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More Than Meets The Eye

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Books by Karen Witemeyer

A Tailor-Made Bride
Head in the Clouds
To Win Her Heart
Short-Straw Bride
Stealing the Preacher
Full Steam Ahead
A Worthy Pursuit
No Other Will Do
Heart on the Line
More Than Meets the Eye

A Cowboy Unmatched from A Match Made

in Texas: A Novella Collection
Love on the Mend from With All My Heart Romance Collection
The Husband Maneuver from With This
Ring: A Novella Collection
Worth the Wait from All My Tomorrows Novella Collection
The Love Knot from Hearts Entwined: A His-
torical Romance Novella Collection

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© 2018 by Karen Witemeyer

Published by Bethany House Publishers

11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

Bethany House Publishers is a division of

Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Printed in the United States of America

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photo­
copy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only
exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

ISBN 978-0-7642-1283-3 (trade paper)

ISBN 978-0-7642-3191-9 (cloth)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Control Number: 2017963586

Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogues are products
of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to
actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Cover design by Dan Thornberg, Design Source Creative Services

Author is represented by Books & Such Literary Management

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To Jeff and Kristie Gilliam

Some might call it coincidence, but I call it providence.

Only God could cross our paths at just the right moment
to bring such blessing to all concerned. Your appearance
in that Lubbock bookstore two years ago brought me
genuine joy. I hope to return the favor with this long-
awaited story. May the love reflected in these characters
be reflected in your lives until Christ calls us home.

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Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and
evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And
be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
—Ephesians 4:31–32

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1879—Fannin County, TX
“Don’t lose heart, children. We have several strong families lined
up in Bonham. I’m sure we’ll find good homes for each of you.”
Four-year-old Evangeline Pearson smiled at the sponsor from
the Children’s Aid Society as the lady made her way down the
train car aisle, bracing her hand for balance against one empty
seat after another. Seats that had been filled with children when
they’d left New York.
Miss Woodson always made Evie feel better. Even after seven
. . . eight. . . . Evie scrunched her nose and unfolded her fingers
one at a time as she tried to count. How many stops had they
made? When she ran out of fingers, she gave up, huffed out a
breath, and flopped back against the wooden bench seat. It
didn’t matter. No one had wanted her at any of them. But Miss
Woodson had promised to find her and Hamilton a home, and
Evie believed her. She was such a nice person, after all. Noth­
ing like the lizard lady sitting stiff and straight at the front of
the train car.
As if Mrs. Dougal had heard Evie’s thoughts, she twisted her

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neck around and scowled, her bulging eyes and pursed lips mak­
ing Evie shudder. She buried her face in her brother’s shoulder.
“Don’t let her scare you,” Hamilton whispered as he gently
lifted his arm and wrapped it around her. At nine, Hamilton was
ever so much bigger and stronger, and not afraid of anything.
Even when Mama and Papa died. Or when Children’s Haven
had decided the Pearson siblings would be riding the orphan
train west. Never once did he cry or fret. He just hugged her
tight and promised that everything would be all right. He was
the bravest boy who ever lived.
“She doesn’t like me.” Evie snuck a peek at the lizard lady,
found her still scowling at her, and burrowed deeper into her
brother’s side. “It’s ’cause of my eyes, isn’t it?”
Hamilton slid his hands under her arms and lifted her onto
his lap. He tipped her chin up and looked straight into her face.
“There is nothing wrong with your eyes, Evie. They’re beautiful.
God’s gift. Remember what Mama used to say?”
Evie’s chin trembled slightly. Thinking of Mama always made
her sad. Made her wish everything would go back to the way it
had been. Mama holding her in the rocking chair and singing
lullabies. Papa swinging her high into the air and laughing with
that deep belly laugh that always made her giggle. Her room
with rose paper on the wall. Her bed with the pink quilt and
soft pillow. But it was gone. They were gone. Forever.
“What did Mama say?” Hamilton insisted.
“That only special little girls get eyes with two colors,” Evie
mumbled. She wanted to believe it was true. She really did. But
if having two different eyes made her so special, why did no
one want her?
Hamilton nodded. “That’s right. And you know what?”
Evie glanced at her brother, envying his normal, matching
brown eyes. “What?”

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“I wish my eyes were the same.”

“As mine?” Evie leaned back, her forehead wrinkling. “Why?
Then no one would want you, either.”
Hamilton smiled and bopped a finger on the tip of her nose.
“Every time you look in a mirror, you see both Mama and Papa
looking back at you. Mama from your blue eye, and Papa from
your brown one. And you know how much they both loved you.
It’s kind of like getting one of those hugs where they sandwiched
us between them. Remember those?”
Evie nodded slowly. Oh yes, she remembered. So warm. So
safe. Her in her nightdress in Mama’s arms, her legs wrapped
around Mama’s middle. Mama smelling sweet, her long braid
tickling Evie’s bare toes. Papa growling like a hungry bear, say­
ing he needed an Evie sandwich, before he grabbed Mama and
squished Evie between them. Their three heads jostled together.
And their eyes . . . Mama’s bright blue ones to Evie’s left and
Papa’s twinkling brown ones on her right. Just like hers!
A smile broke out across Evie’s face. “Oh, Ham-ton, you’re
right! I have the bestest eyes ever!”
He folded her into a hug—not quite as bearish as Papa’s,
but still warm and safe and full of love. “Don’t ever forget it,”
he said as he squeezed her tight.
As Evie rested in her brother’s arms, voices drifted to her
from the front of the railcar.
“Bonham’s the last stop,” Lizard Lady grumbled as Miss
Woodson slid into the seat next to her, “though I don’t know
why we should bother with it. No one’s going to take these
misfits. Zacharias scares the women and angers the men with
his hostile, defiant manner. Seth is so sickly, most families as­
sume he’ll not make it through the winter. And Evangeline. She
behaves well enough, but those unnatural eyes of hers unsettle
decent folk. Heavens. They unsettle me.”

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“Lower your voice, Delphinia,” Miss Woodson urged. “The

children can hear you.” She twisted in her seat to smile an
apology at Evie. The smile didn’t take away the sting of Lizard
Lady’s mean comment, but it gave Evie just enough gumption
to ignore it while considering for the first time what the other
leftover children must be feeling.
Evie straightened away from her brother and turned around
in her seat to look at the two boys behind her. Three rows back
sat a boy close to Hamilton’s age. He looked nothing like her
brother, though. He was so pale and skinny. The new coat the
Children’s Aid Society had given him hung on him like it would
a scarecrow. He stared out the window, his shoulders slumped,
chest caved. And every time a puff of soot found its way into
the railcar, he coughed.
The other boy sat in the very back of the car on the opposite
side. His back was pressed sideways into the corner, one long
leg drawn up onto the bench, his hat pulled low on his face.
Not so low she couldn’t see his eyes, though. They were dark,
just like the rest of him. Dark clothes. Dark hair. Darkly tanned
skin. He even had dark whiskers growing on his cheeks. But
those dark blue eyes made her shiver. Especially when he stared
straight at her. Like he was doing now.
She didn’t think Zach had any friends. He was always by
himself, even when the train had been filled with children. She
had Hamilton. Zach didn’t have anyone. That was sad. Everyone
needed a friend.
Evie smiled and wiggled her fingers in a timid wave.
Zach glared at her and showed his teeth like a growling dog.
Evie snatched her fingers back and spun around in her seat.
Maybe some people didn’t need friends after all.
“I’ve had great success placing children in Bonham before,”
Miss Woodson said. “I’m sure everything will work out.”


