnesium and sodium cations balanced by bicarbonate, sulphate and chloride anions. The simplest
way of quantifying this material collectively is by measuring the water's conductivity, which varies from
below 0.1 milliSiemen (mS) per centimetre for fresh waters with low dissolved solids to a maximum of
about 1 mS/cm. Such high values are associated with brackish surface waters, ground waters suffering
from saline intrusion into the aquifer or ground waters with high hardness levels due to the presence of
chalk or limestone strata.
The pH of water is determined by the balance of acidic materials such as humic acids from peat and
CO2 against alkaline materials such as calcium carbonate. This is discussed in more detail under the
heading of Langelier's equation. The inorganic content of a range of typical waters is shown below.
Dissolved organic matter is normally present at quite low levels in fresh waters, particularly in the types
of ground water used for public or industrial supply. Peat-derived acids have low pH values and also
introduce substantial discoloration into the water, a feature that would be considered undesirable at
most mills. The levels of man-made organics can be quite high in streams receiving domestic and
industrial discharges. This source of organic matter is small compared to the on-machine levels
originating from pulps and additives. Overall, the fresh water quality has a greater impact on the
inorganic chemistry at the wet end rather than on its organic chemistry.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 195
Fugitive sizing
This term is sometimes used interchangeably with the term size reversion to describe the situation
where a paper that is fully sized at the mill is found to have lost some or all of its sizing some time later
(see here for pictorial representation). Fugitive sizing is sometimes differentiated from size reversion
by defining it as the complete loss of sizing over a defined period. Some researchers have argued that
the term "fugitive" implies that the original sizing level will eventually be recovered, but as this is never
the case, this terminology is best avoided. This practice is adopted in this document and these general
effects are discussed further under size reversion.
Fungi are a more complex group of micro-organisms than bacteria, but are still classified as belonging
to the unicellular kingdom of the protists. They possess certain plant-like characteristics (eg a thread-
like growth), but are not classified as plants for several reasons such as the fact that they have no
chlorophyll. Most fungi make use of decaying or dead organic matter for their nutritional requirements
and can grow in the presence of very little free water. Many fungi have the ability to break down
cellulose and lignin and can thus cause problems due to their ability to grow on damp pulp and paper
products. Pulp drying exercises a high degree of sterilisation for lap pulps, but semi-dry pulps can be
severely contaminated with cellulolytic and disfigurative fungi such as Aspergillus sp., Trichoderma
sp., Penicillium sp., etc. Fungi have been deliberately added to wood during storage in order to break
down some of the extractives. This aids their removal during pulping and lowers the pitch content of
the pulp.
Within the papermaking process, the incidence of fungal problems has declined with the move away
from acid papermaking to neutral papermaking as the common aquatic fungi such as yeasts prefer an
acid pH. The contamination of paper and board products with fungi is always a result of secondary
infection from the local environment as, unlike some bacteria, fungi cannot resist the high
temperatures during paper drying. Moulds growing on paper products are usually common air-borne
organisms such as Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp. and Cladosporium sp. Papers are treated with
fungicide preservatives to prevent such growths.
Clx Cly
Technically, furan is the name for the five-membered O
heterocyclic ring shown at near right, but this name is also used
as short-hand for the chlorinated dibenzo-furans (formula at far
right). These are related to the chlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins, where their relevance to
papermaking is discussed further.
This is the traditional papermaker's term for the mixture of materials (pulps and chemicals) used to
make a particular grade of paper. It is often used interchangeably with "stock", although the latter
strictly only applies to the furnish as suspension prior to sheet formation.
This is an abbreviation for fluorescent whitening agent, an alternative name for fluorescent brightening
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 196
This is one of the five monosaccharides that are present in hemi-celluoses. It CH2OH
is a hexose with the formula C6H12O6 and the structure shown at right (drawn
with a pyranose structure in the α-anomer form - see glucose for explanation OH
of these terms). Galactose is also as one of the two monomers in guar gum.
This is the main hemi-celluose in softwoods, accounting for about 20% of the wood. It is a linear
polymer of β-1,4-linked
glucose and mannose HO CH2OH CH2OH
units with single O O O O O
galactose units occurring O O
as an α-1,6-linked side- CH2OH
chain. The acetylation of CH2OH
the mannose units
occurs about once every OH
3/4 units. Its degree of
polymerisation is 50-150.
These are polysaccharides that occur in certain natural gums, notably locust bean gum and guar gum.
Galacturonic acid
This is the chemical name for the monomer that COOCH3
comprises the major part of pectin. It has the formula HO O HO O
C6H10O7 and the structure shown at near right. Its pKA OH OH
value is about 3.7, so any pectins present in papermaking
would be in the ionised form and thus contribute to the OH OH
anionic trash fraction if dissolved from the pulp. Some of
these units are present in wood as the methyl ester (see picture at far right), which can be hydrolysed
under alkaline conditions to form the acid (eg in the peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps) thus
increasing the polymer's solubility.
Gases get into the papermaking system by two routes:
through being taken up from the atmosphere, the main ones being:
- oxygen, which is useful to maintain aerobic conditions
- nitrogen, which is effectively inert under papermaking conditions
- carbon dioxide, which is important in relation to the various carbonate equilibria and the
dissolution of calcium carbonate
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 197
In an aqueous system, gases can exist either in an entrained state or in a dissolved state, which has
an equilibrium concentration determined by Henry's Law.
This is an abbreviation for ground calcium carbonate.
Gelatin is a polypeptide derived from the protein, collagen, which is found in bones and other
connective tissue. It contains a range of amino acids with glycine and proline accounting for about half
its mass. Going back some hundreds of years, it was used extensively in papermaking for sizing and
strengthening the paper surface, but its use today is limited to a few speciality grades such as security
papers. It has also been used to make the walls of the micro-capsules used in carbonless-copy
This is a speciality grade of paper which has a very high resistance to grease/oil and is also very
impervious to air and water vapour. It is traditionally produced from a heavily-refined bleached
chemical pulp so that the pulp suspension becomes a finely-dispersed gel of cellulose fines and is
finally super-calendered to enhance the closed surface finish. These papers are quite transparent (like
the rather similar tracing papers), but they can be made more opaque by incorporation of filler if
These are present as part of the hemi-cellulose fraction in hardwoods, accounting for 2-5% of the
wood. It is a β-1,4-linked polymer of glucose and mannose units in a mole ratio of 1-2:1. Its degree of
polymerisation is about 200.
From a papermaking viewpoint, this is the most important monosaccharide as it is the sole monomer
unit in both cellulose and starch polysaccharides and is also one of the five monosaccharides present
in hemi-celluloses. It is a hexose with the formula C6H12O6 (exactly the same as galactose and
mannose), but, as with all monosaccharides, this can be written in either the open chain form ([a]
below) or the pyranose ring form ([b] below). All the evidence points to the pyranose structure (a 6-
membered ring with 5 carbons and 1 oxygen) being the dominant one in solution although there may
be a small amount present in a furanose ring form (a 5-membered ring with 4 carbons and 1 oxygen).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 198
The numbering of the carbon atoms is indicated on the pyranose ring form. Glucose is dextrorotatory,
so, strictly speaking, should always be written as D-glucose.
However, there is one further conformational complexity as the pyranose form of glucose has a further
asymmetric carbon atom (at the carbon 1 position) and this gives rise to two further forms of D-
glucose, the α and β anomers (shown as forms [c] and [d] below). Cellulose is a polysaccharide of the
β-anomer and starch is a polymer of the α-anomer. In both cases, the glucose units are joined by a
glucosidic linkage, but the conformation of the two chains is quite different, leading to their very
different sets of properties. For some of glucose's chemical reactions (eg as a reducing agent), it is
easier to visualise the reaction when glucose is shown in the open-chain form as it is the aldehyde
group which is responsible for its reducing power.
5 O
I 4 OH 1 HO
HO 3 2 OH OH
b. Pyranose form HO d. anomer
I for anomer in chair form
I c. anomer
CH2OH in chair form
a. Open chain form
Glucuronic acid
Glucose can be oxidised to various products, but this mono-carboxylic acid is COOH
the most important in papermaking as it is responsible for the charged O
character of some hemi-celluoses, notably the glucuronoxylans and the OH
arabinoglucuronoxylans. The structure of glucuronic acid itself is shown here,
although it is normally present as a methyl derivative. In Kraft pulping, the
glucuronic acids in the hemi-celluoses are converted to hexenuronic acids.
Glucuronoxylan OH
This is the main hemi-cellulose present in
hardwoods, accounting for 15-30% of the OAc
wood depending on species. The backbone HO
polymer is a β-1,4-linked xylan (with acetyl H3C
[Ac] substitution in the 2,3 positions of O
some units) with single side units of α-1,2- COOH
linked 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acids. The
proportion of glucuronic acid units is only about 10% and the anionic charge on these polymers is thus
typically about 0.7 meq/g. Its degree of polymerisation is about 200.
This dialdehyde is used as a biocide in papermaking and also in O = C - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - C = OH
deinking systems, where it is particularly effective against H H
catalase activity. Its formula is shown at right.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 199
This is a tri-hydric alcohol (formula at right) which is used to make rosin
esters and some fatty acids in the extractives fraction of wood are present HO - C - C - C - OH
as triglyceride esters. H OH H
These are defined as dihydric alcohols with the general formula shown below. The hydroxyl groups
can be located on any carbon atom so their position
has to be defined in the chemical name, as shown for HOH2C - (CH2)n - CH2OH n = 0 = ethylene glycol
propylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is produced from HOH2C - CH2 - CH2OH 1,3 - propylene glycol
ethylene oxide, which is also used to make HOH2C - CHOH - CH3 1,2 - propylene glycol
polyethylene glycol.
The simple glycols are not found in papermaking, but - (H2C - CH2 - O - )n polyethyleneglycol
are used in the manufacture of polyurethanes.
( - HC - CH2 - O - )n polypropyleneglycol
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polypropylene glycol
(see formulae at right) are used as multi-functional CH3
Ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) can be reacted together to form EO-PO polymers
which are also used as defoamers. Derivatives of short-chain PEGs (such as R - [O-CH2-CH2]8OH
where R is a long-chain alkyl or aryl group) are used as nonionic surfactants. The term ethoxylated
polymer is sometimes used to describe these latter materials. They usually take the form of either aryl-
substituted derivatives such as the nonylphenol-ethoxylates (NPEs) or alkyl-substituted derivatives
such as the fatty alcohol-ethoxylates. NPEs have been under some environmental pressure in recent
years due to their alleged involvement in endocrine disruption in rivers.
This simple dialdehyde (formula at right) can be used as an insolubiliser in coatings H-C-C-H
and is also used to make polyacrylamide-based wet strength agents. O O
Glyoxalated polyacrylamides
These chemicals are used as wet strength agents, but impart only a temporary wet strength to the
paper. They are generally made from a cationic polyacrylamide produced by co-polymerising
acrylamide with a small percentage (<10% on mole basis) of a cationic monomer such as
dimethyldiallylammonium chloride. This ensures that the resultant glyoxalated polymer has good
adsorption on the particulate matrix. The polyacrylamide chains are cross-linked with glyoxal via some
of the amide groups as follows:
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 200
Some of the amide groups react with only one of the glyoxal aldehyde groups, thus leaving an
aldehyde group available for reaction with cellulose hydroxyls to form a hemi-acetal bond as follows:
This reaction with cellulose takes place very rapidly at acid pH (4-6), but is still rapid enough at neutral
pH (6-8) for the sheet to be at least 80% cured at the reel of the paper machine. Full cure can be
guaranteed within 48 hours of manufacture. In use under wet conditions, the duration of the wet
strength depends to some extent on the resin's chemistry with most grades losing about 25% of the
wet strength after 30 minutes and 50% after several hours, but this can be shortened if necessary.
The quality of the contact water is important as the hemiacetal bond with cellulose is very labile under
alkaline conditions and this loss of wet strength at high pH is exploited in the normal repulping
conditions for broke. This can be accomplished within 10 minutes contact time at ambient
temperatures with caustic soda addition or alternatively at elevated temperatures (50 C) at neutral pH.
The level of wet strength achievable with these resins is high and they also give a very significant
increase in dry strength, which may obviate the need for separate addition of a dry strength agent.
Although the cationicity of these resins is low (<1 meq/g solids), their adsorption and retention is
adversely affected by anionic trash with even sulphite ions exerting a negative on resin performance.
The wet end pH should be kept below 7 with a low bicarbonate alkalinity (< 150 mg/l as CaCO3) as
this ionises in the drying section to release hydroxyl ions which destroys the wet strengthening action.
These resins are supplied at about pH 3 in various strengths up to about 20% solids content, but the
shelf-life decreases with solids content due to the more rapid polymerisation. Like all wet strength
agents, these resins are best added at the end of the thick stock system at a point of good mixing.
This is the term for the areal mass of the paper, which is sometimes referred to as its basis weight and
is most commonly expressed in units of g/m . In North America, the grammage of boards can be
2 2 2
expressed in pounds per 1000 feet where 100 g/m is 20.5 pounds per 1000 feet . The grammage of
a paper has no direct bearing on the raw materials used to make a particular grade of paper, but, as
its strength is directly proportional to its grammage, the balance of pulps used may change at different
grammage levels, eg greater proportion of softwood compared to hardwood pulp as the grammage
Grammage impacts on wet end chemistry through its effect on the efficiency of the filtration process in
relation to the single pass retention of fines. This is illustrated in the two examples here for two
different paper machines, but both making wood-free fine papers containing clay filler. The data points
cover about 4 days of papermaking in both cases.
The first set of data is for a machine where the furnish is 200
Grammage (g/m2)
poorly flocculated and where the single pass retention
(particularly of the fines) is thus critically dependent on
the efficiency of solids capture by sieving/filtration. Some 100
Total SPR (%)
variability in single pass retention is an inherent feature of 50
Fines SPR (%)
papermaking, but it can be moderated by the controlled
use of retention aids, eg by increasing the retention aid
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 201
dose in-line with a known grade change to a lower grammage. Further data is given here for the trend
in rosin retentions on this same paper machine.
Greaseproof papers
Ordinary papers have a degree of resistance to grease and oil because of the natural hydrophilic
character of cellulose. However, this resistance can be enhanced by mechanical treatment of the
paper (as in glassine papers), by acid treatment of the surface (as in vegetable parchment) or by
treatment with chemicals such as organofluorine compounds or chromium/fluoride complexes.
Groundwood pulps
This is the original mechanical pulping process, which was developed initially during the mid-19
century and then further improved during the 20 century. It consists of passing debarked logs (1-1.5m
long) between a large rotating grinding stone and a stationery bedplate in the presence of water,
during which the individual fibres or clumps of fibres are separated. The water acts as a cooling
medium, as nearly all the electrical energy is converted to heat and as a lubricating medium to lower
the friction between the stone and wood, thus reducing the power input required.
The temperature of the grinding stage is an important variable as this determines the location within
the fibre wall where fracture takes place and this influences the particle size distribution of the pulp, ie
the balance between genuine fibres and fibre fines. The optimum temperature is close to the glass
transition temperature of the lignin (about 90 C) so that the fibres are in a flexible state as the grinding
action takes place, but higher temperatures produce stronger, albeit less bright, pulps. The glass
transition temperatures of cellulose and hemi-celluloses is much lower (about 20 C). The temperature
at the grinders is controlled by the temperature of the returned water and the quantity of shower water
applied. Typical temperatures are 70-80 C for the shower water with a stock temperature of about
90 C.
The basic stone groundwood process has been developed in two ways:
in the thermo-groundwood (TGW) process by raising the grinding temperature, but still operated at
atmospheric pressure. This variant is little used.
in the pressurised groundwood (PGW) process by carrying out the grinding under pressure (2-3
o o
bar) and hence at higher temperature (110-120 C in stock and 70-100 C in the shower water),
which allows greater control of the temperature and of the resultant pulp quality. The super PGW
(PGW-S) process operates at even higher pressures (4-5 bar) and temperatures (130-140 C in
stock and 95-120 C in the shower water).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 202
Groundwood pulps are increasingly being bleached to increase their brightness and two examples of
the effect of bleaching on the chemistry of groundwood pulps is shown here for the effect of caustic
soda dose on the dissolution of organics and here for the change in dissolved organics from an SGW
pulp through a peroxide bleach plant. Although furnishes with mechanical pulps are usually not sized,
it is sometimes necessary (eg with newsprint) and an example is given here of AKD sizing for a
groundwood pulp.
The formula of guanidine is (H2N)2C=NH, but it is usually used in the form of soluble salts such as the
hydrochloride. Guanidine derivatives are used as biocides, eg dodecylguanidine.
Guar gum
This natural hydrocolloid gum is a galactomannan CH2OH
polymer obtained from the guar plant. The polymer O
has a backbone of β-1,4-linked mannose units with, on O
average, one α-1,6-linked galactose unit on every HO
second mannose unit, as illustrated at right (unlike the
H2C - O
galactomannans in locust bean gum). The β linkages
give the polymer a straight linear conformation (like O O O
cellulose) with the pendant galactose units restricting
the number of inter-molecular hydrogen bonds. Its
molecular weight in the native state is 1-2M Daltons.
Like starches, guar gums can be derivitised to produce esters (eg phosphates) and ethers
(carboxymethylguar, hydroxypropyl-guar and cationic/amphoteric guars). Their main use in
papermaking is as a dry strength additive for either wet end or surface application at addition rates up
to about 5 kg/tonne. It can also be used in its natural form as a formation aid.
Despite its nonionic character, it is possible to use unmodified guar at the wet end due to the strong
hydrogen bonding possible between cellulose and with galactomannans, which is attributed to the
hydroxyls at positions 2 and 3 (in red above) being on the same side (cis position, unlike their trans
position in galactose). It is believed to be adsorbed close to 100% at doses up to about 2.5 kg/tonne
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 203
pulp. This gives enhanced paper strength due to better bonding and a more even formation, but can
have a negative impact on drainage and hence on machine productivity.
Despite these possibilities with natural guar, it is most commonly used as a cationic derivative at the
wet end due to the enhanced adsorption on negatively-charged particulates. As with starches,
however, anionic guar derivatives may be more effective in systems containing high levels of cationic
additives (eg wet strengthened papers). In this cationic form, guar gum can give improved fines
retention and good drainage at the same time as good paper formation due to its relatively low
molecular mass. For this reason, it has begun in recent years to be used with colloidal silica in one of
the variants within Eka's Compozil system. Native or modified guar gums may also be used for size
press addition due to their good film-forming ability and incorporated in pigment coating formulations
due to their ability act as rheology modifiers and water retention agents.
Gum arabic
This has been used as a dispersant for the coating pigment, satin white and to make the walls of the
micro-capsules used in carbonless-copy papers. It is a complex and variable mixture of arabino-
galactan oligosaccharides and polysaccharides plus glycoproteins.
These hydrocolloids are usually defined as polysaccharides that swell in water to give gels or viscous
solutions. Three gums have found application in papermaking - guar gum, locust bean gum and gum
arabic. A chemically-related set of substances are the alginates, which are also used in papermaking.
This is a hydrated form of calcium sulphate (CaSO4.2H2O), which is used as both a wet end filler and
a pigment in paper coating (mainly of LWC grades), but it is not, at least yet, widely used in
papermaking. It is obtained as a by-product from the production of phosphoric acid and from flue gas-
desulphurisation plants. Gypsum is somewhat lighter than clays and calcium carbonates, so can be
used at a lower coating weight for equivalent performance. It is also brighter than the more
conventional low-cost pigments.
Its potential disadvantage is its solubility when used either directly at the wet end as a filler or when
coated broke is recycled. In both cases, this elevates the levels of dissolved calcium and sulphate,
both of which would normally be considered undesirable at the wet end. However, in most other
situations, this undesirability is due to the fluctuating levels of these ions as their sources are not being
managed. However, when the main source is either wet end filler or machine broke, the
concentrations should be more stable as they must approach that of a saturated solution of calcium
This solubility means that the paper machine has to be operated with a substantially closed water
system, otherwise the overall gypsum retention will be poor. These conditions should allow the use of
wet end additives optimised for this rather different wet end chemistry. An example is the use of
anionic starch, which has been shown to be an effective alternative to the more normal wet end
cationic starch on a machine using 10% gypsum as a filler. The conductivity of this system
approached 4 mS/cm and starch doses of 0.5-1% (with 1-2% PAC) gave improved body and surface
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 204
This is the name for the elements in Group 17 of the Periodic Table. All are strongly electrophilic
(although this does decrease substantially down the Group), forming halide ions (X ). Fluorine, chlorine
and bromine exist as diatomic molecules (X2) and feature in various papermaking chemicals in several
different forms:
in the case of chlorine as the element itself or as the hypohalous acid/hypohalite ion, both of which
are strong oxidising agents
in the case of chlorine and bromine as the halide ion (eg chloride) in inorganic chemicals (eg
sodium chloride and sodium bromide) and as the counter-ion with many cationic polymers
in the case of all three halogens as organohalogen compounds.
This term can be used in two different contexts in papermaking:
in terms of water hardness.
The total hardness is the sum of all the calcium and magnesium salts in the water, but there are
three other hardness sub-fractions:
- the calcium component of the total hardness, eg calcium bicarbonate and sulphate
- the temporary hardness, which is same as the bicarbonate hardness, ie the fraction removed
on boiling the water
- the permanent hardness, which is all the forms not present as bicarbonate hardness, mainly
as sulphates or chlorides.
As with all soluble substances, the hardness concentration on the paper machine depends on its
input load and the degree of water closure (see these values for several machines with fully-
closed water systems). Irrespective of its form, it is usually expressed in terms of calcium
carbonate, eg mg/l CaCO3, but it is sometimes expressed in degrees ( dH) where 100 mg/l
o o o
CaCO3 = 10 French = 14.3 English = 17.8 German .
This is wood from deciduous trees, which is widely used for conversion into papermaking pulps. The
name reflects the fact that the wood in these trees is somewhat denser than in softwoods, typically
3 3
around 500 kg dry substance per m of total wood or around 1000 kg dry substance per m of the fibre
wall. Hardwoods are valued for their ability to form papers with excellent formation combined with
reasonable strength and opacity.
Hardwoods are of more recent origin than softwoods and show greater complexity and specialisation
in their cell structures. Genuine fibres make up the bulk of most hardwoods, the fibre length being
generally 1-1.5 mm depending on species with a fibre diameter of 20-25 microns (see table below for
other physical characteristics). Hardwoods also contain about 10% of bulky vessel elements and
parenchyma ray cells. The cellulose content of hardwoods is similar to that of softwoods (43-45%).
However, hardwoods have a lower lignin content than softwoods (typically 20-25% compared to 26-
32%) and higher hemi-cellulose content (typically 30-35% compared to 25-30%). The hemi-celluloses
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 205
in hardwoods are predominantly glucuronoxylans. The extractives content of hardwoods is lower than
The main types of hardwood grown for papermaking are birch and eucalypts with other species (eg
aspen and acacia) also being used depending on the growing region. Hardwoods are not generally
used to make mechanical pulps or unbleached chemical pulps (due to their short fibre length) and are
thus mainly used to make bleached chemical (Kraft) pulps. They are predominantly used in the
various grades of wood-free fine paper as a complimentary pulp to the stronger softwoods. The
hardwoods provide better light-scattering/opacity and more even formation.
Hardwood Fibre length (mm) Fibre diameter (μm) Fibre wall thickness (μm) Coarseness (mg/m)
This is a type of smectite clay with similarities to bentonite and talc. It is best described as a
magnesium silicate that also contains sodium and lithium ions. It has been used for many years in an
acid form as a pigment in the back coating layer of carbonless-copy papers and has recently begun to
be used as a micro-particle retention aid with polyacrylamides. Synthetic hectorites are also used as a
paper coating where conductive or anti-static properties are required.
As distinct from -cellulose, these carbohydrates are sometimes referred to as - and -celluloses,
both being soluble in 17.5% NaOH solution, but the -celluloses are precipitated on acidification.
There are probably some covalent bonds between lignin and the hemi-cellulose fraction, but the
association with cellulose is solely via hydrogen bonds. Their chemical composition is very
heterogeneous as, unlike cellulose, they are based on combinations of five monosaccharide units or
derivatives thereof - glucose (as in cellulose), arabinose, galactose, mannose and xylose. The
polymer chains are much shorter than cellulose, containing no more than about 200 units (molecular
weight < about 30,000 Daltons), but some are branched. The hemi-celluloses are more uniformly
distributed across the fibre wall than are cellulose and lignin, but their concentration is greatest (about
40%) in the secondary layer. Hemi-celluloses are higher in hardwoods (30-35%) than softwoods (25-
Hemi-celluloses are of particular importance to wet end chemistry due to their potential dissolution
(notably under alkaline conditions after the lignin has been removed) and as the more common hemi-
celluloses contain anionic groups. This negative charge originates from carboxyl groups in the form of
uronic acid derivatives of the sugar unit, eg glucuronic acid, which have pK values in the range pH 3-5.
The main hemi-celluloses are:
The total carboxyl content covers a wide range (150-350 meq/g) depending on wood species, but not
all of this charge is accessible for chemical interactions. One other substance that is chemically similar
to some hemi-cellulose units is pectin.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 206
Henry's Law
This is the law that determines the dissolution of gases, but is only strictly applicable when the gas is
not too soluble in water:
c = KH.p = KH.x.P
where c = gas concentration in water,
KH = Henry's Law constant, which varies with temperature
p = partial pressure in gas phase, x = mole fraction in gas phase and P = total pressure
Gas solubility is discussed for carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen sulphide and is also relevant to
discussion of entrained gases and foam. It should be noted that it is quite common to observe
dissolved gas concentrations well above the equilibrium value due to local super-saturation effects.
This is because the kinetics of gas exchange between the liquid and gas phases is relatively slow.
These are monosaccharides having 6 carbon atoms, three being important in papermaking - glucose,
galactose and mannose. All three occur in hemi-celluloses and glucose is also the sole monomer unit
within cellulose and starch.
This is an abbreviation for hydrophile-lipophile balance.
This term is applied to the loss of swellability and flexibility of fibres when they are dried and is one of
the main reasons why chemical pulps lose some of their strength on repeated recycling. The loss of
swelling is usually attributed to collapse of the lumen and the formation of irreversible hydrogen bonds
across its sides.
This is an abbreviation for the Hercules size test.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 207
These substances help to retain moisture in paper products and, where required, are usually added by
surface application. Chemicals function as humectants if they have a high hydrogen-bonding ability,
two examples being the polyhydric alcohols, glycerol and sorbitol.
Humic acids
These substances are present in natural waters as a result of leaching from soils. They are chemically
not dissimilar to lignin compounds, being complex aromatic macromolecules with amino acids, amino
sugars, peptides and aliphatic compounds involved in linkages between the aromatic groups. Humic
acids is the fraction of humous substances that is not soluble in water under acidic conditions (pH < 2),
but is soluble at higher pH values. There is a second fraction (fulvic acids) that is soluble in water
under all pH conditions. These acids give the water either a light yellow/yellow-brown colour (fulvic
acids) or dark brown/black colour (humic acids). Humic acids contain 4 - 9 meq/g of acidic groups
such as carboxyls attached to aromatic rings, whereas fulvic acids have higher somewhat levels (9 -
14 meq/l). Humic acids contain a higher carbon (50-60%) and lower oxygen (30-33%) content than
fulvic acids (44-50% for both carbon and oxygen). Humic acids are more prevalent in waters draining
forest soils, whereas fulvic acids are more common in waters draining grassland soils. If not removed
from fresh waters, these substances contribute to anionic trash levels on paper machines.
These compounds are used in a halogenated form as on-machine biocides and also sometimes for
water disinfection. The most common is the 1-chloro-3 - bromo-5,5-dimethyl-hydantoin as shown at
right. Other forms are the 1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimethyl-hydantoin and 1, 3 - dichloro-5-ethyl-5-methyl-
hydantoin. They hydrolyse with water to form an equilibrium mixture as shown below:
Hydantoin - Cl/Br + H2O Hydantoin +HOCl/HOBr
As the hypohalous acids are used up through their disinfecting action, the O
These are the simplest type of organic compound as they contain only carbon and hydrogen. Being
strongly hydrophobic chemicals, they are incompatible with water-based papermaking systems and
are thus not commonly used although some defoamers are based on hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbons can be traditionally classified into open chain (acyclic) compounds such as hexane (see
below) and closed chain, cyclic compounds such as cyclohexane (see below). A special class of cyclic
hydrocarbons are the so-called aromatic hydrocarbons based on the benzene ring (see below).
H H2 H2
H - C- H CH3 - CH3 CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3 H2 C CH2
H H2 H2
The following terminology is useful in understanding the hydrocarbon component of some organic
chemicals that are used in papermaking:
saturated hydrocarbons
The term "saturated" means that the carbon atoms in such hydrocarbons are always connected to
adjacent atoms by single C - C bonds and each carbon atom is thus bonded to four other atoms
(as shown above for hexane and cyclohexane). These hydrocarbons are called paraffins or
alkanes and have the general formula CnH2n+2 for the acyclic compounds, the simplest alkane
being methane followed by ethane (see above) and propane (C 3H8). The term "alkane" leads to
the general name alkyl for groups such as methyl (-CH3), ethyl (-C2H5), etc. These short alkyl
chains are present in some papermaking materials such as the methyl esters in some hemi-
celluloses. The longer alkyl groups play an important role in some fatty acids present in
papermaking additives and in some sizing agents. Chlorinated paraffins are used as solvents in
some carbonless-copy papers and paraffin waxes are used for their barrier effects in some
packaging papers.
unsaturated hydrocarbons:
The term "unsaturated" means that the carbon atoms in such hydrocarbons are connected to
either two or three adjacent atoms, there thus being two types of unsaturated hydrocarbon:
- those with C C double bonds, which are called alkenes or the traditional term, olefins. The
term "alkene" leads to the general term "alkenyl" for groups such as ethenyl (- C = CH2). The
simplest alkene is ethylene (see below) and alkenyl succinic anhydride sizes are made from
long-chain (higher) alkenes. Some compounds contain more than one double bond, the
simplest example being dienes with two double bonds, such as butadiene (see formula
below), which is used to make coating latices. A diene structure is also contained within the
ring structure of levopimaric acid, which allows it to react with maleic anhydride to form
fortified rosin size.
CH2 = CH2 CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 CH HC CH
- those with alternating single and double bonds (like butadiene), when the structure is said to
be conjugated, meaning that some of the bonding electrons are delocalised and all the bonds
are in fact equal (see valency for further discussion of this). A special case of this is the
structure of the benzene ring (see formulae above), which has 3 single and 3 double bonds,
but where the bonds are in fact all identical due to conjugation. The formula of benzene is
thus often written as shown above at far right with a dotted circle representing the delocalised
double bonds within the carbon ring. Conjugation (but involving not only carbon atoms) is very
important to the colour of dye molecules.
- those with triple C C bonds, which are called acetylenes or alkynes and have the general
formula CnH2n-2. The simplest alkyne is acetylene (C2H2), but alkynes have no importance in
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 209
This general term is used to describe hydrophilic, water-soluble polymers of vegetable, animal,
microbial or synthetic origin, that generally contain many hydroxyl groups and may also be
polyelectrolytes. Because of their high hydroxyl content, they interact strongly with water molecules
via hydrogen bonds. There are many hydrocolloids used in papermaking - starches, gums, CMC, etc.
Hydrogen (H) is the first element in the Periodic Table and is a diatomic gas (H2). Although it is not
used in the papermaking process, it can occasionally be present within paper mills as it can be
generated through microbiological processes operating under anaerobic conditions. There have been
instances where the build-up of microbially-generated hydrogen in stagnant zones has caused
explosions resulting in human fatalities at paper mills. Before the hydrogen is released to the
atmosphere, it is also able to depolarise the electrochemical cell at the surface of iron pipes/tanks and
thus expedite corrosion (see this figure).
Hydrogen bonds
This is a special type of bond that exists when hydrogen is covalently-bonded to small, electrophilic
elements such as fluorine, oxygen and nitrogen. In such bonds, the bonding electrons are displaced
towards the electrophilic element and the hydrogen acquires a small positive charge. As the hydrogen
atom is very small, this charge gives the hydrogen atom a very high charge density which can attract
other positively-charged entities such as the electrophilic end of other molecules. Hydrogen bonds are
much weaker than covalent bonds and decrease in strength from fluorine (about 40 kJ/mole) through
oxygen (about 30 kJ/mole) to nitrogen (about 10 kJ/mole). The presence of the hydrogen bond
explains the anomalous properties (eg higher-than-expected boiling points) of many molecules such
as hydrogen fluoride, water and acetic acid. The hydrogen bond is normally indicated by a dotted line
as in H - O - H∙∙∙∙O - H.
In papermaking, the hydrogen bond is very important to the chemistry of cellulose, there being two
different sorts of bond:
internal (intra-molecular) hydrogen bonds between specific hydroxyl groups on adjacent glucose
units on the same cellulose molecule. There are two such bonds between each glucose unit and
this helps to maintain the straight conformation of cellulose, which allows a close alignment
between adjacent chains.
external (inter-molecular) hydrogen bonds between specific hydroxyl groups on glucose units on
adjacent cellulose molecules. Each glucose unit can form two such bonds (one on either side) to
glucose units on two separate cellulose molecules. The multiplicity of these bonds explains:
- the insolubility of cellulose, as the water molecules cannot gain access to separate and
dissolve the molecule and
- the basic dry strength of paper products, which is due to the hydrogen bonds formed between
conforming cellulose fibres/fines as the paper is dried.
Hydrogen bonds can also form between the free hydroxyl groups on cellulose and other papermaking
additives such as starch, aluminium polymers, dyes, gums and water molecules. The latter is
particularly important to the final drying stage of water removal.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 210
Hydrogen peroxide
This chemical (H2O2) can act as both an oxidising agent or a reducing agent:
+ - o
Oxidising under acid conditions : H2O2 + 2H + 2e 2H2O where EH (redox potential) = +1.78 volts
- - o
Oxidising under alkaline conditions : H2O2 + 2e 2OH where EH (redox potential) = +0.88 volts
+ - o
Reducing: H2O2 O2 + 2H + 2e where EH (redox potential) = -0.68 volts
From the relative potentials of the first and last reactions, it is evident that hydrogen peroxide should
be able to oxidise/reduce itself to oxygen and water, but this reaction is very slow except in the
presence of catalysts such a metal ions like manganese.
Hydrogen peroxide is a colourless, syrupy liquid that is weakly acidic, pure solutions having a pH of
4.5-5. However, commercial products are more acidic (pH 1-2) as this protects the peroxide from
decomposition. Although pure hydrogen peroxide is fairly stable, it does decompose into water and
oxygen when heated above about 80°C and also decomposes in the presence of numerous catalysts
such as most metals, acids or oxidisable organic materials. Commercial solutions are sold as
concentrated liquids with peroxide contents from 35-70% and containing stabilising chemicals
(chelants) to prevent decomposition.
Hydrogen peroxide is not used in papermaking itself, but it is used as an on-machine biocide in the
form of peracetic acid. However, it is widely used upstream of the paper machine for both pulping and
bleaching applications:
pulping of virgin fibres
- in the production of a certain type of chemimechanical pulp
- in the production of some non-wood pulps
bleaching of virgin and recycled pulps
- for reinforcing the extraction stage in the production of ECF pulps
- as one of the main bleaching agents in the production of TCF pulps
- as a bleaching or brightening agent for mechanical pulps
- as a bleaching or brightening agent for deinked pulps.
It is always used for bleaching under alkaline conditions with added caustic soda, as this generates
what is believed to be the active bleaching entity - the perhydroxyl anion (OOH ). Stabilising agents
such as sodium silicate and chelants are always used with hydrogen peroxide to prevent
decomposition and maximise efficiency. In deinking systems, there is often the additional problem of
catalase activity, the severity of which depends on a number of factors (peroxide dose, temperature
profile), but is most reliably controlled by the addition of glutaraldehyde.
One of the major issues in the use of hydrogen peroxide for bleaching mechanical and deinked pulps
is the substantially increased dissolution of organics (due to enhanced fibre swelling under the alkaline
conditions) and the introduction of new charged (anionic) groups due to its oxidising action. For
bleaching mechanical pulps and wood-containing recovered papers, peroxide is able to oxidise
carbonyl (C = O) groups in quinoid structures to carboxylic acid groups (see reaction here) and cleave
C = C bonds, thus destroying their conjugated structure and colour. Some of the chemical changes
that take place during peroxide bleaching of a PGW pulp are described here and an example of the
dissolution of organics in the bleaching of a groundwood pulp is shown here.
In deinking systems for wood-containing recovered papers, hydrogen peroxide is often added at the
pulper stage to offset any lignin darkening from the high initial pH and then again in the final bleaching
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 211
stage. Hydrogen peroxide is less effective in decolorisation or colour-stripping of dyed papers, which
requires the use of reductive bleaches, either sodium hydrosulphite or FAS. A side benefit of final
peroxide bleaching is a substantial reduction in the deinked pulp's bacterial content (see example
Hydrogen sulphide
This is one of the forms of the various sulphide species that can occur in papermaking systems
through the process of sulphate reduction. When the sulphide-containing water is exposed to the
atmosphere, most of the dissolved sulphide will be released as H 2S gas, which has a very unpleasant
odour and is toxic at low concentrations (occupational exposure limits around 5 ppm). In a normal
atmosphere, any sulphide is unstable and may be oxidised to sulphur or back to sulphate, but this
reaction is very slow without the mediation of bacteria. Hydrogen sulphide in mill atmospheres can be
corrosive directly or after oxidation to sulphuric acid by various species of Thiobacilli bacteria.
This is the term for the products of hydrolysis reactions and is most commonly applied in papermaking
to the hydrolysis products from AKD and ASA sizes.
This term literally means "broken down by water" and occurs when a substance reacts chemically with
water. In most situations within papermaking, hydrolysis is an undesirable process as it usually means
that the functionality of the additive is impaired, the best examples of this being the incidental
hydrolysis of alkylketene dimer and alkenylsuccinic anhydride sizes. However, hydrolysis can be
intentional and beneficial as in the case of wet end addition of alum, which hydrolyse to form various
cationic complexes and thereby lower the system pH (the latter aspect not always being desirable).
This term means that a substance has an affinity for water or can be wetted to some degree by water
molecules. It is relevant to the subjects of interfacial energy and surfactants.
This term means that a substance has no or little affinity for water and thus cannot easily be wetted by
water molecules. Chemicals used in papermaking that have some hydrophobic character are
defoamers, sizing agents, surfactants and talc. Some undesirable substances that enter the
papermaking system such as pitch and stickies also have some hydrophobic character. Such
molecules can form a hydrophobic association (eg micelles for surfactants) to lower their free energy.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 212
This important functional group exists in two forms:
as the hydroxyl ion (OH ), the concentration of which is related to pH through the ion product for
water, KW .
as the hydroxyl group (-OH), which is the functional group in alcohols and is present in other
organic functional groups (such as carboxylic acids). It is also very important in its own right due to
the hydrogen-bonding ability of hydroxyl groups on cellulose and other OH-containing organics
such as starch.
This is the H3O ion, which is the stable form of protons in aqueous systems.
This term refers to the expansion characteristics of materials, notably of hygroscopic fibres in
papermaking, under moist conditions. Fibres expand more in their cross-sectional area than in their
length when water penetrates the inter-fibril pores and hydrogen bonds with cellulose. As most of the
fibres are aligned in the machine direction (MD) in paper, this leads to greater expansion in the MD
than CD (cross-direction). The relative MD:CD hygro-expansion is related to the fibril angle, the
difference between MD and CD becoming less pronounced as the angle increases.
Hypobromous acid
This acid (HOBr) is generated when either bromine dissolves in water or sodium hypobromite is added
to water:
- - +
Br2 + H2O HOBr + HBr Br + OBr + 2H
However, it is most commonly generated either from the reaction between sodium bromide and
sodium hypochlorite or through the hydrolysis of added halogenated hydantoins. Hypobromous acid is
a weaker acid than hypochlorous acid is thus more effective at alkaline pH (see this figure).
Hypochlorous acid
This acid (HOCl) is generated when either chlorine gas dissolves in water or sodium hypochlorite
solution is added to water:
- - +
Cl2 + H2O HOCl + HCl Cl + OCl + 2H
Sodium hypochlorite is the most common source of hypochlorous acid when it is used in papermaking.
Depending on the buffer capacity of the water, this produces a solution of higher pH than chlorine at
an equivalent dose (of available chlorine). Hypochlorous acid is a more powerful biocide than the
- o
hypochlorite ion (OCl ). The pK value for the ionisation of HOCl is about 7.5 at 20 C so, as the pH get
closer to 8, the available chorine loses some of its biocidal activity as the acid ionises to hypochlorite
(see figure at right). Being a weaker acid (pK = 8.5), % as HOX % as X
hypobromous acid ionises less than hypochlorous acid 100 0
at the same pH and thus maintains more of its biocidal 75 HOBr 25
activity under alkaline conditions. This is the main
50 HOCl 50
reason why sodium hypobromite has become popular
for disinfection of waters above pH 7. An alternative 25 75
source of hypochlorous acid (and hypobromous acid) is 0 100
6 7 8 9 10
the halogenated hydantoins.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 213
A very wide range of ink formulations are used for the many different types of printing process, but all
contain three ingredients or sets of ingredients:
the colorant which is a dye or, more usually, a finely-divided pigment (eg carbon black). In the
latter case, dispersants are also used to prevent particle aggregation.
the vehicle, which acts both as a carrier for the ink and also as the binding agent. Organic solvents
(eg alcohols, glycols) are the most widely-used, but water-based inks are becoming increasingly
popular for commercial-scale flexographic printing and through the use of ink-jet printers. Because
of the ink’s more hydrophilic character, papers printed in this way are less easily deinked than
papers printed with more traditional inks.
modifiers, which are minor components, but critical to the ink’s performance. They can control
properties such as drying rate (eg soaps, anti-oxidants), ink transfer (eg lubricants) and scuff
resistance (eg waxes).
Inks vary greatly in the way that the applied ink dries:
absorption, whereby the vehicle (normally an oil) is taken up by the pores in the paper, leaving the
pigment behind on the paper surface. This type of ink is used in printing by letterpress, which is
typically used for printing newspapers.
evaporation, whereby the vehicle has sufficient volatility (eg alcohols) to escape into the
atmosphere before any absorption takes place. This type of ink is used in letterpress, flexographic,
web-offset lithographic and rotogravure printing.
oxidation, where, after some initial absorption, the unsaturated drying oil oxidises through
exposure to air to give a flexible ink finish. This type of ink is commonly used in sheet-fed
lithographic printing.
radiation curing, whereby the exposure to ultra-violet (or infra-red) light initiates a cross-linking
polymerisation of what are usually acrylate monomers. These inks are used for printing of
magazines and speciality papers.
heat curing, whereby polymerisation of the vehicle or over-varnish is achieved at elevated
temperature. This is used in xerographic and laser printing.
Unless specifically removed in a deinking process, inks will be present in a dispersed state when
paper is made and, despite their obvious effect on product appearance, introduce no real problems in
terms of process chemistry.
Inorganic chemistry
This is one of the three main branches of chemistry and is defined as the chemistry of the elements
and their compounds, including that of elemental carbon, its oxides and metal carbonates. Compared
to organic compounds, there are a relatively small number of inorganics used in papermaking:
minerals used as wet end fillers and coating pigments
aluminium compounds of various types
acids such as sulphuric acid
alkalis such as sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and sodium silicate.
neutral electrolytes such sodium chloride
oxidising chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen
reducing agents such as sodium hydrosulphite
zirconium compounds.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 214
These chemicals are used to increase the water resistance of surface-applied materials by reacting
with water-soluble materials (eg starch, CMC, proteins) to decrease their solubility in water. This is
normally done by a cross-linking reaction that increases the substance's molecular mass. Improved
water resistance can also be achieved through simply incorporating water-resistant (ie hydrophobic)
materials in the formulation, but this is not genuine insolubilisation. The paper's water resistance is
relevant to printing with water-based inks or where water contacts the paper during printing (eg offset
litho) and gluing with water-based adhesives (eg corrugated cases). There are a number of possible
chemicals used for this purpose:
zirconium salts, which react strongly with oxygen-containing chemicals to form cross-links
formaldehyde-based chemicals such as formaldehyde itself, glyoxal, MF resins and UF resins
borates, which are used more in the converting of packaging products (as an adhesive
insolubiliser) than in papermaking.
This word has a specific meaning in thermodynamics when referring to different properties of the
system. An intensive property is one that does not depend on the mass of substance in the system,
whilst an extensive property does depend on the mass of substance in the system. For example, the
titrated charge demand depends on the quantity of charged substances in the sample that are
accessible to the titrating chemical and is thus an extensive property. By contrast, the charge (or
strictly, the potential) of a particle is an intensive property because the value does not depend on the
number of particles present.
Interfacial energy/tension
This very important concept in surface chemistry is the force acting at the interface between two
substances, eg water-fibre and water-air. It is important to the subjects of adhesion, contact angle,
wetting and sizing. It is measured either as a tension (in units of force/length, eg N/m) or energy (in
units of energy/area, eg J/m ). The generic term surface energy or tension should be reserved for an
interface with a gas, but is often used interchangeably with interfacial energy or tension for all
situations. However, the surface tension of water always refers to the tension (energy) at the interface
with air. This energy/tension is best visualised as the energy required to increase the area of the
interface by unit amount.
This surface force results from the imbalance of forces at an interface, ie gas
between the inter-molecular cohesive forces within each material and the
inter-molecular adhesive forces between the two materials (see picture at
right for the liquid-gas interface). Originally, surface energy was considered
to be due to a combination of van der Waals forces and polar forces, but
this has been modified in the Lifshitz theory to combine all electromagnetic interactions into one term
(Lifshitz-van der Waals component) with an additional component due to acid-base interactions when
Lewis acids (electron acceptors) and Lewis bases (electron donors) are present. If the substance can
act only as a Lewis acid or a Lewis base, there is no contribution from this second component.
Surface energy, = LW + AB = LW + 2( . )
+ - 0.5
Interfering substances
This is a rather loose term that is most commonly used in the same sense as “anionic trash”, but it
could be argued that all problematic substances interfere with the process/product in some way. Given
this uncertainty, it is advisable not to us this term at all, at least not without defining clearly what is
meant by it.
Internal sizing
This is an alternative name for sizing at the wet end.
These are low molecular weight cationic polymers that can
be used for charge neutralisation. The best-known ionene is
+ + + -
probably Polybrene, which is not added to the papermaking - N - (CH2)x - N - (CH2)y - N - 3X
system, but is often used to in the standard polymer-based CH3 CH3 CH3
charge titrations to quantify the cationic demand. The
generic formula for x, y - ionenes is shown at right where X is the counter ion. Polybrene is a 3,6-
ionene of molecular weight 8K Daltons and charge density 5.5 meq/g with bromide as the counter-ion.
As the molecular weight of these polymers is not high, commercial products are usually available as
solutions having a solids content of about 20-40%. Doses are dictated by the cationic demand in the
system, ranging up to about 2 kg/tonne paper.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 216
Ion exchange
This is the process whereby a charged particulate surface (eg an anionic fibre or filler) replaces its
associated cation with another in the light of the relative concentrations of cations in the surrounding
liquid. In a situation where the surface anion or cation cannot move (eg some anionic hemi-celluoses
in pulps), the distribution of ions in the liquid phase is determined by the Donnan equilibrium. In the
case of papermaking pulps, the thickened or dried pulp contains an electrolyte content depending on
the water chemistry in the final pulping or bleaching stage at the pulp mill. The cations with the pulp
are likely to be a mixture of sodium and calcium ions rather than hydrogen ions.
When the pulp is slushed with water at the paper mill, the chemistry of the liquid phase will almost
certainly be different and a new equilibrium will establish itself. The balance of cations associated with
the anionic charges on the pulp is important as this influences fibre swelling (and hence the pulp's
strength potential) and the adsorption of additives (see this example for a cationic polyacrylamide).
The most likely shift in cation balance from pulping to papermaking is that there will be a higher level
of divalent cations (calcium and magnesium) compared to monovalent sodium.
Ionic bonds
These are one of the three types of chemical bond, this case being where the bonding electrons are
transferred from one atom to another and the two ions are then held together by the strong
electrostatic attraction between them. The best examples are electrolytes such as sodium chloride
+ -
(Na Cl ). The ability of atoms to gain or lose electrons depends on their electronic configuration as this
determines their ease of accepting or donating electrons, ie their electrophilic or nucleophilic
character. In the solid phase, ionic compounds are often crystalline with the actual structure being
dependent mainly on the relative size of the two ions and their relative numbers. For example, sodium
chloride (rock salt) has an octahedral structure in which each anion and cation is surrounded by 6 ions
of opposite charge. In titanium dioxide (rutile form), the titanium ion is also surrounded by octahedral
oxide ions, but the oxide ions are surrounded by only 3 titanium ions and have trigonal planar
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 217
Ionic strength
This is a measure of the strength of ions in solution and is calculated as follows:
I = ionic strength = ½Σci.zi where ci= ion concentration and zi = charge of the ion
As is evident from the above, multi-valent ions contribute proportionately more to the ionic strength
than they do to their mass concentration eg a 0.001M solution of calcium bicarbonate (100 mg/l as
CaCO3) has an ionic strength of 0.003M. The ionic strength is used in the calculation of ion activities
and the thickness of the electrical double layer that surrounds charged particles. It is not measured
directly or calculated in papermaking, but its influence is normally evaluated via measurement of
+ - 2-
An ion is a charged atom (eg Na for sodium and Cl for chloride) or charged molecule (eg SO4 for
sulphate and HCO3 for bicarbonate). Negatively-charged ions are anions and positively-charged ions
are cations. Simple ions like this are responsible for the ability of water to conduct electricity. For
charged atoms, cations tend to be smaller than the parent uncharged atom due to the greater pull of
the nucleus on the remaining electrons and, conversely, anions tend to be larger than the uncharged
atom. Because of this, for isoelectronic atoms (ie those with the same number of electrons), the cation
+ - 2 2 6
is always smaller than the anion, eg both Na and F have the electronic configuration 1s , 2s , 2p ,
but the sodium ion has a radius of just under 0.1 nm compared to about 0.14 nm for the fluoride ion.
The presence of ions within the liquid phase in papermaking systems is often not fully appreciated, but
is very important for many reasons which are discussed further under electrolytes.
Isoelectric point
This is the pH when the charge on a particulate surface is zero. For example in the case of pulp fibres,
the isoelectric point is about pH 2.5 when the acidic groups within the anionic hemi-celluloses become
fully protonated (see the graph here) and fillers also have their own characteristic point of zero charge
(see the graph here). The pH in papermaking systems is always above the isoelectric point for pulps
and is reasonably stable at typical papermaking pH levels in the neutral range (pH 6-8).
Isomers Isomerism
Isomerism is exhibited by organic chemicals that have the same formula, but different forms and, as
shown above, there are three different types of isomerism. Compounds with the same molecular
formula can have different chemical structures and hence different
chemical characteristics. A simple example is propanol (C 3H8OH), 1-propanol H3C - CH2 - CH2OH
which can exist in the two forms shown at right. These two forms are
2-propanol (iso-propanol)
structural isomers, but, both being simple alcohols, are not that
different chemically. By contrast, the molecular formula C 2H6O can
(H3C - C - CH3)
be written as an alcohol (C2H5OH, ethanol) or as an ether
(H3C - O - CH3, dimethyl ether), which are very different chemically.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 218
Another form of isomerism is stereo-isomerism, where the structures are identical, but the spatial
arrangement is different, ie they have different configurations. There are two forms of this, the simpler
being geometrical isomerism which is also referred to as cis-trans isomerism. This only applies to
structures with double bonds where, because of the π-bonds (see valency), no rotation about this
bond is possible. A good example is two chemicals which can be used to fortify rosin size - maleic
acid (or its anhydride) and fumaric acid, the formulae of which are shown at right. Fumaric acid (left-
hand side) is the trans-form and maleic acid (right-hand
side) the cis-form. The unsaturated fatty acid, oleic
C =C C =C
acid, is in the cis-form and is used to make
alkenylketene dimers. The isomeric form of fluorescent H COOH H H
The most complex form of isomerism is optical isomerism, where the molecule has no symmetry and
can therefore rotate the plane of polarisation of plane-polarised light. This is present in many
carbohydrates present in papermaking systems and is discussed further under monosaccharides.
This is the basic unit of energy or work and is usually abbreviated J where 1 J = 1 Newton.metre (N.m)
2 -2,
= 1 kg.m .second , ie it is the work done by a force of one Newton acting to move an object through
a distance of one metre in the direction in which the force is applied.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 219
This is an abbreviation either for Kelvin degrees (absolute temperature scale) or the element
Kaolin clay
Kaolin clay used to be the dominant mineral type for filling and coating applications globally, but today
it shares this market on an approximately equal basis with calcium carbonate. The name of this clay is
derived from the deposits in China, but the main source of kaolin clays for papermaking has been the
enormous deposits in south west England. However, this source is decreasing as a proportion of the
world total due to the exploitation of deposits elsewhere. The UK deposits are primary clays as they
are still present as part of the original igneous rock matrix, whereas many of the other deposits (eg in
Georgia, USA and in Brazil) are secondary sedimentary deposits, which have been transported by
water (and therefore partially purified). Only about 10% of the primary deposits are kaolin clay,
whereas the secondary deposits are at least 90% clay. All clays are purified by a series of largely
mechanical classification steps to remove impurities and produce products of defined particle size
distribution. Chemical treatment with sodium hydrosulphite can be used to enhance brightness
through dissolution of iron impurities.
Filler Brightness Light scattering Particle size distribution (%) Surface area
2 2
(ISO, %) Coefficient (m /kg) +10 -2 -1 -0.5 (m /g)
Coating clay 85-88 - 0 80 60 40 14
Filler clay 82-88 120-160 10-30 17-60 5-30 1-5 6
Calcined clay 90-92 260-340 0-10 40-80 25-90 15-80 10-22
As the individual hexagonal clay plates are less than 1 nm thick, the actual particles used in
papermaking are assemblages of many individual plates in which the aspect ratio (length:thickness)
can be engineered for different applications. The primary clays have a highly variable aspect ratio
(10:1 to 80:1) depending on the processing conditions, but it tends to increase as the particle size is
reduced. The aspect ratio of secondary clays is lower (6:1 to 20:1), but, in this case, it tends to
decrease as the particle size is reduced.
Delamination of coarse clays by special grinding processes produces clay platelets of relatively high
aspect ratio (6-8 times that of normal clays) with enhanced light scattering power. Specific structuring
of the clays occurs when clay is calcined at high temperature, thus removing the water and causing
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 220
the platelets to fuse in a face-to-face configuration. This produces a bulky clay with a high internal void
content (about 1 cm /g) and thus excellent light scattering ability (see table above). Chemical
structuring of clays is achieved by flocculation, usually with cationic polymers. Although these products
are less effective opacifiers, they do have the useful attribute of a lesser adverse impact on paper
Although kaolin clay usually has a negative zeta potential under normal papermaking conditions, it
does have some dual charge character due to the differences between the alumina and silica groups.
The overall negativity is usually attributed to isomorphous substitution within the lattice structure,
whereby trivalent aluminium takes the place of tetravalent silicon at some positions. Charges also
occur due to ionisation of surface oxides/hydroxides:
H OH -
- MOH2 - MOH - - MO + H2O
The silanol groups (M = Si) on the silica plate surface give rise to negative charges -
above pH 2 and the aluminol groups (M = Al) on the alumina edge surface gives rise -
+ +
to a positive charge below pH 9. These surface charges give clay some anion and
cation exchange capacity, the two being of about the same order of magnitude at pH
5, the isoelectric point for clay. The ion exchange capacity of kaolin clays thus depends on pH, but is
up to about 0.01 meq/g for anions and up to about 0.1 meq/g for cations (lower than bentonite and
higher than talc). The dual charge character leads to a natural edge-face flocculation at neutral pH,
leading to what is commonly referred to as a "house of cards" structure (see bentonite), but this is
relatively weak.
Filler retention (%)
Retention of clay fillers has been shown to depend to
50 CSF
some degree on their particle size, but only in the 30% filler dose on pulp
absence of retention chemicals. This is shown in the two 320
2 30 520
figures at right for 60 g/m laboratory handsheets made
20 660
using clays with narrow particle size distributions. In the
absence of retention aids, increased refining of the pulp
improves filler retention through enhanced filler 0
0 3 6 9 12
deposition on pulp as the pulp surface area increases. Particle size (μ)
When the filler dose is increased with a particular pulp, Source: Bown in Paper Technology,
1990, 31, 4, 20-27.
filler retention remains stable until a threshold dose is
reached, after which it declines due to there being Filler retention (%)
inadequate pulp surface area for filler deposition. Under
80 PEI
these circumstances in the absence of any retention
polymer, filler retention is solely due to non-electrostatic 60
attractive forces between pulp and filler, which would be 40
For the coating clays, the bulk void volume of the compacted (settled) clay suspension is important as,
together with the particle size distribution, this determines the binder demand.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 221
Kappa number
This is standard test applied to pulps as an index of their lignin content, but it is normally only done on
chemical pulps as there is no deliberate lignin removal in mechanical pulping. It involves treating the
pulp with a standard solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO 4), which oxidises the lignin. The
Kappa number is simply the volume of 0.1N KMnO4 (in millilitres) that is reduced by 1g of dry pulp.
Values range from above 100 for unbleached chemical pulps down to 20-30 for unbleached pulps
intended for bleaching. Examples are given here for the relationship between the anionic group of
Kraft pulps and their Kappa number and here for the similar relationship with sulphite pulps.
These are organic compounds containing the carbonyl group linked to two carbon R
atoms (as shown at right). They are produced by the oxidation of secondary alcohols. C=O
Ketones themselves are not present in any significant papermaking chemicals, but R
alkylketene dimer does produce a keto-acid and/or ketone on hydrolysis.
In chemical terms, this is the study of the rate of chemical reactions or, more generally, interactions.
The thermodynamic aspects of such interactions determine whether or not it is likely or possible to
take place, but kinetic aspects determine whether it actually does take place within the timeframe
available. Chemical reactions rarely occur deliberately at the wet end, but many do so incidentally,
nearly always leading to various problems. Intentional chemical reactions are more common during
the drying process where they are driven by the high sheet temperatures. The main examples are the
curing reactions to maximise the functionality of AKD and ASA sizes and of wet strength resins.
Kinetic theory can also be applied to simple interactions such as the collisions between particles that
may lead to particle aggregation.
The rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on many factors, notably the concentrations of reacting
species, temperature, pressure where gases are involved and the presence of catalytic substances.
Reaction rates are usually described in terms of their order of reaction:
In nearly all situations, reaction rates increase with raised temperature and this relationship takes the
following form, which is the so-called Arrhenius equation:
Rate constant, k = A e
where R = gas constant ,T = temperature ( K), A = frequency factor and E* = activation energy.
