Department of Civil Engineering Revised Course Structure For M.Tech (Structural Engineering) (DT)
Department of Civil Engineering Revised Course Structure For M.Tech (Structural Engineering) (DT)
Department of Civil Engineering Revised Course Structure For M.Tech (Structural Engineering) (DT)
Earthquake Resistant Design Stability of Structures Theory of Plates & Shells Elective - I a) Pre-stressed Concrete b) Mechanics of Composite Materials c) Fracture Mechanics Elective II a) Industrial Structures b) Bridge Engineering c) Earth Retaining Structures
CAD Laboratory
4. Cyclic loading behavior of RC, steel and pre- stressed concrete elements - modern conceptsBase isolation Adaptive systems case studies.
5. Retrofitting and restoration of buildings subjected to damage due to earthquakes- effects of earthquakes factors related to building damages due to earthquake- methods of seismic retrofitting- restoration of buildings.
REFERENCES 1. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish ShriKhande, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Prentice Hall of India, 2007, New Delhi. 2. Bullen K.E., Introduction to the Theory of Seismology, Great Britain at the University Printing houses, Cambridge University Press 1996. 3. Relevant code of practices.
1. Beam columns: Differential equation for beam columns Beams column with concentrated loads continuous lateral load couples Beam column with built in ends continuous beams with axial load application of Trigonometric series Determination of allowable stresses. 2. Elastic buckling of bars : Elastic buckling of straight columns Effect of shear stress on buckling Eccentrically and laterally loaded columns Sway & Non Sway mode - Energy methods Buckling of a bar on elastic foundation Buckling of bar with intermediate compressive forces and distributed axial loads Buckling of bars with change in cross section Effect of shear force on critical load Built up columns Effect of Initial curvature on bars Buckling of frames Sway & Non Sway mode. 3. In-elastic buckling: Buckling of straight bars Double modulus theory Tangent modulus theory. Experiments and design formulae: Experiments on columns Critical stress diagram Empirical formulae of design various end conditions Design of columns based on buckling. Mathematical Treatment of stability problems: Buckling problem orthogonality relation Ritz method Stiffness method and formulation of Geometric stiffness matrix- Applications to simple frames. 4. Torsional Buckling: Pure torsion of thin walled bars of open cross section Non uniform torsion of thin walled bars of open cross section - Torsional buckling Buckling of Torsion and Flexure.
5. Lateral Buckling of simply supported Beams: Beams of rectangular cross section subjected for pure bending, Buckling of I Section subjected to pure bending.
REFERENCES: 1. Theory of Elastic stability by Timshenko & Gere-Mc Graw Hill 2. Theory of Stability of Structures by Alexander ChaJes
2. Circular plates: Symmetrically loaded, circular plates under various loading conditions, Annular plates.
3. Introduction to Shells- Single and double curvature- Equations of Equilibrium of Shells: Derivation of stress resultants, Principles of membrane theory and bending theory.
4. Cylindrical Shells: Derivation of the governing DKJ equation for bending theory, details of Schorers theory. Application to the analysis and design of short and long shells. Use of ASCE Manual coefficients for the design.
5. Beam theory of cylindrical shells: Beam and arch action. Design of diaphragms - Geometry analysis and design of elliptic Paraboloid, Conoidal and Hyperbolic Paraboloid shapes by membrane theory.
REFERENCES: 1. Theory of Plates and Shells Timoshenko and Krieger, McGraw-Hill book company, INC, Newyork. 2. K. Chandra Sekhara 3. A Text Book of Plate Analysis Bairagi, K, Khanna Publisher, New Delhi. 4. Design and Construction of Concrete Shell Roofs Ramaswamy, G.S, Mc Graw Hill, New York.
2. Losses of Pre-stressing- Loss of Pre-stress in pre-tensioned and post tensioned members due to various causes -Elastic shortening of concrete, shrinkage of concrete, creep of concrete, Relaxation of steel, slip in anchorage, differential shrinkage- bending of members and frictional losses- Long term losses.
3. Flexural, shear; Torsional resistance and design of Prestressed concrete section. Types of flexural failure code procedures-shear and principal stresses Prestressed concrete members in torsion Design of sections for flexure, Axial Tension, Compression and bending, shear, Bond. 4. Analysis of continuous beams Elastic theory- Linear transformation and Concordant tendons- Deflections of pre-stressed concrete beams: Importance of control of deflectionsfactors influencing deflections short term deflections of un-cracked member prediction of long term deflections. 5. Analysis of end blocks: By Guyons method and Magnels method, Anchorage zone stressesApproximate method of design- anchorage zone reinforcement- transfer of pre stresses- pre tensioned members- Composite sections: Introduction-Analysis for stresses- differential shrinkage- general design considerations
REFERENCES: 1. Prestressed Concrete- N. Krishna Raju 3. Prestressed Concrete- P. Dayaratnam 2. Prestressed Concrete- S. Ramamrutham 4. Prestressed Concrete- T.Y.Lin
2. Macromechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Definitions: Stress, Strain ,Elastic Moduli, Strain Energy. Hookes Law for Different Types of Materials, Hookes Law for a TwoDimensional Unidirectional Lamina, Plane Stress Assumption, Reduction of Hookes Law in Three Dimensions to Two Dimensions, Relationship of Compliance and Stiffness Matrix to Engineering Elastic Constants of a Lamina, 3. Hookes Law for a Two-Dimensional Angle Lamina, Engineering Constants of an Angle Lamina, Invariant Form of Stiffness and Compliance Matrices for an Angle Lamina Strength Failure Theories of an Angle Lamina : Maximum Stress Failure Theory Strength Ratio, Failure Envelopes, Maximum Strain Failure Theory ,TsaiHill Failure Theory, TsaiWu Failure Theory, Comparison of Experimental Results with Failure Theories. Hygrothermal Stresses and Strains in a Lamina: Hygrothermal StressStrain Relationships for a Unidirectional Lamina, Hygrothermal StressStrain Relationships for an Angle Lamina.
