Congress and The Africanists

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Former Secretary-General oj the African National Congress, Now banned jrom holding
office and standing trial on a charge of High Treason.

IN recent months much has been published in the South African

press about the 'Africanists' and their attempt to capture the
leadership of the African National Congress. The struggle
reached a climax at the Transvaal Provincial Conference of
the A.N.C., held under the auspices of the National Execu-
tive on the ist and 2nd November, 195:8. The Africanists
attempted to "pack'' the conference, but most of their sup-
porters failed to qualify as delegates. They then tried to break
up the conference by force, and, when this attempt was defeated,
they withdrew, announcing that they were leaving Congress and
intended forming a new organisation.
The whole affair has been much exaggerated in the newspapers,
especially in the so-called 'Bantu' press. Newspapers tend to
thrive on sensations, and some of them were obviously motivated
by malice towards Congress and a desire to emphasise and add to
its difficulties. In reality, the Africanists were never able to
muster much support or gain much influence in the A.N.C.
Their departure has greatly pleased the great majority of
Congressmen, who regarded them as a noisy and disruptive
clique, and who consider all the talk of a "major split" in
Congress as absurd.
It is unlikely that the Africanists will make much progress or
maintain much cohesion among themselves now that they have
left Congress. They appear to have little or nothing in the way
of a constructive policy or original programme to offer to the
public. They have had a lot to say, it is true, but so far it has
been exclusively destructive and critical of Congress leadership.
All the leaders have shown themselves to be quarrelsome,
unruly and ambitious ; one doubts whether they will ever achieve
much agreement on aims and leadership.
Yet it would be wrong for any student of politics in this
country to ignore the significance of this development. Even
though the Africanists have not evolved any definite programme
and policy, the general trend of their ideas is manifest: it lies
in a crude appeal to African racialism as a reply to White
arrogance and oppression. The principal target of their attacks
is the broad humanism of the African National Congress, which

claims equality but not domination for the African people, and
regards South Africa as being big enough and rich enough to
sustain all its people, of whatever origin, in friendship and peace.
This broad outlook of Congress finds its clearest expression in
the opening sentence of the Freedom Charter, which boldly
declares that i'South Africa belongs to all w h o live in it, Black
and W h i t e " . It is precisely this formulation which is most
strongly attacked by the Africanists. In their letter of se-
cession from the A . N . C , they declare that " t h e Klip town
C h a r t e r " is " i n irreconcilable conflict" w i t h the 1949 Congress
" P r o g r a m m e of A c t i o n " , " s e e i n g that it (the Freedom C h a r t e r )
claims that the land no longer belongs to the African people
but is auctioned for sale to all w h o belong to this c o u n t r y " .
Leaving aside the inflated polemical language of this statement
(characteristic of all " A f r i c a n i s t " writings), the intention is
clear: it is a denial that any section of the population o t h e r than
the descendants of indigenous Africans have any rights in the
c o u n t r y whatsoever.
T h e r e are several o t h e r issues used by the Africanists in their
attacks o n A . N . C . leadership and policy. They bitterly de-
nounce the Congress Alliance—the working partnership which
has developed between the A . N . C . and the Indian Congress,
the ( W h i t e ) Congress of D e m o c r a t s , the Coloured People's
Organisation and the Congress of Trade Unions. They say
that the alliance " w a t e r s d o w n African n a t i o n a l i s m " , and charge
that it is dominated by the W h i t e s of C . O . D . and the Indians of
the S.A.I.C. They say that the Whites in the alliance are n o t
sincere and cannot be relied upon in the struggle to end W h i t e
supremacy. They say that the A . N . C . leadership is Com-
munistic and o u t of step with the nationalist m o v e m e n t in the
rest of the continent, which has no alliance w i t h o t h e r racial
groups. They say that the Congress leadership has abandoned
traditional Congress policy " a s it was formulated in 1 9 1 2 " , and
that they, the Africanists, are " l a u n c h i n g o u t as c u s t o d i a n s " of
that policy (Letter of Secession, N o v e m b e r , 19^8).
In the first place, it should be stated as emphatically as possible
that the Africanists' principal charge—that Congress has
departed from its traditional purpose and policy—is untrue and
The constituent Conference of 191 2, at which the African
National Congress was established, set forth the following
objectives: —
(i) To unite all the various tribes in South Africa;
(2) To educate public opinion on the aspirations of the
black man of South Africa;
(3) To advocate on behalf of the African masses equal rights
and justice;
(4) To be the mouthpiece of the African people and their chiefs ;
(c) To represent the people in government and municipal
(6) To represent them in the Union Parliament, and generally,
to do all such things as are necessary for the progress
and welfare of the African people.
Within the framework of these broad general objectives,
Congress has continued steadily, up to the present day. It has
consistently demanded "equal rights and justice". It: has
never advocated the replacement of exclusive rights for Whites,
as established by the Union's Constitution, following the pre-
cedent of the two Boer Republics, with exclusive rights for
Africans as now proposed by the "Africanists". In putting
forward this conception, it is they who are departing from the
original objectives and purposes of the founders of Congress;
it is the present Congress leaders who are the true continuers
and custodians of those purposes and traditions.
An important policy statement, known as the Bill of
Rights", was drawn up in 1943 by a committee composed of
leading Africans from various parts of the Union, It wras
issued by the A.N.C. at the time, in a pamphlet entitled
"African Claims", as a formal statement of Congress policy.
It declared, inter aha:
" W e , the African people in the Union of South Africa,
urgently demand the granting of full citizenship in South
Africa. We demand abolition of discrimination based on
race, and the extension to all adults regardless of race of the
right to vote and be elected to Parliament, Provincial
Councils and other representative institutions. We demand
the right to an equal share in all the material resources of the
country. We demand a fair redistribution of the land as a
prerequisite for a just settlement of the land problem."
Finally, I may cite the Programme of Action of 1949, which
the Africanists continually declare to be inconsistent with the
Freedom Charter, and which they claim as "their o w n " pro-
gramme, "In 1949 we got the African people to accept the
nation-building programme of that year," declares the AfrF-

