SVH Strategic Plan 2012 PDF
SVH Strategic Plan 2012 PDF
SVH Strategic Plan 2012 PDF
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................3
Situation Analysis ................................................................................................................ 6
Strategic Initiatives ................................................................................................... 11
Quality and Service Excellence Theme ............................................................................. 11
People and Innovation Theme .......................................................................................... 12
Growth and Community Theme ....................................................................................... 13
Financial Stability Theme .................................................................................................. 14
Strategic Map .................................................................................................................... 15
Service Area Definition ............................................................................................. 16
Competitor Profile ............................................................................................................ 17
Labor and Market Statistics .............................................................................................. 18
Service Area Demographics ....................................................................................... 20
Population by Age and Zip Code ....................................................................................... 20
Population Growth by Zip Code ........................................................................................ 22
Population Growth by Age Cohort.................................................................................... 23
Hispanic Population by Zip Code ...................................................................................... 24
Median Household Income ............................................................................................... 25
2010 Patient Origin ........................................................................................................... 26
Hospital Utilization and Market Share ....................................................................... 27
Inpatient Market Share – California State Data................................................................ 27
Inpatient Surgical Market Share – California State Data .................................................. 28
Outpatient Market Share – Ambulatory Surgery ............................................................. 29
Outpatient Market Share – Emergency Department Visits by Primary Payer ................. 30
Medicare Inpatient Market Share Trend .......................................................................... 31
Medicare Inpatient Market Share by Zip Code ................................................................. 32
Medicare Inpatient Market Share by Zip Code and Hospital ........................................... 33
Medicare Inpatient Market Share by Service Line ........................................................... 34
Medicare Inpatient Market Share – Surgeries.................................................................. 35
Medicare Patient Outmigration ........................................................................................ 36
Inpatient Demand Estimates ............................................................................................ 37
Outpatient Demand Estimates by Service Line ................................................................ 38
Cultural Assessment.................................................................................................. 39
How Culture Works ........................................................................................................... 39
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Current Culture ....................................................................... 40
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Ideal Culture ............................................................................ 41
The Future ......................................................................................................................... 42
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Executive Summary
The Sonoma Valley Hospital three-year rolling strategic plan is the culmination of
planning sessions held with the Executive Management Team, Board and Physicians
from September to December 2011. On December 7, 2011, the hospital held a public
meeting at the Community Center and approximately 25 people attended and offered
their input on the new strategic plan. The draft plan was distributed to over 100 Sonoma
Valley leaders and community members prior to this meeting. Finally, a Board retreat
was held on December 8, 2011, to review the market assessment and to prioritize the
short-term initiatives (12 – 18 months.)
Environment Assessment
Hospitals and health systems face an unprecedented intensity and pace of changes in
the near and longer-term future. The American Hospital Association Committee on
Research issued its “Strategic Issues Forecast for 2015” which described the “health care
transformation” being driven by two overriding themes: “achieving better value” and
“improving health.” The committee projected five major strategic issues:
1) Efficiency - With a slow recovering economy and emergency health care policy
changes, there will be increasing pressure on all health care organizations to
increase efficiency. As the Affordable Care Act’s encouragement to extended
healthcare coverage to more uninsured Americans, there will not be enough
money in the system unless care is provided more efficiently.
3) Reduce cost of care - Bending the cost curve will be essential for the long-term
financial sustainability of health care for the nation and maintaining global
competitiveness for the economy.
Market Assessment
The strategic planning process for Sonoma Valley Hospital includes a comprehensive
market assessment. The major findings from the market assessment are follows:
Combined Service area (which includes the majority of the healthcare district)
population is 38,426 of which SVH has 47.8% if all inpatient admissions and
48.6% market share in the primary service area in 2010. This is up from 2007 of
which it was 46.4%.
Kaiser Hospitals have 17.9% of all inpatient admissions from our service area.
19.5% of the combined service area is over 65 years of age which is significantly
higher than the 13% average in the United States. Sonoma’s population is
projected to decrease slightly over 5 years and the hospital’s growth is not
expected to come from increases in population.
Our highest inpatient market share is in Rehabilitation or “Skilled Nursing” at
95%. The other service lines performing above 50% are: Gynecology at 59.1%, by
Medicine at 56.7%, Gastroenterology at 54.4%, Pulmonary at 50.9%.