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Mrs. Dougal harrumphed. “The only kid you might place

is the Pearson boy. Several have offered for him already. All you
have to do is separate him from his sister.”
Separate her from Hamilton? Evie’s heart pattered so hard
it felt like it might break out of her chest. She grabbed her
brother’s hand and held on for all she was worth.
“But it’s so hard on the children when we split them up,”
Miss Woodson protested.
“It’ll be harder on them if they end up on the streets in New
York. If we can save one, I say we do it. Sometimes the hard
decisions are the right ones.” Mrs. Dougal tossed a quick look
over her shoulder at Evie and Hamilton before sniffing and
turning back to Miss Woodson. “There’s no reason to kill the
boy’s chance at a promising future just to stave off a few tears.
They’ll recover.”
Evie stared hard at Miss Woodson, begging inside her head
for her champion to tell Lizard Lady she was wrong. But she
didn’t. Instead, Miss Woodson bit her lip and nodded.
“You can’t let them split us up, Ham-ton!” Evie wailed in a
desperate undertone, careful not to let Lizard Lady hear. “You
Hamilton squeezed her hand, his chin jutting out. “Don’t
worry. I won’t.” Keeping hold of her hand, he slid off the seat
and made his way into the aisle. “Come on. I need to talk to
The scary boy in the back of the railcar who’d just snarled
at her? Evie dragged her heels. “I don’t wanna—”
Hamilton huffed out a breath and gave her one of his don’t-
be-such-a-baby looks. “He’s just a kid like the rest of us, Evie.
And he can help.”
He was most certainly not like the rest of them. She wasn’t
even fully convinced Zach was a kid. Not with whiskers and


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legs nearly as long as Papa’s had been. But she wasn’t about
to let her brother think she was scared, so she pressed her lips
together and let Hamilton drag her along.
“What d’ya want?” Zach lowered his leg from the bench to
sprawl across the opening between his seat and the rear-facing
one across the way, barring Hamilton from getting close.
But that didn’t stop her brother. He just climbed over the
barrier and sat in the seat facing the other boy, leaving Evie to
clamber up beside him.
“I need advice,” Hamilton said, his voice firm like Papa’s used
to be whenever he was instructing them on proper behavior. “The
sponsors think to split us up at the next stop, and I can’t let that
happen. So I need to know how you get people not to claim you.”
Slowly, Zach sat up and leaned across the open space between
the two seats. His dark blue eyes narrowed, and the edge of
his mouth lifted in a smile that looked downright scary. Evie’s
stomach clenched.
“I tell them that I’ll kill them in their sleep.”
Evie gasped. How could someone say such a terrible thing?
Surely he didn’t mean it. Did he?
Zach smirked at her. Evie whimpered.
Hamilton, on the other hand, nodded. “Right. Threaten to
kill them. Got it.”
What? Evie’s gaze jerked to her brother. He couldn’t!
Zach must have thought the idea outrageous as well, because
he shook his head and sighed. “Look, kid, just because it works
for me doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. You got one of them
angel faces. No one will believe you capable of murder.”
“Maybe he can cough, like me.” Seth wandered down the
aisle, a sudden hacking making everyone turn to look at him.
“Act”—he coughed into the handkerchief the sponsors insisted
he carry—“sick.”


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Zach shook his head. “Nah. He looks too healthy. They’ll as­
sume he’ll get better.” The older boy lifted his hat and scratched
at a spot on his head, the meanness leaking away from his face.
“We gotta find something else.”
Evie looked from one boy to the next. Was Zach actually
helping them? Maybe Hamilton was right. Maybe he just pre-
tended to be awful. Though why someone would want everyone
to hate him, Evie couldn’t understand, not when she tried so
hard to get people to like her.
Zach eyed Hamilton up and down, then crossed his arms
over his chest and leaned back in his seat. “Spoiled rich kid.
That’s your angle.”
Hamilton frowned. “But I’m not rich. All I have are one
spare set of clothes and the cardboard suitcase the Children’s
Aid Society gave me. Same as everyone else.”
Zach unfolded his arms, a devious light twinkling in his dark
blue eyes. “Yeah, but with names like Hamilton and Evangeline,
it’d be easy as pie to get people to think you come from money.
Farm folk resent rich folk. Think they’re spoiled and have no
work ethic.”
Evie had no idea what a work ethic was, so she probably
didn’t have one. Maybe that was why no one wanted to take
her home. Hamilton must have one, though, since people liked
him. He’d have to find a way to hide it.
“Start throwing demands around. Then throw a fit. Yell.
Scream. Flail around.” Zach was grinning now. A smile that
actually looked happy instead of scary.
“And if all else fails, bite ’em.” Seth offered that bit of advice
once his cough settled. “Whenever I wanted the nurses to leave
me alone, I bit ’em. They stayed away for a good long while
after that.”
Zach slapped the frail boy on the back, nearly sending him to


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the floor. “Good idea! May have to try that one myself someday.”
He started chuckling, and the other boys joined in.
Evie laughed, too, even though she didn’t think biting was
particularly funny. A kitten had bitten her finger once, and it
hurt for two days afterward. But if biting would keep her and
Hamilton together, she’d bite someone, too.
“Get back to your seats, children,” Miss Woodson called
from the front of the car. “We’re almost to Bonham. You’ll
need to gather your belongings.”
Evie shared a look with Hamilton, then climbed off the seat
and headed back to where they’d been sitting. Her tummy
twisted and pinched at the thought of what might happen when
the train stopped, but she remembered what Mama had always
told her to do when she felt afraid.
Once in her seat, she folded her hands in her lap, bowed her
head, and closed her eyes.
Don’t let them take Hamilton away from me. Please. I need
somebody down here who loves me.

An hour later, Evie stood on a raised platform in the local

courthouse with Hamilton, Seth, and Zach, waiting for the
families to come in and look them over.
“Stand tall, don’t fidget, and speak only when spoken to.”
Miss Woodson gave the same instructions she did at every
stop as she walked the line to inspect them one last time.
She paused to tug Seth’s coat sleeves down over his wrists,
then ran a smoothing hand over Evie’s hair. When she moved
toward Zach, he gave her such a mean look that she backed
away without touching him. “Smile,” she said as she shot a
chiding look at the boy slouching in the corner, “and mind
your manners.”


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The families started coming in, and Evie’s heart raced. Please
let someone want me. And Hamilton. Together. Please.
She did everything Miss Woodson had told her. She didn’t
fidget. Stood tall as she could manage. Smiled. All while hiding
her eyes. She kept her face downcast, watching feet instead of
faces move through the courthouse lobby.
Hamilton stood a few feet away, talking with a man and
his wife.
“We really only want a boy, one who can help in the fields,”
the man was saying.
“Remember the agreement you signed, Mr. Potter.” Miss
Woodson joined the group. “Any child you receive must be
treated as a member of your family. And if you expect a farm­
hand’s labor from him, you must offer a farmhand’s wages.”
“I know. But he’s talkin’ about me takin’ on his sister as
well. She’s too young to be much help on the farm, and if
I’m payin’ wages, I won’t have the funds to feed and clothe
another child.”
“Let’s just look at her, John. Please? She’s got the same
reddish-brown hair Nellie did. Maybe if I had another girl
around the kitchen, I wouldn’t miss our daughter so.” A gray
skirt swished in Evie’s direction.
Evie smiled as wide as she could stretch her lips. Please want
me. Please want me.
The lady in gray stopped in front of Evie, then hunkered
down. Determined to hide her eyes, Evie kept her gaze focused
on the lady’s skirt.
“What’s your name, child?”
Evie swung back and forth, then remembered she wasn’t
supposed to fidget and stopped. “Evangeline.”
“That’s a pretty name. You remind me of my daughter, Nel­
lie. She’s grown now. Married a man from two counties over, so