The frequency factor and activation energy can easily be calculated from measurements of the rate
constant at different temperatures.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 222
Kraft pulps
These pulps are now the most important type of chemical virgin pulp world-wide. The name "Kraft" is
derived from the German word for "strong", which is one of the most important characteristics of these
pulps. They are also called sulphate pulps, which refers to the use of sodium sulphate as one of the
main cooking chemicals, although its active form in the cooking process is sodium sulphide. The Kraft
process was developed from the soda process and was used commercially for the first time in Sweden
th th
towards the end of the 19 century. With the demise of sulphite pulping from the middle of the 20
century, it has since become the dominant chemical pulping process.
Kraft pulping is carried out at high pressure/temperature in the presence of sodium hydroxide and
sodium sulphide, their total and relative doses being adjusted to maintain the desired alkalinity and
sulphidity values. The process conditions and extent of cooking are set to produce a pulp with a target
Kappa number, which varies with the type of pulp being made:
Kappa number of 40-120 (corresponding to a total yield of 45-60%) for unbleached pulps
Kappa number of 20-30 (corresponding to a total yield of 40-45%) for pulps destined for bleaching.
Kraft pulps to be used for chemical manufacture (dissolving pulps) usually have a pre-hydrolysis
phase to maximise the removal of hemi-celluoses. There are many important operational differences
between the various types of continuous or batch Kraft process, which are outside the scope of this
document. A common feature of all Kraft processes is the chemical recovery operation, which firstly
concentrates the black liquor containing the dissolved wood substances by evaporation and then
burns the concentrate in a special furnace using the wood-derived organics as fuel (see diagram
Pulp Unbleached
Washing Screening pulp
Evaporation Lime mud CaCO3
White liquor
Recovery Ca(OH)2 CaO
Causticiser Slaker Lime kiln
Green liquor
Water Dissolving NaCO3 Dregs
tank Na2S
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 223
This energy is recovered and the residual inorganic smelt dissolved to form a solution of sodium
carbonate and sulphide. The carbonate is converted back to the hydroxide by re-causticisation with
lime, which is itself recovered by calcination of the calcium carbonate. The overall efficiency of this
recovery operation at modern, state-of-the-art Kraft mills is reflected in the low figures for auxiliary
fuels (sometimes negative) and make-up caustic soda and salt-cake (sodium sulphate).
In Kraft pulping, the lignin is solubilised through destruction of the ether linkages that join the
phenylpropane units together and methanol is released from cleavage of methoxy (-OCH3) groups.
Significant formation of carboxyl groups occurs, possibly via disproportionation of aldehyde groups,
but these entities dissolve in the liquor and are not retained with the pulp. The hemi-celluloses are
easily deacetylated under alkaline conditions to free the hemi-cellulose hydroxyl group and acetic acid.
A very important reaction is the end-peeling reaction of the carbohydrates, whereby monosaccharide
units are removed from the reducing end of the chain. Under alkaline conditions, the end nearest the
ring oxygen isomerises to the keto form followed by cleavage of the glycosidic link between this unit
and the adjacent monosaccharide. The released ketone breaks down further to various aliphatic
hydroxy and keto carboxylic acids. The peeling reaction can be stopped by formation of carboxyl
groups in the metasaccharinic acid end groups, giving a low degree of anionic character to the
residual carbohydrate.
The end-peeling reaction affects both cellulose and the hemi-celluloses, but to differing degrees. In
normal Kraft pulping, the loss of cellulose through this reaction has been estimated at about 10%, but
is greater when pulps are cooked to low Kappa numbers (unless protecting measures are taken, such
as the addition of anthraquinone to the cooking liquor). Cellulose is also depolymerised randomly
along the chain, albeit mainly in the amorphous regions, through alkaline hydrolysis of the glycosidic
bonds, resulting in a chain length of only 1000-1500 units. This reaction is much more significant to
pulp strength than end-peeling. In softwoods, the glucomannans dissolve readily during Kraft pulping,
whereas the dissolved xylans tend to re-adsorb during the later stages of the digestion; the net result
is that the Kraft pulp contains similar amounts of glucomannan and xylan. Some of the
glucuronoxylans are converted to hexenuronic acids, which has important implications for bleaching.
The final composition of unbleached Kraft pulps is 20-30% hemi-cellulose (highest in hardwoods) and
4-7% lignin (highest in softwoods).
After cooking, the pulps are thickened/washed to remove the residual dissolved substances and then
screened to remove shives (over-sized fibre bundles). The washing stage is particularly important for
minimising the carry-over of dissolved solids either to the paper machine or the subsequent bleaching
stages. Characteristics of unbleached Kraft pulps are described here and of bleached Kraft pulps and
bleaching processes here.
Kubelka-Munk Theory
This theory addresses the relationships between transmitted, absorbed and reflected light when light is
incident on a hard surface. It was originally developed for paint films, but can be applied to paper.
From this theory, the reflectance of paper can be calculated from the measured light absorption and
light scattering coefficients. It plays an important role in considering the optical properties of paper.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 224
Lactic acid
This is an organic acid present in some papermaking systems due to the
H3C - C - CO2H
ctivity of anaerobic bacteria. It is a hydroxy-carboxylic acid with a central
asymmetric carbon atom and the formula shown here. OH
These are organic compounds which are often referred to as internal esters.
HC - (CH2)n - C = O
They are cyclic compounds with the general formula shown at right. There
are no lactones with n = 0 due to steric constraints, but the higher lactones O
are termed β-lactones when n = 1, γ-lactones when n = 2 and δ-lactones
when n = 3. There is one papermaking chemical containing a lactone ring and this is alkyl ketene
dimer size.
Langelier's equation
The pH of water is determined by the balance of acidic materials such as humic acids from peat and
carbon dioxide against alkaline materials such as calcium carbonate. In the absence of peat-derived
acids or mineral acidity, the following equilibria determine the pH:
+ - + 2-
H2O + CO2 H2CO3 H + HCO3 H + CO3
CaCO3 + H
- 2+ +
HCO3 + Ca
One of the important issues for water supplied into a distribution system is its stability towards the
precipitation or the dissolution of calcium carbonate. This can be calculated from Langelier's equation,
where a water at the saturation pH has no tendency to precipitate or dissolve calcium carbonate:
saturation pH, pHs = - pK + pCa + pAlk
where Alk = dissolved bicarbonate alkalinity (mole/l)
and Ca = calcium concentration (mole/l)
The K value is the equilibrium constant for the second equation above. At 25 C, pK = -2, but, as with
all such "constants", it does vary with temperature and also needs to be modified for the effects of
other electrolytes on ion activities. If the actual pH is above the saturation pH, then the water will tend
to precipitate calcium carbonate, whereas any carbonate scale would be dissolved when the
saturation pH exceeds the actual pH.
The Langelier equation is applicable only to closed systems where the carbon dioxide does not
equilibrate with the CO2 level in the atmosphere. This reflects the fact that it was developed in the
context of potable water supply, where the distribution system is closed to the outside atmosphere.
The main concern in such systems is the prevention of corrosion so the water quality should ideally be
optimised to precipitate a small amount of calcium carbonate as a surface scale to protect the
pipework from other corrosive substances such as chloride ions.
Just for illustration, the big difference between such systems can be appreciated by looking at the
solubility of calcium carbonate. In a system closed to the atmosphere at 25 C, its solubility is about 13
mg/l (as CaCO3) giving a pH of 9.9, whereas the solubility is about 50mg/l (as CaCO3) with a pH of 8.4
in a system open to the atmosphere at 25 C. The presence of the electrolytes increases the solubility
so that dissolved levels of 100 mg/l (CaCO3) could be seen in some papermaking systems. It is not
common to see Langelier indices quoted for paper machine waters, but some values are quoted here
for several machines with fully-closed water systems.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 225
This term is applied to mechanical pulps, notably TMP pulps, which become deformed at high
consistency where the fibres curl and twist around one another. This leads to increased freeness and
low strength and efficient screening becomes difficult if not impossible. Latency is therefore removed
from such pulps prior to screening by agitation at low consistency (2-4%) and high temperature (70-
80 C) in 1 or 2 stages.
This term is traditionally associated with an emulsion of natural rubber particles, but it can be used
more generally for any emulsion or dispersion of natural or synthetic polymers having similar functions
or properties. In papermaking, latices are used mainly as binders in conventional aqueous pigment
coating of paper, but they can also be used as barrier coatings and to confer wet strength through wet
end addition. They are all made by the process of emulsion polymerisation in which the monomers are
firstly suspended in water and polymerisation initiated by water-soluble free radicals (eg persulphate
salts). The main monomer building blocks are shown here:
CH = CH2 O
CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 CH2 = CH - CO2R
CH3 - C - O - CH = CH2 R = CH3 is methyl acrylate
Butadiene R = C2H5 is ethyl acrylate
Vinyl acetate
Small amounts (up to 10%) of modifiers (unsaturated carboxylic acids such as fumaric or methacrylic
acids and unsaturated amides such as acrylamide) may be added to improve key latex characteristics
such as adhesion and film formation and, possibly with added surfactants, also to control its colloidal
stability. The presence of carboxylic acid groups in these modifiers gives rise to the term "carboxylated
latices". The diameter of the spherical latex particles is typically 0.1-0.3 m with a solids content of
around 50%. The commercial products may also contain foam control agents and biocide.
Latices are the main type of coating binder, but are most commonly used in conjunction with a co-
binder such as starch, PVOH, etc, which, although having a lower binding power, are able to control
the rheological characteristics of the coating mix. Latices also have the advantages of being supplied
in a ready-to-use form and can be stored without fear of microbiological breakdown. The main latices
used as coating binders are:
styrene-butadiene (SB) co-polymers, which are the most widely-used type
styrene-acrylate (SA) co-polymers
polyvinyl acetate (PVA) homo-polymers
Characteristics of latices that are important to their selection for a particular application are:
their glass transition temperature, which affects the physical nature (flexibility) of the latex
their minimum film formation temperature
their interfacial energy, which is important in relation to the wetting of and adhesion to the base
paper and to the printability of the coated paper
their particle size distribution with smaller particles generally improving binding power, but also
increasing latex viscosity.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 226
Light absorption
When light is absorbed, the absorbing material takes on the colour of the transmitted light. This is
important in relation to the overall optical properties of paper and the use of dyes and pigments. In the
Kubelka-Munk theory, a light absorption coefficient is defined as follows:
The coefficient is typically below 2 m ²/kg for coated and uncoated fine papers made from bleached
chemical pulps, 3-6 m²/kg for mechanical pulps and around 14 m²/kg for unbleached Kraft pulps.
Light scattering
Light is scattered when it changes direction due to reflection at an interface and this is important to the
opacity and other optical properties of paper. The light scattering of paper is determined by a
combination of the sheet structure and the optical properties of the component materials. In the
Kubelka-Munk theory, a light scattering coefficient is defined as follows:
Light scattering coefficient = limit energy of reflected light
G 0 energy of incident light x grammage (G)
2 2
The units for the coefficient are reciprocal grammage, ie m /g or, more commonly, m /kg.
For normal white fillers, in which light absorption is low, the light
Filler LSC (m /kg) scattering coefficient is the main vehicle for their opacifying
400 effect. The actual light-scattering power of fillers is dependent on
300 PCC a combination of their refractive index and morphological
characteristics such as particle size, shape and void structure.
Theoretically, maximum light scattering for spherical particles
100 Chalk
occurs at a particle size of about half the wavelength of the
0 incident light (ie 0.2-0.4 μm for visible light). Because of the
0 4 8 12
Filler particle size (μm) importance of other factors for non-spherical particles, a
somewhat higher optimum particle size is usually observed, as
Source: Bown in Transactions
11th FRS, 1997, 83-137. shown at left for the three commonest types of papermaking filler.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 227
The base paper is normally made from an approximately equal mixture of mechanical pulp and
bleached Kraft pulp with coated broke providing most of the filler in the base paper. Kaolin clay has
traditionally been the coating pigment, but calcium carbonates are also now being used. Over the last
10 years or so, deinked pulp has also begun to be used to replace the virgin pulps so that a typical
pulp blend could be equal quantities of mechanical, chemical and deinked pulps. Like newsprint and
SC paper machines, LWC paper machines are very fast (up to just over 1800 m/minute) and provide
an equally challenging environment for retention aids. The recycle of coated broke provides an
additional source of anionic trash from pigment dispersants and there is potential for additional pitch
problems from latex-derived white pitch.
This term is used to describe the derivatives of the fundamental unit in lignins, which is that between
two phenylpropane units as shown at right. This structure itself is called lignane when the linkage is
between the carbon atoms numbered 8 (as shown). When the two
phenylpropane units are joined by other linkages, the parent compound
is called a neolignane and the derivatives neolignans.
This is the fraction of plant tissue that is responsible for holding the fibres together in a stiff matrix. The
lignin content is higher in softwoods (26-32%) than hardwoods (20-25%). In wood (softwood
tracheids), its concentration is greatest in the middle lamella, which is virtually 100% lignin, declines
through the primary wall and is lowest in the S2 layer. The chemistry of lignin is based on linked
phenylpropane units (lignans) as the three building blocks (coniferyl alcohol, p-coumaryl alcohol and
sinapyl alcohol) are all hydroxy or hydroxy and methoxy (-OCH3) derivatives of this unit as shown
below. In lignin, they are joined together by C-C and C-O-C (ethers) bonds. Lignin is not soluble in
water, but can be solubilised by chemical treatment with sulphite and sulphide ions during chemical
pulping. It is often measured as so-called Klason lignin, which is the residue after treating the sample
(free of extractives in the case of woods) with 72% sulphuric acid.
The presence of lignin compounds in papermaking pulps has an adverse effect on fibre strength due
to physical interference with inter-fibre hydrogen bonding and due to inhibition of fibre swelling. The
latter aspect leads to less conformable fibres and reduced sheet bonding, but it does mean that pulps
with high native lignin content do drain more easily. Residual lignin compounds in pulps can also be
oxidised photo-chemically during exposure to light and this causes the fibre to darken. This tendency
increases with pH and is one reason why papers with a high mechanical pulp content tend to be made
at a slightly acid pH. In mechanical pulps, lignin is present largely in its natural insoluble state and thus
does not contribute significantly to the dissolved solids on the paper machine. With chemimechanical
pulps pre-treated with sodium sulphite, the lignin is partially sulphonated and thus dissolves at the wet
end, the extent of dissolution increasing with temperature as shown here. The lignin residues in full
chemical pulps will have been changed to a more water-soluble form, such as the lignosulphonates
formed in sulphite pulping. Kraft lignin, which is present mainly in unbleached pulps, tends to
precipitate under acidic conditions, as shown in this example from a linerboard machine.
These compounds are formed in sulphite pulping and in chemimechanical pulping processes that use
sodium sulphite for pre-treatment. Lignosulphonates have a high anionic charge (typically about 2
meq/g solids), which can, depending on the efficiency of pulp washing, contribute significantly to
anionic trash on the paper machine, thus impeding the efficacy of cationic additives as shown here for
polyethyleneimine, here for PAE resin, here for polyacrylamide and here for rosin. This adverse effect
is greatest for NSSC pulps due to the difficulty in washing these pulps.
This is the common name for calcium oxide (CaO, quicklime) or calcium hydroxide - Ca(OH)2, slaked
lime. Lime is not used directly in papermaking, but is used in the Kraft pulping process and in the
manufacture of precipitated calcium carbonate.
This is one of the several different natural forms of calcium carbonate, the mineral widely used as a
wet end filler or paper coating pigment. Limestone is a natural form of precipitated calcium carbonate
as this is how it was formed in sea water, but it may also contain calcium carbonates from dead
plant/animal life-forms. Limestone carbonates are harder than chalk carbonates
Linerboard is the outer layer in corrugated cases and is the single largest category within packaging
papers/boards. There are two distinct types depending on the type of pulp used - linerboard made
from 100% unbleached Kraft pulp and linerboard (known as test liner) made from 100% recovered
paper, but there are also grades made with blends of these two pulps. Because of the increasing use
of the outer surface of the corrugated case to convey information, some linerboard is made with a
higher quality, whiter pulp (often a deinked pulp rather than a bleached chemical virgin pulp) to form
the outer ply. Apart from the pulp, the main functional wet end additive is size (rosin or AKD), although
sizing can be done solely at the size press, but this is not common. Wet end starch may be used to
enhance strength depending on the furnish composition. As some corrugated cases are used under
wet or moist conditions, wet strength resins may also be added at the wet end. Recycled liner is
normally made from recovered corrugated case materials and normally requires the use of some
starch to achieve the required strength. As the addition rates are lower than the levels required for
recycled fluting, this is normally done by wet end addition.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 229
Linerboard is made in a very wide grammage range (110-450 g/m ) with the standard linerboard being
205 g/m . It is usually made as a duplex product on a paper machine either with a primary and
secondary flowbox on the same forming fabric or on two separate Fourdriniers. Key properties are
stiffness and burst strength combined with good appearance and printability on the top side.
Consequently, two slightly different furnishes are usually used, a cleaner (lower yield) pulp for the top
surface with a higher yield, darker pulp underneath. The fines distribution within each ply is particularly
important to achieving a good ply bond, the ideal situation being to have two fines-rich surfaces at the
ply interface.
Both the virgin pulp-based and recycled grades are made on paper machines with substantially and, in
some cases, fully closed water systems. At virgin pulp-based linerboard mills, there is thus a strong
incentive to minimise carry-over of pulping-derived dissolved solids in order to minimise build-up
problems at such high levels of water closure. The dominant inputs of dissolved solids are residual
pulping chemicals and dissolved organics, the following ranges having been quoted for a machines
with "open" and "closed" water systems:
inorganic electrolytes giving 2.5 -15 mS/cm conductivity with concentrations of 400-5000 mg/l
sodium ions, 450-900 mg/l sulphate, 20-130 mg/l calcium ions and 150-300 mg/l chloride.
organic substances with a DOC level of 200-10,000 mg/l and a lignin concentration of 50-1000
Concentration (mg/l) pH
The variability of three parameters on a Kraft 250 9
linerboard machine using about 20% recycled pulp is 8
illustrated at right. The machine was running Lignin
150 7
alum/rosin sizing at about pH 5, but the pH was
deliberately varied over the range shown (4.8-6.5). It is 100 6
evident that both the soluble calcium and soluble lignin 5
were correlated with the changes in pH, the calcium
0 4
negatively (ie high pH leads to less dissolved calcium) 0 25 50 75 100
and the lignin positively (ie low pH leads to low Hours
Source: Sjostrom at EU COST E14
dissolved lignin). Conference, England, 1997 . 0
On 100% recycled liner machines, the chemistry is more complex due to the high levels of dissolved
solids in the recovered paper, which is mainly old corrugated cases. This is discussed further under
fluting as the issues are broadly comparable.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 230
This is a surface characteristic of papers and refers to the loss of fibre fines or fillers from the paper
surface during printing. This may also be referred to as dusting. It is caused by poor surface strength
and bonding of fine particles. The term "picking" is used for the similar effect of fibre lifting or loss
during pressing or paper drying.
A lipophilic substance has an affinity for hydrocarbon substances or can be wetted to some degree by
oils and greases. It is relevant to the subjects of interfacial energy and surface tension.
Liquid packagings
This is very specific grade of packaging paper/board that is manufactured to contain liquids, usually
beverages of some description. Although the actual paper substrate does not contact the liquid in
most cases, it is still important that the papermaking materials meet relevant requirements in terms of
food contact and are able to resist the contained liquid. The products used for this application are
multi-ply boards that can contain mechanical pulp (usually CTMP) in the middle plys and either an
unbleached or bleached chemical (Kraft) pulp for the back and liner plys. As for all packagings,
stiffness is a key requirement and hence the use of bulky mechanical pulps in the middles. The body
of the paper is sized and, in order to be resistant to the effect of acidic liquids (eg lactic and citric
acids), this means that the sizing is normally carried out with alkylketene dimer. The barrier properties
of liquid packaging are usually provided by coating with polyethylene alone or with aluminium foil.
These chemicals are used in coating formulations to reduce their frictional resistance to other surfaces
(notably the coating head) during coating application, thus conferring a number of additional benefits
such as a smoother coating with less tendency to form streaks. Chemicals used for this purpose are
usually low surface tension substances, the most common being:
stearates either as soluble soaps (eg sodium, ammonium salts) or insoluble salts (eg calcium or
aluminium) in emulsion form
polyethylene in emulsion form
polyethyleneglycols, the higher molecular weight solids being best for this application
waxes in emulsion form.
This is the hollow centre within wood fibres.
This is an abbreviation for light-weight coated as in light-weight coated papers.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 231
Magnesium (Mg) is an alkaline earth metal (molecular weight 24) and is a quite common element in
papermaking systems, occurring in various forms:
as the magnesium cation in fresh and machine waters where it may be present most commonly as
part of the temporary hardness (as the bicarbonate) or the permanent hardness (as the sulphate)
adsorbed onto particulate surfaces through electrostatic attraction to surface anionic groups such
as carboxyl (see this example of its ion exchange properties)
combined in minerals such as talc and hectorite.
In the dissolved state, it can be analysed for simply by carrying out an EDTA titration at neutral and
alkaline (> 11) pH, the difference between these two titrations being due to magnesium which is
precipitated as the hydroxide at high pH.
Maize starches
These are also called corn starches and are one of the most common types of starch used in
papermaking. They have a lower amylopectin content than potato starches and contain some fatty
material (see this table for comparison with other starch types). The fatty content is about 50% free
fatty acids (much higher than in wheat starch), which can react with cations such as calcium.
Maleic anhydride
This is the anhydride (without-water form) of the unsaturated dicarboxylic maleic
acid (see formula at right). This is used in the manufacture of several O=C C=O
papermaking sizes - fortified rosin sizes, ASA sizes and styrene-maleic O
anhydride sizes.
This is the disaccharide formed between two α-1,4-linked glucose units, the type of bond present in
This is one of the five monosaccharides that are present in hemi-celluoses. It is a
hexose with the formula C6H12O6 and the structure shown here (drawn with a O
pyranose structure in the α-anomer form - see glucose for explanation of these HO OH
terms). Mannose is also one of the two monomers in guar gum and locust bean
gum and the uronic acid of mannose is one of the two monomer units
making up alginates.
This is one of the several different natural forms of calcium carbonate, the mineral widely used as a
wet end filler or paper coating pigment. Marble is a metamorphic form of limestone/chalk, in which the
physical characteristics have been changed by heat and pressure. The main characteristic that
differentiates marble carbonates from limestone/chalk is their high brightness.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 232
Although this is a very fundamental parameter, it merits a brief mention as it is so widely used within
many papermaking parameters. Mass and weight are often used interchangeably, but they are in fact
different entities. The strict definition of mass is that it is the property of a body that causes it to have
weight in a gravitational field, ie weight is a result of the action of gravity on a body's mass or weight =
mass x gravity. The unit of mass in the SI system is the kilogram (kg), but multiples or sub-multiples of
this are probably more commonly used in papermaking, eg tonne (1000 kg) or milligrams (mg = 10
Mechanical pulps
These pulps account for about 20% of total virgin pulp production. They are characterised by having a
reasonable strength (but not as high as for chemical pulps) combined with good light-scattering. They
are produced mainly from wood fibres (notably from softwoods) as mechanical treatment would cause
excessive damage to the shorter hardwood and non-wood fibres. However, hardwoods such as poplar
are used for some grades, but spruce species are usually considered to be the best for production of
mechanical pulps. Mechanical pulps are characterised by a high yield, but, as a result of retaining
most of the wood lignin, all mechanical pulps have a strong tendency to darken when exposed to light,
a phenomenon known as brightness reversion.
This section provides a descriptive overview of the general characteristics of the main types of
mechanical pulp with further details of their chemistries being given under each pulp heading. There
are three broad categories of mechanical pulp:
the basic unbleached grades which are produced by the two main mechanical pulping variants:
- groundwood processes such as the traditional stone groundwood (SGW) and the more recent
pressurised groundwood (PGW) processes
- refiner-based processes such as the original refiner mechanical pulping (RMP) and the
thermomechanical pulping (TMP) processes.
the bleached grades where an extra stage is added to any of the basic mechanical processes
using two possible bleaching chemicals:
- hydrogen peroxide, which is an oxidising bleach used under alkaline conditions
- sodium hydrosulphite, which is a reducing bleach used under slightly acidic conditions
chemimechanical pulps, where any of the basic mechanical pulping stages are preceded by
chemical impregnation of the raw fibre in order to increase the strength of the resultant pulp.
The process yield from wood is very high for the unbleached pulps (95-97%) and is somewhat lower
for the bleached grades (notably those bleached with peroxide), but is reduced substantially (down to
as low as 85%) when chemical pre-treatment is employed. All types of mechanical pulping process
have the normal auxiliary stages after pulping (see this general diagram), but the emphasis in
mechanical pulping is more on screening (and reject treatment) than on washing. Mechanical pulps
are always thickened after the pulping stage, but more in the interests of recovering hot water for
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 233
return to the pulping stage than on removing dissolved solids from the pulp. However, washing is
becoming more common, particularly after a bleaching stage, in order to minimise possible problems
in the paper machine system from dissolved solids carried forward with the pulp. An example of the
change in dissolved organics on bleaching and thickening/washing is shown here for a groundwood
With the exception of the chemimechanical grades, mechanical pulps are usually produced fully
integrated with on-site paper production. As mechanical pulps are the cheapest type of virgin pulp,
they are used wherever possible, but their relatively low strength (compared to chemical pulps) and
brightness reversion limit their use to certain grades such as short-duration printing papers and certain
packaging papers/boards:
newsprint qualities for newspapers and telephone directories
SC and LWC papers for short-life magazines and other printing qualities
folding boxboard mainly for food packaging.
The markets for chemimechanical pulps are different and will be described under that heading.
The normal choice today for a new mechanical pulping process is between TMP and PGW, both
having pros and cons. TMP has the highest energy consumption, but a lower investment cost than
PGW. The greater strength of TMPs means that less reinforcement chemical pulp is needed, which
compensates for their lower light-scattering. Overall, TMP is probably most suited to newsprint and
boxboard grades and PGW to SC and LWC papers.
From a wet end chemistry viewpoint, the key characteristics of all mechanical pulps are:
a high content of fine particulate material
potential for pitch deposition due to the presence of most of the wood’s extractive fraction
potential for dissolution of natural wood substances and those modified by the pulping process.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 234
The fines content of mechanical pulps is greatest for groundwoods (28-45%) with normal TMPs being
at the bottom end of this range and CTMPs around 20%. As mechanical pulps are not usually refined
before papermaking, the fines present are largely primary fines, ie those generated in pulping. These
have a similar composition to the parent wood, ranging from an average wood composition to close to
pure lignin for fines from the middle lamella and the S1 layer. Mechanical pulp fines contribute
significantly to the quality of wood-containing papers, but the fines must be well-bonded to avoid
problems of picking/linting in uncoated grades. However, as well-bonded fines are less effective at
light scattering, opacity then declines. Understanding some of the conflicting effects of mechanical
pulp fines on paper properties is helped by dividing the fines into two fractions that have been labelled
“fibrils” and “flakes”. It appears that the “fibril” fines improve sheet strength, whilst the “flake” fines
improve sheet opacity. The surface area of mechanical pulps is 3-8 m /g depending on its particle size
2 2
distribution with values of 1 m /g for the P28/R48 fraction and 1.5-2.5 m /g for the P48/R100 fraction
from a Bauer-McNett classification.
Image analysis has shown that, for several samples of both groundwood and refiner pulps, the longest
linear dimension of the fines fraction averages around 25 with a skewed normal distribution of values
from about 10 to 50. The fines fraction of mechanical pulps contains some of the extractives
responsible for pitch, particularly the small (0.5-1) colloidal agglomerates that are the most
troublesome. Pitch-forming materials are also present in tracheids and parenchyma cells, both inside
the material and on the surface. Although this form of pitch causes fewer problems, pitch can still be
deposited when pressure is applied to the fibrous material, eg in the press section.
As noted above, most mechanical pulping processes are fully-integrated with paper production, which
means that there is a possibility for high carry-over of dissolved solids to the paper machine system
unless an efficient final washing stage is installed. This aspect used to be somewhat neglected as the
level of dissolution during grinding and refining is very limited. However, the greater use of a final
bleaching stage involving hydrogen peroxide (and its inherent increased load of dissolved solids) has
led to the wider use of final washers.
One of the factors limiting the dissolution of organics from mechanical pulps (both during pulping and
in papermaking) is their low swelling ability, which is restricted by their high lignin content. The water
retention value of mechanical pulp is typically around 1g water/g pulp, which is about half of that for
chemical pulps. The stiffening effect of the lignin may be partially overcome by increasing the content
of anionic groups, eg by the sulphonation that occurs during sulphite pre-treatment or by peroxide
bleaching (see this example for pre-treatment with caustic soda). An example of dissolution from
mechanical pulps is shown here for a chemithermo-mechanical pulp.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 235
The content of charged organic substances in unbleached mechanical pulps is comparable with the
original wood, but it increases on bleaching due to hydrolysis of esters and on chemical pre-treatment
due to the introduction of new charged entities (eg sulphonates). Because of the limited swelling of
mechanical pulps, the charged substances tend to remain on the fibre with little dissolving as anionic
trash. Some charge data for selected wood species is given for birch, pine and spruce under those
headings. Data on levels of charged substances in unbleached thermomechanical pulps, bleached
mechanical pulps and CTMPs are given under those headings. The variation in the cationic demand
on a paper machine using a mixture of unbleached and bleached TMP is shown here. It has been
shown that enzymatic treatment of the papermaking pulp with pectinase can reduce its cationic
Once retained, MF resins need acid conditions to cure, but they are less pH-sensitive than UF resins
and can tolerate a sheet (and hence wet end) pH as high as 5.5 (although full cure does then take
longer). MF resins do cure more rapidly than UF resins and achieve 60-80% of the ultimate wet
strength at the reel, full cure taking no more than about a further 10 days storage. The final
polymerisation to confer wet strength is mainly a homo-reaction to create more methylene cross-links
between MF units, but there is also some evidence for a hetero-reaction with cellulose hydroxyls. This
is consistent with the observation that dry strength improves significantly more (in absolute terms) than
does wet strength for MF resins (unlike UF resins).
The superior mass-for-mass wet strength characteristics of MF over UF resins are counter-balanced
by greater cost and by the deleterious effect of sulphate ions on performance. However, the latter
effect can be ameliorated by using extra formaldehyde during manufacture (so-called high efficiency
[HE] resins), which extends the sulphate threshold from about 200 to 1200 mg SO 4/l, but this is at the
expense of higher releases of formaldehyde to atmosphere during papermaking. MF resins are best
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 236
added at the end of the thick stock system just prior to the fan pump and can be dosed as supplied (ie
about 6% solids content) when there is good mixing. Otherwise, pre-dilution (with acidified fresh water
or clarified whitewater) down to about 1% solids content should improve resin performance. Addition
rates vary with the grade and the wet strength specification, but are typically 1-3% resin solids on pulp
for products such as banknote paper and label paper.
Like UF resins, the issue of free formaldehyde content in relation to atmospheric emissions is very
important. MF resins can contain up to 5% free formaldehyde, but this can be reduced to below 0.5%,
albeit with some loss of efficacy. MF resins can also be produced in a nonionic or anionic for use in
paper coating, where their function may be to confer wet strength or to act as cross-linking agent for
water-soluble binders such as starch. These applications tend to use products with a low free
formaldehyde content (<0.5%). Repulping of MF resin-treated broke is somewhat more difficult than
UF resin-treated broke, but the repulping conditions are similar, ie acid pH (3-4) at high temperature
(60-80 C), albeit for a longer time.
This phenomenon occurs when a paper appears to have a different colour under different illumination
conditions, eg daylight against artificial light. It can be a problem when attempting to match colours
which appear the same under one illuminant and different under another.
This abbreviation refers to machine-glazed papers made on a machine with a single, large drying
cylinder. Adhesion to the cylinder gives one side of the paper a glazed (glossy) finish. Such papers are
most widely used for wrapping or bag papers.
This is a type of association colloid, which is produced when the concentration
of a surfactant solution exceeds a critical level (the critical micelle
concentration, CMC). In a micelle, the hydrophobic ends of the molecule are
oriented towards one another as shown here and the micelle can be used to
solubilise hydrophobic solids. At higher surfactant concentrations, the micelles
can form long rods and clusters of hexagonally-packed rods. As a result of
micelle formation, the behaviour of surfactant solutions usually shows discontinuities at the CMC, eg
the conductivity declines (due to the micelle limiting the mobility of the counter ion associated with the
charged hydrophilic end of the surfactant) and turbidity rises (due to light scattering).
Microbiological chemistry
When micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) grow, they change the chemistry of the substances which
they use as a food source. The control of micro-organisms and the various problems they introduce is
an important facet of wet end chemistry and of dry end chemistry within size press and coating
systems. Some of the commonest food sources in papermaking are polymers (such as cellulose and
starch), which have to be broken down initially by extracellular enzymes to smaller molecules such as
glucose, which can enter the biological cell, where they are broken down further by intracellular
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 237
degradation of starches by amylolytic enzymes which produce water and carbon dioxide under
aerobic conditions, but, under anaerobic conditions, a range of organic acids and hydrogen gas
degradation of sulphate to sulphide by sulphate reducing bacteria, which may use hydrogen from
the iron corrosion cell thus expediting the corrosive reaction.
2- 2-
SO4 + 4H2 4H2O + S
+ 2+
Fe + 2H H2 + Fe
This is the study of micro-organisms, which are generally living forms that are not visible to the naked
eye. There is no deliberate harnessing of microbiology in papermaking (see biotechnology), although
separated enzymes have begun to be used in recent years for various applications.
There is no deliberate use of micro-organisms within the papermaking process itself, but biological
treatment systems have been used for a long time to remove BOD from mill wastewaters. There are
two types of micro-organism present to varying degrees in most papermaking systems - bacteria and
fungi, which get there through their presence in various raw materials (particularly water and pulps).
Both sets of micro-organisms create various problems in the papermaking process.
Microbiological problems
Microbiological growth can occur at the wet end of all papermaking systems due to the presence of
bacteria and fungi in many raw materials and the suitable growth conditions provided (eg plenty of
organic food such as starch and an optimum temperature range of 20-40 C). Microbiological problems
are not restricted to the wet end of the paper machine and can also occur within size press and
coating systems, where the concentrations of nutrients are inherently much higher.
In addition to the loss of functionality and changed chemistry of raw materials when they are used as a
source of energy by micro-organisms, there are various undesirable aspects associated with the
generated by-products:
deposition of slimes in the papermaking system and possibly in the product from growing micro-
microbial residues in the final paper
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 238
entrainment of gases, notably of CO2 leading to possible foam , poor drainage and impaired paper
formation quality
accelerated corrosion from sulphate reduction and from production of acidic substances
safety problems from some product gases, notably hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide
generation of odours from organics acids and hydrogen sulphide
dissolution of calcium carbonate (when present) from generated acidity, leading to soluble calcium
ions and the release of even more carbon dioxide.
These problems can be controlled using the same hierarchy of techniques summarised generally for
all problematic substances. In terms of microbiological problems, these are:
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of micro-organisms and of those
substances that are essential to them.
No papermaking raw material can be guaranteed to be sterile, but most could be pre-treated to
achieve this objective. In practice, this is only done for the mill's fresh water through the
application of conventional disinfection techniques. A major source of bacteria and fungi is pulp
even though purchased lap pulps have been exposed to high temperatures in drying and
bleached pulps have also been exposed to biocidal chemicals during actual bleaching. For most
micro-organisms in papermaking, biodegradable organics are the most ubiquitous food source,
but control of their entry to paper machines is virtually impossible other than by eliminating the
use of starches. For other micro-organisms such as sulphate-reducing bacteria, exclusion of
sulphate is also difficult due to its common presence in raw waters, but eliminating use of alum
and sulphuric acid would still make a positive contribution to controlling this problem.
so far as it is practicable, optimising machine operation to minimise the opportunity for micro-
organisms to utilise available nutrients.
The biggest contribution to this can be made by maximising the single pass retention of all
starches so that they do not build up in the system. For surface-added starches that are recycled
in mill broke and recovered paper, this means minimising dissolution (best done by using cationic
starches) and, for wet end starches, this means maximising their adsorption on the particulate
matrix (again, in most, but not all, cases best done by using cationic starches of the optimum
cationicity). Some form of integrated biological treatment to remove nutrients from machine
waters can be particularly helpful on machines with fully or approaching fully closed water
systems. In terms of "good housekeeping" practises, regular machine cleaning of not only the wet
end system, but also of the starch preparation plant is very important. Of these techniques, only
the last one is relevant to microbial problems during surface application.
This terminology was first used in the 1980s with the introduction of the Compozil retention/drainage
aid system by Eka Chemicals. In this case, the term micro-particle referred to the colloidal silica
component of the system, but this is probably better termed a nano-particle system as its dimensions
-9 -6
are measured in nanometres (10 metre) rather than microns (10 metre). Since then, other
chemicals or chemical systems used as retention/drainage aids have utilised this terminology, notably
those using bentonite (eg Ciba's Hydrocol system) and, more recently, systems using organic
polymers (eg branched polyacrylamides) which act like micro-particles. The driving force behind the
development and use of these systems has been the desire to combine
Anionic Cationic
good retention and drainage characteristics with better paper formation
micro-particle polymer
than is possible by conventional polymer-based systems (see this
diagram). Although all of these products have very different chemistries,
they all function though a charge-related interaction with a pre-added
cationic polymer, as visualised at right.
Middle lamella
This is the thickest, outermost layer within wood fibres and comprises close to 100% lignin.
These are defined as non-living chemical compounds that occur naturally in the earth and is usually
applied to inorganic compounds, but it is also used to describe materials such as mineral (natural) oils.
In papermaking, the main minerals used are those used as fillers and pigments such as calcium
carbonates and clays.
Wet end chemistry is concerned with the numerous interactions between components of the wet end
furnish, the outcome of which affect their single pass retentions and hence their concentrations for a
defined water balance. A simple steady state model of the papermaking system is very helpful to look
at the inter-relationships between retentions, the degree of fresh water use and circuit concentrations.
The model is used for illustrative purposes at several places in this text to show:
the dependence of total retention on single pass retentions shown here
the dependence of circuit concentrations on single pass retentions shown here
the dependence of total retention on degree of water closure shown here
the dependence of circuit concentrations and temperature on degree of water closure shown here
the dependence of the total and single pass retentions of an additive on its adsorption shown here
the dependence of the retentions of an additive on the degree of water closure shown here.
This is the concentration of a chemical species expressed in moles (gram molecular mass) per litre of
solution and is usually abbreviated as M, ie a solution containing 400 mg calcium/l has a molarity of
This is the molecular mass of a chemical entity expressed in grams and is used in the molar
concentration scale.
Molecular mass/weight
This is the mass of any substance determined by adding up the mass of all the atoms in the
substance's molecular formula, the units being Daltons (Da). For example, the molecular mass of
calcium carbonate is 100 Da and of each anhydroglucose unit in the starch or cellulose chains is 162
Da. For substances of uncertain molecular mass (eg polymers), it can be estimated from
measurements of its intrinsic viscosity. One mole of any substance contains exactly the same number
of molecules - this is Avagadro's number, which is 6.023 x 10 molecules/mole.
This is a term used in colloid chemistry to denote particles having a very narrow range of particle
sizes, in contrast to polydisperse particles like all papermaking raw materials. It is also sometimes
used in an analogous way in relation to the molecular weight range of polymers, ie polymers with a
very narrow range of molecular masses.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 241
This is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down into a simpler
compound as it contains only one saccharide unit. One of the simplest H-C=O
monosaccharides is glyceraldehyde, which is not itself relevant to paper HO - C - H
chemistry, but is important as it forms the basis for discussing the configuration H - C - OH
and conformation of sugar molecules. As is evident from the its formula (shown
at right), glyceraldehyde contains one asymmetric carbon atom at its centre and
so exists in two different forms (enantiomers, related to isomers), which are able to rotate the plane of
polarisation of plane-polarised light to the same extent but in opposite directions. These two forms are
labelled dextrorotatory (D) and laevorotatory (L) and are arbitrarily written with a certain structure. The
form of glyceraldehyde shown here is the L form, whereas the D form has the central H and OH
groups reversed. Other monosaccharides are labelled D or L depending on which form of
glyceraldehyde they can be formed from or broken down to. These stereochemical aspects of the
monosaccharides are not of great importance to paper chemistry. There are two important classes of
monosaccharide in some papermaking raw materials - the pentoses and the hexoses.
This mineral is the main constituent of bentonite clays and is described further under that heading.
This term is applied to the finished paper when it has a blotchy, non-uniform appearance and is an
example of non-uniformity in the x-y plane of the paper. It is most commonly used in relation to printing
paper where the printed image has a blotchy appearance. It can be caused by variabilities in the
printing ink(s), the printing process and also in the paper itself due to surface inhomogeneity and
consequent variability in ink receptivity. Some papers (eg white-top liners) have a deliberately mottled
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 242
Nano-particles are particles with dimensions measured in several or maybe tens of nm (10 or one
billionth of a metre). So-called nano-technology is becoming an important industrial category, but
nano-particles have been used in papermaking for some time, although they were originally termed
micro-particles. The best example of such technology is colloidal silica.
Natural papermaking
This term is not widely used and is therefore not well defined, but it raises interesting questions about
the optimum state of the papermaking process in relation to the papermaking pH. Natural
papermaking could be defined as operating at the pH dictated by the pulp and any filler used in the
mill's normal fresh water supply. In most cases, this pH would be consistent with neutral papermaking.
Neutral papermaking
Although there is no universally-accepted definition, neutral papermaking can be defined as where the
wet end pH is in the range 6-8. This is the most common type of papermaking today due to the
availability of additives that function well over this pH range. The potential benefits from neutral
papermaking are usually judged in relation to an existing paper machine running under acid conditions
as this is the normal alternative. There are many potential benefits to operating in this neutral pH
operating at what is the natural pH of the system, thus obviating the need for addition of acid or
alkali or for strict pH regulation and control
facilitates the use of calcium carbonate as a wet end filler or coating pigment
stronger fibres due to increased swelling ability
stable charge chemistry on pulps as the charge-determining carboxylic acid groups are fully
ionised and thus present as carboxylate anions
any use of alum or PAC is in the pH region where their charge chemistry is more stable
less corrosion of wet end equipment and consequent ability to use cheaper, less corrosion-
resistant materials of construction
improved permanence of the paper due to reduced strength loss on prolonged storage.
Some of the changes (such as the impact on the overall charge balance at the wet end) are complex
and multi-faceted. The increased anionicity might be interpreted, at first glance, to be disadvantageous
as it increases the repulsive charge between particles, but it also allows a stronger interaction
between particle surfaces and cationic additives, which is beneficial in relation to aggregation of fines
and adsorption of functional additives. An adverse consequence of the increased anionicity would be
the increased charge on anionic trash and the increased fibre swelling can lead to greater dissolution
of such substances in the first place. A neutral pH also happens to be region where micro-organisms
grow most rapidly and this certainly does put pressure on achieving adequate microbial control.
chemical pulp, a high level (80-85%). The cooking chemicals are sodium sulphite (10-20% on wood)
and a low dose of sodium carbonate or hydroxide to provide an alkaline buffer against the organic
acids released on heating the wood.
During cooking, the content of charged groups increases due to sulphonation of lignin’s
phenylpropane units and hydrolysis of carboxyl esters. Although such pulps are always washed after
mechanical treatment, removal of the lignosulphonates is not easy and paper machines using these
pulps have to contend with significant levels of anionic trash in the form of lignosulphonate.
Fortunately, the main paper grade using NSSC pulp (fluting medium) requires few wet end chemicals,
but it is difficult for conventional retention or drainage aids to function in the presence of high
lignosulphonate levels (see examples here for polyethyleneimine and here for polyacrylamide).
This is the uncharged mass in the nucleus of the atom. Its mass is the same as that of the proton.
This is one of the main grades of graphical paper within the wood-containing sector. Newsprint is
made from a variety of furnishes from 100% virgin pulp to 100% deinked pulp. For virgin pulp
newsprint, the maximum quantity of mechanical pulp (80-100%) and the minimum content of bleached
chemical (reinforcement) pulp (0-20%) is used to give the required balance of strength, brightness and
opacity. For deinked newsprint, the standard furnish for deinking is an approximate 70:30 mixture of
old newspapers and old magazines to give the optimum balance of pulp types. Newsprint may also be
made from a mixture of deinked and virgin (usually just mechanical) pulps. In either case, the
newsprint mill would normally be fully integrated with on-site mechanical pulping and/or deinking, any
chemical pulp probably being brought-in from outside.
Newsprint is usually made to a particular brightness specification, which dictates the extent of
bleaching after pulping or deinking. Standard newsprint has a brightness of 58% ISO, but it is made at
qualities up to about 70% or even higher where required. The grammage of newsprint and related
grades (eg directory papers) is progressively lowering and now covers the range 36-49 g/m with the
median being around 45 g/m . Standard newsprint requires no functional chemical additives in the
paper, but the following are used on some grades:
dyes for colour balancing or coloration
wet end sizing (eg with AKD) for water-resistance in printing
additives to control paper surface characteristics such as release during pressing and linting,
which may be added by surface application rather than at the wet end
filler (eg calcined clay) for enhancement of opacity, brightness and surface properties.
The wet end chemistry of newsprint machines is challenging because of the relatively low grammages
and the fast machine speeds (both of which put pressure on the aggregation of the particulate matrix
in terms of achieving good single pass retention) combined with the stringent product requirement in
terms of formation quality. Most newsprint mills operate with a fresh water consumption no more than
about 15 m /tonne, which means that the fresh water entering the main papermaking circuit is well
below 10 m /tonne. This gives a somewhat high concentration factor applied to the load of dissolved
substances that, after the thickening stages at the end of the deinking or pulping lines, finally reaches
the paper machine system. Combined with the high temperatures in pulping and deinking, the fairly
closed water system also means that process temperatures are invariably quite high (around 50 C).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 244
In addition, the pulp furnish represents a potentially difficult set of characteristics in terms of:
high fines content from both virgin mechanical and deinked pulps with some recycled fillers
(typically 6-8%) always present within deinked pulps
moderate-high loads of dissolved substances, largely organics (including anionic trash), plus
contributions from any added electrolytes (eg acids for pH control)
depositing substances in the form of pitch from mechanical pulps and stickies from deinked pulps.
Despite the challenging combination of furnish, machine and grade characteristics, the fact that
newsprint mills are invariably integrated with pulp production does mean that the quality of the pulp
passing forward to the paper machine is under the control of the mill. It is becoming common practice
to treat the pulp, at least partially, at the end of the pulping/deinking operation (eg to neutralise anionic
trash) rather than entirely on the paper machine.
Cationic demand (meq/l) over 12 months
An example of the variability in one sub-component of the 3
dissolved organics (anionic trash) is shown at right for a
newsprint machine using a blend of unbleached and 2
peroxide-bleached TMP. The short-term variability is
attributed to the variable proportions of unbleached pulp, 1
Another example of the impact of broke on cationic demand is shown here for a 100% deinked
newsprint machine. In this case, the cationic demand is clearly reduced when the proportion of broke
is increased. The reason for this is that, as newsprint broke contains no surface-applied chemicals, it
represents simply a cleaner version of the deinked stock due to the washing effect of papermaking.
The effect of residual silicate in a deinked pulp is shown here in terms of single pass retentions.
The level of anionic trash is one of the key factors in selection of retention aids, which are essential on
newsprint machines because of the high fines contents, but is constrained by the required formation
quality of the product. Because of this, single pass retentions are invariably no higher than 55-60% for
the total furnish and 30-40% for the fines. Retention aid systems are always at least two component,
common combinations being a highly cationic polymer plus polyacrylamide, bentonite plus
polyacrylamide and those based on polyethyleneoxide.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 245
This is the basic measurement unit for force and is usually abbreviated N where 1N = 1 kg.m/second ,
ie it is the force required to give a mass of I kg an acceleration of 1 m/second . The terms "Newtonian"
and "non-Newtonian" is also used in rheology to differentiate between fluids with different relationships
between viscosity (or shear stress) and shear rate.
This simple anion (NO3 ) may be present in the papermaking system through its presence in fresh
water, but it is not contained in any commonly-used paper chemicals. When it is present, this is quite
useful as it can be utilised by facultative aerobic bacteria and thus delay the onset of undesirable
anaerobic conditions. One recent chemical used in this form is aluminium nitrate.
Nitrogen is the lead element in Group 15 of the Periodic Table and is a diatomic gas (N2). It is present
as a dissolved and entrained gas in machine waters simply due to its presence in air and may also be
present in simple salts such as nitrate. However, it is most commonly present in papermaking raw
materials as an organo-nitrogen compound, where the nitrogen gives the molecule its cationic
This is an abbreviation for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, an analytical technique used to
characterise substances containing certain atoms, notably hydrogen and carbon (as C). It has been
used in papermaking in attempts to understand the mechanism of AKD sizing.
Pulper Cleaned
Junk trap
The losses as rejects in the form of plastics, metals and attached fibre are about 50 kg/tonne
recovered paper, but this is increasing due to the ongoing deterioration in the quality of recovered
paper. The overall yield from recovered paper in a non-deinking system is typically 90-95% depending
on the content of dissolved substances and the degree of water closure, which affects the total
retention of particulate and dissolved substances.
Pre-consumer recovered papers are used in many grades with minimal pre-treatment, but the
quantities available are usually quite limited. This type of recovered paper is normally used in a very
similar grade to the original as this maximises the value and recycle potential (recyclability) of all the
components. Non-deinked post-consumer recovered papers are used in several paper grades,
to make the liner component in corrugated cases, this recycled version of Kraft linerboard being
known as test liner
the fluting medium in corrugated cases
other packaging grades
industrial towels.
Both deinked and non-deinked pulps have to cope with the common problem of the fibres having
different sets of properties (usually inferior) compared to their corresponding virgin pulps. Compared to
deinked pulps, non-deinked recycled pulps are different in two main ways:
the presence of higher levels of water-soluble substances in the pulp reaching the paper machine.
This is a direct consequence of the fact that the stock preparation system is not usually separated
hydraulically from the papermaking circuits, so all the material dissolved from the recovered paper
passes forward to the paper machine (although this is preventable - see here). The most
significant dissolved fraction is the organics due to the high starch content (typically around 50 kg
COD/tonne) of the paper grades recovered for use in papers made from non-deinked pulp. In
addition, the water systems of paper machines using such pulps are often highly closed leading to
very high circuit concentrations (up to 30-40 g/l as COD). The effect of closing up on circuit
concentrations is shown in this example, but note that the assumed level of dissolved solids (2%
of pulp) is much lower than from many recycled pulps, ie the dissolved solids would rise to 12-13
g/l when the dissolved solids input is 50 kg/tonne.
the presence of higher levels of stickies contaminants in the pulp reaching the paper machine.
This is a consequence of the higher content of stickie materials in recovered paper grades used
as non-deinked pulps (eg old corrugated cases) and their inferior removal in stock preparation
compared to deinking.
The dissolution of substances from recovered paper in a non-deinking system depends on process
conditions in terms of pH, temperature and electrolyte content, which affect the pulp’s swelling ability.
As shown in the figure below, the effects of pulp disintegration period and refining period may be
different as the latter increases the surface area for re-adsorption and the net dissolution may
therefore decrease. By contrast, disintegration simply allows longer contact, but with no significant
change in surface area. Increased temperature enhances dissolution, particularly at short
disintegration times. For three of the four pulps in the figure below (newsprint being the exception),
starch was the dominant substance dissolved on disintegration and refining. The type of starch
present in these pulps would have been in-mill converted native starch, which is retained with the pulp
only to the extent of 10-30%.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 247
0 0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 20 40 60
Disintegration time (hours) at 40 C Disintegration time (hours) Refining energy (kWh/tonne)
An important sub-fraction of the dissolved organics is anionic trash. Many of the water-soluble, non-
fibrous additives in papermaking have some charge character and will thus influence the charge status
of the recycled pulp. Published charge data for non-deinked recycled pulps is not plentiful and is often
poorly characterised. Quoted values for dissolved charges from corrugated case materials are 2-5
μeq/g, much lower than the charges of the unbleached chemical pulps used to make the original
papers. This is in line with expectations as the original charged materials would have been poorly
retained (unless the paper was made on a machine with a highly-closed water system) and no highly-
charged materials are added during the first making. Other data shown under deinked pulps indicates
the level of charged substances from disintegration of wood-free copier papers to be 2-5 μeq/g, of old
newspapers to be 2-3 μeq/g and of old magazines 6-9 μeq/g. Addition of caustic soda increased
dissolution of charged substances by factors of 2-4 depending on paper type.
product performance additives used to manage some functional characteristic of the paper, the
main ones being:
- minerals for improved opacity and surface smoothness, which are added either as fillers at the
wet end or as pigments in coating. This is by far the largest type of additive in tonnage terms.
- sizes for water resistance, added mainly at the wet end but also at the size press
- dry strength additives to enhance the strength of paper when dry, which are added at the wet
end, at the size press and in coating as a coating binder
- wet strength resins to enhance the strength of paper when wet, which are added mainly
(except for a few speciality grades) at the wet end
- colorants to add colour, which are added mainly at the wet end
- fluorescent brighteners for improved brightness, which are added at the wet end and paper
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 248
process control chemicals used to manage some aspect of the process, but which can also
indirectly influence product quality. They are mainly added at the wet end, the main ones being:
- retention aids to enhance the single pass retention of particulate materials, notably the fines
fraction, but which also influence a number of other important papermaking variables such as
the formation quality of the paper
- drainage aids to enhance water removal on the papermaking wire
- chemicals to control chemical deposits such as pitch, stickies, etc
- chemicals to control process microbiology, which are sometimes added to or incorporated in
some functional additives
- chemicals to control foam (anti-foams or defoamers), which are also added to coating mixes
- chemicals to control system charge or anionic trash, which are often considered to be part of
retention aid systems.
This refers to the lack of charge carried by a substance, the most common references in papermaking
being to nonionic polymer and nonionic surfactant.
Non-wood pulps
Non-wood pulps account for around 8% of global virgin pulp production or around 15M tonne in 2000.
Production and use of non-wood pulp is concentrated in certain countries with China accounting for
75-80% of this total (ie about 12M tonne in 2000). Non-wood pulps are best classified in terms of their
location/function in the growing plant as follows:
bast (inner layer below bark) fibres such as flax, hemp and jute
other stem fibres such as bagasse, bamboo and straw
leaf fibres such as esparto, manilla and sisal
seed hairs such as cotton.
Non-wood pulps derived from agricultural by-products account for most of the production tonnage
(about 75%), the biggest single type being straw pulp which alone accounts for about half of the non-
wood total. The approximate order of other non-wood pulps is bagasse (about 14% of total), natural
plants such as bamboo (18% of total, mainly in India) followed by industrial crops spread amongst the
types listed above. Most non-wood pulps are produced by chemical pulping processes, the exception
being bamboo which is also pulped mechanically. Non-wood pulps are used in most papermaking
grades in those countries where they are the dominant pulp type, but, in countries based
predominantly on wood pulps, they are used for speciality grades such as tea-bag papers (manilla),
banknote papers (cotton) and cigarette tissue (flax).
The dominant straw and bagasse non-wood pulps have fibre characteristics comparable with
hardwood pulps with fibre lengths of 1-2 mm and diameters of 10-20 microns. However, the more
speciality non-wood pulps are characterised by much higher fibre lengths (30 mm for flax and cotton),
which, with fibre diameters of 20-25 microns, gives them very high aspect ratios. The relative
dimensions of the fibre wall and lumen may be different from those for wood, eg cotton has a rather
thin fibre wall and wide lumen whereas the converse is true for flax. Straw fibres have a reputation for
poor drainage due to the presence of thin-walled cells. The chemistry of some non-wood pulps is
close to that of wood pulps. Straw and bagasse have a carbohydrate:lignin balance similar to that of
hardwoods, but straw tends to have a significant mineral content unless well washed prior to pulping.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 249
Flax has a higher cellulose content than wood pulps (about 60%), but the "purest" non-wood fibre is
cotton with 80-90% cellulose and less than 5% lignin.
This is an abbreviation for neutral sulphite semi-chemical pulps.
This term applies to elements or groups that have a strong tendency to repel or donate electrons.
Nucleophilic elements (such as sodium) tend to be located at the left-hand side of the Periodic Table.
The nucleophilic character of some chemical groups (eg hydroxyl, amino) gives rise to an uneven
distribution of electrons within some organic chemicals, which is particularly important for some of their
reactions and for the functional properties of certain organic substances, eg dyes and fluorescent
brighteners. The opposite type of element or group is termed electrophilic.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 250
This is an abbreviation for optical brightening agents.
This may be a surprising topic to include within paper chemistry, but odours are unfortunately a not
uncommon occurrence at paper mills. Odorous compounds are not usually present within raw
materials (although they may have been at the pulp mill), but can be generated within the process
through microbiological activity. There are two main types of odorous substance that can occur in
papermaking systems - organic acids and hydrogen sulphide, both caused by microbiological activity
under anaerobic conditions.
In contrast to oxolation, this is the use of hydroxyl groups to form bridges in a polymer chain as might
take place with polymerisation of aluminium ions from added alum.
These are carbohydrates containing 2-4 monosaccharides, such as maltose and cellobiose, each
having two glucose units joined slightly differently.
On-line monitoring
There has always been an incentive to characterise a paper machine's chemical status, but this used
to be done exclusively by manual sampling followed by off-line analysis in the laboratory. This is still
the technique used by many mills, but others have turned to the use of on-line sensors to measure
some aspect of wet end chemistry. This began in earnest during the 1980s, many years after on-line
sensors had begun to be used at the dry end to measure paper properties. Until this time, the absence
of suitable, proven sensors and the lack of perception of the potential benefits judged against what
seemed to be high installation costs were a major constraint on the use of such systems.
On the other side, however, there were (and still are) a number of challenging factors causing mills to
welcome the opportunities presented by on-line instrumentation:
the pressure from faster machines on single pass retentions and the potential to make even more
broke if the correct wet end balance isn't achieved
quality pressures in the market place driven by the interest in documented quality management
practises such as the ISO 9000 series
increasingly limited mill resources to undertake manual chemical surveys and trouble-shooting.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 251
Most sensors are initially installed simply to monitor the variability of a particular parameter. In some
cases, it may be possible to control that parameter through chemical dosing, eg retention aid in the
case of single pass retentions, cationic polymer for cationic demand, etc. Putting this aspect of
machine operation under the control of the sensor takes considerable confidence in its reliability and
reproducibility, but is often the medium-term objective behind installing the sensor in the first place.
