Hi Tech Humax
Hi Tech Humax
Hi Tech Humax
Often crops need an extra boost during the weeks following early bloom when fruit begins to
size. During these times the daily nutrient demand of a crop can outstrip the ability of the soil
to supply nutrients. Fulvic 6000 can provide extra help to the plants by improving nutrient
availability and uptake during such critical growth stages. It can also improve the drought
tolerance of the plants by reducing stomatal conductance. In a recent study on wheat,
stomatal conductance was reduced by 68% when foliar fulvic acids were applied. Yields were
greater in the treated area by 27% when subjected to drought stress during head formation7.
As with all foliar nutrients we suggest that you jar test any mixes for compatibility before
making applications in the field. If precipitation occurs in a jar test we suggest that you
change the amount of foliar nutrients or add a complexing agent like citric acid, ED TA,
DTPA or potassium pyrophosphate. These complexing agents can help overcome any conflict
between the small amount of phosphoric acid in Fulvic 6000 and mineral micronutrients.
Please consult with your agronomist or supplier before applying Fulvic 6000 with fungicides
or pesticides.
I) Chen, Y. and Aviad, 1., 1990. Effects of Humic Substances on Plant Growth. Chapter 7 in:
MacCarthy, et. a!., Humic Substances in So il and Crop Sciences: Selected Readings.
Ameiican Soc. of Agronomy, Inc., Madison Wisconsin
2) Chen, Y. and Stevenson, F.J. 1986. Soil organic matter interaction with trace elements. P.
73-116. In Y. Chen and Y. Avnimelech (Eds.) Martinus Nijhoff Publicat ions., Dordrecht.
3) Maggioni, A. et.aI., 1987. Action of soil humic matter on plant roots stimulation of ion
uptake and effects on magnesium and potassium ATPase activity. The Science of the Total
Environment, 62:355-363.
4) Nardi, 5., 1996, Biological Activity of Humus. Chapter 9 in: A. Piccolo (Ed.) Humic
Substances in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
5) Rauthan, B.S., and M. Shnitzer. 1981. Effects of fulvic acid on the growth and nutrient
content of cucumber (Cucumissativus) plants. Plan t Soil. 63:49 1-495.
6) Sladky, Z. 1959. The effect of extracted humus substances on growth of tomato plants.
BioI. Plant. 1:142-150
7) Xudan, X. 1986. The effect of foliar application of fulvic acid on water use, nutrient
uptake and wheat yield. Austr. J. Agnc. Res. 37:343-350.