canists' letter of resignation of last November. Actually the

1949 Programme of Action was a regular Congress document,
adopted at a national conference on the initiative of the Congress
leadership and issued over the signature of the present writer.
Only one or two of the Africanists had any hand in it.
The 1949 "Programme" was really a plan of work, dealing
mainly with proposed methods of struggle, such as strikes,
civil disobedience and boycotts, but it opened with a short
political preamble. This preamble consists primarily of an
endorsement of the "Bill of Rights," cited above, and empha-
sised the demands for the immediate abolition of all dis-
criminatory laws and the participation of Africans in all Councils
of State.
The Freedom Charter of 1955 is in a direct line of succession
to the various documents cited above, and to the many other
statements of Congress policy and principle down the years.
Beginning with the statement that South Africa belongs to the
people who live in it, but that our people have been robbed of
their birthright to land, peace and liberty by an unjust form of
government, it goes on to claim that every man and woman shall
have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate for election
to all bodies which make laws, and that the rights of all people
shall be the same, regardless of race, colour or sex. The
Charter goes on to demand equality in every sphere of life, in
its ten famous chapters, which are identical in spirit and closely
parellel in content to the eleven points of the "Bill of Rights",
as published in "African Claims", and specifically endorsed in
the 1949 "Programme of Action".
The above, of course, is no more than a brief sketch of the
evolution of Congress policy down the years. Nevertheless it
is sufficient to demonstrate amply that, while A.N.C. policy
has naturally evolved down the years, in changing circum-
stances at home and abroad, becoming more detailed and clearer
in formulation, it has retained throughout a fundamental con-
tinuity and consistency which is striking and remarkable.
Tested against the facts, the Africanists' accusation that Congress
has departed from its traditional programme connot be sustained.
Nor is it true that the African National Congress has ever
pursued a line of exclusive "Black chauvinism" and hostility
to other racial groups, as now advocated by the Africanists.
Prom its earliest days, Congress has rejected the whole ideology
of "master races" and "servant races" as expressed in the
Constitution and s t r u c t u r e of the Union. It has repudiated the
idea of "driving the W h i t e man into the s e a " as futile and
reactionary, and accepted the fact that the various racial groups
in South Africa have come to stay. It has consistently sought
the co-operation of o t h e r political groups and other races, of
religious, liberal and leftist groups and organisations, in its struggle
lor freedom and equality. Indeed t h e r e was a t i m e w h e n the
Congress leadership, contrasting the relatively enlightened
policy of the "liberal C a p e " w i t h the blatant "inequality in
Church and S t a t e " of the n o r t h e r n republics, placed too heavy
a reliance upon the goodwill of W h i t e leaders, and tended to
react to such early manifestations of 'apartheid' as the 1913
Land Act by sending futile deputations and appeals to Whitehall.
In the disillusioning years that followed, the African people
and Congress have learned to p u t their trust not in aid from
others, b u t in their own strength and organisation. Neverthe-
less Congress has at all times welcomed and taken the initiative
in achieving co-operation with o t h e r organisations representing
different population-groups, provided always that such co-
operation was on a basis ot equality and disinterested adherence
to mutual aims. It is this consistent Congress policy of unity
and anti-racialism which has borne fruit in the present-day
Congress alliance, which is continually broadening its scope
and winning the support and allegiance of increasing numbers of
South Africans, and which has w o n the A . N . C . w o r l d - w i d e
admiration and respect. This policy enjoys the support of the
overwhelming majority of the Congress m e m b e r s h i p , who
recognise it as being in the best traditions of the organisation.
Every attempt by the Africanists to reverse the policy of alliance
and replace it with one of narrow sectionalism and exclusiveness
has been crushingly rejected by the m e m b e r s h i p in provincial
and national conferences.
Thus, the co-called "African nationalism" of the Africanists
turns o u t to b e a m e r e inverted racialism, foreign to the spirit
and traditions of the African people, and m o r e in line w i t h the
Afrikaner Nationalist Party than w i t h the progressive liberationist
nationalism of Congress. This type of racial exclusiveness has
been condemned the w o r l d over, and n o t least by the p r o -
gressive African national movements of this continent. The
recent All-African Peoples' Conference at Accra roundly
condemned, in a formal resolution,
" t h e practice of racial discrimination and segregation in all its
32 AF RICA S O ti T I