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I don’t get to see her very often. I miss having a little girl around.
I could teach you how to cook and sew. Would you like that?”
Evie nodded, her excitement building. “Yes, ma’am.”
A pair of rough boots plodded up beside the gray skirt. “Look
at a person when you speak to them, girl.” The hard, manly
voice made Evie jump.
What should she do? If she showed her eyes, they might not
want her anymore. But if she didn’t look up, they’d think her
“Maybe she’s just shy, John,” the gray lady said. Her hand
came up to cup Evie’s chin. “My Nellie had such lovely brown
eyes. Are your eyes brown?”
Evie nodded. It wasn’t a lie. She did have a brown eye.
“Let me see.” The lady pushed Evie’s chin up.
Maybe she could just show one eye. Evie tried to open her
right eye while squeezing her left eye shut, screwing up her
mouth in concentration.
“Quit making faces, girl,” the man barked.
The sharp tone startled Evie, and she forgot to keep her left
eye shut.
The lady gasped and pulled her hand away. “Her . . . eyes.
Miss Woodson, what’s wrong with her eyes?”
Evie immediately shuttered her gaze, blinking back the tears
that rose.
“Nothing’s wrong with her eyes!” Hamilton rushed to Evie’s
side and grabbed her hand. “She can see just fine. That’s all that
matters, isn’t it? That they work. My sister’s smart, cheerful,
and strong for her size. You’d be getting a deal if you take us
both on. You wouldn’t even have to pay me any wages. I’ll work
for free if you take Evie, too.”
“So her eyes won’t ever . . . fix themselves?” The lady in gray
stood, backed up a step, then rubbed her arms against a shudder.


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Miss Woodson’s familiar blue skirt came into view. “Ham­

ilton is correct. Evangeline’s vision is not impaired, and she
truly is a darling child.”
“But those eyes are so . . . peculiar.” The woman backed
away another step. “They give me the shivers.”
“That decides it,” Mr. Potter said. “We’ll take the boy. Not
the girl. One extra mouth to feed is all I can afford anyway.”
“Very well.” Miss Woodson sighed. “Mrs. Dougal can assist
you with the paper—”
“No!” Hamilton stomped his foot. “I’ll not go without my
Evie stared at him. That fierce voice didn’t sound anything
like the kind brother she knew.
“Don’t sass your betters, boy.” The man pointed a finger in
Hamilton’s face.
“You’re not my better!” Hamilton shoved his nose in the air.
“I’m a Pearson. My papa used to hire people like you to work in
his factory. People too stupid to do anything more than simple
tasks, like planting seeds and watching them grow.”
“Hamilton!” Miss Woodson’s shocked voice echoed Evie’s
The man glowered, his face turning bright red. “You better
watch your mouth, boy.”
“Or what?” Hamilton challenged. “You’ll whip me? Beat
me? Chain me up in your barn? I’d expect nothing less from a
man who probably can’t even read.”
Mr. Potter shook with rage, and Evie worried that her brother
had gone too far.
“He doesn’t mean it.” Miss Woodson placed her hands on
Hamilton’s shoulders and pulled him away from the man, who
looked like he was about to strike. “He’s just afraid of being
separated from his sister.”


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“I do too mean it.” Hamilton jerked away from Miss Wood­

son’s grip and stepped straight up to the farmer and his wife.
“And it’s not just him who’s ignorant. His wife is, too. Why
else would she be scared of something as trifling as eyes that
are two different colors?”
The man’s hand fisted.
Evie lunged for her brother and wrapped her arms around
his middle. “Stop, Ham-ton. Stop!”
“He’s a child, John.” The lady in gray had stepped in front
of her husband as well and stared up into his face as she placed
a staying hand on his arm.
“I’ll not tolerate anyone speaking about you that way, Geor­
gia. No matter his age.” He set his wife aside and jabbed his
finger into Hamilton’s face. “If you ever speak ill of my wife
again, I’ll—”
Hamilton lurched forward and bit down on the man’s pointed
The farmer howled, then cuffed Hamilton across the head
with his other hand. Hamilton toppled. Evie fell with him.
Women screeched. Men yelled. And all Evie could do was hang
on to her brother and pray that everything else would go away.

“Well, that was a disaster.” Lizard Lady’s pronouncement

bounced around the interior of the railcar as it rattled down
the tracks, taking them back the way they had come. There’d
be no more stops. No more chances at finding families.
“That weren’t no disaster,” Zach said with a grin as he punched
Hamilton lightly in the shoulder. “That was brilliant! Well done,
Ham-bone. I’m impressed.”
Hamilton grinned as if he’d just been named king of the
mountain. The boys had all chosen to sit together in the back


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of the railcar, Zach actually making room for Seth on the seat
next to him as Hamilton and Evie sat in the rear-facing seat
in front of them.
Evie thought them all crazy to be so proud of themselves for
such awful behavior, but she and Hamilton were still together,
so she wouldn’t scold them. Lizard Lady had done that enough
The boys recounted the event over and over until Evie grew
bored. And sleepy. Being scared wore a girl out, and she’d been
more scared today than any day she could remember. The rock­
ing of the train made her eyelids heavy, and her head started to
loll toward her chest.
“Here, Evie.” Hamilton set his back against the window
like Zach had done earlier and made room for her to nestle up
against his chest.
She curled up against her big brother and slept until a harsh
jolt tossed her onto the floor. Her head bumped against some­
one’s bony knee, and she cried out as the terrifying sound of
braking train wheels screeching against the rails pierced the air.
Luggage fell from the overhead racks. The sponsors screamed.
Hamilton called Evie’s name before he dropped down over her
and wrapped his body around hers.
“Crawl under the seat, Evie, and hold on to the chair legs.”
She did what he said, hugging the ornate iron leg that con­
nected the bench to the floor with all her might. Then the train
slammed into something. Hard. So hard, the force tore Ham­
ilton away from her.
A loud groan rumbled, and the railcar started to tip. Evie
wailed her brother’s name.
“Hold on, Evie! Don’t let go!”
She did. Until the railcar tipped on its side, throwing her


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against one of the windowpanes. Metal ripped. Glass shattered.

The train tore itself apart as it slid sideways down an embank­
ment. Evie cried, trying to find something to hold on to. The
train slid over a rock, the jagged surface knocking out the glass
of the window next to Evie’s and bouncing her into the air.
Something hard stabbed against her side. She whimpered but
grabbed for the hat hook, her little fingers clinging desperately
to the metal hanger.
It seemed to take days for the train to stop its slide. When
it did, Evie called for her brother and waited for him to come
for her.
He didn’t come.
“Ham-ton!” Where was he? Was he hurt? Evie started to cry.
He couldn’t be hurt. She needed him. “Ham-ton!”
Letting go of the hat hook, she got to her hands and knees,
then slowly pushed to her feet. “Ham-ton!” She took one step.
Then another. Broken glass crunched beneath her shoes. Her
legs shook. Her head ached where she’d banged it against the
luggage rack. Her eyes searched through tears that wouldn’t
stop flowing.
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her.
She turned, ready to hug her brother tight. Only it wasn’t
Hamilton. It was Seth. His chest made a funny noise as he
breathed, almost like it was squeaking.
“You’re hurt.” Evie touched his head where blood matted
his hair.
“It’s all right,” Seth said, holding her close. “Stay here . . .
with me . . . Evangeline.” His chest heaved as he gasped be­
tween words.
“I have to find Ham-ton.” She tried to pull away. His skinny
arms were surprisingly strong, though, and he held her fast.
“Not yet. You . . . need to wait.”