The over-riding focus of on-line monitoring is on stabilising wet end chemistry (eg achieving a more
uniform fines single pass retention) rather than on enhancing some particular aspect of wet end
operation (eg increasing the fines single
pass retention). Cationic demand, drainage Gases
The initial focus of research to develop
on-line chemistry sensors was on the
measurement of particulate
consistencies, but this has now pH, conductivity,
Flocculation, particulate charge
extended to cover a range of additional dissolved organics
The principle of measurement has also evolved over this timescale from simple measurement of
the transmitted light from one light source (ie turbid) to the measurement of the angular
distribution of the scattered light from one or several light sources. Generally, it is this wider range
of output values that has allowed the measurement of particulate components such as filler and
of particle (floc) size distribution. Assessment of the state of flocculation utilises the variance, not
the absolute value, of the output signal, the variance being greater as the floc size increases.
Suppliers for this set of consistency-related parameters include BTG, Cerlic, Chemtronics (Eka)
and Metso Automation.
cationic demand
There was a strong interest in measuring this parameter on-line for many years before suitable
on-line sensors became commercially available during the second half of the 1990s. In nearly all
cases, the sensors are based on polymer titration using a streaming current detector for the end-
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 252
point determination, the one exception being the colloid titration system used within ABB's WIC
unit. The most common application has been on coated machines for control of the anionic trash
originating from coated broke (see this figure).
entrained gases
This parameter may be measured on-line using at least two quite different principles - the well-
known compressibility technique (as in the BTG Mutek unit) and the ultrasonic method (as in the
Sonica unit).
Opacity is an important optical characteristic for graphical paper grades in relation to the absence of
show-through of the applied image on the reverse side of the paper. There are two common measures
of paper opacity:
ISO opacity = diffuse reflectance of single sheet on very black background (R0)
diffuse reflectance of infinite pile of sheets (R)
Tappi opacity = diffuse reflectance of single sheet on very black background (R0)
diffuse reflectance of single sheet on very white background (R )
The ISO opacity is sometimes referred to as the printing opacity and is the more relevant to most
practical circumstances. In both cases, the opacity is usually expressed as a percentage rather than
as a fraction. Opacity is influenced by the paper’s light scattering and light absorption coefficients.
The opacity of paper is affected by many variables, notably the type of pulp used and the type and
amount of filler in the paper. Although Individual fibres are quite transparent, the mat of inter-
connected fibres is opaque. Maximum opacity is achieved by maximising the number of air-fibre
interfaces so pulp refining decreases opacity as the generated fines increase inter-fibre bonding and
thus reduce the number of fibre-air interfaces remaining for light scattering. When the paper is
saturated with water or oil, the opacity of the paper is reduced due to the lower refraction of light at a
liquid/fibre interface than at an air/fibre interface. Mineral fillers improve opacity through a combination
of high refractive index and high surface area.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 253
Optical brightener
This is an alternative name for a fluorescent brightener.
Organic acids
This covers a wide range of organic substances, but only two types of organic acid are found in
papermaking systems:
fatty acids of both the short-chain volatile and long-chain (non-volatile) types
lactic acid, which, like the volatile fatty acids, is generated microbiologically .
Organic chemistry
This is one of the three main branches of chemistry and is a vast subject in its own right. It is defined
as the chemistry of carbon compounds, excluding carbon itself, its oxides and metal carbonates. The
term was originally applied just to the chemistry of compounds produced by living organisms, but it
now embraces the huge field of synthetic carbon compounds. There are an enormous number of
organic chemicals used in papermaking, but it is useful here to list briefly the different types of organic
compound, which are then described further under that heading:
furans, which are derivatives of the 5 member carbon ring containing one oxygen atom
hydrocarbons, the simplest type of organic compound, which contain only carbon and hydrogen
ketones, which are compounds containing the carbonyl C = O group linked to two carbon atoms
lactones, which are often called internal or cyclic esters
lignans, which are linked phenylpropane units
organo-halogen compounds, which are fluorine, chlorine and bromine derivatives.
organo-nitrogen compounds, which include some very important cationic additives
organo-phosphorous compounds, which have a few specialised applications
organo-silicon compounds, which also have only a few specialised applications
organo-sulphur compounds, which are very important to brightening and colouring additives.
terpenoids (terpenes), which are hydrocarbons based on isoprene units.
The bonds between atoms in most organic compounds are covalent, but many of the functional
groups contain charged entities (eg carboxyl groups) which play a very important role in papermaking.
Some organic compounds with the same molecular formula can have different chemical structures
and these are referred to as isomers, of which there are several types. Many of the organic
compounds used in papermaking are in the form of long-chain polymers and, in fact, there are
relatively few non-polymeric organics in use, dyes and fluorescent brighteners being the most
common examples in this last category.
Organo-bromine compounds
Organo-bromine compounds are used as biocides, two examples being shown below. DBNPA is
available in solid and liquid forms, the latter having some oxidising properties as it contains
hypobromous acid. It degrades quite quickly to ammonia and bromide ions. Another commonly-used
biocide (BCDMH) contains both Br O
bromine and chlorine atoms, but N C C C - CH = C - Br
they are bonded via the nitrogen
Br NH2 NO2
atoms rather than the carbon
2,2 - dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) Bromonitrostyrene (BNS)
Organo-chlorine compounds
These are the most prevalent type of organo-halogen compound that can be found in papermaking
systems. They originate from various sources:
as biocides, although the use of some organo-chlorine biocides (eg chlorinated phenols such as
PCP) has now been discontinued. One commonly-used biocide (BCDMH) contains both chlorine
and bromine atoms (but not bonded to carbon).
various organo-chlorine compounds (notably phenolics) may be present as contaminants in the
papermaking system due to a previous history of pulp exposure to chlorine or to old manufacturing
practices. These are commonly measured as AOX. Examples of now-discontinued organo-
chlorine papermaking chemicals are pentachlorophenol, which used to be used as a preservative
in some papers and polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs), which used to be used in the coating of
carbonless copy papers.
chlorinated paraffins which are used as the dispersion medium for the colour-forming capsules in
some carbonless copy papers.
by-products such as a dichloropropanol in polyamide-epichlorhydrin wet strength agents and in
some cationising agents such as CHPT.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 255
Organo-fluorine compounds
These compounds, sometimes referred to as fluorochemicals, are organic molecules with a carbon-
fluorine (C-F) bond and are used in papermaking to impart oil and grease resistance to paper
products. They represent an alternative technique to the traditional methods used to make papers
such as glassine and vegetable parchment. These chemicals are principally applied at the paper
surface (size press, calender water box or coater) than at the wet end, although the latter is possible.
The fluorine atom confers a highly hydrophilic character on the molecule, which enhances the natural
oleophobic (hydrophilic) character of cellulose. A number of different chemistries have been used, but
one of the most common types, the phosphate esters based on perfluoro-octanylsulphonates (see
formula below at left) have been withdrawn from the market due to their non-degradability and
environmental persistence. Other chemistries using the perfluoro-octanyl group (see example at right
below) are still used.
The above types are available as solutions which may contain solvents such as iso-propanol. The
other type of fluorochemical used for the same purpose are polymers based on acrylates, which again
contain groups such as the perfluoro-octanyl (C8F17) or perfluoro-heptanyl units (C7F15). The fluoro-
acrylates are produced as emulsions and can incorporate hydrophobic groups so that the product can
be used to confer both water and grease resistance. Addition rates of both types are up to about
5 kg/tonne paper.
Organo-halogen compounds
These are organic compounds containing a halogen atom, but they may not necessarily possess a
carbon-halogen bond. Organo-chlorine and organo-bromine compounds are used in papermaking as
biocides and organo-fluorine compounds to impart grease resistance. Other organo-halogen
compounds present in papermaking (mainly organo-chlorine compounds) may originate from pulp
bleaching with chlorine-containing chemicals and from residues in recovered paper.
Organo-nitrogen compounds
This is a general term for the wide range of organic compounds containing nitrogen, most commonly
based on amine or amides structures. As the presence of a nitrogen atom (either in a tertiary or
quaternary form) is the main technique used to introduce a positive charge into an organic molecule,
there are many organo-N compounds in papermaking:
cationic polymers such as polyacrylamides, polyethyleneimines, polyamines, polydadmacs,
cationic starch and polyvinylamines
biocides such as quaternary ammonium compounds and guanidine derivatives.
other quaternary ammonium compounds used as softeners
urea, which is present in urea-formaldehyde resins and is used as a solubiliser for dyes and FBAs
protein which have various applications in papermaking
melamine-formaldehyde resins for the wet strengthening of paper
polyurethanes for the surface sizing of paper
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 256
Organo-phosphorous compounds
These are organic compounds containing phosphorous, but relatively
few are used in papermaking. There are two types: I
the organo-phosphonates with a P - C bond, some of which are HOH2C-P-CH2OH SO4
used as scale inhibitors.
the organo-phosphates with a P - O - C bond, two examples
- the biocide tetrakishydroxymethylphosphonium sulphate (THPS) (see formula above).
- in natural potato starches and in other starch esters.
Organo-silicon compounds
These are organic compounds containing silicon with a Si - C bond and feature in two types of
papermaking chemical:
as silicones in defoaming and anti-foaming agents
as release agents used in release papers.
Organo-sulphur compounds
These are organic compounds containing sulphur and feature in two
classes of papermaking chemical: NC–S–C–S–CN
organic biocides, two examples being methylene bisthiocyanate
(MBT) and isothiazalones such as the one shown at right
below. Some organo-sulphur compounds are also used as
O N 2-methyl-4-
preservatives. S isothiazolin-3-one
fluorescent brighteners and anionic dyes through the S
presence of sulphonate groups.
This is a type of particle aggregation process where the forces bringing particles in contact are caused
by shear-induced velocity gradients. The other type of particle aggregation process is perikinetic
Osmotic pressure
When two solutions are separated by a semi-permeable membrane (through
which only the solvent can diffuse), the chemical potential is higher on the side
with the highest concentration. In the diagram at right, C 1 > C2, so, in order to C1 C2
try to equalise the chemical potentials either side of the membrane, water will
pass through the membrane from the right-hand side (with the lowest concentration/potential) to the
left-hand side (with the highest concentration/potential). This passage of water can be stopped by
applying a counter pressure to the water on the side with the highest concentration and, when C2 = 0,
this is called the osmotic pressure (= h as a column of liquid).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 257
Where there is pure solvent (water) on one side of the membrane, the van't Hoff equation applies:
Osmotic pressure, π = nRT/V= cRT
where n = moles of solute, V = volume, c = molar concentration
R = gas constant and T = temperature ( K)
In papermaking, pulp fibres can be treated as if they were a semi-permeable membrane or, in fact, a
polyelectrolyte gel due to the presence of charged groups within the fibre wall. In accordance with the
Donnan theory, there is a higher cation concentration within the fibre wall than in the bulk solution (ie
the fibre wall is the left-hand side of the above diagram) and the resultant osmotic pressure causes
water to flow into the fibre wall, which enhances swelling.
In chemistry, this is one side of the overall process of transferring electrons between substances
where the oxidation of one substance is always accompanied by reduction of another substance. An
oxidising agent like oxygen has the ability to accept electrons as follows:
+ -
½O2 + 2H + 2e H2O
and the overall reaction can be written as H2 + ½O2 H2O in which the hydrogen is oxidised and
the oxygen is reduced to water. The ability of the reaction to proceed is determined by its redox
potential. There are various oxidising chemicals used in papermaking.
Oxidised starch
These starches are produced by treatment of a starch suspension with a suitable oxidant, traditionally
sodium hypochlorite, whilst keeping the temperature (20-40 C) well below the gel temperature. The
oxidant partly depolymerises the starch molecules, which lowers the viscosity of the resultant starch
solution and converts some of the -CH2OH groups to -COOH (carboxyl) groups, which reduces their
retrogradation tendency. The degree of substitution of commercial oxidised starches is 0.01-0.04
corresponding to charge densities up to -0.25 meq/g starch. These starches have been widely used as
a coating binder because of their ability to confer a very low high-shear viscosity on the coating mix,
which gives good runnability. The starches produced by in-mill thermo-chemical conversion of
purchased native starches are somewhat similar in character, but less anionic.
The drawback of the hypochlorite-oxidised starches is that they contain undesirable chlorinated-
organic by-products, typically 20-100 mg/kg for potato starches and 60-400 mg/kg for maize/corn
starches. The drawback of all oxidised starches added to the paper surface is that, like all non-cationic
starches, they contribute significantly to wet end dissolved organics on the recycling of starch-
containing broke and, because of their charge character, they also contribute to anionic trash.
Oxidising agents
These chemicals act as electron acceptors in the oxidation process. Oxidising chemicals used in
papermaking include:
ammonium persulphate, which is used to produce in-mill thermo-chemically converted starches
chlorine or sodium hypochlorite, which are used as water disinfectants and bleaches, but where
the active species is hypochlorous acid, and also for broke repulping
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 258
chlorine dioxide, which is used mainly as a bleaching agent for some virgin chemical, but also as a
water disinfectant and biocide
hypobromous acid, which is formed in situ from sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite
hydrogen peroxide, which is used as a bleach, as a biocide and to produce in-mill thermo-
chemically converted starches
oxygen, which is used as a bleaching agent for some virgin chemical and deinked pulps
ozone, which is used as a water disinfectant and possibly an on-machine biocide
potassium monopersulphate, which is used to disperse wet strengthened papers on repulping.
Oxidising biocides
This is one of the two categories of biocide chemicals used to control microbial problems at paper
mills. Those in use or with potential for use are:
chlorine or sodium hypochlorite, which is mainly used for water disinfection
sodium hypobromite, which is again mainly used both for water disinfection
bromochlorohydantoins, which are widely used on-machine
chlorine dioxide, which is used for disinfection of fresh and recycled waters and on-machine
ammonium bromide, which is a relatively new chemical for on-machine use
hydrogen peroxide or peroxy compounds such as peracetic acid, which is used on-machine
ozone, which is occasionally used for water disinfection, but is still at the development stage as
on-machine biocide.
Oxalic acid
This is a simple dicarboxylic acid (HOOC-COOH) which is generated in sulphite pulping. Oxalate salts
(eg calcium oxalate) can cause deposits.
In contrast to olation, this is the term for molecules in which oxygen forms bridges in a polymer chain
as takes place in the polymerisation of aluminium ions from added alum.
Oxygen is the lead element in Group 16 of the Periodic Table. It is a diatomic gas (O2) and oxygen
atoms are also present in a combined form in most papermaking raw materials. This ubiquity means
that the elemental composition of most paper products will be headed by oxygen.
Molecular oxygen is an oxidising agent and this property underlies its various roles in pulping and
papermaking. Oxygen is used in the bleaching of deinked pulps, but its much more prevalent role as a
bleaching agent is with virgin chemical pulps, where it has two separate applications:
in a separate oxygen bleaching (or delignification) stage which precedes the more powerful
bleaching agents such as chlorine dioxide and ozone. This stage is operated under alkaline
conditions (pH 12-13) and removes at least 50% of the unbleached pulp's lignin, thus lessening
the load on later bleaching stages. The effects of oxygen on the level of charged substances in
Kraft pulps is shown in the sections on bleached Kraft pulps, ECF pulps and TCF pulps.
as an auxiliary chemical (sometimes with hydrogen peroxide) to reinforce the alkaline extraction
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 259
Within the papermaking process, molecular oxygen is only present incidentally through air being
dissolved or entrained in the liquid phase. However, both these processes are important as dissolved
oxygen provides an essential element in the metabolism of bacteria and entrained oxygen (as part of
entrained air) has an adverse effect on drainage of the papermaking stock and the formation quality of
paper. The solubility of oxygen is governed by Henry's Law. Its equilibrium concentration with
o o
atmospheric O2 is about 9 mg/l at 25 C, but decreases to about 6.5 mg/l at 50 C. This decline in
solubility with increased temperature is very important in relation to the onset of anaerobic
microbiological activity.
In aqueous systems that do not contain added oxidising or reducing chemicals, the presence of
dissolved oxygen is important in maintaining an oxidising environment and preventing the
development of reducing conditions. This is desirable in papermaking as anaerobic conditions lead to
reducing reactions, usually microbiological in nature, that are undesirable. The relevant oxygen
couples are:
+ - o o
O2 + 4H + 4e 2H2O where EH (redox potential) = +1.2 volts at 25 C
- - o o
O2 + 2H2O + 4e 4OH where EH (redox potential) = +0.4 volts at 25 C
The difference in the standard electrode potentials indicates that oxygen loses some of its oxidising
power as the pH increases with an actual potential for this couple of about +0.6 volts at pH 7, 25 C
and the normal level of atmospheric oxygen. This is an important factor in the redox intensity of waters
within the pH range seen on paper machines, where the electrode potential would drop from about +1
volt at pH 4 to +0.75 at pH 8. These redox reactions involving water are important as they define the
redox and pH conditions in which water is stable and also effect corrosion reactions. It is interesting
also to note that, as the standard potential for chlorine is greater than that that for dissolved oxygen,
chlorine should be able to oxidise water to oxygen. This is a good example of a situation where a
reaction is thermodynamically predicted, but does not take place as its kinetics are very slow in the
absence of suitable catalysts.
Ozone is a triatomic gas (O3) and is a very powerful oxidising agent with the following half-cell
reactions under acid or alkaline conditions:
+ - o o
O3 + 2H + 2e O2 + H2O, where EH (redox potential) = 2.07 volts at 25 C
- - o o
O3 + H2O + 2e O2 + 2OH , where EH (redox potential) = 1.24 volts at 25 C
Due to its high reactivity, ozone is always produced on-site by the passage of an electrical discharge
though air or pure oxygen.
Since the decline in the use of chlorine for bleaching chemical pulps, ozone is one of the oxidants that
has found increasing use as a bleaching agent to produce both TCF and ECF bleached chemical
pulps. It is usually used under acid conditions (pH 2.5), where its oxidising power is greatest, at doses
of 2-4 kg ozone/tonne pulp. Ozone has also been used for bleaching/decolorising at one or two wood-
free deinking mills, where it has the advantage of destroying the fluorescence from brightening agents.
To date, ozone is little used in papermaking, but it is known to be used by some mills for disinfection
and/or oxidation of dissolved iron/manganese salts in fresh waters. Research on its use as an on-
machine biocide has demonstrated its efficacy for microbial control, but high doses (up to 300 mg/l)
are needed.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 260
This refers to the transformation of a parameter into its negative logarithm (usually base 10), which is
often used in physical chemistry.
pX = - log10 X or X = 10
This is an abbreviation for poly-aluminium chloride.
Packaging papers/boards
This is the single largest category of paper/board products, accounting for close to 50% of global
production. It is also the sector with the largest overall use of recovered paper. The main packaging
grades are:
corrugated case materials, which are sub-divided into linerboard and fluting medium
carton boards, there being four main grades
- folding boxboard made from a mixture of chemical and mechanical pulps and used largely for
food packaging and display
- solid bleached board, made from bleached chemical pulps and used largely for packaging of
pharmaceuticals and luxury goods such as cosmetics
- solid unbleached board, made from unbleached chemical pulps and used widely in the
packaging of many goods where appearance is less critical, eg beer bottles and cans.
- white-lined chipboard, made from largely recovered paper with a deinked grade as the liner
and widely used for general packaging of goods such as frozen foods, toys, shoes, etc.
packagings specifically for liquid fillings (“liquid” packagings)
bag and wrapping papers
sack papers.
The key product requirement for all packaging grades is strength, notably in the form of stiffness and
there are many specific testing procedures for the different packaging categories. Increasingly,
packaging grades are required to convey information so printability may also be important.
Paper chemistry
Paper is a complex material in which chemistry features throughout the manufacturing sequence (see
summary figure below).
Raw fibres Minerals Chemicals
As is evident in the above picture, paper chemistry brings together the chemical aspects of three
distinct phases in the manufacture of finished paper products:
the chemistry of the product which integrates all the previous processes, but which is rarely
specified or considered in any great detail by the user.
Wet end chemicals
Stock preparation Rejects
Dispersion Cleaning Refining Blending Cleaning
Drying Broke repulping Sheet
Papermaking is essentially a filtration (or thickening) process in which the paper base sheet is
produced from a suspension of various materials, the composition of which depends on the grade
being made. Much of the chemistry of the wet end of the papermaking process is directed at
maximising the retention of these materials consistent with acceptable paper quality and machine
runnability. Other chemicals may be added to the paper surface by spraying, by immersion at a size
press and by coating. These chemicals are well retained during their application, but losses occur as a
result of spillages, wash-ups and through the re-use of machine broke.
The fibrous raw material normally enters the paper mill as baled virgin pulp or recovered paper or
loose recovered paper. Stock preparation is the general term for converting the as-received pulp to the
right condition and composition for making into that grade of paper and usually comprises the initial
slushing, mechanical treatment and blending with other materials. These are usually carried out as
batch or semi-batch processes, although mechanical treatment of the fibre is performed continuously
as the fibre suspension is pumped between upstream and downstream tanks or chests.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 262
Firstly, the pulp has to be dispersed uniformly to form a 4-6% suspension in water by vigorous stirring
in a circular tank with a bottom, high-speed rotor. Large debris such as baling wire and large plastics
can be removed at this stage. High consistency pulping (10-12% solids content) is increasingly being
used to reduce energy consumption or to prevent the comminution of contaminants in recovered
paper and thus facilitate their removal by screening. The first cleaning stage shown in the diagram
above is usually only present on machines using non-deinked recovered paper, where the higher level
of contaminants demands several cleaning stages early in stock preparation (see this diagram for
more details). Where deinked pulp is used, these processes would normally form part of the
preliminary deinking system.
Mechanical treatment of the pulp is a crucial stage at most paper mills, although the pulps used to
make some grades (eg tissue) may only receive minimal treatment ("deflaking") in order to preserve
desirable papermaking characteristics such a softness and bulk. Mechanical treatment processes are
known as beating or refining. Beating is an older batch process little used today as most mills use
continuous refiners. There are two main types of refiner - the conical refiner and the disc refiner, both
of which involve a ribbed or grooved surface moving against a second stationary surface with similar
ribs or grooves. In passing between the two surfaces, the fibres are shortened and "fibrillated" thus
increasing their strength, but impairing their drainage and retention characteristics. The consistency of
the fibre suspension during refining is 3-3.5%.
After refining, the pulp suspension is blended in the "machine chest" with other pulps, which invariably
includes machine broke and perhaps other recovered materials (see recycled pulp). Where present,
other pulps may have been through a similar or slightly different treatment process, but the level of
refining is often specific to a particular pulp type. Other wet end additives are usually added at about
this location, but often directly to the thick stock after the machine chest unless a longer contact time is
required. The relative location for the dosing of different additives can be very important to their
retention and functionality in the system (see dosing and dose-response effects).
The remainder of the papermaking system before the paper web is formed is known as the "approach
flow" system. The consistency of the papermaking stock is regulated at around 3% solids content
before it is diluted at the "fan" pump to papermaking consistency using recycled "backwater" (water
already drained through the formation wire). More details of the water system are described under
water closure. Papermaking consistencies vary from about 0.02% (200 mg/l) for long-fibred stocks
making lightweight products through 0.3-0.5% (3-5 g/l) for fine papers up to about 1% (10 g/l) for
boards and some other grades.
In the "approach flow" system, the stock is cleaned in a 3 or 4 stage hydrocyclone system and finally
by screening. Other chemicals, such as some retention aids, are often added continuously to the "thin
stock" shortly before it is delivered to the "wet end" of the paper machine itself. There are many
different types of paper machine, which differ in exactly how the fibrous suspension is converted into a
paper web, the main ones being:
contents or mixing can be done hydraulically. Water is removed from the consolidating sheet by
gravity drainage followed by suction drainage, so that by the time the sheet reaches the couch
roll, it has a dry solids content of 15-20%. Some machines may have a second flowbox for
applying a second layer on top of the first and other machines may be fitted with a drainage unit
mounted above the wire in order to improve sheet uniformity.
In nearly all cases, the formation stage is followed by a press section, where further water is removed
by applying pressure to the sheet in contact with absorptive fabrics ("felts"). This is normally performed
by passing the paper web in the nip between two large press rolls. Each press part contains 2-4 such
nip arrangements. The sheet leaving the press section generally has a dry solids content of 40-55%
depending on sheet characteristics and press design. The higher solids contents are achieved by
techniques such as "extended nip" and "hot" pressing.
The residual water in the web is normally removed by passing it over steam-heated drying cylinders,
which are traditionally arranged in two staggered rows one above the other. Some papers are dried in
contact with large single cylinders known as "Yankee" cylinders when used for tissue/towel grades and
MG ("machine glaze") cylinders when used to produce smooth MG papers. After drying, most paper
machines are equipped with an array of on-line sensors to measure key sheet properties such as
grammage, brightness, colour, etc. Some papers (eg newsprint) may be further treated in a calender
stack (a vertical train of finely-ground cylinders) to improve surface finish.
As mentioned in the first paragraph of this section, many machines also have dedicated equipment for
the surface application of chemicals at a size press or coating station. Size presses are always
incorporated as an intermediate stage within the drying section, whereas coating may take place on-
line at the end of the paper machine or as a separate off-line operation with its own final drying
section. Paper machines can be up to about 10m wide and run at speeds up to about 2000 m/minute
with individual production capacities up to around 0.5M tonne per annum. At the other extreme are
older or more specialised machines making a few 1000 tonne per annum at speeds measured in 10s
of m/minute. These differences in speed of operation have a major influence on some of the chemical
interactions taking place at the wet end and during water removal.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 264
Paper microbiology
This characteristic is important to the hygienic quality of all papers, but is critical for grades such as
tissue, towel and food-contact packagings. The microbial content of papers is obviously influenced to
some degree by the microbial inputs (bacteria and fungi) to the papermaking system, but the key
factors are the microbial load entering and the temperature-time profile in the drying section. On most
paper machines, the contact time during high temperature drying is adequate to kill virtually all the
micro-organisms except heat-resistant bacterial spores. Some data from various reel samples is
shown in the table below. In this study, about 90% of the identified bacteria were various Bacillus
species, the most common being Bacillus subtilis, but Clostridium species can occasionally be
detected. Even these bacteria are killed by prolonged exposure to high temperature, but the decimal
reduction time is much longer than the time available in drying (eg about 10 minutes for B. subtilis at
100 C).
Although not sterile, paper products thus have a high microbial quality at the reel on the paper
machine, but are then open to considerable infection from later handling practices and from air-borne
contaminants. Provided that the paper is kept reasonably dry, this high bacterial quality is maintained,
but the growth of fungi is more of a problem as they are able to survive and grow at much lower
moisture levels. As the fungal levels in reel samples are zero for most of the time, any subsequent
growth is through later contamination and the most common species found in papers are common air-
borne fungi such as Penicillium, Aspergillus and Cladosporium species. Some papers (eg label
papers, wallpapers, etc) are treated with preservatives to stop fungal growth.
The issue of most concern in this area is probably the impact of recycled pulp on the microbial quality
of papers. In the data tabled above, the highest bacterial levels are in papers made from recycled
pulp. Other studies have tended to confirm this general picture, eg data from Finnish mills in the mid-
2 3
1990s showed bacterial levels mainly in the range of 1 x 10 to 4 x 10 CFU/g in papers made from
virgin pulp, whereas papers made from recycled pulp contained levels mainly in the range 1 x 10 to 4
x 10 CFU/g. This study also showed that some papers (made from both virgin and recycled pulps)
contained substances that gave positive results in a standard toxicity test (using luminescent bacteria)
and in a standard mutagenicity test. (in this context, it is worth re-calling that substances in the
extractives fraction of wood are deliberately toxic to protect the wood.)
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 265
This issue has also been investigated at a Swedish mill that made various grades of linerboard from
varying proportions of virgin pulp (unbleached Kraft) and recycled pulp. As shown in the figure at left
below, the samples contained relatively low levels of aerobic bacteria and fungi in samples taken
during the Winter and Spring, but some contained much higher levels in Summer and Autumn. This
difference was suspected to be due to microbial growth within the recovered paper fraction and, as
shown in the figure at right below, the highest bacterial and fungal contents were associated with the
higher proportion of recycled pulp. As would be expected, the vast majority of the bacteria in the
products were spore-formers of the Bacillus species, including the pathogenic B.cereus. This
parameter was the only one (in the paper) that (just) exceeded the Swedish guideline level for
microbial content in various foods. This work and more detailed studies on this aspect by TEGEWA
(the German Association for manufacturers of, amongst other things, paper auxiliaries) showed that
there was no significant transfer of microbes from paper/board products to dry, moist or greasy food.
3 3
CFU, 10 /g CFU, 10 /g
500 50
400 40
300 Moulds 30
200 20
100 10
0 0
Jan March June Oct Dec 0 25 50 75 100
Recycled content (%)
Source: Johansson in Nordic Pulp Paper
Research J., 2001, 16, 1, 40-44.
Paper products
The generic term "paper" often includes products that are strictly boards (sometimes also called
paperboards). The normal classification of paper (and board) products breaks them down into the
following principal grades:
printing/writing (graphical) papers, which is the second largest category of paper products
packaging papers/boards, which is the largest category of paper products
other boards, one of the more important being plasterboard
tissues and towels, which are quite small in tonnage terms (but much bigger when judged in
monetary value)
miscellaneous and speciality papers such as
- papers with closed surfaces such as greaseproof papers (vegetable parchment and glassine)
and tracing papers
- papers with open surfaces such as filter papers and cigarette tissue.
The key properties of paper products vary with grade, but the physical characteristics always outweigh
their chemical and microbiological qualities.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 266
Paper properties
The properties of paper products that determine their end use are largely physical properties, which
can be categorised under the following headings:
strength properties, which are crucial to the functionality of all paper products
optical properties, which are particularly important for printing, writing and copying papers
surface properties, which play a role in paper's strength and optical character, but also in its
appearance and the user's subjective assessment of its "quality".
dimensional properties, which are basic metrics, but subject to some variability due to the
chemistry of pulps.
miscellaneous properties such as permanence, porosity, resistivity, etc.
Chemical characteristics of the paper are not commonly needed to be known in order to define a
paper product's functionality, but many chemical parameters can be measured if needed, the more
common being pH, ash content and sulphate content. For specific grades, chemical purity is important
such as the metal content of photographic papers and the electrolyte content of insulating papers. The
hygienic quality of paper is important to some degree for all papers as they are invariably handled at
some stage and this aspect is obviously critical for grades such as tissue, towel and food-contact
packagings. This is also affected by its chemistry, but the prime concern is its microbiological quality,
an often-ignored attribute for most paper products.
Paper quality
The term "quality" used to be applied rather loosely to paper (and other) products, but the introduction
of quality management systems (such as the ISO 9000 series) has imposed a little more discipline.
Quality is most commonly defined as the "satisfaction of customer needs" and should not be used to
rank (different) products in terms of their level of functionality, eg product A is not of higher quality than
product B because it has, for example, a higher strength, but both products are of equal (acceptable)
quality if they meet the (different) end-use specifications. Paper quality is usually judged by measuring
key paper properties, a particularly important facet of paper quality being its uniformity within individual
reels and across several reels of identical product. Non-achievement of the required quality may be
caused by many factors (some chemical), but all will result in the production of machine broke, which
may then further complicate process chemistry when it is recycled to the wet end.
Parenchyma cells
These are simple cells that store food materials within the wood xylem.
Particle aggregation
The state of particle aggregation is very important in two areas of papermaking:
in wet end chemistry, where the objective is to promote the controlled aggregation of particles to
optimise retention and drainage of the wet end stock and deliver a uniform paper quality
in coating chemistry, where the objective is to minimise aggregation and maintain a uniform
suspension of dispersed pigment particles within the coating matrix.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 267
Positive particle aggregation is thus required only at the wet end, where there are particles with many
different characteristics, but where their natural particle size distribution is very important in terms of
particle aggregation mechanisms:
the fibre fraction of pulps
Due to their large dimensions, this fraction does not require enhanced aggregation for improving
single pass retention and drainage. In fact, the dominant issue for genuine fibres is to minimise
their macro-flocculation in order to maintain acceptable formation quality of the paper.
the fines fraction of pulps plus any added fillers
Due to their colloidal dimensions, this fraction requires enhanced aggregation for improving their
single pass retention and, on some machines, also for improving stock drainage. This is achieved
through the addition of chemicals that function as retention and/or drainage aids, but the formation
quality of the paper still exerts an important influence on the extent of fines aggregation.
The language of aggregation processes for fine particulate materials can be somewhat confusing as
some of the terms are used rather generically and also have somewhat different meanings to different
specialists. Coagulation and flocculation are the two terms used to describe the aggregation of
colloidal particles by added chemicals, but are often used inter-changeably with one another although
they have specific meanings for different types of aggregation process. In order not to imply any
particular mechanism, the term "aggregation" will be used in this document to denote the coming or
deliberate bringing together of particles.
Fine particles remain as discrete entities or aggregate together depending on the relative strengths of
the attractive and repulsive forces between them. At the wet end of the paper machine, the most
important are the van der Waals attractive forces and the electrostatic repulsive forces. This is treated
quantitatively in the classical DLVO theory named after the two sets of researchers (Dejaguin/Landau
and Verwey/Overbeek) who independently developed it. Some examples of the effect of the principal
variables in particle interactions are given below. One of the variables in the equations for both the
attractive and repulsive forces is the size of the particle. As both forces are linearly dependent on the
particle diameter, the net force also increases in a linear fashion, so no examples are given of this
effect and all the examples below use a particle diameter of 200 nm.
Force, J x 10
-19 The most obvious way to promote particle aggregation
-4 is to reduce the surface potential and hence the
-50 mV 0.001M NaCl
-2 repulsive force. For the predominantly negatively-
-30 mV charged particles present in papermaking, this can be
done using many cationic substances such as alum or
+2 cationic polymers. It can be seen here at left that the
-10 mV
+4 surface potential does not have to be reduced to zero
0 50 100 150 200 to achieve a net attractive force, but in this particular
Inter-particle distance (nm) case, a surface potential of ±10mV is enough to give a
net attractive force.
Aggregation can thus take place only if the particles can approach close enough for the attractive
force to predominate. Particles thus have to possess some kinetic energy in order to be on a collision
course with one another and to surmount the repulsive energy barrier (if present). Aggregation can
occur via perikinetic forces caused by Brownian motion or via orthokinetic forces caused by shear-
induced velocity gradients.
The kinetics of aggregation for like particles is a simple second order reaction in relation to the number
of particles (n of radius a):
Collision rate, J = -dn/dt = f.n which, on integration, gives (1/n) – (1/n0) = ft
where no = number of particles
and the time for 50% of the particles to aggregate, t1/2 = (fno)
For dissimilar particles, the situation is somewhat more complex and is usually modelled by a first
order reaction in relation to the number of the smaller particles (n of radius a), where the concentration
of the larger particle (N of radius A) is assumed to be constant :
J = -dn/dt = f.n.N which, on integration, gives ln(n/n0) = fNt
and the time for 50% of the smaller particles to aggregate with the larger particles, t1/2 = ln2.(fno)
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 269
For perikinetic conditions, f = 2kT(A + a) = 8kT/3 for like-sized particles
3 3
For orthokinetic conditions, f = 4G(A+a) /3 = 32Ga /3 for like-sized particles
where G = shear rate, k = Boltzmann’s constant, T = absolute temperature and = water viscosity
When there is no energy barrier preventing close inter-particle approach, aggregation can take place
quite rapidly, but, it is slower when there is a repulsive energy barrier. This is taken care of by
introducing a "stability ratio" term, which defines the proportion of the collisions leading to permanent
contact. Although shear is necessary for aggregation of larger particles, the resistance of the
aggregated particles to further shearing (their floc strength) and their ability to re-aggregate together
when the shear is removed are also important.
It can be useful to use these equations to give an idea of the ordering of wet end interactions when
different types of material are present under both perikinetic and orthokinetic conditions. It should be
emphasised that the actual results depend markedly on the actual concentrations involved and the
actual level of shear. The latter affects not only the collision frequency, but also the breaking apart of
any aggregates formed. The attractive forces between particles (van der Waals or electrostatic) are
proportional to the particle diameter, but the hydrodynamic forces are proportional to the diameter so
they get larger as aggregates grow in size. If prolonged, these forces can lead to further re-
arrangement of aggregated solids or transfer of adsorbed solids as shown here for a polyacrylamide.
The following example has been calculated for a thin stock sample containing the following materials:
It is often quoted that perikinetic collisions are only significant for particles/molecules smaller than
about 1 μm in size and this is confirmed by the data shown in the figure above, where only the
interaction between dissolved polymers (ie between an added cationic polymer and anionic trash)
takes place within a timescale of seconds rather than minutes or longer. There is little difference
between the time-scale of inter-polymer actions under perikinetic or orthokinetic conditions, each
polymer molecule colliding with only about one other polymer molecule every second. The position of
fibre-fibre interactions is markedly different, being the shortest under orthokinetic and the longest
under perikinetic conditions. It is particularly pertinent to see that the fastest polymer interaction (apart
from with other polymers) is with fibres so that the retention of fillers and pulp fines will be via their
interaction with a polymer-adsorbed fibre (rather than of polymer-adsorbed filler with fibre). Fibres
collide about 1000 times more with polymer molecules than do filler particles, but, because of the large
number of polymer molecules, the collision with polymers is the most common one for fillers.
When polymers are added to promote particle aggregation, the kinetic model for particle collision
frequency has to be modified by introducing a term for its fractional surface coverage with polymer (C):
J = k.n .C.(1-C)
This equation predicts that the maximum flocculation occurs at 50% surface coverage (C = 0.5), which
agrees with measurements of the maximum rate of flocculation for both patch and bridging polymers.
In all types of polymer flocculation, particles may be re-stabilised by the addition of excess polymer. In
the case of low molecular weight cationic polymers, complete coverage of the particle surface would
lead to elimination of any negatively-charged patches and hence to repulsion between the fully
cationised surfaces. Particle re-stabilisation like this can occur for various reasons:
overdosing due to poor control of polymer dosing
poor mixing at the point of polymer addition leading to localised high concentrations
the build-up of polymers recycled in the whitewater or in the broke.
The above factors allied to the often imprecisely-known hydrodynamic characteristics of many paper
machines make true optimisation of particle aggregation and chemical adsorption processes rather
difficult. The above example indicated the kinetically-favoured interactions when all the competing
materials were present at the same time, but an obvious way of controlling interactions is through
managing the order of and delays between dosing of the various additives. The one constant is
usually that the pulp has to be present first, but it is possible to pre-mix other additives (eg filler and
another chemical) in a side-stream if this allowed a beneficial interaction between them that would not
take place by adding either separately to the pulp, ie A +(B+C) is better than (A+B)+C or (A+C)+B.
Particle characteristics
In mass terms, the main raw materials used in papermaking are all particulate materials that do not
dissolve under normal papermaking conditions - pulps, fillers, pigments and sizes. Minor (but not
unimportant) fractions may dissolve because of their inherent water solubility (eg hemi-celluloses from
virgin pulps and starches from recycled pulps) and others may dissolve unintentionally due to poor
process control (eg calcium carbonate under localised acid conditions). A unique characteristic of
insoluble particulate raw materials is that they have a surface which can interact with other particulates
and with dissolved substances.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 271
The simplest particle shape is the sphere, the diameter of which determines two important particle
the particle number/unit mass = 6/πρd , where ρ = density and d = diameter
The inverse cubic relationship between particle numbers and diameter means, for example, that
there are 1000x as many 1m particles as 10m particles of the same total mass. This parameter
is important in relation to the retention aspects of the papermaking furnish, ie achieving a high
single pass retention becomes more difficult as the particle size gets smaller simply because
there are more particles to aggregate together (see this example for fillers).
Unfortunately, few particles in papermaking are perfect spheres, but the shape of minerals such as
calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide is reasonably spherical. For other particulate materials in
papermaking, a useful indication of the
influence of particle size can be obtained by
using simple model shapes for the rather Sphere for CaCO3 Disc for clays Hollow tube for fibres.
more complex shapes of real fibre and other
filler particles as shown in the picture at right.
For irregular–shaped (anisometric) particles such as fibres and clays, it is impossible to assign a single
number to define their size so it is normal to specify one dimension (eg the diameter of a disc or the
length of a tube) and relate the other dimension to it. This defines the particle's aspect ratio, which, for
a disc, is the ratio of the diameter to thickness and, for a rod or tube, is the ratio of length to diameter.
The traditional technique for measuring particle size is sedimentation as the particle settling velocity
can be related to particle size through Stokes' Law:
Particle terminal settling velocity, V = k.(ρP - ρL).d /
where k = constant, ρP = particle density, ρL = liquid density, d = particle diameter, = liquid viscosity.
For irregular–shaped (anisometric) particles, the particle size is expressed as the equivalent spherical
diameter (esd), which is the diameter that a particle with the same settling velocity would have if it
were a sphere. For disc- and rod-shaped particles, the esd is always less than the disc's diameter or
the rod's length, eg for an aspect ratio of 20, the esd is about on third of the disc's diameter or the
rod's length. For some mineral particles, their void volume is another important characteristic in terms
of light-scattering for fillers and coating performance for pigments.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 272
A few examples are useful to illustrate some of the differences between papermaking raw materials,
when compared on the basis of their mass, numbers or surface area, as shown in the following table.
The effect of the stock fines content in terms of the proportion of particle numbers and surface area
associated with the flowbox fines is shown here.
Particle charge
The chemical character of particles determines their charge characteristics when suspended in clean
(ie deionised) water, but the actual charge in the papermaking system depends on their interaction
with dissolved substances that originate from other sources. The particle charge in papermaking
reflects the net impact of the following effects:
ionisation of functional groups such as the carboxyl groups within the pulp matrix. The surface
charge on pulps is zero at about pH 2.5 (the iso-electric point) and becomes increasingly negative
as the pH is raised (see this figure). Some substances (eg the proteinaceous surfaces of bacteria)
are amphoteric and thus can be positively or negatively charged depending on pH.
dissolution of charged substances from pulps, thus transferring the charged material into the bulk
solution where it becomes part of the anionic trash which may affect the adsorption of other
charge-determining substances
Adsorption of charged material (ions or polymers) from solution. Inorganic anions adsorb on
surfaces more readily than cations as anions tend to be less hydrated in solution. Hydrophilic
surfaces (such as cellulosic fibres) are often solvated with water molecules and adsorb materials
less readily than do hydrophobic surfaces
imperfections in the structure of some minerals leading to a charge imbalance within the mineral
lattice, eg substitution of aluminium for silicon in a clay would lead to a negative charge on the
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 273
In most papermaking systems, the particulate surfaces have a similar charge character (usually
negative) even though their underlying chemical character is very different. This is due to the
adsorption of materials from solution, some of which may originate from one of the particulate
materials (see this example for various fillers in the presence and absence of pulp). Some mineral
materials have the somewhat unusual property of having some areas with a positive charge and
another with a negative charge, eg bentonite and kaolin clays with their anionic faces and cationic
edges. Even in such cases, each particle has a net negative charge.
The particle charge is a key variable that influences a number of important papermaking phenomena:
the magnitude of the electrostatic force between particles, which is normally (in the absence of
added chemicals) a repulsive force and can thus prevent particle aggregation. This is undesirable
at the wet end, but desirable in coating.
the adsorption of substances, normally those of opposite charge to that of the surface, ie
substances with a positive (cationic) charge
for pulps, the swellability of the fibres/fines, which in turn influences drainage and organics
dissolution at the wet end and the strength of the paper.
The particle charge is measured either by an electrokinetic technique as a potential (eg zeta potential)
or by a charge titration in charge units (such as Coulombs or meq) per unit mass. For porous particles
like pulp fibres, the titrated charge may refer to two different charge values depending on the
accessibility of the titrating substance:
the surface charge, which is the charge determined by titration with a “large” polymer, usually a
polydadmac of 0.2M Daltons molecular mass
the total charge, which is the charge determined by titration with ions and “small” polymers, the
later usually being an ionene of 8k Daltons molecular mass.
There are several examples in this document illustrating the difference between measured total and
surface charges - here for some ECF bleached Kraft pulps, here for some ECF bleached Kraft pulps,
here for a range of ECF and TCF pulps and here for range of mechanical and chemical pulps.
Particle size
Light λ
Ions, eg Al3+
Fibre Fibre length
Elementary Polymers
fibrils PAMs, PEI, starch
X-rays λ Minerals
TiO2 Clay, talc Starch
granule Paper
Colloidal products
bonds Fines “Fibre”
Electrical double layer
1 pm 1 nm 1 μm 1 mm 1m
-12 -9 -6 -3 0
10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 274
As shown in the diagram above, the papermaking furnish contains particles with an enormously wide
range of particle and molecular sizes. Whether added at the wet end or to the paper surface, most
materials have colloidal dimensions, the prominent exception being the genuine fibre fraction within
pulps. The particle size distribution of the wet end stock reflects the particle size distribution of the
added raw materials as modified by the interactions taking place between the various particulate
solids and added dissolved substances as the stock moves through the various wet end processes.
Even when the chemistry of the stock is fixed (ie after the final chemical addition before web
formation), the state of inter-particle aggregation continues to respond to changes in mixing and shear
The papermaking system (both at the wet end and in coating) is inherently polydisperse compared to
the majority of systems used for theoretical study, which are usually monodisperse. Not only do the
particulate materials have a range of dimensions, but the shape of many particles is irregular, eg long,
narrow fibres and flat, platy clay fillers. The above diagram shows the common division of particulate
components into "fibre" and fines, which can be performed using the Dynamic Drainage Jar or the
traditional Bauer-McNett classification system. A more detailed breakdown of fibre length can be
provided by image analysis techniques or specific commercial instruments.
The above picture includes some of the papermaking additives that are present as dissolved
molecules rather than as discrete particles. Many of these are polymers, the molecular dimensions of
which vary with the chemistry of the liquid phase, notably with the concentration of electrolytes. The
actual molecular size of polymers within the papermaking system can be evaluated using filtration
through very fine ultrafiltration systems or by gel permeation chromatography (see solute exclusion).
This is an abbreviation for poly-aluminium silico-sulphate.
Patch flocculation
As shown in the picture at right, patch attraction is a type of particle aggregation brought about by
certain types of polymer. Low molecular mass (<1M Daltons) polymers with a charge of high density
and opposite to that of the particle (ie cationic polymers for anionic pulps Negatively-
and fillers) adsorb strongly on the surface in a flat conformation and, charge particles
unlike high molecular weight polymers, are not long enough to be able to
form bridges between particles. At a sufficiently high polymer dose, the
whole particle surface could be covered with cationic polymer, but this
would be of little value to particle aggregation as the particle suspension
charged patches
would then by stabilised by repulsion between cationic particles. When
enough polymer has been added to cover about half the particle surface, there are still areas of
negative charge and attraction can thus occur between patches of the negatively-charged surface on
one particle and patches of positively-charged, polymer-covered surface on another. As in the case of
bridging (but to a much greater extent), there will be some contribution to flocculation by simple charge
neutralisation, but the dominant attractive force is the patch attraction. There are several types of
cationic polymer used for this type of particle aggregation in papermaking, eg polyethyleneimine,
polydadmacs and polyamines.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 275
An important characteristic of patch-type flocs is their ability to re-flocculate after they have been
broken down by shear. Patch-flocculated suspensions are disrupted at lower shear levels than bridged
flocs, but the still-present patches can re-associate to re-establish flocculation once the shear is
removed (see this figure for comparison of polyacrylamide versus polyethyleneimine). Thus, although
the flocculation produced by patch-type polymers is inherently weaker, the flocculating ability of the
non-retained particles in the whitewater can be re-harnessed on the next pass.
This is an abbreviation for polychlorinatedbiphenyls.
This is an abbreviation for precipitated calcium carbonate.
This is an abbreviation for pentachlorophenol.
This is a component of wood which is present mainly in the middle lamella and the primary cell wall. It
is a polymer largely of galacturonic acid, but with small amounts of other sugars such as arabinose
and rhamnose. Some of the galacturonic acid units are present as methyl esters, the proportion in this
form depending on the wood species. Hydrolysis of the methyl esters occurs under alkaline conditions
(such as in peroxide-bleaching of a mechanical pulp) leading to greater dissolution of pectin
substances with a strong anionic character (see data for spruce pulp) . These substances contribute to
anionic trash, but are precipitated by calcium ions. One possible treatment uses pectinase enzymes.
This is an abbreviation for polyethyleneimine.
Cl Cl
This chemical (formula at right) can be present in traditional chemical pulps
that have been bleached with high levels of chlorine gas, but not in ECF or Cl OH
TCF pulps. It used to be used as a preservative in some paper products, but
Cl Cl
this has been discontinued on environmental grounds due to high aquatic
These are monosaccharides having 5 carbon atoms, two being important in papermaking - arabinose
and xylose, which are both present in various hemi-celluloses.
This is an abbreviation for polyethyleneoxide.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 276
Peracetic acid
This material is a mixture of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide and can act as an oxidising agent with
the following half-cell reaction:
+ - o
CH3COOOH + 2H + 2e CH3COOH + H2O where EH (redox potential) = +1.06 volts
This is the term for a type of particle aggregation process caused by Brownian motion, but it is only
significant for particles below about 1 in size. The other type of particle aggregation process is
orthokinetic aggregation.
Periodic Table
This is the table of all the known chemical elements, which currently numbers 110. The originator of
the Table was the Russian chemist, Mendeleev, in 1872, at which time there was only 65 known
elements. As can be seen below, it is organised into vertical columns (the 18 groups of elements with
similar characteristics) and horizontal rows (the periods), which increase steadily in atomic number
(the value in each box, which is the number of protons in the nucleus and of electrons surrounding it)
and in atomic mass (not stated in the table, but equal to the number of protons and neutrons in the
nucleus). It is not the total number of electrons, but the number of valency electrons, that determines
the generic properties of an element and the group to which it belongs.
Groups 11 and 12
The elements in these two groups bear some superficial similarity to the elements in Group 1 and
2 in terms of their main valency, but are more complex due to the availability of the d electron
shells. Only one element features in any papermaking materials and this is copper, which is
present in some dyes.
Group 13
The decreasing metallic character across the table is evident in the wide range of covalent
compounds formed by aluminium, the group's second element and a common element in various
guises in papermaking. The lead element boron is only found in one form (borates) that may be
seen in papermaking systems, but this is not usually from direct addition.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 277
1 18
1 2
H He
2 13 14 15 16 17
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pa Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Group 14
This group best illustrates the changing metallic character down the Periodic Table as it goes from
the non-metallic carbon, the basis of organic chemistry, to the metallic lead. It also includes
silicon, which appears in several papermaking raw materials.
Group 15
The increasing acidity of the oxides across the table is very evident with the first element, nitrogen,
which plays an important role in many papermaking raw materials. In its covalent compounds, the
uncharged atom is trivalent, but the positively-charged nitrogen ion is isoelectronic with carbon
and can form 4 single bonds. This is invariably the source of cationicity in many papermaking
additives. The second element, phosphorous, is also present in several papermaking raw
Group 16
Whereas the ubiquitous oxygen only has a valency of 2, sulphur can utilise two 3d electron
3 2
orbitals to produce 6 sp d hybrid orbitals and thus increase its valency to 6 (as in SF 6). Both
elements, but particularly oxygen, are present in many papermaking materials and occur together
in sulphate and hydrosulphite ions.
This term refers to the ability of papers to retain their functional characteristics over time. It is mainly
used in relation to the loss of strength of papers (embrittlement) caused by the adverse effect of any
acidity in the paper on cellulose. This can be prevented by maintaining an alkalinity reserve of at least
2% calcium carbonate. Other properties of paper may change over time, two further examples being
the darkening of wood-containing papers exposed to light (brightness reversion) and the loss of sizing
(size reversion).
Permanent hardness
This is the fraction of any water hardness that is present as calcium or magnesium sulphate/chloride
and is classed as permanent as it cannot (unlike temporary hardness) be removed by boiling. It can be
removed by addition of soda ash:
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 2CaCO3 + Na2SO4
Both calcium and sulphate ions are generally undesirable in papermaking, although calcium ions can
be beneficial in certain circumstances.
This an alternative term for the porosity of paper.
This abbreviation stands for pressurised groundwood pulp or pulping process.
The pH of the papermaking system is an important variable that can have significant effects on many
facets of the process and paper quality.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Three papermaking pH domains can be identified (see diagram above for comparison with the pH in
other pulping processes):
acid papermaking (pH < 6)
neutral papermaking (pH 6-8)
alkaline papermaking (pH > 8).
The pH value is a measure of acidity or alkalinity and is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of
the hydrogen ion concentration:
pH = -log[H+] where [H+] is measured as molarity or, more strictly, as activity.
An alternative way of looking at this is: [H+] = 10
In an aqueous system, the ionisation of water defines the neutral point where the concentrations of
hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are equal. The ion product of water (K w) is defined as follows:
Kw = [H+][OH-])
o -14
At 25 C, Kw = 1 x 10 , ie pKw = 14 and pH = pOH = 7.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 279
As Kw changes with temperature, the neutral point changes from about pH 7.5 near water's freezing
point to pH 6.6 at 50 C. In systems where the pH isn't controlled, the operating pH is dependent on the
balance of acid inputs (eg many pulps) and alkaline inputs (eg calcium carbonate filler), mediated by
the natural buffer capacity of the fresh water which depends on its temporary bicarbonate hardness.
Shifts in pH can also occur due to microbiological activity, which generates acid species such as
carbon dioxide and, under anaerobic conditions, organic acids such as acetic acid. A shift in pH can
itself lead to changes in the microbial flora, a good example being the greater predominance of fungi
compared to bacteria in acid compared to neutral systems.
The pH of the papermaking stock is an important wet end parameter as it influences the ionisation of
certain groups and thus their charge character:
the charge on the particulate surface increases with raised pH generally leading to higher (more
negative) zeta potentials (see examples for bleached kraft pulp here, for fillers here, for the effect
of alum on pulp charge here and for the effect of rosin mobility here) and higher titratable charge
contents (see example for bleached Kraft pulp here and for a chemimechanical pulp here)
the charge of chemical additives changes in a similar way, anionic chemicals becoming more
anionic and some cationic chemicals less cationic as the pH is raised (see example here for the
effect on alum hydrolysis, here for the effect of pH on starch cationicity, here for the effect of pH
on AKD emulsion charge, here for an example of the effect of pH on starch retention and here for
the effect of pH on pitch ionisation).
The net effects of these changes determines the overall impact on system properties such as pulp
swelling, single pass retentions and the functionality of additives such as rosin. The pH of the paper
web during drying is also important for some papers, notably those sized with AKD, where high pH
aids curing (see this example). The pH may be specified for some paper products that are to be stored
for a long period (eg acid-free archival papers). Unless it has been subject to attack by acidic gases in
the atmosphere, the pH of the paper should be similar to that at the wet end when it was made, but
the precise value will depend on the measurement technique.
Wet end pH is easily measured manually by a calibrated glass electrode or on-line by a glass or an
antimony electrode. The glass electrode is normally kept free from accumulated debris by the use of
an ultrasonic cleaner and some commercial antimony electrodes use a rotating carborundum stone.
The pH of papers may be measured by a hot or cold extraction of the water-soluble substances and
pH measurement on the resulting solution or by contacting the electrode with the wetted paper
surface. These values will be different due to different chemical compositions and dilution levels.
This Group 15 element is not very common in papermaking materials, but it does occur in the
phosphate groups present in anionic and natural potato starches
polyphosphates used as release agents and scale inhibitors
organo-phosphorous compounds such as phosphonates and phosphonium salts used as scale
inhibitors and biocides.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 280
The phosphate group occurs in a number of guises, orthophosphate and polyphosphate being the
most common in papermaking. The simple orthophosphate anion (PO 4 in its fully ionised form) is
present in natural potato starches or synthesised starch phosphate esters, where it is attached to
carbon 6 as -H2C-O-PO3H2. The very different acidic character of the three hydrogen atoms in
orthophosphoric acid was described here.
There are various forms of polyphosphates, a basic sub-division being between the linear
polyphosphates themselves and the cyclic polymetaphosphates, the formulae of two common
examples being shown below.
O O- Na
Sodium P
Sodium O O
Na+ -O - P - O - P - O - P - O- Na+ trimetaphosphate
Na3P3O9 + +
Na+ O- O- Na+ O- Na+ Na O- P P O- Na
This is the term for those organo-phosphorous compounds where there is a P-C bond unlike the P-O-
C bond in organo-phosphates. They are used as anti-scalants, one example used in papermaking
being amino-tri-methylenephosphonic acid (ATMPA) which has the formula, N(CH 2PO3H2)3.
Physical chemistry
This is one of three main branches of chemistry and is formally defined as the study of the physical
changes associated with chemical reactions and the dependence of physical properties on chemical
composition. It has many sub-divisions, but the following are relevant to paper chemistry:
colloid chemistry, which is the chemistry of the interactions between very small particles and large
electrochemistry, which is concerned with the interconversion of electrical and chemical energy
kinetics, which is the study of the rates of chemical interactions
thermodynamics, which is the science of the different kinds of energy and the transformations
between them.
This term is used for the lifting or loss of fibres from the paper surface during pressing or paper drying.
It is caused by poor surface strength and bonding of fine particles. The term "linting" is used for the
similar effect of the loss of fibres or fillers from the paper surface during printing.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 281
This term has two somewhat different meanings in papermaking:
it may refer to any particulate substance used to modify the natural coloration of a paper or
it may refer to the white, largely mineral, materials used as the basis of normal aqueous coating.
The second definition of pigments include all the materials, that are also used as wet end fillers, but
also a few materials only used for coating. The main materials used as white coating pigments are:
kaolin clay, which is the dominant coating pigment globally, albeit less than it used to be
calcium carbonate, which is continually increasing its market share, particularly in Europe
talc, which, although third in the list, is well-behind clay and carbonates
titanium dioxide, a speciality pigment with the highest opacity
aluminium oxide, a speciality pigment with high absorption characteristics
aluminium hydroxide, a speciality pigment with flame retardant characteristics
satin white, a speciality pigment used to give very high gloss
barium sulphate, a speciality pigment used in photographic papers
calcium sulphate (gypsum), a speciality pigment with a growing market in LWC grades
plastic pigments, speciality pigments with much lower density than mineral pigments.
The pigment accounts for at least 80% of the coating solids by weight, but the pigment's volume
fraction is equally important to its role in the coating. The volume fraction depends on the packing
ability of the particles, which depends on a combination of their particle shape, particle size distribution
and anisometry. Because of their strong anisometric character, clays exhibit the lowest void volume.