Opportunities for improving inpatient market share based on our primary
hospital services include Orthopedics which is currently at 37% up from 2007 at
33.9%; Obstetrics which is currently 47.5% down from 53.3% in 2007; and
General Surgery which is currently 32.9% down from 39.7% in 2007.
Overall surgery market share continues to be flat in 2010 at 27% with outpatient
surgery market share at 31.8%. The highest market share is in Gynecology at
59.4%, followed by Orthopedics at 33.9% and General Surgery at 32.9%.
Emergency market share continues to be high at 69.5% for the combined service
area. Seventy three percent of these patients were Medicare and 10% were
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Forty one percent of Medicare patients in our combined service area are
receiving care outside of Sonoma Valley Hospital.
The Hispanic population is expected to grow from 25.2% of the total population
in 2010 to 28.9% in 2015.
Our greatest Medicare inpatient market share is held in the city of Sonoma and
no significant market share is held in any target service areas. We do have 15.3%
of the market in Kenwood.
Based on national trends and the iVantage demand model, inpatient demand is
expected to increase by 2.1% from 2010 – 2015.
Based on national trends and the iVantage demand model, demand is expected
to increase in diagnostics by 7.1% and outpatient visits by 5.6%
Average physician age is improving after the addition of 3 new primary care
physicians, 2 general surgeons and 1 orthopedic physician. There is still a need
for an additional GYN.
Medicare is our largest payor at 74% and pays us 89% of current costs. Medi-cal
is our second largest payer and pay us 72% of current costs.
A significant number of Sonoma businesses in our service area are small they do
not qualify or cannot afford most commercial insurance plans, therefore local
employers often choose Kaiser.
Culture Assessment
Balanced Dashboard
In keeping with the balanced dashboard and our continued focus on positive results in
all areas, we decided to identify our strategies by the following themes:
Quality and Service Excellence
People and Innovation
Growth and Community
Financial Stability
Since the hospital is performing well compared to the national averages in Quality and
Service Excellence and the culture assessment shows that SVH is in an excellent position
for continued positive change with our “people,” the leadership and board chose to
focus on the growth, community, financial stability and innovation for the major
strategies beginning in 2012. The hospital is committed to become a best practice
quality hospital and to guide Sonoma residents through their healthcare journey.
Success will be measured in 12 – 18 months on the following 5 major initiatives:
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
1) Continue to enhance and grow our regional system for financial stability
and be positioned for healthcare reform
5) Improve the health of the community with a special focus on our growing
populations: Seniors and Latino.
Situation Analysis
SVH is a nonprofit district hospital located in the city of Sonoma California, with a
publicly elected Board of Directors. The hospital has 83 licensed beds, 6 of which are
critical care beds and 27 of which are skilled nursing beds, and an average daily census
of approximately 44.
Physicians are the lifeline of our hospital. We have created excellent partnerships with
our local medical community, including Sonoma Community Health Center. We strive to
achieve a seamless continuum of care that serves both the physician and patient. SVH
has over 100 physicians on the medical staff, with most specialties represented locally.
In 2011, Sonoma Valley Hospital joined in an alliance with Prima Medical Foundation
which now employs 7 physicians in Sonoma. Marin General Hospital is also a member of
this physician foundation.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Clinical and service excellence is our foundation. With excellent clinical outcomes as
demonstrated by national core quality measures, we continue to modernize our care
through our new Electronic Health Record and care management. Our patient
satisfaction is our motivation. With the assistance of Studer Group, we are now above
the hospital average in satisfaction and continue to rise.
The master facility plan was completed in 2011. With the support of our community, the
hospital is completing the necessary improvements to become seismically stable and is
breaking ground on our new Emergency and Surgical Wing in early 2012. As we enhance
our community trust, we have begun to see more philanthropic support which will be
the mechanism to bring Sonoma Valley residents a state of the art healthcare facility.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
The hospital measures internal performance on a monthly basis using a balanced scorecard
approach. SVH’s dashboard is composed of the following pillars: service excellence, quality,
people, finance, growth and community. These metrics are commonly used by hospitals in
the nation.
Performance National
Objective Metric Actual Result
Goals Benchmark
Service High Patient Press Ganey Monthly Inpatient 86.5% 50th percentile means
Excellence Satisfaction Scores Mean score > Surgery 92.2% we score higher than
86% or 50th percentile Outpatient 92.2% 50% of the hospitals
ER 84.1% in the nation
Quality Excellent Clinical Value Based 100% Hospitals in the U.S.
