The Artful Match

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Books by Jennifer Delamere

London Beginnings
The Captain’s Daughter
The Heart’s Appeal
The Artful Match

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© 2019 by Jennifer Harrington
000 Published by Bethany House Publishers
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

Bethany House Publishers is a division of

Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Printed in the United States of America

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

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electronic, photocopy, recording—­without the prior written permission of the
publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Library of Congress Cataloging-­in-­Publication Data

Names: Delamere, Jennifer, author.
Title: The artful match / Jennifer Delamere.
Description: Minneapolis, Minnesota : Bethany House, a division of Baker
Publishing Group, [2019] | Series: London beginnings ; Book 3
Identifiers: LCCN 2018042262| ISBN 9780764219221 (trade paper) | ISBN
9781493417230 (e-­book) | ISBN 9780764233210 (hardcover)
Subjects: | GSAFD: Love stories. | Christian fiction.
Classification: LCC PS3604.E4225 A88 2019 | DDC 813/.6—­dc23
LC record available at

Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

This is a work of historical reconstruction; the appearances of certain historical

figures are therefore inevitable. All other characters, however, are products of
the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
is coincidental.

Cover design by Koechel Peterson & Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota/

Jon Godfredson

Author is represented by BookEnds, LLC.

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He maketh the storm a calm, so that
the waves thereof are still.
Then are they glad because they be
quiet; so he bringeth them unto
their desired haven.
—­P salm 107:29–30

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La Guaira, Venezuela

August 1881

u l i a Ber nay Stephenson watched as her father care-

fully stirred honey into his coffee. For years she had thought he was
dead, and now, even though it had been a week since she’d found
him alive, she still looked at him with wondering eyes.
Paul Bernay didn’t exactly match her memory. He was older now,
of course, and not as robust, for traumatic events had aged him. There
was a tremor in his hands as he set down the spoon and raised the mug
to his lips. His speech had been scattered in the beginning, reflecting
a frail and troubled mind, but Julia’s presence had begun to set him
on the mend.
When Julia and her husband, Michael, first walked into this little
pub and saw him, the moment had been electric. Julia had known
instantly that he was her father.
Paul had taken longer to recognize her. It wasn’t until she had
thrown her arms around him that he began to respond. Julia couldn’t
blame him. He hadn’t seen her since she was a child, and now she was
all grown up and appearing out of the blue.
But then his arms had tightened as he returned her embrace, and he
murmured, “Daughter.” He had even gleaned which of his daughters

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was holding him. When he’d said, “My Julia,” her heart had swelled
with happiness.
Every bitter thought she’d nurtured for years regarding him had
vanished in an instant. “Yes, Papa,” she had said, clinging to him tightly.
“It’s your Julia.”
It seemed like such a fantastical dream that just a few short months
ago, Julia would never have believed it. She was newly married to a man
whose love she cherished, and soon she would return to England to
begin her medical studies. Best of all, she would bring her father back
with her—­if she could get him to agree.
That had been a sticking point, because her father was terrified of
the idea of returning to England.
The coffee had been brought out by Diego, a young man who filled a
variety of positions at this humble oasis in the port town of La Guaira,
Venezuela. He spoke good rudimentary English, picked up over the
years through his interactions with Paul and with the English and
American sailors who spent time here while their ships were in port.
Because Paul had not spoken coherently at first, Diego had told them
what was known of his story.
Eighteen years ago, Diego’s brother was a sailor aboard a merchant
ship that visited a small Caribbean island shortly after a hurricane had
left it in shambles. The residents who had survived were attempting
to piece together their homes and businesses. Under a pile of rubble,
they had found Julia’s father.
He’d been unconscious after weathering the storm outdoors, cling-
ing to a stubby tree while being pelted with flying debris. No one had
seen him before, nor did they have any idea how he’d come to the is-
land. The few hundred residents all knew each other, so this had been
a great mystery. Nobody knew what to do with him, for his mind was
too scattered to enable him to care for himself.
Diego’s brother took pity on the man and persuaded him to come
to Venezuela. Diego had been a mere lad of five at the time, but he
and Paul—­now christened Pablo—­had hit it off from the beginning.
“It took months of my mother’s gentle care before he would speak
more than two words at a time,” Diego had explained.

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In the years that followed, Paul Bernay had lived with Diego’s fam-
ily much like a kindly but doddering uncle. He was popular with the
sailors because he helped them while away idle hours playing checkers
and listening to their stories. He took up carving small figurines in
wood and made a bit of money now and then selling them.
Pablo never spoke about his past or what had landed him on that
island, although many people, including Diego’s family, had tried to
prod the information from him. They could not tell whether he was
being intentionally secretive or whether he was so battered by the storm
that he had lost his memory.
Over this past week, Julia had shared with her father all that had
happened to the family while he had been away. He still spoke very
little, but every day he seemed to grow more able and willing to speak,
his words coming out more clearly.
Julia had been trying to coax him into revealing the information
he’d kept silent about all these years, and today they finally seemed
to be getting somewhere. With careful, gentle questioning, they had
been able to take Paul’s mind back to the moment he’d realized his
ship was heading directly toward a hurricane.
“It was the barometer,” her father said. “It was falling—­down,
down. There was trouble brewing. I could feel it in my bones. After
fifteen years at sea, I could feel the weather, as though the winds were
talking to me.”
“But what happened to the ship, Papa?” Julia asked. Her father had
been the ship’s second officer and in charge of navigation. Knowing
trouble was coming, he surely would have taken the ship to safety.
His hands began to shake again, and he set down his cup, flattening
his palms on the table in an effort to stop their involuntary movement.
Julia grasped her father’s fingers. They were as cold and rough as
sandpaper. She prayed her touch would calm his heart as well as the
nervous movement of his hands. “I’ve told you, Papa. There is nothing
for you to fear. The ship was written off as a loss due to the storm. No
one in England knows what really happened. There is no one who can
harm you now.”
Her father shook his head. “The authorities . . .” He looked into

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her eyes. His own were lined with worry. “If they discover I am alive,
there will be questions. There will be trouble.”
“I will be there to aid you with any legal issues,” Michael assured
him. They had already told Paul that Michael was a seasoned barrister.
“If there are secrets we must keep, we will keep them,” Julia agreed.
A great burden on her heart had been lifted when she’d learned that
her father had never planned to abandon them. “Whatever you were
caught up in, I know you were innocent—­or at the very least, that you
were participating against your will.”
His hands grasped hers tighter. “How do you know that?”
“It was that conversation I overheard the last night I saw you, when I
came to the pub to fetch you for dinner. You were speaking to another
man as the two of you came outside. Do you remember? You noticed
me standing just on the other side of some crates.”
He nodded. “That was one of my captain’s henchmen.”
Due to misunderstandings fostered by their mother, Julia and her
sisters had grown up thinking their father was the captain of a merchant
ship. They’d learned only recently that he’d in fact been a second officer.
“You insisted you hadn’t heard anything,” Paul continued. “I didn’t
believe you. I told myself it didn’t matter. You could not have understood
what we were talking about.”
“I heard enough to get the wrong idea about why you never came
back. I thought you were planning to abandon us.”
His hands jerked in surprise. “What did you hear?”
Julia was able to recite it word for word because she’d turned over
the sentences so often in her mind. “‘I wish to heaven I could be free
from the whole lot of them. I had such plans for my life, you know.
And it was nothing like this.’” Julia paused, closing her eyes briefly,
experiencing the old, familiar wash of pain. “I thought you were speak-
ing about us—­your family.”
“No,” he protested. “I regret every day without you. And Marie—”
He broke down in earnest, tears flowing. No one moved or spoke,
allowing him time to grieve. His joy at seeing his daughter again had
been tempered by the news that his beloved wife was dead, and his
heartache was still fresh, overwhelming him at times.