Pimaric acid
This is one of the two groups of monocarboxylic acids that H3C COOH
comprise the resin acids, which is part of the extractives
fraction of wood. Some resin acids may, after pulping,
remain with the papermaking pulp as part of its pitch CH = CH2
CH = CH2
fraction. Pimaric acids are also one of the main
components of rosin size. There are only two acids in this Pimaric acid Isopimaric acid
group, which are distinguished from the abietic acids by
having methyl and vinyl groups (rather than an iso-propyl group) in the third ring. The two pimaric
acids are shown at right.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 282
This is a type of softwood tree, which is widely used to make mechanical and chemical pulps for
papermaking. Pine species tend to have a high extractives content, which has been quoted for Pinus
sylvestris as 2.5-5% of the dry wood, being composed of about 50% neutral substances (mainly fatty
acid esters), about 20% free fatty acids and about 30% resin acids.
Pine can contain very high levels of carboxyl groups from resin acids, but the total carboxyl content is
quoted at about 150 eq/g, of which only about one third (50 eq/g) is fully accessible to cation
exchange before hydrolysis and about two thirds (90 eq/g) after hydrolysis. The glucuronic acid
content is about 80 eq/g, ie about half of the total charge.
Pitch is one of various sets of problematic substances in papermaking, in this case their main problem
being one of deposition. Pitch is a generic term for a complex mixture of materials in virgin pulps,
which originate from the extractives fraction of the original wood. This contrasts with another type of
problematic substance, white pitch, which is associated with the recycling of coated papers.
Chemically, pitch is a mixture of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids/esters, resin acids and neutral
unsaponifiable compounds. Softwoods (particularly pines) have much higher levels of extractives than
do hardwoods. Despite the lower overall pitch levels in hardwoods such as birch, they contain more
unsaponifiable material, which is the fraction most difficult to treat chemically. With any wood species,
the severity of pitch problems depends on the logging season. Ageing of the wood encourages
enzymatic hydrolysis and oxidation reactions which improve the solubility of unsaponifiable pitch
components and hence their removal during pulping. This process is faster during summer months.
Ageing is more important for hardwoods as they contain higher levels of fatty acids in the form of
esters than do softwoods. This effect can be augmented by the addition of specific fungi to the wood
during storage in the woodyard.
Some of the pitch precursors are removed during the pulping/bleaching processes, but the nature and
quantity of pitch passing forward in the pulp to the paper machine depends critically on the nature of
the pulping process. As the extractives fraction has limited water solubility in its natural state,
mechanical pulps contain most of the pitch precursors that were present in the wood in a largely intact
form. In spruce TMPs, the galactoglucomannans remaining with the pulp help to stabilise the colloidal
pitch particles by a steric stabilisation mechanism, but this tends to break down when the pulp is
bleached so that the pitch can then be aggregated by electrolytes (see figure below at left).
The more severe physico-chemical conditions during chemical pulping may remove much of the pitch
precursors, but there are significant differences in pitch content between different types of chemical
pulp. In sulphite pulping processes, the fatty acid esters are hydrolysed to the free acids and glycerol,
but the acidic conditions allow no saponification so the pitch remains in a weakly anionic form (as
shown in the above figure at right). Unbleached sulphite pulps thus contain high pitch levels.
Bleaching of sulphite pulps should lower pitch levels through some saponification during the alkaline
extraction stages, but bleached sulphite pulps are not produced in large quantities today.
The alkaline conditions in Kraft pulping allow the hydrolysis of Pitch ionisation, %
fatty acid esters and saponification of fatty acids to their sodium 100
soaps, which then act as surfactants for dispersion of the neutral 75 Kraft
pitch components. However, the solubility of the fatty acids is
limited by the high ionic strength of the pulping liquor and by their
reaction with calcium ions to precipitate the calcium soap. 25 Ground
Calcium ions are abundant in the pulping liquor from their
presence in the wood. Even when the high pH of the pulping 2 6 10 14
liquor is reduced as the pulp is washed, the ionisation of the Kraft
Source: Allen, Tappi J.,
pulp pitch at neutral pH is sufficient to allow the reaction with 1988, 71, 1, 61-64.
calcium ions (see figure at right). The retention of the calcium
soap with the unbleached pulp increases with the calcium concentration as this destabilises the
colloidally dispersed soap particles, which initially have sizes of 0.1-0.2 microns.
The multi-stage bleaching of chemical pulps (particularly Kraft) is a very effective means of removing
residual pitch pre-cursors due to the alternating alkaline extraction stages. The disadvantage of
traditional chlorine bleaching of chemical pulps is that many substances are chlorinated and this
includes residual extractives. As the chlorinated extractives are less soluble in the alkaline extraction
stages than unchlorinated extractives, the use of ECF bleaching, in which chlorination reactions are
minimised, facilitates removal of extractives from the unbleached pulp.
The impact of residual extractives on pitch problems in papermaking depends not only on their content
in the pulp, but also on their chemistry. From a quantitative angle, mechanical and unbleached
sulphite pulps head the list, but Kraft pulps are not without their problems due to the ionisation pattern
of the residual substances. As seen in the two figures above, the pitch-forming substances in Kraft
pulps ionise at a much lower pH (in the acid/neutral region most common on paper machines), which
means that colloidal pitch particles can be easily precipitated by calcium ions. Such problems are
exacerbated by differences in pH, for example between the stock and shower waters, which can lead
to pitch deposition on wires/felts. In mechanical pulps, some of the pitch remains within the fibre cell
wall and is only released to become a potential problem when adequate hydrodynamic shear forces
are present on the paper machine. The released pitch particles can then aggregate aided by chemical
changes induced by pH shifts and the presence of certain cations such as calcium.
Pitch problems can be controlled using the same hierarchy of techniques summarised generally for all
deposit-forming substances. In terms of pitch problems, these are:
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of pitch and their precursors
This technique is feasible for pitch in virgin pulps and pitch specifications are already used for
market pulps such as bleached Kraft.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 284
- addition of dispersants to keep the pitch particles apart in the liquid phase.
This approach has been used successfully to control moderate pitch problems, but suffers from
the major disadvantage that it allows the pitch to build-up in the system and this may cause other
problems (eg foaming) on machines with very closed water systems.
pK value
This is the negative logarithm (base 10) of the equilibrium constant.
This is a speciality board grade, which is made on multi-ply machines usually from a 100% recycled
pulp furnish. The chemistry of these machines bears some resemblance to that of machines making
linerboard and fluting due to the similarity of the pulp furnish and the fairly high degree of water
closure. However, one difference is the wet end sizing chemistry, which is usually based on ASA
rather than rosin or AKD.
Plastic pigments
This term includes a small number of materials that, like mineral pigments/fillers, are used for their
opacifying characteristics. They have the added characteristic of being much lighter than minerals and
thus not increasing the paper's density. They include urea-formaldehyde and polystyrene pigments
-1 2
This is the unit of viscosity, which has the units of 10 Newton.second/m , which is identical to
-1 -1
10 kg/second.m and 10 Pa.second.
These are the most widely used conventional polymeric retention and drainage
- CH2 - CH - aids as they can be easily produced with a range of molecular weights and
charge character. Polyacrylamide itself is essentially nonionic as can be seen
from its formula at left and is rarely used as a retention aid in this form.
n However, acrylamide can be co-polymerised with other monomers or the
polymer hydrolysed to produce a range of anionic polymers (such as when co-
polymerised with acrylic acid) or cationic polymers (such as when polymerised with N, N, N-
trimethylaminoethyl methacrylate as shown at right). The polyacrylamides
used as retention aids are low-moderate charge polyelectrolytes of CH3
medium-high molecular mass (5-20M Daltons). Polyacrylamides are also - CH2 - CH -
used as dry strength additives, but their molecular weight is much lower
(usually < 1M Daltons). They are widely available as powders or water-in- -
O Cl n
oil emulsions with a 25-50% solids content. Polyacrylamides can also
be reacted with glyoxal to form derivatives used primarily as wet strength CH2 - CH2 - N (CH3) 3
agents. The polyacrylates are also used in their own right as dispersants.
The charge character of polyacrylamides can be defined either in terms of the degree of substitution
(DS), which is usually expressed on a molar basis as the % charged monomer content or by the actual
charge, expressed as equivalents per unit mass. Cationic polyacrylamides contain 20-70% charged
monomer units with an overall charge density of 1-4 meq/g. The charge character of most commercial
cationic polyacrylamides is independent of pH, as the cationic monomers usually contain quaternary
nitrogens (as shown in the example above). Anionic polyacrylamides cover a comparable charge
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 286
range, but their charge becomes more negative as the pH is raised due to ionisation of the carboxyl
groups (see the following examples of anionic polyacrylamides - here for improving fines and AKD
size retention, here for its reflocculation abilities in a dual system with PEI and here for its use as a
retention aid with TiO2).
In their conventional form, polyacrylamides are linear polymer chains in which the molecular extension
in solution is strongly influenced by the polymer’s charge density and the solution’s electrolyte content.
The actual chain extension is considerably less than the theoretical length of the polyacrylamide chain,
which, for a 10M Dalton polymer, would be about 40m. The polyacrylamide’s molecular mass affects
its adsorption for the reasons given generally under
polymer, but the particularly high chain length of Cationic PAM adsorption (%)
100 Bleached Kraft pulp
polyacrylamides is important in terms of the surface PAM DS
accessibility factor. The illustration of this shows the 75
substantial reduction in adsorption with increasing 8%
molecular mass up to 10M Daltons. 15%
25 28%
Because of their effect on polymer conformation,
0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
electrolytes have a significant impact on polyacrylamide 10 10 10 10 10 1
NaCl concentration (M)
adsorption as shown in two figures shown below. The
first figure (at right) shows increasing initial adsorption Source: Lindstrom and Wagberg,
as the NaCl concentration rises from a low level; this is Tappi J., 1988, 66, 83.
Despite such effects, polyacrylamides have adequate molecular extension to function as bridging
polymers under most papermaking conditions. As such, they generate stronger flocs than other single
chemical treatments, but not as strong as those from dual component retention aid systems (see this
figure). Despite these flocs being strong, they have limited ability to re-form (re-flocculate) once they
are broken down at high shear.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 287
This is illustrated in the example shown here at MCC floc diameter, pH5 and 1mM NaCl (μm)
right for three polyacrylamides of the same 300 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000
molecular mass (4M) but with varying cationicity DDJ stirrer speed (rpm)
In most applications as retention/drainage aids, conventional polyacrylamides are being used as part
of multi-component systems, such as:
with bentonite in Ciba's Hydrocol system
with colloidal silica in variants of the original Compozil system from Eka Chemicals
with other polymers like cationic starch or low molecular weight, highly cationic polymers such as
PEI (see example of effect on water removal under pressing).
Such systems are widely used for many paper grades, even those with a high level of anionic trash in
the furnish, provided that this is pre-neutralised first. With the exception of the approach adopted in the
Hydrocol system, polyacrylamides are normally added just after the pressure screen and before the
flowbox in order to avoid the higher upstream shear levels. The doses of polyacrylamides vary from as
low as 0.1 up to about 1 kg/tonne paper. Doses for the lower molecular weight polyacrylamides used
as dry strength additives are higher at 2-5 kg/tonne paper. High levels of dilution water are often used
to lower the viscosity of the polymer solution and facilitate mixing with the papermaking stock and this
aspect is discussed further under dosing.
The most recent development in polyacrylamide chemistry is the branched polymers (termed micro-
polymers), which are being used in a similar manner to inorganic micro-particles such as bentonite
and colloidal silica. These were originally developed by Cytec, but the products are now being
developed further and marketed by Ciba. They are made by micro-emulsion technology from acrylic
acid/acrylamide with bismethylene-acrylamide as a cross-linking agent to give an anionic product that
has "particulate" character at its core, but with an outer layer of (anionic) polymer strands extending
out into the bulk solution (referred to as a "corona" structure). An important variable is the level of
cross-linking agent, which can give products with different core characteristics. The optimum
molecular conformation aims to permit a greater range of interactions with the pre-added cationic or
anionic polyacrylamide (the second component) because of the flexibility of the outer polymer strands
(compared to the rigidity of inorganic micro-particles). From light-scattering data, the dimensions of the
micro-polymers are 300-400nm as a hydrodynamic diameter with molecular masses from about 20M
to >100M Daltons.
Initial development of these micro-polymers focused on improving the formation quality of filled fine
papers, whilst maintaining an existing level of filler/fines retention and drainage, but current generation
products now enhance all three parameters concurrently. Data from various machines give speed
improvements (ie better drainage) of around 0.5-5% (depending on grammage), much better filler SPR
(+10 to +30%) leading to less 2-sidedness plus formation improvements. The micro-polymer has also
been shown to work well in the presence of cationic starch and be less sensitive to different starch
chemistries than colloidal silica. Micro-polymer doses are around
Filler SPR (%)
0.2 kg/tonne and it was reported that micro-polymer technology 100
CPAM + micro-polymer
was being used to make 5M tonne of paper world-wide in 1999. 75
Data from trial work comparing the micro-polymer with bentonite CPAM +
50 bentonite
on a pilot paper machine is shown below for a 70:30 bleached
hardwood/softwood Kraft furnish with added PCC and ASA size.
The micro-polymer system was able to maintain high filler SPR 0
-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30
(75-80%) even at 35% retained filler in the paper despite a Zeta potential (mV)
substantial change in zeta potential (see figure at right). Source: Honig, D et al in
Formation quality of the paper was consistently better at the Proceedings Tappi Papermakers
Conference, 1999, 161-171.
same drainage and retention levels for the micro-polymer system.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 289
Overall, the doses (around 0.15 kg/tonne for the micro-polymer) and system characteristics were
claimed to be much more stable for the micro-polymer system.
These are polymers of acrylic acid and are used in papermaking as dispersants, most commonly in
the preparation of mineral pigments that are supplied in a slurry form. The use of dispersants enables
the slurry to be prepared at a pumpable high solids content (eg 70%), which is essential in the
production of coating formulations. The acrylic acid monomer is also used to prepare anionic
polyacrylamides by co-polymerisation with acrylamide. Polyacrylates possess a very high anionic
charge density (about 14 meq/g) under alkaline conditions, but this is lost at acid pH due to conversion
to the unionised acid form. When these polymers are present at the wet end (due to the recycling of
coated broke or sometimes due to the use of wet end fillers in a slurry form), the highly anionic
polymer becomes part of the anionic trash fraction that interferes with the performance of cationic
additives. As the polyacrylate dose may be up to about 0.4% on pigment, the anionic charge present
corresponds to about 0.05 meq/g pigment solids which is comparable with the anionic charge content
of bleached Kraft pulps.
The charge of the aluminium species produced increases with basicity, but the charge per Al atom
decreases, an extreme example being the polymer Al13O4(OH)24(H2O)24 . This is a highly charged
complex in which the charge on the Al atom is only about +0.5 (compared to +3 in the chloride). These
polymers can be relatively large molecules with chain lengths up to about 20nm. Sulphate ions are
sometimes added to these products in order to lower their cationicity. It has generally been found that
less cationic PACs of lower basicity (30-50%) are best for sizing with rosin, whilst the more cationic
PACs of high basicity are best for charge neutralisation (see this example of the use of PAC for
neutralisation of anionic trash). PACs are also used in papermaking systems with high electrolyte
levels to aid the retention of anionic starch.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 290
Polyaluminium silico-sulphate
This form of pre-polymerised aluminium compound was developed in Canada as an alternative to
alum and PAC. It has some similarities with PAC in terms of more stable cationic character and low
acidity and has the possible advantage of introducing no chloride ions into the process.
PAE resins are made from a dicarboxylic acid (such as adipic) and a triamine to yield an
aminopolyamide, which then undergoes a series of reactions with epichlorhydrin to generate a partly-
polymerised (B-stage) resin (see figure below). The B-stage resin is water-soluble and is moderately
cationic due to the quaternary nitrogens in the azetidinium groups and the tertiary nitrogens in the
unconverted aminochlorhydrin groups. The cationic charge density depends on the balance of these
two units with a maximum value of about 9 meq/g PAE solids for aminochlorhydrin groups under acid
conditions or for azetidinium groups at any pH. The azetidinium groups in the resin are the active
components, which, at the elevated temperatures within the machine drying section, react with amino
groups on other molecules to form a highly cross-linked structure (the C-stage resin) surrounding the
fibres in the sheet. There is not thought to be any reaction between PAE resins and cellulose
hydroxyls, but they can react, albeit slowly, with water to form non-reactive diols.
+ H2N(CH2)2NH(CH2)2NH2
HO - C - (CH2)4 - C - OH
Adipic acid
HO C - (CH2)4 - C - N(CH2)2N(CH2)2N H
Water-soluble polyamide
H2C - CH - CH2Cl
+ + +
NH2 -
CH2Cl OH CH2Cl CH2Cl n
azetidinium aminochlorhydrin
group group
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 291
Despite some conflicting evidence, PAE resins do seem to have the potential to react with any
available carboxyl groups to form an ester linkage via the azetidinium hydroxyl. This is certainly in line
with practical observations where wet strength increases with a pulp's natural carboxyl content (ie
higher with unbleached than bleached Kraft pulps) or where a pulp is firstly carboxymethylated. This
ability to react with carboxyl groups is made practical use of in the application of
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) or other carboxyl-containing polymers (eg anionic polyacrylamides)
with PAE resins, particularly where high doses are required to give maximum wet strength with
bleached chemical pulps.
With such pulps, the adsorption of PAE resins is limited by the pulp's low anionicity, but the pre-
addition of CMC reduces the resin's cationicity thus allowing more resin to be adsorbed before
neutralising the pulp's charge. The optimum CMC dose depends on its anionic character, but is
typically 50-100% of the PAE resin dose. The order of addition of CMC and resin does not appear to
be critical. PAE resins alone have a small enhancing effect on dry strength, but their use with CMC
allows a more significant increase in dry as well as wet strength. This use of CMC with PAE resins is
akin to the use of cationic starches of lower cationicity as the starch dose is increased, as this option is
not available for additives of fixed chemistry.
As with all water-soluble additives, the overall performance of PAE resins is dependent on their initial
adsorption, which determines their single pass retention and then on converting the retained resin into
an effective form for contributing wet strength. The factors affecting adsorption of PAE resins are
similar to those for other cationic additives (eg cationic starch), but, as the PAE resins are substantially
more cationic, they have an even stronger adsorption tendency, particularly on the fines fraction. Pulp
refining can enhance resin efficiency by providing a greater surface area for adsorption, but this is only
beneficial above a certain resin dose. Refining is often undesirable for some wet strength grades (due
to adverse effects on softness and bulk) so this technique is not always available and resin adsorption
has to rely on the natural fines in the pulp(s). For applications where low resin doses are possible (ie
low wet strength specification in the paper), prior addition of a low molar mass cationic polymer can
saturate the fines and neutralise any anionic interferants present, thus allowing the wet strength resin
to be adsorbed on the well-retained fibre fraction.
Breaking length, wet (km) Anionic trash is generally undesirable as it reduces
the cationicity of the resin, but, as noted above for
CMC addition, this can sometimes be beneficial to
0.5 resin performance. In practice (at least for the
dominant wet strength grades such as towel), anionic
Humic acid trash should be naturally low (in bleached Kraft pulps)
0 or potentially low due to efficient upstream washing
0 1 2 3
Anionic trash (% on fibre) (with deinked pulps). The potential adverse effect of
Reference: Linhart "Wet strength resins"
two forms of anionic trash are shown in the figure at
in Chapter 7 "Applications of wet left (although neither should be present at such levels
end chemistry", Blackie, 1995. on most machines using wet strength agents).
Dissolved electrolytes, particularly multi-valent cations, can also impair resin adsorption. In the data
shown below, 27 g/m handsheets were made with a PAE resin having a cationic charge density of
about 3 meq/g resin solids. At low electrolyte levels, the maximum resin adsorption corresponded to
the anionic (carboxyl) content of the bleached softwood Kraft pulp (35 meq/kg). Whereas the
increased sodium chloride concentration has a neutral or marginally beneficial effect on adsorption of
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 292
this PAE resin, the increase in calcium concentration impaired resin adsorption significantly. However,
both salts had an adverse effect on paper wet strength and this was attributed to changes in the
amount of resin exchanged with cations (which decreased at high electrolyte levels for both salts) as
well as changes in the amount of total resin adsorbed. This change in calcium concentrations is quite
typical of possible changes in real papermaking systems, but sodium concentrations are unlikely to
change to this degree (see this example for UF resin). Alum would not normally be present in wet
strength grades, but PAE resins can tolerate the normal levels used for sizing with rosin.
5 5
0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Resin dose (mg/g pulp) Resin dose (mg/g pulp)
Reference: Ampulski and Neal in Nordic Pulp Paper J., 1989, 2, 155-163.
Once retained, the cure rate of PAE resins is slower than for UF/MF resins and is not influenced by pH
over the normal range of pH 4-8, although resin adsorption does increase with raised pH (due to
increased particulate charge). As shown in the figure below, sheet temperature has a significant
influence on the cure of PAE resins, but on-machine cure is at best about 50% of the ultimate cure,
which can take up to 2 weeks to achieve depending on storage temperature.
Once fully cured, recovered paper/broke containing PAE resins is very difficult to repulp due to the
permanent nature of the wet strength effect. Fresh (ie not fully-cured) broke can be repulped with hot
water (80 C) or at high (pH > 11) with alkali (sodium hydroxide or carbonate). Aged (ie fully-cured)
broke requires more stringent conditions, which has traditionally used sodium hypochlorite (1-2% on
product) at slightly acid to neutral pH (6-7), but this has the (environmental) disadvantage of being
Tensile strength , wet (kN/m) chlorine-based. A non-chlorine (but more expensive)
2 Temperature, oC alternative is sodium monopersulphate. In view of the
105 90 sensitivity of PAE resins to residual chlorine, the
60 repulped broke should be treated before re-use with a
reducing agent such as sodium sulphite to destroy any
excess chlorine.
0 Another reason for not using hypochlorite for broke
0 2 4 6 8
Cure time (hours) repulping is the concern about producing
Reference: Thielez and Anderson in "Chemistry of organochlorine compounds. This concern also impacts
Neutral Papermaking" Pira Conference , 1987.
on the resin itself, as, due to the presence of
chlorhydrin groups, uncured PAE resins are determined as part of the organochlorine fraction in the
standard test for AOX (adsorbable organo-halogens). The fully-cured resin eliminates the attached
chlorine as inorganic chloride. Reaction of epichlorhydrin with the aminopolyamide also generates
specific chlorinated compounds such as dichloropropanol (DCP) and chloropropanediol (CPD). Levels
of these two undesirable chemicals in commercial resins were around 1% and 0.5% respectively
during the 1980s (in products at 12.5% solids content), but have been progressively reduced since
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 293
that time. Today, a range of PAE resins are commercially available containing less than 0.1%
DCP+CPD and at best as low as 0.0001% (1 ppm) DCP and 0.0005% (5 ppm) CPD. The cleanest
products are produced using a final bacteriological treatment which dechlorinates the residual
chlorinated organics. The driving forces for these changes have been a combination of pressures on
product labelling, concerns about occupational health and the need to reduce AOX levels in mill
wastewaters and the organochlorine content of papers.
PAE resins are supplied at a solids content of 12.5-40% and have an acid pH (3-6) in order to
minimise the ongoing polymerisation reactions. Addition rates are up to about 1% resin solids on pulp
with the resin normally being added to the thick stock, sometimes after dilution to about 1% solids
content in order to improve mixing and distribution. Where needed, CMC (or other anionic promoters)
can be added either before or after the resin. Other anionic additives (eg dyes or brighteners) should
be added well away from the resin addition point. Foam can sometimes be associated with use of PAE
resins, particularly when used on rosin-sized grades, but this is usually caused by excessive use or
poor adsorption/retention and should thus, at least in the first instance, be tackled at source rather
than by addition of (more) foam control chemicals.
Polyamines are a generic group of polymers made by a
condensation reaction between alkylamines (eg dimethylamine) and CH3 Cl
Polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs)
These substances (formula at right) were used up to the 1970s as solvents in
the coatings applied to carbonless-copy papers. This was stopped on
environmental grounds in the early 1970s, but PCB residues at the ppm level
can still be detected in mixed recovered papers.
Polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride
Polydadmacs (general formula shown at right) are made by
CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2
polymerising diallyldimethylammonium chloride. They have a
similar molecular weight range to the polyamines and are also
+ -
fully cationised over the whole pH range with a charge of about 6 N Cl
meq/g. As the molecular weight of these polymers is not high CH3 CH3 n
(<1M Daltons), commercial products are usually available as
solutions having a solids content of about 20-40%.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 294
This is the name for polymers that possess a charge on the polymer backbone with associated
+ -
counter ions of opposite charge. The counter ions tend to be small cations (Na ) or anions (Cl ), which
contribute to the solution conductivity, but the charged polymer chains are too large and immobile for
this. The term "polyelectrolyte titration" is synonymous with colloid titration. There are many
polyelectrolytes used as paper additives in the two possible forms of anionic polyelectrolytes and
cationic polyelectrolytes.
This material (see formula at right) is not common in papermaking systems,
– [CH2 – CH2]n –
except perhaps during stock preparation on machines making recycled grades
(as part of the rejects). However, it is used for coating of photographic base
papers, as a barrier coating for liquid packaging papers and in the form of a nonionic emulsion as a
coating lubricant.
These chemicals are discussed under glycols.
Polyethyleneimine (PEI)
These polymers are probably the second most widely-used retention and drainage aids after
polyacrylamides, but they also been used (although very little today) as a wet strength agent.
Polyethyleneimines are manufactured from ethyleneimine (aziridine) by an acid-catalysed chain
reaction. The resultant polymer has a branched structure containing about 25% primary, 50%
secondary and 25% tertiary nitrogens as shown below in its nonionic form:
Tertiary N
H2 C -- CH2- Secondary N - CH2 Primary N
PEI has a high cationic charge density (about 23 meq/g) under acid conditions (pH 3) when all the
nitrogens are protonated. As the pH is raised, the nitrogen atoms progressively lose their protons,
commencing with the tertiary nitrogens and finally the primary nitrogens at about pH 9. Under alkaline
conditions at about pH 10, PEI is effectively uncharged. Its maximum chain length is constrained by its
branched structure, which could lead to gel formation at very high molecular masses, so commercial
products are available up to only about 1M Daltons. PEI is a compact, spherical molecule with a
solution diameter for a 600k molecular weight polymer of about 125 nm, increasing to about 600 nm
on adsorption. Modified PEIs are available by co-polymerisation (eg with polyacrylamide) and cross-
linking to extend their chain length, but this reduces their cationic charge. Commercially-available
modified PEIs have a cationic charge density of about 6 meq/g. PEIs are sold as alkaline solutions
containing 30-50% polymer. A somewhat similar chemistry is represented by the dendrimers based on
The high charge and moderate molecular mass mean that PEI functions as a flocculant by a
combination of charge neutralisation and patch attraction. As shown in this figure, the performance of
PEI alone is adversely affected by shear, but its performance is much less affected by shear when it is
combined with a second component such as a polyacrylamide. In one such full-scale example, the
single pass filler retention in a mechanical pulp furnish increased from 38% with a cationic
polyacrylamide dose of 0.3 kg/tonne to 47% when using a PEI dose of 0.6 kg/tonne with a much
reduced polyacrylamide dose of 0.07 kg/tonne. An important characteristic of polymers functioning by
a charge-patch mechanism is that, despite their relatively poor floc strength, the flocs do have the
ability to reform (ie to reflocculate) once the high shear is reduced. This is illustrated in this example
comparing PEI with polyacrylamide.
Data on the shear resistance and reflocculation ability of polyethyleneimine with an anionic
polyacrylamide is shown in the two figures below for micro-crystalline cellulose (MCC) (see figure here
for effect with various polyacrylamides on their own). The modified PEI had a cationic charge of 7
meq/g at pH 5 and the anionic polyacrylamide (molecular mass 3M Daltons) had a negative charge of
about 2 meq/g (corresponding to a DS of 0.16). In this work, the shear is cycled between two levels by
varying the impeller speed in a DDJ.
MCC floc diameter, pH5 and 1mM NaCl (μm) MCC floc diameter, pH5 and 1mM NaCl (μm)
300 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 300 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000
DDJ stirrer speed (rpm) DDJ stirrer speed (rpm)
200 2 mg/g PEI APAM, mg/g 0.2 200 2
0.2 mg/g APAM
added first added first
0.15 PEI, mg/g
100 100 1.5
0.05 1
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Time after chemical addition (sec) Time after chemical addition (sec)
In the first experiment (left-hand figure), the PEI is added first, but little flocculation of the micro-
crystalline cellulose (MCC) is achieved until the polyacrylamide dose exceeds 0.1 mg/g. From
separate experiments, it was evident that the PEI at this dose was not fully adsorbed and that some of
the interaction of the anionic polyacrylamide was with dissolved PEI and it is known that this polymer
complex does have some flocculating ability. When the order of addition was reversed (right-hand
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 296
figure above), a high level of flocculation is still achieved, but quite a high dose of PEI (above 1 mg/g)
is required. These graphs are quite different in shape to those for a cationic polyacrylamide with
colloidal silica (see here) or with bentonite (see here). The progressive improvement in flocculation
suggests some sort of sequential reconformation of the interacting polymers that leads to improved
Filler DDJ retention (%) Filler DDJ retention (%)
100 Lignosulphonate lignin 100 Kraft lignin
75 75
50 50
25 CaCO3 25
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Added lignin (mg/g fibre) Added lignin (mg/g fibre)
As a highly cationic polymer, PEI has a strong interaction with anionic trash, leading to some loss of
performance as the level of such substances increases. This is illustrated above for a mechanical pulp
furnish at a PEI dose of 0.5 kg/tonne fibre. However, this interaction is potentially beneficial as it would
allow other cationic additives to function more effectively. The performance of PEI is also susceptible
to the presence of residual silicate in deinked pulps (see this example for a newsprint furnish). PEI can
be used in this charge neutralising role as well as a patch-type flocculant. Modified PEI can also be an
effective treatment for white pitch, as shown in this example. The ability of PEI to enhance water
removal during both the drainage and pressing stages is shown here. The doses of PEI depend on the
system chemistry, particularly the level of anionic trash, but would not normally exceed about 1
kg/tonne paper.
Polyethyleneoxide (PEO)
These are nonionic polymers of high molecular weight (5-7M for the grades used as retention aids)
with a simple linear structure of ( - O - CH2 - CH2 - ) repeating units. When uncoiled, the chain length
can extend to about 50m. Despite their nonionic charge, they can still interact with surfaces through
hydrogen bonds or van der Waals forces. PEO and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are synonymous
names, the only difference being that PEG seems to be used for the lower molecular mass liquid
products whilst PEO is used for the high molecular weight solids.
The original use of PEO as a retention aid was for wood-containing papers, notably newsprint mills,
which often have difficulty in using cationic polyelectrolytes due to the presence of anionic trash. More
recently, PEO has begun to be used at mills using recovered paper and the use of so-called “comb”
co-polymers of PEO with polyacrylamide has begun to be explored. PEO is available commercially
only in solid form as the solutions are both very viscous and prone to degradation.
PEO can be effective alone, but only in the presence of materials that are naturally present in some
pulps, eg modified lignins. If these materials are not present naturally, they have to be added as a so-
called co-factor, the most common being phenol-formaldehyde resin. The interaction between fibre,
the PEO and the resin or lignin appears to be via hydrogen bonds between the PEO oxygen and the
phenolic and cellulosic hydroxyl groups to form a complex 3-dimensional network.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 297
The figures below show some results for PEO systems with a thermomechanical pulp using a dynamic
drainage jar. The figure at left indicates that neither PEO or the resin has any affect on their own and
the figure at right indicates that it is essential to add the resin prior to the PEO for the best
DDJ retention (%) DDJ retention (%)
70 PFR + PEO 70 PFR + PEO
60 60
50 PEO 50
40 PFR 40
30 30
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 PEO 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 PEO
0 1 2 3 4 PFR 0 1 2 3 4 PFR
Dose (kg/tonne) Dose (kg/tonne)
These chemicals are a fairly recent development for use as wet strength agents.
These are chemicals that consist of a long chain of units linked by covalent bonds. They can be
classified in terms of various attributes of the polymer chain:
the structure of the polymer chains, there being two main types:
- linear polymers such as the amylose fraction of starch or
conventional polyacrylamides
- branched polymers, but with different levels of
branching such as the simple pendant structures (comb
polymers) exemplified by some of the natural polymers
(glucuronoxylans, arabinoglucuronoxylans, guar gum),
the multiple branching in polymers such as the
amylopectin starch fraction and polyethyleneimine)
and the tree-like branching in the dendrimers.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 298
The behaviour of water-soluble polymers in aqueous solution is complex and not fully understood.
Once dissolved (a process that is not always easy), the conformation of the polymers chains is highly
variable and dependent on a number of factors. The chains are flexible due to rotation about carbon-
carbon and other bonds and due to the influence of thermal energy on individual segments of the
polymer chain. The whole molecule is continually changing its conformation in a fairly random manner.
An important variable is the relative interaction between the polymer and water and between
segments of the polymer chain. A decrease in water solubility (eg by reducing the temperature) leads
to a more coiled, compact conformation ultimately leading to precipitation. The most common
parameter for expressing the polymer size is its radius of gyration.
Any polymer deliberately added to the wet end is usually intended to be retained in the paper and
therefore must be effectively adsorbed on particle surfaces. Due to its chain length and/or charge
characteristics, it is likely that the adsorbed polymer will affect the state of particle aggregation
although this may (eg retention aids) or may not (eg wet strength resins) be the intention. The mode of
polymer adsorption on the particle surface dictates the
type of aggregation that may be achieved. This
adsorption mode is dependent on the concentrations
Tail Trains
and physico-chemical characteristics of the polymer and
the surface and on the hydrodynamic conditions during
mixing. Each polymer molecule has a large number of
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 299
potential adsorption points on the particle surface leading to the "loop and train" adsorption patterns
shown at right. The mechanism of the particle-polymer interaction can be electrostatic, hydrophobic or
hydrogen bonding.
The adsorption process starts from a point of single contact and then proceeds to establish further
contact points with the final outcome being determined by the attraction between the particle and the
surface under the particular mixing conditions employed. Generally, the polymer conformation
becomes flatter over time with fewer loops and more trains. This effect has been demonstrated for the
case of a low cationicity polyacrylamide, where less than 10% of the cationic groups were initially
bound to the fibre surface, but this increased to 80% after further mixing for 1 hour. By contrast, the
adsorption of a lower molecular weight, more highly-cationic polymer changed little with time, reflecting
the much stronger initial electrostatic attraction between this polymer and the negative surface.
The effect of polymer molecular mass is less easily predictable as it depends on the accessibility of
the substrate’s surface to the polymer. For a “hard” surface such as that of most mineral fillers (eg one
having no internal voids or pores), adsorption tends to increase with molecular weight (notably at low
charge densities) due to the increased size of loops and, with less hydrophilic polymers, due to
decreased water solubility. However, in the case of a "soft" surface such as cellulose (eg one that
does have internal voids or pores), the internal fibre surfaces can only be accessed by low molecular
Adsorbed polymer, mg/g weight polymers, leading to a reduction in adsorption with
30 increasing molecular weight (see illustration at left for a
MW 25k
cationic polyacrylamide on a bleached chemical pulp).
MW 500k Because adsorbed polymers change the surface
10 MW 10M properties of the particle, the state of aggregation of the
Cationic polyacrylamide particulate material usually changes. Polymer adsorption
0 can lead to particle aggregation by one of two possible
0 200 400 600
Equilibrium concentration (mg/l) mechanisms - inter-particle bridging or patch attraction,
although more complex mechanisms may be operative
Source: Wagberg in Nordic Pulp Paper
Research J, 2000, 15, 5, 586-597. when other materials are present, eg as part of multi-
component retention aid systems.
In real papermaking systems, it is often difficult to be precise about the prevailing aggregation
mechanism due to the range of materials present, some well characterised and some not. Materials
added for purposes other than aggregation (eg wet strength resins, which are normally low molecular
weight cationic polymers) play a part in determining the extent of particle aggregation and influence
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 300
the selection of any retention aid polymer (particularly its charge characteristics) added later. Polymers
may also be deliberately used in combination to harness different flocculation mechanisms at the
same time, eg the addition of a charge-neutralising or patch-type polymer such as polyethyleneimine
followed by a bridging polyacrylamide or the various micro-particle systems.
Although added polymers are intended to adsorb on the particulate substrate, they may be prevented
from doing so by interactions with other substances (usually other polymers) in solution. This type of
interaction is discussed under anionic trash. This polymer-polymer interaction is similar to that used in
the measurement technique variously known as polyelectrolyte titration, polymer titration or colloid
titration, which is used to quantify the charge density of polymers or certain types of charges in the
papermaking system.
These chemicals are discussed under glycols.
These are carbohydrates that give a large number of monosaccharide units on hydrolysis, the most
important polysaccharides in papermaking being cellulose, the hemi-celluoses and starches.
Polysaccharides are also present in bacteria as an extra-cellular polymer, which allows them to form
microbial flocs and slime deposits.
These polymers are mainly used for surface sizing, although they can be used at the wet end. Their
chemistry is based on the reaction between a di-alcohol (glycol) and a di-isocyanate, as shown below.
The di-alcohol could be glycerine mono-stearate, the long alkyl chain conferring considerable
hydrophobic character on the molecule. Anionic or cationic chain extenders introduce carboxyl or
positively-charged nitrogen groups into the polymer chain to give the optimum charge to suit different
size press conditions (pH, electrolyte levels, charge balances and compatibility with other chemicals).
Polyurethane sizes are supplied as colloidal dispersions with a particle size around 10 nm. Full sizing
requires the hydrophobic groups to orient themselves away from the paper surface and this takes
place at the elevated temperatures in the dryers following the size press.
useful for giving open, porous coatings with excellent resistance to blistering, but at the expense of
lower binding power compared to SB or SA latices. Due to some hydrolysis to PVOH, they can interact
via hydrogen bonds with clay surfaces and therefore affect the viscosity of coating mixes more than
SA/SB latices. It has been found that co-polymerisation with ethylene maintains the high porosity, but
also enhances the binding power. These binders are mainly used in the coating of packaging boards
due to their good glueability with water-based adhesives.
polyvinylamines are made by the polymerisation of vinylformamide
to give a range of polymers with molecular masses from 30k to 5M NH3 NH NH2 NH
Daltons. This nonionic polymer is then partially hydrolysed to give Cl
polyvinylamines of varying degrees of cationicity up to a maximum
of about 15 meq/g (see formula at right for an indication of the structures involved). As the nitrogen in
the amine group is not quaternary, the actual polymer charge density is influenced by the pH as well
as by the degree of hydrolysis. Because of this range of chain length and charge density,
polyvinylamines could function as retention aids (high molecular mass, low charge) or charge-
neutralising agents for anionic trash (low molecular mass, high charge).
Polvinylpyrrolidone HC = CH2
This polymer (formula of monomer at right) is used as a coating plasticiser and has
been tested for its ability to stop brightness reversion in mechanical pulps.
This term has two quite different meanings in papermaking:
the porosity of papers (sometimes also called permeability) refers to the ease of passage of a gas
or liquid through the sheet and is an important characteristic for grades such as filter papers and
cigarette papers.
the porosity of fibres usually refers to the ability of soluble macro-molecules to penetrate into the
pores of the cellulosic matrix (see accessibility), which is dependent on the size of both the
penetrating molecules and the pores themselves, the latter being largely determined by the extent
of fibre swelling.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 302
As well as being relevant to the end-use properties of some papers, the porosity of the paper web is
also relevant to the penetration of surface-applied materials into the base sheet. Porosity is usually
measured by the same equipment used to measure paper smoothness (eg Bendtsen, Gurley testers),
but with the backing layer (that prevents air passing through the paper) removed.
Paper porosity depends on the particle size distribution of the sheet components and how they are
arranged in the sheet. As fine particles fill in the gaps between fibres, the addition of fillers and the
refining of pulps both have a negative effect on porosity. Sealing the paper surface chemically by
adding a film-forming chemical such as starch at the size press closes off the paper pores, thus
restricting ingress of any material. Any process that consolidates the sheet structure in the z-direction
(eg pressing and calendering) increases its density and also reduces sheet porosity.
Potassium (K, atomic mass 39) is a common alkali metal, but features in very few papermaking
materials. It is also not very common in most fresh waters, so has little significance for papermaking.
Potassium monopersulphate
This chemical has been introduced as a chlorine-free replacement for sodium hypochlorite in the
treatment of wet strength papers.
Potato starches
These are sometimes called farina and are one of the most common types of starch used in
papermaking. They have a higher amylopectin content than wheat or maize/corn starches, virtually no
fatty material and a low level of phosphate groups ( see this table for comparison with other starch
types). Their granules are the largest of all starches with a mass average of about 50 μm and are oval
in shape. Potato starch is the only starch with phosphate groups covalently bound to the starch, in fact
just to the amylopectin molecules, in the form of a phosphate ester through the hydroxyl on carbon 6
as -H2C-O-PO3H2. This corresponds to a degree of substitution of about 0.004 with the counter ions
being sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The phosphate groups give potato starches a
natural weakly anionic character (about 0.025 meq/g at neutral pH), which is responsible for their rapid
swelling/hydration, lower gel temperature and higher viscosity compared to other starches.
In papermaking, this term is mainly used in the context of the electrical potential on a particle surface,
as measured most commonly by its zeta potential. Electric potential at a certain point is measured in
volts and can be considered to be the work done when a unit charge is brought from infinity to that
point. Measurement of electrical potential (via a pH electrode) is used as an end-point in
potentiometric titrations, which are used in papermaking as one of several possible techniques of
charge titration.
Mass, M (kg) Particle charge (Coulomb)
The difference between potential and charge is
important in relation to the two ways in which the
presence of charged groups on a particle surface Height, h (m) Potential difference, volts
is quantified - either by direct electrokinetic
measurement as a potential or by charge titration.
This difference is highlighted in the figure at right, Potential energy Particle energy = charge.potential
which uses the analogy between mass/height and = force.height = Coulomb.volt
= Mg.h (kg.m/sec2) = N.m
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 303
charge/potential. The particle charge is analogous to particle mass and is directly measurable in the
titration technique as the quantity of electricity (in Coulombs or charge equivalents). The potential
measured in the electrokinetic methods is analogous to the height above some datum (level). The
energy of the charged particle is obtained from both the charge and potential and is analogous to the
measurement of potential energy from mass x height. The difference between these two systems is
that the surface potential of a particle is dependent on the charge density, as discussed here. Potential
is an intensive property of the system, whilst charge is an extensive property.
This is an abbreviation for parts per million by volume applicable to atmospheric gases.
This occurs when a substance (the solute) becomes insoluble in its solvent. It is mainly relevant in
papermaking systems to inorganic electrolytes, the one exception being the precipitates formed when
anionic trash interacts with added cationic polymers. The precipitation of an inorganic electrolyte
occurs when the concentrations of the ions involved exceeds their solubility product. This can happen
for a variety of reasons, which tend to be substance-specific, but this could involve a change in
temperature or pressure in addition to changes in the concentration of component ions.
Such reactions in the bulk of the wet end stock or whitewater may not cause any specific problems
provided that the precipitate remains within the bulk liquid phase as it will then be retained with the
product or discharged in the machine wastewater. Problems arise if precipitation takes place (as they
often do) on a nucleating surface such as a pipe or tank in the form of an attached scale. There is one
deliberate precipitation reaction at some paper mills and this is the production of precipitated calcium
carbonate, but this does, of course, take place outside the wet end in a managed chemical reactor.
This is common when alum is used at neutral pH, but becomes a problem only when it forms a
hard, adherent scale. This tends to happen at higher process temperatures (+40 C).
barium sulphate
This is a more common occurrence at pulp mills due to the natural barium content of wood
(higher in hardwoods than softwoods).
The prevention of precipitation reactions is mainly important in relation to the prevention of adherent
scales and is thus discussed under that heading.
The particle size distribution of PCCs can be controlled during precipitation, but all tend to have a
narrower distribution than natural carbonates. PCCs can be blended together to give intermediate
effects and all types (including natural carbonates) can be pre-treated so that they may be used under
acid conditions, usually referred to as acid-tolerant grades. The latter is particularly valuable for filler
use in wood-containing papers, which, although not sized, suffer from loss of brightness under
neutral/alkaline conditions.
All fillers increase the demand for sizing HST, seconds Prismatic PCC
chemicals and this is particularly true for 200
Initial results AKD dose 1.4 kg/tonne
the most commonly-used filler PCC, the 150
Scalonohedral PCC
scalanohedral grade. This is shown in AKD dose 0.8 kg/tonne
100 4 weeks PCC Size Area
the figure at right, where the sizing at a
aged (μ) (m2/g)
fixed AKD dose declines with increased 50 Scal 1.2-1.5 9-13
PCC content. The size demand to give Prism 1.9-2.1 2-4
about the same HST value for the lower 12 15 18 21 24
PCC content (%)
surface area prismatic grade is about
60% of that for the scalonehedral grade. Source: Ozment in Proceedings 1994 Tappi Confererence, 169-172.
This set of data also demonstrates one of the further key issues for PCC-filled papers, which is the
loss of sizing (size reversion) that is sometimes observed over time. In this particular case, the loss is
substantial for the scalonehedral PCC, but much less for the prismatic PCC. Various mechanisms
have been proposed for the observed effect; these range from a purely physical re-distribution effect in
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 305
which the AKD changes its surface conformation or migrates into the PCC interstices to chemical
effects attributed to hydrolysis of AKD caused by latent alkalinity within the PCC particle.
These are biocides that are added to the papermaking system in order to be retained in the product
and thus stop the growth of micro-organisms (notably fungi) during later handling and use, eg in soap-
wrap papers, label papers and wall-papers. Preservatives are best added to the paper surface (eg
size press or coater) due to their poor retention when added at the wet end, but biocides are often
needed in size press/coater formulations in any case to stop microbial problems within the circulation
system. CH2 S CN
This is the second stage of the overall process of removing Solids content after pressing (%)
water from the paper web. After the drainage stage, the sheet 50
has a solids contents of 15-22%, which increases on pressing 40 5k
to 40-55%. Pressing involves the removal of residual unbound 30
water, which, as in the wire section, is influenced by the 20k
particulate structure in terms of porosity and ease of water flow.
10 PFI refining (revs) of
As shown in the figure at right for different refining times
unbleached Kraft pulp
(revolutions) in a PFI mill, increased refining tends to impair 0
0 2 4 6 8
water removal in pressing and this has been shown to be partly Nip residence time (msec)
due to the production of fibrillated surfaces. However, the fines Source: Springer in Tappi J.,
generated on refining make the bigger contribution to the 1991, 74, 4, 221-228.
The first example (below at left) shows quite substantial improvements on treatment with both a
polyacrylamide (PAM) and polyethyleneimine (PEI) on an unbleached Kraft pulp, particularly when the
pre-press solids content is at the normal machine level (about 20%). However, on pulps with easier
natural water removal characteristics (eg bleached chemical pulps), chemical treatment had no effect
on pressability and could, at high doses, have an adverse effect. Two possible mechanisms for the
efficacy of the additives were postulated in this study - a reduction in migration of fines towards one
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 306
side of the paper due to the improved fines aggregation and a reduction in the surface area of the
pulps. Evidence for the latter was consistent across a number of samples, but the migration of fines
was reduced both in cases when the added chemicals were effective and when they were not (see
this example of the change in fines distribution with pressing).
Increased solids content on pressing (%)
Solids content (%)
10 Unbleached Kraft pulp 50
6 40
4 None
30 PAM
0 20
20 25 30 35 40 st nd rd
Wire 1 2 3 press
Unpressed solids content (%)
Source: Pelletier in Pulp Paper,
Source: Stratton in Proceedings 1997, December, 85-89.
Paperrmakers Conference 1982,
The second example (see figure above at right) investigated the same two types of chemicals as
above, but in this case across three separate stages of pressing. Although the polyacrylamide alone
(dose 0.6 kg/tonne) was effective in promoting water removal, its combination (at a lower dose of 0.1
kg/tonne) with polyethyleneimine (dose 0.6 kg/tonne) gave the best performance. This was attributed
to the smaller floc size with the dual polymer treatment, which is a common feature of such systems.
Many papers are used for printing and there are many types of printing process, detailed coverage of
which is outside the scope of this document. In summary, the main printing processes are:
lithography, where the oil-based ink is applied to the oil-receptive image areas of the flat printing
plate, but the rest of the plate is made oil-repellent (water-receptive). As this is normally done via
an intermediate blanket-covered roll, the usual term for this
process is offset-lithography or just offset-litho. The fountain Ink
Fountain Printing
solution is an aqueous solution of chemicals that dampen the plate
non-image areas of the plate and contains several chemicals to
carry out different roles - surfactants for wetting, pH buffers,
protective film-forming gums, emulsifiers, lubricants, and iso- cylinder
propyl alcohol. Lithographic inks use water-resistant vehicles that
do not bleed in water or alcohol and are typically an alkyd resin in a drying oil (eg linseed). UV-
curing inks are also used. Lithography is used either for web or sheet printing of "glossy"
magazines and books.
Doctor blade
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 307
with a resilient rubber covering. Gravure inks dry by heat-aided evaporation and comprise
synthetic resins in a hydrocarbon solvent vehicle or a water/alcohol solvent mixture. Gravure is
used for printing newspaper supplements, cartons and wrappers.
flexography (or just flexo) is a modified letterpress process, where the printing plates are softer
with less impact on the paper surface. Flexo inks are similar to gravure inks where the vehicle is
an alcohol/water mixture which dries rapidly by evaporation and absorption.
ink-jet printing, which is used for office printing rather than bulk commercial printing. A jet of ink is
broken into droplets and the placement on the paper is controlled electronically. The inks used are
most comonly low-viscosity solutions of dyes (usually anionic) in water or water/alcohol mixtures
with added glycols and wetting agents. Pigment-based inks are less-commonly used.
laser printing, which is similar to xerography, but where the image is formed using a laser beam.
The inks are also similar to xerographic inks, but also include styrene-butadiene and ethylene-
vinyl acetate co-polymers.
Printing papers
This grade of paper products is sometimes referred to as graphical papers and usually includes those
papers used for similar applications such as writing and copying. The term "printings/writings" is
probably still the most common one for these grades, even though the writing application is probably
much smaller today than the copying one. In total, this sector is the second largest after packaging
papers/boards, accounting for about 40% of global paper production. These papers are normally
classified into the two main grades:
wood-containing papers, which are sub-divided into uncoated and coated grades
wood-free papers, which are also sub-divided into uncoated and coated grades.
Problematic substances
Particulate contaminants
- agglomerated pitch Gases Dissolved
- stickies + substances
- white pitch surfactants
- hydrolysates
Problematic substances are those that, either in their own right or through interactions within the
process, cause various undesirable problems as summarised in the figure above. These problems are
largely restricted to the wet end of the paper machine, but some of these issues are also relevant to
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 308
the dry end, eg foam during coating. Corrosion is caused largely by dissolved substances, but can be
accelerated by microbiological activity. Deposits occur in many forms and are caused either by the
aggregation of substances already present in raw materials (stickies, pitch) or through the interaction
between substances within the papermaking system (to form hydrolysates, slime, precipitates/scale).
Foam is a different type of undesirable accumulation stemming from entrained gases that are
stabilised by surface active substances. Insoluble complexes are formed through the specific
interaction between anionic trash and cationic additives, but the most severe outcome of this
interaction is the inactivation of the additive. As many of the problematic substances are water-soluble,
these problems are usually worst on machines with closed water systems.
The impact of such problems will vary with the precise nature of each set of substances, but, unless
controlled in some way, will ultimately lead to impaired machine runnability and impaired product
quality, the latter leading to more broke (the re-use of which may further exacerbate problems and
runnability) thus setting up a vicious spiral of ever-increasing difficulties. These sets of problems are
best minimised by a common hierarchy of generic techniques (each being discussed further within
each problem category):
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of deposit-forming, interfering and surface
active components
This preventative approach should always be the preferred technique, but is often difficult to
implement for 100% control, notably with problematic substances in recovered papers. An
important element with such raw materials is the education of paper converters (and
papermakers) of the need to consider the impact of all chemical additives on product recyclability.
Propionic acid
This is one of a number of simple organic acids that can be generated within the papermaking system
by certain types of acid-producing bacteria. It is a simple carboxylic acid with the formula
Proteins are polymers of amino acids, which are connected by a peptide linkage (-CONH-). They are
sometimes therefore referred to as peptides or polypeptides. The largest source of proteins in most
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 309
papermaking systems is almost certainly within the bodies of micro-organisms, but protein-based or
protein-derived products continue to be used and developed for papermaking as summarised below:
gelatin, which was used extensively in papermaking going back some hundreds of years for sizing
and strengthening the paper surface, but is little used today.
casein, which is still used as a dispersant in rosin sizes and has also been used as a coating
binder, but is now too expensive for the latter application.
soy protein, which is used as a coating binder, mainly in North America. Soy protein contains a
mixture of hydrophobic amino acids (eg aspartic and glutamic) and hydrophilic amino acids (eg
leucine and alanine). Mild extraction from soybeans gives the largely intact protein, but this can be
hydrolysed with alkali to improve its rheological properties or chemically modified to improve its
binding power. The protein is supplied in powder form and has to be dissolved in hot water,
usually with alkali in the form of sodium or ammonium hydroxide to give 10-25% solids content.
Even though the alkaline pH means that the protein will be in an anionic form in the coating mix,
the initial interaction between protein and pigment can cause some flocculation, but this is
minimised by chemical modification. Addition rates are up to about 10% of the coating formulation.
Protein-based coatings can be made water resistant by addition of insolubilisers such as glyoxal
or formaldehyde.
whey-derived proteins for detackifying pitch/stickies particles, which is a very recent development
from one supplier. The amphoteric properties allow the protein to interact with other charged
substances and thus the treated stickie particle can be retained in the paper using a suitable
(normally cationic) polymer.
enzymes, which have begun to be used for a few papermaking applications over the last 20 years.
One part of the cellulase enzyme’s structure is its cellulose-binding domain, which is responsible
for keying into the cellulose substrate. These have begun to be explored over recent years as a
means of introducing different functionalities into paper.
This is the positively-charged mass in the nucleus of the atom. Hydrogen contains just one proton in
its nucleus and one electron, so the hydrogen ion, H , is in fact a proton. Strictly speaking, hydrogen
ions do not exist as such in aqueous systems as they are always hydrated to give the hydroxonium
ion, H3O .
This term is a very general one for the fibrous part of the papermaking furnish and is applied to both
virgin and recycled materials. The fibrous pulp for making into paper may be prepared on the same
site as the paper (integrated production) or on a separate site (non-integrated production), although
this terminology is mainly used in the virgin pulp sector. Pulp characteristics are of obvious importance
in relation to the quality of the final paper, but also in relation to the pulp's behaviour during the
papermaking process. The strength characteristics of the pulp are its most important contribution to
the properties of all paper grades and this is determined by the balance of genuine fibres and fines in
the pulp and their physico-chemical characteristics.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 310
For all types of pulp, their papermaking qualities can be considered under two quite different, but inter-
related, headings:
the functional qualities needed for that particular paper grade in terms of strength, brightness,
light-scattering, etc
the qualities that maximise the productivity of the paper machine in terms of ease of water removal
and good runnability.
There is usually a strong focus on the end-use properties of pulps and this is reflected in the normal
techniques of pulp evaluation, which concentrate on physical, rather than chemical, pulp properties.
Pulps are normally evaluated by the pulp producer or the papermaker for their papermaking potential
by preparing handsheets in the laboratory, usually covering a range of refining levels. Pulp chemistry
features little, if at all, in most evaluations of this type, but there are a few exceptions, eg conductivity
has to be evaluated in the case of
Whole pulp
electrical insulating papers and freedom
from specific chemical contaminants in
Whole pulp disintegrated
the case of photographic papers.
under standard conditions
As shown in the diagram at right, pulps
can be evaluated in terms of their wet Dynamic Fibre fraction retained
end chemistry by disintegration under drainage jar on a 200 mesh sieve
standard conditions appropriate to each
paper machine and then separated into Fines and dissolved solids
three fractions. The classification of the
particulate fraction between genuine Fine filtration
Fines fraction separated
"fibres" and fines is normally carried out (or centrifugation)
using the Dynamic Drainage Jar, but Dissolved solids
more sophisticated breakdowns of the
particle size distribution of pulps can be
conducted using the Bauer-McNett
classifier or an automatic fibre length analyser.
The chemistry of the pulp's particulate fractions is important in relation to wet end chemistry and it
should be useful to measure at least the following parameters:
the zeta potential and the content of charged substances in relation to the aggregation of fines and
adsorption of additives
the ash content (mainly pertinent to recycled pulps) and its chemical nature
pitch content of virgin pulps in relation to deposition problems on the paper machine
stickies content of recycled pulps in relation to deposition problems on the paper machine
microbial content of all pulps in relation to slime and related problems on the paper machine.
Being a relatively small, minor fraction, the content of soluble materials in pulps is often neglected, but
can again be very important in relation to wet end chemistry. Whereas a very high proportion of the
raw fibre's particulate materials end up in the papermaking pulp, the proportion of dissolved solids
present in the pulping/bleaching circuits that are retained in the papermaking pulp depends critically
on the pulp washing efficiency.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 311
Economically, the pulp producer has a vested interest in routing as much as possible of the dissolved
solids with the pulp as this maximises the apparent yield. However, most of these solids then dissolve
on the paper machine and, unless the paper machine operates a very closed water system, they will
be poorly retained in the paper. Moreover, the dissolved solids (depending on their nature) will
probably also contribute to various problems as they circulate around the papermaking circuits before
leaving, perhaps in a different chemical form, mainly in the machine wastewater. It is thus desirable
that all pulps (including perhaps some grades of machine broke) are washed as well as they can be
before passing to the paper machine directly (at integrated mills) or being dried for transport to another
mill. This important topic is discussed further under washing.
Unlike the particulate fraction, where there is a standard procedure for determination of fibre/fines,
there is no standard technique for dissolved solids, for which their extent of dissolution depends on
several parameters such as temperature and the electrolyte content of the dilution water. It would
useful for every mill to develop a standard dissolution procedure, which reflects the conditions on its
own paper machines. In most situations, it would be valuable to measure at least the following on the
resultant dissolved solids (separated by standard filtration or centrifugation):
pH and acidity or alkalinity
conductivity and the concentration of selected ions such as calcium
total concentration of organics as COD or DOC
individual organic compounds such as carbohydrate, starch or organic acids
charge demand (usually cationic) by titration with oppositely-charge polymers.
When doing this work in the laboratory using a dry pulp or one of known moisture content, it is best to
normalise the measured concentrations to kg substance/tonne pulp dry solids.
This is one abbreviation for polyvinyl alcohol, but as it is also sometimes used for polyvinyl acetate, it
is best avoided in order to avoid confusion.
This abbreviation is sometimes used for polyvinyl acetate.