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He was scaring her. The way his eyes looked at her. Sad.
Sorry. The way people had looked at her after Mama and Papa
had gone to heaven.
Evie struggled. “Ham-ton! I want Ham-ton!”
She stomped Seth’s toes and broke free. She stumbled for­
ward, tripping on a window frame, but grabbed the edge of a
sideways bench to keep from falling. Everything was sideways.
Crumpled. Broken.
She spotted Zach hunched over, a giant plate of glass in his
hands that he yanked upward and tossed aside.
She was going to ask if he knew where Hamilton was, but
when he turned to look at her, his face made her forget her
words. He didn’t look mean or tough now. He looked . . . lost.
“He saved my life,” he mumbled, his stare blank. “Pushed me
out of the way and saved my life.” Zach blinked, then seemed
to recognize her. He jumped to his feet and tore at his coat as
if it had suddenly caught fire. Finally, he flung it from his back
and tossed it on top of a pile of something behind him.
Seth joined them. “We need to get . . . her out. Shouldn’t
. . . see this.”
Shouldn’t see what? Evie looked from one boy to the other.
What were they hiding from her, and where was her brother?
“She needs to say good-bye,” Zach argued.
Say good-bye? To who?
“Evie?” A weak voice cut through the argument, stilling
Evie pushed past Zach and found her brother at last. He
lay on his back, not moving. Zach’s coat covered him up. She
stumbled up to where his head lay and wrapped her arms around
his neck. But he didn’t hug her back. Didn’t rub her hair and


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tell her everything would be all right. He just lay there. Still.
Too still.
“Ham-ton? You gotta get up.” She grabbed his shoulder and
tried to pull him into a sitting position. “Get up, Ham-ton!”
“Easy, princess. You don’t want to hurt him.” Zach crouched
beside her and patted her back. It felt awkward and stiff, but
it was warm, too. And Evie felt so cold, as if her heart had
turned to ice.
“Zach’s gonna . . . take care of you now,” Hamilton said,
struggling to open his eyes. “He made me a promise, and I trust
him . . . to keep it. You can trust him . . . too.”
“I don’t want Zach to take care of me. I want you, Ham-ton!”
Her brother smiled, or tried to. “I know, Evie, but I can’t
stay. I have to . . . go see Mama . . . and Papa.” He coughed,
and something red came out of his mouth.
Terror seized Evie, shaking her from top to bottom. Hamilton
couldn’t leave her. He couldn’t!
Zach helped Hamilton turn his head and wiped away the
blood, the tenderness so strange from the rough boy. Once he
was done, Hamilton looked at Evie again.
“I love you, sis. Always . . . and forever.”
“Don’t leave me, Ham-ton.” Her voice broke as she collapsed
on his chest and cried out her heartache. “Don’t leave me.”
Something gurgled in his lungs; she could hear it beneath the
coat. But she also heard voices. Seth and Zach arguing.
“They’ll never let you stay with her,” Seth was saying. “As
soon as we get back to New York, they’ll divide us up again.”
“That’s why we’re not going to New York.”
“We’re making a run for it.”
“But we’re just kids. How can we—?”
“If you don’t want to come, don’t come. But I made the kid


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a promise, and I never go back on my word. I’m gettin’ the girl

out of here. If I can survive on the streets of New York, I can
survive in Texas. We’ll make do.”
“But they’ll search for us.”
“So we change our names. Become our own family with our
own name.”
The boys quieted, leaving nothing but the shallow gurgles of
her brother’s chest to echo around Evie. Then even that stopped.
“Ham-ton,” she moaned, knowing he’d left her.
“Hamilton’s a good name,” Seth said.
“Yeah,” Zach answered. “Hamilton it is.”


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July 1894—Pecan Gap, TX

Logan Fowler dismounted outside the Lucky Lady Saloon, an­
ticipation thrumming in his veins. Seven years. That was how
long he’d been waiting to enact justice. Seven years of loss,
sacrifice, and preparation. And today represented the beginning
of the end—for Zacharias Hamilton.
“I’ll make it right, Ma,” Logan vowed beneath his breath.
He patted his chestnut’s neck before wrapping the reins around
the hitching post. “For Pop.”
Logan tugged his hat brim a little lower on his forehead.
The long white scar that slashed diagonally across his left eye
from halfway up his brow to a spot close to the top of his ear
tended to draw attention, and he’d rather be inconspicuous
while gathering information. Not that the scar didn’t have its
advantages. Especially in saloons. Looking dangerous gave a
man an edge. Demanded respect.
At only twenty-three, Logan had worked hard to cultivate
a stony bearing to match the hard heart he’d spent seven years


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callousing. He wore a beard to disguise his youth and a gun to

keep folks at a distance.
He squinted toward the west, where the sun still hovered well
above the horizon. A mite early for a crowd to have gathered
in the saloon, but then, he’d timed his arrival for precisely that
outcome. An inveterate gambler like Hamilton wouldn’t bother
to put in an appearance until the whiskey had been flowing for
a couple hours, softening the brains and the inhibitions of his
marks. Which made now the perfect time to collect intelligence.
With slow, swagger-heavy steps, Logan strode up to the bat­
wing doors and pushed through. He moved just inside the en­
trance and stood with his back to the wall as his eyes adjusted
to the dim interior.
A woman with henna-red hair and a bodice that left little
to the imagination stood with her hands on her hips atop the
small stage at the front of the room, haranguing the piano player
about rushing the tempo of her song. A group of four men—
farmers, judging by their overalls and serious expressions—sat
around a corner table, discussing the necessity of getting a
Populist elected to Congress. But it was the man behind the
long, polished counter that Logan found most intriguing.
“Thirsty, mister?” the barkeep asked as Logan approached.
He finished drying a tall glass, then used the dish towel to shine
up the counter in front of the stool closest to Logan. “Delta
County is dry, I’m afraid, but I’ve an assortment of switchels
and shrubs, ginger water, sarsaparilla, coffee, or tea. Also got
a full menu of food options if you’re in need of a meal.”
The barrel-chested fellow smiled warmly enough, if cau­
tiously, as he took in Logan’s appearance, but when Logan
pushed his hat back and fully exposed his scar, the disgust that
registered in the barkeep’s face before he could hide it stirred
Logan’s ire.


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“Coffee’s fine.” Logan leaned an elbow on the bar, keeping

his body angled so he could see both the barkeep and the door.
The Lucky Lady was a tame watering hole compared to the
dives he’d frequented over the last four years, a necessary train­
ing ground for one who wanted to master not only cards but
faces—learning to read tells and ferret out cheats. Consorting
with the worst scoundrels humanity had to offer also taught
a man a thing or two about survival. The recollection of the
broken bottle that had been used to decorate his face kept Logan
from underestimating anyone in the room. Even the flame-haired
songbird making eyes at him as she conspicuously adjusted the
scarlet garter holding up her black stocking. Women could be
just as treacherous as men.
The barkeep set a brown ceramic mug on the counter in front
of Logan, then retrieved a pot from the stove behind him. As
he poured the brew, he peered up at Logan with a questioning
arch of his brows. “So, you passin’ through?”
“Nope. Bought a spread up by the North Sulphur River.
Plan to stay a spell.” At least until Zacharias Hamilton got his
His host eyed him with skepticism as he plopped a tin cup
onto the counter. A small set of tongs rattled against the rim
of the makeshift sugar bowl. “Ya don’t exactly strike me as the
farmin’ type.” His gaze darted to the men at the corner table
and back.
Logan shrugged and dropped two cubes of sugar into his
coffee. “You got a spoon . . . ?” He drew out the pause, waiting
for the barkeep to supply his name.
“Dunn. Arnold Dunn.” He wiped his hand on his pant leg,
then extended it across the bar.
Logan shook it. “Logan Fowler.”
Dunn showed no recognition of the name. Not surprising.


