The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago
The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago
The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, U.S.A.
Abstract. The anthropogenic era is generally thought to have begun 150 to 200 years ago, when
the industrial revolution began producing CO2 and CH4 at rates sufficient to alter their compositions
in the atmosphere. A different hypothesis is posed here: anthropogenic emissions of these gases
first altered atmospheric concentrations thousands of years ago. This hypothesis is based on three
arguments. (1) Cyclic variations in CO2 and CH4 driven by Earth-orbital changes during the last
350,000 years predict decreases throughout the Holocene, but the CO2 trend began an anomalous
increase 8000 years ago, and the CH4 trend did so 5000 years ago. (2) Published explanations for
these mid- to late-Holocene gas increases based on natural forcing can be rejected based on paleocli-
matic evidence. (3) A wide array of archeological, cultural, historical and geologic evidence points
to viable explanations tied to anthropogenic changes resulting from early agriculture in Eurasia,
including the start of forest clearance by 8000 years ago and of rice irrigation by 5000 years ago. In
recent millennia, the estimated warming caused by these early gas emissions reached a global-mean
value of ∼0.8 ◦ C and roughly 2 ◦ C at high latitudes, large enough to have stopped a glaciation of
northeastern Canada predicted by two kinds of climatic models. CO2 oscillations of ∼10 ppm in the
last 1000 years are too large to be explained by external (solar-volcanic) forcing, but they can be
explained by outbreaks of bubonic plague that caused historically documented farm abandonment
in western Eurasia. Forest regrowth on abandoned farms sequestered enough carbon to account for
the observed CO2 decreases. Plague-driven CO2 changes were also a significant causal factor in
temperature changes during the Little Ice Age (1300–1900 AD).
1. Introduction
Crutzen and Stoermer (2000) called the time during which industrial-era human ac-
tivities have altered greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere (and thereby
affected Earth’s climate) the ‘Anthropocene’. They placed its start at 1800 A.D., the
time of the first slow increases of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations above
previous longer-term values. Implicit in this view is a negligible human influence
on gas concentrations and Earth’s climate before 1800 AD.
The hypothesis advanced here is that the Anthropocene actually began thou-
sands of years ago as a result of the discovery of agriculture and subsequent
technological innovations in the practice of farming. This alternate view draws
on two lines of evidence. First, the orbitally controlled variations in CO2 and CH4
concentrations that had previously prevailed for several hundred thousand years fail
to explain the anomalous gas trends that developed in the middle and late Holocene.
Second, evidence from palynology, archeology, geology, history, and cultural an-
thropology shows that human alterations of Eurasian landscapes began at a small
scale during the late stone age 8000 to 6000 years ago and then grew much larger
during the subsequent bronze and iron ages. The initiation and intensification of
these human impacts coincide with, and provide a plausible explanation for, the
divergence of the ice-core CO2 and CH4 concentrations from the natural trends
predicted by Earth-orbital changes.
Figure 1. Comparison of July insolation values from Berger and Loutre (1996) with ice-core con-
centrations of atmospheric CH4 . (a) Long-term Vostok CH4 record of Petit et al. (1999), using time
scale of Ruddiman and Raymo (2003). (b) GRIP CH4 record from Blunier et al. (1995), dated by
counting annual layers. Early Holocene CH4 trend projected in late Holocene to values reached
during previous early-interglacial CH4 minima.
the Younger Dryas and near 8100 yrs BP, CH4 values then returned to the broader
trend predicted by the Earth-orbital forcing.
This expected pattern continued until 5000 years ago, with the decline in CH4
values matching the decrease of insolation. Near 5000 yrs BP, however, the CH4
signal began a slow increase that departed from the continuing decrease expected
from the orbital-monsoon theory (Figure 1b). This increase, which continued
through the late Holocene, culminated in a completely anomalous situation by the
start of the industrial era. With insolation forcing at a minimum, CH4 values should
also have reached a minimum, yet they had instead returned to the 700-ppb level
typical of a full monsoon (Figure 1b). The late-Holocene CH4 trend cannot be
explained by the natural orbital CH4 control that had persisted for the previous
350,000 years (Figure 1a).
Decreases in the CH4 concentration gradient between Greenland and Antarctica
indicate that the late Holocene CH4 increase came from north-tropical sources
rather than from boreal sources near the latitude of Greenland (Chappellaz et al.,
1997; Brook et al., 2000). Chappellaz et al. (1997) concluded that the increased
tropical CH4 emissions since 5000 BP could have come from natural or human
sources, or some combination of the two.
Ruddiman and Thomson (2001) pointed out that the broad-scale moisture pat-
terns assembled by COHMAP (1988) from large arrays of pollen and lake-level
data overwhelmingly confirm an ongoing drying trend after 9000 yrs BP across
tropical Africa, Arabia, India, and Asia. As a result, natural (monsoonal) sources
could not possibly have been responsible for the CH4 increase and should in-
stead have caused a further decrease. They concluded that the CH4 increase could
only have been anthropogenic in origin. They further noted that humans had
adapted wild rice to cultivation by 7500 yrs BP (Chang, 1976; Glover and Higham,
1996) and had begun to irrigate rice near 5000 yrs BP (Roberts, 1998). By 2000
years ago, advanced civilizations in China and India had organized large-scale
water-management projects for irrigation and other uses.
Ruddiman and Thomson (2001) proposed that the actual size of the anthro-
pogenic CH4 anomaly just prior to the industrial era must have been larger than the
observed increase (Figure 1b). They reasoned that the full anomaly must include
not just the 100-ppb CH4 rise observed since 5000 years BP, but also the natural
decrease that would have occurred had the CH4 trend continued falling along with
summer insolation. One basis for estimating the full anomaly is evident from the
long Vostok CH4 record in Figure 1a. Most CH4 minima are ‘clipped’ (truncated)
near a value of 450 ppb, except for lower values near large glacial maxima. The
full CH4 anomaly caused by humans is therefore ∼250 ppb, the difference between
the ‘natural’ 450-ppb value and the 700-ppb level actually reached just prior to the
industrial era.