This is the preferred abbreviation for polyvinyl alcohol.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 312
This is a term for the interaction between an fluorescent brightener and a substance that neutralises
its functionality. As brighteners are anionic, the most common types of quenching agent are cationic
materials, which are often present in the form of other chemical additives (retention aids, dry or wet
strength agents, etc). When brighteners are being added at the wet end, this quenching interaction is
obviously undesirable and should be minimised by, for example, keeping addition points as far apart
as possible.
are used for bleaching deinked pulps and coloured broke. Oxidising bleaches such
as chlorine/hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide and ozone are very effective at this, but other bleaching
agents such as hydrogen peroxide or the reducing bleaches sodium hydrosulphite and FAS are not
Radius of gyration
This term is used to describe the size of polymer molecules in solution. The radius of gyration (R g) is
the root mean square distance of all the polymer segments from its centre of gravity:
2 0.5
Rg = (1/niΣri ) where ni = number of units in chain and rI = distance from the centre of mass
Depending on the conformation of the molecule, the radius of gyration can be estimated from the
length of each unit. For a IM Dalton polysaccharide, it is about 900 nm for an extended rod (ie a
highly-charged polymer) and about 20 nm for a randomly-coiled (ie nonionic) polymer.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 313
Raw materials
As shown above, the materials present in the papermaking system can conveniently be divided into
two main groups plus one unique material:
fibrous components, usually referred to as pulp, which may be either virgin or recycled
non-fibrous components, which includes every raw material other than pulps except
water, the unique raw material that is universally present throughout the papermaking system and
whose influence is often under-estimated, particularly within wet end chemistry.
Pulps are always added at the wet end as they form the backbone of all paper products, but non-
fibrous materials can be added either at the wet end or to the paper surface. This distinction is very
important not only in terms of the functionality of the additive in the product, but also in terms of the
additive's retention. The overall retention of wet end additives is complex, whereas the retention of
surface-applied chemicals is essentially 100% at the point of application. Most raw materials are
added at the wet end, but when pulps are excluded, the balance between wet end and surface
addition is much more balanced.
Papermaking raw materials can also be classified in terms of their broad chemical character between
organic and inorganic materials. The breakdown shown below uses a further sub-division in terms of
the material's water solubility, which is very important for wet end additives as it determines their
retention mechanism and pattern of build-up when the water system is closed up. A unique
characteristic of particulate raw materials is that they have a surface which can interact with other
particulates or with dissolved substances. These interactions depend on the available surface area
and chemistry of the surface and this important area is discussed further here.
Raw materials could be classified in many other ways in terms of key attributes, some of which are
shown in the more general scheme below. Many of these attributes will be at the centre of why raw
materials are selected to do a particular job in the first place:
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 314
Papermaking materials
cost-performance to deliver that functionality either within the process or in the product is always
likely to head the list, where cost should include the desired level of service required from the
chosen supplier. A key aspect within this area is information about the nature of the raw material's
dose - response relationship, where dose should be understood in both mass and cost terms. The
functionality of the raw material will also bring in issues to do with its charge character, water
solubility and dimensional aspects. The mode of addition (wet end or surface application) will be
dictated by the particular functional effect allied to what is possible on a particular paper machine.
material form, which usually means either a dry or liquid product, the distinguishing practical factor
being whether the product is pumpable or not. In papermaking, there is an ongoing trend towards
liquid products, even for products that are obviously solids (eg fillers), due to the ease of handling
and dosing. Selection between these two extremes should always include an assessment of wider
issues such as environmental effects (eg transportation of water) and process implications of any
auxiliaries (eg dispersants in filler slurries).
Reaction chemistry
This involves the formation of new chemical bonds between reactants. However, there is little
deliberate use of reaction chemistry in papermaking chemistry as most chemical additives are
manufactured in a ready-to-use state and all the papermaker has to do is to retain them in the sheet.
However, chemical reactions (albeit rather simple ones) do take place at the wet end, but these are
generally undesirable ones leading to various problems such as:
hydrolysis of additives such as AKD and ASA sizes to less- or non-functional form
dissolution of calcium carbonate.
Chemical reactions are much more important in a positive sense in the drying section and are
essential for some additives (eg sizes and wet strength resins) to cure and thereby express their
desired functionality.
Recovered paper
This is the source of one of the two broad categories of papermaking pulp, in this case of recycled
pulp. Globally, about 150M tonne of used paper was recovered for re-use in 2001, the vast of majority
of which was used for material recycling back to paper mills. Not all of this material actually reaches
the forming part of the paper machine due to the substantial losses in preliminary cleaning processes.
Paper recovered for recycling can be classified into two broad classes:
pre-consumer material that never reached the final user, eg converting off-cuts, printers waste,
machine broke, etc.
post-consumer material that has actually been used for its intended purpose with various further
sub-divisions such as white wood-free printed or unprinted, container waste, mixed papers, etc.
Pre-consumer recovered paper is inherently cleaner than post-consumer recovered paper as it should
contain only what has been added during papermaking, whereas the latter can contain virtually
anything. There are three different routing possibilities for different grades of recovered paper:
genuine recycling into the same grade, eg old corrugated containers into more liner or fluting
downcycling into a product with a less demanding specification, eg printings into towels
upcycling into a product with a more demanding specification, eg brown packaging papers can be
upgraded for use in white papers (albeit by the use of a process which is not that different from
bleaching unbleached virgin fibres).
Depending on the grade of paper being made, recovered papers can be re-used on the paper
machine in two different ways:
after mechanical cleaning as part of the normal stock preparation system. This mainly applies to
recovered paper being recycled into packaging grades, but this would also be the normal route for
pre-consumer recovered papers. Such recycled pulps will be referred to as non-deinked pulps in
this document, although they are also sometimes referred to as "direct entry" pulps.
after deinking in an off-machine process to produce a deinked pulp. Like virgin pulp mills, deinking
plants can be fully or partly integrated with paper production on the same site or be completely
separate for the production of market deinked pulp. Deinking is applied principally to recovered
paper being recycled into wood-containing printing/writing papers (eg newsprint), tissue and towel
grades, wood-free fine papers and certain packaging products (eg the liner in white-top grades).
The generic chemical characteristics of the pulps produced from recovered paper are described under
recycled pulps and the more specific attributes of the two main types are then described further under
non-deinked pulps and deinked pulps.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 316
This term has no standard definition, but can be taken to refer to the value of recovered paper when it
is recycled to make more paper. As recycling of recovered paper is largely concerned with recycling of
the fibrous component, recyclability mainly refers to the papermaking value of this component in the
recovered paper. Much research has been carried out on the effects of recycling on fibre
characteristics (notably strength) and it is now well-established that there are substantial differences
between mechanical and chemical pulps, which are due to the difference in their lignin content.
When a paper comprising chemical pulp is dried, the % change, chemical pulp
fibre collapses and the hydrogen bonds that are +30
formed between cellulose hydroxyls are not accessible d
to water when the paper is re-slushed. This occurs to
0 a
some degree if virgin pulp is first dried, as shown in
this example of the difference in the adsorption of -15 c
cationic starch between a dried and never-dried pulp.
However, the effect is greater after the pulp has been 0 1 2 3 4 5
No. of cycles
refined. This stiffening of chemical pulp fibres is called
Reference: Howard and Bichard, J.Pulp
“irreversible hornification” and results in a loss of Paper Science, 1992, 18, 4, 151-159.
swelling ability and strength when such fibres are
recycled, as shown in the figure at right. Although the a - sheet density b - tensile strength
c - burst strength d - tear strength
elevated drying temperature has an adverse effect on
e - scattering coefficient
swelling, it is the loss of water beyond the fibre
saturation point that causes the collapse of the lumen
and loss of swelling ability.
One of the important variables in recycling is the degree of mechanical treatment given to the recycled
pulp. The data in the above figure showing the effect of recycling on swelling (fibre saturation point) is
for a disintegrated, but unrefined, mechanical pulp, but the chemical pulp was refined. All papers were
made without the use of retention aids, but whitewaters were recycled to build up the fines to
equilibrium levels before producing sheets for testing. However, this procedure was shown not to
affect the trends on recycling, but it did affect the level of strength achieved (this being greater in the
fines-retained sheets). The unrefined chemical pulp showed an actual increase in tensile and burst
strengths on recycling, which was attributed to decurling of the fibres, a characteristic of some dry lap
bleached chemical pulps. In the absence of this effect, refining tends to exacerbate strength loss on
recycling due to the greater internal fibrillation creating internal hydrogen bonds that are not broken
down on subsequent re-slushing.
The recyclability of non-fibrous components in recovered papers is rarely discussed or valorised, but
they will contribute a substance-specific background effect although their efficacy is not easily
predictable and cannot be relied on. Any filler or pigment present in a recycled pulp will be able to
express its functionality, the only constraint being the loss of any calcium carbonate filler through its
dissolution under acid conditions. However, as for added virgin filler, the efficacy of the recycled filler
will be affected by its state of aggregation. The limited data on recycling of sized papers indicate
adverse effects due to the slowing down of the rate of water penetration during pulp
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 318
slushing/disintegration, unless they are hydrolysed by chemical pre-treatment (eg high or low pH
depending on size chemistry). Even if size residues are retained in the paper made from recycled
pulp, they are not likely to be optimally oriented for sizing and they may also interfere with inter-fibre
bonding. For rosin-sized recovered papers, the presence of dissolved aluminium species would have
some adverse effect on fibre swelling.
Most other non-fibrous additives are added as water-soluble chemicals and will only be classifiable as
recyclable if they remain attached to the particulate matrix and are thereby retained in the new
product. The most common type of strength agent in recovered paper is various forms of starch, which
are mainly in-mill converted starches added at the size press. Such starches are poorly adsorbed by
the particulate matrix and cannot thus be considered recyclable. The only starches that are recyclable
are cationic starches, but even these may be desorbed during any bleaching stages in deinking or
broke decolorisation and through microbial action at the wet end. If they are cationic, polyacrylamide-
based strength agents are more likely (than cationic starches) to be retained in view of their non-
The recyclability of wet strength agents is rather an academic point as most wet strengthened papers
are not recovered for recycling, but, even for those that are, they cannot be classified as recyclable as
the wet strength agent has to be broken down chemically in order to disperse the fibres. Dyes in
recovered papers may contribute to the colour of new products, but this is often undesirable and
colour-stripping of recovered papers, usually as part of deinking systems, is common. Dyes in
machine broke are more recyclable as the papermaker can segregate this material and re-use it on
grades where the dye contributes to the colour of a like-coloured or colour-compatible grade. Being
anionic chemicals, fluorescent brighteners are not recyclable due to their ease of water solubility,
particularly so for the grades used in greatest quantity at the size press. Variable fluorescence in
products may demand deliberate quenching of residual brightener.
Recycled pulps
Post-consumer recovered paper
Stock Paper
Deinking preparation machine Drying Conversion Use
All recycled pulps are derived from paper that has at least reached the reel-up stage of the paper
machine. Materials that are re-used from earlier stages in the form of wet trim and sheet breaks are
not classed as recycled pulp as they have not been through the dryer section and are always re-used
immediately within the same making. All paper machines have to contend with recycled pulps in the
form of their own dry broke, which can be a major source of variability, particularly when it contains
surface-applied chemicals. The chemistry of some papers changes after reel-up due to the
continuation of curing reactions in some sized papers and in all wet strengthened papers. Apart from
this and of possible microbiological changes if the paper is stored in wet or moist conditions, the
chemistry of the paper is fairly stable throughout any converting stage(s) and during storage and use.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 319
Recovered pre-consumer paper has similarities to machine broke in that it should be reasonably clean
and only contain papermaking materials. By contrast, recovered post-consumer used papers are
much more heterogeneous through mixing together sometimes very different grades from many
manufacturers and through the presence of non-papermaking materials (eg inks, converting
adhesives, etc). Recycled pulps are thus very different from virgin pulps on several counts:
the pulp fibres will have been through the papermaking process at least once before and this will
have changed some of their key physical properties such as strength
the soluble materials from the original wood pulp will be largely absent, as they will probably have
been poorly retained in the previous making(s) (but this depends critically on the degree of water
closure of those machines)
non-fibrous raw materials will be present from the previous making, although this fraction is
completely or partially removed prior to papermaking if the pulp is deinked prior to use
residues of materials added during any pre-treatment of the pulp (eg deinking) may be present.
Much research has been carried out on the effects of recycling on fibre characteristics (notably
strength) and it is now well-established that there are substantial differences between mechanical and
chemical pulps due to their different in their lignin contents. This is discussed further under
There are two very important practical issues regarding the use of all recycled pulps:
the lower inherent strength potential of recycled compared to virgin fibres
This means that papers made with recycled pulp will probably need greater use of strength
additives such as starch. The strength of the recycled pulp can partially be recovered by refining,
but there is usually some reluctance to refine recycled pulps as much as virgin pulps because the
unrefined pulp already has a relatively high fines content.
The most significant problematic materials in bought-in recovered paper and machine broke are:
coating binders.
These are based on synthetic latices such as those based on styrene-butadiene, acrylates and
polyvinyl acetate. When recycled as coated broke, these latices are present at high enough levels
to give rise to a specific type of deposition problem known as white pitch. All coating materials with
some hydrophobic character (eg silicones, waxes, etc) can give rise to wet end contamination
problems not dissimilar to ordinary pitch and white pitch. On recycled machines, the proportion of
coated paper is usually insufficient to distinguish any deposition due to white pitch from deposition
due to stickies.
microbial content
5 10
This varies widely (10 to 10 CFU/g) depending on source with mixed grades of recovered paper
being the most contaminated.
The main practical distinction within recycled pulps is whether deinking is necessary and this depends
largely on the grade of paper being made judged against the quality of the appropriate grades of
recovered paper. The papermaking quality of non-deinked pulps should not be considered inherently
inferior to that of deinked pulps although some of the chemical conditions commonly present in
deinking (eg alkaline pH) can improve certain fibre qualities (eg strength) and some of the unit
processes (eg flotation) can enhance the removal of some problematic substances (eg stickies).
Those paper grades made from non-deinked pulp would not have a significantly superior quality if they
were made from deinked pulp (using the same grades of recovered paper), although the papermaking
process may have better runnability due to the higher removal of some problematic substances,
particularly those that are dissolved. Deinking is thus used only where it is necessary, not least
because of the extra complexity and costs involved. The chemical attributes of deinked and non-
deinked pulps are discussed further under their respective headings.
Recycled water
The water used on the paper machine is a mixture of fresh water and water recycled after some
previous use. Water recycling is an inherent part of papermaking on virtually all machines and is the
main way to lower fresh water use and maximise the degree of water closure with its attendant
benefits and difficulties (see this summary). The most important water recycling loop is the primary
loop (see this diagram) as this contains most of the substances not retained in a single pass through
the formation wire. Chemical additions might be made to the water recycled in the primary loop for
control of foam and microbial problems. Similar additions might also be made to the much smaller flow
in the secondary loop, which, if it incorporates a flotation saveall, would involve addition of flocculants
with a similar chemistry to the range of polymers used as retention aids.
Water may also be recycled after external wastewater treatment in a tertiary loop. Whereas the
chemistry of the liquid phase in the water recycled in the primary and secondary loops is similar to that
in the thick and thin stocks, the chemistry of the treated wastewater will be different depending on the
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 321
extent of treatment provided. It is outside the scope of this document to elaborate details of the many
different wastewater treatment processes, but this can be summarised briefly as follows and pictured
in the diagram below:
The most common type of wastewater for recycling to the paper machine is the secondary-treated
wastewater, which has quite low levels of dissolved organics, but where the inorganic electrolytes are
often relatively unchanged from the raw wastewater. One of the more significant electrolyte
components is dissolved calcium, but this is also one ion that can be removed during the biological
stage of wastewater treatment. This occurs primarily as a result of pH shifts and release of carbon
dioxide, but the wastewater is often still unstable in terms of further calcium carbonate precipitation.
Because of these factors, wastewaters may be treated further than is necessary (conditioned) to meet
discharge requirements in order to lower electrolytes (notably calcium), colour and also to eliminate
microbial content by disinfection.
Fresh water
Conditioning MILL
COD Tertiart treatment for removal of Permit-dictated
residual TSS, colour and COD discharge quality
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 322
Redox potential
This is an important concept within electrochemistry and may be useful to measure in some
papermaking systems as it provides information about the degree of oxygenation, which is relevant to
microbiological activity. Each reduction-oxidation (redox) couple is characterised by a redox potential
(EH), which can be calculated using the Nernst equation:
- n-
For the couple: A + ne A
o n-
EH = EH + 2.3RT/nF.log [A]/[A ]
o o
where R = gas constant = 8.314 Joule/mole. K, T = absolute temperature ( K)
and F = Faradays constant = 96,490 Coulombs so that 2.3RT/F = 0.059 volt/mole at 25 C.
By convention, redox couples are always written as a reduction with the electrons on the left-hand
side. The standard electrode potential (EH ) is the potential when the oxidised and reduced forms are
at unit concentration (activity). Individual couples cannot exist in isolation and are always measured
relative to the standard reference couple which is the hydrogen electrode:
+ - o o
2H + 2e H2, where EH = 0 volts at 25 C
This electrode comprises a platinum electrode immersed in an aqueous solution of hydrogen ions in
contact with hydrogen gas. As this set-up is not the simplest to arrange practically, other electrodes
tend to be used for reference purposes in the laboratory, notably the silver-silver chloride electrode or
the calomel electrode.
The thermodynamic condition for the complete oxidation-reduction reaction to take place is:
ΔG = -nFE > 0, which occurs when E > 0, where E is the potential of the complete reaction
The standard electrode potentials for the various redox couples (sometimes referred to as the
electrochemical or galvanic series) are useful to judge the ability for such reactions to be
thermodynamically possible, but this does not mean that the reaction will take place due to the actual
reaction conditions (concentrations, temperature) being different from the standard conditions, due to
kinetic limitations and due to polarisation effects.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 323
In chemistry, this is part of an overall process of transferring electrons between substances and
reduction of one substance is always accompanied by oxidation of another substance. A reducing
agent like hydrogen has the ability to donate electrons as follows:
+ -
H2 2H + 2e
and the overall reaction can be written as H2 + ½O2 H2O in which the hydrogen is oxidised and the
oxygen is reduced to water. The ability of the reaction to proceed is determined by its redox potential.
Reducing chemicals in papermaking include the bleaches sodium hydrosulphite and formadine-
sulphinic acid (FAS).
This is the term for the mechanical treatment of the pulp, which is primarily carried out to develop its
strength and normally takes place soon after initial pulp slushing. The older terminology for this
process is beating, which reflects the use of a different type of equipment. Refining is mainly carried
out on bleached chemical virgin pulps and recycled pulps. Mechanical pulps are usually not refined as
this would cause excessive fibre shortening rather than strength development due to their high lignin
content and resultant stiffness. The refining process is usually controlled by observing the change
(decline) in the freeness properties of the stock using the well-known Schopper-Riegler (SR) or
Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) tests.
In refining, the pulp suspension is passed through the small gap between a rotating set of bars (the
rotor) and a stationary bedplate (the stator). The effect of the refining action on fibres is complex, but
involves the following changes to the particulate pulp structure:
removal of the less easily-swellable outer (primary and S1) layers of the fibre wall, thus facilitating
access of water to the more easily-swellable parts of the fibre wall. However, this process
contributes to the generation of secondary fines.
fibrillation of the newly-exposed fibre surface (the thick S2 layer) with a large increase in external
surface area plus internal fibrillation or delamination caused by the intake of water into the non-
crystalline cellulosic regions. The fibres become more flexible so that they can conform to one
another more easily during the later stages of water removal.
shortening of fibres by cutting and tensile forces plus other changes in fibre shape such as
straightening (of bent fibres), curling (of straight fibres), fibre stretching and the introduction of
dislocations and micro-compressions.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 324
Overall, refining leads to increased fibre flexibility and fibre surface area available for bonding. Whilst
the main strength properties such as tensile and burst strength are improved by refining, tear strength
generally decreases due to fibre shortening. The closer, more uniform fibrous structure also leads to
better formation, which further improves paper strength and to increased sheet density, which gives
lower bulk, porosity and opacity.
During paper formation, however, the fine particles generated in refining have two major adverse
effects – the impairment of single pass retentions and of water removal. However, the fines also
introduce a potential benefit in providing an increased surface area for interaction with fillers and
chemical additives. Examples of the effect of refining on sizing of bleached Kraft pulps is shown here
in terms of reduced sizing at constant rosin dose and here in terms of the differences between fines
from refined bleached hardwood and softwood Kraft pulps on AKD sizing. An example of the adverse
effect of refining on water removal is shown here for an unbleached Kraft pulp.
polydadmac polymer (300k Daltons molecular mass) increased Total charges at pH 7.5 (μeq/g)
as shown, whilst the total charges remained reasonably constant. 0 1 2 3 4
PFI mill refining (krevs)
The results were similar with the fines removed prior to refining
and indicate that previously inaccessible charged points within Source: Laine, J in Paperi ja Puu,
1997, 79, 4, 257-266..
the fibre matrix become available for adsorption as refining
proceeds. This should be beneficial to the adsorption of wet end cationic additives.
In addition to the changes in the pulp's particle size distribution on refining, the other important impact
is on the dissolution of water-soluble substances. Dissolution obviously depends in the first place on
the pulp’s content of potentially water-soluble materials, which varies with pulp type and previous
history and, in the second place, on processing conditions such as pH, temperature and electrolyte
concentration. As the pulp quality will itself affect some of these variables (eg pH) and the degree of
water closure will also affect others (eg electrolyte concentration), it is difficult to predict the overall
extent of dissolution of the different water-soluble materials on an actual paper machine. It seems
likely that readily-soluble electrolytes in the pulp (eg chlorides from pulp beaching and the major pH
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 325
determining ions) will dissolve under most conditions and that these concentrations will then determine
the extent of dissolution of the more slowly dissolving organic fraction. An example is given here for
dissolution from several recycled pulps on refining after simple slushing.
This is an important optical property of papers and is defined as the ratio of the total reflected light
from a surface compared to the incident light. Reflectance values are used to calculate the brightness
and opacity of paper.
Aggregates of fine particles have varying floc strengths depending on the nature of the chemicals
used to bring about coagulation/flocculation and on the shear levels to which they are exposed.
However, flocs that have been broken down by high shear have the ability to re-form once the high
shear is reduced, but again this depends on the chemicals used in the first place. Polymers that
function by inter-particle bridging (eg polyacrylamides) produce quite strong flocs, but they can be
broken down at high shear levels (see example here). This is usually attributed to disruption of
adsorption and re-distribution of the polymer into a flatter conformation on the particle surface with
reduced bridging potential. By contrast, patch-flocculated suspensions are disrupted at lower shear
levels, but the still-present patches can re-associate to re-establish flocculation once the shear is
This difference between bridging and charge-patch polymers is illustrated below in a DDJ experiment
using a 50:50 bleached hardwood/softwood Kraft pulp with 20% clay filler. The "B" line shows the
blank with no added chemicals and the numbers on the other lines refer to the number of times the
stock has been subjected to one minute at high (1500 rpm) shear, which is sufficient to break both floc
types. It is evident that, once broken, the polyacrylamide flocs have less ability to re-form than the PEI
flocs. Similarly, particle aggregation by charge neutralisation produces rather weak flocs, but they are
also able to re-form in the absence of the shearing force. Other examples of reflocculation are shown
here for colloidal silica with a cationic polyacrylamide and with cationic starch, here for bentonite with a
cationic polyacrylamide and here for an anionic polyacrylamide with polyethyleneimine.
DDJ fines retention, % DDJ fines retention, %
100 PEI polymer 100 PAM polymer
0 1
1 2
50 50
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Stirrer speed (rpm) Stirrer speed (rpm)
Refractive index
This is a measure of the extent to which the direction of light
is bent (refracted) at an interface when it passes from one Light beam α Medium 1
medium to another, usually in papermaking from air to the Medium 2
paper. Refraction occurs due to the velocity of light being
different in different media and the refractive index is a ratio Refractive Index = sin α/sin β
of these two velocities. It is more commonly defined as shown
in the diagram at right.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 327
Release agent
The term "release" is used in papermaking in the context of overcoming the adhesion forces between
two materials. Release agents are thus chemical additives that aid this release process, there being
two main applications in papermaking:
within papermaking to aid the release of the paper web on creping.
This usually involves the addition of chemicals that are more hydrophobic in character than the
adhesive such as emulsified mineral oils, fatty acid esters and polyphosphates.
as a coating application, usually a silicone, in the manufacture of release papers (eg for the
backing to self-adhesive labels).
Repulsive forces
There are a two basic forces that tend to push substances apart within papermaking systems and
which work against the various attractive forces:
electrostatic repulsion between substances with like charges. At the wet end of the paper
machine, this is a very important inter-particle force as most particulate solids have a natural
negative surface charge or acquire one once they are in the wet end. It is also important to the
required stability of coating mixes.
particle-polymer interactions for surfaces that are hydrophilic or contain adsorbed hydrophilic
polymers. This is known as steric stabilisation or colloid protection and, although not usually
present at the wet end, it is an important stabilisation mechanism for coating mixtures.
Resin acids
These substances are present in wood as part of the extractives fraction and may thus be present in
papermaking pulps depending on their removal during pulping. They are usually measured as part of
the pulp's pitch content. Chemically, they are usually described as "diterpenoid mono-carboxylic acid
derivatives of alkylated hydrophenanthrenes" and are classified into two groups - the abietic acid type
and the pimaric acid type. Rosin size is largely composed of the same acids.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 328
This paper property measures the resistance to the passage of an electric current either along the
same side of the paper (surface resistivity in ohms) or between its sides (volume resistivity in ohm.m).
It is important for certain electrostatic printing papers where the resistivity is controlled (conductivity
enhanced) by size press addition of sodium chloride or a conducting polymer such as a polydadmac.
Resistivity is also important for insulating papers, where the retention of even small amounts of
electrolytes is undesirable, so the process water supply to such machines is often deionised.
Stock preparation Formation wire Press section Dryers
The term "retention" is widely used in papermaking to denote the amount or proportion of a material
contained in the final product, but there are a number of different retention concepts. In understanding
these, it is helpful firstly to define the papermaking system in terms of raw material losses from two
distinct areas, stock preparation/cleaning and water removal from the formed paper web (see figure
above). As the cleaning losses during stock preparation are deliberate, they should not be included in
discussion about retention losses, which are not deliberate, but are inevitable due to the nature of the
papermaking process. However, for some raw materials (eg virgin pulps), the cleaning losses should
be low and the difference between the original raw material (mass M above) and the cleaned raw
material (mass C above) is negligible. For other raw materials (eg recovered papers), the cleaning
losses are significant and must be excluded from any discussion of retention.
The total retention is the retention of the overall papermaking system and is the mass of (dry) paper
product as a proportion of the total (cleaned) input to the system (usually expressed as a percentage).
On the paper machine itself, the mass of material applied to the formation wire is the mass coming
from stock preparation plus any material that is returned to the thin stock, notably in recycled waters
used for stock dilution and in the returns from any saveall present (mass R above). It is this mass of
material applied to the formation wire that is used to calculate the second retention parameter, the
single pass retention (SPR).
SPR is the fraction or percentage of a material in the paper compared to that at the flowbox. It thus
includes retention effects on the wire, in the press section and in the drying section. The term “first
pass retention” is often used interchangeably with SPR, but it should only be used for the single pass
retention under start-up conditions, ie the first time that the furnish passes the flowbox. The unqualified
term single pass retention should be reserved for defining the steady state retention over the whole
forming/water removal zone from the flowbox forwards.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 329
Retention aids
These are chemicals added at the wet end to optimise the single pass retention (SPR) of the fine
particulate solids in the papermaking furnish. This could be achieved just by maximising particle (floc)
size, but this would be very unlikely to satisfy the requirements in two other key areas impacted on by
retention chemicals:
the productivity of the paper machine as influenced by the water removal characteristics of the
papermaking stock, particularly its drainage on the formation wire
the uniformity of the paper, as judged by its formation quality in the x-y plane of the paper.
Good drainage and good formation often tend to go together, but, as shown in the figures below, this
does not occur, at least with single chemical treatments, at the same dose as that giving maximum
single pass retention. Although the improvement in raw material efficiency (total retention) that
accompanies a high single pass retention is important, the range of other benefits (see this list) are of
equal or perhaps greater importance. One of these benefits is the even-sidedness (lack of two-
sidedness) of the paper. Provided that operation with a high single pass retention is able to produce
paper of good formation quality, retention aids have the ability to improve overall paper quality through
improving its uniformity in the z-direction as well as maximise productivity and material efficiency.
Single pass retention Drainage Formation
Different types of aggregating chemical (coagulant and/or flocculant or micro-particle system) tend to
be used to achieve these two different effects in the papermaking system, as suggested by the
complimentary characteristics of bridging and patch flocculants shown in the table below. Maximum
(not necessarily optimum) retention is achieved normally by polymers using the bridging mechanism
and hence generating large, loose flocs. This is often accompanied by poor formation, but this is
caused not so much by fines aggregation, but by excessive aggregation of the intact fibres. The
objective behind the addition of retention (and drainage) aids is to increase aggregation of the fines
without unacceptable aggregation of the fibres. Shear levels play a very important role in retention aid
performance and this is discussed further under that heading.
The major advance in retention (and drainage) aid chemistry over the last 20 years or so has been the
development of multi-component retention aid "systems" having two or maybe three components,
which are able to optimise retention, drainage and formation concurrently. These systems sometimes
describe themselves as multi-functional in the sense that they are designed to maximise concurrently
both retention and drainage and sometimes paper strength as well.
The last effect is often achieved through the retention/drainage aid(s) working with other additives that
themselves influence the state of particle aggregation, but which are mainly added for their
strengthening effect, eg dry strength additives such as cationic starch and wet strength additives such
as the polyamide-polyamine-epichlorhydrin resins. It is obvious that retention aids must be compatible
with essential functional additives such as these, but an optimum system could well be achieved by
adjusting the functional additive to work with the retention/drainage aid, not solely vice versa.
The other important issue which is best handled within the retention aid system is anionic trash. This is
partly because these substances can adversely affect the efficacy of retention aids, but also because
the most common way to deal with this set of materials is by the use of chemicals that are already
used as part of retention aid systems, notably low molecular mass cationic polymers (eg
polydadmacs) or aluminium compounds.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 331
This is the term for the tendency of starch solutions to "set-back" or form a precipitate on standing.
This is caused by inter-molecular hydrogen bonding between amylose molecules, particularly those
with a low molecular mass. The cereal starches thus retrograde the most quickly due to their lower
chain length and higher amylose content. The most stable starch solutions are produced from the
waxy maize starches, as they are close to 100% amylopectin. Most modified starches have a lower
retrogradation tendency than native starches as the functional groups thus introduced interfere
sterically with the ability to hydrogen bond.
This term is used in relation to changes in the properties of paper products in two areas:
brightness reversion, where there is a loss of brightness in papers containing some mechanical
size reversion, where the paper is sized at the paper mill, but loses some or all of its sizing over
This is the science of the deformation and flow of matter, ie how matter responds to the stresses
placed on it. The importance of rheology in papermaking is mainly in relation to paper coating due to
the high concentrations in the coating mix, but the principles are also relevant at the wet end in terms
of suspension uniformity and fibre orientation. Materials can respond in two distinct ways to stresses:
they can deform elastically (reversibly) and return to their original state when the stress is
removed, this being a typical behaviour pattern for solids
they can deform irreversibly (ie flow), this being a typical behaviour pattern for liquids.
In addition, some materials exhibit both types of deformation and are classified as being visco-elastic.
There are three main types of liquid behaviour, as shown in the graphs below (sometimes referred to
as rheograms). For a Newtonian fluid, the shear stress increases linearly with the shear rate (n = 1
above) and the slope (the constant in the above equation) is simply the viscosity. This is typical of the
behaviour for the range of aqueous conditions found at the wet end of the paper machine, at the size
press and for some coaters (air knife, rod metering).
n > 1 Dilatant non-Newtonian
Log (viscosity) Newtonian
n = 1 Newtonian Viscosity
n < 1 Pseudo-pastic non-Newtonian Thixotropic
Time at constant shear
Log (shear rate)
In some conditions such as those found in roll and blade coaters, this simple relationship does not
hold and there are various types of non-Newtonian behaviour caused by interactions within and
between the particulate and dissolved solids present. Pseudoplastic (shear-thinning) conditions occur
where there is an attraction between (often asymmetric) particles in a suspension, but this is gradually
overcome as the shear rate increases and the viscosity declines. It can also occur with polymer
solutions as the molecules progressively align themselves with the direction of flow. A special case of
pseudoplasticity (called just plastic or Bingham plastic conditions) is where there is a minimum stress
before flow occurs. Dilatancy (shear-thickening) occurs when a high concentration of particles is
packed together as densely as possible with liquid only in the void spaces. In order to flow, the dense
packing has to be disturbed, causing the void volume to increase and the limited volume of water,
being inadequate to fill the increased void space, causes the suspension to appear to dry out or get
thicker. Thixotropic fluids represent a special case applicable to any of these flow conditions where the
viscosity change with time depends on the shear history so the shear stress - shear rate pattern
depends on the direction of the shear change (as shown in the figure above). The term "rheopexy" is
sometimes used to denote time-dependent shear-thickening.
The rheology of a coating mix is defined by its total solids content and by certain characteristics of its
main components, notably the particle size distribution of
Viscosity, centiPoise
both pigment(s) and insoluble binder(s), the chemistry of 500
any water-soluble binder(s) and the shape and degree of
dispersion of the pigment particles, which determine their
packing density. A typical rheogram for a coating mixture 250
of Newtonian behaviour before a final shear-thickening Shear rate, second
zone. Coating additives used for other purposes (such as Source: Bown "Review of the influence of
pigments on papermaking and coating"
water retention and dispersion) may also influence the Transactions 11th FRS "Fundamentals of
coating rheology. papermaking materials" Cambridge, 1997.
Additives may be specifically incorporated in the coating mix in order to control its rheology, notably its
viscosity during application. There are two classes of rheology modifier:
viscosity-reducing chemicals such as dicyandiamide, amines such as diethylenetriamine and
viscosity-increasing chemicals which are usually high molecular weight polymers, often based on
acrylates, that are either activated by alkaline conditions (so-called alkali-soluble emulsions) or
contain hydrophobic groups that influence their degree of association under high shear. CMC and
starches also influence coating rheology.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 333
This is an abbreviation for refiner mechanical pulp or pulping process.
Rosin is used for the wet end sizing of paper, but a second component (normally alum or another
aluminium compound such as PAC) is essential for it to work effectively. The use of rosin (with alum)
was shown to be an effective sizing agent for paper in the early 19 century and its use grew to the
extent that rosin had become the most common wet end sizing agent by the mid 20 century.
Following the success of the then newly-developed neutral sizing agents (initially AKD and then ASA)
from the 1950s onwards, it might have been predicted that, with the strong trend to neutral
papermaking, rosin size would disappear. However, this has not happened, although the use of rosin
is certainly much lower today than it once was, particularly in one of the main sizing sectors (wood-free
papers). Rosin is still used, albeit in a modified form, to size such papers at neutral as well as acid pH,
but, other sectors have become more important and perhaps its largest use today is for the sizing of
packaging grades such as linerboard and folding boxboard.
The most important source of rosin is tall oil, which produces a very pale yellow solid with a softening
point of 60-90 C, which is suitable for all paper grades. Rosin is a complex mixture of predominantly
(90%) polycyclic resin acids plus a minor fraction (10%) of neutral compounds (resin and fatty acid
esters and alcohols). In tall oil rosin, the dominant acids are abietic (35-40%) and dehydroabietic
(20-25%) acids with lesser amounts of isopimaric and palustrinic acids (each about 10%). Due to their
having several unsaturated carbon - carbon bonds, all the resin acids are chemically reactive and may
undergo oxidation, which darkens their colour. The efficiency of natural rosin may be improved by
carrying out a simple chemical reaction to produce the so-called fortified sizes and all commercial
rosin sizes today contain a proportion of fortified rosin. A more recent innovation in rosin chemistry is
the conversion of the acid form to an ester in order to minimise the wet end interaction of ionised rosin
with cations, a particular problem when operating at neutral pH levels (see later in this section).
For wet end addition, the rosin has to be converted into a water-soluble or water-dispersible form. The
most common type used to be paste sizes, in which the rosin is present as the sodium soap and the
solids content is about 75%. However, these were largely displaced by less viscous "liquid" soaps in
the form of either the sodium salt with "extenders" such as urea or the potassium salt, both types
having solids contents of about 50%. Dry powder rosin soap sizes are also available. However, most
rosin sizes used today are rosin dispersions (solids content about 30%) containing at least 80-90%
free (natural or fortified) rosin stabilised by the addition of casein (to give an anionic emulsion) or other
charged chemicals such as anionic surfactants or cationic polymers. The particle size distribution of
the casein-stabilised dispersions is broader and higher (0.5-5) than those of the charged dispersions
(0.1-0.5). A variant of dispersed rosin size is the so-called single-pack or one-shot product, which
incorporates the required amount of aluminium compound into the dispersion.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 334
As the pK value of the rosin acids such as abietic is about 5, the addition of soap size to the
papermaking stock produces a mixture of unionised and ionised acids, the relative proportions of
which change rapidly over the pH range 4.5-5.5. Below pH 4.5, the acid is dominant, whilst above pH
5.5, the ionised form is dominant. This change in rosin form is Abietic acid mobility, μm.cm/volt.sec
evident from many studies of the effect of pH on the charge of Alum
rosin species (see figure at right where only sulphuric acid is 0
used for pH adjustment). In order to achieve good sizing with
rosin, the traditional approach has been to use alum, which
H2SO4 Alum with 100 mg/l
can react with the rosin to form positively-charged compounds -4
such as “aluminium dirosinate" (AlR2 where R = rosin -6
3 5 7 9
molecule) or other polymeric complexes involving olated pH
aluminium species, but the extent of this reaction at the wet
Source: Lindstrom in Svensk
end depends on the form of the rosin present and hence on pH Papp, 1977, 1, 22-28.
(as shown again in the figure at right). Anionic species from
pulps (eg lignosulphonate as shown in the above figure) also affect rosin efficiency through their
adverse effect on the charge of the alum/rosin complex. Other experiments have confirmed that this
effect leads to impaired rosin retention.
Further laboratory-based studies have shown the impact of pH and water quality on retention of abietic
acid (sodium soap form). As seen at right, retention declines progressively above pH 5 at all addition
rates, which is due to loss of cationicity of the rosin/alum complex. Electrolytes have also been shown
to impair rosin retention at acid pH (due to shielding of the charge attraction between the rosin/alum
complex and the fibre), but calcium ions have the biggest impact. When dissolved calcium ions are
present, some of the ionised acid is precipitated as the calcium soap and, if excess calcium were
present, the equilibrium would eventually convert
nearly all the rosin acids to this form. Abietic acid retention (%)
Unfortunately, calcium "rosinates" are not good 1/1/DI Legend
sizing agents as the precipitated form is not % rosin/%alum/water
cationic and is therefore poorly retained. This is 30 2/2/TW
DI = deionised water
confirmed in the figure at above right, where the 20 1/1/DI
4.5-5.0 with alum being added to provide both the acidity to lower the pH and as a source of cationic
aluminium species. Conventionally, the rosin is added first just before the fan pump followed by alum,
but so-called "reverse" sizing (alum followed by rosin) has been used to counter problems when high
levels of calcium are present in hard water areas. Although this pH range is below the pK of abietic
acid, some direct chemical reaction takes place forming a mixture of aluminium "dirosinate" and the
rosin acid. The positive charge on this complex (as seen in the above figure) promotes hetero-
aggregation of rosin with particulate solids and reasonable rosin wire retentions. The alum/rosin
complex remains cationic once the alum:rosin mole ratio exceeds about 0.25:1 at pH 4.5, but greater
quantities of alum would be needed at higher pH levels.
Another important characteristic of rosin soap sizes is the fact that the aluminium "dirosinate"/rosin
agglomerate is quite large and tends to get larger as the dose increases. Whilst this is good for rosin
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 335
retention (as seen in the second figure above), it is less desirable from the standpoint of achieving as
uniform as possible a rosin distribution across the fibre surface. As the softening (or sintering)
temperature of the aluminium dirosinate is above 120 C, it also cannot redistribute itself in the drying
section. For these reasons (reactivity with calcium ions leading to impaired retention and the inability
for re-distribution plus the large floc size leading to poor initial distribution), rosin is no longer used in a
soap form, but as a rosin dispersion.
For rosin dispersions, the only chemical reaction taking place at the wet end is reaction of aluminium
species with the ionised rosin at the surface of the dispersed particles, a very small fraction of the total
rosin present. The emulsified rosin particles are thus retained by a hetero-aggregation mechanism
with the rest of the particulates and the aluminium species by adsorption of the cationic complexes
onto the whole particulate matrix, not just on the rosin. In contrast to rosin soaps, rosin dispersions
form discrete flocs at the wet end and these are more uniformly deposited on the pulp. Furthermore,
the rosin emulsion particles are able ultimately to achieve an even better surface coverage as the
sheet temperature during sheet drying exceeds their softening temperature (60-90 C), thus allowing
the rosin to spread over the whole surface of the particulate matrix.
From the foregoing, it is clear that the presence of alum is more critical to the retention of soap size
than of dispersed size, but its presence is crucial to one other element of rosin performance. Once
retained and spread over the fibre surface, the rosin has to be oriented with the hydrophilic part
pointing towards and the hydrophobic part away from the fibre surface. For both soap and dispersed
rosin sizes, the formation of the “aluminium rosinate” (in the case of the dispersed rosin, through
reaction in the drying sheet) anchors the rosin with the optimum orientation. The rosin itself would
naturally tend to align its hydrophilic side with the fibre surface, but this is reinforced by the formation
of the aluminium salt and any tendency to reverse its alignment in the presence of water is prevented.
These differences in the overall mechanism of rosin sizing between the soap and emulsion sizes are
summarised in the picture below.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 336
Rosin Spreading of rosin,
reaction with Al and
Emulsion Separate adsorption of orientation of complex
Al species and rosin
There has been much speculation about the precise form of the active rosin sizing entity in paper and
the nature of its association with the fibre surface. This has been probed using extractions with various
solvents of sheets “cured” at different temperatures. One school of thought is that there are two
different forms of the “aluminium rosinate” material, one forming a strong bond with the fibre surface
and the other forming a weak bond. This has been used in place of the melt-flow model of rosin
behaviour to explain redistribution effects and the volatilisation of rosin in the drying section. Recent
13 13
work in Japan using carbon-13 ( C) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of papers sized with with C-
labelled rosin casts some doubt on the traditional role ascribed to aluminium species as it was difficult
to demonstrate the presence of any aluminium salt of rosin. Nevertheless, this same work has
confirmed the importance of aluminium species to rosin sizing as papers with zero Al content are
completely unsized despite the presence of adequate rosin (0.2-0.3%).
There is very little data on rosin retentions on full-scale paper machines, probably due to the time-
consuming nature of rosin analysis (solvent extraction). The data shown below is from a machine
making clay-filled papers from a largely bleached hardwood Kraft furnish, but with a wide range in the
grammage of its products. The variation in single pass retention of the particulate components was
shown here as the first example of the influence of grammage on SPR. The flowbox conductivity on
this machine (0.7-0.8 mS/cm) reflected the fresh water
baseline (0.3 mS/cm) plus the inputs from the sulphate
120 RosinTR (%)
ions in alum, which was added to give about pH 5 at the
flowbox. Dissolved sulphate concentrations paralleled 90
The single pass retention of rosin was very similar to that of the filler/fines, which is not unexpected as
the particle size of the rosin emulsion would have been similar to that of the fines. Single pass
retentions of the fines fraction was poor due to inadequate aggregation by the retention aid in use at
the time. The total retention of the rosin exceeded 90% for most of the survey period, but dropped
dramatically on the low grammage grade, necessitating a significant dose increase in order to
maintain the required sizing level. Over the survey period, the machine experienced severe deposition
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 337
at the press section on the low grammage grade. The deposit comprised rosin (about 20% of the total
weight), clay (about 25%) and fibre fines (about 55%), ie those components of the furnish with low
wire retentions. The location of the deposit on the second press implied a complex deposition/pick-
up/re-deposition mechanism caused primarily by the high flux of poorly-retained material through the
machine wire. The solution was to improve the efficiency of the retention aid system and thus raise the
single pass retention of the fines at all times, but particularly on the low grammage grade.
As sizes are used extensively in the printings/writings sector, there has been much interest over the
last decade or so to size paper at more neutral pH values, thus facilitating its use with calcium
carbonate filler. As the wet end pH rises, there are three important effects in a rosin/alum system:
greater interaction of rosin with calcium and aluminium ions at the wet end due to increased rosin
ionisation, thus impairing sizing efficiency through poor wet end distribution and limited re-
distribution ability
the cationicity of any alum/rosin complex declines thus impairing its retention, although this can be
compensated for by use of retention aids
the speciation of the aluminium changes from soluble cationic compounds to insoluble less
cationic, nonionic or anionic compounds such as the hydroxide.
Sizing (sec) For the most effective sizing at neutral pH levels, rosin can be
50 modified chemically to resist ionisation, the best example
40 Rosin ester being conversion to a rosin ester with monohydric alcohols
30 such as iso-octanol or with polyhydric alcohols such as
20 ethylene glycol or glycerol. As well as improvements in sizing
10 efficiency at neutral pH, rosin esters seem to produce more
Rosin acid
0 stable emulsions, particularly under alkaline conditions. An
5 6 7 8 9 example of the benefits of a triglyceride rosin ester is shown
at left in the sizing of a bleached hardwood Kraft pulp (refined
Source: Wang in Nordic Pulp Paper to 400 ml CSF) at an addition rate of 1% rosin size on pulp
Res.J., 2000, 5, 416-421.
for 60 g/m handsheets.
It is evident that the rosin ester emulsion gives much better sizing than the rosin acid emulsion in the
neutral pH region and, from the figure at right, that this is due to
Retention (%)
better retention of the rosin component. There is little difference 100 Rosin ester Rosin acid
in the retention of the aluminium component, which is in line
80 Al
with the expected non-reaction between the two components at
the wet end. An interesting side avenue of this study looked at
40 Rosin
the distribution of rosin and aluminium species in the formed
paper by scanning electron microscopy. Although the papers
had been dried at 105 C for 10 minutes, the distribution of rosin 0
5 6 7 8 9
was not that uniform with the fibre surface having obvious bare, pH
uncovered patches. This was also true for the aluminium
component, the wet end distribution of which is more important as it does not have the ability to re-
distribute itself during drying.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 338
The performance of all types of rosin size can be adversely affected by various aspects of wet end
chemistry. As rosin retention is dependent on a degree of cationic character in the emulsion or the
accompanying aluminium component, the presence of anionic trash tends to impair sizing. As well as
calcium, inorganic anions (particularly divalent ions such as sulphate, the presence of which is
unavoidable with alum) can also impair sizing by lowering the cationicity of the aluminium complexes
and the melt-flow characteristics of rosin during drying. Different pulps respond differently to rosin (but
no more than they do to all sizes) due to variations in surface area and carboxyl content. High
temperatures can be particular problem on machines with closed water systems, but this is more to do
with alum than with rosin itself. Increased temperature changes the equilibrium positions of the various
alum hydrolysis reactions and seems to make the aluminium complexes less cationic and less stable.
A particular problem is the formation of hard deposits of aluminium hydroxide around the addition
point, which build up over time and require periodic downtime for removal. High stock temperatures at
neutral pH provides a particularly challenging combination of conditions.
Being an amphipathic molecule that is soluble under neutral/alkaline conditions, it is not too surprising
that rosin can be implicated in foam problems. However, it is not likely to be the sole cause of the
problem unless the rosin retention is poor on a machine with a reasonably closed water system. The
resultant high concentrations allied to the elevated temperature could be enough to cause foam either
under acid conditions (due possibly to calcium carbonate-generated carbon dioxide) or under neutral
conditions (due to formation of the rosin soap).
As sizing is intended to modify the surface characteristics of paper, this could have adverse
repercussions for paper qualities other than sizing:
rosin is well-known for promoting adhesion to drying cylinders, which is useful on MG machines to
produce a glazed finish, but less desirable if this causes sticking and poor release on rolls and
normal drying cylinders.
rosin has been shown to have a relatively small effect on the frictional properties of paper
print adhesion (particularly from laser or ink-jet processes) has not been reported to be a problem
with rosin-sized papers, unlike some papers sized with other chemicals.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 339
This paper property is covered under smoothness.
This term is used in papermaking to refer to the multitude of issues that cause the paper machine to
run at lower than its intended production rate. This touches on many fundamental aspects of machine
design and operation in terms of its overall efficiency and profitability. Machines making the same
grade of paper are often ranked in terms of saleable production per unit width (tonne/metre.day or
even km /metre.day), in which case faster machines tend to be at the top of the list. Under normal
trouble-free operation, chemical aspects of the papermaking furnish influence machine speed primarily
through their impact on the ease of water removal, notably during the drainage stage on the formation
wire. Poor productivity due to unacceptably slow machine speeds could thus be caused by chemical
parameters such as a high fines content of the stock, by over-use of wet end starch or by poor
efficiency of drainage aids.
A low efficiency level may also result in circumstances where the production rate is acceptable, but the
paper quality does not meet the required specification in some way. This may be due to any of a
multitude of factors:
an incorrect total quantity of retained raw materials leading to a product grammage that is out of
an incorrect balance of retained raw materials (eg too much or too little filler) in the paper, even
though the overall grammage is fine, leading to some key property being outside the specification
(eg opacity in the case of filler)
sub-optimal distribution of components within the paper, ie poor uniformity in the x, y or z
inadequate expression of the functionality of a key chemical, eg poor sizing due, possibly, to poor
size retention and/or low drying temperatures.
The direct consequence of this is, of course, the generation of machine broke, which may itself impact
on runnability through the recycling of materials that might exacerbate the cause of the original
problem or create new problems. These new problems may contribute to the most severe type of poor
runnability, which is unplanned downtime. This is usually caused by a break of the paper web, often
around the press section, but this is just as likely to be due to some sort of mechanical failure or
problem as it is to a chemical problem. Most of the chemical issues that cause breaks are due to the
set of problematic substances, but there may be other non-specific problems where the surface
chemistry of the paper plays an important role, such as unwanted adhesion between the web and
machine surfaces (eg fabrics or rolls/cylinders). The wet web strength also plays an important role in
runnability around the press section area.
Clearly, process runnability on the paper machine is therefore influenced by many facets of wet end
chemistry and, to a lesser degree, by dry end chemistry. Runnability issues are obviously different for
surface application techniques, where the quality of the base paper (eg level of sizing) becomes one
of the runnability issues.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 340
Sack papers
These are a type of packaging paper that requires not only excellent tensile strength, but also with
some extensibility and this is achieved not by the use of chemicals, but by a special creping process
which puts an almost invisible crimp into the paper during drying. They are generally made from
unbleached Kraft pulp, sized with rosin and additionally treated with wet strength resin when made for
use under wet or high humidity conditions.
This is a general term for inorganic ionic compounds, which are otherwise referred to as electrolytes.
The term "salt" is best avoided due to its common usage referring just to sodium chloride.
This is important in relation to off-line laboratory analysis and to the location of on-line sensors. For the
purpose of giving an overall picture of the system's wet end chemistry, there are four key sampling
the fresh water, which establishes the baseline chemistry for the system's soluble components,
notably the inorganic fraction. In contrast to components entering with all other raw materials,
those entering with fresh water do not build up appreciably as the machine circuit is closed up.
the thick stock, which is representative of largely fresh material coming forward to the machine.
This can be sampled at different locations, but the best general position is right at the end of the
thick stock circuit, directly before the fan pump. If different pulps are being blended, it may be
useful to take some samples of the separate streams. Analysis of the broke thick stock can be
particularly useful in quantifying the chemical matrix recycled from surface treatments.
the thin stock, which represents the whole paper stock at its greatest dilution in the system.
differences between the thick and thin stocks will reflect further chemical additions and, most
importantly, the dilution with whitewater. Of course, the most important purpose of this sample is
for calculation of the single pass retention for particulates.
the whitewater, which represents the non-retained constituents of the furnish. This sample can be
taken at various specific locations, but the most common are the first tray or the combined tray
waters. The first tray position gives the most sensitive indication of retention variations, whilst the
combined sample gives a better indication of average losses through the wire. There should be
little difference between the soluble components in the thin stock and in the whitewater unless
further adsorption/desorption takes place in the whitewater after the bulk of the particulates have
been removed.
Other sampling points may be included in order to quantify specific problem areas, eg deposits at
critical positions, saveall influent/effluent, press section waters, etc.
It is a commonly-quoted axiom that analytical results are only as good as the representative nature of
the sample. Taking the sample and ensuring that its characteristics are preserved prior to the actual
analysis is therefore extremely important. Difficulties in representative sampling are related to the
heterogeneity of the stream to be sampled (particularly the presence of materials that can separate by
settlement or by flotation) and its variable composition with time. The first problem can be largely
overcome by ensuring that the sample is taken at a location with adequate shear/mixing to prevent
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 341
From knowledge of the variability in the parameter of interest and the required precision of the result,
the number of samples (N) that need be taken can be calculated:
N = (k.f.s/p)
where k = values from the t distribution at the required level of confidence
f = factor dependent on statistic to be estimated
eg f = 1.25 for the median and f = 2.09 for the 95%ile
s = standard deviation, p = precision
This equation assumes that the data is distributed normally, whereas many water parameters are
often distributed log-normally. In these cases, the equation has to be applied to the transformed data.
The skewed log normal distribution means that there can be occasional very high values which are
difficult to predict with any precision. All wet end samples must be analysed as rapidly as possible due
to the lability of many of the components, particularly the organic fraction. Refrigeration is the only
preservation technique to be used in circumstances where some delay is unavoidable, but this could
cause some solubility changes.
This is the term for the conversion of a fatty acid from the acid form to a soluble metal soap, as shown
This reaction is important to the production of some rosin sizes and the conversion of acids in the
extractives fraction of wood or pulps to a soluble form. The soluble sodium soap may then be re-
precipitated through its reaction with dissolved calcium ions at the wet end of the paper machine:
(RCO2)2Ca + 2Na
2+ +
2RCO2Na + Ca
This second reaction is undesirable as it converts rosin acids into an ineffective form and may
precipitate colloidal pitch.
Satin white
This is a speciality pigment used in paper coating, notably in the manufacture of high-gloss papers
such as cast-coated grades. It is made from lime and alum to produce a hydrated calcium aluminium
sulphate (3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.31H2O) with needle-like crystals. It can be dispersed with gum arabic.
This purpose of this piece of equipment is well described by its name, which is to recover particulate
materials (mainly fines) that are neither retained by the papermaking wire nor recycled in the primary
loop. The most common treatment units are based on flotation or filtration with many different designs,
particularly for the latter. Filtration is carried out without any chemical addition, but chemical
flocculation is essential for effective flotation. The recovered solids are returned to the stock
preparation system and the clarified water is often re-used on specific applications such as low
pressure showers, sealing, hose water, etc.
This is an abbreviation for styrene-butadiene.
This is an abbreviation for super-calendered as in SC papers.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 342
This is the term for a type of precipitate that occurs in water systems in the form of an adherent film or
deposit on the surface of tanks and pipes. Scales are usually inorganic in nature and often grow from
a small point of initial nucleation. The most common type of scale in papermaking systems is calcium
carbonate, which occurs not through the deposition of calcium carbonate filler, but through its
precipitation from unstable calcium bicarbonate. This may be a specific problem in shower (or other)
systems using heated fresh water, particularly when the pressure is reduced at the shower head.
The prevention of scales is important in relation to the maintenance of open pipes generally and, in
special circumstances such as heat exchangers, in terms of the efficiency of process equipment. The
hierarchy of control techniques discussed under deposition is relevant to precipitated scales,
additional points relevant only to this type of deposition being:
selecting raw materials with the lowest content of components having a precipitation potential
The most prevalent ion in this category is calcium, but this cation is so widespread that limiting its
introduction can be difficult. At some mills, the most significant source of calcium ions is the fresh
water and calcium may easily be removed as part of the initial raw water treatment process. The
chemistry used to do this depends on whether the calcium is present as temporary hardness or
permanent hardness. Alternatively, the anion can be changed from bicarbonate to sulphate by
addition of sulphuric acid followed by stripping of the released carbon dioxide. This reduces the
water's precipitation potential as calcium sulphate is much more soluble than calcium carbonate.
This change may be not be desirable on some paper machines (eg those with closed water
systems) due to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria or if the mill has an anaerobic
wastewater treatment plant. Alternative (but more expensive) acids are hydrochloric and nitric.
Scale formation can also be prevented by "conditioning" techniques such as pH adjustment (for
calcium carbonate scales) and/or by electromagnetic (or modulating electronic) treatment. Some
precipitating anions (eg silicate) are associated with pulps and are best excluded from
papermaking by optimised pulp washing.
This is an abbreviation for streaming current detector.
Schopper-Riegler (SR)
This is the name given to one of the two standard tests (the other being Canadian Standard Freeness)
carried out on pulps to measure their drainage characteristics (freeness) and is used as an indicator of
the progress of the pulp refining process.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 343
Schulze-Hardy Rule
This well-known rule applies to the relative effectiveness of electrolytes in promoting particle
aggregation. Strictly speaking, this applies only to hydrophobic particles, but it also works reasonably
well for many hydrophilic particles. This effect is not due to any specific interaction (eg adsorption)
between the electrolyte and the particle surface, but solely due to the impact of the increased ionic
strength on the thickness of the electrical double layer. The effective (molar) concentration is
6 2
proportional to (1/z) when the surface charge is high (> 100 mV) and proportional to (1/z) when the
surface charge is low (< 25 mV), where z is the valency of the counter ion.
This phenomenon occurs where the paper shows some sizing effect, but without any addition of sizing
chemical. This is due to the presence of effective sizing molecules already present in the pulp, the
most common source of such agents being the resin acids that are present in virgin wood pulps,
notably in mechanical pulps. Self-sizing can also be present in papers made with some unbleached
sulphite pulps (notably grades made under acid conditions), but the alkaline nature of the Kraft
process usually ensures low levels of resin acids (and pitch) in the pulp. In practice, significant self-
sizing is only experienced in wood-containing papers such as newsprint where alum is used at the wet
end (not for sizing, but perhaps for pitch control) due to the well-known need for the resin acids (as
present in rosin) to be oriented in an optimum manner in order to size efficiently.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 344
This term has two possible meanings in relation to particle aggregation:
the involvement of multi-valent ions in forming a link between a polymer and a particle surface that
has the same charge, eg calcium ions in the case of the interaction between a negative surface
and an anionic polymer.
the addition of an electrolyte to reduce the thickness of the electrical double layer and hence bring
the closest distance of inter-particle approach to within the bridging distance of a polymer.
This is an alternative term for chelant.
This abbreviation stands for stone groundwood pulp or pulping process.