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Seven years ago, the town had been brand-new, barely a post
office to its name. Dunn probably hadn’t even been around.
It wasn’t until the railroad came through in 1888 that people
started flocking to the area. Which made Hamilton’s crime
all the more severe. Logan’s father’s land would have tripled
in value with the railroad’s arrival, but Hamilton had stolen
it from him before that could happen. Had stolen his father’s
life as well.
The barkeep extracted his hand, then found a spoon and set
it on the counter next to the mug. As Logan stirred the dissolved
sugar into his coffee, he cast a quick glance around the room to
ensure no one was paying him any particular attention. Then
he casually brought up the topic he most wanted to discuss.
“You get many high-stakes games in here?”
Dunn chuckled. “Didn’t call her the Lucky Lady for nuthin’,
did I? Highest stakes in town. You a gamblin’ man?”
Logan took a sip of his coffee, studying the other man. “When
properly motivated.”
“Only go for the rich pots, huh?” Dunn’s mouth curved in
a sly grin.
Logan just sipped his coffee, letting the barkeep think what
he would. In truth, Logan despised gambling. Hated the greed
that accompanied it, the unnecessary risk, the completely irra­
tional belief that one could actually control fate. He’d learned
to count cards, to run probabilities in his head, to read the faces
of those sitting at the table around him, but he still lost. Not
as often as most, and not more often than he won, but often
enough to remind him that control was an illusion. No man
controlled fate. God alone claimed that honor.
He eyed Dunn over the brim of his mug. “You got any big
players around here?”
Dunn shrugged. “Most of the folks in these parts don’t have


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much ready cash. The boys from the mill will get up a good
game when they’ve got wages burning a hole in their pockets,
but the rest play friendly games as a way to pass the time. Play
runs deeper here than at L. A. Campbell’s place, though. I
don’t put no limits on the stakes or kick people out if things
get a little rowdy. Unless someone starts breakin’ up the place.
That’s just bad for business.”
“A fellow by the name of Hamilton ever play here?” Logan’s
gut clenched even as he forced his expression to remain cool. He
wouldn’t want the man to think him too interested in the answer.
“Zach Hamilton?” Dunn’s eyebrows arched.
Logan lifted the coffee to his mouth in a carefully measured
display of nonchalance. “Man has the reputation of a player,
and I heard he lived around here.”
“Oh, he lives around here, all right. Probably’ll be your neigh­
bor, seein’ as how his spread backs up to the river, too. But a
player?” Dunn shook his head. “I can’t picture it. Oh, I’ve heard
the rumors that he might have gambled in his younger days,
but I ain’t never seen him so much as touch a deck in my place.
Nowhere else in town neither, as far as I know.”
Logan froze, the cup halfway between his mouth and the
counter. Never touched a deck? That couldn’t be right. The
cardsharp his father had described would never just hang it up.
The thrill of the game? The addicting rush of power that came
with each win? Logan himself battled the pull, and he despised
the pastime. It made no sense for a gamester like Hamilton to
simply retire.
“Maybe he rides over to Ben Franklin to play,” Logan gritted
out as he slowly lowered his cup. It would make sense. If Ham­
ilton had set up permanent residence in Pecan Gap, he’d not
want to stir up trouble amongst his neighbors. Beggaring them
with his underhanded gameplay would make any aboveboard


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business dealings next to impossible. It’d be wiser to conduct

his confidence games elsewhere, and Ben Franklin was only a
few miles’ ride farther from the homestead than Pecan Gap. Or
he could even ride to Cooper. Bigger city. More anonymity. The
fact that he didn’t gamble here didn’t mean he didn’t gamble
at all. It didn’t mean Logan’s scheme would fail. It just meant
Logan would have to be patient. Learn Hamilton’s habits. Get
under his skin. Hamilton was smart. Cagey smart. Logan would
have to be smarter.
“I wouldn’t know anything about what Hamilton does over
in Ben Franklin,” Dunn was saying, “but he don’t exactly seem
the socializin’ type. All them Hamiltons keep to themselves.”
“All the Hamiltons?” The question jumped out of Logan’s
mouth before he could mask his surprise. He quickly swigged
another mouthful of coffee and forced his spine to soften back
into a more casual position after springing to attention at Dunn’s
“There’s three of ’em.” Dunn glanced around, then placed an
elbow on the bar and leaned close, lowering his voice to a raspy
half-whisper. “Odd bunch. Claim to be siblings, but if you ask
me, there’s no way they’re related. Not by blood. None of ’em
look a thing alike. And that girl?” He turned and spat at the floor.
Hoping there was a spittoon back there somewhere, Logan
hid his repulsion at the barkeep’s abysmal manners and lowered
his mug to the counter. Somehow, the coffee seemed a lot less
appetizing after that display.
Dunn swiped the back of his hand beneath his lower lip, then
eyed Logan with a grim expression. “I ain’t the superstitious
sort, mind you, but if I were, I’d swear that gal was a witch. A
freak of nature, she is. Eyes that don’t match. And I’m not just
talkin’ about eyes that are slightly different shades. No, this gal
has one eye as brown as chocolate and another so bright blue,


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it pierces a man’s soul.” He shivered. “I can feel that blue eye

of hers following me whenever she’s around. Cursing me.” He
turned his head and spat again.
Logan arched a sardonic brow. “And here I thought you
weren’t the superstitious sort.”
“Scoff if you like, mister, but you’ll see what I mean if you
stick around long enough. Get those eyes trained on you, and
you’ll change your tune. See if you don’t.”
Logan didn’t care about some girl with mismatched eyes.
He cared about Zacharias Hamilton. Although, if Hamilton
was claiming this girl as his sister, Logan might be able to use
that to his advantage somehow. His honor wouldn’t permit
him to threaten her in any physical way, but if Hamilton had
an emotional tie to the female, she might be a weakness Logan
could exploit.
A good card player used every weapon at his disposal to
win, only two of which were the actual cards and the chips in
the pot. Rattling one’s opponent with a few well-placed barbs,
using the hint of a grin to sell a bluff, complimenting a player
who took a round through sheer luck on his exceptional skill
in order to elicit overconfidence on the next hand—they were
all strategies of emotional warfare. Strategies Logan had honed
to a razor’s edge.
He pulled a coin from his trouser pocket and tossed it onto
the bar. “Thanks for the coffee and the conversation.”
“Leavin’ already?” Dunn bristled. “Ya ain’t even finished
your brew.”
“I’ll be back.” Logan winked. The barkeep might have the
manners of a cockroach, but his information was solid. Best
to keep him an ally for now. “I got a bit of a ride ahead of me.
Time to get after it. But I hope to sample some of your other
entertainments before too long.”


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“Ah.” Dunn gave him a knowing grin. He nodded toward the

redhead on stage. “Like what you see in Arabelle, huh? She may
not have the best set of pipes in the county, but her set of—”
“I was thinking of the tables,” Logan interrupted. Good grief.
The last thing he needed was a female in his way, complicating
his mission and causing trouble. Unfortunately, the scantily clad
Arabelle must have had ears like an owl, for she was clamber­
ing off the stage and heading his way with disconcerting haste.
Tugging his hat back down over his scarred eye, Logan
straightened away from the bar. “Catch up with you later,
Dunn.” He offered a wave in parting as he stretched his stride,
choosing speed over swagger. At this juncture, self-preservation
out­ranked image.
Once the saloon doors safely swung closed behind him, Logan
relaxed. But only for a moment. His mind cranked through the
new information he’d gained and what it might mean.
He unhitched his horse and mounted in a smooth motion
while his brain churned. Hamilton wasn’t acting as Logan had
expected. He’d need to modify his timetable, adjust his plans.
Learn the man’s habits and ferret out his weaknesses.
So be it. Logan wouldn’t blow his chance to achieve justice
for his father by getting in a hurry. He was willing to play the
long game.
He clicked his tongue at Shamgar and headed off at a trot.
Time to investigate the homestead. He might have bought the
property as bait to lure Hamilton into a high-stakes game, but it
would serve equally well as a place to conduct reconnaissance.
Hamilton wouldn’t remain a mystery for long.