The measured CH4 increase of 100 ppb can be explained by a simple linear
scaling of 1990 population and anthropogenic CH4 emissions to 1750 population
levels, but the full 250-ppb anomaly requires an early anthropogenic CH4 source
Carbon dioxide is a much more abundant gas than methane, and its variations have
had a larger climatic impact over all time scales. The issue addressed in this section
is whether or not the late-Holocene CO2 trend exhibited the ‘natural’ behavior
typical of longer orbital time scales or became ‘anomalous’. Natural orbital-scale
CO2 trends are more complicated than those of methane. CO2 variations occur at
all three orbital periods, with the 100,000-year cycle dominant (Lorius et al., 1985;
Petit et al., 1999). The origins of these CO2 cycles are not yet clear. This uncertainty
complicates efforts to project natural CO2 trends into the Holocene and detect any
‘anomalous’ trend (similar to that of methane)
One way to detect any anomalous pattern is to compare Holocene CO2 trends to
previous interglaciations, the times that provide the closest climatic analogs in the
natural record (Figure 2a). Each of the last four deglaciations has been marked by a
rapid CO2 rise to a maximum timed just ahead of an ice volume (δ 18 O) minimum.
For the three previous interglaciations, CO2 values then dropped steadily for more
than 10,000 years (Figure 2b). At times, the CO2 decreases leveled off briefly, but
in no case did they reverse direction and return to the late-deglacial CO2 maximum.
The Holocene trend is different. Indermuhle et al. (1999) published a high-
resolution, high-precision CO2 record of the last 11,000 years at Taylor Dome,
Antarctica (Figure 2c). This record confirmed a trend in the lower-resolution Vos-
tok record of Figures 2a, b. CO2 values reached a peak of 268 ppm between 11,000
and 10,000 years ago. This late-deglacial peak has the same relative placement as
the CO2 peaks reached during the three previous deglaciations. CO2 values then
decreased to 261 ppm by 8000 years ago, initially following a downward trend
similar to the three earlier interglaciations.
Near 8000 years ago, however, the CO2 trend began an anomalous increase that
has no counterpart in any of the three preceding interglaciations, with values rising
in recent millennia to 280–285 ppm, some 15 ppm above the late-deglacial peak.
This 20–25 ppm CO2 increase during the last 8000 years is anomalous in a manner
similar to the CH4 increase of the last 5000 years.
Figure 2. Concentrations of atmospheric CO2 in Antarctic ice cores. (a) CO2 trends from Vostok
ice record of Petit et al. (1999) using time scale of Ruddiman and Raymo (2003). Marine δ 18 O
signal from SPECMAP (Imbrie et al., 1984). (b) CO2 trends during 4 deglacial-interglacial intervals.
Asterisks mark late-deglacial CO2 maxima; circles show positions of early-interglacial CH4 minima
that follow 11,000 years later during insolation minima similar to today. (c) High-resolution CO2
record from Taylor Dome of Indermuhle et al. (1999). Early-Holocene CO2 trend projected during
late Holocene toward circled values reached during previous interglaciations.
As was also the case for CH4 , the full Holocene CO2 anomaly must actually
be larger than the observed increase, because it should also include the amount
by which the CO2 concentration would have fallen had it continued the downward
trend typical of previous interglaciations. The natural 23,000-year ‘metronome’
embedded in the CH4 record at Vostok (Figure 1a) provides a way to estimate the
size of this expected CO2 decrease.
Today, summer insolation is at a minimum at low latitudes (Figure 1b). If an-
thropogenic CH4 emissions had not over-ridden the natural monsoon control for
the last 5000 years, present CH4 values would also be at an orbital-scale minimum
trailing one half-cycle (11,000 years) behind the late-deglacial CH4 maximum.
This insolation/CH4 link allows us to pinpoint the analogous levels in the ice-
core record of the three earlier interglaciations. These levels occur at the first CH4
minimum after the prominent late-deglacial CH4 maxima.
The positions of these previous early-interglacial CH4 minima are marked by
open circles in Figure 2b. The CO2 concentrations at these levels range from 235
to 251 ppm and imply that CO2 concentrations should naturally have fallen to 240–
245 ppm by pre-industrial times. Instead, CO2 values slowly rose to the observed
range of 280–285 ppm. The full Holocene CO2 anomaly is then ∼40 ppm, rather
than the 25-ppm increase observed.
A potentially more insightful way to evaluate the possibility of anomalous
CO2 behavior in the Holocene is to examine the CO2 trends at each of the three
major orbital cycles, define their natural phasing with respect to changes in the
corresponding orbital parameters, and then project this average long-term phasing
forward into the Holocene. The CH4 -tuned time scale of Ruddiman and Raymo
(2003) shown in Figure 1a provides an objective way to do this, because it was
created without using CO2 in the tuning process. The average phases between
CO2 and the orbital parameters in this time scale also match those determined
by Shackleton (2000) based on orbital tuning of the ice-core record of atmospheric
δ 18 Oatm (a gas) to the marine δ 18 O signal.