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After a while, Michael quietly pulled a handkerchief from his coat

pocket and pushed it in Paul’s direction. Paul picked it up and used
it to dry his eyes. He examined the high-­quality linen for a moment,
then gave Michael a look of approval. “You have done well, daughter,”
he said to Julia.
Julia smiled. Yes, she had. But it was Michael’s goodness and hon-
orable character that she was most grateful for, not his ability to buy
fine things.
“What did that conversation mean?” she pressed gently.
She and Michael had heard one theory from Charlie Stains, the old
sailor who helped them locate her father. Charlie thought Paul might
have been caught up in illegal activities related to the American Civil
War. If this was true, it could explain why he’d been afraid to return
to England.
Paul studied everyone at the table with him, as though weighing
whether to speak. Michael had been gradually earning his trust over
these days, but Paul seemed to gauge him one last time.
He then looked to Diego, who’d been listening intently. Diego placed
a hand over his heart. “I will tell no one, Pablo.”
Finally, after surveying the pub and assuring himself that no one
else was within earshot, Paul said softly, “Gunrunning.”
Julia and Michael exchanged glances. Charlie’s guess had been correct.
“We were taking goods to Barbados,” her father continued. Now that
he’d shared the heart of it, he seemed ready to tell his tale. “We also
had a secret stash of munitions to be delivered at a port in the Bahamas.
From there, they would go to blockade runners and be smuggled to the
Confederates. I said I wanted no part of a scheme that would prolong
the evils of war. They told me I had no choice. They threatened my
family. My beautiful wife and my precious girls.”
His voice cracked on the last phrase. Perhaps he was remembering
how young and vulnerable his wife and children had been at the time.
“I had a premonition things weren’t going to turn out right. I could
feel it as surely as if someone had laid a cold hand on my arm. I tried
to jump ship in Barbados, but the captain’s ruffians caught me. They
beat me unconscious and hauled me back to the ship.”


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He paused to take a breath and sip more coffee. His voice had picked
up strength as he’d gone along. “Now they knew they couldn’t trust
me. They didn’t believe my warnings about the storm, either. No one
spoke to me more than was absolutely necessary. There were whispered
conversations that stopped when I approached. So I became stealthier
in my movements. I overheard enough to piece together their plans. I
was going to fall overboard before we got to the Bahamas.”
Julia gasped. Michael said, “They were going to murder you?”
Her father’s hands shook as he wiped his forehead with the hand-
kerchief. “The next night, I let down a dinghy and escaped. I decided it
would be better to die on the open seas than to let those dogs kill me.”
“God was with you,” Diego said. “You made it to land. They did not.”
“When was this? What day?” Julia asked.
“My brother said the hurricane hit that island on the third Sunday
in September,” Diego supplied. With a tiny smile, he added, “You can
believe there was more prayer going on that day than usual.”
A memory sparked in Julia’s mind of a Sunday shortly after she’d
seen her father for the last time. It had been a beautiful, cloudless day
in Plymouth, but Julia had been in a funk. Sorrowful thoughts had
plagued her ever since her father had left. She had begun to nurture
the fear that he would not return.
That afternoon after church, while Cara had been napping and
their mother dozing in a chair, Rosalyn had persuaded Julia to go for
a walk. They’d climbed their favorite cliff, where they had a view of
the sparkling sea. Julia had confided her fears to Rosalyn, and Rosalyn
had suggested they pray for their father. Perhaps those simple prayers
of two children had helped save him.
Yes, people had been praying that day. And even if they didn’t know
exactly what they were praying for, God had answered them nonethe-

Moonlight shimmered on the water, making a silver trail for the

ship to follow as it sailed eastward across the Atlantic Ocean.
At last, they were going home.


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Julia said a prayer for her father, now asleep in a cabin below. Despite
relatively calm seas, sleep had not come easily for him. Michael had
managed to allay his concerns about the legal difficulties of returning
to England, but the terrors he’d endured during the hurricane remained
embedded in his soul. In the end, only his love for his daughters and
his powerful desire to be reunited with them had induced him to board
this ship.
As Julia gazed at the sea, she envisioned her sisters’ joy when she
presented them with their father. It was as if he were raised from the
dead, given that for nearly twenty years they had believed him gone.
Except for Cara. She had never once stopped believing their father
was alive. She had clung to that hope like an anchor through the storms
of life. Julia felt more than a little chagrin at all the times she’d berated
her sister for building castles in the air. Cara had been right all along.
Julia, with her supposedly clear-­eyed view of the world, had learned
that sometimes the “sensible” path wasn’t the right one after all.
She heard a familiar tread behind her. Smiling to herself, she closed
her eyes, waiting in anticipation.
Michael’s arm slipped around her waist. “What are you pondering,
my love?”
Julia leaned against his chest and said dreamily, “I’m thinking how
nice it is sometimes to leave common sense by the wayside.”
She felt his chest move as he chuckled. “That’s quite a statement
coming from you, soon-­to-­be Dr. Julia.”
She didn’t bother to explain. Instead, she took a moment to savor
being in his arms. They’d been married such a short time, and yet
she could not remember, in any tangible way, how she’d lived her life
before him. “To be honest, I was thinking of how overjoyed Cara will
be. I hope it will make up for my leaving England with no warning.”
Julia still felt remorse over not sharing her plans with her sisters.
Only after the fact had she written them letters revealing that she and
Michael had been quietly married on a Monday morning and were
going to Venezuela on their honeymoon. She had not explained why
they were making such an unusual journey, lest she raise hopes that
would turn out to be false.


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The letters had gone into the red postbox at the railway station just
minutes before Julia and Michael boarded the train for Southampton.
By presenting her sisters with a fait accompli, she had hoped to lessen
their worry. If they knew her plans ahead of time, they would have
fretted endlessly over how to dissuade her. It would have been a ter-
rible strain on them all. The logic was sound, but it hadn’t alleviated
her feelings of guilt.
Michael stroked the back of her neck, a gesture that soothed and
relaxed her. “Any anger she feels will disappear as soon as she lays
eyes on your father.”
Julia could hardly wait. It was a homecoming that was the stuff of


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Near Exeter, in southwest England

Four weeks earlier

t wa s g oi ng to be a fi n e day—­no matter what anyone

else might say about it.
This was Caroline Bernay’s firm resolution as she packed up the
drawing supplies for her and four-­year-­old Robbie. After a week of
nearly relentless rain, the morning had finally dawned dry, although
the sun was filtered by dark clouds that looked delightfully ominous.
Cara couldn’t wait to try her hand at capturing them on paper.
Filled with anticipation for the day, she went down the back stairs
to the servants’ hall. There, she found the butler sitting at the long
table, drinking tea while reading yesterday’s newspaper.
“Shame on you for dilly-­dallying, Mr. Lowe,” Cara teased, although
in truth she was happy to see him sitting there. He never took the
luxury of a morning break unless Sir John and Lady Needenham were
both gone from the house.
“And may I ask what mischief you are up to?” he returned. His


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voice was curt, but there was humor in it. He was used to Cara’s teas-
ing by now.
“Mrs. James promised to make a picnic lunch for Robbie and me.
Robbie is desperate to play outside.”
He frowned. “You know the entire kitchen staff have their hands
full preparing for the dinner party.”
“All the more reason why it is good that we shall be out of your
hair all day.”
The butler turned his eyes heavenward. “Small favors.”
Cara smiled and went off to find the cook.

