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ArbaMinch Institute of Technology, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Eng

1. Direct Current (DC) Circuit Analysis

An electric circuit is a closed path made up of any number of sources, resistors, inductors,
and capacitors combined in any manner to allow the flow of electric current.

Depending on how the elements are connected, elctric circuit can be:

 Series
 Parallel
 Series-Parallel

1.1 Series Circuits

Fig.1 Series Combination of Resistors

 Resistors are connected end to end across a voltage source:

 A series circuit provides only one path for current between two points in a circuit
so that the current is the same through each series resistor.
 The total resistance of a series circuit is the sum of resistances of each resistor

Reg=R1 + R2+R3 +----Rn

I t = I1 = I2 = I3 = . . . In

 The sum of each voltage drops across each resistors is equal to the source voltage.

VS =V1 + V2 + V3 + --- Vn
 The total power dissipated by a series circuit is the sum of powers dissipated
across each resistor.

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ArbaMinch Institute of Technology, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Eng

PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + ---- Pn

= I2R, + I2R2 + I2R3 + ----- I2Rn.

 Two elements are in series if:

 They have only one terminal in common (i.e. one lead of one is connected to only one
lead of the others).
 The common point between the two elements is not connected to another

Voltage Divider Rule (VDR)

In series combination of resistors, voltage drop across resistors varies proportionally with

Voltage drop across any resistor-x in the series combination is given by the equation
given below:

Vx  Vt

Where, Vt is the total voltage and Req is the equivalent (total) resistance

 Practice problem

Find: a, Total resistance

b, current through each resistor

c, Voltage drop across each resistor using voltage divider rule

d, total power dissipiated in the circuit

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ArbaMinch Institute of Technology, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Eng

1.2 Parallel Circuits

If there are more than one current pathes (branches) between two points, then there is a
parallels circuit between those two points. Two elements, branches or networks are in
parallel if they have two points in common.

Fig.2 Parallel combination of resistors

 The voltage across parallel elements is the same.

VS=V1 = V2 = V3 = ---- Vn

 The sum of the individual brunch currents is equal to the sours current

IS = I1 + I2 + I3 + -----In

 The equivalent resistance(Req) is expressed by the following equation:

 For two resistors combined in parallel, the equivalent resistance is obtained using
product of two resistances divided by their sum

 Total power consumed by a parallel circuit is equal the sum of powers consumed
by each element.

Pt = P1+ P2 + P3 + --- Pn

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Current Divider Rule(CDR)

 Is used to detrmine the current in any resistor of the parallel network, provided
that the total current in the circuit is known.
 The branch current in any resistor of parallel combination is given by the equation
given below:

 For a parallel resistors combination containing two resistors, the above equation
can be rewritten as follows:

 Practice problem

 Find: a, unknown resistances R2 & R3

b, branch currents using current divider rule
c, Power dissipated in each resistor

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1.3 Series-Parallel Circuits

Series-parallel circuits are circuits that contain both series and parallel circuit’s
configurations. To determine total resistance, identify the seriesly and parallelly
connected resistors, and then apply the formulas for series resistance and parallel
resistance. To find the total currents divide the total voltage by the total resistance.

Fig.3 Series-Parallel Circuit

 For the above particular series-parallel circuit, the equivalent resistance, banch
currents and voltage drops across various resistors can be calculated as shown

𝑅2 ∗ 𝑅3
𝑅𝑇 = ( ) + 𝑅1
𝑅2 + 𝑅3
IT = I1 = E/RT = 48V/20Ω = 6A

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I2 = (R3/R2+R3)*It = 4.8A
I3 = IT – I2 = 6A – 4.8A = 1.2A

 Practice problem

Find: a, Total resistance

b. current through each resistor
c, Vab
d, Voltage drop across each resistors

1.4. DC Network Theorems

DC network theorems are mathematical techniques which are used to analyse elctric
circuits. A circuit is saide to be completely analysed if all voltages and currents in
different elements of the circuit are determined. Two general approaches are used in
circuit analysis: direct method and network reduction method.

In direct method, the original circuit is left unchanged while determining its voltages and
currents. Such methods can be applied in simple circuits and include KVL, KCL,
superposition theorem, Nodal analysis, Loop analysis, branch current analysis etc.

In the case of indirect approach, the original circuit is converted in to a much simpler
equivalent circuit for rapid calculation of different quantities. Such methods include Star-
delta convrsion, Thevenin theorem, Norton’s theorem etc.

1.4.1. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

It is important law in analysing series circuits and stated as follows:

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The summation of voltage rises and voltage drops in a closed loop is zero.
Symbolically this can be put as follows:

∑𝑉 = 𝑂 Or ∑ 𝐸𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 = ∑ 𝑉𝐷𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑠

In using KVL, rising potention is given a positive sign where as falling potential is given
a negative sign.

Consider the circuit given below:

Fig.4 Kirchhoff’s Law

If we begin moving from point-a following the arbitrary current direction, KVL can be
written as follows:

E-V1-V2-V3 = 0 OR E+ (-V1) + (-V2) + (-V3) = 0

1.4.2. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)

It is important in analysing parallel circuits and is stated as follows:

The summation of currents entering a node is equal to currents leaviing a node.