The phase of the 23,000-year CO2 signal lags northern hemisphere summer
insolation by less than 1000 years. This phasing predicts a CO2 maximum near
10,000 years ago, followed by a continuous CO2 decrease until the present. The
observed CO2 record matches this prediction until 8000 years ago, but the CO2 rise
since that time is anomalous. The phase of the 41,000-year CO2 signal lags summer
insolation by an average of 6,500 years and predicts a CO2 decrease beginning
3500 years ago. The observed rise in CO2 disagrees with this prediction during
the last 3500 years. At the dominant 100,000-year cycle, CO2 is nearly in phase
with eccentricity, although large variations in relative phasing occur between cycles
(Raymo, 1997). Because the last eccentricity maximum occurred ∼13,500 years
ago, a CO2 maximum should have occurred at or near that time, followed by a
long-term decrease. The observed CO2 increase since 8000 yrs BP disagrees with
this prediction. In summary, separate analysis of CO2 signals at all three orbital
cycles confirms the conclusion derived from a direct comparison of the last four
interglaciations: the observed 20–25 ppm CO2 increase since 8000 years ago is
This conclusion might be challenged based on the argument that insolation
changes at the precession cycle have been smaller in the last 10,000 years than
in previous interglaciations because of weaker amplification by the 413,000-year
eccentricity cycle. Such a conclusion can be refuted by two arguments. First, the
amplitude of insolation changes at the precession cycle varied by comparable
amounts among the three previous interglaciations for the same reason, yet all show
decreasing CO2 trends. It is difficult to see why an additional decrease in insolation
at the precession cycle should cause a complete reversal in the CO2 trend. In addi-
tion, changes of insolation at the obliquity cycle have been nearly identical in both
direction and amplitude during all four intervals. The late Holocene CO2 trend is
Two explanations based on natural processes have been proposed for the CO2 rise
since 8000 BP. This section evaluates (and rejects) those explanations.
Indermuhle et al. (1999) proposed that the 20–25 ppm CO2 increase during the last
8000 years resulted from a slow natural loss of terrestrial biomass. They chose
terrestrial carbon as the likely explanation because of a negative trend in δ 13 C
values of atmospheric CO2 during that interval. Terrestrial carbon has an average
δ 13 C value near –25, whereas the large ocean carbon reservoirs average close
to 0. As a result, an atmospheric trend towards negative δ 13 C values indicates
a growing influx of terrestrial carbon. Indermuhle and colleagues used the Bern
carbon-cycle model to assess possible combinations of carbon release from the
land and uptake by the ocean because of surface-water cooling. The best model
fit to these constraints indicated a terrestrial biomass loss of slightly less than 200
GtC between 7000 and 1000 years ago.
Indermuhle et al. (1999) noted that results from one biome model pointed to the
north tropics as a potential source of terrestrial carbon. The model indicated a 30
GtC loss in the Sahel region of north-tropical Africa where monsoon moisture was
decreasing. However, 85% of the inferred biomass loss remained unexplained by
this result. More importantly, other vegetation modeling spanning a global scale
argues against major biomass losses from natural causes during the Holocene. Fo-
ley (1994) published an estimate of biomass changes between 6000 years ago and
today, using a process-based ecosystem model called DEMETER. First, changes in
surface climate were simulated by driving the Genesis global climate model using
changes in orbital parameters between 6000 years ago and the present. Then, major
vegetation groups were simulated using the global biome model of Prentice et al.
(1992). Finally, the DEMETER model was used to convert the simulated biome
changes to estimates of carbon-budget changes.
In the tropics, the estimated net change in carbon storage between 6000 yrs
BP and today was negligible (Table Ia). As in Indermuhle et al. (1999), carbon
losses occurred where deserts advanced into grasslands as the northward limit of
the summer monsoon retreated. But these losses were canceled by larger carbon
gains along the northern margins of the tropical forests where rainfall increased
because of the more persistent year-round presence of monsoon rains.
Holocene biomass losses might also be anticipated in boreal regions because
declining summer insolation caused expansion of tundra into areas of former boreal
forest and taiga (Nichols, 1975). But again, the net change in carbon simulated
by DEMETER was minimal: increased carbon storage in soils beneath advancing
tundra offset above-ground carbon losses from retreating taiga and boreal forest
(Table Ia). Overall, the DEMETER model simulated a natural global carbon de-
crease of 36 Gt from 6000 yrs BP until today, equivalent to just ∼1.5% of the total
terrestrial carbon biomass estimated for both 6000 yrs BP and today (Table Ib).
The 36 GtC loss accounts for only ∼18% of the ∼200-GtC change calculated by
Indermuhle et al. (1999) as necessary to explain the observed 20–25 ppm CO2
increase. And if the full CO2 anomaly is actually ∼40 ppm, proportional scaling
puts the full carbon requirement at ∼320 GtC. In that case, natural changes in
carbon since 6000 years ago can explain only ∼11% of the required terrestrial
The PMIP project examined results of experiments comparing natural changes
between 6000 yrs BP and today using ten general circulation models (Harrison et
al., 1998). The climatic output from each model was used as input to the biome
model of Prentice et al. (1992) to predict global-scale changes in biome groups.
Although these comparisons did not attempt to estimate carbon biomass, they pro-
vide an indication of whether or not the biome-model results used in the Demeter
model are reasonable. All ten models gave the same direction of biome changes in
the tropical and boreal regions discussed above, and the estimates from the Genesis
model used by Foley fall close to the middle of the model range. These results indi-
cate that the biome estimates used by Foley (1994) are representative of the current
state of such models. The model-to-model variations also suggest that the small
change in the global carbon budget from 6000 yrs BP to today simulated by the
DEMETER model is not likely to be significantly different from zero. In summary,
natural changes in vegetation cannot be the major cause of the late-Holocene CO2
Table I
Estimates of carbon storage (in GtC) from DEMETER model (Foley, 1994)
Total +20 –5 –6
Boreal regions
Tundra +3 +I +48
Boreal forest/taiga –23 –4 –29
Cool conifer 0 0 0
Figure 3. Proposed explanation of late-Holocene CO2 rise based on ocean carbonate compensation
(Broecker et al., 1999).
these growing forests extracted CO2 from the ocean-atmosphere system, made the
ocean less acidic, and caused deposition of extra CaCO3 in the deep ocean. Then,
when forest expansion ceased near 8000 yrs BP, the net extraction of CO2 carbon
from the atmosphere and ocean ended. This change had the same net effect as
adding CO2 to the ocean: it acidified ocean water (reduced its CO3 ion content)
and caused dissolution of the ‘excess’ sedimentary CaCO3 previously deposited.