“This is the perfect spot,” Cara announced as she and Robbie reached
the crest of the rise. “Great views all around.”
“It’s windy up here,” Robbie observed, grabbing his hat before the
wind could snatch it away.
“Yes, but see what interesting things it is doing to the clouds.” She
pointed at the clouds being whisked across the sky, forming beautiful
patterns as they went.
Robbie didn’t even look up. His gaze was focused on a stream that
ran along a stand of trees at the bottom of the hill. “Can’t we go and
play down there?”
“We’ll do that after you’ve had your lunch.” And a nap, she silently
added to herself. But she knew better than to say it aloud. Robbie was
far easier to get down for a nap if he didn’t see it coming. She spread
out the blanket she’d brought and set the picnic basket on top to keep
it anchored against the breeze. “See, I even got the cook to pack some
buttermilk for us to have with our sandwiches.”
“Hooray!” Robbie immediately turned his attention to the picnic
basket. He loved buttermilk and had not yet figured out the connection
between consuming it and becoming drowsy. Cara was not usually so
ruthless about getting him to nap, but today she was under strict or-
ders from Lady Needenham that Robbie should be rested so he could
stay up past his usual bedtime for a brief presentation to their dinner
guests tonight. Cara would benefit from this plan, too: while Robbie


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was sleeping, she could sketch. She’d brought along a pad and some
drawing wax. It was all she could manage to bring, since she was also
carrying the blanket and food.
After they’d enjoyed chicken sandwiches, fruit, and biscuits washed
down with buttermilk, Robbie said, “Can we go for a walk now? I saw
a rabbit down by the brook.”
“We’ll go in a bit.” Cara knew the delay would give time for the
digesting food to bring on sleepiness. “Look, is that a ladybug?” She
pointed toward the grass at the edge of the blanket.
Robbie stretched out on his stomach with his chin propped on one
hand to study the ladybug. He watched as it crawled along on a stem
of grass. After a while he tired of that and began to riffle through
the clovers, looking for any with four leaves. He wasn’t yet sleeping,
but the yawn he gave was an indication he would be soon. Cara knew
the signs. His hand movements became less frequent and eventually
stopped altogether as he fell into a doze.
Cara pulled out her pad and drawing implements, happy the clouds
were still presenting a dramatic tension to the idyllic fields below. In
her sketch, she included Robbie, too. He looked charming with his
head on one arm and a few clovers in his hand. Although she loved
painting landscapes, she found special joy in drawing portraits. It was
so satisfying to capture a person’s look or attitude in just the right way.
Soon Cara found herself yawning, too. She’d stayed up far too
late finishing a gothic novel. Once she’d found the corner shelf in
the library that held Lady Needenham’s favorite books, Cara had
begun devouring them all. Why hadn’t anyone told her, when forc-
ing her to plod through dry tomes for school, that some books could
actually be fun?
Setting aside her drawing wax, she stretched out on her back and
looked up at the clouds moving at a solemn pace across the murky sky.
White and gray in a multitude of shades—­more than she could find
a name for. How fascinating, she thought idly, that God could make
a rainbow out of hues of gray. . . .
The breeze rustled the trees below, adding a gentle hum to the
murmur of the brook. A perfectly imperfect day.


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“Miss Bernay?” Robbie’s voice was soft, seemingly coming from a

long way away.
But she didn’t hear anything else. His voice faded into the landscape
of her dreams.

Cara only realized she had drifted off when a fluttering movement
sent a breath of air across her face and startled her awake. She sat
up, blinking, trying to gauge the time. The sun’s position seemed far
advanced, although it was difficult to tell because the cloud cover had
gotten heavier, obscuring the sun. She felt stiff and a little cold. They
must have both slept longer than they’d intended. Far from being
cranky tonight, Robbie might be too energized to sleep. She’d have to
ensure they took a brisk walk before returning home, if they had time.
She turned to wake the boy, but the blanket next to her was empty.
She looked around, her gaze widening from the immediate area to the
larger meadow and then down toward the brook with worry. There
was no sign of him.
“Robbie!” she shouted. “Where are you?”
There was no answer.
“Robbie!” Cara repeated the call louder this time, trying to quell
the urge to panic. How could she have fallen into such a deep sleep? It
wasn’t like her to sleep so soundly during daylight hours.
She hurried down the hill. Robbie was bound to be somewhere along
the water’s edge or in the trees beyond. Slipping on a patch of mud
caused by yesterday’s rain, Cara murmured, “Robbie, if you’ve soiled
your clothes, I won’t take you outside for a month.” But her threats
were useless if she couldn’t find him first.
To her growing alarm, Robbie seemed to be nowhere. Over the next
hour she covered every inch of ground he might reasonably have trav-
eled, reprimanding herself the entire time for having been so negligent.
At last she returned to the foot of the hill where they’d picnicked.
She paused, wiping sweat from her brow. The sun was definitely low
on the horizon. The clouds, which had seemed appealing earlier today,


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now only threatened. She would have to return to the house and get
help. She would have to admit to Sir John that she had lost his son.
She was terrified at the thought of Robbie being out in the dark. How
in the world could he have traveled so far?
Tears began trickling down her cheeks, matched by the newly fall-
ing rain.
It was raining on a lost child.
Leaving behind everything she had brought with her, Cara took off
at a run toward the manor house.

The hours that followed were perhaps the worst Cara had endured
since her mother died. The disruption of the Needenhams’ orderly
household, the ruin of their elegant soiree, and most of all, the fear in
Lady Needenham’s eyes—­these added more fuel to the guilt already
consuming her.
Sir John hastily organized a search party comprised of four ser-
vants, several dogs, and two of the gentlemen from the dinner party
who volunteered to come along. Starting at the picnic area, the dogs
eagerly followed Robbie’s scent.
Dusk became night, and they continued the search by lantern light.
The dogs drew them onward, all the way to the hedges lining the fence
at the far edge of the estate. All at once they clustered around one of
the bushes, wriggling and wagging their tails. They were too well-­
trained to bark but emitted enthusiastic high-­pitched growls. One of
the footmen held his lantern high to light the area. Cara let out a cry
of thanksgiving. Robbie was asleep under the bush.
The boy opened his eyes when one of the hounds began to sniff
his face. “Jack?” He murmured the dog’s name, his voice raspy and
his expression dazed. Even by the wavering light of the lantern, Cara
could see his cheeks were pale and he was shivering.
“Robbie!” She lunged forward to pick him up.
The steely arm of Sir John stopped her. “Don’t go near him.”
His words carried the force of a threat. He had barely kept his anger
at bay these past few hours, only tolerating Cara’s presence because he


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needed her to show them where to begin the search. Now that they
had found his son, Sir John only seemed doubly furious.
Cara obeyed, watching as Sir John scooped the child into his arms.
Robbie turned instinctively into his father’s chest, nestling there. Cara’s
heart pinched at the tenderness of it. Sir John’s first words to his son,
however, held reprimand. “Robbie, why did you wander so far away
from Miss Bernay?”
Robbie rubbed his eyes, still not entirely awake. “I was following
the bunny. I wanted to see where he lived. Miss Bernay didn’t want to
come. She was sleeping.”
“Yes. I know.” Sir John shot Cara a look. She shrank back, feeling
the weight of his justified rage.
“Are you angry, Papa?” Robbie’s voice was plaintive.
Sir John pressed the boy close to his chest. “You must promise
never to do that again.”
Cara had often thought Sir John lukewarm in his affection for the
boy. Watching him now, she understood how wrong she’d been to
judge him so unfairly.
Robbie began to shiver violently.
“Where’s that blanket?” Sir John barked.
A footman stepped forward, pulling a blanket from an oilcloth
pouch. In no time, the boy was bundled up and securely in his father’s
arms again. Sir John turned without another word and began walking
with long, swift strides toward home.
Cara and the others followed in his wake. The footman gave her a
sympathetic glance, but she was so crushed by remorse that she could
not bring herself to acknowledge his attempt to make her feel better.
This child now looked terribly ill, and it was her fault. And if the worst
should happen . . . She gasped, needing air, and began to pray fervently
as they trudged along the muddy track. Even if Robbie fully recovered,
everything had changed. Sir John would soon give full vent to his anger,
and it would be directed squarely at her.
It was, she thought miserably, no less than she deserved.