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“Don’t you dare bring that pig into this house!”

Evangeline Hamilton halted her arm mid-pull, leaving the
back door halfway open. Busted. She swore Seth had eyes in
the back of his head and ears everywhere else. Zach might be
the Hamilton sibling who intimidated everyone outside of the
family, but Seth was the dictator at home.
“He’s clean,” Evangeline cajoled. She’d bathed the mud off
Hezekiah just a few minutes ago. He loved cool baths in the
summer, and even she wouldn’t dare bring him inside covered in
mud. Mainly because she would be the one cleaning up whatever
mess Hezzy made.
“I don’t care.” Seth’s singsong voice was deceptively pleasant,
but it carried a steel undertone.
She could usually sweet-talk Zach into giving her what she
wanted, but Seth was a harder sell. Probably because Seth had
been the one left behind to watch her while Zach took whatever
odd jobs he could find to keep them fed in those lean years after
the train wreck. That meant Seth knew all her tricks.
Evangeline quirked her lips. Well, not all her tricks.


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“I just need to grab Hezzy’s bow. I left it in my room.” She

never took Hezekiah out without his bow. The bright red ribbon
was the hog’s only defense against would-be hunters.
After Zach had nearly shot Hezzy last fall, her elder brother
had demanded that she either find a way to label the critter or
keep him penned full-time. The bow had been the best com­
promise she’d been able to conceive. Not the most masculine
of attire, but Hezekiah didn’t seem to mind. Not if it meant
accompanying her on her afternoon jaunts. The hog hated to
be left behind. He’d holler and ram the fence, breaking Evan­
geline’s heart with his desperation to be free.
“Here.” A bright red bow suddenly appeared around the
edge of the door. Attached to Seth’s arm.
The scalawag. He’d snuck up on her.
Laughing, she snatched the bow from his hand. “You must
have had this on the kitchen table, waiting for me.”
Seth stepped into the half-open doorway and grinned. “After
fifteen years of your shenanigans, I’ve learned a thing or two
about getting the upper hand. It’s my only defense.”
“As if you need one.” She punched him playfully in the arm.
“Ow!” He grabbed his shoulder and staggered back a step.
Evangeline rolled her eyes. Really. He was six inches taller
than her and carried an extra fifty pounds of muscle. To actu­
ally hurt him, she would have to go for the eyes like Zach had
taught her. Or the groin. But she loved Seth to death and would
never willingly cause him pain. Besides, he was the most normal
of their gang, and therefore their best chance for begetting a
future generation of Hamiltons. And she wanted nieces and
nephews someday.
“Did you finish weeding the sweet potatoes?” Seth asked.
“Yep. Picked up where you left off and worked down the last
three rows.” As indicated by her mud-encrusted hem. She’d


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cleaned the soil from beneath her fingernails and rinsed off
her face during Hezzy’s bath, ensuring no dirt smudged her
cheeks or nose. She might have a pet pig, but that didn’t mean
she wanted to look like him.
Seth nodded. “Thanks. I didn’t get quite as far as I hoped
this morning.”
Evangeline shrugged off his comment. “No problem. I didn’t
mind the extra time. It’s a pretty day.”
Years ago they had worked out a system. Seth would start
and she would finish whatever outdoor chores were required for
the day while Zach tackled the larger projects. Seth’s asthma
made it difficult for him to work when the wind stirred up the
dust, yet he refused to remain indoors like an invalid, so he went
out first thing in the morning when things were relatively still
and the air clean. He’d work until he felt tightness build in his
chest, then pass the job off to her.
“I heard your caterwauling all the way in the house.” Seth
grinned as he leaned against the doorframe.
Brothers. Critics, the both of them. As if either one of them
could sing. Seth’s voice wobbled like a sick cat, and Zach—well,
Zach never sang. Not even in church. So who knew what his
voice sounded like? But to Evangeline, music was like sunshine.
It brought things to life and made chores whiz by in a happy
blur. She loved singing. The louder, the better. Hymns, popular
tunes, even little ditties she made up on the spot. Didn’t mat­
ter. She’d chirp out whatever came into her heart. Sometimes
in praise to God, sometimes for pure fun, and sometimes in
self-defense to keep the loneliness at bay.
“The potatoes didn’t seem to mind,” she quipped instead
of following her first instinct of sticking her tongue out at
him. At nineteen, she was too mature for such antics. At least
in theory.


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Seth rolled his eyes. “The potatoes don’t have ears.”

“Well, the corn plants do, and they didn’t complain, either,”
she sassed.
“Probably because their ears are still covered.” He raised a
brow waiting for her comeback.
“Shucks, Seth. You know those stalks are experts in hominy.
They adore my singing.”
He groaned.
“Really?” She shoved his shoulder. Not that it moved much.
“Come on. That was a good one. Hominy—harmony?”
“Weak, sis.” He tried to hold a straight face, but a chuckle
broke through. “Weak.”
“Yeah? Let’s see how weak I am.”
She hooked Hezekiah’s ribbon over her wrist, then poked
Seth in the chest. Not just with one finger. She never did things
by half measure. She got both pointers out and drilled him in
alternating staccato motions until he backed away from the
attack, throwing his hands up in surrender.
She felt victorious until a strong force butted her from behind
and knocked her sideways into the wall.
She yelped. Seth grabbed for her. And Hezekiah found his
opening. He barreled his way inside, snorting in glee as his
hooves clicked across the floorboards of the kitchen in his race
to the stove. He flopped down in front of the cast iron box and
released a contented grunt.
Evangeline shot her brother an apologetic glance.
“Evie . . .” Seth’s voice lost its playful tone. “If you don’t
want pork chops for supper, I suggest you get that beast out of
my kitchen before I find my rifle.”
“It’s not his fault he likes that spot so well,” she pled on her
pet’s behalf.
“No, it’s yours. Who in their right mind brings a feral piglet


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into the house and bottle feeds the thing? As if we don’t have
a big enough wild pig problem around here, you go and bring
one of the ugly things home.”
“Hezekiah is not ugly. Besides, you know I couldn’t leave him
out there on his own with no mama to protect him. His little
baby squeals broke my heart.”
Seth rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. “Well, he’s
no baby now. He must weigh a hundred pounds or more. Barges
into the house like he’s the family dog,” he grumbled. “It’s
“It’s charming,” she countered, ignoring Seth’s snort of dis­
After being abandoned and rejected time after time in her
childhood, Evangeline couldn’t bear to see any creature suffer
the same fate. Her adopted brothers had taken her in, fed her,
raised her, loved her. She could do no less for anyone or anything
in need. Even a slightly less than handsome hog.
“Come, Hezzy.” She tapped the side of her leg, and good
boy that he was, Hezekiah got up and trotted over.
Seth shook his head. “Even comes when you call him.
Evangeline bent slightly and patted the hog’s bristly black
hide. “That’s because he knows his mama loves him. Don’t
you, Hezzy? Such a good boy.”
“Please.” Thick sarcasm flavored Seth’s tone as he pushed
past her, grabbed a wet dish towel, and immediately mopped
the section of floor where the hog had lain.
Evangeline wasn’t offended by his need to wipe away any
residue Hezzy might have left behind. After years of experi­
menting, they’d finally figured out that keeping the house free
of as much dust and dirt as possible helped keep Seth’s lungs
from getting inflamed. So they had no rugs in any of the main