Because of the large time constant of CaCO3 dissolution, the process of restoring
the CO3 ion balance of the ocean has continued for thousands of years, and at-
mospheric CO2 values have gradually risen. In effect, the CO2 rise proposed in this
hypothesis results from a delayed deep-ocean recovery from conditions imposed
by late-deglacial forest growth (Figure 3).
One problem with this hypothesis is that the CO2 ‘rebound’ from 8000 yrs BP
to the present has been ∼4 times the size of the early Holocene CO2 decrease
invoked as the cause. A greater problem is that fact that the hypothesis predicts
similar CO2 rises after the earlier deglaciations, when rapid melting of large ice
sheets had also occurred in 10,000 years or less, and forests had also grown in
the regions where the ice had melted. Yet no CO2 increase occurred in any of
the last three interglaciations; instead, CO2 concentrations dropped continuously
throughout their early and middle portions (Figure 2b). The absence of the expected
CO2 increases is a fatal flaw in the ocean-chemistry hypothesis.
In summary, neither of the two published explanations of the late-Holocene
CO2 increase is tenable. Both face a problem common to any explanation based on
natural processes: the lack of substantial differences in orbital-scale forcing during
the Holocene compared to the three previous interglaciations. In all four cases,
coincident insolation maxima (and positive feedbacks) had driven deglaciations
that ended with similarly reduced ice sheets and very similar global vegetation.
Then, during an interval when ice sheets had not yet begun growing, when forests
remained in their interglacial locations, and when insolation trends were moving in
the same direction, CO2 trends declined during the three previous interglaciations,
yet rose during the Holocene. The Holocene CO2 response is thus anomalous not
just with respect to orbital insolation forcing, but also with respect to all major
sources of forcing internal to the climate system. No known natural trend can
explain the Holocene CO2 rise.
The second, and far more telling, problem with the ‘industrial-era’ view (Fig-
ure 4a) is that it is profoundly at odds with an enormous range of evidence of major
human influences on the Eurasian landscape many millennia before the industrial
era. Houghton (1999), a key figure in estimates of industrial-era landscape clear-
ance, noted ‘considerable uncertainty in estimates of deforestation prior to 1850,
Figure 4. (a) Industrial-era perspective suggests that most land clearance occurred in the last
200 years. (b) Early-anthropogenic perspective suggests that much slower but longer-operating
pre-industrial land clearance cumulatively exceeded clearance during the industrial era.
particularly for the three regions where human habitation has had a long history:
Europe, Asia, and Africa’. The rest of this section investigates that issue.
The hypothesis put forward here is that pre-industrial forest clearance in Eura-
sia explains the CO2 rise between 8000 yrs BP and 1800 AD. To be validated,
this hypothesis has to meet three tests based on features evident in the Holocene
CO2 trend (Figure 2c): (1) clearance must begin near 8000 yrs BP (when the CO2
rise began) on a small, yet ‘non-negligible’ scale; (2) clearance must grow large
enough by ∼2000 yrs BP to explain ∼80% of the pre-industrial CO2 anomaly; and
(3) the negative CO2 oscillations of 4 to 10 ppm after 2000 yrs BP also need an
Test 1: Did the Onset of Significant Land Clearance Occur near 8000 yrs BP?
Several lines of evidence confirm that initial deforestation by humans occurred
near 8000 yrs BP. Based on the first appearance in well-dated sediments of a
distinctive ‘package’ of grains initially domesticated in the fertile crescent of the
Figure 5. Spread of agriculture out of the eastern Mediterranean fertile crescent across Europe, based
on the first appearance of a distinctive package of domesticated grains (after Zohary and Hopf, 1993).
eastern Mediterranean, Zohary and Hopf (1993) mapped the spread of agriculture
(Figure 5). The advance across the Hungarian Plain and into the forested regions
of south-central Europe occurred between 8000 and 7000 yrs BP, essentially co-
incident with the first upturn of the CO2 trend (Figure 2c). At this time, much of
agriculture in Europe consisted of slash-and-burn clearance of small patches of
forest, planting of crops in the clearings, and movement from site to site. Most
sites show early increases of disturbance-related herb and grass pollen, and many
show increases in charcoal (Roberts, 1998). These alterations of the environment
became far more noticeable after the arrival of bronze-age plows near 6000 to 5000
yrs BP (for example, Taylor, 1983; Zolitschka et al., 2003).
Other naturally forested regions that have not yet been as intensively studied
also show signs of disturbance beginning around this time. Agriculture appeared
in forested regions of China by 9400 yrs BP (Weming, 1991), and Ren and Beug
(2002) concluded that a pervasive decrease in forest pollen in China by 6000 yrs
BP was caused in part by increasing disturbance of natural vegetation by humans.
The fertile crescent package of grains also first appeared in western India by 8500
yrs BP (Zohary and Hopf, 1993). All of this evidence is consistent with the start of
small but non-negligible forest clearance near 8000 yrs BP.
Figure 6. Areas of complex ‘stratified’ agriculture and simple ‘peasant’ agriculture at 2000 yrs BP
(after Roberts, 1998; largely based on Lewthwaite and Sherratt, 1980). Areas of stratified agriculture
include advanced civilizations of eastern China, India, and the Roman Empire, all of which had been
naturally forested areas.
wood (charcoal) for home heating and cooking, not just around major cities but also
in rural areas. Records of mercantile exchanges show that these civilizations were
constrained by shortages of wood, and that declining wood resources were a major
reason for invasions of other countries. Archeological digs and aerial photography
provide constraints on the size of rural villages and the extent of ancient field cul-
tivation during the Roman era in intensively studied regions like Britain (Taylor,
1983) and Germany (Zolitschka et al., 2003). Even higher mountainous regions
were vulnerable to deforestation. In Mediterranean climates, shepherds set fire to
higher-altitude forests to open the land for summer pasturing. Once the forests had
been burned, browsing by goats and sheep prevented regeneration of trees. As yet,
southern and eastern Asia have not yet been studied as intensively as Europe.