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Dawn arrived feeble and wet, the sun barely piercing through heavy
gray clouds. Cara sat by the window in her room, as she’d done for
the past four days, staring out at the sodden landscape and praying.
The day after their nighttime search for Robbie, fever had set in,
and he appeared to be getting worse.
Her back and neck ached, but she kept her vigil. With her door
adjoining the nursery left open, she could see the door to Robbie’s
bedroom on the other side. It was closed. Those coming and going
from the sick child’s room used another door that opened onto the
main hallway.
Cara’s room was located near the top of the stairs, and she could
easily hear all who went by: the servants, the doctor, Sir John. She
did not think Lady Needenham ever left her son’s bedside. Cara had
been instructed in no uncertain terms to remain in her room. Only
once did she dare break this command, and that was to tiptoe through
the nursery late one night. She’d put her ear to the door of Robbie’s
room and heard her ladyship crying, imploring her son to be strong
and get better.
Heartsick, Cara had slumped back to her chair and resumed her own
feverish prayers. She had kept praying through the long days that had
followed. As she faced yet another dismal dawn, helplessness welled
up within her. Why should God listen to her prayers? What were they
but desperate pleas to be saved from the consequences after her own
negligence had endangered the life of a child?
She ought to have known a catastrophe like this would happen.
Her life with the Needenhams had been going well, but that could not
negate the truth that Cara had never been able to keep anything for too
long without ruining it. She ought never to have been entrusted with
a child’s care. Even though she’d spent two years overseeing the little
ones at the orphanage where she had grown up, there had always been
an adult present—­especially after one of the toddlers had climbed on
a chair to look out an open window and nearly fallen out. Although it
was never stated aloud, the staff must have known that Cara was too
inept to keep the children safe.
Shivering as the morning chill permeated the window, Cara


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wiped back a tear. It had been a bleak, overcast day just like this when
Mama had died. The kind of day her mother, who flourished on sunny
days, had hated. Cara was the only other person in the room when her
mother had finally slipped away after a long illness. “Watch over her,”
Rosalyn had said. “Julia and I are just going to make tea.”
Cara had tried her best. But she’d wanted only to snuggle up to her
mother as she’d often done before Mama became too weak to hold her.
Craving the comfort of her mother’s arms, Cara had climbed into the
bed. Mama had placed a feeble hand on her head, murmuring a few
weak and unintelligible phrases. At that moment, it had been enough
for Cara. She had not realized that whatever her mother had said,
they were her final words. Cara had dozed off, and the next thing she
knew, she was awakened by the sound of Rosalyn crying out in distress.
Mama had died, and Cara had not prevented it.
No matter how often her sisters told her it was a foolish notion—­
that Cara was only six and that Mama would have died even if Cara
had been awake—­Cara knew in the depths of her heart that it was
her fault. She had not kept watch, and the consequences had been
Propped up on the windowsill in front of Cara was the drawing
she’d made of Robbie the day he’d gotten lost. It was smeared from the
rain, and his face was barely recognizable. But in her mind’s eye, she
saw him with crystal clarity, running across the field, vibrant with life.
Please, God, don’t let him die. I promise I will never, ever do anything
so foolish again. I will change. I will be different.
She had been praying this for days to no avail. Did the Almighty
think they were empty words? Perhaps He knew she could not be
trusted to carry out her promise. She would always fall short, no matter
how sincere she was. Exhausted from sleeplessness and worry, Cara
decided she must change her prayer.
Dear God, please allow Robbie to live, and I promise I will not watch
over children ever again. I will find a different occupation—­one where I
cannot endanger an innocent life.
With this prayer, Cara was offering up everything she had. She loved
Robbie. The prospect of leaving him was crushing her heart. It was


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sorrowful enough, without adding the fact that she would once more be
without work or a place to live. But wasn’t the life of this boy worth it?
Yes. Yes, it was.
Cara allowed the tears to fall unabated as she repeated her new

Later, when the sun was higher and endeavoring to gather strength
to break through the clouds, Cara heard a commotion coming from
Robbie’s room. Lady Needenham cried out, and there was rapid talking
from the men. Cara heard a fervency in their words that ratcheted up
every one of her fears. She bolted from her seat, wringing her hands
and wishing for the millionth time that she could see for herself how
her beloved little boy was faring.
Someone left Robbie’s room and scurried down the hallway. Cara
cracked open her door and saw a maid rapidly descending the stairs.
Something had most definitely changed. She dared to cross the nursery
and place an ear to Robbie’s door. She heard Sir John and the doctor
in earnest conversation. Cara no longer heard her ladyship’s voice, but
she had a vision of her seated in a chair, crying. What was the cause?
Hearing the door to her adjoining bedroom open and someone
entering, Cara raced back to it, alarmed at being caught. To her relief,
it was Esther, one of the kitchen maids. She was carrying a tray of food
for Cara’s luncheon. Esther had been bringing her meals ever since
Cara had been consigned to her room. Each time, the maid offered
condolences and comfort, a kindness that Cara had received from no one
else since the bedraggled search party had returned with the sick child.
Cara knew that Esther was a trusted servant who was always privy
to what was going on in the family. “Esther, what is happening in
Robbie’s room? Do you know?”
The maid set down the tray and turned to face Cara. She was smil-
ing. “Yes, miss. Master Robbie’s fever has broken.”


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enry k new, just by the way his mother entered his study,
why she was here. Viola Burke, the Countess of Morestowe,
never failed to telegraph her feelings through her actions—­
especially when she was furious at one person in particular.
He sighed and stood up, throwing his pen on the desk and splat-
tering ink across the papers he’d been reading. Not that it mattered.
Marring the documents couldn’t make their content any worse. He
already had a headache from dealing with it, and his mother wasn’t
going to make things any better.
He said, with grim resignation, “What’s she done now?”
The countess crossed her arms and drew herself up to her full height,
which was considerable. At nearly six feet tall, she made a daunting
figure, even with her slender frame. “If you are referring to Amelia,
she has gone tearing out of the house. For all I know, she’s halfway
across London by now. We’ll probably have to send out the dogs to find
her. If you are referring to Miss Leahy”—she paused, allowing all her