Outcomes Purchasing Clinical average 91.1%
Score > 90%
People Highly Engaged Staff Satisfaction Baseline score of 50th percentile means
and Satisfied Scores > 75% or 50th 72% taken we score higher than
Staff percentile 12/2010 showed 50% of the hospitals
42nd percentile in the nation
Retain excellent Turnover 9.0% Hospitals in the U.S.
staff members (36/298) average 12%
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011
FY 2012
Net Revenues 38,208 39,037 40,905 40,063 45,764 48,714
Labor Expense 22,195 22,454 23,185 22,841 24,436 24,999
Nonlabor Expense 18,509 20,741 20,100 20,489 25,362 27,607
Total Expenses 40,704 43,195 43,285 43,329 49,978 52,605
Net Income (434) (3,079) 955 842 1,217 1,100
Sonoma Valley Hospital has experienced a dramatic shift in payer mix, and this explains the
struggle with financial stability. The Medicare payer mix exceeds the state average of 36.3
percent and continues to increase as our area’s over 65 population grows. Medicare
payments are low and cover only 89 percent of the cost of hospital operations. Our Medi-
Cal payer mix is below the national average of 25%, but it covers only 72 percent of current
costs. Our medically indigent payer mix is also increasing. Charity care and bad debt costs
have increased from $2,364,621 in FY 2007 to $3,874,865 in FY 2011.
Medicare 54.3%
Medi-Cal 11.7%
Third Party 30.9%
Indigent & Other 3.1%
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Our Mission
Our Vision
SVH will be a nationally recognized, compassionate place of healing and known
for excellence in clinical quality. We serve as the guide and indispensable link for
our community’s health care journey.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Strategic Initiatives:
Objective: Provide the highest level of healthcare in partnership with our providers,
staff, and community members.
Measures of Success:
Achieve top 10 percentile for CMS Core Measures or > 80 in VBP Clinical score
Achieve 50% improvement in patient satisfaction scores and strive to achieve 95 th
percentile by 2014
Achieve 100% of selected patient safety goals
Reach a “most wired” level of 5 out of 7
1. Create a culture of safety so each and every employee feels empowered to take
actions for improved patient safety
2. Provide outstanding customer service and achieve 95th percentile for all
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Objective: Recruit and retain quality employees and create a safe and rewarding work
environment and offer state of the art, efficient technology to support high
Measures of Success:
Maintain a turnover rate of <10%
Achieve an employee survey return rate of 75%
Achieve 60th percentile in employee satisfaction. Strive to reach 95% employee
1. Conduct annual staff satisfaction and engagement survey with high participation to
understand opportunities for improvement and implement action plans to improve
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
2. Assess the effectiveness of Sonoma Valley’s reward and recognition program to
insure we recognize the right behavior, have a consistent system and involve staff
3. Implement hiring practices that ensure the right person (staff, leadership and
physicians) for the right position
4. Invest in continued development of SVH leadership and staff knowledge and skills in
quality, team building and process improvement techniques
5. Create a reliable communication system whereby all stakeholders are informed
6. Offer a wellness program that inspires stakeholders to become health role models
for our patients and community
7. Build employee education and growth through expanded SVH offerings and
encourage team members to visit other hospitals to learn best practices
Objective: To increase SVH’s total revenue and market share through enhancements of
existing and expansion of new services.
Measures of Success:
Inpatient market share increase to > 50% by 2012
Revenue growth in targeted zip codes of Kenwood and Novato by 5%
Increased annual outpatient volumes by 3% annually
1. Create a viable Regional Care Management system with 3–5 local District Hospitals
implementing select clinical partnerships with Marin General Hospital and affiliates
to enhance the services in Sonoma and position ourselves for healthcare reform
2. Reduce out-migration through partnerships with health plans to offer both
commercial and senior health insurance products that are competitive and
encourages patients to stay local for healthcare Grow select service lines to drive net
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
margin growth in the following areas: Primary Care, Orthopedic Surgery, General
Surgery (including Bariatrics) and Women’s Health
3. Partner with physicians in our bordering areas of Kenwood and Novato encourage
patients to drive the same distance and choose Sonoma Valley Hospital
4. Open the new Surgery wing with a special focus on attracting patients in the North
Bay needing Total Joint Replacement, Orthopedics, Uro-Gynecology and Bariatric
5. Partner with community organizations and schools to offer health screenings and
education with a focus on improving the health of our Senior and Latino residents
6. Develop and implement a Physician Development and Succession Plan that includes
recruitment of new and retention of existing physicians
7. Create a new Diagnostics Center by upgrading the lobby, Laboratory, Imaging and
Cardiopulmonary environment for better patient access and technology
8. Work with other healthcare providers in the area to improve health and reduce
costs such as Hospice By the Bay and Sonoma Valley Community Health Center
9. Explore other clinical partnership opportunities using telemedicine programs
Financial Stability
Measures of Success:
Increase net revenue by 5% over 2010
Maintain departmental revenue and expenses within 5% of budget
Decrease Accounts Receivable Days to 50
Increase EBIDA % to > 8%
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital is located approximately 45 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma,
Recent population estimates show Sonoma’s combined service area having a population of
38,426 in 2010 with 16% ages 14 and younger, 35% between 15-44, 30% between the ages
of 45-64, and 20% 65+.