The inference of major forest clearance and landscape disturbance in these re-
gions by 2000 yrs BP is supported by paleoenvironmental evidence. Changes in
human impacts on the environment can be approximated as the product of popu-
lation increases, technological improvements, and increases in affluence (Holdren
and Erlich, 1974). Between 8000 and 2000 yrs BP, populations had increased enor-
mously, new technologies had completely altered the practice of agriculture, and
some people had attained true ‘wealth’ for the first time in human history.
As a result, the impacts on the environment were large. Pollen sequences in
central Europe younger than 6000 to 5000 yrs BP are sufficiently altered that
pollen analysts regard them as unrepresentative of the natural vegetation (Huntley
and Birks, 1983). Rapid increases in rates of sediment accumulation in central
European lakes between 5000 and 3000 yrs BP also indicate extensive clearance
of forested watersheds (Taylor, 1983; Simmons, 1996; Roberts, 1998). Nearer the
Mediterranean, the composition of pollen sequences shows human influences by
4000 yrs BP, and valley and coastal sediments record large alluvial influxes by
3000–1700 yrs BP from watersheds that had been deforested and left vulnerable
to erosion (Hughes, 1975; van Andel et al., 1990). During this interval, many
Mediterranean coastal ports became choked with alluvium and were relocated sea-
ward. Evidence from China and India is less complete, but evidence for early forest
clearance at a large scale has already been noted.
Based on this array of information, Simmons (1996) compiled the degree of
global deforestation at 7000, 2000, and 1000 yrs BP (Table II). The level of de-
forestation by 2000 yrs BP was listed as ‘great’ (meaning ‘mostly deforested’)
in all of the regions mapped as ‘stratified’ agriculture in Figure 6: southeast Asia
(China), southern Asia (India), and Mediterranean Europe. Simmons also inferred
that heavy deforestation had occurred in southeast Asia between India and China,
along with considerable deforestation in north-central Europe.
To test the hypothesis that humans are responsible for the CO2 rise of the last
8000 years, this qualitative information on forest clearance needs to be converted
into at least semi-quantitative form. The first step is to establish as a ‘target’ the
cumulative carbon emissions between 8000 and 2000 yrs BP needed to satisfy
the anthropogenic hypothesis. Based on the above estimate that the pre-industrial
Table II
Degree of deforestation during the Holocene (from Simmons, 1989)
carbon emission totaled ∼320 Gt, and the observation that ∼80% of the measured
CO2 rise had occurred by 2000 yrs BP, this target value is ∼250 GtC (0.8 × 320
The second step is to determine whether plausible estimates of regional carbon
emissions from cumulative forest clearance by 2000 yrs BP sum to this target value.
Based on Figure 6, the GtC emitted from each region can be calculated as the
product of three numbers: the area of natural forest (from Smith and Smith, 1998)
that is easily accessible to cutting (<1000 m in elevation); the fraction of natural
forest estimated to have been cut by 2000 yrs BP (based on Table II from Simmons,
1996); and the amount of carbon emitted by converting 1 m2 of various kinds of
forest to cropland or pasture (from Table I in Houghton, 1999).
Estimates of regional carbon emissions by 2000 yrs BP are listed in Table III.
This compilation reveals that the carbon released from areas mapped as ‘stratified’
agriculture in Figure 6 would have totaled ∼150 GtC (Table III), or ∼60% of the
‘target’ total, if the most densely populated and advanced civilizations of Eurasia
had already cut most (90%) of their low-elevation natural forests.
Several regions mapped as ‘peasant agriculture’ in Figure 6 would have added
substantially to this total, including Southeast Asia, northern Europe, central and
southern Africa, Central and South America, and eastern North America. Heavy
deforestation (estimated here at 50–75%) had occurred in Southeast Asia and ‘per-
sistent’ deforestation (estimated at 25%) in north-central Europe (Tables II and
III). Estimated contributions from these regions bring the carbon-emissions total
to ∼205–230 Gt. Limited clearance (estimated at 5%) of tree savanna in the Sahel
and southern Africa, tropical rain forest in Africa and in the Amazon of South
America, and deciduous forest in east-central North America brings the estimated
total to ∼220–245 GtC. This total is ∼85–95% of the target needed to validate the
hypothesis that humans caused the rise in CO2 after 8000 yrs BP.
Although these estimates of land clearance and carbon emissions are obviously
just rough first-approximations, direct evidence from one region confirms that early
Table III
Estimated terrestrial carbon release due to deforestation by 2000 yrs BP
Estimated total GtC from forested areas cleared at 2000 yrs BP: 224–249
clearance occurred on a very large scale. In 1086 AD, William the Conqueror
ordered the Domesday survey of England’s resources. The survey found less than
5% of the natural forest cover remaining over lowland regions, and less than 15%
across the entire country (Rackam, 1980). Pollen and cultural records and river-
mouth siltation histories indicate that the major part of this forest clearance had
occurred much earlier, primarily between 4000 and 2000 yrs BP (Taylor, 1996;
Roberts, 1998).
The 1086 Domesday survey, along with the evidence for prior deforestation, is a
critical reference point with which to assess other regions. If Britain, still a remote
outpost of the Roman Empire by 2000 yrs BP, was already largely deforested, how
could the more heavily populated regions of Eurasia mapped as ‘stratified agricul-
ture’ in Figure 6 have avoided such a fate? In all those areas (western and southern
Europe, the Mediterranean, India, and eastern China), agriculture had appeared and
advanced civilizations had developed thousands of years ahead of England.
