January 2012 QP - Unit 1 Edexcel Biology A-Level

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2013

GCE Biology (6BI01) Paper 01

Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health

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January 2013
Publications Code US034271

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The following symbols are used in the mark schemes for all questions:

Symbol Meaning of symbol

; semi colon Indicates the end of a marking point
Indicates that credit should be given for other
Eq correct alternatives to a word or statement, as
discussed in the Standardisation meeting
Words or phrases separated by an oblique are
/ oblique
alternatives to each other
Indicate the beginning and end of a list of
{} curly brackets alternatives (separated by obliques) where
necessary to avoid confusion
Words inside round brackets are to aid
() round brackets understanding of the marking point but are not
required to award the point
Words inside square brackets are instructions or
[] square brackets
guidance for examiners
[CE] or [TE] Consecutive error / transferred error

Crossed out work

If a candidate has crossed out an answer and written new text, the crossed out work can
be ignored. If the candidate has crossed out work but written no new text, the crossed
out work for that question or part question should be marked, as far as it is possible to
do so.

Spelling and clarity

In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised when it occurs

but not subsequently. The candidate is penalised once only and can gain credit in
later parts of the question by correct reasoning from the earlier incorrect answer.

No marks are awarded specifically for quality of language in the written papers,
except for the essays in the synoptic paper. Use of English is however taken into
account as follows:

• the spelling of technical terms must be sufficiently correct for the answer to be
e.g. for amylase, ‘ammalase’ is acceptable whereas ‘amylose’ is not
e.g. for glycogen, ‘glicojen’ is acceptable whereas ‘glucagen’ is not
e.g. for ileum, ‘illeum’ is acceptable whereas ‘ilium’ is not
e.g. for mitosis, ‘mytosis’ is acceptable whereas ‘meitosis’ is not

• candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark.

• a correct statement that is contradicted by an incorrect statement in the same part

of an answer gains no mark – irrelevant material should be ignored

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1 1. diastole ; 1. ALLOW ventricular
diastole or atrial AND
2. atrium / atria ; ventricular diastole
3. ventricles ; NOT atrial diastole by itself

4. atrioventricular / 4. ALLOW AV , mitral

bicuspid / tricuspid ;

5. semilunar (valves) ; 5. ALLOW aortic valves

6. artery ;


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(a) 1. idea that DNA 1. ALLOW description e.g.
(molecule){ unwinds breaking of hydrogen bonds
/ unzips / uncoils /
eq} (DNA) strands
separate ;

2. (RNA mono) 2. NOT DNA strands, DNA

nucleotides {line up nucleotides
against / attach to}
{one strand /
template / antisense
strand / eq} / eq ;

3. ref to 3. ALLOW description of

complementary base complementary base pairing
pairing (between
DNA and
mononucleotides) ;

4. ref to formation of
bonds ;

5. ref to condensation
reaction ;

6. correct name of 6. (DNA) helicase, RNA

enzyme involved ; polymerase, DNA ligase
NOT DNA polymerase,

7. idea that mRNA 7. NOT leaves nucleus alone

detaches from the / eq
DNA; (4)

Question Answer Mark

2(b)(i) B; (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(b)(ii) B; (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(b)(iii) D; (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(c) 1. tRNA is folded (and 1. IGNORE double stranded
mRNA is {straight / / branched
unfolded}) / eq ; ALLOW tRNA clover shaped
/ looped

2. tRNA has hydrogen 2. ALLOW tRNA has

bonds (holding the complementary base pairing
structure together) / double stranded sections
(but the mRNA does NOT (all) double stranded
not / eq) ;

3. tRNA is a fixed {size

/ length} (but mRNA
{is not / length
depends on size of
gene}) / eq ;

4. tRNA has an 4. NOT is an anticodon

anticodon (but
mRNA has codons) ;

5. tRNA has an amino

acid binding site ; (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(a) ALLOW a clearly labelled
1. phospholipid
(bilayer) ;

2. credit details of 2. e.g orientation because of

phospholipid bilayer ; hydrophobic and/or
hydrophilic regions
eg phospholipids are fluid

3. proteins ;

4. credit details of 4. e.g. description of

proteins ; channel/carrier protein
structure or position.
(Intrinsic, extrinsic or

5. reference to other 5.e.g. glycolipid, cholesterol,

named membrane glycoprotein, carbohydrate
components ; chain, glycocalyx


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b)(i) IGNORE amount

Solute P: max 4 marks for solute

1. (up to 30 minutes) the
{concentration / number}
of molecules of P increases
inside the cell / eq ;

2. ref to {diffusion / facilitated

diffusion}(of molecules of P
into the cell) ; 2. NOT osmosis

3. down the concentration

gradient (of P) / eq ;