4. Micromechanical Analysis of a Lamina :Introduction, Volume and Mass Fractions, Density, and Void Content, Evaluation of the Four Elastic Moduli, Strength of Materials Approach, SemiEmpirical Models, Elasticity Approach, Elastic Moduli of Lamina with Transversely 42 2013-14 Isotropic Fibers, Ultimate Strengths of a Unidirectional Lamina, Coefficients of Thermal Expansion, Coefficients of Moisture Expansion.
5. Macromechanical Analysis of Laminates: Introduction , Laminate Code , StressStrain Relations for a Laminate, In-Plane and Flexural Modulus of a Laminate , Hygrothermal Effects in a Laminate, Warpage of Laminates -Failure, Analysis, and Design of Laminates : Introduction , Special Cases of Laminates, Failure Criterion for a Laminate, Design of a Laminated Composite
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials by Isaac and M Daniel, Oxford University Press, 1994. 2. B. D. Agarwal and L. J. Broutman, Analysis and performance of fibre Composites, WileyInterscience, New York, 1980. 3. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition (Mechanical Engineering), By Autar K. Kaw, Publisher: CRC.
REFERENCES 1. Elementary engineering fracture mechanics David Broek Sijthoff & Noordhoff Netherlands. 2. Elements of Fracture Mechanics Prasanth Kumar, wiley Eastern Publications 3. Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and applications T. L. Andrason, PhD, CRC publications 4. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Applications of fracture mechanics to concrete, Rock, and other quasi-brittle materials, Surendra P. Shah, Stuart E. Swartz, Chengsheng Ouyang, John Wiley & Son publications.
REFERENCES: 1. Advanced reinforced concrete design- N. Krishnam Raju 2. Handbook on machine foundations- P. Srinivasulu and C.V. Vaidyanathan 3. Tall Chimneys- Design and construction S.N. Manohar 4. Transmission Line Structures- A.R. Santakumar and S.S. Murthy 5. SP 32: 1986, Handbook on functional requirements of Industrial buildings 6. Design of shells- K. Chandrasekhara.
BRIDGE ENGINEERING 1. Masonry arch Bridge design details- Rise, radius, and thickness of arch- Arch ringDimensioning of sub structures- Abutments pier and end connections.(Ref: IRC- SP-13).
2. Super Structure: Slab bridge- Wheel load on slab- effective width method- slabs supported on two edges- cantilever slabs- dispersion length- Design of interior panel of slab- Pigeauds method- design of longitudinal girders- Guyon-Messonet method- Hendry Jaegar methodCourbons theory. (Ref: IRC-21), voided slabs, T-Beam bridges.
3. Plate girder bridges- Elements of plate girder and their design-web flange- intermediate stiffener- vertical stiffeners- bearing stiffener design problem.
4. Prestressed Concrete and Composite bridges- Preliminary dimensions flexural and torsional parameters- Courbons Theory Distribution coefficients by exact analysis- design of girder section- maximum and minimum prestressing forces- eccentricity- live load and dead load shear forces- cable zone in girder- check for stresses at various sections- check for diagonal tension- diaphragms and end block design- short term and long term deflections- Composite action of composite brides- shear connectors- composite or transformed section- design problem. (Ref: IRC: Section-VI). 5. Sub structure- Abutments- Stability analysis of abutments- piers- loads on piers Analysis of piers- Design problem(Ref: IRC-13, IRC-21, IRC-78)- Pipe culvert- Flow pattern in pipe culvers- culvert alignment culvert entrance structure- Hydraulic design and structural design of pipe culverts- reinforcements in pipes .(Ref: IRC: SP-13).
REFERENCES: 1. Design of concrete bridges- Aswini, Vazirani, Ratwani 2. Essentials of bridge engineering- Jhonson Victor D 3. Design of bridges- Krishna Raju.
REFERENCES 1. Principles of Foundation Engineering by Braja M. Das. 2. Foundation analysis and design Bowles, JE McGraw Hill 3. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice Terzaghi, K and Rolph, B. peck 2nd Edn. John Wiley & Co., 4. Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures, Prakash, S Saritha Prakashan, Mearut.
Analysis and Design using STADD, STRAP, STRUDS, ANSYS 1. Programming for beams subject to different loading (mandatory). 2. Analysis of reinforced concrete multistoried building 3. Analysis of steel transmission line tower 4. Analysis of plane and space truss 5. Analysis of plane and space frame 6. Determination of mode shapes and frequencies of tall buildings using lumped mass (stick model) approximation 7. Wind analysis on tall structure 8. Analysis of pre stressed concrete bridge girder 9. Analysis of Cylindrical shell.
NOTE: A minimum of eight (including item 1) from the above set have to be conducted.
REFERENCE: Computer aided design laboratory (Civil Engineering) by Shesha Prakash and Suresh.s