A survey of China in 1 AD during the Han dynasty counted 57 million people
(Loewe, 1980), indicating a population density some 4 times larger than the 1.5
million people counted in the 1086 Domesday survey of England. By analogy,
China should have been heavily deforested by 1 AD. It also stands to reason that
at-least comparable levels of forest clearance must have occurred in the other heav-
ily populated regions of southern Eurasia. In summary, forest clearance at a level
of 100s of GtC is not just plausible but unavoidable, based on a wide array of
Other anthropogenic sources of carbon could have contributed to total emissions
during the last 8000 years, but probably at much smaller levels. Burning peat for
heating and cooking, especially in cold northern regions with depleted woodlands
and nearby sources of peat, emits CO2 and adds to the atmospheric carbon load.
The size of this contribution is difficult to estimate, but 5 million homes (∼25
million people) burning 10 half-kg peat bricks (composed of 33% carbon) each
day of the year for 2000 years would cumulatively have emitted on the order of
10 GtC, a relatively small amount compared to the hundreds of GtC calculated
from deforestation.
CO2 is also emitted from burning limestone (CaCO3 ) to produce lime (CaO)
for mortar and plaster. Such techniques have been in use for at least 4500 years, as
shown by plaster coatings of Egyptian pyramids and Roman cements of a quality
not surpassed until less than 200 years ago. But tens to hundreds of millions of
CaO-mortared and plastered homes and other structures would be needed to ac-
count for even 1 GtC of emissions. In summary, forest clearance appears to have
been by far the major early-anthropogenic source of carbon.
Test 3: Why did Several CO2 Minima Interrupt the Rise after 2000 yrs BP?
Several CO2 minima interrupted the steady long-term rise after 2000 yrs BP, with
values returning to (or close to) the previous long-term upward trend between and
after each minimum. The most detailed CO2 record prior to 1000 AD is from Taylor
Dome (Figures 2c and 7). This record is dated by correlating its CH4 signal to
methane in annually layered GISP ice in Greenland (Blunier et al., 1995). Inder-
muhle et al. (1999) estimate the dating uncertainty prior to 1000 yrs BP at +/– 500
years. The earliest CO2 anomaly in this record, with an amplitude of –4 to –5 ppm,
has an estimate age of 200 to 600 AD (Figure 7).
For the last 1000 years, the Taylor Dome CO2 record has an estimated age
uncertainty of +/– 100 years, and it overlaps the high-resolution CO2 record at
Law Dome (Etheridge et al., 1996). The upper parts of two Law Dome records are
dated using a model of air diffusion and enclosure confirmed by bomb-produced
Figure 7. Correlation between intervals of plague outbreaks (compiled from Cartwright, 1991; Bray,
1996) and CO2 minima in ice-cores from Taylor Dome (Indermuhle et al., 1999) and Law Dome
(Etheridge et al., 1996). Shaded bar is a projection of the average rate of CO2 increase from 8000 BP
to 1800 AD.
CO2 . For pre-industrial levels, ages were estimated by correlation to the GISP
CH4 record and confirmed by correlation of acidic ice layers to volcanic eruptions.
Both records show –10 ppm CO2 anomalies, although they fall at different ages:
1300–1400 AD at Taylor Dome and 1600–1800 AD at Law Dome.
Because these anomalies are superimposed on a long-term CO2 rise attributed in
this paper to anthropogenic carbon release, the challenge is to provide a mechanism
that could reverse the slow rise in CO2 emissions within time spans as short as a
century or less (Figure 7). The mechanism must involve some kind of major impact
on human population levels that appears and then disappears in a relatively short
time span.
Famines induced by drought or cold are one source of human mortality, but no
famine has ever lasted for as long as a few hundred years or affected most of the
vast Eurasian continent. Mortality can also be high during war, but usually within
relatively restricted regions. In addition, wars have occurred nearly continuously
throughout the last two millennia, rather than being restricted to discrete intervals
like the CO2 minima in Figure 7.
Only one factor has killed humans on a truly broad regional scale and within
concentrated time intervals: bubonic plague. Bubonic plague (and many other
diseases) first appeared during the last two millennia as an indirect result of agricul-
ture. Human populations fed by agricultural food surpluses had increased rapidly
and coalesced into villages and then cities. Sanitation was poor in most regions, and
the fixed habitation required by agriculture left Eurasian civilizations vulnerable to
Table IV
Major epidemics and pandemics of the last 2000 years
disease (Diamond, 1997). Outbreaks of diseases with high mortality rates can be
categorized as local epidemics (occurring at the scale of cities or single countries),
regional epidemics (sub-continental to continental in scale), and pandemics (multi-
continental). The time history shown in Figure 7 and listed in Table IV is compiled
primarily from Cartwright (1991) and Bray (1996).
A regional smallpox epidemic (Galen’s plague) struck the Roman Empire in
164–189 AD and was followed by decadal-scale outbreaks of bubonic plague from
250 until 590 AD. The sequence culminated with a major pandemic, the plague
of Justinian in 540–542 AD, in which 25% or more of the population in Europe
and North Africa died, and still more succumbed in the following decades. Taylor
(1983) estimated that more than half of the population of England died during
from re-cutting of forests that had originally been cleared before the middle ages
but then had later grown back during the last of the plague intervals.
Sections 2 and 5 presented the case for major anthropogenic increases in at-
mospheric CH4 and CO2 prior to the more dramatic industrial-era changes (sum-
marized in Figures 8a,b). To evaluate the climatic impacts of these pre-industrial
greenhouse-gas increases, the following analysis uses the IPCC (2001) estimate of
a 2.5 ◦ C equilibrium sensitivity of global climate to a CO2 doubling.
The Holocene increases of CH4 and CO2 were so gradual that the climate sys-
tem had ample time to come to thermal equilibrium with the radiative forcing.