aspects, all over the world,"

The fact that, due to differences of historical development anc
present conditions, African liberationist movements in man)
other parts of the continent have not found allies in their struggle
among other population groups, unreservedly accepting equality,
self-government, independence and democracy as their pro-
gramme, is unfortunately misunderstood or distorted by the
Africanists to imply that they oppose such alliances on principle.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Africa and its peoples
have suffered too much in the past from racialism and the
"master race" ideology to adopt any such dangerous doctrines.
Nothing has brought greater credit to the A.N.C. in the eyes
of Africa and the world than its steadfast refusal to respond to
the vicious persecution of the Nationalists and their pre-
decessors in the Union Government by a blind and irrational
"anti-Whiteism". it has shown the African people to be
larger-minded than, and morally superior to, their oppressors;
it strikingly refutes the ridiculous claims of "White South Africa"
about alleged African "immaturity" and "unreadiness for self-
The isolation and repudiation of the Africanists became more
complete with their open sabotage of the Congress cause after
the National Workers' Conference of March, 19C8. The
A.N.C. and the other Congresses had decided to demonstrate
during election week against the undemocratic travesty of a
"General Election" which debarred the majority from any
participation. All the forces of oppression were mobilised
against the proposed demonstration. The Prime Minister
threatened retaliation "with the full might of the State". The
United Party called upon the Government to take firm action
against Congress. The police force, the Native Affairs Depart-
ment, and the army were called into action against the proposed
general strike. Newspapers, ranging from the Nationalist and
United Party dailies down to the so-called 'Bantu' press,
preached continually and vociferously against Congress.
Employers of labour and Verwoerd's "loyal chiefs" added their
threats and warnings.
When the Africanist leaders Madzunya and Leballo joined in
this all-out campaign against the people, they were hailed in the
daily papers as "the most responsible and powerful Native
leaders". Overnight they had become heroes to the upholders
of White supremacy. And overnight they forfeited whatever
small respect or confidence they might still have enjoyed within
the ranks of Congress.
Congress is a broad and tolerant organisation, firmly wedded
to democratic principle and refusing to impose any single
ideology upon its members. But, at the same time, the A.N.C.
is not merely a debating society, and cannot tolerate open
sabotage of its struggle. The National Executive promptly
expelled Madzunya and Leballo for their treacherous activities,
and it is notable that this action was warmly applauded by
branches throughout the country. It was the end of the
Africanists' noisy career in Congress. True, ignoring his
expulsion, Mr. Madzunya announced himself as a "candidate"
for the position of President of the Transvaal at the November
conference in Orlando. And true to form, his clique, attended
by a number of armed supporters, came to Orlando hoping to
repeat its tactic of smashing the conference. But this time the
Congress membership was ready for him, and in no mood to
tolerate any further mischief. When they saw they were
outnumbered, the Africanists suddenly withdrew, and, as we
have seen, announced their ''secession". It was a damp squib.
For a few days some newspapers tried to build up the "major
split" in Congress as a sensation. It soon became apparent,
however, that the departure of this faction had strengthened the
organisation, not weakened it, and that they commanded no
support inside or outside Congress. The "sensation" petered
out. The national conference of Congress in December
proved to be a remarkable demonstration of the confidence of
the people in the present leadership, the Freedom Charter, and
the Congress alliance.
For however much free publicity the Africanists may receive
in the anti-Congress press, they are not likely to succeed in
building any stable organisation or win much support for it, still
less offering any serious challenge to the leadership of the people
by the African National Congress. Many of them are not really
serious; they handle "politics" like professional browsers, as
though the South African struggle will be resolved in a study.
They use Africanism as a sort of escape from the discipline, the
hard slogging day-to-day work, and the possible personal dangers
which face the ordinary Congress member. Pride or con-
science will not allow them to withdraw from politics altogether>
so they think the best thing is to play safe, become sofa critics of
Congress, and use revolutionary language occasionally at Con-