This concept plays an important role in rheology and is important in papermaking in relation to
interactions at both the wet end and in coating mixtures. Shear occurs when one part of a liquid is
moved relative to another part by the application of a force, as shown below for a force (T) acting on
one side of a volume of liquid.
A Shear = d/t, Shear stress = T/A,
Shear is the relative displacement of any two fluid layers divided by the separation distance, whereas
the shear rate is the rate of change of the shear with time and thus has the units of time . As this is
the same as the separation velocity divided by the separation distance, it is also known as the velocity
gradient, which is often given the abbreviation, G. An approximate value of the shear rate can be
calculated from the power input to the mixing volume as follows:
-1 0.5
G (second ) = 1000(E/η)
where E = power input per unit volume (kW/m ) and η = dynamic viscosity (cP)
The importance of shear at the wet end and in coating is very different because of the enormous
difference in consistencies between them. At the wet end, the liquid suspension behaves as a
Newtonian fluid and shear is important in relation to:
the uniform mixing of chemical additives with the papermaking stock
the collision frequency between different particles and between particles and dissolved molecules,
as this leads to particle aggregation and adsorption respectively
the size of flocculated particles, as this is dependent on the strength of the flocculated structure in
relation to the applied shear forces.
During the application phase of coating, the liquid suspension may exhibit Newtonian behaviour with
air knife and rod coaters or non-Newtonian behaviour with roll and blade coaters. It is important to
understand the relationship between the shear level at the coater and the flow properties of the
suspension as this will determine the quality of the coating.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 345
The approximate shear rates in different parts of the papermaking system have been calculated as
3000-4000 second at the fan pump
2000 second at the pressure screen
-1 -1
200 second at the flowbox slice for a machine speed of 300 m/minute increasing to 700 second
at a machine speed of 1000 m/minute
400 second at the rectifier roll on the formation wire for a machine speed of 300 m/minute
increasing to 1000 second at a machine speed of 1000 m/minute
6 -1
up to 10 second during coating, albeit for a very short duration (micro-seconds).
The overall effect of shear on particle retention is also dependent on the ability of the shear-
deflocculated suspension to re-flocculate. As shown in the figure below at right, high shear leads to a
disruption of inter-particle bridging and a re-distribution of the polymer into a flatter conformation on
the particle surface with reduced bridging potential. By contrast, patch-flocculated suspensions are
disrupted at lower shear levels, but the still-present
patches can re-associate to re-establish flocculation
once the shear is removed. Thus, although the
flocculation produced by patch-type polymers is
inherently weaker, their flocculating ability can be re-
harnessed on the next pass. Similarly, particle aggregation by charge neutralisation produces rather
weak flocs, but they are also able to re-form in the absence of the shearing force.
This improved shear resistance of flocs generated by dual chemical treatment is one of their main
practical advantages. An example of such a system is a cationic polymer followed by an anionic
polyacrylamide, in which the mechanism is a mixture of charge neutralisation/patching and inter-
particle bridging. The strength of the floc is attributed to the strong electrostatic interaction between
the two oppositely-charged polymers. As it is critical that this interaction takes place between the
adsorbed, not the dissolved, cationic polymer and the added anionic polymer, there must be adequate
time between the dosing points for this to take place. This usually means adding the cationic polymer
around the fan pump on the paper machine - the precise position before or after the fan pump
depends on the amount of shear required to optimise the primary state of aggregation and the time
required to achieve optimum conformation of the adsorbed polymer. The anionic polymer is then
added before or after the screen, again depending on the amount of shear required to achieve the
desired final state of aggregation. Because a bridging polymer is used as the final treatment, such
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 346
systems can easily lead to poor formation in the product. The desire to combine good fines single
pass retention with good paper formation led to the development of the so-called “micro-particle”
chemistries based typically on the use of either colloidal silica or bentonite.
This is a term for over-sized fibre bundles that have not been fully separated in pulping processes.
This is the second Group 14 element in the Periodic Table with an atomic mass of 28. Silicon is
extremely abundant naturally either as silica (eg quartz) or numerous silicate minerals. Silicon is a
fairly common element within papermaking in the following forms:
as inorganic silica compounds either as silica or, more commonly, as combined silicates
as organosilicon compounds (silicones) for use to control foam and as a release agent.
Silica is silicon dioxide, SiO2, which has several applications in papermaking:
as nano-particle sized colloidal silica for use as a retention and drainage aid
as micro-particle sized amorphous silica powder, which is used for various applications:
- as a defoaming agent (after surface-treatment)
- as a speciality wet end opacifier (filler)
- as a size press additive to improve ink receptivity, notably for ink-jet printing papers
- as a size press additive to increase surface friction.
- as a coating additive, notably as the pigment (with polyvinylalcohol) in the special coating
applied to the highest quality papers used for ink-jet printing.
For both types if silica, the suspensions are characterised by the pH-dependent ionisation of silanol
(Si-OH) groups to give an anionic surface. The amorphous silica products are made by precipitation
and are thus sometimes referred to as precipitated silica or precipitated synthetic silicates. In some
products, aluminium oxide is co-precipitated to give synthetic alumino-silicates. Many of their
applications stem from their high porosity, which provides rapid take-up and immobilisation of the
liquid phase in inks, thereby improving ink hold-out. Oil absorption is up to about 3x the silica mass. As
synthetic pigments, they all have a high brightness (>93% ISO) and high light-scattering coefficient
(around 450 m /kg) although their refractive index is similar to that of other fillers (about 1.5).
Silicates are the most abundant naturally-occurring minerals and are generally based on the
tetrahedral SiO4 unit as in the very weak orthosilicic acid (H4SiO4). There are two broad categories
of silicates that find applications in papermaking:
in an insoluble form as various clays
- with alumina to form the general class of alumino-silica minerals such as kaolin clays and
some synthetic pigments
- with magnesia to form magnesia-silica minerals such as talc
- with alumina and magnesia to form the bentonite clays
These chemicals are mainly used as defoamers and as release
agents, eg for baking papers and for the backing paper to self- R R R
The silicones are applied as solvent-based products or emulsions using normal coating equipment.
The single pass retention of the total particulate solids (sometimes referred to as "total SPR") is
complex and, on any paper machine running under fixed conditions of wire design, speed and product
grammage, the single pass retention on the wire part is largely dependent on the state of particle
aggregation and this is controlled by the use of retention aids. Particulate retention in the press section
is close to 100%, but depends on the integrity of the paper's wire and top sides in relation to the
adhesive forces between them and press rolls/felts. Although much of the particulate matrix is
immobilised by the time that the web reaches the press section, the fines can still re-distribute itself as
shown in this example. In the drying section, particulate retention is even closer to 100% due to the
stronger surface bonding at the prevailing higher web dryness.
component can be measured in the way illustrated, but it is normally only done for the total particulate
solids (consistency) and its ash component.
By contrast, the single pass retention of dissolved solids cannot be estimated from concentrations, as
these should be the same (or very similar) in the flowbox stock and whitewater. Unless they are
adsorbed by the particulate matrix, wet end dissolved solids follow the water as it is expressed from
the web during drainage and pressing and then, with the exception of any volatile compounds, remain
behind in the sheet as the water is evaporated in the drying section.
Assuming that the retention of particulate solids is 80% on the formation fabric and that the particulate
consistency is 1% at the flowbox and 15% at the couch, then the wire retention of dissolved solids is
5.3%. Assuming that the solids content is 40% at the entrance to the drying section and that the
retention of particulate solids is 100% in the press and drying sections, then the retention of dissolved
solids is 18.9% in the press section and 100% in the drying section. The overall SPR of dissolved
solids can be calculated to be 1.2% under these conditions. This value will vary with the precise
conditions, but is always somewhere in the region of 1%.
Overall, the wet end furnish can usefully be sub-divided into three groups on the basis of their different
retention mechanisms:
The overall single pass retention of water-soluble chemical additives is complex as it depends on
their distribution amongst the above three fractions. Such additives are selected in the first place
on the basis of their good adsorption characteristics so the amount of additive that remains
dissolved at the flowbox should be low. The SPR of the additive will then be mainly influenced by
the relative proportions adsorbed on genuine fibres (inherently high SPR) and on fines (variable
SPR depending on the level of flocculation achieved). As the available surface area is a key
factor determining the extent of adsorption, a significant proportion of any additive is normally
taken up by the fines and hence the fines SPR is the most important factor determining the
additive's overall SPR and total retention (see this calculated model example).
In this figure, the relationship between total fines retention Flowbox concentration, g/l
and fines SPR is shown. The SPR of a material is one of
40 Fines content = 30%
its most important attributes in terms of wet end chemistry Water use = 10 m3/t
as it determines its equilibrium concentration at any 30
It should be evident from the above discussion that, whilst the single pass retention of the dissolved
solids is often ignored, it is quite straightforward to calculate based on the water balance from the
flowbox forwards. The opposite situation applies to the single pass retention of the particulate fraction,
which is recognised as being of great importance and is therefore calculated on most paper machines
from measured consistencies. However, it is a very complex parameter as it is influenced by many
the composition of the thick stock in terms of the fibre:fines balance (see this example for the
effect of fines content on total SPR)
by the interactions between the particulate matrix and other wet end additives
by the wet end hydrodynamics and shear forces, which influence inter-particle aggregation
by the quality of the paper such as grammage.
Whilst reducing losses is one of the main driving forces for maximising single pass retention, it is
certainly not the only one and there are other substantial benefits to be gained:
more stable SPR (see these figures in terms of reduced SPR variability at high SPR levels)
leading to improved product uniformity and the production of less broke, which in turn would
reduce the recycling of poorly-retained dissolved solids from any size press additives
a lower flowbox consistency (as shown in the example above in this section) due to reduced
recycling of non-retained solids in the whitewater leading to better paper formation/strength
a cleaner system, as there are lower levels of potentially deposit-forming recycled solids, leading
to fewer breaks and lower costs for deposit control
more uniform paper quality due to the more even z-distribution (less 2-sidedness)
better efficiency of chemicals that are associated with the fine particulate fraction
greater degree of water closure possible before encountering problems related to the build up in
the concentration of particulate solids, leading to improved solubles retention
faster equilibration at grade changes leading to less broke at start-up.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 350
This is shorthand for sizing agent.
Size press
This piece of equipment is a type of roll applicator (as used sometimes as a genuine coater), which is
used to apply a solution of chemicals to the dried paper surface. The most common application is
starch addition to improve the surface strength of the paper or board, but other chemicals such as
sizing chemicals, fluorescent brightener and even pigments may also be applied to give other specific
effects. Size press solutions may also contain process additives to control problems such as microbial
activity and foam. The size press is used on most machines making wood-free printing/writing papers
(including coated grades) and some packaging grades (eg fluting medium).
Because of the high concentration of size press solutions (typically around 10% total solids content), it
is important to ensure the chemical compatibility of all components when formulating a size press
solution that contains more than just starch. Otherwise, this can lead to chemical inactivation of some
additives (eg of brighteners and sizes through charge effects) and possible precipitation, deposition
and poor runnability. Because the size press solution has a recirculation system, it is possible that
water-soluble substances (eg ions and anionic trash) will be extracted from the paper web by the hot
conditions in the size press and build up in the size press solution. This is most likely to be an issue on
machines with high inputs of water-soluble substances at the wet end combined with quite closed
water systems (ie recycled fluting and liner).
There are three different configurations for the conventional "puddle" size press as shown below, but
all function by allowing the paper web to imbibe the applied solution during its short residence time in
the press nip. The inclined size press is a compromise between the ease of web run, but unequal
pond volume (and hence pick-up) of the vertical size press and the more tortuous web run, but equal
pond volume, of the horizontal size press. In all cases, one roll is hard (metal surface), whilst the other
is soft (rubber surface) and one roll is fixed, whilst the position of the other can be adjusted to vary the
nip pressure.
The applied solution is supplied by pipes running across the web so that the solution is fed into the two
nips to form a small pond or puddle. The pick-up of solids depends on a number of factors:
sizing solution characteristics such as solids content and viscosity
web characteristics such as grammage, porosity, degree of sizing and moisture content
machine characteristics such as speed, nip pressure and pond depth.
The size press-treated paper web can contain 30-40% added moisture, so the size press has to be
followed by a set of after-dyers to re-dry the paper. Because of the reduction in production capacity for
a given total drying capacity and because of the associated energy costs, there is an interest in
replacing size press addition with wet end addition where this is practicable - one example is the use
of wet end cationic starch in place of size press starch in the manufacture of recycled fluting.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 351
This change of addition point is also relevant to faster machines where splashing and film-splitting give
inconsistent pick-up, but this can partly be overcome by changing to an offset pond arrangement as in
the gate roll size press shown above. Other, more modern designs of size press are based on coater
designs such as rod or blade metering devices. These are sometimes referred to as short-dwell
applicators, film presses or metering size presses (see above). One of their advantages is the ability to
use starch solutions of higher viscosity and solids content, thus reducing water pick-up at the same
starch pick-up and increasing production capacity. These newer designs are also being used to
improve the paper surface by incorporating coating pigments, this being commonly referred to as
machine finished pigmentising (rather than coating).
Like coated papers, size press-treated papers have an important influence on wet end chemistry due
to the dissolution of the size press-added chemicals from machine broke. On some machines (eg
those using virgin pulp), the dissolution of size press chemicals will be the main contribution to
dissolved solids at the wet end. As starch is the most common size press chemical and is often added
at a level of about 5% of the paper weight, the recycling of broke containing any size press starch has
a significant impact on wet end microbiological problems and, if the starch has any anionic character
(eg oxidised starches), also on anionic trash. High levels of size press-added fluorescent brightener
can also make a significant contribution to anionic trash.
Size reversion
This term is sometimes used interchangeably with the term fugitive sizing to describe the situation
where a paper that is fully sized at the mill is found to have lost some or all of its sizing at a later time
(see here for pictorial representation). Size reversion is sometimes differentiated from fugitive sizing by
defining it as the partial loss of sizing over a defined period after which the sizing level remains
constant. This has been an issue mainly with AKD-sized papers, where there is the complicating factor
that the paper may not be fully sized at the reel. The supposed loss of sizing is then being judged by
comparison with an artificially-cured sample, whereas the paper may never have achieved this sizing
level in the first place due to some problem with the initial sizing level.
The occurrence of size reversion with rosin-sized papers is rare, but can occur where the rosin is
poorly anchored to the fibre and the paper is then exposed to conditions of high moisture. In such
situations, the rosin molecule can re-orientate itself with a consequent loss of sizing. This would most
probably be caused by an inadequate content of aluminium species (due to inadequate alum/PAC
dosing and/or poor retention), as these act as the anchoring link between rosin and the fibre surface.
The main problem of sizing loss over time has been experienced with AKD-sized papers, notably
those made with PCC filler (see here for an example). A clear explanation for this effect is hindered by
uncertainties about the precise mechanism of AKD sizing, but there are two main hypotheses:
the latent alkalinity in the PCC encourages hydrolysis of the various AKD fractions (bound,
unbound and possibly that reacted with the calcium carbonate as the salt of the -keto-acid) to
destroy its sizing. This is supported by the fact that reducing the PCC's soluble alkalinity does
reduce the hydrolysis reaction.
the AKD migrates into the internal pore structure present in the scalanohedral PCC, with which
this effect is most commonly observed.
For sizes with an alkene group (alkenyl KDs and ASA), there is one additional reversion mechanism
and this is auto-oxidation by atmospheric oxygen whereby the sizing molecule becomes less
hydrophobic through the introduction of oxygen-containing groups.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 352
Sizing is the process of modifying the surface characteristics of individual fibres or of the formed sheet
to resist penetration by a particular liquid. Sizing is carried out for two possible reasons:
to control the pick-up of aqueous fluids, most commonly starch solutions, at the size press on the
paper machine and/or
to control the penetration of fluids, such as aqueous inks for printing papers or aqueous beverages
for liquid packaging papers, during use of the paper.
Sizing is thus mainly applied to printing/writing (and copying) grades and to many packaging grades.
Sizing is not commonly applied to wood-containing printing papers, but virtually all wood-free printing
papers are sized. It should be noted that, when looking at the degree of sizing brought about by
different chemical treatments, some pulps (mainly virgin mechanical pulps) possess a degree of "self-
sizing" due to the presence of resin/fatty acids in the pulp, so less additional sizing agent may be
required for the sizing of papers containing such pulps.
In accordance with the above equation, penetration of a fluid into the body of paper can thus be
restricted by two techniques:
closing off the surface with a film-forming chemical, thus arresting capillary action. This technique
is harnessed in the application of starch at the size press, but, in practice, this is more for
improving strength properties than for reducing water pick-up. This technique is obviously only
possible when the machine has some form of surface applicator.
the addition of chemicals to increase the contact angle. In the case of water, this involves the
addition of partially hydrophobic chemicals to reduce the paper's surface energy. These chemicals
are always amphipathic as they must not only have some hydrophobic character to resist water,
but also some hydrophilic character to orient themselves in the optimum way in the paper. These
chemicals may be added at the wet end or to the surface of the formed paper. The other type of
sizing in papermaking is for oil/grease resistance, which involves the addition of oleophobic
(hydrophilic) compounds such as fluorochemicals to enhance the natural oleophobic character of
cellulose. This is mainly done by surface application.
The contacting fluid against which the size is attempting to protect the paper may be an ink in the case
of printing papers or a beverage in the case of papers/boards for liquid packaging. It is obvious that
the sizing agent must be chemically stable under these conditions, otherwise the sizing effect will
disappear on prolonged contact. The main consideration for sizing against aqueous fluids is the size’s
resistance to hydrolysis by aqueous phases that are either slightly acidic or slightly alkaline.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 353
The chemicals used for surface sizing can be divided into two broad categories:
variants of sizing agents that are also used at the wet end
- rosin, although this is not commonly added at the surface
- alkylketene dimer (AKD), which can be used at the size press with normal size press starches
when formulated as an anionic dispersion (rather than its normal cationic form).
sizing agents specifically developed for surface application, notably those designated as so-called
polymeric sizes. There are two distinct categories:
- the family of products that are co-polymers of a hydrophobic component (styrene, acrylate
esters and methacrylate esters) and a hydrophilic component based on acrylic/maleic acids or
their derivatives. The number and balance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups determines
whether the product is an aqueous solution or dispersion. This gives rise to the styrene-
acrylate ester sizes, the styrene-acrylic acid sizes and the styrene-maleic anhydride sizes and
the acrylate sizes.
- the polyurethane sizes supplied as colloidal dispersions.
The polymeric sizes can be made either by solution polymerisation or by emulsion polymerisation (as
for coating latices). The solution polymers have been largely superseded by the dispersion/emulsion
polymers because of their superior sizing performance, which is due to a combination of higher
molecular weight and greater hydrophobicity and the absence of problems such as foam and
instability induced by the presence of electrolytes and changes in pH.
Cobb value (g/m ) As shown in the above figure, the dose of sizing agent required to
15% filler content achieve a particular level of sizing depends on the surface area
of the furnish. This effect is illustrated in the two examples shown
here. The first example (at left) illustrates the case where the
surface area of the furnish was changed by using calcium
10 carbonates of different particle size and hence of different
0 specific surface area. The paper was made from a bleached Kraft
0 4 8 12
Filler surface area (m /g) pulp and sized at a constant dose of alkyl ketene dimer.
Source: Bown in "Paper Chemistry",
Blackie, 1996, Chapter 11, 194-230.
The second example (at Sizing (sec) Paper content (mg/g)
right) illustrates the case 100 5
where the surface area was increased by refining the pulp 80 4
(bleached hardwood Kraft) and then sized with rosin/alum. 60 3
Despite the increased retention of both rosin and aluminium
40 2
species, the sizing level (Stockigt method used in Japan)
20 1
declined as the refining level was raised. This increased Al
0 0
retention of rosin is similar to the increased filler retention that 700 600 500 400 300
accompanies pulp refining in the absence of retention aids CSF (ml)
Effective paper sizing requires a very uniform coverage of the particulate surfaces and the distribution
of the sizing chemical is thus critical to the expression of its functionality in the paper. The mobility of
the sizing chemical within the drying section has a significant influence on its sizing efficiency as the
ability to re-distribute itself is an effective way of overcoming any non-uniformity in size distribution
during sheet formation. This means that the softening/melting point of the size is important. Finally, the
conversion of the sizing agent from its non-sizing form to an active size is itself driven by the high
temperatures experienced by the paper web in the final stages of drying.
There are three main sizing chemicals added at the wet end:
rosin, which is the traditional wet end size used under acid conditions
alkyl ketene dimer (AKD), which was the first synthetic size developed to function at neutral pH
alkenyl succinic anhydride (ASA), which was developed slightly later than AKD as a neutral size.
Over the last 30 years, there has been a substantial swing away from traditional rosin sizing under
acid conditions with alum to the use of AKD/ASA sizes under neutral/alkaline conditions. This started
in the wood-free fine paper sector, where it was driven mainly by the desire to replace kaolin by
calcium carbonate filler, the use of which is incompatible with acid conditions. This change in the
chemistry of fine papers led to greater levels of calcium carbonate in recovered paper, so paper
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 355
machines making recycled grades had to follow this trend by adopting a more neutral operation with
either AKD, ASA or neutral rosin.
Papers are usually sized with any one of the above chemicals, but it is possible to use chemical
combinations to bring together sizing benefits not possible with one chemical type. Liquid packaging
products require rather special sizing, particularly if the product has to be aseptic. AKD size is able to
give the required sizing level against acidic container contents, whereas rosin gives better resistance
against the hydrogen peroxide used to sterilise the packaging. Combinations of AKD and ASA are
also used for sizing liquid packaging boards and have also found useful applications in sizing wood-
free papers filled with precipitated calcium carbonate.
a b c d
Full, stable Stable sizing Partial or complete
on-machine after reel loss of sizing
Ineffective sizing storage post-reel
Dryers Reel Post-reel Dryers Reel Post-reel Dryers Reel Post-reel Dryers Reel Post-reel
The picture at the start of this section gives typical sizing response curves for different furnish
conditions assuming that the sizing develops fully on the machine, but this is not always the case, as
shown in the further examples above (again all using the Cobb value as an index of sizing
performance). The picture at left below (a) shows the case where sizing does not develop at all due to
poor size quality, retention or curing. The second picture (b) shows the ideal situation where sizing
develops fully during drying and remains at that level prior to use of the paper. All three wet end sizing
agents can deliver this sizing pattern when working well. The next picture (c) shows a pattern typical of
AKD sizing under certain conditions when the sizing is not fully developed at the reel, but continues
during reel storage and is adequately sized by the time that the paper is used. The last picture (d)
shows a pattern of complete on-machine sizing, but this is then partially or completely lost over time.
This latter effect is known as size reversion or fugitive sizing and has been a particular problem with
some AKD-sized papers, although it can also occur with rosin and ASA sized papers.
This is the common term for the mixed population of micro-organisms that form biofilms on the surface
of submerged equipment, slime representing one of the most prevalent forms of deposition at the wet
end of papermaking systems. There are many sources of both bacteria and fungi in the papermaking
system and slime is perhaps the most obvious manifestation of their growth, but it is only one of
several microbiological problems that accompany such growth.
It is possible to break down the life cycle of slime/biofilms into 5 stages, which is visualised below:
1. conditioning of the surface through the adsorption of organic and inorganic chemicals, which is
very easy in papermaking due to the nature and quantity of substances present. This (and the
next stage) can be minimised by maintaining adequate (self-cleaning) velocities, which is possible
in pipes, but not usually within tanks.
1 2 3 4 5
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 356
2. attachment and colonisation by bacteria, which is helped if the adsorbed chemicals are available
as a food source (eg starches) and by the production of extra-cellular polysaccharides (ECPs) by
the bacteria. The latter have a broad chemical composition incorporating some monosaccharides
present in hemi-celluloses (glucose, mannose and galactose) together with others such as fucose,
rhamnose, glucosamine and galactosamine.
3. consolidation and maturing of the bio-matrix particularly by the ECPs with bacteria and fibres/fillers
being captured from the bulk phase
4. as the film gets thicker, differentiation of the film into an anaerobic zone (probably black in colour
due to the presence of ferrous sulphide) near the attached surface with this growth being more
controlled by diffusion and changing to a more aerobic zone at the outer edge (if the passing liquid
contains dissolved oxygen).
5. detachment (sloughing) of components into the bulk liquid to establish some sort of equilibrium
with freshly-growing cells, this balance being very dependent on variations in nutrient availability
and other environmental factors (pH, temperature, etc).
Any slime retained in the paper represents a weak area in the paper structure, which may lead to web
breaks and the slime spot in the product detracts from its appearance and functionality. Slime can be
controlled by the same hierarchy of techniques used for the control of general microbiological
problems, but some of these, notably the dosing of dispersing chemicals to prevent microbial
aggregation or of chemicals to inhibit biofilm formation, are specific to slime prevention. However,
slime is still most commonly controlled by dosing of biocides to the papermaking stock/waters.
An important element in the control of microbial growth is monitoring the effectiveness of the control
system being used. There are a number of techniques that offer greater rapidity and ease of use than
the traditional colony counting method for estimating the total number of microbes in a sample (see
further here). However, this does not provide specific information on the potential for slime growth as
not all suspended (planktonic) bacteria can become attached. The levels of slime can be monitored by
simple observation at key locations where slime is known to accumulate or by insertion of slime
coupons for periodic inspection. As the slime tends to develop anaerobic zones (phase 4 in above
classification) close to the surface, the level of anaerobic activity can be monitored via the build-up of
anaerobic degradation products (eg volatile fatty acids and sulphides) in the bulk water system.
Over recent years, a number of automatic slime measurement systems have been in the process of
development, initially for laboratory simulation systems, but with the possibility of on-line application.
There are two different approaches:
slime depth monitoring with a metal/plastic sensor, that is continuously or periodically exposed to
an irradiation source with the degree of attenuation being related to the slime accumulation. This
approach is being pursued by at least two biocide suppliers.
slime depth monitoring with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) from the Swedish company, Q-
Sense AB. The microbalance consists of a thin quartz disc sandwiched between a pair of
electrodes. The quartz crystal can be made to oscillate by applying an AC voltage between its
electrodes. When a thin film is attached to the sensor crystal, the frequency decreases and, if the
film is thin and rigid, the decrease in frequency is proportional to the mass of the film. Laboratory
testing has shown that this system is very sensitive to the early stages of biofilm attachment, when
visual assessment is often inconclusive.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 357
This term is used to describe papers with a low friction coefficient.
This is an abbreviation for styrene-maleic anhydride sizes.
This surface paper property is very important for some grades of paper (eg printing papers). It is
measured by air leak testers (also used for porosity measurement), where the air application head is
lightly pressed against the paper surface and the other side covered with an impermeable backing. Air
can only leave the air application head by virtue of the surface imperfections that give rise to surface
roughness. The airflow leaking out of the head is thus an index of roughness/smoothness, the higher
the value the less smooth the surface. There are various commercial instruments using this principle,
the Gurley and Bekk testers giving the time taken for a fixed air volume to pass and the Bendtsen and
Sheffield testers giving the air flow rate. The Parker Print-Surf also uses the air leak principle, but in
this case to measure the gap between the paper and contacting surfaces. Smoothness is important in
relation to paper printability, which requires good contact between the paper and the printing cylinder.
As improved contact can be achieved by increasing the pressure between the paper and opposing
surfaces, the compressibility of the paper also influences printability and this parameter can also be
quantified with the Parker Print-Surf.
This is the term for the substance formed when a long-chain fatty acid is saponified with an alkali such
as sodium hydroxide. Soaps may be present in papermaking from two main sources:
Kraft pulps due to their formation from fatty acids present in the wood's extractives fraction
deinked pulps, due to the use of soaps to maximise ink removal in the flotation stage.
In both cases, the soap levels reaching the paper machine are dependent on the efficiency of pulp
washing and on the level of calcium ions, as these will precipitate the calcium soap and increase the
soap's carry-over with the pulp.
This is an older term for sodium hydroxide as in soda pulping.
Soda ash
This is a colloquial term for sodium carbonate.
Soda pulp
These pulps are little produced today except in the non-wood pulp sector, but soda pulping was the
first type of chemical pulping process. As an alkaline pulping process, it is the fore-runner of the Kraft
process, which is the dominant chemical pulping process today. The soda process uses sodium
hydroxide as the sole cooking chemical, but it can be used in more modern variants such as soda-AQ.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 358
Sodium (Na, atomic mass 23) is the second element in Group I (the alkali metals) of the Periodic
Table. The sodium ion (Na ) is quite common in fresh waters and features in many compounds
(sodium salts) used in papermaking.
Sodium aluminate
This is an alkaline aluminium compound with the formula, NaAlO2. It is considerably more expensive
than alum and is not commonly used in papermaking today.
Sodium bicarbonate
This electrolyte (NaHCO3) is sometimes added as a source of bicarbonate alkalinity with AKD sizes to
boost their sizing efficiency (see this example).
Sodium bromide
This simple salt (NaBr) is used to generate sodium hypobromite and hence hypobromous acid through
its reaction with sodium hypochlorite:
NaBr + NaOCl NaCl + NaOBr
Sodium carbonate
This basic chemical (Na2CO3) is commonly referred to as soda ash. It is not used extensively in
papermaking, the most common application possibly being its use as a source of alkalinity with AKD
sizes to boost their sizing efficiency. As the pK value for the carbonate/bicarbonate equilibrium is
about 10 at 25 C, any added carbonate will be present as bicarbonate at neutral pH levels. Soda ash
is thus a stronger alternative to adding bicarbonate directly in this form.
Sodium chloride
This well-known simple electrolyte (NaCl) is present in most fresh waters, but only at a low level
(usually < 100 mg/l unless it is a ground water subject to saline intrusion) and is the dominant
dissolved substance in sea water. It is sometimes used in papermaking as a size press additive to
increase the surface conductivity of the paper for certain printing applications (eg laser printing) and it
is often present as a residue in pulps that have been bleached with chlorine-containing chemicals.
Although it is usually not the dominant electrolyte in machine waters, it has often been used in model
studies to evaluate the effect of dissolved electrolytes on various aspects of wet end chemistry (eg its
effects on the adsorption of anionic starch, cationic starches, polyacrylamide and PAE resin).
Sodium dithionite
This is an alternative name for sodium hydrosulphite.
Sodium hydrosulphite
This chemical (Na2S2O4) is also known as sodium dithionite and is used for bleaching of mechanical
pulps and bleaching/colour stripping of deinked pulps and mill broke. It is a reductive bleach with the
following half-cell reaction:
2- - 2- - o o
S2O4 + 4OH 2SO3 + 2H2O + 2e where EH (redox potential) = +1.1 volts at 25 C
Its reducing power is strongest under alkaline conditions, but hydrosulphite bleaching is usually carried
out under slightly acidic conditions (pH 5-6) where the half-cell potential is about +0.9. Sodium
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 359
hydrosulphite can be supplied in a powder or solution form for direct dosing, but the powder is subject
to spontaneous combustion in the presence of air and must be kept in closed containers.
Hydrosulphite can also be generated in situ by the reaction between sodium bisulphite and sodium
In aqueous systems, its reaction with pulp suffers from two competing reactions:
oxidation by any oxygen dissolved or entrained in the pulp suspension to give a mixture of
bisulphite and bisulphate ions:
2- 2- 2-
2S2O4 + H20 + 02 HSO4 + HSO3
Air must thus be excluded from the bleaching system. Typical bleaching conditions are doses of up to
2% on pulp for 1-2 hours at about 60 C and a consistency of 5-10%. As heavy metal ions adversely
affect bleaching efficiency, it is common practise to add chelants or sodium silicate to the bleaching
suspension. It has the advantage over its chief competitor (hydrogen peroxide) that there is very little
dissolution (loss of yield) when bleaching is conducted under acid conditions.
Sodium hydroxide
This chemical (NaOH), also commonly referred to as caustic soda, is widely used in many industries
for pH control. It is manufactured from sodium chloride by various electrochemical methods, the co-
product being chlorine and is widely available in solutions of various strength. In papermaking, its main
use is for pH control at the wet end and as part of “system-cleaning” formulations.
Sodium hypobromite
This salt is not used as such in papermaking, but is generated from the reaction of sodium bromide
with sodium hypochlorite. As with chlorine compounds in aqueous systems, the actual bromine
species depends on pH through its hydrolysis with water:
- - +
Br + OBr + 2H HOBr + HBr Br2 + H2O
The pK value for ionisation of hypobromous acid bromine with water (8.5 at 20 C) is higher than that
for chlorine, so there is a much higher proportion of the most biocidally active species, HOBr, at pH
values above 7 (see this figure). Bromine compounds also have a lesser tendency to react with
organic compounds to form halogenated organics. An alternative source of hypobromous acid is the
brominated hydantoins.
Sodium hypochlorite
This very common chemical is manufactured from chlorine gas and caustic soda by the simple
NaOH + Cl2 NaOCl + NaCl
Sodium hypochlorite is a reasonably strong oxidising agent, but not as strong as chlorine:
- - - - o o
OCl + H2O + 2e Cl + 2OH where EH (redox potential) = +0.9 volts at 25 C
Along with chlorine, it used to be used extensively in the bleaching of chemical pulps, but, in this case,
in the later bleaching stages. It does not have the same tendency to generate chlorinated organics,
but it use was strongly implicated in the generation of chloroform. Although the use levels were never
as high as that of chlorine, its use has also declined because of this latter problem.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 360
Sodium hypochlorite is used for fresh water disinfection at paper mills, but its uses for bleaching of
deinked pulp/coloured broke and dispersion of wet strengthened broke have been under pressure for
similar reasons to those in the bleaching of virgin pulp. In its role as a biocide, the aqueous chemistry
of sodium hypochlorite is important:
- - +
Cl + OCl + 2H HOCl + HCl Cl2 + H2O
The pK value (about 7.5 at 20 C) for the ionisation of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) means that, as the pH
get closer to 8, most of the oxidising power is present as the less biocidally-active hypochlorite ion.
This is the main reason why sodium hypobromite has become popular for disinfection of waters above
pH 7. An alternative source of hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid is the halogenated hydantoins.
Sodium silicate
These soluble salts are sometimes referred to as water-glass and are produced by reacting silica
(SiO2) in the form of sand with an alkali such as sodium hydroxide or carbonate. The chemistry of the
products thus formed is complex depending on the ratio of silica to alkali. The simplest compounds are
sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium orthosilicate (Na4SiO4), but silicate complexes can also be
formed in linear and cyclic forms with the silicon atoms connected by oxygen bridges. All the sodium
silicates produce strongly alkaline solutions as they are the salts of a weak acid and strong base.
Sodium silicates are also the starting point for the production of colloidal silica.
Sodium silicates are not used in papermaking, but they are used as stabilisers in bleaching with
hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydrosulphite and FAS. In deinking, they are also used as a source of
alkalinity and for their ability to stabilise suspended particles due to adsorption of silicate. Residual
silicates in deinked pulps and in bleached mechanical pulps can contribute to anionic trash levels on
the paper machine, but, as with other dissolved substances, this depends on the efficiency of
washing/thickening of the bleached pulp. In one case reported for a laboratory study, the cationic
demand increased by about 1 eq/tonne pulp for each 1% dose of silicate on pulp.
Sodium sulphate
This simple electrolyte (Na2SO4) is not used directly in papermaking, but it is added in the Kraft
pulping process although its active form is as sodium sulphide. It is commonly known as salt cake.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 361
Sodium sulphite
In papermaking, this reducing agent (Na2SO3) is occasionally used to neutralise any residues of
chlorine bleaches, which may otherwise cause problems, eg when some wet strength agents are
used. Sodium sulphite is also used in the production of some pulps, notably NSSC pulps and some
chemithermomechanical pulps.
This is a class of chemicals used mainly in the tissue sector to enhance the softness of the product.
+ -
They are usually based on quaternary ammonium compounds such as R2(CH3)2N Cl , where R is a
long-chain fatty acid such as palmitic and/or stearic acids or a fatty acid ester. They can be added
either at the wet end or sprayed onto the paper web or the drying cylinder. Chemicals used as
debonding agents and absorbency aids are rather similar.
Softness is a rather subjective and complex property of paper, which depends on the interaction
between a number of paper characteristics such as fibre flexibility, strength and bulk. There are two
types of softness:
surface softness, which is the softness perceived by the fingertips as they softly touch the paper
bulk softness, which is the softness perceived when the paper is crumpled in the hand.
The softness of paper is influenced by the types of pulp used, the type of forming process, the extent
of sheet pressing and creping in addition to the application of chemical softeners. The term "softness"
may also be used in the context of the properties of fillers and pigments and in relation to the absence
of hardness in water.
This is the wood from coniferous trees, which is widely used for conversion into papermaking pulps.
The name reflects the fact that the wood in these trees is somewhat less dense than in hardwoods,
3 3
typically around 400 kg dry substance per m of total wood or around 500 kg dry substance per m of
the fibre wall. Softwoods are older in evolutionary terms than hardwoods and thus have a much
simpler cell structure. This is dominated by tracheids, which are long tapering cells that run
longitudinally along the trunk and have a pitted surface. Despite tracheid being their correct name, in
practice they are commonly referred to as fibres. Softwood tracheids can be up to 4 mm in length with
a fibre diameter of 30-40 microns. Softwoods contain no vessel elements (only present in hardwoods),
but do have some parenchyma cells present. A summary of some physical properties of softwoods is
shown in the table below. The distribution of fibre lengths for a softwood pulp is shown here.
The cellulose content of softwoods is similar to that of hardwoods (43-45%). Softwoods have a higher
lignin content than hardwoods (typically 26-32% compared to 20-25%) and lower hemi-cellulose
content (typically 25-30% compared to 30-35%). The extractives content of softwoods (typically 2-5%)
is higher than hardwoods and may (notably for pines) exceed 10%. The main types of softwood grown
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 362
for papermaking are spruce, pine and fir with different species being used depending on the growing
region. Softwoods are used to make mechanical, unbleached Kraft and bleached Kraft pulps and are
widely used for their high strength attributes in nearly all grades of paper.
The solubility of materials in water is essential for many papermaking substances as this allows the
material to be uniformly applied to the paper substrate, particularly during surface application. This
also applies to water-soluble chemicals added at the wet end, but they have to be efficiently adsorbed
on the particulate matrix to be retained in the paper. Apart from dissolved solids in the fresh water,
other dissolved substances at the wet end originate by incidental dissolution from particulate materials
such as pulps and this is generally undesirable.
The solubility of a substance in water is determined by the free energy change associated with the
substance becoming a dissolved entity. In order for a substance to dissolve and form a true solution,
the interaction of the solvent with the substance (hydration in the case of water) has to overcome the
cohesive forces between individual molecules or ions. The behaviour of substances (solutes) placed in
water thus depends on the net outcome of solvent-solvent, solvent-solute and solute-solute
interactions, the result (solubility or insolubility) being whatever lowers the system's free energy.
The interaction of water with the solute leading to partial or complete dissolution may be through any
of the following mechanisms:
an ion-dipole interaction, eg between water and anions such as sulphate or cations such as
the formation of co-ordinate bonds, eg between water and aluminium ions
hydrogen bonding between water and substances containing -OH or -NH- groups.
Water has a high dipole moment due to its asymmetric structure and this gives it a very high dielectric
constant, which makes it a very good solvent for other polar substances such as electrolytes. The
solubility of electrolytes is defined by the solubility product (K sp):
+ -
MX M + X
Ksp = aM.aX = (γM. cM)( γX.cX)
where a, γ and c are the ion activities, activity coefficients and concentrations
+ -
In dilute solutions of an indifferent electrolyte (ie one not containing the ions M or X ), the solubility of
MX has to increase in order to maintain the value of Ksp as both γM and γX become smaller fractions.
This is sometimes referred to as "salting in", whilst "salting out" is a term applied to the use of much
higher concentrations of salts to reduce the solubility of another substance. This effect has nothing to
do with activity, but is probably related to the competition for water between the dissolved material and
the added salt, with the latter winning when sufficient is added. Another well-known solubility
phenomena is the so-called "common ion" effect, where the addition or presence of a common ion
+ -
(say M in the above example) reduces the solubility of the other (in this case X ) in order to maintain
the value of Ksp.
The solubility of gases is determined by Henry's Law. The solubility of two gases in particular is
important in papermaking - oxygen and carbon dioxide. Other gases that can be present in the
papermaking system (and cause problems) are hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen, both derived from
microbial activity under anaerobic conditions.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 363
The extent of dissolution of organic substances from pulps is not usually constrained by the solubility
factors described above for inorganic electrolytes and gases. Most of the organic substances are
hydrophilic polymers (eg hemi-celluloses, starches, etc) with many hydroxyl groups that can hydrogen
bond with water. The most important facet that limits the dissolution of such polymers is their ability to
diffuse through the fibre's pore structure which depends on the extent of fibre swelling, which is in turn
affected by pH, electrolyte content and temperature. Pulp swelling is not likely to limit the dissolution of
electrolytes (being very small ions) from the pulp so the resulting electrolyte concentration will exert a
feedback effect on fibre swelling, which will then influence the dissolution of organics.
This is the chemist's term for the material that dissolves in a solvent to form a solution.
Solute exclusion
In papermaking, this principle is made use of to quantify pulp swelling, but it is also pertinent to the
behaviour of water-soluble polymers at the wet end. As an analytical technique, solute exclusion (also
known as gel permeation chromatography) uses a matrix of known pore size to characterise the
molecular size and hence mass of polymers. A version of this technique (inverse solute exclusion) is
used to measure the fibre saturation point of pulps. In wet end chemistry, the adsorption of added
polymers may be limited by their inability to gain access to some of the internal surfaces of fibres due
to their molecular size being too large to penetrate the fibre's pore structure. This phenomenon is also
relevant to charge titrations involving polymers. In the opposite sense, a similar size restriction may
also limit the dissolution of polymers (eg hemi-celluoses) from pulps at the wet end.
This is defined as a homogeneous mixture of chemical species (the solute) that are dispersed on a
molecular scale in a solvent.
This is the chemist's term for the liquid that dissolves a solute to form a solution.
This chemical is used as a humectant in papers where greater HO OH OH OH OH OH
moisture retention is needed. It is a hexahydric alcohol (formula H-C -C- C - C - C -C-H
shown at right), which is made by reduction of glucose. Its H H H H H H
humectant properties arise simply as a result of the large number
of hydroxyl groups for hydrogen bonding with water molecules. It is always added by some form of
surface application.
This term is used to cover the combined processes of absorption and adsorption.
Specific heat
This is defined as the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of unit mass of
o o o
substance by 1 C. Water has a very high specific heat (4.18 J/g. C at 20 C), which is due to its low
thermal conductivity (0.58 W/m. C) , which is in turn due to its strong inter-molecular attractive forces.
o o
The specific heat of cellulose is much lower at about 1.3 J/g. C (thermal conductivity = 0.13 W/m. C).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 364
This is an abbreviation for single pass retention.
This is a technique for the surface application of certain chemicals to the paper web. The main
application is the spraying of a suspension of uncooked starch either for improvement of surface
strength or, on multi-ply products, for the improvement of ply bond. This technique has also now been
developed for normal pigment coating to the dried paper web, but this is at an early stage of full-scale
The term refers to the ability of liquids to extend across the surface of another liquid or a solid by
wetting it. This can be quantified through a spreading coefficient (S) when a system is at equilibrium.
For water on a solid surface (see picture under interfacial energy), the equation is as follows:
S = SA - AW - SW
where AW = interfacial tension between air and water
SA = interfacial tension between the solid and air
SW = interfacial tension between the solid and water
Using the Young equation, the above equation for S reduces to:
S = AW .(cos - 1) where = contact angle
The spreading coefficient is a measure of the difference in surface energy between the dry solid and
the moist solid covered by a macroscopic film of liquid. When S < 0 (positive contact angle), a surface
can be partially wetted, but when S ≥ 0 (zero contact angle), a surface can be fully wetted.
This is a type of softwood tree, which is widely used to make mechanical and chemical pulps for
papermaking. Spruce has a moderate extractives content, which has been quoted for Picea abies as
1-2% of the dry wood, being composed of about 60% neutral substances (mainly fatty acid esters),
about 10% free fatty acids and about 25% resin acids. Spruce wood contains about 15 eq/g of
carboxyl groups from fatty or resin acids in extractives and about 70 eq/g from glucuronoxylan
against a total carboxyl content of 150-250 eq/g. However, the accessible charge is only some 70
eq/g, although this doubles in value after hydrolysis of carboxyl esters. In the thermo-mechanical
pulping of Norwegian spruce, around 40 kg wood substances/tonne pulp can be dissolved, the largest
fraction being the galactoglucomannans. Data on the distribution of anionic substances in unbleached
spruce TMP is given here and on the changes that take place on peroxide bleaching of spruce stone
groundwood here.
This term refers to the ratio of a paper's tensile strength in the machine direction (MD) to that in the
cross direction (CD). For a laboratory handsheet, this value is usually unity as the fibres are arranged
randomly. As fibres on a paper machine tend to be aligned in the machine direction, the MD tensile
strength is always greater than the CD tensile strength and the squareness is thus always greater than
one. Fibre alignment is influenced by factors such as the efflux ratio.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 365
This is an abbreviation for Schopper-Riegler.
This is an abbreviation for sulphate-reducing bacteria.
Starch, coating
The use of starches in coating represents a relatively small proportion (about 10%) of total starch use
in papermaking. In coating, starch functions primarily as a pigment binder, but it also influences the
rheology of the coating mix and its water retention. As is evident from this table, starch is not the
strongest binder per unit mass amongst the common binder chemicals, but it is very cost effective due
to it being much lower in price than the alternatives. Starch thus tends to be used in greater quantities
(both as a proportion of the pigment and as a proportion of the binder component) as the solids
content of the coating mix is reduced as this requires higher binder levels. Because of its cost-
effectiveness, it is the most common co-binder for use with latices to give the required rheological
characteristics in the coating mix.
Starch esters
These starches are produced by reacting a starch O O
suspension with a suitable esterifying agent such as Starch - O - C - CH3 Starch - O - P - ONa
acetic anhydride to form acetylated starches (as OH
shown near right) or with inorganic phosphates to
form starch phosphates (far right). The main acetylation reaction is with the hydroxyl group on carbon
2 and then with the CH2OH group, but very little with the hydroxyl group on carbon 3 (see glucose for
numbering pattern). By contrast, the phosphate ester is largely at carbon 6 on the pendant -CH2OH
group. The maximum degree of substitution is only about 0.2, but this is adequate to prevent hydrogen
bonding between adjacent molecules and thus improve its solution stability. The nonionic acetylated
starches are widely used for surface application and the anionic starch phosphates can be used for
wet end application under certain conditions (see anionic starches).
Starch ethers
These starches are produced by reacting an alkaline starch suspension with either ethylene or
propylene oxides to form the hydroxyethyl starch ether (see right above) Starch - O - CH2 - CH2 -OH
or hydroxypropyl starch ether (right below). Like the acetylated starch
Starch - O - CH2 - CH - CH3
esters, the reaction is mainly at the hydroxyl on carbon 2 with a degree
of substitution up to 0.1. Etherification lowers the starch's gel point such
that a hydroxyethyl starch swells in cold water when the DS is about 0.3. All starch ethers have a
much reduced retrogradation tendency compared to native starches and contribute a high water
retention and binding power to coating mixes. In addition, they are better film-formers than native or
oxidised starches and so are widely used for surface application.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 366
Being nonionic, they find no significant application at the wet end, unless the etherifying agent
contains a charged group. Anionic starch ethers are formed by reacting starch with chloroacetic acid
to form carboxymethyl starches, which are structurally similar to carboxymethylcellulose. Of much
greater importance are the cationic starches, which are starch ethers with a cationic group within the
substituting entity.
Starch, general
Starches represent the third largest class of raw materials used in papermaking and are the major
type of additive used to enhance the dry strength of paper. Their precise mode of action depends on
where they are added and this can be at any of four positions:
as a wet end additive in solution form to improve the bonding between particulate surfaces. This
application always uses a modified starch in order to ensure effective adsorption on the particulate
matrix. Starches may also be present at the wet end from their use as emulsifiers for sizing
chemicals such as AKD and ASA. Although not added directly as a strength additive, the starch
emulsifier can contribute to sheet strength once it is incorporated in the sheet and released from
its emulsifying role.
by spraying an uncooked starch suspension onto the surface of the paper, most commonly
between the plys on multi-ply products in order to improve the ply bonding. This application
usually uses an unmodified starch.
by impregnation of the paper surface with a starch solution in order to improve the paper's surface
strength. This is most commonly done by immersion of the web at a size press, where other
chemicals may also be added. This application makes use of the ability of many starch types to
form a thin, coherent film, but the overall distribution of the starch between the surface film and
penetration into the body of the paper is controlled by a number of parameters, notably the
starch's viscosity.
by incorporating a starch solution into a coating formulation, where the starch's function is as a
binder for the mineral pigment. Starch is rarely used as the sole binder and is usually a co-binder
with synthetic latices such as styrene-butadiene polymers. An exception to the use of starch
solutions in coating is the use of starch granules in coating carbonless-copy papers.
Starch is also used in the converting of some paper products, notably of corrugated cases.
Starch is a natural, renewable and biodegradable material obtained from a variety of sources that can
be broken down into two classes:
the cereal starches such as wheat and maize/corn starches
those where the starch is stored in the root/tuber such as potato and tapioca starches.
Each type of starch has a characteristic granule shape and size distribution with potato starch
granules being the largest (see table below). Starches contain two different carbohydrate polymers -
amylose and amylopectin plus some fatty materials. The amylose/amylopectin balance of most
starches varies in the range 20-30/70-80%, but the so-called waxy starches (notably maize) contain
no amylose at all. The amylopectin fraction makes the more significant contribution to starch’s
strengthening effect because of its greater mass contribution and its much higher molecular mass
compared to amylose.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 367
The other two important substances present in starches are fatty material and phosphorous. Only the
cereal starches have a significant fat (lipid) content, which is partly responsible for their higher gel
temperature and for the slight opalescence of cereal starch solutions. The fatty material is held as an
inclusion complex with the amylose fraction. Some of the phosphorous is associated with the fatty
material, but only potato starches have phosphate groups in place of some hydroxyls on the pendant -
CH2OH group within the amylopectin fraction. This gives potato starches some anionic character and
helps potato starch swell at lower temperatures than other starch types.
The molecules within the starch granule are built up during biosynthesis in concentric layers, but with
a radial orientation of the amylose and amylopectin molecules. As with the chemically-similar
cellulose, the starch molecules are associated in either ordered crystalline micelles or random,
amorphous regions, but it is the amylopectin fraction that plays the major role in the granule’s
structural integrity and insolubility in cold water. Hydrogen bonds hold the molecules together in the
crystalline regions, but, as the water temperature rises, the granules in the amorphous areas begin to
swell thus disrupting the overall cohesiveness of the granule. At a certain temperature reflecting the
molecular association within that particular starch, the viscosity of the solution begins to rise rapidly.
This is the gel or pasting temperature, which varies between the starch types (see above table). With
further heating, the solution viscosity increases to a maximum and then declines as the water
penetrates the crystalline regions and disrupts the inter-molecular hydrogen bonding. Once dissolved,
stored starch solutions have a tendency to become cloudy over time, a phenomenon known as
retrogradation or set-back.
Starches are nearly always used in a solution form in papermaking, the exceptions being:
pre-gelatinised starches, which have already been cooked by the supplier and re-dried
starches used in a suspension form for surface application by spraying
starches used as spacers in the capsule coatings of carbonless-copy papers.
Most starches thus have to be cooked on-site either in batches or by continuous cooking, the latter
being the most common technique. This may be a purely mechanical process as used for starches
modified by the starch manufacturer or the so-called conversion processes in which native starches
are cooked in a thermo-chemical process or an enzymatic process. These latter types are the most
widely-used starches and are added at the size press, but very rarely at the wet end as they have little
affinity for the particulate matrix and are thus poorly retained.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 368
Uncooked or partially-cooked native starches have sometimes been used at the wet end as they could
be retained by the normal filtration mechanisms applicable to other fine particulate solids such as
fillers, but this is not a commonly-used option. Nearly all wet end starches are modified chemically to
enhance their affinity for the particulate matrix, normally by making the starch cationic (amphoteric in
the case of potato starches) or, less commonly, by making the starch anionic (more anionic in the case
of potato starches). The range of chemical modifications possible is summarised in the table below.
There have been a lot of studies on the use of starches in papermaking, which, unlike those for many
other papermaking chemicals, have been based on the direct analysis of starch in terms of its
adsorption on fibre and/or retention in the paper. This is possible because there are a number of
relatively simple analytical techniques for its analysis, three of the common methods being:
total carbohydrate analysis by the phenol-sulphuric acid procedure which generates an orange
coloration for measurement. This technique is best applied to dissolved starches, but suffers from
the fact that it also measures any other carbohydrate such as dissolved pulp hemi-celluloses.
“starch” analysis by the well-known coloration with iodine, but this technique is more sensitive to
the amylose fraction of starch and the colour intensity depends on the starch's molecular weight.
enzymatic (or acid) hydrolysis to glucose followed by glucose analysis by any of several
techniques, eg measurement of hydrogen peroxide generated by glucose oxidase enzyme. This
technique may also be applied to papers by treating a sample with amylase enzymes to solubilise
the starch prior to final analysis as above.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 369
As summarised above, starch in all its guises is used mainly Breaking length (km)
for its adhesive and, with suitable substrates like fibre, its 6
High viscosity
cohesive characteristics, which can add strength to all paper
products. There is one important quality of the starch behind
this strengthening ability and this is the long chain length of Low viscosity
starch, notably of its amylopectin fraction. The example at
right illustrates the very different strengthening ability of two 0
starches, which have been cooked to different viscosity levels. 0 1 2 3
Starch in paper (%)
This emphasises two important points about starch use - the
importance of not over-cooking a starch and the need for Source: Budd in Pira Report PB4R, 1986.
The key requirement for wet end starches is that they must be efficiently adsorbed on the particulate
matrix in order to be retained effectively. As the particulate matrix in papermaking is normally
negatively-charged, this type of starch is normally (but not always) a cationic derivative. As a cationic
polymer, it can also assist in the aggregation of fine particles and this ability is utilised in a number of
retention/drainage aid systems. In systems which already contain other cationic chemicals or where
the water contains high electrolyte levels or anionic trash, anionic starches may be more effective.
Starches that possess both anionic and cationic character (amphoteric starches) are also used at the
wet end.
One of the other driving forces for the development of new wet end starches has been the desire to
eliminate the addition of starch at the size press and thus increase production through not having to
dry the paper twice. A limiting factor in achieving this with cationic starch alone has been the difficulty
in retaining enough starch cost-effectively and the possible adverse effect of high starch doses on
drainage (see this example). The efficiency of wet end starch addition at high doses can be improved
by several techniques, but there are two basic approaches:
addition of uncooked or partially-cooked starch granules or starch re-precipitated from solution, in
which the starch could be retained by the normal hetero-aggregation mechanism with the rest of
the particulate matrix using conventional retention aids.
addition of two materials with opposite charges such as an anionic starch with a cationic polymer;
an amphoteric or cationic starch with an anionic, amphoteric or cationic polyacrylamide; or a
cationic starch with an anionic wet-end starch. In all these cases, the two materials may be mixed
before starch cooking or cooked separately and then combined prior to addition or dosed
Although surface application has the potential to keep the starch largely at the paper surface, the
degree of penetration into the base paper (the z-direction distribution) can be controlled through starch
selection and control of the solution viscosity. Base paper characteristics are also important, notably
its degree of sizing and moisture content. Overall starch pick-up is determined by a combination of the
solids content of the starch solution and its viscosity. For film presses, starch pick-up also depends on
the applied film thickness, which in turn depends on the paper's ability to absorb the solution rapidly
without allowing a small pond (which would cause splashing) to build-up.
When broke containing size press-applied starches (usually nonionic or anionic) is recycled, these
starches dissolve easily and contribute to the dissolved organics circulating at the wet end. Being
biodegradable, these starches are probably the major nutrient source to wet end micro-organisms with
their range of attendant problems and, if the starches are anionic, they will also contribute to anionic
trash. Because of this, the use of more retentive (ie cationic) starches is becoming more important,
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 371
particularly on machines where the recycling of broke would otherwise be the main source of wet end
dissolved organics and/or on machines operating substantially-closed water systems due to their more
substantial build-up of all dissolved solids.
Steric stabilisation
This phenomenon (also known as colloid protection) is utilised to stabilise colloidal dispersions and
prevent particle aggregation. It is brought about by the adsorption of nonionic polymers onto particle
surfaces and the resultant repulsion between inter-penetrating polymer chains extending from the
surface. This type of stabilisation requires high polymer doses to give high surface coverage and for
the polymer to have good water solubility. Aggregation occurs when the polymer solubility is reduced.
Steric stabilisation can be divided into two types, which are classified on the basis of their temperature
entropic stabilisation (eg by nonionic polyacrylamide), in which aggregation occurs on cooling
enthalpic stabilisation (eg with polyethyleneoxide), in which aggregation occurs on heating.
Steric stabilisation is utilised in the preparation of some papermaking additives such as styrene-
acrylate surface sizes, but it is thought not to be important in at the wet end of most papermaking
systems due to the absence of uncharged polymers of adequate chain length. However, there are two
possible exceptions to this:
where there are high concentrations of high molecular weight native (nonionic) starches
In most situations, the starch concentration in unlikely to be high enough and, where it might be (ie
on machines with very closed water systems, the starch is likely to be too degraded. However,
there have been reports of improved particulate retention when pulp suspensions were pre-treated
with amylase enzymes, the implication being that the enhanced water solubility of degraded starch
allows it to desorb from the particle surface.
pitch in unbleached mechanical pulps
This is stabilised by the adsorbed galactoglucomannans, but this stability tends to break down
when the pulp is bleached due to deacetylation which reduces their solubility, thus allowing the
pitch to aggregate.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 372
Somewhat unfortunately, this is now a very well-known class of deposit-forming materials that have to
be faced by nearly all mills based on post-consumer recovered paper. As well as the normal range of
deposit problems in the wet end stock, untreated stickies retained in the paper form spots that can
adhere to fabrics/rolls and also cause "stick-downs" (the adhesion of adjacent paper layers) due to
melting in the drying section, which can lead to runnability problems at the re-winder. Although their
chemistry is very different, stickies are analogous to the extractives in virgin pulps that cause pitch
Stickie contaminants are present in many types of recovered paper as a result of the incorporation of
adhesives during conversion of the paper/board to the finished article, such as in magazines and
packaging products. Although the balance of adhesive types varies between the grades of recovered
paper, they all fall into two main categories:
contact or pressure sensitive adhesives
These materials are tacky at ordinary temperatures and bond rapidly with the substrate with little
applied pressure. Their chemistry is based on acrylates, polyvinylacetate, etc.