Symolically this can be put as shown below:

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Consider the diagramgiven below to understand KCL:

Fig.5 Kirchhoff’s Current Law

 KCL: I1 +I5 = I2+I3 +I4

 8A = 8A

In writing KCL, current entering a node is usually assigned a positive sign where as that
leaving the node is assigned a negative sign

1.4.3 Branch Current Analysis

This method uses KVL & KCL to find branch currents in a circuit containing one source
or more than one sorces.

While using the branch current analysis method, use the techniques listed below:

1. Assign a distinct current of arbitrary direction to each branch of the circuit

2. Indicate the polarities for each resistor as determined by the assumed current
3. Apply kirchihoff’s voltage law around each closed, independent loop of the

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4. Apply kirchihoff’s current law at the minimum number of nodes that will include
all the branch currents of the circuit.
5. Solve the resulting simultaneous linear equation for assumed branch currents

Consider the circuit given below:

Fig.6 Branch current analysis

 Applying KVL at loop abcda: 6V- 2I1 +2I2 - 4V = 0

 Applying KVL at loop cefdc: 4I3 + 2V+4V -2I2 = 0
 Applying KCL at loop c : I1 + I2 = I3
 The above three equations can be rewrtten in the following form;

 The above three simultaneous linear equations can be solved by substitution method
or determinant method

 Applying method of determinant gives the solutions for the branch currents as shown

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1.4.4. Mesh or Loop Analysis

This method reduces the number of simultaneous linear equations and hence makes the
analysis simpler as compared to branch current analysis.

Mesh analysis applies KVL around closed loops without the need to use KCL. The
following procedures are used in solving circuits using Mesh analysis:

 1. Arbitrarily assign a clockwise current direction to each interior closed loop

 2. Using the assigned loop currents, indicate the voltage polarities across all resistors
 3.Using KVL, write the loop equations

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 4. Solve the resultant ssimultaneous equations

 5. Determine the branch currents by algebraicly combining the loop currents

Consider the following circuit:

Fig.7 Mesh Current Analysis

 Step.1: Loop currents are assigned as shown in Fig.7

 Step.2: Voltage polarities of resistors are indicated as shown in the Fig.7
 Step.3: The following loop equations are obtained:

When simplified, the above loop equations can be put as shown below:

By using determinant, the solutions to the above simultaneous euations become:

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ArbaMinch Institute of Technology, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Eng

Using these loop currents, the branch currents are determined as follows:

 IR1 = I1 =1.2A
 IR3 = I2 = 1.4A
 IR2 = IR3 – IR2 = 0.2A ( In the direction of IR3 )

1.4.5 Nodal Analysis

Nodal analysis uses KCL to determine the potential difference (Voltage) any node with
respect to some arbitrary reference point in a network.

The following steps are used in solving circuits using Nodal analysis:

 Step1. Arbirarily assign a reference node in a circuit which is used as a

ground(Usually located at the bottom of circuit)
 Step.2: Convert voltage source in to current source
 Step.3: Arbitrarily assign voltages(V1, V2, V3…) on the remaining nodes
 Step.4: Arbitrarily assign current in a branch where there is no current source abd
write the corresponding polarities of resistors
 Step.5: Apply KCL at each node(except ground)
 Step.6: Rewrite the branch currents using voltage and known resistor
 Step.7: Solve the resulting equations for node voltages

 Consider the following circuit:

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Fig.8: Nodal Analysis

 Step.1 to 4:

 Step.5 Write KCL at each node

Node V1: I1 + I2 = 200mA + 50mA

Node V2: 200mA + I2 = I3 + 50mA

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 Step.6: Expressing branch currents using node voltages

 Step.7: Writing system os linear equations

 Solving the above simultaneous equations by determinant method gives the

solutions as follows:

V1= 4.89 V

V2 = Va = 4.67V

Vab = 4.67V – 6V = -1.33V

1.4.6 Superposition Theorem

Superposition principle states that the voltage across or current through an element in a
linear circuit containing many sorces is algebraic sum of voltages across or currents
through that element due to each independent source acting alone.

The following steps are used when using superposition theorem:

 Step.1: Short all voltage sources/open circuit current sources while leaving only
one source
 Step.2: Find voltage or current through any element due to the active source
 Step.3: Repeat step1& 2 for other sources
 Step.4: Add algebraicly currents or voltage due to individual sorces to find the
total value due to all sources acting altogether.

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Consider the following circuit shown below:

Fig.9: Superposition Theorem

 By using Superposition theorem, find the current through RL


Step.1: opencircuit current source & find the current due to voltage source only

Step.2: Find the current through RL due to current source only

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Step.3: Find the resultant current by algebraic addition of the two values:

IRL = IL (1) + IL (2) = 0.5A -1.2A = 0.7A

 Practice problem

 Find current through each resistor by: a, Branch current analysis method
b. Mesh current analysis
c. Super position theorem
d, Nodal analysis (I1= 3A, I2 = 4A, I3 = 1A)

1. Direct current(DC) Circuit Analysis

An electric circuit is a closed path trough which electric current flows and can be made
up of circuit elements such as resistance, inductance, capacitance and measuring devices
such as ammeter , voltmeter, etc.

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