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disapproval for the governess to fill the void—“she had the temerity
to tell me I wasn’t disciplining the girl properly.”
“Well, she is supposed to be an expert in these matters.”
“That doesn’t give her the right to address me as though I were also
under her authority.”
It wasn’t the first time she had lodged this complaint. Henry under­
stood why the governess irked her so. Miss Leahy’s manner was too
brusque when a more circumspect approach would yield better results
with the countess. His mother had deeply entrenched ideas about
how servants—­including governesses—­should keep to their station.
Henry held up an appeasing hand. “I’ll speak with her. In the mean-
time, shouldn’t we send out that search party for Amelia?” If she truly
was running loose in the streets, that was by far the greater concern.
“That won’t be necessary, sir.” Miss Leahy appeared at the study
door, looking disheveled but triumphant. She pushed her wire-­rimmed
glasses up her nose and wiped a loose strand of hair from her forehead.
“I found her just outside, in the shrubbery edging the house.”
Miss Leahy was as wiry as the countess, although much shorter.
She couldn’t be more than forty years old, but her hair was already
showing streaks of gray. Henry thought her choice of occupation—a
governess who specialized in difficult children—­might have something
to do with that.
“And where is the girl now?” the countess demanded.
“I sent her upstairs with the nursery maid. She is to sit quietly and
think over how she ought better to behave.”
“A lot of good that will do!” his mother returned. “She ought to be
here, apologizing to me for her wretched behavior. And furthermore,
she is not to be given her tea until she does so.”
Miss Leahy frowned. “I do not think a child can be coerced into
proper behavior.”
“Of course she can!” the countess shot back in exasperation. “It’s
called discipline. It’s the hallmark of any well-­bred person. It’s no use
making excuses for why Amelia is out of control. She is so because
you allow her to be.”
Miss Leahy drew herself up. “With all due respect, your ladyship,


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I believe she acts badly because you push her too hard. Some children
respond better to a light touch.”
This comment didn’t even penetrate his mother’s steely resolve. “I
demand you do your job and get that child down here right now.”
Miss Leahy turned her gaze to Henry, appealing to him to take
her side. She had no recourse against his mother except when Henry
intervened. He wanted to but refrained. After all, what did he know
about raising children? His mother was better qualified on that front,
even if she had been a less-­than-­perfect parent.
On the other hand, Miss Leahy’s years of experience with troubled
children could not be discounted. In the six months she’d been here,
she had proven herself right in many situations regarding Amelia.
Unfortunately, he could not risk pushing his mother’s ire too far, or
there would be worse things to contend with than whether Amelia
got her tea.
Suppressing a sigh, he said, “Miss Leahy, please do as Lady More-
stowe requests.”
“Very well.” A flash of anger in the governess’s eyes punctuated her
response. She turned on her heel and left the room.
Immediately Henry had second thoughts. Should he have taken
her side after all? Was it possible that if she were continually forced
to go against her better judgment, she would resign? He didn’t want to
search for another governess. It had taken months to find Miss Leahy.
He could not have foreseen that she and his mother would develop
such animosity toward one another.
The countess pointed an angry finger toward the door Miss Leahy
had just exited. “You see how I am treated. Furthermore, Amelia is
going from bad to worse. Miss Leahy’s condescension only makes her
bolder. Today is a prime example.”
Henry thought she was overstating things. Although Amelia still
had her bad days—­such as today—­he thought that overall they were
making headway.
He also thought Miss Leahy was a vast improvement over the pre-
vious governess. Miss Gunther had managed, through use of an iron
hand, to keep Amelia in line. But Henry had let her go when it was


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discovered her punishments veered into unacceptable territory. He

was not averse to gentler forms of corporal discipline, but he could not
countenance abuse. By contrast, Miss Leahy had infused kindness and
understanding into her discipline of Amelia. At times, it seemed to
have the desired effect. But this past week had devolved into a series
of endless battles. Amelia was in full-­scale rebellion, and Henry was
at a loss to explain why.
Wiping his forehead, he went to the window in a vain effort to find
a breeze. He thought of Amelia being found under a bush. It was prob-
ably cooler there than anywhere in the house. It was early August, and
the real heat had set in. It put everyone’s tempers on edge.
The weather in London was hot and dry, but Essex had been del-
uged with rain, delaying the completion of critical repairs needed to
make his estate habitable again after the fire. Henry and the others
had been stuck in town far past the time when everyone else had left
for the countryside. As he looked out at the traffic, it occurred to him
that perhaps the answer was to get out of the city anyway. Amelia’s
favorite toy was a brightly painted wooden boat. She loved the water
and had been begging to go to the seaside.
He turned back to his mother. “You shouldn’t stay in London.
It isn’t fair to you or the child. She longs to run and play outside,
and who can blame her? Perhaps you should spend a few weeks at
the seaside.”
Her face brightened at the thought but was quickly soured by a
frown. “You would reward the child for misbehaving?”
It was astounding how quickly she could turn a negative outlook
to anything. “Think of it as relief for you. It will be cooler there, and
Amelia is not as testy when she isn’t cooped up.”
“That’s true.” She thought this over. “It doesn’t make me any more
approving of Miss Leahy’s methods.”
“At least she’s willing to do the job. Such people haven’t been easy
to come by.” Or to keep. Miss Leahy was the third governess in almost
as many years. He wasn’t going to lose her if he could help it.
Although not entirely mollified, his mother gave a sigh of acceptance.
“I shall make plans for us to leave for Brighton as soon as possible. I


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might have preferred someplace more fashionable, but there’s no point

in advertising to the world what sort of child you are keeping for a ward.”
“Thank you.” Henry was hard-­pressed to keep the sarcasm out of
his voice.
“I am sorry to say, that child is turning out to be more badly behaved
than her father was at that age. I hadn’t thought such a thing was pos-
sible, but there it is.”
The mention of Amelia’s father made Henry grimace. He hadn’t yet
told his mother about Langham’s disappearance from the sanitarium.
Given her current mood, he certainly wasn’t going to raise the subject
A heavy thump-­thump on the stairs signaled that Amelia was coming
down as directed. Ever since the countess had reprimanded her overly
energetic way of moving, telling her that “the step of a lady must always
be light and graceful,” the girl had taken to deliberately sounding like
an elephant on the stairs.
The countess gave a shudder of annoyance. “I warn you, Henry, my
patience is growing thin.”
Patience isn’t all that is growing thin, Henry thought morosely. Money
was, too. Amelia and Langham were both wasting time and precious
resources. Henry always had to be the one who kept things on track.
He knew it was childish to harbor the feeling that this wasn’t fair. After
all, as the eldest son, it was up to him to shoulder the family burdens.
But he resented that his unstable younger brother was making those
burdens far heavier than they ought to be. Henry could only hope to
locate Langham before he caused any irreparable damage.
Miss Leahy entered the room, her right hand firmly gripping the
seven-­year-­old who was the cause of this strife. Amelia’s face and white
pinafore were smudged with dirt, and she was glowering in the count-
ess’s general direction without actually looking at her.
“Amelia, what have you to say to her ladyship?” Miss Leahy prompted.
“I’m sorry that I was rude and disrespectful to you earlier, ma’am.”
Amelia’s words were mechanical, like a recitation in a badly acted play.
The flat look in her eyes as she met the countess’s gaze confirmed that
she was speaking by compulsion and not from any sincere regret.