3. ALLOW high to low

4. {between 30 and 40 NOT high to low
minutes / after 30 concentration gradient
minutes } the
{concentration /
number} of molecules 4. ALLOW no net
(of P) inside the cell movement
stays the same / eq ;

5. concentration (of P) inside

cell equals concentration
outside cell / reaches
equilibrium / eq ;

Solute R:
6. solute R does not enter
cell / eq ;

7. membrane is
impermeable to R ;


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b)(ii) six white circles inside and
outside the cell and 4 black
circles outside cell ; (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a) (i) 1. glucose provides 1. ALLOW needed / used for
respiratory respiration
substrate / eq ;

2. to provide {energy /
eq} for heart
{contraction / eq} ;

3. reference to osmotic 3. Can be expressed in a

effect ; variety of ways eg solution
is isotonic.

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a) (ii) {glucose / pH } at same IGNORE references to
{ concentration / volume / caffeine and temperature
value / eq } ; etc.
IGNORE amount

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a) (iii) reference to replication ALLOW repeats, use more
procedure ; than one heart
NOT repeat with different

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark


4(a)(iv) 1. the heart rate decreases

(with increasing caffeine
concentrations) above
0.1 (mg cm-3) /
concentrations of a
caffeine above {0.30 -
0.34 (mg cm-3)} the
heart rate {decreases / is
lower than base rate} /
eq ;

2. up to a concentration
of {0.30-0.34 (mg
cm-3)} caffeine there
is an increase in heart
rate (above base
rate) / eq ;

3. 0.1 (mg cm-3) caffeine

causes the fastest
heart rate / eq ;

4. credit correct 4. e.g. 20% increase with

manipulation of figures ; 0.1 (mg cm-3)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(b)(i) 1. details of method to 1. e.g. use of cotton wool
limit movement of IGNORE cavity slide
Daphnia ;

2. reference to 2. ALLOW measure heart

determining base rate in 0% caffeine
heart rate (in absence NOT distilled water
of caffeine) ;

3. reference to use of
range of caffeine
concentrations ;

4. acclimatisation of
Daphnia (in each
solution) / eq ;

5. details of method to 5. eg dots on paper in a set

determine heart rate; time / use video camera
IGNORE just counting

6. repeats / replicates ;

7. Named control
variable e.g. {source
/ size / age / type /
eq} of Daphnia,
temperature, pH ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(b)(ii) chicken (embryo) {is a
vertebrate / feels pain / will
die / cannot give consent/
eq } ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(a)(i) Max 2 marks for structural
features only.
Functions need to be in
correct context

1. Idea that there is a {thick 1. ALLOW idea of folded wall

wall / lots of collagen /
thick layers / thick tunica
media / eq} ;

2. Idea that it needs {to 2. IGNORE damage alone

avoid rupture / to ALLOW stretch to
withstand high pressure accommodate more blood
/ eq} ;

3. {elastic / muscular /
eq} {layer / fibres /
wall/ eq} ;

4. Control the flow of 4. ALLOW to squeeze blood

blood / maintain blood along
pressure / elastic recoil
/ eq ;

5. smooth endothelial wall 5. ALLOW smooth lining

/ eq ;

6. to reduce {friction /
resistance / eq} ;

7. semi lunar valve 7. IGNORE no valves

present ; ALLOW aortic valve

8. to prevent backflow
(during diastole) ;

9. large lumen ; 9. IGNORE narrow lumen

10. idea of accommodating

large volumes of blood /
eq ;

11. branches ;

12. to supply blood to

different parts of the
body (including
coronary arteries) / eq ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(a)(ii) 1. capillary walls are one ALLOW converse statements
cell thick / eq ; ALLOW statements that only
mention capillary or vein –
2. no {elastic tissue / but do not credit same mark
collagen / muscle / point twice
multiple layers / eq } in 1. and 4. IGNORE capillaries
the capillary (walls) ; are one cell thick alone

3. no valves in capillaries ;

4. capillaries have a very

narrow lumen / eq ;

5. capillaries are porous /

have pores;


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b)(i) 1. idea that the area of
dead heart muscle
will be {downstream
of the atheroma / in
region normally
supplied by the
blocked artery / eq} ;

2. idea that each artery

supplies (cells) with
{oxygen / glucose /
oxygenated blood } ;

3. idea that {cells /

muscle / tissue / eq}
(supplied by the
blocked vessel) will
die due to lack of
{energy /
respiration} ;

4. idea that if the 4. ALLOW converse

atheroma is located
{near the end of an
artery / in a small
artery } then the area
of dead muscle will
be small ; (3)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b)(ii) 1. shaded area should
not extend above
position B ;