The estimated early- anthropogenic CH4 increase of 250 ppb would have warmed
global climate by 0.25 ◦ C, and the estimated 40-ppm CO2 increase would have
added another 0.55 ◦ C, for a total warming of ∼0.8 ◦ C by 1800 AD (Figure 8c). In
comparison, the industrial-era warming since 1850 has reached ∼0.6 ◦ C, of which
∼0.45 ◦ C is attributed to several anthropogenic impacts and the rest to solar and
volcanic variability (Wigley et al., 1998). At first, these two results seem incom-
patible: the smaller pre-industrial increase in greenhouse gases has had a larger
impact on global-mean temperature.
One factor that resolves part of this apparent inconsistency is the long thermal
response time of the ocean, estimated at 3 or more decades (Hansen et al., 1984).
Because half of the industrial-era increases in CO2 and CH4 has occurred within
the last 30 years, the ocean has not yet had time to register a large portion of
the equilibrium warming, and this future warming is still ‘in the pipeline’ (Fig-
ure 8c). A second factor is cancellation of some of the greenhouse-gas warming
by industrial-era aerosol emissions (Charlson et al., 1992), although the size of
this effect is highly uncertain. The assumption here is that aerosol cooling did
not counter the early-anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases, because much
lower smokestack heights and furnace temperatures restricted early emissions to
lower levels in the troposphere.
At high latitudes, snow cover and sea ice provide positive albedo feedbacks
that amplify global-mean temperature changes by a factor of 2 to 3. Allowing for
this positive feedback, the 0.8 ◦ C pre-industrial global warming caused by humans
should have been ∼2 ◦ C at higher latitudes. If this estimate is accurate, how could
such a large anthropogenic warming have escaped notice?
One reason is that the warming was spread over 8000 years and thus imper-
ceptibly gradual. The main reason is that the anthropogenic warming has been
masked by a larger cooling trend caused by decreasing summer insolation. For high
northern latitudes, general circulation model experiments predict a cooling of 2 to
3 ◦ C since 6000 yrs BP in response to declining summer insolation at the obliquity
and precession periods (Kutzbach et al., 1996). Proxy climatic indicators sensitive
Figure 8. Early anthropogenic hypothesis: (a,b) Pre-industrial and industrial-era CH4 and CO2 in-
creases from anthropogenic sources. (c) Warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases, with
global mean temperature on scale at left and high-latitude temperature on scale at right.
to summer-season temperature indicate a net cooling since 6000 yrs BP (for exam-
ple, Koerner and Fischer, 1990; Koc et al., 1992). The anthropogenic greenhouse
warming in the summer season has thus been offset by declining insolation. High
southern latitudes also show a Holocene cooling (Hays et al., 1976), suggesting
that stronger natural cooling trends in the southern hemisphere have also masked
the early anthropogenic warming (Ruddiman, 2003).
Two independent lines of evidence point to the intriguing possibility that glacia-
tion may have been averted at high northern latitudes in recent millennia by
the 2 ◦ C pre-industrial greenhouse-gas warming. A schematic summary of this
interpretation is shown in Figure 9.
First, a large area of the eastern Canadian Arctic from Baffin Island at 65◦ N
to Ellesmere Island at 83◦ N is very close to a glaciated condition today. Small ice
caps lie on higher terrain near the Labrador Sea, and much of this region barely
Figure 9. The natural summer cooling driven by Holocene insolation and greenhouse-gas trends
should have produced a new glaciation by ∼5000–4000 years ago. Early anthropogenic emissions of
CO2 and methane kept climate warm enough in northeastern Canada to prevent glaciation.
loses its snow and sea-ice cover in summer. This region is also considered a likely
nucleation center for North American ice during glacial cycles (Andrews et al.,
Dead lichen arrayed in broad halos around the ice caps on Baffin Island are
thought to have been killed by permanent snowfields that formed in the recent
past but failed to become glaciers (Andrews et al., 1976). Energy balance model-
ing shows that snowfields would have been able to exist in these regions during
the cooler pre-industrial conditions prior to 1900 AD (Williams, 1978). Then a
subsequent industrial-era warming of ∼1.5 ◦ C occurred in this area, melted the
snowfields, and allowed new lichen to grow. In the absence of the industrial-
era warming, large areas of high terrain on Baffin Island would lie right at the
glaciation threshold today.
The same energy-balance model study indicated that the altitude of the glacia-
tion limit during the Little Ice Age dropped to lower elevations in regions west of
the Baffin Island plateau, so that broad areas of moderately high terrain in interior
northeastern Canada lay just 100–200 meters below it. Williams (1978) concluded
that an additional cooling of 1–2 ◦ C beyond average pre-industrial conditions
would have caused the glaciation limit to descend onto much of this region.
In the absence of the early anthropogenic greenhouse warming summarized
above, Canadian Arctic temperatures would have been ∼2 ◦ C cooler during much
of the last millennium prior to the industrial era. Based on the modeling results of
Williams (1978), the glaciation limit would then have reached not just the high
plateaus on Baffin Island and the rest of the Labrador coast, but also a broad
region of interior northeast Canada. A significant part of northeast Canada should
then have been glaciated during the last millennium (and presumably considerably
A second line of evidence supports this conclusion that a glaciation is overdue
in northeast Canada. Numerical models tuned to reproduce δ 18 O (∼‘ice volume’)
cycles over the last several hundred thousand years ‘predict’ that ice sheets should
have begun to grow in the last 3000 to 6000 years (Imbrie and Imbrie, 1980).
This conclusion is also implicit in the long-term ice-volume phasing used in the
SPECMAP time scale (Imbrie et al., 1984). The 5000-year lag of δ 18 O (∼ice vol-
ume) behind precession forcing predicts that a new glaciation should have begun
6000 years ago, while the 8000-year lag of ice volume behind obliquity forcing
predicts that ice should have begun forming by 2500 years ago. Ruddiman (2003)
assessed the likely effects of temperature on the mean phase of orbital-scale δ 18 O
signals in the 5 cores used to create the SPECMAP time scale and inferred that
ice should have begun forming by 5000 yrs BP at the precession cycle and by
4000–3000 yrs BP at the obliquity cycle. All of these results are consistent with
Milankovitch (1941) who estimated a 5000-year lag of ice volume behind summer
radiation forcing. The lag inferred by Milankovitch predicts new ice sheets by
∼6000 years ago for precession and ∼5,000 years ago for obliquity.