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“And how will you behave toward me at all times in the future?”
the countess demanded.
“With respect, ma’am.”
“And why must you treat me with respect?”
“Because you are my elder.”
If his mother noticed the slightly peculiar emphasis Amelia had
placed on elder, she thankfully chose to ignore it. “I forgive you this
time, but mind you don’t forget this lesson in the future.”
Everything was officially solved, but the air still crackled with dis-
content. Henry clapped his hands and said with false brightness, “Well,
that’s that. I believe it’s time for tea.”
“Yes, that will be all.”
Having given Amelia and Miss Leahy this dismissal, the countess
looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to go. They looked more
than ready to do so, but Henry stopped them.
“I’d like to speak with Amelia for just another minute, if you please.”
He spoke with the same brusqueness as his mother, because if she
thought Henry intended to further reprimand the girl, she would be
happy to leave and not feel as though she’d been the one dismissed.
Sure enough, she lifted her chin with the air of a victor and sailed
from the room.
Amelia stared daggers at her back, frowning at the door even after
the countess was out of sight.
Henry walked over to her and crouched down so he would be at
eye level with her, drawing her attention back to him. She regarded
him with wide hazel eyes.
He said, “Thank you for apologizing to Lady Morestowe.”
Her expression didn’t change. “Miss Leahy said there would be
currant tarts for tea.”
“I see,” Henry replied gravely.
He felt an urge to laugh, even though finding humor in this situa-
tion was as wrong as Amelia expecting payment for good behavior. He
ought to be supporting the reproof his mother had given her. After all,
Langham’s incorrigible behavior probably stemmed from the way he
had been overindulged as a child. Maybe this knowledge was lodged


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in his mother’s heart as well. Maybe her drive to discipline Amelia

was a misguided attempt to make up for Langham. Amelia was her
grandchild, after all—­even though no one except the countess and
Henry knew it.
Looking at Amelia now, Henry felt sorry for her despite her bad
behavior. He knew how hard it must be for a child to be restrained by
such ruthless boundaries. Amelia had so much energy and no good
outlet for it.
“I do not in any way condone your behavior today toward Lady
Morestowe.” He paused to allow his words to sink in. She continued
to watch him, waiting warily for whatever would come next. He gave
her a little smile. “However, I do sympathize with the fact that we’ve
had to stay in London longer than anticipated. I know you’re anxious
to leave this hot and crowded city and return home.”
Her eyes lit with a tiny ray of hope. “Is the house ready?”
“I’m sorry to say we still have several more weeks to wait. However,
in the meantime, we’re going to arrange for you to take a trip to the
seaside. What do you think of that?”
Amelia’s mouth widened in happy surprise. “Oh yes!”
Her response was not surprising, but Henry found it surprisingly
“That’s very kind of you, sir,” Miss Leahy said.
“Perhaps the two of you can continue your nature studies. I’m sure
the area will afford plenty of opportunities for that—­in addition to
recreation and sea bathing, of course.”
“Will it be just me and Miss Leahy?” Amelia said hopefully.
Henry straightened. “No, Lady Morestowe will accompany you.”
As he expected, Amelia pouted at this. “You will have plenty of time
to play outside and explore the beach,” he reminded her. “I expect you
probably won’t even see her for most of the day. She will have her own
pursuits. But when you are with her, you must always be on your best
behavior. That doesn’t sound too onerous, does it?”
“It sounds quite pleasant,” Miss Leahy put in. “Amelia, after tea
you can decide which books and toys you want to take.”
Amelia started nodding at the word tea, and visions of currant tarts


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probably kept her from hearing the rest. “Can I go now?” she said to
“May I please be excused,” Miss Leahy corrected.
“May I please be excused?” Amelia parroted.
“You may,” he said.
Henry could tell Amelia was happy because the noise as she took
the stairs, while still too loud, sounded more like excitement than a
mere desire to irritate his mother.
Was he doing the right thing? Or was he rewarding a child for mis-
behavior? He couldn’t say. He could only pray that his decisions would
help the child and were not foolish indulgences that would harm her
character in the long run. But seeing her joy over the trip to the seaside,
he understood why his mother had at times chosen to be lenient. There
was something about making a child happy that did good to one’s soul.
He had a moment of disappointment that Amelia had not asked
whether Henry was coming with them. But that was foolish. He was
not her father, and he had never encouraged her to think of him that
way. He was her guardian only, doing his best to handle a daunting
task that had been committed to him through no fault of his own. But
really, he was Amelia’s uncle, too, even if he could never publicly admit
this. Maybe that gave him license to grant her a few wishes from time
to time and the right to feel satisfaction in doing so.
Henry returned to his desk. With the current crisis averted, it was
time to turn his worries back to his brother. The letter from the sani-
tarium’s director could provide only one clue to Langham’s possible
whereabouts. Another patient recalled Langham talking excessively
about how he wanted to join some friends in St. Ives. He desired to
“study the spectacular light that is to be found there.” Not only was Lang-
ham still obsessed with this foolish idea of becoming an artist, now
he’d devised a new way to waste time and money. He was bound to find
plenty of excuses to drink heavily in addition to painting, which would
be a big setback to his recovery. So to save his brother from himself,
Henry would have to trek all the way across southwest England in
order to bring him home.
The irony was that Langham was ultimately responsible for the


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other problem Henry had just handled. Henry wanted desperately to

disclose to his brother all they had done to protect him. But now was
not the right time. It never seemed the right time. Each passing year
only made the truth harder to reveal.
For now, Henry must concentrate on finding Langham and figuring
out how to get him to act like a responsible adult.
It was far more difficult than dealing with a recalcitrant seven-­year-­
old. Even if it seemed, in many ways, remarkably similar.


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C ar a walk ed slow ly down the staircase, her feet drag-

ging on every step. She shouldn’t keep the Needenhams wait-
ing, yet she was reluctant to face what was to come. God had
heard her prayers, and now she must keep the vow she’d made to Him.
Sir John had sent word for her to meet them in the parlor. Lady
Needenham habitually spent her mornings here, because the sun-
light pouring through the large window was excellent for reading and
needlework. As Cara entered, she saw that although the lady was seated
in her favorite chair, her hands were idle in her lap. Sir John stood at
her side, one hand resting lightly on her shoulder. It was the first time
Cara had been in their presence since the night they’d brought Robbie
home. Lady Needenham looked tired. She offered Cara a tiny smile,
but her lips wavered and there was a dullness in her eyes that hinted
she’d not entirely overcome this ordeal.
By contrast, Sir John’s displeasure radiated from him despite his
composed bearing. When he spoke, it was with icy formality. “I assume
you are aware that Robbie’s fever has broken and that he is on the mend.”
“Yes, sir,” Cara replied. “It is wonderful news.”


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Sir John’s frown only deepened. “You are lucky no serious harm
came to him.”
“Yes, sir.” She did not dare contradict him by stating what she knew
to be the truth: that God, not luck, had saved the boy.
Lady Needenham, however, murmured, “God be thanked.”
Sir John did not even seem to notice it. His attention was fixed
on Cara. “Although this event has reached a happy outcome, it does
not change the fact that your irresponsible actions nearly caused our
son’s death.”
The words pierced her soul, but they were true. Cara offered a sor-
rowful nod.
“Furthermore, you must understand that we cannot allow such
gross negligence on the part of one of our staff to go unpunished. Your
employment with us is hereby terminated. You will leave this house
Immediately? Cara felt a jolt of worried surprise. For all the time
she’d spent alone with her worries and prayers, she’d not spared a single
thought to where she would go.
Perhaps noticing her dismay, Sir John added, “We will give you the
rest of this day to get your things together, but you will be gone before
luncheon tomorrow.”
This was the outcome Cara had anticipated, and yet now that it
was here, she found her heart could not fully accept it. She looked to
Lady Needenham. Her ladyship had always been fond of Cara, praising
her for the way she was able to keep up with such an active child and
generally ensure he was where he was supposed to be at the appointed
times. The lady’s eyes were misty, but she nodded in affirmation of her
husband’s words.
“That will be all.” Sir John dismissed Cara crisply, expecting her to
leave with no other words passing between them.
But she couldn’t leave before she’d apologized. Not that she hadn’t
given countless apologies as they spent hours looking for Robbie. Still,
she had to make one final attempt. “If I may say, sir and madam, how
deeply sorry I am for what has happened. I have been chastising myself


