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Evaluation of Maternal Mortality Recording and Reporting by Coordinator

Midwives in Blora Regency 2017

Gumson Josua Tampubolon1, Theodola Baning Rahayujati2, Henny Indriyanti3

1. Field Epidemiology Training Program, Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan
Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Mada
2. Field Epidemilogy Program, IKM FKKMK Universitas Gadjah Mada
3. Blora District Health Office

Introduction: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Blora District in the last 3 years
is quite high compare to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) indicators
that 72/100,000 live births. The highest mortality rate was in 2016 that reached
185/100,000 live births. Although the rate declined to 126/100,000 live births in
2017. Furthermore, this study was conducted to determine the application of
maternal mortality recording and reporting in Blora District.

Method: The design of the study is a descriptive observational study. The subject
of the study is 26 coordinator midwives in primary health service (PHC) and 2
programmer Maternal and Child Health (MCH) was implemented Desember 11,
2017 to January 30, 2018. Data were collected by interview and observation and
analyzed as quantitative data.

Result: Data recording and reporting carried out through cohort recapitulation in
local area monitoring MHC, showed that there are 10% data reported to the district
health office were not punctual and 100% women of reproductive age (WUS) data
were not collected by coordinator midwives. This was cause non of them ever had
sosialization of maternal mortality surveillance system. Out of 15 maternal
mortality, there were 5 (33,3%) epidemiology investigation forms that were
incompletely filled by coordinator midwives responsible and 12 (80%) PE were
conducted by midwives, which led to information bias and under reporting because
midwives not had training of epidemiology investigation maternal mortality.
Furthermore, there are 26,9% coordinator midwives who have not had any training
of MCH recording and reporting.
Conclusion: The evaluation showed recording and reporting maternal mortality not
optimal. That it is required to build and capacitas, knowledge throught training on
MMS system, recording and reporting, as well as the implementation of
epidemilogy investigation.
Keywords: Evaluation, Maternal Death, Surveillance System, Blora

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