Berger and colleagues use zonal energy balance models to simulate changes
in ice volume. Early versions of the model showed an ice-growth phase begin-
ning near 6000 to 5000 yrs BP, although from an incompletely melted northern
hemisphere ice sheet (Berger et al., 1990). Later versions of the model (Berger
and Loutre, 1996) did not show late-Holocene ice growth, although they also had
difficulty matching the smaller ice volumes during interglacial isotopic substages.
A more basic argument supporting the idea of an overdue late-Holocene glacia-
tion comes from comparing the current level of summer insolation to the values
when ice first appeared at the end of the last interglaciation (during the δ 18 O sub-
stage 5e/5d transition). The SPECMAP time scale puts the start of this transition
at 121,000–120,000 yrs BP and the midpoint at 115,000 yrs BP. Allowing for
newer Th/U dates on coral reefs and other factors, Ruddiman and Raymo (2003)
suggested that the ages of the SPECMAP time scale should be shifted 1500 years
earlier, similar to a 2000-year shift proposed by Shackleton (2000). These shifts
place the start of ice growth near 122,000 yrs BP and the midpoint near 117,000
yrs BP. The present-day value of July insolation at 60◦ N (435 W/m2 ) is the same
as the value at 119,000 yrs BP, some 3000 years into the last ice-growth interval.
This comparison thus suggests that a glaciation should have begun several thousand
years ago in northeast Canada. Early anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and CH4 are
the most likely reason that it did not.
A final climate-related issue is the role of plague-induced CO2 decreases in the
cooling of the Little Ice Age (∼1300–1900 AD). Figure 10 compares the Mann et
al. (1999) reconstruction of northern hemisphere temperature during the last mil-
lennium with potentially important sources of climatic forcing. Solar and volcanic
changes are widely recognized as important in decadal- and century-scale temper-
Figure 10. Estimated mean northern hemisphere temperature changes from 1000–1900 AD (Mann et
al., 1999) compared to: plague epidemics and pandemics; ice-core CO2 (average of changes at Taylor
Dome and Law Dome shown in Figure 7); and solar and volcanic radiative forcing (from Bard et al.,
2000; Crowley, 2000).
ature changes (Lean, 1994; Crowley, 2000), and Gerber et al. (2003) used a version
of the Bern carbon-climate model to assess the effects of solar-volcanic radiative
forcing on the climate of the last millennium. They found that plausible changes in
solar-volcanic radiative forcing could match both the northern-hemisphere temper-
ature reconstruction of Mann et al. (1999) and an averaged ‘stack’ of CO2 records
from several ice cores spanning all or part of the last 1000 years.
On the other hand, this conclusion does not hold if the CO2 records from Law
and Taylor Domes (Figures 7 and 10) are used as the target signal. In that case, the
Bern model cannot simultaneously explain the northern-hemisphere temperature
curve of Mann et al. (1999) and the larger oscillations in these two CO2 records.
In order to reproduce the observed CO2 drops of 10 ppm, the model requires
that northern hemisphere temperatures decrease by more than 0.8 ◦ C, an amount
far more than permitted by the reconstruction of Mann et al. (1999). And if the
radiative forcing is reduced to the point that it matches the small amplitude of the
temperature curve, it then accounts for less than 3 ppm of the 10-ppm decrease in
CO2 .
In contrast, a self-consistent story emerges if carbon sequestration on farms is
assumed to be the first step in the causal chain. If the 10-ppm CO2 decreases are
caused by plague-induced reforestation events, they would cool northern hemi-
sphere temperatures by ∼0.17 ◦ C, assuming a 2 × CO2 sensitivity of 2.5 ◦ C. A
cooling of this amplitude fits well within the constraints of the temperature record
reconstructed by Mann et al. (1999). In short, if the CO2 records from Taylor and
Law Domes are a more accurate measure of past CO2 changes than other ice-
core records from Antarctica, then plague-induced reforestation events are strongly
implicated in the amplitude and timing of the 10-ppm drops in CO2 .
Moreover, if plague caused most of the 10-ppm CO2 drops shown in Figures
7 and 10, it must also have been a major factor in the climatic cooling that led
from the relative warmth of 1000 years ago to the cooler temperatures of the Little
Ice Age. A tentative assessment based on the relative radiative forcings shown
in Figure 10 is that CO2 changes were on average comparable in importance to
solar and volcanic forcing in this cooling. Solar and volcanic forcing appear to
have been dominant at times such as the cooler decades near 1450 and 1825 AD.
Plague-driven CO2 decreases were probably most important just after 1350 AD and
between 1500 and 1750 AD. A more complete assessment of the role of plague-
driven CO2 changes in climate change during the last millennium would require a
narrowing of uncertainties in both the spatial and temporal occurrence of plague
and in the amount of farm abandonment (and reforestation), as well as a resolution
of the inconsistencies among the CO2 trends from different Antarctic ice cores.
Finally, Lamb (1977) has argued that cooler Little Ice Age climates caused
famine and depopulation, as well as increased incidence of disease. This study
comes to nearly the opposite conclusion: plague outbreaks caused major population
reductions and at the same time contributed significantly to cooler climates.
I thank: Tom Webb for a careful review; John Foley, David Houghton and Mike
Mann for constructive criticism; Wally Broecker, Gordon Jacoby, Hank Shugart,
Tom Smith and Peter Vogt for discussions and suggestions; Steve Schneider for
guiding the review process; and Bob Smith for the illustrations.
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