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Something flickered in Sir John’s eyes, but it wasn’t warmth. “No

doubt you were worried about losing your position. Meanwhile, we
have spent these days worrying we’d lose our only son.”
Lady Needenham visibly winced at her husband’s harsh words. She
said quietly, “Thank you, Miss Bernay. We have no doubt that you care
for Robbie. The circumstances are regrettable, but you can see why the
actions we are taking are necessary.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Cara wished she could tell them of the penance she
planned to pay. But Sir John looked pointedly at the door, reminding
her she’d already been dismissed.
Cara gave them a small curtsy and turned away, blinking back tears.
In the main hall she paused at the foot of the wide staircase, placing a
steadying hand on the railing and trying to regain her breath, as though
preparing to climb a mountain and not simply a staircase.
Hearing steps behind her, she turned to see the butler approaching.
In the past, Mr. Lowe’s attitude toward Cara had generally been
good-­natured condescension. He had a lighthearted streak, despite
his dignified role. Now, however, his manner was grave and unsmiling.
“His lordship has directed me to oversee the details of getting you to
the railway station tomorrow.”
Given the circumstances, his words were kindly phrased. He might
have said, “My job is to ensure you get out in a timely manner.”
Her throat tightened. “Thank you.”
Mr. Lowe motioned for her to walk up the stairs with him. As they
went, he said, “I also need to know where to ship your trunk. I don’t
imagine you’ll be able to carry everything away with you tomorrow.”
“I hadn’t thought of that,” she admitted. “I haven’t given much
thought to anything. Except Robbie.”
“It has been a difficult week for everyone,” Mr. Lowe pointed out.
“His lordship was absolutely beside himself. And milady—”
“She never left his side.” Cara recalled the haunted look in her lady-
ship’s eyes and knew she was responsible for putting it there. She gave
a despondent sigh.
“This was the first time their child has been in such serious jeopardy.
We cannot be surprised if they need time to recover.”


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Mr. Lowe’s observation was thoughtful. Cara realized with gratitude

that he seemed to direct no malice toward her.
“I love that boy!” Cara exclaimed, desperate to share her sorrow
with anyone who would spare her some empathy. “I would never wish
any harm on him.”
“I have no doubt of it.”
They reached Cara’s door. Mr. Lowe glanced up and down the hall-
way. “If I may speak to you a moment in private?” They stepped into
Cara’s room, and the butler pulled a purse from his pocket and placed
it in her hands. “Some members of the staff took up a collection. We
hope it will help ease the transition.”
The purse was small, but the weight of it felt like a lifeline. Cara had
never been good at saving money, despite Julia’s constant harping that
she ought to prepare for a rainy day. “I-­I’m overwhelmed.”
This display of kindness was more than she had expected. Finances
were tight for everyone, and Cara was humbled that the staff had been
willing to share their hard-­earned money with her.
Impulsively, she gave Mr. Lowe a hug, then pulled away, embarrassed
at herself for such a breach of protocol. “Oh! I beg your pardon—”
He gave her a kindly smile that held a touch of his former teasing.
“Things certainly will not be the same without you, Miss Bernay.”
“Small favors,” she said, repeating his quip on the morning of the
picnic. She found herself smiling despite her tears.
“Do you have any idea where you will go?”
Cara hated to admit that she did not. After nearly two years with
the Needenhams, she didn’t even know where to look for work.
Then it occurred to her that the answer was obvious. Unlike the
last time she’d been out of work, her sisters were in a position to offer
aid. Rosalyn was married, and Julia was engaged to a wealthy barrister.
Rosalyn and her husband, Nate, were touring northern England
with a traveling production of The Pirates of Penzance. But Julia was
in London, and Cara had to admit she was the best person to turn to
for advice. Her sister’s admonitions were invariably difficult medicine
to swallow, but she was always annoyingly right.
Mr. Lowe was looking at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.


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“I’m going to London,” Cara said.

Perhaps things would not be so bad after all. Perhaps, after doing
it so many times, starting over was the one thing Cara was good at.

Henry had the driver stop at the top of the hill. When the carriage
he’d hired at the railway station came to a halt, he got down and walked
to the edge of the road, looking out over the valley below. Just as he
did every time he came here.
He stared down at the foundry, which was alive with activity. The
name Reese Cast-­Iron Products was proudly painted in bold white let-
ters on the largest of the red-­brick buildings that clustered around
an open yard filled with wagons. Smoke belched from tall chimney
stacks, sending out a smell that was not unpleasant to Henry. It spoke
to him of men at work, of products that would improve people’s lives.
This was a world so different from the one he usually inhabited, and
it always invigorated him.
In the main yard, workers were loading wagons with crates of various
sizes. Some cargo was so large it required a pulley lift. Four men were
operating one now, while two others guided the crate into place on a
sturdy wagon. Soon a team of draft horses would be brought out from
the stable that stood a comfortable distance away from the buildings
that housed the massive blast furnaces. They would haul the goods to
the train station located ten miles away at Shrewsbury.
As much as Henry admired the outstanding example of industry
on display here, it wasn’t why he always stopped to take in this view.
He had a far more personal reason. This was the exact spot where he’d
been standing the first time he saw Olivia.
She had been in the yard, overseeing the workers unloading sup-
plies. She was checking items off a list and directing the dispersal of
goods to various buildings. The incongruity of a woman at work in
a place like this, and so clearly in a position of authority, had struck
Henry immediately. As did her beauty. She was a statuesque blonde,
and even from a distance Henry could see she moved with graceful
confidence. Then had come the most wonderful moment of all: she


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had looked up. Seeing him standing there, she had cheerfully waved
a greeting.
In truth, she had not been waving at Henry, but at the man who’d
been standing next to him. Jacob Reese was Henry’s only real friend
from university. At some point during their first year at Oxford, they’d
met through mutual acquaintances on the squash courts. They’d played
a fierce but friendly match, which Jacob had barely won—­despite the
fact that Henry was the acknowledged champion of their college. From
there on out, they’d been inseparable.
Jacob had been able to attend university because of his father’s suc-
cess making cast-­iron products. On that bright summer day when
Henry had first seen Jacob’s sister, Olivia, he’d been accompanying
his friend to do some hiking in the nearby mountains. They had just
completed their second year at university. It had been Henry’s first
visit here, but when he saw Olivia, he knew immediately that it would
not be his last.
Today, as he stood in the heat of the August sun, Henry allowed free
rein to all the pleasures and pain of those memories. Olivia had been
in his life only a few short months, but they were among the happiest
he’d ever known. He was aware it was foolish to linger here with the
hope that somehow he would see her again. No matter how vividly
she appeared in his mind’s eye, she was gone forever. Living only in his
memory. And his heart.
He did see Jacob, though. His friend came out of the business offices.
This foundry was now run by Jacob, and it was still impacting Henry’s
life in vitally important ways. As a silent partner in this operation,
Henry had no official duties, but his trust in Jacob’s ability to run the
business never faltered.
Jacob was headed for one of the neighboring buildings, but he paused
as a worker came up to speak to him. While they talked, Jacob happened
to look up the hill, just as Olivia had done on that day eight years ago.
He caught sight of Henry and immediately waved a greeting.
Henry returned the gesture, then returned to his carriage. It was
time to bring his thoughts back to the present. There were a lot of
pressing issues on his mind, as he’d just wasted three days on an un­


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successful search for his brother. He hoped his friend could offer some
sound advice.