ference, sale in the knowledge that the G o v e r n m e n t will n o t

take any action against t h e m .
Yet, these truths should not blind us to the fact that t h e r e are
men and w o m e n amongst them who genuinely believe that the
salvation of o u r people lies in a fanatical African racialism and
denunciation of everything that is not African. And such a
policy is n o t w i t h o u t its potential mass-appeal.
It w o u l d be unrealistic to p r e t e n d that a policy of e x t r e m e
nationalism must, in the nature of things, always b e unpopular.
T h e people are quick to detect the insincerity of the m e r e
demagogue, and they have confidence in the courage and wisdom
of their tried and trusted leaders. But in a country like South
Africa, w h e r e the W h i t e s dominate everything, and w h e r e
ruthless laws are ruthlessly administered and enforced, t h e natural
tendency is one of growing hostility towards Europeans. In fact
most Africans c o m e into political activity because of their
indignation against W h i t e s , and it is only through their education
in Congress and their experience of the genuine comradeship in
the struggle of such organisations as the Congress of Democrats
that they rise to the broad, non-racial humanism of o u r Congress
W i t h a State policy of increasingly barbaric repression of the
African p e o p l e ; w i t h the deliberate destruction of every form
of n o r m a l human contact b e t w e e n people from different
population-groups; and with the systematic banning and
isolation of the convinced and fervent anti-racialists among the
Africans from political activity, t h e r e is n o knowing w h a t the
future will hold.
T h e Africanists have thus far failed, but their m e r e appearance
is an u r g e n t warning to all democratic South Africans. The
Africans have set a wonderful example of political wisdom anc
m a t u r i t y to the rest of the country, b u t they are n o t perfect, am
m o r e than any o t h e r c o m m u n i t y of m e n and w o m e n soreb
beset. In certain circumstances, an emotional mass-appeal tc
destructive and exclusive nationalism can be a dynamic anc
irresistible force in history. W e have seen in o u r o w n c o u n t r
h o w — d e c a d e after d e c a d e — t h e Afrikaner people have folio wee
yet m o r e e x t r e m e and reactionary leaders. It w o u l d b e foolish t<
imagine that a wave of Black chauvinism, provoked by the savager
of the Nationalist Party (and perhaps secretly encouraged am
financed by it t o o ) , may n o t some day sweep through o u r coun
try. And if it does, the agony will k n o w no colour-bar at all.

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