Some adhesives, mainly in the packaging sector, are associated with tapes, which are made from
polypropylene (PP), polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polyethyleneterephthalate (PET). Stickies can also
include materials from coated papers (both conventional aqueous coated and barrier-coated) that
would by classed as "white pitch" when present on a paper machine using its own coated broke.
The stickies themselves are usually classified into two categories depending purely on their particle
size rather than on their chemical character:
macro-stickies which are larger than 0.1mm (100 μm) and are usually measured by a standard
screening technique followed by image analysis to give a result in stickie area per unit mass of
stock solids. Levels in incoming recovered paper are around 5000 mm /kg in deinking grades up
to around 50,000 mm /kg at packaging mills making liner/fluting.
micro-stickies, which are the smaller stickies (generally 1-100 μm) passing through the screen
used for separation of macro-stickies. This fraction can be measured by concentration (eg by
chemical aggregation) followed by solvent extraction/chemical analysis. Micro-stickies are
generally not present as such in the incoming recovered paper, but are generated in the deinking
or mechanical cleaning process as a result of the inevitable mechanical action on the stock.
This classification reflects the reality of the systems in mills where the objective is generally to remove
macro-stickies by mechanical cleaning processes such as the various forms of screening (and flotation
in deinking systems), whilst micro-stickies are not removed but treated chemically to stop them
causing problems. Fine screening (eg 0.2mm wide slotted screens) is the most effective treatment for
removal of macro-stickies, but the removal efficiency is always a compromise between maximising
stock cleanliness and minimising fibre loss. Typical removals of macro-stickies in such systems are
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 373
Stickies can be controlled using the same hierarchy of techniques summarised generally for all
deposit-forming substances and discussed elsewhere specifically for pitch and slime. In terms of
stickie deposit problems, these are:
selecting raw materials with the lowest possible content of stickie-forming materials
This is somewhat impractical given the heterogeneity and uncertain content of many grades of
recovered paper, but it would be good practise for all converters (and papermakers) to bear in
mind the impacts of added materials for the future recycler of their product.
This strength parameter is the resistance of paper to a bending force. There are various measurement
techniques, one of the more common being the Taber method in which the sample strip is clamped at
one end and the force to deflect the free end through 15° is measured (in mN.m). The Gurley method
is similar except the strip is bent in both directions to give the average value. Stiffness is particularly
important for packaging grades of paper, notably for container boards, for which there a number of
specific functional strength tests such as the Concora test for fluting medium and various crush tests
measuring compression resistance.
Stiffness is proportional to the cube of the paper’s caliper meaning that the stiffness is reduced to one
eighth of its initial value when the caliper is halved. In accordance with the well-known beam principle
used in construction, stiffness is enhanced by having two strong outer layers around a weaker inner
layer. This can be achieved in a multi-ply board by using a stronger pulp for the outer two plys and a
weaker pulp for the middles and by forming a strong starch film on both sides of the paper.
This term refers to the relative proportions of two reacting substances. The proportions are
stoichiometric when they are present at exactly the correct level to form the required product. For
example, in the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water:
2H2 + O2 2H2O
The stoichiometric quantities are 2 mole (4g) of hydrogen and 1 mole (32g) of oxygen to form 2 mole
(36g) of water. One of the areas where stoichiometry is important is in charge-related polymer
interactions, notably in relation to measuring anionic trash by a charge titration or actually controlling it
in the papermaking system.
When a stress is applied to a body and the body deforms (eg compresses or elongates), the strain is
the fractional change in its dimensions (length, volume, etc). If the stressed material is elastic, its strain
returns to zero when the stress is removed. This is important to the strength properties of paper.
Streaming current
The device commonly known as a streaming current detector (SCD) is based on a similar principle to
streaming potential as measured in a pad-forming system, but utilises a very different measurement
set-up. The SCD technique was developed in the mid-1960s and
comprises a Teflon piston that reciprocates at about 4
cycles/second within a Teflon chamber, which is filled with the
liquid sample (see diagram at right). The action of the piston
forces the liquid to flow up and down within the narrow annular polymer
space (about 0.5mm) between the piston and the wall. Particles Reciprocating Current
piston meter
and dissolved solids can be adsorbed on the Teflon surfaces
and the relative movement of liquid and adsorbed charged
substances generates a streaming current between the two
electrodes at either end of the chamber.
The electrodes are connected externally via a meter and it is possible to construct a formula between
this streaming current and the system characteristics to measure the zeta potential of the surfaces. As
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 375
-1 -1
the shear within the chamber can be high (estimated at 10 sec at the top of the cylinder to 1000 sec
within the annulus) and the flow not laminar, it seems dubious to attempt such calculations.
In practice, this becomes somewhat irrelevant as the main use of this device is to measure the
cationic demand of the sample, not the particulate potential. In this mode (as shown in figure above),
the sample is recirculated through the SCD unit whilst being titrated against a standard solution of
cationic polymer. This further complicates what is actually being measured, but the volume of titrant to
give a zero streaming current/potential is taken as a measure of the sample's cationic demand. The
technique is most commonly applied to filtered or centrifuged samples, in which the only particles that
might be present are of colloidal dimensions, so the measured value is the soluble or dissolved
cationic demand, usually expressed in charge units (such as meq) per litre.
The SCD principle is embodied in many commercial instruments from suppliers such as BTG Mutek,
Lasertrim, Chemtrac, etc, which have been used for many years for laboratory measurement of
charged substances. These have proved very useful for research studies and were widely used on-
line in the water treatment field for optimising coagulant addition. During the 1990s, a number of
suppliers began exploring the on-line use of SCD units in papermaking for stabilising the wet end
cationic demand from anionic trash. There are now several SCD devices on the market for on-line
application (from the above companies plus Metso Automation), all being based on the same
operating principle as the laboratory systems described above, but where an important component of
the system is the provision for regular cleaning of the sensor module.
200 -10
Coated Fixed Blend Machine Before After ZP
(μeq/l) broke broke chest chest screen screen (mV)
100 -5
0 0
CD = online cationic demand by titration of filtrate with polydadmac
ZP = zeta potential of fines by off-line electrophoresis
Data from Mutek paper at Pira Sizing Conference, Barcelona, 2000
A number of mills have installed SCD units on-line as part of wider wet end on-line systems, some for
monitoring only, but increasingly for control as well. Results from one on-line application of Mutek's
SCD unit illustrates perfectly the benefits from this measurement (see figure above). This is for a
coated fine paper machine, where the main source of anionic trash is the coated broke, which is
treated with a cationic polymer (fixative) with the precise dose being controlled by the on-line cationic
demand measurement. As is very clear in the above data, the cationic demand is effectively
neutralised by the fixative, but the particulate charge remains negative so that it can still adsorb other
cationic additives such as the starch and retention chemicals. Without this controlled neutralisation
early in the system, the anionic trash would severely interfere with the performance of these
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 376
Streaming potential
This is one of the four electrokinetic techniques used for measuring the zeta potential of particles. It
differs from electrophoresis in being applicable to the whole sample (not just the fines fraction) - see
this comparison of electrophoresis of fines versus streaming potential of the whole sample for a
bleached chemical pulp. In this method, the particulate solids are formed into a pad by filtration and
the liquid phase passed through it. The difficulty in using this type of device centres on the need to
achieve uniform, reproducible plug formation to give either a measurable potential difference or
streaming current:
Streaming current, I = ZP.D.P. f (cell+plug)/
Streaming potential, V = I/C
where D = dielectric constant of water, P = applied pressure
f (cell+plug) = constant dependent on the characteristics of the cell and plug
= viscosity of water, C = conductance of water.
Adequate strength is a fundamental requirement for all papers, but the key strength parameter varies
with grade. Strength parameters are usually measured as a force in Newtons, but the precise unit
depends on the actual force being measured. Paper strength increases with the grammage of the
paper, so the strength term is often normalised to remove this contribution by simply dividing the
measured value by the grammage to give an index. Strength tests are used for measuring some
aspect of the body strength of paper or its surface strength.
There are four commonly-used indices for body strength - burst strength, tensile strength, tear
strength and stiffness with folding endurance also being important for some papers (eg banknotes).
These strength characteristics of paper are normally measured when the paper is in a dry state (ie its
dry strength), but, sometimes, there is a requirement for papers that remain strong when moist or wet.
This is referred to as wet strength and can be measured simply by pre-wetting the paper for a certain
time. The strength of the paper web itself is important in terms of process runnability during the various
phases of water removal and this is referred to as the wet web strength.
When paper is dry, its strength is a function of the strength of individual fibres and of the fibre network
within the paper web, the latter being determined by the physico-chemical interaction between the
fibres (and fines) at the wet end. The main technique to maximise the strength properties of fibres is
refining, which brings about changes in fibre length and the extent of fibrillation. This leads to
increased fibre flexibility and fibre surface area available for bonding. Whilst the main strength
properties such as tensile and burst strength are improved by refining, tear strength generally
decreases due to fibre shortening. The closer, more uniform fibrous structure also leads to better
formation, which further improves paper strength and to increased sheet density, which gives lower
bulk, porosity and opacity. Before the paper is formed, however, refining generates fine particles,
which impair wire retention and water removal. The dry strength of paper can be enhanced through
the use of chemicals (dry strength additives), which can be used instead of or in addition to refining.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 377
A stress is a force applied to a body and normally has the same units as pressure, eg N/m . The
tensile strength of paper is not usually expressed as the stress at failure, but as the force at failure per
unit width, eg N/m. For an elastic material (ie one where the strain reverts to zero when the stress is
removed), the ratio of stress:strain is the modulus of elasticity, eg Young's Modulus when the strain is
the change in length, bulk modulus when it is the change in volume and rigidity modulus when it is a
shearing force. A Newtonian liquid is not elastic as an applied stress results in flow, but there are
some non-Newtonian liquids (visco-elastic fluids) that do store some of the applied force in an elastic
This chemical (formula at right) is never found in papermaking in this simple form, but CH = CH2
is polymerised with other monomers to form two classes of papermaking chemical:
surface sizing agents where it is polymerised with maleic anhydride, maleic
anhydride esters, acrylic acid or acrylic esters
coating binders where it is polymerised with butadiene or acrylates. Styrene
Polystyrene itself is present (unwantedly) in many papermaking systems using recovered paper in the
form of polystyrene granules from their use as packaging fill.
Amphoteric products are also possible by using mixtures of acrylate derivatives. The charge of the
size is important in relation to its compatibility with other size press components (avoiding wherever
possible additives of opposite charge) and with any water-soluble materials extracted from the paper
web. Although styrene is the most common hydrophobic component, acrylate esters (as used in
styrene-acrylate latices) may also be used for this purpose and these may be referred to just as
acrylate-based sizes.
The styrene component of the coating latex enhances properties such as gloss and varnish holdout,
whilst the butadiene component is good for wet rub resistance and a balanced level of both monomers
is optimal for pick resistance. As a consequence of this wide range of product characteristics, they are
the most common type of latex used as a coating binder. Typical formulations contain 50-60% styrene,
40-50% butadiene and up to 10% of a carboxylic acid modifier to confer better colloidal stability with a
total solids content of 40-55%. The SB latex dispersion is fairly monodisperse with a particle size
distribution within the range 100-200 nm. Even within this narrow range, particle size affects coated
paper properties with smaller particles giving higher binding power, but suffering from increased
The performance of SMA sizes is dependent on the nature of the carboxylic acid groups (salt or ester),
the ratio of the two monomers and the overall molecular mass of the polymer. A common form of SMA
sizes is the ammonium salt, in which one of the carboxylic acid groups is converted to an amide
(-CONH2) group, as this is more hydrophobic than the sodium salt. Increasing the styrene:maleic
anhydride ratio makes the size more hydrophobic, but at the expense of poorer film-forming ability.
Sizing tends to increase with molecular weight, but the coefficient of friction shows the reverse trend.
As well as sizing, these chemicals have been used to overcome surface slippiness problems with
some papers sized with AKD at the wet end (see this example for its effect on sizing AKD- and rosin-
sized base papers).
This term is synonymous with adsorption, but its use is largely restricted to discussion of dyes and
This is a common term for carbohydrates that contain 1 to 4 saccharide units and these are divided
into monosaccharides and oligosaccharides.
This is a fairly common anion (SO4 ) that may be present in the papermaking system from various
the fresh water where it is normally associated with sodium/potassium salts or calcium/magnesium
salts (permanent hardness)
the addition of alum or sulphuric acid
the addition of calcium sulphate as a filler or coating pigment.
Apart from its contribution to electrolytes levels, sulphate is also significant as a source of energy for
sulphate-reducing bacteria and as a divalent anion that can interact with cationic species such as
alum. When calcium carbonate (in recovered paper or mill broke) is being deliberately neutralised with
sulphuric acid, sulphate can precipitate as calcium sulphate, but this only happens on paper machines
with very closed water systems. As with all soluble ions, the sulphate concentration on the paper
machine depends on its input load and the degree of water closure (see these values for several
machines with fully-closed water systems).
The sulphate level in paper products is sometimes measured as it can be reduced to sulphide, which
could tarnish metal surfaces with which some papers come into contact. Sulphate can be measured
on waters or paper extracts by ion chromatography or by titration (or precipitation at higher levels) with
barium salts.
Sulphate pulps
This is an alternative term for Kraft pulps.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 380
Sulphate reduction
Most papermaking systems contain measurable levels of dissolved sulphate ions so there is always
the possibility of this being reduced microbiologically to sulphides. This is an example of one of
several ways in which different bacteria can change the chemistry of substances within the
papermaking system. The sulphate-sulphide redox couple can be most realistically written as:
SO4 + 9H + 8e HS + 4H2O where EH (redox potential) = +0.24 volts at 25 C
2- + - - o o
As the pH becomes less acidic, the actual redox potential of this couple becomes negative indicating
that sulphate can only be reduced to sulphide under strict anaerobic conditions at around neutral pH.
This tends to occur well away from any water:air interface, such as within attached slime layers in
pipes and tanks. Thermodynamically, sulphate can be reduced to sulphide by hydrogen gas without
the agency of bacteria, but this does not occur due to slow kinetics. Several different species of
bacteria are able to reduce sulphate to sulphide, but the most common is Desulphovibrio
Sulphide (S ) s a simple anion of sulphur, which is very important for lignin removal in the Kraft
pulping process, in which it is formed in situ by the reduction of added sodium sulphate. Sulphides are
not present in the papermaking system through any deliberate action, but may be generated by
anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria. The sulphide can exist in any of the following forms depending
on the position of the various equilibria:
kH k1 k2
H2S (g) H2S (aq) H + HS S + H
+ - 2- +
In neutral pH waters, the dissolved sulphide will be a mixture of aqueous H 2S and the bisulphide ion
- o
(HS ) as pK1 = 7.1 and pK2 = 14 at 25 C (pkH = 1). Some of the sulphide is precipitated as ferrous
sulphide around the sulphide production site close to the metal-slime surface, but, once the sulphide-
containing water is exposed to the atmosphere, the equilibria will be displaced towards the left and
most of the sulphide released as hydrogen sulphide gas.
This anion (SO3 ) may be present at the wet end of some paper machines due to the addition of
sodium sulphite or sodium hydrosulphite. The anion will actually be present in the form of a mixture of
bisulphite and sulphite ions as the pk2 value for sulphurous acid is about 6.9 at 25 C (pk1 = 1.8).
Concentrations of sulphite/bisulphite up to about 100 mg/l have been measured on newsprint
machines using hydrosulphite bleached mechanical pulps. There should be no significant sulphite
residuals in sulphite pulps with the possible exception of NSSC pulps. Sulphite is oxidised by
dissolved oxygen to sulphate, but this reaction can be rather slow in the absence of suitable (metal
ion) catalysts.
Sulphite pulps
Pulping by one of the various forms of the sulphite process used to be the dominant chemical pulping
process globally until about the middle of the last century. It has since declined in favour of the Kraft
process for a combination of reasons:
the complexity/difficulty in recovering the cooking chemicals and related environmental problems
its relative unsuitability for pulping softwoods compared to hardwoods
the lower fibre strength compared to that of Kraft pulps.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 381
The above comments mainly apply to the original calcium-base process, there having been a number
of process developments over the years to use sulphite with other base cations (sodium, magnesium
or ammonium) at different pH levels:
original acid sulphite process at pH 1-2 with a high proportion of free sulphur dioxide, using any
base, but most commonly calcium. Because of the strongly acidic pulping conditions, unbleached
pulps of this type have a very low level of lignin and are thus very easily bleachable producing a
very clean bleached pulp. These pulps are still used as dissolving pulps for rayon/chemical
bisulphite process at pH 3-5 with a low proportion of free sulphur dioxide, using any base except
neutral/alkaline sulphite process at pH 7-10 with no free sulphur dioxide, normally with sodium
base, such as the neutral sulphite semi-chemical process.
Water retention value, g water/g pulp As shown at left, the swelling of an unbleached sulphite
2.6 pulp reflects the different charge characteristics of the
2.4 [NaCl] lignosulphonates and anionic hemi-celluloses. The
baseline swelling of the pulp is quite high because of
OM the sulphonate groups that are fully ionised throughout
2.0 0.05M]
the pH range. With no added electrolyte, the swelling
1.8 0.5M increases between pH 3-5 as the carboxyl groups ionise
2 4 6 8 10 12 but, at low and high pH, the added acid/alkali acts as an
electrolyte to shield the charges from one another. The
Source: Lindstrom, Nordic Pulp and
Paper J., 1992, 4, 181-192. effect of added electrolyte shows that, in most
papermaking systems, there should be enough ions
present to reduce pulp swelling significantly and to negate any effect of pH.
The final levels of lignin and hemi-cellulose in unbleached sulphite pulps are about 4 and 15%
respectively. In terms of particulate contaminants in sulphite pulps, removal of acidic extractives is
limited, so the content of pitch in the unbleached pulp (1-2%) is much higher than in unbleached Kraft
pulps (<0.5%). Oxalic acid is generated during the pulping process and sulphite pulps are thus prone
to problems from precipitation of calcium oxalate.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 382
This functional group has similarities with bisulphite, both having the simple formula HSO3 . The
difference is that the linkage in sulphonates is via the sulphur atom ( - SO3H) whereas it is via one of
the oxygens ( - OSO2H) in bisulphites. In papermaking, sulphonates occur as residual substances in
some chemimechanical and sulphite pulps in the complex form of highly anionic lignosulphonates and
sulphonation is used to improve the solubility of dye and brightener molecules.
This element follows oxygen in Group 16 of the Periodic Table and occurs naturally as a yellow solid
and is present in several papermaking raw materials or their reaction products:
as the sulphate anion, which originates from fresh waters and any added alum
as the sulphite anion, which originates from any added sodium salt
as the thiosulphate anion, which originates from the breakdown of hydrosulphite ions
as lignosulphonate residues in sulphite pulps
as the sulphonate anion in some dye and fluorescent brighteners
as the sulphide anion through microbial reduction of sulphate
as various organo-sulphur compounds used as biocides.
Sulphuric acid
This is a very strong acid with pK values for its two ionisation constants of -3 and +2. Solutions of
sulphuric acid thus contain no free sulphate ions, only protons and bisulphate ions. However, at
normal wet end pH values (ie pH > 4), the anion will always be sulphate, the presence of which is not
desirable due to its availability to sulphate-reducing bacteria and the possibility that it will reduce the
charge of cationic additives. Concentrated sulphuric acid (ca 98% acid) has a very high heat of
hydration and dilute solutions should always be prepared by adding the acid slowly to the requisite
volume of water and never in the reverse order.
Super-calendered paper
This is a grade of wood-containing paper, the name being derived from the use of special on-machine
calenders to give the paper a smooth surface finish. There are a number of SC grades (SC-A, SC-B,
SC-C, SC+) depending on the balance of raw materials and paper specification. SC papers are
normally made with no surface application, but some improved SC qualities may be surface-treated to
try to match the printing quality of LWC papers.
bleached Kraft pulp, the content of which increases in order to maintain adequate strength as the
filler content rises
mechanical pulp, the content of which changes in response to the requirements for filler and
bleached chemical pulp as the SC grade changes. Over the last 10 years or so, deinked pulp has
begun to be used to replace part of the mechanical pulp.
The other main additive is wet end cationic starch for strengthening, particularly on the highly-filled
SC-A grades. Like newsprint, SC papers are made to a particular brightness specification, but this
tends to follow the filler content and goes up to about 72% ISO. Product grammage is in the range 40-
60 g/m . SC paper machines are very fast (up to about 1800 m/minute) and generally employ gap-
formers to give an even-sided, well-formed product.
The key issue for wet end chemistry is clearly to achieve a Filler z-direction distribution (%)
reasonable single pass retention for the fines (which can
easily reach about 50% of the thick stock particulate solids) 40 Old PM
combined with good paper formation and an even-sided 30
structure. An example is shown at right for a machine re- Gap former
build in the mid-1990s, where a gap former replaced an
older, slower machine. The new machine gives an excellent 10
Surface application
This is the alternative way of adding non-fibrous raw materials to the pre-formed paper web either on-
line as part of the paper machine system or in a separate off-line operation. In this document, it is
considered to be part of a paper machine's dry end chemistry. Surface application is not carried out on
all paper machines, there being many grades of paper that contain only wet end additives, eg
newsprint, tissues, towels, etc.
There are basically three different techniques for applying either a suspension or solution of chemicals
to the paper surface:
spraying the fluid onto the moving paper web prior to drying
impregnation by contacting the dry paper web with the liquid, most commonly in a size press or,
on machines with calenders, at the water box, both techniques allowing the paper web to imbibe
what is commonly a solution rather than a suspension. This process always forms part of the
paper machine system.
coating using various types of application head in an off-line or on-line process .
The chemical nature of surface-applied materials varies with the type of applicator and each is
described under the above headings. It is important to recognise that surface-applied chemicals suffer
none of the uncertainties relating to retention that wet end additives have to contend with, but that a
significant fraction of surface-applied chemicals enters the wet end system through the recycling of
broke and the re-use of recovered paper. Because of this, it is important that the selection of surface-
applied chemicals should consider their potential effects on wet end chemistry and, wherever
practicable, avoid the use of surface-applied chemicals that could cause wet end problems.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 384
It is equally important to recognise that chemicals in the base paper can affect the process of surface
application through their being extracted during passage through the applicator. As the retention time
of the paper web in the applicator is very low, this problem is mainly restricted to the more easily
water-soluble chemicals such as electrolytes and those processes with longer retention times such as
the traditional puddle-type size press. The severest problems tend to occur on size press machines
with a very closed water system at the wet end as this tends to lead to high retention of dissolved
materials. Acidic conditions in the applicator could also lead to dissolution (and foaming) of calcium
carbonate from a filled base paper and should obviously be avoided.
Surface energy/tension
This is described under the more generic heading of interfacial energy. The surface energy or tension
is best reserved just for interfacial energy or tension between a material and air.
For all these properties, it is important to recognise that the two sides of a paper sheet are rarely
identical in terms of their composition (ie the paper is two-sided to some degree) and may therefore
have quite different values for these measured properties. These differences arise from the nature of
the filtration process in forming the paper web, where finer particles are likely to be concentrated on
the topside of the paper, particularly when the single pass retention of the fines is low (see examples
under z-distribution).
Surface strength
The paper surface, notably the topside, may accumulate materials that are poorly-bonded to the body
of the paper. This can result in the picking (pulling off) of pulps fibres or the linting of fillers during
pressing/drying and printing (when it may be referred to as dusting). Sometimes, the fibres do not
leave the paper surface, but are lifted by abrasion against another surface and the ability of a paper to
resist this is termed scuff or rub resistance.
The main technique for quantifying surface strength is the Dennison Wax Pick test, which involves the
application of a series of waxes with graded adhesive properties to the paper surface. The (highest)
number of the wax that does not remove any paper material when it is pulled off is the Dennison Wax
Pick value. A set of technique which more closely simulate the printing process are the IGT tests for
dry and wet pick resistance. Surface strength of an uncoated paper can be enhanced by chemical
treatment at the size press, most commonly with starches.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 385
A surfactant is a surface active agent, meaning that it tends to accumulate at
a surface or interface. Surfactants are amphipathic as they possess both
hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups, the relative proportions being quantified
by the HLB number. There is usually adequate hydrophilic character to
make surfactants soluble in water, but the hydrophobic part of the molecule
would prefer not to be exposed to water and, above a certain concentration,
surfactants form micelles in which the molecules form aggregates with the
hydrophobic ends clustering together (see picture at right). This allows them to hold hydrophobic
solids within the micelle, thus effectively "dissolving" them.
For the same reason, surfactants prefer to adsorb on a particle surface (particularly if the surface has
some hydrophobic character) with their hydrophobic ends adjacent to the surface and their hydrophilic
ends pointing outwards, thus allowing the surface to be held dispersed as a stable water suspension.
In a similar way, surfactants also concentrate at the air-water interface and can thus stabilise
entrained gases as a foam.
Substances with surface active properties can get into the papermaking system through other
materials, notably in the form of saponified resin acids from virgin pulps, deinking surfactants and soap
residues in deinked pulps. Talc filler also has some surface active properties because of its part-
hydrophobic character.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 386
In papermaking, this term refers to the ability of pulp fibres to expand when exposed to water and is
important both during and after papermaking. In the latter case, the moisture content of the dried sheet
adjusts to changes in the relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere and this affects the
dimensional properties of the paper. Swelling of pulps is measured either by inverse solute exclusion,
in which case the measured value is the fibre saturation point (FSP), or by measuring the water
remaining in the pulp after a standard centrifugation, which is called the water retention value (WRV).
Both terms have units of g water/g dry fibre.
Pulp swelling opens up existing pores in the fibre wall, which are classified into two types:
micro pores, which have a diameter of 1-4 nm and are located in the amorphous regions of the
fibre wall
macro-pores, which have a diameter of 30-80 nm and are believed to originate from dissolution of
lignin and hemi-cellulose during pulping.
As in the FSP test procedure, pore size is important in relation to the ability of papermaking chemicals
of different molecular sizes to gain access to the internal fibre surfaces.
At the wet end, pulp fibres start to swell during the initial slushing stage as water penetrates the
amorphous (non-crystalline) regions and forms hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl groups on the
accessible cellulose molecules. This is an exothermic process and it improves the papermaking value
of the fibres as they become more plastic/flexible and better able to conform to one another during
later drying. There is some ordering of the water molecules adjacent to the fibre surface, which leads
to it having a somewhat higher density than the bulk water. However, the penetration of water into and
its uptake by the fibrous matrix depends on the latter’s chemical composition as this affects the energy
of the interface with water. There is a significant difference between the wettability of mechanical and
chemical pulps as the presence of lignin reduces the surface energy of fibres, whilst the hydrophilic
hemi-celluloses have the opposite effect. Further changes in fibre swelling occur during pulp refining
as the external and internal structure of the fibres are developed.
Our understanding of the mechanism of fibre swelling is based on treating the fibre wall like a
polyelectrolyte gel and most practical observations support this premise. The degree of fibre swelling
reflects the balance between the expanding forces and the force opposing expansion. The latter is
simply the elastic tensile strength (or modulus) holding the components of the fibre wall together,
which has been shown to increase with the pulp's lignin content. The expanding force is a mixture of
two terms, but both can be related to the osmotic pressure resulting from the difference in
concentration of ions between the accessible and non-accessible water (Donnan equilibrium).
Swelling thus increases with the quantity of anionic charged groups associated with the pulp.
The nature of the counter cation also affects swelling, which increases as the cation changes from Al
+ 2+ +
to H to Ca to Na . The ability of pulp fibres to swell thus depends not only on the chemistry of the
pulp, but also on the chemistry of the process water used for pulp dilution. A higher electrolyte
concentration in the pulp dilution water opposes swelling as it reduces the osmotic pressure driving
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 387
The swelling behaviour of mechanical pulps is restricted by their high lignin content. Their water
retention value is typically around 1 g water/g pulp, about half of that for chemical pulps. The stiffening
effect of the lignin may be partially overcome by increasing the content of anionic groups, eg by
peroxide bleaching or by sulphonation. This example shows the improvement in swelling brought
about by alkali treatment of two mechanical pulps and their consequent increase in pulp anionicity due
to hydrolysis of ester linkages.
Water uptake g/g pulp
Temperature has been shown to affect fibre swelling, as 4
illustrated at right for a pulp delignified to varying degrees with 3
sodium chlorite. As temperature had no effect on the swelling of
pure cellulose, this effect appears to be due to a combination of 20oC
lignin softening and disruption of hydrogen-bonded cohesive 1
forces in the fibre wall. 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
As the above figure also indicates, the swelling of pulps Degree of lignification (%)
increases as lignin is removed. At any particular lignin level, the Source: Lindstron in Nordic Pulp Paper
Research J., 1992, 4, 181-192.
swelling is strongly influenced by the pulp's content of residual
charged substances (for the reasons explained above). In comparison to bleached chemical pulps,
unbleached pulps have a relatively high content of anionic substances so they swell readily in the
absence of electrolytes (see these examples for unbleached Kraft and unbleached sulphite pulps).
These examples also show how the swelling depends on pH, as this influences the ionisation of
charged groups and how swelling is reduced in the presence of added electrolytes and at low and high
pH due to the electrolytic effect of high acid/alkali doses. The swelling of unbleached Kraft pulps
differs from that of unbleached sulphite pulps due to the presence of acidic groups with higher pK
values, eg lignin phenolic groups.
WRV, g water/g pulp
1.9 In line with their low lignin content, bleached Kraft pulps
Bleached Kraft show good swelling characteristics, which depends on their
1.8 total charge content (as shown here). This study showed that
0 NaCl
the swelling of birch hardwood pulps was more sensitive
1.7 0.1M (than softwood pulps) to the positive influence of total charge
content and to the negative influence of electrolytes. In a
1.6 separate study (see figure at left), the small increase in
2 4 6 8 10 12
pH swelling with raised pH is consistent with this undefined
Source: Lindstrom, Nordic Pulp bleached Kraft pulp probably having been chlorine bleached
Paper Research J., 1992, 4, 181-192. and thus having a very low carboxyl content.
2.25 11 NaCl
2.0 10
CaCl2 Alum CaCl2
1.75 9 Alum
1. 5 -6 -5 -4 -3
8 -6 -5 -4 -3
0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Electrolyte concentration (M) Electrolyte concentration (M)
Source: Shehaney in Paper Technology Industry , 1981, 22, 4, 181-192.
However, it should be noted that there are two undesirable consequences of fibre swelling:
the ease of water removal during pressing is impaired due to an increase in the water-holding
capacity of fibres (see this example).
the dissolution of organic substances is increased as the size of the internal pores expands, thus
allowing hemi-celluloses to diffuse through the fibre wall (see refining)
This is the name for the complex formed between dissolved polymers having an anionic charge on the
polymer chain and polymers having a cationic charge on the polymer chain, ie between anionic trash
and added cationic chemicals (see charge interactions).
Synthetic pulps
This class of pulps is not very common in papermaking and is mainly used in speciality grades such as
tea-bag and filter papers. As these pulps are not cellulosic in nature, they do not bond well with one
another or with cellulosic fibres so it is usually necessary to add binders. Examples of synthetic pulps
are glass fibre used in filter papers and thermo-plastics such as polypropylene in heat-sealable tea-
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 389
Talc is a platy magnesia-silicate mineral from the clay group with the Silica tetrahedra
formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 and the structure as shown in a simplified form at
Magnesia octahedra
right. In the magnesia layer, the magnesium ions are surrounded by four
Silica tetrahedra
oxygens (from the silica layers) and two hydroxyl groups. Talc is easily
van der Waals forces
delaminated due to the weak inter-plate van der Waals forces and is
therefore very soft (Moh scale 1-2 depending on the level of impurities). It Silica tetrahedra
has a very low ion exchange capacity (<0.02 meq/g, ie much lower than Magnesia octahedra
kaolin or bentonite clays) due to its well-balanced ionic composition. Its Silica tetrahedra
most interesting property is its surface characteristic of having a very low
energy (hydrophobic) face (interfacial energy 35-40 mJ/m ) combined with hydrophilic edges (due to
the hydroxyl groups in the protruding magnesia layer). The zeta potential of talc is weakly negative (-2
millivolts) at normal papermaking pH levels.
It is most commonly produced by a combination of dry grinding and classification to give different
particle size distributions, notably a coarse grade with a mean particle diameter of about 10 μm and a
fine grade with a mean particle diameter of about 1.5 μm. Talc has several applications in
Tapioca starches
This type of starch is not as common in papermaking as the three main types (potato, corn/maize and
wheat). Tapioca starches have a higher amylopectin content even than potato starches and contain no
fatty material (see this table for comparison with other starch types). They have a quite large granule
size with a mass average of about 15 μm and are round in shape, but with truncated ends.
This is an abbreviation for totally-chlorine free in relation to pulps or pulping processes.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 390
Tear strength
This strength parameter is the paper's resistance to being ripped in one direction and is measured by
a pendulum-type tester. The value is expressed in mN or, when normalised, as the tear index in
mN.m /g. The tear strength may be measured at the edge without an initial tear (the edge tear
strength) of after initiating a small tear (the internal tear strength), the latter being less than the former.
As with tensile strength, the tear strength depends on the tear direction with the CD-tear strength
being greater than MD-tear strength. Tear strength is particularly dependent on the content of long
fibres in the pulp, so refining beyond a certain level (whilst the tensile strength is still increasing)
reduces tear strength due to fibre shortening.
Temperature affects many processes in the papermaking system due its effect on rates of chemical
and microbiological reactions. Uncontrolled variations in temperature mainly occur at the wet end of
the paper machine as the temperature during surface application is usually controlled in some way
due to its effect on the rheology of the applied aqueous systems. The highest temperatures are
experienced in the drying of paper and this is very important for some aspects of dry end chemistry.
At the wet end, the temperature of the fresh water establishes the baseline temperature of the system,
which varies with season, but this variability is more pronounced for surface waters than for ground
waters. At a constant degree of water closure, the temperature rise on the machine depends on:
the energy deliberately added, eg hot water on showers and steam added to aid pulp dispersion or
ink dispersion in recycled systems and
that dissipated from electrical energy.
This energy input at the wet end is machine specific and rather difficult to predict, but can be up to
about 1 GJ/tonne paper. When the energy input is constant, the temperature rise depends on the
degree of water closure, but the increase can easily reach +30 C in more closed water systems (see
this example of increased temperature on water closure, which assumes an energy input of 0.5
GJ/tonne at the wet end and a baseline temperature of 15 C and these values for several machines
with fully-closed water systems).
This temperature increase may have various consequences for wet end chemistry:
greater fibre flexibility and swelling, particularly for mechanical pulps
increased dissolution from pulps as a result of better swelling (see this example for a
chemimechanical pulp)
increased rate of chemical reactions, which is probably undesirable in most situations as many of
these are related to problems such as deposit formation.
change in equilibrium constants such as solubility products - increased solubility would tend to
lower the adsorption and hence retention of substances, but changes in the conformation of
polymers may promote adsorption at increased temperature (see this example for cationic starch)
greater rate of microbiological growth and lower oxygen solubility leading to more rapid
deoxygenation and earlier onset of anaerobic conditions. The actual effect on the microbial
populations is difficult to predict as it depends on the starting temperature and could decrease or
changes in the physical characteristics of materials, such as an increased softness/tackiness of
some deposits leading to greater mobility and transfer of problems further down the system.
lowered viscosity of water leading to improved water removal on the wire and in the press and
drying sections and an aggravated foaming tendency.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 391
Temporary hardness
This is the fraction of the total water hardness that is present as calcium or magnesium bicarbonate
and is classed as temporary as it can be easily removed by boiling:
Ca(HCO3) 2 CaCO3 + H20 + CO2
Temporary hardness can cause precipitation problems depending on the water pH and temperature in
relation to the calcium and bicarbonate (alkalinity) levels (see Langelier's equation). Conversion to
permanent hardness by acid (hydrochloric or sulphuric) addition also stabilises the water in relation to
possible precipitation reactions.
Tensile strength
This strength parameter is the paper's resistance to being pulled in one direction along the plane of
the paper. Because of the alignment of fibres in the machine direction (MD) of the paper, the tensile
strength is greater when the paper is pulled in this direction compared to the cross direction (CD). The
relationship of MD to CD strength is known as the "squareness" of the sheet. There are many
commercial instruments to measure tensile strength and they all involve clamping a narrow strip of
paper (typically 15mm wide) between two sets of jaws and then drawing the jaws apart until the paper
breaks. This test generates a curve of stress (the tensile force) against strain (the increase in length of
the paper), from which a number of useful parameters can be calculated:
the tensile strength itself, the force at the break point usually expressed as the force per unit width
(N/m) or as an actual stress (force per unit area in N/m or Pa) if the sheet caliper is known. The
normalised tensile strength is simply the strength (N/m) divided by grammage (g/m ) in units of
N.m/g or as the breaking length (km) = tensile index (kN.m/g)/9.8. Breaking lengths of papers vary
from about 2-10 km corresponding to tensile indices of about 20-100 Nm/g.
the modulus of elasticity (Young's Modulus), which is the slope of the initial linear part of the
stress-strain curve (obeying Hook's Law) with the same units as tensile strength.
The tensile strength of individual fibres (zero-span tensile) is measured by bringing together the jaws
of the tensile tester so that there is no gap. The wet tensile strength is measured simply by pre-wetting
the sample. The z-direction tensile strength (internal bond strength) is measured by sticking both sides
of the paper to plattens with double-sided tape and then placing this construct in the tester.
Various models have been proposed to relate the tensile strength of paper to some fundamental
properties of the fibrous pulp, one of the best known being the Page equation:
I = 9 + 3W
T 8Z L.S.B
where T = tensile stress (breaking force per unit area), Z = zero-span strength, W = fibre width,
L = fibre length, S = breaking stress of inter-fibre bonds and B = relative bonded area.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 392
These organic chemicals (sometimes still referred to, incorrectly, as terpenes) are rather complex
natural chemicals that are based on the isoprene unit (see below). Their formulae can all be written in
the form (C5H8)n and are classified into various types depending on the value of n, eg the
monoterpenoids where n = 1 and the sesquiterpenoids where n = 2. Terpenoids are present in the
extractives fraction of wood, two examples being - and -pinene (both n = 2), as shown below.
H2C = C - C = CH2
Tertiary nitrogen
Nitrogen-containing groups are incorporated in some polymers to confer a cationic charge on the
polymer chain. The nitrogen is tertiary when it attached to three
carbon atoms and can thus carry a positive charge only when it is
+ +
protonated (as shown at right) so the charge is pH dependent. R–N +H R–N –H
Test liner
This is the name for the recycled version of Kraft linerboard.
Thermally-modified starches
These starches are produced by the starch manufacturer by acid treatment of a native starch at high
temperature, which initially depolymerises the starch into quite short fragments. These then
repolymerise to give branched structures that are still much smaller than the parent molecules.
Thermo-chemical starches
These in-mill converted native starches are widely used for surface application, particularly in the
manufacture of packaging grades such as recycled fluting. They are rarely, if ever, used at the wet
end as they have little affinity for the particulate matrix and are thus very poorly retained. Enzyme-
converted starches are an alternative type for this application.
Thermo-chemical starches are normally produced by jet cooking, in which the starch suspension is
steam-heated very rapidly to about 150 C and is then held for a short time (4-5 minutes) in a contact
zone in the presence of chemical oxidants. The most common chemicals are hydrogen peroxide
(usually with a small amount of copper sulphate as catalyst) or ammonium persulphate at doses of
0.1-0.25% (as 100% active materials) on the starch solids. This treatment brings about some
depolymerisation of the starch molecules and some (slight) oxidation of the pendant -CH2OH group to
-COOH groups. These starches thus bear some similarity to oxidised starches. Addition rates at the
size press are typically around 5% on the base paper, but can be higher.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 393
produces little low molecular weight Source: Bergh, NO "Starches" in "Surface application of
paper chemicals", Chapter 4, 69-102, Blackie, 1997.
material, but also maintains a relatively
high proportion of high molecular mass
solids with excellent strengthening functionality.
This is a very important subject within physical chemistry and is the science of the different kinds of
energy and the transformations between them. The thermodynamic aspects of interactions between
substances determine whether or not they are likely or possible to take place, but kinetics aspects
determine whether it actually does take place within the timeframe available.
Newer TMP variants (such as the Thermopulp process) operate 2 stages of treatment, the first at a
relatively low temperature and the second at a higher temperature and pressure, which gives an
overall 10-20% reduction in energy use. TMPs are the strongest mechanical pulps, but have a much
higher energy consumption than what is the main alternative process today, pressurised groundwood.
The pulps have a lower fines content than most groundwood pulps, typically 28-30% for spruce.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 394
In the pulping of spruce, one of the most widely-used woods for mechanical pulps, about 4% of the
wood substances dissolve during the process, the largest fraction being the galactoglucomannans.
Most of this material is retained in the pulping circuits through thickening of the pulp, the amount
passing forward to the paper machine being dependent on the overall washing efficiency. The
galactoglucomannans remaining with the pulp help to stabilise the colloidal pitch particles by a steric
stabilisation mechanism, but this breaks down when the pulp is bleached. Pitch from TMP is treatable
by enzymes and this also gives a simultaneous improvement in paper strength (see this example).
The most problematic substances within the pulp's dissolved organics is the sub-set of anionic
materials, typical levels for spruce TMPs being about 100 eq/g pulp. Various studies on spruce TMP
have provided useful data on some of the characteristics of these charged substances:
the surface charge was shown to be only about 10% of the total charge
the charged substances that dissolved in the liquid phase are about 20% of the total
the pulp fines contain higher levels of charged substances (140 eq/g) than pulp fibres (80 eq/g).
Comparative data for the charged substances present in one unbleached TMP is given in this table
using different charge titration techniques. The variation in the cationic demand on a paper machine
using a mixture of unbleached and bleached TMP is shown here. The effect of TMP dissolved solids
on its drainage characteristics is shown here.
This term has several possible meanings in papermaking:
at the wet end of the paper machine as part of the overall process of water removal from the
papermaking stock, thickening is the drainage process that follows the filtration stage once the
consistency reaches the few per cent level (at about
the wet line). In thickening, water removal takes place
throughout the water body and the consistency
remains constant throughout this depth, progressively
increasing as water is removed (as shown at right).
This mode of drainage gives a more uniform z-
distribution than filtration.
in coating, chemicals are used to increase the viscosity of (ie thicken) the coating mix and thus
modify its rheological characteristics. Coating thickeners include alginates, CMC and starches.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 395
in pulping, bleaching and deinking, the pulp is usually thickened to increase its consistency. This
may be done within the process simply to separate water circuits (particularly where different
chemistries are used) and at the end of the process to minimise the water load passing to the
paper machine or to a final drying stage. Sometimes, this process is referred to as washing where
the emphasis is more on removing undesirable dissolved substances in the liquid phase rather
than on simply removing water for economic reasons (eg to lower the water load on a high
temperature treatment stage such as disperging within a deinking process).
This ion (S2O3 ) can be found in papermaking systems following the use of sodium hydrosulphite for
bleaching as this chemical can decompose into a mixture of thiosulphate and sulphite.
Concentrations of a few 10s mg/l have been quoted for newsprint machines using hydrosulphite
bleached mechanical pulps. Its presence at the wet end is deleterious due to its contribution to
corrosive activity.
This is an important rheological property of some substances or systems and means that their
viscosity declines with shearing time.
Tinctorial value
This term is used in colour chemistry to indicate the strength of coloration produced per unit mass of
colorant. Dyes are better in this respect than coloured pigments.
These are an important set of paper products that are normally placed in the same category as towels,
the two together comprising about 7% of global paper production. The main tissue grades are toilet
tissue and facial tissue, the main difference being that the latter has a degree of wet strength, but not
as much as in towel products. Other grades that are also referred to as tissue are certain soft
wrapping papers and cigarette tissue.
The composition of tissue products is dominated by the pulp component, which ranges from 100%
bleached chemical (Kraft) pulp to 100% deinked pulp. The latter inevitably contains some residual
filler, but this is kept as low as practicable (few per cent). Fresh filler would, of course never be added
to these grades. In most cases, the pulp accounts for at least 99% of the tissue dry weight, the
remainder being a mixture of the following:
dry strength chemicals, both starch and polyacrylamide types being used to compensate for the
normal absence of any pulp refining due to its adverse effect on softness and bulk
wet strength chemicals (facial tissue only), predominantly of the polyamide-epichlorhydrin type
softening or debonding agents (not always used)
fluorescent brightener which are possibly, but not commonly, used on white grades
dyes on coloured grades.
The normal range of process control chemicals may be used depending on machine conditions,
although it is not uncommon for retention aids not to be used due to the adverse effect of fines
(particularly any filler fines from use of deinked pulp) on tissue softness. One set of chemical additives
unique to tissue and towel machines are the chemicals sprayed onto the drying cylinder or sometimes
added at the wet end to enhance creping.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 396
Titanium dioxide
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the supreme opacifying pigment, but is used sparingly because of its very
high cost (more then bleached chemical wood pulp). It accounts for a small proportion of total
filler/pigment use (about 2% globally) with half of this being in North America. Its main use is in
lightweight printing papers, where good opacity is essential, but where little strength loss can be
tolerated due to the low grammage. In these grades, TiO 2 is used at levels of no more than about 5%,
but it is also used at very high levels (up to 40%) in resin-impregnated decorative laminate papers.
Titanium dioxide occurs in two crystalline forms – anatase in the mixed iron/titanium oxide Ilmenite and
rutile in the much purer ore of the same name. There are two manufacturing processes based on
either sulphuric acid (sulphate process) or chlorine gas (chloride process), the latter being mainly
applied to the rutile grade. In both processes, the impurities (notably iron compounds) are dissolved
o o
and the pure titanium dioxide produced by drying at either 250 C (anatase) or 900 C (rutile). Both
forms are used in papermaking and can be supplied in powder or slurry form (solids content 70-80%).
The difference between the rutile and anatase forms is rather subtle as, in both forms, each titanium
atom is surrounded by six oxygen atoms in an octahedral arrangement and each oxygen atom is
surrounded by three titanium atoms. In the rutile structure, the octahedra are turned through 90° with a
twist of 45° from one layer to the next, whilst they retain their orientation in anatase. The atoms are
more closely packed in rutile, which accounts for its slightly greater refractive index (2.7 compared to
3 3
2.55 for anatase) and its slightly higher density (4-4.2 kg/dm compared to 3.7-3.8 kg/dm for
anatase). Both forms have a high whiteness, but the light absorption spectrum of rutile extends from
the ultra-violet region into the blue end of visible spectrum giving it a slightly yellower tone. Titanium
dioxide is the only opacifying mineral that absorbs strongly in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum,
thus impairing the performance of fluorescent brighteners. Anatase absorbs less UV light than rutile
and is thus preferable for wet end use when fluorescent brighteners are also used.
The surface chemistry of both types of TiO2 is influenced by the incorporation of other oxides (silicon,
alumina) onto its surface in some grades and the use of dispersants when it is supplied in a slurry
form. Titanium dioxide itself has some amphoteric properties so its surface charge depends on pH, as
shown in the figure here. In this particular example, the anatase had been surface treated with
phosphate, removal of which shifts the charge-pH profile to match that of the rutile form. Coating the
surface with silica has the same effect, whereas alumina coating increases the iso-electric point to a
similar pH as for pure alumina.
The data at right is taken from a small paper machine 100 Total SPR (%)
making AKD-sized wood-free paper where the grammage 80 Fines SPR (%)
was 55-60 g/m except for the short period just over 60
halfway through the sampling period when it was 40
TiO2 SPR (%)
somewhat lower (where the retentions declined). The
overall single pass retention (SPR) of the mineral fraction
(predominantly clay, but including the TiO2 component) is
not shown, but was very similar to the fines SPR. The retention aid system was a combination of
cationic starch and anionic polyacrylamide, which gave excellent aggregation of the filler and fibre
fines although the machine speed was only 200 m/minute with consequent low shear levels. The
retained ash in the paper was about 23% with total TiO2 retentions of around 95%. This data is from
the same paper machine as the second example indicating the influence of grammage on single pass
retentions, which is shown here.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 397
This is an abbreviation for thermomechanical pulp or pulping process.
This is an abbreviation for total organic carbon, but this is discussed under dissolved organic carbon.
TCF pulps have become quite an important pulp type since the early 1990s, but their production is
quite small compared to ECF pulps. The development of TCF (and ECF) pulps has been driven by the
environmental problems associated with chlorine bleaching, notably the generation of chlorinated
organic by-products such as chlorinated phenols (eg pentachlorophenol), dioxins and chloroform.
Although TCF pulps tend to be lumped together as single category, there may be quite important
differences between different types of TCF pulp as discussed further below.
The profile of charged substances through two different TCF Total charge (μeg/g) Surface charge
bleaching sequence for a softwood pulp is shown in the two 120 30
Softwood, pH 7.5
figures at right and below. With one notable difference, the
general level of charges across both sequences is 80 20
comparable with the level across the ECF sequence shown
40 10
here. The notable difference is the poor removal of charged
substances during the first hydrogen peroxide (P) stage in
0 0
the OPZEP sequence, but this has little impact on the level UOPZ E P UOP Z E P
of anionic charges Source: Laine, J in Paperi ja
Puu, 1997, 79, 8, 551-559.
Total charge (μeg/g) Surface charge in the final pulp
120 30
Softwood, pH 7.5 due to the efficacy
of the ozone stage. However, when there are only oxygen
80 20
and peroxide bleaching stages (as shown in this table), the
40 10 final pulp does have a higher content of anionic substances.
It has been shown that this is due to the inability of peroxide
0 0 to remove the hexenuronic acids in the pulp. For both types
of TCF pulp, the surface charge (that accessible to a high
Source: Laine, J in Paperi ja
Puu, 1997, 79, 8, 551-559. molecular mass polydadmac) is about 40% of the total
charge. This is a much higher proportion than in the
unbleached pulp (about 25%), suggesting that TCF bleaching (like ECF) selectively removes more of
the charged substances within the pulp's internal structure. The effect of pH on the titratable total
charge of the above OZEP-bleached pulp is shown here.
Further data on the charge of TCF pulps (see this table) indicates a somewhat higher total charge (60-
100 μeq/g depending on titration technique) in a hardwood (birch) TCF pulp.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 398
In the early days of TCF bleaching, the pulps seemed to have a higher content of potentially-soluble
material than ECF pulps, but this was probably at least in part due to their relatively low brightness
and incomplete removal of lignin compounds. Nevertheless, dissolution on the paper machine is still
an important issue for the cleaner TCF pulps produced today.
This has been investigated in a recent study using a laboratory-bleached hardwood (birch) Kraft pulp.
The results indicate that dissolution of hemi-celluloses in a
kg carbohydrate dissolved/tonne
laboratory disintegrator was complete after no more than 4pulp
3.5% consistency
about 30 minutes and dissolution increased with 2 minute contact time
disintegration consistency from about 5 kg TCF (Z) hardwood
carbohydrate/tonne at 0.5% pulp to 7.5 kg/tonne at 3.5% 2
pulp. This increased dissolution is probably due to the 1 TCF (Z) softwood
greater inter-fibre contact at higher consistency. These
results are obtained from disintegration in a water with a 0 1 2 3 4 5
Conductivity (mS/cm)
low electrolyte content (100 mg/l as NaHCO3), but
dissolution decreases at higher electrolyte levels as shown Reference: Sjostrom et al Nordic Pulp
Paper Research J, 2000, 15, 5, 469-475.
in the figure at right. In this study, the hardwood pulp
contained about 100 μeq/g anionic substances compared to about 50 μeq/g for the softwood pulp.
Dissolution increases with the content of anionic substances in the pulp due to their affect on fibre
swelling, but electrolytes suppress dissolution due to their inhibition of fibre swelling.
Anionics dissolved, μeq/g This is illustrated at left for the same pulps as in the
4 0.1mS/cm TCF Eucalypt (110) above figure, where the number in brackets after the
NaHCO3 pulp is its total charge content in μeq/g. The charge
TCF birch (100) density of the dissolved materials is about 0.5 meq/g,
which is about the expected level for the
1 glucuronoxylan hemi-celluloses. Dissolution of charged
TCF softwood (50) organics follows the same pattern as for carbohydrate,
0 50 100 150 200 but it is evident that only a small fraction (<5%) of the
Refining energy (kWh/tonne)
anionic substances dissolve during refining. This is
Source: Sjostrom in Nordic Pulp Paper
Research J, 2000, 15, 5, 469-475.
desirable for all pulps, but particularly for all bleached
chemical pulps because of their relatively low content
of anionic substances after bleaching. The fact that nearly all the anionic charge remains on the pulp
means that the pulp retains its full ability to adsorb wet end cationic additives.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 399
Total retention
This is the retention of the overall papermaking system and is the mass of material retained in the
paper compared to the amount entering the system (see retention for comparison with meaning of
single pass retention, SPR). It is thus a measure of the total system efficiency in converting raw
materials into product and is sometimes referred to as the process yield. The best way to understand
this term and its relationship with other key variables is through use of the model of the papermaking
system. Using this, the following simplified relationship can be developed for a simple papermaking
circuit with no saveall:
Total retention = SPR/[1-X(1-SPR)] where X = degree of closure of water circuit
The degree of closure can be defined in different ways such as the % recycling of whitewater, but, in
the examples below, this will be converted into a specific water flow (m /tonne paper). In using this
simple equation, the SPR for particulates can only take an assumed value, whereas the SPR of
dissolved solids can either be calculated from the water balance or be given a realistic value (ie in the
range 0.2 to 2%). It should be emphasised that the fresh water consumption used in this model is that
entering the main papermaking circuit only, ie on sprays (flowbox, wire) and for backwater make-up. It
does not include fresh water used on separate circuits such as vacuum pump sealing or cooling.
The single pass retention of particulate solids is influenced Total fines retention (%)
by many factors, but, for a given set of conditions, it is
80 40 m3/tonne
manipulated by the addition of retention aids. It is evident
from the figure at right, that the total retention rises with 60
10 m3/tonne
increased single pass retention, but the rate of 40
improvement slows down at high SPR values. It is also 20
evident that increasing the SPR has the greatest value in 0
0 25 50 75 100
improving total retention on machines where this is Fines SPR (%)
otherwise at its lowest, ie on machines with open water 0
systems. The effect of the change in fines SPR on flowbox consistency is shown here.
The single pass retention of dissolved solids cannot be manipulated in this way and it is clear from the
above figure that, with SPRs around 1%, their total retention is low, but increases substantially on
Total retention (TR, %) Production (t/d)
closing up. This impact of water closure in the
100 100 main papermaking circuit is shown in more
80 Fibre TR Fines TR 98 detail in the figure at left. The reason for the
60 96 increased total retention on water closure is
40 94 that, although the amount of water entering the
20 92 drying section remains constant, the
Solubles TR
0 90 concentration of dissolved solids in that water
0 10 20 30 40 50 increases. The calculation in this figure is based
Fresh water use (m /tonne) on a level of 20 kg dissolved solids entering the
system per tonne pulp used.
The same pattern of improved total retention on closure also holds true for the particulate solids, but
the increase is much less dramatic. This model assumes that the SPR of the fines fraction remains
constant (at 50%) on closing up, but this may not be the case. For example, the build-up in the
concentration of the anionic trash fraction of the dissolved solids may adversely affect the efficiency of
retention aids and, unless the retention aid dose was increased, the fines SPR would decrease. This
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 400
would partially negate the improvement in total retention illustrated above. Because the fibre fraction
has a high SPR (95% assumed in the above figure), its total retention is always very high, even in an
open water system.
The combined effect of better retention of fines and dissolved solids gives a 2-3% lift in total
production, but this would only be achieved in practice if the machine can maintain the same
runnability in a closed water system as in an open system. One of the risks in operating paper
machines with substantially closed water systems is that the theoretical benefits illustrated above are
sometimes negated by poor runnability (and possible impaired paper quality) caused by the many
problems that can occur in closed systems (see this list). These potential problems are driven by the
increased circuit concentrations and temperature and these wider impacts of water closure in terms of
wet end chemistry are discussed under that heading.
These are an important set of paper products that are normally classified along with tissues, the two
together comprising about 7% of global paper production. The pulp component dominates towel
composition, but, compared to tissue grades, recycled pulps tend to be used more over virgin
chemical pulps. As with tissues, the pulp accounts for at least 99% of the tissue dry weight, the
remainder being a mixture of the following:
dry strength chemicals, both starch and polyacrylamide types
wet strength chemicals, predominantly of the polyamide-epichlorhydrin type
softening/debonding agents (less used than for tissue)
dyes on coloured grades.
The normal range of process control chemicals may be used depending on machine conditions, the
use of retention aids being more common than on tissue grades due to the lower requirement for
softness and therefore greater tolerance of fibre fines/ash. One set of chemical additives unique to
tissue and towel machines are the chemicals sprayed onto the drying cylinder (where present) or
sometimes added at the wet end to enhance creping.
Today, towelling grades are made principally with PAE resins, but UF resins may still be used
because of their relative cheapness. The following example illustrates some of the wet end chemistry
issues involved in recycled towel manufacture with UF resins. The machine makes 50 g/m towel from
non-deinked pre-consumer recovered papers with two
different grades in use. The machine uses alum/sulphuric Dissolved COD (g/l)
acid to lower the wet end pH (to about 4), the level of
alum/acid addition being dependent largely on the pulp's Conductivity (mS/cm)
calcium carbonate content. The two figures illustrate the
0.5 Dissolved Ca (g/l)
change in system parameters over the course of four
days during which the machine changed from one 0
recycled pulp to the other. From the first figure, it is clear Resin TR (%)
that the second pulp contained more calcium carbonate 80
on both grades. The fines single pass retention (SPR) does appear to decrease somewhat, but the
average SPR of the total furnish does not change appreciably between the two furnishes (the fines
content of the second furnish being lower due to calcium carbonate dissolution). The SPR of the
adsorbed UF resin (not shown) is very similar to that of the particulate fines, but the total resin
retention is halved on the second furnish. The reason for the decline in total resin retention is its
impaired adsorption, which is caused by the higher concentration of dissolved calcium and possibly
also by the higher dissolved organics (and its anionic trash component). A similar effect of dissolved
calcium on the adsorption of a PAE resin in laboratory experiments is shown here.
These are long (up to 4mm) tapering cells with a pitted surface that run longitudinally along the trunk
in softwoods, but are absent from hardwoods. They are more commonly referred to as fibres even
though the term "fibre" should be reserved just for the dominant cell type present in hardwoods.
This is an empirical measurement of fine colloidal particles, which is measured by observing the light
scattered at 90 to the incident light. It has widely been used in the environmental field as an indicator
of water quality. In papermaking, it is mainly applied to whitewaters from paper machines or filtrates
from laboratory studies and can be measured by many on-line consistency sensors. The most
common turbidity scale is formazin turbidity units (FTU).
