Congress and The Africanists
Congress and The Africanists
Congress and The Africanists
claims equality but not domination for the African people, and
regards South Africa as being big enough and rich enough to
sustain all its people, of whatever origin, in friendship and peace.
This broad outlook of Congress finds its clearest expression in
the opening sentence of the Freedom Charter, which boldly
declares that i'South Africa belongs to all w h o live in it, Black
and W h i t e " . It is precisely this formulation which is most
strongly attacked by the Africanists. In their letter of se-
cession from the A . N . C , they declare that " t h e Klip town
C h a r t e r " is " i n irreconcilable conflict" w i t h the 1949 Congress
" P r o g r a m m e of A c t i o n " , " s e e i n g that it (the Freedom C h a r t e r )
claims that the land no longer belongs to the African people
but is auctioned for sale to all w h o belong to this c o u n t r y " .
Leaving aside the inflated polemical language of this statement
(characteristic of all " A f r i c a n i s t " writings), the intention is
clear: it is a denial that any section of the population o t h e r than
the descendants of indigenous Africans have any rights in the
c o u n t r y whatsoever.
T h e r e are several o t h e r issues used by the Africanists in their
attacks o n A . N . C . leadership and policy. They bitterly de-
nounce the Congress Alliance—the working partnership which
has developed between the A . N . C . and the Indian Congress,
the ( W h i t e ) Congress of D e m o c r a t s , the Coloured People's
Organisation and the Congress of Trade Unions. They say
that the alliance " w a t e r s d o w n African n a t i o n a l i s m " , and charge
that it is dominated by the W h i t e s of C . O . D . and the Indians of
the S.A.I.C. They say that the Whites in the alliance are n o t
sincere and cannot be relied upon in the struggle to end W h i t e
supremacy. They say that the A . N . C . leadership is Com-
munistic and o u t of step with the nationalist m o v e m e n t in the
rest of the continent, which has no alliance w i t h o t h e r racial
groups. They say that the Congress leadership has abandoned
traditional Congress policy " a s it was formulated in 1 9 1 2 " , and
that they, the Africanists, are " l a u n c h i n g o u t as c u s t o d i a n s " of
that policy (Letter of Secession, N o v e m b e r , 19^8).
In the first place, it should be stated as emphatically as possible
that the Africanists' principal charge—that Congress has
departed from its traditional purpose and policy—is untrue and
The constituent Conference of 191 2, at which the African
National Congress was established, set forth the following
objectives: —
(i) To unite all the various tribes in South Africa;
(2) To educate public opinion on the aspirations of the
black man of South Africa;
(3) To advocate on behalf of the African masses equal rights
and justice;
(4) To be the mouthpiece of the African people and their chiefs ;
(c) To represent the people in government and municipal
(6) To represent them in the Union Parliament, and generally,
to do all such things as are necessary for the progress
and welfare of the African people.
Within the framework of these broad general objectives,
Congress has continued steadily, up to the present day. It has
consistently demanded "equal rights and justice". It: has
never advocated the replacement of exclusive rights for Whites,
as established by the Union's Constitution, following the pre-
cedent of the two Boer Republics, with exclusive rights for
Africans as now proposed by the "Africanists". In putting
forward this conception, it is they who are departing from the
original objectives and purposes of the founders of Congress;
it is the present Congress leaders who are the true continuers
and custodians of those purposes and traditions.
An important policy statement, known as the Bill of
Rights", was drawn up in 1943 by a committee composed of
leading Africans from various parts of the Union, It wras
issued by the A.N.C. at the time, in a pamphlet entitled
"African Claims", as a formal statement of Congress policy.
It declared, inter aha:
" W e , the African people in the Union of South Africa,
urgently demand the granting of full citizenship in South
Africa. We demand abolition of discrimination based on
race, and the extension to all adults regardless of race of the
right to vote and be elected to Parliament, Provincial
Councils and other representative institutions. We demand
the right to an equal share in all the material resources of the
country. We demand a fair redistribution of the land as a
prerequisite for a just settlement of the land problem."
Finally, I may cite the Programme of Action of 1949, which
the Africanists continually declare to be inconsistent with the
Freedom Charter, and which they claim as "their o w n " pro-
gramme, "In 1949 we got the African people to accept the
nation-building programme of that year," declares the AfrF-