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s combined service area is listed below and mapped out in figure 1.
Sonoma Valley Hospital Service Area
Primary Service Area Secondary Service Area
95476-Sonoma 95442-Glen Ellen
Target Service Area 1 Target Service Area 2 Target Service Area 3
94558-Napa 95409-Santa Rosa 94952-Petaluma
94559-Napa 95452-Kenwood 94954-Petaluma
94599-Yountville 94945-Novato
Combined Service Area = Primary+Secondary Area 94949-Novato
Total Service Area= Combined+Target Areas
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Competitor Profile
Listed below are Sonoma Valley Hospital’s competitors in terms of market presence.
Sonoma captured 47.8% of all inpatient admissions from the combined service area in 2010.
Kaiser Hospitals in Santa Rosa and San Rafael each captured 8% of the combined service
Tables 2 and 3 below show the facility operating indicators as well as beds and days information for Sonoma
Valley Hospital and its competitors in 2010.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Figure 2 shows the annual labor force vs. employment figures in Sonoma County since 2006.
Since 2006 the county’s labor force has decreased only 0.5% and employment fell almost
7%. The unemployment rate during the same time period rose from 4 to 10.1 and was as
high as 10.5 in 2010 (Figure 3).
254,620 257,825 259,891
260,000 256,483 254,195
250,000 253,346
240,000 244,452 246,672 245,067
227,565 227,722
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
12 10.5
10 10.1
6 5.6
4 4.2
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Unemployment Rate
Table 4 compares and contrasts state and national utilization rates over the 5-year period
from 2005-2009. During this time the US saw an increase in utilization rates for emergency
visits and ‘other’ outpatient visits. California also saw an increased utilization of emergency
visits and ‘other’ outpatient visits. Utilization rates for all other categories below decreased
from 2005-2009.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s combined service area has a population which includes the City of
Sonoma. Figure 4 shows population densities for the combined service area.
The target service area population totals more than 256,000. Table 6 shows each zip code’s
population distribution by age.
Figure 4: 2010 Service Area Population Densities
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Figure 6 shows Sonoma Valley Hospital’s combined and total service area age distribution
contrasted with state and national figures. Sonoma’s combined service area is older (45+)
than California and The United states as a whole. Table 7 shows the age distributions that
are graphed below.
45% 43.1%
40% 36.6%
30% 40.6%
25% 21.3%
20% 17.5% 16.5%
15% 11.1%
15.8% 34.5% 30.2% 19.5%
0-14 15-44 45-64 65+
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s combined service area population is projected to slightly decrease
from 2010-2015. Most zip codes will see moderate population growth with the hometown
of Sonoma projected to lose 1.4% of the population. Figure 7 shows projected population
change by zip code.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s combined service area is projected to slightly decrease from 2010-
2015. Figure 8 shows projected population change by age cohort. Sonoma’s combined
service area is projected to lose a disproportionate number of people ages 45-64 when
compared to the United States as they become part of the senior (65+) population. Figure 9
shows the current concentration of the senior population.
65+ 15.3%
45-64 1.8%
15-44 1.4%
0-14 4.1%
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Table 5 shows the Hispanic population by zip code. In 2010 25% of the combined service
area population was Hispanic. This demographic is projected to grow 13% from 2010 to
2015 and will comprise 29% of the combined service area population. Figure 4 shows the
concentration of the Hispanic population by zip code.
Table 8: Hispanic Population by Zip Code: 2010
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital’s combined service area has a median household income of
$65,051. The median household incomes for the State of California and the United States
are $64,966 and $57,283, respectively. The combined service area median household
income is projected to increase 15% to $74,574 by 2015.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Table 10 below shows dependency ratios for each of the zip codes included in the combined
service area. 85% of Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Medicare inpatient discharges came from its
hometown of Sonoma. 3.7% of Sonoma Valley Hospital’s 801 Medicare discharges are
dispersed among the zip codes and is denoted with an asterisk (*).