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rooms and no bric-a-brac to collect dust, just flat surfaces they

could run a rag over every morning.
“Hezzy and I are going to explore the east woods again today
over by the creek bed,” she said as she fastened the wide red bow
to the leather strap Zach had fashioned as a collar for the hog.
There was a strict family rule—she never went anywhere
without first telling either Zach or Seth where she was headed.
The boys didn’t think it necessary to keep her informed of their
every move, so it was a bit of a double standard, but there had
been that one time she’d snuck away from school during recess
and gotten lost for two days after Mary Lou Edison had pulled
her hair and called her a freak. Some stranger had eventually
found her huddled by an oak tree and taken her to the local
church to wait to be claimed. Never had Evie been so fright­
ened. Or seen Zach so angry. If she hadn’t caught him secretly
wiping his eyes while Seth hugged her, she might’ve thought
he didn’t love her anymore, with all the yelling and lecturing
he did. But then she realized he’d been scared, too. Scared he’d
let his family down.
That was why she didn’t fight the family rule even now that
she was a woman grown. She wanted to spare her brothers the
worry. It was the least she could do after all they’d done for her
over the last fifteen years.
What she didn’t tell them was exactly what she planned to
do when she went out on one of her excursions. A woman of
nineteen deserved a few secrets, after all. And lately there had
been evidence of suspicious goings-on near the eastern property
line. Evidence of human activity. An extinguished campfire.
Boot prints. Horse tracks.
It was a mystery that needed sorting out, and she loved a
good mystery. Truth be told, she loved anything that broke up
the monotony of her usual routine. If she were a normal girl,


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she’d simply stroll to town to meet up with friends. Maybe do

a little shopping. Buy some penny candy or a ribbon for her
hair. Laugh and play and talk about how to gain the favor of
a handsome young man.
But she wasn’t normal. And going to town brought only
Stares. Whispers. Not from everyone, but from enough to
make her want to fold in on herself. Some of the bolder ones
even spat when she walked by or crossed the street to avoid
coming too close, as if her eyes might be catching. Of course,
none of that happened when her brothers accompanied her. No
one would dare treat her disrespectfully when Zach was around.
His black stare could inspire more fear than her mixed-colored
one. But when children dared each other to hit the witch with a
slingshot missile or look her in the eyes to see if they’d turn to
stone, a gal learned to avoid town. Her heart could only take
so many hits before the bruises became permanent.
So she sang songs to sweet potatoes, rambled with pigs, and
made her own happiness wherever she could find it. And today,
finding it entailed an adventure to ascertain the identity of a
mysterious visitor.
Was he friend or foe? Only one way to find out.
Her pulse raced a bit at the prospect. Stealth. Danger. The
risk of discovery. Oh, she’d take precautions. She wasn’t one of
those heedless dime-novel ninnies who ran headlong into trouble
without once considering the consequences, then fainted at the
first sign of trouble. No wonder those damsels needed a man
to swoop in and save the day. They failed to utilize the brains
the good Lord had given them.
Evangeline, on the other hand, treasured her fully functioning
cerebellum and planned to use it. She’d scout from a distance.


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Stay hidden in the trees. Collect clues, yet not directly engage
anyone she might find.
Whoever this interloper was, he wouldn’t know the terrain
like she did. That gave her an edge. One she intended to use
to full advantage.


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Seven years might have passed, but Logan remembered every

detail of this terrain. His youthful explorations had left indelible
marks in his mind, as if printed there by a mapmaker. Rather
handy when one wanted to get around unseen.
He wound down a sloping creek bed, using an elm tree to
steady his descent. Low ground made the best cover due to the
dense vegetation of the area, and since the prickle that had been
shivering against his nape for the last ten minutes warned he
wasn’t alone out here, cover seemed a wise idea.
At the base of the hill, a set of tracks caught Logan’s eye.
He squatted near a bramble that had grown up in the dry creek
bed. The dual ovals imprinted in the damp soil indicated a four-
legged critter instead of a two-legged one. Could be a deer, but
the more likely culprit was a pig.
Feral hogs. He shivered. Nasty creatures. Logan had gotten
between a sow and her piglets once. He still bore a scar on
his right calf where the enraged female had slashed him open
with her tusks. There only seemed to be one set of tracks here,


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though, so he probably wasn’t about to stumble upon a sounder

again. Thank the Lord for small favors.
Logan brushed his hand against his thigh to wipe away the
dirt as he stood. A single boar posed no problem. Loners were
more apt to run away from people than attack.
As he followed the creek bed east, a noise caught his ear. A
horse whinny. Logan dropped into a crouch. Shamgar. He’d
left his mount secured inside a corral fashioned by tying rope
around a set of trees on the outskirts of his camp. An ex-cavalry
horse, Shamgar had been trained for silence. He only whinnied
when someone approached with a treat. Apples and carrots
in particular. But who would be out in the wild armed with a
treat for his horse?
Reaching across his body, he eased his revolver from its holster
and crept toward his campsite. It couldn’t be Zacharias. Logan
had left his nemesis slaving away in a sorghum field less than
an hour ago. And from what he’d observed this past week, the
other Hamilton male didn’t venture far from the house. Some
kind of namby-pamby who preferred woman’s work to a man’s
labor. That left the female. She was harder to monitor. Always
flitting about. Inside. Outside. He only seemed to find her when
she started singing.
Arabelle at the Lucky Lady had nothing on the Hamilton
gal. The saloon singer’s husky tones were probably supposed to
pass for sultry, though the little Logan had overheard brought
a mournful hound dog to mind more than an enticing siren.
Zacharias’s sister, on the other hand, spewed tunes like a geyser,
full tilt, with no care as to who might be listening. Even a tres­
passing scoundrel determined to rain justice down on her family.
Logan rolled his shoulders against the tightening in his neck
as he climbed the slope leading to his camp. What happened
to the girl as a result of the coming confrontation was not his


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concern. Hamilton hadn’t cared about repercussions to his op­

ponent’s wife and son when he’d lured Logan’s father into deep
play, then cheated him out of his home. Logan could be equally
callous. He had to be. It was the only way to set things right.
His head inched above the embankment near his camp, and
his gaze immediately sought out Shamgar.
Logan blinked. Twice. What in the world?
His highly trained cavalry mount was prancing around like
a colt. Tossing his head and showing off like an adolescent
youth trying to impress a pretty girl. And the girl was pretty.
At least from what Logan could see from this distance. Rich,
auburn hair glinting red in the sunlight. Slim figure. And a
smile that punched him in the gut even from here. She laughed
at Shamgar’s antics, then held her hand out to the horse. An
empty hand.
Logan frowned at the old boy’s susceptibility to the female’s
wiles. Apparently no treat had been needed. Fool critter. Did
he remember none of his cavalry training?
Shamgar raced to the girl’s side, nuzzled her hand, then
preened as she cupped his cheeks and pressed her forehead to
his face. She had him completely enthralled.
Logan jerked, then dropped his chin to spy the dry twig
beneath his boot. Of all the careless, idiotic—
A whistle pierced the air, bringing his head back up. His self-
castigation would have to wait. The little filly was on the move.
Logan scrambled the rest of the way out of the creek bed
and positioned himself behind a pair of oaks as he debated
whether or not to go after her. She’d found his camp and would
no doubt tell her brothers. Was it worth the risk of exposing
himself to try to convince her to keep quiet?
The girl was fast.


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And heading in his direction.