2. shaded area should

be around all the
vessels on the right
side of the diagram
but not overlap with
those on the left ;

Question Answer Comments Mark

6(a) (QWC– Spelling of QWC spelling of words in
technical terms must be italics should be correct.
correct and the answer Penalise just once – ALLOW
must be organised in a max score of 5 if 6 mpts met
logical sequence) but one lost due to spelling
1. (α) glucose ;

2. glycosidic {bonds /
links} ;

3. amylose and
amylopectin ;

4. amylose has 1- 4
(glycosidic) {bonds /

AND amylopectin has 1-

4 and 1- 6 (glycosidic)
bonds / eq ;

5. amylose is {spiralled
/ coiled} ;

6. amylopectin is
branched / eq ;

7. compact molecule /
eq ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(i) 1. speeds up the rate
of reaction / eq ;

2. without being
{changed/used up /
eq} ;

3. lowers activation
energy / provides an
alternative reaction
pathway / eq ;

4. does not change

{products / position
of equilibrium / eq }
/ eq ; (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(ii) 1. breaks the 1. IGNORE hydrogen bonds
(glycosidic) bonds /
eq ;

2. reference to use of 2. NOT makes water / eq

water ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6 (c) idea that { maltose / ALLOW dextrins / sugar
disaccharide / glucose / NOT any other named sugar
monosaccharide} {is eg sucrose
produced / tastes sweet} ; (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(a) Idea that (a change in) ALLOW causes, affects, etc
one variable (directly) and clear examples
results in the change of Eg increase in blood
another variable ; cholesterol causes an
increase in the risk of CVD

IGNORE correlation, link,

relationship, trend, etc

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(b)(i) 1. reference to peptide
bonds (joining
amino acids);

2. between amino 2. ALLOW from a labelled

group (of one amino diagram
acid) and carboxyl ALLOW NH2 and COOH
group (of another) /
eq ;

3. the sequence of
amino acids is the
primary structure of
the protein / eq ;

4. reference to folding 4. ALLOW ref to alpha helix

(of primary or beta pleated sheet
structure) held
together by bonds /
eq ;

5. {disulfide bridges /
eq} / {hydrogen /
H} bonds / ionic
bonds / Van der
Waals forces ;

6. between the R
groups / eq ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7 (b)(ii) ALLOW converse for LDL
1. HDL is smaller ;

2. HDL contains
more protein /
eq ;

3. HDL contains
less cholesterol /
eq ; (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(c)(i) 1. (risk due to) high Answers should cover total
blood pressure has time period and not just
fallen overall / eq ; 1980-1990

2. (risk due to) high

blood cholesterol
has fallen overall /
eq ;

3. (risk due to) obesity

has risen overall /
eq ;

4. obesity was the

lowest risk factor
but is now the
highest / eq ;

5. credit use of 5. only credit overall change

manipulated figures figures e.g.
; 17% drop for high blood
16% drop for high blood
10.5% increase in obesity (3)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(c)(ii) 1. people more aware 1. ALLOW more aware of
of the risks / eq ; healthy diets

2. people consuming foods

with lower {cholesterol
levels / saturated fats /
eq} / eq ;

3. people consuming
foods with more
fibre in them / eq ;

4. use of statins / eq ; 4. Use of sterols/named


5. more screening / eq 5. ALLOW self testing


6. more exercise / eq ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(c)(iii) Any two from:

(being) male
increase in age
lack of exercise / inactivity
high alcohol consumption
high salt diet
high saturated fat intake IGNORE fat, LDL or
stress cholesterol consumption
diabetes ; (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(a) 1. (the disorder results 1. ALLOW faulty allele
from a) defect in
genes / eq ;

2. both (defective) alleles

need to be present /
homozygous / not
expressed in the
presence of a
dominant allele / eq ;

Question Answer Mark

8(b)(i) A; (1)

Question Answer Mark

8(b)(ii) C; (1)

Question Answer Mark

8(b)(iii) A; (1)

Question Answer Mark

8(b)(iv) D; (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(c)QWC (QWC– Spelling of technical QWC penalise once if mark
terms must be correct and point is not in a logical
the answer must be position
organised in a logical

1. {isolation /
identification / eq} of
normal gene / eq ;

2. {inserted / eq} into

vector / stem cells /
eq ;

3. vector named as
{liposome / virus} ;

4. injection of {vector /
modified stem cells}
into {blood / brain /
target cells / eq} / eq ;

5. ref to use of control

injection ;

6. further detail of control

injection e.g. use empty
liposome / virus without
gene inserted ;

7. progression of disease
monitored / eq ;

8. life spans recorded /

eq ;

9. reference to
comparison with
control eg untreated
sheep ;

10.idea that treatment

needs to be repeated;

11.idea of replication of


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