Sonoma and Glen Ellen’s population will decrease over the next 5 years and strategically the
hospital’s growth will not come from increases in the population. Noteworthy, is the fact
that the 65+ population will grow 13.6% from 2010 to 2015. The population over 65 years
uses healthcare services at three times the rate of the rest of the population. Also
noteworthy is the fact that the Latino population is projected to grow 13% from 2010 to
2015 and will comprise 29% of the combined service area population.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 11a and 11b show all-payer inpatient market share using data obtained from the California
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Sonoma Valley Hospital holds a
47.8% market share in the combined service area. The majority of cases seen were in rehabilitation
(95%), gynecology (59.1%), medicine (56.7%), gastroenterology (54.4%), pulmonary (50.9%), and
OB-delivery (47.5%).
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 12a, b, and c show the all-payer inpatient surgical market share using data from the OSHPD.
Sonoma Valley Hospital holds a 26.6% market share in the combined service area. The greatest
market share was in gynecology (59.4%), orthopedic (33.9%), and general surgery (32.9%).
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 13a and 13b show the ambulatory surgery market share for the total service area
using data from the California OSHPD. Sonoma Valley Hospital held 4.7% of the total service
area and 31.8% of the ambulatory surgery cases in the combined service area in 2010.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 14a and 14b show emergency department visits by primary payer type. Sonoma
Valley Hospital captured 69.5% of all ED visits in the combined service area and 8.6 in the
total service area. Sonoma Valley Hospital saw 73.8% of Medicare and 10% of all Medi-Cal
cases in the total service area.
Table 14a: 2010 ED Visits by Primary Payer
Combined and Total Service Area
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Table 15 below shows the Medicare inpatient market share trend for Sonoma Valley
Hospital and its competitors. From 2008-2010 Sonoma has held, on average, 43.4% of the
Medicare inpatient market share in the combined service area, peaking at 44.7% in 2008.
Table 15: Medicare Inpatient Market Share-3 Year Trend
Combined Service Area
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Table 16 shows Sonoma Valley Hospital’s 2010 Medicare inpatient market share by zip
code. Sonoma Valley Hospital holds its greatest Medicare inpatient market share in its
home city of Sonoma (43.6%). Sonoma Valley Hospital captured 29.7% of the secondary
service area. No significant market share is held in any of the target service areas excluding
Kenwood (target area 2) in which Sonoma Valley Hospital captured 15.3%.
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 17a and 17b below show the combined service area’s distribution of Medicare
inpatients by hospital and zip code in the combined service area.
Table 17a: 2010 Medicare Inpatient Market Share by Zip Code and Hospital
Combined Service Area
Table 17b: 2010 Medicare Inpatient Market Share by Zip Code and Hospital
Combined Service Area
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Table 18a and 18b below show the 2010 combined service area Medicare inpatient market
share by service line. Sonoma Valley Hospital holds market share in portions of many
service lines listed below. The greatest market share came from medicine (52.6%),
neurology (37.1%), orthopedics (37.1%), pulmonary (36.7%) and cardiology (36.3%).
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 19a and 19b show Medicare inpatient market share for surgeries in the combined
service area. Sonoma Valley Hospital captured 27% of all Medicare surgeries in the
combined service area. The greatest market share came from gynecology (80%),
orthopedics (33.3%) and general surgery (31%).
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Patient outmigration analysis looks at the percentage of patients who seek inpatient
services outside of the service area. Sonoma Valley Hospital is the only hospital located
within the combined service area. 56% of the Medicare cases are leaving Sonoma to receive
care and 70% are leaving Glen Ellen. The combined service area has a total outmigration of
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Inpatient demand in the combined service area is projected to increase 2.1% from 2010-
2015. Table 21 below shows the current and projected demand for each service line.*
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Tables 22 below shows outpatient demand estimates by service line. Sonoma Valley
Hospital’s combined service area is projected to see increased demand for all service lines
listed below, most notably in diagnostic (7.1%) and total outpatient visits (5.6%).
Table 22: Outpatient Demand Estimates:
Combined and Total Service Area
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Cultural Assessment
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
Sonoma Valley Hospital
2012 Three-Year Rolling Strategic Plan
The Future