This term refers to the tendency of some papers to have a non-uniform distribution of materials in the
z-direction of the paper (see example for filler distribution here). It is caused by the fact that finer
particulate solids are retained by a purely filtration or straining mechanism through the consolidating
paper web. This means that the top side of the paper will tend to have a higher proportion of such
solids and this may affect certain functional characteristics of the product. For example, the paper may
be smoother on the top-side than on the wire-side due a higher filler content. Some materials with an
initially non-uniform z-distribution are able to re-distribute themselves more uniformly through their
ability to melt in the drying section, the best examples of this being wet end sizes. The most searching
examination of the two-sidedness is the evenness of coloration for dyed papers as any unevenness is
readily apparent by simple visual examination. Other examples of two sidedness are in terms of fibre
orientation, which is influenced by the efflux ratio and the physical appearance of the two surfaces,
which may be influenced by marking from wire and press fabrics.
On any paper machine, two-sidedness can be best minimised by ensuring that the finer particulate
solids are hetero-flocculated with the larger fibrous solids, a process which is conducted in order to
improve their single pass retention and the overall drainage characteristics of the stock. This two-
sidedness effect is also minimised by the newer types of former such as gap formers and is eliminated
inherently in the products from duplex machines, which have two quite separate formers. A duplex
machine as defined above is not simply a normal 2-ply product (which brings together the wire and top
sides), but a machine where similar faces (top-top or wire-wire) are brought together before pressing
and drying.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 402
This abbreviation is used for unbleached Kraft.
UF resin
This is an abbreviation for urea-formaldehyde resins.
The production of unbleached sulphite pulps is small due to their declining production, despite their
useful characteristic of having a relatively high brightness for an unbleached pulp.
Most of the non-cellulosic material in unbleached Kraft pulps is hemi-cellulose (20-30% of total) with a
much lower level of lignin (4-7% of total) - the level of both substances (for a particular wood type and
yield) depend critically on the efficiency of pulp washing. The alkaline cooking conditions in the Kraft
process should ensure that the pitch content of the unbleached Kraft pulps is reasonably low, but
wood-derived calcium tends to keep at least some of the fatty/resin acids with the pulp. Due to the
hydrolysis and saponification of wood extractives, the relatively small amount left in the pulp is usually
ionised under papermaking conditions and there is thus potential for further deposition reactions with
calcium ions on the paper machine. From this example, it would also seem that the anionic groups
within the fibre wall of unbleached Kraft pulps would also be associated with calcium ions.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 403
In addition to pitch, the main issues for unbleached Kraft pulps Anionic groups, μeq/g
in relation to wet end chemistry are the residual lignins and Softwood
hemi-celluloses that have some anionic charge character and 150
are thus able to exert a cationic demand. Although the charge
character of Kraft pulps is less dependent on the lignin content
than is the case for sulphite pulps, the Kappa number of an 50
unbleached Kraft pulp is still a reasonable indicator of its 0
0 50 100 150
charge content (as shown at right for a softwood pulp). Other Kappa number
studies have quoted comparable values for other unbleached
Source: Lindstrom, Nordic Pulp and
Kraft pulps, ie 50-150 eq/g over the normal Kappa range Paper J., 1992, 4, 181-192.
(also see comparative data in this table using different charge
titration techniques).
The relative charge contribution of the hemi-cellulose carboxyls (pK = 3.4) and lignin carboxyls (pK =
5.5) in unbleached Kraft has been determined as about 4:1 over a range of lignin contents with the
total charge covering a similar range to the above figures. The relationship between surface charge
(zeta potential) and the content of anionic groups in some unbleached Kraft pulps is shown here. The
effect of pH on the titratable charge of an unbleached softwood Kraft pulp is shown here, again
indicating a charge of about 100 eq/g at normal papermaking pH levels (6-8). The adverse effect of
Kraft lignin on the performance of cationic polymers is shown here for polyethyleneimine.
Organics dissolution (kg/tonne) When the charged organic substances remain associated
30 Unbleached Kraft, refined with the fibre wall, they are valuable for increasing pulp
swelling and as adsorption points for cationic additives.
20 However, the swelling also allows organic substances (both
NaCl charged and uncharged) to diffuse through the fibre wall into
10 the bulk solution (which is undesirable). Due to this
CaCl2 dependence on the degree of swelling, the release of
0 dissolved organics also depends on the electrolyte content of
-4 -3 -2 -1
0 10 10 10 10 the water, as shown in the figure to the left. The greater
Electrolyte concentration (M) deswelling effect of divalent cations compared to monovalent
Reference:.Lindstrom in Nordic Pulp cations has a dramatic effect, which would severely curtail
Paper Research J., 1992, 4, 181-192.
dissolution in real papermaking systems.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 404
This term is discussed here in relation to the uniformity of paper products, which is an important quality
issue. Paper is a complex 3-dimensional structure, which always exhibits some within-reel variability
due to the physical and chemical
heterogeneity of its raw materials. The MD, y
terminology of paper uniformity (or usually
CD, x Streaks
the lack of it) can be confusing in terms of
its directionality as a variability in the cross-
direction (ie the paper is different in some
way at different positions across its width) is
actually aligned in the machine direction.
The nature of this variability and its causes depend on the paper axis:
cross (x) - direction (CD) uniformity (eg poor uniformity due to streaking) is little influenced by the
chemistry of the papermaking stock, but has more to do with the engineering of the approach flow
system and the sophistication of the flowbox outlet (slice) controls. Striations (usually micro-
striations) are another sort of MD-aligned variability, but this is caused by differential shrinkage
during drying that originates from sheet variability in the z-direction.
machine (y) - direction (MD) uniformity (eg poor uniformity due to barring) is influenced by the
uniformity of the thin stock and the variability in the single pass retention of its components, which
is affected by many aspects of wet end chemistry (see these examples of the influence of the level
of fines SPR on the variability of fines SPR). There may also be purely mechanical explanations
for such variability such as inconsistency in the thick stock supply.
wire (z) - direction uniformity (eg two-sidedness and fibre tilt) is influenced strongly by the drainage
and consolidation processes, which are in turn influenced strongly by the stock composition and
its state of aggregation (see this example of the influence of filler SPR on filler z-distribution). Such
differences between the two sides can lead to obvious functionality problems (eg differential
sizing) and difficulties related to curl.
its micro-uniformity or "formation" quality, which, like the z-distribution, is affected by the state of
aggregation of the total particulate components, including genuine fibres (macro-flocculation) as
well as fines. However, whilst a high fines single pass retention improves z-direction uniformity, it
has the opposite effect on xy-direction uniformity, this being one of the dangers in trying to achieve
a very high (too high) fines SPR.
Clearly therefore, the chemistry of the system has a major influence on the overall uniformity of paper
products and additives such as retention aids need careful optimisation in order to maximise fines
single pass retention and sheet structure.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 405
This chemical (formula at right) occurs in two different forms in the papermaking
process. It is present as a solubiliser in some dye/brightener formulations and it H2N
forms one of the two building blocks for the urea-formaldehyde resins that are used
to provide wet strength and the urea-formaldehyde pigments for improving paper
opacity. Urea also used to be present in some rosin sizes and is formed when FAS bleach is used for
decolorisation of deinked pulps and machine broke. When present as free urea, it is easily hydrolysed
to ammonia by the urease enzyme.
Urea-formaldehyde pigments
These pigments have the same chemistry as the wet strength UF resins, but the product is in the form
of a fine particle size dispersion as the reaction between urea and formaldehyde has been allowed to
go to completion to form the insoluble fully cross-linked product. These pigments have applications
similar to mineral fillers, but being organic, they do not contribute to the paper's ash content and, being
much lighter than mineral fillers (material density about 1.5 g/cm ), they have a lesser impact on paper
density. They are made of very small primary particles (100-200 nm) which produce aggregates of 3-6
μm diameter. The high light-scattering coefficient (about 450 m /kg) is due to a combination of small
particle size and a refractive index (about 1.6) slightly higher than most mineral fillers. Like other
synthetic pigments, they also have a very high brightness (> 95% ISO). They are usually supplied as
high solids content suspensions (60-80% by weight). Because of their excellent opacifying
characteristics, they are often used as titanium dioxide extenders.
The normal papermaking resin is the B-stage resin, which then reacts further in the drying section
through further condensation reactions between the hydroxyls in the methylol groups and nitrogen-
bound hydrogens, generating the linking methylene group (- CH2 -). This forms the 3-dimensional
cross-linked C-stage resin, which physically protects the fibre from water penetration. It is not thought
that UF resins react significantly with cellulose, which is consistent with their negligible effect on dry
The formation of the C-stage polymer takes place at the elevated temperatures in the drying section of
the paper machine, but this also requires acidic conditions. Above pH 5, this reaction is quite slow so
the wet end usually has to be operated at pH 4-4.5 (sometimes as low as 3.5) in order to ensure
adequate acidity within the drying section. This low pH promotes corrosion and also tends to lower the
negative charge on pulps, thus reducing the driving force for adsorption of cationic substances. Even
with this low pH, the contact time at a high-enough temperature within the drying section is not usually
adequate to cure fully the UF resin, so the product has to be allowed to cure further during storage,
albeit very slowly at ambient temperatures (up to 4 weeks).
Commercial UF resins contain 25-50% solids and have a neutral pH (to prevent further condensation
reactions which would lead to gelation and ultimate insolubility). Because of the ongoing chemical
activity, even at neutral pH, shelf-life is limited to no more than 6 months depending on ambient
temperatures. UF resins are usually added at the end of the thick stock system in order to maximise
adsorption on the particulate matrix, but are pre-diluted to facilitate mixing and distribution in the stock.
In the case of cationic resins, the low pH is best controlled by the addition of sulphuric acid and not
alum as this would tend to reduce resin adsorption and also unnecessarily complicates wet end
chemistry. The overall performance of UF resins is influenced by a number of factors related to its
initial adsorption step (pulp charge, the presence of other species competing for adsorption sites, the
presence of anionic trash, etc) and then on its final curing efficiency. An example of some chemistry
effects on UF resin retention is shown here for towel machine. Even under ideal conditions, UF resins
are not as effective on a weight basis as MF and PAE resins, but they are the cheapest form of wet
strength resin and it is possible to achieve wet/dry strengths of about 35% at a maximum dose of
about 2% resin solids on product.
UF resins can contain up to 6% free formaldehyde, but this can be reduced to 1-2% by different
techniques without unacceptable loss of performance. The free formaldehyde level in a UF resin is an
equilibrium concentration for each grade that tends to re-establish itself whatever the free
formaldehyde level at the time of packing. Unlike the resin itself, the free formaldehyde is not
adsorbed by the particulate solids and builds up in the water system to a level dictated by the
machine's degree of water closure. All storage vessels should thus be covered or enclosed, but, even
then, the equilibrium levels in the water system can cause odour, which is normally controlled by
ensuring adequate machine house ventilation. Formaldehyde is also emitted during paper drying from
the free aldehyde retained through its presence in the water carried into the dryers and from
formaldehyde released from curing reactions.
Broke from UF resin wet strengthened paper should be repulped as soon as possible after the reel-up
in view of the continuing cure reaction which impairs repulpability. Repulping is normally carried out at
slightly acid conditions (pH 3-4) and at raised temperatures (60-80 C). The contact time is determined
by the degree of cure, but is usually less than 1 hour. Formaldehyde is again released during
repulping, so the pulper should be covered and the exhaust gas dealt with appropriately.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 407
The bonding ability of elements is determined by the number of valency electrons, which are the
unpaired electrons in the outermost orbital. The shape of orbitals is discussed for the various groups in
the Periodic Table under electrons. The valency of some elements is not what 3
sp hybrid
might be expected at first glance due to the tendency for hybridisation
(mixing) of orbitals. For example, the electrons in carbon are designated 1s ,
2 2
2s , 2p so carbon might thus be expected to have a valency of 2 as there
are two unpaired electrons in the 2p orbital. However, the 2s and 2p orbitals
are in fact hybridised (mixed) to form an sp hybrid with four unpaired
electrons so carbon has a valency of four. The shape of the sp orbitals (see
representation at right) gives rise to the symmetrical tetrahedral structure for simple carbon
compounds like methane, CH4, where each hydrogen atom is at the corner of the tetrahedron. Each
linear bond formed between carbon and the hydrogens (called a σ [sigma)] bond) arises from the
overlapping of one sp orbital and the 1s orbital of each hydrogen.
The orbitals in carbon can be hybridised in two other ways when it forms double
bonds (as in ethylene, H2C = CH2) using sp hybrid orbitals and triple bonds (as in sp hybrid
along x-axis
acetylene, HC CH) using sp hybrids. Taking the case of ethylene, each sp
orbital is directed along one of the major axes (as shown at right) and part of the
double bond (its linear σ bond) arises from overlapping of one of the sp orbitals
on each carbon atom. However, the p orbital in the z-axis has not been hybridised
and these two orbitals on each carbon atom can overlap on either side of the x-
axis to give a second bond (known as a π [pi] bond). A
representation of the double bond is shown in the σ bond
diagram at right. π bonds
The double bonds from sp hybridised carbon are
slightly shorter than single C - C bonds and, as the
three bonds are all in one plane, this is known as a trigonal planar conformation. No rotation is
possible about the double bond and this explains the two forms (cis and trans) of some compounds
with double bonds (see isomers). The carbon atoms in benzene are also connected by sp -hybridised
carbons, but, whereas the electrons in the π-bond in ethylene are localised between the two carbon
atoms, the π-bonding electrons in benzene are delocalised across all 6 carbon atoms as this
represents the lowest energy configuration. This type of alternating single and double bond structure is
referred to as conjugation and is very important in dye chemistry.
Hybridisation of bonding orbitals is also important for the covalent compounds formed by nitrogen and
2 2 2,
oxygen. For example, oxygen has an electronic structure of 1s , 2s , 2px , 2py, 2pz so has a formal
valency of 2. However, it is known that the water molecule has an approximately tetrahedral structure
with the four tetrahedral positions being occupied by two sets of paired electrons and two hydrogen
atoms. This is explained by sp hybridisation of the 2s and 2p orbitals. In the hydrated proton (the
+ +
hydroxonium ion, H3O ), the oxygen cation (O ) has a formal valency of three with only one set of
paired electrons. This is still formed by sp hybridisation of the 2s and 2p orbitals, but the structure is
more of a trigonal pyramid than a tetrahedron.
Electrons in the d orbitals can also be utilised to form more complex hybrid orbitals, but these only
come into play for elements in the second row and above of the Periodic Table. Hybrid orbitals such
2 3
as d sp are particularly important in the chemistry of the transition metals.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 408
These forces play a key role in the cohesive forces between materials (eg in gases becoming liquids)
and they also contribute to the mechanism of surface tension. Such forces are much weaker than
those involved in chemical bonding, but are comparable to the strength of hydrogen bonds. Although
the attractive force decays very rapidly with separation distance for individual molecules, the
summation of the forces between all molecules within a particle makes the overall force very
significant in terms of particle aggregation. Estimation of the force depends on the model used for the
surfaces, eg flat plates or spheres. An approximate expression for the force between identical
spheres, valid for separations up to about 20 nm, is as follows:
van der Waals attractive force, VA = -A.d /12H
where d = particle radius, H = inter-particle distance
and A = Hamaker “constant” which depends on the material’s density and polarisability.
The van der Waals attractive force plays an important role in determining the net force between
particles and hence in the degree of particle aggregation.
Vegetable parchment
This is a type of paper made by passing the base paper through a bath of sulphuric acid, which
gelatinises the cellulose on the sheet surface and re-deposits it in the pores to give a very smooth
surface. The paper thus has a very low porosity and a high degree of resistance to grease and oil.
Velocity gradient
This is an alternative term for the shear rate.
This is an abbreviation for volatile fatty acid.
Virgin pulps
This is one of the two broad categories of fibrous papermaking pulps (the largest single type of raw
material used in papermaking), the other being recycled pulp. Although the gap is closing, virgin pulp
is still the larger of the two pulp categories with a global production of about 190M tonne in 2000.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 409
in terms of the type of pulping process, the two main categories being:
- mechanical pulps, which account for about 20% of the total
- chemical pulps, which account for the remainder and are dominated by Kraft grades.
All types of pulping process, although differing greatly in the details of the actual pulping stage, have a
similar set of auxiliary processes as shown in the block diagram below. Chipping is not done with
groundwood mechanical pulping processes and, of course, chemical recovery is only practised at mills
with a chemical process. Some smaller chemical pulps mills (notably based on non-wood fibres) have
no chemical recovery.
Washing By-products
Drying Bleaching Papermaking
Both wood and non-wood pulps contain the same four basic substances or groups of substances:
cellulose, the main component responsible for the inherent strength of fibres
hemi-celluloses, the second largest component that may also contribute to strength
lignin, the chemically-complex binding material that is also responsible for the brown coloration
extractives, the minor fraction that is of no value in papermaking.
When looking at quoted data for pulp characteristics, it should always be born in mind that there are
significant differences not only between different species within a broad category (such as within
hardwoods and softwoods), but also within a species depending on growing conditions, genetic
factors, etc. On different days, this can lead to quite significant differences in the exact characteristics
of the raw fibre entering a pulp mill, which may be lessened or magnified by the pulping process
depending on the level of process control applied.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 410
This is a rheological term applied to certain non-Newtonian fluids, which have a delayed elastic
response to an applied stress, ie they have both viscous and elastic properties. One characteristic of
such liquids is that, instead of forming a vortex around an impeller when stirred, they may climb up the
impeller. In papermaking, visco-elasticity is present in some coating mixes due to their particular
rheological characteristics. Visco-elastic materials are characterised by having a "relaxation" time (the
time taken to recover from the deformation) which is measured in seconds or tens of seconds
compared to the infinitesimally short time for liquids and the infinitely long time for solids.
This is an important characteristic of liquids in terms of their rheological properties. The viscosity of a
liquid is its internal resistance to flow caused by friction from the attractive forces between the liquid
molecules. The normal viscosity measurement is the dynamic viscosity measured as the shearing
force (Newtons) per unit area required to produce a velocity gradient of 1 second . The unit of
-1 2
viscosity is the Poise (P), which has the units of 10 Newton.second/m (identical to kg/second.m or
Pascal.second). It is more common for aqueous liquids to use the centipoise (cP), which has the units
-3 2
of 10 Newton.second/m or mPa.second. The kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by
the density with units of m /second. Liquids are described as Newtonian when the viscosity is
independent of the shear rate. One example of a non-Newtonian liquid is a thixotropic liquid, where
the viscosity decreases with shear time (see rheology for further discussion of this).
The viscosity of water has the value of 1 cP at 20 C, but decreases with temperature spanning the
o o o
range of 1.8 cP at 0 C to 0.55 cP at 50 C and 0.28 cP at 100 C. It is strongly influenced by the
presence of dissolved and particulate materials depending on their interaction with the water
molecules. For charged suspensions, there is an electro-viscous effect which increases the viscosity
due to the extra energy required to overcome the interactions between charged species in the
electrical double layers. For charged polymer solutions, this effect is small, but, as the hydration of the
polymer depends on its chain length, viscosity measurements can be used to estimate their molecular
mass from the formula:
Polymer viscosity = k M where k and x = constants and M = polymer molecular mass
Viscosity measurements can also be used to estimate the consistency of suspensions as any inter-
particle interactions (eg network contacts between pulp fibres) or interactions with water (eg hydrogen
bonding) influence the mobility of the liquid. As this effect is very dependent on measurement
conditions, it is usually referred to as the "apparent viscosity" (see this example of the effect of liquid
viscosity on the extent of fibre flocculation).
Void volume
This is the proportion of a body that is not occupied by solid matter. It is an important characteristic in
the following areas:
for the forming paper web as this is one of the many factors that influence web permeability and
drainage rate
for some minerals that are used as wet end fillers such as precipitated calcium carbonates and
calcined clay, where the particle morphology is such that there are internal voids within the
particles and this accounts for some of their light-scattering ability.
for minerals that are used as coating pigments, where it is usually
desirable to use the maximum solids content in the coating that is
consistent with the target coating quality, but also to minimise the
binder demand and the drying energy. As the pigment accounts for the volume
bulk of the coating by weight, the minimum water content in the
coating mixture is determined by a combination of the inherent water content of the other coating
additives and the packing ability of the pigment particles. The latter is determined by allowing the
pigment to consolidate by settling and the void volume is then the fractional volume occupied by
the pigment solids in the settled volume.
This term is applied to processes in pulping, bleaching and deinking that remove dissolved substances
from the pulp. When it is applied towards the end of these processes, it is very important in terms of
paper chemistry as it removes substances from the pulp that may cause problems on the paper
machine. It is usually accomplished simply by thickening the pulp to increase its consistency. The term
thickening is often used interchangeably with washing, but the emphasis in pure thickening is on
removing water for economic reasons (eg to lower the water load on final dryers or on a high
temperature treatment stage such as disperging within a deinking process) rather than on removing
the dissolved substances. Washing efficiency may be augmented by the addition of chemicals, but this
is not common.
Washing is essential within pulping, bleaching and deinking processes in order to separate water
circuits, particularly where different chemistries are used, eg between the alternating acid and alkaline
stages in the bleaching of chemical pulps and, in deinking, between the normally alkaline flotation
stage and the more neutral or slightly acidic washing stages. Potentially, washing is a very water-
intensive process so it is normal practice to re-use water in a counter-current fashion, where the filtrate
from one stage is used to dilute the pulp in the previous stage (see diagram below for a 3-stage
process). Where the
chemistries of adjacent stages Recycled filtrate
are very different (eg acid and
alkaline), the counter-current Unwashed Washed
movement of water can omit pulp pulp
one stage (so-called jump-
Fresh water
stage water recycling).
Washing efficiencies tend to be highest on machines producing market pulp for transport to another
site as the pulp then has to be thickened to the maximum extent in order to minimise final drying costs.
In the absence of this pressure, final pulp washing at integrated mills tended to be neglected, but this
attitude has changed with the realisation of the adverse effects of dissolved solids carry-over.
However, one of the issues in improving pulp washing efficiency is what to do with the increased
quantity of dissolved solids that have been removed in this way. This is discussed further under
biological treatment.
Water (H2O) is an essential ingredient in papermaking, but it tends to get taken for granted due to its
low cost and ready availability at most locations. Superficially, water is used in papermaking for
transportation, cleaning, chemical preparation, etc, but its presence during stock preparation and
sheet forming has a profound effect on the properties of the final sheet of paper. The water medium
allows the fibres to swell and become flexible, thus allowing close conformation once the water begins
to be removed. The water used on the paper machine is a mixture of fresh water and water recycled
after some previous use.
At first glance, water is a very simple molecule, but in actuality it is very H-bond
complex and its precise size and detailed structure depend critically on O atom
its form as a solid (ice), liquid or gas. The oxygen in liquid water is H atom
normally considered to be sp hybridised such that the water molecule
should have a tetrahedral structure with the divalent oxygen at the electron
centre and the two hydrogens and two electron pairs at each of the four
corners (see picture at right). Although this structure is helpful to visualise the bonding arrangements,
this is not thought to be absolutely correct although there is some hybridisation within the molecule.
The O-H bond length varies with form, but is about 0.1nm in water and the overall molecule, although
not a perfect sphere, is about 0.3nm across.
Despite this uncertainty, the key to the structure and properties of water is the extensive hydrogen
bonding between molecules, which is greatest in the various forms of ice, but still present in the liquid.
Water is thus not an assembly of separate H 2O molecules, but several H2O molecules are associated
with one another to give an extensively-linked structure, where the
forces extend over quite a distance, ie are not just between adjacent
molecules. The strength of the hydrogen bond in water is about 23
kJ/mole compared to about 500 kJ/mole for the covalent O-H bond
and about 1 kJ/mole for the van der Waals O-H attraction. The
diagram at left shows just one hydrogen bond per oxygen atom, but
there can be two depending on temperature. The hydrogen bonds in
water are reckoned to be about 90% ionic and only 10% covalent.
Hydrogen bonds are still present even in water vapour.
Many of water's properties originate from its hydrogen-bonded structure, the more important ones in
relation to paper chemistry being:
its solvent abilities, which are due to its small size and high dielectric constant (about 80). This
makes water an excellent solvent, particularly for other polar molecules such as electrolytes, as it
reduces the electrostatic attractive forces holding the ions together in the solid state.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 414
2) o
its surface tension (73 mJ/m at 20 C), which is relatively high due to the strong inter-molecular
attractive forces from hydrogen bonding. This property is important in relation to surface wetting
phenomena and related topics such as adhesion and sizing.
its viscosity, which is again due to the strong inter-molecular attractive forces from hydrogen
bonding. The viscosity of water is 1 cP at 20 C, but decreases with increased temperature (to 0.47
cP at 60 C) due to the weakened hydrogen bonding.
its specific heat (4.2 J/g. C), which is again high due to the energy required to overcome the
hydrogen bonding as the temperature rises.
its dipole moment (6 x 10 C.m or about 3 Debye units in the liquid state), which arises from its
non-linear structure and polar character. Water's dipole moment is the reason why it absorbs
microwave energy so effectively, but it is quite small as the extensive hydrogen-bonding lowers
the charge difference between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
The characteristics of pure water are, of course, modified considerably by the presence of dissolved
substances in fresh water and from dissolution within the papermaking system.
Water closure
This term is used to denote the use of less fresh water at the wet end of the paper machine, which
then results in a smaller flow of wastewater for external discharge. Water use at the dry end of the
paper machine is much smaller and limited to the water used for preparation of the solutions and
suspensions for any surface application equipment present. Whereas only a relatively small fraction of
the water at the wet end is evaporated during drying, all of the water applied to the paper surface is
removed by evaporation. A typical, but very simplified, water system at a paper mill is illustrated
Ultimately, closing up at the wet end would result in a situation of zero effluent discharge outside the
mill, although small quantities of water would still be discharged with other solid waste streams leaving
the site (eg rejects and sludges). There are a number of mills throughout the world that have achieved
this situation, mainly in the sector making recycled packaging papers. The driving force for closing up
is usually environmental, but it is the resultant changes within the process that dictate just how far this
can be taken. For most mills, the optimum degree of water closure is well short of zero discharge, but
this is ultimately an economic decision as technologies are available to render all used machine
waters suitable for re-use.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 415
There are many different ways that a paper machine's water system could be closed up, detailed
discussion of which is outside the scope of this document. For the purposes of the discussion here in
relation to the impact of wet end water closure on papermaking chemistry, there are essentially two
different approaches to closing up:
closing up within the paper machine circuits (the primary and secondary loops shown above) so
that the total wastewater flow is reduced in line with the reduction in fresh water intake. This is
sometimes referred to as internal closure. Normally, most mills would have some form of
wastewater treatment plant to which this reduced flow of wastewater would be directed. The great
advantage of this approach is the potential improvement in the total retention of raw materials
applied at the wet end (see here for an illustration of this).
closing up by the recycling of treated wastewater (the tertiary loop shown above), in which case
the flow to the wastewater treatment plant could remain constant or could even increase. This is
sometimes referred to as external closure. This approach would not have the benefit of increased
total retention (as some of these substances are removed during wastewater treatment before the
water is returned), but it would have the benefit of not increasing the circuit concentrations as
much as by internal closure.
Within both these approaches, there are many variations possible, but the important impact within wet
end chemistry is the effect of water closure on the circuit concentrations and temperature. As
discussed under modelling, the two most important factors determining the material concentration for
any fixed input of material into the papermaking system is the degree of water closure and the
material's single pass retention. The example illustrated below is based on the same input data as
shown here for total retention, but expressed below as circuit concentrations.
This calculation assumes a constant input of dissolved solids (from all sources other than the fresh
water itself) of 2% (20 kg/tonne) of the pulp input. In practice however, the degree of closure itself is
very likely to change the input of dissolved solids load in some way, for example:
for the solids originating from dissolution of substances entering the system with pulps/broke.
The increased temperature on closing up could increase the dissolution of both organics and
salts, but an increased electrolyte concentration may then have a negative feedback effect on the
dissolution of organics (see this example for the effect of conductivity on carbohydrate dissolution
from bleached Kraft pulps, this example for the effect of temperature on dissolution from CTM
pulps and this example for the effect of contact time on dissolution from recovered papers).
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 416
It is important to note that the degree of water closure does not change the contribution of dissolved
solids from the fresh water itself to the concentration of wet end dissolved solids, ie the baseline
chemistry remains constant as fresh water use is reduced. In the above example, the baseline levels
in the fresh water have been taken as zero except for temperature, for which a value of 15 C has been
It is certainly normal to observe an increase in the concentration of dissolved solids on closing up, but,
in view of the complexity of the possible interactions, this may be more or less than that predicted in
the constant load model above. The increase in temperature seen in the above figure is parallel to the
increase in dissolved solids concentration as the thermal energy is assumed to follow only the liquid
phase. There is no uncertainty about this build-up curve provided that the energy dissipated at the wet
end remains constant. The degree of water closure is also relevant to the equilibration time of the
system as the average retention time of any substance with low single pass retention (eg the
dissolved solids) rises with increased closure. In combination with the increased temperature on
closing up, this also means that the likelihood of the dissolved materials being changed by chemical or
microbiological action is much greater on a machine with a more closed water system.
From the foregoing discussion, it is evident that the degree of water closure has a very significant
impact on the chemical status of the wet end. The principle primary changes (increased temperature
and concentrations of dissolved solids and fines) bring about secondary effects such as decreased
water viscosity, higher solubility of most electrolytes, reduced solubility of gases, etc. The final impact
on process chemistry depends on the net outcome of these changes, some of which reinforce one
another (eg higher temperatures lead to lower levels of dissolved oxygen and greater starch
dissolution from broke, both of which will expedite the potential for undesirable anaerobic conditions to
develop), whilst others negate one another to some degree (eg better drainage from decreased water
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 417
viscosity, but impaired drainage from higher retained fines). These interactions are quite complex and
are summarised in the table below.
Overall, it is evident that internal water closure has the potential to deliver significant environmental
and cost benefits (better use of raw materials, less reliance on wastewater treatment and reduced
sludge arisings), but the implications for process chemistry are challenging in terms of maintaining
acceptable runnability and product quality.
Water disinfection
Disinfection of the process water is an important component in minimising microbiological problems
caused by proliferation of bacteria and/or fungi within the machine circuit. The most common
disinfection processes are still based on either chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite, but the use of
chlorine dioxide, sodium bromide/hypochlorite, chlorine/bromine release compounds and ozone is
increasing. The reasons for this shift depend on local factors, such as water pH and organic content
plus environmental concerns about generating chlorinated organics and safety in storage and handling
of chlorine gas. The disinfecting power of hypochlorous acid is much greater than that of the
hypochlorite ion, so chlorination is most effective at pH values below the pK value (about 7.5) and
preferably below pH 7. One of the advantages of bromination over chlorination is that hypobromous
acid is the weaker acid and thus maintains a higher proportion of unionised halogen at lower pH
values, ie is more effective at typical water pHs than chlorination (see this figure)
Chlorine has a strong tendency to react with chemicals present in the water, particularly organics and
ammonia. It is necessary to satisfy the chemical demand before a reliable chlorine residual can be
maintained for protection against bacterial re-growth downstream. The presence of organics can lead
to the generation of chlorinated organics (AOX), but usually at very low levels. Chlorine reacts with
ammonia to form a series of chloramines, which are much weaker disinfecting agents than chlorine, but
are longer-acting. "Breakpoint" chlorination is the addition of adequate chlorine to oxidise ammonia fully
to nitrogen.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 418
The use of oxidising disinfectants can have other benefits such as reducing the concentration of
dissolved iron or manganese ions, a particular problem in rivers receiving discharges from working or
abandoned mines. Non-chemical disinfection is possible by the use of, for example, ultra-violet
irradiation and this technique is used by one or two mills for special applications. The need for
effective disinfection is greatest at mills with neutral on-machine pH. On such machines, the natural
river flora would be able to grow relatively rapidly, whereas acid conditions would exercise some
control as a low pH is inimical to growth of most (but not all) river micro-organisms.
Water removal
This term is used to describe the various processes that remove water from the papermaking stock
after the paper web is formed and then consolidated. It is broken down into three stages:
drainage initially by gravity and then by vacuum assistance on the formation wire
pressing against absorptive fabrics ("felts") in the nip between two large press rolls.
final drying against steam-heated drying cylinders.
The term "dewatering" is also sometimes used to cover both the drainage and pressing phases.
The ease of water removal is influenced by many attributes of the papermaking stock and the
design/operation of the paper machine from the flowbox slice onwards. The pulp component of the
papermaking stock is unique in its ability to hold onto water through hydrogen bonding. Therefore, in
order better to understand the processes of water removal in papermaking, it has proved useful to
sub-divide the stock's total content water into several categories depending on their ease of removal
from the pulp and on their freezing characteristics:
The external unbound water is largely removed during the initial drainage stage and the drainage rate
is mainly influenced by the ease of passage through the particulate matrix, ie by its external pore
structure which is determined by the particle size distribution and fines content. Pressing involves the
removal of residual unbound water, but this is still strongly influenced by the structure of the particulate
matrix. High-temperature drying is necessary to remove most of the bound water and this is more
influenced by the detailed chemistry of the paper web, but a more open structure should still allow
easier passage of water vapour. The relationship between these different forms of moisture is shown
for an unbleached Kraft pulp under drying.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 419
Water retention
This term is used in two different areas of papermaking:
in aqueous paper coating in relation to the ease of water penetration from the added coating into
the base paper - this is controlled by the use of water retention agents in the coating formulation
in papermaking in relation to the swelling characteristics of fibres - the pulp's water retention value
is one method of quantifying this property.
In the same study, the WRV was used as an indicator of the pressability of a bleached softwood Kraft
pulp in relation to the effects of added chemicals. The effects of a range of retention/drainage aid
polymers was small in most cases, but two polymers of relatively high cationicity did lower the WRV by
about 10%, ie from a post-press solids content of 45 to 50%. This seemingly-small increase would be
very significant in terms of reduced final drying costs.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 420
This is a generic term for the esters formed between higher alcohols and higher fatty acids, which take
the general form R1CO2R2. Examples are animal waxes such as beeswax (myricyl palmitate) where R1
= C15H31 and R2 = C30H61 and vegetable waxes such as carnauba wax (myricyl cerotate) where R 1 =
C25H51 and R2 = C30H61. The term wax is also applied to non-vegetable waxes derived from petroleum
(eg paraffin wax), which are pure hydrocarbons. Waxes are used in an emulsion form as lubricants in
coating formulations and to provide barrier properties in certain paper grades.
Non-fibrous raw materials account for the remainder of materials added at the wet end and for 100%
of surface-applied materials. Fillers account for the bulk of non-fibrous wet end additives, but are only
used in grades where the paper surface is used to convey information in printed or written form.
Excluding fillers, other non-fibrous wet end additives account for a small proportion of the product in
most cases (below about 2%), the highest levels being where wet end starch is being used (often to
replace size press addition, such as on recycled fluting grades) or, in some rather special cases,
where high dye additions are needed to make very deep-coloured papers.
The most important distinction between different wet end additives is their form, notably whether they
are present as insoluble particulates (eg pulp, filler) or in the dissolved state through being water-
soluble (eg starches, wet strength agents, dyes, etc). This distinction is important because of the
different retention mechanisms for particulate and dissolved solids. Particulate materials are retained
by a combination of aggregation of fines followed by filtration/sieving on the formation wire, whereas
dissolved solids are retained either through being adsorbed by the particulate matrix or by simply
being carried into the drying section in the water remaining in the paper web. Of these two
mechanisms, adsorption is the most effective by far as the adsorbed solids then have the same single
pass retention as the particulates on which they are adsorbed, whereas the single pass retention of
non-adsorbed dissolved solids is always very lower (about 1% depending on the water balance at the
wet end).
“to optimise the state of association of the whole papermaking furnish in order to
maximise its retention characteristics concurrent with achieving an optimum sheet
structure (formation, even-sidedness, etc) and acceptable machine productivity
(drainage, runnability, etc).”
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 421
Fillers, sizes, dyes,
PROCESS CHEMICALS strength agents
Biocides, defoamer,
retention/drainage aids
ADSORPTION FILTRATION (Good runnability and drainage)
DISSOLUTION (Good total retention)
Hardness salts, sulphate
chloride, humic acids RECOVERED PAPER
Size press starches
Coating pigment, binder
Converting adhesives
The term ”association” embraces two critical types of interaction – the aggregation of particulate solids
and the adsorption of dissolved materials. This optimum retention can be defined as the maximum,
stable retention value achievable by balancing primary (single pass) retention on the formation wire
plus secondary recovery in savealls and by water recycling against the major product constraint of
acceptable sheet formation/uniformity. Wet end chemistry is thus intimately tied up with water
management on the machine.
Optimising wet end chemistry is about maximising the desirable processes in the summary figure
below (adsorption, flocculation and filtration), whilst minimising the undesirable ones (dispersion,
precipitation, degradation, dissolution and hydrolysis). Wet end chemistry can be broken down into
three sorts of chemistry:
reaction chemistry
This is where chemical reactions lead to new chemicals, but this is very limited in papermaking as
most chemicals are purchased in a fully-functional state. There are exceptions, but these take
place during dry end chemistry. The only chemical reactions taking place at the wet end are
undesirable ones related to various problematic substances and the hydrolysis of additives such
as AKD and ASA sizes.
microbiological chemistry
This is similar to reaction chemistry in that it leads to new chemicals, but only through the agency
of micro-organisms. Biodegradable organic (eg starches) and inorganic (eg sulphate) substances
are transformed to other substances and energy made available for microbial growth. This
occurs to some degree on all paper machines and is probably more prevalent than reaction
colloid chemistry
This is the chemistry of small particles and large macro-molecules and is the most important
aspect of wet end chemistry.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 422
particle-particle interactions, particularly those involving the fines fraction where we are mainly
interested in achieving an optimum degree of aggregation in relation to retention, drainage and
paper formation
particle-solute interactions, the most important of which is the managed adsorption of additives
onto the particle surface, but the reverse processes of desorption and dissolution are also
important, usually from the viewpoint of minimising their occurrence
Many of these interactions are charge-mediated, but some may involve hydrogen bonds or purely
mechanical forces.
This term is applied to the drainage of water from pulps and is the opposite of freeness.
Wet strength
Wet strength is the ability of the paper to resist disintegration when saturated with water. In the
absence of specific chemical treatment to enhance wet strength, paper retains less than around 10%
of its dry strength when wetted. Wet strength should not be confused with sizing, which only slows
down the absorption of water and has no substantive effect on wet strength. The poor wet strength of
normal (ie non-wet strengthened) paper products affirms the fact that much of their dry strength is
attributable to hydrogen bonding between the cellulose units and is thus easily disrupted by water
molecules. The strength of the paper web during the processes of water removal is important in terms
of process runnability - this is the wet web strength, which is not the same as the wet strength of the
final product.
The main types of paper requiring some wet strength are towelling products, facial tissue, label paper,
filter paper, photographic paper, tea-bag paper, wall paper, banknote paper and some packaging
papers/boards used for packaging wet (damp) products or for resisting moisture in use (eg sack
papers). The mechanism for giving paper the property of wet strength is to protect the inter-fibre bonds
from disruption by water through the incorporation of wet strengthening agents. As most wet strength
agents do not cure fully on the paper machine, it is customary to check the resin's efficacy by carrying
o o
out an accelerated curing test on the paper at 105 C for 5 minutes or at 80 C for 30 minutes.
introduced by the addition of polyethyleneimine and some latices at the wet end or by surface
treatment of the paper with a cross-linking chemical such as formaldehyde. One of the latest type of
wet strength chemicals is based on polyisocyanates.
These reactions to confer wet strength take place only at the elevated temperatures in the drying
section of the paper machine and are thought mainly to be due to homo-reactions between the resin
components to surround the paper components with an impenetrable, 3-dimensional matrix rather
than to hetero-reactions of the resin with the fibre. The principle wet strength resins (the UF and PAE
resins) are both aqueous solutions as applied to the paper machine, so their most critical
characteristic for good single pass and total retention is the ability to adsorb on the particulate matrix.
This is normally achieved by charge attraction, so the dominant form of all wet strength resins is a
solution of cationic polymer.
The UF/MF and PAE resins are the principle wet strengthening agents used today for conferring
permanent wet strength on the paper. However, it can be useful in certain applications for the wet
strength to be lost after a certain contact time with water, eg tissue/towel papers so that they can be
flushed away afterwards. The main chemicals used to give this temporary wet strength are the
glyoxalated-polyacrylamide derivatives and certain starches such as dialdehyde starches and blocked
reactive group starches.
A surface is considered to be fully wetted when the contact angle is zero, but only partially wetted
when the angle is greater than zero. In practice, most surfaces have a positive contact angle and are
partially wetted by most liquids. This concept is related to the topics of interfacial energy or tension,
liquid spreading and adhesion.
Wheat starches
These are a common type of starch used in papermaking. They have a lower amylopectin content
than potato starches and contain some fatty material (see this table for comparison with other starch
types). The fatty content contains very little free fatty acids (compared to maize starch), so cannot
react with cations such as calcium, but still causes some solution turbidity and increases the gel
temperature. Wheat starches do contain about the same level of phosphorous as potato starches, but
it is all associated as phospholipids with the fatty material. Wheat starches have the smallest sized
granules with a mass average of about 8 μm and a flat, round or elliptical shape.
This is an important optical property of some paper products, which is similar to, but not the same as,
brightness. There are two whiteness measurements - for outdoor whiteness using the CIE standard
D65 illuminant and for indoor whiteness using the CIE standard C illuminant. The main difference
between the two procedures is the lower ultra-violet light content in illuminant C compared to D65.
Whiteness should ideally be assessed over the whole of the visible spectrum, but, in practice, this is
done at just three wavelengths.
White pitch
This is a type of pitch deposit, which occurs on paper machines using coated broke or recovered
paper that contains some coated grades. The deposit is usually a mixture of coating latices such as
styrene butadiene and polyvinyl acetate. Many coating pigments contain dispersants (typically
polyacrylates), which, whilst they cause wet end problems due to their high cationic demand, should
help dispersion of the latices during broke repulping. If these are not present, broke pulpability can be
augmented by the addition of wetting agents to the broke pulper followed by the addition of an
effective retention aid system to the mixed thick stock.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 425
This is the dominant source of papermaking pulp, accounting for about 92% of total pulp use on a
global basis, the remaining 8% being non-wood fibres. Botanically, trees are classified as seed plants
(spermatophytes), which are sub-divided into two groups:
the gymnosperms which have naked seeds and include all softwoods (evergreen or coniferous
the angiosperms which have encased seeds and include all hardwoods (deciduous or broad-
leaved trees).
The cross-section of a tree is divided into various concentric layers, as indicated in the illustration
the thin cambium layer is made of growing cells, which produce fresh phloem (bark) and fresh
xylem (wood). The cambium layer slowly moves outwards as the tree increases in girth and the
outer bark periodically splits or is shed and is replaced by a new outer layer.
the innermost, and by far the thickest, layer is the xylem, which is divided into two parts:
- living xylem cells form the sapwood, which carry water and minerals from the roots to the
leaves. As new sapwood is formed the inner-most sapwood cells die and become heartwood.
- dead xylem cells are the heartwood, which consists of dead material that helps support the
tree but has no role in its growth. These cells slowly fill with tannins, resins and other
substances, making the wood darker in colour and more resistant to decay and insect attack.
Tree rings within the xylem are found on all trees with an annual growth pattern alternating between a
period of slow growth (during the winter) and periods of more rapid growth (during the summer). The
cells in the early part of the growing season (Springwood) are large and thin-walled with a rather pale
colour compared to the smaller and thick-walled cells with a darker colour in the later part of the
growing season (Summerwood). These two rings of light and dark wood represent one year's growth.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 426
In trees, the papermaking fibres are obtained from the vascular (conducting) system which forms the
xylem. There are various types of cell within the xylem layer:
These are long (up to 4mm) tapering cells that run longitudinally along the trunk and are more
commonly referred to as fibres. The surface of tracheids usually contains pits, which permit water
transport. Tracheids are the dominant cell type in softwoods (90-95% of weight), but are absent
from hardwoods. An illustration of a typical tracheid structure is shown below.
These are similar to conifer tracheids, but are shorter in length (about 1 mm long) and usually
thicker-walled. Like tracheids in softwoods, they run longitudinally along the trunk, but only provide
support and have no conducting function. The surface of fibres is usually pitted, but less so than
with softwood tracheids. Fibres make up the bulk of the wood in most hardwoods.
These cells form the conducting system in hardwoods and have the shape of broad tubes. They
account for usually no more than 10% of the hardwood, but are not present at all in softwoods.
The run longitudinally and can extend for several 100 mm.
parenchyma ray cells
These are simple cells that store food materials. Unlike tracheids or fibres, they are arranged
horizontally, extending radially outwards towards the bark. These are more abundant in
hardwoods than softwoods.
Papermaking fibres (or tracheids) are essentially long, slender tubes with a hollow centre (the lumen),
the structure and approximate size of a typical wood fibre being as shown in the drawing below. Within
the fibre, there is a further sub-classification between variously-sized fibrils. It should be noted that the
actual fibre dimensions vary not only between tree species, but also within species dependent on
growing conditions, eg between Springwood and Summerwood and between sapwood and
heartwood. An important bulk property of woods is their density as this determines the yield of
papermaking pulp per unit volume of timber. Hardwoods are usually denser than softwoods with an
overall range of 300-600 kg/m . The influence of fibre dimensions on the papermaking quality of virgin
pulps is discussed under fibre.
LAYER Thickness
S2 1-5
S3 0.1
Lumen 20-30
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 427
On a chemical basis, wood is usually broken down into the following four sets of substances:
cellulose, the main structural component
hemi-celluloses and pectin
lignin, the "glue" that gives stiffness and holds the wood matrix together
extractives, that protect the wood from biological attack.
The proportions of each group of substances varies between wood species and this is further modified
by the different pulping processes. The chemistry of mechanical pulps is very similar to that of the
parent wood, but the chemistry of chemical pulps will, on the one hand, be somewhat simpler due to
removal of a significant proportion of the wood substance, but, on the other hand, somewhat more
complex due to the chemical changes wrought on the substances that remain. It is important to note,
however, that the four sets of substances present in wood are not distributed uniformly within the
tracheid/fibre structures, but each is concentrated in certain parts of the fibre wall:
the middle lamella is predominantly lignin with hardly any cellulose or hemi-cellulose. Its complete
or partial removal during chemical pulping allows the fibres to separate.
the thin primary wall is about 50% lignin with most of the remainder being hemi-cellulose
the substantial secondary wall has a low lignin level (averaging about 25% across the 3 layers)
with the cellulose reaching its maximum concentration (about 50%) in the thickest S2 layer. The
cellulose chains are associated in various types of fibril, which grow at a certain angle to the fibre's
long axis. This angle is very important in relation to the pulp's mechanical properties and its
hygroexpansivity As the angle increases, strength (tensile and stiffness) is lowered and the
greater CD to MD hygro-expansion is reduced.
The actual density of the wood substances is about 1500 kg/m , so the actual density of the dry wood
(see above) reflects the void structure of the fibres present which is quite different between hardwoods
and softwoods.
Wood-containing papers
This term is used to describe those papers in which mechanical pulp is the main fibrous component
although this distinction can be difficult to quantify as these grades are increasingly made from at least
some recycled pulp. With the exception of the important packaging grade of folding boxboard (which is
never classified in this sector, but is largely made from mechanical pulp), the three main wood-
containing grades are all used exclusively for printing applications:
newsprint, which is made from 100% or close to 100% pulp, which is mainly mechanical pulp
when made from a virgin pulp, but is increasingly made from 100% recovered papers
super-calendered (SC) papers, which are made from a combination of mechanical and bleached
Kraft pulps with up to 35% mineral filler
light-weight coated (LWC) papers, which are again made from a combination of mechanical and
bleached Kraft pulps, but are coated either off- or on-machine.
In fact, these papers form a family of grades increasing in price/value and “quality” from newsprint
grades through SC to LWC grades. At the interface between SC and LWC grades, a number of new
grades have been developed during the last 20 years in attempts to make papers for the premium
quality LWC market, but without the use of full coating. These grades (eg machine-finished
pigmentised [MFP] and machine-finished coated [MFC]) use either a metering size press or short-
dwell surface applicator to apply a mixture of starch and coating pigment.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 428
Partly in view of the significant contribution from mechanical and/or deinked pulp to the papermaking
furnish, paper machines making wood-containing papers share a number of common characteristics:
high wet end fines content, particularly for the higher-filled SC grades
high level of anionic trash from pulps and from coated broke for LWC grades
acidic wet end pH (5-6) in view of the adverse effect of more neutral pH on pitch problems,
drainage and product brightness
fast machines often with two-sided drainage (gap formers) to give an even-sided product.
This combination of attributes provides a very challenging environment in terms of retention chemistry.
Wood-free papers
This is a very broad category of paper products, the main application of which is for some form of
printing. Wood-free papers extend from bulk commodity grades such as copier paper to speciality
grades such as carbonless copy paper. They are often referred to just as “fine papers”. The
distinguishing feature of all wood-free papers is that the pulp component must contain no more than
10% mechanical pulp in order to be called wood-free (which means free of wood-like mechanical pulp
not free of wood-derived pulp of any sort). The pulp may be based on wood or non-wood fibres, but
wood fibres are the most common pulp source. Recovered papers are used, albeit not extensively, in
the manufacture of such grades, but only after deinking for post-consumer grades. Wood-free papers
are used for many printing/writing applications in offices such as letterheads, copying, brochures, etc
and in a coated form for premium quality printing applications. Other paper grades (eg tissue and
some packagings) may be wood-free, but they are not classified under this heading.
As noted at the top of the above list, fillers are always used in these grades and account for 10-30% of
the paper’s weight. The last 30 years or so has seen a tremendous change in the type of filler used in
wood-free grades, which has seen a move away from kaolin clay in favour of calcium carbonate. This
trend started in Europe, where calcium carbonate was abundant at a lower cost and in a brighter form
than clay, but has since extended to most papermaking regions. The use of calcium carbonate was
made possible by the development of reliable, cost effective wet end sizing agents that worked
effectively at neutral pH. The elimination of high alum doses and of the acid wet end pH lead to further
benefits such as a stronger, more durable paper and a more stable wet end chemistry within the
process. The main economic benefits of this change are the possibilities to replace pulp by filler (due
to the higher strength of neutral papers) and to increase machine speeds through the better drainage
characteristics of calcium carbonate-filled furnishes.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 429
Examples of chemistry data from wood-free paper machines are given elsewhere in this document:
an example of a clay-filled, rosin-sized machine in terms of the dependence of fines retentions on
grammage and their impact on rosin retentions
an example of variations on a coated wood-free paper machine
Other than machine retentions, the most important process control issue on wood-free paper
machines is the system microbiology. Because of the high visual quality of these papers, slime debris
in the paper cannot be tolerated, but the papermaking system represents an ideal environment for
microbiological growth due to the high starch use. The most significant contribution to wet end starch
levels is not the starch added at the wet end, but the starch dissolved from the size press-treated
broke, which can easily generate wet end concentrations measured in 100s of mg/l or even 1000s of
mg/l on machines with Thickener
substantially closed water Cleaned Broke Broke
systems. These levels can
Stock Paper
only be prevented by using preparation machine
more retentive size press
starches (ie cationic starches)
or by washing the broke prior reactor
to recycling and possibly Saveall
linking this to some form of
integrated bio-treatment of the filtrate (as shown at right) . If fluorescent brighteners make a significant
contribution to broke-derived dissolved organics, a different approach to treatment may be required as
they are not biodegradable. Both the brighteners and some types of size press starch (eg oxidised
starches) would also contribute to anionic trash levels, which provides a further incentive to address
this problem at its source.
This abbreviation stands for water retention value.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 430
This is one of the five simple sugars that are present in two hemi-celluoses -
the arabinoglucuronoxylans and the glucuronoxylans. It is a pentose with the O
formula C5H10O5 and the structure shown at right (drawn with a pyranose OH
structure in the α-anomer form - see glucose for explanation of these terms).
Yankee cylinder
This is the large single cylinder that is used to dry the paper on some tissue and towel machines.
This term is widely used in pulping, deinking and papermaking to denote the overall efficiency in
converting raw materials into product. It is synonymous with the term total retention in papermaking.
Yields across pulping/bleaching of virgin fibres and deinking of recovered papers span a similar range
as shown in the figure below. Yields for converting the range of papermaking materials into paper
products should be above 95% in most cases, the best achievable probably being around 98% unless
the water system is fully-closed in which case the yield is close to 100%.
Young equation
This equation links the three interfacial energies acting between a solid surface, liquid and vapour and
is shown under interfacial energy.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 431
This term refers to the depth or thickness axis of the paper sheet, which goes from the bottom or wire
side to the top or felt side.
This terms refers to the distribution of materials in the z-direction of the paper. Ideally, all materials
should have a similar concentration in each layer of the
Filler z-direction distribution (%)
sheet, but there is an inherent tendency for the level of fine
20 Filler SPR 75%
particulate solids to be higher on the top-side. This gives
rise to some two-sidedness in the paper. One of the most 15
However, the distribution of fines is not fixed after the paper web
Fines z-direction distribution (-)
6 reaches the couch roll as some materials can follow the water flow
Water flow
5 during pressing. The example at left shows the variation in fines
4 Pre-pressing content through pressing, where the top side is in contact with the
3 press fabric. This particular paper has an unusual pre-press fines
2 distribution in that the wire-side is rich in fines, but pressing
1 transports some of this material into the sheet, thus giving a more
0 uniform fines distribution.
Wire side Top-side
Source: Cutshall in Tappi J.,
1990, 73, 6, 81-90.
Zeta potential
This is the potential at the plane of shear within the electrical double layer that surrounds all charged
particles. It can be measured by any of the four electrokinetic methods, but the two used in practice
are electrophoresis and streaming potential. Examples of the zeta potential of various papermaking
materials are given here for the effect of pH on bleached Kraft pulp, here for the effect of alum on pulp,
here for the various furnishes on a folding boxboard machine and here for the effect of pH on the
charge of AKD sizes.
However, there have been several other approaches to zeta potential measurement:
the Electrophoretic Mass Transport Analyser was used by several researchers in the 1970s, but
gave poor correlation with results from conventional electrophoresis and has thus been little used
since. The technique was developed for concentrated mineral suspensions and measures the
mass of material transferred between two containers due to an applied voltage maintained for
several minutes.
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 432
if a colloidal sample is exposed to ultrasound, the electrical double layer is shifted more than the
particle itself. This differential movement generates an alternating voltage with a frequency
dependent on the ultrasound pressure (the Debye effect). This technique was available in an
instrument from Pen-Kem in the USA.
when a high frequency electric field is applied to the sample, the particles move electrophoretically
and, if there is a density difference between the particle and the liquid, this motion generates an
alternating acoustic wave. This method has the advantage that it can be applied to samples at
high concentration with no need for sample dilution and the resultant matrix changes. This
technique is patented as the electrokinetic sonic amplitude method with a commercial instrument
available from Matec in the USA.
Zirconium compounds
Zirconium is in Group 4 of the Periodic Table and is OH OH OH
one of the few transition metals that features in H H
papermaking chemicals. Their main application is as Zr Zr Zr
insolubilisers in size press solutions and coating
formulations, the most common salt being OCO2
H - H OCO2
ammonium zirconium (or zirconyl) carbonate (AZC). NH4
AZC has two types of interaction with substances present at the size press or coater:
with hydroxyl groups via hydrogen bonds with its own hydroxyl groups. This weak interaction
occurs with starches, CMC and PVOH and clays, leading to rheological changes, notably at low
with carboxyl groups on other substances (latices, proteins, calcium carbonate) by displacing the
attached carbonate ions. This reaction occurs when the paper is being dried so does not produce
any rheological changes during coating, provided that the pH is kept alkaline.
Both these interactions cause cross-linking of the co-reactant, which then affects other properties of
the surface film/coating such as water retention, migration and hold-out. There may also be other
upstream benefits when the surface-treated broke is recycled in terms of reduce dissolution and
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 433
Abietic acids Anthraquinone Caliper
Absorbency AOX Canadian Standard Freeness
Absorption Arabinoglucuronoxylans Carbohydrate
Accessibility Arabinose Carbon
Acetic acid ASA Carbonate
Acid Ash Carbon dioxide
Acidity Aspect ratio Carbonless-copy paper
Acid papermaking Atom Carbonyl
Acid dye ATC Carboxylic acids
Acrylates Attractive forces Carboxymethylcellulose
Activity Auxochromes Casein
Adhesion Azo compounds Catalase
Adipic acid Bacteria Cation
Adsorbable organohalogens Bacteria in papermaking Cationic
Adsorption Bag papers Cationic demand
Aerobic Barrier coatings Cationic dye
Affinity Barium compounds Cationic polymer
Aggregation Base Cationic starch
AKD Baseline chemistry Caustic soda
Alcohols Basicity Cellobiose
Aldehydes Basic dyes Cellulases
Alginates Bauer-McNett classification Cellulose
Alkalinity Beating Chalk
Alkaline papermaking Bentonite Charge
Alkenyl ketene dimer Bicarbonate Charge demand
Alkenyl succinic anhydride Binder Charge density
Alkyl ketene dimer Biochemical oxygen demand Charge interactions
Alum Biocide Charge neutralisation
Aluminium compounds Biodegradability Charge titration
Aluminium hydroxide Biofilm inhibition Chelant
Aluminium nitrate Biological treatment Chemical bonds
Aluminium oxide (alumina) Biotechnology Chemical pulps
Aluminium oxyhydroxide Birch Chemical oxygen demand
Aluminium sulphate BK Chemimechanical pulps
Aluminosilicates Blanc Fixe Chemistry
Amides Bleached chemical pulps Chitosan
Amines Bleached Kraft (sulphate) pulps Chloramines
Amino acids Bleached mechanical pulps Chloride
Ammonia Bleached sulphite pulps Chlorinated paraffins
Ammonium bromide Bleaching Chlorine
Ammonium persulphate Board Chlorine dioxide
Amphipathic BOD Chloroform
Amphoteric Bond CHPT
Amphoteric starch Borate Chromium compounds
Amylases Bridging Chromogen
Amylopectin Brightener Chromophores
Amylose Brightness CIE
Anaerobic Brightness reversion Clay
Analytical techniques Britt Jar Closing up
Angstrom Broke CMC
Anhydroglucose Bromine Coagulation
Anions Brownian motion Coarseness
Anionic Bulk Coated papers
Anionic demand Burst strength Coating
Anionic dyes Butyric acid Cobb value
Anionic polymers Calcined clay Cockle
Anionic starch Calcium COD
Anionic trash Calcium bicarbonate Colloidal silica
Anisometric Calcium carbonate Colloid chemistry
Anisotropic Calcium oxalate Colloid protection
Anomer Calcium stearate Colloid titration
Antifoam Calcium sulphate Colorants
Anti-scalant Calendering Colour
ENVIROCELL A to Z of Practical Paper Chemistry 434