LAB 10 Interfacing Adc809 To The 8051 Trainer
LAB 10 Interfacing Adc809 To The 8051 Trainer
LAB 10 Interfacing Adc809 To The 8051 Trainer
Mazidi and Mazidi, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems,” Chapter 12.
8051 assembler and trainer
TTL square wave and TTL square wave clock source
In many applications we need to have multiple analog-to-digital
converters. The ADC808/809 is a single chip that can accommodate up to 8
analog inputs. These 8 inputs are called channels and each is selected by an
address. Read about this chip in Chapter 12 and also download the data
sheets from the web site.
Connect the ADC808/809 to the 8051 and write a program to display
data input from at least two of the channels. Each channel can be connected
to separate potentiometers to examine the data displayed.
Notice that the ADC output is between 0 to FFH where FFH is for a
full-scale input. However, this must be converted to decimal and then to
ASCII in order to be displayed on the LCD. As you change the
potentiometers, the output should change, indicating the value of the
analog input.
For the clock source of the ADC808/809, you can either use an
external clock source (square wave TTL), which is preferable, or use the
XTAL frequency from the 8051 XTAL as shown in Chapter 12 for the
ADC804. Make sure that you use at least three or four D flip-flops to bring
down the frequency.
1. Indicate the direction of pins ALE, SC, EOC, and OE from the point of view
of the
2. Give the steps for converting data and getting the data out of the
ADC809. State the status
of the SC and EOC pins in each step.
3. Give the role of signals ALE, A, B, and C in selecting the ADC channel.
5. In the ADC809 assume that Vref is connected to 5V. Find the following.
(a) step size
(b) maximum range for Vin
(c) D7 - D0 values if Vin = 2.7 V
(d) Vin if D7 - D0 = 11111111
LAB 10 Lab Manual for “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
LAB 10
(e) Vin if D7 – D0 = 11011101
Lab Manual for “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems” LAB