Logan holstered his revolver and ducked to the far side of
the tree. She ran past and whistled a second time. He winced
at the sharp sound. No fingers had been required for the shrill
call. Impressive.
Then a rumbling started downstream in the creek bed. From
the direction Logan had just come. Snorting. Charging. The
vegetation shook in a path leading straight for the Hamilton gal.
Logan’s mouth went dry.
Double shoot.
He leapt away from the tree and set off after the girl. His
boots slipped on the loose soil of the embankment, but he kept
his balance. He took his eyes off her long enough to plot his
course out of the dry wash, then panicked when he couldn’t
find her green skirt amid the vegetation. Sensing she’d head
west toward home, he veered left.
There. A flash of white. Her blouse. Logan churned up the
earth. Earth that rumbled with the approach of a rogue boar.
The grunting grew louder. Closer. Sweat dripped down Logan’s
temple. He had to get between the girl and the hog.
He stretched his stride. Caught a glimpse of her between
the trees. Heard the grunt of the boar. Spied its black hide
barreling down on the girl from the right. Only one chance to
get between them.
Logan sprinted over a lip of higher ground and launched
himself into the air.
Before his feet hit the ground, his chest hit her back. His arms
cocooned her as he twisted to the right in order to absorb the
impact and use his body as her shield.
The girl squealed, not unlike the pig. He released his hold
on her, intending to draw his pistol. That was a mistake. The


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female turned on him. She flipped around and brought her knee
up into his groin. Air whooshed from his lungs as pain radi­
ated through his lower half. He would have thrown her off him
except he was too busy dodging the fingers jabbing at his eyes.
Good gravy. She fought dirtier than a saloon brawler. If he
hadn’t spent so much time in disreputable establishments learn­
ing how to stay alive, he’d no doubt be down at least one eye
by now.
When the heel of her hand narrowly missed the bridge of
his nose, Logan decided the time for chivalry had passed. He
grabbed her wrists, wrapped a leg around her hips, and rolled
her onto her back, taking extra care to pin her legs with his
weight. He had no intention of joining the soprano section of
the church choir.
She writhed beneath him, terror etching her face.
“Be still, would ya?” he growled, rearing back as she tried to
butt him with her head. “Land sakes, woman. I’m not tryin’ to
hurt you. I’m trying to protect you.”
“From what?” she demanded.
“From the—”
Boar! A black shadow caught the corner of his vision a heart­
beat before the beast’s head plowed into Logan’s side, bowling
him off the girl. Fearing she’d be trampled, he snaked an arm
around her midsection and dragged her back under him as he
pulled up on all fours. Using his body as a barrier, he gritted
his teeth against the force of the hog’s shove, bracing his arms
and digging the toes of his boots into the soft earth.
At least his damsel had the good sense to cease her attacks.
In this position, all his tender parts were at her mercy. She did
keep shouting “No” at him, though, in the same stern voice his
mother had used when scolding him as a boy.
The boar backed away—probably to get a running start at


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him again—and Logan snatched the opening. He sat back on his

haunches, drew his revolver, and swiveled to face the feral hog.
“No!” the girl screamed, panic more than scolding resonat­
ing in her voice now.
Logan tuned it out as best he could, concentrating on lining
up the head shot. A hog’s skin was so tough, a miss would just
anger the beast and put them in more danger.
Time slowed as he fit his finger to the trigger. Then the crazy
female lurched upward and grabbed his gun arm.
“Don’t shoot!”
He tore free from her grip and shoved her back to the ground
none too gently.
“Look at the bow,” she cried as she scrambled back to her
Logan took aim, his focus glued to the area between the
animal’s eyes.
She launched herself onto his back and tackled him to the
ground. “He’s not wild,” she insisted even as Logan bucked
her off and rolled her to the side. “Please!”
The desperate plea and tremulous voice tugged at a heart
he’d thought long ago hardened past all sentimentality.
Logan paused. Took in his adversary. Snorting, ugly, black
creature. Yet not charging. And a ridiculous, gargantuan red
bow hung wilted against its right shoulder.
Maybe he should shoot the creature. Out of pity. The shame
of being subjected to such a prissy accessory would mortally
wound any male’s pride. The boar would probably thank him
for putting an end to his suffering.
The girl lunged to her feet and rushed to the boar’s side.
She dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around the
beast’s neck. “Hezekiah’s no threat to you, mister. Please, just
let him be.”


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Logan lowered his gun as he shook his head. “Hezekiah?”

He pushed to his feet and tucked his pistol into its holster.
“Doesn’t exactly strike me as the kingly type.”
She grinned, and her face lit up with what could only be
called joy. The purity of it took Logan aback. One didn’t see
expressions like that in saloons or lumber camps, and he’d spent
little time elsewhere these past years.
Then she ruined it by turning that glorious smile on her
pet and putting her face disastrously close to the boar’s teeth.
“Whoa, now.” Logan jumped forward, grabbed the girl’s
elbow, and yanked her away from the hog. “Those things have
nasty teeth. I don’t care how tame he is, he’s still a creature
with animal instincts. And tusks.”
“Not Hezzy,” she said as he pulled her to her feet and twirled
her toward him. She brought up her hands to catch herself
before she rammed into his chest. Her palms flattened against
the cotton of his shirt, and his heart did an odd little hiccup
at the contact. “My brother removed his cutters when he was
a few months old. Zach wouldn’t let me keep him otherwise.”
Smart man. Logan had long respected Hamilton’s intelli­
gence. It was his character Logan despised.
All thought of Zacharias fled Logan’s mind when the girl
finally tilted her chin back and hit him with the full impact of
her eyes.
One blue. One brown. Just like Dunn had said. Startling in
their difference, yet so vibrant that he couldn’t describe them
as anything other than stunning.
She stared back at him, unblinking. Until, that is, her gaze
fluttered to his scar. He steeled himself for her reaction. He
knew the blemish was unsightly, leaving a slashing void in his
eyebrow and puckering the skin along his cheekbone.
Something soft flashed in her eyes, just for a moment. Not


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disgust, nor even discomfort. Something that felt oddly like

. . . kinship.
He shook his head to rid his mind of the disturbing sensation
and said the first thing that popped into his mind. “Why’d you
name your pig Hezekiah? Kind of insulting to the king who
served God so faithfully, don’t you think?”
Her mouth quirked up on one side. “You saying my Hezzy
doesn’t have a regal bearing?”
The pig in question grunted and set about rooting in the
dirt near the base of the closest tree, covering its snout with a
thick layer of muck and leaves before turning his side into the
trunk to rub against the bark. The beast had all the manners
of a drunken oaf scratching an indiscriminate itch with no care
as to who was watching. All that was missing was a loud belch
to complete the picture.
Logan raised a questioning brow. The girl glanced at her pet,
then burst into laughter. The sound tinkled like the crystal chan­
delier he’d rammed his head into once in a fancy hotel lobby.
“I suppose you have me there,” she finally admitted. “Hezzy’s
not exactly cut from the royal cloth, but when I found him alone
and abandoned in the woods, half dead, I knew he needed a
reason to live. A reason not to give up hope. So I called him
A memory clicked into place in Logan’s mind. “Because He­
zekiah became ill and was supposed to die until God granted
him an extra fifteen years.”
Her eyes glowed as if proud of his answer. Like he was some
ragamuffin pupil in a classroom. He should be insulted. So why
did his chest expand under her unvoiced praise?
“That’s it exactly.” There was that smile again. All sunshine
and rainbows. As if this girl had never known a single hardship
in her life.


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Logan scowled.
Her smile dimmed. Just a bit, but enough to make him feel
more in control. All this frivolous laughing and grinning was
bad for his digestion.
Her eyes found his again, and the playfulness vanished from
her gaze. “Everyone deserves to be treated like a king, even if
they’re only a humble pig.”
The bald statement stunned him momentarily. Then opened a
Machiavellian door in his mind. This girl had a bleeding heart,
an undeniable drive to right wrongs and champion the cause
of the downtrodden.
The perfect ace to hide in his sleeve.


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