An hour later, after they’d reviewed the prospectus Henry had brought
with him, Jacob leaned back in his chair and regarded Henry from across
his desk. “This is a good plan. I’m sorry you’re being forced to do this,
though. I know reopening the copper mine wasn’t your first ambition.”
It was true. Henry had been on the verge of partnering with three
other men to form a company to expand the steelworks and flax mills
in Cumbria. It was a venture critical to rescuing his family’s finances,
which were in a precarious state after several years of bad harvests.
Like many large landowners, Henry was looking for ways to diversify
his income.
He had even pushed to get Langham a position on the board, which
would have netted the family even more money. Unfortunately, Henry
had been forced out of the deal when the Duke of Crandall had come
aboard. The duke didn’t like Henry’s politics or his brother. Now
Henry had to resurrect a copper mine in Cornwall that had been in
the family for over a century. He’d been using it as collateral for other
investments, but he was going to see if it could be made profitable
again in its own right.
“There are still some unknowns, of course,” he pointed out. “One is
whether we can retain enough quality men to run the mine. Many of the
experienced miners are being drawn away to work in other countries,
where the career is more lucrative and their knowledge is in demand.”
“I’m guessing plenty of men would welcome the opportunity to
remain at home. But it does seem critical that the sooner the project
can get underway, the better.”
“That’s another problem,” Henry said. “Now that the long vacation
is upon us, everyone has scattered to their country estates. I may have
to wait several months to get anyone to meet with me.”
“What about Lord Nigel Hayward?” Jacob suggested. “I understand
his father has given him Roxwell Abbey. That’s near Morestowe, I


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“I hadn’t thought of that.” Hayward had been a friend of theirs at

Oxford. He was also the son of a wealthy marquess. “Though I wonder
whether his connections will prove an asset or a stumbling block.”
Jacob nodded. “It’s possible that the Duke of Crandall’s comments
regarding your stance on South Africa—­and questioning your loyalty
to the Crown—­will cause some of the aristocracy to avoid doing busi-
ness with you.”
“Not to mention Langham’s growing bad reputation.” Henry had
already told Jacob about his brother’s disappearance from the sani-
tarium and his own fruitless efforts to find him. The duke had trotted
out stories of Langham’s bad behavior while a student at Lincoln’s Inn
as yet another reason to keep Henry out of the Cumbrian business
venture. The house fire at Morestowe and the rumors that Langham
had caused it had only provided more fodder.
“Nevertheless, it couldn’t hurt to pay Lord Nigel a friendly visit,”
Jacob insisted. “Perhaps feel him out on the idea. In the meantime,
I can send out a few queries among businessmen of my acquaintance
who are not so highly placed in society.”
It was a good plan, although Henry wondered if even those men
might also be swayed by the duke. It seemed most of them were try-
ing to buy their way into the upper classes, either through marriage
or even at times acquiring a title. They were not likely to risk getting
on the wrong side of such a powerful man.
Jacob pulled a watch from his waistcoat pocket. “There’s still an
hour yet before dinner. Would you care to see what’s new?”
This had become a routine over the years, one which Henry enjoyed
immensely. Glad to set aside his concerns for a while, he said, “Abso-
lutely. What new designs have you come up with?”
“You’ll be interested in an improvement we’ve made to the heating con-
duction in our radiators, including the ones we’re constructing for you.”
They went to the warehouse and walked down a long aisle, pass-
ing a variety of cast-­iron merchandise from stoves to umbrella stands.
They reached the storage area for the radiators being built for Henry’s
house. Jacob explained the changes in their construction, and it wasn’t
long before Henry was pleasantly engrossed in the technical details.


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The radiators were not only functional, but beautiful, too. They
had fine patterns along the columns and feet that would lend a touch
of beauty to their surroundings.
“These are outstanding,” Henry agreed. “I hope they won’t have to
sit here much longer.”
Jacob gave him a sympathetic glance. “Things going slowly with
the renovation?”
Renovation was too kind a word, considering the circumstances.
“Rain has plagued us all summer, setting back the work.”
His friend’s eyebrows rose. “Too much rain in Essex, the driest
county in England? Seems ironic.”
“More like a continuation of everything else that has happened this
year,” Henry replied gloomily. “Bad crops, the house fire . . .”
“Cheer up, friend.” Jacob gave him an encouraging pat on the back.
“Once it’s all done, the setbacks you’ve had along the way won’t seem
so bad. Sometimes what we make of bad situations leaves us better
off than we ever expected.”
That was Jacob, always looking on the bright side. Henry gave a
noncommittal shrug, even though he’d come here today precisely to
hear that encouragement. Jacob had a way of making otherwise banal
words seem entirely believable. Perhaps this was because he’d been a
divinity student at Oxford. He’d planned to dedicate his life to the
church, but everything had changed after Olivia’s death. Jacob was
honor-­bound to continue the family business. In truth, he’d become
such an excellent businessman that Henry couldn’t imagine what his
life would have been like as a clergyman.
“Look at it this way,” Jacob continued. “The fire, although it was
terrible, caused no loss of human life. That is the most important
thing, wouldn’t you say? And now the mansion will be vastly im-
proved and modernized, making it better for your family and your
“Yes,” Henry agreed, although he didn’t like Jacob’s use of the word
posterity. The need for an heir, someone to carry on the Burke lineage
and the earldom, was real. At one time it had been Henry’s dream, too,
but now it was too painful to contemplate. “Jacob, do you ever regret


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how your life changed? How you had to give up your original plans in
order to work here?”
“No,” Jacob replied without hesitation. “I wanted most of all to help
people. Here, I can provide a good living for many workers and quality
goods that will benefit countless more. I’ll admit it was hard at first,
but perhaps Olivia’s passion for this business found its way to me. I’m
grateful for that, even though I miss her every day.”
Henry nodded as the familiar grip of sorrow wrapped around his
Jacob placed a hand on Henry’s shoulder. “We don’t always know
why terrible things happen. We can only search for any good that can
come from the bad. Whatever the situation, we can always seek the
Lord’s help. I know you still grieve for Olivia, but I also pray you will be
able to find a way forward, as we all have done. Will you pray this also?”
“I’ll try.” Henry couldn’t promise more.

Later that night, as Henry rode the train back to London, he turned
over in his mind everything he and Jacob had discussed. He even of-
fered up a quiet prayer. What was he to do about Langham? And what,
ultimately, would he do with Amelia, to see that she found a place in
the world that was best for her?
The one thing he couldn’t do, however, was ask for a wife, despite the
way his heart ached with longing at what he’d lost every time he saw
Jacob and Lila together. They were immensely happy. Who wouldn’t
want that? And yet, how could anyone possibly replace Olivia in his
heart? But if Henry didn’t get married, there could be no heir to carry
on the title. Langham was next in line, and given his dangerously ir-
responsible nature, that would surely bring the family to ruin. It was a
quandary he couldn’t even begin to untangle. So he prayed that some-
how God would find a way to solve that problem, too.
It was perhaps the most sincere prayer he’d offered up in many years.
He only wished it could give his heart more ease.


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